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New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1843-12-11.MARRIED. atNewark,N.J., 6'.h ¡lift, bythe...

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MARRIED. at Newark, N. J., 6'.h ¡lift, by the Rev. Fredeiick Pilch, Iä-uk» Woild. of New York City, to Sarah Brown, of ' |a pj-edonia, ChautauqneCo. ou Thursday moruing, Nov. sivb bvRev. S- M. Hopkins, Mr. WUIard McKinstry, *e- plorcditor of the C*?n*or, to Miss Ma.ia A. Dnrlin, all oC. yredcnia- mu DIED. Xbefllh instant, Francis Mariah, only daughter of R. II. ¿ud France* Fury, aged 3 years and 1 month. The friends and acquaintance* of the family are respect¬ fully invited to attend her funeral this (Monday) afternoon, Dec lltli. from the icsidence of hei parents, Washington st, Jew} Cuy, at '2 o'clock.____ î'.-..»i.:^::.« arrived In the ship Hitntsiitlcfru.ii New Orleans.-CaptJ Wib- », Lieui Darcentell, USN. Wilson, M O'ßntn, P Brown, TMcCollogh, P Duffy, M Crfdan, T Mollen, J «McSweeny, Mrs Ward, Miss Cuiten, Miss ^Strange. M is* A Sttauge, Misi P Readc, Mías V «ffcBarbVi MB« Q*Brjeu.-80 in tin- steerage. Itlkeschoonti Potomac, from ¿Venia.-William L Mai» :bmp, S Dunu. - D ;..,',, brig Excelifrcm Soi ¡una!! -A J Cox of Albani. Vosuurg.D Sharp, M Gün-ore, all of NewYork. ¿ the tr>Z Tybet, from Charleston.H Renken, John Hoís, Mr Jenkins. Jr. the shi}' Hellespont, fren Hai ana..It Wyle, of ?ailadelphia. In the ship Alabama, from New Orleans.Mt Underbill wdMrHanaeford. . MARINE JOURNAL. FORT OF NEW-YORK, DEC. 11, 1S43. MINIATURE ALMANAC.THIS DAY. The Su--. The Moon. I Full S»a. Kises ? ^5*-*^_1 2t I Morn.9 -Al Mor,,. . .11 .>= Laie:»* Dûtes. Londc-i.NovemberäO Havre.Novc.rr.br 16 Livs-pool . . »Növembet 20 | New-Orleans.Dec. 1 Cleured» Ships Pan! Jones, Walk in*, Canton. Bar.ju-i Maid of Orleans, Wiswel!, Howes, Godfrey & Robiiisùii. Bri.s Trio, Dome, Dunkirk, France, Foster St Nickerson* Sullivan, Waitc, Charleston; Eduard, Bnlkle\, do. SchuTioga, Hillock, Wilmington, J Ogdtu; N B Ro¬ bertson, Pugh, Newbein. Sloop Lampheer', Kenùey, Providence. Arrived« Packet ship Albany, Watsou, from Havre, Oc*. 29, mJ:e, to Win Whiiluck. The sb p Isabella, <.f Baltimore, came ont in company for New Oileans; parted compa-iy with her off the Liiard, Dec o..~ The Albany ai: bored al ¿ o'clock on8aturday inaide the Hook. 34 -.tee-aj-e passengers» Pack«*t ship Queen of the West, Woodhouse, from Livei pool.Nov 9, nuise, to Woodhull & Mioturn. Ship Ma.y Frances, Hubbard, 15 da\s from M«->bilt', with cotton, t*» fust St Phillips. Ship Sutton, Galloway, «'> daysfiom Charleston, with cot¬ ton, id Gíorge Sutton. Ship Hellespont, Ellis, from Havana, Nov. 30th, sugar cofiee, tobacc», Sec to Spofford, Tilestou St Co. Left ships Canton Packet, disg; Nile, Kinuey, dj, last from Jamaica; Oiient, Smith, wailing freight;.Bannies Valasco, Cheat, to sail 30.h Dec f«>r Boston* Üaiitii; Brothers, Crocker, wtf* freight- Osuray, Ridley, do; Barriugtou, Boston, do;.Brigs Eugenia, Drinkwater, sailed 2 ds before for NYork; «Le W Kni-iht, Sail'oid, to sail in a few ds for Boston; Cybelle, Deeiiu^, for Africa via NYorkj Northerner, Hatch, une;. Sc'urs Tarry Not, Mcíutiie, sid 29th for NOileans; Hero, Golding, do* hark Louisa, Gallagher, sid -23d for Philadel¬ phia. Every thing was quiet at Havana. The new Gt vemor very nntch liked by the people. Brig Excel, Smith, 8 days from Savannah, with cotton, to Sturges St Cleannan. Brig Fanny Coit, Baker, 7 days from Georgetown, S. C, with coirón, to H Cuit- Bri¡r Harrier, Brown, 0 days from Wilmington, N. C, wiih ship timber for the Navy Vard. Brig T)bee, McCorrnick, 4 days frpm Charleston, cotton and lice, to Geo Bulkley. Brit» Mary, Richardson, 8 days from Geoigetown, cotton, to A Avarill. Sehr Louisa, Lewis, arrived ihe day the Mary sailed. Sw brig Gazelle, Dànborye, rd) days from Gottenburg, " iron, t) Bcorman St Johnston, 3 pa»í.ciigers. Brig Tarn O'Shanter, Thomas, 20 days from Curacao, log. wood, to J Foulke Sc Son. Brig Exact, Johnson, 0 days from Savannah, cotton and nee, to St urges & Clearmau. Br-.ehr Dolphin, Kenney,28 days from Barliadoes, in bal- !-.¦.;, toJ H Braine. Sehr Potomac, Duncan, Hi days from Nevis, in ballast, to Win E Malthroy. Sehr Sagadock, Simans, 4 days fiom Washington, NC, naval stores, to H Ruggle*. *iM.- S .«oi;3. T«rrV. «S/?ay-rr»n> .V r»r«l< C ' r.il Ltt3 , «is.vaJ stores. Sehr Abiagil, 6 days from Norfolk, corn, to Peters St Northam. Sehr Carolina, Pratt, 5 days from Newbern, NC, naval ¦tores, to De IVyster ic Whitutarsli. Sehr Jonas Smith, Mills, 6 da\s from Wilmington, NC, naval stores, cotton and rice, to John Ogden. Sehr Pacific, Smilh, 11 day» from Baracao, tobacco and fruit, to Aymar St Co. Left sehr Cohaiiiiet, Barllett, l'or N York, iu 3 da\s. i Sehr John W Smith; à days from Richmond, mdse, to A B Cooley St Co. Sehr Mary Bright, Bright, 14 ds fm Gdiiaivçs, logwood to Skelding it Ferris. Sehr John Tilton, Wetmore, Virginia, wood. Sehr John Hardie, Moor, Milford, Del. coin. Sehr American E»glc, Ferris, Virginia, com. Sehr Lexington, Young, I'hila, coal. Sehr Peter £ Causey, Williams, Phi lad, coal. Sehr Palestine, Stevens, Philad, coal. Sehr Win G Eadie, Smith, Virgiuia. Sehr Elisha P. Horion, Buibank, York River- Sloop Jas It Mark-., Dunham, Philad; coal. Sloop C Post, Johnson, York River. Sloop Planter, fiotn Sag Harbor, oil. Sloop Lady Adams, from Sag Harbor, oil. Soiled) Ships P,:nl Jones, Canton-, Argo, Anthony, Havie. Barr>ue Isabella, S; Croix. Btig Crotón, Mobil. ; Caroliue E FC.«r, Apalachicola. Memoranda« The U S slop ri»»iitan i.» .»till atauchot outside the bat. The U S ship Falmoulb, arrived at K«y West fiom Ma tanzas on the ¿Ist ult. J'lte bug Billow, Lawrence,anived from New York ou h. 18ih, *\n«i sailed lor Port Leon on the 23d. Tho bug Washington, Dyer, when <*i Turks lsitind on ihe 14th Nov., diagged hn anchor while the captain aud two men were ashore clearing the vessel. The ve.-tl had 10 put to sea and wem into Gonaives previous t-« the »3d ult, m dis- tress for want of men, there beini- only the mate and two cuü on board, one of the men being sick. The mate ob¬ tained a compliment of men «it that poit and proceeded on his voyait tu New Orleans. Il was ixpecttd thai the captain would take passage in auothei vessel «it Tuiks Llaiid lor N Oiltaus. «Uiaaatcrs. The brig Mohtgau, Dee, am ved Friday evening, reports thst t*u ihe 4tli inst, when in lat 33 30, long 71, s¡.¡.h». biig Woodward, of Savannah.-" blowing «gale at the '.inir, d.J Boih-arn where from oi where boned; she had 4 f»et w;»t«r iu btr hold aud pump« choaked. He dcíiit d it» to lay him faring the night, which we did, but »aw nothing of him nest montant'.*' v The brig Pilgiiui, Pelbrook, from New Orleans, bound to NYork, with a cargo of laid, whisky aud molasses, wa I st oa the Tortugas. A wrecker had ani.edat Key West on the ¿is; ult. with a load from her. Brig Spart »n, Collins, ofaud from Portland for Baltimore, **. iill piaster, during a sever«, gall 25tuult. in l.u 3**, long 71, »prung aleak, und being iu a slutting condition, was abandon¬ ed by the ciew, who were taken «it by the Fr barque Brua-- wick, Capt Paul, and la'.deJ at Eastpôrt. The ciew saved a paît of «heir clothes. The S. was au old brig She was m»urtd by a Hartford Company for $IC00. S no ken, Nov 14, lat 49, lou 19, Or brig J «alian Pool, 14 ds from St Johns.«supplied her with provisions. N«»v 16, lit 43, lou 2-2, ship Uuiverse.'of Dundee, from Bombay for Liverpool; about 3 ds afur exchd signals with buk Huntrc«^. ofHaddinc.ton, st«eri.ig E. Dec 5, la: 40 31, Ion öS 17, sehr Convert, fm Maine, 3 ds out. Oct 14. no lat ice, Wôskeag, Rattoone, from NYork frr Rio Janeiro, by a vessel air 0ÎÏ Dover, which wa> lat 20 N. lou 43 W.on the lOtW. Oct23, lat 43, Ion 11. Ma ianna, New Y'ork for Gottm barg. Oct24, no lat Sic, Helen Margaretta, for NYork. Foreign Poi-ts. AtCtyeane, 5th ult. i> igs Marv Helen, Haytnan, foi Sa¬ hn», Nov 20- Pactolu», Holmes, disc. L.AtTrinity, Martinique, ltíthult, brig Balkan, Godfrey, disc. ACofuH..It should be¡remembered that a cou^h i. always in evideac'j that some imparity haa l-vdsed in the lun^s. which ilDOtspeedily removed, will .»o irntite tliosc delicate orgaus »*¦ soon«ar or later. t»> produce iiitlainination of the luu^s.j torrn of disease which wc all know is ths high road to con -umptiou. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill> aie a most delightful ».diciue for carryiu*; ««If a cold, becao««: they expel horn th« *>*'<mall morbid and corrupt humors.the c use of every «lud of d:sei.s*'-in so easvaud uaturala manner that the body »>heved ofall its suff-iinss as if by mag.c. Four or ñve of -*-.»u Indi u Vegetable Pills t ken every ni'ht on koiiik to bed .«ill m a short time remove the most obstinate cold; at ;!¡e ****ne time the ai^eslive «iiíans will be resto ed to a health«, t0,,e. »ad the b'ood so completely purified that inflammation *»ítiieluü«*s, cousum^'tiou, or any other form of disease will «-" absolutelv impn>i»ib!e. ..... beware of Counterfeits..In order to avoid beim: imposed .U-Oü by counterfeiters, be particular to purchase lrom none g»*Wadvertised aj;eiit«.. or at Üie otíice and Keiural depot, No. .«-«HTn'enwich-street, New -York. J.. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of the Medicine, *j;5iolt*s;deandietail«--Nos.£SS Greenwich-street, New-xork: >o. lOSTremont-sUeet. Boston; via No. 169 Race-street. n>»- «*l«'-i:ihia- _ *p** The Invisible Wl« so closely resembles th? .*«-l head or hair that sceptics ami connoisseurs have pro- jWuuced it the mrt»»t |»erf«»ct and extraordinary inleunoii prtlie W. The f-reat adv.-uitai;«*of tin-» novel and nnmne W .*» »B ^.ufi made without sewing or weaving, which causes its 3i-' Pirince so closely to resemUe the natiinl hair, tMth m H>:ht {.*rî "ind natural api-earance, a« to tiety delecnon, its trïture «WS.-.o beautiful, so poioits nnd so free, tltat iu all cases O '"*.«"*t'iratiou evaporation is unimpeded, and the great.evils o: TO» \r'¡Ks entirety avoided. The sce{>tic and connoiseur are ««ke invited to inspect this novel and beautiful Wig, and the . fcuhar meihod cf fitting the head, at the manufacturer's, A j?^"» . «6 Broadway, comrr of Liberty strfet, up staus. «lirus ..¦«¦ *-".'<«. >-.»= uouhuhcc previous to a ne». ¡ is ce-irable far « Very member to be* present. . BTt BENJ. HARKER, Chuman. Zalmon S. Fa** kîx«. > j William H. ( CRT». ' -^»-»»ariea. B .The Executive and Financ«- Committees "will please m-^-t at 6 o'clock asaboy-;. dll It Zy* Poitrtecath Ward..The friends of Social Kdorm a.-.-- ínviteo.toattfod a meeting thii. eveninz at lialf- past 7 q clock'at ihê Fourteenth "Ward Hotel, corner Giand ^ and Elizabeth streets for the purpose of organizing a Ward Association, tospread th- doctri,* of Social Science as dis- . cover« 1 by C!:a:i-s F-.-uricr. .9* , T".Prof. Bron*c*.«a*_~'T-iiríl.I_ectttre. TH_3 E\ LN1NG, in Burger, Institute at 7¿-o'cl«*ca, intrr*perst*d W] h .ix Recitations and Songs among"which aie Geii«-vra, Parrh*.îu-, the Pi nits of Atlienzand the Olynthian Captive.-, *ud .Mr. llu-sell. New FpUadlaad D »g. Admission _¿ c_«. .'.. f. .A .-.' tt» course '-I six I'.'iuiar Lectures on th«; Lawi i.f Li'"«'. Health, Physio'ccy, and Mental and Vocal Philosophy, with Recitations and Singing by Mr Na-¡¡. will commence to-mono w evuiiug, in lire university Chanel, Washington Squ.re, to continue * >..» b Tuesday and Friday e«wi;jnt-, at 7] o'clock. Singh .. isonticket.SI' doubl« do 51 '.'.. forafam- ilj ',!';«. |3. See circulars. One admission 25 cts. dll it* ] %y Illcahanlcs' bisltitiie Election_Th. [* :haii*c»Tinstitu*c Annual Elecaion for Pre id«*nt and Board of Pir-ectOT*. for th« -«r ¦"«.! «ill te held in the Insti¬ tuí Boom «. ity Hull, on Tuesday Evening, L2*h Dic- mb( i :i o'clock. Members ol the Institute air particularly rex-nested to b<* at ihe Rooms at the-appointed hour, as othei bustu-iss i. to b* transacted at th- no ting. dll 2t CHARLES L. BARR1TT. Actuary ¡ry Mercantile Library A.soclatlon.-The Spanish Class, Don Carlos Rabadán, Teacher,-will rnc-t ¿t the Library oii'lues'Jay Evening next. 12:h inst.. at 6 o'clock- .Member» wuhmg to join will please leave their.names with the Libran-::. Bv order of th- Class Committee dll2t* CHAS. .0. WHEATLEY. Chairman. ._ 017" Mf_rcantUc Library Association;. FoutthLectore of the Course-will be delivered in ' lintoñ Hall on I nesday Evening, Dec I2,i at 7i o'clock, by Rev. "..H. i_o_, D. D. Subject.' Selections ofJ_ngli«h Poetry, with Comment*." Tiekeu 25 cents, to be obtained at th-, door. B ...der. dll 2a_ _ w. m. PARRS, R.c. Sec Jfy Btecbanicö- Institute Lectures.-Dr. J. W.itEoriELD will Je ivér th, second Lector, of ihr ( onrs. ol Lectur**, In ion. the Mechanics' Institute Thi, Evening,! i the Li.ct.irr. Boom; City Hall. Subject.' Physiognomy."-. Lecture to commence at 8 o'clock. Free to members of ihe Institute Strangers may obtain admission to the Course by ¡.plying to the Actuary. it* CHAHL1--S f.. BARI : IT T. Ac tuary. I''"""*-*" Free Lecture upon Music..Mr. MAN- DEVILLKi :h- Blind Minstr-I) will deliver a Lectuie won tin Physicaland Intellectual Infloruce, of Music, introdu-- ing some Songs ofhis own composition, Thi.- Evening, the ltth irut, at the Rutgers-street Church. The public are re »pectfnlly invited to attend. It* IXy Science Tributary to .the Support of THE GOSPEL..A.M. QuisiBvVEsq. extensiiely known a Lector-: oi Electricity, and us the Inventor of Very mnioit-i.t improvements in thecoustructiorLAud application ofliphtnîug rods, I«*» kindly offered to give a Lecture for the benefit of the Tenth Presbyterian Church, in winch he a worshipper. The Lecture. which will emb*ace inucl» \alua- I ble information respecting lishtningaud the b«*st method of protection f.om it, and will be illustrated with many beautiful esperimeuts, will be given in said Church, in ''-d street, near 2d Avenue, on Monday evening, D«.c. n. at 7¿ o'clock. Tîckets?5 cents each.to be had at S. P, Smith's, 97 Maiden Lane.at the Sunday School Depository.at the s'.oie of John Stewart, corner 2f.-.h street and .J avenue, and _t the door . 'i he ectirt avails to go the Church. dll It - i- ,- * Post Office Reform..Gentlemen holding petitions with signatures, are requested to transmit them, as soon n-. th«--,- shall deem it expedjtmt. to the undersiened, Chairman of the Co.-:iu\i;tee on said petition«, appointed by the Geueinl Committee. PARK BENJAMIN, c_ 3tNew "\VorhLj*rf:ce. 2'J Ann streit fty Tlie Seventh Anniversary of the Col¬ ored Orphan Asylum will be held un theerening of .Monday, D«c. lith, at half p*st seven o'clock, at Conceit 11*1«, *06 Broadway, near C-ma» str et. The children (s»v*n- ty-foiir in number) -."* ill be i íesect and will perform sonc of tl ? ir eXerci .«.«-. Au address m .y be expected from John Jay, Esq. A collection will be in.v'p f.-.r the benefit of the I -.titution. Admittance 12" cents. Tii-lit-tsmay he InH _; H. e. R-iyner-s, 7 ijBow-ry, and at Hus«ey &. MacJtav's T.l Sonih-st «ID 2t rCr' ShalcRpearian Ri'iifllu^-s at Clinton Hall.. MR. MAGENls. I'rof«*.-«or of ih^ science and practice:of Elocution, respecuuliy i iformslhis liberal enlightened c««m- ihuniry, ihnt on Momlay ereninir. al half inst 7 o'clock, he intend* to gire an INTELLECTUAL SOIREE, in which he will i-ad and deliver various SflPCl piece- from Shaks- |v>*ire, Milton, Popp, Scott; and Catnpl». II. Ticket.« of admis¬ sion ,'i0 cen's each.a ticket a Imitting a lady and gentleman.. Those whose edui ition ¡«not completed, 25 cents «-ach. Th«- readtT will please t«» consult i!i>* programmé, lustrnction given to gentlemen_of the Bar. the Pulpit ind tin Senate.whilst êi c.-y defect in articnlatiou such .«.- Si «mmi-ring, i.; in a s'iorr period almost imperceptibly ( radicated. df« 2i* P_t** P_irerio,os*lçit_ Rooma.For the description of character and lot lb** saleof Busts and Books "ii th«» Sci- pnee.13r Nassau-su, in Clinton Hall. M-«.«.. FOWLEU S; STRACHAN areprepared to wait on company ar their rooms or to visit fnmilies and parties. d'i 3t* y The Charity of Wsagea..To thi: Bejvevc- LENT..The Female Bethel Association, which fur eleven y«*--r* hôs labored amon^ spameu's destitute familie«, their 1 widows and oriliatf". 'Ijsti ib'-iiiti-i food to the hungry a».d ! clothes to if-- nailed, desire now to add the Charity of Wage, to their foiiner plan of procedure, and in order to accomplish «o desirable a purpose intend toopsn a FAIR on the 11th of Dec-mber, at the Mariner's Chnrch in RoseVeltstreet, «o con- tiinie until the l'-li.by which they hope to realize sufficient mi toy to enable tl em, under a n«w tiair.e and Constitution,»o ! take such measutes as shall result ia tire fstablis' m-n* «»fa clothing "ttore,":where the prices paid for sevvii.g shall insure to the female members of seamen's families, who are able to work, a decent support, and yet have it ta ill** power of the I S(icic?v to aid gratuitously those w h«> cannot labor. The ««male Bethel Association ha\e decided that all profits r.çouiug f»oni the Fair over and above the sum of S300 to be distributed, if necessary, among those who shall apply for re¬ lief before work can be offered in lieu of charity, be set ajvart asa fund to forward the design. The Associaiion have al.o resolved that the new organization shall be known ..s the -* Mariner's Family Industrial Society of the Port of New- York,"aud tli-t imiiHili-it-ly after the Fair an Election for Officers and Managers shall beheld, and publicity i-iven to the Constitution they have adopted If tbo.C- who (eel iutei- ested in ihe welfare of .«ein-en. and have^given liberally to pro- inoietlieirtemjroral comfort and nv-'ral improvement,will but reflect that for the married.sailor, whose family reside in ihe city, coinparativel** nothing ha, b:e:i d«tne. Althoui-h a princely Home has oeen erected,-and Churches thrown open ou every hand to the S »iior, as well as to the Landsman, will they not aid its iu our« 'ideavors to m «ke that Sailor's humble home more comfortable.bygivinghis iiidustrious wife end daughters .«uit.ible emploj meiir at a fair remuneration, or *(ei:- sionuii' hia a-'ed motliei ¦' With the public it now rests, v. la¬ ther thi« nndertáking shall succeed or not. Let not o».r hopes be blasted bv a want of patronage. Come to ih«v FAIR", come prepared to Purchase m to Give. If any persou deiires to contribute donation« of money, coods, or ai- tides suitable foi ibe refreshment table,.they eau do sn.liy forwarding ih«-m to aiij of the follow ing persons, atany time prei'iouatu the opening of tl»«- K^ir. Hoping to receive a cheering response from the liberal and philanthropic, we leave our cau-e m their hands. B\ «ndtri ofrhe Femalp Bethel Association Fair. Director.Ai Mini C. Lom.lam», ¿31 ¡Vlourof »t. Secretary.E*-*u« REiMtiu 8.JRo4osevi t-t. Donations may be : »'in to Williams «*« Ut ion. 2.8 F«.ail sL Mrs. VVili lAMs, 65 Oliva ..t Mrs. Keimer 81 Roosevelt el. Rev. Ilt.Miv Chase, h Market st- Mrs S. Combs,30 Broadway. d'j2tl-«'-M Mrs". E. Tavlqr. [741 Broadway. BRUSSELS CARPETING. rrT* Jur.t received, an invoice of BRUSSELS CARPETING*"*«, which, with oui s*uck on hand, comprise the most splendid assortment in the City.for sale cheap by C. W. SMITH & COMPANY, i!8 3*.'is ?M Broadway, (opposite City Hall ) FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS. ;r"?j -¿not retelvtil, se«eral new pattrrns of English FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, which, tog*thfr with ourfurmex assortment of English and American Oil Cloth.«, coustitu'e the largest and most elegant assortm nt of Cloths ever offered for .«ale iu tl»»> country by any D< lîers..Foi sa e cheap by C. W. SMITH & COMPANY. J3 Cwis 2.! Broad»« av, (opposite City Hall ) try Free Inspections..Whereas, by the Uw passed bjruis L'egisl.itntt « f tin State .it its last s.ssiou, all the laws concern h «: It»si>ection ate repealed, .'.nd the said law to take « ffect on toe 1st of Dec-mber, 1813. The subscriber, thankful l.r p»st favors received irom the deale::- in LuttV.-r: hi-t-by «illVrs his sei vite» lo his Cornier em- ployfc-S .uid the tmblic, and as has been in the enjo. ment "i "i commission -«s inspector of Lumber tor the last 2? years of his life, until h* wa¿ removed from the same by joint ballot of th«> Comi!>«"!i Co-.in--il two months 1^0, and his not had Spy emnlbymetit since, he hereby offers himself to such is may s-e fit 10 «rant him such employment, as he is now 66 vt-ais of age. aBt*,or '.-'.' '-'*.. «*3*>*ears a tax-paying inhabitant, and by birth a Knickerbocker.' Hn lees hereafter will be c''-:.;ed <it 23 cmti per M. iV« t for nieasunn^», i¿c. SIMON aCKERMAN. New-York. Pecmbei Oth. ISM. d7 Dlw2t\\ ** ENGLISH DRUGGETS. %y A small invoice of superior quality, new pat¬ terns an bn^ht colors.for »ale cheap by C. W. SMITH i, COMPANY, dg ¿ci- 2¿1 B'Qjdwav. (oppo.ite City Hall.) t^~^ Dr. Felix Gouremd's Poudre Sttbtile wilT Completel y and i««*rmanenllyeradicate superfluous Iiuman ban frvfiii females* une» lips.the inn concealing a broad and elevated forehead, thestubboai beard ol man. or auy kind of su«>ertliious hair. L'e «me to .et the genuine at the original ofl_ce,67 W'aikfr-strr» I. or»« door from Broadway. <*1 ur bottle: duection. Vreuchand iuagusn. Acenti-authrie, I iMaiden lane, Albany; Myers. New- Haven; Brown. 7s Chesnut-stteet.' riiilid-lplni. Jordan. 2 Milk-street, Boston; Gra>*! Pon-rhkeeisie; Oreen. M o-ct-icr; ( r! ton. Low ell ; C. Dyer. Jr.. Pro», idence; Mathewsoi. Noi- wichtTon-sey, Rochester, N. \-'* «-**-'..-. Baagor, White, CCHÎÎ>e .tx-n tested before buying. Proof positive th«»,. and no mistake. *¦*. 1:i,4tU Puni m usi¬ nes» ¿ rematkable ««i ¡ecei-.t cnemicai _i>cu>rne_. w «««....- healim; qualities are spoken of m all directioüs, ciiu t\try o.e who use recommend it. One cake, 5«» Cents, we warrant to answer all ordinary purposes, aud it is to be had genuine only at 67 Walker stieet, one door from the corner ol l>i"0*'¡- way. Agents, 2 Milk stieet. Boston; 76 Chesnut sirept, lm- ladêlphia; Gray. Poughkrepsie; Tossey, RiKhester*, Myers, Ntfw Hi ven ; Dyer, 1'n'videncc ; Carletou, Lowell; and Tripp, Newark. nil imis -.n fry Wire IVlndo***** Sîia:-c_.Manuf.cturedto or- dei, cf any size, shape or figure and handsomely fitted m ma- hosr-ny frames to parlor, ba-emect, orficr and other windows, I nail doers, screens fot public to->in_, &c, by LEE i». CO., t3 Fartory-strtreL These beautiful Shades, unlike all others, admit all the air :n»Might into tlu« room and apertpct view into tiie str«**et.it ! the same ticaatliey ob-rruct tn** view from the s««-«««*t iatoth.« team "*--»i l'l>eP mi*««iuitoes anjjaihsr int.'."«» cut. an i ir-* \ Ttry .-.T-'.-r.fiiT-»! ¡T2t i-tif N. B. LaJi««s would «io well to call ami examine previous to purchasing elaftWhetf. Taj»ed Muffs af every di_cription. n3istf ers- ay. ALISON'S HISTO&Y OF EUROPE, ilAmoug tlie many distinguised testimonials to the excel¬ lence of Mr. E. S. Gould's abridgement of Alison.s «/olumi- nous work, we take pleasure in publishing the following from the Rev. J. M. Mathews, D. D., lets Chancellor of the New-York University : .. I have examined Mr. Gonld*s Abridgment of AJ¡son's Hi»tcry of Europe, and hv*r no hesitation in saying that Mr. Çr.h-Ls ijerformed his task wich singular fidelity and ability, lu abridgment oflustoncal work», the importas: incidents are ottenso detached from each other, and from tneir attend- iii','circumstance.*, to impair ihe connection ud interest oi lue narrative ; and the spirit a-id charicter of the origiuii are »îcrticed fçrtnes-ikeofbreviiy. Mr. Gould cannot be charged w-1 th this Unit. h .«. infused into abridgment raostofthe^eicellencies which distinguish the History as wint-nby A'lion himseT ; an-1 has conf-rred a b-nefit on our seminaries of learn-m,. by bringing withi-i their re«ch the saD»t*...;c» of a work which is «ickaowledired to b- one of the most id.uable histories m our language-'* Tiiis work contmats to iucrea-e .:: po. alarity. Its praises areon the lip» of all the- thousands who haie read t:. It in- finitelysuperior, in all respec's. to the erroneous original. whilç th? price.enh Si to Si 25-*-plaeei it wmir. the reach of all. Address [dn] J. WINCHESTER. "tery important juvenile. THIS DAY PUBLISHED, THK YOUaTG STUDENT, ok Ralph and viutor. BY MADAME GL'IZUT. From the French, by Samuel Jackson, with pTtfctOty he marks, byan Ameiiean editor. I elegant vol. l2mo ¿OC as«, with illustration--, price 7i«-»-nU. Jtis certainly well wouh*-fo b<- placed along with the very pop tar tales of Genlis and Marmcntel, and is one of the riost simply interest!-1* and pleasingly* as weli «is instructivt- 1.'. moral which the French pre.,» has produced." [London Literary Gazette. D. APPLETON St CO. Pub.ishers, 200 Broadway. D.. A. <k Co. publish and have for sale an t'tensi.e and va- r:ed a--.«*ii:m--..; of Juvenile Works._dll 2ii.» YOUNG FOLKS, LOOK OUT! THIS DAY PUBLISHED.PRICE '3.Í CL.VT5. THE LITTLE ROBINSON OF PARIS: oa, INDUSTRY'S TRIUMPH. A Tale for Youth. Copyright tran-,'.atio:». from the French cf Mad. EugeniE Foa. Il.LlSTK.vTKD WITH Ai* EÜQßLXVVSC. This is o e of the best bot!:., far tii« young ever written, Lotit on account of the beauty of the rnonil and théuevex- tiriiixiuteiest of the story. Uu its publication,.a fe» days since, in Paris, itcreate«! much the saint decree of sensation among the young people of that city that the M-.-tt.ries of Taris did among ihe older classes It is truly a most spirited and dtlightail taU ; and a more BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY PRESENT for boys and sills could n«jt be sleeted. Its perfect freshn-t» aud novelty particularly c-inmend it to attention. Published and foi sale by BURGESS. STRINGER St CO. 2.'2 B oadway, .New York. THE NEW BALL-ROOM GUIDE, * ontaimng'l he Etiquette of Dancing; and the fisurt*. nf -11 the favorite Quadrilles, Cotillions, Äco. pa-rouized by Queen Victoria.is now ready. Price 124 te;its._dll It ~~A GIFT-BOOK FOR. THE CHILDREN. ORIGINAL POEMS FOR INFANT MINDS. BV" JANE TAYLOR AND HER SISTERS. " 1 am indebted to the politeness of the publishers for a copy of this chai ming little volume, it-* authors are so well known in th- ir capacity of purveyors for the literary wants of child¬ ren, that it is hardly necessary to say a wordin its praise in order »o iiuute it a welcome in every family where ther? are little folk». They are delightful little poem», and certainly as well fitted to please the taste and instinct the minds of the youmc&a I have ever r«,-»d. Stbbath School teachers will fiad it an txcellen- vulume from which lo select artichs for their exhibitions. It exhibits no sectarian bias.'' [Ne«-York Christian Messt user. rub!i»hrdhy ö AX TON ic MILK*«. dll3tisM\VatS _ggOj Broadway. SU I TÂ~BLË~cTi IRI ST ¡VI AS PRESENT. THIS DAV PUBLISHED. LYRA APOSTOLIZA. From the Fifth English Edition. One elegant vu!. lGmo .Price 621 cents. To the cultivated niintl this volume will^ he a treasure. It is almost needles» to sa v it contains some of ihe choicest \. e.» of the most eminent Divines of ihe present c-ntury. dll 2:is D. APl'LETON & CO. Publishers. 2C0 Broadw ENGLISH PAPERS ! ENGLISH PAPERS ! TER «STEAMER ACADIA. JUST RECEIVED, A LA.ROE SUPPLY. For.»ale. whnWale and letatl. by BURGESS, STRINGER & CO. 222 Broadway, corner Ann st. Pictorial Time». Nov Hand 13.12i Illustrated Louden New», Nov 11 and 18.12i Despatch, " 18.121 Free in-in'.» Journal, " 18.121 Dublin Nation, " 18.121 Bill's Life. " 1".12i Tom SprinE'S Life in London, 11 and 19.I'd Penny Satirist.6i London TLnts, Nov 1<«.121 The Satirist, " 10.12i The Builder, .".13.121 Punch, or the Londuu Charivari.8 and a host of others at ihe lowest i>rices. dll TO MEMBERS OF THK BAR . This, day printed, the n«»w form of Affidavit of Filing Notice of Lispendens required by the late rale of the Chancellor. Also th . ru'e of the Chancellor prescribing the form, priuted on a slip of paper. Priuted and for sale by JANSEN & BELL, Stationers, fee, dll3ris* I'jS Na*»sau-str««pt. "VALUABLE HOLIDAY GIFT. THE BOOK OF BOOKS. .«OW READY I*, VARIOUS STVLES OF BI*»U1*»l¿, THE PICTORIAL BIBLE : BEINÜ THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS, With full Marginal References. Illtisruted with more than ONE THOUSAND ENGRAVINGS. A NEW AND BEAUTIFUL MAP OF PALESTINE, And a FAMILY RECORD, ENGRAVED ON STEEL. Published, and for sale wholesale and retail, by J. S. REDF1ELD, Clinton Hall, d9 lt\V* [d8] corner Nassau and Beekman streets. BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. KOR SALE BV J, *_.'. HIKER.. Bookseller and Publisher. 1549 Fulton street, near Nassau. Th" Gif« i*«r *4«t-»a splendid octavo volume. " The Opal, a Pure Gift for the Holidays,** edited by N. P. Willis.illustrated by Chapman, and sujterbly bound The Parlor At-nual, (juaiio.beautifully bound. The Rose of Sharon.a Religious Annual, edited by Miss F.il-arto.t. Th-» Wiiitergrreu, edited by Jmo. Kcese, Esq..«anelegant volume. The Lit-rary Souvenir. Ihe Iris. The Christian Offering, The Yoirh's Keepsake. The Aonualette, èic. í¿e. Al»», a complete assertraeut ol richly bound Bible-., Prayer Book:, Albums and Juveniles, suitable for f-ift.». d9 Imis German Almanacs! A lart,'*« supply of German Almanacs for s<ile at the office of the New York Tribune. Price $3 per 100 copies. This Almanac is printed in the «German lanf*ua--r, in the Usual style and aii*> of German Almanacs, and contains, iu addition to the usual variety ef readiti*- matter, articles oí great interest to Gern,ans connected with the Industry and Lahor of the country, and on the importance of Piotectlon to the Mechanics aud Woïkinçin-ii of the Uuited States «í-aiiiát English competition \ry Jones's Bank Locks..Fiom among a great number of t'.»umoiuals to the unqualified \alue and security of the.-e Locks, the following are submitted to the public: M.-i.s. StatePrison. Chahxestoww, Oct. in. 18H. Mr. H. C Joxes.Newark, N. J. Dtar Sir.In compliance with the request you mad«* **n Monday last, I hare ptimitted tln«-e «.filie convicts in this Pr«s'.«i n y their skill >>n yenr Bank Lock. They have been familiar with picking lock*, and rau mike lite necessary m- struments for that purpose. On this ucc--.i««u th«y were permitted to make such uisiru- mentsasthey needed to'facllitate their operations, but with all their ffforts, after expending about oi\ days of labor tc throw I ¿«:k the boll of the lock, they could not succeed, a.,d they came to th- conclusion th it a Bmk Vanit secured b>- «.ulIi a lock, could be o;«eii»d, if at all. only with peat «iifñ- cultv. unie s* a i-attem «if the key coul'J tx< obtAine«! or an «-x- d!!ii:)altoii could be had of iti interior structure. The same opinion was also expressed bv another convict, an ingenious m.chinutand lockmakei wiio.it is believed, was the inven¬ tor, ^niot. twenty vears siuce, of th-? celebrated Ltver.Locks, thfkindof locks which convicts ackuowledse are the most difficult to pick. 1 will remirk that we «elected th"se convicu who were sup- nosed to j osae-s the most skill and had been most success.ul in pickiucl^cksof all descriptions. Twoofthcmare very dis¬ tinguished bur-laii from L»udon. and the third no less distin¬ guished m that line, is a Philadelphias Respectfully, vour ob't servant. CHARLES LINCOLN, Jr. Warden Mass. State Prison. Mr JoNfcs.Dear Sir. Siuce writing the foRgoing. the Lock has been examined in niv ctfice by the Officer who bas charj-e of the whitesmith shop iu the Institution, and who witnessed the efforts made bv the Convicts to throw back the b-.lr. He i- a white and blacksmith and is wrll skilled iu hu profession, since being stationed here he has great opportnui- tie.» of examining lock» of the most complicated workman¬ ship. He is of opurou that vour lock is far superior to any lock he has ever seen, aud that it could not be picked, even if ihe interior structureshoald be examined by a bnn»lar before an effoit should be ma«!e apon it for that purpose. - Yon», Sec. CHARLES LLSCOLN. Jr. v\ aidtu. Certificate cf one of the best Mt hanics in New-York: August 5th, mu I have examine.! minutelv Mr. H. C. Jciirs's B**otJe Lock, and do consider it a ««erfect ¡-iece of workmanship in a.l its p«artst I do not hesitate to say that in inv opinion there is not amauli-iiu that can pick or makr a key that will o;!«-n it with *ut having the lock apart to do it. CYRUS DURAND, Bank Note Engraver. Boston. October 1st, 1S»L This may cerüfy that the untiersij-ned have «-x-unined >lr. H. C. Jonks s Bank Lock, (of Newark, N. J.,) and. uJUï close and cireful invrsrigation of all it« parts, would most cheerlullv express their opinion as decidedly in its favor. The difficult and very ingenious combination of levejsand their regular vet complicated movements, are sufficient evid¬ ence, in our'judgement, to convine« every unprejuQiced mind of their superior excellence. iu regard to workmanship, there is no want of thoroughness or skill in design as to debility. g & ^MM Iron Chest and Lock Makers. Merchaur-.' Bank. BnsTorc, Not. 3d. 1811- Thi» Bank hare F.ut*hîs««d ofH. C. Jontu of Newark, N. J- oni ofhi« BrmkL^bs.belieyinjrit ^n^TnT»F^Wer known ro rr.rm- «-.. «. ELDR^DGE, Casn.er. 5nitoIk Bmk. Bosrn-» May 23th, 1842. This certifia that, on examinin? the Bank Lock m«niac- rored by Mr. H. C. Jones of Newark N.J.. we Und thernso much superior to any other Lock we have ever seen, -hat we have purchased of him and placed on our vault-doors two Locks, in addition to fire others which we« previously on thedoora. HENRY B. STONE. fte«ident. d5 Iwis J. C BREWER. Cashm. IMPORTANT TO ALL THE LADIES. A GIFT FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Hlxßaut, appropriate ana Sstful. THE LADIES HAND-BOOKS OF NEEDLEWORK, Elegantl? íoundún muslin, gilt edges and stamps. Price 25 rents each, or $1 ft for the series. COMPRISING ."No, 1. Baby Linen. Containing **l_iu uni ample ¡_s.ructions for the preparatio, of an lula- t s wanuobe. No. 2. Plain Needlework. Cototatmng instruction, in the preparation of bod** linen.ln- »tiuction» in the r>r»»par;iton of ho::** lineu. Explanation iu s st tons kind, ot .tuche i and misc-llaneous work, such ;_, bra-dine, marktnr, piping, htanna. Sec. &c. No. 3 Fancy» Needletvork. Containing instruction! lor preparation of frame*.Materials forworkins.t"x;.l_ca ¡ou of stitches.Instructions in Em¬ broidery.Application of fancy needlework to useful par» .o.-es. No. *.. Embroidery on "ilu-.1!:i and Tatting. (Jontammg instructions m working Embroidery on Muslin. in-tractions m Lacework.Embioiderv in gold thread . Tatting. &c No. 5. Knitting, Netting and Crotehet, i ontaining complet« instruction., anil rattern» for all the va¬ lions kind.ol wort..Net-work. Fringe. Crotchet-wort-,fltC So. 6. "»illlincry and Dre-.a-3IaI.inK. tontainmc instruction« »i Bonnet makins . Material« . Drawn Bonnet..r.Iournin. Bonnets.Uoouet Caps.Ca- potte.La| petts, &c. 5tc Dress-makint;.Children'.-. Dres, es.Manteleu.Ladie,- Silk Cloaks.Capes.Carriage (:!^ar?~:,-Tîld,:n Cloaks.Boys1 Cloaks.Piping.riaiu. ic. Published and lor .«.le by r_-. J-S. REDFIELD. Clinton Hall. d3 itW _[dfij comer of Nassau and Brtkinan-st-. pHARLOTTE ELIZABETH'S New Works. \J Just published by JOHN S. TAYLOR _c CO., 14. Nassau at. THE LITTLE PIN-HEADERS, beim, the third part of The Wrongs of Woman.by Chirlone Eliia- b th, 1 vol. 13mo. bound iu cloth, price25 cts.in paper covers, cheap edition, I2i Ctuti. Also. ;LETTER5s FROM IRLLAND-B** Charlotte Elizabeth. 1 vol. ¡2mo pj ii i -j cent«. dS ¿t J LTST PUBLISHED, EVERY LADY"*. BOOK: A N LîîSTRUCTuR in the Art of making every _ÇL*raiiety of Fancy Cakes, Pastry, Confectiouery, Blar.c- Mange, JmIk», Içe-Creamj.and other useful Lufoimatiouf-r ordinaryanuholi-iayoccasions: B>- a Lady of .«few-York. Ris only needed to say that this is the only Book of the kind ever put before the pubüc. They -*re cautioned a_-».:i>5* any othei. 1 ubliahed onl*» I -,- T. J. C ROWEN. 53J Broadway. d9 3tnf_and for sale bv all the Booksellers. PAK LEYS CABINET LIBKARY.Thisworkj now publishing, is to consist of 40 numbers, ol about 1.0 pages »ach, einbelluhed with numerous engravings; the pnce of etch uumbei ir, .3 cents. [twill he furnished to subscribers only, and the publishers have to state that no person authorized lo sell them other¬ wise, nor at any other than the resillar price. The plan of the work is new, and it i. deemed a creat and valuable improvement. The 40 numbers will form a complete library, in which the chief topics of human interest, s'ich as history, biography, mis, sciences, geography, manners aud customs of nation., kc. kc. ii.:. will be presented in astrikint* and attractive manner. The strong points of these several subjects will be so exhibited as at once to excite the interest, and impress the mind, of the reader. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING EXTRACTS. From the Boston Traveller.." WVdeem it but a discharge of our duty to our readers to urg«* thia valuable series upon their attention. They are beautifully executed, and will be an ornament alike to the table of the rich aud the shelf, of thehumhle* they will be of inestimable value, in the course of years, to every family that poszesees tlietn, for as they are attractive they will be read, and «is they are full of striicing truth they will bestow instruction." From the Boston Courier.." They art» exceeding^* a**ree-~ able books, and such as young and old may peruse With plea¬ sure and profit. The sketches of Scott, Byron, Bonaparte. Bums, Johnson, Goethe, Shakspeare. .-¿c. are lively and amusing; in style, just in criticism,and interesting iu narra¬ tion: and w. ¡eel .«.urpnsed, that <»n such hackneyed topics, the author, in so brief a space, has been able to say _o much that ¡_ racy, new, and striking." From the Traveller ."The whole series will cost but a tritle, yet they may , ami doubtless will be, the deciding means of insuringsuccess m life to many a youth who shnll enjoy the mean- of reading them." From the Boston __'/«...." Parleys Cabinet libiary is wor¬ thy af all «iicourag. ment. It is cheap uot only m promise, but in fact.130 pages for 25 cent,; and it is calculated to exer¬ cise a wholesome mtlueuce. Like every thing from the same author, it strongly inculcates virtu«, and religion, and at the same time it array- truth in a guise so comely and attractive, that it is likely to win many votaries of fictiou to companion« ship with hex. There is «re'tnecd of such works at this time." Fiom the Boston Traveller..1' Mechanics, farmers, and thers, may well consider not so much whether they can af¬ ford to _uy this wvrk. as whether they can alfordto do with¬ out a thin, so imp«.»tant, yet <o easily obtained." From the Umversalist ¡xlitcellany.." There is no man tiring «a In« has done so much for the rising generation as Ieter P-rley. His works for the youmfhave been have bveu lead by- tens of thousands, with the highest satisfaction and advan¬ tage. Pet**r Parley the i;itati->t, and wisest and best man on earth, in the minds of multitudes of children. They think no man has seen «o much, traveled _o much, or loves children :o much as he does. This popula: Peter Parley is the authoi of the Cabinet Library." From the Sabbath School Messenger.." This excellent work ha-s reached its sixth number, and seem« to increase iu vainc and interest as it proceeds. A j"reat deal of the money paid for the low price pamphlets ol the flay is.worse thin thrown away; the money paid for this will be invested in a work, of permanent value, and one, chea|>ei by twenty per cent than the (so called) cheap publications now current amoiiK us." Subscriptions received by JOHN ALLEN. 133 Nassau st., New Yoik, Otfice ot the Knickerbocker Magazin?. Who is sole"4g"nt for Parley's Cabinet Library iu the City of New York aud Biooklyn._nil lmis PI-EASE BEAD THIS i SEARS' POPULAR PICTORIAL WORKS. SPLENDID GIFT BOOKS FOR THE APPROACH¬ ING SEASON. Published and sold at III Fulton-street, New-York City. Hi.tory ok thi; Biull, 2 vols in oiie, numerous plates.$3 00 Bible Biography. 500 Plates. 2 50 Wonder»« of the World, 500 Plates.2 50 Guide to Know led^e, 500 Plates. 2 50 Pictori '1 Illustrations of the Bible, 3 vols. 600 plates ... 5 00 (IT JUST PUBLISHED.THE CHRIS¬ TIAN'S GIFT FOR 1844.»- The most splendid Pictorial Woik on Bible History ever of¬ fered to the American public, embellished with several hun¬ dred new and fine engravings. The whole woik (two volumes in one) making about700 large octavo p ses. elegantlv 'printed, aud bound ia the. most finished «itvle of modern book-makim*. SEARS' NEW AND COMPLETE HIS¬ TORY OF THE HOLY BIBLE. OPINÍONS OF Till* TRESS. From the Editor of the United Statei Literary Advertiser. The most splendid Gift Book ot the season, and the cheip- estand most useful w,.rk e>er issued on either side of the At¬ lantic, is ¡.¦.-.n-.'s ' New ami Complete History of the Bible,' dedu(*e<l from the labors of the most renowned Biblical schol¬ ars of all countiies, incorporated ivt h numerous original and curious embellishments, engraved by the first aitista. which has just made its appearance. From the Gospel Publisher. Here is a « ork that w ill never cease'io .ell or be admired by the lover, of the sublime and beautiful. The first put, on the Old Testament, is indeed a complete tieasuiy of religious knowledge, so arranged as to forma complete ' History of the Jews.'following them into the various couutrie. iu which the) have be*»n dispersed. RICH, AMUSING AND INSTRUCTIVE BOOK. " He who blends instiuctiou with delight. Profit with pleasure, c«rries all the votes." Just Published, u-ith a highly finished Portrait of its distinguished hditor. Engraved on Steel, by Dick. SEARS' GUIDE TO KNOWLEDGE. A splendidly illustrated woik, comprising the finest series of embellishment, ever p-eseuted to the American public, m one haudsome large oc:avo, of 5»"0 pagt-s, ele»tautly bound, Price only S'" 30. This »plei'did volume comprises within itself a COMPLETE LIBRARY O F Useful ami Entertaining Ki»o***vlct*lgef Condensed in form, familiar in sty le-, ;ii ! o>i ions in »nforuia- tioo, embracing an extensive range of subject, in Literature. Science and Ait. SEARS'S BIBLE 'BIOGRAPHY. Tb« following »-xtract is from a l«igthy review written by the Kev. "W*. C. Brownie-*. D. D . and is only ONE oat of several hundred recommendations, f.om the Clergy and the Tress, that the WOlkhas already received: M Nr.w-YoRK, August 5,1813. .* This i*. beyond question, ont ofth- mo-st elegant,books ever presented to our fellow citiz-ns in this Rtpublic. It ou^ht to be m tvei y Christian family foi iu iuuate value; and in every p-tri-tic ' »nlly as a splendid specimen of our pio- gr*i5 in Domestic Mauut'acture, *xi¿ the a.v-iiceuieut, of eur Aitisti and Manufactura iu their tivalshiti with, those of Europe. . " W. C. BP.O**.V >LEE. IV. SEARS' WONDER OF THE WORLD, In Nature. Art, and Mind. rr"*-"» The above splendid Work is but just published, ind nearly 6 000 copies ha.e already been sold. It liübe-.nstroug- lv approved ot aud recommended bv all our leading papers. both political and religious. Sears' Pictorial Illustrations of the Bible. 3 vols. S«*- 6C«0 Engravings. Upward of 10.CO0 copies have try Each of the above works is beautifully printed aud illustrated, and ; ut np iu richly ornamented bindings, highly »«iaDtindtbem _s splendid present, for roana people. '^p-AGENT». WAN l'EDthtough.uttr.ecountry. Ad¬ dress E. WALKER k CO., Ill Fulton st. New York City. * .* Cleisymen; Sujierintendents and T**ache:s of Sabbath Schools, __/** Ageiits ol Newspapers and ricdicals. <_C_ Postmasters aud l5ook«elleis throu0'huot the country are re- t«-ctfully ri*qtit»te-l to act as our Agents The most liberal «.*- centase allowed to all who en;*a::e in the sale of SEARS' POPULAR PICTORIAL WORKS. -**"-""»So letter will be taken from die ofiâce unless post paid. E. WALKEÄ k CO , lit Fu'ton st. New York. N. B. This is the store for cneap. substantial and elegant Bookbindina. Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Book*, in every stylt- of binding. Mercha-ts* Accoant Books, Stationery, and Standard Works, constantly on hand, ami at 1, w prie« for cash, ol lmis E IGHTH WARD AMERICAN REPUBLI- CAN BALL .The undeisigced, as a Committee ap- ami that a grand American Republican Ball will come off at that place on Friday evening. 22d inst. Tickets will be in readiness in a few days.of which and where they may* be ob- tAÏuëa ¿ne notice will be -riven. .*"- GEORGE YOUNGS, ) HABT J WEED. > Committee. _U3t' THUS .il. WOODRUFF, S_ YlTÑEV COAL .The subscriber is now dis charging > carijo nf -he above Coal, which he itommwid- as a sup*"TÍ'*r ""tide for family nse. This Cargo pmi coarse, n-r.Ii«-a rc-i ash, and is «upè--:!:r to two-thirds of thi» Li-vr r^oi Coal ct*_-;_.g to tris market F«*. ï_1«* I*>*** frcm vessei. Xtplrto T. STOKES DICKÍNSOR, [,n 1 tf]_No. Iü7 An-hony-st-e«-t. TvTviuENU..A Dividend ot Eight Per Cent. XJ upon tht Capital Stec', of th* Howard Insurance Com- P_:jy was declared by the Board of Directors THIS DAY. parable on and after th* 4th ot December near. ¿K 2mis LEWIS PHILLIPS, Secretary» (-POSTPONEMENT OF MR. OLE BULL'S IT CONCERT..A CARD.-To the Fuai.tc.-»-On my return from Philadelphia,! have learned, with regret, thai some unpleasant feeliug has been «. «¿cited in cooM^uence ol my haviu-f announced a oucct at tlie TiSSKsacLl on Monday Evening, 'he !îth instaut. Mr. Vieux Te»)**», my brother artist, (whom I have not the honor of knowing per¬ sonally) has announced a Conceit ou the «ara»» evtrniug. Th« fact is, 1 had engagf-d ;he room for this evening before M r. Vienx Temps had arrived ia tin» city, bat I m««st cherrfully yield tbeeveniug to him, audtiu.t h«- may receive, on the oc¬ casion, the sime kindness which has bren so liberally b»- »towed on me. I p-i- my fiiend» lo t \cum- the j>osipon<m**tit of my Concert ro Wednesday e «rening, in cons« t* at nee of this, when 1 shall have the pleasure ol ai pe-artm: be'ore them; an«i aj-aiu on Monday eveuu-g, the 18th inst.. in a farewell Con- cert. I take this opportunity to express my warmest grati- ! lude for the great kniJne-«, 1 have :»*c-»ived fro***, the citizens of New York. OLE BULL. Astor Hot se. Dec. 10, 13-13. It P.KANÜ CONCERT..WM. H. OAKLEY has >-*¦ th«- hnnor ofannotiticinr-that, by the request of numerous v?Cj'*s' .**-' v*'*. ".'ve d Grand Conceit at litt********** In»titu2e in Madison-sriw:. <>u Tuesday Ev«-uin«:. D'C. J2. 1S43, when In« will have the pie-sure ofuitioduciug some lus most popular So'ie», including ' McGregor's Gatht-rittt:.' ' Yes. Methitiki 1 ***** Her Smiling, ' Mv Boyhoe«d'sHome.'' I'm Afloat.! 'John Aiiders**«ii My Jo,'Si.c. ice. particulars of which will bean ' .iou.-c.-d in the pto-trammes. Tickets fifty ct-uti each, to be had at Milieu's Mu»ic Saloon. 339 Broadway, cr at the door I «"m-he.evening of the Concert. Concert tt» commence at S ü t-*'*-k*_d»3t HT-HE HUTCHINSON FAMILY in announcim*: J. another Concert, d«m.u ,.ro|»er to state that in con«*- quenceofsevítalhuudiedsbeii.h uuable t.» ..btiin admission by reason of the *re»t crowu wti-.cli attended their EDturtain*- ment on the Ith inst.. they hive consented contrary totbtit previous design, to eive another and their LAST VOCAL ENTERTAINMENT ON THURSDAY EVENING Dec-tnbi-t lith AT NIBLO'S SALOON. BROADWAY. This will be ihe>r Lait âp**-e*nmce, previous to the v-sit to the South. On which occasion they will ictioduce a choice selection of their ino-t popular productions. ItCKETS F1«'TY CKNTS h ACH. To be had at _twiU*s, James L. H«-\vir*.'s Mi'htl's Sto-'- dard's. Wm. Dubois'T. H. Lhambrr',, C T. Geslain's art! Finh í¿ Hall's mus:e stores, at the book-store of Saxton k Miles, and at the door. To comment*» *t half-past 7 o'clock NO POSTPONEMENT. Prog ramm«-. t-A"»«* :. Blov- on ! Ble*, on 1.A puate's i*l«^.Baker. '. Blew ou ! Blew o i ' W- love the howling winds. That b-ar o.i cur way. As fearless as t':¡e wolf t!« '* prowling upon Our natirt hills.antw« '" Qoartette-* Th* Laud of Washington.Words by G. P. Mer- ris. Arranged bv Hutchinson. Wr lóve the Patriot Sages, Who in th- days of yore. In combat met the foemen. And d-e.e them from our shore '. Who flung ou* banner's starry fiild. In triumph on the breeze. And spread broad maps of citi«-* where Once watrd the forest trees*. Ballad.The Irish Emigrant's Lament.Words bv Hon. Mrs. Price Black wood.Music by W. R. Dempster. Portiayini« the feeling* of an Irish peasant, previous to hi» lraviitB his native land.callinc up the sienes ol his childhood under the painful retiee'iou of having buried his wife .md child. I'm sitting on the su'«, Miry, Where we i&t si.U by side". On bright May morning Ion«ago, When first you were my bride; Th» corn w_ springing Irtish and i,i«en. And the lark sain; leud and high, And the red was on thy lip, Mary, And tii« love li'*hl in your rye. Quartette.The Grave of Bonararte. Yet spirit immortal, the tomb cannot lied thee For like thine own e tgle that soared to the sun, Thou springest from bondage, ami leavest behind thee, A name which before thee no mortal had won; Though nations may comb it and war's thunders rattle. No more on thy ste»ed wilt thou sweep oVr the plain; Thou si ep'stthy 1 istshep, thou Mast -fought thy hist battle, No sound can awake thee to ulory «again. PART II. New Song.We're with jrou once again.Written by G. r. Morris. Quirtetfe.We ate happy and free.Subject from Rainer. Hutchinson. Trio.Rockaway.Word*by Henry J. Sharp. Oil auld Lou;, island's sea-girt shore, Many an hour 1 whiledaway, In listening to the br. niter's roar, That w-ished the beach nt Kockaway. New Quirtette.Excelsior..Words by Henry W. Longfel¬ low, t'ai«. This poem represents the continued aspirations of Genius. »Its motto." Excelsior." tf still higher!) is a word iu au un¬ known tongue. Disregard.iik the «very day com torts of life, ihe allure .neu ts of love, and ths warnings of experience, it presses forward on its solitary pith. Even in death it holds f**t its device, and a voice 'rom the air proclaim* the progress of thesoul iu ahighei sphere." The shades ut iiig'ni are falling fast As through the Alpine viilaue pissM A youth who bore -rid snow and ice, A banner with t'.iis strange device. Excelsior ! His brow «as s id, Ins eye beneath Flash'd like a fa'chion Irom us shea'.h, And like a silver clarion lung, The accents of thai unknown tongue. Exctlsior.' " Try not the piss !" the old man aaid, Dark lowers the tempest over head, The roarii!*- toireutis deep and wide, But that loud clari'Ui voice replied. Excelsior ! " O stay! the maiden said, "and rest Thy weary head u|*on this breast." A tear stood in his bright blue eye. But still lie answered with a sieh,.- Excelsicr'. part in. Quartette.Westward Ho !.Melody by Richter.Arranged by Hutchinson. Droop not, lrothers ! As we go OVr the mountains, \ Westward-ho ! Under boui-hs of mis'.etoe. Log-huts we'll rear. While herds of deer and buffalo, Furnish the clwer. File o'er the mountain», steady boys, For game afar We hive our rifles ready, boys ! Ahi! Throw caie to the wind». Like chaff, boys !.ha ! And join iu the laugh, boys ! Hah-hah-hih! New Quartette.My Mother's Bible. This book is all that'» left me now. Tears will unbidden statt! With I'alierin-* lip aud throbbing brow, 1 press it to my heart. For many generations p<a»t. Here is our family tree; My mother's band this Bible clasped; She, dying, ¡*ave it me. My lather read this holy book, To Brothers, Sisters dear, H«)w calm was my poor moiher's look, Who lov'd God's word to hear, Her a»»gel face ! I see it yet ! What vivid memory's come ! Ag.i'i that lit'le :-rouj' is met. Within the Halls of home ! Solo.The Maniac. " Some y»*rs since, a gentleman of fo tune wan conveyed to a lunatic asylum, aud theie confined. The person that accom¬ panied him took an oath to thoie entrusted with the care *.f the estibl.'uhment to the fact of his being a maniac. The more the unfoituuate gentleman implored to be released, the more forcibly were the keepeis'convinced of his insanity. The treatment he received sooa affected his reason; he became frantic aud died. The strangers that carried him to the asylum, were supposed lo hav.» been hired by »orne relatives to whom his property would revert after his decease. N*ttiûu*l Soug.Once on a Time, or the Origin of Yankee Doodle. There are many stories told of the origin of this spirit-stu- ling drum and fife air, but that commemorated in this song is the bestand only true one. Final..The Old Granite SOte. . We have come Irom the Mountains of th-* Old granite State Containing a family history of the ' Tribe ol Je3«*e," from David to Asa. " We hare come fr<'in the Mountains," vue. dll V._ AMERICAN MUSEUM AND PERPETUAL FAIR- The Whole Gipsy Family.' \?y Th«- Family of Wandering Gipsies, six iu number, (tlielirst that ever visited America.) Can be seen during th» wholed»v and evening, » ithout extra charge. The liipsy Que«»n can be privately consulted regarding THE PAST, rllEsENT AND FUTURE \ Sh« is the Fortune Tellei of Mi- clan. GENERAL TOM THUMB! Tlu. remarkable littl* sain, WEIGHING ONLY FIFTEEN POUNDS, lemaius a few days iwevious to sailing f>»r Europe. Mb-. ,M. A. GANNON apr*ears in a u'w COMIC ME- LANGE, in which she sustains SIX «31 fF«; r*. »i *. characters, in¬ troducing a variety of Son:*s and D nces. î Mr DAN RICE. *mly II years old, known as the American Hercules, or Young Samson ! the strongest man of hi.» age in Ameiica. Hewfl] exhibit Ins won 1erful muscular pon er». Mr. H (J. SHERMAN, the popular Ballad Singer. T. G. BOOTH the Comic Singer andExtravagauzist. THE KENTUCKY MINSTRELS will sing their popu* lu negro song«, ducts, trios, parodies, kc. TllE HoLYDAYS !.Magnificent Entertainments are in »«reparation for the Holydays. under the direction of the celt- brat»-d Mous CHECKEN!, formerly of the Ravel Family. Day Perform mees Wednesday and Saturday afternoon at three o'clock, precisely the same «-iven every evening. Day visitera admitted the same evening free,except Wedaes* «lay and Saturday. Admission totfie whole .cents; children under Ifchalfpriee. 20 ceutä extra to those whocon-sult the Gipsy privately. PEALE'S NEW-YOKK MUSEUM AND PIC¬ TURE GALLERY. A Dollar's worth for 12«£ Cents. SNOW WHITE NEGROES. IT*- Just arrived from Brazil, two negro bovs, (seven and niue years old) PERFECTLY WHITE, with Pink Eyes, woolly hair as white stiow, with the flat nor* and thick lips of the African. Their parents accompany them and are as BLACK as jet : Th«-»« children are the most extraordina¬ ry bein-rs ever known. They hive been ensaiied at great ex pense, remain r Lulll Mr! L_tôrf, ^^¿¿'^noíPK* ?tÚU Ccrito*J8t¿* can be privately cons'jlted at all houis. tegardiug the PAST. PKESENT and FUTURE. Sbe has been consulted and re- commend«^! by; many eminent p«*r»'»ns, including N. P. WIL¬ LI *». fcäq. Editor ot tire New York Mirror. Admittance to the whole 12k cunts; one shillisg/e_ra for consulting Madame Adolph. TIE-OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION JX Chemical Paintings in the Granite Building, comer of Chambers st, and Broadway. R. Winter, grateful for the kind patronaj-e which he rj- cri ve«! preeiotts to his loss by fin», begs to inform his friend.- r.nd the citizen-* s-rn«*rallr. that his Exhibition will ro-openoa Tuesday eTtaing. Dec. 5,1W3, consisting of the followin-r riews : /-...«.<¦ No 1. City or Jernsalem and Crucifixion. 2. Church f" the Holy Sepulchre ; and 3 Belihatiar's Feast. paWS^W wbicih he will be piea^d to Exhibit several spleiidi-1 in*' phriirs Pit-iuies, the subjects to be raruad every «Ö«_2___e mÍM¡on**5 cent*. Entrance on Chambers st- Deorj^ot**« « 7 P. M.; »mmenceat 7*. » *¦*" _AUCTION SALES. I _k_, _ . »... ««**_S Rrehar-l?, Auc*¡c:-t-:. I DY BANGS, RICHARDS & PLATT-Stoic Xi Broad«*»***«. ON MONDAY EVENING. At 6 O clock, at the attctiou toom. Books..A Urge c«»Ihtctionof »-aluableMisetUnro-u Books . Am«»»ic the collection are.Nationil r'oitrst Galler.-. **_If; Brooks' Universal Gazet«er-, Bock o!Ü«r.i>, moiocco.jJatr», :<. gvrs' l'ai)', morocco; lotawjtaf-^Goldsmith-* Huto-y >>f fc,u«*Uiid. m«»«»»cco;t.owiei a\.ork«, morocco. B .ururw'i Lifrot oj">a*iv»let»i.t bavin's SettaiMs, IMaC» H ». J. ms; Sale.'* Livy; (.lark's Homer; Unix su". Cicero; l.it.ra. y Ga- i-tre; S:« wait'» Commentary eu tlv H--bre,»._ FRIDAY t.VEMMj. At 6 o'clock, at ire* au«K'..«t icons rRiv»T>. l.:BR»Ri>...A larvre Collection l valuable Bcoks .ncludic»- mmy *te*liu** wurks. Also, i choice collection of valuable v.^»!;» m the Gonna L«uti*u*c't. eabracinc th- m«»: ..* polar modem authoii. AT PRIVAT- *>ALt.. Fafi-*» Ha.«»Gi«.ti*..Four CAses of ¿'a^r Hangings,ccnsist«» ing of various -\attrru» of Satin .id rlaia Pn| *«Vm. W, Shirley, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, ücc. 1-tbi ni lîo'çlock, «it the auc- tion room, It Platt st. under the ii:s;fC'-:<»j ci the Wsr .Jens of the Port, on account of whom it may com. «ir.Tp'.i.k- Ue» .pendí Eaiiitp..w ar- dtiiug«-«! on the royajre of ¡mpoit- .aîioti per «hip Sh-ffield. T*.ms.C_.>, .with* utdiso. Also, at o'«_Ock. a g/ueral assoit« >ic it .;ogw of common itd fine Earthfuware, Lhiua, cut,plain anil «, r .ed Glass¬ ware, in tta-le lodt, at I months credit » -j St:»» Í¡HJKMTTJB_S XOTlCE.tSota Bedsteads, »!ec. F. COLTON would inform who a-v in .«. . . .. ¡" . n«ture of any descriptioo, tliat he is prej^arcd * j furnish, .-! ha constantly on ¡_ikI a very large assorti« ..¦>::. ::-»¡¡iding Faneil** Patent Sola £«._-tends, which Ibt sin ;.:ct:.. da:\- bility asdecononij- are without their equal, i he ; .lie kre invited to ciil and exánime Ihrm.also, all Otter kii«_ cf ?of?s always on hand. Those breakini* up hcastkr*; i:-.l o* w_un* to itlî sllci anv portion oftheir Furniture, will find s re.-dr <«!- bf w ni«,*; a tin- or caÜín-' upon the subscriber. bale» by Auction faithfully at;-tod»«i to. «iu26istf__ K. COLTON. i .«. .;:,.. «-...- .< PARTNER WANTED..FoTrö-1-rüas of a pêr~ soi.al niture. one of :.»>* painser» of a h«. .r/ Sttpie Diy Goods Jobbing House *a this cits w,!l withdraw ttomthe business on tlie Ut of January next and a ¦.».itleinaii to till the place vacated it ».> uited, kartet; f'.V. » <; il it, :h> best of business habit» and capacities, tad «>i nn«RtC-r| tion.itle m nal chattetet a..*l s.-iii.l*.--^ in society. The house ha.» uev« b. ¡a embarrassed, «.«ut has »'whys djne a laige, sife N.i»!!.-*.!. Ar- plicauu who can comply »virh rtet. r-arlieulai m ii;v- abov«.« may .«.hire»*, in confidence, ' MERCA i'OU ' -. th, publica¬ tion desk of this [»per. tl.l . i:i 1 ¡17"ANTED. A pleasant room with board; fn the * » upper part of the City, hear Broadway. ..n,i ; ;; U»lcw B!*vcker sc for a gentleman and his wife A¿¡\ ¦- Protestant family preferred. A.iVi«--.* " Boardeinat the Ttibuim OiFi*e. s'.ti*)' rerms. which must be low. «Ill It*» \\T A Y N i-.'S C0MP0UN1 r S V RÜP ( IK W l L Ü » » CHERRY..A fmhsonply of this vain.,bit» medicine just received. This is ¡he only g-»uuiiie piepaiation .! il;e Wild Ch. try, and its siic**e«s h»sgiven it an extensive crie* bntythroughoutth«i Union. Pamphlet» ccutainini* en... rates. Sc«\ can be obt.iwd gratia, from the sole *.¿ ;;'., Vx, V<~ H. MIL**«TOn. 19«! Ilroadway. «<»ii:ei »>l J-h:.- .:. «Ill Im" PUBLIC?NOTICE is hereby, givennhat a ¡>eñ- tion IfUs tVeii presented in the Board ..f Aideruten I«, fencs vacint lots bttw.»v.i ill«» Third and Fouitli Av> u >, and l»> tween Fourreeuth and Tw«*_ty»»third-streets. Persons inturested in this prop»ositiou and opposed to the same are requested present th«»ir objections in writing to the uu- ikrsigued at his office, Hall of Records, ««nor b»"ore the Mth day of December instant: JOHN EWEN. S'iee: ('.Miimisiiouer. ^treet Cominissioner's Office, Dec.3th. Ifitl. dll CORPORATION NOTICE.Taxnayere aw KJ hereby notified thaj the discomu\ on the Citw ami Stat* Tax for the present year will c**_e t<- le alluw.d at ihe .-lu»e of the j'l.Mint month of Djecember. Those win« de»ire to avail lliemselm of the leduction of tax .tllowcd by law musr, therefoie, appl«, at ihr «stTuv ul life*. V KY T. KlEllSTEI). Re<*eircr of Täte», (Old Aim «llou.ic. Park,) without delay. ALFRED A. SMITH, Conn.*roller. Comptroller's Office,Dec^th, 18*3._«III tD3fl OAO BROOME-iSTREET, having p-tnmed to «O*.O his post refreshed, after two months' ebseiicc to the East and West, is now ready to attend to business m reno¬ vated strength and rigor. CERTIFICATES. Distress in the Head, Stomach and Bowels. N*W-Y0HK, Dec. 8th, 1813. To THi: Pooti Msn: Si*.I am a j«ocr out hard-laboring man, and have injured my bodily health very seriously thepusl «¡eason m on a faim. I received a heavy s'l.iin across the stomach _>! bowels; slsn h id uverejvuu in my head au.l back. I w.ii .itt icktd tins way about four mom lis since, and have remained ever since in a miserable condition. I h ul a physiciaq prescribe foi me, but li s hied i ein«- caused me to swell, and distressed ine anich worse than I waabtdor«. From the t-imdies I used 1 tbuud no lief. In this very Icébl*« State*-! «ailed upon Dr. Thom¬ son, 3t3 Broomc-strefl, au*l lit has don*» inc inoie k'ooU iti a f«w day» }tt*»t lh m all t have before, done in four months. I nowfrel like myself again. As ameismODe** c> a i»born<g m«ut,l would surise all afflicted like mytelf, if they w«tuld wish uuick relief, to same their time or money, to call up » Dr. Thomson. My voice is now stronger and my stimuli better than they have h«'«-n loi thiitieii Weeks. I wish the whole woild, and especially the poor I «borer, to know these facts. . PATRICK McKENNA. Columbia, »'ear the rorner of Hoiutni;.s;-*eí. Sore Eyes of Three Years' Standing.. Charles äears, flour merchant, 91 Cluucli-iiieet, Albany, says, September 9th, he was trouble«! with sore eyrs for three years .imi was nttcndfd by five dille«ent phvsician-. They «JCari'Ie-H his eye», used lunar ««austic au«i b'ue vitriol. He was blind for several weeks. Ht took a veysge to sea; also a trip tip the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. He traveled several thousand miles for his health, but found no bentfit. Mr. S«i»rs com* menced with Dr. Thomson, "iid in three we-ks his eies were better i han for three years before, and Jus since leraaijied comfortable, and ran a'tend to his butines« again. Pires. Dyspepsia and Fainting Fits .Mr. Jones's daumh- t»r, 11** Houry-street, was restored lo health, after Icing af¬ flicted for 1«> vears. Certificate dated Nov. 21. Syphilitic Scrofula, Husband, Br\fe and Daughter..The above individuals hid teen comnUi ing for several j.-.tr* $ész wi'h ulcers, scab, and pains in the limb» and joints, from im¬ purity of the b'ood. By the use of three boa if* of Dr. Thorn son's Anti-Scorbutic Syrup, the dise ise is fall ing otf the child in scabs, and the parents are better rhau for .> e.vs. Also alady residinj- a few miles from the city i. better of said **omi>lainr. thin for years p.st, liav ng taking four bottles of Anti-Scor¬ butic Syrup. Several phvsician- have ntfei,d«d her. Consumption and Dyspepsia..Th" wife of in«* ILv. Mr. Nanscaweu was restored to bittrer health than ihe had en toyed in tit-lit yrars, in two week», by Dt. Thomson. Certificate dared Oct 10. Falling Sickness, Fits.oi Epilepsy..John Wo<d. of Arn Arbor, ami William Davis, «.I Detroit, .Michigan: William Rom-yn and Lima Cross, rf Albany,and Miss Dillis, M ul- borough, Ulster County, all cured of epilepsy, or falling Raising Blood and Cough.. Al-Jiro Stemscur.d. afur «ir months' sicknens, m two weeks. Residence, Cabotville, Scald Head or Daw irorm..Mr. «"offm's child, of six years' standiiiX, and an infant of Mis. Foulger, of i-3 month»' sickneis. cured. Also Joseph Cuili» hail h*eu troubled for 15 years with ihe above complaint; u txtended owe more lhau thrrf-iu»tiers of his bead. He had tr ed every remedy he ceuld near of with'.ut ben*fi-'. The sores fount 1 small pits or ulcrs. He coinme.iic«d taking Dr. Thomson's Ami b'coi- buñe Syrup and applying Anu-^cirbutie Ointmenr, and in four weeks was brttcr than for 10 >* ars. But time is required to remove it fully from the blood. N. B..Satisfactory proof of the above and oth-r«-ase*» will be given, by document! or witness, to all ho iniv- call for information. Patients wanted, thai can find no relief from other«, at the MjEDICAL Mansion, 313 Bioonie-stree', N. Y Nott...Valuable M'dcine Ches*» put up for «eaftuing mea. The medicines all vegetable, or roots and herbs JtDiltW*_ THE ALHAMKA, Broadw.-iy, beiwemFrtrwg and Prince-str«-eu..Oysteit. Colfe«». Chocolate, and a varjety «if oiliTr relishes, Mivtsd up in.superior style. The Lrtdie»' Saloon, on the second floor, has been enllfflgCfl aiid fur Disked in th* most elegant and costlv manner, 'lhls ha« al¬ ready become a favorite resoit for ladtesj \. ho.afur the fatigue of »hopping or a morning promenade, require some q-iiet, t\r- Kant retreat like this in which to refresh themsalve-.;, also for parties returning from the Theatre oi a Conceit, who can « n- joy the mojt delightful supper without the tremble and incnu» vciiiencet.» urepaiimi th»-in at home._ d7 lwis* M ü FpíS ! M UFF- ! MÏÏFKSÏ" A1\'D FURS V E !.. Y CHEAP. ^i-EpjnoprietoroflTera t<- Bell bug slock MUFFS X and KÜRS(st*«*OFaCT0EED CXCLUSIVeLV HVHi'lsii.») by R..TAIL at WHOLESALE pri';es..it Me stosa. No. 60 Liberty strtet, near Broadw-iy. dl Jmis*1* 'T-HE ALHAMKA, Broadway^ between ."^irTiip X and Prince..The proprietor of th»-. above ntablisbnMnt beg* to inform the fashionable j.u'.li.. that, ha. i.-i »-n* ¡;*ed at a great exi*nse some «if the mo-.t celebrated foreign Ar-tistt, ..vho have arriyud at the Kreatest perfection in their several de pmttWBott, he is u«-«w ».r-j-ared to lumi/.h Patties; Balls. Wed dings, with auy description Of CoutVctionery.of a o,u «.üevand in_a styleliitlierto uiieqitalle'l ni thii city __!,_ TO THELADIES.Ladies about to give '.nter- tertaiumeats are invited to oil I a«i«J »ee the eutu-ely n*v/ «nil beautiful selr. ofIce-Cream, Charlotte de Ru-.-.»». ^¡t«1 .reí' ; Formt and Moulds, juit received at the ALHAMRA, 559 Broadway. Tables »tt and arratii*»..! P*t |»trti-s :¡. 'h- most tasteful lad aUrac-ire manner, by a celebra'ed A)list, without i'iTolvim* any additional cxi>eiise. '/ he celebnt«/ ').* their ice. Creams rturiug the p*st summer, pir» .«.surano» t!.»t equal pains will Retaken with all other articles <>t ConUcnocary furnished «tilii- Kstabli*tfiment._d7 lwis»_ HALL LAMPS, SOLAR LAMPS, (JIRANDOL£SrJ_. M&J.MERRiTT, No. 100 Kowory, between . Grand and Hester streets, have ju»t opened a splendid assortment of the above goods ; als«>, a great variety of rich Cut. Pit-ssed and plain Glass; French and Eujtli-'i «-*"'?*« white Granite Ware; Briunma Castois; Tta Hets, &c. which tliey offer at reduced tiices. for Cash. u23 UnDötW|u ¦*g-«.«*»-9. -- ¦ - O give me fiicnd-ahip's gold . en bea-n. SELECT LADIES' CI-ISS.-A ttasö¿united to 12 ladi« iu learnimf to »in-r at air-ht w.ll be fo'««*» '1 hi, Erening, Dec. II. at I o'clock.>. VL, at Ul -Bf^K-,'" This Cl_« is intended to be. « i-a name «"»^ftffîî^à Ltcr. It will receive sawrior advantages fn¿*,,¿2S%?ho a little m«»re for tuition than previous cl^w-^a^-» «.an lead French wouid.be vnfetred.thwi.h '^ lan J^^ means iud Upensable. Fi. st <**&&&& WARN LR. W_SSáT»'5ÍTai' Tra-latoT^W^i'.Theor'/.etc. ~m i >.'T.The modtrn built 3 b'.ory brick as iF¿r___» street. *».ih -»-b^ if desired. To Ho*ise. IISl "ÄurV0T*; ill be low for * teon of years ^,_.a good *5"¿i*T iï,Bire «f D* A. CU8HMA». B* ¦i: -^ «Jrr'T-TV-iwfiS !.The larçest and most »píen«** _5«-^a ,j> aWi)rtmej.t of Watrhe* in the city is t«- be found >__-î7»£ tlie subscriber's He is contantly receiving »U de- cSdvionstf Oold. and Sil*er Watch«**, n| ti*enew,-it try'es, from ihe manufacturers in tngland, France an*' Switzerland, tmd h enabled to offer a larger assort ment, an»l at much les» DT,r<*i at retail, than any other house in rhe city. Gold Wafctws «a low as $20 to S25 each. Wa:ch<*s and Jewelry exchanged or bought. All Watches warranted to keep good ¿me or the money returne-i. Watches, Clock« and Jewelry -r->aiied in the but manner, and warranted, lower than at .y other place in the city. __ O. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watches and Jewdry, n9 istf wholt-sale tad retail, 30 Wall-eUeet, ups»ui
Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1843-12-11.MARRIED. atNewark,N.J., 6'.h ¡lift, bythe Rev.Fredeiick Pilch, Iä-uk»A»Woild.of NewYorkCity,to Sarah Brown,of ' |a pj-edonia, ChautauqneCo.ou

MARRIED.at Newark, N. J., 6'.h ¡lift, by the Rev. Fredeiick Pilch,

Iä-uk» A» Woild. of New York City, to Sarah Brown, of

' |a pj-edonia, ChautauqneCo. ou Thursday moruing, Nov.sivb bvRev. S- M. Hopkins, Mr. WUIard McKinstry, *e-

plorcditor of the C*?n*or, to Miss Ma.ia A. Dnrlin, all oC.yredcnia- mu

DIED.Xbefllh instant, Francis Mariah, only daughter of R. II.

¿ud France* M« Fury, aged 3 years and 1 month.The friends and acquaintance* of the family are respect¬

fully invited to attend her funeral this (Monday) afternoon,Dec lltli. from the icsidence of hei parents, Washington st,Jew} Cuy, at '2 o'clock.____

î'.-..»i.:^::.« arrivedIn the ship Hitntsiitlcfru.ii New Orleans.-CaptJ Wib-», Lieui Darcentell, USN.

Wilson, M O'ßntn, P Brown, TMcCollogh, P Duffy, MCrfdan, T Mollen, J «McSweeny, Mrs Ward, Miss Cuiten,Miss ^Strange. M is*A Sttauge, Misi P Readc, Mías V«ffcBarbVi MB« Q*Brjeu.-80 in tin- steerage.Itlkeschoonti Potomac, from ¿Venia.-William L Mai»

:bmp, S Dunu.

- D;..,',, brig Excelifrcm Soi ¡una!! -A J Cox of Albani.Vosuurg.D Sharp, M Gün-ore, all ofNewYork.¿ the tr>Z Tybet, from Charleston.H Renken, John

Hoís, Mr Jenkins.Jr. the shi}' Hellespont, fren Hai ana..It Wyle, of

?ailadelphia.In the ship Alabama,from New Orleans.Mt Underbill




The Su--. The Moon. I Full S»a.Kises ? lô ^5*-*^_1 2t I Morn.9 -Al Mor,,. . .11 .>=

Laie:»* Dûtes.Londc-i.NovemberäO Havre.Novc.rr.br 16Livs-pool . . »Növembet 20 | New-Orleans.Dec. 1

Cleured»Ships Pan! Jones, Walkin*, Canton.Bar.ju-i Maid of Orleans, Wiswel!, Howes, Godfrey &

Robiiisùii.Bri.s Trio, Dome, Dunkirk, France, Foster St Nickerson*

Sullivan, Waitc, Charleston; Eduard, Bnlkle\, do.SchuTioga, Hillock, Wilmington, J Ogdtu; N B Ro¬

bertson, Pugh, Newbein.Sloop Lampheer', Kenùey, Providence.

Arrived«Packet ship Albany, Watsou, from Havre, Oc*. 29, mJ:e,

to Win Whiiluck. The sb p Isabella, <.f Baltimore, came

ont in company for New Oileans; parted compa-iy with heroff the Liiard, Dec o..~ The Albany ai: bored al ¿ o'clockon8aturday inaide the Hook. 34 -.tee-aj-e passengers»

Pack«*t ship Queen of the West, Woodhouse, from Liveipool.Nov 9, nuise, to Woodhull & Mioturn.Ship Ma.y Frances, Hubbard, 15 da\s from M«->bilt', with

cotton, t*» fust St Phillips.Ship Sutton, Galloway, «'> daysfiom Charleston, with cot¬

ton, id Gíorge Sutton.Ship Hellespont, Ellis, from Havana, Nov. 30th, sugar

cofiee, tobacc», Sec to Spofford, Tilestou St Co. LeftshipsCanton Packet, disg; Nile, Kinuey, dj, last from Jamaica;Oiient, Smith, wailing freight;.Bannies Valasco, Cheat,to sail 30.h Dec f«>r Boston* Üaiitii; Brothers, Crocker, wtf*

freight- Osuray, Ridley, do; Barriugtou, Boston, do;.BrigsEugenia, Drinkwater, sailed 2 ds before for NYork; «Le WKni-iht, Sail'oid, to sail in a few ds for Boston; Cybelle,Deeiiu^, for Africa via NYorkj Northerner, Hatch, une;.Sc'urs Tarry Not, Mcíutiie, sid 29th for NOileans; Hero,Golding, do* hark Louisa, Gallagher, sid -23d for Philadel¬phia. Every thing was quiet at Havana. The new Gt vemori« very nntch liked by the people.Brig Excel, Smith, 8 days from Savannah, with cotton, to

Sturges St Cleannan.Brig Fanny Coit, Baker, 7 days from Georgetown, S. C,

with coirón, to H Cuit-Bri¡r Harrier, Brown, 0 days from Wilmington, N. C,

wiih ship timber for the Navy Vard.Brig T)bee, McCorrnick, 4 days frpm Charleston, cotton

and lice, to Geo Bulkley.Brit» Mary, Richardson, 8 days from Geoigetown, cotton,

to A Avarill. Sehr Louisa, Lewis, arrived ihe day theMary sailed.Sw brig Gazelle, Dànborye, rd) days from Gottenburg,

" iron, t) Bcorman St Johnston, 3 paȒ.ciigers.Brig Tarn O'Shanter, Thomas, 20 days from Curacao, log.

wood, to J Foulke Sc Son.Brig Exact, Johnson, 0 days from Savannah, cotton and

nee, to St urges & Clearmau.Br-.ehr Dolphin, Kenney,28 days from Barliadoes, in bal-

!-.¦.;, toJ H Braine.Sehr Potomac, Duncan, Hi days from Nevis, in ballast, to

Win E Malthroy.Sehr Sagadock, Simans, 4 days fiom Washington, NC,

naval stores, to H Ruggle*.*iM.- S .«oi;3. T«rrV. «S/?ay-rr»n> .V r»r«l< C ' r.il Ltt3 , «is.vaJ

stores.Sehr Abiagil, 6 days from Norfolk, corn, to Peters St

Northam.Sehr Carolina, Pratt, 5 days from Newbern, NC, naval

¦tores, to De IVyster ic Whitutarsli.Sehr Jonas Smith, Mills, 6 da\s from Wilmington, NC,

naval stores, cotton and rice, to John Ogden.Sehr Pacific, Smilh, 11 day» from Baracao, tobacco and

fruit, to Aymar St Co. Left sehr Cohaiiiiet, Barllett, l'or NYork, iu 3 da\s. i

Sehr John W Smith; à days from Richmond, mdse, to AB Cooley St Co.Sehr Mary Bright, Bright, 14 ds fm Gdiiaivçs, logwood

to Skelding it Ferris.Sehr John Tilton, Wetmore, Virginia, wood.Sehr John Hardie, Moor, Milford, Del. coin.

Sehr American E»glc, Ferris, Virginia, com.

Sehr Lexington, Young, I'hila, coal.Sehr Peter £ Causey, Williams, Phi lad, coal.Sehr Palestine, Stevens, Philad, coal.Sehr Win G Eadie, Smith, Virgiuia.Sehr Elisha P. Horion, Buibank, York River-Sloop Jas It Mark-., Dunham, Philad; coal.Sloop C Post, Johnson, York River.Sloop Planter, fiotn Sag Harbor, oil.Sloop Lady Adams, from Sag Harbor, oil.

Soiled)Ships P,:nl Jones, Canton-, Argo, Anthony, Havie.Barr>ue Isabella, S; Croix.Btig Crotón, Mobil. ; Caroliue E FC.«r, Apalachicola.

Memoranda«The U S slop ri»»iitan i.» .»till atauchot outside the bat.The U S ship Falmoulb, arrived at K«y West fiom Ma

tanzas on the ¿Ist ult. J'lte bug Billow, Lawrence,anivedfrom New York ou h. 18ih, *\n«i sailed lor Port Leon on the23d.Tho bug Washington, Dyer, when <*i Turks lsitind on ihe

14th Nov., diagged hn anchor while the captain aud twomen were ashore clearing the vessel. The ve.-tl had 10 putto sea and wem into Gonaives previous t-« the »3d ult, m dis-tress for want of men, there beini- only the mate and twocuü on board, one of the men being sick. The mate ob¬tained a compliment of men «it that poit and proceeded onhis voyait tu New Orleans. Il was ixpecttd thai the captainwould take passage in auothei vessel «it Tuiks Llaiid lor NOiltaus.

«Uiaaatcrs.The brig Mohtgau, Dee, am ved Friday evening, reports

thst t*u ihe 4tli inst, when in lat 33 30, long 71, s¡.¡.h». biigWoodward, of Savannah.-" blowing «gale at the '.inir, d.JBoih-arn where from oi where boned; she had 4 f»et w;»t«r

iu btr hold aud pump« choaked. He dcíiit d it» to lay himfaring the night, which we did, but »aw nothing of himnest montant'.*' v

The brig Pilgiiui, Pelbrook, from New Orleans, bound to

NYork, with a cargo of laid, whisky aud molasses, wa I st

oa the Tortugas. A wrecker had ani.edat Key West onthe ¿is; ult. with a load from her.

Brig Spart »n, Collins, ofaud from Portland for Baltimore,**. iill piaster, during a sever«, gall 25tuult. in l.u 3**, long 71,»prung aleak, und being iu a slutting condition, was abandon¬ed by the ciew, who were taken «it by the Fr barque Brua--wick, Capt Paul, and la'.deJ at Eastpôrt. The ciew saveda paît of «heir clothes. The S. was au old brig She was

m»urtd by aHartford Company for $IC00.Snoken,

Nov 14, lat 49, lou 19, Or brig J «alian Pool, 14 ds from StJohns.«supplied her with provisions.

N«»v 16, lit 43, lou 2-2, ship Uuiverse.'of Dundee, fromBombay for Liverpool; about 3 ds afur exchd signals withbuk Huntrc«^. ofHaddinc.ton, st«eri.ig E.Dec 5, la: 40 31, Ion öS 17, sehr Convert, fm Maine, 3 ds

out.Oct 14. no lat ice, Wôskeag, Rattoone, from NYork frr

Rio Janeiro, by a vessel air 0ÎÏ Dover, which wa> iü lat 20N. lou 43 W.on the lOtW.Oct23, lat 43, Ion 11. Ma ianna, New Y'ork for Gottm

barg.Oct24, no lat Sic, Helen Margaretta, for NYork.

Foreign Poi-ts.AtCtyeane, 5th ult. i> igs Marv Helen, Haytnan, foi Sa¬

hn», Nov 20- Pactolu», Holmes, disc.L.AtTrinity, Martinique, ltíthult, brig Balkan, Godfrey,disc.ACofuH..It shouldbe¡remembered that a cou^h i. always

in evideac'j that some imparity haa l-vdsed in the lun^s. whichilDOtspeedily removed, will .»o irntite tliosc delicate orgaus»*¦ soon«ar or later. t»> produce iiitlainination of the luu^s.jtorrn of disease which wc all know is ths high road to con

-umptiou.Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill> aie a most delightful».diciue for carryiu*; ««If a cold, becao««: they expel horn th«*>*'<mall morbid and corrupt humors.the c use of every«lud of d:sei.s*'-in so easvaud uaturala manner that the body»>heved ofall its suff-iinss as if by mag.c. Four or ñve of-*-.»u Indi u Vegetable Pills t ken every ni'ht on koiiik to bed.«ill m a short time remove the most obstinate cold; at ;!¡e****ne time the ai^eslive «iiíans will be resto ed to a health«,t0,,e. »ad the b'ood so completely purified that inflammation*»ítiieluü«*s, cousum^'tiou, or any other form of disease will«-" absolutelv impn>i»ib!e. .....

beware of Counterfeits..In order to avoid beim: imposed.U-Oü by counterfeiters, be particular to purchase lrom none

g»*Wadvertised aj;eiit«.. or at Üie otíice and Keiural depot, No..«-«HTn'enwich-street, New -York. J..Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of the Medicine,

*j;5iolt*s;deandietail«--Nos.£SS Greenwich-street, New-xork:>o. lOSTremont-sUeet. Boston; via No. 169 Race-street. n>»-«*l«'-i:ihia-


*p** The Invisible Wl« so closely resembles th?.*«-l head or hair that sceptics ami connoisseurs have pro-jWuuced it the mrt»»t |»erf«»ct and extraordinary inleunoii prtlieW. The f-reat adv.-uitai;«*of tin-» novel and nnmne W u» .*» »B

^.ufi made without sewing or weaving, which causes its 3i-'Pirince so closely to resemUe the natiinl hair, tMth m H>:ht{.*rî "ind natural api-earance, a« to tiety delecnon, its trïture«WS.-.o beautiful, so poioits nnd so free, tltat iu all cases O

'"*.«"*t'iratiou evaporation is unimpeded, and the great.evils o:TO» \r'¡Ks entirety avoided. The sce{>tic and connoiseur are««ke invited to inspect this novel and beautiful Wig, and the.fcuhar meihod cf fitting the head, at the manufacturer's, Aj?^"» . «6 Broadway, comrr of Liberty strfet, up staus.«lirus

..¦«¦*-".'<«. V« >-.»= uouhuhcc previous to a ne».¡ is ce-irable far « Very member to be* present.

. BTt BENJ. HARKER, Chuman.Zalmon S. Fa** kîx«. >

j William H. ( CRT».' -^»-»»ariea.B» B .The Executive and Financ«- Committees "will please

m-^-t at 6 o'clock asaboy-;. dll It

Zy* Poitrtecath Ward..The friends of SocialKdorm a.-.-- ínviteo.toattfod a meeting thii. eveninz at lialf-past 7 q clock'at ihê Fourteenth "Ward Hotel, corner Giand

^ and Elizabeth streets for the purpose of organizing a WardAssociation, tospread th- doctri,* of Social Science as dis-

. cover« 1 by C!:a:i-s F-.-uricr. .9*

, T".Prof. Bron*c*.«a*_~'T-iiríl.I_ectttre. TH_3E\ LN1NG, in Burger, Institute at 7¿-o'cl«*ca, intrr*perst*dW] h .ix Recitations and Songs among"which aie Geii«-vra,Parrh*.îu-, the Pi nits ofAtlienzand the Olynthian Captive.-,*ud .Mr. llu-sell. New FpUadlaad D »g. Admission _¿ c_«..'.. f. .A .-.' tt» course '-I six I'.'iuiar Lectures on th«; Lawi i.fLi'"«'. Health, Physio'ccy, and Mental and Vocal Philosophy,with Recitations and Singing by Mr Na-¡¡. will commenceto-monow evuiiug, in lire university Chanel, WashingtonSqu.re, to continue * >..» b Tuesday and Friday e«wi;jnt-, at 7]o'clock. Singh .. isonticket.SI' doubl« do 51 '.'.. forafam-ilj ',!';«. |3. See circulars. One admission 25 cts. dll it*

] %y Illcahanlcs' bisltitiie Election_Th.[* :haii*c»Tinstitu*c Annual Elecaion for .« Pre id«*nt andBoard ofPir-ectOT*. for th« -«r ¦"«.! «ill te held in the Insti¬tuí Boom «. ity Hull, on Tuesday Evening, L2*h Dic- mb( i

:i o'clock.Members ol the Institute air particularly rex-nested to b<* at

ihe Roomsat the-appointed hour, as othei bustu-iss i. to b*transacted at th- no ting.dll 2t CHARLES L. BARR1TT. Actuary¡ry Mercantile Library A.soclatlon.-The

Spanish Class, Don Carlos Rabadán, Teacher,-will rnc-t ¿tthe Library oii'lues'Jay Evening next. 12:h inst.. at 6 o'clock-.Member» wuhmg to join will please leave their.names withthe Libran-::. Bv order of th- Class Committeedll2t* CHAS. .0. WHEATLEY. Chairman.

._ 017" Mf_rcantUc Library Association;.FoutthLectore of the Course-will be delivered in ' lintoñHall on I nesday Evening, Dec I2,i at 7i o'clock, by Rev."..H. i_o_, D. D. Subject.' Selections ofJ_ngli«h Poetry,with Comment*." Tiekeu 25 cents, to be obtained at th-,door. B ...der.

dll 2a__

w. m. PARRS, R.c. SecJfy Btecbanicö- Institute Lectures.-Dr. J.W.itEoriELD will Je ivér th, second Lector, of ihr ( onrs.ol Lectur**, In ion. the Mechanics' Institute Thi, Evening,! ithe Li.ct.irr. Boom; City Hall. Subject.' Physiognomy."-.Lecture to commence at8 o'clock. Free to members of iheInstitute Strangers may obtain admission to the Course by¡.plying to the Actuary.

it*CHAHL1--S f.. BARI : IT T. Ac tuary.I''"""*-*" Free Lecture upon Music..Mr. MAN-

DEVILLKi :h- Blind Minstr-I) will deliver a Lectuie wontin Physicaland Intellectual Infloruce, of Music, introdu--ing some Songs ofhis own composition, Thi.- Evening, theltth irut, at the Rutgers-street Church. The public are re

»pectfnlly invited to attend. It*

IXy Science Tributary to .the Support ofTHE GOSPEL..A.M. QuisiBvVEsq. extensiiely knowna» a Lector-: oi Electricity, and us the Inventor of Verymnioit-i.t improvements in thecoustructiorLAud applicationofliphtnîug rods, I«*» kindly offered to give a Lecture for thebenefit of the Tenth Presbyterian Church, in winch he i» a

worshipper. The Lecture. which will emb*ace inucl» \alua-I ble information respecting lishtningaud the b«*st method ofprotection f.om it, and will be illustrated with manybeautiful esperimeuts, will be given in said Church, in''-d street, near 2d Avenue, on Monday evening, D«.c. n. at7¿ o'clock.Tîckets?5 cents each.to be had at S. P, Smith's, 97 Maiden

Lane.at the Sunday School Depository.at the s'.oie of JohnStewart, corner 2f.-.h street and .J avenue, and _t the door .'i he ectirt avails to go t» the Church. dll It

- i- i»

,-* Post Office Reform..Gentlemen holding

petitions with signatures, are requested to transmit them, as

soon n-. th«--,- shall deem it expedjtmt. to the undersiened,Chairman of the Co.-:iu\i;tee on said petition«, appointed bythe Geueinl Committee. PARK BENJAMIN,

c_ 3tNew "\VorhLj*rf:ce. 2'J Ann streit

fty Tlie Seventh Anniversary of the Col¬ored Orphan Asylum will be held un theerening of.Monday, D«c. lith, at half p*st seven o'clock, at Conceit11*1«, *06 Broadway, near C-ma» str et. The children (s»v*n-ty-foiir in number) -."* ill be i íesect and will perform sonc oftl ? ir eXerci .«.«-. Au address m .y be expected from John Jay,Esq.A collection will be in.v'p f.-.r the benefit of the I -.titution.

Admittance 12" cents. Tii-lit-tsmay he InH _; H. e. R-iyner-s,7 ijBow-ry, and at Hus«ey &. MacJtav's T.l Sonih-st «ID 2t

rCr' ShalcRpearian Ri'iifllu^-s at Clinton Hall..MR. MAGENls. I'rof«*.-«or of ih^ science and practice:ofElocution, respecuuliy i iformslhis liberal enlightened c««m-

ihuniry, ihnt on Momlay ereninir. al half inst 7 o'clock, heintend* to gire an INTELLECTUAL SOIREE, in whichhe will i-ad and deliver various SflPCl piece- from Shaks-|v>*ire, Milton, Popp, Scott; and Catnpl». II. Ticket.« of admis¬sion ,'i0 cen's each.a ticket a Imitting a lady and gentleman..Those whose edui ition ¡«not completed, 25 cents «-ach. Th«-readtT will please t«» consult i!i>* programmé, lustrnction givento gentlemen_of the Bar. the Pulpit ind tin Senate.whilstêi c.-y defect in articnlatiou such .«.- Si «mmi-ring, i.; in a s'iorrperiod almost imperceptibly ( radicated. df« 2i*

P_t** P_irerio,os*lçit_ Rooma.For the descriptionof character and lot lb** saleof Busts and Books "ii th«» Sci-pnee.13r Nassau-su, in Clinton Hall. M-«.«.. FOWLEUS; STRACHAN areprepared to wait on company ar theirrooms or to visit fnmilies and parties. d'i 3t*

y The Charity of Wsagea..To thi: Bejvevc-LENT..The Female Bethel Association, which fur eleveny«*--r* hôs labored amon^ spameu's destitute familie«, their

1 widows and oriliatf". 'Ijsti ib'-iiiti-i food to the hungry a».d! clothes to if-- nailed, desire now to add the Charity of Wage,to their foiiner plan of procedure, and in order to accomplish«o desirable a purpose intend toopsn a FAIR on the 11th ofDec-mber, at the Mariner's Chnrch in RoseVeltstreet, «o con-tiinie until the l'-li.by which they hope to realize sufficientmi toy to enable tl em, under a n«w tiair.e and Constitution,»o

! take such measutes as shall result ia tire fstablis' m-n* «»faclothing "ttore,":where the prices paid for sevvii.g shall insureto the female members of seamen's families, who are able towork, a decent support, and yet have it ta ill** power of the

I S(icic?v to aid gratuitously those w h«> cannot labor.The ««male Bethel Association ha\e decided that all profits

r.çouiug f»oni the Fair over and above the sum of S300 to bedistributed, if necessary, among those who shall apply for re¬lief before work can be offered in lieu of charity, be set ajvartasa fund to forward the design. The Associaiion have al.oresolved that the new organization shall be known ..s the-* Mariner's Family Industrial Society of the Port of New-York,"aud tli-t imiiHili-it-ly after the Fair an Election forOfficers and Managers shall beheld, and publicity i-iven tothe Constitution they have adopted If tbo.C- who (eel iutei-ested in ihe welfare of .«ein-en. and have^given liberally to pro-inoietlieirtemjroral comfort and nv-'ral improvement,will butreflect that for the married.sailor, whose family reside in ihecity, coinparativel** nothing ha, b:e:i d«tne. Althoui-h a

princely Home has oeen erected,-and Churches thrown openou every hand to the S »iior, as well as to the Landsman, willthey not aid its iu our« 'ideavors to m «ke that Sailor's humblehome more comfortable.bygivinghis iiidustrious wife enddaughters .«uit.ible emploj meiir at a fair remuneration, or *(ei:-

sionuii' hia a-'ed motliei ¦' With the public it now rests, v. la¬ther thi« nndertáking shall succeed or not.Let not o».r hopes be blasted bv a want of patronage. Come

to ih«v FAIR", come prepared to Purchase m to Give. If anypersou deiires to contribute donation« of money, coods, or ai-

tides suitable foi ibe refreshment table,.theyeau do sn.liyforwarding ih«-m to aiij of the follow ing persons, atany timeprei'iouatu the opening of tl»«- K^ir. Hoping to receive a

cheering response from the liberal and philanthropic, we leaveour cau-e m their hands.B\ «ndtri ofrhe Femalp Bethel Association Fair.

Director.Ai Mini C. Lom.lam», ¿31 ¡Vlourof »t.Secretary.E*-*u« REiMtiu 8.JRo4osevi t-t.

Donations may be : »'in toWilliams «*« Ut ion. 2.8 F«.ail sLMrs. VVili lAMs, 65 Oliva ..tMrs. Keimer 81 Roosevelt el.Rev. Ilt.Miv Chase, h Market st-Mrs S. Combs,30 Broadway.

d'j2tl-«'-M Mrs". E. Tavlqr. [741 Broadway.BRUSSELS CARPETING.

rrT* Jur.t received, an invoice of BRUSSELSCARPETING*"*«, which, with oui s*uck on hand, comprisethe most splendid assortment in the City.for sale cheap by

C. W. SMITH & COMPANY,i!8 3*.'is ?M Broadway, (opposite City Hall )

FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS.;r"?j -¿not retelvtil, se«eral new pattrrns of English

FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, which, tog*thfr with ourfurmexassortment of English and American Oil Cloth.«, coustitu'ethe largest and most elegant assortm nt of Cloths ever offeredfor .«ale iu tl»»> country by any D< lîers..Foi sa e cheap by

C. W. SMITH & COMPANY.J3 Cwis 2.! Broad»« av, (opposite City Hall )try Free Inspections..Whereas, by the Uw passed

bjruis L'egisl.itntt « f tin State .it its last s.ssiou, all the lawsconcernh «: It»si>ection ate repealed, .'.nd the said law to take« ffect on toe 1st of Dec-mber, 1813.The subscriber, thankful l.r p»st favors received irom the

deale::- in LuttV.-r: hi-t-by «illVrs his sei vite» lo his Cornier em-ployfc-S .uid the tmblic, and as hé has been in the enjo. ment "i

"i commission -«s inspector of Lumber tor the last 2?

years of his life, until h* wa¿ removed from the same by jointballot of th«> Comi!>«"!i Co-.in--il two months 1^0, and his not

had Spy emnlbymetit since, he hereby offers himself to suchis may s-e fit 10 «rant him such employment, as he is now 66vt-ais of age. aBt*,or '.-'.' '-'*.. «*3*>*ears a tax-paying inhabitant,and by birth a Knickerbocker.' Hn lees hereafter will bec''-:.;ed <it 23 cmti per M. iV« t for nieasunn^», i¿c.

SIMON aCKERMAN.New-York. Pecmbei Oth. ISM. d7 Dlw2t\\ **

ENGLISH DRUGGETS.%y A small invoice of superior quality, new pat¬

terns an bn^ht colors.for »ale cheap byC. W. SMITH i, COMPANY,

dg ¿ci- 2¿1 B'Qjdwav. (oppo.ite City Hall.)t^~^ Dr. Felix Gouremd's Poudre Sttbtile

wilTCompletelyand i««*rmanenllyeradicate superfluousIiumanban frvfiii females* une» lips.the inn concealing a broad andelevated forehead, thestubboai beard ol man. or auykind ofsu«>ertliious hair. L'e «me to .et the genuine at the originalofl_ce,67 W'aikfr-strr» I. or»« door from Broadway.

<*1 ur bottle: duection. Vreuchand iuagusn.Acenti-authrie, I iMaiden lane, Albany; Myers. New-

Haven; Brown. 7s Chesnut-stteet.' riiilid-lplni. Jordan. 2

Milk-street, Boston; Gra>*! Pon-rhkeeisie; Oreen. M o-ct-icr;

( r! ton. Low ell ; C. Dyer. Jr.. Pro», idence; Mathewsoi. Noi-

wichtTon-sey, Rochester, N. \-'* «-**-'..-. Baagor, White,

CCHÎÎ>e .tx-n tested before buying. Proof positive th«»,. andno mistake. *¦*. 1:i,4tU

Punim usi¬nes» ¿rematkable ««i ¡ecei-.t cnemicai _i>cu>rne_. w «««....-

healim; qualities arespoken ofm all directioüs, ciiu t\try o.e

who use recommend it. One cake, 5«» Cents, we warrant

to answer all ordinary purposes, aud it is to be had genuineonly at 67 Walker stieet, one door from the corner ol l>i"0*'¡-way. Agents, 2 Milk stieet. Boston; 76 Chesnut sirept, lm-

ladêlphia; Gray. Poughkrepsie; Tossey, RiKhester*, Myers,Ntfw Hiven ; Dyer, 1'n'videncc ; Carletou, Lowell; andTripp, Newark. nil imis


fry Wire IVlndo***** Sîia:-c_.Manuf.cturedto or-

dei, cf any size, shape or figure and handsomely fitted m ma-

hosr-ny frames to parlor, ba-emect, orficr and other windows,I nail doers, screens fot public to->in_, &c, by

LEE i». CO., t3 Fartory-strtreLThese beautiful Shades, unlike all others, admit all the air

:n»Might into tlu« room and apertpct view into tiie str«**et.it! the same ticaatliey ob-rruct tn** view from the s««-«««*t iatoth.«team "*--»i l'l>eP mi*««iuitoes anjjaihsr int.'."«» cut. an i ir-*

\ Ttry .-.T-'.-r.fiiT-»! ¡T2t i-tif

N. B. LaJi««s would «io well to call ami examine previous to

purchasing elaftWhetf. Taj»ed Muffs af every di_cription.n3istf




ilAmoug tlie many distinguised testimonials to the excel¬lence of Mr. E. S. Gould's abridgement of Alison.s «/olumi-nous work, we take pleasure in publishing the followingfrom the Rev. J. M. Mathews, D. D., lets Chancellor of theNew-York University :

.. I have examined Mr. Gonld*s Abridgment of AJ¡son'sHi»tcry of Europe, and hv*r no hesitation in saying that Mr.Çr.h-Ls ijerformed his task wich singular fidelity and ability,lu abridgment oflustoncal work», the importas: incidentsare ottenso detached from each other, and from tneir attend-iii','circumstance.*, a» to impair ihe connection ud interestoi lue narrative ; and the spirit a-id charicter of the origiuiiare »îcrticed fçrtnes-ikeofbreviiy. Mr. Gould cannot becharged w-1 th this Unit. H» h .«. infused into hü abridgmentraostofthe^eicellencies which distinguish the History aswint-nby A'lion himseT ; an-1 has conf-rred a b-nefit onour seminaries of learn-m,. by bringing withi-i their re«ch thesaD»t*...;c» of a work which is «ickaowledired to b- one of themost id.uable histories m our language-'*

Tiiis work contmats to iucrea-e .:: po. alarity. Its praisesareon the lip» of all the- thousands who haie read t:. It i» in-finitelysuperior, in all respec's. to the erroneous original.whilç th? price.enh Si to Si 25-*-plaeei it wmir. the reachof all. Address [dn] J. WINCHESTER."tery important juvenile.


BY MADAME GL'IZUT.From the French, by Samuel Jackson, with pTtfctOty hemarks, byan Ameiiean editor. I elegant vol. l2mo oí ¿OCas«, with illustration--, price 7i«-»-nU.Jtis certainly well wouh*-fo b<- placed along with the

very pop tar tales of Genlis and Marmcntel, and is one of theriost simply interest!-1* and pleasingly* as weli «is instructivt-1.'. moral which the French pre.,» has produced."[London Literary Gazette.

D. APPLETON St CO. Pub.ishers, 200 Broadway.D..A. <k Co. publish and have for sale an t'tensi.e and va-

r:ed a--.«*ii:m--..; of Juvenile Works._dll 2ii.»YOUNG FOLKS, LOOK OUT!


oa,INDUSTRY'S TRIUMPH.A Tale for Youth.

Copyright tran-,'.atio:». from the French cf Mad. EugeniE Foa.Il.LlSTK.vTKD WITH Ai* EÜQßLXVVSC.

This is o e of the best bot!:., far tii« young ever written,Lotit on account of the beauty of the rnonil and théuevex-tiriiixiuteiest of the story. Uu its publication,.a fe» dayssince, in Paris, itcreate«! much the saint decree of sensationamong the young people of that city that the M-.-tt.ries ofTaris did among ihe older classes It is truly a most spiritedand dtlightail taU ; and a more

BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY PRESENTfor boys and sills could n«jt be sleeted. Its perfect freshn-t»aud novelty particularly c-inmend it to attention.

Published and foi sale byBURGESS. STRINGER St CO.

2.'2 B oadway, .New York.THE NEW BALL-ROOM GUIDE,

* ontaimng'l heEtiquette ofDancing; and the fisurt*. nf -11 thefavorite Quadrilles, Cotillions, Äco. pa-rouized by QueenVictoria.is now ready. Price 124 te;its._dll It


BV" JANE TAYLOR AND HER SISTERS." 1 am indebted to the politeness of the publishers for a copy

of this chaiming little volume, it-* authors are so well knownin th- ir capacity of purveyors for the literary wants of child¬ren, that it is hardly necessary to say a wordin its praise inorder »o iiuute it a welcome in every family where ther? arelittle folk». They are delightful little poem», and certainly aswell fitted to please the taste and instinct the minds of theyoumc&a I have ever r«,-»d. Stbbath School teachers will fiadit an txcellen- vulume from which lo select artichs for theirexhibitions. It exhibits no sectarian bias.''

[Ne«-York Christian Messt user.rub!i»hrdhy öAXTON ic MILK*«.dll3tisM\VatS _ggOj Broadway.


LYRA APOSTOLIZA.From the Fifth English Edition.

One elegant vu!. lGmo .Price 621 cents.To the cultivated niintl this volume will^ he a treasure. It

is almost needles» to sa v it contains some of ihe choicest \.e.» of the most eminent Divines of ihe present c-ntury.dll 2:is D. APl'LETON & CO. Publishers. 2C0 Broadw


JUST RECEIVED, A LA.ROE SUPPLY.For.»ale. whnWale and letatl. by

BURGESS, STRINGER & CO.222 Broadway,

corner Ann st.Pictorial Time». Nov Hand 13.12iIllustrated Louden New», Nov 11 and 18.12iDespatch, " 18.121Free in-in'.» Journal, " 18.121Dublin Nation, "18.121Bill's Life. " 1".12iTom SprinE'S Life in London, 11 and 19.I'dPenny Satirist.6iLondon TLnts, Nov 1<«.121The Satirist, " 10.12iThe Builder, .".13.121Punch, or the Londuu Charivari.8

and a host of others at ihe lowest i>rices. dll

TO MEMBERS OF THK BAR .This, dayprinted, the n«»w form of Affidavit of Filing Notice of

Lispendens required by the late rale of the Chancellor. Alsoth . ru'e of the Chancellor prescribing the form, priuted on a

slip of paper. Priuted and for sale byJANSEN & BELL, Stationers, fee,

dll3ris* I'jS Na*»sau-str««pt.




OLD ANDNEW TESTAMENTS,With full Marginal References.

Illtisruted with more thanONE THOUSAND ENGRAVINGS.



Published, and for sale wholesale and retail, byJ. S. REDF1ELD, Clinton Hall,

d9 lt\V* [d8] corner Nassau and Beekman streets.


J, *_.'. HIKER.. Bookseller and Publisher.1549 Fulton street, near Nassau.

Th" Gif« i*«r *4«t-»a splendid octavo volume." The Opal, a Pure Gift for the Holidays,** edited by N. P.

Willis.illustrated by Chapman, and sujterbly boundThe Parlor At-nual, (juaiio.beautifully bound.The Rose of Sharon.a Religious Annual, edited by Miss

F.il-arto.t.Th-» Wiiitergrreu, edited by Jmo. Kcese, Esq..«anelegant

volume.The Lit-rary Souvenir. Ihe Iris. The Christian Offering,

The Yoirh's Keepsake. The Aonualette, èic. í¿e.Al»», a complete assertraeut ol richly bound Bible-., Prayer

Book:, Albums and Juveniles, suitable for f-ift.». d9 Imis

German Almanacs!A lart,'*« supply of German Almanacs for s<ile at the office of

the New York Tribune. Price $3 per 100 copies.This Almanac is printed in the «German lanf*ua--r, in the

Usual style and aii*> of German Almanacs, and contains, iuaddition to the usual variety ef readiti*- matter, articles oígreat interest to Gern,ans connected with the Industry andLahor ofthe country, and on the importance of Piotectlonto the Mechanics aud Woïkinçin-ii of the Uuited States

«í-aiiiát English competition\ry Jones's Bank Locks..Fiom among a great

number of t'.»umoiuals to the unqualified \alue and securityof the.-e Locks, the following are submitted to the public:

M.-i.s. StatePrison. Chahxestoww, Oct. in. 18H.Mr. H. C Joxes.Newark, N. J.Dtar Sir.In compliance with the request you mad«* **n

Monday last, I hare ptimitted tln«-e «.filie convicts in thisPr«s'.«i t» n y their skill >>n yenr Bank Lock. They have beenfamiliar with picking lock*, and rau mike lite necessary m-

struments for that purpose.On this ucc--.i««u th«y were permitted to make such uisiru-

mentsasthey needed to'facllitate their operations, but withall their ffforts, after expending about oi\ days of labor tc

throw I ¿«:k the boll of the lock, they could not succeed, a.,dthey came to th- conclusion th it a Bmk Vanit secured b>-«.ulIi a lock, could be o;«eii»d, if at all. only with peat «iifñ-cultv. unie s* a i-attem «if the key coul'J tx< obtAine«! or an «-x-

d!!ii:)altoii could be had of iti interior structure. The same

opinion was also expressed bv another convict, an ingeniousm.chinutand lockmakei wiio.it is believed, was the inven¬

tor, ^niot. twenty vears siuce, of th-? celebrated Ltver.Locks,thfkindof locks which convicts ackuowledse are the mostdifficult to pick.

1 will remirk that we «elected th"se convicu who were sup-nosed to j osae-s the most skill and had been most success.ulin pickiucl^cksof all descriptions. Twoofthcmare very dis¬tinguished bur-laii from L»udon. and the third no less distin¬guished m that line, is a Philadelphias

Respectfully, vour ob't servant.CHARLES LINCOLN, Jr. Warden Mass. State Prison.Mr JoNfcs.Dear Sir.Siuce writing the foRgoing. the

Lock has been examined in niv ctfice by the Officer who bascharj-e of the whitesmith shop iu the Institution, and whowitnessed the efforts made bv the Convicts to throw back theb-.lr. He i- a white and blacksmith and is wrll skilled iu huprofession, since being stationed here he has great opportnui-tie.» of examining lock» of the most complicated workman¬ship. He is of opurou that vour lock is far superior to anylock he has ever seen, aud that it could not be picked, even ifihe interior structureshoald be examined by a bnn»lar beforean effoit should be ma«!e apon it for that purpose. -

Yon», Sec. CHARLES LLSCOLN. Jr. v\ aidtu.

Certificate cf one of the best Mt hanics in New-York:August 5th, mu

I have examine.! minutelv Mr. H. C. Jciirs's B**otJe Lock,and do consider it a ««erfect ¡-iece of workmanship in a.l its

p«artst I do not hesitate to say that in inv opinion there is notamauli-iiu that can pick or makr a key that will o;!«-n it

with *ut having the lock apart to do it.CYRUS DURAND, Bank Note Engraver.

Boston. October 1st, 1S»LThis may cerüfy that the untiersij-ned have «-x-unined >lr.

H. C. Jonks s Bank Lock, (of Newark, N. J.,) and. uJUï

close and cireful invrsrigation of all it« parts, would most

cheerlullv express their opinion as decidedly in its favor.The difficult and very ingenious combination of levejsand

their regular vet complicated movements, are sufficient evid¬ence, in our'judgement, to convine« every unprejuQicedmind of their superior excellence.iu regard to workmanship, there is no want of thoroughness

or skill in design as to debility. g & ^MMIron Chest and Lock Makers.

Merchaur-.' Bank. BnsTorc, Not. 3d. 1811-Thi» Bank hare F.ut*hîs««d ofH. C. Jontu of Newark, N. J-

oni ofhi« BrmkL^bs.belieyinjrit ^n^TnT»F^Werknown ro rr.rm- «-.. «. ELDR^DGE, Casn.er.

5nitoIk Bmk. Bosrn-» May 23th, 1842.This certifia that, on examinin? the Bank Lock m«niac-

rored by Mr. H. C. Jones of Newark N.J.. we Und thernsomuch superior to any other Lock we have ever seen, -hat we

have purchased of him and placed on our vault-doors two

Locks, in addition to fire others which we« previously on

thedoora. HENRY B. STONE. fte«ident.d5 Iwis J. C BREWER. Cashm.


Hlxßaut, appropriate ana Sstful.THE


Elegantl? íoundún muslin, gilt edges and stamps.Price 25 rents each, or $1 ft for the series.

COMPRISING."No, 1. Baby Linen.

Containing **l_iu uni ample ¡_s.ructions for the preparatio,of an lula- t s wanuobe.

No. 2. Plain Needlework.Cototatmng instruction, in the preparation of bod** linen.ln-»tiuction» in the r>r»»par;iton of ho::** lineu.Explanationiu s sttons kind, ot .tuche i and misc-llaneous work, such;_, bra-dine, marktnr, piping, htanna. Sec. &c.

No. 3 Fancy» Needletvork.Containing instruction! lor preparation of frame*.Materialsforworkins.t"x;.l_ca ¡ou of stitches.Instructions in Em¬broidery.Application of fancy needlework to useful par».o.-es.

No. *.. Embroidery on "ilu-.1!:i and Tatting.(Jontammg instructions m working Embroidery on Muslin.in-tractions m Lacework.Embioiderv in gold thread.Tatting. &cNo. 5. Knitting, Netting and Crotehet,

i ontaining complet« instruction., anil rattern» for all the va¬lions kind.ol wort..Net-work. Fringe. Crotchet-wort-,fltCSo. 6. "»illlincry and Dre-.a-3IaI.inK.

tontainmc instruction« »i Bonnet makins . Material« .Drawn Bonnet..r.Iournin. Bonnets.Uoouet Caps.Ca-potte.La| petts, &c. 5tc Dress-makint;.Children'.-. Dres,es.Manteleu.Ladie,- Silk Cloaks.Capes.Carriage(:!^ar?~:,-Tîld,:n Cloaks.Boys1 Cloaks.Piping.riaiu. ic.Published and lor .«.le by

r_-.J-S. REDFIELD. Clinton Hall.

d3 itW _[dfij comer of Nassau and Brtkinan-st-.

pHARLOTTE ELIZABETH'S New Works.\J Just published by JOHN S. TAYLOR _c CO., 14.Nassau at. THE LITTLE PIN-HEADERS, beim, thethird part of The Wrongs of Woman.by Chirlone Eliia-b th, 1 vol. 13mo. bound iu cloth,price25 cts.in paper covers,cheap edition, I2i Ctuti.Also. ;LETTER5s FROM IRLLAND-B** Charlotte

Elizabeth. 1 vol. ¡2mo pj ii i -j cent«. dS ¿tJ LTST PUBLISHED,

EVERY LADY"*. BOOK:A N LîîSTRUCTuR in the Art of making every

_ÇL*raiiety of Fancy Cakes, Pastry, Confectiouery, Blar.c-Mange, JmIk», Içe-Creamj.and other useful Lufoimatiouf-rordinaryanuholi-iayoccasions: B>- a Lady of .«few-York.Ris only needed to say that this is the only Book of the

kind ever put before the pubüc. They -*re cautioned a_-».:i>5*any othei. 1 ubliahed onl*» I -,-

T. J. C ROWEN. 53J Broadway.d93tnf_and for sale bv all the Booksellers.

PAK LEYS CABINET LIBKARY.Thisworkjnow publishing, is to consist of 40 numbers, ol about 1.0

pages »ach, einbelluhed with numerous engravings; the pnceof etch uumbei ir, .3 cents.

[twill he furnished to subscribers only, and the publishershave to state that no person i« authorized lo sell them other¬wise, nor at any other than the resillar price.The plan of the work is new, and it i. deemed a creat and

valuable improvement. The 40 numbers will form a completelibrary, in which the chief topics of human interest, s'ich as

history, biography, mis, sciences, geography, manners audcustoms of nation., kc. kc. ii.:. will be presented in astrikint*and attractive manner. The strong points of these severalsubjects will be so exhibited as at once to excite the interest,and impress the mind, of the reader.PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING EXTRACTS.From the Boston Traveller.." WVdeem it but a discharge

of our duty to our readers to urg«* thia valuable series upontheir attention. They are beautifully executed, and will bean ornament alike to the table of the rich aud the shelf, ofthehumhle* they will be of inestimable value, in the courseof years, to every family that poszesees tlietn, for as they areattractive they will be read, and «is they are full of striicingtruth they will bestow instruction."From the Boston Courier.." They art» exceeding^* a**ree-~

able books, and such as young and old may peruse With plea¬sure and profit. The sketches of Scott, Byron, Bonaparte.Bums, Johnson, Goethe, Shakspeare. .-¿c. are lively andamusing; in style, just in criticism,and interesting iu narra¬tion: and w. ¡eel .«.urpnsed, that <»n such hackneyed topics, theauthor, in so brief a space, has been able to say _o much that¡_ racy, new, and striking."From the Traveller ."The whole series will cost but a

tritle, yet they may , ami doubtless will be, the deciding means

of insuringsuccessm life to many a youth who shnllenjoythe mean- of reading them."From the Boston __'/«...." Parleys Cabinet libiary is wor¬

thy af all «iicourag. ment. It is cheap uot only m promise,but in fact.130 pages for 25 cent,; and it is calculated to exer¬cise a wholesome mtlueuce. Like every thing from the same

author, it strongly inculcates virtu«, and religion, and at thesame time it array- truth in a guise so comely and attractive,that it is likely to win many votaries of fictiou to companion«ship with hex. There is «re'tnecd of such works at thistime."Fiom the Boston Traveller..1' Mechanics, farmers, andthers, may well consider not so much whether they can af¬

ford to _uy this wvrk. as whether they can alfordto do with¬out a thin, so imp«.»tant, yet <o easily obtained."From the Umversalist ¡xlitcellany.." There is no man

tiring «a In« has done so much for the rising generation as IeterP-rley. His works for the youmfhave been have bveu lead by-tens of thousands, with the highest satisfaction and advan¬tage. Pet**r Parley i« the i;itati->t, and wisest and best man on

earth, in the minds of multitudes of children. They thinkno man has seen «o much, traveled _o much, or loves children:o much as he does. This popula: Peter Parley is the authoiof the Cabinet Library."From the Sabbath School Messenger.." This excellent

work ha-s reached its sixth number, and seem« to increase iuvainc and interest as it proceeds. A j"reat deal of the moneypaid for the low price pamphlets ol the flay is.worse thinthrown away; the money paid for this will be invested in a

work, of permanent value, and one, chea|>ei by twenty percent than the (so called) cheap publications now currentamoiiK us."

Subscriptions received byJOHN ALLEN. 133 Nassau st., New Yoik,

Otfice ot the Knickerbocker Magazin?.Who is sole"4g"nt for Parley's Cabinet Library iu the City

of New York aud Biooklyn._nil lmis



Published and sold at III Fulton-street, New-York City.Hi.tory ok thi; Biull, 2 vols in oiie, numerous plates.$3 00Bible Biography. 500 Plates. 2 50Wonder»« of the World, 500 Plates.2 50Guide to Know led^e, 500 Plates. 2 50Pictori '1 Illustrations of the Bible, 3 vols. 600 plates ... 5 00

(IT JUST PUBLISHED.THE CHRIS¬TIAN'S GIFT FOR 1844.»-The most splendid Pictorial Woik on Bible History ever of¬fered to the American public, embellished with several hun¬dred new and fine engravings.The whole woik (two volumes in one) making about700

large octavo p ses. elegantlv 'printed, aud bound ia the. mostfinished «itvle of modern book-makim*.SEARS' NEW AND COMPLETE HIS¬


From the Editor of the United Statei Literary Advertiser.The most splendid Gift Book ot the season, and the cheip-

estand most useful w,.rk e>er issued on either side of the At¬lantic, is ¡.¦.-.n-.'s ' New ami Complete History of the Bible,'dedu(*e<l from the labors of the most renowned Biblical schol¬ars of all countiies, incorporated ivt h numerous original andcurious embellishments, engraved by the first aitista. whichhas just made its appearance.

From the Gospel Publisher.Here is a « ork that w ill never cease'io .ell or be admired by

the lover, of the sublime and beautiful. The first put, on theOld Testament, is indeed a complete tieasuiy of religiousknowledge, so arranged as to forma complete ' History of theJews.'following them into the various couutrie. iu whichthe) have be*»n dispersed.RICH, AMUSING AND INSTRUCTIVE BOOK.

" He who blends instiuctiou with delight.Profit with pleasure, c«rries all the votes."

Just Published, u-ith a highly finished Portraitof its distinguished hditor. Engraved on Steel, by Dick.SEARS' GUIDE TO KNOWLEDGE.

A splendidly illustrated woik, comprising the finest series ofembellishment, ever p-eseuted to the American public, m one

haudsome large oc:avo, of 5»"0 pagt-s, ele»tautly bound, Priceonly S'" 30. This »plei'did volume comprises within itself a

COMPLETE LIBRARY O FUseful ami Entertaining Ki»o***vlct*lgef

Condensed in form, familiar in sty le-, ;ii ! o>i ions in »nforuia-

tioo, embracingan extensive range of subject, in Literature.Science and Ait.

SEARS'S BIBLE 'BIOGRAPHY.Tb« following »-xtract isfrom a l«igthy review written by

the Kev. "W*. C. Brownie-*. D. D . and is only ONE oat ofseveral hundred recommendations, f.om the Clergy and theTress, that the WOlkhas already received:

M Nr.w-YoRK, August 5,1813..* This i*. beyond question, ont ofth- mo-st elegant,books

ever presented to our fellow citiz-ns in this Rtpublic. Itou^ht to be m tvei y Christian family foi iu iuuate value; andin every p-tri-tic ' »nlly as a splendid specimen of our pio-gr*i5 in Domestic Mauut'acture, *xi¿ the a.v-iiceuieut, of eur

Aitisti and Manufactura iu their tivalshiti with, those ofEurope. .

" W. C. BP.O**.V >LEE.IV.

SEARS' WONDER OF THE WORLD,In Nature. Art, and Mind.

rr"*-"» The above splendid Work is but just published, indnearly 6 000 copies ha.e already been sold. It liübe-.nstroug-lv approved ot aud recommended bv all our leading papers.both political and religious.

Sears' Pictorial Illustrations of the Bible.3 vols. S«*- 6C«0 Engravings. Upward of 10.CO0 copies have

try Each of the above works is beautifully printed audillustrated, and ; ut np iu richly ornamented bindings, highly»«iaDtindtbem _s splendid present, for roana people.'^p-AGENT». WAN l'EDthtough.uttr.ecountry. Ad¬

dress E. WALKER k CO., Ill Fulton st. New York City.* .* Cleisymen; Sujierintendents and T**ache:s of Sabbath

Schools, __/** Ageiits ol Newspapers and P« ricdicals. <_C_Postmasters aud l5ook«elleis throu0'huot the country are re-

t«-ctfully ri*qtit»te-l to act as our Agents The most liberal«.*- centase allowed to all who en;*a::e in the sale ofSEARS' POPULAR PICTORIAL WORKS.

-**"-""»So letter will be taken from die ofiâce unless post paid.E. WALKEÄ k CO , lit Fu'ton st. New York.

N. B. This is the store for cneap. substantial and elegantBookbindina. Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Book*, in everystylt- of binding.

Mercha-ts* Accoant Books, Stationery, and StandardWorks, constantly on hand, ami at 1,w prie« for cash, ol lmis

EIGHTH WARD AMERICAN REPUBLI-CAN BALL .The undeisigced, as a Committee ap-

ami that a grand American Republican Ball will come off at

that place on Friday evening. 22d inst. Tickets will be inreadiness in a few days.of which and where they may* be ob-tAÏuëa ¿ne notice will be -riven..*"- GEORGE YOUNGS, )

HABTJ WEED. > Committee._U3t' THUS .il. WOODRUFF,S_YlTÑEV COAL .The subscriber is now discharging > carijo nf -he above Coal, which he itommwid-

as a sup*"TÍ'*r ""tide for family nse. This Cargo pmi coarse,n-r.Ii«-a rc-i ash, and is «upè--:!:r to two-thirds of thi» Li-vrr^oi Coal ct*_-;_.g to tris market F«*. ï_1«* I*>*** frcm vessei.Xtplrto T. STOKES DICKÍNSOR,

[,n 1 tf]_No. Iü7 An-hony-st-e«-t.TvTviuENU..A Dividend ot Eight Per Cent.XJ upon tht Capital Stec', of th* Howard Insurance Com-P_:jy was declared by the Board of Directors THIS DAY.parable on and after th* 4th ot December near.¿K2mis LEWIS PHILLIPS, Secretary»

(-POSTPONEMENT OF MR. OLE BULL'SIT CONCERT..A CARD.-To the Fuai.tc.-»-On myreturn from Philadelphia,! have learned, with regret, thaisome unpleasant feeliug has been «. «¿cited in cooM^uence ol

my haviu-f announced a oucct at tlie TiSSKsacLl on

Monday Evening, 'he !îth instaut. Mr. Vieux Te»)**», mybrother artist, (whom I have not the honor of knowing per¬sonally) has announced a Conceit ou the «ara»» evtrniug. Th«fact is, 1 had engagf-d ;he room for this evening before M r.

Vienx Temps had arrived ia tin» city, bat I m««st cherrfullyyield tbeeveniug to him, audtiu.t h«- may receive, on the oc¬

casion, the sime kindness which has bren so liberally b»-»towed on me. I p-i- my fiiend» lo t \cum- the j>osipon<m**titof my Concert ro Wednesday e «rening, in cons« t* at nee of this,when 1 shall have the pleasure ol ai pe-artm: be'ore them; an«iaj-aiu on Monday eveuu-g, the 18th inst.. in a farewell Con-cert. I take this opportunity to express my warmest grati- !lude for the great kniJne-«, 1 have :»*c-»ived fro***, the citizensof New York. OLE BULL.Astor Hot se. Dec. 10, 13-13. It

P.KANÜ CONCERT..WM. H. OAKLEY has>-*¦ th«- hnnor ofannotiticinr-that, by the request of numerousv?Cj'*s' .**-' v*'*. ".'ve d Grand Conceit at litt********** In»titu2e in

Madison-sriw:. <>u Tuesday Ev«-uin«:. D'C. J2. 1S43, when In«will have the pie-sure ofuitioduciug some oí lus most popularSo'ie», including ' McGregor's Gatht-rittt:.' ' Yes. Methitiki 1***** Her Smiling, ' Mv Boyhoe«d'sHome.'' I'm Afloat.! 'JohnAiiders**«ii My Jo,'Si.c. ice. particulars of which will bean '

.iou.-c.-d in the pto-trammes. Tickets fifty ct-uti each, to behad at Milieu's Mu»ic Saloon. 339 Broadway, cr at the door I«"m-he.evening of the Concert. Concert tt» commence at Sü t-*'*-k*_d»3tHT-HE HUTCHINSON FAMILY in announcim*:J. another Concert, d«m.u ,.ro|»er to state that in con«*-quenceofsevítalhuudiedsbeii.h uuable t.» ..btiin admissionby reason of the *re»t crowu wti-.cli attended their EDturtain*-ment on the Ith inst.. they hive consented contrary totbtitprevious design, to eive another and their


This will be ihe>r Lait âp**-e*nmce, previous to the v-sit tothe South. On which occasion they will ictioduce a choiceselection of their ino-t popular productions.

ItCKETS F1«'TY CKNTS hACH.To be had at _twiU*s, James L. H«-\vir*.'s Mi'htl's Sto-'-

dard's. Wm. Dubois'T. H. Lhambrr',, C T. Geslain's art!Finh í¿ Hall's mus:e stores, at the book-store of Saxton kMiles, and at the door.To comment*» *t half-past 7 o'clock


t-A"»«* :.

Blov- on ! Ble*, on 1.A puate's i*l«^.Baker.'. Blew ou ! Blew o i

' W- love the howling winds.That b-ar u» o.i cur way.

As fearless as t':¡e wolf t!« i« '* prowling uponOur natirt hills.antw« '"

Qoartette-*Th* Laud ofWashington.Words by G. P. Mer-ris.Arranged bv Hutchinson.

Wr lóve the Patriot Sages,Who in th- days of yore.

In combat met the foemen.And d-e.e them from our shore '.Who flung ou* banner's starry fiild.In triumph on the breeze.And spread broad maps of citi«-* whereOnce watrd the forest trees*.

Ballad.The Irish Emigrant's Lament.Words bv Hon. Mrs.Price Blackwood.Music by W. R. Dempster.Portiayini« the feeling* of an Irish peasant, previous to hi»

lraviitB his native land.callinc up the sienes ol his childhoodunder the painful retiee'iou of having buried his wife .mdchild.

I'm sitting on the su'«, Miry,Where we i&t si.U by side".

On .» bright May morning Ion«ago,When first you were my bride;

Th» corn w_ springing Irtish and i,i«en.And the lark sain; leud and high,

And the red was on thy lip, Mary,And tii« love li'*hl in your rye.

Quartette.The Grave of Bonararte.Yet spirit immortal, the tomb cannot lied theeFor like thine own e tgle that soared to the sun,Thou springest from bondage, ami leavest behind thee,A name which before thee no mortal had won;Though nations may comb it and war's thunders rattle.No more on thy ste»ed wilt thou sweep oVr the plain;Thou si ep'stthy 1 istshep, thou Mast -fought thy hist battle,No sound can awake thee to ulory «again.

PART II.New Song.We're with jrou once again.Written by G. r.Morris.

Quirtetfe.We ate happy and free.Subject from Rainer.Hutchinson.

Trio.Rockaway.Word*by Henry J. Sharp.Oil auld Lou;, island's sea-girt shore,Many an hour 1 whiledaway,

In listening to the br. niter's roar,That w-ished the beach nt Kockaway.

New Quirtette.Excelsior..Words by Henry W. Longfel¬low, t'ai«.This poem represents the continued aspirations of Genius.

»Its motto." Excelsior." tf still higher!) is a word iu au un¬

known tongue. Disregard.iik the «very day com torts of life,ihe allure .neu ts of love, and ths warnings of experience, itpresses forward on its solitary pith. Even in death it holdsf**t its device, and a voice 'rom the air proclaim* the progressof thesoul iu ahighei sphere."

The shades ut iiig'ni are falling fastAs through the Alpine viilaue pissMA youth who bore -rid snow and ice,A banner with t'.iis strange device.

Excelsior !

His brow «as s id, Ins eye beneathFlash'd like a fa'chion Irom us shea'.h,And like a silver clarion lung,The accents of thai unknown tongue.Exctlsior.'" Try not the piss !" the old man aaid,Dark lowers the tempest overhead,The roarii!*- toireutis deep and wide,But that loud clari'Ui voice replied.

Excelsior !" O stay! the maiden said, "and restThy weary head u|*on this breast."A tear stood in his bright blue eye.But still lie answered with a sieh,.-

Excelsicr'.part in.

Quartette.Westward Ho !.Melody by Richter.Arrangedby Hutchinson.

Droop not, lrothers !As we go

OVr the mountains,\ Westward-ho !Under boui-hs of mis'.etoe.

Log-huts we'll rear.While herds of deer and buffalo,

Furnish the clwer.File o'er the mountain», steady boys,

For game afarWe hive our rifles ready, boys !

Ahi!Throw caie to the wind».

Like chaff, boys !.ha !And join iu the laugh, boys !

Hah-hah-hih!New Quartette.My Mother's Bible.

This book is all that'» left me now.Tears will unbidden statt!

With I'alierin-* lip aud throbbing brow,1 press it to my heart.

For many generations p<a»t.Here is our family tree;

My mother's band this Bible clasped;She, dying, ¡*ave it me.

My lather read this holy book,To Brothers, Sisters dear,

H«)w calm was my poor moiher's look,Who lov'd God's word to hear,

Her a»»gel face ! I see it yet !What vivid memory's come !

Ag.i'i that lit'le :-rouj' is met.Within the Halls of home !

Solo.The Maniac." Some y»*rs since, a gentleman of fo tune wan conveyed to

a lunatic asylum, aud theie confined. The person that accom¬panied him took an oath to thoie entrusted with the care *.fthe estibl.'uhment to the fact of his being a maniac. The more

the unfoituuate gentleman implored to be released, the moreforcibly were the keepeis'convinced of his insanity. Thetreatment he received sooa affected his reason; he becamefrantic aud died. The strangers that carried him to the asylum,were supposed lo hav.» been hired by »orne relatives to whomhis property would revert after his decease.N*ttiûu*l Soug.Once on a Time, or the Origin of YankeeDoodle.There are many stories told of the origin of this spirit-stu-

ling drum and fife air, but that commemorated in this song is

the bestand only true one.Final..The Old Granite SOte. .

We have come Irom the Mountains of th-* Old granite State

Containing afamily history of the ' Tribe ol Je3«*e," fromDavid to Asa. " We hare come fr<'in the Mountains," vue.

dll V._


The Whole Gipsy Family.'\?y Th«- Family of Wandering Gipsies, six iu number,

(tlielirst that ever visited America.) Can be seen during th»wholed»v and evening, » ithout extra charge.The liipsy Que«»n can be privately consulted regarding

THE PAST, rllEsENT AND FUTURE \Sh« is the Fortune Tellei of Mi- clan.GENERAL TOM THUMB! Tlu. remarkable littl*

sain, WEIGHING ONLY FIFTEEN POUNDS, lemaiusa few days iwevious to sailing f>»r Europe.Mb-. ,M. A. GANNON apr*ears in a u'w COMIC ME-

LANGE, in which she sustains SIX «31 fF«; r*. »i *. characters, in¬troducing a variety of Son:*s and D nces.

î Mr DAN RICE. *mly II years old, known as theAmerican Hercules, or Young Samson !

!» the strongest man of hi.» age in Ameiica. Hewfl] exhibitIns won 1erful muscular pon er».

Mr. H (J. SHERMAN, the popular Ballad Singer.T. G. BOOTH the Comic Singer andExtravagauzist.THE KENTUCKY MINSTRELS will sing their popu*

lu negro song«, ducts, trios, parodies, kc.TllE HoLYDAYS !.Magnificent Entertainments are in

»«reparation for the Holydays. under the direction of the celt-brat»-d Mous CHECKEN!, formerly of the Ravel Family.Day Perform mees Wednesday and Saturday afternoon at

three o'clock, precisely the same «-iven every evening.Day visitera admitted the same evening free,except Wedaes*

«lay and Saturday.Admission totfie whole .cents; children under Ifchalfpriee.20 ceutä extra to those whocon-sult the Gipsy privately.


A Dollar's worth for 12«£ Cents.SNOW WHITE NEGROES.

IT*- Just arrived from Brazil, two negro bovs, (seven andniue years old) PERFECTLY WHITE, with Pink Eyes,woolly hair as white a» stiow, with the flat nor* and thicklips of the African. Their parents accompany them and are

as BLACK as jet : Th«-»« children are the most extraordina¬ry bein-rs ever known. They hive been ensaiied at great ex


Lulll Mr! L_tôrf,^^¿¿'^noíPK* ?tÚU Ccrito*J8t¿*can be privately cons'jlted at all houis. tegardiug the PAST.PKESENT and FUTURE. Sbe has been consulted and re-

commend«^! by; many eminent p«*r»'»ns, including N. P. WIL¬LI *». fcäq. Editor ot tire New York Mirror.Admittance to the whole 12k cunts; one shillisg/e_ra for

consulting Madame Adolph.

TIE-OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION oíJX Chemical Paintings in the Granite Building, comer ofChambers st, and Broadway.R. Winter, grateful for the kind patronaj-e which he rj-

cri ve«! preeiotts to his loss by fin», begs to inform his friend.-r.nd the citizen-* s-rn«*rallr. that his Exhibition will ro-openoaTuesday eTtaing. Dec. 5,1W3, consisting of the followin-r

riews : /-...«.<¦No 1. City or Jernsalem and Crucifixion. 2. Church f"

the Holy Sepulchre ; and 3 Belihatiar's Feast. paWS^Wwbicih he will be piea^d to Exhibit several spleiidi-1 in*'

phriirs Pit-iuies, the subjects to be raruad every «Ö«_2___emÍM¡on**5 cent*. Entrance on Chambers st- Deorj^ot**« «7 P. M.; »mmenceat 7*. » *¦*"

_AUCTION SALES.I _k_, _ . »... ««**_S Rrehar-l?, Auc*¡c:-t-:.I DY BANGS, RICHARDS & PLATT-StoicXi l» Broad«*»***«.

ON MONDAY EVENING.At 6 O clock, at the attctiou toom.

Books..A Urge c«»Ihtctionof »-aluableMisetUnro-u Books .

Am«»»ic the collection are.Nationil r'oitrst Galler.-. **_If;Brooks' Universal Gazet«er-, Bock o!Ü«r.i>, moiocco.jJatr»,:<. gvrs' l'ai)', morocco; lotawjtaf-^Goldsmith-* Huto-y>>f fc,u«*Uiid. m«»«»»cco;t.owiei a\.ork«, morocco. B .ururw'iLifrot oj">a*iv»let»i.t bavin's SettaiMs, IMaC» H ». J. ms;Sale.'* Livy; (.lark's Homer; Unix su". Cicero; l.it.ra. y Ga-i-tre; S:« wait'» Commentary eu tlv H--bre,»._

FRIDAY t.VEMMj.At 6 o'clock, at ire* au«K'..«t icons

rRiv»T>. l.:BR»Ri>...A larvre Collection l valuable Bcoks.ncludic»- mmy *te*liu** wurks.Also, i choice collection of valuable v.^»!;» m the Gonna

L«uti*u*c't. eabracinc th- m«»: ..* polar modem authoii.AT PRIVAT- *>ALt..

Fafi-*» Ha.«»Gi«.ti*..Four CAses of ¿'a^r Hangings,ccnsist«»ing of various -\attrru» of Satin .id rlaia Pn|

*«Vm. W, Shirley, Auctioneer.

TUESDAY, ücc. 1-tbi ni lîo'çlock, «it the auc-tion room, It Platt st. under the ii:s;fC'-:<»j ci the Wsr

.Jens of the Port, on account of whom it may com. «ir.Tp'.i.k-Ue» .pendí Eaiiitp..w ar- dtiiug«-«! on the royajre of ¡mpoit-.aîioti per «hip Sh-ffield. T*.ms.C_.>, .with* utdiso.Also, at lú o'«_Ock. a g/ueral assoit« >ic it .;ogw of common

itd fine Earthfuware, Lhiua, cut,plain anil «, r .ed Glass¬ware, in tta-le lodt, at I months credit » -j St:»»

Í¡HJKMTTJB_S XOTlCE.tSota Bedsteads, »!ec.F. COLTON would inform aü who a-v in .«. .

. .. ¡" .

n«ture of any descriptioo, tliat he is prej^arcd * j furnish, .-!ha constantly on ¡_ikI a very large assorti« ..¦>::. ::-»¡¡idingFaneil** Patent Sola £«._-tends, which Ibt sin ;.:ct:.. da:\-bility asdecononij- are without their equal, i he ; .lie kreinvited to ciil and exánime Ihrm.also, all Otter kii«_ cf?of?s always on hand.Those breakini* up hcastkr*; i:-.l o* w_un* to itlî sllci

anv portion oftheir Furniture, will find s re.-dr <«!- bf wni«,*; a tin- or caÜín-' upon the subscriber.

bale» by Auction faithfully at;-tod»«i to.«iu26istf__ K. COLTON. i .«. .;:,.. «-...- .<

PARTNER WANTED..FoTrö-1-rüas of a pêr~soi.al niture. one of :.»>* painser» of a h«. .r/ Sttpie DiyGoods Jobbing House *a this cits w,!l withdraw ttomthe

business on tlie Ut ofJanuary next and a ¦.».itleinaii to tillthe place vacated it ».> uited, kartet; f'.V. » <; il it, :h> best ofbusiness habit» and capacities, tad «>i nn«RtC-r| tion.itle m nalchattetet a..*l s.-iii.l*.--^ in society. The house ha.» uev« b. ¡aembarrassed, «.«ut has »'whys djne a laige, sife N.i»!!.-*.!. Ar-plicauu who can comply »virh rtet. r-arlieulai m ii;v- abov«.«may .«.hire»*, in confidence, ' MERCA i'OU '

-. th, publica¬tion desk of this [»per. tl.l . i:i1 ¡17"ANTED. A pleasant room with board; fn the*

» upper part ofthe City, hear Broadway. ..n,i ; ;; U»lcwB!*vcker sc for a gentleman and his wife A¿¡\ ¦- Protestantfamilypreferred. A.iVi«--.* " Boardeinat the Ttibuim OiFi*e.s'.ti*)' rerms. which must be low. «Ill It*»

\\T A Y N i-.'S C0MP0UN1 r S V RÜP ( IK W l L Ü» » CHERRY..A fmhsonply of this vain.,bit» medicine

just received. This is ¡he only g-»uuiiie piepaiation .! il;eWild Ch. try, and its siic**e«s h»sgiven it an extensive crie*bntythroughoutth«i Union. Pamphlet» ccutainini* en...rates. Sc«\ can be obt.iwd gratia, from the sole *.¿ ;;'., Vx, V<~H. MIL**«TOn. 19«! Ilroadway. «<»ii:ei »>l J-h:.- .:. «Ill Im"

PUBLIC?NOTICE is hereby, givennhat a ¡>eñ-tion IfUs tVeii presented in the Board ..f Aideruten I«, fencs

vacint lots bttw.»v.i ill«» Third and Fouitli Av> u >, and l»>tween Fourreeuth and Tw«*_ty»»third-streets.Persons inturested in this prop»ositiou and opposed to the same

are requested t« present th«»ir objections in writing to the uu-

ikrsigued at his office, Hall of Records, ««nor b»"ore the Mthday of December instant:

JOHN EWEN. S'iee: ('.Miimisiiouer.^treet Cominissioner's Office, Dec.3th. Ifitl. dll

CORPORATION NOTICE.Taxnayere awKJ hereby notified thaj the discomu\ on the Citw ami Stat*Tax for the present year will c**_e t<- le alluw.d at ihe .-lu»eof the j'l.Mint month of Djecember.Those win« de»ire to avail lliemselm of the leduction of tax.tllowcd by law musr, therefoie, appl«, at ihr «stTuv ul life*.VKY T. KlEllSTEI). Re<*eircr of Täte», (Old Aim «llou.ic.Park,) without delay.ALFRED A. SMITH, Conn.*roller.Comptroller's Office,Dec^th, 18*3._«III tD3fl

OAO BROOME-iSTREET, having p-tnmed to«O*.O his post refreshed, after two months' ebseiicc to theEast and West, is now ready to attend to business m reno¬vated strength and rigor.CERTIFICATES.

Distress in the Head, Stomach and Bowels.N*W-Y0HK, Dec. 8th, 1813.

To THi: Pooti Msn:Si*.I am a j«ocr out hard-laboring man, and have injured

my bodily health very seriously thepusl «¡eason m on a faim. Ireceived a heavy s'l.iin across the stomach _>! bowels; slsnh id uverejvuu in my head au.l back. I w.ii .itt icktd tins wayabout four mom lis since, and have remained ever since in amiserable condition. I h ul a physiciaq prescribe foi me, butli s hied i ein«- caused me to swell, and distressed ine anichworse than I waabtdor«. From the t-imdies I used 1 tbuudno r« lief. In this very Icébl*« State*-! «ailed upon Dr. Thom¬son, 3t3 Broomc-strefl, au*l lit has don*» inc inoie k'ooU iti af«w day» }tt*»t lh m all t have before, done in four months. Inowfrel like myself again. As ameismODe** c> a i»born<gm«ut,l would surise all afflicted like mytelf, if they w«tuldwish uuick relief, to same their time or money, to call up »Dr. Thomson. My voice is now stronger and my stimulibetter than they have h«'«-n loi thiitieii Weeks. I wish thewhole woild, and especially the poor I«borer, to know thesefacts. .

PATRICK McKENNA.Columbia, »'ear the rorner of Hoiutni;.s;-*eí.Sore Eyes of Three Years' Standing.. Charles äears,

flour merchant, 91 Cluucli-iiieet, Albany, says, September9th, he was trouble«! with sore eyrs for three years .imi wasnttcndfd by five dille«ent phvsician-. They «JCari'Ie-H hiseye», used lunar ««austic au«i b'ue vitriol. He was blind forseveral weeks. Ht took a veysge to sea; also a trip tip theMississippi and Ohio Rivers. He traveled several thousandmiles for his health, but found no bentfit. Mr. S«i»rs com*menced with Dr. Thomson, "iid in three we-ks his eies werebetter i han for three years before, and Jus since leraaijiedcomfortable, and ran a'tend to his butines« again.

Pires. Dyspepsia and Fainting Fits .Mr. Jones's daumh-t»r, 11** Houry-street, was restored lo health, after Icing af¬flicted for 1«> vears. Certificate dated Nov. 21.

Syphilitic Scrofula, Husband, Br\fe and Daughter..Theabove individuals hid teen comnUi ing for several j.-.tr* $észwi'h ulcers, scab, and pains in the limb» and joints, from im¬purity of the b'ood. By the use of three boa if* of Dr. Thornson's Anti-Scorbutic Syrup, the dise ise is fall ing otf the childin scabs, and the parents are better rhau for .> e.vs. Also aladyresidinj- a few miles from the city i. better of said **omi>lainr.thin for years p.st, liav ng taking four bottles of Anti-Scor¬butic Syrup. Several phvsician- have ntfei,d«d her.Consumption and Dyspepsia..Th" wife of in«* ILv. Mr.

Nanscaweu was restored to bittrer health than ihe had en toyedin tit-lit yrars, in two week», by Dt. Thomson. Certificatedared Oct 10.Falling Sickness, Fits.oi Epilepsy..John Wo<d. ofArn

Arbor, ami William Davis, «.I Detroit, .Michigan: WilliamRom-yn and Lima Cross, rfAlbany,and Miss Dillis, M ul-borough, Ulster County, all cured of epilepsy, or fallingRaising Blood and Cough.. Al-Jiro Stemscur.d. afur «ir

months' sicknens, m two weeks. Residence, Cabotville,Scald Head or Daw irorm..Mr. «"offm's child, of six

years' standiiiX, and an infant of Mis. Foulger, of i-3 month»'sickneis. cured. Also Joseph Cuili» hail h*eu troubled for 15years with ihe above complaint; u txtended owe more lhauthrrf-iu»tiers of his bead. He had tr ed every remedy heceuld near of with'.ut ben*fi-'. The sores fount 1 small pitsor ulcrs. He coinme.iic«d taking Dr. Thomson's Ami b'coi-buñe Syrup and applying Anu-^cirbutie Ointmenr, and infour weeks was brttcr than for 10 >* ars. But time is requiredto remove it fully from the blood.N. B..Satisfactory proofof the above and oth-r«-ase*» will

be given, by document! or witness, to all \« ho iniv- call forinformation. Patients wanted, thai can find no relief fromother«, at the MjEDICAL Mansion, 313 Bioonie-stree', N. YNott...Valuable M'dcine Ches*» put up for «eaftuing

mea. The medicines all vegetable, or roots and herbsJtDiltW*_THE ALHAMKA, Broadw.-iy, beiwemFrtrwg

and Prince-str«-eu..Oysteit. Colfe«». Chocolate, and a

varjety «if oiliTr relishes, Mivtsd up in.superior style. TheLrtdie»' Saloon, on the second floor, has been enllfflgCfl aiid furDisked in th* most elegant and costlv manner, 'lhls ha« al¬ready become a favorite resoit for ladtesj \. ho.afur the fatigueof »hopping or a morning promenade, require some q-iiet, t\r-Kant retreat like this in which to refresh themsalve-.;, also forparties returning from the Theatre oi a Conceit, who can « n-

joy the mojt delightful supper without the tremble and incnu»vciiiencet.» urepaiimi th»-in at home._ d7 lwis*


V E !.. Y CHEAP.^i-EpjnoprietoroflTera t<- Bell bugslock oí MUFFSX and KÜRS(st*«*OFaCT0EED CXCLUSIVeLV HVHi'lsii.»)by R..TAIL at WHOLESALE pri';es..it Me stosa. No.60 Liberty strtet, near Broadw-iy. dl Jmis*1*'T-HE ALHAMKA, Broadway^ between ."^irTiipX and Prince..The proprietor of th»-. above ntablisbnMntbeg* to inform the fashionable j.u'.li.. that, ha. i.-i »-n* ¡;*ed ata great exi*nse some «if the mo-.t celebrated foreign Ar-tistt,..vho have arriyud at the Kreatest perfection in their several depmttWBott, he is u«-«w ».r-j-ared to lumi/.h Patties; Balls. Weddings, with auy description Of CoutVctionery.of a o,u «.üevand

in_a styleliitlierto uiieqitalle'l ni thii city __!,_TO THELADIES.Ladies about to give '.nter-

tertaiumeats are invited to oil I a«i«J »ee the eutu-ely n*v/

«nil beautiful selr. ofIce-Cream, Charlotte de Ru-.-.»». ^¡t«1 .reí' ;

Formt and Moulds, juit received at the ALHAMRA, 559Broadway. Tables »tt and arratii*»..! P*t |»trti-s :¡. 'h- mosttasteful lad aUrac-ire manner, by a celebra'ed A)list, withouti'iTolvim* any additional cxi>eiise. '/ he celebnt«/ ').* their ice.Creams rturiug the p*st summer, pir» .«.surano» t!.»t equalpains willRetaken with all other articles <>t ConUcnocaryfurnished «tilii- Kstabli*tfiment._d7 lwis»_HALL LAMPS, SOLAR LAMPS, (JIRANDOL£SrJ_.

M&J.MERRiTT, No. 100 Kowory, between. Grand and Hester streets, have ju»t opened a splendid

assortment of the above goods ; als«>, a great variety of richCut. Pit-ssed and plain Glass; French and Eujtli-'i «-*"'?*«white Granite Ware; Briunma Castois; Tta Hets, &c. whichtliey offer at reduced tiices. for Cash. u23 UnDötW|u

¦*g-«.«*»-9. -- ¦ -

O give me fiicnd-ahip's gold . en bea-n.

SELECT LADIES' CI-ISS.-A ttasö¿unitedto 12 ladi« iu learnimf to »in-r at air-ht w.ll be fo'««*»

'1 hi, Erening, Dec. II. at I o'clock.>. VL, at Ul -Bf^K-,'"This Cl_« is intended to be. « i-a name «"»^ftffîî^àLtcr. It will receive sawrior advantages fn¿*,,¿2S%?hoa little m«»re for tuition than previous cl^w-^a^-»«.an lead French wouid.be vnfetred.thwi.h '^ lanJ^^means iud Upensable. Fi. st<**&&&& WARN LR.W_SSáT»'5ÍTai' Tra-latoT^W^i'.Theor'/.etc.

~m i >.'T.The modtrn built 3 b'.ory brickE° asiF¿r___» street. *».ih -»-b^ if desired. ToHo*ise. IISl "ÄurV0T*; ill be low for * teon of years

^,_.a good *5"¿i*T iï,Bire «f D* A. CU8HMA». B*

¦i: -^ «Jrr'T-TV-iwfiS !.The larçest and most »píen«**_5«-^a ,j> aWi)rtmej.t of Watrhe* in the city is t«- be found>__-î7»£ tlie subscriber's He is contantly receiving »U de-cSdvionstf Oold. and Sil*er Watch«**, n| ti*enew,-it try'es,from ihe manufacturers in tngland, France an*' Switzerland,tmd h enabled to offer a larger assort ment, an»l at much les»DT,r<*i at retail, than any other house in rhe city. GoldWafctws «a low as $20 to S25 each. Wa:ch<*s and Jewelryexchanged or bought. All Watches warranted to keep good¿me or the money returne-i. Watches, Clock« and Jewelry-r->aiied in the but manner, and warranted, lower than at .yother place in the city. __

O. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watches and Jewdry,n9 istf wholt-sale tad retail, 30 Wall-eUeet, ups»ui
