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New Power Look

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  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 1

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 2

    LEGAL STUFF 2012 Teiko Reindorf

    All Rights Reserved. International Copyrightwww.Teikoreindorf.com

    This publication is fully copyrighted and does not come with giveaway or resale rights. You may not sell or redistribute this report. It is reserved solely for paid members of

    www.Teikoreindorf.com . Copyright and illegal distribution violations will be

    NOTICEThe information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor is it a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice.

    This publication is presented for information purposes, to increase the public knowledge

    should not be adopted without a consultation with your health professional.

    Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. You must get your physicians approval before beginning this or any other exercise or nutrition program. This information is not a prescription. Consult your doctor, nutritionist or dietician for further information.

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 3

    Table Of Contents

    Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    How I DIscovered The Power Look . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    What Makes The Power Look Different . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    The Power Yoke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    The Power Trunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    The Power Roots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    How To Get The Power Look . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    The New Power Look Workouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0

    Pre-Workout Warm-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2

    The New Power Phase one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3

    The New Power Phase two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5

    The New Power Phase three . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7

    The New Power Look Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9

    Recommended supplements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7

    Teikos workouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 4


    Whats up playboy?

    Have you noticed something recently?

    Seems like traditional bodybuilding training is becoming a thing of the past. Cant say Im that surprised. People are coming to the realization they will never step on stage and would much rather have strong, capable, physiques than bodies thats only good for show.

    This emerging trend in training has caused people to question what strong really looks like and find programs that fit into the newer comprehensive definition.

    So what is this new model of strength?

    Personally, I believe its creating a physical body that is strong in multiple planes of movement, resilient to breaking down and adept at expressing power over and over again if need be.

    A stronger, athletic, power-body.

    I didnt always think this way though. Back in the day I used to be all about the lift. You know the type Id walk into the gym, load up the bar and just throw shit around. As you can imagine that all came crashing down.

    Ill never forget the day I had to come face to face with the fact that everything Id been taught about training was wrong. For years I had chased the dream of maximizing my strength and mass through traditional bodybuilding schemes.

    In the fall of 2007, that all came to an end due to a serious back injury. This injury occurred during a heavy set of squats gone awry. Though I didnt know it then that injury would plague me for years eventually forcing me to change my approach to training completely.

    Since then Ive gone back to the drawing board and looked at what makes a great strength athlete. Ive delved into the different facets of sport and to discover a common thread amongst the great power athletes. Oddly enough my findings didnt come from a textbook or research paper but from working the door at a Toronto nightclub.

    And hopefully, the discovery I am going to share with you is going to change the way you approach training and creating that ideal physique it certainly did for me.

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 5

    How I Discovered The New Power Look

    There are few things stranger than the sensation one gets returning to a place once frequented...

    This is the type of event that forces you to take a good long hard look at yourself, in hopes of catching a glimpse of how much youve changed.

    A couple of weeks back I went to a nightclub to watch my lady perform. The few minutes I spent waiting outside for her, prompted me to take a trip down memory lane.

    It brought me to the nights I spent working at a trendy, downtown nightclub and all of the bullshit that came along with it.

    Funny thing about being a bouncer is people think its wayyyy more exciting than it is.

    Truth is - the job sorta sucks...

    I spent many a night standing outside freezing my ass off. When I did venture inside, the music would be deafening.

    This is probably why most people who work bars cant sleep for shit. They stay up trying to clear their heads of the crappy music theyve had to endure at work.

    Another shit part of the job is the sheer number of drunken idiots it puts you in contact with.

    It never failed, every Friday and Saturday night Id have a run in with a fun-loving individual who thought a night wasnt complete until they get into a bouncers face over some trite bullshit.

    Thinking back its a wonder I didnt go postal during a shift, mauling patrons in a hulk-like rage.

    With that said...

    The job did have a few redeeming qualities. For one, anyone who decides they want to waste their nights working door, will quickly develop the ability to size people up.

    Nowadays I can walk into any room and immediately know who is drunk off their face, who is looking to score blow and who can bust heads if things get EVER get ugly.

    In this book we are gonna explore that third group of individuals... The ass kickers.

    These guys are interesting because they have managed to side step societal norms of passive-aggressive douchebaggery and learned to cultivate an air of dont-fuck-with-me-ness.

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 6

    When I worked the door, we loved having these guys on our team. They were tough as nails and didnt take shit from anyone -

    When youd speak to them youd discover most of them had a background in fighting and kept their training up well into adulthood.

    Another thing about these guys is they alllllll trained religiously. These were the mutherfuckers who dragged us to the gym well after shift was over. In these late night training sessions I made the discovery I spoke about in the introduction.

    If you trained in a certain way you could create a different aesthetic look, which translated really well to sport and performance.

    The fighters in our rat pack of bouncers all had a different look. It was as if their bodies had adapted to the task at hand and taken on the look of someone ready to attack.This was very different than the generic muscular build the rest of us gym rats shared.

    The poised to strike look can be best described as a real look of power. Its usually seen in explosive sports like football, mma or wrestling and holds true - regardless of the athletes overall size

    What Makes The NEW Power Look So Different?

    It is very different than the traditional bodybuilder physique. In fact few people know this but relative to others strength athletes bodybuilders rank fairly low in their ability to generate raw power.

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 7

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 8

    Real strength and power can be observed in athletes who perform explosively rather than the slow controlled movements used in bodybuilding. This explosive style of training lends itself to a unique muscle growth where the muscles used to propel and guard the body grow fairly quickly.

    Take a look at most MMA fighters, football players, rugby players and gymnasts for example. Damn near all of them demonstrate a slight variant on this power look. They all have huge traps, wide backs, thick trunks and solid thighs.

    What this suggests is the muscles most affected by their sport are the best suited for overall athletic prowess and should be the muscles you focus on if you want to have a strong dominant body.

    If you were to dissect this power look you would find it almost resembles a column rather than the V-shape so many bodybuilders strive for.

    The power look is marked by a strong set of traps, attached to a thick anaconda neck.

    As you move down the body, you will find a wide, thick back, which sits atop a solid trunk.

    The final marker of this powerhouse physique is a set of large, muscular legs which root the athlete solidly to the ground.

    Lets briefly discuss the notion of the power yoke. In powerlifting circles the yoke is known as the area of the neck, traps and upper back which give the appearance of a huge upper back.

    Call me biased but the moment I see someone with a yoke... I know theyve got some serious power. To develop the yoke there are a few things youve gotta do.

    First youve gotta pull weight. Theres no ifs and or buts about it - No one gets a huge set of traps without doing their fair share or deadlifts and pulls. Ive found high velocity pulls work best for developing the traps.

    Secondly youve gotta do is train your neck specifically. Every wrestler Ive ever known does their fair share of bridging exercises for their necks, its their secret for getting neck girth.

    The Power Yoke

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 9

    Another sign of a powerful body is a thick, developed waist. Most pretty-boys think a slim, svelte mid-section is the key to looking good, this is why they are weak.

    A mans-man understands the need to be able to perform athletically and goes outta his way to develop a strong, dense trunk, capable of generating and absorbing power.

    To train the trunk properly weve gotta hit it from all angles. We are gonna do chops, holds, carries and presses... anything else, would be a waste of time.

    The third and final symbol of a powerful physique, is a pair of thick, strong legs. The big difference between powerful legs, which root you to the ground and bodybuilders legs; is bodybuilders arent adept at generating power.

    The traditonal bodybuilding leg routines is designed to break down the muscles and foster growth through the repair process. The problem with this approach is it completley neglects the true power center of your muscles - the central nervous system

    A better approach to developing powerful legs is performing Olympic lifting variations. Throughout my 16 years of training, Ive yet to find anything else which compares in its ability to make peoples legs stronger, more explosive or muscular.

    In the last Chapter we spoke about this distinct athletic frame Ive termed the Power Look. We also surmised that this physique is often a by-product of sports requiring tons of power like MMA, rugby and football.

    Which begs the question... can one build this power look without taking up one of the sports.

    I believe so; If you ask me, the key to creating this look of physical dominance lays in the developing those power centers most utilized in the aforementioned sports.

    To do this we are going to take a slightly different approach to training. Rather than focusing on a specific set of movements or rep schemes we are going to take a hybrid approach to training and develop 3 distinct strength qualities each workout.

    How To Get The NEW POWER LOOK

    Power Trunk

    Power ROOTS

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 10

    The 3 strength qualities we are going to develop are: power, muscular strength, and muscular endurance.

    Each workout in the NEW Power Look begins with an explosive power based movement, after that we work on traditional muscular strength and finish with a few kick ass conditioning sets. The entire workout including warm-up should take you no longer than an hour to complete.

    In regards to the warm-up, we will focus on dynamic movements to engage the nervous system and prepare you for the complex lifts required during the program itself.

    Once warm you will work through a few explosive power sets, followed by traditional strength training then finish your training by performing unconventional conditioning work. This approach to training can best be described as a hybrid training protocol

    The New Power Look Workouts

    As I mentioned in the previous chapter, your training for the NEW Power Look is going to be based on a hybrid model of training. Firstly you will be asked to train four days out of the week.

    In terms if the workouts themselves, every single movement in your workout will emphasize different strength quality.

    You will also notice that we play with different rep ranges, this is done to cultivate that well-rounded, physically-powerful, athletic-physique.

    Each individual program will be performed for a 4-week training block. The initial week will be your primer week, where you get a feel for some of the more technical aspects of the lifts.

    Do yourself a favor and cut back on the volume during this week of training.

    Once you have the movement patterns down, you may proceed and bust your ass training to your best ability.

    Following each 4-week training block you will enter a weeks long de-load. This is lower volume week is an absolute must. It will help you recover from the previous training cycle and usher you into the next phase of training fresh and ready to lift big weight. With that outta the way lets get into the programs themselves.

  • THE NEW POWER LOOKPre-training


  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 12

    Pre Workout warm-up

    Perform this quick New Power look Warm-up. The movements will align some of the out of wack muscles, wake up the nervous system and cue muscles needed for the workout.

    Once you have completed this warm-up move on to the recommended workout of the day.

    Superset Exercise Sets Reps Rest1a Neck Bridge 2 12 NA1b Neck Lateral Raise 2 12 NA1c Med ball Side throw 2 6 NA1d Glute Hip Bridge 2 12 60


  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 14


    Day 1 & 3

    Superset Exercise Sets Reps Rest Weight

    1 Barbell Deadlift to Shrug

    4 6 3 mins

    2a Floor press 3 9 90 seconds2b Reverse barbell lunge 3 12 90 seconds

    3a EZ bar biceps curls 3 15 30 seconds3b Cable chops low to high 3 15 30 seconds3c Med ball push and

    sprint3 5 90 seconds

    Day 2 & 4

    Superset Exercise Sets Reps Rest Weight

    1 Push press 4 6 3 mins

    2a Pull-ups 3 9 90 seconds2b Glute ham raise 3 9 90 seconds

    3a Renegade rows 3 15 30 seconds3b Landmines 3 15 30 seconds3c Crawl patterns 3 5 90 seconds

    Training Days

    Mon, Tues, Thurs, Sat


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    New Power Look 16


    Day 1 & 3

    Superset Exercise Sets Reps Rest Weight

    1 Deadlift to high pull 6 4 3 mins

    2a Incline bench press 4 9 90 seconds2b Front squat 4 9 90 seconds

    3a One arm row 3 12 30 seconds3b Paloff press 3 12 30 seconds3c Alternating kb swing 3 20 90 seconds

    Day 2 & 4

    Superset Exercise Sets Reps Rest Weight

    1 Push jerk 4 6 3 mins

    2a Bent over rows 4 9 90 seconds2b Leg curls 4 9 90 seconds

    3a Med ball chest toss sprint 3 6 30 seconds3b Eccentric ab curls 3 12 30 seconds3c Db farmers walks 3 5 90 seconds

    Training Days

    Mon, Tues, Thurs, Sat


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    New Power Look 18


    Day 1 & 3

    Superset Exercise Sets Reps Rest Weight

    1 Barbell Hang Snatch 5 5,5,4,4,3 3 mins

    2a V-bar dips 4 12 90 seconds2b Barbell back squats 4 8 90 seconds

    3a Barbell curls 3 12 30 seconds3b Walking plate lunge

    with rotation3 20 30 seconds

    3c Weighted push-ups 3 12 30 seconds3d Half turkish get-up 3 6 90 seconds

    Day 2 & 4

    Superset Exercise Sets Reps Rest Weight

    1 Hang clean and press 4 6 3 mins

    2a Weighted chins 4 12 90 seconds2b Barbell goodmornings 4 9 90 seconds

    3a Chain tricep extensions 3 15 30 seconds3b Single leg deadlift 3 15 30 seconds3c Paloff lunges 3 12 90 seconds3d Alternating shoulder

    press3 20

    Training Days

    Mon, Tues, Thurs, Sat


  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 20

    Bodyweight Dips

    Neutral Grip Pull-up

    Grab dip handles and hoist yourself into start position Bend elbows and slowly lower yourself untill arms are 90* Pause for a count Explosively extend your arms and lift to starting position

    Grab Chin-bar with hands wide From a dead-hang, pull yourself upwards with chest towards the bar Slowly lower yourself to starting position

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 21

    Start with shoulders over bar and a wide grip Push hips back and keep back flat Explosively pull barbell towards sternum Slowly lower bar to ground

    Bent Over Barbell Row

    Barbell Back Squats

    Start barbell sitting high on upper back (traps) Push hips backwards, bend knees and keep back flat Descend into deep squat with hips below thighs Slowly reverse movement by standing back up

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 22

    Glute Ham Raise

    Weighted Pull-up

    Place ankles between roller pads with feet platform, put knees on pad with lower thighs against large padded hump From lower position, raise torso by extending hips until fully extended Continue to raise body by flexing knees until body is upright Lower body by straightening knees until body is horizontal

    Load body with weighted vest or weighted belt Grab Chin-bar with hands wide From a dead-hang, pull yourself upwards with chest towards the bar Slowly lower yourself to starting position

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 23

    Incline Barbell Press

    Renegade Row

    Get in push-up position with dumbbell in each hand Drop down into push-up so chest is grazing floor Extend your arms and push body away from floor Perform a plank row at the top of each rep

    Lay supine on bench with 30* or 45* incline Keep feet flat on the floor Start with arms extended, barbell over upper chest Slowly lower bar to upper chest, explosively push arms back to full extension

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 24


    Paloff Press

    Take an athletic stance Grab the cable handle, bring to chest height and stand sideways Extend your arms and push the handle away from chest Slowly return back to chest, do not move your hips

    Take an athletic stance Grab barbell at the head With a strong core pull the bar across your body Slowly lower bar to starting position to complete exercise

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 25

    Single leg Deadlifts

    Farmers Walks

    Grab a heavy dumbbell in each hand Walk the allotted distance

    Hold dumbbells in each hand Place back foot on sturdy bench Push hips away and maintain a soft bend in your knee Slowly reverse the movement and stand back up

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 26

    Hang Snatch

    Barbell Floor Press

    Lay on the floor Grab the barbell and un-rack it Lower barbell until your triceps touch the floor Extend your arms and push the barbell off your floor

    Take a snatch grip on the barbell Hinge the hips and keep a soft bend in the knees Explosively extend the hips, knees and lower back to pull the bar overhead Land with feet out nad barbell extended overhead

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 27

    Med Ball Chest Pass & Sprint

    Alternating Kettlebell Swing

    Take an athletic stance With kettlebell in between legs, push your hips back Thrust hips forward and allow kettlebell to swing upwards Switch hands at top of movement and pull kettlebells back through legs

    Take an athletic stance Pick-up medball and hold at chest Slightly dip down and explosively toss medicine ball from chest Sprint and get it then repeat

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 28

    Barbell Deadlifts

    Half Get-up

    With an athletic stance, sit back and grab the bar With a flat back, push through the floor and stand up Extend the hips and squeeze the glutes Slowly reverse the movement and place the barbell back on the floor

    Lay on floor, kettlebell on chest Press kettlebell into air with a solid shoulder Roll onto the opposite elbow and perform a sit-up with arm extended Slowly reverse the movement and lay back down

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 29

    Barbell Hang Clean


    Holding the barbell, hinge back at the hips Explosively extend the hips, knees and lower back to clean to shoulders Quickly dip down with weight racked on shoulders Press it overhead

    Take an athletic stance with barbell sitting high on traps Push your hips back and with a soft bend in your knees Maintain a flat back Reverse the movement and stand back up

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 30

    Reverse Barbell Lunge

    Push Jerk

    Place the barbell high on the traps, with chest high Take a step backwards and bend the back knee Powerfully stand back to starting position

    Rack the barbell on shoulders Slightly bend the knees and dip down Powerfully drive the barbell overhead and drop into a jerk position Bring back foot back to starting position and lower the bar back to shoulders

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 31

    Eccentric Ab-curl

    Push Press

    Secure feet under a sturdy station Perform full sit-up wth arms over chest Extend arms at top and slowly lower your trunk down to floor

    Rack the barbell on shoulders Slightly bend the knees and dip down Powerfully drive the barbell overhead Lower the bar back to shoulders

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 32

    Palloff Lunge

    Bench neck bridge

    Take an athletic stance Grab the cable handle, bring to chest height and stand sideways Extend your arms and push the handle away from chest Drop into a lunge, keep the arms extended and stand back up

    Lay on with head on bench, butt off the floor Press back of head into bench and raise hips into air Hold for a count of one Slowly lower your hips back towards the floor

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 33

    Barbell Deadlifts To High-pulls

    Walking Plate Lunge w Rotation

    With an athletic stance, sit back and grab the bar With a flat back, push through the floor and stand up Extend the hips and pull the elbows upwards and backwards Slowly reverse the movement and place the barbell back on the floor

    Hold the Weight plate at your chest Take a large step and drop down into a lunge Rotate around the trunk and move the plate to open hip Stand back up and lunge with the other leg

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 34

    Lateral Neck Raise

    Side Med Ball Throws

    Stand sideways hold ball in your pocket Rotate from the core and throw the ball underhard

    Lay sideways on bench with plate on side of head Raise head towards ceiling Lower back to starting position

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 35

    Glute Bridge

    Crawl Patterns

    Lay on back with one foot on bench Push through heel of elevated foot and lift hips Lower hips back to starting position

    Get into push-up position on hands and toes Start walking forward on the hands and toes Crawl for 10 yards then relax Crawl back to starting position

  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 36

    The Wrap-up

    If theres one thing you should walk away with after reading the book its this; traditional bodybuilding is on its last legs. People are tired of busting their ass in the gym to get a strong looking body - the future belongs to those who perform.

    The plan Ive laid out in the pages prior to this will give you just that - A strong, functional body that looks as good as it performs. It is my hope that you take it upon yourself to delve into this plan and train to your utmost ability. If you do, the strength exhibited by athletes will be yours to harness.

    I want to thank you for joining me in my mission of creating others worthy of the Big Man Strong title.

    till the next time, playboy

    Go Big Or Go Home

    - Teiko

  • THE NEW POWER LOOKSupplementation


  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 38

    If youve been following my work for any period of time you know that I am very skeptical of most mainstream supplements on the market.

    Most of the products lining up your local Health food store isles are nothing but low quality placebos that rarely deliver on their overhyped promises.

    With that said there are a handful of supplements I do recomend to my clients. These are the few supplements worth taking during a challenging program like The NEW Power Look.

    These supplements can be found in the next few pages. Though none of them are mandatory to achieve the final outcome of a bigger, stronger body, they will aid in recovery and keep you coming into the gym feeling ready to throw around some big weight.

    SupplementsBranch Chain Amino ACids

    One of my go to supplements during a bout of heavy training. Studies indicate that supplementing with BCAAs during your workout will help reduce the incidence of delayed on-set muscle soreness. This is a good thing, itll help you come back to train the next day without feeling like youve been run over by a truck



    A second high quality supplement, I swear by. Fish oils have literally saved my lifting career. After that back injury the thought of getting under a bar was the furthest thing from my mind. All of the pain meds I had taken and crappy food I started eating threw my whole body outta balance. Thanks to fish oil I was able to restore balance to my body and reduce the inflammation from the injury.EVERY SINGLE LIFTER SHOULD TAKE THESE


  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 39

    Teikos ProductsBig man Strong

    The original 12-week muscle-building, fat melting system. The Big Man Strong program gives you all of the tools totransform your body from frumpy and weak to big, muscularand strong.



    The best collection of tried and tested mass-building programsanywhere on this planet. Huge is about getting you big in as littletime as possible. The programs might be tough but they are damn well worth it.



    Never worry about your next program again. Join the exclusive Big Man Mafia to get instant access to new programs each month, cutting edge nutrition and supplementation info andcandid interviews from the best coaches in the world


  • The New Power LookBIG MAN STRONG


    New Power Look 40

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    T.ReindorfThe measure of a man is what he does with power.- Plato
