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New Ideas - Chapter 24:i -

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New Ideas - Chapter 24:i -. Adam Smith “Father of Capitalism”. author of Wealth of Nations advocated a policy of laissez-faire (“leave them alone”) - let natural forces of supply & demand to operate (no government interference!) - sellers/buyers act in own self-interest - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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New Ideas - Chapter 24:i -
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New Ideas- Chapter 24:i -

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Adam Smith“Father of Capitalism”

• author of Wealth of Nations• advocated a policy of laissez-faire (“leave

them alone”)- let natural forces of supply & demand to operate (no government interference!)- sellers/buyers act in own self-interest- businesses compete to produce goods inexpensively (efficient producers will prosper, expand operations, hire more workers, etc.)

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Thomas Malthus

• author of An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798)

• poverty, famine, and misery unavoidable

- population increasing faster than food supply

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[Image source: http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/lect/mod15.html]

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David Ricardo

• “iron law of wages” – rapid population growth leads to:- fierce competition for jobs- lower wages- higher unemployment

Continual poverty inevitable!

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Image source: http://courtneyannemurray.googlepages.com/historyofcapitlism]

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The Birth of Economics,“the dismal science”

[Image source: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2007/08/12/business/12view.1901.jpg]

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Malthus &Ricardo

• believed in laissez-faire

• thought the poor could help themselves by working hard, saving earnings, and having fewer children

How accurate were the forecasts of Malthus and Ricardo? (Be prepared to explain!)

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Evangelicals and Reform

[Image source: http://roger-williams.net/family_history/william_lee/lord_morpeth.jpg]

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William Wilberforce got the British Parliament to outlaw the slave trade in 1807, and slavery throughout the empire in 1833.

[Image source: http://i.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/01179/arts-graphics-2007_1179113a.jpg]]

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Lord Shaftesbury

promoted laws limiting

working hours for

women and children.

[Image source: http://gerald-massey.org.uk/holyoake/images/lord_shaftesbury.jpg]

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Utilitarian Reformers

[Image source: http://files.libertyfund.org/img/907//lf0353-01_1978v1_figure_023.jpg]

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British philosopher

Jeremy Bentham believed society should work for

“the greatest happiness forthe greatest number” of

citizens.[Image source: http://faculty.cua.edu/pennington/KrakowLectures/Law508/bentham.jpg]

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Laws should be judged by:

• their usefulness;

• whether they advance human happiness; and

• reduced human misery

[Image source:http://www.usefulwork.com/shark/justice.jpg]

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Bentham’s follower, John

Stuart Mill,called for the

distribution of wealth more

justly through taxing income.

[Image source:http://www.comnet.ca/~pballan/milljs2.jpg]

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[Image source: http://www.willamette.edu/~sbasu/poli212/Mill1_files/image055.png]

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[Image source: http://media.photobucket.com/image/socialism/tomasutpen/album3/socialism4.jpg]

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• the belief that the means of production – capital, land, raw materials, and factories – should be owned and controlled by society, either directly or through governments

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Robert Owen, a wealthy Welsh manufacturer,

believed competition caused manyof society’s problems.

[Image source: http://www.chorleyhistorysociety.co.uk/robert_owen.jpg]

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Owen believed life would improve if cooperation replaced competition.

New Lanark, Scotland

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Owen unsuccessfully attempted to apply his ideas in the United States in 1825.

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Prussian philosopher Karl Marx

dismissed the ideas of early socialists as impractical.

[Image source:http://www.communism.co.uk/karl-marx.jpg]

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Marx attempted to provide a scientific basis for socialism.

[Image source: http://friedgreenonions.blogspot.com/2009/01/we-will-bury-you-khrushchev-prophesizes.html]

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Due to his radical views,

Marx lived most of his life in exile.

[Image source: http://libcom.org/library/critique-of-the-gotha-program-karl-marx]

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In 1844, Marx met Friedrich

Engels, scion of a wealthy industrialist,

in Paris.[Image source:


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Marx and Engels became lifelong collaborators.

[Image source: http://mikeely.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/marx-engels_at_work_together.jpg]

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Marx based his teachings on the

German philosopher Hegel, who thought

that the clash of ideas produced

changes and new ideas (and new

conflicts!).[Image source:


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Hegel’s Triad

[Image source: http://philosophy.blogs.com/mc_philosophy/images/hegel_triad.jpg]

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Marx believed history advanced through conflict, and that economics was the major force for change.

[Image source: http://barnsdale.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/class_warfare.jpg]

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According to Marx, what emerged was a “class struggle” – the

conflict between those who controlled production and those who did the work –

which propelled history forward.

[Image source: http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/nov04/chartists%20storming%20westgate%20preston%201842.png]

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Marx’s stages of economic life:

People produce what they need1. Primitive

Advent of tools make surpluses possible (people became exploitable)2. Slavery3. Feudal4. Capitalist

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In Marx’s view, history was a struggle between the “haves” and “have-nots”.

[Image source: http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1852/18th-brumaire/pics/barics2.gif]

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[Image source: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs44/f/2009/064/6/0/Karl_Marx__The_Prophet_by_Latuff2.jpg]

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Marx believed the makers of goods – the proletariat – was the true productive class.

[Image source: http://zetetics.us/images/worker.gif]

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The bourgeoisie, or middle class, exploited the proletariat by owning the means of production.

[Image source:]

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“Let the ruling classes tremble at a

Communist revolution. The

proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They

have a world to win. Working men of all countries, unite!”

[Image source: http://www.popsiclesandgrenades.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/manifest-hope-workers-rights-poster.jpg]

The Communist Manifesto (1848)

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[Image source: http://z.hubpages.com/u/757096_f260.jpg]

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Marx developed his ideas further in the work Das Kapital.

[Image source: http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/writers/swabeck/1959/xx/capital.jpg]

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[Image source: http://www.southtexascollege.edu/nilsson/4_GB_Internet_Activities/4_IA_HumanPopGrowth.html]

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What is the message of

this political cartoon, and

of the cartoons

that follow?

[Image source: http://www.marxists.org/subject/art/visual_arts/satire/marx/marx1.jpg]
