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NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE Biology II Exam - March 2010 ANSWER SHEET BTOCLOGY 't1 For all sècond year and AP level students. IgIE: Consistent Yvith a modern approâch to b¡ology, pr¡nc¡ples of e¡/olution will be included ¡n every test as these apply to the top¡cs l¡sted. JA.NUARY TEST: evolutþn, general chemistry, water, chemistry ofca¡bon molecules, structure and function of macromolecules, eukaryoti¿ and prokaryotic cell structure and function incìudingmembrane tra¡spo¡! ATP synthesis, photosynthesis and cell resÞiration, enzymatii regulation ofbiochemical reactions. FEBRUARY TEST: evolut¡on, eukaryotic and p¡okaryotic cell cycles, chromosomes, meiosis and gametogenesis, Mendelian and non-Mendelian pattems ofgenetiç inheritance, molecular genetics and biotechnolory, bioinformatics, genetic diseases, genetics of viruses and bacter¡a- populal¡on genetics. MARCH TEST: evolution, phylogeny and sfematics, prokaryotes, protists, fungi, comparative anatomy a¡d physiology ofthe plant kingdom (fiom green algae to flowering plants - with emphasis on algiosperm form and function APRIL TEST: €volulion, comparatìve anatomy and physiology ofthe anìmalkingdom with emphasis on human anatomy and phys¡ology (nutrition and digestion, ci¡culation and gas exchange, immunity and disease, osmoregulation and exc¡etion, hormonal control, reproduction a¡d development, neryous control and sensory mechanisms), ecology (relationships, energy flow, cycling of matter, biomes, ecosystems, populations), behavior. Thursday January 14, 2010 , Thursday Feb 1l' 2010; Thursday March 11, 2010; *Th¡¡rsday April 8' 2010 ** The test¡ng date for the Ap.il will be decided by each local area duri¡g the January exam- The date ofthe April exam should be a date that all schools in the area can attend. The April exam must be completed by April 30th. No a¡ea may take the April exam during the first week ofAp¡il. New Jersey Science League PO Box 65 Stewartsville, NJ 08886-0065 phone # 908-213{923 fax # 908-213-8924 email n¡scilíi¿eûlqIq Web address www.enter'nel-njscil Testing Dates for 201 I Thursday January 13,2011, Thursday Feb lI' 2011; **Thursday March 17, 201l; *Tþursday Apr¡l l4' 201I *The April20l1 exam can be changed based upon the Schools spring break. **Chânged due to HSPA testing. C t7 33 A 49 A 65 D 2 C l8 E 34 E 50 B 66 A l C l9 Ë 35 D 5l E 67 B 4 20 A 36 B 52 D 68 D 5 A 2'l D 31 C 53 A 69 .Øï't 6 f) 22 A 38 B 54 E 70 E 7 D 23 l) 39 D 55 B 7t A B 24 C 40 A 56 B 12 B I C 5 B 41 D 57 C 73 B 0 C 26 A E 58 D 74 C D 27 E B 59 c 75 C 2 B 28 D 44 C 60 c 76 A 3 B 29 45 A 61 D 77 c 4 c l0 D 46 D 62 78 D 5 C 31 c 47 B 63 c 79 C l6 D 3Z R 48 A 64 B 80
Page 1: NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE II March A l8 l9 · NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE Biology II Exam - March 2010 ANSWER SHEET BTOCLOGY 't1 For all sècond year and AP level students.IgIE: Consistent



BTOCLOGY 't1 For all sècond year and AP level students. IgIE: Consistent Yvith a modern approâch tob¡ology, pr¡nc¡ples of e¡/olution will be included ¡n every test as these apply to the top¡cs l¡sted.

JA.NUARY TEST: evolutþn, general chemistry, water, chemistry ofca¡bon molecules, structure and function ofmacromolecules, eukaryoti¿ and prokaryotic cell structure and function incìudingmembrane tra¡spo¡! ATP synthesis,

photosynthesis and cell resÞiration, enzymatii regulation ofbiochemical reactions.

FEBRUARY TEST: evolut¡on, eukaryotic and p¡okaryotic cell cycles, chromosomes, meiosis and gametogenesis, Mendelian

and non-Mendelian pattems ofgenetiç inheritance, molecular genetics and biotechnolory, bioinformatics, genetic diseases,

genetics of viruses and bacter¡a- populal¡on genetics.

MARCH TEST: evolution, phylogeny and sfematics, prokaryotes, protists, fungi, comparative anatomy a¡d physiology oftheplant kingdom (fiom green algae to flowering plants - with emphasis on algiosperm form and functionAPRIL TEST: €volulion, comparatìve anatomy and physiology ofthe anìmalkingdom with emphasis on human anatomy and

phys¡ology (nutrition and digestion, ci¡culation and gas exchange, immunity and disease, osmoregulation and exc¡etion,

hormonal control, reproduction a¡d development, neryous control and sensory mechanisms), ecology (relationships, energy flow,cycling of matter, biomes, ecosystems, populations), behavior.

Thursday January 14, 2010 , Thursday Feb 1l' 2010;

Thursday March 11, 2010; *Th¡¡rsday April 8' 2010** The test¡ng date for the Ap.il will be decided by each local area duri¡g the January exam- The date ofthe April

exam should be a date that all schools in the area can attend. The April exam must be completed by April 30th. No

a¡ea may take the April exam during the first week ofAp¡il.New Jersey Science League

PO Box 65 Stewartsville, NJ 08886-0065

phone # 908-213{923 fax # 908-213-8924 email n¡scilíi¿eûlqIq Web address www.enter'nel-njscil

Testing Dates for 201 IThursday January 13,2011, Thursday Feb lI' 2011;

**Thursday March 17, 201l; *Tþursday Apr¡l l4' 201I*The April20l1 exam can be changed based upon the Schools spring break.

**Chânged due to HSPA testing.

C t7 33 A 49 A 65 D

2 C l8 E 34 E 50 B 66 A

l C l9 Ë 35 D 5l E 67 B

4 20 A 36 B 52 D 68 D

5 A 2'l D 31 C 53 A 69 .Øï't6 f) 22 A 38 B 54 E 70 E

7 D 23 l) 39 D 55 B 7t A

B 24 C 40 A 56 B 12 B

I C 5 B 41 D 57 C 73 B

0 C 26 A E 58 D 74 C

D 27 E B 59 c 75 C

2 B 28 D 44 C 60 c 76 A

3 B 29 45 A 61 D 77 c4 c l0 D 46 D 62 78 D

5 C 31 c 47 B 63 c 79 C

l6 D 3Z R 48 A 64 B 80

Page 2: NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE II March A l8 l9 · NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE Biology II Exam - March 2010 ANSWER SHEET BTOCLOGY 't1 For all sècond year and AP level students.IgIE: Consistent
Page 3: NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE II March A l8 l9 · NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE Biology II Exam - March 2010 ANSWER SHEET BTOCLOGY 't1 For all sècond year and AP level students.IgIE: Consistent

. NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUEBiology II Exam - Mârch 2010

This exam is for øny second year biologt or AP Biologì sludents. Please PRINTyour name, school, area,dqte, and which test you qre tak¡ng on the Scantron form. Fill in the Scqntron sheet with the best choice foreach questíon. Read all choices before you choose your answer. Ifyou erøse, be sure to erase completely.

1. Which ofthe following is NOT a characteristic offiingi?a) Reproductìon thrqugh sporesb) Cell walls made of chitinc) Cells containing mitochondria and chloroplastsd) Bodies made ofthreadlike structures called hyphae

2. When we eat the stalk of a mushroom, we are eating cells that...a) Are haploidb) Are diploidc) Have two separate haploid nucleid) Have two separate diploid nuclei

3. rvhich of the following is not considered a fungus?a) Mold c) Parameciumb) Yeast d) Penicillium

4. Which of the following is true of fertilization in fungi?a) Fertilization occurs when dikaryotic nuclei fl¡seb) All fungi are asexual, so fertilization doesn't occurc) Sperm fertilize eggs in the mushroomd) Fertilization occurs underground where cloned hyphae Íìrse

5. Which ofthe folìowing is NOT a role that fungi can play?a) As primary producers in terrestrial ecosystemsb) As decomposers in soilc) As mutualistic partners with plant root systemsd) As producers ofantibiotics

6. One moming you go to make a piece oftoast and notice that your bread has mold on it. This moldobtained ils nutrients...

a) through photosynthesis c) through endocytosisb) through chemosynthesis d) through absorption

7. The scientific name ofhumans is most properly \Mitten as:

ø) homo sapiens d) Homo sapiensb) homo sapiens e) Homo Sapiensc) Hotno Sapiens

8. Which is the most ittcl¡rs¡ve group?a) Genus d) Familyb) Phylum e) Classc) Order

9. Which ofthe following is NOT an example ofan organism that may beconsidered a protist?ø) Euglena c) Staplrylococcusb) Paramecium d) Red alga

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Page 4: NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE II March A l8 l9 · NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE Biology II Exam - March 2010 ANSWER SHEET BTOCLOGY 't1 For all sècond year and AP level students.IgIE: Consistent

10. Which ofthe following is NOT used as evidence for endosymbiosis in the origin of eukaryotes?a) Mitochondria and chloroplasts are surounded by two membranes.b) Mitochondria reproduce in a way similar to bacteria.c) The DNA in the eukaryotic nucleus codes fo¡ some enzymes in mitochondria.d) Chloroplasts have their own DNA.

I l. ConÍactile vacuoles are characteristic ofa) Yeastb) Multi-cellular marine protistsc) Single-celÌular marine protistsd) Single-celledfreshwaterprotists

12. r hich ofthe following events on Earth most likely preceded the appearance ofthe first autotrophicprokaryote?

13. Which bacteria can survive the aphotic zones found at the bottom ofthe oceans by oxidizing hydrogensulfide?

a) Chemoautotrophsb) ChemoheteroÍophs

14. Euglena are...a) actually bacteriab) closely related to fungic) photosyntheticd) beìieved to have been the ancestors to modem day mitochondria


a) First eukaryotesb) First heterotrophic prokaryotes

a) 3.7 billion years agob) 2.5 billion years agoc) 550 millìon years ago

c) First animal cellsd) First algal cells

c) Photoheterotrophsd) Photoautotrophs

d) 250 million years agoe) 65 million years ago

d) Asexual organismse) Terestrial organism

c) Reproducesasexuallyd) Has no true stems oÍ roots

15. A short period of time that spaìÀ/ned nearly all animal body plans, including hard, mineralized skeletons16. Age ofa mass extinction that coincided with the creation ofthe Pangaea land mass

17- Possible date ofthe first living cells on Earth

18. Age ofa mass extinction that coincided with the extinction ofdinosaurs from Earth

19. lfyou were able to travel back in time to 600 million years ago, you would observe the following aboulliving things EXCEPT:

a) Heterotrophicorganismsb) Unicellularorganismsc) Prokaryoticorganisms

20. Seaweed is dìfferent from most other protists in that ita) ls multicellularb) Is photosynthetic

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Page 5: NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE II March A l8 l9 · NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE Biology II Exam - March 2010 ANSWER SHEET BTOCLOGY 't1 For all sècond year and AP level students.IgIE: Consistent

The imâge ât right ¡s a single-celled orgânism with nonuclear membrâne or membrâne-bound organelles. Useit to ânswer questions 2l - 25.

2l . This organism can best be described as a

a) Streptococcus bacteriumb) Colonial protistc) Prokaryotic protistd) Bacillus bacterium

22. This cell produces a sticky substance from its capsule in order to adhere to environmental surfaces.

Which letter best represents this capsule?

23. The nucleoid region of this cell is best represented by whích letter?

24. This cell has the ability to move towards chemicals in its environment. What is this behavioralresponse known as?

a) Chemotherapyb) Chemiosmosis

c)Ld) All ofthe above

25. Which structure(s) allows the cell above to move towards chemicals in its environment, as described inquestion # 24?


26. Antibiotics would be least effective against the microbes that cause...

A molecular biologist is studying a few colonies of bacteria and their respons€ to viruses that canâttack bacteriâ. Questions 27 - 30 refer to his study.27- V¡ruses that attack bacteria are called

a) the common coldb) gonorrheac) tuberculosis

a) Proteobacteriab) Endosporesc) Retroviruses

a) endotoxinsb) viroidsc) prophages

c) Chemotaxisd) Chemokinesis

d) bacterialmeningitise) stlep throat

d) Hanta virusese) Bactedophages

c) the Kreb's cycled) photosynthesis

d) reshiction enzymese) antibiotics

28. In order to infect a bacterial cell, a virus must penetrate the outermost layer ofthe cell. This layer ismost accuately describe as...

a) A cell membrane made out ofpeptidoglycanb) A cell wall made out ofcellulosec) A cell membrane made out ofcellulosed) A cell wall made out ofpeptidoglycane) A cell wall mad€ out ofchitin

29. This particular strain ofbacteria being studied cannot exist in aerobic conditions. Therefore, thebacteria most likely obtain energy by

a) fermentationb) oxidativephosphorylation

30. The microbiologist studying the bacteria notes that some ofthe colonies are growing in the presence ofthe viruses \¡,/hi¡e other colonies die. The growing colonies most likely are producing _ that codefor the destruction ofviral genes.

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Page 6: NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE II March A l8 l9 · NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE Biology II Exam - March 2010 ANSWER SHEET BTOCLOGY 't1 For all sècond year and AP level students.IgIE: Consistent

31. Bacterial cells do NOT possess. .

a) Cell wallsb) Ribosomesc) Mitochondria

32. Generally, bacteria reproduce bya) Conjugationb) Binary fisionc) Transformation

a) heterocystsb) cell membranes

a)Plare I

LB Agarno plasmid

33. Cyanobacteriaa) Are typically pathogenicb) Contain chlorophyll ac) Were most likely the first bacteria on Eafihd) Have chloroplastse) All ofthe above

34. Of particular concern to food scientists are bacterial structures that can resist intensive heat and otherconditions that typically destroy cells. These bacterial structues are called

c) plasmids

In â b¡ology c¡âss, â student performs the following molecular lab. She obtains living ¿-. ¿¿li cells andPelri dishes with eitb€r Luriâ broth agar (LB) or Luria broth agar mixed ìyith the ântibioticampicillin. She ùses â common transformation procedure to pÌovoke the uptake of plasmid DNAìryith a gene for resistance to the ¿ìntibiotic ampicillin with some of the bacteria. The images of Petridishes belorì show the results. Use the letters below the plates to ânsÌter questions

ffi35. On which plate do only cells that have been transformed glow?36. Which plate definitively shows that ampicillin is lethal to non-transformed bacteria?37. Düring the course of molecular biology lab described above, another student forgot to mark the tubethat received the ampicillin -resistant plasmids. The student proceeds with the laboratory because he thinksthat he will be able to determine from his results which culture tube contained cells that may haveundergone transformation. Which plate BELOW be most likely to indicate trarìsformed cells?

a) A plate with a lawn of cells growing on LB agar with ampicillinb) A plate with a lawn ofcells growing on LB agar without ampicillinc) A plate with 100 colonies growing on LB agar with ampicillind) A plate wit¡ 100 colonies growing on LB agar without ampicillin

d) DNAe) Cell membranes

d) Mutatione) Meiosis

d) centriolese) endospores

b) c)Plate2 Plate 3

LB Agar with ampicillin LB Agarno plasmid + amp plasmid

d)Plate 4

LB Agar with ampicillin+ amp plasmid

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Page 7: NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE II March A l8 l9 · NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE Biology II Exam - March 2010 ANSWER SHEET BTOCLOGY 't1 For all sècond year and AP level students.IgIE: Consistent

38. After the molecular biology lab described above, a student realizes that a small colony of bacteria isgrowing on Plate 2. The student hypothesizes that the bacteria in this colony mutated and developed aresistance to ampicillin. He decides to grow the bacteria on another plate to determine if his hypothesis iscorrect. Which plate would best demonstrâte whether the bacteria had developed the mutation hispredicted.

a) Petri dish with LB broth onlyb) Petri dish with LB broth and ampicillinc) Petri dish with LB broth and penicilìind) Petri dish with LB broth, ampicilìin and penicilline) None ofthe above

39. The structüe ofthe following is different in eukaryotes and prokaryotes EXCEPTa) Cell Wallb) Ribosomec) Flagella

Use the image below to answer questions 40 - 43

40. The empty box with thequestion mark should be 1itled...a) Domain Archaeb) Kingdom Archaec) Domain Animaliad) Kingdom Animaliae) Domain Prokarya

41. Which description bestcharacterizes the organismsrepresented by the empty box?a) Photosyntheticb) Aerobicc) Eukaryoticd) Prokaryotice) None ofthe above

42. A characteristic present in the universal ancestor \Mould be..a) A nucìeusb) A mitochondrion

a) gram-negativeb) a¡chaea

a) numberofchromosomesb) mode ofnutritionc) cell shape

c) A chloroplast

43. Which characteristic best distinguishes Domain Bacteria ftom the group in the empty box?a) Organisms in the domain bacteria are colonial.b) Organisms in the domain bacteria lack introns.c) Organisms ín the domain bacteria are autotrophic.d) They look very different under a microscope.

44. Bactetiathathave a thick cell wall and stain with a characteristic purple color are called...

d) DNAe) None ofthe above

d) Chlorophylle) A phospholipid membrane

d) bacteriophagese) monerans

d) answers a) and b)e) none ofthe above are used

c) gram-positive

45. Which one ofthe following is NOT used to identiû/ different kinds ofbacteria?

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Page 8: NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE II March A l8 l9 · NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE Biology II Exam - March 2010 ANSWER SHEET BTOCLOGY 't1 For all sècond year and AP level students.IgIE: Consistent

46. You are an evolutionary biologist in the field collecting fossils. Which ofthe following groups willyou most easily find?

a) Platyhelmìnthes d) Chordatab) Annelida e) Cnídariac) Nematoda

47. Convergent evolutìon is most likely to occur betweena) Two species that have had identical mutations.b) Two species that have had similar selective pressues.c) Inlerbreeding between two species.d) Genetic drift between two species.

48. The evolution ofthe Galapagos finches from a common ancestral form is an excellent example of...a) adaptive radiation c) polyploidyb) coevolution d) parallel evolution

49. A taxon that includes a common ancestor and all of its descendants is refered to as

a) Monophyl€tic d) Monogeneticb) Paraphyletic e) Polygeneticc) Polyphyletic

50. Two plants in the same order would NOT have to be in the same...a) Domain d) Phylumb) Family e) Classc) Kingdom

5 L Organisms that survived the cretaceous extinctionsa) May have diversified, filling new niches.b) May still be alive today.c) Include representatives ÍÌom all three domains of living things.d) May have since gone extinct.e) All ofthe above are true.

52. Anthropologists suggest that the ability of prehistoric humans to construct tools was inherited hand-eyecoordination and the ability to grasp ftom ancestors that lived in trees. Which term best describes suchtraits?

a) Phylogeny d) Exaptationb) Punctuated equilibrium e) Convergent evolutionc) Co-adaptation

53. New plant species may arise in the span of one generation througha) polyploidy d) the bottleneck effectb) seasonal isolation e) convergent speciationc) genetic drift

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Page 9: NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE II March A l8 l9 · NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE Biology II Exam - March 2010 ANSWER SHEET BTOCLOGY 't1 For all sècond year and AP level students.IgIE: Consistent

The phylogenetic tree below uses a cladistic ânâlysis to demonstrate the relationship between majorgroups ofplants. Use it to answer qlestions 54 - 58.

Green Mosses FemsøIeae

Conifers Flowedng Plants

54. Which organism is considered the g¡¡g¡ggp?a) Mossb) Flowering plantsc) Ferns

d) Coniferse) Green algae

56. Vy'hat is shaxed primitive characterìstic common to plants with seeds?

55. What is a shared derived characteristic common to all plants?

a) Flowersb) Protected embryosc) Seeds

a) Flowersb) Vascular Tissue

a) Acquired traitsb) Analogous features

a) Femsb) Conifersc) Flowering plants

d) Vascular tissuee) All ofthe above

c) Seeds

d) All ofthe above

c) Homologous featuesd) Convergent features

d) Only b) and c)e) All of the above

57. Which ofthe following are used to construct cladistic analyses?

58. What organisms would be considered in the clade that includes the first plants with seeds?

59. Recent changes to the way in which scientists classif, living things is primarily based on..a) The physical appearance oforganismsb) Differences in nutritional needs oforganismsc) Molecular studies of different organismsd) Differences and similarities in habitat selection

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Page 10: NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE II March A l8 l9 · NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE Biology II Exam - March 2010 ANSWER SHEET BTOCLOGY 't1 For all sècond year and AP level students.IgIE: Consistent

6l . A student is obserying a plant that has roots, stems and leaves, but no seeds. The student is most likelyobserving...

a) Angiospermb) Gymnospermc) Bryoph)'tes

62. Which plant group has diversified to the greatest extent and includes the most species in Earth?a) Angiospermb) Gymnospermc) Bryophytes

63. Which of the following would NË.VER be observed in bacteria?a) Photoslnthesisb) Fermentation

60. A gametoph),te generation is most conspicuous ina) Angiospermb) Gymnospermc) Bryophytes

67. Typically, how is pollen transferredin gymnosperm?

a) Beesb) Windc) Water

d) fteridophytese) Blue-Green algae

d) Pteridophltese) Blue-Green algae

d) Pteridophy'tese) Blue-Green algae

d) Conjugatione) Mutation

d) Mammalse) Gymnosperm do not have pollen

c) Sexual reproduction

Use the irnage below right to answer questions 64 - 66. .Answers could be used morethan once.

64. Matures to form fruit.

65. Site ofpollen production.

66. Site where most photosynthesis willoccu¡.

68. Tobacco plant root cells have 48 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would be found in tobaccoendosperm?

a) 12b) 24

c) 48d) 72e) 96

69. Camivorous plants like the Venus Fly Trap supplement the¡r diet by trapping insects. The primarynutrient obtained is..q a) Sulfur5 a) Glucose

¿ b) Calcium

d c) Nitrogen

dl d) Sucrose

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Page 11: NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE II March A l8 l9 · NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE Biology II Exam - March 2010 ANSWER SHEET BTOCLOGY 't1 For all sècond year and AP level students.IgIE: Consistent

70- Among the flowering plants transpiration is controlled mostly by these cells.


c) Mesophyll cells

t,71. Which olthe following is NOT obtained by plants through soil?

a) Carbonb) Magnesium

a) Xylem tissueb) Phloem tissue

a) Stamatesb) Root cells

a) Translocationb) Transpiration

a) Enumeration offlower partsb) Number ofseed leaves

76. The major benefit that a fruit provides a plant isa) a means ofseed dispersalb) a means ofpollen dispersalc) a means ofcommun icating between


78. Flagellated sperm are found ina) Mosslib) Femsc) Seeded plants

a) auxinb) cytokinins

d) Meristematic cellse) Guard cells

d) Phosphorus

ç) All ofthe above are obtained through

c) Epidermal tissued) Endoderm tissue

d) Transfer cellse) Bulk movement

d) Arraogement ofveins in leavese) Arangement ofvascular tissue in roots

d) a means to nourish humanse) a means to nourish the embryo

e) Ovary

d) Only a and be) All ofthe above

c). abscisic acidd) ethylene

c) Water soil

72. Which ofthe following tissues is primarily responsible for transpofing sugar in plants?

73. What process Þrovides the malor force for the movement of water and solutes fiom roots to leaves,

c) Root pressule

74. Which of the following would NOT be useful for determining whether a plant is monocot or dicot?

c) Size ofsporoph¡e4

75. Which of the following is true ofthe altemation ofgeneration in plants?a) the sporophyte is the haploid generationb) a sporoph¡e grows from a sporec) the gametes are produced by the gametoph¡ethrough rnitosisd) the spores are produced in the gametoph).te by meiosis and cellular differentiation

77. Pollinators aid plants In transferring pollen ftom the anther to the _ ofanother planta) Anther d) Ovule-bl Sepal-c) Stigma

79. Which ofthe following hormones, producet'in the root tips, is (are) required for normal growth?

80. For your birthday, you were given a short-day plant from your biology teacher. In order for the plant toflower, you know that

a) the dark period must be longer than a critical lengthb) the dark period must be shor{er than a criticaì lengthc) the light period must be longer thar a critical lengthd) None ofthese is correct, since short-day plants are also known as day-neutral plants.

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Page 12: NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE II March A l8 l9 · NEW JERSEY SCIENCE LEAGUE Biology II Exam - March 2010 ANSWER SHEET BTOCLOGY 't1 For all sècond year and AP level students.IgIE: Consistent
