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Barium Swallow (Upper Gastrointestinal Series or "Upper GI Series") What is the test? A barium swallow, or upper GI series, is an x-ray test used to examine the upper digestive tract (the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine). Because these organs are normally not visible on x-rays, you need to swallow barium, a liquid that does show up on x-rays. The barium temporarily coats the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and intestine, making the outline of these organs visible on the xray pictures. This test is useful for diagnosing cancers, ulcers, problems that cause narrowing of the esophagus, some causes of inflammation in the intestine, and some swallowing problems. How do I prepare for the test? Tell your doctor and the x-ray technicians if there is any chance you could be pregnant. If you have diabetes and take insulin, discuss this with your doctor before the test.Stop eating and drinking the night before your test. This is important because food in your stomach or intestine could prevent the doctors from seeing a clear outline of these structures on the x-rays. Usually it isn't a problem for you to take your regular pills, but you should check with your doctor. What happens when the test is performed? You wear a hospital gown for the test. At the start of the test, you drink barium, a liquid that looks like a milkshake but does not taste nearly as good (most patients say it tastes like chalk). You might also be asked to swallow some tablets that "fizz," causing air-bubbles to be released in your stomach. This might make you feel like burping, but try not to. You will get better pictures if you can keep yourself from burping. The x-ray technician may ask you to stand or lie in different positions over the next few

Barium Swallow (Upper Gastrointestinal Series or "Upper GI Series")What is the test?A barium swallow, or upper GI series, is an x-ray test used to examine the upper digestive tract (the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine). Because these organs are normally not visible on x-rays, you need to swallow barium, a liquid that does show up on x-rays. The barium temporarily coats the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and intestine, making the outline of these organs visible on the xray pictures. This test is useful for diagnosing cancers, ulcers, problems that cause narrowing of the esophagus, some causes of inflammation in the intestine, and some swallowing problems.

How do I prepare for the test?Tell your doctor and the x-ray technicians if there is any chance you could be pregnant. If you have diabetes and take insulin, discuss this with your doctor before the test.Stop eating and

drinking the night before your test. This is important because food in your stomach or intestine could prevent the doctors from seeing a clear outline of these structures on the xrays. Usually it isn't a problem for you to take your regular pills, but you should check with your doctor.

What happens when the test is performed?You wear a hospital gown for the test. At the start of the test, you drink barium, a liquid that looks like a milkshake but does not taste nearly as good (most patients say it tastes like chalk). You might also be asked to swallow some tablets that "fizz," causing air-bubbles to be released in your stomach. This might make you feel like burping, but try not to. You will get better pictures if you can keep yourself from burping. The x-ray technician may ask you to stand or lie in different positions over the next few minutes, to help spread around the liquid you have swallowed. Most often, the x-ray pictures are taken while you lie on your back on a table. The x-ray machine or the table is moved a few times so it can take pictures of all of the internal structures. You are asked to hold your breath for each picture so that your breathing movement does not blur the image. What risks are there from the test? There are no significant risks. You are exposed to a small amount of radiation during the test, but the amount of radiation is too small to be likely to cause any health problems. Must I do anything special after the test is over? After the test, you can eat normally and do your normal activities. You should drink more water than usual to help clear out the barium and to prevent constipation, which might be a side effect of the test. Your stool may appear light in color for a couple of days.

How long it is before the result of the test is known?It takes the x-ray department 30 minutes to an hour to develop the pictures from your barium swallow, and it will take additional time for a doctor to examine the x-rays and to decide how they look. Typically you can get the results within a day or two.

Barium Swallow / Meal / Follow ThroughBarium tests are used to help visualise parts of the gut (gastrointestinal tract) such as the oesophagus (gullet), stomach and small intestines (upper gut). Note: the information below is a general guide only. The arrangements, and the way tests are performed, may vary between different hospitals. Always follow the instructions given by your doctor or local hospital.Why

is barium used during some X-

ray tests?The gut (gastrointestinal tract) does not show up very well on ordinary X-ray pictures. However, if you drink a white liquid that contains a chemical called barium sulphate, the outline of the upper parts of the gut (oesophagus, stomach and small intestines) shows up clearly on X-ray pictures. This is because X-rays do not pass through barium.

Types of barium test

Depending on what part of your gut is being looked at, you may have one or more of the tests listed below. In each test, the barium coats the lining of the gut being tested. Therefore, abnormalities in the lining or structure of the gut can be seen on the X-ray pictures. In each of the following tests, several X-ray pictures are taken using low-dose X-rays. The total amount of radiation for each test is quite small and thought to be safe. The X-ray machine is usually linked to a TV monitor. Still pictures, or a video recording of X-ray pictures taken in quick succession, can be taken if necessary.

Barium swallowIn this test you drink some barium liquid. The barium liquid is often fruit-flavoured so it is pleasant to drink. You stand in front of an X-ray machine whilst X-ray pictures are taken as you swallow. This test aims to look for problems in the oesophagus (gullet), such as a stricture (narrowing), hiatus hernias, tumours, reflux from the stomach, disorders of swallowing, etc. You will usually be asked not to eat or drink for a few hours before this test. A barium swallow test takes about 10 minutes.

Barium mealThis is similar to a barium swallow (above) but aims to look for problems in the stomach and duodenum such as ulcers, polyps, tumours, etc. You drink some barium liquid, but you then lie on a couch whilst X-ray pictures are taken over your abdomen. It may take a little longer to do than a barium swallow. So that the barium coats all around the lining of the stomach, the doctor doing the test (radiologist) may do one or more of the following:

Ask you to swallow some bicarbonate powder and citric acid before swallowing the barium. These 'fizz up' when they mix in the stomach and make some gas. (You may have to resist the urge to burp.) The gas expands the stomach and duodenum and also pushes the barium to coat the lining of the stomach and duodenum. This makes the X-ray pictures much clearer, as it is the shape and contours of the lining of the stomach and duodenum which need to be seen most clearly on the pictures. Ask you to turn over on to your stomach on the couch. Various X-ray pictures may be taken whilst you are in different positions. Give you an injection of a drug that makes the muscles in the stomach and gut relax.

You will usually be asked not to eat anything for several hours before this test. (Food particles in the gut can make it difficult to interpret the X-rays.) However, you may be allowed sips of water up to two hours before the test.

Barium follow throughThis test is similar to a barium meal but aims to look for problems in the small intestine. Therefore, you drink the barium liquid but then need to wait 10-15 minutes before any Xrays are taken. This allows time for the barium to reach the small intestine. You may then have an X-ray every 30 minutes or so until the barium is seen to have gone through all the small intestine and reached the large intestine (colon).

Small intestine enemaThis test is similar to a barium follow through. However, instead of drinking the barium liquid, a thin tube is passed down your gullet (oesophagus), through the stomach and into the first part of the small intestine. Barium liquid is then poured down the tube. This test is not commonly done, but can give some different information about the small intestine than the above tests.

Barium enemaThis is a test to take X-ray pictures of the colon. See separate leaflet called 'Barium Enema'.

What preparation do I need to do?This will depend on which of the tests listed above you need to have. Your local hospital will give you advice on what to do before the procedure.

After you have had a barium X-ray test

You should be able to go home as soon as the test is finished. Some people feel a little sickly for a few hours afterwards. You can eat normally straight after any barium test. The barium may make you constipated. Therefore, to help prevent constipation: o Have lots to drink for a day or so to flush the barium out of your gut. o Eat plenty of fruit for a day or so. o See your doctor if you haven't passed any faeces (stools) after three or four days. The barium will make your faeces white or pale until it has all come out of your gut (after a day or so). If you had an injection to relax the muscles in your stomach, it may cause some blurring of your vision for an hour or so. If this happens it is best not to drive. The barium does not get absorbed into the body. Therefore, it is rare for a barium test to cause any other complications or side-effects.

Some other points about barium X-ray tests

Tell your doctor if you have insulin-dependent diabetes, so that you can arrange for the best time for you to stop eating and for the test to be done. Pregnant women, if possible, should not have an any X-ray test, as there is a small risk that X-rays may harm the unborn child. This is why women are asked before having an X-ray if they are, or might be, pregnant. Barium X-ray tests are done less commonly these days. The more common test to look into the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum is with a flexible telescope (endoscopy). However, there is still a place for barium tests to help assess various problems of the gut

There is S-shaped dorso-lumbar spinal scoliosis with sagittaly split spinal cord (Diastemetomyelia) at D12-L1 level, below which level the cord reunites and its lower end is seen at L3 vertebral level, which is suggestive of low tethered cord. There is no MR evidence of syringohydromyelia. Cervicomedullary and cranio-vertebral junctions show normal soft tissue and bony relationships. There is no evidence of focal disc herniation compressing the thecal sac. Thecal sac containing cauda equina and lumbar intervertebral foramina appear adequately capacious. Paravertebral psoas muscles are unremarkable.


0661366 09-GWK-83 POOJA RANI JAGDISH CHANDER EN51 045 HI53 054 PS64 055 PY70 057 0631

Right Temporo parietal infarct with T2 dark foci in right temporal lobe and para ventricular regions ? hemorrhagic transformation .

MRI examination shows altered gleno humeral relations and upward displacement of humerus resulting in decreased sub acromial space . The supra spinatus tendon is not recognisable at the expected insertion site , appears torn and retracted . Fluid is seen in the joint space , sub acromial and sub coracoid bursae . No definite labro ligamentous injury seen. Bones reveal normal marrow signal Imp - MR features reveal decreased sub acromial space , upward shift of humerus due supra spinatus tear and fluid collection as described .

moderate compensated obstructive hydrocephalus , block distal aqueduct

Mass-like lesion displaying heterogeneous signal intensities and patchy enhancement following administration of contrast is seen in left para-falcine parito-occiptal cerebral parenchyma which is extending across the splenium of corpus callosum towards right side as well. The scan appearances are suggestive of neoplastic mass - ?butterfly glioma, and signal changes are also seen along hippocampus on left side. Brain stem and cerebellum do not reveal focal abnormality. There is no evidence of hydrocephalus. Soft tissues of both orbits are unremarkable. Histopathological correlation is necessary. ajay There is compression fracture of anterior part of lateral tibial plateau and fracture through tibial intercondylar ridge, including avulsion fracture of tibial anchor of anterior cruciate ligament. Osteochondral compression injury along lateral femoral condylar surface, with increased effusion distending the patello-femoral synovialrecesses. Contussion-related signal changes are observed in paeriarticular soft tissues.

Medial and lateral menisci are defined and no overt meniscal tear is seen. Posterior cruciate ligament is intact and normal in appearance. The patella is well corticated and ligamentum patellae is intact. Clinical correlation is necessary pardeep There seems old fracture avulsion of tibial anchor of posterior cruciate ligament, with mild increased effusion distending patello-femoral synovial recesses. Medial and lateral menisci are defined and no overt meniscal tear is seen. Anterior cruciate ligaments are intact and show normal MR morphology.

Patellar facets are smooth in outline. Ligamentum patellae, medial and fibular collateral ligaments are intact. Periarticular soft tissues do not show obvious abnormality. Clinical correaltion is necessary. v.k.bansal The articular surfaces of head of humerus and glenoid fossa are congruous and bones under view show normal anatomical configuration and marrow signal intensities. The glenoid labrum is intact. The supraspinatus muscle and tendon in the subacromial space upto its insertion are well visualized and do not reveal any significant alteration in their signal characteristics. The subacromial-subdeltoid fat stripe is intact and there is no evidence of impingement upon the supraspinatus muscle/tendon. The rest of the muscle tendons forming the rotator cuff also do not show obvious abnormality. Periarticular soft tissues show normal MR morphology. IMPRESSION: Normal MRI study of the right shoulder. There is no evidence of impingement of the supraspinatus muscle/tendon and the rotator cuff does not show any obvious abnormality.

looks like impingement tear only with tendon retraction and joint effusion , fluid in coracoid bursa - need more time Small joint effusion and free fluid in sub acromial bursa + n

Sheetal par MR examination shows a large poorly defined T1 hypo and T2W bright heterogenous lesion involving left parieto - occipital lobes . Extension is seen across mid line with involvement of splenium of corpus callosum . mass effect is seen with effacement and displacement of left lateral ventricle after iv contrast the lesion shows poorly defined rounded areas of enhancement . imp - MR findings reveal left parieto occipital mass lesion , involvement of corpus callosum and extension across mid line infective lesion - can not be excluded ? multiple tuberculomas / inflammatory granulomas ?? low grade glioma adv- MRS and further work up shivnath looks normal see ultrasound report to comment on gall bladder

Vinay-----------Large mass-like lesion obscuring gray-white matter differentiation and displaying heterogeneous increased signal intensity on T2 weighted images is seen involving right para-falcine posterior frontal lobe parenchyma uptil the peri-rolandic gyrus. Note is also made of sub-falcine extension of mass across towards left side, with shift of septum as well. Hyperintensities on FLAIR & T2 weighted images are sen in compressed anterior body of corpus callosum. Scan appearances are suggestive of neoplastic lesion, which shows patchy areas of enhancement following administration of contrast.

Brain-stem and cerebellum does not reveal focal abnormality. Soft tissues of both orbits are unremarkable. HISTOPATHOLOGICAL CORRELATION IS NECESSARY.

MR examination shows fuzzy / unsharp appearance of the carpals with presence of collection around them and extending into carpal tunnel and distal radio ulnar joint No evidence of marrow edema seen. +n imp - MR findings appear consistent with infective lesion of intercarpal joints with carpal surface erosions and large dorsal / palmar myo fascial soft tissue abscesses

There is left peri-orbital soft tissue swelling, and evident fracture through anterior wall of left maxillary sinus and haemorrhage within the antrum.

The optic nerves and extraoccular muscles of both orbits are normal in appearance. The optic chiasm, infundibulum and pituitary gland do not show abnormality. ?Contussion-related signal alteration is observed in anterior body of corpus callosum towards left side, and there also seems small area of signal alteration along right para-falcine parietal cerebral convexity. Remaining brain parenchyma including basal ganglia, thalami, brain stem and cerebellum does not reveal focal abnormality. Ventricular system shows normal MR morphology and septum is in midline. CLINICAL CORRELATION IS NECESSARY.

Nearly symmetrical areas of T2 / FLair hyperintensity seen involving both cerebellar hemispheres and bilateral fronto - temporo parietal occipital cortex and sub cortical white matter . No discrete hemorrhagic lesion seen. imp - MR findings nearly symmetrically patchy involvement of cerebelli and both cerebral hemispheres ? Viral encephalitis ?? post viral ( ADEM ) ADVISED - linical correlation , complete study and follow up

Anterior cruciate ligament seems torn - may even be during remote suffered trauma, and this is corroborated by ubdue anterior translation of tibia in relation to femoral condyles due to lessened restraint. Note is also made of oft associatd localized osteohondral compression injury along lateral femoral condylar surface, with increased effusion distending the ptello-femoral synovial recesses. Posterior medial meniscus is torn - possibly with bucket-handle configuration ad evident medially flipped torn meniscal fragment. Lateral meniscus and posterior cruciate ligament are defined and normal in appearance. The patella is well corticated and ligamentum patellae is intact. Clinical correlation is necessary.

SHOWS anterior tibial subluxation ACL appears discontinuous in the mid part and and has wavy appearance small joint effusion seen. Impression - MRI findings appear consistent with ACL tear with small joint effusion rajesh moderate joint effusion is seen with presence of fluid in lateral recesses , supra patellar bursa . eXtension is seen posteriorly with development of popliteal cyst . +n kcc


ravinder MR examination shows fuzzy / unsharp appearance of the carpals with presence of collection around them and extending into carpal tunnel and distal radio ulnar joint No evidence of marrow edema seen. +n imp - MR findings appear consistent with infective lesion of intercarpal joints with carpal surface erosions and large dorsal / palmar myo fascial soft tissue abscesses

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Rag Maaru (Ansh) sacred speech, Mehla 1, Page 1037 The essence of the aforesaid sacred speech is that the Saint, who will narrate the whole story of natures creation and will tell who came out of the two-halved egg and created the Brahm lok in the vacuum space i.e. gave rise to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv in a secret place, and who is that God who made Brahm (Kaal) narrate the four Vedas (Holy Rigved, Yajurved, Samved and Atharvaved) and that the Purna Parmatma makes every living being say whatever He wishes, if you find a saint who fully tells about all this knowledge, then go to him. He who clears up all your doubts, only he is a Complete Saint i.e. is Tattavdarshi.

Rag Maaru, Page 1038 The meaning of the aforesaid sacred speech is that the Saguru who imparts the real knowledge is unique. He only chants Naam mantra and does not teach any other Hathyog sadhna. Even if you want wealth, position, wisdom or the power of bhakti, then also, only a Complete Saint can fully provide the knowledge of the path of true bhakti. Such a Complete Saint is found with great fortune. Only that Complete Saint will tell that God has already created our real home (Satlok) in the Sunn (vacuum place) above. In that place, a sound of the real Saarnaam is going on. One can achieve that blissful state, which means, can reside in that real happiness-giving place by the Saarshabd of the Eternal God, and not by other naams and incomplete gurus.

Rag Ramkali, Mehla 1 Dakhni Omkaar Shri Nanak Ji is saying that Brahma Ji was born from Omkaar i.e. Jyoti Niranjan (Kaal). After wandering for many yugas, Omkaar (Brahm) produced Vedas, which were obtained by Brahma Ji. Only Om mantra is the actual mantra for the devotion of the three loks. One is uplifted by doing jaap of this Om shabd after taking updesh from a Complete Saint i.e. by acquiring a Guru.

Anshik Sacred Speech, Mehla 1 The essence of the above-mentioned sacred speech is that Shri Nanak Ji is saying that Oh, Bharthari Yogi Ji, your sadhna is upto god Shiv, and because of that you have acquired a place in Shiv nagri (city). The Singi shabd etc which is going on in your body is of these lotus flowers only, and is being audible in the body from every gods lok (like a television). I (Nanak Ji) focus with undivided mind only on one Parmatma PaarBrahm i.e. the Purna Parmatma, who is beyond everyone, and is someone else. I do not show off (like, smearing ash on the whole body, holding a wand in hand). I consider all the living beings to be children of one Supreme God (SatPurush). Everyone is functional by His power only. My mudra (revenue) is to chant true Naam after acquiring it from a Complete Guru, and my baana (attire) is forgiveness. I am a worshipper of the Purna Parmatma and the path of Bhakti of Complete Satguru is different from yours.

Rag Aasa Mehla 1 Shri Nanak Ji is saying that those who, forgetting the real naam of Purna Parmatma, are doing jaap of naams of the other gods in misapprehension, they, as if, instead of the root (Purna Parmatma) are watering (worshipping) the branches (the three Gunas, RajgunBrahma, SatgunVishnu, TamgunShiv Ji). No happiness can be achieved by that sadhna, which means that the plant will dry out and you will not be able to sit in its shade. The essence is that doing baseless bhakti is a useless endeavour. There is no benefit out of it. It is also evident in Holy Gita, Adhyay 16, and Shlok 23-24.

Bilawalu Mehla 1 In the aforesaid sacred speech Shri Nanak Ji is saying that the Eternal Supreme God is the Naath of all the naaths i.e. is the God of all the gods (is the Lord/ Master of all gods; Shri Brahma Ji, Shri Vishnu Ji, Shri Shiv Ji, Brahm and ParBrahm). I have imbibed the true naam/mantra (Sachcha Naam) in my heart. Oh Supreme God! You are the basis of everyones life. You are my Master and I am dependent on you. You only came in the form of Satguru and by giving the decisive knowledge of true bhakti, settled the whole row i.e. resolved all the

d doubts.

Brief Introduction of Guru Nanak Dev JiRespected Shri Nanak Saheb Ji witness of God Kabir (Dhaanak) WeaverShri Nanak Dev ji was born on Vikrami Samvat 1526 (1469 A.D.) Kartik Shukl Poornima in a Hindu family of Shri Kalu Ram Mehta (Kshatriya) from the holy womb of mother Shrimati Tripta Devi in a village named Talwandi of District Lahore in West Pakistan. He had read Farsi (Persian), Punjabi, Sanskrit languages. He used to study Shrimad Bhagavad Gita ji from Pandit Shri Brijlal. Shri Nanak Dev ji had two sons named Shri Chand and Lakhmi Chand. Shri Nanak ji used to work in the store of the Nawab of Sutanpur by the grace of his brother-in-law Shri Jairam ji in the town of in-laws of his sister Nanaki. He had boundless love in God because this pious soul had done holy bhakti of Brahm God (Kaal) through the ages. In Satyayug this very Nanak ji was King Ambreesh and used to do Brahm-bhakti considering Vishnu ji as his deity. Great ascetic sage like Durvasa accepting defeat had gone in his kingdom to seek forgiveness. In Treta Yug, the soul of Shri Nanak ji became King Janak Videhi, who came to be known as Sita jis father. Sage Sukhdev who was son of Great sage Vedvyaas used to fly in the sky with his supernatural power, but had not taken initiation from a Guru. When Sukhdev went to the Heaven of Vishnulok, he was returned because of not having a Guru. By the order of Vishnu ji, he made King Janak his Guru and then obtained a place in Heaven. (This is evident in Bhai Bale Wali Janam Sakhi Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Pran Sangli and Kabir Sagar) Then in Kalyug, the soul of this very King Janak took birth in a Hindu family of Shri Kaluram Mehta (Kshatriya) and was named Shri Nanak.

Entrance into River BeinJeevan Das Guru Saahibaan, Page no. 42 to 44 (Writer Sodi Teja Singh ji) (Publisher Chatar Singh Jeevan Singh)As it is excerpt from Jeevan Das Guru Saheb Every morning Guru ji used to go for bath in River Bein, which used to flow near the city Sultanpur. One day when you plunged into water, you did not come out. After some time, your servant, who holding clothes was sitting on the bank of the river, went home and gave the news to Jai Ram ji that Nanak ji has drowned, then Jai Ram

ji went to the river taking along the divers. They searched a lot for you, but you were not found. After searching a lot, everybody returned to his homes. Great concern and distress was being expressed at Brother Jai Ram jis house, when on the third day in the morning only a devotee taking bath came home and told sister that your brother is sitting on the bank of the river. On hearing this, Brother Jai Ram ji ran towards Bein, and as the news spread many more people also arrived there. When in this way you were surrounded by people, you quietly reached at your shop. A crowd of women and men started coming at the shop with you. On seeing the crowd, Guru ji opened the door of the store, and said whatever one needs may take it. After getting the store plundered, Guru ji wearing the attire of a Fakir went and sat in a graveyard. When the Nawab got the news of plundering of the store and departure of Guru ji, he sent for Jai ram and got the account of the books inquired by the clerk. After seeing the accounts, the clerk told that the government owes Rs 760 to Guru ji. On hearing this the Nawab became very happy. He called for Guru ji and said that dont be upset. Taking your balance amount continue the job of store. But Guru ji said that now I will not do this job. God has ordered me to do some other job. The Nawab asked what have you been ordered? The Guru ji uttered the Moolmantra (original mantra). Ek Onkaar Satnaamu Karta Purkhu Nirbhau Nirvairu Akaal Moorti Ajooni Sab Guruprasaad The Nawab asked that when did your God gave this order? Guru ji told that when I had gone to bathe in River Bein, I had gone to Sachkhand from there to my Lord, there I was ordered that Nanak ji, you chant this mantra and by making others chant convey the people of Kalyug across. Therefore I have to now obey this order of my Master. Brother Gurdas ji writes this context in Vaar 1 paudi 24 Baba paidha sachkhand naunidhi naam garibi paai Meaning Baba Nanak ji went to Sachkhand. There you attained the treasure of nine riches, naam and fearlessness. Here on the bank of Bein, where Guru ji appeared after coming out of Bein, a Saint ghat by Guru and a very beautiful Gurudwara Ber Saheb has been built. On this very place Guru ji after bathing in the morning used to sit for some time in the meditation of God. End of excerpt from book named Jeevan Das Guru Saheb

Evidence in Shri Guru Granth Sahib JiShri Nanak Dev Ji previously used to do jaap of one Onkaar (Om') mantra and only considering it to be true used to say Ek Onkaar. Kabir Sahib appeared before Shri Nanak Dev Ji on the bank of river Bein and took him to Satlok (Sachkhand) and showed him His SatPurush form and then on the third day left him back on the Earth. After that Shri Nanak Ji eulogised the eye-witnessed glory of God Kabir, which is present in his sacred speech in Shri Guru Granth Sahib in Mehla Pehla. Only after God Kabir gave Shri Nanak Ji jaap of Satnaam, Shri Nanak Ji got liberated from Kaals lok.

Rag Siri Mehla 1, page no 24, Shabd no.29

Ek suaan duii suaani naal, bhalke bhaunkahi sadaa biaal ll Kud chhura mutha murdaar, Dhaanak roop raha Kartaar ll1ll Mai pati ki pandi na karni ki kaar, uh bigdae roop raha bikraal ll Tera ek naam tare sansaar, main eha aas eho aadhaar ll Mukh ninda aakha din raat, par ghar johi neech manaati ll Kaam krodh tan vasah chandaal, Dhaanak roop raha kartaar ll2ll Faahi surat malooki ves, uh thagvaada thagi des ll Kharaa siaana bahuta bhaar, Dhaanak roop raha Kartaar ll3ll Main keeta na jaata huraamkhor, uh kia muh desa dusht chor ll Nanak neech kah bichaar, Dhaanak roop raha Kartaar ll4ll It has been clearly written in this that one dog (in the form of mind) and along with these two bitches (in the form of expectations and desires) are always unnecessarily barking (i.e. desires keep on arising) and new-new expectations keep arising all the time. The method (without Satnaam) of killing them was a false (kud) means (muth murdaar). God (Kabir Sahib) met me in the form of a weaver (dhaanak). He told me the correct way of worship. Shri Nanak Sahib Ji says that without the sadhna of that God (Dhaanak / weaver Kabir Sahib) neither there would have been any reputation (pati) nor there was any good deed (good earning) being done. Consequently, the terrible form of Kaal which I have perceived now, Kabir Sahib, from that only your one (Satnaam) naam can convey the whole world across (can extricate from Kaals lok). Even I (Nanak Ji says) am only hopeful of your this naam, and only this naam is my base. Earlier I must have also criticised you a lot out of ignorance because lust and anger, these devils live in this body. The God in the form of a (dhaanak) weaver (Kabir Sahib who used to work as a weaver) came and showed me the true path and released me from Kaal. His (surati) appearance is very pleasing and charming and is in beautiful attire (in form of Jinda). He met me; nobody can recognise Him, who even befooled Kaal i.e. He appears to be a dhaanak (weaver) and then became Jinda. Even Kaal God became confused that this is someone of a low caste; he can not be God (Purna Brahm). In this way, Kabir Sahib hiding his real form comes as a servant. Kaal or an ordinary

person cannot recognise Him. Therefore, Shri Nanak Sahib Ji has called him a thug (imposter) and along with this has said that Dhaanak (weaver Kabir Sahib) is very intelligent. Appears to be something else, but is very magnificent (bahuta bhaar), the God Purna Brahm who has Himself come in the form of a weaver, a dhaanak. To instruct every human being on submissiveness, accepting his mistake says that I (Nanak Ji) argued with Purna Brahm and He (Kabir Sahib) also presented Himself (acting) as a servant and addressed me (Nanak Ji) as Master. Therefore highlighting His greatness and repenting on his ignorance Shri Nanak Ji says that I (Nanak Ji) was not even worthy of doing and getting anything done. Even then considering my sadhna to be superior, confronted (debated on knowledge) God. Who can be as low, wicked and good-for-nothing like me, who could not recognise his Lord-Master Purna Parmatma in a dhaanak form (Supreme God Kabir Sahib who came as a weaver)? Shri Nanak Sahib Ji states that I am saying all this with full consideration that the Supreme God is in the form of a dhaanak (Weaver Kabir).

Rag "Tilang" Mehla 1, Page 721

Yak arj guftam pesh to dar gosh Kun Kartaar l Hakka Kabir kareem tu beaeb Parvardagaar ll Duniyaan mukaame faani tahkeek dildaani l Mm sar mui ajraail giraft dil hech na daani ll Jan pisar padar biraadraan kas nest dastM geer l Aakhir byaftam kas nadaarad choon shabd takbeer ll Shabroj gashtam darhawa kardem badi khyaal l Gaahe na neki kaar kardam mm ii cheeni ahwaal ll Badbakht hum chu bakheel gaafil benazar bebaak l Nanak bugoyad janu tura tere chaakra paakhaak ll Meaning: Oh Creator, the Master, the unqualified Saint, kind Sat Kabir (Eternal Kabir), You are flawless God. There is a request before you from the heart that of Beloved, this

residence of world is destructible. I have realised this completely. Oh benefactor, on death of this living being, a messenger of Yam named Ajrail, capturing mercilessly takes this being away. No companion like, son, father, relative gives company. In the end, all the schemes, obligations, and rituals/actions are useless. Everyday, evil thoughts keep patrolling like non-stop blowing wind. I did not get any means of doing meritorious acts. In such a bad time, i.e. Kalyug, the ignorant and careless like us, because of not having knowledge of the true path, were blind and dumb. Says Nanak, I am your humble servant, the dust of the feet of your servants.

Guru of Guru Nanak Dev Ji(Evidence in Bhai Bale Wali - JANAM SAKHI - Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji)Publishers: Dr Jwahar Singh Kripal Singh & Co. Amritsar

Siddhan Naal Goshti hoi - Page 252: Agge sakhi hor challi - ? , () , , , , , , , , ( / doubt) ..... Transliteration:fer mardana puchiya ji tusanu jo guru milia si usda naam kiya hai? Ta Guru Nanak ji keha mardana usda naam Baba Jinda aakhde hain, jahan todi jal aur pawan hai, usde hukum vich chalde han. atey agni aur mitti eh bhi usde aakhe kich hain. jis taiin baba jinda milega us taiin baba aakhna chahiye, horas taiin baba nahin aakhna ta mardane keha guru ji asi bhi tuhade naal ji firde, aahe tusanu kad milia hai ta Guru Nanak Ji keha mardana ajje tu assa thi nahin aaya se jad asi milan gae se, ta mardane keha ji kad gaye so, ta guru ji keha jad sultanpur vich tubki layi se tab mardana asi tin din ose paas rahe se mardana bhai bala jaan-da hai mardana oh aisa guru hai jo jiski satta sampurn jagat nu aasra de rahi hai atey mardana jinda usnu kehnde han jo kaal de vas naa aavey, hathon kaal usde vas hosi, ta mardana keha ji usda rang kya hai atey usda aassan kithe hai ta guru ji keha usda rang laal hai par us lali naal koi lali mildi nahin atey usde rom swarn de rang de hain par unah de

naal sona bhi dakh nahin denda de rasna thi bolda bhi nahin atey rom rom thi mardana eho shabad ho reha hai gehar gambhir gehar gambhir ta mardane kehi dhan jo guru ji tusaan binaa eh nisha asadi kaun kare ta mardane aakhiya guru ji hun smer upar chalo ta guru ji ..... Hindi: ? , , , .....

The above mentioned excerpt from Bhai Bale Wali proves that Guru Nanak Dev ji met a Guru in Jinda form whom Guru Nanak Dev Ji addresses as "Baba Jinda". He further says that, that Guru is the Master of all and He is not under the subjugation of Kaal. Rather Kaal is under him. Guru Nanak Dev ji says that he remained with that Guru for 3 days after taking a dip in river Bein at Sultanpur.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji met Jinda Mahatma Kabir JiEvidence in Bhai Bale Wali - JANAM SAKHI - Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Page 122 - 123: Swaal Kaji Rukndin Soora - Jwaab Nanak Shah Soora - ( / / ) Transliteration: Nanak aakhe Rukndin sacha sunh jawaab. Charo kunt salaam kar ta tuhi hoye swaab. Khaalak adam sirjiya aalam badaa Kabir.

Meaning: / / /

Guru Nanak Dev Ji says - The God who created Adam, that God is Kabir......... Transliteration: .... sajde karo khudaii nu alam vadda Kabir

Kabir is the Supreme God.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was King Janak in Treta Yuga

Evidence in Bhai Bale Wali - JANAM SAKHI - Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Page 423: Sakhi ajite randhaave (Ajita Randhawa) di - - Guru Nanak Dev Ji were King Janak Bidehi in Tretayug, Harichand in Dwaparyug and Guru Nanak Dev ji in Kalyug. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was king Janak Bidehi in Tretayug and had disciples in crores.

God Kabir had asked Guru Nanak Dev Ji for this secret information about the True Naam (Satnaam) not to be revealed.

Evidence in Bhai Bale Wali - JANAM SAKHI - Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Page 275: Agge Sakhi Sachkhand di Challi - , (here Vishnu means controller of all, nurturer of all) ,

, ! , , , Transliteration: ta Guru Nanak Ji dhur sachkhand darbar mein jaii pahounche jahan bada prakash hai prakash roop takht ke upar sat nirankaar jyoti saroop baithe hain, sampurn bhagat avtaar haath jod kar khade hain atey Baba Nanak ji te oh jo kotaan suraj ke samaan prakash hai kotaan chandrma jaisa sital es ka prakash hai us sache prakash vikhe parvesh kiya us jyot roop bhagwaan ki ustat kari aur aage sat saroop nirankaar vishnu ji birajmaan hain, sarab samrath sarab shaktivaan bhagwant ji ne keha aao nanak bhagat tu sadaa ji mere mein milia hain, tere aur mere mein koi bhed nahin par jis vaste sansaar mein satnaam updesh ke japaon ke vaste gaye se so dridhaya hai ta Shri Guru Nanak ji keha he Sarbang Swami! jahan aap di agya bhai tahan satnaam di chakr feriya hai, jahan jahan aapka hukum hoyea tahan tahan satnaam ka chakr ferenge, aage jeon aapki rajai hovegi teon ji hovega, aisa keh kar shri guru ji ne shabad ucharan kita ustati mein -

Evidence in Kabir Sagar

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Special Consideration:- There is no evidence in the entire Guru Granth Sahib that God Kabir Ji was Guruji of Shri Nanak ji. Like Guru Granth is respectable and authentic, similarly Holy Kabir Sagar is also respectable and authentic scripture and was written before Shri Guru Granth Sahib. Therefore around 4000 Bani has been taken in to Guru Granth Sahib from Kabir Sagar only. There is a vivid description about the dialogue between God Kabir Ji and Nanak ji in Kabir Sagar and that the venerable Gurudev of Nanak ji were God Kabir. Please read below

For special reference, excerpt from Kabir Sagar (Swasam bed bodh) Page no. 158 - 159:

(Nanak Speech)

(Jinda Speech)

(Nanak Speech)

(Jinda Speech)

(Nanak Speech)

Meaning:- Most venerable God Kabir acquiring the form of a Jinda Mahatma went to Punjab (At the time Western Pakistan was a part of Punjab province) to meet Shri Nanak ji and had this dialogue there. God Kabir said to Nanak ji that if a pious soul like you is bearing the sufferings of life and death, then what hope does a common man have. The Supreme God is different to the one you are worshipping and considering formless. I am that God. Ever since you have separated from me, you have attained 60,000 births, some with very good high posts like that of pious soul King Ambrish in Satyug, King Janak (Father of Sita ji) in Tretayug and in Kalyug you have become Shri Nanak Sahib. Even then you are in the cycle of life and death. I will tell you the jaap of Satshabad i.e. Satnaam / Sachha naam Mantra through which you will become eternal. Shri Nanak ji said to God Kabir that you are Bandichhor God and only a rare fortunate individual can identify you.

Amritvani Kabir Sagar (Agam Nigam Bodh) Page 44 (Nanak Speech)

(Hymn) Special Consideration:- Shri Nanak ji saw weaver Kabir of Kashi in Satlok (Sachkhand) and then saw Him working as a weaver and then told that the same Dhaanak (Weaver) was present in Satlok in Satpurush form. Shri Nanak ji studied Bhagavad Gita from Pandit Brijlal in his childhood. After meeting Supreme God kabir and on the basis of tattvagyan attained from Him Shri Nanak ji questioned the same Pandit on the subject of seven shloks from Gita. Shri Pandit Brijlal became answerless. Feeling humiliated he started feeling jealous of Shri Nanak ji and then complained to the parents of Shri Nanak ji and other Hindus that Shri Nanak ji is insulting our Gods. As a result of this the people did not listen to Shri Nanak ji with interest. Those seven shloks are given below. Shri Nanak ji asked Pandit Brijlal that you say that the knowledge of Gita ji was given by Shri Krishan ji and that Shri Krishan ji is incarnation of Vishnu. Shri Vishnu ji is unborn, God of all and immortal. They don't have any mother or father. You also say that Brahma is Rajgun, Vishnu is Satgun and Shiv is Tamgun. This only is trigun maya. But God, the giver of knowledge of Gita is saying in (1) Gita Adhyay 2 Shlok 12 and (2)Gita Adhyay 4 Shlok 5 that he is in life and death and is mortal. (3) In Adhyay 15 Shlok 4 and (4) Adhyay 18 Shlok 62, God, the giver of knowledge of Gita is asking to go in to the refuge of some other God is saying that complete happiness and salvation is only by the worship of that God. I (The giver of knowledge of Gita) am also in His refuge. (5) In Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 15 the giver of knowledge of Gita ji is saying that those whose knowledge has been stolen away by Maya i.e. by being dependent on the short-lived benefits obtained from the sadhna of Rajgun - Brahma, Satgun - Vishnu, Tamgun - Shiv ji who do not even do my worship i.e. Brahm sadhna, let alone of the supreme God, who are only limited to these three gods, such men who have demoniac nature, who are lowest among men, the evil-doers, fools, do not worship me i.e. that keep doing sadhna of the three gunas (Rajgun - Brahma, Satgun - Vishnu, Tamgun - Shiv). The worship of above three gods is prohibited. (6) In Adhyay 7 Shlok 18, the giver of knowledge of Gita is saying his worship to be of inferior quality. That is why in Adhyay 18 Shlok 62, has said that to attain eternal peace and complete salvation, go in to the refuge of that Supreme God. (7) In Gita Adhyay 4 Shlok 34, there is evidence that for complete knowledge and salvation find a Tattavdarshi Saint. I do not have the complete knowledge about the Supreme God. Worship that God according to the knowledge given by a Tattavdarshi Saint. This same question was put to Shri Nanak ji by God Kabir Sahib on the banks of river Bein. Shri Nanak ji after attaining this tattavgyan from God Kabir saw Him in Satpurush form in Satlok (Sachkhand) and then in weaver (Dhanak) form in Kashi (Banaras / Varanasi) surrendered himself and then spread this tattavgyan to everyone and then achieved salvation.

Important:- Holy Sikh society is not in agreement with the fact that Guru ji of Shri Nanak ji were Kabir Sahib (weaver) of Kashi. Instead they have said Guru Nanak Dev ji to be the Guru of Supreme God Kabir Sahib. But what is the name of Guru ji of Shri Nanak ji? On this subject the Sikh society is mum whereas Shri Nanak Sahib ji himself in the Amritvani of Mehla Pehla accepts that he met his Guruji in the form of a Jinda. The same was present in the form of a Dhanak (weaver) by the name True Kabir (Hakka Kabir) on earth and was also seated in Sachkhand and provided him the true naam. Respectable Shri Nanak ji was born in 1469 AD and went to Sachkhand in 1539 AD (Holy Book - "Jivni Das Guru Sahiban"). Respectable Kabir Sahib ji appeared on this earth as Dhanak in 1398 AD and went back to Satlok in 1518 ("Holy Kabir Sagar"). Both Great men were contemporary for 49 years. Shri Nanak Sahib ji was born in Holy Hindu religion. After attaining God Shri Nanak ji declared that "there is no Hindu or Musalmaan" All are children of the same Supreme God. Shri Nanak ji did not make any religion rather liberated the humans from the artificial shackles of religion and started the "Disciple Tradition". Like thosse who take initiation from Gurudev are called 'disciples', the same are called 'Sikh' in punjabi. Like today this das has around one million disciples but this is not another religion. Pious souls from all the Holy religions are getting their well being done. If in the time to come someone starts a new religion then that will be a misfortune. A new wall of differences and struggle will come up but no benefit will be gained.
