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New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1844-03-01.€¦ · THETRIBUNE. Deferred Articles....

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THE TRIBUNE. Deferred Articles. Arson and Fraud;.The house of Israel Page, of Fitchburgh, Mass., was destroyed by fire on the night of the 30th December. A few days previous he had the house and furniture insured at Worcester at a high rate, and on the night of the fire stated that nothing was saved but the bed on which he slept. The Insurance Company paid the amount on the furniture, and as much on the house as was decided by appraisal. On the 9th inst. suspicions were entertained that all was not right.an attachment was made on the property in his possession, and the furniture supposed to b vebeen consumed was seen on a vessel at Boston directed to Bath, Me. Page was accord- ingly arrested, with art accomplice named .La¬ tham, and they were taken to Worcester for trial. .Wisconsin..By a recent Message of Govern¬ or Doty to the Territorial Legislature, it appears that during the Administration of Gov. Dodge, a considerable debt was incurred by the Temto- ry, over and above the sum appropriated by Con¬ gress, to defray the expenses of the Territorial Government; and since Governor Doty has been appointed, two appropriation bills have been pass¬ ed, running the Territory still further in debt, both of which he vetoed ; but the same were passed into laws, notwithstanding his objections. The Executive officers of the United States very properly refuse to pay their Territorial debts, and the creditors süßer thereby, and the credit of the Territory is impaired. Gov. Doty recommends to the Legislature to take effectual measures to pay the debts and preserve the credit of the Ter¬ ritory. m Trade between New.York and Philadel¬ phia..The trade between these two .cities and the West is unusually active at the present time. We understand, from excellent authority, that during the last few weeks the amount of mer¬ chandize brought from New-York to Philadel¬ phia has been greater than for many years past in the same period of time ; while trie produce and goods sent from Philadelphia to New-York have been proportionably large. [Phil. Inq. Nkwakk Manufactures going to Europe.. Mr. Heintsch, the ingenious Cutler of this city, has, we understand, received an order for &'200 worth of his Tailors' Shears from Freyburg in Germany. These shears, our readers will re¬ member, have been pronounced in England to be altogether superior to any now hi use. [Newark Adv. Yankee Hats..It is estimated that upwards of 22,000 Palm Leaf Hats were manufactured in the town of Arnherst last year. The number of straw bonnets manufactured at the manufactory of Mack & Son amounted to upwards of $60,- 000. This establishment keeps fifty females sewing straw braid. Down with the Monopolies..The Spring¬ field Republican of Saturday, in speaking of the Palmer depot says, that before the Railroad was opened, only two or three farm houses were seen at that place. Now there are two taverns, four stores which do an extensive business, one iron foundry, and several mechanic shops, besides a number of neat private dwellings. Railroads in Massachusetts..Two Railroad bills were introduced into the Massachusetts Leg¬ islature on Monday. One was to incorporate "the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad." This is the Millers' River roate, from Athol, through Greenfield to Brattleboro'. The other was to es¬ tablish the k< Keene and Winchendon Railroad corporation;" that is, lo extend the Fitchburg to Keene. O5* The steamer Scioto Valley caught fire while lying at the Cincinnati Landing, on the 23d instant, and it being seen that she could not be saved, she was cut loose and floated across to the mouth of the Licking River, where she grounded and burnt to the water's edge. Loss $7,000. While the fire-bells were ringing a horse attached to a dray took fright, ran away and threw the driver into the street, who had an arm and leg broken. A large crowd collected, says the Sun, and he was permitted to lie on the grftund for more than half an hour. Women's Sewing Association..At Roches¬ ter, N. Y., about thirty widows, who make their living by plying the needle, have formed a so¬ ciety " to protect themselves from the rapacity of employers." They have opened a shop for the sale of their manufactures, which has suc¬ ceeded to admiration, affording plenty of work und good prices, not only to themselves but to others who are not members of the society. American Tract Society..We learn from an evening paper that this society has recently re¬ mitted $1,000 for tract operations among the Arnjenians in Turkey; $ 1,000 for Ceylon; §1,000 for the General Assembly's mission in Northern India; .$1,000 for the mission of the Board of Commissioners in China; §500 for the mission of the American Baptist Board "in China; and $200 for Belgium. O* Perry Marsh, the well-known counterfeit¬ er, who broke out of Norristown, iPa.) jail on Sunday night last, was arrested in Spring*Gar- den, on Tuesday evening. He was disguised in false whiskers, moustache, etc. and armed with a sharp-pointed iron stick. O* On Saturday evening last, as we learn from the Baltimore Sun, Mr. Fisher, an Agent of the American Mail Co. whs ejected from his seat in the car by H. MeElderry, Esq. one of the direct¬ ors of the Railroad Co. just as the train was leav¬ ing that city for Philadelphia. Fhle .On Monday the 19th, about 1 o'clock, themalt house connected with the distillery of Hubbs &. Craft, of Lawrenceburgh, Ohio, was to¬ tally consumed by fire. The loss, says the Whig, is estimated at $3,000; the property was insured. £*?* A large two story house, and a barn filled with hay, &c. belonging to Col. Wm. Moore, of Goffsiowij, N. H. were burned to the ground recent¬ ly, and some of the children of Mr. Moore were with difficulty rescued. \ little gu4; the only child of Mr. Nelson Shahta of Glens Falls, N. Y. was scalded so se¬ verely by overturning a kettle of boiling water that sue survived only two or three days, O* Edward Prince, pilot, jumped overboard from the schooner Gilbert Hatfield, while near New Castle, on the 25th inst. and was drowned. He was deranged. UTA man named John Hill was recently froz¬ en to death while riding over the Prairies, near Peoria. IU. in a sleigh, notwithstanding he had partaken largely of whisky to keep himself warm ! Suicide..A German hatter, of Cincinnati, committed suicide recently, by blowing his brains out with a pistil:.love the cause. ST There were lour cases of Burglary in Bos¬ ton on Saturday and Sunday nights.none of them in which the rascals were very successful. 03* Young Pooler, of Baltimore, has been held to bail in $2,000, on account of " the prisoner's standing in society.'* JT A little son of Dr. J. B. McDowell, of St. Louis, uged rive years, was drowned in a cistern on the 18th instant. (CT The New Orleans Picayune contradicts the report that Dickens has been withiu the rules of the King's Bench Prison, lor debt. O*. The boy Howe has had his trial for set¬ ting fire to ihc War reu school-house, Charles- town, Mass., which resulted in the jury bringing in a verdict of guilty. HT In the parish of St. Ours, in the district of Montreal. Madame Soseph Fortier died on the 10th inst. at the advanced age of one hundred and ten years. Syracuse..-The census, just taken, shows a population of 8,256 in this thriving village; an increase of about 2,200 since 1840. Sale, at t** ** $2,000 u S. 5s. «62. IOjI 275 do Farm Triut.39* 250 do do.b!5 391 200 do do.30i 50 do dn.bnw 3iji 26 do do.»10 39i 150 do do.b80 391 V^I'W v . «1»..- IVii 11,000 Ohio W. W 22.000 do.. . . . "675 do TO. 37; I u 000 K'y 6es.b50 IM I lo.m do.baojM !ioo do _ do.M 5.000 do. J3 9 000 do. 1»J* 5!c00Pa5's.....b60 704 2.000 do. '0t 21,000 do.. "0 20,000 do.s60 69 G,o0 iii special bonds... 434 5,0l»0 do.bW) 431 10.000 do.i60 43 5 COO do.bU «?i!50 doAuO KKOcn i«, 4,000 lod doi bonds... . 394 100 dodo....... WO. R0 do Canton.3U 275 do do.3!4 10 do U S Ins Co.Kb 150 do Mohawk H.57j 60 do do.s30 57 50 do do..s30 674 .20 do do.b30 57i 'S do do.M0 574 5 do Erie R.22 do AubSt Koch-1011 50 do do.b30 81s do do..._.81 126 lou do do.5!i 200 doLIR K.bnw 7ij 50 do do.b33 71: 325 do do.74 100 do do. 73} 100 do do.b60 71 ji'O do Reading R.17 200 do do. 48 :(0 do do.49 10 do Swninst.-n R-36} 25 do do.blO 37 450 do Nor. St Wor. R csh 364 25 do do.blO y>\ 5,000 Alabama 5'». 2(00 do. Sli SO shis Mechanic' Bk ... 1661 j H O do 00.... «u 100 do do.Iftfi l2i doHarhmR. .,!* ICO Jo Leather.10i4| 60 do Union Bank.115 jo do Bk of New-York . 90 25 do >'. Am. Trust... 11 25 do do.h30 il4 75 do" do.b30 14 75 do do.131 25 do Am Exc Bk. 85 25 do Illinois Bank_21 60 do do.21$ ie doComBk, Manc'r. 25 50 do MecSt Bra Bk no 664 28 do Kentucky Bank.. 73 25 do Vicksburg Bk &30 8 275 do do.b 10 36s SKCOtfP boaRP- S3.Ü0Ö Kentucky.b30.101 1250 shs Nor St Wo:.s3 361 1.000 Ohio. 993 50 do do....381 3,0"0 do.99«! 50 do do.»60 37 1,000 Pennsylvania.01*2i 50 do Mohawk..57^ 50sbrs Farmers Loan... 311} 50 do C-u.ton Co.3is 50 do do. 3831100 do Harlem... 516 175 do do.381| 6'J do N A Trust. 13; Public Stock ExchanRe-Feb. 29. 50 do L Island R.. .cash 74 100 do do.c^sh 7ii 50 do Mohawk R.s2 57 25 do do.cash 561 150 do do. 57 50 do do.i7f 575 do do.cash 67i 50 do do.cash 56t 50 do Stoninnton R.ca^h 37 50 do Hsrlem R-caMi 61i 60 do do.s30 51 50 do do. 51 = $2,000 Ohio 6es, '60. ..cash 9^4 6.000 do.99s 2,000 Ky6e.5.17th March. 1034 1.000 do.15ih do. 103} 2,000 Pa 5s.15:h do 70i 6,000 111 Ges, J?0.cash 421 4,000 do do.-12k 1,000 do do.s3 421 3,ö0u Ind ilol bds_cash 39} 3 000 do.cash 394 3,000 do.bl6 391 6.600 do.b90 40 1,100 do.bid 39fi100 do do..-8 jIS 100 ahw Dry Dock... «14 7041 50 'I" do .......ca.-.ii 6w 25 do do.cash 72 50 ds Patcr>on K.. .Cash 82 50 do do.060 73 1150 do do.03 821 '»0 do \ Air. Trust... s3 11 25 do .Nor & Wor. .cash KU do Farmers 1 rust. .*3 39 25 do do.s3 353 359 do do.cash 39 do do.s60 38l M do do.t>60 10 25 do do.calh 39$ 30 do 111 S^te Bk. ca.*h 214 26 do do.cash 36» 50 do do.cash 26j mi do do.W> 37 2j do do.saw WM In Marylund, the manufacture of iron is advanc¬ ing, and the Savage fmcace, situatfd in the h-.art of the coal region, nine milps from Cumberland, are now contracting for the construction of a railroad from their works to connect with the Baltimore and Ohio rail road, which will afford them a direct line of communication with this city, nfetotily for the inexhaustible bed of coal, but for the heavy products of their furnace. They have now but one blast furnace in ope- ration, and the second will shortly be finished, which, »u!i a powerful TOlling:miU, will enable tin m to cast their own nils and thus save not only to the country but to the State the heavy amount of money which is expended fr r this article Mr. Taylor introduced a bill into the .Mississippi . Legislature, providing for putting the Union Bank in liquida* tion, and requiring the asjiguees to givesecurity in the sum of SC00.CCO for the safe keeping of the asserts thereof, and apply¬ ing the sinie to the payment of the debts of the State. And in the event of the failure of the assignees to give the security required, the State Treasurer shall be authorized to take pos¬ session of the said assetts. It was referred to th: LComtnittee on the judiciary._ Baltimore Cuttle Market.Fib. 2t>. Ther-were about 600 head of Beet Cattle oflVjed at ihe scales this mor&lnk, of which 300 were sold. SO diiven Noah, aud thr balance laid over. '1 he prices had ranged fiom Si,75 to 52,37^ per 100 Ih-s. on the hoof as in quality, which is equal to SJ.50 a$4,50 net. «WINTER AK.RANGE- _jMENT FOR ALBANY, via -_rsS.BItlDGF.PORT and HOÜfiA_- TONIC stud WESTERN RAILR0ADS,_2_._ Daily, Sundays excepted. Passengers for Albany by this Route will take the new and elegant Steamboat NIMROD, Cape J- Brooks, which leaves New-York from foot of Liberty-st., SATURDAY MQRN- IXG, March 2, atOi o'clock, lor Bridgeport, thence by th« Housatonicand Western Railroads, without change of cars or baggage crates, to Albany, arriving same evening at 8 "'dock. Fare through S5. O1* For Passage or Freight, apply on board, or at the Of¬ fice, foot of Liberty-street.G. M. Perry, Agent._f29 it-am - Ä -WINTER ARRANGEM KNT. . _____ NEW-YORK & BOSTON RAILROAD ¦8S5SE__»LIN£. via Norwich and Worcester. Tri We-klv. 'Die Steamboat NEW-HAVEN. Capt, I. K. Dnstan, will leave New-York, from Pier No. 1, North llivcr, foot of Bat¬ tery Place, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. Railroad Cars leave for Boston immediately on the arrival of the New-Haven at Norwich, whence passengers are for¬ warded without change of cars or baggage. The extension Railroad to the new Depot below Nor¬ wich is now complete, obviating all obstruction by ice in the Thames River. Kor further information inquire at the Office on the Wharf, or of D. B. Allou, 39 Peck Slip. n. B..All persons are torbid trusting any one on account o! said boat or owners. j l .PEOPLE'S LINK BETWEEN JjNEW-YORK AND ALBANY.-^rra»-e- ZSZtmenlfor 1814..The b^als of this Line have beenimproved, enlarged and fitted up in the usual style of comfort and elegance, so that üiry csnuot fail to satisfy the most fastidious. The KNICKERBOCKER, Captain St. John,and The ROCHESTER, Captain Houghton, w ill form the evening through line to have Albany and New Y'oik daily at 7 o'clock, P M. (Sundays excepted) and The COLUMBIA, Captain-, and The CURTIS PECK, Captain Peck, w ill form the 5 o'clock evening Mail Line, running daily and landing at all the intermediate planes. Jllhany Day Lino between New York and Albany, Jar 1814 The new and splendid steamboats NORTH AMERI CA and SOUTH AMERICA, will run dailv (Sundays ex cspted) between New York anaAlbanvas a day line. The above boat'* are large and airy^and of first rate si>e?d. They h we t>et'ii newly oruamentedaud embellished, and are in every puticulsr worthy of the decided patronage of the public. 22f .STEAMBOAT ROCK LAND has re- sumed her regular trips betweeu Kevport and New-York: Leave* Kejrport on Mondays, Wcduesdav-a and Fridays at 11 o'cloek A. M .Leaves New- York ou Tuesdavs. Thursdajs and Saturdays at 12 o'clock (noon) until further notice. f>l<i NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL LINE OF PACKETS..To sail from New York on the 6th, and lroin Liverpool on the 21st of each month. From New York. From Liv'pl New ship ASHBURTON. J faef - f. J 2} 1100 tons, Henry Huttleston. ) <S?; * ) 5e,b- }}. r .viay o r j uue 21 New ship PATRICK HENRY, jj SvY^l] 1000 tons, Jos. C Delano. \ g«£. « j Dec. 21 j Mar. 6 r ApriLl Snip INDEPENDNCE, S ^UK* I 3 ?-pt-oi 800tons.Ezra Nye, ^Pii.6 l>UyÜ Ship GEO. WASHINGTON, H"a,e 5 ) V. 700 tons, Ambrose Burrows, fgjf J ) Mar'^1 These ships are all of the first class, and commanded by able and experienced navigators. The cabins ar* elegantly furnished, t>,d afford superior accommodations for passen- Kers. The price of passage from New York to Liverpool is $100. and from Liverpool to New York £25, including stores and bedding, without wines. Neith« the Captain nor owners will be responsible fur any letters, parcels or iiackaites, unless regular bills of lading are signed therefor. Apply to Ji GR1NNELL. M1NTURN & CO., 78 Sonth st. NEW-YORK AND ERIE RAIL¬ ROAD..w in TER ARRANGEMENT... 1843-41..For Passkngkhs..Only one train each way. On and alter Monday, December 4, ihe Passengor Train will ran dailv, (Sundays excepted.) leaving New-York from the l<>ot ot Duane-sucet at 8 o'clock, A. M. and Middlctowu at 7 o'clock. A. M. The Fare wit! he restored to Ulf former raws, viz: BETWEEN XBW-YORK AND Middletowa. . .. -. $i 75 | Gosheo. jl 60 o. : Way Faro in proportion. Staroi lor Milfoid, Hooesdete, CartK>ndale, Binghampton. Ä^iid*dÄ C*» ** *^.£BS2 ^<L FOR FREIGHT. Ihe Barges will leave Mew-York on Tuesday. Thui.dav and Saturday, at 3 o clock. P. M. The Cars will leave Mid*- dletown at 1 o clock, P. M. excci-t ou Saturdays, when ihey w iil start at 2 o clock, and leav* Goshen at 3 o'clock. P. V b reicht received m New-York till 24 o'clock P M w , . r H. C. SEYMOUR, Suuerintendon t, bor further information apply to ALEX. if. SCHULTit' c.vuer West and Duauests. " jaj " MOK.K1S AND EtföEx"hAILK04i). . Ihinter Arrangement..On and after Wedw - day. 1st November, the Cars on tins Kt>ad wi'l leave as follows: Leav* Morristowu ?.t a quarter after 7 m the morning, and at 2 o'clock in ilie afternoon. Leave New-Y'ork at 9 o'clock iu the uu'ining, and 3 ic the alteraoon. Leave New ark at 10 o'clock in die morning, and 4 :n the af¬ ternoon. Passengtts by the morning train to Morristown will arrive .... tiS _l._.__11 v_ _1;_ to urs- and O'.vego on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and Rockaway, Dover, Sjvirta and Newton en Tuesdays, Thu«» diysand Saturdays,each line returning the subsequent davs. I he stage for Bäskiu^ Ridge will leave every evening «n tiie arrival *fthe cars, and return the next uioruiug in time for the nrst train lor New-York. Passengers go to and from Jersey City without ci;j.using ears. On leanux the city, the passengers will deposit theu engage iu.the cur at the foot of Cenrtland-street, wheie an A|en.t ill m atuadance to receive it. ,,V^f**","-1* l'0,u Morristown will arrive in Newark intime dtVrSia mcralc*; 83,1 evening trains for Trenton and Phila- M 1u?\ tu}}^a* »«cently re-laid with the heaviest H t^iU. is now in complete ranning ord.r, and offers acommol S^iw^Sh? Coaxt^ 10 fro« New-York for The rates of commntnuoo for passengers are $60 rw annum from Newark to Morristown. Madisoit or Chadiam; SMl to thjbmmnuc; $40 tc Millvillc.and $26 to Orange. Passengers are 1 eg nested to haTe their baggag« marked. _Ei_[RA_t)ODD Saperintendent, SLÜOP STANDARD FOR SALE.She is SO tons burthen, new mast and tails within the last few months, and «v«ry thing in the most complete ore er. She can be seen at the fcot of Mar&rl st. Inquire of I. Schoos maker corner of East Broadway and Chatham Smart. 27f iw» 1 eas to let.The new store No. 11 Sprucc- ' street- Apply to GEORGE J. PRICK. . fstf_184 Eaat-3roadway-_ ,-mjl TO LET.The third of No. 5 spruce st. and :"T?S lihand 5th storius of No 3 do Enquire of fr15tl T. PRICE, llfi E-st Broadway^ TO LET-^The two story Brick house, 36 Market it. Apply to _l GKlNNELL, MINTURN St CO., fe_9 "3 Sonth st. j*TTO LET.The hous? No. 4TBÖnd"street, two stories high, finished with mahogany doors a_d 8_M_ marble mantels. Applv to of tf GRIN NELL. M IN TURN k CO. 78 Sonth-st. TO LET.The second story of The Tribune Bnildings. Apply to f9 if GREELKV .McELRATH, Tribone office^ FOR SALE.About fifty miles from New- r York, a house and fire acres of land. For particu! its, _Ua>apply (if jy letti r postpaid)to_ ft! W. & J. T. TAPSCOTT.43 Peck-i!ip,New-York._ FOR SALE.A Grist and Saw Mill; with 35 .-.eres >-ood Land, Water Power, Store and Dw ~Un_ __House and a variety of Fruit. Terms easy. ApplytO A. P. SMITH. S5 Liherty st._d22 tf FOR SALE.A valuable Farm ot 500 acres, lying on the battle-field at Monmonth, New-Jen.:". j^sMiL has nne buildmg3 ?nd an abundance of fruit. Terms e:y>.. A. P. SMITH, E5 Liberty st. d22:l_ Mtü EXOHAMiE for city proper- XV.A two story House and a Lot in Newark, N. Jer¬ sey, with some goedsand lands. Apply to A. P. Smith, 85 Liberty street._n2*-' u jfcA TO EXCHANGE FOR A FARM..A |?t!w good three story boose with marble mantels, situate is *_!&Brookly_, L. I. Rents for S383. The farm must be on or near the Hudson River. A. P. SMITH, h5 Liberty *L d!3U fig! 23d STREET, Madison square and 25th t^Hstreet .At Private Sale, 3 Las on 23d, 3 Lots on the JUAfiLSouare rnd 2 Lots Ott 25ih street, i-ear 1th avenue. Ap¬ ply to E. H. LUDLOW &_C]0.___Broid st. 23f 3t - FOR SALE, a handsome Country Sea: at New Biunswick, N. J having a fine dwelling and out¬ buildings with 6 acres of highlv cultivated land. Terms Apply to_A. P. SMITH, 85 Liborty-st. fr6 tf MROOMS WANTED.Wanted in the vi¬ cinity of College Place or Murray street, one or two JLi»_L parlors and two bed rooms furnished without boatd . Address A.B. at this office._29f 2t 2gA TO LET.The store and cellar No. 599 P{Ä Broadway, between Prince a:-d Heuston streets It is JoSbSLlarge, convenient and welt fitted up, and an excellent location for auv rrt-il husinesj Apply on the premises to fe29 lw* J. St C, BERRfAN. 509 Broadway. w TO LET..The Loi and Stables No. 151 f"jS Mott st. between Grand and Brnoin?. There is room tS-'JgL in tii» st ible for nine Horses And shed room for several vehicles; Inquire of W. BAKEWELL, No. 153 Mott-st, Ic2t1 lw*_ _sak FOIC SALK..Several valuable dwelling !.'!_; Houses and lots of ground ou Varick st., near Grand .JiMU» and C=nal st. Applv to ANTHONY J. BLEECKER fit CO., fe22 _7 Broad-5t. FuR SALE OR TO LET.The Three Sto- r":_f ry and Artie Br ck Dwelling House No. 50 Second- | _^_J_Ls:rec:. The Lot is 25 by I in feet. the House 25 by 50 f'< ~t with a two story tea room attached; A; ply to the Howard Irs. Co. 51 Wall st tf w SOTtlRBAN RESIDENCE TO LET al loiä Rävenswood. with a view of the city..Ti e plai >. on .'.Jjlg, the bank of the East River, opposite :.. Blackwell's island, now in the occupation of Mr. Moses Allen- Apply t<. V.r. H. HAB IS ON, No IR7 Fu I ton-street. IT. r. jgfc BOARDING- HOUSE TO LET.Thedyeü . i'^ä '°g part of the House. Northwest cornerof Green- iin '1 ich and Liberty »irrer, containing about 20 loom; be¬ sides kitchen and parlors, wjll be rented low to;, tood tenant, a'jd immediate possession given. To be seeu on application to Mr. Clark on the premis-s. Apply to D. Elliott, 43 JoLm slreet, or G»-o. J. Come 11,21 Wall st. 27flw* TO LET.From the first of May, a small two storv brick House,almost new, and in good repair, .__,wuh a basenunr and under cellar. It is very pleasantly situated in the :eai of the lot No. 115 Clinton si. near Grand ; with a very handsome garden in front, exr^ndine to the side- Walk. For further particulars inquire at 143 Clinton street. f2C lw*_ ÄsA FOR SALE IN TH E CITY OF NEWARK. .A House and 21i acres of Land, situated in South S'J-sL Broad-street, No. 1*2. The House is 25 feet front bv 3'J d'^p. 24 stories high, with large piazza in the rear,and well finisheuthroughout Also, good Stables. Frait-Trees, Sic. attached to the premises. For further particular,, inquire of ISAAC NICHOLS, comer of William and Washington- streets, or of WILLIAM PAUL, on ih» premises 1*23 '.m- HÖÜSE AND LOT FOR SALE .The p two story ! rick front House and Lot, No. lue Eldridge ^^j&.street.Lot 25 feet front by 8"t feet deep.House 25 feet front by 38 feet deep, modern buiit. with marble mantels./old* in^ door Slk. If not disposed of previously it will be sold at Auction on the 14th inst- For particulars and terms of sale, Injure of Ruben Bunker, No. Jtf Pine st. or Wm. H. Frank¬ lin, No. 15 Broad-st._IQf tf Mfor SALE or to LET.The 3 story buck dwelling House with Basement and Counter Cellar, . No. 221 West Ifuh strret between8th and 9'.h Avenues. I'iieaiiove is a »ery convetsi nt,modern built hoiiie.inthe immediate vicinity ol three lines of stipes. Apply at sture No. 181 Broadway or to William J. Roome, corner of 8th Avenut? j.nd 21st streets. Also to be let, a frame suble in the rear of the above prem¬ ises on 18th street._f 29 Urn* %d COUNTRY SEAT.To Let or for sale, a most desirable Conntry Residence.it Jamaica, L. I. fiontiug the leading Avenue, but. a short distance from the Railroad ; nearly two acres is ornamented with ornamen¬ tal and fruit trees, grape vines, a variety of choice berries, as¬ paragus, rlowers, shrubs. Sec. The whole improvements are modern and very convenient, built expressly for the present owi er. The^bove property or, thd whole, consisting of about 10 acres of rich g.tfdeiiing land and nursery, will be sold or ex¬ changed. If not sold it will bu rented, il application is made to JN'O. H. rOlLLON, No. 2 Atlannc-st-, feb3 Itn* South Kerry, Brooklyn for SALE.A Paper Mill, Dwellin? House p^jg and Orchard, with 13 acies good land, situated in ¦ SiiWhipplii7< New Jersey,21 miles from New-York, and an l within 2i mile< from tiie Morristown Railroad, and 3 miles below Morristown. The Mill is situated on a never* failingstreaui of water will drivel engines in the dryest time. The water wheel is new. 16feet wide and 17 feet diameter, w ith 4 >?ood engines and new runniriu' geer. For furiher par- tn-ularo iuouiie of GAUNT & DERRICKS ON, jlOGm. 150 South st. N. York. CROTON HALL TO let .This Hall, oc¬ cupying one of the best locations in the city, at the _corner of the Bowery and Division-street, is to let four evenings each week, and every day except Sundays. It is finely fitted up, has an ante-room, a fir»t-ra'e Piano Forte, and is well calculated for Lectures.Concerts, and Public Meetings of any kind. JOHN ALCOHOL is now on trial at this Hall every"Saturday evening. He is pro.-ecuted with gnat strength, and vinor, and defended with equ spirit, a;;d will probably get cle^r. inquire in ( lock Establishment, over the HalL f3 tf_R. SMITH. issk farmers, merchants, and me- i^iiSCHANlCS LAND, LOAN AND EXCHANGE £ae&OFFICE..At this orfice can be found a greater variety of propertv for sale or (or exchange than at any other office in this city, with diagrams and descriptions ol Farms, Mills, Factories, Water Power^ Wild Lands, Houses, and Lots in almost7 every city and State in the Union. Loans made on good city »«c-irity. Merchants or mechanics wishing to ex¬ change goods or manufactured articles for geod productive property, or for valuable wild lands, w ill fmd it to their inter¬ est to negotiate through this office. All business enttusted to .nr care will meet with prompt attention. _nltf_A. P. SMITH. £5 Libcrtv-st. JaL FOR SALE OR to LET.The convenient E||a two story basement hiick house. No. 140 Madison J^jW». street, has every convenience for the accommodation of a Lnte family, and is one of the most desirable situations in the vtree: Tlie lot is 25 by 100 feet. If sold, the larcer propor ion of the purchase money may remain on mortgage. Also, the t\s.» story basement buck house, (directlv in the rear of the above) No. 35 Monroe street, with a brick stable on the rear of the lot. has every convenience for the accom¬ modation of one or tw o families. If sold the largest part of the purchase tnoney mav remain on mortgage. Apply-to JAS. LO V ETT. at the Bowerylns. Co., cor! of fe22 2w*_Bowery and Grand street. HALL TO LET.A commodious Hall suit¬ able for a Temperance Society or a Lecture Room, .with seats, at Nos. 359 and 351 Broouie street, between the Bowery and Centre Market, to let for 1. 2or 3 evenings in the we<«k. or exclusively foT I, 2. 3. 4 or 5 yeais. From 5 to 6(0 peisous can be comfortably seated, and't can be > ularged if necessary. Possession can be had ou the first of May urxt. An early application would be de>irable, in order to get surS- cient :itn,- to alter and repair snch things as the applicants may require, Als-i to !ri., on thtf sain.' premise.-, a Room su't-blr for .i School Room, and w hicn has be^u used as snch lor some time. For further information ipp'v on th* premises ro f-1 lm* JOHN EDWAKDS. ^FAKM FOR SALE.Containing 41 acres of posture, wood and plough land, with a number -»of useful out-buildings, situated h the village of CALDWELL, ESSEX COUNTY. N.J., 19 miles from New-York, and 9 North ot Newark. The house is commo dious, recently painted, and c-ilculated for» Boarding School, lot which purpose it was built by Calvin S. Crane, dec. who had a nourishing school there for many years; or it might make a good srabd for a Temperance Tavern, as it would command custom from the much travel on the'fine turnpike to Newark, utd situated in a region of cour.try where temper¬ ance prevails. There a variety of fruit on the premises; the location is huh and healthy. A line of Stages runs to New¬ ark, theuce by r^iiroid to New-Yorfc Pr.ce S3000, a pirt of which may rem un on mortgage, if not sold before the 16'fa ol Third month (March) nest, it w ill then Ct- offered at pub¬ lic sale, on the premises, at 1 o'ch>ck. P. M. eitber m vilia^e lots or entire, as purchisers may be found. Title indisputable. For lurther particulars, inquire on the premises to Wilson Crane, or Zenus S. Crane, of West Bloomtield; or hn New- York, of MAHLON DAY & CO. 374 Pearl m 9f lm* MCOTTON MILL KOR SÄLE..The Cooper Cotton Compauy, m Da> ton, Ohio, will sell at public auction, on th? 13üi diyof May next, their Cotton Mill, with the Machicery withiu it, ^ad such quantitv of ground around it as may be agreed upon. The Mill is loos stones high, built of bnck in a most substantial mannet upon a stone foundation, torty-two feet wide and one hundred and tour feet long, wira a wheet-hoase projectim; fi o.n the bodv ol the builditg^and is situated immediately ou t:?e twm bank o! the Miami Canal, within a few rods of the centre of the Cuy Corporation, Adjoining the Mill is a Picker House of buck, bat« during the past seisou. t wo stories biga. The Ma¬ chinery consists of 1408 spinales and 30 looms, with the ne¬ cessary preparation, and is operand by tt water power of 12M cubic »cet per minute, with a LU of la feet. d»rived from the Miami I anal, nnuer a permanent lease from the State. The ground upon which the Mil! stands a front upoa the Ca nal of 12« teet. held iu fee, and S3 feet held of th- State 0y a permanent lease, with die water power, the whole ruuniug Dae* from the Canal, across the head race. 130 feet; adjoining which there is one acre and a h-!f of ground, bounded bv three streets and abutting upon the head race, of which such por- uou. more or less, as may-be agreed uj-on, will be -old to the purchaser of the Mill. The unus will be. cue-third of the purchase money down, one-third in one year, and the remain¬ ing third in two years trom the sale; the deferred payments to bear interest. By order of the St.-ckholers. t£^&S$^*te' Committee. JOHN W. VAN CLEVE, J Dayton, Fsb. 2, lS4t. ¦ f:i 2w» APAPER. IvllLL FOR RENT, near New Ha¬ ven, Coon, hiving a complete set of paper owchinery.. The Water Pmilege is excel lent, there being a fail of 1- leer, winch, with the factory buildings, wiil be rented separately U desired for other purposes. Apply fo !:93tawlm £LI WHITNEY, New Baven. F,fl sai-L."flu.* block <>: Ground bo und rd by Greenwich L~.!r-.-,' hades Factory ami Perry streets, with the Bni:<!i!.gs O.ereou. (including the Machinery,) formerl'. known .is the Eagle Di-tillery. Eno^treof fl4 3weod-* JAM ES 3. HUGGINS. 8 W all st. MLOFTS TO LET .To let, the spacious L-ofo No. 23 William stieer, being in a central location; they ir^atare well adapted to an extensive impoiüng or domestic commission business. Apply to 23f1 w*_C O. H ALSTED, 23 Wihum-st. tFOÄ SALE.A valuable Water Power, with a large factory acd dwelling for workmen, incladii.c 15 acres land, situated tear the Hudson river. Apply 10 KC if A. P. SMITH, £5 Liberty street. MTO LET.A ioar story brick buildui? in ihe rear of No 12 Columbia street, near Gram! street. _tBLThe building is 23 by 50 feet w itfa basement, the sto- rT^l lighted oa all sides, and is well adapted to any iind ol mechanical or manufacturing bushVess. Apply to_ r l ziTHOMSON PRICE, 178 East Broadway. ßätWA NTE dTIÜLI NO IS LAND.for which eagcash at a low rate will be paid Good Lands, Titles, ZSs~and iocations will be necessarv. Apply to 2(Tlf A. P. SMITH. 85 Liberty street^ »4,000 ACRES MICHIGAN LANDS, 40,000 _3SPennsyIvauia, and 15,000 in Indiana improved and un- .Ji-^irnproved. Apply w A. P. SMITH. n2o xf C5 Liberty street. täkvt^DW ACRES ILLINOIS LANDS FOR Sale ^?or exchange.Lauds, location and ätlcs good. Bargains is., can b* had by applying to laPtf A. P. SMITH. ftiLibertrst. fi$&?Qrl SALE.200 acres of excellent land sit- ."^'r->Ii!.-.te in th* town oTMorehonse.Hamilton County, N. ^_Y. about 30 miles from Utici. The improvements are extensive in the neighborhood. Apply to Hi ANTHON Y J. BLEEC K KR St CO. 7 Bmnd-st. FOR EXCHANGE.A snug Farm contaic- .. 100 acres of Land, good House, Bara, Orchard, and ~_.FciiC:s; will take diree-quarters m Michigan Lands asd_ oct-quarter ra.sh. Applv to A. P. Smith. 85 Libcrtv-it. n20tl JO HANDSOME FARMS TO EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. located near the New-York and Erie _Railroad, with Houses, Barn:, Orchards. Wood and Hongh Land. Price £2:1 per acre. Som* Weitem lands and tome money would not be objected to. Diagrams can be seen by applying to A. P. Smith. 35 Liberty^t._<Ü3tf j5ä-*FARMS.FARMS FOR S A LE. & valua- ^gllle Wheat Farm nf 273 acres, lying between the CV. <¦¦ - »-.£?. .-.r.d Seneca Lakes, ran ha exchanged for Illinois land inci rnon-ry. Also, a Farm of 100 acres on the Chtnango river id anal, for casii on!v. Also, many z<> d Farms ;n New- >is-y, containing from 10 to 200 acres. Apply t-"1 A. P. Smith, 85 Liberty street._n20 tf :'-T^- 2-W ACRES .-I i i: 111 - >as LANDS and 6500 tsSCASH to exchange for a productive property u.r New «j.Yorli City. Also, SlOiV) in carh mil 0. valuable piece of Iwd adjoining the City of Chieso, Michigan, for a Farm n.*r New-York. Also to oxchans*. a handsome place of a few acres, located m a pleasant Eastern vi! lag*, forasnnc, near Fann in New-Jersey. Apply to 'dl3:f A. P. SMITH. 8.-) Liberty-st. ^~FTTr LE OR E XC H a NGETOR CIT Y esSSf PROPERTY.a fine rann of 115 acres, is a good Ja~>gnuing farm,.with orchard and buildings, lying near Patterson on the PassaicHi ver. Apply to-¦ fVs tf A. P SMITH, £5 Liberty st. c^'vöh salk lxchange for'city =-^rf' PROPE ItT Y.A handsome productive groin farm «Li] ing on ths t'^ss lie river near Paterson, N. Jersey, 103 acre? land .ihd wood farm buildiogs. Apoly to 231 U A. P. SMITH, Ü Liberty-sr. isSfcFOit SALE or V. XC 11A N .V arms as ^^H^fi.dlows: one of 162, 200,43,06, f-G. 7G, 120 , 30 and 50 acres. ~l~m.a\\[handsome improved farms within 30 miles of New York city, and will be sold or exchanged at great bargains. 28f tf A. P. SMITH, 85 Liberty. FOR SALE.A Farm of 104 acres. pJea- JSsantly situated in Huntington,L. Laboutli miles from «J^Northport (formerly Cow Harbor) horn which place a picket plies to and from New-York weekly. On said Farm there is a good dwelling house, ham, and other necessary out buildings.a good bearing apple orchard and abundance of all oth:-r kiud> of fiuit.tw enty acres of t;rr,ber . =ood fe«iC«.to- eeibexwidi a well of water near die door and a st oie cistern. If is offered for i-i consequence ol ill health "I the'owner, and w :!l be ";¦ i low with or without tbj stock Jiid farming nie::>ils Title indisputable; and ful Iparticulars made known by applying to JOSEPH WEED; No. Division street, ba- rv rt5aud 1 v. M. or E. W. WOOD, Nordiport. N.irlhport, Feb. 23. 181-1._121 lm« M^FAAM for SALE;.Twelve hundred and <fcr^§s'xty acres of most etrn!ent land is offered for sala by -^jt.the subscriber. This land is known as the " Ashland farm " and ;s situated in the town of Lyme, Jefferson County, New-York. Seven hundred and-fifty acre* of die tract is clear¬ ed; the residue 13 Very heavily timbered. The land is ofgreat fertility, and is situated in an excellent wheat-growing section ol one of the most wealthy and populous Counties of the State. Tne farm buildings are numerous, extensive and commodious, and the .'ocatiou of the property is such a* to otlVra mo*t ad- v intageons investment of capital lui an individual or an " As spciation.* disposed to enter extensively into the larming bu¬ siness. For further parOculars imjuire ol JOS. A. PHILLIPS 3 .Mile Bay, Jelferion Co. N. Y. Refers to Marsh & Willis, 101 Pearl-st, New-York City. s- ptember 19,18^3._s2L2tawrf 4^fe FARM FOR SAL b AT PERTH AMBOY, tgfiglN. J..A Farm o.' 180 acres pleasantly situated upon the K^&aB Sound about one mile north of die town, will he sold altogether or in convenient parcels. Iris well wooded with large white-oak -md other timber, and has a number of pleasant sites for dwellings, with large forest trees adjacent f"r ihade and ornament. Tliesoilis good, the situation healthy, and the land Wrll watered with springs, &C I'lierr is anew aud convenient farm-house on the premisr^, with barn, Stc, and a i>e ich orchard of bearing trees ol the best varieties, and the larm is edclosed with good chesnut fence put up new within live years. At Perth Amboy there is au excellent school for giils,and within a short distance of the premises a classical school for boys in high repure, besides other schools; and churches lor Episcopalians, Presbyterians. Baptists and Mi- diodists. The C'-mmnuieaticn to and from New York is t«i*-ea day bv stertinboar, at low !are; and once daily by stage t the railroad at Rah way*. h'nr terms and farther information, apply to F. W. BRIN- LEY or JAMES PARKER, Perth Amboyj or to WM. A. WHlTEHEAD. lOf 3iaw-'Aw No. 53 Merchants' Exchange, N. Y. DRESH MINED GOAL just received, and will re soled a: the low price of $1 75 per ton, delivered to any part of the city, warranted to be the best quality of Peach Or chard Stove aud Broken and Egg. Also will be delivered from the yard »creen-d at $5 per ton PETER CLINTON, . jan2* 2m* cor. of King and Greenwich. t 1verpool coal..300 chaldrons.. -Li The subscriber is prepared to make liberal advances on Liverpool Coal to sell on commission T. STOKES DICKERS ON, 17f tf 107 Anthony street, neai Broadway. t IVERPOOL COAL yard..The subscriber j.i intends giving his particular attention to the purchase and sale of the above Coil. Consumers of Liverpool Coal ar* invited to call on the subscriber before purchasing else¬ where, as he is prepared to sell/^r ^mallprnßta T. STOKES DICKERSON. No. 107 Anthony-street, near Broadway. Fine Coal for Smith's u>e for sale as above. f 17 tf PEACH ORCHARD, RED ASH COAL.Price REDUCED -Oh ing to the openiug of navigation on the Delaware and Schuylkill, and the consequent shipment »f coal to this mark-1; also to the reduction of tolls on the Penn¬ sylvania Canal of E>ghr«n cents per ton on lb*.. The subsciiber has reduced the price of his Coal TWENTY- FtvK cents per ton. On hmd. for sale, Peach Orchard Co^l of ali sizes, delivered fiee of caiWge in good order T. STOKES DICKERSON. No 107 Anthony strret, near broadway. Liverpool and Sidney, for family use or Smiths', on hand, for sale as abov^:. Also White Ash and Lehigh Coal "of all siiesj;_feJTtf .jag- TAPSCOTT'S GENERAL EMIGRA- jTpfr, TION PASSAGE OFFICE, 43 Peck Slip, NewJ ^==«äYork..ARRANGEMENT FOR 1844. The subscribers beg to call the attention of their friends and thrJ puDlic generally to their superior arrangements for bringing out Passengers from, and remitting money to all parts of ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND or WALES, in die magii.'ficoai Ships comprising the thf MCW line of liverpool packets, The ship QUEEN OF THE WEST, (new) 1250 cons burth-n, Capt. P. WoOdhouse. " SHERIDAN. 1000 tons, Capt. A. S. Dept-ysier, " ROCHESTER, 1000 tons, Capt. John Britton, " GARRICKj looo tons. Capt. Wm. Skiddy, " HOTTINGUER, 1100 tons, Capt. Ira BnrsUy, " ROSCITJ S. 1100 tons, Capt. John Collins. New " LIVERPOOL, 1150tons, Cant.John Eldridge, '. SIDDONS, 1000 tons, Capt.E. B. Cobb, Sailing lr.'itt Liv-rpoo! twice in each month,and die UNITED LINE OF LIVERPOOL packet?. sailing four times in each mouth, are the ship.; which tnose whose passages may be engaged with the subscriber-, will come out in. and it is a well known fact that the above named packets are die most magnificent shirs arlo»t,and the frequen¬ cy of their sailing (being every five uay3) prevents the possi¬ bility of passengers being unnecessarily detained in Liverpool. Regardless ol expensi. and in order to meet the wants of the ptibUc.and the wishes ol their friends,Mr.Wm.Tapscott.oneof die rirm. has gone to Liverpool to superintend the departure for this country of such persons whose passages may be cn- ga«:ed w ith the subscribers, a fact, w hich, to those acquainted with Mr. W. T. is a sufficient guarantee dun they will re¬ ceive every attention from hi in and be quickly and comforta¬ ble dispatched. tfcPassages direct from London, Brut;1! and Gre-nock,to New- York. Also from Liverpool to New -Orleans, Mobile, Savan¬ nah. Charleston, Philadelphia, Bos! n aud Baldmore,and the varioits ports of BritishNortli America can at all times be »n- cated. In All cases where the parties sent for decline corning, th passage money promptly refunded, without deduction.. Passage from die vari-jus ^e^iioru of Ireland and Scotland to Liverpool can also be secured. » ¦ Ti:v Regular Packets will continue to run as follows vi*5*' To ai:d horn London on the 1st, 10th and 20di of each month To LivEapooL oil the 1st, 6th, Hth. 16th, 21st and26thol each month. To New-Orles.ss, Mobile, Savannah and C hap leston weekly. By any of which pas-ages can at all times be engaged at .. a sou able rates. m^^'«'0"?«^,0^ ?" be applied with sums of £1. i2. £3 i-5, .t.10, £20. £50, £lc0. or auv amount, pay- abieor.deiiiand, without discount- In Iceland.The National and Provincial Banks and Branches in all the principal Towns in Ireland in beoTLANo-lhc Eastern Bank of Scotland, Sir Win. Forbes Hunter X Co., and Branches in all theprincipal tow ns m *?ccitlana In EN«LANO-Nati.>nal aud Provincial Baak of England, 1 Banted Co. Exchange and Discount Bonk Liverpool. Messrs. Jim« Bult, Spa & Co. Bankers, London, and Branches m all the principal towns in England and Wales, Orders from tne country attended to per first packet. Partner particulars made known ou application (lfbvlet ter, post paid,) to W. & J. T. TAPSCÖTT. 13 Peck Slip, Corner Sontk sr_ S'ew-Y'ork, or 2._WM. TAPSCOTT. Liverpool. PATENT WATER PIPES-Lead, tin, wood, A sheet, cast and wronght Iron Pipes, coated inside with hydraulic cement, so'as to prevent oxyd'.tion and give a pure and durable conduit for water, to be seen in rear building. No^ 142 i> niton strccr ?.¦*"**"'2, letters except post-paid and addressed to J. HALL. 142 r niton st. N. Y. mistered._fSlmly Y0R SALE.MECHANICAL LAMPS.Four ^.lE^sc'me -Mechaniml Lamju, in good ordsr, having ae*n used but a short lime, will be sold verv low. the owner having ae lurUier use for them. Enquire at 396 Broadway, ft 1m AM ERICAN POST OFF I.. The American Litter Mail Crmpany have, established Post One*.; in A', lork, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Bost-m, sad will tis isinit ltftt-rs daily ?':o»ri e.chrity t* the ot-Vrs.twic-.» ü- between .New-York and Philadelphia. Postage *i cents for each haifor.. payable always in advance. Sj .:<;.» 2" for a dollar. They will carry only Itttere. Their imrpose is tu carry letters bv the most rapid cor.yey- auces, and atthecheapest rate«, and Co extend their operation; (as fast as patronage may justify.) over the principal routes-.! the countrv, so as to give to the public the most extensiv- fa- ulitiesfpi correspondence that can be afforded at an uniform rate of postage. . . ,, , ., . . The Company eVstsa abo (if sustained bv tlx public) t,«^- rov.ghly to agitate the question, and test the-constitutional ritrhtot tr^e competition in the business of carrying letters.. The grounds on which th«:y assert this n^ht, are published and for sile, at the olfices, in pamphlet form. Letters containing money will not be received. Until further notice, letters, on arriving at their desfiuation. unless promptly called for, will be deluded by.carneM.or .it posited for delivery in the Government Post Office. The maUs for Philadelphia will be dosed at hall past 8 A. M and quirt, r past 4 1'. M. Those for Boston at half past 3 p. m. Mails will commence rar.rrin? from New-York to Boston a'jd Philadelphia on Tuesday. the23«i inst. P. M.; from iiostou on Wednerd tv, from Baltimore on i'i.ura ty. Office ic New-York, 56 Wall-street: rhiladelphia. 109 » i.-s- nut-str*et; Boston, 12 State-street; Baltimore, Museum Bui.d- ings, Calvert-st . , m_ , , Refer in New-York to Jonah Htnre. Esq. 58 Merchants Exchange; Sila.1 Jones, Es«}. 60 Wall-street. If the public approve tlie enterprise, they are requested to give it their suppoit/rom the outset. LYSANDER 8POONER. New York. January 20. 1811- _j.a20 3iis ostl_ q^ilFunder^ned, CiV11/ ENG INiiE ft S, will JL make Surveys, Estimates of cost, and reports forRail- ways, Canals; iici-is. Dock*. Wharves. Sustaining Walls, Bridges cf every description, ".xiiii plans :ud spec i lie atiocs, and when required, will snperihtend their execution. nth \ will make drawings md specifications of improvements in machines, and aid inventors in procuring letters patent; the services of Ur. Thomas P. Jones have been seemed ior any business requiring t«ersonal attendance at Washington. They will act as agents ior the saleol Letters Patvat. Al«o, of Mills, Mines, Quarries, Machinery, fcte. Address either of the undersized, at S5 Merkh-mts' Ex¬ change, New York EDWIN F. JOHNSON, a 10to*_WILLIAM R.CASEY. WINDOW SflADE DEPOT, NO. 7 SPRUCE-STREET. <fcOfi fififi WORTH OF SHADES .The ^)/*C\J « Vy/Vf subscribers invite the attention of the ol - lie to one oPthe m^st splendid assortments of Shades tiüt ever could: be coH^cted together, all having been painted by artists of acknowledged reputation. We would mtorm die public that we have no meuts. nor our shades hi bought nt anv other p!ac*. Tfenever allow our shades to be hawked round by dry goods nor carpet de tiers, or any other peo¬ ple whoare ncsjudges We'both being practical artists, and ali our shades beiii;; painted tu.dir our persona] direction*, is sufficient guarantee of !m ing a good article. Shades painted to any pattern, and warranted to vvasb and no: to curl or crack. S?i»ii». banners .iud interior decorations do :e in a Style not to be surpassed by anyoth^restablishment. Trimmwgs of all kinds, wholesale and retail. flO 3m BAR VOL -DE MAUN ri^T^l^sITgar REDUCED IN PRICE. JfTOOLSEY AND WOOLSEY from this date V offer theii "Standsird? DOUBLE REFINED SU GARS .-.t thi- following low c^sd prices, viz: L-'.al ....' 1 cents per pound. } When less than 5 iie.ukaues are Crashed .11 do do > purchased halt a cent per pound PowdeVd Hi do do ^ )additional. The above a:e packed a-, follows: Loaves in Boxes ol 3uü pounds '1 Trashed in Bids, of 200 do \ No charge for packages. Powd-red in do of 250 do ) Apply to the New-York Patent Sugar Refinery, corner of South and Montgomery sts. or at 80 Wall st. N. B. Orders out of the city must b-J accompanied oy a re- mittance._11 [_ REFINED SUGARS R. L. & A STUART, are now selling the various qualities of fheirstaam refined Sugars in quantities offive packages and upwards, at as low cash prices as .any other refinery. The Sugars are packed as follows, without charge for packages: Loaves in boxes ol JOO lbs. Crushed in b-ineis of 200 lbs. Ground, in barrels of 25C lbs. Apply ^t the il.-lir.ery. 2£'» Greenwich street, comer of Chambers street. Orders out of the city must be accompanied by -a remittance._11 tf .tteas..2m? chests Souchong; 20U hull cheats JL do. 156 half cttestr. Niug Yong Souchong. SO do Caiier Souchong. iO chests line Mobee Powchong; 20 fancy boxetffine Mohcc Souchong. 100 ciiests Hyson, ill fauc., boxes ElysOn, line. ;i!ü c!:-st ; Yonng Ilvson. S5o halfchests do. 100 chests Hyson ^kin. 50 half chests superior Gunpowder. SO tic «o Imp-rial. All country picked and of itc impbrtation. For sale by ORINNKLL, MlNTURN CO., d7 tf 78 South-street ÄÄ^ILUER'S PAT'ENT SALAMANDER SAFE !.The subscriber is the ou\v authorized rai¬ son in i!;e St.He to !.> ik- .ir .-..'il these valuable property pre¬ servers, aud pledges himself to the^publiv that all safes made by him shall be equal to any ev-r tested, they never havint; failed to preserve the contents uninjured, thourh frequently exposed to the most intense heat. Dampness has be< u entirely overcome, and they are now warranted dry.all having Chitbb's thief detector Lock, which renders them the most perfect article ever offered to the public. Those who wish to purchase an article called Improved Salamander Safes, Imitation Salamander Safes, or second Hand Safes, made by C. J. Gaylor, (and said by him be tirepruof) arid other second hand safes can b* furnished with all sizes and designs at price* according to quality, by apply¬ ing at the hron Safe Warehouse änd Factory of ffi Im* _SIL A** C. HERUING. I39 Water st. NOTICE TO NEW FIRMS. V/TERGITAjNTS about establishing ßew titniä iv i- are requested to peruse the following CARD: '! he subscribe!* titvit;^ hten - ..t.;1;!!?!..-.! Iura uui'ib- r^l years, and being | racrical SIGN AND OR - AM EN TAL PAINTERS.would acquaint Merc- am* and others that they have concluded to reduce their CHARGES (for cash only] 50 PR. CENT. BELOW their former PRICES. [CT" All work executed by thein to in their well known SUPERIOR STYLE. ACKERMAN 8t MILLER, jal2 3m* No. 103 Nassau st. uear Ann. Office ok thk Receiver of Taxes, Old Aims-House, (Park.) S 6t nPAXES OF 1843:.Pursuant to the 5th and 6th J- Sections of the 2d Article of the " Act for the Collection of Taxes in the City of New-York, passed April 18th. 1843,' public notice is hereby given, that unless the Taxes now n.- in lining unpaid shall be paid on or before tiie 15th -lay cl February next, an addition ol one j*t cent, will he charged npon_allTaxesremainhg unpaid on that day; and *. fait'i-i addition <d one [>e.r cent, will bo charged upon all Taxes re¬ maining unpaid en the 15th day of March next. The Taxe» are required to be paid in money current .at the several Banks in this City. Office lioura, fiom 8 A. M. tili 2 P. M. J25 tMhl __T_ KIER..TED. Receiver of Tnxea_ HPHE ONLY GENUINE AND ORIGINAL A ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAT. FOR.THE CURE OF ERUPTIONS. CHAPPED FLESH, -c-Caution to the Public..The proprietor of this was lately confined to hi3 bed several weeks, during which time this was infa¬ mously counterfeited- therefore, neverbuy acake of this with¬ out the signature of 1. Joues on the wrapper, and particularly in this City only at 82 Chath .m-street. and out of this city only of the agents here advertised. Be careful of this, if von want the genuine. AI ways ask for Jones's Italian Chemical Soap.take no other. Without misrepresentation, these are its positive qualities, for which it has received the highest en¬ comiums of the faculty, and the unsolicited approval of the Medical Society ol I'.tris. k has cured thousands in the Uni¬ ted States of every disfigurement and eruption of the skin, such as pimples, freckles, blotches, salt rheum, scurvy, heat spots, tan, sun burn, morphew, sec. Cure chapped flesh, kc. Jt will chaise th-color oi dark, yellow, or sun burnt skin to beautifully healthy clearness. To p.ro\e to the public the excelleuc- ol this, road the following diploma awarded to M. Vespriui, the inventor, by the Medical Society of Paris: ' We MUlW M. Vespriui is the greatest philanthropist of the age, and his Italian Cbemical Soap a mwacle to cure any eruptions or disfigurement oftheskin. It will prove a blessing to future ages." Sold by the only general agent in the United States, I. Jones, wholesale perfumer, sign of the American Eagle, 82 Chatham-street, N. Y., or 139 Fulton-street. BrookIyn;8 State-street Boston; 3 Ledger Buildings. Philadelphia; 207 King-street, Cnarkston, S. C. f if lm J ADIES, DON'T USE COMMON CHALK, it -Lilooks bad", ic injures the .-kin, and makes it look yellow i ry Joii">3 Spanish Lilv White; it gives the face or neck a pure liie-lik- .tlaü-ister whiteness. Sold a; the sign of the American Eagle, 82 Chatham-street, New-York; and at ISO FultdTi-street. -^^_^thinrjc-vr--t. Brooklyn. fM lm V°(u WHU SARSAPARILLA.Try -8. Jones's Extract of Sarsaparilt.a Candy; 'tis exzellent, powerful, and a pure ext: act ol the root S'old a: 25 edits .i package, or 5 for $1. at th- si-u ol the American Eagle. 82 Chatham st. N. Y. or 139 Fuilou and 54i Atlantic st. Broon _25_._fell lm rjOLORLNG OR DYING HALR..WHITE, RED, or GREY HAIR changed to a dark brown o.- l*Tmantnt black, by the Moorish Hair-Dye. Sold at 5u c-uts or al a bottle at tlii sign of the American Eagle, 82 Chatham d^V. lVw Yofk; (,r 139 Fulton, or 54i Atlantic street, Brookivu._ fei) |m "jVCTiCii..The Teuij ortiry Water Lo;* ol :hc ii v^ty.«{ ^?*,^«k| due and payable March 1st. 1311, win be paid (p:iiicip.il :u<l interest) on that day .t thr Comp¬ troller's O trice, No. 5, Hall of Records, Park. !L/*" Temporary Loans, in sums of S250 and upwards, ..¦ ill be i .~e-i by tiie City ; payable iu one ><r two yarars, with m- teresCaenu-anauaUy: P.A. YOUNG, Uy Comptroller. J 'omptroller's Uliicc, New-York. Feb. 2G. ISM. I^AIRBANKS'S fa ris t i 'LATFORM SCALES The manufacturers have brought these Balances to a very great degree of perfection, and, in their various modifications, luve adapted them to all the purposes for which heavy trans¬ actions are required by weight. In the mechanical construc¬ tion, care is taken to secure STRENGTH, DURABILITY and ACCURACY.accuracy not merely as a specific point and to a given amount, but uniform accuracy at every augle of the Platform and throushont the entire range, lrom the lowest to the highest capacity of the Balance. These Scales keep their adjustment perfectly, are never lia¬ ble ro derangement, .and seldom to any expense for repairs.. Thej arc in use in most of the Railroads in the United States, and in some of them they have been long in use, rhe operation being perfect. So ulso in the Doimant and Portable Scales foi weighing merchandise. Merchants and od»e,-3 who have b*d tliem iu constant use tor a succession of years, testify to their uniform accuracy, and to the fact tliat they appear unaffected by wear. These Scales have also been patented iu England where they are expensively used, both in private warehouses' and public railways. eudiy J. W. THORNE, No. 118Broad-street. New-York COxMMISSION PAPER WAREHOUSE NO 4^ JOHN-STREET. J7LLI0T, BUR NAP & BABCOCK ere cvrt- r^lW*^^»?*^ ^eMnü asortment ol «^JT . ' *.?"ed.,to ^ detsartmenu of the trad*, among whacn ore U»e following: Habbard's colored Paners m ,^!~.ran;ty.: B,'^? Copperplate Papers, of superior mS&T&L Car, Lsaw, folio £V-«' ?¥rn* Clothiers' and Carpet- fT1. i£""Bt?fr^; HPS*** ' Hardware and Cloth TV rSStic, boards; Sheathing end Wrapping Jj^jnakers supplied with all ijadsof stock and mau 1 joNtf IMPORTANT DISCOVERY RICHAIODSON & COAS CELEBRATED AMERICAN I'AN ACE A. npö IS Medicine; compounded solely lrom veeeb» A b?- m Itter, free r.»rm adulteration. Änd »irr.\ct?d fr *J any ingiedieiu* detrimental to health, vtu discovered[JE* Oneve ix liaci, t> an individual sorelv »Cictrd wirJi Cr fiTp* tüii was öy them prououuceu incurable, &q» who, *ftrr the ibore unmed medicine <"cr five w^ts^Tr« r»im~-i. lat ff er health. That medicine has Wo told with mS5Ü° KS success, and and has never failed in *ny iiatan-'e ('vthf-'l in accordance with directions) to effect a r*riect ''- ^ following dieses, to wit>-SALT RHEUM ^ Rnrrr^ ULCERATED SCROFULA. BRONl^TiS vAhi- SOKES, KINO'S EVIL. Tf! 1STELO INFI aSS? TORY AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM wTSÄ* h effects .tie truly astouisi ing. Only one table- saoonfWult taken Cby an »dWwach morning b.«>re eating, S ^ produces a tonic effect, while (m most cases) it ahw »et gentle cathartic, increisinj: the appetite und g^:eral hea'th* r the '«iieut. causing all ulcerated sores to dischirje rnor fusely, and j-.roducing an effectual alterative of the «rhokn^ tern, purifying and producing a perfect action 01 the Wood Person«;, w hile taking it. should refrain from the use of ill stimulating drinks or highly seasoned food. Fcrsal* b~ . -mos. g. talmagk General agent, 20 Tine-sT. opposite thecus.om house, N yn.t. or at Rnshton&Co, tiO Broadway.and 10 Astor House B- w ¦; John B. Dodd. 6t3 and 771 Broadwoj: P. DicW'Tm L. F. Wheeler it Co. i!2 Cherry street, tieit to Citlianoejt- J. Syme, G3 3 ..»- ry. a]! of whom have certificate»and wstjl moni Us of it*, efficacy. Also, iu Brooklyn by Jas. W. Smith con tt ofCranbeny and Fulton strev:.,» Georg« Ambrose < SquireV Buildings, Atlantic street, and Mrs. H, Hayes, jjj Fulton street. Instructions fortakinj the aiticta, aud a great number 0f certificates and testimonials may be seen and obtained at»jjt of th*- above ptaaes. r.24 eodlra ly A SCIENTIFIC HAIR TONIC RESTORER AND BEAÜTIFIER. TRIAL BOTTLES-THREE SHILLINGS. TO THOSE who have used Jones's Coral Hair Restorative know us exalleut qualities; to whose uho h»»e uot. we say chat ti«* fact of our selling three-shilling bo?, ties must prove the truth of ourst.it» meuG.and ihat weaienat afraid of persons trying a small Quantity first, we warraath r.» j........the following .»nähre*:.h will force the luirto grow on any part when* Nature intended hair io grow, stopu tailing off; cure scurf or dandruff, and make liuht. red or grey hair ^row dark. For dressing the hail soft and silky. nothing can exceed this.it mikes it truly beautiful, and kerp» unj. It is. indeed, the m.>si economical, yet superior, .uticle mviii for the hair Sold.price3,5 or a shiltingsa b»t:le>.the sign if the American Eagle, 82 Chatham-street, New-York: V-'j Fulton strret. Brooklyn; 8 Stit* street. Boston; 3 Ledger Bui lings, Philadelphia; 207 Kirg-street Charleston. S.C til lm_ SEBRIXG'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL JS now miiversallv admitted to be a certain sprcifi»: for Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, Weakness, Less of Appetite, D»0!i::v. &c. Physicians prescribe it to th?ir pa- tieut-s; centiemen who have experienced its curative effects, gratefully recommend it; ladies have deriied the greatest benefit from itsexhibition in nervous and other tomplaina; epicure-, are restored io theirappetite; and the weak aud tV*b!c ore made strong and h igorous. ''Health, the poor inau'sriclwi .the rich man's bliss," has; through its influence, haaret* tended ail cl-ssesaud conditions.mechanics and mauB&c turers, mercluujts and bankers, lawyers and divines, phikto- pliers, poets and planters, have all beer, cured by this medicine »s then ceitideates and recommendations satisfactorily prow! Yet thousands upou thousands remain who are daily«uffimcg torture, bothof mind and body, from the above complaints 11 ::i intallable remedv is oifered to them in the ltesto-i'. uveCordial, which is~j-repared by C. C. SEBRlNü.aad r.old ¦'. hisotfi.-.e No. 6 .^!ir: stn-i-t jl6 3m BOVJRARI3'6 HAIR UPROOTING- PÖW- DER-v.. Ladt, , nil others can luve this tested before ' purchase.oi we agree to return t'ne mouev, unless it re¬ move, every paiocle of hair wherever it is applicable; and in ordei Uiat poor or rich may use it, we have reduced its oriee TO ONLY FIFTY CEN'TS A BOTTLE. Sohl at i; . of the American Eagle, $2 < h ttlnm street N. V..<Ti.yi Fulton-.tnet. Brooklyn. feU ira ' lAJVlERii LN 1,0< -cEHS'TuuLS land TOOLS in ireueral for HOUSE aod 'SHIP CAllPEiVTERS, BUTCIIEKS, Stc. h-:. can h»- obtained in ail then eariety at WHOLK- SA1.E and RETAIL, u FULTÖN-STREETj NEW YORK, of the most celebrited mar.t fictiirjrs, (wananUi Cas: S/rei,) Mich ALBERTSON'S, CONGER'S. BARTON St SMITH'S, HORTON1», GIKKOllD'S, and other makers. also, t^'ooi>ers'DuweliuK UitU; All'r-llCaü Iron'.'ivets. do. Beck Irons; Coo.!eis' Tniss Hoops: do. Ta|iaudBti!ii<-bori»n; do Head and iitave Join do. l>eveliiig Manes; trrs; Io. Vires; do .*?:ock Howells and J'». Compasses; Crosers; da. Maakmglronj.atcac do. Üraces; \: > rCE.SuflicieCI it it in oiiivvei to the advertisew-nl th ».'. i: ears *o the Cfutr;My, tli.it we not Only have the Tool» iii Ioha ' oNi.ifk, 33 Attorney-street, New-York, forsafeai h..-. I,;-, ftist^,'but We .|-- hav« riie genuine wssasriTKO Casi Steel Iohw P. < owocr's, which we warrant lusIJie- spects equal, if not superior, to Johu (.'onger'j. And is the said John . '>n:;er has manifested so innch fe*l- ins la relation to our s^llii,« Tools that are uot his make, we deem it bot justice, for the information of the public, tony that the said John Conner learned lus trade witn the fathti of said Jolui P. Conger. And as f«r proof of [he quality of the Tools made by John P. Confer, we have abundance ; and they <!.) not require the name of Jühn Conger,33 Attorney stre^r.tc m>k^ them saleable. In addition to the aim e, inasmuch as John Conger has by a late adveitismient, anil in ^contradiction of out» own advertisement, u- sert-d that we hove none of his Tuoh, though iL he uot necessary for us here, w her» w- are knowu. to pro» nonnce the essertiou a tliiect and positive falsehood, if not a wilful and deliberate one, and which we <u- lullv pre|>arerl to substantiate : v-t lest those not acquainted with us might be deceived or misled, we feel ourselves called upon to do so ; ind forth''i s that *ve not only luve th^ in, hut weihall continue i keep his iaitl Conger's Tools >o j«.iit as dine sh ill be u il'tnaiid foi them and they are for sale in the market. A> liberal discount öd t-d^e Tool» ro merchants. The subscriber* 4re .,Lo Imhoh r krs and Gkskhal Deal- brs in ENGLISH. GERMAN and AMERICAN HARD¬ WARE, CU i'LEU If, &c b.c., including a very ExtJUtslfl A?*0rtmkmt. which they offer t>» COUNTUT MkbcMaNTI and others at Mibkt Paices. OSBORN & littlü. Charlks Osbokw, Chaklks S Litti.k ja5 3n LNOTICE..Osborn A: Little appear quite restive, since their detection in the small businesiin w hich they h ive seen lit to engage, aud are desirous to justify thomselv-s in v inous ways, will be i «y seen by the m my alterations in theiradvertisements. Vm "L*t the galled jade wince." They accuse me of Vsv falsehood in the statement that they lud not my took NO> to sell, I mean they have not «n assortmect, ana this I can substantiate. Tv.o persons cilled at Osborn* Little's, and inquired for carpenters'I )o!s of Conceal nuuui- they aai J they had unj.- 'i hey asked lor coojiers' tools- uvj were hmded an assortment stamped " ('oilier," but not UK genuine stamp. They were then asked for Conner's, of Nj*- York.they produced one ase and one adze. They were asktd for r<;ur,dinrr, howeliugand hollow ing kuives.they had nose. The fact then, as it appears, is, they hava just lufBcientto sw-ar by, ana thos-* thev have procured without my know l-ilire or cons. nt. They have made use of my name so long' that it appears ouite natural, and would seem almost deaMto them to pait with it". They say they intend to use it ai long as there are wdsofmy manufacture iu the market, cleirl7 showing rhat they appreciate the advantage they have, already, and still hope to gain through itiu their business. ThesUBP up'n mv tools is thus : CONGKB, 115 Inij^_New-York, 33 Mujtrtjl r^HMaatffll) FÄCTS FOR A Ü1SCK1M1 (3 ÖJohn ' Jonger of New York, has, in i ser^s ofadvertisemeots,(butnot«ow for the fint time) jailed my character and charged upon me the attempt opiiffl off spurious edge toobt by mtfans of fhe 3ame stamp wliicn w hassee.i lit to use, but to which he has in (actnr. ruhe, icou he has seen tit to implicate in the same charge the firm UV* born it Little. wi:h whom alone my tools are tot lae,« deem it my duty to make the following statement aud ow leave the public to judge who is the guilty party.=JMgH sixtv years sine, my father, 1 homas Consrer, fo.loww ». business of nvking edge tools in the neighboriog at»;f New Jeisey. and invariably used the stamp of WjWg^J that too when said John Conger was blowing the DerwwtP his for^'e as his apprentice. To that business [was broog- up and when my father gave up his business about uwy»j 1822. I continued it, using the same stamp. J he above uarow John Conger w?s with my father about j T»'ar»as an'pfwj tice md ioumeyman; he says (infeientially) in hts mtjaw* ment he never learned anything ol my father during ««;»T If he means by that to sLnd»-r the dend, as »"p,aI^bll°Vi7me ing him, the reputation "i my father's Tools, boui»i»s* and abroad, will stamp falsity upon the assertion. ,. Upon thee mtrary, he mrau< tmtheh-mself was iWW* ofh ing r.iu-.'ht, ir may be true. And from the fac: 01 John < longert taking the stamp of wy father to p^enneM to tools o: hit own mike, 1 should rather be inclined to min» it in that resject true. ... Ofone thing, however, I will -rive John Conger the «".1.. if that part ol his ad vertis-'inect he rnsc. and that is ing ro be houest in nnw assuming the stamp which!M .J0*"- to have taken in th^ first place and left my stamp to the*' V* alone were entitled to it, and not make it the sfeppitg Wf^ his own success and its uujustifnble use by himself a P)MI? keeping or attein: ling to keep others out of the mark*-- .** to rnysell.conscious of nevn having deviated from the of ritiiir, I shall continue rhe stamp L>r»tofoie used by ir.y before me. As to my tools, they require oO^i than tiirirown intrinsic merit to g:v > them character, r*y would nit now he h. f-.re the public 10 assert my own Mr? !!¦ respect to them, had not JohnCoiigrr basely assailed,*1'" mv own. rhe character of Messrs O.iborn & Little, who an*Lwill be :n future my sole Amenta in this City. 127 Iw_ _* JOHN P.CONC/KR^. WAR RANTED CÄST-STEEL TOOLS.-The real genuine Conger's Tool* c*n onlybe had at 33 Attorney St., where theyv* tsm and finished with my own hands; therefor',1 <qi recommend them, and at George Briggs* L°» 'r Maiden Jai;e. Those tools offered by QsWrt * Little at33 Fultonst. stamped "looser/'toe »l ~ . my make, and are designed to deceive. Tbey b* none of my tools. Mine are stamped thus: Conger, York, 33 Attorn-y-st. A liberal discount to defers, fl**9 ooserve the stamp. _J^L. JrtÄ CHURCH BELLS. AND TOWN « rl »CLOCKS.-The wbscribtr, who was awarg a Diploma at the New-York Suus Fairs ol »Jt *=s»:^ and 184 i lor the l>>st tuned Church ^ al.o a si!v»r Medal lor the best Bell, and Diploma lot Clock, exhibited at the Fair of die Ameiican losuwt» October Idat, is now prepared at hu Foundiy io 1»uB|t Bells of from 20 10 I0,00o ibs. made of the best maI*rU£ and warranted to stand and ton^ to please.fastens to t-«» improved cast iron Yokes with movable arms. The iß^-y" ing demand for his BelU is Use best evidence that car, heft*? of their excellence. Orders have beim received from the tas adn and almost alt the States, and about 400 have beefi»r nished to different places in the Stab- ol New-York "OB ** foundry.Town Cocks, Leveling and Snrveyma hi*"11 n>.a's Conner and Brass Castings. «c. 5tc. . otßt'f _ANDREW MENEELY, OPER\i_WICK~Curistantl^^^ and made O to order by MUNN & PETTI B ONK, 2.jf tf _<*- 85 Maiden ac^. { tOTTON TWINE.10,000 pounds Cotton twifii for grocers' use, by MUNN Sc PETTiBONE. 24f tf 85 Maiden jjgf^. OAllSAPAitiLLA-.30 bales Honduras, tor eale >J by GRiNNELL. MINT URN k CO. SobUxsU a1
Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1844-03-01.€¦ · THETRIBUNE. Deferred Articles. ArsonandFraud;.ThehouseofIsraelPage, ofFitchburgh, Mass., was destroyed by fire on the nightofthe

THE TRIBUNE.Deferred Articles.

Arson and Fraud;.The house of Israel Page,of Fitchburgh, Mass., was destroyed by fire on

the night of the 30th December. A few daysprevious he had the house and furniture insuredat Worcester at a high rate, and on the night of

the fire stated that nothing was saved but the bed

on which he slept. The Insurance Company paidthe amount on the furniture, and as much on the

house as was decided by appraisal. On the 9th

inst. suspicions were entertained that all was not

right.an attachment was made on the propertyin his possession, and the furniture supposed to

b vebeen consumed was seen on a vessel at

Boston directed to Bath, Me. Page was accord-

ingly arrested, with art accomplice named .La¬

tham, and they were taken to Worcester for trial.

.Wisconsin..By a recent Message of Govern¬or Doty to the Territorial Legislature, it appearsthat during the Administration of Gov. Dodge,a considerable debt was incurred by the Temto-

ry, over and above the sum appropriated by Con¬

gress, to defray the expenses of the TerritorialGovernment; and since Governor Doty has been

appointed, two appropriation bills have been pass¬ed, running the Territory still further in debt,both of which he vetoed ; but the same were

passed into laws, notwithstanding his objections.The Executive officers of the United States veryproperly refuse to pay their Territorial debts, andthe creditors süßer thereby, and the credit of theTerritory is impaired. Gov. Doty recommendsto the Legislature to take effectual measures to

pay the debts and preserve the credit of the Ter¬ritory. m

Trade between New.York and Philadel¬phia..The trade between these two .cities andthe West is unusually active at the present time.We understand, from excellent authority, that

during the last few weeks the amount of mer¬

chandize brought from New-York to Philadel¬phia has been greater than for many years pastin the same period of time ; while trie produceand goods sent from Philadelphia to New-Yorkhave been proportionably large. [Phil. Inq.Nkwakk Manufactures going to Europe..

Mr. Heintsch, the ingenious Cutler of this city,has, we understand, received an order for &'200worth of his Tailors' Shears from Freyburg inGermany. These shears, our readers will re¬

member, have been pronounced in England to bealtogether superior to any now hi use.

[Newark Adv.Yankee Hats..It is estimated that upwards

of 22,000 Palm Leaf Hats were manufactured inthe town of Arnherst last year. The number ofstraw bonnets manufactured at the manufactoryof Mack & Son amounted to upwards of $60,-000. This establishment keeps fifty femalessewing straw braid.Down with the Monopolies..The Spring¬

field Republican of Saturday, in speaking of thePalmer depot says, that before the Railroad was

opened, only two or three farm houses were seen

at that place. Now there are two taverns, fourstores which do an extensive business, one ironfoundry, and several mechanic shops, besides a

number of neat private dwellings.Railroads in Massachusetts..Two Railroad

bills were introduced into the Massachusetts Leg¬islature on Monday. One was to incorporate "theVermont and Massachusetts Railroad." This isthe Millers' River roate, from Athol, throughGreenfield to Brattleboro'. The other was to es¬

tablish the k< Keene and Winchendon Railroadcorporation;" that is, lo extend the Fitchburgto Keene.

O5* The steamer Scioto Valley caught firewhile lying at the Cincinnati Landing, on the 23dinstant, and it being seen that she could not besaved, she was cut loose and floated across tothe mouth of the Licking River, where shegrounded and burnt to the water's edge. Loss$7,000. While the fire-bells were ringing a horseattached to a dray took fright, ran away andthrew the driver into the street, who had an arm

and leg broken. A large crowd collected, saysthe Sun, and he was permitted to lie on thegrftund for more than half an hour.Women's Sewing Association..At Roches¬

ter, N. Y., about thirty widows, who make theirliving by plying the needle, have formed a so¬

ciety " to protect themselves from the rapacityof employers." They have opened a shop forthe sale of their manufactures, which has suc¬

ceeded to admiration, affording plenty of workund good prices, not only to themselves but toothers who are not members of the society.

American Tract Society..We learn from an

evening paper that this society has recently re¬

mitted $1,000 for tract operations among theArnjenians in Turkey; $1,000 for Ceylon; §1,000for the General Assembly's mission in NorthernIndia; .$1,000 for the mission of the Board ofCommissioners in China; §500 for the missionof the American Baptist Board "in China; and$200 for Belgium.O* Perry Marsh, the well-known counterfeit¬

er, who broke out of Norristown, iPa.) jail on

Sunday night last, was arrested in Spring*Gar-den, on Tuesday evening. He was disguised infalse whiskers, moustache, etc. and armed witha sharp-pointed iron stick.O* On Saturday evening last, as we learn from

the Baltimore Sun, Mr. Fisher, an Agent of theAmerican Mail Co. whs ejected from his seat inthe car by H. MeElderry, Esq. one of the direct¬ors of the Railroad Co. just as the train was leav¬ing that city for Philadelphia.

Fhle .On Monday the 19th, about 1 o'clock,themalt house connected with the distillery ofHubbs &. Craft, of Lawrenceburgh, Ohio, was to¬tally consumed by fire. The loss, says the Whig,is estimated at $3,000; the property was insured.

£*?* A large two story house, and a barn filledwith hay, &c. belonging to Col. Wm. Moore, ofGoffsiowij, N. H. were burned to the ground recent¬ly, and some of the children of Mr. Moore werewith difficulty rescued.

\ little gu4; the only child of Mr. NelsonShahta of Glens Falls, N. Y. was scalded so se¬

verely by overturning a kettle of boiling waterthat sue survived only two or three days,O* Edward Prince, pilot, jumped overboard

from the schooner Gilbert Hatfield, while nearNew Castle, on the 25th inst. and was drowned.He was deranged.UTA man named John Hill was recently froz¬

en to death while riding over the Prairies, nearPeoria. IU. in a sleigh, notwithstanding he hadpartaken largely of whisky to keep himselfwarm !

Suicide..A German hatter, of Cincinnati,committed suicide recently, by blowing his brainsout with a pistil:.love the cause.

ST There were lour cases of Burglary in Bos¬ton on Saturday and Sunday nights.none ofthem in which the rascals were very successful.

03* Young Pooler, of Baltimore, has been heldto bail in $2,000, on account of " the prisoner'sstanding in society.'*JT A little son of Dr. J. B. McDowell, of St.

Louis, uged rive years, was drowned in a cisternon the 18th instant.

(CT The New Orleans Picayune contradictsthe report that Dickens has been withiu the rulesof the King's Bench Prison, lor debt.

O*. The boy Howe has had his trial for set¬ting fire to ihc Warreu school-house, Charles-town, Mass., which resulted in the jury bringingin a verdict ofguilty.HT In the parish of St. Ours, in the district of

Montreal. Madame Soseph Fortier died on the10th inst. at the advanced age of one hundredand ten years.Syracuse..-The census, just taken, shows a

population of 8,256 in this thriving village; anincrease of about 2,200 since 1840.

Sale, at t** **$2,000 u S. 5s. «62. IOjI 275 do Farm Triut.39*

250 do do.b!5 391200 do do.30i50 do dn.bnw 3iji26 do do.»10 39i150 do do.b80 391

V^I'W v . «1»..- IVii11,000 Ohio 7» W.W22.000 do.. . . .

"675 do TO. 37; Iu 000 K'y 6es.b50 IM I

lo.m do.baojM !ioo do_

do.M5.000 do. J39 000 do. 1»J*

5!c00Pa5's.....b60 7042.000 do. '0t21,000 do.. "020,000 do.s60 69G,o0 iii special bonds... 4345,0l»0 do.bW) 43110.000 do.i60 435 COO do.bU «?i!50 doAuO KKOcn i«,

4,000 lod doi bonds... . 394 100 dodo....... WO. I»

R0 do Canton.3U275 do do.3!410 do U S Ins Co.Kb

150 do Mohawk H.57j60 do do.s30 5750 do do..s30 674.20 do do.b30 57i'S do do.M0 5745 do ErieR.22

do AubSt Koch-1011

50 do do.b30 81sdo do..._.81

126lou do do.5!i200 doLIR K.bnw 7ij50 do do.b33 71:325 do do.74100 do do. 73}100 do do.b60 71ji'O do ReadingR.17200 do do. 48:(0 do do.4910 do Swninst.-n R-36}25 do do.blO 37450 do Nor. St Wor. R csh 36425 do do.blO y>\

5,000 Alabama 5'». 8»2(00 do. SliSO shis Mechanic' Bk ... 1661 j H O do 00.... «u

100 do do.Iftfi l2i doHarhmR. .,!*

ICO Jo Leather.10i4|60 do Union Bank.115jo do Bk of New-York . 9025 do >'. Am. Trust... 1125 do do.h30 il475 do" do.b30 1475 do do.13125 do Am Exc Bk. 8525 do Illinois Bank_2160 do do.21$ie doComBk, Manc'r. 2550 do MecSt Bra Bk no 66428 do Kentucky Bank.. 7325 do Vicksburg Bk &30 8 275 do do.b 10 36s

SKCOtfP boaRP-S3.Ü0Ö Kentucky.b30.101 1250 shs Nor St Wo:.s3 3611.000 Ohio. 993 50 do do....3813,0"0 do.99«! 50 do do.»60 371,000 Pennsylvania.01*2i 50 do Mohawk..57^50sbrs Farmers Loan... 311} 50 do C-u.ton Co.3is50 do do. 3831100 do Harlem... 516175 do do.381| 6'J do N A Trust. 13;

Public Stock ExchanRe-Feb. 29.50 do L Island R.. .cash 74

100 do do.c^sh 7ii50 do Mohawk R.s2 5725 do do.cash 561150 do do. 5750 do do.i7f

575 do do.cash 67i50 do do.cash 56t50 do Stoninnton R.ca^h 3750 do Hsrlem R-caMi 61i60 do do.s30 5150 do do. 51 =

$2,000 Ohio 6es, '60. ..cash 9^46.000 do.99s2,000 Ky6e.5.17th March. 10341.000 do.15ih do. 103}2,000 Pa 5s.15:h do 70i6,000 111 Ges, J?0.cash 4214,000 do do.-12k1,000 do do.s3 4213,ö0u Ind ilol bds_cash 39}3 000 do.cash 3943,000 do.bl6 3916.600 do.b90 401,100 do.bid 39fi100 do do..-8 jIS

100 ahw Dry Dock... «14 7041 50 'I" do .......ca.-.ii 6w25 do do.cash 72 50 ds Patcr>on K.. .Cash 8250 do do.060 73 1150 do do.03 821'»0 do \ Air. Trust... s3 11 25 do .Nor & Wor. .cashKU do Farmers 1 rust. .*3 39 25 do do.s3 353359 do do.cash 396« do do.s60 38lM do do.t>60 10

25 do do.calh 39$30 do 111 S^te Bk. ca.*h 214

26 do do.cash 36»50 do do.cash 26jmi do do.W> 372j do do.saw WM

In Marylund, the manufacture of iron is advanc¬ing, and the Savage fmcace, situatfd in the h-.art of the coalregion, nine milps from Cumberland, are now contracting forthe construction of a railroad from their works to connect

with the Baltimore and Ohio rail road, which will afford thema direct line of communication with this city, nfetotily forthe inexhaustible bed of coal, but for the heavy products oftheir furnace. They have now but one blast furnace in ope-

ration, and the second will shortly be finished, which, »u!i a

powerful TOlling:miU, will enable tin m to cast theirown nilsand thus save not only to the country but to the State theheavy amount of money which is expended fr r this article

Mr. Taylor introduced a bill into the .Mississippi. Legislature, providing for putting the Union Bank in liquida*tion, and requiring the asjiguees to givesecurity in the sum ofSC00.CCO for the safe keeping of the asserts thereof, and apply¬ing the sinie to the payment of the debts of the State. Andin the event of the failure of the assignees to give the securityrequired, the State Treasurer shall be authorized to take pos¬session of the said assetts. It was referred to th: LComtnitteeon the judiciary._

Baltimore Cuttle Market.Fib. 2t>.Ther-were about 600 head of Beet Cattle oflVjed at ihe

scales this mor&lnk, of which 300 were sold. SO diiven Noah,aud thr balance laid over. '1 he prices had ranged fiom Si,75to 52,37^ per 100 Ih-s. on the hoof as in quality, which is equalto SJ.50 a$4,50 net.


-_rsS.BItlDGF.PORT and HOÜfiA_-TONIC stud WESTERN RAILR0ADS,_2_._Daily, Sundays excepted.Passengers for Albany by this Route will take the new and

elegant Steamboat NIMROD, Cape J- Brooks, which leavesNew-York from foot of Liberty-st., SATURDAY MQRN-IXG, March 2, atOi o'clock, lor Bridgeport, thence by th«Housatonicand Western Railroads, without change of cars or

baggage crates, to Albany, arriving same evening at 8 "'dock.Fare through S5.O1* For Passage or Freight, apply on board, or at the Of¬

fice, foot of Liberty-street.G. M. Perry, Agent._f29it-am - Ä -WINTER ARRANGEM KNT. ._____

NEW-YORK & BOSTON RAILROAD¦8S5SE__»LIN£. via Norwich and Worcester. TriWe-klv.'Die Steamboat NEW-HAVEN. Capt, I. K. Dnstan, will

leave New-York, from Pier No. 1, North llivcr, foot of Bat¬tery Place, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon,at 1 o'clock.

Railroad Cars leave for Boston immediately on the arrivalof the New-Haven at Norwich, whence passengers are for¬warded without change of cars or baggage.

The extension Railroad to the new Depot below Nor¬wich is now complete, obviating all obstruction by ice in theThames River.Kor further information inquire at the Office on the Wharf,

or of D. B. Allou, 39 Peck Slip.n. B..All persons are torbid trusting any one on account

o! said boat or owners. j l

.PEOPLE'S LINK BETWEENJjNEW-YORK AND ALBANY.-^rra»-e-ZSZtmenlfor 1814..The b^als of this Line have

beenimproved, enlarged and fitted up in the usual style ofcomfort and elegance, so that üiry csnuot fail to satisfy themost fastidious.The KNICKERBOCKER, Captain St. John,andThe ROCHESTER, Captain Houghton,

w ill form the evening through line to have Albany and NewY'oik daily at 7 o'clock, P M. (Sundays excepted) andThe COLUMBIA, Captain-, andThe CURTIS PECK, Captain Peck,

w ill form the 5 o'clock evening Mail Line, running daily andlanding at all the intermediate planes.Jllhany Day Lino between New York and Albany, Jar 1814The new and splendid steamboats NORTH AMERI

CA and SOUTH AMERICA, will run dailv (Sundays ex

cspted) between New York anaAlbanvas a day line. Theabove boat'* are large and airy^and of first rate si>e?d. Theyh we t>et'ii newly oruamentedaud embellished, and are in everyputiculsr worthy of the decided patronage of the public. 22f

.STEAMBOAT ROCK LAND has re-sumed her regular trips betweeu Kevport andNew-York: Leave* Kejrport on Mondays,

Wcduesdav-a and Fridays at 11 o'cloek A. M .Leaves New-York ou Tuesdavs. Thursdajs and Saturdays at 12 o'clock(noon) until further notice. f>l<i

NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL LINEOF PACKETS..To sail from New York on the6th, and lroin Liverpool on the 21st of each month.

From New York. From Liv'plNew shipASHBURTON. J faef - f. J 2}

1100 tons, Henry Huttleston. ) <S?; * ) 5e,b- }}.r .viay o r j uue 21

New ship PATRICK HENRY, jj SvY^l]1000 tons, Jos. C Delano. \ g«£. « j Dec. 21

j Mar. 6 r ApriLlSnip INDEPENDNCE, S ^UK* I 3 ?-pt-oi800tons.Ezra Nye, ^Pii.6 l>UyÜ

Ship GEO. WASHINGTON, H"a,e 5 ) V.700 tons, Ambrose Burrows, fgjf J ) Mar'^1These ships are all of the first class, and commanded by

able and experienced navigators. The cabins ar* elegantlyfurnished, t>,d afford superior accommodations for passen-Kers. The price of passage from New York to Liverpool is$100. and from Liverpool to New York £25, including storesand bedding, without wines.Neith« the Captain nor owners will be responsible fur any

letters, parcels or iiackaites, unless regular bills of lading aresigned therefor. Apply toJi GR1NNELL. M1NTURN & CO., 78 Sonth st.

NEW-YORK AND ERIE RAIL¬ROAD..w inTER ARRANGEMENT...1843-41..For Passkngkhs..Only one traineach way.

On and alter Monday, December 4, ihe Passengor Train willran dailv, (Sundays excepted.) leaving New-York from thel<>ot ot Duane-sucet at 8 o'clock, A. M. and Middlctowu at 7o'clock. A. M. The Fare wit! he restored to Ulf formerraws, viz:

BETWEEN XBW-YORK ANDMiddletowa. . .. -. $i 75 | Gosheo. jl 60

o. : Way Faro in proportion.Staroi lor Milfoid, Hooesdete, CartK>ndale, Binghampton.Ä^iid*dÄ C*» ** *^.£BS2^<L

FOR FREIGHT.Ihe Barges will leave Mew-York on Tuesday. Thui.davand Saturday, at 3 o clock. P. M. The Cars will leave Mid*-dletown at 1 o clock, P. M. excci-t ou Saturdays, when ihey

w iil start at 2 o clock, and leav* Goshen at 3 o'clock. P. Vb reicht received m New-York till 24 o'clock P Mw , . r

H. C. SEYMOUR, Suuerintendon t,bor further information apply to ALEX. if. SCHULTit'

c.vuer West and Duauests."


MOK.K1S AND EtföEx"hAILK04i).. Ihinter Arrangement..On and after Wedw -day. 1st November, the Cars on tins Kt>ad wi'lleave as follows:

Leav* Morristowu ?.t a quarter after 7 m the morning, and at2 o'clock in ilie afternoon.Leave New-Y'ork at 9 o'clock iu the uu'ining, and 3 ic the

alteraoon.Leave New ark at 10 o'clock in die morning, and 4 :n the af¬

ternoon.Passengtts by the morning train to Morristown will arrive.... u»tiS _l._.__11 v__1;_


and O'.vego on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, andRockaway, Dover, Sjvirta and Newton en Tuesdays, Thu«»diysand Saturdays,each line returning the subsequent davs.I he stage for Bäskiu^ Ridge will leave every evening «n tiiearrival *fthe cars, and return the next uioruiug in time for thenrst train lor New-York.

Passengers go to and from Jersey City without ci;j.usingears. On leanux the city, the passengers will deposit theuengage iu.the cur at the foot of Cenrtland-street, wheie anA|en.t v» ill b« m atuadance to receive it.,,V^f**","-1* l'0,u Morristown will arrive in Newark intimedtVrSia mcralc*; 83,1 evening trains for Trenton and Phila-

M 1u?\ tu}}^a* »«cently re-laid with the heaviestH t^iU. is now in complete ranning ord.r, and offers acommolS^iw^Sh? Coaxt^ 10 fro« New-York forThe rates of commntnuoo for passengers are $60 rw annumfrom Newark to Morristown. Madisoit or Chadiam; SMl to

thjbmmnuc; $40 tc Millvillc.and $26 to Orange.Passengers are 1eg nested to haTe their baggag« marked._Ei_[RA_t)ODD Saperintendent,

SLÜOP STANDARD FOR SALE.She is SOtons burthen, new mast and tails within the last fewmonths, and «v«ry thing in the most complete ore er. She can

be seen at the fcot of Mar&rl st. Inquire of I. Schoos makercorner of East Broadway and Chatham Smart. 27f iw»



to let.The new store No. 11 Sprucc-'street- Apply to GEORGE J. PRICK.

. fstf_184 Eaat-3roadway-_,-mjl TO LET.The third of No. 5 spruce st. and:"T?S lihand 5th storius of No 3 do Enquire of

fr15tl T. PRICE, llfi E-st Broadway^TO LET-^The two story Brick house, 36Market it. Apply to_l GKlNNELL, MINTURN St CO.,

fe_9 "3 Sonth st.

j*TTO LET.The hous? No. 4TBÖnd"street,two stories high, finished with mahogany doors a_d

8_M_ marble mantels. Applv toof tf GRIN NELL. M INTURN k CO. 78 Sonth-st.

TO LET.The second story ofThe TribuneBnildings. Apply to

f9 if GREELKV .McELRATH, Tribone office^FOR SALE.About fifty miles from New-

r York, a house and fire acres of land. For particu! its,_Ua>apply (if jy letti r postpaid)to_ft! W. & J. T. TAPSCOTT.43 Peck-i!ip,New-York._

FOR SALE.A Grist and Saw Mill; with35 .-.eres >-ood Land, Water Power, Store and Dw ~Un_

__House and a variety of Fruit. Terms easy. ApplytOA. P. SMITH. S5 Liherty st._d22 tf

FOR SALE.A valuable Farm ot 500 acres,lying on the battle-field at Monmonth, New-Jen.:".

j^sMiL has nne buildmg3 ?nd an abundance of fruit. Termse:y>..A. P. SMITH, E5 Liberty st. d22:l_

Mtü EXOHAMiE for city proper-XV.A two story House and a Lot in Newark, N. Jer¬sey, with some goedsand lands. Apply to A. P. Smith,

85 Liberty street._n2*-' u

jfcA TO EXCHANGE FOR A FARM..A|?t!w good three story boose with marble mantels, situate is*_!&Brookly_, L. I. Rents for S383. The farm mustbe onor near the Hudson River. A. P. SMITH, h5 Liberty *L d!3U

fig! 23d STREET, Madison square and 25tht^Hstreet .At Private Sale, 3 Las on 23d, 3 Lots on theJUAfiLSouare rnd 2 Lots Ott 25ih street, i-ear 1th avenue. Ap¬ply to E. H. LUDLOW &_C]0.___Broid st. 23f 3t

- FOR SALE, a handsome Country Sea: atNew Biunswick, N. J having a fine dwelling and out¬buildings with 6 acres of highlv cultivated land. TermsApplyto_A. P. SMITH, 85 Liborty-st. fr6 tf

MROOMS WANTED.Wanted in the vi¬cinity of College Place or Murray street, one or two

JLi»_L parlors and two bed rooms furnished without boatd .Address A.B. at this office._29f 2t

2gA TO LET.The store and cellar No. 599P{Ä Broadway, between Prince a:-d Heuston streets It isJoSbSLlarge, convenient and welt fitted up, and an excellentlocation for auv rrt-il husinesj Apply on the premises to

fe29 lw* J. St C, BERRfAN. 509 Broadway.w TO LET..The Loi and Stables No. 151f"jS Mott st. between Grand and Brnoin?. There is roomtS-'JgL in tii» st ible for nine Horses And shed room for severalvehicles; Inquire of W. BAKEWELL, No. 153 Mott-st,

Ic2t1 lw*__sak FOIC SALK..Several valuable dwelling!.'!_; Houses and lots of ground ou Varick st., near Grand.JiMU» and C=nal st. Applv to

ANTHONY J. BLEECKER fit CO.,fe22 _7 Broad-5t.

FuR SALE OR TO LET.The Three Sto-r":_f ry and Artie Br ck Dwelling House No. 50 Second-

| _^_J_Ls:rec:. The Lot is 25 by I in feet. the House 25 by 50f'< ~t with a two story tea room attached;A; ply to the Howard Irs. Co. 51 Wall st fß tfw SOTtlRBAN RESIDENCE TO LET alloiä Rävenswood. with a view of the city..Ti e plai >. on.'.Jjlg, the bank of the East River, opposite :.. Blackwell'sisland, now in the occupation of Mr. Moses Allen- Applyt<. V.r. H. HABISON, No IR7 Fu I ton-street. IT. r.


i'^ä '°g part of the House. Northwest cornerof Green-iin '1 ich and Liberty »irrer, containing about 20 loom; be¬

sides kitchen and parlors, wjll be rented low to;, tood tenant,a'jd immediate possession given. To be seeu on applicationto Mr. Clark on the premis-s. Apply to D. Elliott, 43 JoLmslreet, or G»-o. J. Come 11,21 Wall st. 27flw*

TO LET.From the first of May, a smalltwo storv brick House,almost new, and in good repair,

.__,wuh a basenunr and under cellar. It is very pleasantlysituated in the :eai of the lot No. 115 Clinton si. near Grand ;with a very handsome garden in front, exr^ndine to the side-Walk. For further particulars inquire at 143 Clinton street.f2C lw*_ÄsA FOR SALE IN TH E CITY OF NEWARK.

.A House and 21i acres of Land, situated in SouthS'J-sL Broad-street, No. 1*2. The House is 25 feet front bv3'J d'^p. 24 stories high, with large piazza in the rear,and wellfinisheuthroughout Also, good Stables. Frait-Trees, Sic.attached to the premises. For further particular,, inquire ofISAAC NICHOLS, comer of William and Washington-streets, or of WILLIAM PAUL, on ih» premises 1*23 '.m-

HÖÜSE AND LOT FOR SALE .Thep two story ! rick front House and Lot, No. lue Eldridge

^^j&.street.Lot 25 feet front by 8"t feet deep.House 25 feetfront by 38 feet deep, modern buiit. with marble mantels./old*in^ door Slk. If not disposed of previously it will be sold atAuction on the 14th inst- For particulars and terms of sale,Injure of Ruben Bunker, No. Jtf Pine st. or Wm. H. Frank¬lin, No. 15 Broad-st._IQf tf

MforSALE or to LET.The 3 story buckdwelling House with Basement and Counter Cellar,

. No. 221 West Ifuh strret between8th and 9'.h Avenues.I'iieaiiove is a »ery convetsi nt,modern built hoiiie.intheimmediate vicinity ol three lines of stipes. Apply at stureNo. 181 Broadway or to William J. Roome, corner of 8thAvenut? j.nd 21st streets.Also to be let, a frame suble in the rear of the above prem¬

ises on 18th street._f 29 Urn*

%d COUNTRY SEAT.To Let or for sale, amost desirable Conntry Residence.it Jamaica, L. I.fiontiug the leading Avenue, but. a short distance from

the Railroad ; nearly two acres is ornamented with ornamen¬tal and fruit trees, grape vines, a variety of choice berries, as¬

paragus, rlowers, shrubs. Sec. The whole improvements aremodern and very convenient, built expressly for the presentowi er. The^bove property or, thd whole, consisting ofabout10 acres of rich g.tfdeiiing land and nursery, will be sold or ex¬

changed. If not sold it will bu rented, il application is madeto JN'O. H. rOlLLON, No. 2 Atlannc-st-,

feb3Itn* South Kerry, Brooklynfor SALE.A Paper Mill, Dwellin? House

p^jg and Orchard, with 13 acies good land, situated in¦ SiiWhipplii7< New Jersey,21 miles from New-York, andan l within 2i mile< from tiie Morristown Railroad, and 3miles below Morristown. The Mill is situated ona never*failingstreaui of water will drivel engines in the dryest time.The water wheel is new. 16feet wide and 17 feet diameter,w ith 4 >?ood engines and new runniriu' geer. For furiher par-tn-ularo iuouiie of GAUNT & DERRICKSON,

jlOGm. 150 South st. N. York.

CROTON HALL TO let .This Hall, oc¬cupying one of the best locations in the city, at the

_corner of the Bowery and Division-street, is to let fourevenings each week, and every day except Sundays. It is

finely fitted up, has an ante-room, a fir»t-ra'e Piano Forte, andis well calculated for Lectures.Concerts, and Public Meetingsofany kind. JOHN ALCOHOL is now on trial at this Hallevery"Saturday evening. He is pro.-ecuted with gnat strength,and vinor, and defended with equ spirit, a;;d will probablyget cle^r. inquire in ( lock Establishment, over the HalL

f3 tf_R. SMITH.

issk farmers, merchants, and me-i^iiSCHANlCS LAND, LOAN AND EXCHANGE£ae&OFFICE..At this orfice can be found a greater varietyof propertv for sale or (or exchange than at any other office inthis city, with diagrams and descriptions ol Farms, Mills,Factories, Water Power^ Wild Lands, Houses, and Lots inalmost7 every city and State in the Union. Loans made ongood city »«c-irity. Merchants or mechanics wishing to ex¬change goods or manufactured articles for geod productiveproperty, or for valuable wild lands, w ill fmd it to their inter¬est to negotiate through this office. All business enttusted to.nr care will meet with prompt attention.

_nltf_A. P. SMITH. £5 Libcrtv-st.

JaL FOR SALE OR to LET.The convenientE||a two story basement hiick house. No. 140 MadisonJ^jW». street, has every convenience for the accommodationof a Lnte family, and is one of the most desirable situationsin the vtree: Tlie lot is 25 by 100 feet. If sold, the larcerpropor ion of the purchase money may remain on mortgage.Also, the t\s.» story basement buck house, (directlv in therear of the above) No. 35 Monroe street, with a brick stableon the rear of the lot. has every convenience for the accom¬modation of one or tw o families. If sold the largest part ofthe purchase tnoney mav remain on mortgage. Apply-toJAS. LO V ETT. at the Bowerylns. Co., cor! of

fe22 2w*_Bowery and Grand street.

HALL TO LET.A commodious Hall suit¬able for a Temperance Society or a Lecture Room,.with seats, at Nos. 359 and 351 Broouie street, betweenthe Bowery and Centre Market, to let for 1. 2or 3 evenings in

the we<«k. or exclusively foT I, 2. 3. 4 or 5 yeais. From 5 to6(0 peisous can be comfortably seated, and't can be > ulargedif necessary. Possession can be had ou the first of May urxt.An early application would be de>irable, in order to get surS-cient :itn,- to alter and repair snch things as the applicantsmay require,

Als-i to !ri., on thtf sain.' premise.-, a Room su't-blr for .iSchool Room, and w hicn has be^u used as snch lor sometime.For further information ipp'v on th* premises rof-1 lm* JOHN EDWAKDS.

^FAKM FOR SALE.Containing 41 acresof posture, wood and plough land, with a number

-»of useful out-buildings, situated h the village ofCALDWELL, ESSEX COUNTY. N.J., 19 miles fromNew-York, and 9 North ot Newark. The house is commodious, recently painted, and c-ilculated for» Boarding School,lot which purpose it was built by Calvin S. Crane, dec. whohad a nourishing school there for many years; or it mightmake a good srabd for a Temperance Tavern, as it wouldcommand custom from the much travel on the'fine turnpiketo Newark, utd situated in a region of cour.try where temper¬ance prevails. There 1« a variety of fruit on the premises; thelocation is huh and healthy. A line of Stages runs to New¬ark, theuce by r^iiroid to New-Yorfc Pr.ce S3000, a pirt ofwhich may rem un on mortgage, if not sold before the 16'faol Third month (March) nest, it w ill then Ct- offered at pub¬lic sale, on the premises, at 1 o'ch>ck. P. M. eitber m vilia^elots or entire, as purchisers may be found. Title indisputable.For lurther particulars, inquire on the premises to WilsonCrane, or Zenus S. Crane, of West Bloomtield; or hn New-York, of MAHLON DAY & CO. 374 Pearl m 9f lm*

MCOTTON MILL KOR SÄLE..The CooperCotton Compauy, m Da> ton, Ohio, will sell at publicauction, on th? 13üi diyof May next, their CottonMill, with the Machicery withiu it, ^ad such quantitv ofground around it as may be agreed upon. The Mill is loosstones high, built of bnck in a most substantial mannet upona stone foundation, torty-two feet wide and one hundred andtour feet long, wira a wheet-hoase projectim; fi o.n the bodvol the builditg^and is situated immediately ou t:?e twm banko! the Miami Canal, within a few rods of the centre of theCuy Corporation, Adjoining the Mill is a Picker House ofbuck, bat« during the past seisou. t wo stories biga. The Ma¬chinery consists of 1408 spinales and 30 looms, with the ne¬cessary preparation, and is operand by tt water power of 12Mcubic »cet per minute, with a LU of la feet. d»rived from theMiami I anal, nnuer a permanent lease from the State. Theground upon which the Mil! stands h» a front upoa the Canal of 12« teet. held iu fee, and S3 feet held of th- State 0y apermanent lease, with die water power, the whole ruuniugDae* from the Canal, across the head race. 130 feet; adjoiningwhich there is one acre and a h-!f of ground, bounded bv threestreets and abutting upon the head race, of which such por-uou. more or less, as may-be agreed uj-on, will be -old to thepurchaser of the Mill. The unus will be. cue-third of thepurchase money down, one-third in one year, and the remain¬ing third in two years trom the sale; the deferred payments tobear interest.

By order of the St.-ckholers.

t£^&S$^*te' Committee.JOHN W. VAN CLEVE, JDayton, Fsb. 2, lS4t. ¦ f:i 2w»

APAPER. IvllLL FOR RENT, near New Ha¬ven, Coon, hiving a complete set of paper owchinery..

The Water Pmilege is excel lent, there being a fail of 1- leer,winch, with the factory buildings, wiil be rented separately U

desired for other purposes. Apply fo

!:93tawlm £LI WHITNEY, New Baven.

F,fl sai-L."flu.* block <>: Ground boundrd byGreenwich L~.!r-.-,' hades Factory ami Perry streets, with

the Bni:<!i!.gs O.ereou. (including the Machinery,) formerl'.known .is the Eagle Di-tillery. Eno^treof

fl4 3weod-* JAM ES 3. HUGGINS. 8 W all st.

MLOFTS TO LET .To let, the spacious L-ofoNo. 23 William stieer, being in a central location; they

ir^atare well adapted to an extensive impoiüng or domesticcommission business. Apply to23f1w*_C O. H ALSTED, 23 Wihum-st.

tFOÄ SALE.A valuable Water Power, witha large factory acd dwelling for workmen, incladii.c15 acres land, situated tear the Hudson river. Apply 10

KC ifA. P. SMITH, £5 Liberty street.

MTO LET.A ioar story brick buildui? inihe rear of No 12 Columbia street, near Gram! street.

_tBLThe building is 23 by 50 feet w itfa basement, the sto-

rT^l lighted oa all sides, and is well adapted to any iind ol

mechanical or manufacturing bushVess. Apply to_rlziTHOMSON PRICE, 178 EastBroadway.

ßätWANTEdTIÜLINO IS LAND.for whicheagcash at a low rate will be paid Good Lands, Titles,ZSs~and iocations will be necessarv. Apply to

2(TlfA. P. SMITH. 85 Liberty street^»4,000 ACRES MICHIGAN LANDS, 40,000_3SPennsyIvauia, and 15,000 in Indiana improved and un-

.Ji-^irnproved. Apply w A. P. SMITH.n2o xf C5 Liberty street.

täkvt^DW ACRES ILLINOIS LANDS FOR Sale^?or exchange.Lauds, location and ätlcs good. Bargainsis.,can b* had by applying tolaPtfA. P. SMITH. ftiLibertrst.

fi$&?Qrl SALE.200 acres of excellent land sit-."^'r->Ii!.-.te in th* town oTMorehonse.Hamilton County, N.^_Y. about 30 miles from Utici. The improvements areextensivein the neighborhood. Apply toHi ANTHON Y J. BLEEC KKR St CO. 7 Bmnd-st.

FOR EXCHANGE.A snug Farm contaic-.. 100 acres of Land, good House, Bara, Orchard, and

~_.FciiC:s; will take diree-quarters m Michigan Lands asd_oct-quarter ra.sh. Applv to A. P. Smith. 85 Libcrtv-it. n20tl

JO HANDSOME FARMS TO EXCHANGEFOR GOODS. located near the New-York and Erie

_Railroad, with Houses, Barn:, Orchards. Wood andHongh Land. Price £2:1 per acre. Som* Weitem lands andtome money would not be objected to. Diagrams can be seen

by applying to A. P. Smith. 35 Liberty^t._<Ü3tfj5ä-*FARMS.FARMS FOR SA LE. & valua-^gllle Wheat Farm nf 273 acres, lying between the CV. <¦¦

- »-.£?. .-.r.d Seneca Lakes, ran ha exchanged for Illinois landinci rnon-ry. Also, a Farm of100 acres on the Chtnango riverid anal, for casii on!v. Also, many z<> d Farms ;n New-

>is-y, containing from 10 to 200 acres. Apply t-"1 A. P.Smith, 85 Liberty street._n20 tf

:'-T^- 2-W ACRES .-I i i: 111 - >as LANDS and 6500tsSCASH to exchange for a productive property u.r New«j.Yorli City. Also, SlOiV) in carh mil 0. valuable piece ofIwd adjoining the City of Chieso, Michigan, for a Farmn.*r New-York. Also to oxchans*. a handsome place of a

few acres, located m a pleasant Eastern vi! lag*, forasnnc,near Fann in New-Jersey. Apply to

'dl3:fA. P. SMITH. 8.-) Liberty-st.^~FTTr SÄLE OR EXC H aNGETOR CIT YesSSfPROPERTY.a fine rann of 115 acres, is a goodJa~>gnuing farm,.with orchard and buildings, lying near

Patterson on the PassaicHiver. Apply to-¦fVs tfA. P SMITH, £5 Liberty st.

c^'vöh salk lxchange for'city=-^rf' PROPE ItTY.A handsome productive groin farm«Li] ing on ths t'^ss lie river near Paterson, N. Jersey, 103acre? land .ihd wood farm buildiogs. Apoly to

231 UA. P. SMITH, Ü Liberty-sr.isSfcFOit SALE or V.XC 11AN .V arms as

^^H^fi.dlows: one of 162, 200,43,06, f-G. 7G, 120 , 30 and 50 acres.~l~m.a\\[handsome improved farms within 30 miles of NewYork city, and will be sold orexchanged at great bargains.

28f tfA. P. SMITH, 85 Liberty.FOR SALE.A Farm of 104 acres. pJea-

JSsantly situated in Huntington,L. Laboutli miles from«J^Northport (formerly Cow Harbor) horn which placea picket plies to and from New-York weekly. On said Farmthere is a good dwelling house, ham, and other necessary outbuildings.agood bearing apple orchard and abundance of alloth:-r kiud> offiuit.tw enty acres of t;rr,ber . =ood fe«iC«.to-eeibexwidi a well of water near die door and a st oie cistern.If is offered for i-i consequence ol ill health "I the'owner,and w :!l be ";¦ i low with or without tbj stock Jiid farmingnie::>ils Title indisputable; and ful Iparticulars made knownby applying to JOSEPH WEED; No. 3ö Division street, ba-rv rt5aud 1 v. M. or E. W. WOOD, Nordiport.

N.irlhport, Feb. 23. 181-1._121 lm«

M^FAAM for SALE;.Twelve hundred and<fcr^§s'xty acres of most etrn!ent land is offered for sala by-^jt.the subscriber. This land is known as the " Ashlandfarm " and ;s situated in the town of Lyme, Jefferson County,New-York. Seven hundred and-fifty acre* ofdie tract is clear¬ed; the residue 13 Very heavily timbered. The land is ofgreatfertility, and is situated in an excellent wheat-growing sectionol one of the most wealthy and populous Counties of the State.Tne farm buildings are numerous, extensive and commodious,and the .'ocatiou of the property is such a* to otlVra mo*t ad-v intageons investment ofcapital lui an individual or an " Asspciation.* disposed to enter extensively into the larming bu¬siness. For furtherparOculars imjuire ol

JOS. A. PHILLIPS 3 .Mile Bay, Jelferion Co. N. Y.Refers to Marsh & Willis, 101 Pearl-st, New-York City.s- ptember 19,18^3._s2L2tawrf

4^feFARM FOR SALb AT PERTH AMBOY,tgfiglN. J..A Farm o.' 180 acres pleasantly situated upon theK^&aBSound aboutone mile north of die town, will he soldaltogether or in convenient parcels. Iris well wooded withlarge white-oak -md other timber, and has a number of pleasantsites for dwellings, with large forest trees adjacent f"r ihadeand ornament. Tliesoilis good, the situation healthy, andthe land Wrll watered with springs, &C I'lierr is anew audconvenient farm-house on the premisr^, with barn, Stc, and a

i>e ich orchard of bearing trees ol the best varieties, and thelarm is edclosed with good chesnut fence put up new withinlive years. At Perth Amboy there is au excellent school forgiils,and within a short distance of the premises a classicalschool for boys in high repure, besides other schools; andchurches lor Episcopalians, Presbyterians. Baptists and Mi-diodists. The C'-mmnuieaticn to and from New York ist«i*-ea day bv stertinboar, at low !are; and once daily bystage t the railroad at Rahway*.

h'nr terms and farther information, apply to F. W. BRIN-LEY or JAMES PARKER, Perth Amboyj or to

WM. A. WHlTEHEAD.lOf 3iaw-'Aw No. 53 Merchants' Exchange, N. Y.DRESH MINED GOAL just received, and will

re soled a: the low price of $1 75 per ton, delivered to anypart of the city, warranted to be the best quality of Peach Orchard Stove aud Broken and Egg. Also will be deliveredfrom the yard »creen-d at $5 per ton


jan2*2m* cor. of King and Greenwich.t 1verpool coal..300 chaldrons..-Li The subscriber is prepared to make liberal advances onLiverpool Coal to sell on commission

T. STOKES DICKERSON,17f tf 107 Anthony street, neai Broadway.t IVERPOOL COAL yard..The subscriberj.i intends giving his particular attention to the purchaseand sale of the above Coil. Consumers of Liverpool Coalar* invited to call on the subscriber before purchasing else¬where, as he is prepared to sell/^r ^mallprnßta

T. STOKES DICKERSON.No. 107 Anthony-street, near Broadway.Fine Coal for Smith's u>e forsale as above. f 17 tf

PEACH ORCHARD, RED ASH COAL.PriceREDUCED -Oh ing to the openiug of navigation on

the Delaware and Schuylkill, and the consequent shipment »fcoal to this mark-1; also to the reduction of tolls on the Penn¬sylvania Canal of E>ghr«n cents per ton on lb*..The subsciiber has reduced the price of his Coal TWENTY-FtvK cents per ton. On hmd. for sale, Peach Orchard Co^l ofali sizes, delivered fiee of caiWge in good order

T. STOKES DICKERSON.No 107 Anthony strret, near broadway.Liverpool and Sidney, for family use or Smiths', on hand,

for sale as abov^:. Also White Ash and Lehigh Coal "of allsiiesj;_feJTtf

.jag- TAPSCOTT'S GENERAL EMIGRA-jTpfr, TION PASSAGE OFFICE, 43 Peck Slip, NewJ^==«äYork..ARRANGEMENT FOR 1844.The subscribers beg to call the attention of their friends

and thrJ puDlic generally to their superior arrangements forbringing out Passengers from, and remitting money to all partsof ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND or WALES,in die magii.'ficoai Ships comprising the

thf MCW line of liverpool packets,The ship QUEEN OF THE WEST, (new) 1250 consburth-n, Capt. P. WoOdhouse.

" SHERIDAN. 1000 tons, Capt. A. S. Dept-ysier," ROCHESTER, 1000 tons, Capt. John Britton," GARRICKj looo tons. Capt. Wm. Skiddy," HOTTINGUER, 1100 tons, Capt. Ira BnrsUy," ROSCITJ S. 1100 tons, Capt. John Collins.New " LIVERPOOL, 1150tons, Cant.John Eldridge,'. SIDDONS, 1000 tons, Capt.E. B. Cobb,Sailing lr.'itt Liv-rpoo! twice in each month,and die

UNITED LINE OF LIVERPOOL packet?.sailing four times in each mouth, are the ship.; which tnosewhose passages may be engaged with the subscriber-, willcome out in. and it is a well known fact that the above namedpackets are die most magnificent shirs arlo»t,and the frequen¬cy of their sailing (being every five uay3) prevents the possi¬bility of passengers being unnecessarily detained in Liverpool.Regardless ol expensi. and in order to meet the wants of theptibUc.and the wishes ol their friends,Mr.Wm.Tapscott.oneofdie rirm. has gone to Liverpool to superintend the departurefor this countryof such persons whose passages may be cn-ga«:ed w ith the subscribers, a fact, w hich, to those acquaintedwith Mr. W. T. is a sufficient guarantee dun they will re¬ceive every attention from hi in and be quickly and comforta¬ble dispatched.tfcPassages directfrom London, Brut;1! and Gre-nock,to New-York. Also from Liverpool to New -Orleans, Mobile, Savan¬nah. Charleston, Philadelphia, Bos! n aud Baldmore,and thevarioits ports of BritishNortli America can at all times be »n-cated.

In All cases where the parties sent for decline corning, thpassage money promptly refunded, without deduction..Passage from die vari-jus ^e^iioru of Ireland and Scotland toLiverpool can also be secured. » ¦

Ti:v Regular Packets will continue to run as follows vi*5*'To ai:d horn London on the 1st, 10th and 20di of each monthTo LivEapooL oil the 1st, 6th, Hth. 16th, 21st and26tholeach month.To New-Orles.ss, Mobile, Savannah and C hap lestonweekly.By any of which pas-ages can at all times be engaged at .. a

sou able rates.

m^^'«'0"?«^,0^ ?" be applied with sumsof £1. i2. £3 i-5, .t.10, £20. £50, £lc0. or auv amount, pay-abieor.deiiiand, without discount-In Iceland.The National and Provincial Banks andBranches in all the principal Towns in Irelandin beoTLANo-lhc Eastern Bank of Scotland, Sir Win.Forbes Hunter X Co., and Branches in all theprincipal tow ns

m *?ccitlanaIn EN«LANO-Nati.>nal aud Provincial Baak of England,1 Banted Co. Exchange and Discount Bonk Liverpool.Messrs. Jim« Bult, Spa & Co. Bankers, London, andBranches m all the principal towns in England and Wales,Orders from tne country attended to per first packet.Partner particulars made known ou application (lfbvletter, post paid,) to W. & J. T. TAPSCÖTT. 13 Peck Slip,

Corner Sontk sr_ S'ew-Y'ork, or2._WM. TAPSCOTT. Liverpool.

PATENT WATER PIPES-Lead, tin, wood,A sheet, cast and wronght Iron Pipes, coated inside withhydraulic cement, so'as to prevent oxyd'.tion and give a pureand durable conduit for water, to be seen in rear building.No^ 142 i> niton strccr

?.¦*"**"'2, letters except post-paid and addressed to J.HALL. 142 r niton st. N. Y. mistered._fSlmlyY0R SALE.MECHANICAL LAMPS.Four

^.lE^sc'me -Mechaniml Lamju, in good ordsr, having ae*nused but a short lime, will be sold verv low. the owner havingae lurUier use for them. Enquire at 396 Broadway, ft 1m

AM ERICAN POST OFF I.. The AmericanLitter Mail Crmpany have, established Post One*.; in

A', _¦ lork, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Bost-m, sad willtis isinit ltftt-rs daily ?':o»ri e.chrity t* the ot-Vrs.twic-.»ü- between .New-York and Philadelphia.

Postage *i cents for each haifor.. payable always in advance.Sj .:<;.» 2" for a dollar.They will carry only Itttere.Their imrpose is tu carry letters bv the most rapid cor.yey-

auces, and atthecheapest rate«, and Co extend their operation;(as fast as patronage may justify.) over the principal routes-.!the countrv, so as to give to the public the most extensiv- fa-

ulitiesfpi correspondence that can be afforded at an uniformrate of postage. . . ,, , ., . .

The Company eVstsa abo (if sustained bv tlx public) t,«^-

rov.ghly to agitate the question, and test the-constitutionalritrhtot tr^e competition in the business of carrying letters..The grounds on which th«:y assert this n^ht, are publishedand for sile, at the olfices, in pamphlet form.

Letters containing money will not be received.Until further notice, letters, on arriving at their desfiuation.

unless promptly called for, will be deluded by.carneM.or.it posited for delivery in the Government Post Office.The maUs for Philadelphia will be dosed at hall past 8 A.

M and quirt, r past 4 1'. M. Those for Boston at halfpast 3p. m.Mails will commence rar.rrin? from New-York to Boston

a'jd Philadelphia on Tuesday. the23«i inst. P. M.; from iiostouon Wednerd tv, from Baltimore on i'i.ura ty.

Office ic New-York, 56 Wall-street: rhiladelphia. 109 » i.-s-

nut-str*et; Boston, 12 State-street; Baltimore, Museum Bui.d-ings, Calvert-st . , m_ ,,

Refer in New-York to Jonah Htnre. Esq. 58 MerchantsExchange; Sila.1 Jones, Es«}. 60 Wall-street.

If the public approve tlie enterprise, they are requested to

give it their suppoit/rom the outset.LYSANDER 8POONER.

New York. January 20. 1811- _j.a20 3iis ostl_q^ilFunder^ned, CiV11/ ENG INiiE ft S, willJL make Surveys, Estimates of cost, and reports forRail-ways, Canals; iici-is. Dock*. Wharves. Sustaining Walls,Bridges cf every description, ".xiiii plans :ud spec i lie atiocs,and when required, will snperihtend their execution.



will make drawings md specifications of improvements in

machines, and aid inventors in procuring letters patent; theservices of Ur. Thomas P. Jones have been seemed ior anybusiness requiring t«ersonal attendance at Washington. Theywill act as agents ior the saleol Letters Patvat. Al«o, of Mills,Mines, Quarries, Machinery, fcte.Address either of the undersized, at S5 Merkh-mts' Ex¬

change, New York EDWIN F. JOHNSON,a10to*_WILLIAM R.CASEY.


<fcOfi fififi WORTH OF SHADES .The^)/*C\J « Vy/Vf subscribers invite the attention ofthe ol -

lie to one oPthe m^st splendid assortments of Shades tiütever could:becoH^cted together, all having been painted byartists of acknowledged reputation. We would mtorm diepublic that we have no meuts. nor our shades hi boughtnt an v other p!ac*. Tfenever allow our shades to be hawkedround by dry goods nor carpet de tiers, or any other peo¬ple whoare ncsjudges We'both being practical artists, andali our shades beiii;; painted tu.dir our persona] direction*, is

sufficient guarantee of !m ing a good article. Shades paintedto any pattern, and warranted to vvasb and no: to curl or

crack. S?i»ii». banners .iud interior decorations do :e in a

Style not to be surpassed by anyoth^restablishment.Trimmwgs of all kinds, wholesale and retail.flO 3m BAR VOL -DE MAUN i¦


JfTOOLSEY AND WOOLSEY from this dateV offer theii "Standsird? DOUBLE REFINED SU

GARS .-.t thi- following low c^sd prices, viz:

L-'.al ....' 1 cents per pound. } When less than 5 iie.ukaues are

Crashed .11 do do > purchased halt a cent per poundPowdeVd Hi do do

^ )additional.The above a:e packed a-, follows:

Loaves in Boxes ol 3uü pounds '1Trashed in Bids, of 200 do \ No chargefor packages.Powd-red in do of 250 do )Apply to the New-York Patent Sugar Refinery, corner of

South and Montgomery sts. or at 80 Wall st.N. B. Orders out of the city must b-J accompanied oy a re-

mittance._11 [_REFINED SUGARS R. L. & A STUART,

are now selling the various qualities of fheirstaam refinedSugars in quantities offive packages and upwards, at as lowcash prices as .any other refinery.The Sugars are packed as follows, without charge for

packages:Loaves in boxes ol JOO lbs.Crushed in b-ineis of 200 lbs.Ground, in barrels of 25C lbs.

Apply ^t the il.-lir.ery. 2£'» Greenwich street, comer ofChambers street. Orders out of the city must be accompaniedby -a remittance._11 tf

.tteas..2m? chests Souchong; 20U hull cheatsJL do.

156 half cttestr. Niug Yong Souchong.SO do Caiier Souchong.iO chests line Mobee Powchong;20 fancy boxetffine Mohcc Souchong.100 ciiests Hyson,ill fauc., boxes ElysOn, line.

;i!ü c!:-st ; Yonng Ilvson.S5o halfchests do.100 chests Hyson ^kin.50 half chests superior Gunpowder.SO tic «o Imp-rial.

All country picked and of itc impbrtation.For sale by ORINNKLL, MlNTURN CO.,

d7 tf 78 South-street

ÄÄ^ILUER'S PAT'ENT SALAMANDERv » SAFE !.The subscriber is the ou\v authorized rai¬

son in i!;e St.He to !.> ik- .ir .-..'il these valuable property pre¬servers, aud pledges himself to the^publiv that all safes madeby him shall be equal to any ev-r tested, they never havint;failed to preserve the contents uninjured, thourh frequentlyexposed to the most intense heat. Dampness has be< u entirelyovercome, and they are now warranted dry.all havingChitbb's thief detector Lock, which renders them the most

perfect article ever offered to the public.Those who wish to purchase an article called Improved

Salamander Safes, Imitation Salamander Safes, or secondHand Safes, made by C. J. Gaylor, (and said by him 1» betirepruof) arid other second hand safes can b* furnished withall sizes and designs at price* according to quality, by apply¬ing at the hron Safe Warehouse änd Factory of

ffi Im* _SIL A** C. HERUING. I39 Water st.

NOTICE TO NEW FIRMS.V/TERGITAjNTS about establishing ßew titniäiv i- are requested to peruse the following CARD:

'! he subscribe!* titvit;^ hten - ..t.;1;!!?!..-.! Iura uui'ib- r^l

years, and being | racrical SIGN AND OR - AM ENTALPAINTERS.would acquaint Merc- am* and others that theyhave concluded to reduce their CHARGES (for cash only]50 PR. CENT. BELOW their former PRICES.[CT" All work executed by thein to 1« in their well known

SUPERIOR STYLE. ACKERMAN 8t MILLER,jal2 3m* No. 103 Nassau st. uear Ann.

Office ok thk Receiver of Taxes,Old Aims-House, (Park.) S

6tnPAXES OF 1843:.Pursuant to the 5th and 6thJ- Sections of the 2d Article of the " Act for the Collectionof Taxes in the City of New-York, passed April 18th. 1843,'public notice is hereby given, that unless the Taxes now n.-in lining unpaid shall be paid on or before tiie 15th -lay clFebruary next, an addition ol one j*t cent, will he chargednpon_allTaxesremainhg unpaid on that day; and *. fait'i-iaddition <d one [>e.r cent, will bo charged upon all Taxes re¬maining unpaid en the 15th day of March next.The Taxe» are required to be paid in money current .at the

several Banks in this City.Office lioura, fiom 8 A. M. tili 2 P. M.J25 tMhl __T_ KIER..TED. Receiver of Tnxea_HPHE ONLY GENUINE AND ORIGINALA ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAT. FOR.THE CUREOF ERUPTIONS. CHAPPED FLESH, -c-Cautionto the Public..The proprietor of this was lately confinedto hi3 bed several weeks, during which time this was infa¬mously counterfeited- therefore, neverbuy acake of this with¬out the signature of 1. Joues on the wrapper, and particularlyin this City only at 82 Chath .m-street. and out of this cityonly of the agents here advertised. Be careful of this, if vonwant the genuine. AI ways ask for Jones's Italian ChemicalSoap.take no other. Without misrepresentation, these areits positive qualities, for which it has received the highest en¬comiums of the faculty, and the unsolicited approval of theMedical Society ol I'.tris. k has cured thousands in the Uni¬ted States of every disfigurement and eruption of the skin,such as pimples, freckles, blotches, salt rheum, scurvy, heatspots, tan, sun burn, morphew, sec. Cure chapped flesh, kc.Jt will chaise th-color oi dark, yellow, or sun burnt skinto beautifully healthy clearness. To p.ro\e to the public theexcelleuc- ol this, road the following diploma awarded to M.Vespriui, the inventor, by the Medical Society of Paris: ' WeMUlW M. Vespriui is the greatest philanthropist of the age,and his Italian Cbemical Soap a mwacle to cure any eruptionsor disfigurement oftheskin. It will prove a blessing to futureages." Sold by the only general agent in the United States,I. Jones, wholesale perfumer, sign of the American Eagle,82 Chatham-street, N. Y., or 139 Fulton-street. BrookIyn;8State-street Boston; 3 Ledger Buildings. Philadelphia; 207King-street, Cnarkston, S. C. f if lm

J ADIES, DON'T USE COMMON CHALK, it-Lilooks bad", ic injures the .-kin, and makes it look yellowi ry Joii">3 Spanish Lilv White; it gives the face or neck apure liie-lik- .tlaü-ister whiteness. Sold a; the sign of theAmerican Eagle, 82 Chatham-street, New-York; and at ISOFultdTi-street. -^^_^thinrjc-vr--t. Brooklyn. fM lm

V°(u WHU SARSAPARILLA.Try-8. Jones's Extract of Sarsaparilt.a Candy; 'tis exzellent,powerful, and a pure ext: act ol the root S'old a: 25 edits .i

package, or 5 for $1. at th- si-u ol the American Eagle. 82Chatham st. N. Y. or 139 Fuilou and 54i Atlantic st. Broon

_25_._fell lm

rjOLORLNG OR DYING HALR..WHITE,RED, or GREY HAIR changed to a dark brown o.-l*Tmantnt black, by the Moorish Hair-Dye. Sold at 5u c-utsor al a bottle at tlii sign of the American Eagle, 82 Chathamd^V. lVw Yofk; (,r 139 Fulton, or 54i Atlantic street,Brookivu._ fei) |m

"jVCTiCii..The Teuij ortiry Water Lo;* ol :hcii v^ty.«{ ^?*,^«k| due and payable March 1st. 1311,

win be paid (p:iiicip.il :u<l interest) on that day .t thr Comp¬troller's O trice, No. 5, Hall of Records, Park.

!L/*" Temporary Loans, in sums of S250 and upwards, ..¦ illbe i .~e-i by tiie City ; payable iu one ><r two yarars, with m-

teresCaenu-anauaUy: P.A. YOUNG, Uy Comptroller.J 'omptroller's Uliicc, New-York. Feb. 2G. ISM.

I^AIRBANKS'S fa ris t i 'LATFORM SCALESThe manufacturers have brought these Balances to a very

great degree of perfection, and, in their various modifications,luve adapted them to all the purposes for which heavy trans¬actions are required by weight. In the mechanical construc¬

tion, care is taken to secure STRENGTH, DURABILITYand ACCURACY.accuracy not merely as a specific pointand to a given amount, but uniform accuracy at every augle ofthe Platform and throushont the entire range, lrom the lowestto the highest capacity of the Balance.These Scales keep their adjustment perfectly, are never lia¬

ble ro derangement, .and seldom to any expense for repairs..Thej arc in use in most of the Railroads in the United States,and in some of them they have been long in use, rhe operationbeing perfect. So ulso in the Doimant and Portable Scales foiweighing merchandise. Merchants and od»e,-3 who have b*dtliem iu constant use tor a succession of years, testify to theiruniform accuracy, and to the fact tliat they appear unaffectedby wear. These Scales have also been patented iu Englandwhere they are expensively used, both in private warehouses'and public railways.

eudiyJ. W. THORNE, No. 118Broad-street.



r^lW*^^»?*^ ^eMnü asortment ol«^JT .

' *.?"ed.,to ^ detsartmenu of the trad*, amongwhacn ore U»e following: Habbard's colored Paners m

,^!~.ran;ty.: B,'^? Copperplate Papers, of superiormS&T&L Car, Lsaw, folio£V-«'?¥rn* Clothiers' and Carpet-fT1. i£""Bt?fr^; HPS*** ' Hardware and Cloth TVrSStic, boards; Sheathing end Wrapping

Jj^jnakers supplied with all ijadsof stock and mau1 joNtf


AMERICAN I'ANACEA.npö IS Medicine; compounded solely lrom veeeb»A b?- m Itter, free r.»rm adulteration. Änd »irr.\ct?d fr *Jany ingiedieiu* detrimental to health, vtu discovered[JE*Oneve ix liaci, t> an individual sorelv »Cictrd wirJi Cr fiTp*

tüii was öy them prououuceu incurable, &q» who, *ftrrthe ibore unmed medicine <"cr five w^ts^Tr« r»im~-i. latffer health. That medicine has Wo told with mS5Ü° KSsuccess, and and has never failed in *ny iiatan-'e ('vthf-'lin accordance with directions) to effect a r*riect ''- ^following dieses, to wit>-SALT RHEUM ^ Rnrrr^ULCERATED SCROFULA. BRONl^TiS vAhi-SOKES, KINO'S EVIL. Tf! 1STELO INFI aSS?TORY AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM wTSÄ*

heffects .tie truly astouisi ing. Only one table- saoonfWulttaken Cby an »dWwach morning b.«>re eating,S ^produces a tonic effect, while (m most cases) it ahw »etgentle cathartic, increisinj: the appetite und g^:eral hea'th* rthe '«iieut. causing all ulcerated sores to dischirje rnorfusely, and j-.roducing an effectual alterative of the «rhokn^tern, purifying and producing a perfect action 01 the Wood

Person«;, w hile taking it. should refrain from the use of illstimulating drinks or highly seasoned food. Fcrsal* b~

.-mos. g. talmagk

General agent, 20 Tine-sT. opposite thecus.om house, N yn.t.or at Rnshton&Co, tiO Broadway.and 10 Astor House B-w

¦; John B. Dodd. 6t3 and 771 Broadwoj: P. DicW'Tm

L. F. Wheeler it Co. i!2 Cherry street, tieit to Citlianoejt-J. Syme, G3 3 ..»- ry. a]! of whom have certificate»and wstjlmoni Us of it*, efficacy. Also, iu Brooklyn by Jas. W. Smithcon tt ofCranbeny and Fulton strev:.,» Georg« Ambrose <SquireV Buildings, Atlantic street, and Mrs. H, Hayes, jjjFulton street.Instructions fortakinj the aiticta, aud a great number 0f

certificates and testimonials may be seen and obtained at»jjtof th*- above ptaaes. r.24 eodlra lyA SCIENTIFIC HAIR TONIC RESTORER


TO THOSE who have used Jones's Coral HairRestorative know us exalleut qualities; to whose uho

h»»e uot. we say chat ti«* fact of our selling three-shilling bo?,ties must prove the truth of ourst.it» meuG.and ihat weaienatafraid of persons trying a small Quantity first, we warraathr.» j........<» the following .»nähre*:.h will force the luirtogrow on any part when* Nature intended hair io grow, stoputailing off; cure scurf or dandruff, and make liuht. red or greyhair ^row dark. For dressing the hail soft and silky. nothingcan exceed this.it mikes it truly beautiful, and kerp» unj.It is. indeed, the m.>si economical, yet superior, .uticle mviiifor the hair Sold.price3,5 or a shiltingsa b»t:le>.thesign ifthe American Eagle, 82 Chatham-street, New-York:V-'j Fulton strret. Brooklyn; 8 Stit* street. Boston; 3 LedgerBui lings, Philadelphia; 207 Kirg-street Charleston. S.C

til lm_SEBRIXG'S RESTORATIVE CORDIALJS now miiversallv admitted to be a certain

sprcifi»: for Dyspepsia, NervousAffections,Weakness, Lessof Appetite, D»0!i::v. &c. Physicians prescribe it to th?ir pa-tieut-s; centiemen who have experienced its curative effects,gratefully recommend it; ladies have deriied the greatestbenefit from itsexhibition in nervous and other tomplaina;epicure-, are restored io theirappetite; and the weak aud tV*b!core made strong and h igorous. ''Health, the poor inau'sriclwi.the rich man's bliss," has; through its influence, haaret*tended ail cl-ssesaud conditions.mechanics and mauB&cturers, mercluujts and bankers, lawyers and divines, phikto-pliers, poets and planters, have all beer, cured by this medicine»s then ceitideates and recommendations satisfactorily prow!Yet thousands upou thousands remain who are daily«uffimcgtorture, bothofmind and body, from the above complaints

11 ::i intallable remedv is oifered to them in the ltesto-i'.uveCordial, which is~j-repared by C. C. SEBRlNü.aadr.old ¦'. hisotfi.-.e No. 6 .^!ir: stn-i-t jl6 3m

BOVJRARI3'6 HAIR UPROOTING- PÖW-DER-v.. Ladt, , nil others can luve this tested before

' purchase.oi we agree to return t'ne mouev, unless it re¬move, every paiocle of hair wherever it is applicable; and inordei Uiat poor or rich may use it, we have reduced its oriee

TO ONLY FIFTY CEN'TS A BOTTLE.Sohl at i; . of the American Eagle, $2 < h ttlnm street

N. V..<Ti.yi Fulton-.tnet. Brooklyn. feU ira'

lAJVlERii LN 1,0< -cEHS'TuuLSland TOOLS in ireueral for HOUSE aod'SHIP CAllPEiVTERS, BUTCIIEKS,

Stc. h-:. can h»- obtained in ail then eariety at WHOLK-SA1.E and RETAIL, u FULTÖN-STREETj NEWYORK, of the most celebrited mar.t fictiirjrs, (wananUiCas: S/rei,) MichALBERTSON'S, CONGER'S. BARTON St SMITH'S,

HORTON1», GIKKOllD'S, and other makers.also, t^'ooi>ers'DuweliuK UitU;

All'r-llCaü Iron'.'ivets. do. Beck Irons;Coo.!eis' Tniss Hoops: do. Ta|iaudBti!ii<-bori»n;

do Head and iitave Join do. l>eveliiig Manes;trrs;Io. Vires;

do .*?:ock Howells and J'». Compasses;Crosers; da. Maakmglronj.atcac

do. Üraces;\: > rCE.SuflicieCI it it in oiiivvei to the advertisew-nl

th ».'. i: ears *o the Cfutr;My, tli.it we not Only have the Tool»iii Ioha ' oNi.ifk, 33 Attorney-street, New-York, forsafeaih..-. I,;-, ftist^,'but We .|-- hav« riie genuine wssasriTKOCasi Steel Iohw P. < owocr's, which we warrant lusIJie-spects equal, if not superior, to Johu (.'onger'j.And is the said John . '>n:;er has manifested so innch fe*l-

ins la relation to our s^llii,« Tools that are uot his make, wedeem it bot justice, for the information of the public, tonythat the said John Conner learned lus trade witn the fathti ofsaid Jolui P. Conger. And as f«r proof of [he quality of theTools made by John P. Confer, we have abundance ; andthey <!.) not require the name of Jühn Conger,33 Attorneystre^r.tc m>k^ them saleable.

In addition to the aim e, inasmuch as JohnConger has by a late adveitismient, anil in^contradiction of out» own advertisement, u-sert-d that we hove none of his Tuoh, though

iL he uot necessary for us here, w her» w- are knowu. to pro»nonnce the essertiou a tliiect and positive falsehood, if not a

wilful and deliberate one, and which we <u- lullv pre|>arerlto substantiate : v-t lest those not acquainted with us mightbe deceived or misled, we feel ourselves called upon to doso ; ind forth''i s that *ve not only luve th^ in, hut weihallcontinue i keep his iaitl Conger's Tools >o j«.iit as dinesh ill be u il'tnaiid foi them and they are for sale in the market.

A> liberal discount öd t-d^e Tool» ro merchants.The subscriber* 4re .,Lo Imhoh rkrs and Gkskhal Deal-

brs in ENGLISH. GERMAN and AMERICAN HARD¬WARE, CU i'LEU If, &c b.c., including a very ExtJUtslflA?*0rtmkmt. which they offer t>» COUNTUT MkbcMaNTIand others at Mibkt Paices. OSBORN & littlü.Charlks Osbokw,Chaklks S Litti.k ja5 3n

LNOTICE..Osborn A: Little appear quiterestive, since their detection in the small businesiinw hich they h ive seen lit to engage, aud are desirousto justify thomselv-s in v inous ways, a» will be

i «y seen by the m my alterations in theiradvertisements.Vm "L*t the galled jade wince." They accuse me ofVsv falsehood in the statement that they lud not my tookNO> to sell, I mean theyhavenot «n assortmect, ana

this I can substantiate. Tv.o persons cilled at Osborn*Little's, and inquired forcarpenters'I )o!s of Conceal nuuui-they aai J they had unj.- 'i hey asked lor coojiers' tools- uvjwere hmded an assortment stamped " ('oilier," but not UK

genuine stamp. They were then asked for Conner's, of Nj*-York.they produced one ase and one adze. They were asktdfor r<;ur,dinrr, howeliugand hollow ing kuives.they had nose.

The fact then, as it appears, is, they hava just lufBcienttosw-ar by, ana thos-* thev have procured without my knowl-ilire or cons. nt. They have made use of my name so long'that it appears ouite natural, and would seem almost deaMtothem to pait with it". They say they intend to use it ai longas there are wdsofmy manufacture iu the market, cleirl7showing rhat they appreciate the advantage they have, already,and still hope to gain through itiu their business. ThesUBPup'n mv tools is thus : CONGKB,

115 Inij^_New-York, 33 Mujtrtjlr^HMaatffll) FÄCTS FOR A Ü1SCK1M1

(3ÖJohn ' Jonger of New York, has, in i

ser^s ofadvertisemeots,(butnot«ow for the fint time)jailed my character and charged upon me the attempt opiiffloff spurious edge toobt by mtfans of fhe 3ame stamp wliicn w

hassee.i lit to use, but to which he has in (actnr. ruhe, icou

he has seen tit to implicate in the same charge the firm UV*

born it Little. wi:h whom alone my tools are tot lae,«

deem it my duty to make the following statement aud ow

leave the public to judge who is the guilty party.=JMgHsixtv years sine, my father, 1 homas Consrer, fo.loww ».

business of nvking edge tools in the neighboriog at»;fNew Jeisey. and invariably used the stamp of WjWg^Jthat too when said John Conger was blowing the DerwwtPhis for^'e as his apprentice. To that business [was broog-

up and when my father gave up his business about uwy»j1822. I continued it, using the same stamp. J he above uarow

John Conger w?s with my father about j T»'ar»as an'pfwjtice md ioumeyman; he says (infeientially) in hts mtjaw*ment he never learned anything ol my father during««;»TIf he means by that to sLnd»-r the dend, as »"p,aI^bll°Vi7meing him, the reputation "i my father's Tools, boui»i»s*and abroad, will stamp falsity upon the assertion. ,.

Upon thee mtrary, he mrau< tmtheh-mself was iWW*ofh ing r.iu-.'ht, ir may be true. And from the fac: 01

John < longert taking the stamp of wy father to p^enneMto tools o: hit own mike, 1 should rather be inclined to min»

it in that resject true. ...

Ofone thing, however, I will -rive John Conger the «".1..

if that part ol his ad vertis-'inect he rnsc. and that is

ing ro be houest in nnw assuming the stamp which!M .J0*"-

to have taken in th^ first place and left my stamp to the*' V*alone were entitled to it, and not make it the sfeppitgWf^his own success and its uujustifnble use by himself a P)MI?keeping or attein: ling to keep others out of the mark*-- .**

to rnysell.conscious of nevn having deviated from theof ritiiir, I shall continue rhe stamp L>r»tofoie used byir.y before me. As to my tools, they require oO^ithan tiirirown intrinsic merit to g:v > them character, r*ywould nit now he h. f-.re the public 10 assert my own Mr?!!¦ respect to them, had not JohnCoiigrr basely assailed,*1'"mv own. rhe character of Messrs O.iborn & Little, whoan*Lwill be :n future my sole Amenta in this City.

127 Iw_ _* JOHN P.CONC/KR^.WAR RANTED CÄST-STEELTOOLS.-The real genuine Conger's Tool* c*n

onlybe had at 33 Attorney St., where theyv* tsmand finished with my own hands; therefor',1 <qirecommend them, and at George Briggs* L°» 'rMaiden Jai;e. Those tools offered by QsWrt *Little at33 Fultonst. stamped "looser/'toe »l

~ . my make, and are designed to deceive. Tbey b*

none of my tools. Mine are stamped thus: Conger,York, 33 Attorn-y-st. A liberal discount to defers, fl**9ooserve the stamp. _J^L.JrtÄ CHURCH BELLS. AND TOWN« rl »CLOCKS.-The wbscribtr, who was awarg

a Diploma at the New-York Suus Fairs ol »Jt*=s»:^ and 184 i lor the l>>st tuned Church ^

al.o a si!v»r Medal lor the best Bell, and Diploma lotClock, exhibited at the Fair of die Ameiican losuwt»October Idat, is now prepared at hu Foundiy io 1»uB|tBells of from 20 10 I0,00o ibs. made of the best maI*rU£and warranted to stand and ton^ to please.fastens to t-«»

improved cast iron Yokes with movable arms. The iß^-y"ing demand for his BelU is Use best evidence that car, heft*?of their excellence. Orders have beim received from the tas

adn and almost alt the States, and about 400 have beefi»rnished to different places in the Stab- ol New-York "OB **

foundry.Town Cocks, Leveling and Snrveyma hi*"11n>.a's Conner and Brass Castings. «c. 5tc. .

otßt'f _ANDREW MENEELY,OPER\i_WICK~Curistantl^^^ and madeO to order by MUNN & PETTI BONK,

2.jf tf_<*- 85 Maiden ac^.{ tOTTON TWINE.10,000 pounds Cotton twifii

for grocers' use, by MUNN Sc PETTiBONE.24f tf85 Maidenjjgf^.

OAllSAPAitiLLA-.30 bales Honduras, tor eale>J by GRiNNELL. MINTURN k CO. 7« SobUxsU a1
