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New Orleans daily crescent (New Orleans, La.)...

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cfdlaltetkheWaeVwe nienese s1 rlr.aT s, September 25, 1860. :, . ; e or-. e city is ltlatg up by thousands. sad eardi house landlords are busily en- 1 4 s oiditg anv their gues. Every one seems it l leLakMy e ad, and& the very houmse in Ae*4esis la w a 1l4 of hlkaiday appearance, as Sikt thqskt•aw thits is a proud week for St. R- l,, Im the week is over, Lt. Louis will be " a *a, ed wIth men, women and e fry bot and railroad arriving is heman beingas M going to &W aeir! 1frtredattle arotnds to-day at a quarter past ad When I entered it seemed to me as ih a whole nation was eapgrating. It was a kpsC t aght tose so many happy bee" together ,- l-Espot. the prssands eide ea, of course, : objeit af to the visitor. He efi dtly aeren of green, oreon of it shaded by the flcfty, leafy oake, and the a number of statnes, fountains eaMds, drives, etc. Aronad the a for the horses and cattle, all Ma clean. Having glanced around, v w syna• trally proceed at once to Ona the -ntaide of this vast tha iepromenadeareranged elghty•id ior a nhmber, sp sh t5 e ad eare. Pauling up the of whieh thr are severel lights, the is grand and imposing. r p~• }y round and level, is bellssof saw-dustof diffarent stea landaws the pagoda (" a 4j& stony tower, where the its sweetest tunes to enliven the At jttaw, aperfeet gem of architec- S eak me uite, as Jean Paul calls an rchi- b t r,) staindsnot far from the Amphi- Fadirtpaly designeaedfor the comfort Sof the ladies, and is a place e thet an ttePr attire and toilette. Be- there are the Fine t feel Hall, Power Hall, ithe tent for the exhibi- t , 'bggles, etc., the large pavilion the Gallinarium, the •b ortiontural and Pomo- Sot . They all present their -own a ab• 1 ~eIOmely-ftted and filled up Ibentil and nare. tt falt e thaeile Art HalL Thadia. 'llik ll thil is not quits so rtensive to the annual exhibition S , bting place now in e 1, ootion of paintings is a i .several works of the n opies of old aned new ti gie*g albeats uad masl worthy to -A tos- at Paul 'Vroneee's Obrist, *aK tI ,gf lnaln perferm the foot-washing. i/y, bigalea i wonderfully. beautiful on a ib ft lS o, that one feels afraid lae sedbid *.a , rain &it back once I'ba t- 4 iilfret sn. Another very i, e lot j A gi u a co Lmeso's Bick Brother. r the room loorfi looks d t modesty and a] Ta garret room, on a sea oyooklng with pray- h oaeel a attached to the k e0 tlsteheabedtatti other boy, with -aw q t estlgadagsritamteerrow. His K t) , e a *5iaIeen, have often i daavsts .a e seotlutiot. The a d *ietaaketk h operau bedse t the fbr- at oin4ae aen tary, the absence of it- I peovert: The whole picture re h or n ofd .e of tbeggar-pictSres of Morglo. B rfaully steady and keen e p iite coblors wonderfully som- not too dark; the whole o le e Ia, to use a Shhakpearean S of nature. Surrounded 6 dtic't fraes, thi piece S Ss0ore particularly because its a ibd: vh a hesnmonlzing. with the ei the composltion. Thes ci rroen 419g nlatets, thfo pie- eia choly: napreesio npon its a' eal wi•tlthtsoertainuanmen eth ntitetimae comes over as to a biat b illat uminateed ball fo oiptlst the dark street below, and Y a telrand worn-out beggar, who alnger and cold. That picture, with in , pBgitgkepsuspgea•ks warmer to the heart Ju ts nmset a well written book. Another very Scopy is one of Robert's pictures, " The fa q; attracted considerahle attention, and eI exceedingly wellt copied. It is very curious Rct lobert mostly selected Italian scenes for his and the "Beapers," above all others, are hr S'pon, I believe, as his chef d'osre. By Ns oloking P.t ts oue forgete that there exists an un- At el lande• f shahdows, and doubts arise whether i earth'istnot, after all, the only and bo S at g._ To be een on the picture Al e q$ludgap• e of the Romagna, with an plh evena i ,tkyi the center of it is awagon, twj krgebuffaloes harnessed in heavy ma _lp*od by a family of peasants, br ah peoit o miaking a halt. To Ctalemale reapers on sheaves, reposing i bjla a g .piper plays, and a merry n njthe nqtf themusie to his heart's he e al ough yon could hear the Wlt sete;e yokng and handoome g ib alt e e, ,;owers, and loaded Dore;p;a the samse side with to young reapera, one has a vo. on" "owneat look, and the 41 d iekle, buarpt out in joyous etlwes t e two bufaloes stands a f~who seems to be only a who tes s efesta standing. On W onlayd the grandfather softly ' eYin-ehnaisted looking old men, i, leeads family wagon, n yong looking, manly figure, ag ,k of on of the bufaloes, ealgaat the reigning power-the heada. The highest position on the Sb m th young aneed beautifl wife ~ bolding a child in her i bad; and next to her is of a youth-likely her npreadingthe linen of the I Q and your readers have pitLtre oftenenough, as litho- Sit b'to be found in every first 'o Id'te tonderftl ,harm of to riong and the architectural "i dg• and grouping. The whole ao ecese. Yet, not every one ~ ela , for whie I was stand- the beauty of the picture,I Strht exelaim: "Josh, did at nnatural harvest picture , ever w such foolish do- h e wtond women are doing In the Y' I okedate Crlile, and saw a face pws o Odi muzzle, pig eyes, M alf mile an obleke nonse. After at hmn.I dtnt wnder any more at the Speey one toi taut,:" You hear epeaon in Art elpl, erotheere are who know how to appreelate a mari r. Jonesr lfr. Jenkfas buys biea eeit looks well to have t in o•he x bea-tifh l paintls, origi. fl blutance :•A plators of Oa- lg ab autanc a beaautllfely worked theark of dflbrent trees; an by a girl I yeears of age; ando otiU ean; a Venus p phs by the million, Among the latter wau pig. Ae regards axere eer to any geis. are for sale j by Merns. Balmer & Weber, the well known me sical fin here. Fine Art and Floral Hall are thb favorite spots for the multitudes, who constantly crowd these two places. Many a fine picture, flower, fruit and sweet face is to be seen there; they all belong to one family, and make a very handsome boquet. The theaters and places of amusement are n reaping a golden harvest during the Fair time. m The St. LonisTheater, (only English theater in thi. in city) under the management of Mr. DeBar, i- nightly filled andcrowded by strangers. The per t. formanee is accompanied nightly by the greates1 he enthusiasm and applause. Many of the spectators ad perhaps, have never been inside of a theater be t fore, and I dare say look at a fair actress as a sort of a demi-goddess. a The attendance on the groundsto-day (Tuesday) was estimated at 40,000 people. Thursday will be the great day of the Fair. The Prince of Wales and his party will be there, and will doubtless at- tract the largest crowd ever seen there. A slight accident occurred in the ring to-day. In the ex- hibition of his horses, Mr. McDonald was over- e turned from his sulky, though withont injury. Later in the afternoon, while his stallion, Jim Row- ell, under the charge of another driver, was making a the fastest time of the day, and eliciting universal l admiration, one of the axles of the sulky broke d, short off at the wheel, precipitating the driver to 1o the ground. The horse dashed madly onward, at dragging for a few reds his driver, whose hands were entangled in the reins. He was soon extri- C, eated, however, having suffered no dangerous in- 1 Juries, though his feet were badly cut. For a few e minutes all was excitement and confusion; all ef- I forts made to stop the stallion in his course around the ring were fruitless, until at length, wearied by Shis exertions, he galloped up to his proper position, frpnting the judges' stand, and there stopped. With these exceptions, nothing occurred to mar the 0 pleasures of the day. Wednesday Evening.-The Prince of Wales and his party arrived this evening. An immense crowd waited at the levee to see him. He stays at Bar- t num's Hotel, where everything has been prepared for his reception. The attendance at the Fair to- day has even been larger than yesterday. Not less than 50,000 people were out there. Before closing this letter, I take pleasure in men- tioning the Missouri Glass Company, who have a splendid collection of flint and colored glassware, such as tumblers, goblets, champagnes, wine de- canters, lager beer glasses, candy jars, coal oil lamps, lanterns, gas shades, vials, syringes, pre- scriptions, colognes, tinctures, Saltmouthe's vault lights, insulators, etc. And now good bye, my dear Crescent. Tounr, freere,. o FEr GtSON. ANOTHEIE MYSTERIOUS MIDNIGHT MtRDnmt. - At I o'clock this morning a man was dying at the northwest corner of Fourth and Main streets. In the short time which has elapsed before our going to press, we can do no more than give such de- tached facts as are elicited by the few who are cognizant of the trasgedy. Private watchman Lemonisky saw three persons on the spot of the murder, tressling, as he guppos- Sed,in play. One ran away and passed him so rapidly that he made pursuit, and the fugitive Scried out: " I did'nt hurt you." He pursuedhim into an alley near the st. Charles, on Third street, west of Sycamore. Here he left him and returned to Main street, where officerHynson bad found the deceased sitting in the rear door of Palmer's Jew- elry store. Supposing him drunk he attempted to remove him to the station, and found himbloody ; at that moment two young men came up, who tell the fllowing story: He hadbeen out with a young German named Kanabe. As they were about separating at the corner, two men accosted them with profane and insulting remarks. Kanabe wentback and retort- ed in similar language. The larger of the two strangers drew a pistol and they all, including Kana be, ran away. He carried the wounded man to the station- house in Hammond street, with life just flickering. He died in a moment after reaching that place, without speaking. A hat was dropped by the running man which they recognized as beinu the one worn by Kanabe. [Cincinnati Commercial. Signor Tonini, a young Italian engineer at work surveying among the mountains which separate Savoy and France, recently attempted, against the advice of his guards, to descend alone over a gia- cier. The letter to the London Times, stating the circumstances, says: Ten minutes elapsed, and the guides, not seeing anything of him, feared an accident and went in search of him. Cautiously following his track, they came to a circular opening in the snow abont two feet in circumference, through which the un- fortunate man had fallen into a crevice twenty yards deep. He was still alive, and called to the guides to get ropes and draw him out. Before the ropes could be procured three hours elapsed, and in the meantime he had died of cold and of the in- juries he had received. The guides heard his groans, but could afford no relief. The following day his dead body was found in the torrent tidh falls from the glacier, and was interred at Susa. CAPTt-E OF Two MloaU SLAvFa r .- U Fvoorlee_ Hundlred and o ineteen Negroes oo Board..- A brig, supposed to be the Storm King, of New Yerk, has just arrived in our port and now lies off the Naval Hospital. She was captured on the lth of August by the United States steamer San Jacinto, in latitde 6 Souothi lo ngitude East, about two hundred miles off tle Congo river. She had on board when captured six hundred and nineteen Africans. Lieut. A. K. Hughesr. U. S.N., was placed in command of the brig, and alter I lading cargo of live Africans (minus three who died o0 the passage) at Monrovia, proceeded to this port, making a passage of 31 days, and sOnrrenderod the brig to U. S. Deputy M'nrsal Thomas Nash. On the 8th of August, also. the ship Elie oas captured by United States steanmer lMohican, hav- aing on board eight hundred Africans. Lieut. Dou- nagan was placed in command, who, after takla g her Into Monrovia and landing the negroes, was to leave for New Yuor on the 22d of August. The captain and crew, all Spaniards, of the Storm King are on board in irons and will be removed to tht city jail. [Norfolk Day Book, Wednesday evening. SNAKE )fILtING.--A note from Mr. S. B. Cornutt atis us in possession of one of the most wonder Ssnake killings that we have ever heard of. Ou the 3d of last month some girls on the Iron MIoun tain, not far from this place, gathering wihortle berries, were startled by the sight of an unusual number of rattlesnakes. Giving the alarm, Mr. Samuel Brewer and others proceeded to the place, and eacceded in killing, almost at the same place eighty-two snakes; seventy-four of the rattling sort, and eiglht of the kind called pilots. Thoer called pilts are new to us, buItit is said they are often found with the rattlesnake. Some of them were not more than eighteen inches in length, while others measured more than four feet. Somae had but one rattle, while others could shake more than a donen. [Mountain News, Vs. WIND WAGONS ON PEA1aot.-Andrew Dawson, of Oscoloota, Kansas, recently constructed a wagon furnished with sails, rigging, etc., propelled by the aid of wind, with which he wrent to the Pike's Peak mines in twenty days. Encouraged by this aucess, other parties in the same town set about the construction of the same kind of wagons, and a few days since a party of eight started out on the prairies to try one which had just been finihed. The wind wans blowing a Tale at the time, Ererythingworked ton elaarm. The oeu. pants glided swiftly over the prairies, were de- lighting themselves with anticipations of a speedy and comfortable trip tothe minets, when the veloci- ty of the vehicle created a lively alarm for their safety. The wagon sped onward before tie driv- ing wind faster and faster, until the axle-tree broke and deposited them all poo the ground, and int a somewhat damaged condition, from broken heads, bruised limbs and bodies. The speed of the ma- chine is said to have beeno forty miles per hour. A MAN MrtorDED oB 000s 0WtVI'I.-In Burrinville, Rhode Island, on Snaturlday, Lydia A. Phetteplacre killed hler hsband, ir Ia Phetteplace, with an axe, while he was lying on the floor in a etate of intoxi- cation. A son, about 14 years of age, clarried information oi the homicide to his sister, two nmiles distant, but it wanstwo hours before any one canme to the house to inquire about it. In the meltinmr the woman drew the dead body ot her husbanhd into the yard, and washed up the blood-stains Ifromn the floor. When the officer came to arrest her shel appeared quite unconcerned, acknowledged the deed at once, and gave asn'a reason for comnmitting it that het husband was in the habit of ill treati"g her, and that he had that morning threatened to kill her. She told the Sheriff that there was no0 need'of taking her from home tojail. Phletteploce was a laboring man, addicted to ilntoxication, and waO abusive to hlu familv when in that condition A Fneorn GinAtaanoAa's I'amnE.-A Dijon journal relates the following incident: A higinjegal functlonary on entering the Prefec. tore during the Emperorse stay there, accidently trod on thea foot of a Cent-Garde who stood entry atlhe door. - I beg your ardon," saidthe magis- trate, " I did not intend it. ' "Do not nmention it,' said thea soldler. "I know as well as you do that no man ever treads upen a Cent-Garde'a foot in- tentioasnally.," DIRECTORY -or s-- I3ELL AND.T• EVERETT CI.tBS -ov- NEW ORLEANS. Union Guard, OF THE CITY OF NEW OiRL.ANS, M0,+t .t ohd F.lla•r, Il, n ,, Err :,. OFFICERS : P'resident-A. Mazureao. Vice-Presidents-First District, L. I. Place : See- ond District, A. Legeudre; Third District, Chas. Culbertson ; Fourth District, E. A. Patterson. Treasurer-Thos. Askew. Secretary--J. H. Frobos. Grand Marshal-Jas. Bleggs. Assistant Marshals-First .District, T. A. Bart. lette, W. R. Fish, F. F. Trinchard: Second District, John Slemmer, V. G. De L'Isle, J. B. Soraparu, Third District, W. Long, A. Larose, V. St. Ceran : Fourth District, S. S. Shumway, J. P. Smith, G. H. Beman. Finance Committee-Moses Greenwood, Win. P. Vincent, John A. Watkins, Philip Shaw. nllon Guard, OF THE SECOND DISTRItCT. (:AIXILIARYTO THE ABOVE', M.fr at t5, O,0r,,,, BaIl Run,, on F,.idty EFm,i, :. OFFICERS : President-John Yooennes. Vice-Presidents-Fourth Ward, Dr. E. D. Beach; Fifth Ward, Amilear Roux; Sixth Ward, Guy Du- plantier. Secretary and Treasurer-R. D. Hubbard. Committee of Arrangemeets-J. B. Soraparu, J. H. Frobus, Gustave Poree. Unlon Guard, OF THE SOEVENTHI AND EIGHTII WARDS, TIIRD DISTRICT, (AUXILIARY), OFFICERS: President-Aug. Duquercron. Vice-Presidents - George Clark and John B. Leefe. Grand Marshal-Chas. O. LeBlanc. Assistant Marshals--P. Schomberg, S. D. Max- well and Benj. P. Leefe. Secretary--Louis Power. Treasurer-Val. St. Ceran. Finance Committee--John B. Leefe. Chas. W. Culbertson, George Clark, Charles E. Fortier, U. F. Seicshnaydre and James Brooks. Committee of Arrangements-Aug. Larosc, Jna. BIt. Guost, P. L. Mailloux, Charles Morel, 1'. Schons.m berg and Chas. LeCharpentoer. Unlos t Guard, OF TIIE NINTH WARD, TIIIRD DISTITt T, (ATX. O)FFCERS : President-P. S. Wiltz. Vice-President-Robert Wynne. Secretary--Philip Power, Jr. Treasurer-Chas. Keller. Grand Marshal-James Hoban. Finance Committee-P. S. Wiltz, A. N. Power, Jas. Hoban, G. C. Gottschalk, J. B. Joneck, M. Hernandez, Charles Keller. Committee of Arrangements--Robert Wynne, G. C. Gottschalk, J. Hoban. Unlon Club, OFTHE FOURTH DISTRICT, etat U, nion 1 ,1 . ,, J ,/e .i dcrit, oi Te,,,,. OPFFICEI : President-William Freret. Vice-Presidents-A. W. Bosworth, John Living- ston, C. T. Buddecke, C. R. Pitcher, Jacob Staub. Secretary-A. S. Phelps. Treasurer-B. Campbell. Committee on Funds--H. S. Buckner, H. T. Lonsdale, E. Parmele, S. Shumway, A. Levy, D. Adams, J. H. Phelps. Chief Marshal-Hon. Lucien Adams. Assistant Marshals-H. M. Verlander, J. S. Ber- thelot, Wm. Woelper. Committee of Arrangements-J. E. Caldwell, E. A. Patterson, B. Campbell, W. R. Miller, W. C. Quirk. Fossill Club, (COMPOSED OF GENTLEIMEN OVER FORTY YEARS OF AGE),. M.et ofOdd Ftell, SiT .. Frt,,y Erc.,;t. OFFIOERS . President-J. M. Lapeyre. Vice-Presidents-First District, T. L. McGill; Second District, M. Barnett, Sr.; Third District, John B. Leefe; Fourth District, Jacob Staub. Secretary-Henry Bier. Treasurer-Benj. Florance. Fossils' G ltad, ,sul En'- +lar,. OFFICERS : Captain-R. L. Bruce. Treasurer--C. Huchez. Secretary-Chas. Thompson. Bell (halSmplons, COMPOSED OF THIlE YOUTH OF NEW ORLEANS, uMt' at T-•l•la,hr' l Tll, (Lundet , retr , ol Fri, bry E'•.. . OFFICE1L• : President-Theodore S. Buddecke. Vice-Presidents-First District, E. D. Hyde: Sec- ond Distriet, B. Tavaries; Third District, M. Mount; Fourtlh District, A. I. Pierson. Grand Marshatl-W. P. Noble. Assistant Marshals-First District, J. D.('lancey; Second District, F. Bonito: Third District, J. A. F. Brown, Jr.; Fourth District, A. Pierson. Tieasre er--Otis Harris. tlecoding Secretary--S. Vultee Iyams. Corresponding Secretary--M . P Mortee. Everett Knight., OI,'I'I('ER, President--R. G. Lotting. Vice-Presidcns-Firot District, George Burn:i Secontd District, A. G. Baklwcll; Third I)istrict, )Dr. H. S. Forwood; Fourth District, It. 1). Gribble. Treasurer--Williiam (:ribble. Secretary-Charles N. Frost. Grand Marshal--George W. Helie. Assistant Marshals-H. W. Bassett, i . S. Tor- wood and L. H. Gardiner. Finance Committee--A. G. Ilakewell. J. It. Pic- ton and W. G. Coyle. Executive Committee-L. IH. Gardiner, R. G. Latting, E. B. Adams, Robert (:ribble and George Thomas. Everett GnarI, OF THE FOURTHII IisrICT, 10,, ,i thIir c its, r.',c. , rc.,if.s , a i,, J,,,,/ i'.,' , c,ri., OI'FICRS : President--W. M. Perkins. Vice-Presidents-Wm. Northern, John A. Wat- kins, Theo. A. James, Samuel A. Shumway, I. N. Phillips. Secretaries--Wallace Hunter and R. F. W. Hlcheman. Treasurer--Samuel Sumner. Executive Committee-George W. Squires, D. P. Logan, B. M. Horrell, Samuel H. IKennedy, M. Kirkpatriek. Jas. Turner, Hy. Block, H. F. (Given, E. S. Keep, W. It. Conger. Finance Committee - W. B. Bowles, M. T. Squires, George D. Field, Samuel McConico. Committee of Arrangements--C. D. Bunce, Chas. Ballejo, W. H. IReese. Grand Marahal-Gaspard Shrieber. Assistant Marshals--F. Mcll Swain, Ienry S. Whitemore, Loais A. Adam, Joseph P. Marvel: Bell Knlghts, ], ut A Fhe ,t. Philip 2li! Rmonnn T F• •, 4'. z,, OI"F.C:RS : President-Francis V. Duplessis. V'ileePresidents--A . H. Kernion and M. E. Secretary-Oscar LeBiane. Treasurer-Charles Escoitier. Grand Marshal -Alfred Cornu. Assistant Marshals--E. P. L.egeodre, A. I). Ber- noudy, C.Everett, J. T. Beach. C omittee of Arrangements-EF. Vidal, Chair- man; Louis Prados. A;frcd Corno. Cozmmittee ofWavs and eans--A. L. ii. i.re- aion, Ch cirono J. T. Beach, A. Moral, Clhas. lo- pltssis, R.J.Du)ros. Conulitutslio ('Slar,, .v,.. ,,,+,! o, 0 .l+,,,, PL,, h'o., . T,,, ./,y F.' r:, . ' OFFIss ('ERs : IPresident -(.D)uplanticr. Vice-Presidenit -llenry (aridel. Secretary--3. It. Celnas. iiteacorer--AlIrled Blcr:d. Grand Marshal- IlilihI o'u,:hats n. LCommittee of Arrangremens -[. ld Jordy. Alfred Bcrsard, Emile liuipre, .1. K. liaily. Noma li)elery. Assistant aritihals--I. r;lil-lha-, Jas. Vienue, C. W. loy, C. W. Allen, Emile. Ihqpre. Il31nate felsl of ,), OFtICERB : President- -P. R.Msddlemis. Vice-President--A. E.Dick. Secretary and Treasurer--G. W. Neutz. Captnin- --James Beggs. Committee of Arrangements- -. W. Ncutz, C. W. Grissan, Toby Hart, J.A. Brown Hell IRanger. OF T11E FIRST WANID, [,rt at Eagy- llll ,l errrt To,,dy Brel, F'F-'IC•RI : President--J. M. MeClandish. Vice-Presidents---Benj. Bland, J. S. Clark. Secretary--Frank 1,. Clayton. Treasurer-W. W. McGarrity. Chief Marshal--Wash. Marks. Finance Committe- I. N. Marks, W. H. Cook, J. I'. Harrison, W. K. Day, A. Kearny, IL. Ren- shaw. Molnnt Vernon Club, OF Tri: SE 'ON 1) AW V111 President--Thos. Murray,sq. Vice-Presidents--A. Howell, Chas. Pride. Secretary -lEdward S. ploolc. Treasurer--W. T. .Stocker. Marshal--John I,. (Gulrrbernater. Assistant Marshals--E. Blessy. Jos. Laborde. Finance Commilte- J. .W. Wilder, Win. (;rant. lar. llencadon, F. W. Dorr. Comnmittee of Arrargenlc ts--Mark Breeden, Robert Artnstead, V. P. Coleman, l. Toledano, E. A. Tyler. Kelntucky Hell and Everett Club. OF TIIE SECOND WARnD. OFFI C.tR : President--Jas. D. McMickle. Vice-Presidentsr--I. B. Cummings, M. Williams. Charles Florat, Thomas Lynch. Secretary--Wm. P. Comstock. Treasurer--Wm. Ireland. Committee of Arrangements--Peter D. Zelley, Ilenry Haslings, P. Holy. Everett Rangers, OF TilE THIRD WA.\ID, .I-I rI!r A lrr,-l.0,,i l. •1 .r1l aral n ,.,1 r ..-.. - President--Lea F. Bakewell. Vice-President--W. . G Dales. Secretary--C. F. Verlander. Treasurer--It. Yeatnlan. Grand Marshal--Tlhos. Askew. Metropolltan Cnla. OF TIlE THIRDW 1RD, AI'AXIILARY TO TlIE EVEIi. OIFFIC2ERS : President--IHenry BPebe. Vice-'President -. llrau.o Ki-lly. Treasurer-RIobert Pringle. Secretary -- GeoW.W. Sira,.on Finance Committee--l eo. W. Stoddard, John I. Bradley. Iobert Prinkle, ludson English, .,- Per- lkiins, Ilanson Kelly. Bnnker 111ll Rangers, (oF Till: FO U0RTH W1.ARD, 0I.FICPIR• : President-W. J. IMaynard. Vice-President--Victor G(aschet De L'sle. Secretary--George A. Bears. Treasurer-L. A. BUlache. Marshal--T. E. Sykes. Assistant Mharshal--Joseph Baker. Finance Committee--Geo. Watyman, Jack Wil- son.James McCracken, Arthur Saucier, William Hodgkins. Rough and Ready Club, OF TI1e SIXTII WARI), O-rl . a•the Se. Philip a l Rl o.,,r - or.- y c,! Frl, E.,,,i.y. OFFITCERS : President-Joaquin Viosco. Vice-Presidents--A. Sarabola, T. C. Hoggarth. Secretary--J. . FaWeysanm. Treasurer--F. Sambola, Jr. Marshal--Ed. Fagot. Younllg Bell Ilingers, JX- t the St. y B•ui'lin, .. ry . If, . ;~..',a, OF1FICERS : President-Louis J. Salomon. Vice-Presidents-First Districts, Jos. F. Dick: Second District, O. Blasco Third District, H. N. Jenkins; Fourth District, Wtnl.F reret. Secretary--D. C. Canter. Corresponding Secretary, Edward Sloan. Treasurer--J. Watts Kearney. Grand Mliarshal-C. E. Leverich. Assistant Marshals--First District, Andrew Jack- son: Second District, W. F. todgkins, Jr.: Tlhird District, S. C. Tardy ; Fourth District, Jesse Bryan. Crllttenlien Guard, rt3.t s ttim ! ll, , c ,te o ,,, I 1 r,, President--Edward D. Turner. Vice-President-John T. Block. Secretary-Jos. H. DeGrange. Treasrurcr--eco. C. Wedderburn. iarshal -- Samuel Alston. Marshal's Aids and Committee of Arrange- ments--John Russell, Charles Montaldo, Charles Thorn. iinance Commoittee--Alfred Kearney, Esil., It. C. Swain, H. F. Warner. Bell Lathers. (rfficers, time and place of meeting not published). Right lBanlk 3ell Claplpers, OF ALGIERS. 3r it 1h, . (',h ; r, n ,,,, l. , I, , . . . II' , ,/ Presidentl--A. It. Set . Viee-F'retidnt Wiiiam Martin. Secret:niy - . IA . I. larson. 'rea~ur-r- \ mit . tiz. i. Marshal ti--i'hcrh,- E. I riso. Commitltee on •\•y', ndl •I :-, No)rbertici Ti-- pagnier, I1) ,lite Fortier, L. WI. Ildge, Thomast PRENTIC LtNA. -- l' the people of South ('arolin \rant to accdte, let thit by all mealUlns secede. Let them go to l•llaund or VlII-i t or Spiainl or Cuba or Mlexico l: wI: rever eti tilhv p1.alr. IBt tilv can't be allowedl to take their trrit,ily with theil: we shall want that fri the ucss of i better and more loyal population. The editor of the San Antonio ierald asserts. not merely that there is a certainly, btl tlt that t'e are several certainties of Mr. ltretlkridg•e's elec- tion. We protum, lin e really thinks so. 'Tris qeer vdhat sort of people sometimes manage to get into editorial chairs. We hope our Indiana friends will heed the excel- lent advice given them the other day by our cor- respondent " B.'" They will be sure to come out right if they take the B. line. The South Carolina politicians are nrow boiily pounding thire Cnstittion. Let them cease, ani then they will be x-pounders aof that instrument. We don't say that Jolhn Bell's negroes outnunlt her the Breckiniridge ment in Ker.tucky. [Commonweralth. We dnn't say that, but we do say that we would much rather own Johln Bell's niggers than tile whole Brcckinridge party of Ientucky. Tie Democrats, with their divided allegiance to Breckinridge and Dri glans, ar very nlucl it tile situation of Capt. Macesath ii tile lBeggar' Opera between the rival loves of Filly Pteaclulm and Lucy .ockett, and mantiry of them feel like the famous highwaymr a when tre sang: 11e trin,. mair ' i. e win . ,L 'r s Wintlerp1r 1t jiur• i. Sh , It. ,L ,,,.t , 1 Mr. Yancey never stood tupon ti platform lhat we cauld approve. WVe presumt lie never will till Ire is about to be hun g . Au Alabama paper exipresses its belief that Mc. Yancey's whole porlilical life has bieena curse to the country. We believe so tore. We idon't wihI Yancey dead, but we are sorry his iother did'tlt refuse to hltace his father. lGen. Joe tLae is not a coward.but no mani thor- oughily bIrave•eonldl talk abont Ilis WollndsRi ill pt- lie ispeelhs. thrllen yon lildl a piubilic spreacr: paradirng Iisl wouln belfnr a l rowd, you layit safely set it down that thelre are a gold ally thinga he ti oulldrlitheti-r do thlan llght. Aid rtnn ,g is generally one of thenl. While Frtderieik Snydser, wrecked on the Lady felt. " 1'lu:t rate : bilt i'd like a !olRoman ulinch.'* wasn tihe rslpost. "A gin c:cktail wosid hIit le, ' "ciitlicl, droa niw nswe., anlr thile waves carried theul apart, Snyder to he s t" ed1 to tihe ehjoyn o 1 ol" hiss tav' ite 0rae. +ind fie other to ente - bouIne wherte lihtre ii o rtecordof the inanuritlc. tlre of loran ItI tinnichn-i Tile steamer )irigo, CiptL. I.. I. l'ra ll, a ittied :5 iVinterport t yesttai iti ei-oit , fori: iite Wrcl of tie steamtt er laungarian. M.r. linrtet t iifin- uq that good,d are being taknll al, to t!le amnloulltofI fro, Stil,) to i till ter i|:iy+ 'lie !ItnoVititi-- 'q l era have becn hoi.,ed ul/t, and tile mllhtchinler\- N ill betonged to ,. . ut:ett, el' this city, fohdill htie Hungarian, werel bre rbru1.-Irt h -m in sia t t g[1 aneor Wig, l2tth. A placard, clmnanutiai tl,'ro tile P'refe'ecture of titl Scine, rance, lhas been Stllck iii, till plirilnl-y schooils, focrbidding thre distibution as prizes tt children of hooks not ofillcilly Iapprved of; also. thle recital by trheol di citcourses inot conlulrruic- ted to tie autihoritirs, andrl tire deliovery of addtres- ses by terachers, male or fcmale, without previoues permis•lon. Gco. G. Evans' PH IL A D E L PI' IA Gift- 12 co:l Entericinso TIIHE OLDEiT -- Az11;-- Largest ill the 1World! -- ati-- PERMA! NENTLY LOt ATE No. 4S9 Chestnut street, PIIILADELPIIA. Card. Having purchased the spaelol s Iron Ruilding, No. 439 Chest. nut street,a d itted itup with every eonvenience to tacilittte my builness, pnrtieularly that branch devotedto COUNTRY ORDERS;and havings larger capital than any other party inveted in the buslress, I am now prepared to offer greater ad- I vantages than evertomy customers. A ew CaLsIled Iatas- logueof Books, j t1 itued, embrae-s the writing- of every standard author in everydepartment of lterature, including over two hundred volumes of IIitory, Biography, Voyge. ansd Travels. Advlntures, etc., etc., publibed by mytelf. This Is the most complete catalogue of I~oks and itts ever p-hlihd, and gives allthe information rOaI- l o h hdtQ , 11 for wbrsdig by3Iail or lxpre•s of BIook orlcred h`or my Etab- lishment, together wih gtal ,recln. how to rema msoney. I will furih any book(f," XaTl ih.aictrIpublihed in th LUited State+, theregllar retil p ice of wihch is o1)e Dollar or upwards, and gaiunte to ve perfcot ,.:,-[tciuon tomy cus .icieur Alh e.[Y In,,...o d il[p,•i (•- m vidthzll m.nt. Stranger, cin hg 1'Ih I dv,,phia nre nvilvd to Blrl at FVANS GIFT BOOK IHOUSE and Jdgfse fer hem clve>. 1)o NOT bEND ORDERS -IJ- IRP ESP'ONSIILE PAIRT IES George G. Ervans' ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK ENTIERPRISE -- lral been- ENDORSED BY TIE IBOOK TRADE -Aud- A11 the Leading Clty and Country NE WSPAPERS, -- aN rTun-- PUNCTUAL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS OF TILE ES- TABLTS1fEN'T HAVE RECEIVED THLE APPROBATION OF OVER 6,O00.0 CITIZENS OF TIIE UNITED STATES, -Each of whom- HAVE RECEIVED SUISTANTIAL. EVIDENCU -or Ms-- Benefits derived by p,,raimin g Book, THE IEADQUARTERS -or- Geo. G. Evans' GIFT- BOOK ETERPIIISE, No. 439 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. -L.h ti., i ,; .' ,Iui d~r .rd , (;x I,,,e- , Th.lt the , l. himIne,) of Gift Er -. ,f •hIri ,: t-+. h1 m,, 'a,. u h,.itl, Mt,::--rt l 0 Olin l ft , can ) acoo: n cl Ph fii ltt] .. h~111 Ir liy,. , cluinh n1. 3,I) I L . CTEIOF CT E, E OF I(13 T , lr any o t ,'k that yo h: •nayw lne I., the, )i.::41 "'u. ptce tog lth. rw: hthe am" u3tt r Ly ho p ('"l . tr hd ail] a--me o u that ire b< . LC in tofe t,Jit.j ha .)uP. RIELIABLE GIF'T-BiOOK EIST++BILib•IMFNTI -or- Geo. Gi. Evans,% (A39 CHESTNUT STBI EET, Agenlts Wanted. To whom gorP lIer i1huc.m'nt than ee: r ICare, i,, d . iAny pn on, either lle ol k: ti f1;P.- i l 1 , rah.usof eIngag I FONURABLE AND PRI'<4 S ITABLE I(1ICLOYM'1NT, reli1win ll ! ltine au1d no o1tl ty of (1nhev, ld by "v1hi1h theyCan out khin llTa i A VALICABLE LIBR\RY, A FINE GOII) \VATtlH ANDCHAI., A IIANIDSOME SERVICElIp PLATE, A SPLENINII( SE'A OF J, WEIIR Y, AN ELEIGA.NT SIL( I)RECISS I'ATT3ERN, lOr may other hoce a 1 rtielP s elnl lnrat ed 1 the Li. of Grfl , a 10 doa.o byacting at• ++ Agent or thi, a taibbih:,hment. EI T IUP A ( Ll( . I' (1' Cl .1.3 : n.1 . Aie I c d .g,, a'h : .- 'l O.:... THE S:A T E QUA . TRS George n . Wnant. LA.G '-T GIFC:->3O'OK 3T3IRPRISE IX TIFE WORLD, PE RnllCtRlentIy 1Locatt. -Nr- N i. 0 3q Ct.tIS.TNUT STRiI.,T, Aet FAOW W A) ILADELPIIIA, L EDICAL e..MIEDICAL........ IfEDICAL WINER'S OANADIAN VERMIFUGE SAVES TIIIE ICHII.DREN. Thil is the only Sure remely against Worms in the hnmet trtme--thiugs tlhat are so faita lead destruetive tochildren. Save the Children I Iet mothers bet timely warned, and not allow these child mar derersto rematin In the systemnl oftheir offspring. Remembet WINER'S CANADItAN VEHRMiYUltI will at once and forevere batih the reptiles, alnd tile young witl be saved. Think ,f hits. ColoIlel Vaeser, of thlsislppi, itn latter to e. W. Veney, Ret., of tihe Abelndenl Insrvtivet , thus winds lip hin communltlttlr onthie valuet ol this mcdhln toh11 ownt hamuly , "Illy 'pe rltnct hat conlein'ed methalt, Inthe experlient I ilats mede wtebb Winor's letdiait VIerinatge, it is due to sullllering human Iye, s t all te to the mnlueecterer ot the medicfte, to mtkt. public tle relelt ofily oeibtteitelie. "[lgetdel W. I. VA\SSER." Thie erudi'ec is for sale, wholebele.eandi retail, by J. WIteiHT & CO., 21 and 151 Uhartre street, Sole Propreetoet. THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND. DAtlEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR Has unitverlity upplntedt all other ointments and healing ep pletilonts. In both the Ersaern antd Western lterdlpheres, wher- ever Intemdutled: aid its intrinte mnrit is the tree secret of to eaa, ie ll utieons l afetio lltl telrettler the camtehe Sact dent orstee Saee Burns and SYalh Are Instantly il evedof thelr eangih•l h, pnd ad t ilBammateei by e timely applieca tin ofthis marvel, e healer, ndthe SethbI renewd a ifby a charm, no blemish or rt remeaining. The Friend of the Nueyery. Childree are fIrequecnt effureers from extteml inites, eaeel tlly from fuid ad eamphone exllosioes, therefore eveey mother Thoeld tlhav thbla helilng prFeparati•o• ,cstl anlyathad. It heale seeo, breatsts, an riekly removes the Teltter, or Ringworm, e prSevaenhet it eb ldren. To Travelers by Sea and Land. The machieist, thetravelert, tad everyother indiviellll whos hi in lfe throw hIim tillhel t tee l ne t of acctidntfrom etpli ien, aire or cellbele tbeold beari, mind tlthat this b aie Eg fr tllo 1 he l behit ande only Iticnl. It i bothportable had he ep Seole his ( ulr i etrl. Thr l e eo nw thir s s t or t Prims nerally, " (, win ae Shot R IW ol5 h, r u li , o e out e e, , e t tlh , CA i Scarf, et e Scald i ieels , Sprtin, i Sall Pox, Tumons Venereal SoreS, etc., etc.i Rolis, bete tillr kieba a prlplot, odwyNewYork, YeeeteeteSe eeeei,. nee end 151Ghatrtr street, Sew 0rlecnt, by J. WRIGHT & CO., e nerael Ageent Itt can el be obtelned oil retpetalble drGegietoe "td net thdute thrtutghoutith Ubepbtled Glede t eleed bnele. DR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CIIOLAGOGOIr Fever andAge,, Chills and PFever, Dnmb AKne, Iermilttet andRemittent Fevers, Liver COmplah i t , Jan dlce, n- largement of the Liver, Enlargement of the Spleen, andall the variousforms of BILIOUS DISEASES. Ths Invauelda medicine wasprepared from ar extotndlv practice of neeram years in a bil.ons climate, and I. nvkr now to fall curing Fever and Ague, or any of the diseaeasborr named. Those who are nifernbg from affctiona of this kindit ansb, those who have becmne invalid,from their effects opon [be con stltution, will ind the INDIACIIOLAGOIUEI a mot inv.C l able reme or ,nrilyiyg rho Mod, lit hor;uhly elemansm the bhlman system can only explain its exlraordinary agency 1i the speedly, torough and prm,'t:1 1c.re of Iov'er ad Ague and thevarious grade.s of intermittent and remittn-t revers. It has been tmted iu thollsands of ,rose,and it.pronounced by all whohave ntad it, one of the greatest Fever andAgne remediesextant. BEre and s•k forDr. S•0 00 D' IN 'lDA tIIOLAGOGI R, as there ar6 m..,y eortntrsttity otf,,rvn for•ale. For ale inNew Orleans, wholesale and retail, at proprietor', prices., by J. WRIGHT & CO.. 21 ad 151 Chartres treet, General AkgeutL REAL SCIIJCIDAMI SCHNAPPs, VAN I)IE VE ER'S MDICATED GIN, or GFNL .YECI .S ECLJID.IJy y.zliiy;lppgS. A pones, Me, F Y ,,)l; AItN K:, Im .:,la ' i ly hcr,/;llcJetl In ,$11 r : _ of 1)Y : iNTEItY I DI F. tili "r.- \s l.,;'.,. 1. Fii5 l VA'lytSm)Algh.i'ig'Dg'prp .. 1R ,..i thri,,d,,, Pi,,i••.,,.,, ,, i , n by- ,,, ) O ,,b 1ai'e, i .and ldmlultedto declall , curdll ,I +g.,-ihn i , "- i y Sg...., d.... an.. le ............ adap..... d Itha I't "t~malk. hr ,h ildSen,ybi A~ no,!herartile hll 1-11s cre t al is 1't:!, utpi . Real Scheldamlt Schnlllapp, h public c autroe d r )i d ptl) rchtaP none bit !higr., ,iiae nrtloig VANDEVUE&E'S MEDICATED GIN; .- oIg-- Real Scheldama Schnapps. Rluch bottle will bear the signature of tihe pr*piolor, amnd none 0that is yennline without it. por anao in Neow Orleans, wholesale andretail, at proprictorl J. WRIGHT & Co., 2 ad 11 Chartres . trat, DR. WROI1IT'S GELICBRATED REJUVENATING ND LIXIR -- Preparod -- Onthe otrictest I'haana, 0lic, Pr tcipies, by nn of the ables tihrmitoof the ag, for rhoil lr• o leutn g a1d hitricll Drpreion, Daetrminlaron of Blood to the )lead, HiysteH, Geerl Irri ll rpr ' . Restlemne+ and V Absnce ofkilcilur E.ickney. lee ness atNighk Lbssor' Appetie.3, 21 and151 Chartres rt: cat, SoluProprialora. DR. O VIs' 'O,:PriUND i'?UP OF WILD CHERRY AND TJh Un:llrit. influi ncc t(! , , ' ,re;.eron hlih rrmnl d. l ,,, ring tl' bloon il prey.ra ed,, the h;.:"h, l, i, rer~l.rr .d , ': . mio t oyi, and teo Insel, ntn 8' e is s ., ,,"-dt f:.) n trn .,. . c ,.. f.',0, t;•,lC,+tmpth n to a n e:lthily ;,nd a ,otuo- t tb' b',: 1a ., N,mw t ',.i,, wh ,l e- . nlteteld, by J V-IGIV A ,0.. .. oli .... ,r the Soutn, DEA.T1I ON IrATS ANDRI.OACIHES,. W1T1.)~N'S (GENI'INI RATANDRO)i)C DE0T!RO)yER, to , it(d tob e lmCl Jl ,re .," ecl1l "nat e er used for ':ele- rn ,lor of these troublet.nnl erlmin. Sn ro andask for WII: ON'S RAT AND ROACH DE -'r ) i IR, as there ., many spnlrio articlea offered for ale tlr-,ale J. WRIOU T A CO., i. !mlW ad 151 Cbh mr. ritrea NEW ORLEANS SAVINGS INBFTITpIJ$& so. 142 Cratlreet--Ine•rpor tedMatrch 16, 1066. In conformity with Ithe requirements of the Charter, hi lowing tat t,am unt of It~nti l al I publ habed- LI4,1 LT.42.42 Received6 from 4,119 Dep ltori, 21,76{3 llepl ............. ......... . 1.746,5^i 06 P'aid ill 1,109h drtl't,........... ......... 1,224 ,,9106 Anmu, t at re.it of I). pal turn, 3 th ('eltificate tl' )lep,, It1--Amoullt out- S• t ,litg : th Aprl , tt { i ........... 1 , . 1652 Totl of l lites ....................... .... R.{lP,) N.o l'ily Il•-. eyn .. d ........ 6 •0.,'• 57dL0 St.R 'lrlc I ter rtgage , Inds It,,ItOu (AnNhdttd citAlly Ho'lA,,...A 913.61EN)'itY .lP+hl. t I9,nCd to .ihto),'i, t J3,5Wt} 1 iul, l • ltte !. ....... ... . 1 N :tll •hate, [,,ml.,ui~ htn. Hie; IJO ,+1+r. ch uti , i'tl titt, l (it ity '; 152 l ink l Tu.t.e of A '..... . n .. k ; N'..lmld('' and T', hls.'; 77 ti . n. 73; ---- -65, 94 PerNonatti•lly appearet d l eflre e, Arthur i lc, hit7 t he Phac. for tihe prrish of Orlea68, G. y URRIw DUNhCA Trucanrr of the New Orlcan. Having. Inditution, who kly( dul thwitrn, dipoulht [ the b l. .. emen.... 1 tr•• and a6s, liurn to fd At t , t.6 . 1.. 6 I4 .8 d. M 10, 1l60 ART6IIU SAUCIER, 5 J. P TileTrustee-shave drhx"rlrd a TvnthHemi-.A1nnaul idmdy r th6 of Mll IX PeR e'lNT ef r nnmrum, in nclenl nee thk duly fur ht thi ,r Wite m pIlre Ithl I.t 7s4t. Th, dvividend duel . ach 4){8.8lo will bn paid IN CAHR.*e itIti, trerillt er cret dil a depo-itl on Lth It o. f b1, Na. ti*Ul.6 iy tit UNlCA ,Tm2ll, 4 C wittd. . . .. •r e ,. I y 71110 0 .l {MllH ANNUAL S AAT OU-R, II The ltlly wi.w ,rthe ix l tthe s,, a lol th !.1pany ta. T nhe tti, iin r du~ e eawcth de:l,,-,h u will b• I4 teA 9 r1 l _lt, I:Ie ht iiIr .. . r he ye- arr e fin y g , 41 ho N~.tel lara, ... .. ........ . . . . .... ... g ec3y N om.i bro n F, I lS. . , 1 ..... t........... 2 4 13l . ur Vl. e 4):, at , ..... ... ....... 117.'_'.') 91 Ie du, ontin . RH k Ita ... ........... .... .•) ! pa In * in ' o te , W rei y ile+:p d o " , ' 1 2r 1nV. .,1t86i , . ,. e... ... r _ . ... .. ,~ ~ 748., W Fu r• o , n, ,i .l ,, ....... ............. .. .. 9... 2 11 "r, a orndtreura + n fou r a ,e pear nodiug ;, 1 . * th C onh1. 8 d 1 ,... ............... ....... 7 .. 9%34, 461-1 On tire l mr ou ....... .... 9!:1,421 73 oa .•ltrh,e it" k' ............ 610,'•4 41 On River l•.ks ............. 9,676; 3 -- 26,919 76 Rer,.rrneas, Rrpen-el, otc ............... 44.14l, 76 l.wn luteral.t, DlUount, Prott xnd Ilsma, 6e8., 19,627"17 Net •arnel ProP., Cur the )'ear endlr '3t0h November, 11,59 ................................ 95 , 2 2. . Tha (o6lrprny h.• the ro lowhlu riets, vi.: -- l3lll3 reeivllaln t short date forPremi',uln......... 967,460 Dlle fur Pre-l-n1- in ourse of cullection............ 44 542 04 lawsruled In Iask t•ek•................. ............ 14566 4 In cetl ll hi N,1,m. cu r.e by Inrgligaeon Real Fstpte, wurth dou 6le the 4lotnuut due thereon............ 32,057 57 Invemted ,l ,t, urod byipldre of Ho........ 12,2'26 00 [nvceted ill -I tl mnorttage. cu -r`u-i"u Opul"u--Hall. roodl IRu d. . ................................. 1f•2l1 t0 Hrrip2 of 50,4lll l •urntlure ( 'utm p44 .. ............. 7,012 0 1:.1h on hu d .................. ..................... •2.144 11 Total rmountor Aletn ........................ 3 ,T 20 6B SP - 0 , IOr 1,0 .1-R, Pal i~h ofOrl-,l,. coyl of" New Orienl. 110 It r-mem38113. 8,t on 8 , o8,,14tI dry of DcImbe,' 1859, befor ,, thei~ luilrrihrcr , Inetln" of til, Peace Inand fort5s Elty 8xf,o1111., p8I-1mllIy *1lar,18111 01r 1la lird, Pra14dt, 1nd AIdl. Nc.l .81. Srratn)y, o/8111 (ui 1' MRut.l I1,,,,., .1y, 11; Sow (lr li le anr, x ho tmmR dulyx n ccorCU)ding( to law, du dc'poal and -ay, ItIl the Oh,- nr . Kr e a o l st lad I, It, and a cut rect tl smncr Ipt fro~m thehonk, of nald Company.. 0. 1i.lll.I,ARI, Iroirln,. A, SI IIREIHEKR, 8.1110.58. T18 orn to and . ,1 cri 11 .r8 m . t!,,8 .11 ly yy I5cuHSS. 1'kntl Juntiee of the PI~ice tar the Parla of Orlealo IIe Ildal of T11111111 N', 81o1 8ed to pay l'I, r cnt. RIs tan~xI outhle o.O:.l ill in0 'rrtl li, ale.ul 11rll t, ts, r theSean Idll anll l: fv1, ou pdafer the olelo5.iR)INHAiN ol o Febr14ary at, The Hut.-l ~f Tru-ier, ho Ye x a 111-llnred a divIdend tNTen PL'I(.n. O 1111 111 Iilillil]IL . the Companynl~nJ far the yy ~r ,t hugl Nl.,Yein~lr'itii . IcQ. t lr ulllrh (`lerleaex tlll b. IIaiied cu anud after Ihe oclli Ml INIS)~ in February nazi, (loo. W. Weof R.?. 111not, .2a;. A. WL151ny 5141h,. 1I a, Nt l"" Jr~5 H1JP1 I U I, VIPenrfl tiO J. Noel 1, A. il y 1,4 Ome (illa;rd. RI uuv ,+t.,,R,. 112.7'6- 8785rlrofIh rs '[51121) ,1N U.1 IS4,1114ME 22 L*I14p i8Ior.. ll~gloI. lI I! lr-p l,,18 s Illl~a clrt rta H, El,,I 11.1?.! i N8' 1148 82 18 H PE11 1 ,I1d ,S~7 41,87 CO 18A ('r ., ('. .. i 1 . ,, ,11 1'\ : 8.. 17 2 7 ,7737 In ruI' , rm r :! : I ! ,:,~ nao: r "r.,lr ,,- "'" .a txt;....,71.8 13'~B 3 "+, :.r .i- .. _ . ..... : 1'21.1 1 ,7 1 Ru: ,o,118o,11 5.. 8 HI -k,., A8: 18 Y,o18ly.11,181, .... 1 1. 1... 11................ P 1, II 8 l Pre II , !..R .. l ...... ... 111 11xx818,R I 813- 111 ' 8,111118.1........If .1 1 3,2-,:3 1Hy EI~s8ANT' l8o81 Iy. 81, l'x,,8l.m 81,, I8' .ut tri,1.0lnxl... l I,2W 0011271.18 ItctuniP lI'Iemlll ..... . ......... l 1,6186-?,.9615 ' Amount,,f ,Ionoir l Premiums ui the yearr .nallil, ax h l .. ............ .... - - - 1141,$0 1 Ill pa1llld Illo1L1o1cllld, I Hl A l e1ir1: On Fi .1 7111, .............. I, I404 81 O u MaIII.. I71,811,13 2{ 9 8 (,.I River It kka...... ........ 4,:L4) 41 81,18, I 15per crnt.1 retul r cd to1 plio, 1,39 1 il~nnl ed................. 16,1.,1 21 R, R8'0R8 I l IF D31 8 81yoeu~ux, lyle. 14x1."1. ,8........ 11,R1I P7-3,91 f2-77,7 711. I, . 111 1,A ll ........... 141111 FIR .. R 5 137414l15 0he 08185Iu 8111 18180814 I07-Iug aR R lycd 1il8 k 11 ... .............. ............. .. $125, 41'6 6 lnvcstld n Nli c cmclll l Z rlrtglq e on Iteul K*;lrlr worth doublile the amountln Inan,11 ti trw ....................... ~~~~~ 1(10,026i 26 Rlill. Rreiilb:F at ,hurl date for IPle- minm, .................. ........ ~ ~~~~~ 11.216 13 Ilinnk tok~r, cullt.......... ..... ~~ 2- 41r N Duol for PI ~millm* incoursie Or' eoil t iun. 29,213 23 Goshal on handd ........... ............... . :s ji.24 39 Pal i al of. Orlemx, c (ity of sew oaaanl. f Be it n .... I ed that on theninthll day? of May, 14 20,l before me, 110r Illider-:}lll' ij,a lie~i e of tile I'l.ier i0 nl HII he city slblc- i id.1 ''1 lollyapp. ';lic rlinry I'relrhHI1d1 Proxident, and I~nouin arnett, 1. ,,-,:ol: ,'f III. n fuII Il*IIIwle. Companly f New O,Icunih, ae, l0 o, r e il dul Tw n according on Iaw dodo, """ and wI M) 1II1I1 to.; I....;0ill arruunty n IITCjnnl and tree and a Meel~t tnllirrrip:5o'i the Lookbol~~of Oul ompanylly It. 1'01(:(11IJD, Ple~ident, f,11f"IS DARNETPTI, Secrtary.y Sa~arn Io and soh,.,.(. lhcd~ 11efn)11 methin ninth a ny) of Shty. 1,40. ARTHUR SAUCIER,. TTiild .fu iise o the Peirce to, thle Putina, of 0,jean,.\ lald"' ~~oi~ uln(1 I C-lllli.(I i n ,f )11:3, Cou'rIt Y, one of chic r(il IICroillll)TO ,W, A,,;,,el T-Itlli f theClue tler of -All T,.nI" I I t. on t1, he .nl.,!l, Paidl in. Pay ably on dementl t '!'" :t'r1,:. 11111.. . c: jill 401, r;. ,1 clue- oile r~e on and afte,!h! "I1 i.:1. .. od i t . ,;. toLee, elt.1 .,:u iltx.!~n o Ihe .o; tint lo. k uuPc)rh.rd BUIDIU I~lrr IfA. I'I;"O'IAU, PlePWdent) B1 Fcnln;;,l o ~ S. Pi. NSAN, Vice Pre~hL hleh n I~lnloWhir nad YrloraR i-la Ile ARNEITP , Secre t,:.-,hl S A.1..^. si' , P. ] Flrch md Atth Ol Ra in, Ih corner prm otb Po O and 1 1r akl md -a cnlnlrO au O .)NOMt, uc t
Page 1: New Orleans daily crescent (New Orleans, La.) …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015753/1860-10-02/ed...the Gallinarium, the •b ortiontural and Pomo-a Sot . They all present

cfdlaltetkheWaeVwe nienese s1r lr.aT s, September 25, 1860.

:, .; e or-. e city is ltlatg up by thousands.sad eardi house landlords are busily en-

1 4 s oiditg anv their gues. Every one seems

it l leLakMy e ad, and& the very houmse inAe*4esis la w a 1l4 of hlkaiday appearance, asSikt thqskt•aw thits is a proud week for St.

R- l,, Im the week is over, Lt. Louis will be" a *a, ed wIth men, women and

e fry bot and railroad arriving isheman beingas M going to &W aeir!

1frtredattle arotnds to-day at a quarter pastad When I entered it seemed to me as

ih a whole nation was eapgrating. It was akpsC t aght tose so many happy bee" together

,- l-Espot. the prssands eide ea, of course,: objeit af to the visitor. He

efi dtly aeren of green,oreon of it shaded by the

flcfty, leafy oake, and thea number of statnes, fountains

eaMds, drives, etc. Aronad thea for the horses and cattle, all

Ma clean. Having glanced around,v w syna• trally proceed at once to

Ona the -ntaide of this vasttha iepromenadeareranged

elghty•id ior a nhmber,sp sh t5 e ad eare. Pauling up theof whieh thr are severel lights, the

is grand and imposing.r p~• }y round and level, is

bellssof saw-dustof diffarentstea landaws the pagoda (" a

4j& stony tower, where theits sweetest tunes to enliven the

At jttaw, aperfeet gem of architec-S eak me uite, as Jean Paul calls an rchi-b t r,) stainds not far from the Amphi-

Fadirtpaly designeaedfor the comfortSof the ladies, and is a place

e thet an ttePr attire and toilette. Be-there are the Fine t

feel Hall, Power Hall,ithe tent for the exhibi- t

, 'bggles, etc., the large pavilionthe Gallinarium, the

•b ortiontural and Pomo-Sot . They all present their -own

a ab• 1 ~eIOmely-ftted and filled upIbentil and nare.

tt falt e thaeile Art HalL Thadia.'llik ll thil is not quits so rtensive

to the annual exhibitionS , bting place now in

e 1, ootion of paintings isa i .several works of the n

opies of old aned new tigie*g albeats uad masl worthy to

-A tos- at Paul 'Vroneee's Obrist,*aK tI ,gf lnaln perferm the foot-washing.

i/y, bigalea i wonderfully. beautiful on aib ft lS o, that one feels afraid

lae sedbid • *.a , rain &it back onceI'ba t- 4 iilfret sn. Another very i,e lot j A gi u a co Lmeso's Bick Brother.

r the room loorfi looks dt modesty and a]

Ta garret room, on asea oyooklng with pray- h

oaeel a attached to thek e0 tlsteheabedtatti other boy, with

-aw q t estlgadagsritamteerrow. His Kt) , e a *5iaIeen, have often idaavsts .a e seotlutiot. The a

d *ietaaketk h operau bedse t the fbr- atoin4ae aen tary, the absence of it- I

peovert: The whole picture re hor n ofd .e of tbeggar-pictSres of Morglo. B

rfaully steady and keen ep iite coblors wonderfully som-

not too dark; the wholeo le e Ia, to use a Shhakpearean

S of nature. Surrounded 6dtic't fraes, thi piece S

Ss0ore particularly because its aibd: vh a hesnmonlzing. with the ei

the composltion. Thes cirroen 419g nlatets, thfo pie-

eia • choly: napreesio npon its a'eal wi•tlthtsoertainuanmen eth

ntitetimae comes over as toa biat b illat uminateed ball fooiptlst the dark street below, and Y

a telrand worn-out beggar, whoalnger and cold. That picture, with in

, pBgitgkepsuspgea•ks warmer to the heart Juts nmset a well written book. Another very

Scopy is one of Robert's pictures, " The faq; attracted considerahle attention, and

eI exceedingly wellt copied. It is very curiousRct lobert mostly selected Italian scenes for his

and the "Beapers," above all others, are hrS'pon, I believe, as his chef d'osre. By Ns

oloking P.t ts oue forgete that there exists an un- Atel lande• f shahdows, and doubts arise whether i

earth'istnot, after all, the only and boS at g._ To be een on the picture Al

e q$ludgap• e of the Romagna, with an plhevena i ,tkyi the center of it is a wagon,twj krgebuffaloes harnessed in heavy ma

_lp*od by a family of peasants, brah peoit o miaking a halt. To

Ctalemale reapers on sheaves, reposing ibjla a g .piper plays, and a merry nnjthe nqtf themusie to his heart's hee al ough yon could hear the

Wlt sete;e yokng and handoomeg ib alt e e, ,;owers, and loadedDore;p;a the samse side with

to young reapera, one has a vo.on" "owneat look, and the

41 d iekle, buarpt out in joyousetlwes t e two bufaloes stands af~who seems to be only a

who tes s efesta standing. OnW onlayd the grandfather softly

' eYin-ehnaisted looking old men,i, leeads family wagon,

n yong looking, manly figure,ag ,k of on of the bufaloes,

ealgaat the reigning power-theheada. The highest position on the

Sb m th young aneed beautifl wife~ bolding a child in her

i bad; and next to her isof a youth-likely her

npreading the linen of theI Q and your readers have

pitLtre often enough, as litho-Sit b'to be found in every first

'o Id'te tonderftl ,harm ofto riong and the architectural"i dg• and grouping. The whole

ao ecese. Yet, not every one~ ela , for whie I was stand-

the beauty of the picture,IStrht exelaim: "Josh, did

at nnatural harvest picture, ever w such foolish do-

h e wtond women are doing In theY' I okedate Crlile, and saw a face

pws o Odi muzzle, pig eyes,M alf mile an obleke nonse. Afterat hmn.I dtnt wnder any more at the

Speey one toi taut,:" You hearepeaon in Art elpl, erotheere are

who know how to appreelate amari r. Jonesr lfr. Jenkfas buysbiea eeit looks well to have t in

o•he x bea-tifh l paintls, origi.fl blutance :•A plators of Oa-lg ab autanc a beaautllfely workedtheark of dflbrent trees; an

by a girl I yeears of age;ando otiU ean; a Venus

p phs by the million,Among the latter

wau pig. Ae regardsaxere eer to anygeis. are for sale j

by Merns. Balmer & Weber, the well known mesical fin here. Fine Art and Floral Hall are thb

favorite spots for the multitudes, who constantlycrowd these two places. Many a fine picture,flower, fruit and sweet face is to be seen there;they all belong to one family, and make a veryhandsome boquet.

The theaters and places of amusement aren reaping a golden harvest during the Fair time.

m The St. LonisTheater, (only English theater in thi.

in city) under the management of Mr. DeBar, i-nightly filled and crowded by strangers. The pert. formanee is accompanied nightly by the greates1

he enthusiasm and applause. Many of the spectatorsad perhaps, have never been inside of a theater be

t fore, and I dare say look at a fair actress as a sortof a demi-goddess.a The attendance on the groundsto-day (Tuesday)

was estimated at 40,000 people. Thursday will bethe great day of the Fair. The Prince of Walesand his party will be there, and will doubtless at-tract the largest crowd ever seen there. A slightaccident occurred in the ring to-day. In the ex-hibition of his horses, Mr. McDonald was over-e turned from his sulky, though withont injury.Later in the afternoon, while his stallion, Jim Row-ell, under the charge of another driver, was makinga the fastest time of the day, and eliciting universal

l admiration, one of the axles of the sulky broked, short off at the wheel, precipitating the driver to1o the ground. The horse dashed madly onward,at dragging for a few reds his driver, whose handswere entangled in the reins. He was soon extri-C, eated, however, having suffered no dangerous in-1 Juries, though his feet were badly cut. For a fewe minutes all was excitement and confusion; all ef-I forts made to stop the stallion in his course aroundthe ring were fruitless, until at length, wearied byShis exertions, he galloped up to his proper position,

frpnting the judges' stand, and there stopped.With these exceptions, nothing occurred to mar the

0 pleasures of the day.Wednesday Evening.-The Prince of Wales and

his party arrived this evening. An immense crowdwaited at the levee to see him. He stays at Bar-t num's Hotel, where everything has been preparedfor his reception. The attendance at the Fair to-

day has even been larger than yesterday. Not lessthan 50,000 people were out there.

Before closing this letter, I take pleasure in men-tioning the Missouri Glass Company, who have asplendid collection of flint and colored glassware,such as tumblers, goblets, champagnes, wine de-canters, lager beer glasses, candy jars, coal oillamps, lanterns, gas shades, vials, syringes, pre-scriptions, colognes, tinctures, Saltmouthe's vaultlights, insulators, etc.

And now good bye, my dear Crescent.Tounr, freere,.

o FEr GtSON.

ANOTHEIE MYSTERIOUS MIDNIGHT MtRDnmt. - AtI o'clock this morning a man was dying at thenorthwest corner of Fourth and Main streets. Inthe short time which has elapsed before our goingto press, we can do no more than give such de-tached facts as are elicited by the few who arecognizant of the trasgedy.

Private watchman Lemonisky saw three personson the spot of the murder, tressling, as he guppos-Sed, in play. One ran away and passed him sorapidly that he made pursuit, and the fugitiveScried out: " I did'nt hurt you." He pursuedhiminto an alley near the st. Charles, on Third street,west of Sycamore. Here he left him and returnedto Main street, where officer Hynson bad found thedeceased sitting in the rear door of Palmer's Jew-elry store.

Supposing him drunk he attempted to removehim to the station, and found himbloody ; at thatmoment two young men came up, who tell thefllowing story:

He hadbeen out with a young German namedKanabe. As they were about separating at thecorner, two men accosted them with profane andinsulting remarks. Kanabe wentback and retort-ed in similar language. The larger of the twostrangers drew a pistol and they all, includingKana be, ran away.

He carried the wounded man to the station-house in Hammond street, with life just flickering.He died in a moment after reaching that place,without speaking. A hat was dropped by therunning man which they recognized as beinu theone worn by Kanabe. [Cincinnati Commercial.

Signor Tonini, a young Italian engineer at worksurveying among the mountains which separateSavoy and France, recently attempted, against theadvice of his guards, to descend alone over a gia-cier. The letter to the London Times, stating thecircumstances, says:

Ten minutes elapsed, and the guides, not seeinganything of him, feared an accident and went insearch of him. Cautiously following his track,they came to a circular opening in the snow abonttwo feet in circumference, through which the un-fortunate man had fallen into a crevice twentyyards deep. He was still alive, and called to theguides to get ropes and draw him out. Before theropes could be procured three hours elapsed, andin the meantime he had died of cold and of the in-juries he had received. The guides heard hisgroans, but could afford no relief. The followingday his dead body was found in the torrent tidhfalls from the glacier, and was interred at Susa.

CAPTt-E OF Two MloaU SLAvFa r .-U Fvoorlee_Hundlred and o ineteen Negroes oo Board..- Abrig, supposed to be the Storm King, of New Yerk,has just arrived in our port and now lies off theNaval Hospital. She was captured on the lth ofAugust by the United States steamer San Jacinto,in latitde 6 Souoth i

l ongitude East, about two

hundred miles off tle Congo river. She had onboard when captured six hundred and nineteenAfricans. Lieut. A. K. Hughesr. U. S.N., wasplaced in command of the brig, and alter I ladingcargo of live Africans (minus three who died o0the passage) at Monrovia, proceeded to this port,making a passage of 31 days, and sOnrrenderod thebrig to U. S. Deputy M'nrsal Thomas Nash.

On the 8th of August, also. the ship Elie oascaptured by United States steanmer lMohican, hav-aing on board eight hundred Africans. Lieut. Dou-

nagan was placed in command, who, after takla gher Into Monrovia and landing the negroes, was toleave for New Yuor on the 22d of August. Thecaptain and crew, all Spaniards, of the Storm Kingare on board in irons and will be removed to thtcity jail. [Norfolk Day Book, Wednesday evening.

SNAKE )fILtING.--A note from Mr. S. B. Cornuttatis us in possession of one of the most wonderSsnake killings that we have ever heard of. Outhe 3d of last month some girls on the Iron MIountain, not far from this place, gathering wihortleberries, were startled by the sight of an unusualnumber of rattlesnakes. Giving the alarm, Mr.Samuel Brewer and others proceeded to the place,and eacceded in killing, almost at the same placeeighty-two snakes; seventy-four of the rattlingsort, and eiglht of the kind called pilots. Thoercalled pilts are new to us, buItit is said they areoften found with the rattlesnake. Some of themwere not more than eighteen inches in length,while others measured more than four feet. Somaehad but one rattle, while others could shake morethan a donen. [Mountain News, Vs.

WIND WAGONS ON PEA1aot.-Andrew Dawson,of Oscoloota, Kansas, recently constructed awagon furnished with sails, rigging, etc., propelledby the aid of wind, with which he wrent to thePike's Peak mines in twenty days. Encouragedby this aucess, other parties in the same town setabout the construction of the same kind of wagons,and a few days since a party of eight started outon the prairies to try one which had just beenfinihed. The wind wans blowing a Tale at thetime, Ererythingworked ton elaarm. The oeu.pants glided swiftly over the prairies, were de-lighting themselves with anticipations of a speedyand comfortable trip tothe minets, when the veloci-ty of the vehicle created a lively alarm for theirsafety. The wagon sped onward before tie driv-ing wind faster and faster, until the axle-tree brokeand deposited them all poo the ground, and int asomewhat damaged condition, from broken heads,bruised limbs and bodies. The speed of the ma-chine is said to have beeno forty miles per hour.

A MAN MrtorDED oB 000s 0WtVI'I.-In Burrinville,Rhode Island, on Snaturlday, Lydia A. Phetteplacrekilled hler hsband, ir Ia Phetteplace, with an axe,while he was lying on the floor in a etate of intoxi-cation. A son, about 14 years of age, clarriedinformation oi the homicide to his sister, two nmilesdistant, but it wans two hours before any one canmeto the house to inquire about it. In the meltinmrthe woman drew the dead body ot her husbanhdinto the yard, and washed up the blood-stains Ifromnthe floor. When the officer came to arrest her shelappeared quite unconcerned, acknowledged thedeed at once, and gave asn'a reason for comnmittingit that het husband was in the habit of ill treati"gher, and that he had that morning threatened tokill her. She told the Sheriff that there was no0need'of taking her from home tojail. Phletteplocewas a laboring man, addicted to ilntoxication, andwaO abusive to hlu familv when in that condition

A Fneorn GinAtaanoAa's I'amnE.-A Dijon journalrelates the following incident:

A higinjegal functlonary on entering the Prefec.tore during the Emperorse stay there, accidentlytrod on thea foot of a Cent-Garde who stood entryatlhe door. - I beg your ardon," saidthe magis-trate, " I did not intend it. ' "Do not nmention it,'said thea soldler. "I know as well as you do thatno man ever treads upen a Cent-Garde'a foot in-tentioasnally.,"





M0,+t .t ohd F.lla•r, Il, n ,, Err :,.

OFFICERS :P'resident-A. Mazureao.Vice-Presidents-First District, L. I. Place : See-

ond District, A. Legeudre; Third District, Chas.Culbertson ; Fourth District, E. A. Patterson.

Treasurer-Thos. Askew.Secretary--J. H. Frobos.Grand Marshal-Jas. Bleggs.Assistant Marshals-First .District, T. A. Bart.

lette, W. R. Fish, F. F. Trinchard: Second District,John Slemmer, V. G. De L'Isle, J. B. Soraparu,Third District, W. Long, A. Larose, V. St. Ceran :Fourth District, S. S. Shumway, J. P. Smith, G. H.Beman.

Finance Committee-Moses Greenwood, Win. P.Vincent, John A. Watkins, Philip Shaw.

nllon Guard,


M.fr at t5, O,0r,,,, BaIl Run,, on F,.idty EFm,i, :.

OFFICERS :President-John Yooennes.Vice-Presidents-Fourth Ward, Dr. E. D. Beach;

Fifth Ward, Amilear Roux; Sixth Ward, Guy Du-plantier.

Secretary and Treasurer-R. D. Hubbard.Committee of Arrangemeets-J. B. Soraparu, J.

H. Frobus, Gustave Poree.



OFFICERS:President-Aug. Duquercron.Vice-Presidents - George Clark and John B.

Leefe.Grand Marshal-Chas. O. LeBlanc.Assistant Marshals--P. Schomberg, S. D. Max-

well and Benj. P. Leefe.Secretary--Louis Power.Treasurer-Val. St. Ceran.Finance Committee--John B. Leefe. Chas. W.

Culbertson, George Clark, Charles E. Fortier, U.F. Seicshnaydre and James Brooks.

Committee of Arrangements-Aug. Larosc, Jna.BIt. Guost, P. L. Mailloux, Charles Morel, 1'. Schons.mberg and Chas. LeCharpentoer.


O)FFCERS :President-P. S. Wiltz.Vice-President-Robert Wynne.Secretary--Philip Power, Jr.Treasurer-Chas. Keller.Grand Marshal-James Hoban.Finance Committee-P. S. Wiltz, A. N. Power,

Jas. Hoban, G. C. Gottschalk, J. B. Joneck, M.Hernandez, Charles Keller.

Committee of Arrangements--Robert Wynne, G.C. Gottschalk, J. Hoban.

Unlon Club,

OF THE FOURTH DISTRICT,etat U, nion 1 ,1 . ,, J ,/e .i dcrit, oi Te,,,,.

OPFFICEI :President-William Freret.Vice-Presidents-A. W. Bosworth, John Living-

ston, C. T. Buddecke, C. R. Pitcher, Jacob Staub.Secretary-A. S. Phelps.Treasurer-B. Campbell.Committee on Funds--H. S. Buckner, H. T.

Lonsdale, E. Parmele, S. Shumway, A. Levy, D.Adams, J. H. Phelps.

Chief Marshal-Hon. Lucien Adams.Assistant Marshals-H. M. Verlander, J. S. Ber-

thelot, Wm. Woelper.Committee of Arrangements-J. E. Caldwell,

E. A. Patterson, B. Campbell, W. R. Miller, W. C.Quirk.


OF AGE),.M.et of Odd Ftell, SiT .. Frt,,y Erc.,;t.

OFFIOERS .President-J. M. Lapeyre.Vice-Presidents-First District, T. L. McGill;

Second District, M. Barnett, Sr.; Third District,John B. Leefe; Fourth District, Jacob Staub.Secretary-Henry Bier.Treasurer-Benj. Florance.

Fossils' G ltad,

,sul En'- +lar,.

OFFICERS :Captain-R. L. Bruce.Treasurer--C. Huchez.Secretary-Chas. Thompson.


uMt' at T-•l•la,hr' l Tll, (Lundet , retr , ol Fri, bry E'•.. .

OFFICE1L• :President-Theodore S. Buddecke.Vice-Presidents-First District, E. D. Hyde: Sec-

ond Distriet, B. Tavaries; Third District, M.Mount; Fourtlh District, A. I. Pierson.

Grand Marshatl-W. P. Noble.Assistant Marshals-First District, J. D. ('lancey;

Second District, F. Bonito: Third District, J. A. F.Brown, Jr.; Fourth District, A. Pierson.

Tieasre er--Otis Harris.tlecoding Secretary--S. Vultee Iyams.Corresponding Secretary--M . P Mortee.

Everett Knight.,

OI,'I'I('ER,President--R. G. Lotting.Vice-Presidcns-Firot District, George Burn:i

Secontd District, A. G. Baklwcll; Third I)istrict,)Dr. H. S. Forwood; Fourth District, It. 1). Gribble.

Treasurer--Williiam (:ribble.Secretary-Charles N. Frost.Grand Marshal--George W. Helie.Assistant Marshals-H. W. Bassett, i . S. Tor-

wood and L. H. Gardiner.Finance Committee--A. G. Ilakewell. J. It. Pic-

ton and W. G. Coyle.Executive Committee-L. IH. Gardiner, R. G.

Latting, E. B. Adams, Robert (:ribble and GeorgeThomas.


10,, ,i thIir c its, r.',c. , rc.,if.s , a i,, J,,,,/ i'.,' , c,ri.,

OI'FICRS :President--W. M. Perkins.Vice-Presidents-Wm. Northern, John A. Wat-

kins, Theo. A. James, Samuel A. Shumway, I. N.Phillips.

Secretaries--Wallace Hunter and R. F. W.Hlcheman.

Treasurer--Samuel Sumner.Executive Committee-George W. Squires, D. P.

Logan, B. M. Horrell, Samuel H. IKennedy, M.Kirkpatriek. Jas. Turner, Hy. Block, H. F. (Given,E. S. Keep, W. It. Conger.Finance Committee - W. B. Bowles, M. T.

Squires, George D. Field, Samuel McConico.Committee of Arrangements--C. D. Bunce,

Chas. Ballejo, W. H. IReese.Grand Marahal-Gaspard Shrieber.Assistant Marshals--F. Mcll Swain, Ienry S.

Whitemore, Loais A. Adam, Joseph P. Marvel:

Bell Knlghts,], ut A Fhe ,t. Philip 2li! Rmon nn T F• •, 4'. z,,

OI"F.C:RS :President-Francis V. Duplessis.V'ileePresidents--A . H. Kernion and M. E.

Secretary-Oscar LeBiane.Treasurer-Charles Escoitier.Grand Marshal -Alfred Cornu.Assistant Marshals--E. P. L.egeodre, A. I). Ber-

noudy, C. Everett, J. T. Beach.C omittee of Arrangements-EF. Vidal, Chair-

man; Louis Prados. A;frcd Corno.Cozmmittee of Wavs and eans--A. L. ii. i.re-

aion, Ch cirono J. T. Beach, A. Moral, Clhas. lo-pltssis, R. J. Du)ros.

Conulitutslio ('Slar,,

.v,.. ,, ,+,! o, 0 .l+,,,, PL,, h'o., . T,,, ./,y F.' r:, .'OFFIss ('ERs :

IPresident -(. D)uplanticr.Vice-Presidenit -llenry (aridel.Secretary--3. It. Celnas.iiteacorer--AlIrled Blcr:d.Grand Marshal- IlilihI o'u,:hats n.LCommittee of Arrangremens -[. ld Jordy. Alfred

Bcrsard, Emile liuipre, .1. K. liaily. Noma li)elery.Assistant aritihals--I. r;lil-lha-, Jas. Vienue,

C. W. loy, C. W. Allen, Emile. Ihqpre.

Il31nate felsl of ,),

OFtICERB :President- -P. R. Msddlemis.Vice-President--A. E. Dick.Secretary and Treasurer--G. W. Neutz.Captnin- --James Beggs.Committee of Arrangements- -. W. Ncutz, C.

W. Grissan, Toby Hart, J. A. Brown

Hell IRanger.

OF T11E FIRST WANID,[,rt at Eagy- llll ,l errrt To,,dy Brel,

F'F-'IC•RI :

President--J. M. MeClandish.Vice-Presidents---Benj. Bland, J. S. Clark.Secretary--Frank 1,. Clayton.Treasurer-W. W. McGarrity.Chief Marshal--Wash. Marks.Finance Committe- I. N. Marks, W. H. Cook,

J. I'. Harrison, W. K. Day, A. Kearny, IL. Ren-shaw.

Molnnt Vernon Club,OF Tri: SE 'ON 1) AW V111

President--Thos. Murray, sq.Vice-Presidents--A. Howell, Chas. Pride.Secretary -lEdward S. ploolc.Treasurer--W. T. .Stocker.Marshal--John I,. (Gulrrbernater.Assistant Marshals--E. Blessy. Jos. Laborde.Finance Commilte- J. .W. Wilder, Win. (;rant.

lar. llencadon, F. W. Dorr.Comnmittee of Arrargenlc ts--Mark Breeden,

Robert Artnstead, V. P. Coleman, l. Toledano, E.A. Tyler.

Kelntucky Hell and Everett Club.


OFFI C.tR :President--Jas. D. McMickle.Vice-Presidentsr--I. B. Cummings, M. Williams.

Charles Florat, Thomas Lynch.Secretary--Wm. P. Comstock.Treasurer--Wm. Ireland.Committee of Arrangements--Peter D. Zelley,

Ilenry Haslings, P. Holy.

Everett Rangers,

OF TilE THIRD WA.\ID,.I-I rI!r A lrr,-l.0,,i l . •1 .r1l aral n ,.,1 r ..- .. -

President--Lea F. Bakewell.Vice-President--W. .G Dales.Secretary--C. F. Verlander.Treasurer--It. Yeatnlan.Grand Marshal--Tlhos. Askew.


OIFFIC2ERS :President--IHenry BPebe.Vice-'President -. llrau.o Ki-lly.Treasurer-RIobert Pringle.Secretary --GeoW.W. Sira,.onFinance Committee--l eo. W. Stoddard, John I.

Bradley. Iobert Prinkle, ludson English, .,- Per-lkiins, Ilanson Kelly.

Bnnker 111ll Rangers,(oF Till: FO U0RTH W1.ARD,

0 I.FICPIR• :President-W. J. IMaynard.Vice-President--Victor G(aschet De L'sle.Secretary--George A. Bears.Treasurer-L. A. BUlache.Marshal--T. E. Sykes.Assistant Mharshal--Joseph Baker.Finance Committee--Geo. Watyman, Jack Wil-

son. James McCracken, Arthur Saucier, WilliamHodgkins.

Rough and Ready Club,OF TI1e SIXTII WARI),O-rl . a• the Se. Philip a l Rl o.,,r - or.- y c,! Frl, E.,,,i.y.

OFFITCERS :President-Joaquin Viosco.Vice-Presidents--A. Sarabola, T. C. Hoggarth.Secretary--J. .FaWeysanm.Treasurer--F. Sambola, Jr.Marshal--Ed. Fagot.

Younllg Bell Ilingers,JX- t the St. y B•ui'lin, .. ry . If, . ;~..',a,

OF1FICERS :President-Louis J. Salomon.Vice-Presidents-First Districts, Jos. F. Dick:

Second District, O. Blasco Third District, H. N.Jenkins; Fourth District, Wtnl. F reret.Secretary--D. C. Canter.Corresponding Secretary, Edward Sloan.Treasurer--J. Watts Kearney.Grand Mliarshal-C. E. Leverich.Assistant Marshals--First District, Andrew Jack-

son: Second District, W. F. todgkins, Jr.: TlhirdDistrict, S. C. Tardy ; Fourth District, Jesse Bryan.

Crllttenlien Guard,rt3.t s ttim ! ll, , c ,te o ,,, I 1 r,,

President--Edward D. Turner.Vice-President-John T. Block.Secretary-Jos. H. DeGrange.Treasrurcr--eco. C. Wedderburn.iarshal --Samuel Alston.

Marshal's Aids and Committee of Arrange-ments--John Russell, Charles Montaldo, CharlesThorn.

iinance Commoittee--Alfred Kearney, Esil., It.C. Swain, H. F. Warner.

Bell Lathers.

(rfficers, time and place of meeting not published).

Right lBanlk 3ell Claplpers,OF ALGIERS.

3r it 1h, . (',h ; r, n ,,,, l. , I, , . . . II' , ,/

Presidentl--A. It. Set .Viee-F'retidnt Wiiiam Martin.Secret:niy - . IA . I. larson.'rea~ur-r- \ mit . tiz. i.

Marshal ti--i'hcrh,- E. I riso.Commitltee on •\•y', ndl •I :-, No)rbertici Ti--

pagnier, I1) ,lite Fortier, L. WI. Ildge, Thomast

PRENTIC LtNA. -- l' the people of South ('arolin\rant to accdte, let thit by all mealUlns secede. Letthem go to l•llaund or VlII-i t or Spiainl or Cuba orMlexico l: wI: rever eti tilhv p1.alr. IBt tilvcan't be allowedl to take their trrit,ily with theil:we shall want that fri the ucss of i better andmore loyal population.

The editor of the San Antonio ierald asserts.not merely that there is a certainly, btl tlt that t'eare several certainties of Mr. ltretlkridg•e's elec-tion. We protum, lin e really thinks so. 'Tris qeervdhat sort of people sometimes manage to get intoeditorial chairs.

We hope our Indiana friends will heed the excel-lent advice given them the other day by our cor-respondent " B.'" They will be sure to come outright if they take the B. line.

The South Carolina politicians are nrow boiilypounding thire Cnstittion. Let them cease, anithen they will be x-pounders aof that instrument.

We don't say that Jolhn Bell's negroes outnunlther the Breckiniridge ment in Ker.tucky.

[Commonweralth.We dnn't say that, but we do say that we would

much rather own Johln Bell's niggers than tilewhole Brcckinridge party of Ientucky.

Tie Democrats, with their divided allegiance toBreckinridge and Dri glans, ar very nlucl it tilesituation of Capt. Macesath ii tile lBeggar' Operabetween the rival loves of Filly Pteaclulm andLucy .ockett, and mantiry of them feel like thefamous highwaymr a when tre sang:

11e tr in,. mair ' i. e win . ,L 'r sWintlerp1r 1t jiur• i. Sh , It. ,L ,,,.t , 1

Mr. Yancey never stood tupon ti platform lhatwe cauld approve. WVe presumt lie never will tillIre is about to be hun


Au Alabama paper exipresses its belief that Mc.Yancey's whole porlilical life has bieen a curse tothe country. We believe so tore. We idon't wihIYancey dead, but we are sorry his iother did'tltrefuse to hltace his father.

lGen. Joe tLae is not a coward.but no mani thor-oughily bIrave •eonldl talk abont Ilis WollndsRi ill pt-lie ispeelhs. thrllen yon lildl a piubilic spreacr:paradirng Iisl wouln belfnr a l rowd, you layitsafely set it down that thelre are a gold allythinga he ti oulld rlitheti-r do thlan llght. Aid rtnn ,gis generally one of thenl.

While Frtderieik Snydser, wrecked on the Lady

felt. " 1'lu:t rate : bilt i'd like a !olRoman ulinch.'*wasn tihe rslpost. "A gin c:cktail wosid hIitle,

'"ciitlicl, droa niw nswe., anlr thile waves carried

theul apart, Snyder to he s t" ed1 to tihe ehjoyn o 1ol" hiss tav' ite 0rae. +ind fie other to ente -bouIne wherte lihtre ii o rtecord of the inanuritlc.tlre of loran It I tinnichn-i

Tile steamer )irigo, CiptL. I.. I. l'ra ll, a ittied :5iVinterport t yesttai iti ei-oit , fori: iite Wrclof tie steamtt er laungarian. M.r. linrtet t iifin-uq that good,d are being taknll al, to t!le amnloullt ofIfro, Stil,) to i till ter i|:iy+ 'lie !ItnoVititi-- 'q lera have becn hoi.,ed ul/t, and tile mllhtchinler\- N illbetonged to ,. . ut:ett, el' this city, fohdillhtie Hungarian, werel bre rbru1.-Irt h -m in sia

t t g[1 aneor Wig, l2tth.

A placard, clmnanutiai tl,'ro tile P'refe'ecture of titlScine, rance, lhas been Stllck iii, till plirilnl-yschooils, focrbidding thre distibution as prizes ttchildren of hooks not ofillcilly Iapprved of; also.thle recital by trheol di citcourses inot conlulrruic-ted to tie autihoritirs, andrl tire deliovery of addtres-ses by terachers, male or fcmale, without previouespermis•lon.

Gco. G. Evans'


Gift- 12 co:l Entericinso



Largest ill the 1World!


No. 4S9 Chestnut street,



Having purchased the spaelol s Iron Ruilding, No. 439 Chest.nut street,a d itted it up with every eonvenience to tacilitttemy builness, pnrtieularly that branch devoted to COUNTRYORDERS; and havings larger capital than any other partyinveted in the buslress, I am now prepared to offer greater ad-

I vantages than ever to my customers. A ew CaLsIled Iatas-logueof Books, j t1 itued, embrae-s the writing- of everystandard author in every department of lterature, includingover two hundred volumes of IIitory, Biography, Voyge. ansdTravels. Advlntures, etc., etc., publibed by mytelf. This Isthe most complete catalogue of I~oks and itts ever p-hlihd,and gives all the information rOaI- l o h hdtQ , 11 forwbrsdig by 3Iail or lxpre•s of BIook orlcred h`or my Etab-lishment, together wih gtal ,recln. how to rema msoney.

I will furih any book (f," XaTl ih.aictrIpublihed in thLUited State+, the regllar retil p ice of wihch is o1)e Dollar orupwards, and gaiunte to ve perfcot ,.:,-[tciuon to my cus

.icieur Alh e.[Y In,,...o d il[p,•i (•- m vidthzll m. nt.Stranger, cin hg 1'Ih I dv,,phia nre nvilvd to Blrl at FVANS

GIFT BOOK IHOUSE and Jdgfse fer hem clve>.




George G. Ervans'



-- lral been-



A11 the Leading Clty and Country


-- aN rTun--






-Each of whom-


-or Ms--

Benefits derived by p,,raimin g Book,



Geo. G. Evans'




-L.h ti., i ,; . ' ,Iui d~r .rd , (;x I,,,e- ,

Th.lt the , l. himIne,) of Gift Er -. ,f •hIri ,: t-+. h1 m,, 'a,. u h,.itl,Mt,::--rt l 0 Olin l ft , can ) acoo: n cl Ph fii ltt] .. h~111 Ir liy,. , cluinh

n1. 3,I) I L . CTEIOF CT E, E OF I(13 T

, lr any o t ,'k that yo h: •nay w lne I., the, )i.::41 "'u.ptce tog lth. rw: hthe am" u3tt r Ly ho p ('"l .tr hd ail] a--me o u that ire b< . LC in tofe t,Jit.j ha .)uP.



Geo. Gi. Evans,%


Agenlts Wanted.

To whom gorP lIer i1huc.m'nt than ee: r ICare, i,, d .iAny pn on, either lle ol k: ti f1;P.- i l 1 , rah.usof eIngag


reli1win ll ! ltine au1d no o1tl ty of (1nhev, ld by "v1hi1hthey Can out khin llTa i





lOr may other hoce a 1 rtielP s elnl lnrat ed 1 the Li. of Grfl ,a 10 doa.o by acting at• ++ Agent or thi, a taibbih:,hment.

EI T IUP A ( Ll( .

I' (1' Cl .1.3 : n.1 . Ai e I c d .g,, a'h : .- 'l O.:...


George n .Wnant.



PE RnllCtRlentIy 1Locatt.-Nr-

N i. 0 3q Ct.tIS.TNUT STRiI.,T,





Thil is the only Sure remely against Worms in the hnmettrtme--thiugs tlhat are so faita lead destruetive to children.

Save the Children I

Iet mothers bet timely warned, and not allow these child marderersto rematin In the systemnl of their offspring. Remembet


will at once and forevere batih the reptiles, alnd tile young witlbe saved. Think ,f hits.ColoIlel Vaeser, of thlsislppi, itn latter to e. W. Veney, Ret.,

of tihe Abelndenl Insrvtivet , thus winds lip hin communltlttlron thie valuet ol this mcdhln to h11 ownt hamuly , "Illy 'perltnct hat conlein'ed me thalt, Inthe experlient I ilats medewtebb Winor's letdiait VIerinatge, it is due to sullllering humanIye, s t all te to the mnlueecterer ot the medicfte, to mtkt.

public tle relelt of ily oeibtteitelie."[lgetdel W. I. VA\SSER."

Thie erudi'ec is for sale, wholebele.eandi retail, by

J. WIteiHT & CO.,21 and 151 Uhartre street,

Sole Propreetoet.



Has unitverlity upplntedt all other ointments and healing eppletilonts. In both the Ersaern antd Western lterdlpheres, wher-ever Intemdutled: aid its intrinte mnrit is the tree secret of to

eaa, ie ll utieons l afetio lltl telrettler the camte he Sactdent orstee Saee

Burns and SYalh

Are Instantly • il evedof thelr eangih•l h, pnd ad t ilB ammateeiby e timely applieca tin of this marvel, e healer, nd the Seth bIrenewd a if by a charm, no blemish or rt remeaining.

The Friend of the Nueyery.Childree are fIrequecnt effureers from extteml inites, eaeel

tlly from fuid ad eamphone exllosioes, therefore eveey motherThoeld tlhav thbla helilng prFeparati•o• ,cstl anlyathad. It heale

seeo, breatsts, an riekly removes the Teltter, or Ringworm, eprSevaenhet it eb ldren.

To Travelers by Sea and Land.The machieist, the travelert, tad every other indiviellll whoshi in lfe throw hIim tillhel t tee l ne t of acctidnt from etpli

ien, aire or cellbele tbeold beari, mind tlthat this b aie Egfr tllo 1 he l behit ande only Iticnl. It i both portable had he ep

Seole his ( ulr i etrl. Thr l

e eo nw thir s s t or t

Prims nerally,

" (, win ae Shot R IW ol5 h, r u li , o e

out e e, , e t tlh , CA i Scarf, et e

Scald i ieels , Sprtin, i

Sal l Pox, Tumons

Venereal SoreS, etc., etc.i

Rolis, bete tillr kiebaa prlpl ot, odwyNewYork,

YeeeteeteSe eeeei,. nee

end 151Ghatrtr street, Sew 0rlecnt, byJ. WRIGHT & CO.,

e nerael AgeentItt can el be obtelned oil retpetalble drGegietoe "td net

thdute thrtutghoutith Ubepbtled Glede t eleed bnele.


Fever and Age,, Chills and PFever, Dnmb AKne, Iermilttetand Remittent Fevers, Liver COmplah

i t, Jan dlce, n-

largement of the Liver, Enlargement of theSpleen, and all the various forms of


Ths Invauelda medicine was prepared from ar extotndlvpractice of neeram years in a bil.ons climate, and I. nvkr nowto fall curing Fever and Ague, or any of the diseaeasborrnamed.

Those who are nifernbg from affctiona of this kindit ansb,those who have becmne invalid, from their effects opon [be constltution, will ind the INDIA CIIOLAGOIUEI a mot inv.C lable reme or ,nrilyiyg rho Mod, lit hor;uhly elemansm

the bhlman system can only explain its exlraordinary agency 1ithe speedly, torough and prm,'t:1 1c.re of Iov'er ad Agueand the various grade.s of intermittent and remittn-t revers.

It has been tmted iu thollsands of ,rose, and it. pronounced byall who have ntad it, one of the greatest Fever and Agneremediesextant.

BEre and s•k for Dr. S•0 00 D' IN 'lDA tIIOLAGOGI R,as there ar6 m..,y eortntrsttity otf,,rvn for •ale.

For ale in New Orleans, wholesale and retail, at proprietor',prices., by

J. WRIGHT & CO..21 ad 151 Chartres treet,

General AkgeutL



MDICATED GIN, or GFNL .YECI .S ECLJID.IJy y.zliiy;lppgS.A pones, Me, F Y ,,)l;

AItN K:, Im .:,la ' i ly hcr,/;llcJetl In ,$11 r : _ of1)Y : iNTEItY

I DI F. tili "r.- \sl.,;'.,. 1. Fii5

l VA'lytSm)Algh.i'ig'Dg'prp .. 1R

,..i thri,,d,,, Pi,,i••.,,.,, ,, i , n by- ,,, ) O ,,b1ai'e, i .and ldmlultedto declall , curdll ,I +g.,-ihn i , "- i ySg...., d.... an.. le ............ adap..... d Itha I't "t~malk. hr,h ildSen,ybi

A~ no ,!herartile hll 1-11s cre t al is 1't:!, utpi .

Real Scheldamlt Schnlllapp,

h public c autroe d r )i d ptl) rchtaP none bit !higr., ,iiae nrtloigVANDEVUE&E'S MEDICATED GIN;


Real Scheldama Schnapps.

Rluch bottle will bear the signature of tihe pr*piolor, amnd none0that is yennline without it.por anao in Neow Orleans, wholesale and retail, at proprictorl

J. WRIGHT & Co.,2 ad 11 Chartres . trat,



--Preparod --

On the otrictest I'haana, 0lic, Pr tcipies, by nn of the ablestihrmito of the ag, for rhoil lr• o

leutn g a1d hitricll Drpreion,

Daetrminlaron of Blood to the )lead,


Geerl Irri ll rpr '.Restlemne+ and V

Absnce of kilcilur E.ickney. lee ness at Nighk

Lbssor' Appetie.3,

21 and 151 Chartres rt: cat,

Solu Proprialora.

DR. O VIs'


Un:llr it. influi ncc t(! , , ' ,re;.eron hl ih rrmnl d. l ,,,ring tl' bloon il prey.ra ed,, the h;.:"h, l, i, rer~l.rr .d , ': .mio

t oyi, and teo Insel, ntn 8' e is s ., ,,"-dt f:.) n trn.,. . c ,. . f.' ,0, t;•,lC,+tmpth n to a n e:lthily ;,nd a ,otuo- t tb'

b' ,: 1a ., N,mw t ',.i,, wh ,l e- . nl teteld, byJ V-IGIV A ,0..

.. oli .... ,r the Soutn,


W1T1.)~N'S (GENI'INI RAT AND RO)i)C DE0T!RO)yER,to , it(d tob e lmCl Jl ,re .," ecl1l "nat e er used for

':ele- rn ,lor of these troublet.nnl erlmin.Sn ro and ask for WII: ON'S RAT AND ROACH DE

-'r )

i IR, as there ., many spnlrio articlea offered for aletlr-,al e J. WRIOU T A CO.,i. !mlW ad 151 Cbh mr. ritrea

NEW ORLEANS SAVINGS INBFTITpIJ$&so. 142 Cratlreet--Ine•rpor ted Matrch 16, 1066.

In conformity with Ithe requirements of the Charter, hilowing tat t,am unt of It~nti l al I publ habed-

LI4,1 LT.42.42

Received6 from 4,119 Dep ltori, 21,76{3llepl ............. ......... . 1.746,5^i 06

P'aid ill 1,109h drtl't,........... ......... 1,224 ,,9106

Anmu, t at re.it of I). pal turn, 3 th

('eltificate tl' )lep,, It1--Amoullt out-S• t ,litg : th Aprl , tt { i ........... 1 , . 1652Totl of l lites ....................... ....

R.{lP,) N. o l'ily Il•-. eyn ..d ........ 6 •0.,'•57dL0 St.R 'lrlc I ter rtgage , Inds

It,,ItOu (AnNhdttd citAlly Ho'lA,,...A913.61EN)'itY .lP+hl. t I9,nCd to .ihto),'i, t J3,5Wt}

1 iul, l • ltte !. ....... ... . 1 N

:tll •hate, [,,ml.,ui~ htn. Hie; IJO ,+1+r.

ch uti , i'tl titt, l (it ity '; 152 l ink l

Tu.t.e of A '..... .n ..k ;

N'..lmld('' and T', hls.'; 77 ti . n. 73;

---- -65, 94

PerNonatti•lly appearet d l eflre e, Arthur i lc, hit7 the Phac. for tihe prrish of Orlea68, G. y URRIw DUNhCA

Trucanrr of the New Orlcan. Having. Inditution, who kly(dul thwitrn, dipoulht [ the b l. .. emen.... 1 tr•• and a6s,liurn to fd At t , t.6 . 1.. 6 I4 .8 d. M 10, 1l60


Tile Trustee-shave drhx"rlrd a Tvnth Hemi-.A1nnaul idmdyr th6 of Mll IX PeR e'lNT ef r nnmrum, in nclenl nee thkduly fur ht thi ,r Wite m pIlre Ithl I.t 7s4t.Th, dvividend duel . ach 4){8.8lo will bn paid IN CAHR.*e

itIti, trerillt er cret dil a depo-itl on Lth It o. f b1,Na. ti*Ul.6 iy tit UNlCA ,Tm2ll, 4

C wittd. . . ..•r e ,. I y 71110 0.l {MllH ANNUAL S AAT OU-R, II

The ltlly wi.w ,rthe ix l tthe s,, a lol th !.1pany ta.T nhe tti, iin r du~ e eawcth de:l,,-,h u will b• I4 teA 9 r1 l_lt, I:Ie ht iiIr .. . r he ye- arr e fin y g , 41 ho

N~.tel lara, ... .. ........ . . . ..... ... g ec3y

N om.i bro n F, I lS. ., 1 .....t........... 2 413l . ur Vl. e 4):, at , ..... ... ....... 117.'_'.') 91Ie du, ontin .RH k Ita ... ........... .... .•) ! pa •

In * in ' o te , W rei y ile+:p d o " , ' 1 2r

1nV. .,1t86i , . ,. e... ... r _ .... .. ,~ ~ 748., WFu r• o , n, ,i .l ,, ....... ............. .. .. 9... 2 11

"r, a ornd treura + n fou r a ,e pear nodiug ;, 1 . • * thC onh1. 8

d 1 ,... ............... .......7 .. 9%34, 461-1

On tire l mr ou ....... .... 9!:1,421 73oa .•ltrh,e it" k' ............ 610,'•4 41On River l•.ks ............. 9,676; 3

-- 26,919 76Rer,.rrneas, Rrpen-el, otc ............... 44.14l, 76

l.wn luteral.t, DlUount, Prott xnd Ilsma, 6e8., 19,627"17

Net •arnel ProP., Cur the )'ear endlr '3t0hNovember, 11,59 .................................. 95 , 2 2. .

Tha (o6lrprny h.• the ro lowhlu riets, vi.: --l3lll3 reeivllaln t short date for Premi',uln......... 967,460Dlle fur Pre-l-n1- in ourse of cullection............ 44 542 04lawsruled In Iask t•ek•................. ............ 14566 4In cetl ll hi N,1,m. cu r.e by Inrgligaeon Real Fstpte,wurth dou 6le the 4lotnuut due thereon............ 32,057 57

Invemted ,l ,t, urod by ipldre of Ho........ 12,2'26 00

[nvceted ill -I tl mnorttage. cu -r`u-i"u Opul"u-- Hall.roodl IRu d. . .................................... 1f•2l1 t0

Hrrip2 of 50,4lll l •urntlure ( 'utm p44 .. ............. 7,012 01:.1h on hu d .................. ..................... •2.144 11

Total rmountor Aletn ........................3 ,T 20 6B

SP -0 , IOr 1,0 .1-R,Pal i~h of Orl-,l,. coyl of" New Orienl.

110 It r-mem38113. 8,t on 8 , o8,,14tI dry of DcImbe,' 1859,befor ,, th ei~ luilrrihrcr , Inetln" of til, Peace In and for t5sElty 8xf,o1111., p8I-1mllIy *1lar,18111 01r 1la lird, Pra14dt,1nd AIdl. Nc.l .81. Srratn)y, o/8111 (ui 1' MRut.l I1,,,,.,

.1y, 11; Sow (lr li le anr, x ho tmmR du ly x n ccorCU)ding( tolaw, du dc'poal and -ay, ItIl the Oh,- nr .Kr e a o l st ladI, It, and a cut rect tl smncr Ipt fro~m the honk, of nald Company..

0. 1i.lll.I,ARI, Iroirln,.A, SI IIREIHEKR, 8.1110.58.

T18 orn to and . ,1 cri 11 .r8 m . t!,,8 .11 ly yy I5 cuHSS.

1'kntl Juntiee of the PI~ice tar the Parla of Orlealo

IIe Ildal of T11111111 N', 81o1 8ed to pay l'I, r cnt. RIstan~xI ou thle o.O:.l ill in0 'rrtl li, ale.ul 11rll t, ts, r the Sean Idllanll l: fv1, ou pd afer the olelo5.iR)INHAiN ol o Febr14ary at,

The Hut.-l ~f Tru-ier, ho Ye x a 111-llnred a divIdend tN TenPL'I(.n. O 1111 111 Iilillil]IL .the Companynl~nJ far the

yy ~r ,t hugl Nl.,Yein~lr'itii . IcQ. t lr ulllrh (`lerleaex tlll b.IIaiied cu anud after Ihe oclli Ml INIS)~ in February nazi,

(loo. W. Weof R.?. 111not,.2a;. A. WL151ny5141 h,. 1I a, Nt l"" Jr~5

H1JP1 I U I, VIPenrfl tiOJ. Noel 1, A. il y 1,4

Ome (illa;rd.

RI uuv ,+t.,,R,. 112.7'6- 8785rlrofIh rs

'[51121) ,1N U.1 IS4,1114ME 22

L*I14p i8Ior.. ll~gloI. lI I! lr-p l,,18 s Illl~a clrt rta

H, El,,I 11.1?.! i N8' 1148 8218 H PE11 1 ,I1d ,S~7 41,87 CO 18A

('r ., ('. .. i 1 . ,, ,11 1'\ : 8.. 17 2 7 ,7737

In ruI' , rm r :! : I ! ,:,~ nao: r "r.,lr ,,- "'" .a


13'~B 3

"+, :.r .i- .._ ...... : 1'21.1 1 ,7 1Ru: ,o,118o,11 5.. 8 HI -k,., A8: 18 Y,o18ly.11,181,

.... 1 1. 1... 11................ P 1, II 8 l

Pre II , !..R .. l ...... ...111 11xx818,R I 813-

111 ' 8,111118.1........If .1 1 3,2-,:3 1Hy

EI~s8ANT' l8o81 Iy.

81, l'x,,8l.m 81,, I8' .ut tri,1.0lnxl... l I,2W 0011271.18Itctuni P lI'Iemlll ..... . ......... l 1,6186-?,.9615 '

Amount,,f ,Ionoir l Premiums ui the yearr.nallil, ax h l .. ............ .... - - - 1141,$0 1

Ill pa1llld Illo 1L1o1cllld, I Hl A l e1ir1:On Fi .1 7111, .............. I, I404 81O u MaIII.. I71,811,13 2{ 9 8(,.I River It kka...... ........ 4,:L4) 41 81,18, I

15 per crnt.1 retul r cd to1 plio, 1,39 1

il~nnl ed ................. 16,1.,1 21R, R8'0R8 I l IF D31 881yoeu~ux, lyle. 14x1."1. ,8........ 11,R1I P7-3,91 f2-77,7 711.

I, . 111 1,A ll ...........141111 FIR ..R 5 137414l150he 08185Iu 8111 18180814 I07-Iug aR R lycd

1il8 k 11 ... .............. ............. ..$125, 41'6 6lnvcstld n Nli c cmclll l Z rlrtglq e on

Iteul K*;lrlr worth doublile the amountln

Inan,11 ti trw .......................~~~~~ 1(10,026i 26

Rlill. Rreiilb:F at ,hurl date for IPle-minm, .................. ........~ ~~~~~ 11.216 13

Ilinnk tok~r, cullt.......... ..... ~~ 2- 41r NDuol for PI ~millm* in coursie Or' eoil t iun. 29,213 23Goshal on handd ........... ............... . :s ji.24 39

Pal i al of. Orlemx, c (ity of sew oaaanl. fBe it n .... I ed that on the ninthll day? of May, 14 20,l before

me, 110r Illider-:}lll' ij, a lie~i e of tile I'l.ier i0 nl HII he cityslblc- i id. 1 ''1 lolly app. ';lic rlinry I'relrhHI1d1 Proxident, andI~nouin arnett, 1. ,,-,:ol: ,'f III. n fuII Il*IIIwle. Companly fNew O, Icunih, ae, l0 o, r e il dul Tw n according on Iaw do do,""" and wI M) 1II1I1 to.; I.... ;0 ill arruunty n IITCjnnl and tree and a

Meel~t tnllirrrip:5o'i the Lookbol~~of Oul ompanylly

It. 1'01(:(11IJD, Ple~ident,f,11f"IS DARNETPTI, Secrtary.y

Sa~arn Io and soh,.,.(. lhcd~ 11efn)11 me thin ninth a ny) of Shty.1,40. ARTHUR SAUCIER,.TTiild .fu iise o the Peirce to, thle Putina, of 0,jean,.\

lald"' ~~oi~ uln(1 I C-lllli.(I i n ,f )11:3, Cou'rIt Y, one of

chic r(il IICroillll)TO ,W, A,,;,,el T-Itlli f the Clue tler of -All

T,.n I" I I t. on t1, he .nl.,!l, Paidl in. Pay ably on dementl t'!'" :t'r1,:. 11111.. . c: jill 401, r;. ,1 clue- oile r~e on and afte,!h!

"I1 i.:1. .. od i t . ,;. toLee, elt.1 .,:u iltx.!~n o

Ihe .o; tint lo. k uuPc)rh.rd

BUIDIU I~lrr IfA. I'I;"O'IAU, PlePWdent)

B1 Fcnln;;,l o ~ S. Pi. NSAN, Vice Pre~hL hleh nI~lnlo Whir nad YrloraR i-la Ile ARNEITP , Secre t,:.-,hl

S A. 1..^. si' , P. ] Flrch md

At th Ol Ra in, Ih corner prm otb Po O and 1 1r akl md-a cnlnlrO au O .)NOMt, uc t
