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Net303 a2 wong - Flickr Policy Primer

Date post: 01-Sep-2014
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  • http://www.flickr.com/ Terms of Service Policy Primer Wong Chin Sing Net303: Policy Primer
  • is a web site that allows you to: Upload photo and video Edit unloaded image. share and create online content. This content can then be shared with friends, added to your blog, website, or just for you to enjoy!
  • Terms of Use These are the rules on how you can use Flickr. Most people have not read the Terms of Use before using a website.So, We will explore the Terms of Use from Flickr to help you understand this document.
  • Are you eligible as a member of Flickr?Flickr.com is one of a service provider by Yahoo! Inc.So you should accept the term provided by Yahoo!. You will not be breaking any laws or terms to use the service. You provide truthful information when you sign up for membership. you are solely responsible for all content that you upload to the site. (Yahoo!7 Terms of Service, 2012)
  • ContentThe content or information on Flickr should complywith all laws.Flickr do not actively monitor content but members canreport content or if Flickr find content that does notcomply with the Terms of Uses.And they will deal with it. Which could include legalaction. (Yahoo!7 Terms of Service, 2012)
  • Prohibited ContentDo not upload to the site content that is: offensive Indecent objectionableThere are 14 rules listed in section 6 but to keep itsimple, keep it clean and play nice.***Remember***Flickr is not responsible or liable for the contentuploaded but they may report you and your content toappropriate authorities, if it does not comply. (Yahoo!7 Terms of Service, 2012)
  • Privacy on Flickr
  • Privacy Policy Privacy, "...the expectation of anonymity, the expectation of fairness and control over personal information, and the expectation of confidentiality." (Berman and Mulligan, 1999) Privacy is not specify in detail in the Terms of Use, So there is an other document for Privacy Policy of Flickr http://info.yahoo.com/privacy/au/yahoo/ (Yahoo! Privacy Centre, 2011)
  • Information collect and usePersonal Information collected from you: Name Address Phone Number Email Adress IP Address Date of Birth Gender Post code Occupation Industry Personal interests (Yahoo! Privacy Centre, 2011)
  • How your information will be used They would use your information for: Customise the advertising, Fulfill your requests for products and services, Improve services, Contact you, Conduct research, Provide anonymous reporting for internal and external client. (Yahoo! Privacy Centre, 2011)
  • Other Privacy Stuff The site uses cookies, to collect non-identifying information. But, if you dont allow cookies then the site may not work properly. If the site ownership changes they will share your information and if requested in legal proceedings or by a credit card company / processor. And the even may check to see where your images are being displayed!
  • LicenceDid you know you are giving a license when you unload to Flickr?
  • The License User have responsibility that the choose one of the Creative Commons License for their content sharing.Flickr License Select - Screen capture by Wong Chin Sing http://www.flickr.com/account/prefs/license/?from=privacy
  • Breach of Copyright
  • CopyrightFlickr have the Flickr Community Guidelines (Flickr CommunityGuidelines, 2012) and Yahoo! Copyright and Intellectual PropertyPolicy (Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy, 2012). for user to understand the copyright issue.Flickr users are not allow to post content that infringe oncopyright. (Yahoo!7 Terms of Service, 2012) Do not upload anything that isnt yours! (Flickr CommunityGuidelines, 2012)
  • using my content CopyrightIf someone infringe your copyright, then have a look at theYahoo! Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy.This document clearly indicates what sort of methods that youcan contact with Flickr/Yahoo7!This also shows what you will receive from Flickr if you breakcopyright. (Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy, 2012)
  • If you breaks the rulesIf you do not comply with the Terms of Use, Your content could be removed. Your account could be terminated. Legal action be taken against you. (Yahoo!7 Terms of Service, 2012)
  • Important of Terms of Use
  • Important of Terms of Use Terms of Use is designed as a legal document for user to have a safety and legal platform using the Flickr. It is also protect the user rights when they upload content to the Flickr. ***Please read this carefully when you sign up a online services.***
  • References Berman, J. & Mulligan, D. (1999). Privacy in the Digital Age: Work in Progress. Retrieved from http://www.cdt.org/publications/lawreview/1999nova.shtml Yahoo!7 Pty ltd. (2012). Yahoo!7 Terms of Service. Retrieved from http://au.docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ Yahoo!7 Pty ltd. (2012). Yahoo! Privacy Centre. Retrieved from http://info.yahoo.com/privacy/au/yahoo/ Yahoo! Pty ltd. (2012). Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy. Retrieved from http://info.yahoo.com/legal/us/yahoo/copyright/en- us/ The Flickreenos. (2012). Flickr Community Guidelines. Retrieved from http://www.flickr.com/guidelines.gne Flickr Logo. [Image]. (2012). Flickr by Yahoo!. Retrieved, from http://www.flickr.com/
