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New trends in marine Biotechnology at CIIMAR · Departamento de Biología, Faculdade de Ciencias....

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ciimar Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigaçao Marinha e Ambiental CIIMAR IN NUMBERS Members: 312 133 PhD 156 students (PhD, MSc, BSc) 23 administrative and technical staff 19 nationalities Current research projects: 76 62 Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation and other national projects 14 international projects (e.g. FP7, Interreg Atlantic Area, Interreg POCTEP, Interreg SUDOE, Eurostar/Eureka) Publications in 2012: 283 15 books and books chapters 258 papers in SCI Journals Research lines: 5 Research groups: 19 Aquatic bioterium: 1 Outreach facilities: 2 (CMIA Vila do Conde and CMIA Matosinhos) CIIMAR in 2015 RESEARCH LINES New trends in marine Biotechnology at CIIMAR Vítor Vasconcelos and Susana Moreira [email protected] and [email protected] Areas of interest Marine Natural Substances Pharmaceutical and Biomedical applications Antiviral Anticancerigenous T a i I o ology I n V itro 25 (201 1 ) 944 -95C p ti ;X CunLLTilï lists availublu at Sd a nea Direct Toxicology in Vitro journal hû m e p a ga- : w w w . e I É e v i e r . c o m / I Oc a t e / t □ x i n v i t TtixlDiilagy iii V ilrti iS ELSEVIER Aipiaojc T:' jy 74 (3M Ï) 7S4-SW AQUAT IC TDXICntDEÏ www.efcevíe r c inm-lnc nie4iquart not Cytotoxicity in L929 fibroblasts and inhibition of herpes simplex virus type 1 Kupka by estuarine cyanobacteria extracts Viviani R. Lopes3 br Michaela Schmidtkecr M, Helena Fernandesi Rosario Martins acFfVitor Vasconcelosa,bi* * CISMNCii I’.l'Ji Cíjfiro J'iTí'ai.^^li'iúi jí Jjivtttj£jfiD MamUia e fljnlijiii rai, Lfjtl ikjïu> af H h u , Ii'h j U ii 2W. atSQ-123 raiia, rvxti^ol t D i^ a iiiiïJ u af Biaiagy, Family afSctotces, W M ie jïliy af Pana, Rua Cajry» Afesif VJt 4 lt& -Q D7 Pana, P a rLgaJ - 'fr it u afVUology aití AirntuuJ Tlifjupy, Jfju L'niv«isiry Haaju ro!. H oii.í-I¡Jk>í]I-5ih ? íi 2. D -07745 Jena. CiJiBtnty J Jmhmn rjtrin ae Famaealagia e BiacamjiniiliilKlaHe CtàtSa-, facuJtfuJi de M îJ u liu j D fjin jijn da UitB/emdade da J b i r<n J tu c D i. M a n n ii J V jiîjjh da 5dm 4200-WJPana, rvumjpl * B «Ja 5uj*fjwjr de Teaitalagki da Saùde da fluía, fa tim a floJJi&rjtti] da Puia, Jïlu Wak itia Peifetia 322, 4400-330 Ida Nema de (¡iki, Jtntu^a! ■JE.’p í t - J j t i í ji u ií fur MoJêîuIji and Lili Biinlífiy, U u itja iy Atma, Jïtajrç» .-tliÿiSïJ, a r.W- rti;? Jb'ta. fla rujjal Neuro-apoptogenic and blood platelet targeting toxius iii benthic marine cyanobacteria from the Portuguese coast Frode Selheimi3-1, Lars Herfmdnl3,1. Rosario Martinsb,c, Vitor Vasconcelosbc, Stein Ove Do^ketand3 * ■ Departmenl o f BèomeÆcôae, University o f R rrjtot, Jtxos Lies vei 91. fif-5009 Bergen, Norway b Ccntrrt Lirerdinrlp'bias de Jsvestl^açdff Marinha e Ambiental. Rua óejsBmgus 2SS*. 4Ö50- 723 Poria. Portugal ■=i^epaFtarmrnky deZoología eAntippeiogia, Facu'äade de Ciencias, Piaea Gomel 1 ëixeira, 4009-002 Posta, ftyrtupai CHEMBIOCHEM DOl: 10.1002/cb¡c.201000179 Biomedicine A Novel Cyanobacteria! Nostocyclopeptide is a Potent Antitoxin against Microcystis Jouni Jokela,w Lars H erfin d alX Matti Wahlsten,|a| Perttu Permi,|d| Frode Selheim,[b eI Vitor Vasconçelos,Ifl Stein Ove D0skeland,lbi and Kaarina Sivonen*IaI Jounjl af Vlcmbranr Science 354 lïDlOl 32-33 ƒ*"- IW ILCV 1594 \ InlerSdentc C 2010 Wiley-VCH \feHag GmbH &Co. KGaA. Weinheim ChemBioChem X 10, 11. 1594- 1599 ' r: (- , Contents lists available at Seien ca Di reel Journal of Membrane Science journal homt-paga: www.alsaviar.com/locatsj'memssl hlmbhani : SCIENCE Mar. Divgs 2008, 0(1), 1-11 OPEN ACCESS The effects of Anodonta cygnea biological fluids on biomineralization of chitosan membranes Anabela Lopesa, Mannei Lopes-Limaa b, lulius Bobosd Jorge FerreiraÈ, Silvia Gomesc, Rui Reisc, Joao Manoc Jorge Machadoa-b’* Amiral Ac i dû líÚ 11) 4 tt4 3 1 —442 [X>[ l(J. LÍJfJ7/iitJtJ73ti-rjltJ-0fiSÍ-9 ORIGINAL ARTICLE TUBioP: Topological Indices to BioPolymers. Its practical use to unravel cryptic bacteriocin-like domains f luilltrmin Agilero-Chapiif f.Ku 'IIl ' Pérei-Micliado• Reinuldo Muliiin-kiii/ - Yunrrkis Ptrey-CustiMo * Aloha MonütvHel^ieru * Vítor V isn m lie - A^ostinhd Antunt.s. Marine Drugs ISSN 1660-3397 w ww. mdpi.org/maiine drugs Fui! Paper Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Assessment of Marine Cyanobacteria - Synec/rocysf/s and Synechococcus Riisürii) F. Marlins 1,2,t\ Mi^ui/l F'. Ramos 1,1.ars Hirtindal 4, José A. Sousa 1,2f Kiijii Skærven 4 and ^ itor M. Vasconcelos 1,2 * (1) I^cpartamento de Zoología e Antropología. Faculdade de Ciencias, Universidade do Porto. Praça Gomes Te ixeira, 4099-002 Porto, Portugal (2) Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigaçao Marinhae Ambiental. C IM A R /C llM A R , R u i dos Bragas 289. 4050-123 Porto, Portugal (3) Escola Superior de Tecnología da Salide do Porto. R u i Joäo de Oliveira Ramos 87, 4000-294 Porto, Poitugal í4) Department oí Biomedicine. University of Bergen. Jonas Lies vei 91, N-5009 Bergen, Norway Aquaculture Environmental and industrial applications Antifouling Allelopathy Cite this: N al Prod. Rep., 201 wtvw.rscorg/npr 29. REVIEW The chemical ecology of cyanobacteria Pttlro N. Ia/âo,*" Nielas Eugene,* Agostiiiho Aiituiies,"' \\ illium II. G em ict“ and Vitor Vasconcelos^ R i? tiei vilii I i r O ti tuber 2011 DOl: 111039/fLlnf 0007 ^ Cweíin^: up tú September 2011 This review covers the Literature on the chemically mediated ecology of cyanobacteria, including ultraviolet radiation protection, feeding-deierrence, allelopathy, resource competition, and signalling. To highlight the chemical and biological diversity of this group o f organisms, evolutionary and chemotasonomical studies are presented. Several technologically relevant aspects o f cyanobacterial chemical ecology are aiso discussed. ; - L-:; ELSEVIER Toxican 30 (2007) 791 799 T oxicon vw. d. sc vier, cdm Tocate; toxi con Toxicity assessment of crude and partially purified extracts of marine Synechocystis and Synechococcus cyanobacterial strains in marine invertebrates Rosário Martinsa’b’c’,,', Nuria Fernandezi Ricardo Beirasd, Vitor Vasconcelosa,b A Depart amen to de Zoo Io y iu e Antropoloqia, Facuidade de Ciencias da Universidade do Porto Praya Gomes Teixeira. 4009-002 Porto. Portugal Laboratório de Eco tax ico/oyia Dr. Augusto Nohre, Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigaçao \ f or inha e Ambiental, Rua dos Bragas 289, 4050-122 Porto, Portugal cEscola Superior de Tecnología da Saúde do Porto. Rua Joao de Oliveira Ramos, 87 4000-294 Porto. Portugal Laboratório de Ecoloxia e Bio ¡oxia Anim¿d, Facultado de Ciencias, Universidade de ligo. E-S6200 ligo. Galicia, Spain M ¡ero b lic o l ( Í 0 l5) tó:fi5-93 l>Ol 10 .1W) 7.-!Í)íl24f<-011-99Î9-Z ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY Mar. Drugs 2010, 8, 59-79: doi:lÛ.3390/md8010059 OPEN ACCESS Microbial Community Changes Elicited by Exposure to Cyanobacteria! Allelochemicals Marine Drugs ISSN 1660-3397 w w w . mdpi.com ) ourtiaL marine drug s Pedro N. I.ean ■ Vitwr Rninos ■.Micaela Vale Joia P. Machada ■Mtni- M . Vase nn ceIns. Rsview Ear.J. Püycol., (2009X 44(3); 347-355 / f ^ A Taylor Si Francis Effects of Marine Toxins ou the Reproduction and Early Stages Development of Aquatic Organisms Vítor Vasconcelos L'2**, Joana Axevedn 2, Marisa Silva 12 and Vítor Ramos 2 Allelopathic activity of cyanobacteria on green microalgae at low cell densities M a r. D ru g s 2010, 5 , 471- 482 : d o i: 10. 3390/md8030471 PEDRO N. LEAO1, M. TERESA S.D. VASCONCELOS 1*1 AND VITOR M. VASCONCELOS 1,2 Zl3 OPEN ACCESS Marine Drugs ISSN 1660-3397 www. mdpi. coin-'j oiimal/maimedrugs Article Synergistic allelochemicals from a freshwater cyanobacterium Pedro N. Leao'’* 1 , Alban R. Pereira1 ''1 , Wei-Ting LitT, Julio Ngd, Pavel A. Pevzneir11 , Pieter C. Dorrestein1^*, Gabriele M. König1 , Vitor M. Vasconcelos^2, and William H. Gerwick^2 Primary Screening of the Bioactivity of Brackishwater Cyanobacteria: Toxicity of Crude Extracts to Artemia salina Larvae and Paracentrotus lividus Embryos Viviana R. Lopes 1,2’% Nuria Fernández Rosário F. Martius M,s ami Vitor Vasconcelos 1,4,5 1,2 WWW. pftdi.0 fyfcgiAdûi/l 0 .1ö73/ptAdS.0914343107 PWAS I Jurafr 22, 2010 | vol. 107 | rao. 25 | 111&3-1 11B-B Bioremediation Opportunities A I Actual and proposed extension of the Portuguese continental platform) Hymeniacidon Halichondria Ophlitaspongia Polymastia Amphitretus Pfriems panicea populo ptnicókrs fucorum PteH m0 s » I P V mm Stelligera rigida pfumosom'* Oyudco frogiin * • simulons Myxiiio rosacea onto Microoooo Oioná celata ptUorrosoe ormoto* . Phorbas dives* . Habcfona ip • Access to samples of continental Portugal, Azores and Madeira Islands Culture collection of cyanobacteria with more than 350 strains ^vjVRONME/Vfy VESTRY 4Ato ^OXlCOLOGy CIMAR-LA RESEARCH LINES Aquaculture 322-323 12011 ) 74-fil Contents lists available at Sei Versa ScienceDirect Aquaculture Aquaculture journal homepage: w ww.e Is e v ie r .com ' loc ate' aq u a-on I i ne Replacement of fishmeal by increasing levels of plant protein blends in diets for Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) juveniles E.M. Cabraia,b, M. Bacelara,b, S. Batista * b, M, Castro-Cun ha c, R.O.A 0 zó rio a, L.M.P. Valente aA* British Journal <if biat Titian tZOlZ), 108, 1 Z0Z—1ZÍ1S fit Tiro Authors 3011 tk)i: 10.10 17. SO0 0 7 1l-t^ 11006556 The effect of dietary methionine and white tea on oxidative status of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) Amalia Péiez-Jiménez1"*, Helena Peres1, Vera Cruz Rubio1 ' and Aires Oliva-Teles1 A 1 (IMAR'CUMAR — Centro InterdisctpHwar de hweatigtiçâo ManrJyu e Ambiental, Uniœrsùiade tío Porto, Rua dos Braga.s 2B9, 4050-123 Porto, Portugal 'Departamento Zoología. Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de iita nada. Campus Puentenueia s/n, 18071 Granada, Spain * Centro Oceanógrafico de Murcia, Instituto Español de Oceanografía ílEO), Carretera de la Azohía s/n. Puerto de Mazarrrin, JWïÆ) Murcia, Spain Departamento de Biología, Faculdade de Ciencias. Un iners iiiade do Porto, Rua do (hmpn Alegre, Edificio FC4, 4169-00 7 Porto, Portugal Biodégradation <2011J 22:729-739 DOl 10 1007/ ai 0532-010-9446 9 ORIGINAL PAPER Hydrocarbon degradation potential of salt marsh planl-microorganisms associations JlugO KihdirO ■ Aria I'. Mucliu * C. Marisa R. Almeida ■Adriano A. Jtordalo EnviroTi St i Kul I ut Etes DOl 10.1007/s 11756-012-1240-2 RESE ARC H ARTICLE Potential of the microbial community present in an unimpactcd beach sediment to remediate petroleum In drocarbon s C. Marl (a R. Almeida ■ 1/abela Reis ■M . Nay a ré Chulo ■ Adriano. A. tiordaln ■ Ana P. Mueha TRANSVERSAL PROGRAMMES Current European projects: ShareBiotech pharm A tlantic Funding institutions: X ATLANTIC AREA Transnational Programme European Union European Regional Development Fund FCT Fundaçâo para a Ciência e a Tecnología COMPETE PROGRAMA OPERACIONAL FACTORES DE C0MPET1T1VIDADE OR Pk QUADRO DE REFERENCIA ESTRATÉGICO NACIONAL P0RTUGAL2007.2Q13 This research was partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE - Operational Competitiveness Programme and national funds through FCT, under the project "PEst-C/MAR/LA0015/2011 Culture facilities for cyanobacteria, algae and invertebrates www.ciimar.up.pt Leucosolenia sp.* Çreila rosea* •Unkhown $i>ecie> Unknown species Unknown species Unknown species Unknown species Unknown species i SCIENCE AND SOCIETY POST-GRADUATION STUDIES THEMATIC NETWORKS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER SUPPORT TO PUBLIC POLICIES
Page 1: New trends in marine Biotechnology at CIIMAR · Departamento de Biología, Faculdade de Ciencias. Un iners iiiade do Porto, Rua do (hmpn Alegre, Edificio FC4, 4169-00 7 Porto, Portugal

ciimarCentro Interdisciplinar de Investigaçao Marinha e Ambiental


Members: 312133 PhD156 students (PhD, MSc, BSc)23 administrative and technical staff 19 nationalities

Current research projects: 7662 Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation and other national projects

14 international projects (e.g. FP7, Interreg Atlantic Area, Interreg POCTEP, Interreg SUDOE, Eurostar/Eureka)

Publications in 2012: 28315 books and books chapters

258 papers in SCI Journals

Research lines: 5

Research groups: 19

Aquatic bioterium: 1

Outreach facilities: 2 (CMIA Vila do Conde and CMIA Matosinhos)

CIIMAR in 2015


New trends in marine Biotechnology at CIIMARVítor Vasconcelos and Susana Moreira

[email protected] and [email protected]

Areas of interest

Marine Natural Substances

Pharmaceutical and Biomedical applications

Antiviral Anticancerigenous

T a i I o o lo g y I n V i t r o 2 5 (2 0 1 1 ) 9 4 4 - 9 5 C

p t i; X

CunLLTilï lists availublu at Sd a nea Direct

Toxicology in V itro

jo u r n a l hû m epa ga- : w w w . e I É e v ie r .c o m /I Oc a t e / t □ xi n v it

T t ix lD ii la g y i i i V i l r t i

iS ELSEVIER Aipiaojc T:' j y 74 ( 3 M Ï) 7S4-SW


www.efcev íe r c inm-lnc ni e4i quart not

Cytotoxicity in L929 fibroblasts and inhibition of herpes simplex virus type 1 Kupka by estuarine cyanobacteria extractsV iv ian i R. Lopes3 br Michaela Schmidtkecr M, Helena Fernandesi Rosario Martins acFfV itor Vasconcelosa,bi** C IS M N C ii I ’ . l ' J i C í j f i r o J ' i T í 'a i . ^ ^ l i ' i ú i j í J j i v t t t j £ j f i D M a m U ia e f l j n l i j i i i ra i, L f jt l i k j ï u > a f H h u , Ii'h j U i i 2 W . a tS Q - 1 2 3 r a i i a , r v x t i ^ o l

t D i ^ a i i i i ï J u a f B ia ia g y , F a m i ly a fS c to tc e s , W M ie j ï l i y a f P a n a , R u a C a j r y » A f e s i f V Jt 4 l t & - Q D 7 P a n a , P a rLgaJ

- ' f r i t u a f V U o lo g y a i t í A i r n t u u J T l i f j u p y , J f j u L 'n iv « is i r y H a a ju ro!. H o i i . í - I ¡ J k > í ] I - 5 ih ? í i 2 . D -0 7 7 4 5 J e n a . C iJ iB tn ty

J Jm h m n r j t r in a e F a m a e a la g ia e B ia c a m j in i i l i i lK la H e C tà tS a -, f a c u J t f u J i d e M î J u l i u j D f j i n j i j n d a U itB /e m d a d e d a J b i r<n J tu c D i. M a n n i i J V j i î j j h d a 5 d m 4 2 0 0 - W J P a n a , r v u m j p l

* B « J a 5 u j * f j w j r d e T e a ita la g k i d a S a ù d e d a f l u í a , f a t i m a f lo J J i& r j t t i ] d a P u ia , J ï l u W a k i t i a P e i fe t ia 3 2 2 , 4 4 0 0 - 3 3 0 I d a N em a d e ( ¡ i k i , J t n t u ^ a !

■JE.’p ít-J jtiíjiu ií f u r MoJêîuIji a n d L ili Biinlífiy, U u it ja iy Atma, J ïta jrç » . - t l iÿ iS ïJ , a r.W- rti;? Jb'ta. f la rujjal

Neuro-apoptogenic and b lood plate let targeting toxius i i i benth ic m arine cyanobacteria

from the Portuguese coast

Frode Selheimi3-1, Lars Herfmdnl3,1. Rosario Martinsb,c, Vitor Vasconcelosbc, Stein Ove Do^ketand3 *

■ D e p a r tm e n l o f Bèom eÆ côae, U n iv e rs ity o f R r r j t o t , J t x o s L ie s v e i 9 1 . f i f - 5 0 0 9 B e rg e n , N o r w a y

b Ccntrrt Lirerdinrlp'bias de Jsvestl^açdff Marinha e Ambiental.Rua óejs Bmgus 2SS*. 4Ö50- 723 Poria. Portugal

■= i epaFtarmrnky deZoología e Antippeiogia, Facu'äade de Ciencias,Piaea Gomel 1ëixeira, 4009-002 Posta, ftyrtupai

CHEMBIOCHEMDOl: 10.1002/cb¡c.201000179

BiomedicineA Novel Cyanobacteria! Nostocyclopeptide is a Potent Antitoxin against M icrocystisJouni Jokela,w Lars H e r f in d a lX Matti Wahlsten,|a| Perttu Permi,|d| Frode Selheim,[b eI Vitor Vasconçelos,Ifl Stein Ove D0skeland,lbi and Kaarina Sivonen*IaI

Jounjl af Vlcmbranr Science 354 lïDlOl 32-33ƒ*"- IWILCV

1594 \ InlerSdentc C 2010 Wiley-VCH \feHag GmbH &Co. KGaA. Weinheim ChemBioChem X 10, 11. 1594- 1599

■' r: (- ,Contents lists available at Seien ca Di reel

Journal o f Membrane Science

jo u rn a l h o m t-p a g a : w w w .a ls a v ia r .c o m /lo c a ts j 'm e m s s l

h l m b h a n i :SCIENCE

Mar. D ivgs 2008, 0(1), 1 -11 OPEN ACCESS

The effects o f Anodonta cygnea biological fluids on biomineralization of chitosan membranesAnabela Lopesa, Mannei Lopes-Limaa b, lulius Bobosd Jorge FerreiraÈ, Silvia Gomesc, Rui Reisc,Joao M anoc Jorge Machadoa-b’*

Amiral Ac i dû l íÚ 11 ) 4 tt4 3 1 —442 [X>[ l(J. LÍJfJ7/iitJtJ73ti-rjltJ-0fiSÍ-9


TUBioP: Topological Indices to BioPolymers. Its practical use to unravel cryptic bacteriocin-like domains

f luilltrmin Agilero-Chapiif f .Ku 'IIl' Pérei-Micliado• Reinuldo Muliiin-kiii/ - Yunrrkis Ptrey-CustiMo * A lo h a MonütvHel^ieru * Vítor V is n m lie - A^ostinhd Antunt.s.

Marine DrugsISSN 1660-3397

w ww. mdpi. org/maiine d rugsFui! Paper

Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Assessment of Marine

Cyanobacteria - Synec/rocysf/s and Synechococcus

Riisürii) F. Marlins 1,2,t\ Mi^ui/l F'. Ramos 1,1.ars Hirtindal 4, José A . Sousa 1,2f Kiijii Skærven 4 and itor M . Vasconcelos 1,2 *

(1) I^cpartamento de Zoología e Antropología. Faculdade de Ciencias, Universidade do Porto. Praça Gomes Te ixeira, 4099-002 Porto, Portugal

(2) Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigaçao Marinhae Ambiental. C IM AR /C llM AR, R ui dos Bragas 289. 4050-123 Porto, Portugal

(3) Escola Superior de Tecnología da Salide do Porto. R u i Joäo de Oliveira Ramos 87, 4000-294 Porto, Poitugal

í4) Department oí Biomedicine. University of Bergen. Jonas Lies vei 91, N-5009 Bergen, Norway


Environmental and industrial applications


Cite this: Nal Prod. Rep., 201




The chemical ecology of cyanobacteriaPttlro N. Ia/âo,*" Nielas Eugene,* Agostiiiho Aiituiies,"' \ \ illium II. G em ict“ and Vitor Vasconcelos^

R i? tie i v ili i I i r O ti tuber 2011

DOl: 111039/fLlnf0007^

Cweíin^: up tú September 2011

This review covers the Literature on the chemically mediated ecology of cyanobacteria, including ultraviolet radiation protection, feeding-deierrence, allelopathy, resource competition, and signalling. To highlight the chemical and biological diversity of this group o f organisms, evolutionary and chemotasonomical studies are presented. Several technologically relevant aspects o f cyanobacterial chemical ecology are aiso discussed.

; - L-:;

ELSEVIER Toxican 30 (2007) 791 799

T oxiconv w . d. sc vier, cd m Toca te; toxi con

Toxicity assessment o f crude and partially purified extracts o f marine Synechocystis and Synechococcus cyanobacterial strains

in marine invertebrates

Rosário M artinsa’b’c’,,', N u ria Fernandezi R icardo Beirasd, V ito r Vasconcelosa,bA Depart amen to de Zoo Io y iu e Antropoloqia, Facuidad e de Ciencias da Universidad e do Porto Praya Gomes Teixeira. 4009-002 Porto.

PortugalLaboratório de Eco tax ico/oyia Dr. Augusto Nohre, Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigaçao \ f or inha e Ambiental, Rua dos Bragas 289,

4050-122 Porto, PortugalcEscola Superior de Tecnología da Saúde do Porto. Rua Joao de O liveira Ramos, 87 4000-294 Porto. Portugal

Laboratório de Eco loxia e B io ¡oxia Anim¿d, Facultado de Ciencias, Universidade de ligo . E-S6200 ligo . Galicia, Spain

M ¡ e r o b l i c o l ( Í 0 l 5 ) t ó : f i 5 - 9 3

l>Ol 10 .1W) 7.-!Í)íl24f<-011-99Î9-Z

ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGYMar. Drugs 2010, 8, 59-79: doi:lÛ.3390/md8010059


Microbial Community Changes Elicited by Exposure to Cyanobacteria! Allelochemicals

Marine DrugsISSN 1660-3397

w w w . mdpi. com ) ourtiaL marine drug s

Pedro N. I.ean ■ Vitwr Rninos ■ .Micaela Vale Joia P. Machada ■ Mtni- M. Vase nn ce Ins.

R sview

Ear.J. Püycol., (2009X 44(3); 347-355/ f^ A Taylor Si Francis

Effects o f Marine Toxins ou the Reproduction and Early Stages Development of Aquatic Organisms

V íto r Vasconcelos L'2**, Joana Axevedn 2, M arisa Silva 12 and V íto r Ramos 2

Allelopathic activity o f cyanobacteria on green m icroalgae at low cell densities

M ar. D rugs 2010, 5 , 471-482 : doi:10.3390/md8030471



Marine DrugsISSN 1660-3397

www. mdpi. co in-'j oiimal/maimedrugs


Synergistic allelochemicals from a freshwater cyanobacteriumPedro N. Leao'’* 1, Alban R. Pereira1''1, Wei-Ting LitT, Julio Ngd, Pavel A. Pevzneir11, Pieter C. Dorrestein1 *, Gabriele M. König1, Vitor M. Vasconcelos^2, and William H. Gerwick^2

Primary Screening of the Bioactivity o f Brackishwater Cyanobacteria: Toxicity of Crude Extracts to Artem ia salina Larvae and Paracentrotus lividus Embryos

Viviana R. Lopes 1,2’% N uria Fernández Rosário F. M artius M,s ami V ito r Vasconcelos1,4,5 1,2

WWW. pftdi.0 fyfcgiAdûi/l 0 .1ö73/ptAdS.0914343107 PWAS I Jurafr 22 , 2010 | vo l. 107 | rao. 25 | 11 1&3-11 1B-B




Actual and proposed extension of the Portuguese continental platform)

Hymeniacidon Halichondria Ophlitaspongia Polymastia Amphitretus Pfriems panicea populo ptnicókrs fucorum

P t e H m0s » I P V m mStelligera rigida ■ pfumosom'* O yu d co f ro g iin * • s im u lons Myxiiio rosacea

onto • MicroooooOioná celata ptUorrosoe or m oto* . Phorbas dives* . Habcfona ip •

Access to samples of continental Portugal, Azores and Madeira Islands

Culture collection of cyanobacteria with more than 350 strains

^ v jV R O N M E /V fy

V E S T R Y 4 Ato ^ O X lC O L O G y



Aquaculture 322-323 12011 ) 7 4 -fil

Contents lists available at Sei Versa ScienceDirect Aquaculture


journal hom epage: w w w .e Is e v ie r .com ' loc a te ' aq u a-on I i ne

Replacement of fishmeal by increasing levels of plant protein blends in diets for Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) juvenilesE.M. Cabraia,b, M. Bacelara,b, S. Batista * b, M , Castro-Cun ha c, R.O.A 0 zó rio a, L.M.P. Valente aA*

B ritish Jo u rn a l <if biat Titian tZOlZ), 108, 1 Z0Z—1ZÍ1S fit Tiro Authors 3011

tk)i: 10.10 17. SO0071 l-t^ 11006556

The effect of dietary methionine and white tea on oxidative status of gilthead sea bream ( Sparus aurata)

Amalia Péiez-Jiménez1"*, Helena Peres1, Vera Cruz Rubio1' and Aires Oliva-Teles1 A1 (IMAR'CUMAR — Centro InterdisctpHwar de hweatigtiçâo ManrJyu e Ambiental, Uniœrsùiade tío Porto, Rua dos Braga.s 2B9, 4050-123 Porto, Portugal'Departamento Zoología. Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de i i ta nada. Campus Puentenueia s/n, 18071 Granada, Spain * Centro Oceanógrafico de M urcia, Instituto Español de Oceanografía ílEO), Carretera de la Azohía s/n. Puerto de M azarrrin, JWïÆ) Murcia, SpainDepartamento de Biología, Faculdade de Ciencias. Un iners iii a de do Porto, Rua do (hm pn Alegre, E d ific io FC4, 4169-00 7

Porto, Portugal

Biodégradation <2011J 22:729-739

DOl 10 10 0 7 /a i0532-010-9446 9


Hydrocarbon degradation potential o f salt marsh planl-microorganisms associations

JlugO KihdirO ■ Aria I'. Mucliu *C. Marisa R. Almeida ■ Adriano A. Jtordalo

EnviroTi St i Kul I ut Etes

DOl 10.1007/s 11756-012-1240-2


Potential of the microbial community present in an unimpactcd beach sediment to remediate petroleum In drocarbon s

C. M a r l (a R. A lm e ida ■ 1/abela Reis ■ M . Nay a ré C hu lo ■A d ria n o . A . t io rd a ln ■ A na P. M ueha


Current European projects:

ShareBiotechp h a r m A tla n tic

Funding institutions:


Transnational Programme

European Union

European Regional Development Fund

FCTFundaçâo para a C iência e a Tecnología




This research was partia lly supported by the European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE - Operational Competitiveness Programme and national funds through FCT, under the project "PEst-C/MAR/LA0015/2011

Culture facilities for cyanobacteria, algaeand invertebrates


Leucosolenia sp.* Çreila rosea* • Unkhown $i>ecie> Unknown species Unknown species

Unknown species Unknown species Unknown speciesi





