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Netflix Recommendations

Date post: 22-Nov-2014
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Assumed client project from Ross School of Business MKT618. Chosen Client: Netflix.
Team Yui Xiaoyu Ji, Elsa Hsiao-chih Lin, Jesyka Palmer Josephine Hengjuan Qian, Tina Guiting Ye Class MKT618 Fall 2013 Sec 02 Final Presentation Improving User Experiences on

Team Yui Xiaoyu Ji, Elsa Hsiao-chih Lin, Jesyka PalmerJosephine Hengjuan Qian, Tina Guiting Ye

Class MKT618 Fall 2013 Sec 02Final Presentation

Improving User Experiences on

➔ World’s leading Internet TV network Founded in 1997. 37 million subscribers stream movies and TV series

➔ Individual User Profile FunctionAllows different users on the same account access to their own recommendations

➔ Facebook PartnershipLinks Facebook and Netflix accounts to improve recommendations


Intro & Problem Definition Secondary Research Analysis & Findings Recommendations Limitations Q&A

Decision ProblemHow to improve a Netflix subscriber’s website experiences?

Research Questions1. How satisfied are subscribers with their current recommendations

and browsing experience on their Netflix homepage?

2. How can we improve the individual user profile experience on Netflix?

Problem Definition

Intro & Problem Definition Secondary Research Analysis & Findings Recommendations Limitations Q&A

Four Perspectives

1. Individual User & Social Network Data

2. Accuracy of Recommendation System75% of what is watched comes from the recommendations on a user’s homepage

3. User Profile & Privacy

4. Browsing features on Netflix

Secondary Research

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Intro & Problem Definition Secondary Research Analysis & Findings Recommendations Limitations Q&A

189 Total

144Valid Results



❏ Facebook integration is ineffective and not utilized.

❏ Only 5.6% of users have linked their accounts.

Finding #1

Intro & Problem Definition Secondary Research Analysis & Findings Recommendations Limitations Q&A

5.6%Links to Facebook

5.6%Links to Facebook

❏ 58.3% of subscribers use the recommendation system to find movies, but the recommendation system needs improvement.

❏ User reviews and ratings do not improve recommender system.

❏ Only 34.7% of users rate shows after viewing.

❏ 89.6% of users have not written a movie review in the past 3 months.

Finding #2

Intro & Problem Definition Secondary Research Analysis & Findings Recommendations Limitations Q&A

Search Box

Page Browse




Overall Satisfaction

No difference in overall satisfaction for each of the three tests.



1 - 3

4 - 6


❏ Factors that significantly affect a user’s overall satisfaction:

❏ User’s activity level on Netflix❏ Number of reviews written

Finding #3

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❏ Ability to clearly read the posters❏ Reliability of the system❏ Account integration with Facebook











Reliability Readability FacebookNo Yes






Finding #4

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56.4%Created User Profile

80%Share AccountWith Others

❏ Only 56.4% of subscribers have created a user profile, despite the fact that almost 80% of subscribers share their account with at least one other person.

❏ The creation of a user profile does not improve the recommendation system nor the overall satisfaction.

Finding #5

Intro & Problem Definition Secondary Research Analysis & Findings Recommendations Limitations Q&A

Created Profile

Did Not Create Profile

Profile vs Reliability

Profile vs Overall Satisfaction

# of



# of



Satisfaction Level

System Reliability

Subscribers are very concerned about their general privacy

Mean: 5.6, STD: 1.5 (7pt scale)

Yet, they agree that their user profile is not secure from others on the same account, but they don’t care, and they don’t want the ability to password protect.

Finding #6

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Willing to share a few private things

Extreme privacy concerns


Intro & Problem Definition Secondary Research Analysis & Findings Recommendations Limitations Q&A

1. Improve the reliability of the current recommendation system and incentivize users to rate more often.

2. Conduct further research on the accuracy of the recommendation system from various aspects (user ratings and user reviews).

3. Facebook integration should be altered. Begin exploring different social media platforms.

Decision ProblemHow to improve a Netflix subscriber’s website experiences?

Research QuestionHow satisfied are subscribers with their current recommendationsand browsing experience on their Netflix homepage?


Intro & Problem Definition Secondary Research Analysis & Findings Recommendations Limitations Q&A

1. Conduct further research into why users do not create individual profiles.

2. Conduct further research into other aspects of security/privacy that might strengthen this feature (family/children’s profiles).

3. Explore different aspects of the user profile that could be improved (ability to customize avatar, etc).

Decision ProblemHow to improve a Netflix subscriber’s website experiences?

Research QuestionHow can we improve the individual user profile experience on Netflix?

❏ User profiles lopsided on privacy UX improvements encompases a broad scope, our team survey focuses on user profiles and privacy, other routes are not explored.

❏ Over-represented sampleWe distributed through personal social networks. There may be age and/or gender bias.

❏ Non-current users were excluded from our survey


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Thank y’all!


Intro & Problem Definition Secondary Research Analysis & Findings Recommendations Limitations Q&A
