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NEW MILLS TOWN · PDF file · 2016-10-03Lesley Bramwell (Town Clerk), Sue Mycock...

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1 NEW MILLS TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the FULL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING of NEW MILLS TOWN COUNCIL held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, New Mills Derbyshire, on 12 September 2016, starting at 19:34hrs. Present :- Cllr Bate (in the Chair), Cllr Allen, Cllr Ashton, Cllr Atkins, Cllr Brumhead, Cllr Dowson, Clllr Harman, Cllr C Lamb, Lesley Bramwell (Town Clerk), Sue Mycock (Minute Taker) 34 Members of the Public were also present. 2 Members of the Derbyshire Association of Local Councils’ (DALC) Executive were present. The Meeting was recorded for the accuracy of the minutes. Meetings open to the public may be recorded by representatives of the media or by members of the public. Any persons intending to record this meeting are requested not to film the public seating area and to respect the wishes of members of the public who have come to speak at a meeting but do not wish to be filmed; and are reminded that it is not permitted for oral commentary to be provided during a meeting. The Chairman of the meeting may ask people to stop recording and leave the meeting if they act in a disruptive manner. PART I – NON CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION (PUBLIC IN ATTENDANCE) 2016/286 To receive and accept apologies for absence (Agenda item 1) No apologies were received. 2016/287 Variation of order of business (Agenda item 2) It was RESOLVED that Agenda Item 17 be moved to after Agenda Item 5. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST It was RESOLVED, at the request of the clerk, that two items in Correspondence (Agenda Item 15):-



Minutes of the FULL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING of NEW MILLS TOWN COUNCIL held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, New Mills Derbyshire, on 12 September 2016, starting at 19:34hrs. Present :- Cllr Bate (in the Chair), Cllr Allen, Cllr Ashton, Cllr Atkins, Cllr Brumhead, Cllr Dowson, Clllr Harman, Cllr C Lamb, Lesley Bramwell (Town Clerk), Sue Mycock (Minute Taker) 34 Members of the Public were also present. 2 Members of the Derbyshire Association of Local Councils’ (DALC) Executive were present. The Meeting was recorded for the accuracy of the minutes. Meetings open to the public may be recorded by representatives of the media or by members of the public. Any persons intending to record this meeting are requested not to film the public seating area and to respect the wishes of members of the public who have come to speak at a meeting but do not wish to be filmed; and are reminded that it is not permitted for oral commentary to be provided during a meeting. The Chairman of the meeting may ask people to stop recording and leave the meeting if they act in a disruptive manner. PART I – NON CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION (PUBLIC IN ATTENDANCE) 2016/286 To receive and accept apologies for absence (Agenda item 1) No apologies were received. 2016/287 Variation of order of business (Agenda item 2) It was RESOLVED that Agenda Item 17 be moved to after Agenda Item 5. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST It was RESOLVED, at the request of the clerk, that two items in Correspondence (Agenda Item 15):-


a) Contract work which has a financial implication b) Freedom of Information (FOI) request from High Peak Borough Council (HPBC) which involves all of New Mills Town Council’s Parks staff. be moved into Part II. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST 2016/288 Declaration of Members Interests (Agenda Item 3) a) Cllr Bate - Agenda Item 7

- Agenda Item 16

Cllr Ashton - Agenda Item 17

Cllr Brumhead - Agenda Item 8 (wishes to speak to the Item) Cllr Harman - Agenda Item 18 b) NONE 2016/289 Co-option and the way forward (Agenda Item 4) The Chair gave a brief overview of the history of this Item (MIN No 2016/265), including that he had provided copies of relevant Minutes and that the Clerk and Cllr Dowson had also provided the DALC representatives with sealed envelopes containing paperwork relating to this matter. The Chair then introduced Cllr Sue Bean and Cllr Diana Ruff, representatives of the Derbyshire Association of Local Councils (DALC), who had chosen to attend in person to present their report and recommendations. The report from DALC is printed below.






Following presentation of the report the Chair invited comments from Council members. Discussion took place about the scoring process during the co-option meeting ie paper and ‘show of hands’. The Clerk reminded Council members that it had been agreed that voting papers would be used, collected and retained. However, 2 Councillors did not return their voting papers. There was also considerable discussion, and differing opinions, about the interview process at the co-option meeting, and the compliance with Standing Orders. The Chair highlighted that Cllr Whewell, who was the Chair of NMTC during the co-option process, was not present to respond to the report. The DALC representatives strongly advised having very clear guidelines on co-option, thorough procedures and that Standing Orders should be reviewed every 3-5 years. Cllr Dowson informed the meeting that NMTC reviews its Standing Orders and procedures every 12 months. 20.05 It was RESOLVED to suspend the meeting to allow those members of the public who wished to do so, to speak about this Agenda Item. 4 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 2 votes AGAINST Several members of the public spoke about this matter. The main points raised were:- That this report, if implemented, provided an ideal opportunity

for NMTC to bring this matter to a conclusion and for NMTC to regain credibility.

That Councillors should respect the advice and recommendations provided by the Clerk.

That a decision should be made at this meeting to accept the DALC report.

A member of the public felt that Cllr D Lamb only received 2 votes at the co-option meeting.

In answer to a question from the public the Chair expressed the opinion that there had been some confusion about the c-option and that processes were probably not followed in the correct order. 20.11 It was RESOLVED to reconvene the meeting


8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST Cllr Ashton proposed and Cllr Atkins seconded the motion that Councillors study the distributed DALC report and that the matter be the first non-standard agenda item at the next Full NMTC Meeting for a decision to be made. Cllr Dowson objected to the delay and proposed (seconded by Cllr C Lamb) an amendment to accept and implement the DALC report and recommendations at this meeting, including that all Councillors attend training. The Clerk reminded the meeting that, although DALC is not paid for its advice, travelling expenses for representatives to attend NMTC meetings are paid by NMTC. Cllr Bean reiterated that all Councillors should go on a DALC retraining course or have the courage to dissolve the Council and go back to the electorate. DALC represents the electorate but Cllr Bean felt that NMTC Councillors were working for themselves not for the good of the electorate. The Chair called for a vote on Cllr Dowson’s amendment. This was called as 2 votes FOR, 2 ABSTENTIONS, 3 votes AGAINST The Chair then repeated the vote as 3 votes FOR, 2 ABSTENTIONS, 2 votes AGAINST And declared Cllr Dowson’s amendment was defeated. It was RESOLVED that Councillors study the DALC report and that the matter be the first non-standard agenda item at the next Full NMTC meeting for a decision to be made. 3 votes FOR, 2 ABSTENTIONS, 2 votes AGAINST 2016/290 Public speaking (Agenda Item 5) a) Representatives from Morbaine Ltd (a property development company) and New Mills Football Club (NMFC) gave a short presentation about proposals to develop Ollersett Playing Fields (owned by NMTC) into a floodlit pitch with all the necessary additional facilities to be compliant with Football Association (FA) requirements. This would be funded by developing the current NMFC ground to either retail or housing development. NMFC gave an overview of their need for more suitable pitches and facilities as


a lack of facilities means the Club are losing young players to other Clubs in the area. It was RESOLVED that Morbaine Ltd submit (by e-mail to the Clerk) a full package of plans and supporting information for Councillors to consider and that this matter be put on as an Agenda Item for initial consideration at the next meeting. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST b) There was no Police Liaison Officer present. A member of the public expressed the view that a cafe within High Lea Park, would be very useful, and hoped that NMTC would consider this suggestion. A report from County Councillor Beth Atkins follows


Cllr R Atkins reported that the reorganisation of the refuse collection contract is ongoing. There will be a meeting soon to consider various options and Cllr Atkins welcomes any views on refse collection and recycling from residents and will pass these on. Cllr Dowson reported that, following discussion, Network Rail and United Utilities are now bringing forward investigation and repair of


sewage overflow which has been fouling the Millennium Walkway, in time for the Lantern Procession. c) NONE 2016/291 To receive and confirm the Minutes of the: (Agenda Item 6)

a) Meeting 8th August 2016 (NMTC) It was RESOLVED that the Chair, the Clerk and the Minute Taker listen to the recording of the meeting to clarify some issues raised. 7 votes FOR, 1 ABSTENTION, 0 votes AGAINST 2016/292 Finance (Agenda Item 7) a) Accounts for Payment







Cllr Brumhead thanked the Clerk and Administrative Support Officer for arranging the installation of the Hearing Loop. 8024 - These are hanging basket posts which should be charged to the Parks Department budget - this will be amended. 7929 - This item should read British Fossils for the Heritage Centre (HC). 8036 - This is a specialist mother and child swing seat. 7924 - The Clerk will check if this is the cost for 2 benches. 7907 - This is the charge made by HPBC for the Rowarth Car Parking Licence. 8039 - Equipment for the new computer programme at the HC. 8025/8044 - Two Annual Duty Of Care subscriptions are required for the Town Hall and High Lea Hall. Zurich - This amount covers all insurance requirements for NMTC. It was RESOLVED that the Accounts for Payment and Payments Received be approved. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST





b) Payments received - August 2016 There were no questions about Income Received.


c) Overdue Payments The Clerk confirmed that, having spoken to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and the Value Added Tax (VAT) Department again, NMTC, being registered for VAT, is correct in charging VAT on room hire. Cllr Dowson asked how much the investigation into this matter had cost in time. The Clerk estimated that the cost was approximately £400. It was agreed to discuss, at the next Finance and Personnel meeting, whether to show VAT as a separate item on future NMTC invoices. It was RESOLVED that the Chair and the Clerk write to the organisation which owes the outstanding invoice amount, stating that as NMTC is VAT registered, VAT had been correctly charged on the invoice. The letter would also state that payment should be made and that this would be the final communication. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST 21.45 It was RESOLVED to extend the meeting to 22.15. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST d) Permission to purchase food and wine for the Local History talk The Clerk reported that plastic glasses will be purchased instead of hiring glasses, therefore, reducing staff time in collection and return. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk use her discretion to purchase cheese and wine. 4 votes FOR, 2 ABSTENTIONS, 1 vote AGAINST 2016/293 Heritage Centre - working party update (Agenda Item 8) This Agenda Item was deferred. 2016/294 Torr Vale access road (Agenda Item 9)


This Agenda Item was deferred. 2016/295 Clerk’s Report (Agenda Item 10) This Agenda Item was deferred. 2016/296 Chair’s Report (Agenda Item 11) This Agenda Item was deferred. 21.59 It was RESOLVED to suspend the meeting to allow Mr S McAllister to speak on Agenda Item 12. 7 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 1 vote AGAINST 2016/297 New Mills Town Council Asset Working Party - an update (Agenda Item 12) Mr McAllister informed Council that the Draft NMTC Asset Register may be ready for the next NMTC meeting and would be ready for comments before Christmas 2016. It was RESOLVED that the above report be noted. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST 22.00 It was RESOLVED to reconvene the meeting. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST 2016/298 Community Items - Storage on the Town Hall premises (Agenda Item 13) This Agenda Item was deferred. 2016/299 Council Representatives to Outside Bodies (Agenda Item 14) It was RESOLVED that Cllrs Bate, Dowson and Whewell continue to be NMTC’s representatives on the Bonfire Committee. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST


It was RESOLVED to defer Agenda Items 8,9,10,11,13,14,16 to the next meeting. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST 2016/300 Correspondence - FOI request from a resident (Agenda Item 15) This Freedom of Information (FOI) request had been sent to HPBC and should have been sent to NMTC. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk write to HPBC requesting that they contact the correspondent requesting the FOI, to inform them that they should contact NMTC’s Clerk with the FOI request. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST 21.55 It was RESOLVED to suspend the meeting to allow the New Mills Festival (NMF) representative to explain the proposed event which would use the field at the rear of the Town Hall. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST The representatives of NMF explained more about the proposed event, which will be story-telling in a tent on the 21st September 2016 as part of the New Mills Festival. This will be a free event. 21.57 It was RESOLVED to reconvene the meeting 7 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST (Cllr C lamb not in the room for vote) It was RESOLVED that on Wednesday 21st September 2016, NMF be allowed to use the field at the rear of the Town Hall to place a tent for story-telling, subject to the usual policy and procedure requirements. 7 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST (Cllr C lamb not in the room for vote) 2016/301 The allotments (Agenda Item 16) This Agenda Item was deferred. 2016/302 Planning applications (Agenda Item 17) a) Applications circulated



HPK/2016/0438 Discussion took place about this planning application. It was RESOLVED that as NMTC have concerns they ask HPBC to ensure that the proposal and plan for the underfloor heating submitted to HPBC’s Planning Committee is suitable and approved by a professionally qualified company.


5 votes FOR, 3 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST 20.45 It was RESOLVED to suspend the meeting and extend public speaking to allow residents to speak on Planning Application HPK/2016/0476. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST HPK/2016/0476 There was considerable discussion about this application with contributions from a number of local residents expressing their concerns. The main concerns expressed were: Overdevelopment of the site Pollution on the site - previously a landfill site Highways and traffic concerns - amount of traffic and parking Possibly a public right of way will be affected Incomplete plans not reflecting the current entrance and access

for large vehicles eg Refuse Collection vehicles The distribution on the site of individual types of houses ie

affordable, low-cost and for sale on open market. 21.00 It was RESOLVED to reconvene the meeting. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST Cllr Dowson clarified that NMTC Councillors, who are members of the HPBC Planning Committee, may comment but will abstain on any NMTC Resolution. Councillors also expressed concern about the above issues; the residents were advised that individual responses can have a greater effect than a petition, that they would need to make their views known to HPBC as the Planning Authority by raising objections by letter, on HPBC’s Planning website and attending the HPBC Planning meeting when this application is going to be considered It could also help if residents express their concerns to DCC Highways and also, if possible, could arrange to have a highway survey completed themselves and submit it to DCC’s Highways Section including drainage details. Cllr Ashton informed the meeting that this application will go to the HPBC Planning Committee.


It was RESOLVED that NMTC express concern about overdevelopment of the site. They also feel that there needs to be new highways and environmental reports. 6 votes FOR, 2 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST 22.00 - The Chair proposed closing Part I of the meeting. It was RESOLVED that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items because there may be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12 A for the Local Government Act 1972. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST PART II – CONFIDENTIAL (PRESS AND PUBLIC EXCLUDED) 2016/303 High Lea Hall and the ground floor rental (Agenda Item 18) A request had been received about renting the first floor of High Lea Hall. Discussion took place about the proposal. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk write back to the correspondent thanking them for their interest and asking for the full proposal and their detailed plans as to how this proposal would work. The Clerk would also advise that NMTC is not in a position to offer any financial or administrative support to this proposal. 6 votes FOR, 1 ABSTENTION, 0 votes AGAINST 22.15 It was RESOLVED to extend the meeting to 22.20 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST 2016/304 Staffing Group (Agenda Item 19) The Parks Manager (PM) had received a request from New Mills Football Club for the Parks Department to strim and tidy the grass around their car park 2 or 3 times a year. The PM has assessed the work and time involved. It was RESOLVED to agree to the Parks Department undertaking this work for an agreed amount. 7 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST


It was RESOLVED that the apprentice’s training and position be discussed at the next meeting. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST 2016/305 Request to advertise for more relief caretakers (Agenda Item 20) It was RESOLVED that the Clerk advertise for up to 3 more relief caretakers to cover New Mills Town Hall. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST 22.20 It was RESOLVED to close the meeting. 8 votes FOR, 0 ABSTENTIONS, 0 votes AGAINST
