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New Energy Technologies Issue 06

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  • 8/8/2019 New Energy Technologies Issue 06


  • 8/8/2019 New Energy Technologies Issue 06


  • 8/8/2019 New Energy Technologies Issue 06


  • 8/8/2019 New Energy Technologies Issue 06



    1. Large-Scale Shakharov condition, David Noever and Christopher Bremner2. Matter as a resonance longitudinal wave process, Alexander V. Frolov3. Physical Principles of The Time Machine, Alexander V. Frolov4. Time Machine Project by Alexander V. Frolov5. Kozyrev-Dirak radiation, Ivan M. Shakhparonov6. The Electrical Vortex Non-Solenoidal Fields, S. Alemanov7. Physical Mechanism of Nuclear Reactions at Low Energies, V.Oleinik, Yu. Arepjev8. The Evolution of Lifter Technology, T. Ventura9. Reality and consciousness in education and activity, A.Smirnov10.Old new energy, Y. Andreev, A. Smirnov11.On the influence of time on matter, A. Belyaeva12.Life without diseases and ageing-preventive electrical bio-heater features, A. Belyaeva13.Technical report, on Belyaevas high efficient ceramic heater, Sh. Mavlyandekov14.

    Fundamental properties of aether, A. Mishin15.Effect of Magnetic Blow Wave Field on Wine Systems, I. Shakhparanov and others

    16.Nikola Tesla and Instantaneous Electric Communication, V. Korobeynikov17.The Unitied Gravitation theory, I. Kuldoshin18. New Sources of Energy from the Point of View of Unitary Quantum Theory, L.G. Sapogin, Yu.A.

    Ryabov, V.V. Graboshnikov19.Antigravitation Force and antigravitation of matter. Methods of its creation, A. K. Gaponov20.The capacitor, which has energy of atomic bomb (Review of A. Gaponovs research)

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    Page 204

    Large-ScaleSakharov Condition

    David Noever and Christopher Bremner

    NASA Marshall Space Flight Center,

    Space Sciences Laboratory

    Mail Code: ES76, Huntsville AL 35812

    Editors note: This article was presented by the autors

    for publication in New Energy Technologies. For the first

    time it was published in 1999 by the American Institute

    of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All copyrights

    belong to the authors.


    Recent far reaching theoretical results have used thequantum vacuum noise as a fundamental

    electromagnetic radiation field to derive a frequency

    ( ) dependent version of Newtons gravitational

    coupling term, ( )G . This paper reconciles the cut-offfrequency with the observed cosmologicalconstant, and

    then briefly puts forward a realizable laboratory test

    case in the 10 - 100 MHz frequency range. Oneanalogy

    is drawn between the classical vacuum energy

    experiments with attraction between two closely

    spaced plates (Casimir cavity) and thearbitrarily dense

    material boundaries possible in Bose condensates, suchas irradiation at MHz frequencies of superfluid helium

    or superconductors.

    Theoretical Background

    Zeldovich [1] first suggested that gravitational

    interactions could lead to a small disturbance in the

    (non zero) quantum fluctuations of the vacuum and thus

    give rise to a finite value of Einsteins cosmological

    constant in agreement with astrophysical data. Usingdimensional analysis and the suggestion by Zeldovich,

    Sakharov [2] derived a value for Newtons gravitational

    constant, G , in only one free parameter, frequency,:

    ddhcG 1~~5

    where c is the speed of light and h is the Planck

    constant. The free parameter in frequency when

    integrated over all values from zero to high frequencies

    must contain the usual integration cutoff value (Planck

    frequency on observable electromagnetic phenomenon).

    Puthoff [3] and others [4 5] have extended Sakharovs

    condition in a relativistically consistent model to

    determine constants of proportionality. His model

    derives an acceleration term in first order expansion (in

    flat space time), then equates inertial and gravitational

    mass (by the equivalence principle) to make contact

    with the gravitational constant, G , directly as:

    ( ) dhcG c = /1~/ 25

    which is the Sakharov condition [2,3]. This paper revisits

    the meaning of the cutoff frequency, c ,for radiation

    interactions, of which the quantum vacuum [6-10] and

    consequence of many commonly accepted concepts

    and dogmas of the modern scientific perspective of

    natural phenomena. This crisis situation in modern

    physics is a direct consequence of many conservative

    scientific viewpoints, unfortunately supported and

    protected by modern official academic science. The

    evolution of our consciousness has been influenced

    by many undoubtedly well known experts and has

    been evolving for a long time in the environment of

    specific scientific vacuum and requires immediate

    revival. Even methods used for dissemination of new

    knowledge should be improved, if one actually wishes

    to accelerate the progress of Humankind.

    The perspective for practical applications of new

    previously unknown scientific phenomena and effects

    looks very attractive, and they may be achieved by

    cooperative efforts of the human intellect. New

    breakthrough technologies of the 21st Century will

    require serious changes of many commonly accepted

    concepts and dogmas in fundamental physics. This

    process of progressive development cannot be



    1. Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands.

    The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Addison-Wesley, 1964,

    Vol. 2, Ch. 1. Paragraph 6 Electromagnetism in Science and

    Technology (the very end of paragraph)

    2. J. Maxwell, Selected Works on the Electromagnetic Field

    Theory, Gostekhizdat, Moscow (1954).

    3. G . V. N i k ol aev, Non- cont ra di ct ory El ec trodynam ics.

    Theories, Experiments, and Paradoxes, Publishing House of

    the Tomsk State University, Tomsk (1997).

    4. A. S. Kompaniets, in: Theoretical Physics, State Technical

    and Theoretical Press, Moscow (1957), pp. 126-128.

    5. R. T. Sigalov, T. I. Shapovalova, Kh. Kh. Karimov, and

    N. I. Samsonov, New Research of Forces of the Magnetic

    Field, FAN Press of the Uzbekskaia SSR, Tashkent (1975).

    6. Ya. I. Frenkel, Electrodynamics. Vol. 1, United Scientific and

    Technical Presses, Leningrad/Moscow (1934).

    7. G. V. Nikolaev and B. V. Okulov, Inertial Properties of

    Electrons, deposited at VINITI, No. 4399-77, Moscow (1978).

    8. Observations of the Aharanov-Bohm Effect, Nature,

    No. 7, 106 (1983).

    9. G. V. Nikolaev, Scientific Vacuum. Crisis in Basic Physics.

    Is There Any Way Out?! Publishing House Kursiv, Tomsk


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    Page 205

    Planck frequency are only the leading terms, and for

    which linear combinations of forces can introduce other

    plausible frequencies. One purpose of this

    reexamination is whether the resulting gravitational

    coupling constant, G , can be reconciled with the

    anticipated energy density of the universe [11] without

    resorting to extreme space time curvature and thus yield

    enough critical density to contain the expansion of the

    universe. Finally we particularize the case to the high-

    density fluctuations possible in Bose condensates [12],a potential experimental test case for how the effects

    of vacuum noise might manifest observably.

    One far-reaching consequence of the vacuum energy

    model is the attractive force of gravity becomes

    reducible to the radiative interaction between

    oscillating charges, e.g. the zero point field (ZPF)

    applied to subatomic charges. Mass and inertia arise

    from the fundamentally electromagnetic ZPF


    This random background gives the usual quantum

    mechanical energy spectrum from particle field effects:

    ( ) dd 3~

    a very important dimensional relationship, since the

    third power in frequency avoids anomalous Doppler

    shifts from velocity boosts, or stated alternatively is the

    correct spectra for a Lorentzian (non accelerated)

    invariant radiation field [13].

    More specifically, the energy spectrum [3] can be

    written as:

    ( )









    which is an expression in the first parenthesis of the

    density of the normal modes and in the second

    parenthesis of the average energy per mode. When this

    energy density is integrated over all frequencies, the

    3 divergence produces well known infinities in theintegration limit of high frequencies, thus an assumed

    cutoff frequency (appropriate to experimental

    observation limits at the Planck frequency), is usually


    ( ) 2/15/hG=

    For mass, m , moving in an accelerated reference frameg = -a=Gm/r2, the resulting energy spectrum includes

    a gravitational spectral shift [3],

    ( ) drdrGmchd 42252 /1~]/[2/' =

    a kind of short range (1/r4) gravitationalenergy shift,

    but electromagnetic in origin when zero point

    fluctuations are included. (N.B. To account for equal

    gravitational mass effects in neutrons and protons, the

    ZPF oscillations must involve subatomic charges, or

    parton effects. The assumption derives from high

    frequency interactions of ZPF wherein these subatomic

    particles are asymptotically free to oscillate as

    independent or free particles as quantum noise).

    A further far reaching consequence [3] is mass itself

    becomes interpretable as a dependent quantity derived

    from a damped (with decay constant ) oscillation

    driven by random ZPF:

    dchGcm == 323 /2/

    with the only two free parameters, the damping factor

    , and again the frequency, . The internal kineticenergy of the system contributes to the effective mass.

    This leads to an overall average spectral density, written

    in terms of mass as:

    ( ) 4452 2/ rhcm c =

    for the electromagnetic field distribution near (1/r4) to

    the mass,m, which in detail is half electric and half


    One additionally attractive feature is the

    correspondence between this derivation and the view

    of gravity as a dynamical scaleinvariance breaking

    model (e.g. symmetry breaking near the Planck mass

    energy [14]). A final result includes the force calculation

    between two ZPF radiation oscillators of the correct

    form yielding Newtons average force law

    22/rGmF >=A

    cduring the measurement of A

    cand A


    of many capacitors with different dielectrics. Theoretical

    grounds and results of measurements of this

    phenomenon are given in the publications in 1984 [1],[2, page 73]. On the industrial standards NC (varicond),

    ceramic condensers VK2-ZSH, 46,810-9F with anoptimal voltage about 95 V it was stated that






    with the power to about 9810-6 Wt and

    generated extra power is equal to 2110-6 Wt.

    1.2. In [1] and [2] the strict theoretical proofs of

    realization of Ad>A

    c(there are four of them) are given.

    On 1m3

    of dielectric







    (Ec is

    an intensity of the field, V/m; 0

    is a dielectric constant

    of vacuum, a is a coefficient of nonlinearity of the

    capacitor). Below we state one more proof more

    connected with the parameters of circuit.

    It is well known that with the charge of a linear capacity

    from the source of constant voltage V0=const through

    the resistor R=const it gets an energy2





    exactly equal to the output energy in the time of

    charging tc.

    The output energy irradiated from the load

    R is a Joule heat =ct



    2 [3, page 546]. If NC

    (nonlinear condenser) is charged, then there are no

    proofs of such equation. The NC are the variconds or

    other capacitors, which have 0>V

    Cin the interval

    V=0Vk. For the variconds V

    kis some voltage, which

    corresponds to the maximum Cv..

    If V>Vk, then 0
