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New FlowNet 2.0: Evolution of Optical Flow Estimation with Deep … · 2016. 12. 7. · FlowNet...

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FlowNet 2.0: Evolution of Optical Flow Estimation with Deep Networks Eddy Ilg, Nikolaus Mayer, Tonmoy Saikia, Margret Keuper, Alexey Dosovitskiy, Thomas Brox University of Freiburg, Germany {ilg,mayern,saikiat,keuper,dosovits,brox}@cs.uni-freiburg.de Abstract The FlowNet demonstrated that optical flow estimation can be cast as a learning problem. However, the state of the art with regard to the quality of the flow has still been defined by traditional methods. Particularly on small dis- placements and real-world data, FlowNet cannot compete with variational methods. In this paper, we advance the concept of end-to-end learning of optical flow and make it work really well. The large improvements in quality and speed are caused by three major contributions: first, we focus on the training data and show that the schedule of presenting data during training is very important. Second, we develop a stacked architecture that includes warping of the second image with intermediate optical flow. Third, we elaborate on small displacements by introducing a sub- network specializing on small motions. FlowNet 2.0 is only marginally slower than the original FlowNet but decreases the estimation error by more than 50%. It performs on par with state-of-the-art methods, while running at interactive frame rates. Moreover, we present faster variants that al- low optical flow computation at up to 140fps with accuracy matching the original FlowNet. 1. Introduction The FlowNet by Dosovitskiy et al. [11] represented a paradigm shift in optical flow estimation. The idea of using a simple convolutional CNN architecture to directly learn the concept of optical flow from data was completely dis- joint from all the established approaches. However, first im- plementations of new ideas often have a hard time compet- ing with highly fine-tuned existing methods, and FlowNet was no exception to this rule. It is the successive consolida- tion that resolves the negative effects and helps us appreci- ate the benefits of new ways of thinking. At the same time, it resolves problems with small dis- placements and noisy artifacts in estimated flow fields. This leads to a dramatic performance improvement on real-world applications such as action recognition and motion segmen- tation, bringing FlowNet 2.0 to the state-of-the-art level. FlowNet FlowNet 2.0 Figure 1. We present an extension of FlowNet. FlowNet 2.0 yields smooth flow fields, preserves fine motion details and runs at 8 to 140fps. The accuracy on this example is four times higher than with the original FlowNet. The way towards FlowNet 2.0 is via several evolutionary, but decisive modifications that are not trivially connected to the observed problems. First, we evaluate the influence of dataset schedules. Interestingly, the more sophisticated training data provided by Mayer et al. [19] leads to infe- rior results if used in isolation. However, a learning sched- ule consisting of multiple datasets improves results signifi- cantly. In this scope, we also found that the FlowNet version with an explicit correlation layer outperforms the version without such layer. This is in contrast to the results reported in Dosovitskiy et al. [11]. As a second contribution, we introduce a warping oper- ation and show how stacking multiple networks using this operation can significantly improve the results. By varying the depth of the stack and the size of individual components we obtain many network variants with different size and runtime. This allows us to control the trade-off between ac- curacy and computational resources. We provide networks for the spectrum between 8fps and 140fps. Finally, we focus on small, subpixel motion and real- world data. To this end, we created a special training dataset and a specialized network. We show that the architecture trained with this dataset performs well on small motions typical for real-world videos. To reach optimal performance on arbitrary displacements, we add a network that learns to fuse the former stacked network with the small displace- 1 arXiv:1612.01925v1 [cs.CV] 6 Dec 2016
  • FlowNet 2.0: Evolution of Optical Flow Estimation with Deep Networks

    Eddy Ilg, Nikolaus Mayer, Tonmoy Saikia, Margret Keuper, Alexey Dosovitskiy, Thomas BroxUniversity of Freiburg, Germany



    The FlowNet demonstrated that optical flow estimationcan be cast as a learning problem. However, the state ofthe art with regard to the quality of the flow has still beendefined by traditional methods. Particularly on small dis-placements and real-world data, FlowNet cannot competewith variational methods. In this paper, we advance theconcept of end-to-end learning of optical flow and make itwork really well. The large improvements in quality andspeed are caused by three major contributions: first, wefocus on the training data and show that the schedule ofpresenting data during training is very important. Second,we develop a stacked architecture that includes warpingof the second image with intermediate optical flow. Third,we elaborate on small displacements by introducing a sub-network specializing on small motions. FlowNet 2.0 is onlymarginally slower than the original FlowNet but decreasesthe estimation error by more than 50%. It performs on parwith state-of-the-art methods, while running at interactiveframe rates. Moreover, we present faster variants that al-low optical flow computation at up to 140fps with accuracymatching the original FlowNet.

    1. IntroductionThe FlowNet by Dosovitskiy et al. [11] represented a

    paradigm shift in optical flow estimation. The idea of usinga simple convolutional CNN architecture to directly learnthe concept of optical flow from data was completely dis-joint from all the established approaches. However, first im-plementations of new ideas often have a hard time compet-ing with highly fine-tuned existing methods, and FlowNetwas no exception to this rule. It is the successive consolida-tion that resolves the negative effects and helps us appreci-ate the benefits of new ways of thinking.

    At the same time, it resolves problems with small dis-placements and noisy artifacts in estimated flow fields. Thisleads to a dramatic performance improvement on real-worldapplications such as action recognition and motion segmen-tation, bringing FlowNet 2.0 to the state-of-the-art level.

    FlowNet FlowNet 2.0

    Figure 1. We present an extension of FlowNet. FlowNet 2.0 yieldssmooth flow fields, preserves fine motion details and runs at 8 to140fps. The accuracy on this example is four times higher thanwith the original FlowNet.

    The way towards FlowNet 2.0 is via several evolutionary,but decisive modifications that are not trivially connectedto the observed problems. First, we evaluate the influenceof dataset schedules. Interestingly, the more sophisticatedtraining data provided by Mayer et al. [19] leads to infe-rior results if used in isolation. However, a learning sched-ule consisting of multiple datasets improves results signifi-cantly. In this scope, we also found that the FlowNet versionwith an explicit correlation layer outperforms the versionwithout such layer. This is in contrast to the results reportedin Dosovitskiy et al. [11].

    As a second contribution, we introduce a warping oper-ation and show how stacking multiple networks using thisoperation can significantly improve the results. By varyingthe depth of the stack and the size of individual componentswe obtain many network variants with different size andruntime. This allows us to control the trade-off between ac-curacy and computational resources. We provide networksfor the spectrum between 8fps and 140fps.

    Finally, we focus on small, subpixel motion and real-world data. To this end, we created a special training datasetand a specialized network. We show that the architecturetrained with this dataset performs well on small motionstypical for real-world videos. To reach optimal performanceon arbitrary displacements, we add a network that learns tofuse the former stacked network with the small displace-









    ] 6




  • Large Displacement

    FlowNetSImage 1

    Image 1

    Image 1

    Image 2

    Image 2


    Flow Flow




    Image 1

    Image 2







    Image 1

    Image 2


    Large Displacement

    Large Displacement


    FlowNetC FlowNetS

    Small Displacement


    Figure 2. Schematic view of complete architecture: To compute large displacement optical flow we combine multiple FlowNets. Bracesindicate concatenation of inputs. Brightness Error is the difference between the first image and the second image warped with the previouslyestimated flow. To optimally deal with small displacements, we introduce smaller strides in the beginning and convolutions betweenupconvolutions into the FlowNetS architecture. Finally we apply a small fusion network to provide the final estimate.

    ment network in an optimal manner.The final network outperforms the previous FlowNet by

    a large margin and performs on par with state-of-the-artmethods on the Sintel and KITTI benchmarks. It can es-timate small and large displacements with very high levelof detail while providing interactive frame rates.

    2. Related Work

    End-to-end optical flow estimation with convolutionalnetworks was proposed by Dosovitskiy et al. in [11]. Theirmodel, dubbed FlowNet, takes a pair of images as inputand outputs the flow field. Following FlowNet, severalpapers have studied optical flow estimation with CNNs:featuring a 3D convolutional network [31], an unsuper-vised learning objective [1, 34], carefully designed rotation-ally invariant architectures [29], or a pyramidal approachbased on the coarse-to-fine idea of variational methods [21].None of these methods significantly outperforms the origi-nal FlowNet.

    An alternative approach to learning-based optical flowestimation is to use CNNs for matching image patches.Thewlis et al. [30] formulate Deep Matching [32] as a con-volutional network and optimize it end-to-end. Gadot &Wolf [13] and Bailer et al. [3] learn image patch descrip-tors using Siamese network architectures. These methodscan reach good accuracy, but require exhaustive matchingof patches. Thus, they are restrictively slow for most prac-tical applications. Moreover, patch based approaches lackthe possibility to use the larger context of the whole imagebecause they operate on small image patches.

    Convolutional networks trained for per-pixel prediction

    tasks often produce noisy or blurry results. As a remedy,out-of-the-box optimization can be applied to the networkpredictions as a postprocessing operation, for example, op-tical flow estimates can be refined with a variational ap-proach [11]. In some cases, this refinement can be ap-proximated by neural networks: Chen & Pock [10] formu-late reaction diffusion model as a CNN and apply it to im-age denoising, deblocking and superresolution. Recently,it has been shown that similar refinement can be obtainedby stacking several convolutional networks on top of eachother. This led to improved results in human pose estima-tion [18, 9] and semantic instance segmentation [23]. Inthis paper we adapt the idea of stacking multiple networksto optical flow estimation.

    Our network architecture includes warping layers thatcompensate for some already estimated preliminary motionin the second image. The concept of image warping is com-mon to all contemporary variational optical flow methodsand goes back to the work of Lucas & Kanade [17]. In Broxet al. [6] it was shown to correspond to a numerical fixedpoint iteration scheme coupled with a continuation method.

    The strategy of training machine learning models on aseries of gradually increasing tasks is known as curriculumlearning [5]. The idea dates back at least to Elman [12],who showed that both the evolution of tasks and the networkarchitectures can be beneficial in the language processingscenario. In this paper we revisit this idea in the contextof computer vision and show how it can lead to dramaticperformance improvement on a complex real-world task ofoptical flow estimation.


  • 3. Dataset SchedulesHigh quality training data is crucial for the success of

    supervised training. We investigated the differences in thequality of the estimated optical flow depending on the pre-sented training data. Interestingly, it turned out that not onlythe kind of data is important but also the order in which it ispresented during training.

    The original FlowNets [11] were trained on the Fly-ingChairs dataset (we will call it Chairs). This rather sim-plistic dataset contains about 22k image pairs of chairssuperimposed on random background images from Flickr.Random affine transformations are applied to chairs andbackground to obtain the second image and ground truthflow fields. The dataset contains only planar motions.

    The FlyingThings3D (Things3D) dataset proposed byMayer et al. [19] can be seen as a three-dimensional versionof the FlyingChairs. The dataset consists of 22k renderingsof random scenes showing 3D models from the ShapeNetdataset [24] moving in front of static 3D backgrounds. Incontrast to Chairs, the images show true 3D motion andlighting effects and there is more variety among the objectmodels.

    We tested the two network architectures introduced byDosovitskiy et al. [11]: FlowNetS, which is a straightfor-ward encoder-decoder architecture, and FlowNetC, whichincludes explicit correlation of feature maps. We trainedFlowNetS and FlowNetC on Chairs and Things3D and anequal mixture of samples from both datasets using the dif-ferent learning rate schedules shown in Figure 3. The basicschedule Sshort (600k iterations) corresponds to Dosovit-skiy et al. [11] except some minor changes1. Apart fromthis basic schedule Sshort , we investigated a longer sched-ule Slong with 1.2M iterations, and a schedule for fine-tuning Sfine with smaller learning rates. Results of net-works trained on Chairs and Things3D with the differentschedules are given in Table 1. The results lead to the fol-lowing observations:

    The order of presenting training data with differentproperties matters. Although Things3D is more realistic,training on Things3D alone leads to worse results than train-ing on Chairs. The best results are consistently achievedwhen first training on Chairs and only then fine-tuning onThings3D. This schedule also outperforms training on amixture of Chairs and Things3D. We conjecture that thesimpler Chairs dataset helps the network learn the generalconcept of color matching without developing possibly con-fusing priors for 3D motion and realistic lighting too early.The result indicates the importance of training data sched-ules for avoiding shortcuts when learning generic conceptswith deep networks.

    1(1) We do not start with a learning rate of 1e− 6 and increase it first,but we start with 1e−4 immediately. (2) We fix the learning rate for 300kiterations and then divide it by 2 every 100k iterations.









    900k 1M
























    Figure 3. Learning rate schedules: Sshort is similar to the schedulein Dosovitskiy et al. [11]. We investigated another longer versionSlong and a fine-tuning schedule Sfine .

    Architecture Datasets Sshort Slong Sfine


    Chairs 4.45 - -Chairs - 4.24 4.21

    Things3D - 5.07 4.50mixed - 4.52 4.10

    Chairs→Things3D - 4.24 3.79

    FlowNetCChairs 3.77 - -

    Chairs→Things3D - 3.58 3.04

    Table 1. Results of training FlowNets with different schedules ondifferent datasets (one network per row). Numbers indicate end-point errors on Sintel train clean. mixed denotes an equal mixtureof Chairs and Things3D. Training on Chairs first and fine-tuningon Things3D yields the best results (the same holds when testingon the KITTI dataset; see supplemental material). FlowNetC per-forms better than FlowNetS.

    FlowNetC outperforms FlowNetS. The result we gotwith FlowNetS and Sshort corresponds to the one reportedin Dosovitskiy et al. [11]. However, we obtained much bet-ter results on FlowNetC. We conclude that Dosovitskiy etal. [11] did not train FlowNetS and FlowNetC under theexact same conditions. When done so, the FlowNetC archi-tecture compares favorably to the FlowNetS architecture.

    Improved results. Just by modifying datasets and train-ing schedules, we improved the FlowNetS result reportedby Dosovitskiy et al. [11] by ∼ 25% and the FlowNetC re-sult by ∼ 30%.

    In this section, we did not yet use specialized trainingsets for specialized scenarios. The trained network is rathersupposed to be generic and to work well in various scenar-ios. An additional optional component in dataset schedulesis fine-tuning of a generic network to a specific scenario,such as the driving scenario, which we show in Section 6.


  • Stack Training Warping Warping Loss after EPE on Chairs EPE on Sintelarchitecture enabled included gradient test train clean

    Net1 Net2 enabled Net1 Net2Net1 3 – – – 3 – 3.01 3.79Net1 + Net2 7 3 7 – – 3 2.60 4.29Net1 + Net2 3 3 7 – 7 3 2.55 4.29Net1 + Net2 3 3 7 – 3 3 2.38 3.94Net1 + W + Net2 7 3 3 – – 3 1.94 2.93Net1 + W + Net2 3 3 3 3 7 3 1.96 3.49Net1 + W + Net2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1.78 3.33

    Table 2. Evaluation of options when stacking two FlowNetS networks (Net1 and Net2). Net1 was trained with the Chairs→Things3Dschedule from Section 3. Net2 is initialized randomly and subsequently, Net1 and Net2 together, or only Net2 is trained on Chairs withSlong ; see text for details. When training without warping, the stacked network overfits to the Chairs dataset. The best results on Sintel areobtained when fixing Net1 and training Net2 with warping.

    4. Stacking Networks4.1. Stacking Two Networks for Flow Refinement

    All state-of-the-art optical flow approaches rely on itera-tive methods [7, 32, 22, 2]. Can deep networks also benefitfrom iterative refinement? To answer this, we experimentwith stacking multiple FlowNetS and FlowNetC architec-tures.

    The first network in the stack always gets the images I1and I2 as input. Subsequent networks get I1, I2, and theprevious flow estimate wi = (ui, vi)>, where i denotes theindex of the network in the stack.

    To make assessment of the previous error and computingan incremental update easier for the network, we also op-tionally warp the second image I2(x, y) via the flow wi andbilinear interpolation to Ĩ2,i(x, y) = I2(x+ui, y+vi). Thisway, the next network in the stack can focus on the remain-ing increment between I1 and Ĩ2,i. When using warping, weadditionally provide Ĩ2,i and the error ei = ||Ĩ2,i − I1|| asinput to the next network; see Figure 2. Thanks to bilinearinterpolation, the derivatives of the warping operation canbe computed (see supplemental material for details). Thisenables training of stacked networks end-to-end.

    Table 2 shows the effect of stacking two networks, theeffect of warping, and the effect of end-to-end training.We take the best FlowNetS from Section 3 and add an-other FlowNetS on top. The second network is initializedrandomly and then the stack is trained on Chairs with theschedule Slong . We experimented with two scenarios: keep-ing the weights of the first network fixed, or updating themtogether with the weights of the second network. In the lat-ter case, the weights of the first network are fixed for the first400k iterations to first provide a good initialization of thesecond network. We report the error on Sintel train cleanand on the test set of Chairs. Since the Chairs test set ismuch more similar to the training data than Sintel, compar-ing results on both datasets allows us to detect tendencies to

    over-fitting.We make the following observations: (1) Just stacking

    networks without warping improves results on Chairs butdecreases performance on Sintel, i.e. the stacked networkis over-fitting. (2) With warping included, stacking alwaysimproves results. (3) Adding an intermediate loss after Net1is advantageous when training the stacked network end-to-end. (4) The best results are obtained when keeping the firstnetwork fixed and only training the second network after thewarping operation.

    Clearly, since the stacked network is twice as big as thesingle network, over-fitting is an issue. The positive effectof flow refinement after warping can counteract this prob-lem, yet the best of both is obtained when the stacked net-works are trained one after the other, since this avoids over-fitting while having the benefit of flow refinement.

    4.2. Stacking Multiple Diverse Networks

    Rather than stacking identical networks, it is possible tostack networks of different type (FlowNetC and FlowNetS).Reducing the size of the individual networks is another validoption. We now investigate different combinations and ad-ditionally also vary the network size.

    We call the first network the bootstrap network as itdiffers from the second network by its inputs. The sec-ond network could however be repeated an arbitray num-ber of times in a recurrent fashion. We conducted this ex-periment and found that applying a network with the sameweights multiple times and also fine-tuning this recurrentpart does not improve results (see supplemental material fordetails). As also done in [18, 10], we therefore add networkswith different weights to the stack. Compared to identicalweights, stacking networks with different weights increasesthe memory footprint, but does not increase the runtime. Inthis case the top networks are not constrained to a generalimprovement of their input, but can perform different tasksat different stages and the stack can be trained in smaller


  • 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6

    Number of Channels Multiplier



















    Figure 4. Accuracy and runtime of FlowNetS depending on thenetwork width. The multiplier 1 corresponds to the width of theoriginal FlowNet architecture. Wider networks do not improve theaccuracy. For fast execution times, a factor of 3

    8is a good choice.

    Timings are from an Nvidia GTX 1080.

    pieces by fixing existing networks and adding new networksone-by-one. We do so by using the Chairs→Things3Dschedule from Section 3 for every new network and thebest configuration with warping from Section 4.1. Further-more, we experiment with different network sizes and al-ternatively use FlowNetS or FlowNetC as a bootstrappingnetwork. We use FlowNetC only in case of the bootstrapnetwork, as the input to the next network is too diverse to beproperly handeled by the Siamese structure of FlowNetC.Smaller size versions of the networks were created by tak-ing only a fraction of the number of channels for every layerin the network. Figure 4 shows the network accuracy andruntime for different network sizes of a single FlowNetS.Factor 38 yields a good trade-off between speed and accu-racy when aiming for faster networks.Notation: We denote networks trained by theChairs→Things3D schedule from Section 3 startingwith FlowNet2. Networks in a stack are trained withthis schedule one-by-one. For the stack configuration weappend upper- or lower-case letters to indicate the originalFlowNet or the thin version with 38 of the channels. E.g:FlowNet2-CSS stands for a network stack consisting ofone FlowNetC and two FlowNetS. FlowNet2-css is thesame but with fewer channels.

    Table 3 shows the performance of different networkstacks. Most notably, the final FlowNet2-CSS result im-proves by∼ 30% over the single network FlowNet2-C fromSection 3 and by ∼ 50% over the original FlowNetC [11].Furthermore, two small networks in the beginning al-ways outperform one large network, despite being fasterand having fewer weights: FlowNet2-ss (11M weights)over FlowNet2-S (38M weights), and FlowNet2-cs (11Mweights) over FlowNet2-C (38M weights). Training smallerunits step by step proves to be advantageous and enables

    Number of Networks1 2 3 4

    Architecture s ss sssRuntime 7ms 14ms 20ms –EPE 4.55 3.22 3.12Architecture S SSRuntime 18ms 37ms – –EPE 3.79 2.56Architecture c cs css csssRuntime 17ms 24ms 31ms 36msEPE 3.62 2.65 2.51 2.49Architecture C CS CSSRuntime 33ms 51ms 69ms –EPE 3.04 2.20 2.10

    Table 3. Results on Sintel train clean for some variants of stackedFlowNet architectures following the best practices of Section 3and Section 4.1. Each new network was first trained on Chairswith Slong and then on Things3D with Sfine (Chairs→Things3Dschedule). Forward pass times are from an Nvidia GTX 1080.

    us to train very deep networks for optical flow. At last,FlowNet2-s provides nearly the same accuracy as the origi-nal FlowNet [11], while running at 140 frames per second.

    5. Small Displacements5.1. Datasets

    While the original FlowNet [11] performed well on theSintel benchmark, limitations in real-world applicationshave become apparent. In particular, the network cannotreliably estimate small motions (see Figure 1). This iscounter-intuitive, since small motions are easier for tradi-tional methods, and there is no obvious reason why net-works should not reach the same performance in this set-ting. Thus, we examined the training data and compared itto the UCF101 dataset [26] as one example of real-worlddata. While Chairs are similar to Sintel, UCF101 is funda-mentally different (we refer to our supplemental material forthe analysis): Sintel is an action movie and as such containsmany fast movements that are difficult for traditional meth-ods, while the displacements we see in the UCF101 datasetare much smaller, mostly smaller than 1 pixel. Thus, wecreated a dataset in the visual style of Chairs but with verysmall displacements and a displacement histogram muchmore like UCF101. We also added cases with a backgroundthat is homogeneous or just consists of color gradients. Wecall this dataset ChairsSDHom and will release it upon pub-lication.

    5.2. Small Displacement Network and Fusion

    We fine-tuned our FlowNet2-CSS network for smallerdisplacements by further training the whole networkstack on a mixture of Things3D and ChairsSDHom


  • and by applying a non-linearity to the error to down-weight large displacements2. We denote this network byFlowNet2-CSS-ft-sd. This increases performance onsmall displacements and we found that this particular mix-ture does not sacrifice performance on large displacements.However, in case of subpixel motion, noise still remains aproblem and we conjecture that the FlowNet architecturemight in general not be perfect for such motion. Therefore,we slightly modified the original FlowNetS architecture andremoved the stride 2 in the first layer. We made the begin-ning of the network deeper by exchanging the 7×7 and 5×5kernels in the beginning with multiple 3×3 kernels2. Be-cause noise tends to be a problem with small displacements,we add convolutions between the upconvolutions to obtainsmoother estimates as in [19]. We denote the resulting ar-chitecture by FlowNet2-SD; see Figure 2.

    Finally, we created a small network that fusesFlowNet2-CSS-ft-sd and FlowNet2-SD (see Figure 2). Thefusion network receives the flows, the flow magnitudes andthe errors in brightness after warping as input. It contractsthe resolution two times by a factor of 2 and expands again2.Contrary to the original FlowNet architecture it expands tothe full resolution. We find that this produces crisp motionboundaries and performs well on small as well as on largedisplacements. We denote the final network as FlowNet2.

    6. ExperimentsWe compare the best variants of our network to state-

    of-the-art approaches on public bechmarks. In addition, weprovide a comparison on application tasks, such as motionsegmentation and action recognition. This allows bench-marking the method on real data.

    6.1. Speed and Performance on Public Benchmarks

    We evaluated all methods3 on a system with an IntelXeon E5 with 2.40GHz and an Nvidia GTX 1080. Whereapplicable, dataset-specific parameters were used, that yieldbest performance. Endpoint errors and runtimes are givenin Table 4.

    Sintel: On Sintel, FlowNet2 consistently outperformsDeepFlow [32] and EpicFlow [22] and is on par with Flow-Fields. All methods with comparable runtimes have clearlyinferior accuracy. We fine-tuned FlowNet2 on a mixtureof Sintel clean+final training data (FlowNet2–ft-sintel). Onthe benchmark, in case of clean data this slightly degradedthe result, while on final data FlowNet2–ft-sintel is on parwith the currently published state-of-the art method Deep-DiscreteFlow [14].

    KITTI: On KITTI, the results of FlowNet2-CSS arecomparable to EpicFlow [22] and FlowFields [2]. Fine-

    2For details we refer to the supplemental material3An exception is EPPM for which we could not provide the required

    Windows environment and use the results from [4].

    MPI Sintel (train final)




    Runtime (milliseconds per frame)







    100 101 102 103 104 105 106





    EpicFlow DeepFlowFlowField









    Figure 5. Runtime vs. endpoint error comparison to the fastestexisting methods with available code. The FlowNet2 family out-performs other methods by a large margin. The behaviour for theKITTI dataset is the same; see supplemental material.

    tuning on small displacement data degrades the result. Thisis probably due to KITTI containing very large displace-ments in general. Fine-tuning on a combination of theKITTI2012 and KITTI2015 training sets reduces the errorroughly by a factor of 3 (FlowNet2-ft-kitti). Among non-stereo methods we obtain the best EPE on KITTI2012 andthe first rank on the KITTI2015 benchmark. This showshow well and elegantly the learning approach can integratethe prior of the driving scenario.

    Middlebury: On the Middlebury training set FlowNet2performs comparable to traditional methods. The results onthe Middlebury test set are unexpectedly a lot worse. Still,there is a large improvement compared to FlowNetS [11].

    Endpoint error vs. runtime evaluations for Sintel areprovided in Figure 4. One can observe that the FlowNet2family outperforms the best and fastest existing methodsby large margins. Depending on the type of application,a FlowNet2 variant between 8 to 140 frames per second canbe used.

    6.2. Qualitative Results

    Figures 6 and 7 show example results on Sintel and onreal-world data. While the performance on Sintel is sim-ilar to FlowFields [2], we can see that on real world dataFlowNet 2.0 clearly has advantages in terms of being robustto homogeneous regions (rows 2 and 5), image and com-pression artifacts (rows 3 and 4) and it yields smooth flowfields with sharp motion boundaries.

    6.3. Performance on Motion Segmentation and Ac-tion Recognition

    To assess performance of FlowNet 2.0 in real-world ap-plications, we compare the performance of action recogni-tion and motion segmentation. For both applications, good


  • Method Sintel clean Sintel final KITTI 2012 KITTI 2015 Middlebury RuntimeAEE AEE AEE AEE Fl-all Fl-all AEE ms per frame

    train test train test train test train train test train test CPU GPU




    EpicFlow† [22] 2.27 4.12 3.56 6.29 3.09 3.8 9.27 27.18% 27.10% 0.31 0.39 42,600 –DeepFlow† [32] 2.66 5.38 3.57 7.21 4.48 5.8 10.63 26.52% 29.18% 0.25 0.42 51,940 –FlowFields [2] 1.86 3.75 3.06 5.81 3.33 3.5 8.33 24.43% – 0.27 0.33 22,810 –LDOF (CPU) [7] 4.64 7.56 5.96 9.12 10.94 12.4 18.19 38.11% – 0.44 0.56 64,900 –LDOF (GPU) [27] 4.76 – 6.32 – 10.43 – 18.20 38.05% – 0.36 – – 6,270PCA-Layers [33] 3.22 5.73 4.52 7.89 5.99 5.2 12.74 27.26% – 0.66 – 3,300 –


    EPPM [4] – 6.49 – 8.38 – 9.2 – – – – 0.33 – 200PCA-Flow [33] 4.04 6.83 5.18 8.65 5.48 6.2 14.01 39.59% – 0.70 – 140 –DIS-Fast [16] 5.61 9.35 6.31 10.13 11.01 14.4 21.20 53.73% – 0.92 – 70 –FlowNetS [11] 4.50 6.96‡ 5.45 7.52‡ 8.26 – – – – 1.09 – – 18FlowNetC [11] 4.31 6.85‡ 5.87 8.51‡ 9.35 – – – – 1.15 – – 32




    FlowNet2-s 4.55 – 5.21 – 8.89 – 16.42 56.81% – 1.27 – – 7FlowNet2-ss 3.22 – 3.85 – 5.45 – 12.84 41.03% – 0.68 – – 14FlowNet2-css 2.51 – 3.54 – 4.49 – 11.01 35.19% – 0.54 – – 31FlowNet2-css-ft-sd 2.50 – 3.50 – 4.71 – 11.18 34.10% – 0.43 – – 31FlowNet2-CSS 2.10 – 3.23 – 3.55 – 8.94 29.77% – 0.44 – – 69FlowNet2-CSS-ft-sd 2.08 – 3.17 – 4.05 – 10.07 30.73% – 0.38 – – 69FlowNet2 2.02 3.96 3.14 6.02 4.09 – 10.06 30.37% – 0.35 0.52 – 123FlowNet2-ft-sintel (1.45) 4.16 (2.01) 5.74 3.61 – 9.84 28.20% – 0.35 – – 123FlowNet2-ft-kitti 3.43 – 4.66 – (1.28) 1.8 (2.30) (8.61%) 11.48% 0.56 – – 123

    Table 4. Performance comparison on public benchmarks. AEE: Average Endpoint Error; Fl-all: Ratio of pixels where flow estimate iswrong by both ≥ 3 pixels and ≥ 5%. The best number for each category is highlighted in bold. See text for details. †train numbers forthese methods use slower but better "improved" option. ‡For these results we report the fine-tuned numbers (FlowNetS-ft and FlowNetC-ft).

    Image Overlay Ground Truth FlowFields [2] PCA-Flow [33] FlowNetS [11] FlowNet2(22,810ms) (140ms) (18ms) (123ms)

    Figure 6. Examples of flow fields from different methods estimated on Sintel. FlowNet2 performs similar to FlowFields and is able toextract fine details, while methods running at comparable speeds perform much worse (PCA-Flow and FlowNetS).

    optical flow is key. Thus, a good performance on these tasksalso serves as an indicator for good optical flow.

    For motion segmentation, we rely on the well-established approach of Ochs et al. [20] to compute longterm point trajectories. A motion segmentation is obtainedfrom these using the state-of-the-art method from Keuper etal. [15]. The results are shown in Table 5. The originalmodel in Ochs et al. [15] was built on Large DisplacementOptical Flow [7]. We included also other popular optical

    flow methods in the comparison. The old FlowNet [11]was not useful for motion segmentation. In contrast, theFlowNet2 is as reliable as other state-of-the-art methodswhile being orders of magnitude faster.

    Optical flow is also a crucial feature for action recog-nition. To assess the performance, we trained the tempo-ral stream of the two-stream approach from Simonyan etal. [25] with different optical flow inputs. Table 5 showsthat FlowNetS [11] did not provide useful results, while the


  • Image Overlay FlowFields [2] DeepFlow [32] LDOF (GPU) [27] PCA-Flow [33] FlowNetS [11] FlowNet2

    Figure 7. Examples of flow fields from different methods estimated on real-world data. The top two rows are from the Middlebury dataset and the bottom three from UCF101. Note how well FlowNet2 generalizes to real-world data, i.e. it produces smooth flow fields, crispboundaries and is robust to motion blur and compression artifacts. Given timings of methods differ due to different image resolutions.

    flow from FlowNet 2.0 yields comparable results to state-of-the art methods.

    7. ConclusionsWe have presented several improvements to the FlowNet

    idea that have led to accuracy that is fully on par with state-of-the-art methods while FlowNet 2.0 runs orders of magni-tude faster. We have quantified the effect of each contribu-tion and showed that all play an important role. The experi-ments on motion segmentation and action recognition showthat the estimated optical flow with FlowNet 2.0 is reliableon a large variety of scenes and applications. The FlowNet2.0 family provides networks running at speeds from 8 to140fps. This further extends the possible range of applica-tions. While the results on Middlebury indicate imperfectperformance on subpixel motion, FlowNet 2.0 results high-light very crisp motion boundaries, retrieval of fine struc-tures, and robustness to compression artifacts. Thus, weexpect it to become the working horse for all applicationsthat require accurate and fast optical flow computation.

    AcknowledgementsWe acknowledge funding by the ERC Starting Grant

    VideoLearn, the DFG Grant BR-3815/7-1, and the EU Hori-

    Motion Seg. Action Recog.F-Measure Extracted Accuracy

    ObjectsLDOF-CPU [7] 79.51% 28/65 79.91%†

    DeepFlow [32] 80.18% 29/65 81.89%EpicFlow [22] 78.36% 27/65 78.90%FlowFields [2] 79.70% 30/65 –FlowNetS [11] 56.87%‡ 3/62‡ 55.27%FlowNet2-css-ft-sd 77.88% 26/65 –FlowNet2-CSS-ft-sd 79.52% 30/65 79.64%FlowNet2 79.92% 32/65 79.51%

    Table 5. Motion segmentation and action recognition using differ-ent methods; see text for details. Motion Segmentation: We re-port results using [20, 15] on the training set of FBMS-59 [28, 20]with a density of 4 pixels. Different densities and error measuresare given the supplemental material. “Extracted objects” refers toobjects with F ≥ 75%. ‡FlowNetS is evaluated on 28 out of 29sequences; on the sequence lion02, the optimization did not con-verge even after one week. Action Recognition: We report classi-fication accuracies after training the temporal stream of [25]. Weuse a stack of 5 optical flow fields as input. Due to long trainingtimes only selected methods could be evaluated. †To reproduce re-sults from [25], for action recognition we use the OpenCV LDOFimplementation. Note the generally large difference for FlowNetSand FlowNet2 and the performance compared to traditional meth-ods.


  • zon2020 project TrimBot2020.

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  • Supplementary Material for"FlowNet 2.0: Evolution of Optical Flow Estimation with Deep Networks"

    Figure 1. Flow field color coding used in this paper. The displace-ment of every pixel in this illustration is the vector from the centerof the square to this pixel. The central pixel does not move. Thevalue is scaled differently for different images to best visualize themost interesting range.

    1. VideoPlease see the supplementary video for FlowNet2 results

    on a number of diverse video sequences, a comparison be-tween FlowNet2 and state-of-the-art methods, and an illus-tration of the speed/accuracy trade-off of the FlowNet 2.0family of models.

    Optical flow color coding. For optical flow visualizationwe use the color coding of Butler et al. [8]. The color cod-ing scheme is illustrated in Figure 1. Hue represents thedirection of the displacement vector, while the intensity ofthe color represents its magnitude. White color correspondsto no motion. Because the range of motions is very differentin different image sequences, we scale the flow fields beforevisualization: independently for each image pair shown infigures, and independently for each video fragment in thesupplementary video. Scaling is always the same for allmethods being compared.

    2. Dataset Schedules: KITTI2015 ResultsIn Table 1 we show more results of training networks

    with the original FlowNet schedule Sshort [11] and the newFlowNet2 schedules Slong and Sfine . We provide the end-point error when testing on the KITTI2015 train dataset. Ta-ble 1 in the main paper shows the performance of the samenetworks on Sintel. One can observe that on KITTI2015, as

    Architecture Datasets Sshort Slong Sfine


    Chairs 15.58 - -Chairs - 14.60 14.28

    Things3D - 16.01 16.10mixed - 16.69 15.57

    Chairs→Things3D - 14.60 14.18

    FlowNetCChairs 13.41 - -

    Chairs→Things3D - 12.48 11.36

    Table 1. Results of training FlowNets with different scheduleson different datasets (one network per row). Numbers indicateendpoint errors on the KITTI2015 training dataset.

    well as on Sintel, training with Slong + Sfine on the com-bination of Chairs and Things3D works best (in the paperreferred to as Chairs→Things3D schedule).

    3. Recurrently Stacking Networks with theSame Weights

    The bootstrap network differs from the succeeding net-works by its task (it needs to predict a flow field fromscratch) and inputs (it does not get a previous flow esti-mate and a warped image). The network after the boot-strap network only refines the previous flow estimate, so itcan be applied to its own output recursively. We took thebest network from Table 2 of the main paper and appliedNet2 recursively multiple times. We then continued train-ing the whole stack with multiple Net2. The difference fromour final FlowNet2 architecture is that here the weights areshared between the stacked networks, similar to a standardrecurrent network. Results are given in Table 2. In all caseswe observe no or negligible improvements compared to thebaseline network with a single Net2.

    4. Small Displacements4.1. The ChairsSDHom Dataset

    As an example of real-world data we examine theUCF101 dataset [26]. We compute optical flow usingLDOF [11] and compare the flow magnitude distribution tothe synthetic datasets we use for training and benchmark-ing, this is shown in Figure 3. While Chairs are similar


  • Training of WarpingNet2 gradient EPE

    enabled enabledNet1 + 1×Net2 7 – 2.93Net1 + 2×Net2 7 – 2.95Net1 + 3×Net2 7 – 3.04Net1 + 3×Net2 3 7 2.85Net1 + 3×Net2 3 3 2.85

    Table 2. Stacked architectures using shared weights. The com-bination in the first row corresponds to the best results of Table 2from the paper. Just applying the second network multiple timesdoes not yield improvements. In the two bottom rows we showthe results of fine-tuning the stack of the top networks on Chairsfor 100k more iterations. This leads to a minor improvement ofperformance.

    Figure 2. Images from the ChairsSDHom (Chairs Small Displace-ment Homogeneous) dataset.

    to Sintel, UCF101 is fundamentally different and containsmuch more small displacments.

    To create a training dataset similar to UCF101, follow-ing [11], we generated our ChairsSDHom (Chairs SmallDisplacement Homogeneous) dataset by randomly placingand moving chairs in front of randomized background im-ages. However, we also followed Mayer et al. [19] inthat our chairs are not flat 2D bitmaps as in [11], but ren-dered 3D objects. Similar to Mayer et al., we renderedour data first in a “raw” version to get blend-free flowboundaries and then a second time with antialiasing to ob-tain the color images. To match the characteristic con-tents of the UCF101 dataset, we mostly applied small mo-tions. We added scenes with weakly textured background tothe dataset, being monochrome or containing a very subtlecolor gradient. Such monotonous backgrounds are not un-usual in natural videos, but almost never appear in Chairs orThings3D. A featureless background can potentially movein any direction (an extreme case of the aperture problem),so we kept these background images fixed to introduce ameaningful prior into the dataset. Example images from thedataset are shown in Figure 2.

    4.2. Fine-Tuning FlowNet2-CSS-ft-sd

    With the new ChairsSDHom dataset we fine-tuned ourFlowNet2-CSS network for smaller displacements (we de-note this by FlowNet2-CSS-ft-sd). We experimented withdifferent configurations to avoid sacrificing performance on

    Name Kernel Str. Ch I/O In Res Out Res Inputconv0 3×3 1 6/64 512×384 512×384 Imagesconv1 3×3 2 64/64 512×384 256×192 conv0conv1_1 3×3 1 64/128 256×192 256×192 conv1conv2 3×3 2 128/128 256×192 128×96 conv1_1conv2_1 3×3 1 128/128 128×96 128×96 conv2conv3 3×3 2 128/256 128×96 64×48 conv2_1conv3_1 3×3 1 256/256 64×48 64×48 conv3conv4 3×3 2 256/512 64×48 32×24 conv3_1conv4_1 3×3 1 512/512 32×24 32×24 conv4conv5 3×3 2 512/512 32×24 16×12 conv4_1conv5_1 3×3 1 512/512 16×12 16×12 conv5conv6 3×3 2 512/1024 16×12 8×6 conv5_1conv6_1 3×3 1 1024/1024 8×6 8×6 conv6pr6+loss6 3×3 1 1024/2 8×6 8×6 conv6_1upconv5 4×4 2 1024/512 8×6 16×12 conv6_1rconv5 3×3 1 1026/512 16×12 16×12 upconv5+pr6+conv5_1pr5+loss5 3×3 1 512/2 16×12 16×12 rconv5upconv4 4×4 2 512/256 16×12 32×24 rconv5rconv4 3×3 1 770/256 32×24 32×24 upconv4+pr5+conv4_1pr4+loss4 3×3 1 256/2 32×24 32×24 rconv4upconv3 4×4 2 256/128 32×24 64×48 rconv4rconv3 3×3 1 386/128 64×48 64×48 upconv3+pr4+conv3_1pr3+loss3 3×3 1 128/2 64×48 64×48 rconv3upconv2 4×4 2 128/64 64×48 128×96 rconv3rconv2 3×3 1 194/64 128×96 128×96 upconv2+pr3+conv2_1pr2+loss2 3×3 1 64/2 128×96 128×96 rconv2

    Table 3. The details of the FlowNet2-SD architecture.

    Name Kernel Str. Ch I/O In Res Out Res Inputconv0 3×3 1 6/64 512×384 512×384 Img1+flows+mags+errsconv1 3×3 2 64/64 512×384 256×192 conv0conv1_1 3×3 1 64/128 256×192 256×192 conv1conv2 3×3 2 128/128 256×192 128×96 conv1_1conv2_1 3×3 1 128/128 128×96 128×96 conv2pr2+loss2 3×3 1 128/2 128×96 128×96 conv2_1upconv1 4×4 2 128/32 128×96 256×192 conv2_1rconv1 3×3 1 162/32 256×192 256×192 upconv1+pr2+conv1_1pr1+loss1 3×3 1 32/2 256×192 256×192 rconv1upconv0 4×4 2 32/16 256×192 512×384 rconv1rconv0 3×3 1 82/16 512×384 512×384 upconv0+pr1+conv0pr0+loss0 3×3 1 16/2 512×384 512×384 rconv0

    Table 4. The details of the FlowNet2 fusion network architecture.

    large displacements. We found the best performance canbe achieved by training with mini-batches of 8 samples: 2from Things3D and 6 from ChairsSDHom. Furthermore,we applied a nonlinearity of x0.4 to the endpoint error toemphasize the small-magnitude flows.

    4.3. Network Architectures

    The architectures of the small displacement network andthe fusion network are shown in Tables 3 and 4. The inputto the small displacement network is formed by concatenat-ing both RGB images, resulting in 6 input channels. Thenetwork is in general similar to FlowNetS. Differences arethe smaller strides and smaller kernel sizes in the beginningand the convolutions between the upconvolutions.

    The fusion network is trained to merge the flow esti-mates of two previously trained networks, and this task dic-tates the input structure. We feed the following data intothe network: the first image from the image pair, two es-timated flow fields, their magnitudes, and finally the twosquared Euclidean photoconsistency errors, that is, per-pixel squared Euclidean distance between the first imageand the second image warped with the predicted flow field.This sums up to 11 channels. Note that we do not input


  • 0 5 10 15 20 25

















    0 0.25 0.5





    Displacement magnitude (zoom into orange box)

    Figure 3. Left: histogram of displacement magnitudes of different datasets. y-axis is logarithmic. Right: zoomed view for very smalldisplacements. The Chairs dataset very closely follows the Sintel dataset, while our ChairsSDHom datasets is close to UCF101. Things3Dhas few small displacements and for larger displacements also follows Sintel and Chairs. The Things3D histogram appears smootherbecause it contains more raw pixel data and due to its randomization of 6-DOF camera motion.

    the second image directly. All inputs are at full image reso-lution, flow field estimates from previous networks are up-sampled with nearest neighbor upsampling.

    5. Evaluation5.1. Intermediate Results in Stacked Networks

    The idea of the stacked network architecture is that theestimated flow field is gradually improved by every networkin the stack. This improvement has been quantitativelyshown in the paper. Here, we additionally show qualitativeexamples which clearly highlight this effect. The improve-ment is especially dramatic for small displacements, as il-lustrated in Figure 5. The initial prediction of FlowNet2-Cis very noisy, but is then significantly refined by the two suc-ceeding networks. The FlowNet2-SD network, specificallytrained on small displacements, estimates small displace-ments well even without additional refinement. Best resultsare obtained by fusing both estimated flow fields. Figure 6illustrates this for a large displacement case.

    5.2. Speed and Performance on KITTI2012

    Figure 4 shows runtime vs. endpoint error comparisonsof various optical flow estimation methods on two datasets:Sintel (also shown in the main paper) and KITTI2012. Inboth cases models of the FlowNet 2.0 family offer an ex-cellent speed/accuracy trade-off. Networks fine-tuned onKITTI are not shown. The corresponding points would bebelow the lower border of the KITTI2012 plot.

    5.3. Motion Segmentation

    Table 5 shows detailed results on motion segmentationobtained using the algorithms from [20, 15] with flow fieldsfrom different methods as input. For FlowNetS the algo-rithm does not fully converge after one week on the train-

    MPI Sintel (train final)




    Runtime (milliseconds per frame)







    100 101 102 103 104 105 106





    EpicFlow DeepFlowFlowFields









    KITTI 2012 (train)




    Runtime (milliseconds per frame)












    100 101 102 103 104 105 106














    FN2-CSS-ft-sd FlowNet2

    Figure 4. Runtime vs. endpoint error comparison to the fastestexisting methods with available code. The FlowNet2 family out-performs other methods by a large margin.

    ing set. Due to the bad flow estimations of FlowNetS [11],only very short trajectories can be computed (on averageabout 3 frames), yielding an excessive number of trajecto-ries. Therefore we do not evaluate FlowNetS on the testset. On all metrics, FlowNet2 is at least on par with the best


  • Image Overlay FlowNet2-C output FlowNet2-CS output FlowNet2-CSS output

    Fused output

    FlowFields FlowNet2-SD output

    Image Overlay FlowNet2-C output FlowNet2-CS output FlowNet2-CSS output

    Fused output

    FlowFields FlowNet2-SD output

    Image Overlay FlowNet2-C output FlowNet2-CS output FlowNet2-CSS output

    Fused output

    FlowFields FlowNet2-SD

    Figure 5. Three examples of iterative flow field refinement and fusion for small displacements. The motion is very small (therefore mostlynot visible in the image overlays). One can observe that FlowNet2-SD output is smoother than FlowNet2-CSS output. The fusion correctlyuses the FlowNet2-SD output in the areas where FlowNet2-CSS produces noise due to small displacements.

    optical flow estimation methods and on the VI (variation ofinformation) metric it is even significantly better.

    5.4. Qualitative results on KITTI2015

    Figure 7 shows qualitative results on the KITTI2015dataset. FlowNet2-kitti has not been trained on these im-

    ages during fine-tuning. KITTI ground truth is sparse, so forbetter visualization we interpolated the ground truth withbilinear interpolation. FlowNet2-kitti significantly outper-forms competing approaches both quantitatively and quali-tatively.


  • Image Overlay FlowNet2-C output FlowNet2-CS output FlowNet2-CSS output

    Fused output

    Ground Truth FlowNet2-SD output

    Figure 6. Iterative flow field refinement and fusion for large displacements. The large displacements branch correctly estimates the largemotions; the stacked networks improve the flow field and make it smoother. The small displacement branch cannot capture the largemotions and the fusion network correctly chooses to use the output of the large displacement branch.

    Method Training set (29 sequences) Test set (30 sequences)D P R F VI O D P R F VI O

    LDOF (CPU) [7] 0.81% 86.73% 73.08% 79.32% 0.267 31/65 0.87% 87.88% 67.70% 76.48% 0.366 25/69DeepFlow [32] 0.86% 88.96% 76.56% 82.29% 0.296 33/65 0.89% 88.20% 69.39% 77.67% 0.367 26/69EpicFlow [22] 0.84% 87.21% 74.53% 80.37% 0.279 30/65 0.90% 85.69% 69.09% 76.50% 0.373 25/69FlowFields [2] 0.83% 87.19% 74.33% 80.25% 0.282 31/65 0.89% 86.88% 69.74% 77.37% 0.365 27/69FlowNetS [11] 0.45% 74.84% 45.81% 56.83% 0.604 3/65 0.48% 68.05% 41.73% 51.74% 0.60 3/69FlowNet2-css-ft-sd 0.78% 88.07% 71.81% 79.12% 0.270 28/65 0.81% 83.76% 65.77% 73.68% 0.394 24/69FlowNet2-CSS-ft-sd 0.79% 87.57% 73.87% 80.14% 0.255 31/65 0.85% 85.36% 68.81% 76.19% 0.327 26/69FlowNet2 0.80% 89.63% 73.38% 80.69% 0.238 29/65 0.85% 86.73% 68.77% 76.71% 0.311 26/69LDOF (CPU) [7] 3.47% 86.79% 73.36% 79.51% 0.270 28/65 3.72% 86.81% 67.96% 76.24% 0.361 25/69DeepFlow [32] 3.66% 86.69% 74.58% 80.18% 0.303 29/65 3.79% 88.58% 68.46% 77.23% 0.393 27/69EpicFlow [22] 3.58% 84.47% 73.08% 78.36% 0.289 27/65 3.83% 86.38% 70.31% 77.52% 0.343 27/69FlowFields [2] 3.55% 87.05% 73.50% 79.70% 0.293 30/65 3.82% 88.04% 68.44% 77.01% 0.397 24/69FlowNetS [11]∗ 1.93% 76.60% 45.23% 56.87% 0.680 3/62 – – – – – –/69FlowNet2-css-ft-sd 3.38% 85.82% 71.29% 77.88% 0.297 26/65 3.53% 84.24% 65.49% 73.69% 0.369 25/69FlowNet2-CSS-ft-sd 3.41% 86.54% 73.54% 79.52% 0.279 30/65 3.68% 85.58% 67.81% 75.66% 0.339 27/69FlowNet2 3.41% 87.42% 73.60% 79.92% 0.249 32/65 3.66% 87.16% 68.51% 76.72% 0.324 26/69

    Table 5. Results on the FBMS-59 [28, 20] dataset on training (left) and test set (right). Best results are highlighted in bold. Top: lowtrajectory density (8px distance), bottom: high trajectory density (4px distance). We report D: density (depending on the selected trajectorysparseness), P: average precision, R: average recall, F: F-measure, VI: variation of information (lower is better), and O: extracted objectswith F ≥ 75%. (∗) FlownetS is evaluated on 28 out of 29 sequences. On the sequence lion02, the optimization did not converge after oneweek. Due to the convergence problems we do not evaluate FlowNetS on the test set.

    6. Warping Layer

    The following two sections give the mathematical detailsof forward and backward passes through the warping layerused to stack networks.

    6.1. Definitions and Bilinear Interpolation

    Let the image coordinates be x = (x, y)> and the set ofvalid image coordinates R. Let I(x) denote the image andw(x) = (u(x), v(x))> the flow field. The image can alsobe a feature map and have arbitrarily many channels. Letchannel c be denoted with Ic(x). We define the coefficients:

    θx = x− bxc, θx = 1− θx,θy = y − byc, θy = 1− θy (1)

    and compute a continuous version Ĩ of I using bilinear in-terpolation in the usual way:

    Ĩ(x, y) = θxθyI(bxc, byc)+ θxθyI(dxe, byc)+ θxθyI(bxc, dye)+ θxθyI(dxe, dye)


    6.2. Forward Pass

    During the forward pass, we compute the warped imageby following the flow vectors. We define all pixels to bezero where the flow points outside of the image:

    JI,w(x) =

    {Ĩ(x+w(x)) if x+w(x) is in R,0 otherwise.



  • Image Overlay Ground Truth FlowFields [2]

    PCA-Flow [33] FlowNetS [11] FlowNet2-kitti

    Image Overlay Ground Truth FlowFields [2]

    PCA-Flow [33] FlowNetS [11] FlowNet2-kitti

    Figure 7. Qualitative results on the KITTI2015 dataset. Flow fields produced by FlowNet2-kitti are significantly more accurate, detailedand smooth than results of all other methods. Sparse ground truth has been interpolated for better visualization (note that this can causeblurry edges in the ground truth).

    6.3. Backward Pass

    During the backward pass, we need to compute thederivative of JI,w(x) with respect to its inputs I(x′) andw(x′), where x and x′ are different integer image loca-tions. Let δ(b) = 1 if b is true and 0 otherwise, and letx + w(x) = (p(x), q(x))>. For brevity, we omit the de-pendence of p and q on x. The derivative with respect toIc(x

    ′) is then computed as follows:





    =∂Ĩc(p, q)

    ∂Ic(x′, y′)

    = θx′θy′δ(bpc = x′)δ(bqc = y′)+ θx′θy′δ(dpe = x′)δ(bqc = y′)+ θx′θy′δ(bpc = x′)δ(dqe = y′)+ θx′θy′δ(dpe = x′)δ(dqe = y′). (4)

    The derivative with respect to the first component of theflow u(x) is computed as follows:



    {0 if x 6= x′ or (p, q)> /∈ R∂Ĩ(x+w(x))

    ∂u(x) otherwise.(5)

    In the non-trivial case, the derivative is computed as fol-




    ∂Ĩ(p, q)


    =∂Ĩ(p, q)



    ∂pθpθqI(bpc, bqc)


    ∂pθpθqI(dpe, bqc)


    ∂pθpθqI(bpc, dqe)


    ∂pθpθqI(dpe, dqe)

    = − θqI(bpc, bqc)+ θqI(dpe, bqc)− θqI(bpc, dqe)+ θqI(dpe, dqe). (6)

    Note that the ceiling and floor functions (d·e, b·c) are non-differentiable at points with integer coordinates and we usedirectional derivatives in these cases. The derivative withrespect to v(x) is analogous.


    1 . Introduction2 . Related Work3 . Dataset Schedules 4 . Stacking Networks4.1 . Stacking Two Networks for Flow Refinement4.2 . Stacking Multiple Diverse Networks5 . Small Displacements5.1 . Datasets5.2 . Small Displacement Network and Fusion6 . Experiments6.1 . Speed and Performance on Public Benchmarks6.2 . Qualitative Results6.3 . Performance on Motion Segmentation and Action Recognition7 . Conclusions1 . Video2 . Dataset Schedules: KITTI2015 Results

    3 . Recurrently Stacking Networks with the Same Weights4 . Small Displacements4.1 . The ChairsSDHom Dataset4.2 . Fine-Tuning FlowNet2-CSS-ft-sd4.3 . Network Architectures5 . Evaluation5.1 . Intermediate Results in Stacked Networks5.2 . Speed and Performance on KITTI20125.3 . Motion Segmentation5.4 . Qualitative results on KITTI20156 . Warping Layer6.1 . Definitions and Bilinear Interpolation6.2 . Forward Pass6.3 . Backward Pass
