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New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR

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  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    CONTENTS1. Synopsis

    2. Introduction

    2.1. Project Description

    2.2. Company Profile

    3. System Analysis

    3.1. Existing System

    3.2. Proposed System

    4. Hardware And Software Specification

    .1. !ard"are Specification

    .2. Soft"are Specification

    .3. #$o%t Soft"are

    5. System Design

    &.1. Data 'lo" Diagram

    &.2. Data$ase Str%ct%re

    &.3. Code Design

    &. . Screen (ayo%t

    6. System esting

    !. System Implementation

    ". #uture en$ancement

    %. &onclusion.

    1'. (i)liograp$y


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR



    A)stract :

    )ario%s lo"*latency anonymo%s comm%nication systems s%c+ as Tor and

    #nonymi,er +a-e $een designed to pro-ide anonymity ser-ice for %sers. n order to +ide

    t+e comm%nication of %sers/ most of t+e anonymity systems pac0 t+e application data

    into e %al*si,ed cells. )ia extensi-e experiments on Tor/ "e fo%nd t+at t+e si,e of P

    pac0ets in t+e Tor net"or0 can $e -ery dynamic $eca%se a cell is an application concept

    and t+e P layer may repac0 cells. ased on t+is finding/ "e in-estigate a ne" cell*

    co%nting*$ased attac0 against Tor/ "+ic+ allo"s t+e attac0er to confirm anonymo%scomm%nication relations+ip among %sers -ery %ic0ly. n t+is attac0/ $y marginally

    -arying t+e n%m$er of cells in t+e target traffic at t+e malicio%s exit onion ro%ter/ t+e

    attac0er can em$ed a secret signal into t+e -ariation of cell co%nter of t+e target traffic.

    T+e em$edded signal "ill $e carried along "it+ t+e target traffic and arri-e at t+e

    malicio%s entry onion ro%ter. T+en/ an accomplice of t+e attac0er at t+emalicio%s entry

    onion ro%ter "ill detect t+e em$edded signal $ased on t+e recei-ed cells and confirm t+e

    comm%nication relations+ip among %sers. e +a-e implemented t+is attac0 against Tor/

    and o%r experimental data -alidate its feasi$ility and effecti-eness. T+ere are se-eral

    %ni %e feat%res of t+is attac0. 'irst/ t+is attac0 is +ig+ly efficient and can confirm -ery

    s+ort comm%nication sessions "it+ only tens of cells. Second/ t+is attac0 is effecti-e/ and

    its detection rate approac+es 1445 "it+ a -ery lo" false positi-e rate. T+ird/ it is possi$le

    to implement t+e attac0 in a "ay t+at appears to $e -ery diffic%lt for +onest participants

    to detect.


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    A &HI /& 0 /


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    I+ ,D0& I,+

    &ONCE6NS a$o%t pri-acy and sec%rity +a-e recei-ed greater attention "it+ t+e

    rapid gro"t+ and p%$lic acceptance of t+e nternet/ "+ic+ +as $een %sed to create o%r

    glo$al E*economy. #nonymity +as $ecome a necessary and legitimate aim in manyapplications/ incl%ding anonymo%s e$ $ro"sing/ location*$ased ser-ices/ and E*-oting.

    n t+ese applications/ encryption alone cannot maintain t+e anonymity re %ired $y

    participants. n t+e past/ researc+ers +a-e de-eloped n%mero%s anonymo%s

    comm%nication systems. 7enerally spea0ing/ mix tec+ni %es can $e %sed for eit+er

    message*$ased or flo"*$ased anonymity applications. E*mail is a typical message*$ased

    anonymity application/ "+ic+ +as $een t+oro%g+ly in-estigated. 6esearc+ on flo"*$ased

    anonymity applications +as recently recei-ed great attention in order to preser-e

    anonymity in lo"*latency applications/ incl%ding e$ $ro"sing and peer*to*peer file

    s+aring . To degrade t+e anonymity ser-ice pro-ided $y anonymo%s comm%nication

    systems/ traffic analysis attac0s +a-e $een st%died. Existing traffic analysis attac0s can $e

    categori,ed into t"o gro%ps8 passi-e traffic analysis and acti-e "atermar0ing tec+ni %es.

    Passi-e traffic analysis tec+ni %e "ill record t+e traffic passi-ely and identify t+e

    similarity $et"een t+e sender9s o%t$o%nd traffic and t+e recei-er9s in$o%nd traffic $ased

    on statistical meas%res. eca%se t+is type of attac0 relies on correlating t+e timings of

    messages mo-ing t+ro%g+ t+e anonymo%s system and does not c+ange t+e trafficc+aracteristics/ it is also a passi-e timing attac0. 'or example/ Serjanto- et al. proposed a

    passi-e pac0et*co%nting sc+eme to o$ser-e t+e n%m$er of pac0ets of a connection t+at

    arri-es at a mix node and lea-es a node. !o"e-er/ t+ey did not ela$orate +o" pac0et

    co%nting co%ld $e done. To impro-e t+e acc%racy of attac0s/ t+e acti-e "atermar0ing

    tec+ni %e +as recently recei-ed m%c+ attention. T+e idea of t+is tec+ni %e is

    to acti-ely introd%ce special signals into t+e sender9s o%t$o%nd traffic "it+ t+e intention

    of recogni,ing t+e em$edded signal at t+e recei-er9s in$o%nd traffic .

  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    - , /& D/S& I- I,+

    ,D0 /S

    1. Data ransmission

    2. &omponents of or

    3. &ells at ,nion outers

    Data ransmission

    n Tor/ an maintains a connection to ot+er on demand. T+e %ses a "ay of so%rce

    ro%ting and c+ooses se-eral from t+e locally cac+ed directory/ do"nloaded from t+e

    directory cac+es. T+e n%m$er of t+e selected is referred as t+e pat+ lengt+. e %se t+edefa%lt pat+ lengt+ of t+ree as an example. T+e iterati-ely esta$lis+es circ%its across t+e

    Tor net"or0 and negotiates a symmetric 0ey "it+ eac+/ one +op at a time/ as "ell as

    +andles t+e streams from client applications. T+e side of t+e circ%it connects to t+e

    re %ested destinations and relays t+e data. e no" ill%strate t+e proced%re t+at t+e

    esta$lis+es a circ%it and do"nloads a file from t+e ser-er.

    &omponents of or

    Onion ro%ters are special proxies t+at relay t+e application data. n Tor/ transport*layer

    sec%rity connections are %sed for t+e o-erlay lin0 encryption $et"een t"o onion ro%ters.

    T+e application data is pac0ed into e %al*si,ed cells. T+ey +old onion ro%ter information

    s%c+ as p%$lic 0eys for onion ro%ters. Directory a%t+orities +old a%t+oritati-e information

    on onion ro%ters/ and directory cac+es do"nload directory information of onion ro%ters

    from a%t+orities.

    &ells at ,nion outers

    To $egin "it+/ t+e onion ro%ter recei-es t+e data from t+e connection on t+e gi-en

    port A. #fter t+e data is processed $y protocols/ t+e data "ill $e deli-ered into t+e $%ffer

    of t+e connection. +en t+ere is pending data in t+e $%ffer/ t+e read e-ent of t+is

    connection "ill $e called to read and process t+e data. T+e connection read e-ent "ill

    p%ll t+e data from t+e $%ffer into t+e connection inp%t $%ffer. Eac+ connection inp%t


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  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    S*S / A+A *SIS


    System #nalysis and Design/ is t+e process of gat+ering and

    interpreting facts/ diagnosing pro$lem and %sing t+e information to recommend

    impro-ement to t+e system. efore de-elopment of any project can $e p%rs%ed/ a

    system st%dy is cond%cted to learn t+e details of t+e c%rrent $%siness sol%tion.

    nformation gat+ered t+ro%g+ t+e st%dy forms t+e $asis for creating alternati-e

    design strategies. )irt%ally all organi,ations are systems t+at interact "it+ t+eiren-ironment t+ro%g+ recei-ing inp%t and prod%cing o%tp%t.

    t is a management tec+ni %e %sed in designing a ne" system/

    impro-ing an existing system or sol-ing pro$lem. System analysis does not

    g%arantee t+at t+e %ser "ill deri-e an ideal sol%tion to a pro$lem. T+is depends

    solely on t+e "ay one design a system to exploit t+e potential in t+e met+od. To

    p%t it in anot+er "ay/ creati-ity is as m%c+ as m%st pre*design t+e st%dy and

    pro$lem sol-ing process and e-al%ate e-ery s%ccessi-e step in t+e system


    Ta0ing all t+ese factors into acco%nt and "it+ t+e 0no"ledge of t+e

    inter*relations+ip $et"een t+e -ario%s fields and section and t+eir potential

    interactions/ t+ey are consider for de-eloping t+e "+ole system in and integrated

    manner/ t+is project is de-eloped to meet all t+e criteria in t+e

    T+e management tec+ni %e is also +elps %s in de-elop and design of

    t+e ne" system or to impro-e t+e existing system.

  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    T+e follo"ing O$jecti-es are 0ept in mind8

    dentify t+e c%stomer9s need.

    E-al%ate t+e system concept for feasi$ility.

    Perform economic and tec+nical analysis.

    #llocate f%nctions to +ard"are/ soft"are/ people/

    data$ase and ot+er system elements.

    Esta$lis+ cost and sc+ed%le constraints

    Create a system definition t+at forms t+e fo%ndation

    for all s%$se %ent engineering "or0.

    Identification of t$e need

    n t+is/ t+ere are certain expressions t+at are $eing %sed in t+ede-elopment of t+e project. #nd/ it is %sed to identify o%r needs or so%rce in

    t+e project.

    Defining a pro$lem

    'inding t+e -ario%s need for t+e pro$lem

    'ormali,ing t+e need

    6elating t+e need

    T+%s/ it is t+e first step for system de-elopment life cycle.


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    1. nitial n-estigation

    t is one "ay of +andling t+e project/ it is %sed to 0no" a$o%t

    t+e %ser re %est and t+e modification of t+e system s+o%ld $e done.

    T+e %ser9s re %est for t+is project is as follo"s8

    1. #ssigning separate "or0 area for different %sers.

    2. Nat%re of t+e "or0

    3. 6eg%lar %pdate and delete of record

    . 6eg%lar calc%lation of Net #sset )al%e

    &. S%pplying t+e data "it+ t+e time re %ired.

    T+e %ser re %est identifies t+e need for c+ange and a%t+ori,es t+e

    initial in-estigation. t may %ndergo se-eral modifications $efore it $ecome

    a "ritten commitment. Once appro-ed t+e acti-ities are carried o%t into

    action. T+e proposal/ "+en appro-ed/ it initiates a detailed %ser*oriented

    specification of system performance and analysis of t+e feasi$ility of t+e

    e-al%ating alternati-e candidate systems "it+ a recommendation of t+e $est

    system for t+e jo$.

    #easi)ility Study

    T+e o$jecti-e of t+e feasi$ility st%dy is not only to sol-e t+e pro$lem

    $%t also to ac %ire a sense of its scope. T+e reason for doing t+is is to

    identify t+e most $eneficial project to t+e organi,ation.


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    T+ere are t+ree aspects in t+e feasi$ility st%dy8

    1. Tec+nical 'easi$ility2. 'inancial 'easi$ility

    3. Operating 'easi$ility

    1. Tec+nical 'easi$ility

    T+e Tec+nical feasi$ility is t+e st%dy of t+e soft"are and +o" it

    is incl%ded in t+e st%dy of o%r project. 6egarding t+is t+ere are some

    tec+nical iss%es t+at s+o%ld $e noted t+ey are as follo"s8

    s t+e necessary tec+ni %e a-aila$le and +o" it is s%ggested and

    ac %ired>

    Does t+e proposed e %ipment +a-e t+e tec+nical capacity to

    +old t+e data re %ired %sing t+e ne" system>

    ill t+e system pro-ide ade %ate response t+at is made $y t+e

    re %ester at an periodic time inter-al

    Can t+is system $e expanded after t+is project de-elopment

    s t+ere a tec+ni %e g%arantees of acc%racy/ relia$ility in case of

    access of data and sec%rity

    T+e tec+nical iss%es are raised d%ring t+e feasi$ility st%dy of

    in-estigating o%r System. T+%s/ t+e tec+nical consideration e-al%ates t+e

    +ard"are re %irements/ soft"are etc. T+is system %ses ?SP as front end and


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    Oracle as $ac0 end. T+ey also pro-ide s%fficient memory to +old and

    process t+e data. #s t+e company is going to install all t+e process in t+e

    system it is t+e c+eap and efficient tec+ni %e.

    T+is system tec+ni %e accepts t+e entire re %est made $y t+e

    %ser and t+e response is done "it+o%t fail%re and delay. t is a st%dy a$o%t

    t+e reso%rces a-aila$le and +o" t+ey are ac+ie-ed as an accepta$le system.

    t is

    an essential process for analysis and definition of cond%cting a parallel

    assessment of tec+nical feasi$ility.

    T+o%g+ storage and retrie-al of information is enormo%s/ it can $e

    easily +andled $y Oracle. #s t+e oracle can $e r%n in any system and t+e

    operation does not differ from one to anot+er. So/ t+is is effecti-e.

    2. /conomical #easi)ility #inancial7

    #n organi,ation ma0es good in-estment on t+e system. So/ t+ey

    s+o%ld $e "ort+ f%ll for t+e amo%nt t+ey spend in t+e system. #l"ays t+e

    financial $enefit and e %als or less t+e cost of t+e system/ $%t s+o%ld not

    exceed t+e cost.

    T+e cost of in-estment is analy,ed for t+e entire system

    T+e cost of !ard"are and Soft"are is also noted.

    #naly,ing t+e "ay in "+ic+ t+e cost can $e red%ced


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    E-ery organi,ation "ant to red%ce t+ere cost $%t at t+e same time %ality of


    Ser-ice s+o%ld also $e maintained. T+e system is de-eloped according t+eestimation of t+e cost made $y t+e concern. n t+is project/ t+e proposed

    system "ill definitely red%ce t+e cost and also t+e man%al "or0 is red%ced

    and speed of "or0 is also increased.

    3. ,perational #easi)ility

    Proposed project "ill $e $eneficial only "+en t+ey are t%rned into an

    information system and to meet t+e organi,ation operating re %irements.

    T+e follo"ing iss%es are considered for t+e operation8

    Does t+is system pro-ide s%fficient s%pport for t+e %ser and t+e

    management> +at is t+e met+od t+at s+o%ld $e %sed in t+is project>

    !a-e t+e %sers $een in-ol-ed in t+e planning and de-elopment of

    t+e projects>

    ill t+e proposed system ca%se any +arm/ $ad res%lt/ loss of

    control and accessi$ility of t+e system "ill lost>

    ss%es t+at may $e a minor pro$lem "ill sometimes ca%se major

    pro$lem in t+e operation. t is t+e meas%re of +o" people can a$le to "or0

    "it+ t+e system. 'inding o%t t+e minor iss%es t+at may $e t+e initial


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    pro$lem of t+e system. t s+o%ld $e a %ser*friendly en-ironment. #ll t+ese

    aspect s+o%ld $e 0ept in mind and steps s+o%ld $e ta0en for de-eloping t+e

    project caref%lly.

    6egarding t+e project/ t+e system is -ery m%c+ s%pported and friendly

    for t+e %ser. T+e met+ods are defined in an effecti-e manner and proper

    conditions are gi-en in ot+er to a-oid t+e +arm or loss of data. t is designed

    in 7@ interface/ as "or0ing "ill $e easier and flexi$le for t+e %ser.

    T+ey are t+ree $asic feasi$ility st%dies t+at are done in e-ery project.


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    /8isting System

    Aost existing approac+es are $ased on traffic analysis. Passi-e traffic analysis

    tec+ni %e "ill record t+e traffic passi-ely and identify t+e correlation $et"een sender9so%t$o%nd traffic and recei-er9s in$o%nd traffic $ased on statistical meas%res. T+is type of

    tec+ni %e re %ires a relati-ely long period of traffic o$ser-ation for a reasona$le

    detection rate. T+e idea is to acti-ely introd%ce special signals into t+e sender9s o%t$o%nd

    traffic "it+ t+e intention of recogni,ing t+e em$edded signal at t+e recei-er9s in$o%nd

    traffic. Encryption does not "or0/ since pac0et +eaders still re-eal a great deal a$o%t


    Disad9antageEncryption does not "or0/ since pac0et +eaders still re-eal a greatdeal a$o%t %sers.


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    -roposed System

    n t+is project/ "e foc%s on t+e acti-e "atermar0ing tec+ni %e/ "+ic+ +as $een

    acti-e in t+e past fe" years. proposed a flo"*mar0ing sc+eme $ased on t+e direct

    se %ence spread spectr%m tec+ni %e $y %tili,ing a pse%do*noise code. y interfering

    "it+ t+e rate of a s%spect sender9s traffic and marginally c+anging t+e traffic rate/ t+e

    attac0er can em$ed a secret spread*spectr%m signal into t+e target traffic. T+e em$edded

    signal is carried along "it+ t+e target traffic from t+e sender to t+e recei-er/ so t+e

    in-estigator can recogni,e t+e corresponding comm%nication relations+ip/ tracing t+e

    messages despite t+e %se of anonymo%s net"or0s. !o"e-er/ in order to acc%rately

    confirm t+e anonymo%s comm%nication relations+ip of %sers/ t+e flo"*mar0ing sc+eme

    needs to em$ed a signal mod%lated $y a relati-ely long lengt+ of PN code/ and also t+e

    signal is em$edded into t+e traffic flo" rate -ariation. !o%mansadr et al. proposed a

    non$lind net"or0 flo" "atermar0ing sc+eme called 6# N O for stepping stone


    Ad9antage#cti-e "atermar0ing tec+ni %e can red%ce attac0 lasting time.

    mpro-e attac0 s%ccess rate and +as recently recei-ed more attention.


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    HA D:A / S-/&I#I&A I,+

    System 8 Penti%m ) 2. 7!,.

    !ard Dis0 8 4 7 .

    'loppy Dri-e 8 1. A$.

    Aonitor 8 1& )7# Colo%r.

    Ao%se 8 (ogitec+.

    6am 8 &12 A$.


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    A(,0 S,# :A /4.1 #eatures ,#. +et

    Aicrosoft .NET is a set of Aicrosoft soft"are tec+nologies for rapidly

    $%ilding and integrating BA( e$ ser-ices/ Aicrosoft indo"s*$ased applications/ and

    e$ sol%tions. T+e .NET 'rame"or0 is a lang%age*ne%tral platform for "riting programs

    t+at can easily and sec%rely interoperate. T+ere9s no lang%age $arrier "it+ .NET8 t+ere

    are n%mero%s lang%ages a-aila$le to t+e de-eloper incl%ding Aanaged C / C / )is%al

    asic and ?a-a Script. T+e .NET frame"or0 pro-ides t+e fo%ndation for components to

    interact seamlessly/ "+et+er locally or remotely on different platforms. t standardi,es

    common data types and comm%nications protocols so t+at components created in

    different lang%ages can easily interoperate.

    F.NETG is also t+e collecti-e name gi-en to -ario%s soft"are components

    $%ilt %pon t+e .NET platform. T+ese "ill $e $ot+ prod%cts H)is%al St%dio.NET and

    indo"s.NET Ser-er/ for instanceI and ser-ices Hli0e Passport/ .NET Ay Ser-ices/ and

    so onI.

    H/ .+/ # A /:, ;

    T+e .NET 'rame"or0 +as t"o main parts8

    1. T+e Common (ang%age 6%ntime HC(6I.

    2. # +ierarc+ical set of class li$raries.

    T+e C(6 is descri$ed as t+e Fexec%tion engineG of .NET. t pro-ides t+e en-ironment

    "it+in "+ic+ programs r%n. T+e most important feat%res are


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    descri$ing types in a common "ay. CTS define +o" types "or0 "it+in t+e r%ntime/

    "+ic+ ena$les types in one lang%age to interoperate "it+ types in anot+er lang%age/

    incl%ding cross*lang%age exception +andling. #s "ell as ens%ring t+at types are only %sed

    in appropriate "ays/ t+e r%ntime also ens%res t+at code doesn9t attempt to access memory

    t+at +asn9t $een allocated to it.

    &ommon anguage Specification

    T+e C(6 pro-ides $%ilt*in s%pport for lang%age interopera$ility. To ens%re t+at

    yo% can de-elop managed code t+at can $e f%lly %sed $y de-elopers %sing any

    programming lang%age/ a set of lang%age feat%res and r%les for %sing t+em called t+eCommon (ang%age Specification HC(SI +as $een defined. Components t+at follo" t+ese

    r%les and expose only C(S feat%res are considered C(S*compliant.

    H/ & ASS I( A *

    .NET pro-ides a single*rooted +ierarc+y of classes/ containing o-er ;444

    types. T+e root of t+e namespace is called SystemJ t+is contains $asic types li0e yte/

    Do%$le/ oolean/ and String/ as "ell as O$ject. #ll o$jects deri-e from System. O$ject.

    #s "ell as o$jects/ t+ere are -al%e types. )al%e types can $e allocated on t+e stac0/ "+ic+

    can pro-ide %sef%l flexi$ility. T+ere are also efficient means of con-erting -al%e types to

    o$ject types if and "+en necessary.

    T+e set of classes is pretty compre+ensi-e/ pro-iding collections/ file/

    screen/ and net"or0 KO/ t+reading/ and so on/ as "ell as BA( and data$ase connecti-ity.

    T+e class li$rary is s%$di-ided into a n%m$er of sets Hor namespacesI/ eac+

    pro-iding distinct areas of f%nctionality/ "it+ dependencies $et"een t+e namespaces 0ept

    to a minim%m.


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  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    #cti-e State +as created )is%al Perl and )is%al Pyt+on/ "+ic+ ena$le

    .NET*a"are applications to $e $%ilt in eit+er Perl or Pyt+on. ot+ prod%cts can $e

    integrated into t+e )is%al St%dio .NET en-ironment. )is%al Perl incl%des s%pport for

    #cti-e State9s Perl De- Lit.

    Ot+er lang%ages for "+ic+ .NET compilers are a-aila$le incl%de


    CO O(


    'ig1 . Net 'rame"or0


    BA( E SE6) CES

    indo"s 'orms

    ase Class (i$raries

    Common (ang%age 6%ntime Operating System

    C .NET is also compliant "it+ C(S HCommon (ang%age SpecificationI and s%pports

    str%ct%red exception +andling. C(S is set of r%les and constr%cts t+at are s%pported $y

    t+e C(6 HCommon (ang%age 6%ntimeI. C(6 is t+e r%ntime en-ironment pro-ided $y

    t+e .NET 'rame"or0J it manages t+e exec%tion of t+e code and also ma0es t+e

    de-elopment process easier $y pro-iding ser-ices.


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    C .NET is a C(S*compliant lang%age. #ny o$jects/ classes/ or components t+at

    created in C .NET can $e %sed in any ot+er C(S*compliant lang%age. n addition/ "e

    can %se o$jects/ classes/ and components created in ot+er C(S*compliant lang%ages

    in C .NET .T+e %se of C(S ens%res complete interopera$ility among applications/

    regardless of t+e lang%ages %sed to create t+e application.

    &,+S 0& , S A+D D/S 0& , S

    Constr%ctors are %sed to initiali,e o$jects/ "+ereas destr%ctors are %sed to

    destroy t+em. n ot+er "ords/ destr%ctors are %sed to release t+e reso%rces allocated to

    t+e o$ject. n C .NET t+e s%$ finali,e proced%re is a-aila$le. T+e s%$ finali,e

    proced%re is %sed to complete t+e tas0s t+at m%st $e performed "+en an o$ject is

    destroyed. T+e s%$ finali,e proced%re is called a%tomatically "+en an o$ject is

    destroyed. n addition/ t+e s%$ finali,e proced%re can $e called only from t+e class it

    $elongs to or from deri-ed classes.

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  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    Design =iew

    To $%ild or modify t+e str%ct%re of a ta$le "e "or0 in t+e ta$le

    design -ie". e can specify "+at 0ind of data "ill $e +old.

    Datas$eet =iew

    To add/ edit or analyses t+e data itself "e "or0 in ta$les datas+eet

    -ie" mode.

    ?0/ *

    # %ery is a %estion t+at +as to $e as0ed t+e data. #ccess gat+ers data t+at

    ans"ers t+e %estion from one or more ta$le. T+e data t+at ma0e %p t+e ans"er is eit+er

    dynaset Hif yo% edit itI or a snaps+ot Hit cannot $e editedI.Eac+ time "e r%n %ery/ "e getlatest information in t+e dynaset. #ccess eit+er displays t+e dynaset or snaps+ot for %s to

    -ie" or perform an action on it/ s%c+ as deleting or %pdating.


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    I+ ,D0& I,+ , =(S& I-

    ) Script $rings professional programming tec+ni %es to

    !TA( "e$ doc%ments. it+ ) Script/ "e can create doc%ments and

    applications t+at pre-io%sly co%ld only +a-e $een made a-aila$le as a

    des0top program "ritten "it+ somet+ing li0e )is%al asic. t gi-es %s t+e

    a$ility to interact "it+ and manip%late !TA( doc%ments directly from

    t+e $ro"ser. it+ ) Script/ "e can e-en interact "it+ and manip%late

    t+e $ro"ser it/ sending it instr%ctions from o%r ) Script program/ and

    p%lling in its -aria$les for o%r o"n %se.

    #$o-e all/ ) Script $rings to %s tr%e client*side processing/ so

    let s $riefly loo0 at some of t+e main %ses of ) Script8

    6eference and manip%late doc%ment o$jects

    6eference and manip%late t+e $ro"ser

    6eference t+e contents of anot+er loaded doc%ment or doc%ments

    Create a doc%ment on t+e fly from t+e $ro"ser

    Store/ reference/ and manip%late data inp%t $y t+e %ser

    Store/ reference/ and manip%late data do"nloaded from t+e ser-er

    Perform calc%lations on data

    Display messages to t+e %ser


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    DA A # ,: DIA< A


    IP Address

    Flle Name

    Browse areceived path

    E d

    Se d File

    Select Path

    Se d


    E cr"ptio

    Se d File


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR




    Se d File


    IP Address


    Select aReceivi # Path

    Select Path

    Se d

    E cr"ptio



  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    Se %ence Diagram8


    $e" Se d

    E cr"ptio


    Ac% owled#eme t

    File Received

    &essa#e Se d


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    @se Case Diagram8


    IP Address



    Select Path


    File Name

    Receive path

    Send File



  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    &,D/ D/SI

  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    else Q if HText ox2 I Q string myString)aria$le1 string .EmptyJ

    myString)aria$le1 Enter Pass"ord J

    R else Q if HText ox1 SE6)E6 UU Text ox2 SE6)E6 I Q t+is.!ideHIJ smssend p%d ne" smssend HIJ p%d.S+o"DialogHIJ R

    else Q string myString)aria$le1 string .EmptyJ myString)aria$le1 Enter @serNameKPass"ord Correcly. J

    R R R R


    pri-ate -oid 'orm1 (oadH o$ject sender/ E-ent#rgs eI Q

    R RR


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    SEND ' (E8

    %sing SystemJ%sing System.Collections.7enericJ

    %sing System.ComponentAodelJ%sing System.DataJ%sing System.Dra"ingJ%sing System.(in J%sing System.TextJ%sing System. indo"s.'ormsJ%sing System.Net.Soc0etsJ%sing System.NetJ%sing System. OJ%sing System.7lo$ali,ationJ

    namespace CellCo%ntingser-er Q p%$lic partial class smssend 8 'orm Q string ser1J string fileDes/ fileiniJ string fileDes1/ fileini1J int lenJ int len1J

    p%$lic smssendHI Q nitiali,eComponentHIJ R

    pri-ate -oid smssend (oadH o$ject sender/ E-ent#rgs eI Q $tntransform.Ena$led false J t+is.open'ileDialog1.A%ltiselect tr%eJ

    KKpict%re ox;.)isi$le tr%eJ KK$tntransform.Ena$led falseJ KKt+is.open'ileDialog1.A%ltiselect tr%eJ la$el3.)isi$le falseJ

    KKla$el .)isi$le falseJ KKla$el&.)isi$le falseJ KKla$el:.)isi$le falseJ


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR



    p%$lic -oid sendHI

    Q try Q

    P#ddress VW ip#ddress Dns .7et!ost#ddressesHtext ox1.TextIJ PEndPoint ipEnd ne" PEndPoint Hip#ddressV4W/ &:&&IJ Soc0et clientSoc0 ne" Soc0et H#ddress'amily . nterNet"or0/Soc0etType .Stream/ ProtocolType . PIJ string filePat+ J

    int co%nt 4J

    fileDes fileDes.6eplaceH XX/ K IJ "+ile HfileDes. ndexOfH K I Y *1I Q filePat+ fileDes.S%$stringH4/ fileDes. ndexOfH K I 1IJ fileDes fileDes.S%$stringHfileDes. ndexOfH K I 1IJ co%nt J R $yte VW fileName yte Encoding .#SC .7et ytesHfileDesIJ l$lError.Text J l$lError.Text %ffering ... J $yte VW fileData 'ile .6ead#ll ytesHfilePat+ fileDesIJ $yte VW clientData ne" $yte V fileName yte.(engt+ fileData.(engt+WJ $yte VW fileName(en itCon-erter .7et ytesHfileName yte.(engt+IJ fileName(en.CopyToHclientData/ 4IJ fileName yte.CopyToHclientData/ IJ fileData.CopyToHclientData/ fileName yte.(engt+IJ l$lError.Text J l$lError.Text Connection to ser-er ... J clientSoc0.ConnectHipEndIJ l$lError.Text J l$lError.Text 'ile sending... J System.T+reading. T+read .SleepH&444IJ clientSoc0.SendHclientDataIJ l$lError.Text 'ile sending... J #pplication .DoE-entsHIJ l$lError.Text J l$lError.Text Disconnecting... J clientSoc0.CloseHIJ


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    l$lError.Text J l$lError.Text 'ile transferred. J


    catc+ HException exI Q if Hex.Aessage # connection attempt failed $eca%se t+e connected partydid not properly respond after a period of time/ or esta$lis+ed connection failed $eca%seconnected +ost +as failed to respond I Q l$lError.Text J l$lError.Text No S%c+ System #-aila$le Try ot+er P J

    R else Q if Hex.Aessage No connection co%ld $e made $eca%se t+e target mac+ineacti-ely ref%sed it I Q l$lError.Text J l$lError.Text 'ile Sending fail. eca%se ser-er not r%nning. J R else Q l$lError.Text J l$lError.Text 'ile Sending fail. ex.AessageJ R R R R

    pri-ate -oid $tntransform Clic0H o$ject sender/ E-ent#rgs eI Q pict%re ox

  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR




    pri-ate -oid $tn$ro"se Clic0 1H o$ject sender/ E-ent#rgs eI

    Q txt'ilePat+.Text J open'ileDialog1.S+o"DialogHIJ txt'ilePat+.Text open'ileDialog1.'ileNameJ fileDes open'ileDialog1.'ileNameJ

    if HfileDes open'ileDialog1 I Q l$lError.Text J l$lError.'oreColor System.Dra"ing. Color .6edJ l$lError.Text Select a 'ile first J

    txt'ilePat+.Text J $tntransform.Ena$led false J R else Q pict%re ox;.)isi$le tr%eJ pict%re ox;. mage CellCo%ntingser-er.Properties. 6eso%rces .ajax loaderJ #pplication .DoE-entsHIJ System.T+reading. T+read .SleepH&44IJ

    len fileDes.(engt+J fileini fileDes.S%$stringHfileDes. ndexOfH XXI 1IJ $tntransform.Ena$led tr%eJ R R

    pri-ate -oid pict%re ox; Clic0H o$ject sender/ E-ent#rgs eI Q





  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    %sing SystemJ%sing System.Collections.7enericJ%sing System.ComponentAodelJ%sing System.DataJ

    %sing System.Dra"ingJ%sing System.(in J%sing System.TextJ%sing System. indo"s.'ormsJ%sing Zed7rap+J

    namespace 6o%terCodeCOCOQ p%$lic partial class C+art 8 'orm Q p%$lic string VW txt ne" string V

  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    ,gc. sS+o"ContextAen% false J ,gc. sS+o"Point)al%es tr%eJ ,gc.#xisC+angeHIJ

    ,gp1.6efres+HIJ R

    pri-ate -oid sortHdo%$leVW -/string VW lI Q do%$le tmp/ tmp2J string ltempJ int jJ for Hint i 4J i [ -.(engt+ * 1J i I Q for Hj 4J j [ -.(engt+ * 1 * iJ j I

    if H-Vj 1W Y -VjWI QK] compare t+e t"o neig+$o%rs ]K tmp -VjWJK] s"ap aVjW and aVj 1W ]K ltemp lVjWJ -VjW -Vj 1WJ lVjW lVj 1WJ -Vj 1W tmpJ lVj 1W ltempJ R tmp2 -VjWJ R R



  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    S& //+ A*,0


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    Select file8


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    SEND ' (E8


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR




  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR



  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR




  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    6ECE ) ND P6OP#P ( T 8


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    6O@TE6 P6O # ( T 8


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    Integration testing

    ntegration tests are designed to test integrated soft"are components

    to determine if t+ey act%ally r%n as one program. Testing is e-ent dri-enand is more concerned "it+ t+e $asic o%tcome of screens or fields.

    ntegration tests demonstrate t+at alt+o%g+ t+e components "ere

    indi-id%ally satisfaction/ as s+o"n $y s%ccessf%lly %nit testing/ t+e

    com$ination of components is correct and consistent. ntegration testing is

    specifically aimed at exposing t+e pro$lems t+at arise from t+e

    com$ination of components.

    #unctional test

    '%nctional tests pro-ide systematic demonstrations t+at f%nctions tested

    are a-aila$le as specified $y t+e $%siness and tec+nical re %irements/ system

    doc%mentation/ and %ser man%als.

    '%nctional testing is centered on t+e follo"ing items8

    )alid np%t 8 identified classes of -alid inp%t m%st $e accepted.

    n-alid np%t 8 identified classes of in-alid inp%t m%st $e rejected.

    '%nctions 8 identified f%nctions m%st $e exercised.

    O%tp%t 8 identified classes of application o%tp%ts m%st $e

    exercised.SystemsKProced%res8 interfacing systems or proced%res m%st $e in-o0ed.

    Organi,ation and preparation of f%nctional tests is foc%sed on

    re %irements/ 0ey f%nctions/ or special test cases. n addition/ systematic


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    co-erage pertaining to identify %siness process flo"sJ data fields/

    predefined processes/ and s%ccessi-e processes m%st $e considered for

    testing. efore f%nctional testing is complete/ additional tests are identified

    and t+e effecti-e -al%e of c%rrent tests is determined.

    System est

    System testing ens%res t+at t+e entire integrated soft"are system meets

    re %irements. t tests a config%ration to ens%re 0no"n and predicta$le

    res%lts. #n example of system testing is t+e config%ration oriented system

    integration test. System testing is $ased on process descriptions and flo"s/emp+asi,ing pre*dri-en process lin0s and integration points.

    :$ite (o8 esting

    +ite ox Testing is a testing in "+ic+ in "+ic+ t+e soft"are tester +as

    0no"ledge of t+e inner "or0ings/ str%ct%re and lang%age of t+e soft"are/ or

    at least its p%rpose. t is p%rpose. t is %sed to test areas t+at cannot $e

    reac+ed from a $lac0 $ox le-el.

    (lac (o8 esting

    lac0 ox Testing is testing t+e soft"are "it+o%t any 0no"ledge of t+e

    inner "or0ings/ str%ct%re or lang%age of t+e mod%le $eing tested. lac0 $ox

    tests/ as most ot+er 0inds of tests/ m%st $e "ritten from a definiti-e so%rce

    doc%ment/ s%c+ as specification or re %irements doc%ment/ s%c+ as

    specification or re %irements doc%ment. t is a testing in "+ic+ t+e soft"are

    %nder test is treated/ as a $lac0 $ox .yo% cannot FseeG into it. T+e test

    pro-ides inp%ts and responds to o%tp%ts "it+o%t considering +o" t+e

    soft"are "or0s.


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    0nit esting

    @nit testing is %s%ally cond%cted as part of a com$ined code and %nit

    test p+ase of t+e soft"are lifecycle/ alt+o%g+ it is not %ncommon for coding

    and %nit testing to $e cond%cted as t"o distinct p+ases.

    Test strategy and approach

    'ield testing "ill $e performed man%ally and f%nctional tests "ill $e

    "ritten in detail.

    est o)Becti9es

    #ll field entries m%st "or0 properly.

    Pages m%st $e acti-ated from t+e identified lin0.

    T+e entry screen/ messages and responses m%st not $e delayed.

    #eatures to )e tested

    )erify t+at t+e entries are of t+e correct format

    No d%plicate entries s+o%ld $e allo"ed

    #ll lin0s s+o%ld ta0e t+e %ser to t+e correct page.

    Integration esting


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    Soft"are integration testing is t+e incremental integration testing of

    t"o or more integrated soft"are components on a single platform to prod%ce

    fail%res ca%sed $y interface defects.

    T+e tas0 of t+e integration test is to c+ec0 t+at components orsoft"are applications/ e.g. components in a soft"are system or ^ one step %p

    ^ soft"are applications at t+e company le-el ^ interact "it+o%t error.

    est esults #ll t+e test cases mentioned a$o-e passed s%ccessf%lly. No

    defects enco%ntered.

    Acceptance esting

    @ser #cceptance Testing is a critical p+ase of any project and re %ires

    significant participation $y t+e end %ser. t also ens%res t+at t+e systemmeets t+e f%nctional re %irements.

    est esults #ll t+e test cases mentioned a$o-e passed s%ccessf%lly. No

    defects enco%ntered.

    S*S / I - / /+ A I,+

    mplementation is t+e stage of t+e project "+en t+e t+eoretical design

    is t%rned o%t into a "or0ing system. T+%s it can $e considered to $e t+e most


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    critical stage in ac+ie-ing a s%ccessf%l ne" system and in gi-ing t+e %ser/

    confidence t+at t+e ne" system "ill "or0 and $e effecti-e.

    T+e implementation stage in-ol-es caref%l planning/ in-estigation of

    t+e existing system and it9s constraints on implementation/ designing ofmet+ods to ac+ie-e c+angeo-er and e-al%ation of c+angeo-er met+ods.


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    #0 0 / /+HA+&/ /+


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    &,+& 0SI,+

    n t+is project/ "e introd%ced a no-el cell*co%nting*$ased attac0 against Tor. T+is

    attac0 is iffic%lt to detect and is a$le to %ic0ly and acc%rately confirm t+e anonymo%s

    comm%nication relations+ip among %sers on Tor. #n attac0er at t+e malicio%s exit onion

    ro%ter slig+tly manip%lates t+e transmission of cells from a target TCP stream and

    em$eds a secret signal Ha series of $inary $itsI into t+e cell co%nter -ariation of t+e TCP

    stream. #n accomplice of t+e attac0er at t+e entry onion ro%ter recogni,es t+e em$edded

    signal %sing o%r de-eloped reco-ery algorit+ms and lin0s t+e comm%nication relations+ip

    among %sers. O%r t+eoretical analysis s+o"s t+at t+e detection rate is a monotono%sly

    increasing f%nction "it+ respect to t+e delay inter-al and is a monotono%sly decreasing

    f%nction of t+e -ariance of one "ay transmission delay along a circ%it. )ia extensi-e real*

    "orld experiments on Tor/ t+e effecti-eness and feasi$ility of t+e attac0 is -alidated. O%r

    data s+o"ed t+at t+is attac0 co%ld drastically and %ic0ly degrade t+e anonymity ser-ice

    t+at Tor pro-ides. D%e to Tor9s f%ndamental design/ defending against t+is attac0 remains

    a -ery c+allenging tas0 t+at "e "ill in-estigate in o%r

    f%t%re researc+.


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    (I(I I,< A-H*

    7ood Teac+ers are "ort+ more t+an t+o%sand $oo0s/ "e +a-e t+em in O%r


    eferences ade #rom

    1. @ser nterfaces in C 8 indo"s 'orms and C%stom Controls $y Aatt+e"


    2. #pplied Aicrosoft_ .NET 'rame"or0 Programming HPro*De-eloperI $y ?effrey


    3. Practical .Net2 and C 28 !arness t+e Platform/ t+e (ang%age/ and t+e 'rame"or0

    $y Patric0 Smacc+ia.

    . Data Comm%nications and Net"or0ing/ $y e+ro%, # 'oro%,an.&. Comp%ter Net"or0ing8 # Top*Do"n #pproac+/ $y ?ames '. L%rose.

    :. 7a$riel 6. itran and 6ene Caldentey. #n o-er-ie" of pricing

    models for re-en%e management.

    ;. N. r%no and S. C+a%d+%ri. #n online approac+ to p+ysical design


  • 8/13/2019 New Cell Counting Based Attack Against TOR


    1 . 7%illermo 7allego and 7arrett -an 6y,in. Optimal Dynamic

    Pricing of n-entories "it+ Stoc+astic Demand o-er 'inite !ori,ons.

    Management Science .

    1&. #. 7+ose/ ). C+o%d+ary/ T. A%0+opad+yay/ and @. 6ajan. Dynamic

    pricing8 # strategic ad-antage for electronic retailers.

    1:. E. 7rossmann and Z. Lra-anja.

    1;. A. 7%ay and T. Z+ang. #dapti-e extrem%m see0ing control of

    nonlinear dynamic systems "it+ parametric %ncertainty.

