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Neurons, Synapses, & Signaling

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Neurons, Synapses, & Signaling. Campbell and Reece Chapter 48. nerve cells that transmit information within the body communication between neurons consists of: long distance electrical signals short distance chemical signals. Neurons . use pulses of electrical current to receive transmit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Neurons, Synapses, & Signaling Campbell and Reece Chapter 48
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Neurons, Synapses, & Signaling

Campbell and ReeceChapter 48

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nerve cells that transmit information within the body

communication between neurons consists of:◦long distance electrical signals◦short distance chemical signals

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use pulses of electrical current toreceivetransmitregulate

the flow of information over long distances w/in the body

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Neuron Organization

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Nervous System

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Types of Neurons

Sensory Neurons◦transmit information (senses) from body brain

◦are afferent◦specialized dendrites that initiate action potential when stimulated

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Types of Neurons

2. Motor Neurons transmit signals to muscle fibers

& glandsare efferent

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Types of Neurons

3. Interneurons majority of neurons in brain

◦ form local circuits connecting neurons

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junction between axon terminal & next cell (another neuron, muscle fiber, gland cell)

neurotransmitters are chemical messengers released @ most synapses that pass action potential to receiving cell

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presynaptic cell: cell releasing neurotransmitter & passing on action potential

postsynaptic cell: receiving neurotransmitter

synaptic cleft: physical space between the 2; neurotransmitter released into this space & diffuses across it attaching to receptors on postsynaptic cell

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Glial Cells

cells that support neuronsGreek: glueaka neuroglianourish neuronsinsulate axonsregulate ECF surrounding neurons

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Ion Pumps

ions unequally distributed across plasma membrane

inside of cell slightly (-) compared to outside cell

source of potential nrgcalled the membrane potentialresting potential: the membrane

potential of neuron @ rest = -60 to –80 mV

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Resting Potential

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Formation of Resting Potential

Na+/K+ pump generates & maintains the ionic gradients of membrane potential

1 turn of pump◦1 ATP◦3 Na+ out◦2 K+ in

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Membrane Potential

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Ion Channels

pores that span the membrane allowing ions to diffuse across (in or out)

membranes are selectively permeable and variations in how easily any particular ion can cross a membrane depends on the # of channels & how often they are open

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Types of Ion Channels

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Action Potentials

neurons have gated ion channels that open or close in response to stimuli◦open/close changes permeability for that ion

neurons have K+ channels◦when open K+ diffuses out of cell ◦changes resting potential from: -60 mV to -90 mV

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K+ Ion Channels in Neurons

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when K+ channels open & resting potential decreases to -90 mV inside of cell becoming more (-) than normal resting potential called:


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when Na+ ion channels open Na+ diffuse into cell making inside less (-) compared to outside cell

membrane potential shifts toward (+) mv

this reduction in magnitude of membrane potential called


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Graded Potentials

any shift in membrane potentialmagnitude of shift varies with

strength of stimulusinduce a small electrical current that

flows along the membrane leaking out of the cell

so only lasts short distance from source

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Action Potential

electrical signal that propagates along the membrane of a neuron as a nongraded (all or nothing) depolarization

have a constant magnitude & can regenerate in adjacent regions of the membrane

travel long distances

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Voltage-Gated Ion Channels

ion channels that open/close based on membrane potential passing a particular level

Na+ channels in neurons are voltage gated: open when depolarization occurs Na+ diffuses into cell becomes more depolarized more Na+ channels open (+ feedback)

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Action potentials occur when a depolarization increases the membrane voltage to a particular value (the threshold)

for mammals the threshold is a membrane potential ~ -55mV

once started the action potential has a magnitude independent of the strength of triggering stimulus

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+ feedback loop of depolarization & channel opening triggers an action potential whenever the membrane potential reached the threshold

membrane depolarization opens both Na+ & K+ channels but Na+ opens faster initiating the action potential

Na+ channels become inactivated as action potential proceeds (gates close) & remain so until after membrane returns to resting potential

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Refractory Period

(-) membrane potential restored by inactivation of Na+ channels, which increases K+ outflow

This is followed by a refractory period:◦no matter how strong the stimulus to initiate next action potential is cannot initiate one during refractory period

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Conduction of Action Potentials

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Myelin Sheaths

glial cells oligodendrocytes (CNS) and Schwann cells (PNS) form layers of electrical insulation along length of axons

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Saltatory Conduction

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>100 neurotransmitters belonging to 5 groups:

1. Acetylcholine2. Amino Acids3. Biogenic Amines4. Neuropeptides5. Gases

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