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Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect...

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Nervous System • All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus • The nervous system links the two Consists of neurons (nerve cells) and supporting cells (neuroglia)
Page 1: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Nervous System

• All animals must respond to environmental stimuli– Sensory receptors – detect stimulus– Motor effectors – respond to stimulus

• The nervous system links the two• Consists of neurons (nerve cells) and supporting

cells (neuroglia)

Page 2: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Nervous System

• Vertebrates have three types of neurons (nerve cell)• Sensory – carry impulses from sensory receptors

to the central nervous system (CNS)• Motor – carry impulses from the CNS to effectors

(muscles and glands)• Interneurons (association neurons) – located in

the brain and spinal cord; provide more complex reflexes and higher associative functions such as learning and memory; “integrators”

Page 3: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Nervous System

• The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain and the spinal cord

• The peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of sensory and motor neurons; a network of nerves extending into different parts of the body; carries sensory input to the CNS and motor output away from the CNS

Page 4: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.
Page 5: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.
Page 6: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.
Page 7: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Nervous System: Neurons

• The basic structure of the neuron (consists of):– Cell body – an enlarged region containing nucleus– Dendrite – short cytoplasmic extensions extending

from the cell body; receive stimuli– Axon – single, long extension that conducts

impulses away from the cell body • The axons controlling the muscles in a person’s feet can

be more than 1 meter (3 ft) long!; axons from the skull to the pelvis in a giraffe are 3 meters (9 ft) long!

Page 8: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.


Page 9: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Nervous System: Neuroglia

• Neurons are supported structurally and functionally by supporting cells called neuroglia– 1/10th size of a neuron, but 10x more abundant– Schwann cells and Oligodendrocytes – produce

the myelin sheaths in the PNS and the CNS, respectively

• Myelin sheaths surround and insulate the axon of many types of neurons; “myelinated” axons

Page 10: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.
Page 11: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Nervous System: Neuroglia

• Other neuroglia provide neurons with nutrients, remove wastes

• Small gaps known as nodes of Ranvier interrupt the myelin sheath at intervals of 1-2μm; uninsulated, capable of generating electrical activity (sites of action potential)

Page 12: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Conduction of the nerve impulse

• Upon stimulation of a nerve cell, electrical changes spread or propagate from one part of the cell to another

• Neuron function depends on a changeable permeability to ions; an electrical difference exists across the plasma membrane

• Membrane potential – voltage measured across a membrane due to differences in electrical charge; inside of cell is negative relative to outside

Page 13: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Conduction of the nerve impulse

• When a neuron is not being stimulated, it maintains a resting potential; -70mV (average; ranges from -40 to -90; “polarized”)

• The inside of the cell is negatively charged relative to the outside– Polarization is established by maintaining an excess

of Na+ ions on the outside, and an excess of K+ ions on the inside

• Most animal cells have a low concentration of Na+ and a high K+ relative to their surroundings

Page 14: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Conduction of the nerve impulse

• A certain amount of Na+ and K+ ions are always leaking across the membrane through leakage channels, but Na+/K+ pumps actively restore the ions to their appropriate sides– The Na+/K+ pump: brings in 2 K+ for every 3 Na+

pumped out– Ion leakage channels: allow more K+ to diffuse out

than Na+ to diffuse in

Page 15: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Conduction of the nerve impulse

• Other ions, such as large, negatively-charged proteins and amino acids, reside within the cell

• It is these large, negatively-charged ions that contribute to the overall negative charge on the inside of the cell membrane relative to the outside

• Negative pole: Cytoplasm (inside cell)• Positive pole: Extracellular (outside cell)

Page 16: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Remember: Cells contain relatively high [K+] inside the cell, but low [Na+]

Page 17: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Conduction of the nerve impulse

• A nerve impulse is generated when the difference in electrical charge disappears– Occurs when a stimulus contacts the tip of a

dendrite and increases the permeability of the cell membrane to Na+ ions

– Na+ ions rush into the cystoplasm, and the difference in electrical charge across the membrane disappears (depolarized)

– Remember, the concentration of Na+ inside the cell is low relative to its surroundings

Page 18: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Conduction of the nerve impulse

• Some stimuli open K+ channels– As a result, K+ leaves the cell (remember: high

[K+] inside the cell)– Membrane potential becomes more negative

(more negative inside the cell)– “hyperpolarization”

• Some stimuli open Na+ channels– Causes Na+ to enter the cell– Membrane potential becomes less positive– “depolarization”

Page 19: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Conduction of the nerve impulse

• When the strength of stimuli determines how many ion channels will open; graded response

• Caused by the acvtivation of a gated ion channels which behave like a door that can open or close, unlike ion leakage channels that are always open

• Each gated channel is selective, opening only to allow diffusion of one type of ion

• Normally closed in a resting cell

Page 20: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.
Page 21: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Graded Potentials

Page 22: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Action Potentials

• Permeability changes are measurable as depolarizations or hyperpolarizations of the membrane potential

• Depolarization – makes membrane potential less negative (more positive)

• Hyperpolarization – makes membrane potential more negative

• Ex: -70mV -65mV = Depolarization-70mV -75mV = Hyperpolarization

Page 23: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Action Potentials

• Action potentials are rapid, reversals in voltage across the plasma membrane of axons

• Once a threshold of depolarization is reached (-50 to -55 mV), an action potential will occur

• An ‘all or nothing’ response, not graded• Magnitude of the action potential is independent

of strength of depolarizing stimuli• Action potentials are the signals by which

neurons communicate and spread messages

Page 24: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Action Potentials

• An action potential is caused by a different class of ion channels, voltage-gated ion channels

• These channels open and close in response to changes in membrane potential; only open at certain membrane potentials; flow of ions controlled by these channels creates the action potential

Page 25: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Action Potentials

• Voltage-gated channels are very specific; each ion has its own channel– Voltage-gated Na+ channels– Voltage-gated K+ channels

Page 26: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Action Potentials

• When the threshold voltage is reached, Na+ channels open rapidly

• Influx of Na+ causes the membrane to depolarize

• K+ channels open slowly, eventually repolarizing the membrane

• Action potential consists of three phases:• Rising, falling, and undershoot

Page 27: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Action Potentials – the Spoiler

• At threshold, membrane is depolarized enough that Na+ voltage-gated channels open; Na+ moves into interior of cell, becoming less negative; rapid depolarization ( 45mV), then stops– Stops because channels will close after a specific

amount of time has elapsed

Page 28: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Action Potentials II – the Spoiler

• K+ voltage-gated channels will also open, before membrane potential reaches zero; K+ moves out of cell, making cell become more negative, returns cell to resting

• Na+/K+ pump is also activated, moving 3 Na+ out for every 2 K+ in, makes cell more negative

• Returns cell to rest (~-70mV)

Page 29: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Action Potentials III – the Spoiler

• Excess K+ diffuse out before K+ channel closes, or over-activity of the Na+/K+ pump; results in undershoot (hyperpolarization)

• Entire process occurs very rapidly: 2-4ms from start to finish

Page 30: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Action Potentials

• Each action potential, in its rising, reflects a reversal in membrane polarity

• Positive charges due to Na+ influx can depolarize adjacent region to threshold, causing the next region to produce an action potential of its own

• The previous region then repolarizes back to its resting membrane potential

Page 31: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.









2. Rising Phase

Stimulus causes above threshold voltage



1 2 3


Time (ms)1. Resting Phase

Equilibrium between diffusion of K+ outof cell and voltage pulling K+ into cell

Voltage-gatedpotassium channel


Voltage-gatedsodium channel

Potassium channelgate closes

Sodium channelactivation gate closes.

Inactivation gate opens.

Sodium channelactivation gate opens

3. Top curve

Maximum voltage reached

Potassiumgate opens

4. Falling Phase

Potassiumgate open

Undershoot occurs as excess potassiumdiffuses out before potassium channel closes


Na+ channelinactivation gate




Na+ channelinactivation gate


Page 32: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Action Potentials

• Action potentials are localized events• They DO NOT travel down the membrane• They are generated anew in a sequence along

the neuron as they propogate along axon• During undershoot, the membrane is less

likely to depolarize• This keeps the action potential moving in one


Page 33: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.




+ + + + + + + + + – – – – – – – – –

+ + + + + + + + + – – – – – – – – –

– – + + + + + + + + + – – – – – – –

+ + + + + + + – – – – – – – – – + +

+ + – – + + + + + – – + + – – – – –

+ + + + + – – + + – – – – – + + – –

+ + + + – – – + + – – – – + + + – –

+ + – – – + + + + – – + + + – – – –

+ + + + + + + – –– – – – – – – + +

– – + + + + + + + + + – – – – – – –











Page 34: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Saltatory Conduction

• Two ways to increase velocity of conduction:– Increase diameter of axon; reduces resistance to

current flow; found primarily in invertebrates– Axon is myelinated; impulse jumps from node to

node (Nodes of Ranvier – the only site of action potentials) = saltatory conduction

– one action potential still serves as stimulus for the next one, but the impulse (depolarization at one end) spreads quickly beneath the insulating myelin to trigger the opening of voltage-gated ion channels at the next node

Page 35: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Saltatory Conduction


Page 36: Nervous System All animals must respond to environmental stimuli – Sensory receptors – detect stimulus – Motor effectors – respond to stimulus The nervous.

Saltatory Conduction
