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New Thinking Allowed

Date post: 04-Jan-2022
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New Thinking Allowed Some Recent Comments Posted on The YouTube Channel (As of December 26, 2018) Ken Korczak I'm running out of superlatives to express how great, terrific, fantastic all these interview are ... New Thinking Allowed = Best. YouTube. Channel. Ever! Justin V Thank you for all your your inspired endeavors Dr. Mishlove! All of your videos are truly epic! Thank you for sharing so much with all of us lucky viewers! I truly mean that! The world needs more people of your heart, passion, intellect, and reasonability. You have presented so many great guests! Please continue with God's speed! Ben Bishop there is so much in this episode it's amazing! You've got something so incredible you've done and are doing Jeffrey! I love this channel and incredible guests! Liam Silveira I tend to be fairly skeptical, but I love your content. I can honestly say that I've never encountered a better interviewer. Bravo. We need more scientists like Dr Kastner who are willing to dialogue with people outside their world. Just like Bohm ;) MindMeld Absolutely great! This is why I love this channel. You seem to cover everything. It's like people know deep down that something is going on, but they don't know exactly what's going on. And you provide a unique platform where all possible worlds are shared, discussed, and examined. Kudos to you Dr Mishlove.



Ken Korczak I'm running out of superlatives to express how great, terrific, fantastic all these interview are ... New Thinking Allowed = Best. YouTube. Channel. Ever!

Justin V Thank you for all your your inspired endeavors Dr. Mishlove! All of your videos are truly epic! Thank you for sharing so much with all of us lucky viewers! I truly mean that! The world needs more people of your heart, passion, intellect, and reasonability. You have presented so many great guests! Please continue with God's speed!

Ben Bishop there is so much in this episode it's amazing! You've got something so incredible you've done and are doing Jeffrey! I love this channel and incredible guests!

Liam Silveira I tend to be fairly skeptical, but I love your content. I can honestly say that I've never encountered a better interviewer. Bravo. We need more scientists like Dr Kastner who are willing to dialogue with people outside their world. Just like Bohm ;)

MindMeld Absolutely great! This is why I love this channel. You seem to cover everything. It's like people know deep down that something is going on, but they don't know exactly what's going on. And you provide a unique platform where all possible worlds are shared, discussed, and examined. Kudos to you Dr Mishlove.

Negar Niazi Thanks Jeffrey Mishlove! We love you!

Stephen Walker Your InPresence series and interviews have been a continual source of inspiration and insight. It's by far my favorite channel on youtube! The knowledge you are sharing is a very significant contribution to the world. And it's not that you even need to describe things in perfect detail, but often just the basic knowledge of an idea can plant a seed. There are so many books now that I want to read, so many historical people I would wish to know better, new philosophies and areas of study I would like to understand, and even with my limited knowledge it has inspired many new ideas in my work and creativity. Thank you! I look forward to catching up with all your videos in time.

David Amason The Candid way you disseminate details is very fetching. I Know many of these things are true, yet usually glossed over by those who would be thought of as socially correct. There are many valid reasons people who walk a deep spiritual path isolate from common , materialistic people. Most just want a simplistic handle to keep such truths at bey. and this is why the path of awareness leads away from the well worn paths of the masses. Can a bright light be hidden in the midst of darkness ? can one stoke the embers of their spirit in the midst of those who cannot tolerate such disturbing energies ? without being quenched by the intolerant ?

Manuel Alayo Thank you very much dr. Mishlove. It is always a pleasure to listen to you.Greetings from Barcelona, Spain.Manuel Alayo

Aria Fardin Dr Mishlove, I must say I throughly I admire your wisdom, and enjoy watching your videos as always! Thank you!

Abigail Larrison My favorite channel for cutting edge research!

Michael M Thank you again Jeffrey This is my favorite channel

sky blue Absolutely, Jeffrey! I feel the transmission from you, in images and concepts as I have from all my favorite lineage mentors...….xxx

Maxi Milian Jefrey Mishlove speaking about PK and Ted Owen had really changed my LIFE, Thank you very much for sharing this words with me.

Matt Cumberland Cannot thank you enough, for what your doing with this series

Ruby Foxx Jeffrey is fabulous, a wise and compassionate man

Scott Lutz Thank you sincerely for your noble efforts through these many years Jeffery (If I may call you that in this comment being just a dedicated follower). Back in the late 1980's your radio interviews led me to realms of thinking which I am still to this day exploring with great joy and your rational views on Parapsychology have opened a wonderful fountain for us all. You will be long remembered when this age matures into the eon that is just being born.

Nelson Soucasaux One thousand congratulations to Jeffrey Mishlove for his wonderful and precious work on this channel.

David James So cool. Just wanted to say how grateful we should be for the wonderful and educative videos you post. Thank you Jeffery.

Aine Eithne Really wonderful, profound discussion - thank you, Dr. M!

TheSpiritualMan Thank you Jeffrey for your wonderful videos.

Charles Johnson My father is a crackhead who is in and out of jail. You have been a father to me. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way. Thanks to YouTube, your wonderfullegacy will be preserved for generations. These thoughts are timeless. Thank you.

Sue Sims Thank you for sharing wonderful pieces of the marvelous self your mother brought into this world and inspired to become just who you are! Beautiful! It’s all so beautiful!

SoPhi P. Dr. M., whatever the internet needed to be in order for me to have found your youtube channel, I hope it remains that, for as long as possible, because it is nothing short of a blessing. The above video is proof, if any more was necessary, that you did not need Ted Owens' training program to become the wonderful, balanced, and generous human being you are.

Scott Lutz Dr. Mishlove has a wonderful gift of relating profoundly complex thoughts with such eloquence and clarity. I really enjoy his work.

Elena Kolesnikova Thank you very much Jeffrey for another wonderful episode. I am definitely a big fan of your work. You always give me hope and as a bereaved parent I appreciate it very much.

David Te'Kannon Dear Mr Mishlove, I think I speak for many people when I say thank you for your wonderful and enlightening contribution to the world through your video casts. I feel like I have been offered a new education from your work and your many guests’ work.

EarInn Thank you so much for these wonderful personal messages. As for your question, your example makes me feel that it matters what I decide to do each day. It's easy to feel otherwise, to let your ideas dissipate and your plans slide. But as you are showing, it matters to express something sincere that wells up from your own experience. Others drink that in, it enriches their lives and makes them feel encouraged and inspired. That willingness spreads.

Paddy Linehan I so much appreciate you and your wonderful work ... so grateful.

Pixie Forest Thank you. Your work is having such a huge, wonderful impact on my life.

Scott Lutz Thank you for another wonderful interview Dr. Mishlove. I just cant thank you and your staff and all your guests for enriching my life.

Simon J Jeffrey everytime i watch one of your wonderful interviews it makes me feel all happy and fuzzy inside knowing you never fail to bring valuable insight and critical thinking to any subject that may arise. You're a true bro! Love ya!

Jason Charbonneau I can't thank you enough, Jeffrey, for doing these videos. I watch at least one almost every day, and I've learned so much in the last couple months or so since I've been doing this.

Dorothy Walters Jeffrey, I just watched your youtube presentation on Humility. I can't thank you enough. I loved the content, but more than that I loved seeing two extremely evolved souls

Aaron H Hope it all goes well Jeff and thank you for all the work and decades of knowledge you put into these videos - I’ve learned so much.

Lacey Brown Congratulations, Jeffrey! I hope this means that the channel is doing well, as it, and you, deserve it. You truly are an amazing interviewer, with such broad knowledge and wonderful input on all subjects. You're doing great work. I've been wanting to express that to you for quite a while. Now seemed like a good time :) Namaste ♡ ♡ ♡

Simon J I have just discovered this channel a few days ago. And as a young 24 year seeker of this kind of knowledge for years now, this channel is one the most precious things i have ever come accross. My eternal curiosity is delighted to go through all of your extraordinary videos. A true ray of sunshine you are Dr Mishlove. I am eternally grateful for your work and all your wonderful guests, and will be patiently waiting for each new upload from now on. I wish you a great year. Thank you.

HP Lovecraft Happy New Year Jeff. I truly believe you are the best, most insightful, well informed and respectful interviewer. Thanks for a great channel

Nat Kibuuka Wow this is wonderful! I have been patiently waiting for something like this from you. Eternally grateful for your contribution to humanity!

Wes Burk Mr Jeff. Your an amazing person.. I just discovered your videos and they have helped change my life, please continue to shine your light! It's amazing how you were able to stimulate the minds of all the great people you interviewed in the 80s and 90s.. it's a testament to how bright you are!

Scrub I quite enjoy these videos. I have definitely felt something positive from these daily doses, but I am unsure if I quite comprehend the totality of it all. I try to become more aware each day and have gained many other positive daily rituals from following this series such as meditating, even the first step of loving myself was something difficult but now feels so natural. I'm quite young at 21 and am looking forward to how these impact my life long term, especially with how beneficial they are on an in present basis. ;)

Matt Lacasse Psi missing... Haha that's it! Great inspirational vid Jeffery! This young Padawan is learning...

ARE Ky Greeter Love it. You've given me insight/inspiration for issues that I've struggled with for 40 years.

Adam Cook Jeffrey; Your programme (and the hard work undertaken by the supporting team) has helped me through many dark days & nights of my heroin addiction. As for from what I have gleaned from your series, is that my higher self may be able to uplift this fearful little ego of mine. Much gratitude & love.

Jeff Asper I love you Dr. Mishlove!

John Gallagher Jeffrey I love you and I admire your courage in being who you are and being congruent.

sky blue Thank you is an understatement. My best teachers, teach me how to think! Love you.

moonlightskier Love your episodes, Jeffrey and my husband and I are journeying along with you, looking forward to each new episode. You enrich our lives with thought provoking topics and we really love you. God bless you always.

Robyn Gminski Not being able to work anymore, I have lots of time to think and you sure give this simple old man some heady stuff to ponder. Some of the seeds you've been dispersing have already been sown with the grand kids. Your legacy will grow forever. Love you, Man-

Great Searing Humility I love humour, being presented with such thinking, I just love you guys. I guess the more I relate. A channel for greater humorous interaction being desired and allowed helps too, I reckon. Thanks for letting us go deeper inside out there

Paddy Linehan Beautiful! And I am privileged to be able to watch and listen Thinking Allowed, New Thinking Allowed and now InPresence where I am introduced to the finest minds in the world. And I feel truly blessed ... and empowered. I give thanks.

Arvind Chitale Every day I eagerly await for your video to appear in my mail. I really enjoy your presence. You are so humane you touch my heart. pl continue the monologue

Nathalie Rollet Thank you from the depths of my heart and soul for your on going generosity. You and your many guests have been "present" during the many hours spent at my Art studio and the knowledge and insights that I have gained over the years has undoubtedly shaped and influenced in some way my artistic expression. What resonates with you and your numerous distinguished guests also resonates with me ... so thank you again for all that you do ... I look forward to following your new series with a grateful and open heart.

The Bees Knees Wonderful interview. Jeffrey, the original Thinking Allowed series is my favourite interview series of all time and dear to my heart. I'm so joyed and excited at your new series and I'm really enjoying the content.

Nick Gangadis Sir, I find all your discussions brilliant and extremely stimulating.

Neighborhood Nationalist Not only is this the most magnificent show around, it will serve as an invaluable historical and parapsychological resource for posterity. Thank you for your work, Dr. Mishlove.

Jonas Rosen Wow...This video was quite a breakthrough for me actually...so much gratitude to you Dr. Mishlove!!!!

Great Searing Embarrassment Thank you. Your programs are what my mind eats for breakfast everyday

Domenic Di Lazzaro The discussion had in this video and on this channel as a whole are so very informative and eye-opening. I have nothing but gratitude and respect for Jeffrey and the work he is doing here; he deserves much more recognition. Through being so well-read Jeffrey really manages to guide insightful conversation and does it so concisely too! We need more channels like this and many more popularizers of these dare I say "esoteric" fields of study.

Nat Kibuuka Amazing episode! JUST in time to quell my distraught mind over this subject. Deepest gratitude for sharing this wealth of information :)

Scott Douglas I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Jeffrey Mishlove for the decades of effort he has put into making esoteric knowledge accessible to the general public. His encyclopaedic knowledge of these topics has been an invaluable resource for me, and his warm and inviting demeanour make him an absolute pleasure to talk to. It's little wonder that he has no trouble in securing such highly experienced experts to interview, because his guests can rest assured that they will be listened to and understood, with ample opportunity to clearly state their opinions and insights. Thank you so very much Jeffrey, I hope that you continue to do these interviews for many years to come. As long as you're willing to continue pursuing the truth, I'll be an avid member of the audience. I think everybody who visits your channel is highly appreciative of your time and effort.

Shining 0ne absolutely beautiful. thank you so much. you both are doing a divine work. thank you. words cannot express my gratitude. I will study this channel :)

SoPhi P. Dr. Mishlove, thank you for your TA and NTA series and, now, also for your IP gems in which you seem to have finally decided to step into the foreground. In the words of Dr. Mack (and others) we are now fortunate enough to hear you as a sacred Witness, something I have been wishing for ever since I started watching your interviews. Icannot wait to see what each day will bring.

Lacey Brown I can't believe this channel is not more popular. It deserves soooo much more recognition.

kierondec Another fantastic interview! Thank you for all your important work.

David Te'Kannon Thank you very much Mr Mishlove for this life-changing video cast. It's always great to have a new question to ask oneself about the end of one's life and in my case I have never even asked the question. The quest for the answer to this question will be a fantastic adventure for the rest of my life.

SE Michigan Andy You're doing a fantastic job of teaching new knowledge about our spiritual existence. Please don't stop. I read your Roots of Consciousness back in the 70s (and it's buried in a box somewhere in my house). I was in grad school back then and I was constantly reading material relevant to my field. And I mean constantly. I made an exception for your book (because I'd heard about that guy who actually got a PhD in parapsychology).

Philosopher X Fantastic Commentary Master Mischlove! Truly Enlightening! Peace, Philosopher X

Mauricio Ruiz I recommended this Channel to my 5 thousand five viewers hundred viewers because it's a fantastic and very informative channel!

Scott Lutz This is one of the most profound interviews I have ever seen Thank you.

Bruce Benefiel This is exciting to watch, as difficult and challenging as the subject may be.

Melissa Garza You are kicking butt Jeffrey!! I’m gonna order my pin soon! Love this and excited to watch this episode. This is my new favorite program!

Jason Charbonneau Great video, Jeffrey! I'm a long-time fan of the show and so excited to see you picking up where the old series left off.

T Rose I’ve been “with you” since the 80s and listen to the latest In Presence before bed. I’m excited about this turning point. Yes. Let’s go deeper!

moonlightskier I love it! Now this is getting exciting :) I'm intrigued to hear about your new direction of intuitive monologues. About a week ago, my partner said something in passing that mentioned "you know, that guru guy" (he couldn't remember the name of who he referred to), and I made a guess and blurted out "you mean Mishlove?"....haha....he looked at me perplexed and said no....I meant the Dalai Lama. (LOL) ohhh..we laughed then. But ya know....we've been following In Presence series since day 1 as you popped into my mind one day, while remembering the programs I used to follow you on PBS station in the 80's.... I did a YT search for Thinking Allowed shows and WaLAA! there you were with a brand new series. We love sitting down to listen your presence pretty regularly before retiring for the evening. I thought, wow...he put out a telepathic calling to people. Sometimes I too think you are talking right to me and my thoughts. So this will continue to be fun and thought provoking spiritual evolving stuff for a good time more I hope. :)

Be Ren Dr. Mishlove's memory is outstanding. Highly impressed that in almost every video, to see Dr. Mishlove pull some knowledge about an author and a book he read decades ago.

Katherine Stone. The clarity and articulation of this most esteemed … is outstanding. Thank you for this priceless interview!!

Hussein Badakhchani Outstanding interview, it's rare to have one's world view enriched so much so quickly.

RodCornholio Outstanding. Best interview show on youtube.

Kev Zen This is one of the best resources on the paranormal. Jeffrey Mishlove is a phenomenal interviewer.

1MellowMood1 You have some great interviews … and I am constantly impressed by the breadth of your knowledge- thanks for sharing these interviews with the world.

Man Hattan The depth & extent of Dr. Mishlove's knowledge - is always quite impressive.

EarInn I'm impressed that you were so clear about your purpose, about what you wanted to give to others.

Ed Perry That’s an impressive roll call of guests.

Mason Donahoo Great. Encyclopedic knowledge. Jeffrey you are stellar. So much respect to you.

Wes Burk Dr. Mishlove. your videos are amazing! I truly wish I could speak with someone like you , someone that stimulates the brain and thought so profoundly.

David Amason Very important words-very well said.

mingo09able How rare to see someone stand up for the ostracized! How refreshing to see. Thank you.

Nelson Soucasaux A truly interdisciplinary, stimulating and intriguing conversation as it is very rare to find presently. Opened to all possibilitie, even the most remote, and simultaneously blending the more diverse aproaches and ways of looking to everything. And we go slowly realizing how the most different pieces of the kaleidoscope can fit to each other and find their places in the whole scheme of things and existence. Congratulations and many, many thanks !

LambrettaFunk It's so rare that a Western media source gives us any time. Thank you NTA! Excellent video (and the others)

Sh4m4n Pi7ot To my mind, you have created one of the most uniquechannels out here. Gotta be said. It's more selfless if anything.

Lionel Castillo I don't know anybody on this channel (comments section) but I can already tell how valuable you guys are, just the way you are, in the words of this man Dr Mishlove. There are poets, inquisitors, fierce self-delvers, subjective truth-seekers... everyone is so unique! And please, take the compliment. It takes courage to observe inside yourself.

David Te'Kannon Dear Mr Mishlove, Thank you for your incredible contribution to humanity by letting us hear from yourself through your program and all of the interesting guests…. Thank you for your openness and for all you have done to help people learn new things.

ItsTheFree Thinking Allowed has been my favorite show for about 2 years.

charles astle first you are inspiring your viewers in a your own fun and open hearted way. their can be no judgement for you or our self's. but it is in the experience that the next step and the whole journey exists. for most theses experiences happen on their own and we may seek forever more to experience again or at deeper levels. but in the seeking we are losing and it is in the joyful waiting that we meet our self. neither for nor against what is IT'S WISHES I say thank you jeffrey

Kerrie Anne Thank you so much for all these YouTube’s, I am enjoying them so much…

Sue Sims Thank you, Jeffrey. I accept the challenge to move toward cultivating my best self!

Dan Edick I love to see how happy and upbeat you are despite a very challenging situation, we love you Mishlove! Thank you for going on the safe side and taking care of yourself despite all the hoops to jump through. Our hearts are with yours and together we shall keep the beat like a marching band! Thank you for all you do Jeffery!

alan eckhart Dear Dr. Mishlove, thank you for all these monologues; they are so necessary for these days. I'm a follower of your shows since I discovered the early ones from the eighties on Youtube, a few years ago and became a fan.

Andy Oxide Hello Mr. Mishlove!! HUGE fan of your work- believe me, the videos you've produced are astounding. I find it no coincidence you've hosted so many historic guests- Mckenna to Lilly, Valee to Sheldrake..no video is a waste of time. …thank you for inspiring us and keep up the good work!!!

Denis Kitchen Thank you, Jeffrey, for providing discussions that are peculiarly relevant to my life and time. All the best.

Dan you know You, Jeffrey Mishlove, are a gift. Thank you for your intelligence, knowledge, and love which you have shared over the years.

Jane Jones Thank-you Dr Mishlove who's show is always a great serendipity mixed with wonderful compassionate spiritual and unique novelty!

matt wood Thank you for being so selfless with your time and giving us the opportunity to hear what and how you think. It is more likely that people model those whom they regard as being genuine and knowledgeable - you are certainly both. Many of the topics discussed stretch my comfort and familiarity zones - which allows me to examine my thinking processes more clearly. These sessions and your interviews are valuable and very much appreciated. Thank you, again for making them.

Paulo Almeida I hope you remain consistent on making these videos, for they are really helpful to me. Thank you, Mr. Mishlove, for the fantastic interviews and for this serie. You inspire me.

jennifer pepper Thank you for this relevant and significant Interview. The information is accurately and intelligently communicated, supported and proven.

Hemant you are a Gem Jeffrey sir!


Wonderful exploration!!!

Paulo Almeida Dr. Mishlove, I preffer the long videos, and I always want more when the finish. You do a great work. Congratulations and thank you very much.

TobiD Jeff. Thank you for being a great source of inspiration and especially for being such a brilliant communicator of ideas. Your video channel is a great source for books and ideas which facilitate the growing into a more wholesome being. Watching your videos should be mandatory for college students!

H00DW1NKのー Mishlove = Joe Rogan's more handsome and educated older brother

Diego Garrido Mendoza Dr. Mishlove! What an interesting person you are.

Michael Flanagan Thank you for your leadership in balancing productivity with quality. This is a continuing struggle for me.

Albertus Magnus Another amazing show thank you Jeffrey.

N VDL This guy Mishlove seems to know how to unpack the latent layers of the characters of his guests. That layer is harder to corrupt, because it synchronizes with the heartbeat.

Cosmic Dustparticle I know I'm speaking for all of us seekers who wandered here at some point: thank you and we eagerly await your transmissions.

Hugo Wellmind Jeffrey you always says "Thank you for being with me", and I say to you now: Thank you for being Jeffrey!

EarInn You are right that your preparation is one of the reasons your interviews are as good as they are. I applaud that, but I've also enjoyed the spontaneity and playfulness of the In Presence videos.

As someone who has now viewed hundreds of your videos, I wanted to thank you — and commend you — for your work, which has had a positive impact on my life. You are an interviewer par excellence, but beyond that, you’re the type of person that I aspire to be — intelligent, curious, kind-hearted, intellectually honest, and brave. A rare soul, indeed! I hope to meet you someday in person as your work has been deeply meaningful to me. What you’re doing MATTERS. All my best, Cullen Richardson

John Mallen Your NTA interviews have been and continue to be gateways in my personal exploration of consciousness, in many cases serving as portals to topics and thinking that I would never have entertained otherwise. This is exciting stuff! Like others here, I welcome long form explorations, such as the multipart series with a single guest. I often spend time listening and then move on into the guest’s website, videos, and books. Longer and more in-depth explorations would work for me. Your preparation and attention to a quality interview as well as references are appreciated. Finally, I am taking to heart your closing question to slow down routine repetitions and seek quality in my daily life, hoping I will see a fresh course for an engaging future. Thank you!

Amanda Jane Hudson 123 Your such a lovely, wise man Thankyou Jeffrey

Negar Niazi Thanks Mr. Mishlove you are great!

Angela Payne You are an Absolute Gem. Just be yourself, Jeffrey. This is my favorite youtube channel !!!

Angie Homan Now your talkin!! More! Tatally love your stories from back in the day and hanging out with the wiccans..... oh id love to see this!

curtsher11 Felt like this video was done personally for me! Thanks, Jeffrey.

grasshopper78 New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove, now you will be solidified as the go to source for anyone researching this subject in the future, and what wealth of benefit YOU and your friends will bring to the future of mankind, its literally everything

Angie Homan No sir!! its every video!! But dont change!! cause laughter is contaigious! i find myself laughing cause your laughing!! … Silly beautiful man!! i need to adopt this laughology you are obviously creating a whole new style of curriculumn!! You laugh making me laugh raises both our vibration and energy to a healthy stasis. and its so contagious if someone hears me laughing they in turn may stsrt laughing. Soon all are laughing just me cause its a new state of mind the tight twits behind the curtain have never heard of!! I could go on but Im to busy laughing!!! Hugs to you! angie

Angie Homan I just love you to bits!! I can tell you lived really lived in the 60's I did too in my past life.

Evelyn Stefos You are the best teacher, love your videos!!

Tulio Coelho Great to see your wise authenticity, Jeffrey. I see you evolving. And in doing so, I felt like evolving with you. This made me feel like interacting with a close friend. Although leaving in another hemisphere.

Butterfly Magic with Hot Tea Brilliant! Yes, I quite agree. I am so happy to have found like-minded people with this medium we call internet. Thank you for posting this video.

A E Another great video thanks for sharing

Yashar Shokuhi At a time when Puritanical scientists have taken up the role of the church authorities of the dark ages, Dr Mishlove's interviews bring a completely new perspective that is heavily censored by the mainstream scientific establishments. Thank you for these great interviews.

Barry Williams Thank you very much Jeffrey for producing such valuable videos. And smiling so much.

Engineer Of Wonders I love you Jeff. You are a beautiful person and I am looking forwards to your new program and will follow it. My best regards!!!

Monica A I consider you such a precious Being. Thank you for your incredible Service and Thank you for this new support for our collective awakening. Love and Gratitude

peter jackson From a fellow human who feels lost in this world, thank you for your guidance.

RodCornholio I suspect many of your subscribers are on the same quest and really need all your goodness that you can bring. You have a deep well to share and we are grateful for the efficiency of having access to it. What you are able to bring in one episode is more than many of us could uncover in a lifetime.

Nick Lowles, MBE Who doesn't love Jeffrey Mishlove?

Ronak Alinejad Thank You dear dr. Mishlove. Its a privilege to be with you and looking forward to your new serie. You have been spreading the Light of wisdom and goodness in the world. And I for one, have exposed myself joyfully to this Light every time you have invited us into it.

George B Your very insightful interviews with the best minds discussing the "invisible" realms available to all of us has helped transform my life and helped me through a number of critical junctures. I am the better for "knowing" you and the exchanges with a wide variety of enlightened beings you have shared with us.

Shannan Vanderburgh Jeffrey! I am so grateful to have discovered you within the last month or so. I believe you and your work are direct instruments in the collective awakening that is upon us.

Temperance Lightfoot Truly excited by this! Am so happy that you will be sharing your wisdom and insight. You have have such a calming voice and presence.

Betty Eldridge Thanks for being the person that has helped me through the most puzzling experiences in my life.

Stephen Coote You and your guests have played a big part in my life, and I really appreciate what you are doing. I too have had some wonderful, irrefutible demonstrations of "psychic/spiritual" phenomena.

I am Light You're my hero Mr. Mishlove. I live in India and I've watched dozens upon dozens of your videos. You've contributed massively towards my evolution and helped me embrace and trust my yearning and an insatiable curiosity about the nature of all existence and the full potential of the human mind! You're hands down the best interviewer I've ever witnessed.

MarciOnTheWeb Dear Jeff. I watched this video and at one point I broke out into tears. You really are touching something very deep within me and many other people as well, I assume. That is that many of us have an inner knowing or a yearning that urges us to trust in the power within us. A power or a purpose that is, which feels as if it is the very core of our being, a center so true and light that we almost cannot accept it. And yet here it is and it shines ever more strongly as I listen to you. Thus please be encouraged and motivated by our love and appreciation. You are doing the greatest deed in helping us find trust in the truth that is our life. Be blessed with sincere and heartfelt gratitude. I am looking forward to listening you speak again.

Will Kleiner Any day we get some more of Jeffrey in our lives is a great day.

Open Realm This is EXACTLY the video I never thought I would get to hear, and needed. Thank you. You offered a way or model of incorporating these rare, powerful and disruptive life-changing experiences into a healthy and focused life of meaning and direction - a message that can't be found elsewhere and that means a great deal to me. I hope you will please make more of these intimate heart-centered videos.

Violinisch There are so many things in this life that are Phoney-Bologna and I'm very glad to find a channel that is everything but! Thank you for such wise insights Dr. Mishlove

Nathalie Rollet Thank you from the depths of my heart and soul for your on going generosity. You and your many guests have been "present" during the many hours spent at my Art studio and the knowledge and insights that I have gained over the years has undoubtedly shaped and influenced in some way my artistic expression. What resonates with you and your numerous distinguished guests also resonates with me ... so thank you again for all that you do ...

کرماشانم کردI have listened to Mr Mishlove for over 12 years and learned a lot from him and his guests . To me he is an honest ,sincere Human with beautiful soul who is searching for an answer to life and its meaning ! ,.Thank you Jeffery

Reuben Kincaid Jeff Mishlove is a visionary, and this channel is probably the most engaging and intellectually valuable thing left on YT. I've learned quite a lot, despite 3 decades of study in the esoteric, UFO's, and the paranormal, so thank you for sharing your work. A philosophical perspective/discussion is just what these issues needed in order to move forward.

Hearts Hope What a positively liberating, inspiring and entertaining act of sharing, idea for others and performance in consideration! Applause with thanks!

Deborah H Fabulous, such empowering communications, Thank You !!

M M I thoroughly admire your solid mind and your encyclopedic knowledge, and I am beyond grateful for your sharing them with us, but one can tell that you are rather reluctant to bring any more than that to the table from fear of falling below your own (very high) standards (even though, I must add, the InPresence series seems like a first step in the right direction.) I am a scientist, and your approach seems, at times, too impersonal, even to me... bring it on, take the leap of faith, Dr. Mishlove, make mistakes if necessary, it will only enrich your legacy. I dare ask for more only because you are obviously one of those who can give and has given more than most.

Hearts Hope What an awesome service you offer everyone Mr. Mishlove! Genuinely positive service indeed!

Manuel Alayo Extraordinary nugget Dr. Mishlove !!!

MigrantTitan[JC] These interviews are the gems in the YouTube library. I hope you get the attention you deserve and the world needs right now.

Angela Payne My favorite youtube channel ! Thanks, Jeffrey !

ALIEN PROTOCOLS Dr Mishlove's series of interviews are the single greatest parapsychological resource available! Thank you Doc!

spacegoat I admire your impartiality during your interviews. It's refreshing to see a host who isn't trying to persuade or gainsay his guests. Thank you for your work, Dr. Mishlove. Please continue to do what you do.

TheTalkWatcher Jeff is such brilliant interviewer. We need more people like him in media.

David Farner Fascinating. These interviews have set me on a course of study that is already filling in many empty places in my understanding of western history and it's related theologies and the ensuing politics. Thank you! What an excellent channel!

Mark O Brien Oh joy of joy... always great guests, but to see this Jeffrey mislove then and now, and his knowledge on so many subjects, I will cherish these videos forever. Jeffrey Mislove modern day saviour!

Paulo Almeida Wonderful, marvelous! I cannot thank you enough for this classes. I feel so priviledged to be incarnated in this times, where one can find people as intelligent as Mr. Mishlove, offering so rich content freely for anyone to access. Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for the precious knowkedge given.

Amanda Jane Hudson 123 I'm seeing myself more and more now and what I need to change. Thankyou Jeffery

MigrantTitan[JC]Wow, excellent. You are giving me the courage to speak out about this stuff, thank you so much.

A Z I love Dr. Mishlove. The non bullshit host.

Mahou Shoujo I love Jeffrey Mishlove.

Van Der Hork Thank you so much for your very interesting talks, topics and guests. Really enjoying ALL the content you produce and the knowledge that I learn through them. both thumbs up

Escape2 Eden Your spirit shines. Thank you for articulating your vision. Dear Mr. Mishlove, may I allow myself to express my feelings of enyoment to whatch regulary your discussions with your various guests on youtube. I am a german, living in Berlin, born short after the war, a documentary Filmmaker and Writer. Your programm is very inspiring, intelligent and opening ones Thoughts in any sense of the word. Thanks a lot to allow others to share all this with you. Ver best regards Nina Gladitz

vasa boy thank you for this inspiring talk. My heart is filled with gratitude and Love

David Amason Ever Kind, and compassionate-Jeff turns our thoughts to the wonders of our Dream appointments, as he evidences the counsel of the Dream Elders !

GEORGI TCHKHAIDZE Unbelievable good stuff!!!!

machc1234golf This had me in tears .... thank you so much for this

Alkistis Agio Dear Dr. Mishlove, I love your videos

Rich Handsome This was an amazing interview thanks again Jeff!

Eric Rosner Great to see Jeffrey Mishlove again...I loved ALL the old Thinking Allowed shows....Fantastic!!!

Robbie Frantz I am thrilled to see you back contributing to my and so many others knowledge. Fabulous!

Milzi Jex Marvellous conversation. Important thoughts on the interpretation of ancient texts. Thank you indeed.

Scott Lutz This was an awesome discussion and I really appreciate how Dr. Mishlove kept it on point through the talk. Thank you.

Baron Blackstone A high quality conversation and guest. As good as you'll find on youtube.

Christopher Carey Thank you for what you do. Always the right message at the right time.

Kip Tucker I realize good interviewers are well prepared, but I'm always impressed by Jeffrey's deep understanding of the subject material, as well as his depth (and recall) of the names, dates, books, theories, etc... He's a very bright dude with a very rare degree in parapsychology, if I'm not mistaken.

margarita margarita BOTH OF YOU , VERY ELEGANT!!

Milzi Jex Brillant conversation.

Andrea Dufore I love you and this channel !!! Thank you for giving us all these important topics!!! This is my favorite go to for information!!

Space Case Face to Face Great conversation, very inteIIigent and deepIy insightfuI

David Amason This is not a discussion for shallow-superficial personalities-These men bring a Lifetime of deep immersion in these topics to the Table-this is the level humanity should be communicating on to dispel the societal delusions we have been trapped in !!

michelle pappas I love this series!! great stuff

Dan Pow All of these interviews are amazing, very intelligible, very poignant, all around awesome.

TheSpiritualMan This was a wonderful interview. Such a free flow and happy and honest interchange of thoughts and ideas. Very natural and a pleasure to watch and listen to. Also spiritually upbuilding and encouraging.

tami stone Great channel, interesting topics and some far reaching.

Douglas Wayne Please know that I am grateful for these presentations and their content.

john miller Great stuff Jeffery Mishlove. You always bring out the best in your guests. Rock on dudes!

john miller Jeffrey you rock! You ask the type of questions that often bring out all the details in a subject. It's somewhat rare that at the end of one of these video's I can say "why the heck didn't they consider/talk about such and such". Yet that's how I often feel when watching these kinds of videos on lots of different subjects on other websites. You da man!

Dani68ABminus You both are a treasure! Please have your guest on again soon. I feel my brain’s synapses lighting up with joy listening to him. His knowledge is needed now more than ever.

Adam Lane This dialogue brought me to tears. So profoundly synchronistic at this point in my life. Thank you Gentlemen, thank you!

Jason Doss Once again you cracked me up and educated at the same time! Thanks, Doctor.

kokolanza Jeffrey Mishlove is an extraordinarily good and attentive listener! What a good opportunity is given us by Jeffrey's many discussions!

Gary James Been ploughing through these for the past few days. What a wealth of positive, life affirming wisdom delivered by authentic souls on genuine paths of discovery. I love it when the internet synchronises with my soul. Bless you all.

Noah Brown Keep these videos coming. This is an incredible resource.

Geek Crossing Another wonderful interview. Thank you both for having the courage to talk openly about such deeply personal issues.

Taikai Taylor His smile is contagious, you really feel like he's addressing you when he speaks. I think he's so effective because he's speaking from his heart...

emma robinson dear mr mishhlove, you always thank your viewers for being with you and i would sincerely like to thank you for being with me. this is such an incredible body of work that you have complied and one that has helped me to crystallise such a lot of my intuitions. again sincere thanks.

Nelson Soucasaux A deeply enlightening conversation on one of the most important facts in our lives - both individually and socially -, that most people seem to be unable to realize. Not only questioning assumptions and paradigms, but also learning to think by ourselves and not being "thought" by our cultural, social and political environment. And of course also questioning ourselves. Very good !

123 9321 All your videos are helping me have faith in myself. You're a doing a great thing, if you can open a persons perception even deeper by teachings of understanding , you've moved mountains.

Jonathan Silver I'm so glad that you're still mining the realms of the unknown, Dr. Mishlove! Rediscovering you here on YouTube has inspired me anew. Thank you for enriching YouTube and the lives of its users by providing your uniquely thought-provoking interviews with thinkers both profound and radical.

joy yell i hope jeffrey knows how much people like his interview manner .. he is great ..

silky sullivan This is the best show on YouTube! (Or tv or anywhere) what an INCREDIBLEEEE resource. Please never stop, thank you thank you thank you

Dominik Filipiuk Best show on YouTube.

anon. istari What a treasure that Jeffrey Mishlove returned to such a wonderful and invaluable series. Thanks for all that you and your guests have offered over the years .

Rai Lasar Thank you Jeff I love your channel it's by far my favourite thank you

Brad Roberts 'New Thinking' is a fantastic bunch of video interviews by Jeffery Mishlove, which I will continue to watch. Thanks so much Jeffery.

maztersav Jeffrey Mishlove for President!!

DMA Lewis Wherever I go I tell people about this channel. I am so enthusiastic that the message is probably percolating through. Unless I am putting people off!

SPE Thumbs up & subbed. 6 months down the psi rabbithole & I've finally found a sound channel. Thanks for cresting this awesome channel. Thumbs Up !

pythagoreios07 Dear Jeffrey I am studying all these phenomena since I was 14 years old.. I am now 38... These videos are of the highest spiritual and scientific quality.. Every guest is a little diamond!!

Cat M Mr Jeffrey Mishlove, you must be the best interviewer I've seen in my whole life. You always seems truly interested in the given subject, never taking too much place over your guest and always show an admirable class. Always a pleasure to watch and good continuity!

tyanite1 I can't thank you enough, Dr. Mishlove, for all you do. Honestly. Thank you. I find myself anxious to see each new interview. As always, this interview is stellar. So much to think about.

Love DicedTomatoes This channel is just incredible. Not only does Jeffrey get amazing guests, he's also an amazing interviewer.

Tania Smith Thank you for manifesting in the way that you have, Jeffrey. You truely are the finest communicator of the most important and interesting topics.

Jennifer Operhall Dr. Mislove you have most likely already gone down in history/future as one of the more influential individuals to help lay people out of our mental-emotional straightjackets by turning a light on, pointing to the bobby pin and encouraging we are all worth it!! so much love and appreciation.

Metaphysics Mr. Mishlove, this is one of the best videos you have ever produced! It's difficult for me to express the surge of energy I get when I learn that a man of science, through meticulous exploration, is arriving at some of the same ideas I've acquired through intuition. So encouraging! Fascinating. Thanks for all you do and keep up the good work.

prospero Wow J.Mishlove....I do not think there is anyone else on the planets with the wrangling skill to conduct that level of interview. Truly impressive. Particularly enjoyed the last 15 - 20 minutes...and is it me or was she testing your chops there a bit early on..... I think she was testing the Mishlove chops there in the beginning a bit ... I could be wrong.... ;>

Pytho's Prism I'm forever grateful for your work, Jeffrey. I'm grateful for the work your guests have done as well. This channel's been my inspiration during difficult times and it's always a comforting thing to hear that intro music start up and watch the colorful yin yang turn...I know I'm about to learn something new!

California Creamin' Wow, this is even better than your original show! I'm so glad you're still doing what you do, Mishlove!

Love DicedTomatoes This program is just a treasure. Where else can a general audience hear folks like this.

Ed Perry Dear Dr Mishlove, I’d like to thank you once again for all your hard work and dedication. There are many people here that are very grateful for what you do with this channel. Excellent work!

azsx299 Jeffrey does a great service to us all bringing these ideas and research to light. They certainly weren't presented in my undergrad nor post-grad psych degrees :( ...very grateful for this channel :)

Tomer Sharon Thank you Jeffrey. Thank you thank you thank you.
