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Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary

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  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    NEGATIVE ZONE: WINTER STORM (with power, everybody is t yo!r "er#y$%

    STOR&: Two &ers si'#e !'iyi') ** o E+rr, E""'!e* owrds -'ow' s osi'

    be#"e the so*e r!*er o ** E+rr ter deeti') ** the .ho *eders/ I""edite*y

    ter bei') e'thro'ed s the E"peror o ** E+rr, owrds stbi*i+ed the who*e

    #o'ti'e't "-i') E+rr prospero!s 'd se#!re s!per 'tio' !'pr**e*ed i' ** o

    its history/ 0espite bei') the r!*er o )ret 'tio', owrds wi** #e "'y iss!es

    tht wi** *ter shpe the who*e Mo'terr' histori#* *'ds#pe/ Eve't!**y owrds1

    de#isio's wi** *ed to "'y #h')es ro" his s#e'sio', tr'sitio' o power to his

    e*dest so' Rphe* owrds E+rr 'd eve't!**y the rebe**io' o Ry' E+rr tht

    wi** 2'**y e'd his 'er three de#de rei)'/


    3/ E""'!e* osi'$ owrds: owrds s!##ess!**y !'i2ed the who*e E+rr'

    #o'ti'e't by deeti') ** .ho *eders/ Ater !'iyi') E+rr, he #row'ed

    hi"se* s the E"peror o ** E+rr with r!"i As'o s his !'o4#i*

    5!ee'/ 0!ri') his rei)', owrds "de E+rr 'd its s!rro!'di') 'tio's

    i'to prospero!s 'd se#!re so#iety/ 6'do!bted*y, he is the ptro' o the

    i""i)r'ts who" he !sed their s-i**s i'spiri') the" to b!i*d better wor*d

    espe#i**y wor-i') or the best o his e"pire/ owrds is r)!b*y the

    )retest *eder i' E+rr' history b!t he wo'1t )o dow' i' history witho!t"!#h #o'troversies/ These iss!es wi** *ter p*)!e his rei)' destbi*i+e

    E+rr' o!'dtio' whi#h wi** eve't!**y e'd !p i'to vio*e't tr'sitio' o

    power 'd rebe**io' tht wi** e'd everythi') he wor-ed hrd or/7/ Aeis Neere o A"e'opo*is: The r!*er o .ivi Is*'d is s!b8e#t o owrd1s

    9e#tio' 'd obsessio'/ Neere the' -'ow' s Mere rrived i' E+rr *o')

    with owrds whe' they were ide*isti# i'divid!*s #i') !'#erti' !t!re/

    Whi*e owrds is b!sy tryi') to see- his p*#e o' the wor*d, Mere "rried

    hroh Gibbeo' The"isto#*es whi#h drove owrds i'to depressio'/ Ater

    owrds be#"e the *eder o ** E+rr 'd with Gibbeo' ded, owrds

    wi** ris- his rep!ttio' despite E+rr' ob8e#tio' to "-e Neere s his

    5!ee' i'sted o r!"i/ This de#isio' wi** prove #ost*y o' owrds1 rei)'

    *ter o'/ Neere is the doptive "other o A)ot"!' 'd o'e ti"e A*i

    .h')/ She is *so the "other o hroh Osire-heppre/ Neere is *oved 'd

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    we** -'ow' i' E+rr 'd A"e'opo*is b!t her #*i')i') ttit!de to power 'd

    v'ity wi** hve iro'i# twist *ter i' her rei)'/;/ A'ds!-e Toy": A *oy* )e'er* o owrds 'd veter' o his wr or

    !'i2#tio'/ The Shite'i' Ge'er* is -'ow' or his prowess i' wr 'd his

    shrewd ttit!de/ A'ds!-e Toy" be*ieved i' owrds1 visio' !'ti* si"p*edis)ree"e't e'ded !p the "!rder o his ther orever stri'ed his

    re*tio'ship with owrds/ A'ds!-e Toy" wi** *ter t!r' )i'st owrds

    b!t the re*!#t'#e 'd "i'd )"es p*yed by his #o"ptriots o' hi" wi**

    *ter drive hi" to be#o"e her"it r wy ro" the E+rr' #o'ti'e't/ is

    *ter e'#o!'ter with Ry' E+rr wi** o'*y "-e !p his "i'd to st'd or the

    ri)ht ter *o') her"it)e/))erted *oy*ty to owrds wi**

    eve't!**y *ed to his ** ro" )r#e/ With te"perte *oy*ty, he #o!*d hve

    voided disstro!s eve'ts 'd *esse' the to**s o the E+rr' d"i'istrtio'/?/ Me*#hie+edde- rriso'/ Ge'er* rriso' is "o') owrds1 re-'ow'ed

    )e'er*s/ e 'd owrds were *redy #o**e)!es whe' they wor-ed

    to)ether t @e' .ho1s pro8e#ts so they re**y -'ew e#h other *i-e brothers/

    rriso' hs strte)i#* "i'd whi#h *ed owrds '!"ero!s vi#tories 'd

    )**'t wrrior/ Not o'*y he is )ret i' btt*e, he is *so ' e9e#tive

    d"i'istrtor/ is 'tio'*isti# ide* or E+rr -ept hi" t odds with

    owrds/ is ob8e#tio' or ##o""odti') too "'y i""i)r'ts wi** e'd !p

    to his ssssi'tio'/ @eore tht, he bro!)ht his best eve' besti') owrds

    o' btt*e with the *tter s!rre'deri')/ oster ther to Ry' rriso' 'd A*i

    .h') 'd *ovi') h!sb'd to wie B!dith/ is ssssi'tio' wi** orever

    #h')e the ort!'e o his "i*y 'd "ore i"port't*y E+rr' history/C/ r!"i As'o: owrd1s *o') s!9eri') wie, be*oved 5!ee' o E+rr 'd

    be*oved "other to Rphe*, A)ot"!', r'#is, Dthe, 'd Ire'e E+rr/0espite bei') the 5!ee' 'd owrd1s wie, r!"i hs bee' *wys o' the

    re#eivi') e'd o the wor*d/ er 9e#tio' to owrds wi** be overshdowed by

    his i't!tio' 'd obsessio' to Neere/ Shite'i' wo"e' re bor' to be

    to!)h b!t o'*y her *ove to owrds 'd their #hi*dre' "')ed to #rry her

    thro!)h these !'#erti' ti"es/ ew peop*e -'ew tht despite she is !'ir*y

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    treted by owrds, her bi*ity to or)ive hi" 'd hopi') she wi** be *oved

    b#- re #erti' si)'s why she is be*oved 5!ee' o E+rr// Ms-do Toy": The ther o A'ds!-e Toy"/ e is -'ow' s the

    i)hti') M)istrte$/ I'teresti')*y, he is *so -'ow' o!tside o his *redy

    i"pressive btt*e2e*d rep!ttio'/ e is -'ow' or his )ret se'se o 8!sti#ede*iveri') swit 8!sti#e to those who oppressed the we-/ is st'#e o'

    E+rr' 'tio'*is" wi** hve hi" be i' **i') o!t with the E+rr'

    *edership *edi') to his "ysterio!s deth i' his ho"etow'/F/ Rey'' .ho, Rey'o*d .ho, 'd E"erso' .ho: Three brothers 'd so's o

    @e'sh++r .ho who re be't o' revivi') the *ost )*ory o the .hos/ They

    *ed rebe**io' thro!)h '!"ero!s terroristi# #tivities ro#-i') the stbi*ity o

    E+rr/ or short whi*e they "')ed to destbi*i+e E+rr' se#!rity 'd

    e#o'o"y !'ti* bei') bro!)ht to 8!sti#e by owrds 'd his "i'isters/

    / B!*i' .*!dio .ho: The twi' o e*i#i 0i .ho 'd e*dest brother o the

    .ho brothers/ I' #o'trst o his brothers who re i'terested i' prosperity 'd

    *edership, yo!') .*!dio de*ved hi"se* i'to the o##!*t 'd s!per't!r* to

    be#o"e "ore power!* !'ti* se**i') his so!* to de"o'i# bei')/ As res!*t,

    he is dr))ed i'to he** 'd swore reve')e to his brothers 'd 'yo'e who is

    )i'st hi"/ 0espite pere#ti') hi"se* res!*ti') to 'i)h o"'is#ie'#e 'd

    devstti') powers, they re 'ot e'o!)h to p!t dow' owrds i' btt*e

    deep i'side .ho te"p*e hideo!t/ Now, he is #h')i') his t!'e tht he

    bsorbed his brothers1 so!*s 'd w'ted to ve')e the"/ e see"s "ore

    th' redy to t-e dow' owrds 'd p!*veri+e his so!* i' his he**/3H/Norberto .h": owrds "et this !'ss!"i') s#ie'tist d!ri') s#ie'ti2#

    e>po #*i"i') tht he #' "-e E+rr trip*y "ore dv'#ed tht it is ever

    bee'/ 0eep i'side this rie'd*y vis)e, the "' hs pst to sett*e with

    owrds !si') the )!ise s "e's to )et eve'/ It is #erti' he wi** be the

    o'e who wi** bri') the 2'* #!rti's o the i**!strio!s rei)' o E"peror

    owrds/33/A*vi' @ers"i': A' i""i)r't who" owrds "et d!ri') his to!r o '

    i""i)r't #o""!'ity/ @ers"i' #*i"ed to be o'e o Neere1s or"er

    *overs/ owrds s-ed hi" why he 'd Neere did'1t e'd !p with e#h other/

    @ers"i' rep*ied tht Neere1s pre'ts do'1t **ow peop*e o *ower #*ss to

    "rry their d!)hter/ owrds hired @ers"i' 'd !'der his t!te*)e, his

    ort!'es #h')ed be#o"i') o'e o owrds1 pro"isi') 2)hters who ssisted

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    hi" i' btt*es 'd Neere1s perso'* body)!rd/ @ers"i' wi** soo' hve

    **i') o!t with E+rr tryi') to dee'd Neere b!t wi** ee* the wrth o

    owrds b!t 'ot witho!t )ret 2)ht/ @ers"i' wi** *ter hve "i*y 'd

    wi** p*y )ret ro*es i' A"e'opo*i' so#iety i' *ter ti"es/

    37/eri#*es 6*ysses A*e>'der: e is 'ot to be #o'!sed to the *te *e)e'dryE+rr' )e'er* eri#*es A*e>'der/ eri#*es 6*ysses A*e>'der is the 'ephew

    o eri#*es e#tor A*e>'der, who is the ori)i'* o'e/ I' very yo!') )e

    6*ysses ws i'spired by his !'#*e thro!)h his *e)e'dry e>p*oits 'd w'ted

    to be *i-e hi" i' the !t!re/ Ater his !'#*e ws -i**ed s#ri2#i') his *ie or

    E+rr, 6*ysses ws re#r!ited by the E+rr' "i*itry/ e ws s!b8e#t to the

    "ost i'te'se o tri'i') to re*i+e his !'tpped pote'ti* s )ret wrrior/

    Ater er'i') disti'#itive vi#tories, Me''dro M)d*o ws so i"pressed o

    his s-i**s 'd *be**ed hi" s the ret!r' o eri#*es e#tor A*e>'der/ 6*yssestoo- the *e)#y o his !'#*e i'heriti') his possessio's 'd redy to e>p'd

    his "i*y1s *redy *e)e'dry res!"e/ Thro!)ho!t the yers, there wi** be

    *wys wrrior ro" the A*e>'der *i'e)e who wi** t-e the "'t*e o their

    i**!strio!s '#estor1s '"es-e to serve E+rr #i') the !t!re/ Whe'

    )ret A*e>'der wrrior serves E+rr, it is *so sy"bo* o bei') )rte!* to

    owrds 'd his 'tio' or )ivi') the" 'ew hope i' *ie/3;/Be''ier .hoo': A e"*e Asi' i""i)r't who" owrds e'#o!'tered with

    the s"e ti"e s he e'#o!'tered @ers"i'/ .hoo' is ' e>pert 'i'8 who

    *so ssisted owrds i' '!"ero!s btt*es/ She *so be#"e o'e o r!"i1s

    be*oved body)!rds/ ter she 'd her h!sb'd wi** *ter te'd to Ri#hrd

    .ho') E+rr 'd A*i1s i**e)iti"te d!)hter i' 'ew sp#e #ity/ She is *ter

    "rried to Mtthew R'd**s/3

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    "rried J!ee' Neere/ e is the ther o 0ewi 0e''e D*'y 'd Sh')

    o')/ The short rei)' o Te-*"dwpy e'ded ter he "ysterio!s*y died i'

    A"e'opo*is/3?/erdi''d J!e+o': The *eder o We*thi' .ity 'd the 'ew i""i)r'ts/ e

    hs *wys s!pported E""'!e* owrds o' his wr or !'i2#tio'/ is 'vyor#es re se#o'd to 'o'e/ is 'vy or#es re "ore th' h'dy i' de*iveri')

    devstti') deet to the e'e"ies/ 0espite his power 'd we*th i' the

    To'do'i' #o'ti'e't, he *wys see-s the we*re o his #o'stit!e'ts/ e *ter

    be#o"e e"brrssed 'd resi)'ed ter he re*i+ed he )ve ** his *ie 8!st to

    s!pport tyr''i#* re)i"e/ e ws s!##eeded by 0r/ M#t*/ 0espite

    i'#tive 'd resi)'ed, he is sti** pivot* )ivi') dvi#es to 'ew *eders/

    erdi''d J!e+o' wi** *ter 2)ht the btt*e o his *ie by ssisti') Ry' E+rr

    vi his b*ed or#es to 2'**y p!t dow' the E+rr' re)i"e or )ood/3C/Ry' rriso': rriso'1s dopted so' 'd !t!re e"peror o E+rr/ Whe' he

    ws todd*er, Ry' E+rr with his #hi*dhood rie'd A*i hve *wys #heered

    or their ther i' btt*e/ Ry' hve *wys w'ted to be#o"e )ret )e'er*

    *i-e his ther/ e 'd A*i re so #*ose tht they spe't their hppy #hi*dhood

    shri') e#h other1s dre"/ The deth o rriso' is #riti#* poi't o' both

    Ry' 'd A*i/ Medd*i') with E+rr' 'd A"e'opo*i' 9irs, the *ives o

    Ry' 'd A*i re#hed its bre-i') poi't s#rri') prt o their o'#e hppy

    *ives/ With A*i bei') vio*ted 'd Ry' *osi') his eye 'd di)'ity, the two

    wi** s!##ess!**y 2)ht to)ether 8oi'i') rebe**io' tht wi** bri') ' e'd to the

    evi* rei)' o owrds/ Ry'1s #o'#er' or A*i1s sety is te**i') tht "'y

    peop*e #o'#*!ded they re i'seprb*eK3/A*i .h'): Ry'1s oster sister, best rie'd 'd *ove i'terest/ The bby A*i is

    2rst i'trod!#ed o' E+rr' *'ds#pe where rriso' 'd wie B!dith

    e'#o!'tered sp#e #b ho!si') dyi') body)!rds 'd bby )ir*/ They

    #o'#*!ded A*i #"e ro" the strs/ .hi*d*ess, the #o!p*e too- Ry' 'd A*i

    'd re)rded the" s their #hi*dre'/ Ry' hve 'oti#ed tht A*i is o'd o

    stri') t the strs/ This is the reso' she ws #**ed the *dy ro" the

    strs$ or si"p*y str)+er$/ She 'd Ry' hd )ret #hi*dhood !'ti* the

    deth o rriso' re#hed the bre-i') poi't o their *ives/ The *ie o A*i

    orever #h')ed whe' she ws vio*ted by owrds/ The eve't #h')ed A*i

    or '!"ber o #tors/ She re*i+ed she hs 'o o'e to re*y !po' i' the wor*d

    so she pere#ted her "i'd 'd body dee'di') the we- 'd he*p*ess 'd

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    #h"pio' o ** peop*e ro!'d her/ She 8oi'ed "'y rebe**io's *o') with

    Ry' tht wi** eve't!**y shtter the dr-est ho!rs o owrd1s rei)'/ A*i 'd

    Ry' re *wys see' to)ether 'd she #' esi*y ee* whether Ry' *i-es her

    o' 'ot/ I'deed, "'y wi** ee* se to #o'#*!de they re i'seprb*eK

    3F/Rphe* owrds: Tyr''i#*, A))ressive, I"p!*sive, .r!e*, 'd 6'or)ivi')re the pere#t d8e#tives tht des#ribe the 'ew E"peror o ** E+rr/ They

    re pere#t i' des#ribi') the 'ew E+rr' E"peror b!t there re "ore to

    these/ Rphe* owrds E+rr is bor' i' btt*e2e*d/ The e*dest so'L#hi*d o

    both owrds 'd r!"i/ Thro!)ho!t his #hi*dhood he hd e'o!)h o **

    *ie1s tr)edies wit'essi') the" thro!)h power p*ys 'd #s!*ties both

    e'e"y 'd **ies *i-e/ A"idst o these, Rphe* o!)ht !'der the b''er o

    his ther we't !p the r'-s thro!)h his #!''i') 'd bri**i'#e wi''i')

    btt*es to !'iy E+rr/ e esi*y too- the "'t*e o his !)!st ther ter hisdispper'#e to ss!re the peop*e o stbi*ity i' the "ost vo*ti*e o ti"es/

    The overwhe*"i') prese'#e o owrd1s e'e"ies "de Rphe* to )et the

    8ob do'e s 5!i#-*y s e9e#tive*y s he #'/ e #overed !p his ther1s

    dispper'#e by #ti') s hi" #r!shi') 'y oppositio' who dred to

    !'der"i'e his *edership/ Rphe* owrds see"i')*y destroyed ** o his

    ther1s e'e"ies thro!)h vio*e't "e's !'ti* r!''i') over to Ry' E+rr/

    6'ort!'te*y, Ry' wo!*d'1t hve )ret ti"e to #e*ebrte his vi#tory/ is

    obsessio' or A*i whi#h "de hi" "ore d')ero!s 'd !'predi#tb*e )veRy' 'd A*i1s *ives *ivi') he** ti** his rei)' is over/ e is *so -'ow' to be

    r!th*ess eve' to his ow' re*tives/ is rei)' is rep!ted to be o'e o the

    dr-est #hpters i' E+rr' history/3/Dthe owrds E+rr: owrds1 'd r!"i1s se#o'd d!)hter 'd the

    !t!re 5!ee' o E+rr/ She is rep!ted to be i'te**i)e't, witty yet i''o#e't t

    the s"e ti"e/ A #h"pio' swi""er who" she ws i' #o'st't riv*ry with

    her o*der sister ri'#ess A!ror owrds *so -'ow' s ri'#ess A)ot"!'/

    Ater she de#isive*y wo' over her sister, A)ot"!' #o'spired )i'st her

    p!shed her i'to o!'ti' whi#h e*e#tro#!ted her/ 6po' *yi') i' '

    e"er)e'#y roo", the do#tors were s!rprised her body hd sy"biosis with

    p*s" *i-e e'er)y whi#h "de her very hyper#tive i' her )rowi') yers/

    Eve' tho!)h she e'ded !p i' )ood h'ds, to sve #e 'd to #rete

    owrdsNeere' dy'sty, owrds se't A)ot"!' to Neere to be wy

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    ro" Dthe 'd to be t!)ht i' )ood "''ers/ Dthe is -'ow' to be

    i'depe'de't 'd hs )ret se'se o 8!sti#e/ She is -'ow' to see- the

    we*re o her rie'ds beore her ow'/ She *ter be#"e the )ir*rie'd 'd

    wie o Ry' E+rr/ She *so hs rie'd*y riv*ry with A*i/ 0espite o **

    these she 'd A*i re best o rie'ds/ Dthe wor-s s 2''#i* ssist't

    !'der @e'8"i' B#-so' whe' Ry' E+rr 'd his **ies strted his 5!est to

    e'd Rphe* owrds1 rei)'/7H/ri'#ess A!ror A)ot"!'$ owrds: The e*dest d!)hter o owrds 'd

    r!"i/ Whe' she is yo!'), A)ot"!' hs 2er#e riv*ry with her sister

    Dthe tht *ed her to *ive i' A"e'opo*is !'der the #re o Neere where she

    is ed!#ted with both E+rr' 'd A"e'opo*i' 2e*ds o -'ow*ed)e/ 0espite

    bei') sib*i')s with Rphe* owrds, d!e to her #o''e#tio' with ri'#e

    Dheppre, A)ot"!' *o') with other A"e'opo*i' roy*s re p*#ed !'derho!se rrest !'ti* Ry'1s revo*t reed the" ro" E+rr' o##!ptio'/ She

    *ter "de "e'ds with Dthe d!ri') the *tter1s #oro'tio' i' E+rr/73/B#- S#i+or: e is 'otb*y -'ow' to be Ry' E+rr1s 2er#est riv* se#o'd o'*y

    to owrds hi"se*/ 0!ri') the s#e'sio' o Rphe* owrds, B#- S#i+or

    *ived 'er To'do'i i' pe#e peror"i') o##!*t rit!*s i'ti"idti') the

    reside'ts who wished to "-e "ove )i'st his or)'i+tio'/ is dis)!st

    with owrds strted whe' owrds dese#rted his s'#t!ry !si') it to

    tort!re Ry' 'd rpi') A*i b*"i') hi" or the eve't/ Si'#e the', B#-

    S#i+or 'd his troops #o'st't*y w)e btt*es )i'st the E+rr' r"y/ e

    hs *so 'other set o iss!es with the M#t*i' '!' i*y 'd her prt'er

    A'r#hy the Re'e)de/ e is -'ow' to be ' opport!'ist with )ret power

    'd i'te**i)e'#e o'*y "t#hed by Ry' E+rr1s ))ressive'ess/ is !'esy

    **i'#e with Ry' hd *ed the" both with '!"ero!s btt*es witho!t

    de#isive vi#tor t "ost #*ose Ry' E+rr vi#tory/ B#- S#i+or 'ever 2++*ed

    o!t despite Ry' )etti') his '!"ber/ e !rther i'#resed his s-i**s 'd

    e>p'ded his i'te**i)e'#e redy to "-e the 'e>t pere#t "ove tht wi** s!it

    hi" 'd his or)'i+tio' best/ I' the e'd he be*ieves he ow's his e'e"ies1

    so!*s espe#i**y the *oot o *oots, Ry' E+rr1s so!*K77/Ri#hrd .ho') E+rr: The so' o E""'!e* owrds 'd Neere/ I'

    #o'trst o his -i's"e', Ri#hrd is 'ot #o'#er'ed bo!t )etti') we*th 'd

    power i' *ie/ e is "ore #o'#er'ed o !si') reso!r#es to "-e the wor*d

    better p*#e thro!)h s#ie'#e 'd te#h'o*o)y/ e *ter "')ed to b!i*d

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    sp#e #o*o'y beside the E+rr' p*'et to #o'ti'!e his reser#h providi')

    re!)e or peop*e who w'ted to *er' the wo'ders o s#ie'#e 'd

    te#h'o*o)y/ The sp#e #o*o'y is *so !sed i' ho!si') wery dist't trve**ers/7;/Ovette .hS#i+or: The wie o B#- S#i+or/ She is *so o'e o Ry' E+rr1s

    **ies *ter o' his 5!ests/ Ovy strted s #he"ist i' To'do'i/ She is show'to be reserved, #*", #o*d, 'd proessio'* i' h'd*i') her di*y 9irs/

    A*tho!)h she is **ies with Ry' 'd rie'ds, her tr!e *oy*ty is o'*y to her

    h!sb'd/ Ry' t o'e ti"e =irted with her b!t she is wo"' 'ot to "ess

    with e"otio'**y/ This hs so"ethi') to do with her tri'i') by her h!sb'd

    'd his or)'i+tio'/ Ovy proved to be or"idb*e **y h'd*i') hevy

    wepo's with ese/ er e>pertise i' #he"i#* wepo's "de Ry'1s *ie

    esier tryi') to )et i'to owrds *ter o'/7pe#ti') ret*itio', @ro' .o"te wi**

    'ot thi'- twi#e to p!t Ry' 'd A*i i'to their p*#e/


    3/ E+rr: The )ret s!per 'tio' o E+rr strted h!"b*y s r)"e'ts o s"**

    divided -i')do"s/ The .ho brothers #o'5!ered these -i')do"s estb*ished

    C "8or -i')do"s or e#h o the" deve*opi') E+rr i'to )r'd

    prospero!s so#iety/ Trdi') is v*!ed with )oods #o"i') o9 s r s the

    e*!sive Shite'i' 'tio' *so #ross the #os"os/ 0!ri') the !'i2#tio' o

    E+rr i' the ti"e o E""'!e* owrds, i""i)r'ts =o#-ed i'to E+rr to

    hve better !t!re/ With the he*p o these peop*e, E+rr be#"e the

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    !'disp!ted s!perpower i' the p*'et 'ever beore see' i' its history/ The

    rei)' o Rphe* owrds e>p'ded E+rr s r s the *ow*'ds o

    To'do'i, the Tib!ro' is*'ds, 'd Neere1s .ivi*i+tio' Is*'d/ The 'e>t

    *eder Ry' E+rr 2'**y #o'5!ered$ the e*!sive Shite'i' p*'et 'tio'

    thro!)h his herois" 'd dip*o"#y/ E+rr pro!d*y bosts to ho!se peop*e

    ro" ** w*-s o *ie, o'e o the reso's whi#h "de it wor*d re-'ow'ed

    'tio' tht it is/ E+rr is s!rro!'ded by vrio!s *'ds#pes 'd )eo)rphi#

    !'i5!e'ess/ O' North o E+rr, it is *wys i' typhoo' seso' b!t or"er

    *eder @e' .ho b!i*t !"bre** *i-e dee'ses to hr'ess dee'se 'd

    e*e#tri#ity/ O' the #e'ter o E+rr is where the d"i'istrtive )over'"e't

    o4#es re sit!ted/ O' the so!ther' prt o E+rr is where the port 'd

    "riti"e #tivities o E+rr re *o#ted/ O' the e>tre"e Wester' prt o

    E+rr is s!rro!'ded by A*p *i-e "o!'ti's *edi') to o'#e hevy orested

    re 'ow be#"e prospero!s tow'/ The tow' o A*h"br "o!s or its

    hevy w** *i-e dee'#es re *o#ted o' the So!thwest prt/ It is *so -'ow'

    or bei') "8or e#o'o"i# #e'ter 'd #ity o e'terti'"e't/ The rthest

    ester' prt o E+rr is where E+rr1s #e'tr* e#o'o"i# distri#t is *o#ted/

    The ed)e o E+rr is bordered by h!)e body o wter #**ed the -e o

    E+rr where the resort tow' o #i2# *ies !po'/ E+rr is #overed by

    ro'tier *i-e "o!'ti's stret#hi') to vst desert !'ti* e'di') !p i'

    rotopo*is/7/ rotopo*is: A h!)e #ity o )o*de' do"es we*#o"es trve**ers ter trve**i')

    the vst E+rr' rotopo*i' desert/ rotopo*is hs pri'#ip*ed )over'"e't

    who wi** do 'ythi') to se#!re their soverei)'ty eve' re#r!iti') terroristi#

    "er#e'ry #tivities to )et the 8ob do'e/ Their **i'#e with Shite'i 'd

    so"e ro)!e E+rr' )e'er*s "de the" o'e o the "ost te'#io!s 2)hti')

    or#es ever see'/;/ To'do'i: @eore To'do'i be#"e "8or thoro!)hre i' the wor*d,

    To'do'i strted o!t s r)"e'try i""i)r't sett*e"e'ts/ 6'*i-e its

    'ei)hbo!r M#t* .ity or We*thi' .ity, To'do'i 'ever "')ed to be

    better o9 d!e to )')s 'd #orr!pt *eders do"i'ti') its so#iety/ It is "ost*y

    -'ow' s 'o "'1s *'d d!e to )')sters 'd "er#e'ries/ A p*#e where

    )')s re i' #o'st't wrre with e#h other terrori+i') the *ives o its

    #iti+e's/ Rphe* owrds *wys we't to To'do'i to see- "er#e'ries 'd

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    so"e shdy b!si'ess prt'ers to do his biddi') espe#i**y si*e'#i') po*iti#*

    oppo'e'ts/ To'do'i wi** orever be der to the wor*d be#!se it is where the

    heroes *i-e Ry' E+rr, A*i .h'), B#- S#i+or, / Viper, 'd et#/ be)' their

    5!est to #h')e history/ To'do'i is *ter r!*ed by the Dy')r' peop*e who

    "de To'do'i t o'e ti"e we** o9 #o"pred to the de#*i'i') e"pires/perie'#ed so"e tr)edies, )e'o#ide ordered by Rphe* owrds 'd

    *so the de2*i') "de by i*y the '!' to ere#t her te"p*e/ ter r i' the

    !t!re, M#t* .ity whi#h wi** be re'"ed .o""o'we*th .ity wi** *so

    e>perie'#e hi)h pro2*e deths o the eo'e' po*iti#* "i*y/ 0espite ** o

    these, We*thi'LM#t* .ity re"i'ed i' prosperity, so*idrity st'di') the

    test o ti"e/?/ .ivi*i+tio' Is*'d: A s!b#o'ti'e't *o#ted e>tre"e so!th o the To'do'i'

    #o'ti'e't beyo'd the Tib!ro' )ro!p o is*'ds/ .ivi*i+tio' Is*'d is *iter**y '

    osis/ It is #o"posed o desert sv''h s!rro!'ded by *r)e body o

    wter/ Go*de' #oted "o!'ti's serve s brrier to the )ret is*'d/

    .ivi*i+tio' Is*'d is where the )ret prospero!s #ivi*i+tio' o A"e'opo*is

    st'ds/ O' 'orthwest o A"e'opo*is is Showbi+ .ity where it serves s the

    #e'ter o "edi 'd e'terti'"e't o the *ower wor*d/ .ivi*i+tio' Is*'d

    st'ds s test"e't o the )*ory o the A"e'opo*i' #ivi*i+tio'/ 0espite its

    t!"!*t!o!s pst, A"e'opo*i' #ivi*i+tio' be#"e "!#h stro')er st'di')

    the rv)es o ti"e/ A"e'opo*i' r!*ers hve #o'ti'!ed *ivi') *!>!rio!s*y

    despite the rise 'd ** o other "ore power!* e"pires/C/ Tib!ro' Is*'ds: A )ro!p o tropi#* is*'ds )reet trve**ers s they trve*

    so!th o the To'do'i' #o'ti'e't/ Tib!ro' )ro!p o is*'ds is #o"posed o

    ei)ht "i' is*'ds with "i'or is*es/ The Tib!ro' "i' is*'ds re So'8, S),

    We', @-!, Atri, Te'doh, rsis, 'd the "i' d"i'istrtive is*'d o

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    Tib!ro'/ Tib!ro' hs wit'essed the rise o o'e )ret *eder '"ed

    Te-*"dwpy/ Te-*"dwpy is o'#e ' spiri') prospero!s trder

    #o'#er'ed o the i'ept'ess o his ow' )over'"e't/ Te-*"dwpy too-

    dv't)e o his we- )over'"e't s*ow*y risi') !p i' power/ e *ter or)ed

    ' **i'#e with Neere ho*di') o9 the "!#h )reter E+rr' or#es *ed by

    owrds 'd his )e'er*s/ Tib!ro' Is*'ds *ter sw the rise 'd ** o the

    "i'or @oo)e'i' E"pire/ Thro!)ho!t its history, Tib!ro' Is*'ds re

    or"idb*e brriers #o"posed o we**e5!ipped "i*itry or#e/ Tib!ro' *eders

    re swor' prote#tors o the -i')do" o A"e'opo*is// The Two Shite'i: There re two versio' o Shite'i/ O'e is 'ew Shite'i

    r!*ed by the her"it )e'er*, A'ds!-e Toy" ter he )ot tired o bei')

    p*yed by his s!periors e'di') hi" i' re#eivi') e'ds/ The 2rst Shite'i is i'

    'orth o To'do'i/ A' i#y )ro!p o is*'ds whi#h re #o"posed o )*#iers 'd*p *i-e "o!'ti' r')es/ Mt/ D*it"t! is both the hi)hest "o!'ti' 'd

    "i' hi)h*i)ht o 'ew Shite'i/ New Shite'i is where Shite'i' "i)r'ts *ive

    'd sett*ed vi**)e -'ow' s Shite'i' vi**)e/ Shite'i hs '!"ero!s hot

    spri') resorts despite its perpet!* wi'ter #*i"te/ The other Shite'i is "ore

    o b*ed p*#e/ It is p*'et si+ed h!)e "e)*opo*is i' whi#h "ost o the

    Shite'i's *ive/ The p*'et #ity is ##essib*e o'*y with peop*e who hve the

    "ost dv'#e te#h'o*o)ies/ It is ##essib*e vi di"e'sio'* port*

    )e'ertor/ The Shite'i' 'tio' is s!bt*e b!t tht does'1t "e' it is *wysi'visib*e/ rotopo*is hs h!)e **i'#e de* with Shite'i/ E+rr hs *wys

    i'ter#ted with Shite'i both s rie'd 'd e'e"y t the s"e ti"e/

    Shite'i' peop*e hve "i)rted so!th to the -'ow' wor*d too bri')i') the"

    their too*s o the trde/ r!"i As'o, A'ds!-e Toy", Go Sob, Ovy S#i+or,

    'd et#/ re o'e o the "ost "o!s Shite'i's or peop*e who hve Shite'i'

    b*ood*i'es/ The *r)e Shite'i' 'tio' is #o"posed o h!)e #o""er#i* #ity

    with its *r)e d"i'istrtive #st*e o' the #e'ter o the #ity/ Shite'i' s-ies

    re *wys red d!e to the *r)e s!' i'vi)orti') the 'tio' with *ie 'd hope/So"e sys the s!' is rti2#i**y #reted b!t yo! #''ot de'y their pro2#ie'#y

    i' te#h'o*o)y/ It *so sy"bo*i+es despite bei') tired i' *ie, the Shite'i's re

    2**ed with deter"i'tio' 'd hope 8!st *i-e the s!' )iver o *ie/ Shite'i'

    p*'et is #o"posed o p*i's both e*evted 'd =t s o!'dtio's to ho!se

    their #ities/ They re s!rro!'ded with both pi#t!res5!e p*te!s 'd

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    "o!'ti's/ Mt/ 0'i#hiy" #' be see' o' 'y prt o the #ity with thi#-

    orests be'eth it/ I' the ed)e o the )ret 'tio' is where series o resorts

    #o!*d be o!'d to re#hr)e the *ives o the peop*e/ The vo*#'i# #ost*i'e is

    pop!*r desti'tio' where "i*ies e'8oy/ It is *so pop!*r spot where

    s"!ri btt*e ree'#t"e'ts ter estiv*s re he*d/ Movie dire#tors #hose

    the #ost*i'e s their vo!rite p*#e to shoot their "ovies1 epi# btt*es/ The

    view o i#e pe-ed "o!'ti's is tr!*y si)ht 'd wo'der to beho*d/



    The .ho brothers re deeted/ Their "i*ies were disp*#ed/ .hos

    io'hert, the *st #h"pio' o the .hos hs bee' destroyed/ 0"s#o

    .ho hs died i' "ysterio!s #ir#!"st'#es/ E""'!e* owrds !'ited **

    o E+rr/ e is #row'ed s A!)!st E"peror o ** E+rr$/ owrds 'd

    his "i*y #h')ed their s!r'"es i'to E+rr/ A trditio' to be o**owed

    by s!##eedi') E+rr' "o'r#hs s si)' o their do"i''#e i' the

    E+rr' #o'ti'e't/

    I""edite*y ter his s#e'sio' to power, E""'!e* owrds o##!pied

    hi"se* with 'tio' b!i*di')/ I' short ti"e, with the he*p o his tr!sted

    "i'isters, owrds virt!**y i"proved every #et o E+rr' *ie/ e "de

    E+rr eve' )r'der 'd "ore prospero!s th' ever bee'/ owrds

    stbi*i+ed the E+rr' borders ro" possib*e #o'5!erors 'd #e"e'ted

    **i'#es with 'tio's espe#i**y A"e'opo*is/ owrds ttr#ted "ore

    i""i)r'ts hvi') their best 'd bri)htest to #o'trib!te to his )r'd

    visio' o 'tio' b!i*di') "-i') E+rr s de #to s!per power i' the

    -'ow' wor*d/

    A bd 'ews swept #ross 'ot o'*y i' A"e'opo*is b!t its e9e#t wi** #h')eE+rr' history tht hroh Gibbeo' The"isto#*es hs bee' "!rdered

    *o') with o'e o his #hi*dre' whi*e trve**i') ro!'d i""i)r't

    sett*e"e'ts/ owrds i""edite*y we't to A"e'opo*is to #o'so*e J!ee'


  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    owrds to*d Neere tht he wi** be there or her whe'ever she 'eeds

    hi"/ owrds o9ered Neere positio' to be#o"e the 5!ee' o E+rr

    b!t she de#*i'ed owrds1 o9er te**i') hi" tht she is sti** "o!r'i') 'd

    r!"i is his 5!ee'/

    owrds s-ed his so' Rphe* owrds to #he#- o' the sid i""i)r't

    #o""!'ity 'd "-e s!re to rrest those who re respo'sib*e/ owrds

    )ve dditio'* orders to se#!re the re/

    0!ri') the e'to"b"e't o hroh Gibbeo', Sh') i') ppro#hed

    Neere s!))ested her tht he is do!bt!* o her rie'd owrds/ Neere

    tried to ss!re hi" b!t Sh') i') re"i'ed 2r" tht Neere sho!*d

    -eep herse* o' )!rd be#!se so"ethi') is wro') re)rdi') owrds/

    Neere dis"issed Sh') i') te**i') hi" owrds is )ood rie'd/ Sh')

    i') #o'ti'!ed wr'i') Neere/ Sh') i') is o'e o the "ost prospero!sb!si'ess"e' i' Atri, o'e o the is*'ds i' Tib!ro' r#hipe*)o/

    hroh Gibbeo' The"isto#*es Soter ws b!ried i' te"p*e 'er the

    "o!'ti's/ e wi** sty there or 2ve yers sy"bo*i+i') the 8o!r'ey o his

    so!* to the ter*ie/ Ater he #o"p*eted his 8o!r'ey to the ter*ie, his

    re"i's wi** be e>h!"ed, be prt o )r'd pro#essio' to be #re"ted

    with the shes throw' i'to the Se o We*thi's/ The #re"tio' si)'i2es

    tht the so!*1s body wi** 8oi' hi" i'to his bo!'ti!* ter*ie/

    owrds ordered hevy E+rr' )!' s*!te to his **e' #o"rde 8oi'i')

    the trditio'* A"e'opo*i' "i*itry wy o )ivi') trib!tes to their **e'

    *eder/ owrds ss!red Neere 'd her "i*y tht he wi** *wys se'd

    prote#tio' to the" whe'ever they 'eeded/ owrds "de it #*er tht it is

    o'e o the provisio's o their **i'#e/ owrds bde Neere )oodbye

    ss!ri') her tht they wi** to)ether #e bri)ht !t!re 'o "tter how

    !'#erti' the #!rre't ti"es re/

    6po' rrivi') to the E+rr' p*#e, r!"i e*t bit i'se#!re s-i')

    owrds i he sti** hs Neere i' his hert/ owrds 'ever )ve r!"i

    #o'vi'#i') 'swer 'd w*-ed wy te**i') her he wi** )et b#- to her

    ter he 2'ished wht he 'eeds to ##o"p*ish or the ti"e bei')/

    Thro!)h the yers o E+rr' pe#e 'd prosperity, owrds 'd r!"i

    wi** #o'#eive r'#is E+rr who wi** be 'otb*e ir or#e #o""'der

    *ter o'/ They *ter )ve birth to Dthe E+rr who wi** be the !t!re

    5!ee' o E+rr 'd is be*ieved to the pp*e o r!"i1s eye/

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    0espite o pe#e e've*opi') the who*e E+rr' wor*d, sib*i') riv*ry is t

    its "ost i'te'se i' the roy* ho!seho*d/ A!ror is #h"pio' swi""er t

    s#hoo* b*it+i') ** her peers/ It is !'ti* o'e sporti') eve't spo'sored by the

    River brothers tht A!ror is bested by Dthe E+rr, her sister who

    be#"e the 'ew dr*i') i' swi""i')/ @oth Dthe 'd A!ror wi** #o'ti'!e their riv*ry both i' s#hoo* 'd

    swi""i') i' whi#h 'either sister wi** be b*e to )et the de#isive vi#tory/

    The sisters too- their )riev'#es with e#h other to their ther owrds/

    At dist'#e, r!"i s"i*ed seei') they re o'e hppy "i*y/ owrds

    to*d both )ir*s tht they "!st sett*e their s#ore o'#e 'd or ** i' privte

    swi""i') #o"petitio'/ Rphe* owrds bet or A!ror whi*e r'#is

    E+rr )oes or Dthe/

    A!ror 'd Dthe )ot the"se*ves redy or o'e 2'* de#isive swi""i')#o"petitio'/ They were ##o"p'ied by their ther, "other, 'd two

    brothers to o'e o their "i*y resorts/ The swi""i') "t#h wi** be best o

    the three to #row' de#isive vi#tor "o') the two sisters/ The "t#h

    strted i'te'se*y where A!ror #*ose*y wo' the 2rst o'e/ The se#o'd o'e

    strted s*ow b!t Dthe eve't!**y )ot the wi'/ The third o'e whi#h wi**

    s#r both sisters1 re*tio'ship or *o') ti"e hd A!ror wi''i') the 2rst

    prt, )etti') e>h!sted with Dthe bei') the vi#tor 8!st *i-e the 2rst ti"e/

    owrds s-ed both sisters to sh-e e#h other1s h'd 'd h!) e#hother s si)' o sports"'ship/

    A!ror see"ed to #o'#ede b!t she re"i'ed bitter/ She hs p*' to e'd

    it everythi')/ O' the *st 'i)ht o their v#tio', A!ror 'd Dthe hd

    bo'di') ti"e 'er the *-e/ It see"s they hve !'derstood e#h other

    !'ti* A!ror ve'ted o!t b*"ed Dthe or everythi') espe#i**y bei') her

    pre'ts1 vo!rite shoved her i'to the *-e/ Too *te o 'ot -'owi') the

    *-e is !'der "i'te''#e si'#e A!ror hs re"oved the si)', Dthe ws

    e*e#tro#!ted/ er s#re"s )ot the tte'tio' o her pre'ts with owrds

    sp'-i') A!ror vio*e't*y or doi') this to her sister/ r"edi#s rrived to

    bri') Dthe to the hospit* with owrds te**i') A!ror tht he is 'ot yet

    do'e o' her/

    I' the hospit*, owrds #o'ti'!e s#o*di') A!ror tht i Dthe dies he wi**

    'ot o'*y disow' her b!t wi** )et her to priso' too/ Rphe* 'd r'#is

    #o'so*ed their "other who is sobbi') si*e't*y/ "i*y rie'ds rrived to

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    e'#o!r)e the owrds/ The who*e "i*y were sho#-ed whe' the do#tor

    to*d the" tht Dthe is sti** *ive 'd is i' stb*e #o'ditio'/

    The do#tor to*d the owrds tht Dthe1s body is i' stte o d8!st"e't/

    Dthe1s body "')ed to hve sy"biosis with e*e#tri#* e'er)y 'd

    wter/ The ti"e she e** i'to the *-e "de the e*e"e'ts e>"i'e thee>te't o how her body respo'ds to s!#h *ie threte'i') tr!"/ The

    do#tor dded tht her re#eptive to s!#h hi)h e'er)y vo*t)e "i)ht be '

    e>p*'tio' to her hyper#tive perso'*ity/ A!ror strted to weep b!t

    owrds to*d her tht she wi** )o to Neere to be tri'ed i' "''ers 'd

    to be#o"e "ore "t!re i' *ie/

    owrds 'd r!"i hd brie r)!"e't re)rdi') his de#isio' to bri')

    A!ror to A"e'opo*is/ r!"i to*d owrd tht the E+rr' Shite'i' wy

    o dis#ip*i'e is "!#h better/ owrds r)!ed tht A!ror 'd Dthe wi**

    #o'ti'!e 2)hti') i they both styed !'der the s"e roo/ r!"i rep*ied

    tht A!ror wi** strt to ee* sorry t her/ ter, r!"i hi'ted owrds

    tht the reso' he is t-i') A!ror to A"e'opo*is is to *ive with Neere

    th!s strti') owrdsNeere' dy'sty/ As respo'se owrds did'1t

    wste ti"e )ivi') her the #hoi#es or their !t!re/

    The #hoi#es to be o**owed tht i A!ror )oes to A"e'opo*is to be tri'ed

    by Neere herse*, r!"i reti's her 5!ee' ship 'd she wi** 'ever )et

    divor#ed/ I r!"i #hose A!ror to reti' 'ot o'*y she 'eeds to step

    dow' ro" her positio' b!t she "!st )o b#- to Shite'i 'ever )i' wi**

    she see her "i*y espe#i**y her #hi*dre'/ r!"i #hose the 2rst o'e with

    owrds te**i') her she sti** *oves hi" ter ** these yers/

    Dthe herd her pre'ts r)!i') with e#h other/ She to*d her pre'ts to

    *et A!ror sty i' E+rr so she #o!*d hve o'e hppy "i*y/ She

    d"itted she is bitter with her o*der sister b!t she is ope' or

    re#o'#i*itio' i' order 'ot to #o"p*i#te thi')s/ owrds rep*ied to her

    d!)hter tht it is 'ot o'*y or her ow' )ood b!t bri)ht !t!re or **/

    Me*#hie+edde- rriso' 'd "i*y re*i+ed wht be#"e o Dthe r!shed

    to the hospit* to #he#- o' her #o'ditio'/ Rphe* owrds ws

    "es"eri+ed seei') how A*i hs )row'/ e strted to d"ire her e>oti#

    et!res/ e to*d Ry' to te** Ge'er* rriso' 'd his wie to *et A*i *ive

    with hi" 'd his "i*y i' the p*#e/ Rphe* i'sisted tht A*i #o!*d be

    )ret E+rr' pri'#ess/ Ry' to*d A*i to )et i'side/ The rriso' "i*y

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    )ve Dthe )et we** soo' *etter 'd =owers or her speedy re#overy/ A*i

    to*d Dthe to )et we** s 5!i#-*y s possib*e so tht they #o!*d p*y


    owrds we't to A"e'opo*is to se'd his d!)hter to be dopted by

    J!ee' Neere/ Neere ws i'iti**y s!rprised b!t owrds to*d her tht!'der her #re she wo!*d b*osso" i'to be!ti!* 'd wise pri'#ess/

    owrds "de it #*er tht by se'di') his d!)hter or doptio' does 'ot

    o'*y "e' or her ow' )ood b!t *so to i"prove the *redy #*ose

    re*tio'ships betwee' two )ret #o!'tries/ owrds sw the ri"e

    Mi'ister 0o"i'!s, !'#*e o J!ee' Neere 'd o9ered hi" )o*d 'd so"e

    "i*itry rse'*s/ e "e't tr!st whe' he se't his be*oved d!)hter to

    )ret **y/

    owrds to*d Neere tht whe' the ti"e they 2rst rrived i' Mo'terr,

    they pro"ised e#h other tht they wi** be the o'es who wi** shpe

    E+rr' )*ob* history/ owrds "de Neere -'ow' tht she is the o'e

    who" she w'ted to be 5!ee' b!t si'#e she is "rried, the owrds

    Neere' dy'sty wi** #o'ti'!e thro!)h A!ror 'd her des#e'd'ts/

    ri'#ess A!ror owrds E+rr ws ed!#ted i' A"e'opo*i' #!*t!re 'd

    trditio' th!s #h')i') her '"e i'to ri'#ess A)ot"!' Soter/

    owrds 'd his e'to!r)e stopped t the To'do'i' #ost*i'e re=e#ti')

    his er*y dys i' orei)' *'d with ' !'#erti' !t!re/ owrds

    re"e"bered the ti"e whe' he #!)ht the tte'tio' o 'ew i""i)r't

    '"ed A*vi' @ers"i'/ @ers"i' #*i"ed to be Neere1s or"er *over/

    e is 'ot **owed to "rry her d!e to his 2''#i* stt!s "ore i"port't*y

    his so#i* st'di') i' *ie/ owrds sw the pote'ti* i' @ers"i'/

    @ers"i' served both owrds 'd Neere s so*dier d!ri') his

    !'i2#tio' o E+rr/

    owrds *so sw yo!') wo"' "i)r't '"ed Be''ier .hoo'/

    owrds *so s-ed or her servi#e i' E+rr pro"isi') her better !t!re/

    Dthe i'vited Ry' 'd A*i to p*y i' her p*#e #o!rtyrd/ Rphe*owrds is s"itte' by A*i1s be!ty tht he #''ot he*p stri') t her

    ro" r/ owrds #"e b#- ro" *o') 8o!r'ey i'trod!#i') @ers"i'

    'd .hoo' to the -ids/ owrds to*d Ry' 'd A*i to spe'd their di''er

    eti') with the"/ e to*d Dthe to *et the" p*y her #o"p!ter )"es

    whi*e di''er is prepred/

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    I' Tib!ro' is*'d o Atri, Sh') i') )ot the tte'tio' o the Atri

    )over'"e't by te#hi') #ri"i'*s *esso' thro!)h his "rti* rts s-i**s/

    Atri o4#i*s were i"pressed/ They o9ered hi" to 8oi' the )over'"e't to

    se#!re the is*'d whi*e #o'ti'!i') his b!si'ess ve't!res/

    Neere 'd her "i*y we't to Tib!ro' to si)' ' **i'#e with the

    Tib!ro' #e'tr* )over'"e't/ Sh') i') we't to Tib!ro' .e'tr*

    6'iversity to #he#- his so'1s pro)ress/ It is *so the 2rst ti"e whe' he sw

    Neere who hs hvi') brie t*- i' the s"e !'iversity/ e ws

    i"pressed by her be!ty 'd si'#erity/ A"e'opo*is 'd Tib!ro' si)'ed '

    **i'#e trety i' whi#h Tib!ro' wi** *wys prote#t A"e'opo*is ro"

    i'vders/ Sh') i') #!)ht )*i"pse o Neere 'd her "i*y e'8oyi')

    with the *o#*s/ It "de Sh') i') "ore "bitio!s 'd drive' i' *ie/

    Ater #reer ded e'd i' the er o pe#e, A*vi' @ers"i' restrted his#reer s so*dier 2)hti') !'der owrds/ e o!)ht '!"ero!s

    i's!r)e'ts s!##ess!**y se#!ri') E+rr' territories/ e he*ped the River

    brothers p#iy the wr*i-e rotopo*i's/ @ers"i' is 'otb*e o -eepi')

    the #o""!'ity o i""i)r'ts dow' i' the To'do'i' #o'ti'e't se

    '!"ero!s ti"es/

    .hoo' strted her servi#e s perso'* ssist't to J!ee' r!"i/

    r!"i is so i"pressed by her peror"'#e tht she re)rded .hoo' s

    her ow' d!)hter/ .hoo' ws *so tri'ed i' Shite'i' 2)hti') sty*e to #t

    s o'e o the prote#tors o the E+rr' roy* "i*y/ .hoo' #' be se*y

    sid s o'e o the pio'eers o e"*e roy* body)!rds beside Ary'

    i'd, o'e o Me*iss Robi'so'1s or"er body)!rds/ .hoo' )ot the tr!st

    o the roy* "i*y 'd so"eti"es hve do'e so "!#h b!si'ess

    tr's#tio's !'der the E+rr' roy* "i*y/ .hoo' *so t!)ht Dthe her

    2)hti') s-i**s/ She 'd Dthe or"ed #*ose sister *i-e re*tio'ship/

    E+rr ws ro#-ed by '!"ero!s e>p*osio's #ross the #o!'try/ Terroristi#

    #tivities re the "i' "otivtio's o the tt#-/ Terrorists "')ed to

    bre- i'to E+rr -i**i') "'y #ivi*i's i' short ti"e/ eop*e were

    dvised to sty ho"e s ** spe#ts o di*y *ives were threte'ed/ E+rr

    rised ">i"!" red *ert o' the w-e o tt#-s by terrorists/

    owrds 'd his "i'isters he*d ' e"er)e'#y "eeti') to so*ve the

    prob*e"/ Ge'er* rriso' to*d owrds tht he is pyi') the pri#e o

    *etti') too "!#h i""i)r'ts i' E+rr/ Ge'er* Ms-do Toy"

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    s!))ested tht the #!*prits were i'side 8obs/ owrds dis)reed with his

    )e'er*s1 theories/ e ordered the" to )et the 8ob do'e s 5!i#-*y s

    possib*e/ owrds "de spee#h ss!ri') his peop*e tht they wi** s!re*y

    "-e the sit!tio' !'der #o'tro*/

    The bo"bi')s be#"e worse s the ho!rs hve pssed/ .ivi*i's reportedseei') terrorists o' "otor#y#*es i'=i#ti') #hos o' the streets o E+rr/

    E+rr' i'te**i)e'#e reported tht the terrorists #pt!red the irri)tio'

    d"s, power p*'ts, 'd trde ro!tes ho*di') E+rr' wy o *ie host)e/

    @*#- o!ts p'i#-ed the #iti+e's eve' "ore/ E+rr s!9ered "issi*e

    tt#-s whi#h or#ed owrds 'd his "e' to wor- hrder to ret!r' b#-

    to 'or"*/

    erdi''d J!e+o' 'd J!ee' Neere to*d owrds tht they too s!9ered

    tt#-s ro" the terrorists/

    owrds ordered his "e' to tr#- eter .ho1s wherebo!ts 'd #pt!re

    hi" to i'terro)te hi" bo!t his **e)ed i'vo*ve"e't/

    A*vi' @ers"i' 'd his "e' we't to btt*e deeti') the terrorists tht

    #pt!red prts o E+rr/ Go Sob 'd his "e' ''ihi*ted "'y o the"

    )ivi') E+rr *itt*e re*ie/ Ge'er* rriso' *o') with eri#*es 6*ysses

    A*e>'der ('ephew o the *te eri#*es A*e>'der% r!th*ess*y deeted

    terrorists o!t o the #ity/ Ms-do Toy" 'd troops str!#- dow' the

    tt#-ers with swit 8!sti#e/

    The River brothers to*d owrds tht they 'eed rei'or#e"e'ts be#!se

    they were *osi') #o'tro* o the rotopo*i' re whi#h ws swr"ed by

    the terrorists/ The brothers were bit s!rprised seei') "veri#- Shite'i'

    troops deeti') their or#es/

    owrds1 "e' #pt!red eter .ho (.hristi' '"e o Ro"' .ho Br/%

    whi*e he ws o' "edi#* "issio'/ owrds we't to eter1s #e** to

    i'terro)te hi"/ owrds ##!sed eter o be#o"i') pstor so he #o!*d

    be i""!'e o s!spi#io' i' p*''i') s#he"es to bri') dow' the E+rr'

    )over'"e't/ eter de'ied it 'd ws tort!red/ owrds !rther ##!sed

    eter o #o**borti') with his .ho re*tives to bri') dow' E+rr/ eter

    i't*y rep*ied tht he hs 'o p*' 'd wi** 'ever p*' o' bri')i') the

    #!rre't d"i'istrtio' dow'/ owrds *et eter to his "e'/

    Rphe* owrds e'ded o9 terrorists who tried to i'2*trte his p*#e/

    .hoo' 'd the other body)!rds bro!)ht J!ee' r!"i 'd Dthe to

    ser p*#e/ No prt o the E+rr' p*#e is se/ r!"i 'd #o"p'y

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    sw terrorists *redy o' the s!pposed se p*#e/ r!"i with the he*p o

    her body)!rds str!#- dow' "!#h o the" hidi') or their sety/

    Rphe* owrds e'#o!'tered "ore terrorists o' his wy o!t the p*#e/

    e 'd his "e' r!th*ess*y -i**ed the" to #*er o9 his pth/ Rphe*

    owrds sw the word .ho o' o'e o the terrorists1 shirt/ A*vi' @ers"i' "et !p with Rphe* owrds de*iveri') te**i') b*ow to

    the terrorists ** ro!'d E+rr1s streets/ erdi''d J!e+o' se't s!pport

    !'its to b*ow !p the "ore power!* rse'*s o the e'e"y/

    Ge'er* rriso' r**ied his "e' to re#*i" the irri)tio' d"s o E+rr

    ro" the e'e"y/ Go Sob 'd his "e' re#pt!red the power p*'ts o

    E+rr restori') e*e#tri#ity/ eri#*es A*e>'der 'd his "e' did ' E+rr'

    wide #"pi)' o he*pi') the others )et rid o the revo*!tio'ries/

    I' the p*#e ter so"e ti"e o #he#-i') ro!'d, r!"i 'd .hoo'

    s!rprised tht Dthe is "issi') *evi') "'y )!rds ded o' the =oor/

    r!"i tried to i'or" owrds o Dthe1s dispper'#e b!t to 'o vi*/

    More "b!sh !'its br)ed i'to the roo" b!t were e**ed dow' by .hoo'

    'd her #o"p'io's e4#ie't*y/

    Rphe* owrds 'd A*vi' @ers"i' s!##ess!**y deeti') "ore

    terrorists b!t were s!rprised tht they were "!#h "ore th' they tho!)ht/

    Rphe* 'd @ers"i' he*d o9 the e'e"y or#es witi') or the other

    #o""'ders to 8oi' the"/

    @oth M#t* .ity 'd A"e'opo*is were !'der tt#-/ erdi''d J!e+o'1s

    or#es esi*y repe**ed the terrorists/ is or"idb*e or#es bttered the"

    i'to s!b"issio'/ J!e+o'1s "e' e>"i'ed the bodies 'd were #erti' tht

    the .hos were behi'd the tt#-s/ Neere1s or#es *o') with the he*p o

    Tib!ro'1s "i*itry hd "!#h esier ti"e deeti') the terrorists/

    The terrorists strted !si') *r)e eri* vehi#*es i' bo"bi') E+rr o' **

    sides/ Gro!'d terrorists !'its e'tered E+rr witho!t di4#!*ties/ Rphe*

    owrds1 'd A*vi' @ers"i'1s or#es we't to retret/ Rphe* to*d

    @ers"i' to ho*d o9 the )ro!'d or#es whi*e he o#!ses o' bri')i') dow'

    the eri* or#es/ E+rr' ir or#e ssisted owrds i' ''ihi*ti') the

    eri* or#es/

    A*vi' @ers"i' 'd his troops o!)ht o9 the )ro!'d or#es i'te'se*y

    -i**i') "'y terrorists s possib*e to se#!re the soverei)'ty 'd stbi*ity

    o E+rr/ Ge'er* rriso', A*e>'der, Toy", 'd Go Sob re!'ited

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    with both Rphe* owrds 'd A*vi' @ers"i' to de*iver the 2'* b*ow

    to the terrorists/

    owrds tried to #o't#t both Neere 'd J!e+o' to #he#- o' their

    #o'ditio' b!t ws i'terr!pted by the terrorist *eders1 brod#st/ The

    terrorist *eders to*d owrds tht he sto*e E+rr ro" the .ho *eders'd he 'd his peop*e wi** der*y py or it/ The terrorists *so "de it

    #*er tht the #hos wi** stop i owrds wi** step dow' 'd h'd E+rr to

    the"/ owrds rep*ied tht the terrorists were ridi#!*o!s 'd de*!sio'*/

    The terrorists i'trod!#ed the"se*ves s the so's o his previo!s e"p*oyer,

    or"er E+rr' *eder @e'sh++r .ho/

    The '"es o @e' .ho1s #hi*dre' re Rey'' .ho, Rey'o*d .ho,

    E"erso' .ho, 'd Rit .ho/ The sister see"ed to ho*d b#- her

    brothers o' tt#-i') E+rr b!t e'ded !p s#o*ded by her brothers/

    Rey'' .ho ##!sed owrds o bei') ' opport!'ist o ste*i') his

    ther1s -i')do" 'd p*''i') his "!rder/ owrds re8e#ted the

    ##!stio's 'd to*d Rey'' to he*p #o'trib!te his ther1s or"er

    -i')do" i'sted/

    owrds to*d Rey'' tht his ther wo!*d'1t be pro!d o hi" p!tti')

    "isery 'd 8eoprdi+i') ** his #iti+e's p*!#-i') their *ive*ihood o!t o

    the"/ Rey'' r)!ed tht owrds hs 'o ri)ht i' r!*i') E+rr 'd "!st

    s!9er the #o'se5!e'#es/ E"erso' showed owrds with Dthe bei') he*d

    host)e/ e s-ed owrds to stop tryi') to #t to!)h with ** the st-es

    )i'st hi"/ Rey'o*d s-ed owrds to "-e #hoi#e, his #o'tro* o

    E+rr or his d!)hter/ The .ho so's si)'ed o9 with owrds te**i')

    hi"se* tht their dys were '!"bered/

    owrds we't b#- to the p*#e 'd ws )*d seei') his wie se/

    owrds s-ed .hoo' to dress !p or they wi** e"br- o' 8o!r'ey to

    res#!e Dthe/ owrds pro"ised r!"i tht he wi** bri') b#- Dthe


    The e*ite or#es o E+rr #*e'ed !p the #ity ro" the terrorists/ They

    )!''ed dow' wht re"i'ed o the"/ They sei+ed ** the terrorists1

    possessio's/ They #pt!red the re"i'i') o'es to be bro!)ht or tri*/

    eter .ho herd his re*tives t*-i') with owrds/ e "')ed to

    *oose' the ropes tht tied hi"/ e -'o#-ed dow' so"e o the )!rds ter

    p*yi') poss!"/ e tried to wr' his re*tives o wht owrds #' do to

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    the" i they were #pt!red/ 0!e to we- si)'*, he i*ed to wr' his

    #o!si's/ The )!rds #!)ht !p with hi" 'd he ws -'o#-ed o!t ret!r'ed

    to the #e**/

    The E+rr' #o""'ders 'd the terrorists "et !p 8!st o!tside the #ity

    or o'e 2'* btt*e/ The terrorists #o'!sed the E+rr' or#es with their"otor#y#*e troops/ Rphe* owrds 'd his troops *er'ed o their )"e

    )!''i') dow' sever* o the"/ A*vi' @ers"i' h*ted "!#h o the

    terrorists1 "e*ee or#es/ E+rr' t'-s dis"'t*ed h!)e '!"ber o


    Go Sob 'd his troops p!*veri+ed "!#h o the opposi') or#es with their

    'ew rti**eries to )ive wy or the other )e'er*s/ eri#*es A*e>'der

    ob*iterted 'other se#tio' o the e'e"y or#es ter hvi') 'o 'swer or

    his "i*itry prowess/ A*e>'der1s hop*ites overwhe*"ed the o'#e

    deter"i'ed or#es/ Berv#io i", o'e o Ge'er* rriso'1s "e' )ot the

    'oti#e o the E+rr' "i*itry or#e by se#!ri') the trde ro!tes o'#e

    )i'/ e 'd his "e' #*i"bed the "o!'ti's -i**i') o9 "ost o the

    "b!sh !'its/

    Ge'er* rriso' 'd Ms-do Toy" r!th*ess*y deeted the .ho

    or#es o' the wy/ rriso' se#!red the rotopo*i' re )ivi') re*ie to

    the River brothers/ The E+rr's re)i'ed #o'tro* o the rotopo*i' re/

    @oth Ms-do 'd A'ds!-e Toy" re*i+ed tht the terrorists were

    s!pported by their #o"ptriots/ 6'b*e to shed b*ood to his e**ow

    #o"ptriots, Ms-do Toy" !sed psy#ho*o)i#* wrre by witi')

    his rei'or#e"e't !'its #hsi') the Shite'i's i'to 'owhere beyo'd the

    i'hospitb*e p*i's/

    The rest o the )e'er*s we't b#- to s!rro!'d the .ho or#es "-i')

    the" !'b*e to es#pe/ Nowhere to r!' 'd 'o to"orrow to #e, the

    .ho or#es v*i't*y re)ro!ped resorti') eve' to s!i#ide te#h'i5!es to try

    bri') dow' "!#h o the E+rr' r"y s possib*e/ E""'!e* owrds

    ##o"p'ied by .hoo' to*d A*vi' @ers"i' to stop e'8oyi') hi"se* i'

    -i**i') spree 'd i'sted ##o"p'y hi" to sve his d!)hter/

    The E+rr' )e'er*s i'=i#ted hevy b*ow to the .ho or#es )ivi') the

    e'e"y #hoi#es to either s!rre'der or die i' btt*e2e*d/ @ri""i') with

    pride o .ho despite his or#es *redy deeted, E"erso' .ho

    i'trod!#ed hi"se* #**ed !p Rphe* owrds or o'e o' o'e #h**e')e

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    or his reedo"/ Rphe* owrds i""edite*y 'swered his #h**e')e/

    E"erso' ordered his troops to s!rprise the yo!')er owrds b!t the

    troops were esi*y dispt#hed by s'iper !'its/

    E"erso' .ho )ve Rphe* owrds tro!b*e by r!''i') ro!'d/

    Eve't!**y both "e' #*shed "et*s with e#h other/ E"erso' hd his"o"e'ts b!t he #ed the i'evitb*e whe' Rphe* owrds too- o!t his

    press!re poi'ts stbbi') hi" i' the 'e#-/ Rphe* owrds de#pitted

    E"erso'1s hed p*#i') it bove ' E+rr' pi-e/ Rphe*1s r!th*ess'ess

    stri-e er 'd we i'to the herts o his e**ow #o""'ders/

    owrds sw his so'1s vi#tory over ' e'e"y #o""'der p!t i't )ri'

    o' his #e/ owrds ##o"p'ied by both .hoo' 'd @ers"i' see"ed

    #o'!sed o' where Dthe is #t!**y he*d/ .hoo' poi'ted o!t tht .ho

    #o""'der is pee-i') bove the i#y "o!'ti' distr!)ht o' the te o

    his #o"rde/ owrds stopped over 'd ordered @ers"i' to ##o"p'y

    the" with his best "e'/

    owrds 'd his **ies we't !p to the hosti*e "o!'ti's b*it+i') the

    e'e"y or#es/ owrds !sed his s-i**s deeti') "ore oppo'e'ts th' he

    'eeded/ The .ho or#es s!##ess!**y )ve owrds *se se'se o

    se#!rity by reve*i') their h!)e '!"ber/ owrds 'd his **ies stopped

    or "o"e't to thi'- or strte)y/ E+rr' p*'es bo"bed the *r)e

    .ho or#es p'i#-i') the" with "i*d v*'#hes/ owrds 'd his **ies

    r!shed towrds the e'e"y deeti') "ore o the" to dv'#e !rther/

    owrds 'd his **ies "et with Rey'o*d .ho with ew b!t or"idb*e

    or#es/ The .ho or#es ope'ed to owrds #!si') .hoo' to ** o9 ro"

    her horse/ Rei'or#e"e'ts ro" owrds #!)ht !p with the .ho or#es

    se'di') Rey'o*d1s or#es i'to retret/

    owrds 'd his **ies #o'ti'!ed #hsi') Rey'o*d 'd his troops b!t he

    'd his **ies e** o9 i'to wter** ter Rey'o*d1s troops 2red "issi*e

    destroyi') the )ro!'d where owrds 'd his **ies st'd/

    I' E+rr, .rdi'* risee is i'trod!#ed ddressi') the peop*e thtowrds sho!*d s!bs#ribe to the divi'e do#tri'e o ord Abso*!te so E+rr

    wo!*d *wys be prospero!s 'd pe#e!*/ The series o eve'ts tht

    bro!)ht E+rr to her -'ees were s!re si)'s tht owrds "!st see- the

    "er#y o ord Abso*!te to he* the *'d, risee dded/

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    owrds, @ers"i', 'd .hoo' re)i'ed their se'ses sw" to the ed)e

    o the river/ owrds 'd his rie'ds #o'ti'!ed trve**i') ti** they sw

    )*i"pse o the te"p*e where he o'#e o!)ht .hos io'hert 'd .*!dio

    .ho d!ri') his wr or !'i2#tio' #"pi)'/

    @ers"i' #o't#ted so"e )e'er*s tht they o!'d the p*#e where the

    .ho #o""'ders "i)ht be hidi') ** *o')/ e dded tht the te"p*e

    ws s!rro!'ded by hevy dee'#es/ owrds, @ers"i', 'd .hoo' sw

    rei'or#e"e'ts rrivi') 'd prepre 'ot o'*y to res#!e Dthe b!t *so to

    2'**y destroy the *e)#y o the .hos/

    O!tside o the te"p*e short*y ter E+rr' or#es o!)ht o9 the e'e"y

    or#es, owrds to*d his **ies tht they "!st )o seprte wys to s!rprise

    the e'e"y/ owrds 'd his **ies were 'ot "et o'*y by "!'d'e or#es

    b!t s!per't!r* s we**/ e #o'#*!ded tht this is the *st st'd o the)*ory o the .ho -i')do"s/

    owrds !sed his Gr'd"ster wepo' e*i"i'ti') h!)e '!"ber o

    e'e"y or#es/ @ers"i' 'd .hoo' te"ed !p e*i"i'ti') "ore e'e"y

    or#es/ E+rr' or#es !'*eshed "issi*es to p!t the e'e"y or#es i'


    Dthe herd E+rr' or#es were o' their wy o!tside to res#!e her/ She

    ste*thi*y -i**ed the so*diers who )!rded her t-i') their wepo's/ She

    ws sho#-ed whe' she )e'erted hi)h vo*t)e e*e#tri#ity by 2)hti')

    ))ressive*y/ O' her wy !p hopi') tht he*i#opter wo!*d res#!e her,

    she ws -id'pped by ' i'er'* bei') divi') her with hi" i'to the


    O'#e i'side, @ers"i' ordered .hoo' to *oo- or Dthe whi*e he tries to

    #*er the te"p*e o!t o e'e"y or#es/ .hoo' dis)reed with @ers"i'

    i'sisti') they sho!*d wor- to)ether/ @ers"i' to*d .hoo' tht he tr!sted

    her bi*ities to sve Dthe/ @ers"i' e'#o!'tered s!per't!r* #ret!res

    b!t e'di') !p deeti') the" 8!st *i-e ordi'ry e'e"ies/ .hoo'

    e'#o!'tered )!rds o!t thi'-i') the" ser#hi') ro" o'e #e** to 'other

    2'di') 'o tr#e o Dthe/ .hoo' *oo-ed !rther e'di') !p i' ' ope' #e**

    with si)'s o perso' bei') he*d host)e/ .hoo' e>"i'ed the #e** b!t

    herd so"eo'e is #o"i')/ She be*ow the side bed to evde #pt!re/

    @ers"i' we't !rther i'to the te"p*e e'#o!'teri') s5!ds o Rey'o*d

    .ho1s troops/ e "')ed to -i** so"e o the" b!t Rey'o*d 'd his

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    troops threw ter )s to dispper ro" @ers"i'1s si)ht/ So"e o

    Rey'o*d1s troops, tte"pted to shoot dow' @ers"i' *so to )ive their

    *eder ti"e to re)ro!p/

    With the rest o their troops re"i'i'), Rit .ho p*''ed to es#pe with

    her re*tives/ She #o'#eded tht the .hos #o!*d 'o *o')er ret!r' topower they !sed to hve/ Rit to*d her reti'!e to wit or Rey'o*d .ho/

    Rey'o*d 'd his troops were so #o'2de't they #o!*d 2)ht 'other dy b!t

    they were #or'ered 'd )!''ed dow' by E+rr' e*ite or#es/

    Ater witi') or whi*e, Rit .ho re*i+ed she wi** 'o *o')er see her

    brothers *ive )i'/ Ater press!red by her driver, Rit 'd her e'to!r)e

    bre*y es#pe with their *ives ro" the E+rr's/ Rit "!sed tht it is

    better to *ive 'or"* *ie th' tryi') to re)i' the power whi#h is 'ot o'

    yo!r vo!r/

    owrds re!'ited with both .hoo' 'd @ers"i'/ The three dv'#ed

    i'to the "i' s'#t!ry deeti') s!per't!r* 2e'ds/ I'side the "i'

    s'#t!ry, they e>"i'ed the )i't stt!e o .*!dio .ho s!rro!'ded by

    s"**er stt!es o ** the .ho *eders/ They were )reeted by ))ressive

    bi-er terrorists 'd s!per't!r* e'e"ies *i-e/ The three deeted every

    e'e"y throw' i'to the"/

    Rey'' .ho s'e-ed o!t ro" the )i't stt!e to )reet owrds 'd his

    **ies/ owrds to*d Rey'' tht he is s!rro!'ded 'd 'owhere to es#pe/

    e de"'ded Rey'' to )ive hi" his d!)hter/ Rey'' rep*ied tht Dthe

    is 'ow i' he**/ owrds re"r-ed tht Rey'' is b*!4')/ Rey'' to*d

    owrds tht with the *tter #ti') to!)h he #ost the *ie o his d!)hter/

    owrds ye**ed o' Rey'' to )ive Dthe or dieK Rey'' rep*ied owrds

    tht it is i"possib*e or hi" to )ive Dthe b#- to hi" si'#e she is *redy

    ested by his !'#*e .*!dio i' he**/ owrds to*d Rey'' tht he ori)i'**y

    w'ted to #pt!re hi" *ive b!t he sho!*d py or his *ie ter p!tti')

    Dthe i' )rve d')er/

    Rey'' to*d owrds tht he is )ood i' 'othi') b!t ste*i') -i')do"s 'd

    *yi')/ Rey'' to*d owrds tht ter "!rderi') his ther, he hs 'o p*'

    i' spri') the *ives o his re*tives/ A** he w'ted ws to ##!"!*te

    we*th 'd power whi#h ws 'ot his i' the 2rst p*#e/ owrds threte'ed

    Rey'' tht he *et hi" 'o #hoi#e b!t to destroy the *st o the .hos/

    Rey'' rep*ied owrds tht he is witi') or tht respo'se s e>pe#ted/

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    owrds e5!ipped his sword )ivi') Rey'' #h'#e to dee'd the *ost

    )*ory o the .ho *eders/

    Rey'' respo'ded tht he bro!)ht E+rr to its -'ees 'd 'ow owrds

    with hi" to he**/ Rey'' "o#-ed owrds1 Gr'd"ster sword s he

    e5!ipped his ow' versio' o the wepo'/ Rey'' bo*d*y #*i"ed tht 'oto'*y he wi** re#*i" his ther1s -i')do" b!t *so to p!t hi" to 8!sti#e/

    owrds rep*ied tht they 8!st si"p*y 2)ht 'd et his words/

    owrds 'd Rey'' e'))ed i' o'e o' o'e #o"bt i'side the te"p*e1s

    "i' shri'e/ More troops -ept both @ers"i' 'd .hoo' b!sy/ Rey''

    tried to ti"e owrds1 ))ressive "ove #t#hi') hi" o9 )!rd/ owrds

    respo'ded Rey'' with his e>#e**e't swordp*y/ At ti"es Rey'' "')ed

    to )et to !pper h'd b!t owrds o!)ht o'/ Rey'' threw e>p*osives s

    oi* to hide his "i' o9e'sive p*'/ owrds #o!'tered Rey'' with the

    ttrib!tes o the Gr'd"ster sword/ Rey'' #o'ti'!e to "ove o'

    e>p*oiti') owrds1 short#o"i')s/ owrds tpped i'to his sword1s power

    s despertio' "ove i*i') to hit Rey''/ Rey'' ppro#hed owrds

    redy to de*iver the t* b*ow/ I' pere#t ti"i'), owrds pere#t*y

    #o!'tered t**y deeti') Rey'' .ho/

    A dyi') Rey'' reve*ed to owrds tht he is 8!st pw' to )r'der

    p*'/ As Rey''1s breth is s*ippi') wy, owrds )rbbed Rey''

    s-i') hi" Dthe1s wherebo!ts/ Rey'' !ttered tht 'either o the"

    were 6RE& respo'sib*e i' @e' .ho1s deth/ e #o'#*!ded tht he sh**

    'ever be -'ow' yet he is #*ose by/ Rey'' .ho died witho!t te**i')

    owrds where to 2'd Dthe/ Eve' -i**i') o9 Rey'' .ho 'd stoppi')

    the terrorists, owrds ws p*)!ed by "ore 5!estio's s!rro!'di') the

    "ysterio!s deth o @e'sh++r .ho/

    @ers"i' p!shed swit#h 'er the stt!e 'd se#ret door ws

    reve*ed/ owrds 'd his **ies des#e'ded the deep stir#se/ They

    e'ded !p ' e"pty roo"/ .hoo' to*d owrds tht she se'sed stro')

    e'er)y redi') e"'ti') ro" the =oor/ .hoo' p!t bo"b s-i')

    owrds 'd @erse"i' to sty b#-/ Ater the bo"b e>p*oded, port* to

    he** ws reve*ed with the three des#e'di') it/ owrds '*ysed wht

    Rey'' to*d hi"/ e #o'#*!ded tht .*!dio .ho "i)ht be the o'e

    Rey'' .ho ws t*-i') bo!t/

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    st9 "!*tip*e ti"es/ owrds e*t !'b*e to !se the powers o his sword/

    e hd to re*y o' his s-i**s *o'e/ .*!dio !sed owrds1 ti"e stoppi')

    wt#h )i'st hi"/ e strted to throw )i't ro#-s o' owrds

    #o"b!sti') the" to !rther d")e owrds/

    .*!dio !sed his i's'e speed 'd "stery o s!per't!r* #!*tivtio'srotted ro!'d owrds h!r*i') di9ere't -i'ds o tt#-s/ Dthe ws to*d

    by her #o"p'io's to sty p!t/ Dthe disobeyed her #o"p'io's i'sted/

    She )rbbed sword ti"ed .*!dio stbbi') hi" i' the b#-/ er

    hyper#tivity re*esed power!* e*e#tri#* e'er)ies st!''i') .*!dio )ivi')

    owrds "p*e ti"e to re#over/ owrds )thered ** his wi** e5!ipped his

    sword stbbed .*!dio t the hert/ owrds e*t the powers his sword

    possessed ret!r'ed/ e 2'ished .*!dio with sever* s*shes e'di') the

    2)ht destroyi') the "ost power!* .ho *eder o **/ The deet o.*!dio .ho e'ded the .hos1 i'=!e'#e o'#e 'd or **/

    owrds e"br#ed Dthe/ e 'd his #o"p'io's prepred to *eve s

    .*!dio1s he** is o' the ver)e o #o**psi')/ As they hed b#- "idwy

    towrds the e'tr'#e/ owrds 'd his #o"p'io's e*t re*ity is #h')i')

    ro!'d the"/ The !rther they hed b#- the "ore #o'!si') it be#"e/

    They o!'d o!t tht .*!dio #h')ed i'to his 2'* or" 'd redy to

    destroy the" or )ood/

    .*!dio p!rs!ed owrds 'd the others tryi') to bsorb the" i'to his

    syste" *o') with the rest o he** 'd its so!*s/ .*!dio !'*eshed sever*

    shrp spi-es tte"pti') to i"p*e owrds 'd his **ies/ owrds tried to

    2re b#- b!t to 'o vi*/ Dthe threw so"e e>p*osives b!t i*ed eve' to

    st!' the best/ owrds ye**ed Dthe to o#!s o' es#pi') th' tryi') to

    d")e .*!dio/

    owrds 'd his **ies "')ed to re#h 'er the e'tr'#e o he** b!t

    .*!dio be#"e "ore )rotes5!e 'd be't o' destroyi') owrds 'd

    #o"p'y/ owrds e'ded !p o' the re#eivi') e'd tryi') to 2)ht o9

    .*!dio/ e eve' 'er*y )ot bsorbed/ @ers"i' 'd .hoo' )ve ** they

    )ot b!t too i's!4#ie't to *'d te**i') b*ow/ .*!dio "essed !p the

    *'ds#pe o he** destroyi') the )ro!'d where owrds 'd his **ies were


    Dthe 2red her )rpp*i') hoo- to h') o' with her *ie/ .hoo' 2red the

    s"e wepo' with @ers"i' 'd owrds #*i')i') o' her or der *ie/

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    .*!dio strted "o#-i') owrds 'd his **ies or bei') desperte/ e

    #o'ti'!ed to !'*esh sever* spi-es *o') with i'er'* tt#-s o'

    owrds 'd his **ies/

    owrds #o'#*!ded tht .*!dio "de t* "ist-e o tryi') to -i**

    the" o'*y to t!r' !p )i'st hi"/ owrds to*d his **ies tht .*!dio iss!pported by his *i"bs tht o'#e they *ose their )rips, he wi** ** i'to the

    pits o he** hi"se*/ owrds, .hoo', Dthe, 'd @ers"i' shr!))ed o9

    everythi') .*!dio #o!*d !'*esh towrds the"/ They o#!sed o'

    re"ovi') .*!dio1s )rips o' ** sides/ .*!dio strted to bsorb everythi')

    o' his s!rro!'di')s/ owrds 2red o'e *st e'er)y b*st ro" his sword

    se'di') .*!dio to his deth i' the 2res o he**/

    E+rr' e*ite or#es o!'d o!t the se#ret *o#tio' p!**ed owrds 'd his

    **ies !p/ With .*!dio ded, E+rr ret!r'ed b#- to 'or"* to be

    we*thy 'd stb*e 'tio' o'#e )i'/

    @#- i' the p*#e, "' who i'trod!#ed hi"se* s Norberto .h"

    wished to )ive his servi#e to owrds 'd E+rr/ .h" to*d owrds tht

    he d"ired owrds *ot 'd is ho'o!red to )ive his ** or the

    better"e't o E+rr/

    .h" i'trod!#ed owrds his i've'tio' whi#h )ot his tte'tio'/ It is the

    devi#e #**ed The Ter"i'!s$ i' whi#h he #' tri))er hert tt#-s o' his

    po*iti#* oppo'e'ts witho!t )etti') #!)ht/ owrds to*d .h" tht he is

    s!#h #*ever )e'i!s ro" he**/ Ater .*!dio1s "e'#e, *ie i' E+rr ret!r'ed b#- to 'or"*/ As !s!*,

    owrds !rther i"proved E+rr1s "i*itry #pbi*ities/ e bo!)ht "'y

    !'its ro" di9ere't e"pires s prototypes to be reprod!#ed i' E+rr with

    the 2'est 5!*ity/ e be#"e ptro' o ed!#tio' "-i') E+rr's "o')

    the "ost ed!#ted/ e s!pported vrio!s s#ie'#e pro8e#ts whi#h #' be

    h'dy dpti') to the !t!re/ e #o'ti'!ed e>p'di') the *redy *r)e

    'tio' o E+rr to ho!se the i'#resi') pop!*tio'/ e b!i*t the is*'d o

    #i2# *o') the E+rr' -e to serve s 'other thrivi') tow'/ e

    oversw the b!i*di') o Neere1s Ivory Tower s the #row'i')

    #hieve"e't o the tow' o "riti"e tow'/ e b!i*t "ore reewys to

    hve esier ##ess to p*#es beyo'd E+rr/ e tore dow' the o*d .ho

    orrest Te"p*e to )ive wy or the #o'str!#tio' o series o "!'i#ip*ities/

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    E+rr thro!)h the yers hve e>p'ded !rther i' we*th, op!*e'#e, 'd

    pro"i'e'#e with pe#e 'd se#!rity s its bstr#t #*i"tes/ owever, the

    i'#resi') '!"ber o i""i)r'ts *r"ed so"e o owrd1s )e'er*s 'd

    so"e o the 'tio'*isti# #iti+e's/

    Ge'er* Toy" 'd Ge'er* rriso' herd the #o'#er's o the #iti+e's

    tht ##epti') "ore i""i)r'ts wi** #ripp*e the e#o'o"y with the

    i""i)r'ts t-i') wy the 8obs ro" the #iti+e's/ They we't to owrds

    to ddress the iss!e/

    Ge'er* Toy" to*d owrds tht the i'#resi') '!"ber o i""i)r'ts

    wi** #!se destbi*i+tio' o' the #o!'try/ owrds rep*ied tht Toy"

    sho!*d'1t #t *i-e his o*d e'e"ies, the .hos tht dis*i-i') i""i)r'ts #ost

    their dow'**/ Toy" rep*ied tht there is 'othi') wro') s!pporti')

    i""i)r'ts b!t the '!"ber hd *redy pe-ed/ owrds i' swi')i')"ood re"r-ed tht thro!)h the yers there ws 'o #o"p*i' o hvi')

    destbi*i+tio' so tht "e's )etti') the best 'd bri)htest o the

    i""i)r'ts is 'd wi** *wys be )ood or the e#o'o"y/ Toy" rep*ied

    tht ti"es #h')e/ E+rr *osi') its 'tio'*is" d!e to too "'y -i'ds o

    peop*e/ owrds ')ri*y rep*ied Toy" tht i""i)r'ts "de E+rr tht

    he hi"se* ' i""i)r't )ve his *ie to hve the prosperity E+rr

    #!rre't*y is e'8oyi')/ Toy" shoo- his hed to*d E+rr tht ** it hs re

    we*th 'd )ood *ie b!t 'o se'se o ide'tity/ e w*-ed o!t o the"eeti') with owrds -eepi') ' eye o' hi"/

    Ge'er* rriso' to*d owrds tht he hs bee' his **ies thro!)ho!t his

    *o') #reer/ e dded tht despite bei') overt*y 'tio'*isti#, he tried to

    be*ieve owrds1 #!se b!t he )reed with Toy" tht E+rr is "ore o

    h!)e "o'ey "#hi'e *#-i') se'se o pride 'd ide'tity/ owrds

    s-ed rriso' bo!t E+rr' prosperity 'd "i*itry #pbi*ity/ rriso'

    rep*ied "ore i'to it tht "o'ey 'd power de dividi') the peop*e

    witho!t dire#tio'/ A se'se o 'tio'*ity, re* ide'tity stri)ht ro" the

    hert wi** be #r!#i* whe' everythi') hd *ost/ owrds rep*ied tht

    everyo'e who sett*ed i' E+rr i""i)r'ts or 'ot wi** be pro!d o their

    shred herit)e/ owrds "de it #*er to Ge'er* rriso' tht E+rr

    wi** be *'d o i""i)r'ts 'd i he did'1t *i-e his po*i#ies, he sho!*d

    *eve 'd "i)rte to other 'tio's/ owrds ss!red Ge'er* rriso'

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    tht he sho!*d p!t hi"se* i' other1s shoes, he wi** i'deed respo'd the

    s"e wy de"'di') or e5!* ri)hts/

    Tib!ro' #e'tr* )over'"e't is #o**psi')/ Sh') i') e>p'ded his

    reso!r#es too- over the is*'d o Atri ro" its we- b!re!#rti#

    )over'"e't/ e too- the '"e Te-*"dwpy @odhisttv s the 'ewAtri *eder/ e pro#eeded to #o'5!er @-! ter hevy 2)hti')/

    Berv#io i" we't to v#tio' i' M#t* .ity/ Whi*e e>p*ori') To'do'i,

    ro" r, he #!)ht )*i"pse o Rphe* owrds "-i') b!si'ess with

    the s"e "e' who were respo'sib*e o -i**i') Gibbeo' The"isto#*es 'd

    his so'/ is be*ie o owrds bei') ri)hteo!s *eder strted to !'sett*e

    hi" ter this/

    Ms-do Toy" 'd so' A'ds!-e Toy" we't to Shite'i or

    v#tio'/ Toy" ss!red his so' tht he hd 'othi') to worry bo!t/ e

    'd owrds hd si"p*e "is!'derst'di') whi#h wi** e'd or the best o

    the" two/

    Berv#io i" we't b#- to E+rr 'd i'or"ed Ge'er* rriso' o wht

    he sw/ e too- photo o Rphe* owrds 'd his b!si'ess prt'ers s

    evide'#e/ rriso' to*d Berv#io to -eep the photo be#!se it wi** #!se

    'other series o destbi*i+tio' i' E+rr/ rriso' to*d Berv#io to e'8oy

    the rest o his o9 dys/ e to*d Berv#io tht he wi** hire privte

    i'vesti)tors to !'#over "ore o the tr!th/

    Te-*"dwpy swit*y #o'5!ered rsis/ e ordered his or#es to

    #"pi)' 'er Te'doh to prepre or 'other s-ir"ish/ Te-*"dwpy

    p*''ed to #o'5!er the "i' is*'d ter he is do'e o Te'doh/

    owrds ##o"p'ied by @ers"i' we't to A"e'opo*is to tte'd the

    !'er* o 0o"i'!s/ e rei'trod!#ed @ers"i' to Neere who ws her

    or"er *over/ owrds 8o-i')*y re"r-ed tht @ers"i' hd bee'

    thro!)h *ot 'd redy to re"rry her/ e i'vited Neere to hve stte

    visit i' E+rr the #o"i') dys/ e privte*y )ve Neere )ood 'ews tht

    she wi** be the 5!ee' o E+rr 'd she wi** be #row'ed with the we*th othe two 'tio's/ Neere ws re*!#t't b!t owrds #o'vi'#ed her tht it

    wi** be the #*i"> o their pro"ise whe' they were 'ew "i)r'ts i' E+rr/

    owrds to*d Neere tht he wi** do 'ythi') to prote#t her or he *oved

    her "ore th' 'ythi') i' the wor*d/

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    Dthe s-ed her "other why her ther see"ed #o*d to her/ r!"i

    ss!red Dthe tht owrds sti** *oves her/ She to*d Dthe tht she wi**

    *wys be redy to prove her ee*i')s o' hi"/ Dthe rep*ied her "other

    tht o'e dy i she hs boyrie'd, she wi** 'ot *et 'yo'e )et her "'1s

    tte'tio'/ I' Shite'i, A'ds!-e to*d his ther to t-e #re tht he wi** be e'8oyi')

    the hot spri') 'erby/ Ms-do Toy" hd bee' )ive' dri'-/ e

    strted to be#o"e i'ted 'd #o**psed/ A'ds!-e herd E+rr'

    body)!rds ope'ed 2re o' the i'tr!ders/ The )!rds were overwhe*"ed/

    They br)ed i'side the ho!se repeted*y stbbed the *redy !'#o's#io!s


    A'ds!-e dressed !p, br)ed i'to the ho!se -i**i') the i'tr!ders/ There he

    sw his ther1s *ie*ess body/ e be*ieved tht it ws o!* p*y/ ere"e"bered tht Toy" hd "is!'derst'di') with owrds re)rdi')

    i""i)rtio' po*i#ies with hi" vo!ri') 'tio'*is"/ A'ds!-e #**ed the

    po*i#e 'd bro!)ht the #se o' the d"i'istrtive #o!rt/

    @#- i' E+rr, Ge'er* rriso' herd wht be#"e o his #o**e)!e/ e

    strted to thi'- tht owrds be#"e di9ere't "' ter he tsted

    power 'd we*th or very *o') ti"e/ e de#ided 'ot to "-e "ove !'ti*

    the ti"e is ri)ht/ e be*ieved tht s!4#ie't evide'#es were 'eeded to

    2'**y "-e #se )i'st owrds/ r!"i o!'d o!t the te o

    Toy"/ She strted to 5!estio' owrds b!t owrds "de it #*er to

    her tht his deth ws p!re*y Shite'i' do"esti# iss!e/

    owrds ws )i' ppro#hed by risee tht he is strti') to be

    dis*i-ed by his ow' peop*e/ risee !r)ed tht owrds re**y 'eed to

    s!rre'der to Abso*!te 'd his o**owers to hve better #h'#e r!''i')

    E+rr s"ooth*y/ owrds shr!))ed o9 his dvi#e/ risee wr'ed

    owrds tht his i""i)rtio' po*i#ies wi** #ost hi" i' the *o') r!'/

    Neere 'd her "i*y we't to E+rr or to!r/ They were wr"*y

    we*#o"ed by owrds hi"se*/ owrds to*d the #rowd tht Neere wi**

    be their de #to 5!ee' yers to #o"e/ The peop*e booed owrds

    re8e#ted his propos*/ The peop*e to*d Neere tht r!"i wi** *wys be

    the 5!ee' o E+rr/ owrds tried to sve his #e te**i') the peop*e tht

    two )ret 'tio's 8oi'ed s o'e wi** *wys be pere#t re#ipe or

    pere#t e"pire/

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    The peop*e to*d owrds i his "rri)e *ie is 'ot stb*e the' he is 'ot 2t

    i' !rther r!*i') E+rr/ owrds shie*ded Neere 'd her "i*y ro" the

    ')ry #rowd 'd 5!i#-*y *et/

    r!"i re5!ested Neere or privte !die'#e/ r!"i to*d Neere

    tht owrds is "rried 'd she 'eeds to sty wy ro" hi" s er*y s

    'ow/ Neere rep*ied tht owrds *oves her "ore th' her tht she is

    o'*y rebo!'d ter she )ot "rried to Gibbeo'/ r!"i dee'ded her

    *ove o owrds te**i') Neere tht she ws there whe' owrds 'eeded

    it "ost/ She ws there d!ri') his best 'd worst/ She s#ri2#ed her *ie

    '!"ero!s ti"es to )et hi" where he is #!rre't*y t/ She wi** be *wys

    there whe' owrds 'eed sho!*der to #ry o'/ She to*d Neere tht she

    "y 'ot be the 5!ee' i' owrd1s eyes b!t she is the 5!ee' o E+rr

    whether he *i-es it or 'ot/ Neere to*d r!"i tht her prob*e" ws tht owrds see"ed too #o*d

    o' her/ She "de her #se tht owrds *oves her by si"p*y )etti') her

    tte'tio' ** the ti"es whi#h the *tter is *#-i')/ Neere to*d r!"i tht

    owrds is )ret *eder 'd it1s ti"e to #e*ebrte witho!t i** wi**/ r!"i

    -ept si*e't 'd *et Neere *eve witho!t #**i') the )!rds/ A)ot"!'

    s-ed i her "other is o-y/ r!"i to*d her d!)hter tht she1s *ri)ht

    'd Neere 'eed her "ore the ti"e bei')/

    owrds to!red Neere o' the tow' o #i2#/ e to*d her tht the 'ew

    tower is test"e't o his *ove or her/ e to*d Neere tht she #' sty

    'yti"e she w'ted o!t o the stress o de#isio' "-i')/ owrds

    ssi)'ed @ers"i' to be the perso'* body)!rd o Neere/ e to*d

    @ers"i' tht he wi** o**ow Neere 'd her "i*y b#- to A"e'opo*is

    ter the to!r/ .hoo' resi)'ed ro" the servi#e o r!"i o w'ti') to

    )ive b#- to her e**ow i""i)r'ts b#- i' the To'do'i' #o'ti'e't/

    A'ds!-e prese'ted his #se to the Shite'i' d"i'istrtive #o!rt/ The

    i'vesti)tio' res!*ted to Ms-do Toy" died o o!* p*y/ The Shite'i'

    -i**ers were hired -i**ers to pose s re* Shite'i's to #over !p the #ri"e/

    E"peror owrds dese#rted 'ythi') re*ted to the Shite'i' 'tio'/

    The -i**i') o perso' with Shite'i' b*ood is ' tt#- to the Shite'i'

    'tio' 'd its peop*e/ The tt#- o' the Shite'i' 'tio' 'd its peop*e

    vio*ted Shite'i' #ode o ho'o!r/ E"peror owrds vio*ted Shite'i'

    #ode o ho'o!r/ A'yo'e who vio*ted the Shite'i' 'tio', its peop*e, 'd

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    the s#red #ode o ho'o!r "!st s!9er #o'se5!e'#es/ E"peror owrds

    "!st #e the wrth o the Shite'i' peop*e i' his peri*/ The res!*ts wi** be

    orwrded to the Shite'i' d"i'istrtive #o!'#i* or !rther ev*!tio'/

    A'ds!-e Toy" so!)ht the **i'#es o other wr*ords i' possib*e wr

    )i'st owrds/ Ge'er* rriso' se't his e'voys to #o'so*e A'ds!-ee'#o!r)i') hi" to sty stro') i' tryi') ti"es/ A'ds!-e Toy" i'herited

    his ther1s wepo' the @rbri' .!tter to !se it i'=i#ti') 8!sti#e to his


    The Shite'i' )e'er* Nob!') "de it #*er to the E+rr's thro!)h the

    'ews tht the deth o Ms-do Toy" ws "ove by E"peror

    owrds to dese#rte Shite'i' *e)#y/ e dded tht Shite'i's were

    prt o owrds the ti"e he ws sti** 2)hti') the wr to !'ite E+rr/

    Nob!') 'd his wr #o!'#i*s de#*red wr o' E"peror owrds 'd

    E+rr s #o'se5!e'#e o vio*ti') the Shite'i' 'tio', Shite'i'

    peop*e, 'd its s#red #ode o ho'o!r/ Nob!') eve' "de owrds

    re*i+ed tht the "!rder o Toy" ws de*iberte i's!*t to the #o'#ept

    o 8!sti#e/ O'e who disre)rds 8!sti#e "!st be p!t to 8!sti#e i' hrsh


    owrds ws e'r)ed o wht the Shite'i's 8!st sid/ Ge'er* rriso'

    to*d owrds to #*" dow' te**i') hi" tht i he is 8!st wi**i') to *iste',

    thi')s wo'1t es#*te i' tht s#*e/ Ge'er* rriso' #o""e'ded how

    owrds s!##ess!**y !'ited E+rr b!t he 'eeds to dpt to the #h')i')

    ti"es/ r!"i vo*!'teered owrds tht she w'ted to )o to her

    #o"ptriots to 'e)otite her pe#e/ owrds respo'ded to his wie tht it

    is too d')ero!s to )o to Shite'i/ r!"i rep*ied owrds or pe#e 'd

    better"e't o E+rr/ She ss!red owrds tht e**ow Shite'i's wo'1t

    h!rt e#h other/

    r!"i we't to Shite'i to p!t her #se to the d"i'istrtive #o!'#i*/ No

    "tter how hrd she tried, she i*ed to 'e)otite with her #o"ptriots/

    The #o!'#i* to*d her their de#isio' ws *redy 2'*/ r!"i resi)'ed her

    te to the #o!'#i* tht eve' she is Shite'i', she wi** be hppy to die

    with owrds/ r!"i we't b#- to E+rr po*o)i+ed to owrds/

    owrds to*d her to hve her rest 'd he wi** de* with the 8e*o!s 'tio'/

    Ge'er* rriso' 'd h!)e '!"ber o troops we't to Shite'i/ e "de

    spee#h tht he #' re*te with the Shite'i's bo!t the #o'#ept o

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    'tio'*is"/ e to*d the !die'#e tht owrds #red bo!t the

    i""i)r'ts "ore th' the re* #iti+e's o E+rr/ e hd disre)rded the

    #o'#ept o 'tio'*is"/ e w'ted i""i)r'ts to overr!' his #o!'try

    disp*#i') the peop*e/ e tried to destroy owrds1 rep!ttio' te**i') the"

    o his i'#resed pr'oi, !'predi#tbi*ity, 'd 2ts o r)e with 8!st

    "i'or dis)ree"e't/ rriso' #*i"ed tht owrds be#"e "ore se'i*e

    thro!)h the yers o bso*!te power/ owrds 'ever )ve #redit to the

    very peop*e tht he*ped hi" s#e'd to the pi''#*e o power/ owrds

    showed the wor*d tht his i'2de*ity wi** #!se shrp de#*i'e o' E+rr'


    rriso' e!*o)i+ed Toy" tht he ws )ret rie'd, )ret )e'er*,

    'd 8!st perso' who wi** be *wys be the #h"pio' o we- 'd

    he*p*ess/ Toy" ws ther 2)!re to both owrds 'd A'ds!-e/ erhetori#**y "de the !die'#e thi'- tht -i**i') ther 2)!re who

    he*ped yo! thro!)ho!t yo!r *ie wi** 5!estio' wht -i'd perso' tht

    perso' is/ rriso' vowed tht Toy" 'd other peop*e who" owrds

    -i**ed wi** be p!t to 8!sti#e/

    rriso' #5!ired the s!pport o the Shite'i' )over'"e't to w)e wr

    o' owrds/ The Shite'i' )over'"e't o9ered its or"idb*e or#e to 8oi'

    rriso' to p!t Toy" to 8!sti#e/ A'ds!-e )ot the s!pport o so"e o the

    )e'er*s to t#-*e owrds/ Ge'er* rriso' ordered Berv#io i" b#-o' E+rr to *r" the disp*#ed .ho so*diers tht they wi** be 2)hti')

    )i'st owrds/ rriso' to*d the Shite'i' )over'"e't tht it wi** be

    both ' E+rr'Shite'i' 9ir/ e #ried *o') *ive or 'tio'*is"K

    I'te**i)e'#e o4#ers i'or"ed owrds tht both A'ds!-e 'd rriso'

    t!r'ed )i'st hi"/ O'e i'te**i)e't o4#er to*d hi" tht Asset .ho

    p*''ed to e"br)o the E+rr' e#o'o"y ro" withi'/ A'other i'or"er

    to*d hi" tht the or"er .ho so*diers re prepred to ve')e their o*d

    "sters/ owrds to*d the o4#ers tht both A'ds!-e 'd rriso' were

    too !')rte!* tht they wi** s!9er tes worse th' he**/

    0ie)o Gr#i 'd r'#is#o Gr#i o9ered their servi#e to owrds to

    #o"bt the threts o Ge'er* rriso'/ @oth ther 'd so' were both

    ##o"p*ished #e pi*ots/ ide*ito #so' e'*isted hi"se* to serve owrds

    i' the !p#o"i') wr/ e rep*#ed Ge'er* Toy" te**i') owrds tht his

    wr wi** be wr or ri)hteo!s'ess/

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    E+rr' s!rvey showed the p*!""eti') pop!*rity o owrds/ The #tors

    were his *#- o #re to the 'tio'* #o's#io!s'ess i' vo!r o

    i""i)r'ts/ is re*!#t'#e to #o'tro* the i'#resi') '!"ber o

    i""i)r'ts, his *#- o 'tio'*is", his i'2de*ity to his 5!ee' i' vo!r o

    Neere, his dis)ree"e'ts with his "ost i"port't )e'er*s, ste*i')

    tri**io's o )o*d "idst o E+rr' prosperity, 'd his dr!'-'ess i' power

    disre)rdi') both ethi#* te"por* 'd divi'e !thority/ owrds red the

    'ewspper 'd #o'#*!ded tht the wr with Ge'er* rriso' "!st be

    "!st wi' or hi"/

    I' #i2#, hi)h bove Neere1s tower, @ers"i' sw E+rr' Shite'i'

    or#es *yi') sie)e o' rotopo*is/ @ers"i' i'or"ed owrds tht

    e'e"y !'its were heded to E+rr/ owrds se't '!"ero!s or#es to

    prote#t #i2#/ @ers"i' to*d Neere to sty ho"e/ e wi** "-e it

    #*er whe' it1s se e'o!)h or her to )o b#- to A"e'opo*is/

    A'ds!-e Toy" 'd his or#es *iberted rotopo*is ro" River #o'tro*/

    The River brothers were drove b#- to E+rr/ Ge'er* rriso' 'd

    Toy" "r#hed o' to E+rr destroyi') E+rr' or#es tht tried to 2)ht

    the" o9/ Ge'er* rriso' i'or"ed A'ds!-e tht he 'd his troops wi**

    seprte with hi" s or 'ow or s!rprise tt#- o' the hert o E+rr/

    With Shite'i' rti**eries, A'ds!-e 'd his troops 2red "issi*es destroyi')

    )ret prt o E+rr1s e#o'o"i# distri#ts/ rriso'1s troops #*ered the

    pth )ivi') rotopo*i' bo"bers #h'#e to !'*esh #hos o' E+rr/ They

    *so !'*eshed 'erve )s whi#h destbi*i+ed the 'tio' !rther/

    Asset .ho ordered his troops to st'd by 'd prepre or owrds 'd

    his or#es/ E+rr ws p*)!ed )i' by or"er .ho troops terrori+i') the

    #iti+e's/ Rphe* owrds devised strte)y "-i') short wor- o the"/

    ide*ito #so'1s e*ite or#e "')ed to p#iy the #ity/ owrds ordered

    his troops to #*er the #ity 2rst o the .ho troops 'd they wi** "-e

    "ove to "-e Asset et his words/ eri#*es A*e>'der -i**ed "'y o the

    .ho so*diers re'deri') i'#pb*e o doi') !rther hr" i' E+rr/

    ide*ito ordered his )!''ers to 2re the ppro#hi') rotopo*i' bo"bers/

    With the bo"bers e>p*odi'), they "')ed to t-e h!)e #h!'-s o e'e"y

    so*diers with the"/ E+rr' 8ets destroyed so"e Shite'i' 2)hti')

    "#hi'es/ The 8ets *so destroyed sever* rotopo*i' !'its t-i') #o'tro*

    o the e#o'o"i# #ity/ Medi#s were #**ed to te'd the 'erve )s vi#ti"s/

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    owrds ordered *r)e '!"ber o t'-s to se#!re the #o""er#i* distri#t/

    The t'-s destroyed btt*io's o rotopo*i' or#es/ The River brothers

    *i-e tr!e )ods o wr ve')ed their retret by #!tti') dow' "ore

    rotopo*i' troops/ They *so "')ed to destroy *r)er Shite'i'

    "#hi'es/ Shite'i' "e#h'i#* "#hi'es were i'ter#epted by E+rr' 8ets they

    e'))ed the"se*ves with hevy 2)hti') bove E+rr/ E+rr' 8ets tried

    hrder obti'i') #*ose vi#tory over the Shite'i' "#hi'es/

    Rphe* owrds )!''ed dow' "ore .ho troops bosti') he is the

    "ster whe' #o"es de*i') with the .ho 9irs/ ide*ito #so' ssisted

    by eri#*es A*e>'der #*ered "ost o E+rr ro" i'vders/ owrds !sed

    his Gr'd"ster sword !'*eshi') h!)e e'er)ies destroyi') h!)e '!"ber

    o e'e"y or#es/ owrds ordered his troops to *!'#h hi)h rdi!s"issi*es to e'd o9 the "!#h s!perior or#es o the e'e"y/

    Te-*"dwpy #o'5!ered Te'doh ter hevy 2)hti')/ Two "o'ths *ter,

    Te-*"dwpy 'd his troops overthrew the we- "i' Tib!ro'

    )over'"e't/ Te-*"dwpy be#"e the 'ew *eder o Tib!ro' Is*'ds

    be#o"i') #o'te'ted or 'ow/

    I""edite*y ter his s#e'sio', e'voys o Ge'er* rriso' "de se#ret

    **i'#e with Te-*"dwpy to he*p the" 2)ht owrds 'd be#o"e

    hosti*e o' owrds r!*ed E+rr/

    A*i perso'**y we't to Dthe1s p*#e despite Ry'1s ob8e#tio'/ A*i

    po*o)i+ed to Dthe 'd her "i*y o' wht hppe'ed betwee' their

    thers/ Dthe !'derstood A*i te**i') her tht she wi** *wys be rie'ds

    with Ry' 'd A*i with both o the" hve 'othi') to do o' the #!rre't

    sit!tio'/ A*i s-ed r!"i to -i** the" or they re the #hi*dre' o her

    h!sb'd1s e'e"y/ I'sted, r!"i *ovi')*y to*d the rriso' #hi*dre' they

    were *i-e her ow' #hi*dre' too tht they )ot 'othi') to do with the btt*e

    betwee' their thers/ r!"i ordered everyo'e to see- re!)e

    !'der)ro!'d !'ti* the wr is over/ .rdi'* risee stred t the stt!e o Abso*!te to*d his e**ow priests tht

    the heve' is redy to p!'ish owrds ter bei') dr!'- or power or

    very *o') ti"e/

    owrds 'd his troops esi*y #pt!red Asset .ho 'd his troops

    re#pt!ri') the "riti"e #ity/ Asset .ho -'ee*ed beore owrds te**i')

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    hi" tht he ws so sorry/ A troop o owrds s-ed hi" to -i** Asset b!t

    owrds #o""e'ded Asset o his h!"i*ity tht he *oves peop*e -'ee*i')

    dow' to hi"/

    owrds 'd his troops e'#o!'tered Shite'i' or#e b!t "')ed to p!t

    the" t by/ They dv'#ed to the ed)e o the #ity #t#hi') !p with theRiver brothers or "ore eve' btt*e/

    Rphe* owrds 'd his troops #*ered E+rr o tre#hero!s so*diers/

    eri#*es A*e>'der se't the e'e"y or#es r!''i') #o'!sed with their *ives

    bre*y i't#t/ ide*ito #so' 'i*ed the #o4' o ' e'e"y i'vsio'/

    Ge'er* rriso'1s or#es tt#-ed the i""i)r't #o""!'ities i' the

    To'do'i' re/ J!e+o' ordered his troops to deet rriso'1s or#es/

    Ge'er* rriso'1s troops were o' the bri'- o deet/ Tib!ro' or#es

    ssisted rriso'1s or#es #pt!ri') the i""i)r't #o""!'ities or the

    ti"e bei')/ rriso' ordered his troops to he*p Te-*"dwpy #o'5!er

    So'8, S), 'd We' to 2'**y be#o"e the !'disp!ted *eder o Tib!ro'


    Ater !'iti') Tib!ro' Is*'ds, Te-*"dwpy hypo#riti#**y prete'ded to

    be 'e!tr* *o') with A"e'opo*is/

    E+rr' eri* or#es ssisted J!e+o'1s 'vy i' deeti') rriso'1s or#es

    i' the To'do'i' #o'ti'e't/ To'do'i' "obs r!shed to i'=i#t devstti')

    deet to rriso'1s or#es b!t they were destroyed ter rriso'1s eri*

    stri-es #rpet bo"bed the"/ J!e+o'1s 'vy #o!'tered tt#- o' the

    i'vders b!t ws 'ot e'o!)h/ r'#is#o Gr#i *ed s!##ess!* ir btt*e

    )i'st rriso'1s eri* or#e or#i') the" to retret/ They 2'ished

    rriso'1s 'v* tt#-s *evi') the Tib!ro' !'its *evi') the To'do'i'


    To') !' !sed his o##!*t tt#- destroyi') "'y e'e"y or#es o!tside

    E+rr/ owrds *ed his troops destroyi') h!)e '!"ber o rriso'1s

    troops/ River brothers did their shre deeti') #o*itio' o Shite'i'

    'd rotopo*i' or#es/ eri#*es A*e>'der r!shed i'to Ge'er* rriso'1s side -i**i') "'y o his

    so*diers/ rriso' ordered his troops to )!' dow' the )i*e #o""'der

    b!t eri#*es1 ph*'> with #o"bi'tio' o )!''ers )ve rriso' 'd his

    or#es tro!b*e/

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    ide*ito #so' with his ew b!t e*ite !'its s#ored "'y deets o

    #o"bi'tio' o rriso' Shite'i' r"ies/ Rphe* owrds s!##ess!**y

    stopped wves o e'e"ies/

    eri#*es A*e>'der 'd his troops where o!t'!"bered by rriso'1s !'its/

    e re"i'ed deter"i'ed #!tti') o9 '!"ero!s e'e"y or#es #t#hi')

    )*i"pse o Ge'er* rriso' o' the hori+o'/

    Ge'er* rriso' to*d A*e>'der tht thro!)h the yers he tried to hide his

    tr!e *oy*ty o the .ho *eders 'd 'ow is ti"e to show his tr!e #o*or/

    rriso' ss!red A*e>'der tht by 8oi'i') hi" he wi** hve his #o'2de'#e

    restored with his di)'ity ret!r'ed/ A*e>'der rep*ied to rriso' tht

    owrds hd bee' 'i#e to hi"/ e owed hi" his *ie his !t!re/ A*e>'der

    #h**e')ed rriso' or d!e* b!t rriso' respo'ded tht it ws too *te

    or hi" to do so/ Rphe* owrds #*ered E+rr o i'vders t its b#-yrd/ E+rr' t'-s

    treded the "o!'ti' tops b!t "ysterio!s*y disppered/ Go Sob1s

    or#es deeted "'y Shite'i' or#es *oiteri') ro!'d the #ity/

    @ro' .o"te 'd his )')s deeted the *st o rriso'1s troops i'

    To'do'i *ooti') their wepo's or !t!re !se/ @oss S"e-sy *ed '

    "b!sh s5!d -i**i') "ore E+rr' i'tr!ders/

    @ro' .o"te bribed so"e o J!e+o'1s o4#i*s to )et "ore ro" wht1s

    *et ro" rriso'1s troops/ The ti"e o wr or @ro' .o"te is the

    )retest ti"e or ' opport!'ity o *ieti"e/ 0espite his troops i' the bri'- o deet, eri#*es A*e>'der #o'ti'!ed to

    #!t his wy to )et #h'#e to 2)ht rriso'/ rriso'1s or#es eve't!**y

    -i**ed eri#*es A*e>'der ter hrd 2)ht/ rriso' s*!ted the **e'

    E+rr' )e'er* tht 2'**y he )ot the )*ory he deserved/ rriso' b*"ed

    owrds o' A*e>'der1s deth/ A*e>'der1s deth iro'i#**y "de rriso'

    "ore "bitio!s 'd "otivted to deet owrds 'd )ive E+rr 'ew

    se'se o 'tio'*is"/

    owrds1 or#es were deeted by h!)e '!"ber o rriso'1s or#es

    bove the "o!'ti's o E+rr/ rriso'1s *'d or#es *o') with

    rei'or#e"e'ts #o"i') ro" rotopo*is 'd Shite'i #pt!red #i2#/

    They "r#hed o' to the *ess )!rded prts o E+rr or s!rprise tt#-/

    rriso'1s or#es ro" the "o!'ti's deeted "!#h o owrds1 *'d

    or#es/ The "o!'ti' !'its #ted s diversio' to serve s ro't o'

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    rriso'1s p*''ed #pt!re o E+rr/ rriso' ordered '!"ero!s

    "!*ti'tio'* ir stri-es tht )ripped E+rr to the poi't o s!rre'deri')/

    owrds 'd his )e'er*s were *et or the"se*ves to dee'd the #o!'try/

    rriso'1s or#es "r#hed towrds E+rr deeti') "ore v*i't E+rr'

    so*diers dee'di') the #ity/ M'y o rriso'1s or#es were ob*iterted by !"bre** *i-e stor"

    )e'ertors ter they w*-ed thro!)h the Norther' prt o the .ity/

    Shite'i' or#es #ripp*ed the b*ed dee'sive syste"s/

    E+rr' or#es ret*ited b!t rriso'1s or#es were too "!#h or the"/

    owrds re*i+ed tht E+rr were s!rro!'ded by "'y o rriso'1s

    or#es/ Ge'er* rriso' to*d owrds tht ori)i'**y he hd 'o p*'s o

    tryi') to )o )i'st hi" i o'*y he wi** prioriti+e E+rr' ri)hts over the


    owrds to*d rriso' tht i""i)r'ts "de E+rr prospero!s so#iety/

    e s-ed rriso' tht why he i*ed o thi'-i') to si"p*y #oe>ist with

    the i""i)r'ts/ rriso' rep*ied tht "'y peop*e we't h!')ry d!e to the

    "bitio!s 't!re o the i""i)r'ts/ e dded tht they were sot

    versio' o #o*o'i* s*very/

    owrds #ted to!)h b!t rriso' to*d owrds tht his or#es re ** over

    i' E+rr 'd o'e wro') "ove #o!*d spe** the e'd o E+rr/ A!)!st!s

    River s-ed owrds to i'sted s!rre'der th' hvi') brbri# "'

    destroy everythi') ** they wor-ed hrd or/ 0!e to bei') overwhe*"ed by rriso'1s or#es 'd their thret to destroy

    E+rr, owrds re*!#t't*y s!rre'dered 'd to*d rriso' tht he is ri)ht/

    rriso' respo'ded tht he did'1t hve p*' to overthrow hi" b!t o'*y

    to heed o' his dvi#es or better to"orrow/ rriso' "de it s!re tht

    owrds1 rti') wi** )i' i'#rese ter bowi') dow' to 'tio'*isti#


    Ge'er* rriso' th'-ed his rotopo*i' 'd Shite'i' **ies or he*pi')

    hi" 'd be*ieved i' hi" to hve voi#e i' E+rr/ rriso' prepred

    hi"se* to tte'd owrds1 spee#h/

    owrds we't to the p*#e sw Ry' 'd A*i hidi') with his wie/ e

    to*d Ry' 'd A*i tht the wr is over 'd it1s ti"e or the" to )o ho"e/

    Rphe* owrds to*d A*i tht p*#e *ie s!ited her we**/

    owrds to*d the peop*e i' his spee#h tht E+rr hs o#!sed "ore o'

    how to i'#rese we*th b!t i*ed to te#h 'tio'*is" to the peop*e/ e

  • 7/25/2019 Negative Zone Winter Storm Summary


    re*i+ed tht 'tio'*is" i' ti"es o wr !'ites ** peop*e/ Witho!t

    'tio'*is", peop*e wi** hve 'o dire#tio' b!t the"se*ves/ owrds

    ddressed the i""i)rtio' iss!e te**i') the peop*e tht d!e to the -i'd

    dvi#es )ve by Ge'er* rriso' whi#h he "ist-e'*y side *i'ed/

    I""i)rtio' "!st be #o'tro**ed or 'ow to )ive wy or the #iti+e's o

    E+rr/ e de#ided to "-e Ge'er* rriso' his #hie e'or#er whe'

    #o"es i' E+rr' 'tio'*isti# ide*s/ owrds po*o)i+ed to the peop*e by

    the !''e#essry wr with Ge'er* rriso' or his i*!re to ddress his

    peop*e1s #o'#er's/ e to*d the peop*e tht he wi** "-e "e'ds to "-e

    E+rr better p*#e/

    Norberto .h" #o""e'ded owrds tht wht he did wi** se#!re his

    *e)#y s "o') the )retest *eders o ** ti"e/ owrds ssi)'ed

    Ge'er* rriso' to )et rid o i""i)r'ts b#- i' To'do'i/ e to*d hi"tht E+rr wi** 8!st ##ept "i'i"* i""i)r'ts d!e to hrd ti"es with the

    E+rr' e#o'o"y !'b*e to s!sti' the" **/ Ge'er* rriso' s!rprised

    s-ed owrds i he re**y "e't it/ owrds e>#*"tory respo'ded tht

    ' order is ' order/ Ntio'*is" !'ites peop*e i' wr pro"oti') se'se

    o #o""!'ity 'd so*idrity or the )reter )ood/

    Ge'er* rriso' 'd '!"ber o troops we't to the o!ts-irts o

    To'do'i seei') i""i)r't #o""!'ities #rowdi') the #o'ti'e't/ e to*d

    o'e o their #o""!'ity *eders tht E+rr wi** 'ot ##ept i""i)r'ts d!eto the hrd ti"es the 'tio' is #!rre't*y #i')/ The i""i)r't *eder

    respo'ded tht owrds be#"e se*2sh "' 'd E+rr be#o"i')

    se*2sh 'tio'/ Berv#io to*d the *eder to #*" dow' 'd sett*e to other

    ri#her 'tio's i'sted/ The i""i)r'ts "o#-ed owrds1 hypo#risy 'd

    to*d rriso' 'd his troops tht desperte ti"es #o"es desperte

    "es!res/ The i""i)r'ts e>pressed their i'te'tio' o or#i') the )tes

    o E+rr ope' or better !t!re/

    Ge'er* rriso' ')ri*y to*d the i""i)r'ts tht they sho!*d'1t p!t their

    *ives o' the *i'e or the s-e o E+rr/ They sho!*d i'sted pro"ote

    'tio'*is" "o') the"se*ves b!i*di') )ret 'tio's/ With the
