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Nephilim Fall Equilux - The 5 Doves

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1 2015 epiphaneia {ep-if-an'-i-ah} a manifestation, i.e. (specially) the advent of Christ (past or future):--appearing, brightness. P a l e P r i n c e 70 1 30 5 70 90 9 50 3 5 = 333 S i r A r t h u r 100 9 90 1 90 200 8 300 90 = 888 B l e s s e d 2 30 5 100 100 5 4 H a n d s o m e 8 1 50 4 100 60 40 5 L e a n i n g 30 5 1 50 9 50 7 = 666 B e n e d i c t 2 5 50 5 4 9 3 200 +X V I +X V I I 600 400 9 600 400 9 9 =1287=13 x 11 x 9 =1296=6 x 6 x 6 x 6 N e p h i l i m 50 5 70 8 9 30 9 40 F a l l 6 1 30 30 E q u i l u x 5 80 300 9 30 300 600 =1612=13(Rebellion, Depravity)x31(offspring)x4 (flesh) L o r d o f t h e 30 60 90 4 60 6 200 8 5 S a b b a t h 100 1 2 2 1 200 8 =777
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1 2015 epiphaneia {ep-if-an'-i-ah} a manifestation, i.e. (specially) the advent of Christ (past or future):--appearing, brightness.

P a l e P r i n c e 70 1 30 5 70 90 9 50 3 5

= 333 S i r A r t h u r 100 9 90 1 90 200 8 300 90

= 888

B l e s s e d 2 30 5 100 100 5 4

H a n d s o m e 8 1 50 4 100 60 40 5

L e a n i n g 30 5 1 50 9 50 7

= 666

B e n e d i c t 2 5 50 5 4 9 3 200 +X V I +X V I I 600 400 9 600 400 9 9

=1287=13 x 11 x 9 =1296=6 x 6 x 6 x 6

N e p h i l i m 50 5 70 8 9 30 9 40

F a l l 6 1 30 30

E q u i l u x 5 80 300 9 30 300 600

=1612=13(Rebellion, Depravity)x31(offspring)x4 (flesh)

L o r d o f t h e 30 60 90 4 60 6 200 8 5

S a b b a t h 100 1 2 2 1 200 8


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2 Nephilim Fall Equilux – Lord of the Sabbath Version 1, Copyright 2013 Permission to reproduce or transmit in whole or just a table or tables by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, is hereby granted by the author with the stipulation that the author does not approve, endorse, or assume any responsibility or liability for how this work may be used. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locals other than those clearly in the public domain including famous celebrities and politicians is entirely coincidental. This work does contain factual material and is based on factual material. This work may contain elements of satire. This is part of a continuing saga posted to FiveDoves.com as watching for the return of our Blessed Redeemer, Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith, brings more to light.

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3 Stuart said, “I get it! Jesus Christ is coming AFTER His Bride. I know that. He’s obviously coming AFTER 2000 years from when He first came as a babe. “After” can mean both a sequence in time and pursuing.” Virginia said, “Also, if He comes after the 5th tropical storm, isn’t it like He’s coming in the wind? I suppose that could mean He is coming as part of the wind. Elizabeth said, “Well, since a day is like a thousand years in God’s sight and it’s only been two days you could also say He is coming like the wind.” Dave said, “You all see the pattern don’t you? I mean you have next year in 2013 the fifth named hurricane being Erin just like you did in 2001. Of course in 2001, Erin was supposed to hit New York City on September 11 with predicted devastating effect. Instead, it made a U-turn and headed out to sea.” Virginia said, “Guess if it had hit New York that way they wouldn’t be reusing the name “Erin” 12 years later.” Dave said, “No, I guess they wouldn’t be. You know, I’m not into these type of stories that much but I’ve read that this U-turn was going to be declared as a triumph of man’s technology over nature. That HAARP technology, based on Nicola Tesla’s weather shaping inventions had been used to avert this disaster and turn away. This was going to be the proof to the world that the United States had conquered Mother Nature.” Virginia said, “I know the rest of the story. Then because the airports didn’t close down because of the Hurricane, the terrorists struck instead.” Stuart said, “It’s not nice to mess with Mother Nature.” Dave said, “Actually I was getting mental pictures of a combination of the tower of Babel and Belshazzar in the temple. God allowed the terrorists to strike the very heart and soul of America the very same day the Hurricane was supposed to strike. Just as the city of Babylon was brought down the very same day Belshazzar mocked and defiled the vessels of the temple. God took the attention off America’s prowess and pride in her own accomplishments by allowing the bringing down of these two towers of Babel. Virginia said, “Very interesting parallels.”

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4 Stuart said, “Hey, that made me think of the verse about the Lord not being in the wind. And He was also not in the earthquake. Let me find it. Searching for “earthquake” and “wind”. Here it is.” And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: I Kings 19:11 Virginia said, “I noticed this has the wind before the earthquake. Wasn’t the earthquake sign on April 11, 2012? We kept from having the Wind sign on September 11, 2001 wouldn’t you say? Unless you count two airplanes flying because of the wind.” Stuart asked, “But then again, how many times has the wind caused damage by itself in the United States?” Virginia said, “Good point! It seems like it’s every time the President tries to get Israel to give up its land for false peace.” Stuart said, “Like in 1991 with the Perfect Storm which they made a movie about and miraculously the death toll was only like 13? And in Maine it only damaged like around 100 homes but one of those just so happened to belong to the President at the time. Virginia said, “Very good point! I was thinking that Israel’s giving up land for a false peace when the One who brings true peace whom they rejected will restore all this land and much more. Dave said, “Actually I was noticing there is a third sign following the wind and the earthquake. Let me read it.” And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. I Kings 19:12 Dave continued, “Will we not have a ring of fire annular solar eclipse in May 2013? Let’s see, wind, earthquake, then fire, then wind again. Wonder if the order matters?” Virginia said, “Sure it matters. Every jot and tittle matters.” Stuart said, “Hey, I’ve got the eclipses pulled up for 2013 and there will be another ring of fire eclipse in November 2013. It says it starts out a ring and then turns into a total eclipse and that it’s very rare. Here I found another link, let me read you the following:”

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5 http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/aug2013/luisv84.htm More astounding is that out of the 7 total Hybrid H3 eclipses leading up the Tetrad of 2014-15, only 3 have been the even more rare (H3 n-) type since the 1st century. Impressively, the Nov 3, 2013 Hybrid eclipse will be the 7th H3 and 3rd (H3 n-) at the same time. Virginia said, “Doesn’t it just blow you away that God could create a Sun and a Moon so much different in size and millions of miles away from each other but from the viewpoint of earth, the apple of God’s eye, they’re the same size?” Stuart said, “It is more than amazing. And here we have an eclipse where the distances start out with the apparent size of the moon from the earth isn’t quite enough to hide the whole sun. Then the distances change enough so the moon does hide the whole sun.” Dave said, “That’s what makes it a hybrid eclipse. Hey, did you notice how we have the number 7 and 3 together again. You know like when Joseph was in jail interpreting the dreams of the butler and the baker with 3 days and 3 days. Then he’s interpreting the dreams of the Pharaoh with 7 years and 7 years. And then when God gives David a choice after he sins with 3 days of pestilence upon the nation, or 3 months of running from his enemies, or what was it, 3 or 7 years of famine?” Elizabeth said, “Yeh, it’s like God’s hiding a riddle with 3 years and 7 years and we’re here scratching our heads. And what’s all the fuss about the tetrads?” Virginia said, “Just think of four total lunar eclipses in a row and they all just happen to fall on Jewish Holy Days. Elizabeth said, “Yeah, but aren’t a lot of the Jewish Holy Days already on the full moon and aren’t all lunar eclipses on the full moon?” Dave said, “Very impressive. All lunar eclipses are on the full moon. And, well, two of the Jewish Holy days are always on full moons. You could say two out of seven. The Jews generally observe seven high Holy days or special rest days known as “Shabbaton”. Of those seven, two of them always occur on the full moon. Let’s see you’ve got the first day of Passover that’s always on a full moon. Then there’s the seventh day of Passover which isn’t on a full moon. Then you’ve got Pentecost which isn’t on a full moon. Then in the fall you’ve got Rosh Hashanah which is

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6 always a new moon. Then, nine days later there is Yom Kippur, the Sabbath of Sabbaths which isn’t on a full moon. Then that leaves the first day of Sukkoth or Tabernacles which is always on a full moon. Which brings up the last high Sabbath, the eighth day of Tabernacles. Not a full moon. That makes of the seven, two full moons and five non-full moons.” Stuart said, “Lots of patterns there. Makes me think of the 5000 who were fed with 7 pieces of food, two fish and 5 loaves of bread.” Elizabeth said, “But show me anywhere in the Bible we are supposed to be looking for a sign of four total lunar eclipses falling on Jewish high Sabbaths!” Virginia said, “The Bible calls them turning the moon to blood. That’s what happens on a total lunar eclipse. The moon goes into the earth’s shadow and the moon turns red. And I know everywhere I look on Christian sites or talk to Christian friends, their all talking about these tetrads. Everyone’s exited about what’s coming up in 2014 and 2015. It’s amazing to see the buzz about these tetrads.” Dave said, “Elizabeth’s right!” Virginia replied, “What do you mean she’s right?” Dave answered, “No where in the Bible does it describe a sign of four blood moons in a row on high Sabbaths. No where! However, the Bible does tell us the sign of a total solar eclipse back to back with a total lunar eclipse. And when this sign ends on a high Sabbath, what a sign! But God works in mysterious ways as I found this sign often aligns itself at the same time with the four total lunar eclipses in a row that are not mentioned in the Bible.” Virginia said, “So what you are saying is we can still arrive at the same answer by watching the tetrads?” Dave said, “Well, let me show you. I’ve got my laptop up in my room. Let’s break, I’ll grab some snacks before the cafeteria closes and say meet back up in 15 minutes in the break room next to our dorm rooms.” Around 15 minutes later found Dave, Virginia, Elizabeth, and Stuart in the break room. Dave was turning on his laptop and brought up the following table for everyone to see.

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# Back to Back Solar/Lunar # Four Total Lunar in a Row 1 May 29, -36 - Jun 13, -36 2 May 1, 105 - May 16, 105 3 Sep 16, 163 - Sep 30, 163 1 Apr 17, 162 - Sep 30, 163

2 Apr 27, 180 - Oct 10, 181 3 May 8, 198 - Oct 21, 199 4 Mar 23, 228 - Apr 7, 228 4 Apr 19, 227 - Oct 1, 228 5 Aug 16, 239 - Sep 1, 239 5 Mar 18, 238 - Sep 1, 239 6 Apr 3, 246 - Apr 18, 246 6 Apr 29, 245 - Oct 12, 246

7 Mar 28, 256 - Sep 11, 257 7 Jul 27, 268 - Aug 10, 268 8 Feb 26, 267 - Aug 10, 268 8 Aug 7, 286 - Aug 21, 286 9 Mar 8, 285 - Aug 21, 286 9 Feb 1, 333 - Feb 16, 333 10 Feb 28, 332 - Aug 12, 333

10 Feb 12, 351 - Feb 27, 351 11 Mar 10, 350 - Aug 23, 351 11 Jul 8, 362 - Jul 23, 362 12 Feb 6, 361 - Jul 23, 362 12 Jun 18, 391 - Jul 2, 391 13 Jan 17, 390 - Jul 2, 391 13 Jun 29, 409 - Jul 13, 409 14 Jan 29, 408 - Jul 13, 409 14 Jul 10, 427 - Jul 24, 427 15 Jan 8, 437 - Jun 23, 438 16 Jan 19, 455 - Jul 3, 456 15 Jun 10, 503 - Jun 25, 503 16 May 20, 532 - Jun 3, 532 17 Jun 1, 550 - Jun 15, 550 18 May 12, 644 - May 27, 644 19 Apr 22, 673 - May 6, 673 20 May 3, 691 - May 17, 691 21 Apr 3, 767 - Apr 19, 767 17 Apr 29, 766 - Oct 12, 767 22 Apr 13, 785 - Apr 29, 785 18 May 9, 784 - Oct 22, 785 23 Nov 19, 792 - Dec 3, 792 24 Mar 14, 796 - Mar 28, 796 19 Apr 9, 795 - Sep 21, 796 20 May 21, 802 - Nov 3, 803 25 Nov 30, 810 - Dec 14, 810 26 Mar 25, 814 - Apr 8, 814 21 Apr 19, 813 - Oct 3, 814 27 Aug 17, 825 - Sep 1, 825 22 Mar 18, 824 - Sep 1, 825 28 Dec 10, 828 - Dec 25, 828 29 Apr 4, 832 - Apr 18, 832 30 Aug 29, 843 - Sep 12, 843 23 Mar 30, 842 - Sep 12, 843 31 Dec 22, 846 - Jan 5, 847

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8 # Back to Back Solar/Lunar # Four Total Lunar in a Row

32 Sep 8, 861 - Sep 22, 861 24 Apr 9, 860 - Sep 22, 861 33 Jan 1, 865 - Jan 15, 865 25 Apr 20, 878 - Oct 4, 879 34 Jan 12, 883 - Jan 27, 883 35 Feb 23, 890 - Mar 10, 890 26 Mar 21, 889 - Sep 2, 890 36 Jan 23, 901 - Feb 6, 901 27 Feb 18, 900 - Aug 3, 901 37 Feb 3, 919 - Feb 17, 919 28 Feb 28, 918 - Aug 14, 919 29 Mar 11, 936 - Aug 24, 937 38 Jul 9, 948 - Jul 23, 948 30 Feb 8, 947 - Jul 23, 948 39 Jul 20, 966 - Aug 4, 966 31 Feb 18, 965 - Aug 4, 966 32 Jan 19, 976 - Jul 3, 977 33 Jan 30, 994 - Jul 14, 995 40 Jun 11, 1089 - Jun 25, 1089 41 Jun 22, 1107 - Jul 6, 1107 42 May 14, 1230 - May 28, 1230 43 May 24, 1248 - Jun 7, 1248 34 May 9, 1305 - Oct 22, 1306 35 May 21, 1323 - Nov 1, 1324 36 May 31, 1341 - Nov 13, 1342 44 Apr 4, 1353 - Apr 19, 1353 37 Apr 30, 1352 - Oct 13, 1353 45 Apr 16, 1371 - Apr 30, 1371 38 May 11, 1370 - Oct 24, 1371 46 Sep 18, 1400 - Oct 3, 1400 39 Apr 20, 1399 - Oct 3, 1400 47 Sep 30, 1418 - Oct 14, 1418 40 Mar 31, 1428 - Sep 13, 1429 48 Feb 13, 1458 - Feb 28, 1458 41 Mar 11, 1457 - Aug 24, 1458 49 Feb 25, 1476 - Mar 10, 1476 42 Mar 22, 1475 - Sep 3, 1476 50 Mar 7, 1494 - Mar 22, 1494 43 Apr 2, 1493 - Sep 15, 1494 51 Jul 30, 1505 - Aug 14, 1505 44 Mar 1, 1504 - Aug 14, 1505 45 Jan 30, 1515 - Jul 13, 1516 52 Aug 11, 1523 - Aug 26, 1523 46 Mar 12, 1522 - Aug 26, 1523 47 Feb 9, 1533 - Jul 25, 1534 48 Jan 20, 1562 - Jul 5, 1563 49 Jan 31, 1580 - Jul 16, 1581 53 Jul 1, 1628 - Jul 16, 1628 54 Jul 12, 1646 - Jul 27, 1646 55 Jun 4, 1769 - Jun 19, 1769 56 Jun 15, 1787 - Jun 30, 1787 57 May 9, 1910 - May 24, 1910 50 Jun 4, 1909 - Nov 17, 1910 58 May 19, 1928 - Jun 3, 1928 51 Jun 15, 1927 - Nov 27, 1928 59 Sep 12, 1950 - Sep 26, 1950 52 Apr 13, 1949 - Sep 26, 1950 60 Oct 23, 1957 - Nov 7, 1957 61 Sep 22, 1968 - Oct 6, 1968 53 Apr 24, 1967 - Oct 6, 1968

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9 # Back to Back Solar/Lunar # Four Total Lunar in a Row

62 Oct 3, 1986 - Oct 17, 1986 54 May 4, 1985 - Oct 17, 1986 55 May 16, 2003 - Oct 28, 2004 63 Mar 20, 2015 - Apr 4, 2015 56 Apr 15, 2014 - Sep 28, 2015 64 Mar 30, 2033 - Apr 14, 2033 57 Apr 25, 2032 - Oct 8, 2033 65 Aug 23, 2044 - Sep 7, 2044 58 Mar 25, 2043 - Sep 7, 2044 59 May 6, 2050 - Oct 19, 2051 60 Apr 4, 2061 - Sep 18, 2062 66 Aug 3, 2073 - Aug 17, 2073 61 Mar 4, 2072 - Aug 17, 2073 67 Aug 15, 2091 - Aug 29, 2091 62 Mar 15, 2090 - Aug 29, 2091

*Julian Calendar before 1582, Gregorian Calendar after 1582

Stuart broke the ice, “Those are a lot of dates. You got some splainin’ to do.” Dave said, “Well, I better start with the basis in the Bible. Let me show you the following verse.” The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come: Acts 2:20 Dave continued, “So we have a full solar eclipse followed back to back by a full lunar eclipse before the great and notable day of the Lord. From 100 BC to 2100 AD such an event occurs 67 times. That’s roughly 3 times each century.” Virginia said, “I see it happened 6 times last century and looks like it will happen 5 times this century. That’s a little more than 3 times.” Dave replied, “Good point. Those two centuries it will happen 11 times. However it didn’t happen once the century before the last. So it’s an average. If you also notice, four of those 11 times they ended on a Jewish High Sabbath. We’ve had two on Tabernacles and the next two will be on Passover.” Virginia said, “I notice you have those back to back solar and lunar eclipses paired up with the tetrads. I see that count as being 62 times in the same 2200 years.” Dave replied, “That’s exactly correct. I’ve marked everyone that occurred on consecutive High Sabbaths in yellow and if you count you’ll find a total of 8. In comparison, I’ve marked everyone of the back to backs either in green if in the Spring, or in brown if in the Fall. There are a total of, well let me count them, 6 in the Spring and 5 in the Fall. You may have noticed that the next two ending on

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10 April 4, 2015 and April 14, 2033 are the only back to backs ending back to back on High Sabbaths for this whole period of 2200 years.” Stuart asked, “What do you think it means?” Dave replied, “Well I’m convinced that the 2nd Advent of Christ will be in 2015, at the latest 2016. However, that does not mean the 2nd Advent of Christ will turn out to be the same thing as the Great and Notable Day of the Lord. If we haven’t been raptured by September 23, 2015 then I’m looking very strongly at that as our Rapture date.” Virginia said, “That’s the date Chuck had in his play. Guess we keep coming back to it.” Dave said, “Well, I’m just following the pattern. This pattern of course started with Isaac Newton’s understanding of not adding together the 7 weeks and the 62 weeks of Daniel’s prophecy but that the 7 weeks were in the future. I know I’m preaching to the choir but the 7 weeks began with the commandment to restore Jerusalem to the Jewish people, made by a Jew, not a goyim, on June 7, 1967. That leaves us with two countdowns, one using prophetic weeks ending on September 23, 2015 and one using Jewish calendar weeks of years ending on June 4, 2016. Either way, time is short till the 2nd coming, the 2nd Advent of Messiah!” Elizabeth said, “I saw a post by Doug Corley who pointed out the word “notable” as used in the verse regarding the “great and notable” day of the Lord, is G2016 in Strong’s. That sure seems to point to the year 2016, doesn’t it?” Stuart said, “Let me look that up with my online Strong’s. Sure enough, the Greek number 2016 is the meaning of the word, “notable” as used in Acts 2:20. Pretty Cool! Okay, hold on a minute though, will you look at the meaning for the one before that, number 2015.” 2015 epiphaneia {ep-if-an'-i-ah} a manifestation, i.e. (specially) the advent of Christ (past or future):--appearing, brightness. Elizabeth exclaimed, “I’m getting Holy Ghost goose bumps, someone hold me before I faint.” Virginia moved behind Elizabeth and placed her hand on Elizabeth’s shoulders while Elizabeth gave a few shivers. Elizabeth then stated, “Okay, I’m back to normal, no need to worry about me.”

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11 Stuart said, “I just looked up the word “Advent” in Wikipedia and it says it is from the Latin word “adventus” which is the translation of the Greek word “parousia”, and is commonly used to refer to the Second Coming of Christ. Wow! It also says the season starts the 4th Sunday before December 25th. Interesting.” Dave said, “That reminds me, John Tng had a very interesting post that adds even more strong evidence to the validity of these timelines and patterns. It just blew me away. Here it is.” http://www.fivedoves.com/rapture/2013/beast_falseprophet_tetrads.html Dave pulled it up for everyone to see. “Okay, He’s talking about the beast and the false prophet and the tetrads. And look at the amazing numerical evidence further supporting the two key dates of October 29, 2008 and March 13, 2013. “Wow!”, exclaimed Stuart, “So let me get this straight. Each and every one of these 3 prophetic tetrads hitting both High Sabbaths and key time periods around 1948, 1967, and 2015 have 532 days in them.” Dave said, “Yes, I’ve checked it, counting inclusively that is. Stuart continued, “And then the difference between those two key dates for the appearance on the world stage of first the expected beast and then the expected false prophet is exactly 3 times 532 days? Can I say wow again?” Dave said, “You nailed it! Remember, we expected the beast to first appear exactly 42 prophetic years after June 7, 1967. Remember, “When is Jesus returning? The answer is 42!” October 29, 2008 was the date that ended the 42 prophetic year count and began the 7 year countdown to look for the return of Jesus Christ. That gave us confirmation of the timeline just as John Tng’s post is giving us added confirmation. Virginia said, “But I don’t remember anything in that timeline that included March 13, 2013.” “Well, no,” said Dave. “For that we have the countdown from Vincent Tan. We should expect the false prophet to appear exactly 234 prophetic months after December 23, 1993 which brings us smack on the date March 13, 2013.” “Amazing,” said Stuart. “I knew Vincent Tan’s encounter pointed to something in time. It had to!” “Yes,” said Dave. “It had to. It bears witness just as the tetrads bear witness to the great and notable day of the Lord.”

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12 “So,” asked Elizabeth, “If I understand all this, even though the tetrads on High Sabbaths aren’t mentioned as a sign in the Bible, they are remarkable. Okay, I’ll grant you this. Okay, they do bear witness to the back-to-back solar lunar Day of the Lord eclipse thingies. But that solar lunar sign is really the sign we are supposed to be watching, isn’t it?” Dave answered, “You are correct. Although that isn’t the only sign the Bible says we are given. We are also given the sign of Elijah. That way we really know. And that sign was also given to the Jews. Here, I’ll look up the verse, and if you notice it is in the Old Testament, in fact the last book of the Old Testament. In fact, the last chapter and the last two verses of the Old Testament” Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. Malachi 4:5-6 “Goosebumps again,” said Elizabeth. “We’re going to have to stop meeting like this. But isn’t Elijah supposed to show up in Jerusalem at least 1260 days before Jesus Christ returns? Look’s like Chuck’s latest timeline has that being March 22, 2013.” “Excellent point,” said Dave. “That timeline sure was interesting. Would we recognize Elijah though, at least at first? It’s not like we know what he looks like. But then, I’ve heard of Elijah appearing to people in today’s world in visions just like Jesus. They might be able to recognize him. No one else conceivably has seen him who is alive now. Even that seems like an extremely long shot. He’d also be in Jerusalem and not appearing in visions so maybe those who have seen him in their visions would no longer see him.” Virginia said, “Dave, you’re mumbling to yourself.” Dave replied, “What? Guess I was. Sorry. Stuart, Chuck sent you some charts on that timeline. Maybe you could find one of them and bring them up, if you could.” Stuart replied, “Let me take a look. He sent me a few.” Virginia said, “I remember it. What I don’t understand is how the Bible in one place says he will be standing in the Holy place and in another place it says he will be sitting. Which is it?” Elizabeth said, “If the Bible said it then both are right. We just don’t understand it. To me it’s got to be talking about two different people, one standing and one sitting.”

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13 Dave said, “Well, Let’s look up the verses.” Stuart said, “Here are a couple of charts. He started at the end date and worked backward it looks like to me.”

Solar Days Calc

Solar Date


Solar Date


Shortened Days


Atomic Clock Days

Atomic Clock Date

Atomic Clock Date

11/16/16 Cheshvan 15 5777 6/4/16

Iyar 27 5776

-45 10/2/16 Elul 29 5776

- 45 * 2 / 3 -30 5/5/16

Nisan 27 5776

-30 9/2/16 Av 29 5776

- 30 * 2 / 3 -20 4/15/16

Nisan 7 5776

-420 7/10/15 Tamuz 23


- 1260 * 1 / 3 * 2 /

3 -280 7/10/15 Tamuz

23 5775

-840 3/22/13 Nisan 11

5773 -840 3/22/13 Nisan

11 5773

-1260 10/9/09 Tishrei 21

5770 -1260 10/9/09 Tishrei

21 5770 Atomic Clock Date

Atomic Clock Date Significance

6/4/16 Iyar 27 5776

End of 1335 day count and end of 7 weeks of Hebrew Year count to 2nd Coming of Messiah per Daniel's 70 week prophecy counting from commandment to restore Jerusalem 6/7/1967

5/5/16 Nisan 27

5776 End of 1290 days arrived at by subtracting 45 days shortened by 1/3 to 30 days from the 1335 day count

4/15/16 Nisan 7

5776 End of 1260 days arrived at by subtracting 30 days shortened by 1/3 to 20 days from 1290 day count

7/10/15 Tamuz 23 5775

Beginning of shortened days. Last third of 1260 days shortened by one third

3/22/13 Nisan 11


Daniel 12:11, Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14 abomination committed of standing in the Holy of Holies where God became man and first breathed in human life sustaining air. - First 2/3’s of 1260 days not shortened

10/9/09 Tishrei

21 5770 False Prince of Peace recognized by the World - Confirmed covenant of peace - Start 1260 days

Dave said, “I see Chuck has the verses already found. Let’s look at them.”

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14 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Daniel 12:11 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Matthew 24:15 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains: Mark 13:14 Dave continued, “I was noticing that Daniel says “set up” which would be the opposite of “set down”, I would think. That reminds me of our Savior and Revelation 3:21. Here we are.” To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. Revelation 3:21 Dave continued, “Can any of us grasp the awesomeness of being able to sit with Jesus Christ on His throne. That just blows my mind that He would allow any of us such an honor. But I digress. Okay, let me now search for “sitting” or should I say, “set down”. Let’s see, here I found it.” Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. II Thessalonians 2:4 Stuart said, “So what you are saying that maybe the one who is standing in the Holy place is the beast and the one who sits in the temple of God is the false prophet. Guess, the papists claim they sit in the temple of God and when they speak they speak for God and as God, they speak infallibly. I believe they’ve even made that into a doctrine.” Dave said, “As it is written: And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. Revelation 17:11

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15 Dave continued, “If this beast is the false prophet who is the pope that was when John is viewing the great tribulation, and is also the current pope, then that would make him currently the 6th, not yet the 8th. That would also mean there will be another who will be the seventh after the 6th and then the 6th will become the eighth, don’t ask me how. Such a thing has never happened before. Let’s see, counting backward that would make the 1st, well let me pull up the list. That would make the 1st pope counted as Pius XII who ruled from March 2, 1939 to October 9, 1958.” Stuart said, “I get it. He would have been the first pope for Israel as they did not exist before 70 AD and Israel ceased to exist till 1948. Then it could be him who sits in the temple in Rome.” Virginia said, “Well, otherwise they’ll need to build a temple pretty quickly on the temple mount.” Stuart said, ‘But maybe the Rapture is in 2015 or before but all this takes place after we’re gone. That would give them plenty of time to build a temple. In fact, I noticed on the solar lunar sign chart before the Day of the Lord that April 14, 2033 also fulfills the sign. I also noticed that this date is exactly 6+6+6 Hebrew year after April 4, 2015, the previous sign. Elijah and Enoch could be witnessing their 1260 days before that date. Then backup 7 bad year and 7 good years and you’ve got seventeen and a half years. What if that is the count from September 23, 2015. Boy, I’m on a roll.” Dave said “This would give satan more time after the millennium to claim out his own. It would also suck in more people into going back to life as normal if there were 7 good years after the Rapture.” Stuart said, “Yeah, and just think. We were about to hit the year 2000 and everyone thought it signaled the Rapture. Then we all got excited in 2005 when we had more signs. We’ll have 5+5+5 years to 2015. Then adding 6+6+6 years to that and you’ve got 2033. Get it, 15 years for God to take His own and 18 years for satan to take his own.” Dave said, “You could also add 7+7+7 years to when a certain prince turned 30 just like Joseph and also arrive at 2033. I’m thinking the dragon that comes in and rescues unsuspecting man from the beast and the false prophet. Just like in Joseph’s day when Joseph ruled the world through the power of controlling the food that he had gathered in Egypt. Remember, he was elevated to second only to Pharaoh when he was 30 years old before the 7 years

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16 of plenty. He was then given a wife and had two children before the 7 years of famine. He collected enough grain in taxes to save the world from starvation during those 7 years of famine. But in this case that food will be used to coerce allegiance to the angel of the bottomless pit, abaddon himself, or in the Greek tongue, apollyon. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. Revelation 9:11 Elizabeth said, “So I get it. The second advent could be the Rapture while the great and notable Day of the Lord could be in 2033 or 2015. We’ve got two dates that match the heavenly signs. Virginia said, “Or maybe the use of two words in the Bible in both Malachi and Acts to describe this Day of the Lord is alluding to two different days of the Lord. Isn’t both the Rapture when He meets us in the air and when He returns to Jerusalem to establish His thousand year kingdom, days of the Lord? Maybe the great day is the Rapture while the notable or dreadful day is the day He returns to put His enemies under His feet. It will be notable for His followers but it will be dreadful for His enemies.” Elizabeth said, “Which reminds me. Are any of you familiar with the Dreams of Erin? From the looks on your faces I’d say not. But I’ve been reading them and they’ve been answering a lot of questions I had.” Virginia asked, “Such as?” “Well,” said Elizabeth. “I’d always believed that Jesus was crucified on Wednesday and taken off the cross shortly before sundown. But because of all the wrapping of the body and anointing preparations, what was it like a hundred pounds of aloe alone. Well I figured there was no way he was in the grave before sundown. I always liked the death angel idea that Jesus was put in the ground around midnight. Then that would mean He rose around midnight Saturday night or Sunday morning, the first day of the week. Virginia looked at Elizabeth, “Yes, okay, Jesus rose the first day of the week.” Elizabeth replied, “Well, that’s what I thought. However, these dreams reveal that Jesus was in the grave before sundown on Wednesday and He rose from the dead before sundown on Saturday, the Sabbath.”1

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17 Virginia asked, “Wouldn’t that break the commandment to rest on the Sabbath?” Elizabeth replied, “That’s what I also thought, but it was explained how Jesus had healed on the Sabbath and that He was Lord of the Sabbath. How more fitting for the Father to heal the Body of Jesus on a Sabbath, being also Lord of the Sabbath and all.” Virginia said, “Okay, well that’s logical anyway.” Elizabeth continued, “But then I realized that with Jesus being raised from the dead on the Sabbath the whole reason most Christian churches give for worshiping on Sunday is based on a lie. Jesus wasn’t raised on the first day of the week, he was raised on the Sabbath. We are to enter into the Sabbath rest and worship Him on the Sabbath. We’ve got no excuse no more to break one of the ten commandments to keep the Sabbath Holy. Forgive me Lord!” Virginia said, “But we are not under the old law. We are not supposed to be limiting our worship of Jesus to just the Sabbath. We are supposed to worship Him the whole week. Just like we do not limit our giving to 10%. We give Him all we have for Him to give back what He wills. Now by that I don’t mean you give all you have to some preacher you hear on the radio. He isn’t God. I mean we give God our time, our fortune, our heart, our everything. We let Him lead us in how to invest His money. We are not to bury it like the foolish servant. We are not to honor God with just our lips while our hearts are far from him but we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind. That is indeed the greatest commandment.” Stuart said, “Another reason Christians today worship on Sunday is tradition. You know the Roman Empire made it a crime punishable by death to worship on Saturday after they wiped Jerusalem off the face of the earth in 70 AD. Rome has always hated the Jew. That is why they so much in league with Hitler with his actions against the Jews. And the Protestant churches are break offs from Rome.” Elizabeth said, “But I have more. The night sky at the time of the birth of Christ was seen and it had 3 stars in a line. And one of them was brighter than the other two. Dave said, “The Star of Bethlehem.” Elizabeth said, “Well, she got the impression when she saw the stars that one was Venus and one was Jupiter and one was a star she didn’t know. But the brightest star was Jupiter.”

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18 Dave said, “The brightest couldn’t have been Jupiter. It may be the largest planet but it’s many, many times dimmer than Venus. In fact Venus is the brightest object in the sky except for the Sun and the Moon. Has to do with distance from the Sun to reflect the light to Earth. You see, Venus is so close to the Sun that it only takes 225 days for it to circle the Sun while it takes, It’s like 12 years for Jupiter to circle the Sun. Of course I know how reflective the surface of the object is also plays a part.” Elizabeth said, “Maybe Jupiter was a lot more reflective back then.” Dave said, “Well, it could have been in conjunction with some other object.” Stuart said, “Hey, I pulled up this article that on February 20, in 5 BC, Jupiter was in conjunction with a 2 day old moon so the tip of the moon would have given its light to Jupiter. That could have made it much brighter! Elizabeth said, “That would have been a sight to behold.” Stuart continued, “And look, it says that Mars was also in conjunction with Saturn on the same exact day!” Dave said, “Let me see that!” http://epistle.us/articles/star.html Dave continued, “I don’t see anything about a double conjunction on February 20th 5 BC. I just see the Nova that was sighted by the Chinese somewhere from March 10th – April 7th, in 5 BC and it says that it lasted like for some 70 days. Stuart said, “It’s farther down than that. A little over half way through.” Dave said, “Oh, there it is. Although I don’t remember a conjunction in 5 BC like that. I’m wondering if they meant 6 BC. Regardless, I research it later, now what was that quote?” Elizabeth said, “Here, I’ll find it. I know it’s on this page.” http://www.rapturecode.com/sparrow-s-recent-dreams Elizabeth continued, “Let me search for the word “Venus”, see there it is.” She was in labor and about to give birth. He turned to me briefly and said, Erin look at the markers in the sky at this time, also.”

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19 I turned and saw Jupiter and I believe Venus and another planet or star. The Jupiter planet burned brighter than even the star. There didn’t seem to be a moon. Dave said, “So she sees Jupiter and two other planets or stars. One she believes might be Venus. However Jupiter is burning brighter than even the Star. First off, we know Venus is many times brighter than Jupiter. But then we know that back then that the day star was much brighter than Venus. In fact it was so bright you could see it in the daytime. That’s how it got its name.” Stuart said, “What day star?” Dave said, “You know, the day star! You know, the star that appeared around 125 BC in the head of the infant Christ constellation. I believe that constellation is called “coma” and is next to Virgo. Anyway, it appeared for around 300 years if my memory serves me correctly. I know I can find references to it. Let me search. Here we go.” http://www.observadores-cometas.com/cometas/Star/Visibility_Star.htm Dave continued, “No, that’s talking about the 5 BC Nova the Chinese saw. Okay, here’s another source.” http://www.tccsa.tc/articles/star_dates.html Dave continued, “See it mentions it. Doesn’t discuss it. Here’s another reference. Let’s look at it. Okay, finally.” http://www.pctii.org/arc/taylor/taylor2III.html It is a recorded fact that about one hundred and twenty-five years before Christ a new and peculiar star did make its appearance in the first Decan of Virgo, and that it was so bright as to be visible in the day time. This star was in Coma, the sign of the Infant accompanying Virgo, and it marked the very head of that Infant. Stuart said, “Hey, it’s talking about the Great Pyramid. You know I read an article one time about how the Great Pyramid had embedded in it both pi and 22/7ths and how it pinpointed the range of days when Jesus Christ was born.”

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20 Virginia said, “Are you serious?” Stuart said, “No really. They had this calculator where they took PI as like 3.1416 and subtracted from 0 AD which is really 1 BC. I mean like it was minus 3 years. Then they used the next two digits to say 14 months which is really another year and 2 months. Here, you don’t believe me. I know I can find it. See!” http://www.aloha.net/~johnboy/christpi.htg/christpi.htm Stuart said, “See it’s called the “Capstone of the Great Pyramid” and the Seal of Solomon and calculates from Pi and 22/7ths that the birth of Jesus Christ was between February 18th 5 BC at 9:05 PM and March 2nd 5 BC at 9:14 AM. He’s got it all there in black and white.” Elizabeth said, “Sounds like a bunch of hooey. You really think this is how we should get His birth date?” Stuart said, “It gives us the same date range as you had.” Elizabeth said, “Maybe so, but, well, let’s drop this birthdate business and look at what the dreams could be saying about 2013. Stuart asked, “What do you have in mind?” Elizabeth replied, “Let me see that laptop. Here, let me search. There I found it. Listen to this.” Enoch: “Erin, look at what Gabriel says to Daniel in 10:13-14.” I then see Gabriel explaining the delay of 21 days. He explains what will happen in a time to come. Me: “I need help here. I need greater understanding, forgive me.” Elijah: “The proposal of Peace is the beginning, then 7 years. The mid-point of 7 is 3 ½ years.” Enoch: “In the timeline of Daniel there are 250 days from the start of the Treaty of seven years to the beginning of the performed sacrifice by the Levite Priests. The Public will see this sacrifice televised. This is the great celebration you saw. There are 250 days between the 14th of Nisan and the Feast of Dedication, Chisleu 25th, in a Jewish 360 day year or Passover to Chanukah (Thanksgiving 2013 in USA). Daniel spoke prophetically about Chanukah and it was not even recognized yet.” Me: “I’m confused.” Elijah: “In Mosaic Law, there needs to be cleansing ceremonies, the treaty that will be signed, will allow the regular sacrifices to begin. The treaty will state that Priests cannot go up to the Temple mount until the Day of Atonement, Tishri 10. The area has been a garbage dump since the Crusades. Me: “So this all occurs after we are gone, this is when the 3rd temple has been rebuilt.” (Enoch and Elijah looked at each other and chuckled at my comment.) “So the Peace Treaty will be signed during

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21 Passover? Then according to Daniel there are 1260 days and 3 1/2 years into the treaty we will see the abomination.” I then looked down into the Crevice and saw a great celebration, the Sacrifice in the New Temple. Then I saw the destruction as the Jewish people realized that the Treaty had been broken. They were running for the mountains. I saw a girl running to Ephraim. Then Lamentations, Now the Book of Lamentations is prophetically played out again. Enoch: “Do you notice now they are going by the 360 day Prophetic calendar?” Elizabeth said, “Did you catch all that?” Stuart said, “Not exactly.” Dave said, “Why don’t you put it in your own words.” Elizabeth exclaimed, “Well, I do declare. It’s as plain as the nose on your face. But if you all insist.” Stuart interrupted, “I get it! The 21 day delay here is of course referring back to Daniel. But at the same time it’s talking about the future. The 21 day delay has to be symbolic. I mean 21 days is way to short to include a 7 year peace treaty. It must represent a 21 year delay. The proposal of peace is going to happen 7 years before the end of this time. We have only to add 21 years to April 11, 2012 and we’ve got the end. That matches up with the April 14, 2033 for the great and notable day of the Lord we already had. That’s the day of the total lunar eclipse. When I subtract the 3 ½ days the two witnesses will lay in the streets of Jerusalem I get April 11, 2033. A perfect fit!” Dave said, “You know Bonnie Gaunt till the day she died was a strong proponent of 2033 for the return of Jesus Christ. I was reading this post. Where was it? Let me search. Oh, here it is.” http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/aug2013/dp84.htm Dave continued, “Now isn’t that cool! Especially the quotes from Bonnie.” Stuart said, “Or, take the last lunar eclipse that matches up on Passover on April 4th in 2015 and add 18, which is 6 plus 6 plus 6 Hebrew years and you also get April 14, 2033!” Elizabeth said, “If you don’t mind, let’s get back to the dream. Here, let me search for it again. Okay, no, that isn’t the right dream. I remember this one. It’s about skipping 3 stones and they each skip 7 times. Not related.” Stuart said, “Sounds like 21 years again. You know, breaking them into 7 years each. You’ve got the 7 good years after

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22 he turned 30 in 2012, then the 7 bad years, then the 7 really bad years. It all fits.” Elizabeth said, “That’s not what I was talking about. But come to think about it there was another dream about 3 stones skipping in 7 pools. Guess I should have paid more attention. But no, I’m talking another timeline. The one in what I read.” Virginia said, “We’re all ears.” Elizabeth said, “Well, at least it’s a pattern and if it’s going to happen next year in 2013 it’s a lot sooner than 2033. I’ve seen the videos saying that 322 from the Harvard Skull and Bones stands for March 22, 2013. What if I told you the dreams having Enoch and Elijah in them would end the next day? Wouldn’t that mean they could be in Jerusalem preaching and none of us would know it? What if this is starts the count down in March 2013 to the last 42 months leading up to the return of Jesus?” Virginia asked, “You got all this from some dreams?” Elizabeth said, “Honey, I know what I know and I see what I see. This ain’t just some dreams. What would you say if those dreams reveal in May 2013 that the countdown is now at 40 months?” Virginia asked, “So what else do those dreams say to you?” Elizabeth said, “That’s more like it Honey, cause I read this as saying the 7 year peace treaty could be kept a secret. Then we will know if the countdown has started cause on Yom Kippur which I figured out was September 14th, 2013, they’ll allow Priests on the Temple Mount. Won’t that be a sight to behold. If not, then it’s for a later time. But if it is, then how I read this it says Thanksgiving 2013 and I’m thinking this could have been inserted as a note for example, but if its 2013, that means there is going to be a great big celebration on that date. Well, I should say the first day of Hanukkah they are celebrating in case its not 2013 but it all fits. Then down comes sudden destruction as the peace treaty is broken. When I subtracted 250 days I came up with March 23, 2013 so it sure all fits.” Virginia asked, “I thought March 22, 2013 was when the abomination of desolation takes place. I remember a post on Five Doves where Renee Moses even declared it on that date.” Elizabeth said, “Sugar, I know what you’re saying. I was reading where it was the afternoon on the 22nd when they took off for Jordan to see the Navity Church. I just figure God knows it was

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23 the 23rd some how cause doesn’t the number 23 mean death and wasn’t this the fulfillment of the covenant with death?” Dave said, “I was thinking this covenant with death could have been on December 23rd, 2012 and if it was in secret then we wouldn’t know. That also has the number 23. And that ties in with the timetable we were talking about earlier this week which showed this could have been the true start of the last non-shortened 1260 days. Cause we know, counting from that date inclusively brings us to the Sabbath, June 4, 2016, which at sunset begins Yom Yerushalayim. Exclusively brings us to June 5, 2016, the majority of Yom Yerushalayim. That brings us to the end of the seven sevens till Messiah counting Jewish years. As we all know, counting prophetic years we come to September 23, 2015. Both timetables bear witness to each other.” Elizabeth exclaimed, You sure are good with numbers, Dave. I remember December 23rd, 2012 was really significant in Sparrow’s Dreams as well. I just don’t remember what.” Dave said, “Well, that’s what the internet is for, to remember for us. Here, let me search.” http://www.rapturecode.com/sparrow-s-recent-dreams Dave continued, “Now let me search for, well let’s try, “12/23”. Found it. HIM: Erin, it’s because the date of 12/23/12 had significance; the time of the church is ending, it is now another time. “Wowzers,” exclaimed Elizabeth. “We’re on the same timeline. Any more?” Dave said, “Let me search again. There is more!” HIM: I have also granted you more safety measures, of which you cannot see. I have also granted these to all that have gone on this journey with you. As I am talking to you, I am also talking to them. ON 12/23/12, I granted all of you spiritual increase. You will have a magnification of your gifts. Dreamers will dream with clarity, there will be visions, there will be miraculous healing, there will be wonders, all orchestrated straight from the Throne room!! You will come together as a body, a hybrid Heavenly Church to IGNITE the Passion of Christian Warriors!! This is a glorious Calling!!

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24 Elizabeth exclaimed, “Glory be to God! My goosebumps have goosebumps!” Virginia said, “Pretty exciting times!” Elizabeth said, “And then there are even more confirmations. I was reading in Dream #73 that Jesus gave Sparrow a 21 day countdown from 8/25/2013 and if you count, including that date, you land exactly on Yom Kippur on 9/14/2013, the day the Priests are supposed to be allowed on the Temple Mount.” “Let me look at those dreams,” said Stuart. “Wow, a lot of dreams. Hey, here’s one with a countdown from 5/27/2013 for 40 months. Guess that’s accurate to the month anyway. Which that also bears witness doesn’t it to the 42 shortened months starting 3/23/2013? Doesn’t matter how much the months are shortened on the back end 42 minus 40 gives you 2 months.” Elizabeth said, “I hadn’t seen that one. Now my goosebumps have goosebumps on top of goosebumps. I’m a shivering all over!” Stuart said, “I was thinking again about this number 23. It keeps popping up for death and then 46 for second death. And it keeps reminding me of the 23 pairs of chromosomes we have in our body which will experience death. But then Jesus Christ conquered death.” Dave said, “You know, let’s see, March 23rd, 2013 was on a Sabbath. I remember reading that the phrase “Sabbath Day” occurs 23 times in the Old Testament. And that in the Old Testament not keeping the Sabbath was punishable by death.” Stuart said, “But then Jesus conquered death and rose from death on the Sabbath. He is the Lord of the Sabbath!” Elizabeth said, “I love that phrase, “Lord of the Sabbath!” Virginia replied, “I do to. It seems to hold so much hidden meaning ready for us to discover.” Dave said, “Well, in that case, let me pull up my English Gematria converter and plug in, “Lord of the Sabbath”. Wow! Exactly 777! I had a premonition from God that there was something there, but this.” Elizabeth said, “You know there are High Sabbath’s and weekly Sabbath’s. What would you call one that was both?” Virginia said, “A double Sabbath?” Stuart said, “Sort of like having a double blessing?”

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25 Dave said, “I just checked and Yom Kippur in 2013, you know, 9/14/2013 will be a double Sabbath. Let’s see the heavenly sign of the day of the Lord on April 4, 2015, will, okay, yes, it will also be a double Sabbath. That has got to add meaning!” Stuart said, “I just realized something and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Jesus Christ is Lord of the Sabbath and He will be ruling as Lord of the Earth for the Sabbath rest of this World, for 1,000 years. Our earth has been ruled by man throughout the last 6,000 years but we will end with Jesus ruling the seventh day, the Sabbath. He fulfilled when He conquered death as being Lord of the Sabbath day and He will fulfill when He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, being Lord of the Sabbath millennium! Glory Be to God!” Dave remarked,”Amen!”
