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New ISI inspection framework presentation AMW 1 Sept 2015

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An introduction to the inspection framework and recent changes Inspecting body ; Independent Schools Inspectorate ( ISI) – Government approved organisation who report to the DfE Inspection framework
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An introduction to the inspection framework and recent changes

Inspecting body ; Independent Schools Inspectorate ( ISI) – Government approved organisation who report to the DfE

Inspection framework

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Up to 6 years Integrated inspections include inspection of

school, EYFS and boarding Over 3 years Intermediate inspections ‘If a school is inspected at a longer interval than

three years then additional Intermediate inspections of EYFS and boarding requirements

will take place. The DfE can request an inspection of a school at

any time.(unannounced!)


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4 possible grades:

Excellent Good Sound Unsatisfactory

‘Exceptional’ may be awarded for academic achievement only ( top 5% of UK schools)

Integrated inspection outcomes

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1. The quality of the pupils’ achievements and learning

2. The contribution of curricular and extra-curricular provision

3. The contribution of teaching

9 judgements

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1. The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the pupils,

2. The contribution of arrangements for pastoral care,

3. The contribution of arrangements for welfare, health and safety,

4. The quality of boarding (for schools providing boarding accommodation)

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1. The quality of governance, 2. The quality of leadership and

management, including links with parents, carers and guardians

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Originally 10 standards when ISI started out –now over 400 ISSRs( Independent School Standards Regulations) that we must adhere to.

Schools are given 5 days notice for an integrated and intermediate inspection. Approx 30 minutes notice for an ‘unannounced’ inspection.

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Pupil surveys Parental questionnaires Pupil interviews Teaching Staff interviews Non teaching staff interviews Residential staff interviews Pupil shadowing Lesson and extra curricular observations Work scrutiny Compliance checks of all policies DBS checks – single central register…..

Integrated inspection involves:

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5 days notice Inspectors in school for 2½ days Parental questionnaires Boarders’ surveys Boarders’ interviews House visits Checking House records Meals with boarders Boarders activities Interviews with boarding staff and matrons compliance checks against NMS

Intermediate boarding inspection

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Could be announced at any time from half term onwards ( last inspection took place on 13/11/12)

The focus is on compliance with NMS only (with supporting evidence). There is no reporting against other boarding criteria.

i.e there are no value judgements or graded outcomes simply a ‘pass’ or ‘fail’. To be compliant all NMS must be met.

Intermediate boarding inspection

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Requirement to be familiar with the latest NMS ( 20 overarching standards – 77 regulations)

Training will be provided this term to ensure all boarding staff understand their roles and responsibilities

Boarding handbook to be updated and recirculated amongst boarding staff

Boarding staff

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Key developments in:

Welfare, health and safety Suitability of staff, supply staff and

governors Quality of leadership and management in


Recent developments in inspection regulations

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Safeguarding – with regards to KCSIE inclusion of ‘Prevent’ strategy and staff code of conduct to include ref to whistle blowing policy and staff/pupil relationships and social media. All staff to read and sign to acknowledge that they have read and understood KCSIE part1 and safeguarding policies.

Welfare, health and safety

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Schools should promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

(Life Matters, History, Politics, RS, School and House assemblies etc)

promoting fundamental British values

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Suitable measures for children who go missing from school/education and in particular the need for staff to be aware of and implement procedures for notifying local authority and parents as appropriate.

Missing children

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That children understand the risks and know who to ask for support on issues such as child sexual exploitation, domestic violence, female genital mutilation (statutory duty to report cases of FGM involving children from October 2015) forced marriage, substance misuse, gang activity, e-safety, relationships, water, fire, road and railways.

That measures are in place to take effective action to prevent and tackle discriminatory and derogatory language (racist, homophobic or disability discriminatory language in particular)

Personal safety

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Relates to level of pre employment checks – barred list, enhanced DBS etc.

Prohibition of participation in management Disqualification by association (prep school) Redefines ‘regulated activity’ and makes

particular reference to keeping of single central register

What constitutes regulated activity?

Suitability of staff, supply staff and governors

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1 - ALL REGULAR WORK FOR SCHOOLS WITH OPPORTUNITY FOR CONTACT WITH CHILDREN IS REGULATED ACTIVITY (some exceptions related to supervised volunteers, temporary contractors, pupil to pupil teaching)

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2 – Relevant personal care, or health care is regulated activity irrespective of frequency. This includes helping a child, for reasons of age, illness or disability, with eating or drinking, or in connection with toileting, washing, bathing and dressing;

Health care in this context means care for children provided by or under the direction or supervision of, a regulated health care professional.

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3 – Regular, unsupervised teaching, training, instructing, caring for or supervising children is regulated activity and so is regularly

Providing advice or guidance for children on well-being, or

Driving a vehicle only for children

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The standard in this paragraph is met if the proprietor ensures that relevant health and safety

laws are complied with by the drawing up and effective implementation of a written health and

safety policy. To state the School’s legal responsibility for the health

and safety of its employees, pupils and visitors To establish who is responsible for health and safety

and what responsibilities are delegated to whom To outline the School’s arrangements to establish,

monitor and review measures needed to meet satisfactory health and safety standards

Quality of leadership and management

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‘It is important to judge leadership and management at all levels. As for governance, the judgement of quality is based largely on effectiveness in promoting educational success and personal development in a positive school environment. The impact of regulatory deficiencies must also be carefully considered, for example, regulatory deficiencies in welfare, health and safety are likely to depress the overall judgement.’

(ISI regulatory handbook 2015)

Quality of leadership and management
