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New Afire add on. Insurance

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  • 7/29/2019 New Afire add on. Insurance


    Add on Covers



    By Sunit Mathur

  • 7/29/2019 New Afire add on. Insurance


    Add on Covers

    Standard fire and special perils policy can be extended toinclude ADD ON COVERS. Premium to be charged onPolicy Rate or rates given.

    For mid term inclusion ofAdd on Covers annual premium

    shall be charged. No refund of premium shall be made on Add on Covers being

    Cancelled mid term unless the policy is cancelledsimultaneously or replaced by a fresh insurance includingadd on covers for an identical or increased amount.

    Earthquake ,Terrorism, Spontaneous Combustion, andForest Fire are to be added (whenever such perils are opted)to the Policy rate for providing Add on Covers lik Architect,Surveyors & consulting Engineers Fee, removal of Debris,Deterioration of stock in cold storage , start up expenses etc.

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    Architect, Surveyors & ConsultingEngineer Fees

    Premium Rate:- Policy Ratei. In Excess of 3% of the adjusted loss.

    ii. Expenses incurred for plans, specification, tenders,quantities & services in connection with thesuperintendence of the reinstatement for thebuilding, machinery & equipment.

    iii. Cost in connection with the preparation of theinsured estimate of loss not covered.

    iv. Premium rate same as applicable to the Standardfire & special perils policy.

    v. Specified sum insured not exceeding 7.5% of claim


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    2. Debris Removal

    Premium Rate :- Policy Rate.i. In Excess of 1% of the adjusted loss.


    a. Removal of debris.

    b. Dismantling or demolishing.

    c. Storing up or propping.

    iii. Item ii) b & ii) c to be deleted if building nor

    machinery covered.iv. Premium rate same as Applicable to the StandardFire & special perils policy.

    v. Specified sum insured not exceeding 10% of sum


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    3. a) Deterioration of stocks in cold storagedue to accidental power failureconsequent to damage at the premises of

    power station due to an insured peril

    By change of temperature in consequence of

    failure of electric supply at the terminal ends of

    the electric service feeders from which the

    insured obtains electric supply directly.

    Due to damage caused by any peril insured to

    property at insured premises or any electric

    station or substation of public electric supply

    undertaking from which the insured obtains

    electric supply.

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    Not liable for any deliberate act of Govt., Municipal or

    Local authority or Supply authority not performed for

    the sole purpose of safeguarding life or protecting any

    part of the supply undertakings system or by theexercise by any such authority of its power to withhold

    or restrict or ration not necessitated solely by damage

    to the supply undertakings equipments by insured

    peril.Duration of such failure should exceed 24 hours.

    The burden of providing that damage is covered shall

    be upon the insured.Premium rate will be 25% of the policy rate on sum

    insured of stocks.

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    Damage to property covered caused by change

    of temperature in consequence of failure of

    electric supply following damage to insureds

    property due to insured peril(s).

    Not liable for any deliberate act of govt.

    municipal or local authority or supply authority

    not performed for the sole purpose ofsafeguarding life or protecting any part of the

    supply undertakings system or by the exercise

    by any such authority of its power to with holdor restrict or ration not necessitated solely by

    damage to the supply undertakings equipments

    by insured peril.

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    Duration of such failure should exceed 24


    The burden of providing that damage is

    covered shall be upon the insured.

    Premium rate will be policy rate on sum

    insured of stocks.

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    Forest Fire

    (4)(Premium rate Rs 5%0 minimum) Damage to the property directly caused by

    burning whether accidental or otherwise of

    forest, jungles, Bushes and clearing of lands byfire.

    Premium Rate :-

    Where loss experience for previous 5 yearsexcluding the expiring policy period is less than

    30% a 50% discount on the rate may be


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    Where loss experiene is above 60% the rate

    should be adjusted in such a way that the loss

    experience for the policy period worked out as

    above in (i) be adjusted to 60% subject tomaximum rate of Rs.15%.

  • 7/29/2019 New Afire add on. Insurance


    Forest Fire

    S.I Rs.2,40,00,000/-

    Rate @ Rs.5%0 Premium


    Period of Insurance Premium Incurred claim

    01.04.1995 to 31.03.1996 Rs.1,20,000 1,00,000

    01.04.1996 to 31.03.1997 Rs.1,20,000 1,20,000

    01.04.1997 to 31.03.1998 Rs.1,20,000 1,40,000

    01.04.1998 to 31.03.1999 Rs.1,20,000 60,000

    01.04.1999 to 31.03.2000 Rs.1,20,000 1,80,000

    6,00,000 6,00,000

    01.04.2000 to 31.03.2001 Rs.1,20,000 1,00,000

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    Incurred claim = Incurred claim * 100


    =6,00,000 * 100 = 100%


    Load the Premium so that it come 60%

    6,00,000 * 100 = 60%


    Premium payable at renewal = Rs.4,00,000/- +1,20,000 Total Rs.5,20,000

    Rate = 5,20,000 * 1000 = Rs.21.66%0

    2,40,00,000 MAX. Chargeable Rs.15%0

    Premium payable = Rs.3,60,000/- for renewal

    01-04-2001 To 31-03-2002

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    (5)Impact damage due to insureds ownrail/road vehicles, fork lifts, cranes, stackersand the like and articles dropped there from.

    Damage caused due to impact bydirectcontact to insureds property caused byinsureds own rail/road vehicles, fork lifts,

    cranes, stackers and the like and articles

    dropped there from.

    Premium 5% of policy rate on policy suminsured.

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    (6)Spontaneous Combustion

    Loss or damage by fire only to the propertyinsured caused by its own fermentation, natural

    heating or spontaneous combustion.

    N.B By fire only must not be omitted underany circumstance.

    Premium to be charged on Sum Insured of

    relative commodity

  • 7/29/2019 New Afire add on. Insurance


    Premium Rates

    Category I (low or non existment) 0.25%

    Category II (moderate) 0.50%

    Category III (variable) 0.75%

    Category IV (high) 1.00%

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    (7)Omission To Insure Additions, Alterationsor Extensions Clause

    Policy covers Buildings and/or Machinery, Plant

    and other contents (contents means furniture

    and fittings excluding stocks) which the insured

    may erect or acquire or may become


    (a)At the within described premises.

    (b)For use as factories.

    Liability shall not exceed 5% of the sum insured

    by each item in respect of (a) and 5% of the

    sum insured by item no. in respect of (b).

  • 7/29/2019 New Afire add on. Insurance


    Premium rate shall be the policy rate on 5% of sum

    insured on Building/Machinery/Furniture & fittings.

    Premium as above should be collected in advance.

    The insured shall inform the insurer of each additionalinsurance as soon as it comes to their knowledge and

    shall pay appropriate additional premium from the

    date of inception.

    All new additions to Buildings &/or Machinery not

    specifically insured/included during the currency of the

    policy should be declared at the end of the year and

    suitable additional premium paid on pro rata basisfrom the date of completion of the construction/

    erections or additions may be suitably adjusted.

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    If insured fails to declare values of such

    additions within 30 days after the expiry of

    policy there will be no refund of the advance

    premium paid.

    (8)Earthquake (Fire And Shock)

    (a) If SFTI Group of Perils Peril is deleted:-

    Covers loss (including loss by fire) due to

    earthquake including Landslide/Rockslide

    resulting there from but excluding flood or

    overflow of the sea, lakes reservoirs and riverscaused by earthquake.

    (B) If SFTI P il i t d l t d

  • 7/29/2019 New Afire add on. Insurance


    (B) If SFTI Peril is not deleted:-

    Covers loss (including loss by fire) due toearthquake including Landslide/Rockslide

    resulting there from but including flood oroverflow of the sea, lakes, reservoirs and riverscaused by earthquake.

    Company shall not be liable for 5% of each andevery claim subject to Minimum of Rs.10,000/-.

    Entire property in one complexcompound/location is to be covered and the S.I

    should be identical to the main policy (exceptfor the value of plinth and foundation).

    Onus of proof lies with the insured (if so

    required by the company).

    E th k Z R t

  • 7/29/2019 New Afire add on. Insurance


    Earthquake Zone Rate

    I 1.00%0

    II 0.50%0

    III 0.20%0

    IV 0.10%0

    D lli ffi H t l Sh t (S ti

  • 7/29/2019 New Afire add on. Insurance


    Dwellings offices Hotels, Shops etc (Section

    (III) 0.10%0 regardless of Zones.

    (9)Spoilage Material Damage Cover

    Perils causing the spoilage should be same as

    those covered under the policy.

    (ii)Cover to material damage i.e. (a)Loss of stock in process

    (b)Damage to Machinery, Containers and

    Equipments (including cost of removal of debrisand cleaning).

    L d b il d t t d ti

  • 7/29/2019 New Afire add on. Insurance


    Loss or damage by spoilage due to retardationor interruption or cessation of any processcaused by any of the perils covered under the

    policy subject to liability admitted under thepolicy.

    Sum to be insured cover must be for all stocksand Machinery, Container and Equipment inspecified blocks, specified sums be declared foreach block and must be made subject toaverage.

    Premium to charged on the value of stocks inspecified blocks @ 5 times the policy rate and2.5 times the policy rate on the value ofmachinery, containers and equipments inspecified blocks.

    L k d C t i ti

  • 7/29/2019 New Afire add on. Insurance


    Leakage and Contamination(10)Cover

    Cover for oils and chemicals only Cover to include the risk of :-

    Accidental leakage and contamination

    Accidental leakage (A)Where leakage and contamination cover

    is granted:-

    Physical loss of oils/chemicals by leakage fromits container by accidental means and allaccidental contaminations by contact withforeign matter.

    EXCLUSIONS I fid lit di h t th

  • 7/29/2019 New Afire add on. Insurance


    EXCLUSIONS:-Infidelity or dishonesty on thepart of the insured/employees, shortage,

    shrinkage, evaporation, mysterious

    disappearance or unexplained losses or loss byburglary or theft not covered.

    Loss resulting from processing or faulty

    workmanship not covered.

    Contamination due to improper handling or

    controls by insureds own employees.

    Loss of use, loss of earnings, delay or loss ofmarket or other consequential or indirect loss of

    any kind.

    (B)Where leakage cover alone is granted

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    (B)Where leakage cover alone is granted

    Physical loss of oils/chemicals by leakage from itscontainer by accidental means and all accidental

    contaminations by contact with foreign matter EXCLUSIONS:-.

    Infidelity or dishonesty on the part of theinsured/employees shortage, shrinkage, evaporation,

    mysterious disappearance or unexplained losses orloss by burglary or theft not covered.

    Loss resulting from processing or faculty workmanshipnot covered.

    Contamination due to improper handling or controls byinsureds own employees.

    Loss of use, loss of earnings, delay or loss of marketor other consequential or indirect loss of any kind.

    S i l C diti (A li bl t A d B)

  • 7/29/2019 New Afire add on. Insurance


    Special Conditions (Applicable to A and B)

    Before pumping and/or decantation operations

    the insured shall arrange at their own expense

    sampling and purity certification by competent,

    approved and independent agency/surveyor for

    such distinct lot, batch or tank load ex ocean

    vessel of the insured subject matter and shallpump/decant only such material as is pure and

    without contaminations (at insured expense).

    I ti d tifi ti f t t

  • 7/29/2019 New Afire add on. Insurance


    Inspection and certification from competent,

    approved and independent agency/surveyor as

    to the cleanliness and fitness of the pipe lines,

    pumping equipment and the receiving tanksprior to the commencement of pumping,

    decanting, receiving and/or storage operations

    (at insured expenses). Such certification should confirm that the

    pumping, carrying and storage equipment

    facilities and tanks are free from impurities,contaminants and/or residue or left over from

    previous use of equipments, facilities or storage


    Fresh certification would be required in the event of

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    Fresh certification would be required in the event of

    the said tanks being empty and fresh stocks are

    pumped/decanted in during the currency of the policy.

    Certificate from a competent approved andindependent agency/surveyor as to the purity and

    quality of the insured subject matter after receipt in

    land tanks (at insured expenses).

    Basis of valuation Market value at the time andplace of loss.

    All losses during any one period of seventy two

    consecutive hours caused by earthquake shock shallbe deemed to have been caused by Earthquake and

    will constitute one loss. Insured shall select a time

    from which any such period shall commence but no

    two such selected periods shall over lap.

    Each claim is s bject to an e cess of 1% on

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    Each claim is subject to an excess of 1% on

    each tank with a minimum of Rs.60,000/- each


    Condition no 1 to 5 not applicable where

    leakage cover alone is granted.

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    Average Condition

    Premium Rates Leakage cover Leakage andcontamination


    Where the tanks are

    within insureds ownpremises

    Rs.5%0 Rs.10%0

    Where the tanks are

    located elsewhere

    Rs.6%0 Rs.12%0

    Temporary Removal Of Stock

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    Temporary Removal Of Stock(11)Clause

    Stock not exceeding 10% of the total suminsured of stock is covered while temporarilyremoved to any other premises forfabrication/processing/ finishing or otherpurposes.

    Pro Rata average condition will apply to thelimit of stocks temporarily removed as well as to

    the total sum insured of such stock under thepolicy.

    Rate:- 10% of the policy rate on sum insured on


    (12)Loss of Rent Clause

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    (12)Loss of Rent Clause

    Rent payable if the building or part thereof is unfit for

    occupation due to damage by the perils insured.

    Amount of rent payable =

    Period for reinstatement of the Bldg./

    Term of the rent insured * S.I on Rent

    Premium Rate 10% of Policy rate on sum insured onrent.

    (13)Start up Expenses

    Start up costs necessarily and reasonably incurred bythe insured upon a loss covered by the policy.

    Premium Rate Policy Rate.

    (14)Insurance of additional expenses of rent

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    (14)Insurance of additional expenses of rentfor an alternate accommodation

    For Non-Manufacturing premises.

    Not to be granted under consequential loss

    (fire) policy.

    Max. Indemnity Period 3 years.

    Additional expenses means additional rent

    actually paid i.e the difference between the new

    rent and the original rent.

    Certificate from the local municipal authority or

    an architect as a proof that premises are


    Cover not for buildings of kutcha construction

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    Cover not for buildings of kutcha construction .

    The area for alternative accomodation must beequivalent to the area presently occupied. If

    area is more then amount of rent payable. Area of the premises in the insureds occupation/XAdditional


    Area of the alternate accommodation taken by the insured

    No restrictions of locality so long as thealternate accommodation is taken in the samecity/town.

    For the owner occupant the standard rentbased on the rateable values fixed by Municipal/ Revenue authority for tax purpose may betreated as original rent.

    It is compulsory for the owner occupant to

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    It is compulsory for the owner occupant to

    insure both building and contents.

    Tenants to insure the contents.

    If the insured is a tenant only and for

    safeguarding his legal tenancy right is obliged

    to pay rent for the premises even during the

    period when it is not fit for occupation theadditional rent is the actual rent for the alternate


    If the tenant is not obliged to pay rent during theperiod when it is not fit for occupation then

    additional rent=Actual rent paid Minus Rent he

    was paying.

  • 7/29/2019 New Afire add on. Insurance


    THANKS ANY ??????????????????
