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New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1857-06-16. · NBW-YOBK TRIBÜNE THR NEW-VOKK DAILY TRIBUNE....

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NBW-YOBK TRIBÜNE THR NEW-VOKK DAILY TRIBUNE. If PuBLianio EVERY MOBNINO txn.,KVENINO, i.Si mhv exc-amo.) BT OB« KLEY A M c E L R A T B , m Ys a raiavxa mUMMf ronn or HH4U iminid ITlIIT' orroalTB tur ( itt hall, Bad delivered «,»< .M Sobecribere *.t 121 eata per weeh Man Bat aerihere, B* otr'uinua, lo advance. For um mouths, $3 TM K NKW-VOHK WIB1L1 TRI Bl'NK« A VERY LAR«'fc PAPER KOR TU K COI MTRV, Ii Ba hals* I every SatcsdaV Mntauu et Um low pr,. « of 82 pa-r e».ei»ati, in adv«.-*. Tbrce Copiee for *A; Five C< pi*w for «Jd T'- . 0 II; ai d » paper 1* la do eaae ooulrnoed b. tor »«¦..¦ f"' »ho it is p«,d. Advi rtitemierits !? The *>>,»¦, Tnbuse eoet ONK DOLLAR PER LINE tat aac« TIIK iniaWUBLl THIRINK Ta bllehed eeerv Ti r.voa v snl FainaT Moaviac Prl'A 08 ¦er annum Ta ClBtaBBBt fl I .plea for AU 25. Bp*. gar Copies, Hu Cents. - TIIK NKW.YOKK TRIIH'NK FOR B U BOP BAB CIRCULATION Is pabUsbed ou the i'i rpatl reof eaak Mail Sfxiner for Li ear- ', at *J p»r n.i.uiu. p...tai' n.u.aded. (Jingle Copies, Sax mmk st Cents. TIIK MIW-VOHK TRI HI MB FOR CALI.oRNlA, OIIOOX, AND THE SANDWICH ISLAND' ta ptebllehed M .-yaitata t M».l .<teaa.Tr far Aepko- arail, St ? 1 ** per ai nan. Smalc t op .»,, Six Cao'.a. Special Xoticee. Twcaxa-ar-tb Ur.nl Kcpelilliiin tas.tvH.tl ion. A raai.lar neetmr ot Ike TWENTIETH WtKli REPUBLI¬ CAN ASS'H'IATl'JN will he held. THIS (TUESDAY; EVEN- INU, Jeane Mi. st H Yors's. No 44» «th a*. WM R. STEWABT Pr aident. t'm»v Miaataax ia C Mt.-I, \ Se.-ra.sne,._ .Nawra-Ywrai Htatortcal Wnclrty.- A «p~ .1 mn of lie. .soetelv 111 b< Oeld et the large C6an< t!>e Uuiver- eitvmi TU EBDA 1 Et KNINO. Jane at 7? aVrUck. RV.VBK A NT»'] PI ALK eaa of PkdJaatolpMa, will read a tap- on WASHINGTON AND HIS PORTRAITS." ANDREW WARNER BooorBtaf, Bietatari. The fm.i ¦¦ ef rneinhari are invited to lie pr.aeu' at this ¦.eating, 'l ie 1. »ill be illustrated by aeversl paintings ajipropilatnry Hallt« ol. The Anownl Convention öl Ike Blwtboi Froteetaut Epi" >,pnl ( bun h of the Dnx eae of New-York, will lie held in 8*. Pet. i t ( In ri h, Mate at., nesx Unu! Brooklyn, ou fTuMuKJaUU (Wi dno-day), lTth June inat. ftllBgalliare la «.iieeted to assemble for oraauixation at !»j o'clock a. m Divine service and Holy Communioii, with a eermouixy the Re v. JNO. A PADDOCK, at 11 0YI0. k a. 10. All lerryinen and membere ol kindred Soeintiea from other Dioceses, who may be in the vicinity, are respectfully invited to ettond. Toe Riant Rev. BISHOP ( LARK. D. D of Rhode Itiand will preach before the Courerition in the evening, at St. Peter'a Church. Service, "to (OtamoDw at 8 oV|.,.-k. A roilectimi iu aid of the Charitable Fonda of the Brothi rfaood will b- made. Aitii-rlran Inatitutr purinera' < lull.-A rerular raeetingarill lie held at the RepoaiUiry, Nu. 361 Broadway, oa TUEBDAI loai IB, at iio.n. Si iuaara- The Manlpuls- tionof Uroucod IcirCropa," and''The Heat ela< e,«aiUn .f ( ropa" Artielea r- elvi I by the Iste ataameia relative n, Arrn ulture will be Nad. Strangeia aie alwaya eapeclslly welcome. Ad- aaleaiaai ftaa to all H. AIKIOS. To tUaUloriiinna. Os Buaau Si LAMMiie Ocoaoi Law, ) Orr LH AkaxTim Ni m ) i>xk Jim, m, 1837.5 At s meeitina of tue mideraigiied eabiu paoeoaupJCi ou board, the following preamble and reeolutiona uera unsmmuuiiy adopted: H/terra: The psa.engert by the tleorge Law, fr -in A.pin- Wall, sa per above dPAe, a "old be WKiit.ng in manly tVelina and public apiri'. uid we not expie-a our ndomatiou at the fera ri M 'red on board .aid abdp doriiig arid voyage, therefore be it Httnlttd, That ae uui|iieliheilly 00a leiiin Ui<- quality and ajnautiiy of proriaioo* luriiitbed tbe pan-euger. during the trip leferred to, and feel it a duty we owe the travel, ,g public getie. rally, and Cslifomiajie in particular, to pautiotl tho-e who may linn it n.ci aia'y to travel by thi« route, to provide them»elvea with the ueresaaiy .lolea for .0 kau] and tedious a voyage. Httolttd Tint "in view il the very high atandard i>t prieea f lor 1 abui, BZ*-'' «econd cabin, slid 4> lot' ateeruge), we are < onatrnmed to 01 -ider the treatmcut n eived aa a gro»« intuit to the tiaei tiog polilü-, absnietully nnjii-tiliuMe and utterly iu- 0x1 utsblr. AVtoieed. That in our judgment the d-ljy of over twenty-four boors ia ttaafaaaaaa, aa by aa aaaaaa )nettBod by the m um- etancta, then having heeu but one slight caae of varioloid on hoerd, while the aoaaxtal health of the pooeoojfoea was excellent in every parti'ulsr; and that such detention we» of extreme cruelly to the lsdn s an I little cbildreu on board, ss also to those avhoae hesrts an- Uaru with anxiety to POOoh the " loved ones st Lome" slter a plolonaed ab.i 111 c. Httnlt td, i'hut v. 1 "i.-idcr thai in imposing an . xtra charge for iBIl OoBTTTtafa el j»..engef» and baggage from QbBIIIBiIsSto the City al New York, the Oaoapaay have been guilty ol a «r at outrage and a violation of their contract. i...a It «f. Ttiat .0 far as our knowledge ¦«'.¦'- we recognize in the proprietors of the Mail Steamship Company ami the pi< aent Quurantiiie Health Off), er, the parties to be held re¬ sponsible for the outrages complained of m the foregoing resolu¬ tions, and cannot possibly account for auch proaeedinga en ep* ou the grounds of mercenary motives or pecuniary coti- eidnrst erase, Httnlttd. That winle we Unit heartily condemn the reneral f 1 return, t rei eived. we desire to exonerate the olfo era of the ahip liom bise'iie, being jiistitied in the belief that the evils ouiplaun d 11 were tieyoud their power to remedy, and tlist Uiey were st all tiim-a polite and irentlemsrly. Hf lred That the loregoing lesolutioiis to- published in one or more New Yoik City pepera, with a request to copy into Koaton and California paper. r-AMl EL M ERR ITT, M. D Pie.idiut. Cspf. 8 B Hoeai v, 1 S t Baaioni ) F. E. Adi.v. .Secretary. W. N. Brsinsrd, E B. Caoxatai k, W. C. All. n, A. Ward. W Ü. Huacrott. W. (». Barrett, C F Liud, J. Kaum., Wm Simpson, J Hains. B. Burrow. Capt. R S II. B. F. Roman. O. C Pratt, W. C. Stiver, T. Moore, J. Cordis, D. A Hunter. I) W. Fox, IV Ii It.k.r, R. W Oat - ' Swart, J. O lloo.lv. in, II. M. Hideout, Capt. E Un4i rwood, s. n Fottas, C ICwlatt, J J Brtier, O Bishop. A. O. Oardner, E. Whipple, C. J. J Deniu«, A IV Stiout, M S Oardner, T P. Drown, M Hills, D. P Hamilton. O. N. Veek. T. Sherbrook, L. A I lark. W. C. Lsugrnonr. K. S. Pr. scott, J. L. Taller, J. 11. Seller, C Hill., John Ri-oua, A. Robbius, »V. I n-rker, R, Lii. bar, J. A. Bhoete, J. T. Farley, J. C. Boyle, Dr. J Pine, J. B Larcomb. Jaa. Wst.ou, C. L. Whlta I' i' < lspp. John Williame, E. J. Si beriiieihorn, J. M. Seotield, D S Walbridge, Henry Jta kaon, J, M. Ha, k. tt, A. w Clark, i E. Hart, 8. Osrlow. T. Dunn, J. F. Hanieon, D. F. Bi ro. J De W lit. C H- Fneudlv, E C. Howard, D. Shaw, T. B Raglin, Won Kletcha-r. and Hal ,th. r passenger.. F. 8.^ Since laudiux, we uiid. r.taiid that toe name of the ahip ie to be cbeug. d tnm "O. urge Law" to ('«utral Ann r bra,'' ared so adveilis, d. II tinaiKi Inn \\ iura.- It-d sud White; vartoua qaalttiog es.upiH-1 FBEPKB1C S. CO/./.ENS. N-. 7.. W arr.-n at. BaxatajratBt Inirlllgii-iicei Office and Labor Kx- ehiisge bs. been rvtooved 1v.11. ndvl Canoi-et. to No. 81 Worth st. (late Antbvi v at 1. a lev. d... is west ol Br adway. Mo fee. charged. JAAIKSP KAOAN, Siiper-.u'.eudtr.t. Milal t iaara tor SaMBet *.|iiokina. /. \\ ALA A. Co., No.' 28» B a o a 11 w a V (Conn i Reade at ), Have for axle, in large aivd .uixll quantities, MANILA CHERUOTf aiidtloAKS, Ol tuiM iior ejuaiitv Also. HAVANA I'll.ARS. at Wholesale and Retail llnvi nia va e «V Mollei '.« l'itif m Cut l.oaf **up;nr, a sopeiior quality ol Loaf Sugal. cut by a PATENTED Ma- 1 knie Into sajoare pieces of convenient aize for HOTEL a FAMILY asa, and flee In Di the tine Sugar found mixed a,tu the ordinal- Crushed. Put up in BAKUM.S of about 170 Iba., aad HALF BARRELS ol 80 lb-. For axle by all the principal OeSOoei In eil |»ris of the city end country, or, with the a. vi ral other vaiieti. - ol Rcliurd Sugars, at tbeii oaVoa, No M Wall at. UAVEMEYEB v MOLLEK. aXmnocmcnte. MAl-a.Mi: anna DE Li G1UN0E' KAKHW ELL CONCERTB. Madame anna DE LA OBAMOB . ill give ber LAST CONCERT BIT on I iu New York, pnoi to her aiepailuie for Europe od the Mbh inst., st Nlblo'a C's ou FRIDAY E\ P.NINO, June 19. Madame DE LA OHANiiE willb.' assisted by the followini «u.inriit Aiti.ts: Mile. HENRIETTA SIMON. Foprxuo. HERK Mol.I EMi Ai .-:it. \ loliuist. Mr. E. OUtOB, Pian.tt P .pil of Thalberg. Admission.ONK DOLLAR. The tale of Ticketa will commeme on W EDNESDAY, June 17, at WM HALL A «üca. No. 239 Broadway, and C. Bit. I BIRO'S, No. 701 Broadway, win re Scale miy be secured ft bout extra .barge). Door. op.-11 at 7J m loch; Concert commences at 8. K B L O ' . 0 A It D E N . . Door. ..pen at 7 to commence at 8 o'clock. Taketa An cents. Children half pri, e. TI KSDAY BVEBIMO. June 1«, 18*7. tn-aaed nightly with the elite of the city to witness altRoMK'S NKW PIECE- A GLORIOUS TRIUMPH HFANCO. OR THE MAOIC SWORD, .nd received » 0ta shouts of Inughter and applsuee. AXotUie in hit greet chsrscter »f.Bianco New ae.nery, links, coetumae, propa rte a. i.e. L'ALMEF BIANCO, and the Ravels, every night._ I Ai'KA KEENS'* rHEATER* . MJ BECOND WEEB OF TUB NKW PlEi'E. On TI KSDAY K\KNINO JatM lb I8>7, r?" ** paaeaaata d th, o. w Diama. received uinhtiy by crowded wiu aa.ii«le.i haara ami laughter. Laura Keen > W'sejtleigh xtravagaiue, \ARII.TY , I.IKES TROUBLED TIDES. 1,1! »«.'«. «.Mise i A'lhu' Hoituli.Mr. C. luawak l, »..:*i u.a. .uwaf.l Kxtrsvagxnra, \\ A 1.1. a <' K s. TUESDAY, Jbim 1«.. * * F.XTKA and AABT NIOHT -f the SEASON ii nir, ». at BaBiaraUaiatn to tto-f. 8 NIM8..V.L I^N/EDfaSK £«>x book sow ay] '' / «RAND A'.RK i LTl'RAL EXHIBITION.. TUE FIRST AHNCAL EXHIBITION rOITHfl ktZJJPI NATIONAL Ai.it.-i "LTL'RAI. AND MEt HANKS' SOCIETY Will brat ELMIHA. N Y e.m,a». nriag MONDAY, a it. SI. tad eoLUn-.li.« through Qm w.ek. The around* «Iii be ags-ued e*. ti day for the tdioiaaioa of aha itor» a? Ia. m. CUm*» *t 6 p. m. Tll.tKK HI NDREO THii.LARS to be awarded in DI3- i El oNAKV r-KKMll[Mfl M(iN."\Y ? m WED- Sh>H»y-and $*Ot on TtHK.-DAY .:. MeBjaWBi d .hd interact be pr.-enited. TVKRDAV. SECOND DAT, A. I 1 a. ii. (.RANK CA . AM ADE of all ttj- borare en exbi- h'..' I'r.'edero. w,;l he giv.-r. to F! Tenip'.e and Lac»» ihr two Npaal iival», aaei v>red and bad.followed hv Jari Roaat- ?er. Tib HinMat Ma.-. hooey, R/..a of Washington, Milier'a aaaaaaad, Lad\ M..arow. Rrowu Dirk, Oen.ral Dar'y and other tr< tting 'e.chrttie. win. Bga . ngagcd to -bow tüeir pennt« anI par*, on the Arrieulf ural < our*e. TUESDAY I P If - BXHIBITIOHaad F.XAMINATIOM ¦ f TROTTIM, UELDIHOS ai t MAREK that hava never trotted for ntoney Trial of *p*rd required.one nute. To tb" beat wi.l be awarded: K i.'. premium.? ¦ S< e/.ud premiuB.... las Third premium. *. MATCHED r DOUBLE TEAMS-No ev saBtaa a eotor. Exhibition and exandnatiun. Trial of «peed required.out n.ile axd r.pxat. To the beat will be awarded: Firtt premium. .$20" S> >.:.d premium. 1"" Th.rd pi mluin. M WEDNESDAY'.THIRD DAY. 10 a. ru .jEaam.nation ot all the Horte» oc Exhibition by lha Judge*. 2 p. m .Exan ii.nti'n of Qrldlnga and Mar« *. CaaamUth n opeii to all. Fl- ra Temple and Lanc.t to ompete. Trial of Bfted requited.one I ile and repeat. To tha bett wiJ ba awarded: Etrat Premium.|W Seo-nd Premium. a"*! Third Premium. 1«1 Dia< retiotiary Premiuu.t thia day. BBM THIRSDAY-FOhRTM DAY 11 a. in..Review of Fire Companie. by CoL Ely. Mayor <f Elmira, and the Pretidcnt of the fax ieiy. 1mm rihlhBbaa and Examination of trotting Stalli a. Competition open to the l'nited State» and Canada. Trial tpted rt quired.one mile and r.peat, iu l.*r;.e»*. To the b* at Will be awarded: Firot Premium.$*«i Seeaind Premium. I«0 Tided Pr. mium. Dm ret.oi.ar> Pun .m* thla day, g-.v-o. nU OAT.Fl ITH DAY', lo A M .ORAN I) REVIEW AND PARADE OF FIRE i OMPANIES. Governor* of all the Slate*. Mayor* at all the Clttoi of the Srate of New Yorh and of tha in. ii.nl i in. * ot other State*, trill k* iavtted to wittie** tb* ill! MAN'S I'AHADE and HEVIEW to be followed by a TRIAL Of FIRE ENOINKS on tb* ground*. To the be.t wi be aWB!< rirtt Premium.$1.000 Si'old Premium. 6:10 Third Premium. 6O0 Fourth Premium. 4"0 Filth Piemiuin. »Kl Sixth Premium. 20u S<m i.tn rinhtlaai. 100 I'ndtr the general aupervi.ion of h.nry H. Howatd. Eafl Chief Knar rue Dept. New York. a.-i«ted by Tracy ft, Morroli, e»q., iiinghamt.ni, and Samuel Sherman, raq )( ... r Comoiittee on tiial of Fire Engine», and award cf Premium*, Ilciuy II. Howard, Chairman, Chief Engineer of Fire Department, Philadelphia ; Chief Engineer if Fire Department, Baltimore; Chief Eaginarrof Fin- DepaartaaaaB, rinilimall, ( hi. i htngtaaeff of Ffara P»pagtweat, Catteagw. SAT I'll DA Y.SI XTH DAY Sept. 5. Examination and Exhibiiion of OBLOIBOl and ttAtSa. Trial at »peeu required. Flora Temple and Ln'wet la eaaBBBBB, One uiile, btlt 9 iu 5. Oo aa the pirate. Tu tbe urtt will be »Wardt il Btrai premium.$2,gg| Srcond pr. mium. l.CKat Third piemiuin. Suv Ma ii mi l) DoOBLI TBAMP.No ex. eptioii t.dog, E»bib.- Uoa and Examination. Tiial of aprrd required.one iui.c ai.J repeat. To the beat will be award, d: I t-t premium.rf Second premium. |o» Third premium.a.... h> Marcwan CABauoc-Hoaai Firat premium.+2'«' heroiid piemiuin. KU Third pirmium. 50 Faxe v Mai i heo. Fir.t premium.$73 R. Cond premium. 5fl Famii.v lionet,*.SlKCLe.For generaj utility. Firtt Premium.giliVl Set ond Premium. 7A Third Premium. .VI Fourth Premium. HO Stallih»-. For general utility. Firtt Premium.* 100 Second Premium. 50 Third Premium. SO Two Yean and leit. Firit Premium. f Vi Second Preuiium. JO Dhaii Horms. Firat Premium.fluff Srcond Premium. bo Third Premium. 30 Arrangement* will be made for teatiug the »trengrh and docil¬ ity, lie-, of droit bortet on the ground, at a loach PoMl.a .14 baud* and ir»a. Firit rrruiium. g>20 Second I'reuiiuui. 10 Mfi.r.s. Firat Tri mium . $*. | Second Premium. $20 BBBBOtBfl Mari«. Firtt Prt miiiin. Sec.aid Prrmium. 50 Third Premium. SO Fl i II».2 >rai oid. Firtt Piemiuin.$40 Second Premiuai. 30 Third Premium. Bl Plow*. Firrt Premium.$2r> Secoud Pn miutu. 15 Daavt. Firtt Premium.$20 S< mud Pn mium. lb CfLrivaToRs. Firat Premium.$20 Second Preininm. lo OH Friday EVEHIH0 There will be a (»RAND TORCH LIGHT PROCESSION Bad * 11i,.iaut DISPLAY I FIRE Rut KET8, * ..» any ot the bind ever teen iu the couutry. Entrance Faa.Pot tingle Horaaa, $5: Paira, $10. If kept on the »round», an additional charge of gO lor hay an t *traw. S-ccc.-Mtul coinpetitort will tie ch.irgcd 5 per cent, deducted fr- in thr amount of premium awarded. Exhibit-oa who fail to ibew thrir her*. . in thr Oread Cavilctde on Tue» lay, at II a to., »ball foili-it their ruht to compete ami thr entrance frr will be promptly ft-lundcd on the return of the receipt giteu the Seen May. No ai plication rt. eitedalter Aug t'>. ao »ic. pti -u. Noun- aound holt.- tball receive t prcun ii When tu animal it diein. d eir* orthy ot t premium, Ihr j .«Iget will withhold it. Potoaoa dit.ru« aatrata ilabloa Ist thaii will apply to the Ooatral BopoglatoadoBt, j. B. I I.ARK. F.lmira. Entriu.. <-I. e to Kit. ( oiiipaniea d-^o. Thry arr required to appei.i in siaaaaa'l dn-aa. with their ei gin.-*. Ac. II prevented attending the l land Parade and Review on Friday, tha entrance Bra Bill be refunded, a ii .net to the order of the Foreman. Speciul Regulation* to Kite Compai .. c.inttnird la Citculara, to te obtained by application to the Secr. ttry at hi* otfi e, El¬ mira. Exhibitoi. and Fir. mcu admitted tree, ai d Muticiau« ai c. ii panyu.g them. Fiirmt n can i-taiu thcii mrala at Rettaura'itt on tbe ground, 50 ctl t* coth. H> ». r\ >: ». at Ticket«. 2.\ iug tree edmi... .1 ring -be week .and pt-ti" ttioi ut t. at g .aiaiitrrd: Single. $3 (ientlrmau and Ladv. 5 A limit, d number only will be iiaucd. oi i icr.au. Hon. SILAS M. Bl/RROl "HIS. Pr-.idrnt. Medina, Or- . .i n. Y ( HARLES MORRF.I.L, 8e.-r.tarv I... wtille, N. Y. JOHN ARhillT. ,ii Treaaurrr. E.mii«. N. y. aotan or MAXaaBBa. oeo. U ILKK8, aoa., New i t I. il KKi'W N Ne« York, t HAS. u BATHUATE, WeatehaatarCo., H Y. L A CHANDLER BS< rria t u N. j. john W WILLIAMS. Biittalo. THOMAS i OKWIN |i WM j. SPEED. Detroit j. B. (T.AHK lirueral Sti|»-rinte: VV W BaLLaRD. AaalaUutSecretary FRED. E. PHILLIPS, AaatotantTraaaauai, toMMiTTta arcrrriov. Hon. s. B i SHI HO Alkai j BBJkSTl'S COBHINO.il oaa Albanv. Hon. CHRISTOPHER HOBO AN \ I LEVY IB h MOKOAN.au R h-ater. t HAR1 fS IONES, raq., Ldrlxigctoa Ca N. Y. OaUMbOE CLABA. ooq_ Otaeg I N Y. SILAS M. bl KKOL'UHS. Pre.ide:,- Cna*. MoaaCLi.. Secretary. WALLACK" THEATER- Drau.atlc compliment to MK CH VRI ES t P. WARE. Tl'ESDAY. Jim- 16, IW The ia-r formalice will c«ini«t of the Fare f THE (KIOD-FOR-NO. HI NO the Seeoiad. Third ami Fo Otk Act. of Shtkeaprare-« Mb Ki II ANT OF \ KM H E, and thr Mutica! Fare A LOAN OF A LO\ ER Mr. 0 T. Ware Shyloi k aoahBadha Mr T. S. Nioi». Mi. H H. Phtinp«. Mr Stuart. Mr Meitou *dr Drew M: Lea. re, Mi. Norton. Mr. N-wb. Mr* T S N.u *. Mi** Faaaj Oaa a, Mr. H. H. Pbiilip«. ood mxi.y "-lier pr ... na.t and ama' uit, BARK UM'" AMERICAN MUSEl'M.. ANOTHUI NEW Fl A IT BE -Tia- aBtWO Fir-t Pia | of thr Mua. urn ho* been ihr wn luto a M AOHI PICE NT ( OS- MORAMU s Al/t HIN. arc hitecturally cinhelliaord tod free-.>-.l tri thr hr.t «Ivb- ot art by (hat diatluguiahed arfiat M D'i>rt*v. Lid n< w rmbran* a tt.ie.s2on of large aa I cw*ly VIEWS OF PLACES AND E\ EBTTS «jade «acred bv hi.;..ry and Haag t the ui. n or* of the tdrUiaod world. POi rth AND POS1- TJVKLI LAST WEEK o< thrm-tt popular acdatirrluz aaratic drama osoa PTo.it.. ed in thi* r-tohti-hm. ut. FRAl'ul AMI ITS \ Il TIMS, which will r. pr.*eH.'-.l this Et BN- 1NO. at 7J 0*eha k. with tbe talented ca*t. and In tbe ISniabe l waaaaxlaai hat »Mih lOUSAHDSOFORATIFIF.t) i'EOI'l Y. at' many mtrki of d'»:iuiiii»hrd approbation. AF- TFBNl'oH *. « -' t% Oaneea and the mel.drauaaof THE TWO OAI.LEY SLAVES. The Liring Herprut, H»pr» Eau.ilv. A. to be fern. Adauatica, 3i -entli IChudrea uador ton, Iii ¦* BURTON NEW THEATER.Bmalw\v. Eiafatb eight of th» eiiceeatfal eegsaeme: r Mi icdMit W.M J FLORENCE, the aavaaai delineator* of the IRISH BOY and YANKEE girl. To-edae- iORJI Tu OOOD Ll'cK. Fandr-et CPRafferty.M; Wm. J F. ad * TWICE MARRIED. Mr* W'b. J. Florence :d fmr character*, three S >nga and two »D.i.. Mb MISCH IE'. Ol'S A1VNE Mrs Wai. J FWeere euetxtrrit fee »h*r»ct»r», r.nf'i I QW Dutch Organ Song, mmi cxcctt.r.i jc grand Dar.'M Anel W A I- I- A f K - T 5 E A T K R. . t * Mr ST! ART'-- r* to I etT.cted so engagement with that di-tini uane-i American act MISS ELIZA LOGAN oh'- h»i w: h.th a meed 'of BMWaaChga in every portion <f the >. ntrv. Mitt L-rai w.i; p- S -i n ta the v.ti-g'of THURSDAY, the 18th of Jane in the ehar ¦.Aar at FAADNE. hi Shell'i great play of that name ing bar 6rat appearance in N-* Y rk. Miu h on a D be abstained by a bnlliant company.cOBpni ing .. i* f th* nn"t dialing ttebod aet< re ad the eadiui ettiee f-i.e t'nioi., ano wii, a-eo appear for the firtt time In New lira._ PO B DT»¦ Hi 1 UmAL THEATER.- Dreaa fir-lea 2tV.. Pit. 13a. j Orheatr* Chair*. S«e.; Pri¬ vate B. xi t Mi . ro, m t f r » h parm.-- Doora oper, at 6«. curtain will riae at 71 .TH IS EVKNING: THE KNIGHT OF AR\ A Or. Coa-oa Tnr Ram Caunor the Raab. J H.Allen J Priice.. Marii-a. Mr. II.FNiehola PoNGo. THE INTELLIGENT APE Porgo.C T Paialoe. jr I Amalie. Mise Wally THE WEPT OF THE WIBU-TOB-WISB C'Liianch. t.J. H. AUea NatraanatUh..Mias Hathaway W'll.I. CLOSE.NATIONAL ACADEMY »f TT design .The S3d Annual Exhibition <-f the National Academy, now .pen dailv. from 9 am. to 10 p. m. at No. Mi Broadway, OBButite Bool at, WILL CLOSE bat tat Sea- ten, oa SATURDAY JLne 2ntb. T. ADDISON RH HARDS. Or See N. A. C'RYSTAL PALACE..Tke Cr/stal PbIbob k / atill open t<> the public, and <ontaini many iuter.-atiug an i rurioua '.Lints. TLe Statuary x.one i* worth the price of ad- miaaioa. CADEMT of MUSIC to LET.For Operaa, Concerts Rxila. Left urea and ainiilar reapectable p irp art. Apply to N. H. W ILJ K, No 9 Sooth at. t^FIRTTUALISM.-.J. B. ('ONKLIN". TEST IO MM) IM. bar returned, and will baM Daily Clti lea DAY ai d EVKNING. at tbi boat* of from l>i t- 12a in. aud from 2 to 4 and t to M p. m. Fee M centa. pleasure <t?jcnrsiona. EXCURSIONS..The faa DouhW>-dV«'ke<l Barge IRENE, aewlj pi. t.d ant la aaaaalata order, fumulwd with aeataaud n. w co.ors, will t>e chartered for excursion,. Ala.., the ateamb-ata KING PHILIP, \ 01 NO AMKKH'A. G. K. H1ASK.R and ( AMILLE Apply to M J. CLUPP, 10» Brosd- at., or to the Captain on hoard, wot of Adan.a at., BrocXfyn. .fine -Arts. THE DÜSSELDORF GALLERY ia open «ve-r the Han of Dr. CHAPIN S Church, No. 548 Broadway- old location.from 10 o'eiock a. in., until 1" o'clock p.m. Ad- miaaion 25 reu'a iVctn Publications. Publiihed Th.a Dav, ( inptete. I T T L E DOR R I T. o KV CHARLES DICKENS (BO/1. Beautifully lUnatrated, i.i brie octavo and duodecimo form, i* Publiabed and for Sale Tbia Day. by aO B'H.kecileri and N-w agente every were. EAgbteen .liSerent Editiona of it an- put. liabed, ai loxiinf, at pri.ee ranaiiif from Kifty Centa to Two Dollxra and a Half for the complete work. Addreia a.l rdaiatothe Publiaber, T. B. PETERSON, No. HIntaataal ¦> . Philadelphia. 1) (J WM-TO WN BOOKSTOK 1ä,. C. SIIEPARD A Co 13«? Ku.iou it. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. Pulton-et. The eh. »p. at Rookaf. ie in the w rid. l,1Vt lani *>'i Bo. ka at 7V 01 5U at 5>c MM Fulton at *l Bonke at 2>rci fa. I IMALAY'S FAMILY PHYSICIAN, at 1*9 .*« ! a VU Fulton at It will nay to comic » gr-at way t. buy Sultou at. II. Aland Station.-! v at IM BHEPARD ». Co '., 13'i Fulton at 1.V1 I.Vi I.Vi I.Vi Pult m at. Fniton-at Fulton at Fulton at. Fult-.u a-. rpilE MAGISTRATE ou WEDNESDAY' I lllurtrated .lonnial ot Crimiual Evcnta. Three Enar»viuga' L Statuarv for Court of Ore* and Terminer. S Murder Scene of Mrs Mary Keyeo. j. Portrait of Pinkett. the Muideier. All Newameu in Town aud Country w ill hare it. / iODD BYE..If ruu mtiat fo, J.m't tail to take \J ene of DINSMOBE'S 01 IDES K ¦ a tkaft trio of J.I Ff or l..a. get Till 1(1 . Ml I.KS IBOI N D NEW- TORI hat t r b ug journey, buy "DINSMOBE'S RAIL¬ ROAD AND STEAM NAVIOATIÖN OUlDE." PINSMOEE i. to, N... 9 Spruce it.. New-York. 1WE IOWA C ITIZEN in the beat paper in the Wert, aa a medium through which to advertise. It also gives a d>tailed account at the progress of W'eatern Rallrosda and Laad Spei u.nil. n*. and la a amice through which Capitalists can so. ure profitable laieolBei Ilia Term* A* pe: Jesu. Ad- dies* W ii. FARNER, Des Majaoa, l'.wa._ THE NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE. The gr.at Cliailaal Paper b.inr a perfect recrd of enoie throughout th.- World, einb. llished with portraits of Being eriminaJa. lasue.i weekly Annuxl sub., nptn u. *i. six mouths, A. Addreaa R. A SEYMOUR, otttre ol National Police G»a>ttv. No /tl Broade«, New York. IBERAL BOOKS.Sent bj mail, i>..at.n;.' bee, J oil receipt of pri. e. Fee lull c*tsl..«»ea send a postage atampt. CAL\ IN BLANCH VHP Ha ft Naaaa st._ gpREAT SALE of BOOKS OB thu GIFT V! principle. .book> rtaaaal aay bBbbj ea asbliabir.mt iu the city. A OIFT with each BOOK a. ria from 15 sta to a>6<>. The sal. ia Baal n t. d ob afair sad lita-rel priori pie. As rentable Praaaata will be given With esrh Bo<>k aa lit any DtAer Otft BaoAateia Oarai M ,arge esl. aani amtvllpr.fiu Ordera fmru the uutry will mot with prompt attenUou. Catalogues of the Books and lufti sent to any address. V 8. ANDREW'S. No. 140 Nassau et.. N Y, BLOW BLOW' BLOW! Beeeai to tme ordei of the day with some st.>rea in this city, but we are content w ith St LI.ING books at lower nricea. and aiving sa valuable PBKSENTS a. st anv ther OlFT-book store. Those w i.hing to purchase BOOKS » Ui pleaa.- all and J nige forth, ms.lvea. J. S. ANDREW's. Bo. IM Naasau-at Near the t ity Hall IX) DKI'GG1>TS. aV,-..A.Iu»rti».'iiH'titB tort!..- mat (Julvi Number of the AMKRH AN DRI tiOISTS' ClRCl'LAR. mutt be sent iu by the Jith iBst.. AT LATEST. Ten Cents a line Bat each and every Inaertuuu Sent to 1>.UOO (Fifteen Thou.and) Druggi.ta and Phyaleisi.t throughout Amer¬ ica. Uffi.e No. J6 Be. ku.su. orurr at William tt. Huura fr >m 10 to 4. ßtationcnj anb -fanen ©ooöe. BLANK BOOKS at WHOLESALE. Beat] kind and tile, fine and tuprrSne, PASS MKMORANDI M and COPY BOOKS. TICKS PORTFOLIOS BANKER'S CASE! SEK Mi IB PAPER Bookseller* and Stationers ar» invited la taM and exxin:u* these goa>da Ik-I r. purchsaing I laaw here. _JOHN P ELLIS Nq. M Na.sa.. a- N. Y ST E P H E N S" CELEBRATED WRITING FLl IDS and COPYINO INKS.-HENRi STEPBENS, H -4 >.. L I » Mo. Wtear', at-. N-w-York- Sold by the pi.or pa Stationers Coet onö /otmö. C. .> RT REWARD.CAUTION..The public are mt'J baaejby a that a rafl Bo. jihS". for 0*t»ari. dated San FlBBBiom Caitfornia, May U. 1x57 drta n bv DBEX- I BATBER ACUl'RCH aa \ LECK. KPED A DRKXEL. No. 27 Wail it.. New-York, st a-ght. ass dropped in the ttrta-t tbia morning, sad all persons are :.. re by notified and iörbtddeii it' > nt ash or therwiae necotiate the eame. a* pay¬ ment there. I is stopped The finder by ret iruu.a it to the aub- evriber aU. U'reaaided a* xb- ie P C ALLAGHAN. I .i.e. 1 r at aw. No. it Si., "L^LECTROTYFING BDd STEH EOT YITNG.. A-g VINCENT DILL. ELEt TRoT i Pr.K and STEREO¬ TYPER, Baa H sad 31 Beekmsu at.. N Y. B-A.. Mine. I 11 . ait. tarda, Check*, and Label* of all klnda eaecntard ,. ail Licrir vari. us branci.ee. Also, Engratunj* of every deserip- tl I adtbae E . trSvped or Ster». t.ped ¦ the moat p-TV--: mtuiser Stamps BBBai fM Bsi.as ... i >r small Hand Presee*. PRINTING Iv STEAM-Copper-faccd TYPE.. STATIONERS' HALL. ' Boa. Pi aad :7« p.a.- n. w Yjrk. BOW NE A HASBROCt K PRfNTPRo LITHOGRAPHERS a^: SrATIONER*. AD I, . PBJJITIBB eaecLted m the beet ety.e, with COPPER- FACED TYPE, at the lowest rates s rEREOTYPINO, ul ever/ dr^irriptiou. from a LABEL la a HOOK, promptly executed by JOHN A GRAY Sue in and It Jacob st Corser wf r ». »: fireeav4 B_|t Ij\UTLIT!ES tJNZQUAjLED IB extent mmi ran- ety f< r the RAPID PBODt CTION af the BF.ST -r IHEAPEST *tylee of PRINTING. L.'.h.^grapcy. STEREO¬ TYPING. EiectrotYpiug, BOOKBINDING and Engraving, w B b* found at No*. 16ar.d II JACOB-ST.. corner Frankfort at In tbe FIRFPROOF Pr.nting OaVe of JOHN A. GRAY. Partie» requiring any kind of Printing in LARGE quanlitiee a find it t'i their advantage to giee tin; » »:.. Tbe Sen Pari e-.-aa.mcr gn "Mr. Or»T ia a THOR¬ OUGHLY RELIABLE man. »od hl» Pnntmi I*tab.e»hm*-jt i* t THE LAROEST ». d MOST PKRFEl f n-.f. arr-iag« mer.t« that »' have ever »ru. M* Orir print* The Examiner, and br i* rapatl- el J. in» »n INDEFINITE AMOl'NT of ¦ k i the avAJ»tE BEai tie it. style- Tl.«- CArw.ioo ItttUtftittr papa -The immer.».- »pocitie* of Mr Oa*V» m»mm. th E-tablUhrnerit, r:»bi. him I a eie.it« ordert wi'b tb. utmost !:.patch, »od »t rate* that alni"*t DEFY ( oMFETITION. A RF.Pt'TATIi'N OF TWENTY U 'R> (.Ri 'WTH the beat aaeaait* that cou be given that all ordert UiTi.tti-d to bin. will br- fairhf-illy and promptly raaeaBed The /«dcre..d*af taya " W e CORDIALLY RECOMMEND HIS OFFICE to tb- iew.pap.-r pre»«. »nd . th . frirr.d* who may ever hare caarn for the prompt aerv-caa of » m deal ai d iMIUU Printer." Tl e fArtftida Inquirer uv». in noticing the firtt number of »per .-in*; Tue Printer U«NM of THE BEST IN THE Wi'RI.D ». we can te*tify by eiperience.JOHN A. i.RAY, N. . Irl »I d It Jacob-tt " it- L'karttiibi* MotifA/p *av«: 'It would be tnly «tränte if Mr. Oia* ad not hi* among tb.- printer* -if" t Baty like tt.it; bi t it i* certain that none of thn*e tre hart- known de- terra '-. ii p«n« n with jim l"u»paringiy a* we work, at time*, la pi.ah aw Montblv through the Printing OAre and Biudery. a- Lave kt.own him we .peak of equally P.VINSTAKI.V S PERSoR, f.r the tame object, although oar tmail butinea* -ild be r . IIle Importan.e to an eatabliahmeut where Till R- TY or F"RTY periodical* including many of the h-a.Hng Lite¬ rary and R.ligi. Journal* of the country, are but a min- r pat "ion of the regular work " In addition to the ordinary pr >c. »*e» of Printing he i* pre pared t.. execute ordert for Note.. CHECKS Draft*. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. Certificate* af Stock, BONDS Certificate, af Depr.it. and ther COMMERCI AL BLANKS, abajiappl u Stone r St.. I. in the bigbett »tvle of »rf. WBDDlNfJ MSITINH. an'i AT HOME Carl* agpplll tnd pint.d in the h**t »ty!c and »t low ratet. NOTE PAPER.-r Envelop.-, STAMPED with Cre-t or Ini¬ tial* p'ain or in pelapP* at »hott notier. BLANK-BOOKS m»de kB -rder. riled »ny paferu. w ith or without printed heading!, by the mint careful workmen. LABELS, printed from type, plate*, or »tone, in one or many i-.ort, tupplied in large or »mall quantities. JOHN A. GRAY. No. 373 Br-odway, _And No*. Id and 18 JACOB-ST or Frankfort *t 1TRIBUNE BUILDINGS..FRLNTINQ of öv^y deiarlption. from a Card t" a R >.,k, at the hnw.it Caan Price.. BAKER k OOIlVVIN. Tribune Building*. ^ircmorke. 1?IBEW0RKS..HEW-YOBK LABORATORY, No. 1H* Front «t -Fire Cracker». Cantoa Rocket.. D akae> Header*. Jeaa Btleka, «nd a complete a»*ortment of FIRE¬ WORKS, warrant.d of the fir-t quality CeanllJ Ma and Dealer* in General, alto Committee, for uty and Oouutry Di*pi»y*, «applied ou the mo.i liberal term*. _M. HEN NETT. N c l**i Frott« «t. I^IKEWOJ.'ks..A gvjtasnü pnuilnwjinl of plain and c .i.-d F1BJEWOBXS, al i t Mm U»»' poalhtj, lor aale bp BADE.\ LOCKWOOD k Co., Ho. 227 W'athin«tou-*i. ä" i. i l i. i i 5 a h l . a EX< El.SIOR FIREWORKS. Jol.LEY v 1TEBS soli: tot st. No. 13 Maidcr. lane tnd No. 1811 Uilliara-(t. corner Spru e *t New-Turk. I T Wi u!d OaH the attention af the trade to their Wfih knowa tt.ck .t FIRECRACKERS, TOBPEDOEB, R<iCK- ET8 R< MAN CAROLES, WHEELS of all kin la EXHI¬ BITION PIECES, and all article», kaq|e ot »uiail. r. quired to u »ke » full «.* rtiraj for liiHRINIi OR RF.TAir.INi. Quality guaranteed at pih a* b. yoi d otnpetilion. tt)ant9. \N An i-rie.ni Oirl waiiU a pitaation ai CHAM* LERMAID and to «..i.t in the WASHING and lltOIS- ING Ol W AITING.ora* M KSK mU PLAIN BE A MST Ii Y .->3 .-..d iity reterenrr. Coll (or two day* at No. .ä*l H.-ury *t_ A~nT7>(Ti.ISII l.f v, who Im« M.l Hi.- p.aaitii.n at II ii*. keeper anW ll .veri.t for tuany year* country in ne lamilv, ana nearly thr> e where the ia at pre*«ut, <!¦ i r. t a gtaaflaa SlTl'ATION in the family of a gentleman ah. re tlo children are young, or ». MATRON to au inatitu- tion. or ( (>M PAN ION t- an invalid lady. aBaip fully qualified bv h up experience to take charge of a large eatat>li*brnrnt. R. t. t. i. t ,f the hight ot rctarcUbihtv. Aaataaa T. R. No. 134 Front-at. RESPKCTAHLK tiirl wantn a aitu;iti..n U>-l> general HOI SEW ORK in a »malI family Q .1 refer Call at No. 10a> Foravth at. for two das». ARESPECTABLE Pri.tv.taiit liirl wi*b--* a SlTl'ATION; I* a good Cook, can make bread and piet, and an ex. client Waah.-r and In BOT] ha* the beat of city refer- en-e i.I jei t ii to go » »bort distance in the couutry Call at N Bowery. V17iSiTi.iiilSEAMSTJ»ESS-» PLACl WANT- J»* ED.By a laaatatakaO. *t*»dv Woman, who ha* b-.-n la t- nire In New York an Waahiugto i. bathe beat familieo, f .r tlx yrpta Apply by i ot.-or p< r»on« t . 't» at No. IJd W'»*t Uth tt., near 7th av. No obj.t ti-iu to travel. 4a*ITl ATK)N WANTIT).Ily an iiitolliitont kJ7 Er. nein an l. WAITER in a priiate family a ko «peak»the Englith language. Will teach the children In (enure time. No object'.. - to the.UtrV. Be*t reference given in New Y-r-k City. Addrt**, by letter, HENRY CAK\ ER. No. LSI Uu- ttn*tt. SEAMSTRESS.Waiite.l . o-utik; ri-tf-Lmt _W oman, oftt.ady habit*, who ha* been w. II bred, u SEAMSTRESS and CHILDREN'S MAID, to go I Staten 1.1*1 d Satlafo. tory reference* will be required. Wag*-* An f atHea*V»reea'togpee, eniuloyer** entrance. No. 77 No*- tau at., on Wedneadav n.orning. between 9 and 10 o'clock. S* ITl'ATK >NS WANTED.In thT dty" or tr-r. aa a good Cook, and to Waoh arid Iron at 'Cham bt rmaid and W alter, a* Nurar and Chambermaid a* Laundreta tad Chambt rn.ald at 8eam*tre*t andNurae; and to do Oen- H t.v. -k hp verT c< uipetent (hrl*. Call at No. 71 6th v in the Bo< kitore. hairirATlUNS WANTEI».Uy two KtftfMMe h* v. i.eg (.IKLS. »Itter». <>n> a* COOK, tnd tu* other CHaMB> RMAID, WAITER r LAlHOREBI Ca bett af Cttv reference. Can be teen fjr thai w. -k at N. Si Wr»t l«th *t. W'AN'I EI>. Situathma !>} two neat |Mw8e>l liirlx, with OXOallrbt city refereL'-r, .mo a* «eu-ra! SEAMAV. TRESS In » tmoll family make. b. r> " * kind fttjillv wagt * gfi a month, the atttap it M yrtr* old, a good, tidy and neat NCR.-» F v. Id wait on a lady who h-.*r!». wagaapylta B5. Call at H tjlRaal gd _ W'AN[TED.My a rftfae^table eolored Woo I .it lato-n a* CC)i >K. o.ily in a private family. She ran gite good ritv reference, lau be ».en for two layt at N Id Mori- t.-*t in the tear._ IVAN I ED.A nituati. ti m COOK, b) i Rt> rr it.. rth:. Sctchw- u.an. Wouldoecept ra larata ww * Citv ref. ron. et given if uquired. Call fur tao day* at No. IN Mulberry *t. \VrANTED.A nituatii-n \n a v.-rv reaia-.-tiol.* I? roang Woman »* a fir*' rite DRESSMAKER and SFAMSTRESS: fully competent ia »II her undertaking*. Ha ohjei tion to tbe aar«'i I Children r to do Cnamberwork. No ¦lje«t. n to the eoi.ntrv. N. B .Wa«ea not a. much an object aa a home, a,od reference* *> to char*' tor and capability. * fort* :*v» at No. lOSBrounie ... W'AN TED. Bj l r.-jiei-Uble W.-man. i SI 11 A- v r TION to do tbe'I <a>kit.g. W tahiug tnd Ironing of a tmall Mm .t it t pod plain cot-k and a tir-t rate wa*uer and r Bag . i i . ».Kilbrea.l l aker ha* u>' objection to go * abort li*. t»i.'e in the ountry r the Summer mouth* the br*t of ity reter. Lce can br given. Call at No. M 7th at-, near l*t av fol two d»yt, fir»t floor. fn-r.t ro I _ WT^TTeD.A iituati. ti a* CHAMBEBMAID *r hi a tu.*',, privat«- lomily by a retpe.-tabla. inte. g. uLg W oman who con pr.-*«it uneii-eptlouable rofBfasea Applv to Mr. WOOLLIE, No. 241 Bowary, at 10 o'clxrk thia I W"ANTED.A aituatiori bv a reiportable | ". PYi rr»n She I* * pood COOK? fint rate WASHER .:. 1 ¦ KONEB. tnd underrtaäd» Babing Kr*ad and Paatrv. Hat pai d eitt refeten. ea Can be teen for two day* at No ft We*t .lu. it.. betw . en 6th and 7th-ti a a-a-nd fl-«Jr. back room. W'ANTLÜ.Bv n reaia-ftable oil-ir.-.l PFOOLBB, I "* .ite.t'ajn tt SEAMSTRESS v, TRAVEL with » LADY*. She would sot object to taking coro of a child. Can give goad reft renee. Addrraa A. B., Mad e t, oqi»re P 0- W"AN TED. Situ.vtit.n-« by tw,, peape>rta rr liermon Oirlt ;n tLe aoc.e ftmi.v .r..- a* C rIAMBEK MAID» COOK, and the oth»r a* SEAMSTRESS. Apply at Nc. JOy W e*t 13th it betw. ee <tb or and Hadoou-at. AR( IU I ECU RAL DRAFTSMAN WANTED .Ctpobi, »I taking charge of vheoS.e butinett. tnd wao oaa moke a go.«i derign, and detail drawing* for pnvtt* and public bt i:: Aaahvrvoffr m # l.OWl to . 1.200 per ann ara wi.. be pfroa tLd conotaat rmpioyment, br THOS. WALSH, A '. .". *r. J Sapemten lent new C'i*torD-Hoa*e, St Lo i;t M . A~ BADUATE OF COLLEGE, of meren yeoia' rxaerieaer ia teaching, ab* *ervi..e« for 10* pa*t year ia * City Sehc«ü ore t.ow tb- ut concluding, an enter ipon . NEW E NGAOEMENT after the lot of July. Owod teate n r »¦ t ri fin 11 mo fiirni«bod A-: Irrra lillH _ Raa Ho. 159 Tribune OCce. CUV and CDI'NTRV EMl'lJ »YER.S i-au obt-un. THIS DAT. .mart, eiperieaeod FEMALE SERVANTS in every k ranch of domeatie work, from aa pood and rooarefahla a alert.- i. aa ti. be found in the tty tad with pood iilaroai.i, WESLEY'S SELECT FEMALE UFfJCE. NV JaOota »» lwaf2W.t *.^ij*a|'trhrfa.,t. TO PERSONS ui tmt COUNTRY .Wtafei * ¦it turn. f\.r a Bot U M II years of age. who !. deeirou* of being i FARM KR. He 1a an amiable wvL'na diepodtioo. or* genteel family, and nuke. a country l.fe hit choice. Any per- .on d< siring a boy to remain with them, can have an opportu¬ nity to obtain one. No salary <. required, but a ewmfortabl*. bappr home with a rente*! family, woo woald libe the help of eneh a 'ittle hoe. AJdreee W. ft. I" oare of J.aeph Uoxic, e*q No t Wi.: at Will be untre. I. ate v attended t a_ Ir S. SCHOOL Af.FNCY ttn.l TEACH EK>' . l NION fi by F.. II W1I.COX A SONS. No. Br- adwae-A PFRPFTl'Af. INTRODl'CER. ahanrut Evtl'A L DIVIDEND* with CHECKHOLDER*aad AOENTBthroagh- tit th» Cnion and in Foreign Lan la. with many order* cvn- atantly ra band, stilting nearly every Institution an I Family, negotiating forerer at I >r % per cent on the o-ompensetlou. nlilna all rler*. vacxr.eiee and rhangee for thoae who keep a fall hr, a. #5. Bl'1 Bl\ BIS. lo bcirg ren.weble and tr*nef-r able, murin* "*> and IBM percent. pre penn» and printin« Canie. Catai aMe* and Circulars. transferring Seh*'* and all School FropertT. N. < I - . r P: vvc ( aaaea. frmiin' and Promt's MrgTtvc Dan v. 9 to Hand 1 to A » _ 1^ ANTED.Ta COOK, W ASH and IRON*, a II : »et. -ily Woman, who understands >i»r boeineso, and can come well recommended from her last place to aneh good wares wil. be gir.App.v at No. It7 Amity st.. Br klyn. \VANTED.A CLERK tor I ShippS ÖfiBB, FT a Ork fir a Railroad Ticket Office two rorteBBtat Storea one Housekeeper, and a Stewardess for a Steamer; f r Oir'.sf. travel with tvn les to Oallfoniia and Kim'pe Apple to I.I.EN A Co No v East Broadway iy ANTED.A >\MAKER r.> *.> f.» K TT Aaaod BBOChaaie who is sober and ind istri ua. can have a e<> d pla. e and steaJ) ruiplov imut. Apply at No. 62 Lihor- .¦¦ Cbancte for Dttsinrst SXciu FOR BALE.In barton N'.«rlh Can-lina, a ST. AM SAW-MILL and eight hundred acres ai fine CTpr»**Tlmb.T. Arply to W BIGHT A KISStM. _ jfo. Ii!« Kr n .1-, New York. FoR SALE.Tbe riööp rackt NAUTILU8, a* ah* lie* off the Alma House. Jersey City, la about 6 tana, rcrpered aad o. pper faatened. built laat Auguat, ha* very large ¦shim Ac Any gentleman wanting to pur«, haae a rery r.»>mv, fast Boat, ahou* 1 see the above before going elsewhere WS YOl'NO. Cunard Dock, will show the above ONE f the moet ''crying evil*" pxperience.1 by housekeeper* 1s that produced by the cooking of huck- weeat, and all other griddle cakes Since the general introduc¬ tion of Cooking Stove*, tlie unoke and fume* tr'in the culinary department bare >o-.e tu be an iatolerabie nuisance, and there is on one article In use which is so productive of *thts iiiiiaance aa the common arlddle upon which " pancakes" are <»>ked. I»r BtTBintTTa PATENT \ ENTILATINO OBIDDLB is an eflectual cure Inf this terrible nuisance, every particle of Siecke, fume and odor, beiui carried hate the Baa eod up the chimney, leaving the atmosphere at the apartment pure and uu- contaniinati d. Everybodv ttkee pain ikes but nobody can endure the amok* and fnmea aruing trein the operation at cooking tin nn Manu fscinre* ami desleis in Stovea will promote their own interest, and '.hat of tl.eir paireus. by obtaining an inter, st iu this most excellent common sense invention. N a Is the tune to make arrangements tat the spur.*. Mug Baaaaa STATE and COUNTY RIOHTS tor sale upou the most liberal terms. Orders tor the manufactured article are uow being r-celved, whi >h will be filled at an early day. For full particulsra address J. w BOCKWELL No to Bnadwiy. N T. IjROrosALS will he ttHitdvtsi for RE PI' B> NISHINU H ARD SCHOOL No. g, Eighth Ward, uu til Ifth inat 3 o'clock, p. m. The Plana and St*-, iri. Bthetef to be aoen at th» Office af the Clerk to the Board of Kdueetion, corner of t' rand and Plea ate ti.eOfT.au reserve the right to reject anv or all tue Idda apoa maaHiialliia David a FOWLEa, ki.hhai.kt BOOTUAlf. lAbtUEL J MONTOOMERY, J. 8. Bl RNTON. Otaa on Repair*. SEALED PR< >P< »SALS will bo received by the undersigned, at the office of the Clerk of the Board Bf Bat» ration, comer of Oraad and F.ltu its until the /7th day of June. IW7, noon, for Ri'.Fl'RNISHINO WARD SCHOOL N. SB, in Raxt. r it Fourteenth Ward, similar f.. Ward School N. .. in Mott-st.. ssuie ward, la accordance with the plans and apeclfii ctious on file in the office uf the Clerk of the Board of F dm ation. The School Officers reset re the right to reject any all of the no p. -als AND'W H ORKEN, Cbe'n of Board of School Offin raot the Kourteetb Ward. Hi-ear I* Wim Sei r»ury. ?aJ 1 EAMHOAT for gillilf imm WBBJBIi Ictinth, A? feet: basal. BM feet, depth of hold, »fe.-t: draft of wa¬ ter. < feet. burden. Ifitf tons; Beam Engine, 4.11-loch cvliuder, 11 feet stroke; Tubular Boiler, diameter of wheel ZSfeet. Am- pie ai con.tnoda'ioiis lor paaaeuters Appiv to CHARLES W. COPELAND, No. tti Br sdway, New fork. T~EACHERS PLEASE READ..Ths owaer af a beautiful Boarding Sch.x.l property, located iu the valley of the Housatonic, nve hour* from New-York, will anil the same, w ith the good will uf the school, at s very tow rata. The annual income of the achool ia over At.noo. The buildiaxa were erected expressiv tor the purpose, are finely arranged, in good repair, aud fun.lab ac ommodationa for forty pupils. Pos¬ session given the 1st of October. Addresa P. \V. L., South Cornwall, Conn. I'H) SURVEYORS..Proaäää\h mm bö» rä«BtWi br th. iiuderslgned, until the 2.Vh Inst for SCRVKYINO aaat BtAFFINCi that par' ol BbVlOKN TOWNSHIP bounded ba the Moiria Canal New York Bay Kill Van Knll and New. ark Bay Fat particulars aud specifications, apply to A. D. MF LI CK No. * Pearl st New Yi.rk, JACOBM \ RKFLAND No W Front at New Y >rk, HARTMAN \ REELAND, Bergen, New Jerser, Couimlaaiouera. WEEKLY PAPER for SALE.Ni-nr the city, It with of withu' a JOB OFFICE. W ill he sold on ao c«u>niodatit:g term*, as the Editor la about to enter other bnal- .. A good hai. f. r an active, capable mau. Address DKMOCBAT. Tribune Office. iyANTED.A PARTNER, with $1,000 to Yv B/.Ono capital, to aid la bringing out mori altaaBtalf BB AHTD I.E lately perle, ted by the advertiser and much called for. Tue profit* are targe iu proportion to the first coat. The business ia highly r- sp.. table (J<«m1 references giren sod1 re¬ quired. Address, with real name, X Y. / Tribune Office. iy AN I KD.Rial Eetato, Cuali or A|>proved TV Notea la EaabaM* for good atock of Rrsudr. Irish and Broich Whisky, Jamaica end St. Croix Spirits. Wines, and other Liquors, together with Iron Safe and aensl offiiv furniture bx New-XOrk. The adveatAast ha. ing withdrawn from huaiuea* ai a p rtfe] I Will BOW eel Bf fan beuge as above for eligible Iota, anug house In r near Bmokliu. country place with few acre* partially improved laud or adf suited to raising hardy French {tape*. The atM k may Bet egceed BS.iasi.end difl.-r- ..er wav. an e arranged tor sab or ntherwiae. Addreaa A LA TOI KETTK or Agent. Br.n.klyn._ W'AN'l ED.#7.tNM) to $I0.(HM) to um. in th** TT MAN1 FACTI BE Of VARNISH tka -eputation of whi' b Is already established, it being In extensive use for the . sears The pirty has a thorough practical knowledge of tide business. Addreaa F. INSCO FRANCIS H. w York Post Office. yl'{U|/||| U AN ILD-Oo.' or Ivm. Vtfi- " }*.%' t\ Ft "* lahVsta wb o an BoaaaMasI this BBBtaat f<- take an INTEREST ia oue ..f tbe moot lucrative bran. he. of ths IRON Bl SINKSS in Fem.svlveni*. Addreaa. f. r Bl . i, A. B. C Philadelphia Pus- Office, when full particulars ' i - (Co tTJIiom it mafj (Coiuetn. AN INDIA RUBBER SAFETY FLUID LAMP ONLY ( KR'lAINI.i sake end MOST ECONoM- ICAL LABTFrvei lered tbe pabiic AOENTfl WANTED to solicit orders and sell Bights, on the moot liberal terms. For re a itiaaa to HAWXHUKBT, atOTT k Co., exclusive man .fa. t .rers. No W Fulton st., New-York. FFICE of the COMMlSSIONERaS of TAXES and ASSKS>MKNT8, April *, IW.-TAX FAYKRJ TAKE NOTICK .Notb e la her-by given to si psrtie* Inter ested, thst the A.sessoe nt Rudis of the several Wards of BY* City of* New-York hsve been dedvernd to the O'lumiiaiuxwra of taxes and Assessment*, and that too ssma wil; ba opoti tat review and c nasrtioa, at the "Bee of the dummies'.onr*. No B Cbimbers-st. (New Court H at ( BB the anth day of Mat to the 26th day of Jane incienve, between tbe boXBa uf \ afca B and 4 o'clock p. m. Appli. atiou for the m rre. tlon .f erroneoua a*a«ementa must be n^eie at the office uf the Conimieetonera of Taxes and Aa aeasmeLta during the period above mentioned. Ali per»«* who neglect to make rich app nation leacept by r-«j-« of aickneaa or absence from the city during the entire period ba wbil h the b.- ks ire open) will Lot be entitled to reibst frorx toe Bvard of auperv s rs at any subsequent period. J W ALLEN. A. J WILLIAMSON, J. BY. BROWN, CoDimlaaloner* of Taxes and Assessment*. ] Jl !>' .NAL .Re. e .e.1 One Huiuir-'il and Thir- I t-etiMn- Mi teal Baal Fifty tana, 1 I BaaBtBj Eleven Hundred all well._B C S' E\*EN PER CENT CITY REVENUE B0ND8 will be issued by the Contrdier in turnt not lee* that a)BOB, pat able tr m six BtatBBthf to one year, a* may be desired. The m tey may be deposited with A. V. STOL'T, Chamber tain, in Shoe and Leather Baak. Intereat from dote of da p.ata. xioarö anb fiootns. AI I KNi-HFD R< h M SUITE of ROOMS. B * ' BOABD.For O-ntlemea only, may be had is a hoo*e desirably situated t ear Rr-adway. eontainimj the usual conveniences and occupied by a aaaa.1 and strictly private lam- ily. Apply st Nu. 2t W eat 1 Ith at. AFI RNI>HED ROOM, with jurMl BOARD if respired, iu apnvate family fee one or two aingle Oen- . -n- - No tiet Hudenr. st, New York. Bi 'ARD in BROOKLYN .A <.eiitleMiian and Wlfs r two Single > .eLtiemen can bar? a pleasant ROOM and BOARD at Ba ft Sidney plaee. BOARDING at Nob. 4o, 47 and 4Sf ES Bruadway fur Aunihea and aiagle gentleman. R0OM8~W ith or without br>a*faat, can be had in the h.aaae No. A2 Weak IXb at, lata ia Iba Besse ait.':^Aiu.t,-;ttt> »5oMr-/tti^ieJ)tnfjj brittle*. MAS COOKING STOVES LI I «OS Broodw.y W F. SHAW» PATENT OAS COOK IN* i rro\ %t N «r»i H »u»»« PIAS COOKING STOVES. LI No. «06 Broadway w. r F, SHAW . GAS COOKING STOVES, N.v ** Bnalwit. r^AS COOKING STOVES. l.' No «X Br adwoy w F. SHAWPATENT GAS COOKLNiS ST->\ KS PJt pK K «.:» ^ ( >AS COOKING STO\ ES No. «4 Broadway. w >H \\\ - gas (< to KING stoves. No «**> Brood wo* C0P1 t I 1 et:, r ttm IV..f A. A. ILVYES, M P Aetav- I for the Sr.:.- of Mita^-huoetra The inveoti. n. of \V F Sh»w .ubmifted to the Cwmntttt»-« or Warming and H.-ttlng Apparativ o: the lit* .-ihibittoo of .I M.ekorica' At*a»bat»oa. laeetred » (old modal oo too loarfnp ground* r i* :-«t?.»l inver.tiua, tatpottai: u ib-ir oppu--atW«j an.I e to adaptation to . cotaovo wont frit, to* Co 01 mpiete In tdaptatl. were allowed to (rant the higheet prior. ».<.' v ntn .ucd Mr Shaw * dev.ceo pad oooa W»M»*1 - ha.i panned a i.r« path of tnreutMa aod diaooeery. ht<| avudtd the error* ot f rarer inventor* and prodrued (pjparat up «t'tui ( acht meeting the d.airva .-f outatorona appjira *. Inquiry alec-aatiaaed theo» that ' ke merit* of hi* loaoutt.--to) hod b. conic even o»o»*-evident whore they bad N-.n a red f >c . BM Bod th< it higbeot *iu>» over any auniior meanttoo o d..«neaii.- or turetga wer» ¦aaaohiba A Ao owttre oaaaadaait* ( f a tee .-f tire peraon* fruai different prut. .¦. |Bjd ot c pal ion* exietrd and the bipbeat award waa eaodr. Y. SHAW"* GAS COOKING STOVES»' N. 4-6 Hifo.iwt* WOMmw aa*o» at w ( WAS COOKING STOVES. 1 N «*j Broad war E. SHAW * PATENT GAS COOKING] WWW M N... ?>« Rroodwoy- J As COOKING MO\ Es. MNo «l«S Hr.-alw at c w F. sHAW . GAS COOKING STOVES, N.- ** Hr.-adu ¦< ^AS COOKING STOVES. ' No. «06 Hroadwov. E. sHAW» PATENT GAS COOKING} 8TOV F.S. No ... «, . -o G W AS COOKING STOVES, Hl c. Broodwty. F. SHAW * ({AS COOKING STOVES, No. 40« Bnadway G AS COOKING!STOVES. No. «t« Broadway. w. SHAW * GAS COOKING STOVES No. «os BROADW AY. he. he. ho. The itn.li r.iatie.l lia. on hai.d and offer* for (ale o large apa aortaaent -f \V K SHAWS HAS COOKINi! and H F. ATI Nil STO\ KS. adapted to the waota of large and »mall faanllea. Ti.-i peculiar nient» of tbeae In*, nt n* c.ui.itt uv I .-», eaaklagj being mmom at leu than one half the eapeaaeof any) other o.etho.T, avoiding heating the houaa or kileaon iu war no w. ather -mi l ih. wear and tear i eapeuaiae coobioa rouge*, doing aw»y with kit dllup tire*, and all the dual, dirt and aoa-ka oi a. .ji.rnt apea putting a .-uiui. u atote or rang» io operation. For all kind* i aa they are uurqualed, ta the beat an gradooted to toy degree, and kept tt that aunt f-r tup) d< air. .1 1- i'tth i time Tb. ae atoTra can he nerd in oar boiuMP where the city gaa intp-d d. and. from the *luipflcil> f their outtrucilori, can he managed more eerily than any otjteg -. i. m -i.e. ii qu.ring u-- parrl- ular (hi.I la opera'tug them. W. F SHAW No tosklroadwar b^I W AND IMPROVED METHOD tXrtWMfJ AND 11K AT I NU BY HAS. _No. «QU Broadway. 315 COOKING STOVES A At (1 L CANNON 5, _No. oWJ Broadway. \\' F. SHAW- PATENT GAS COOKLNtJ II e AND HKATINO ST(l\ » S _No ?OH Broadway MaPOP Hum Yoiatat, Augutl, MR. W E. SHAW:.la reply to vnur iut{'iiry nl t. tat I to the Uta Raupe I would tay that I bare a teg It in ii i tarn..», con.itting tt ten or twelve peraona, tbo pott f. >* u Eha. toil ppgfa found it to tntwer « the purpooea watch yoil claim for it. In regard lo ueatueaa, it la unaurpaaaad, cautingj no dirt, nor labor in kindling hr> «. and it entirely free tVoai ana unpleatant odor. I think coohlnp can bp done with your Rang« at much leaa coat than by any other method. f W W WOOUWORTU GAtl COOKING STOVES. _ No. «06 Broadway. WE. SHAW PATENT GAS COOKINif o AND HE ATINO STOVER _ At No. «0g Bioadwoy. N JEW AND IMPROVED METHOD COOK1NO AND HKATINO BY OAI. _No. «ui Br.aa.lway No fSf «taiara».»r May B5, lMlT" MR. SHAW: In Am» im'r to your ini-iiiryconce>rtie tug the Oat Stove pun bated mi pop ltd winter we wou'dl Bahsettatiaply reply, mat it I.a. worked io our utire tatiata ti.-n. The ilie No. 10 wat uaod iu oal oilce with a northern »(* ¦ooara, but partially lucloaed, and with a high celling. During] the »ererett old we uae.l the f. ur bnmert, hut in ordinary win¬ ter weither one or two were quite tuaVicnt to warm the il- fie*. We ore highly pleated with It. being economical, perf.-c'a lean, fr. e Haag any odor, dirt, or kindling w.^.d .-an be lighte.g In t moment tnd at readily eitlnpultbed. We hope to (re era long your Ott Store» v r> gruerall, utrd. HAUE, DATER k SLOAN. /.AS COOKING STOAES, at VR O. L. CANNON'S, No. gag Broadway. F. SHAW » PATENT GAS COOKING am. IIF.ATINO STllVES. No. 4-« Broadway. AS COOKING STOVES. _No. ¥4 Broadway. W G W F. SHAW » PATENT GAS COOK1NO AND HEATINO STOVES, At No. e«. Broadway. he, he, he. CEW AND IMPROVED METHOD t OOKINO AND HEATING BY OAS, _No. «OB H.a..., w SHAW . PATENT C»AH COOK IMC1 AND HEATING STOVES. No. «06 Broadway. he., he., he. For all the operatlont of baking, boiling, ratting, he , th#J gtt can b< applied to the »tovea, taken from tbo ordiaary gaa- bracket »r burner Tl.e.e at. vet can be teen Iu operation tt No. «08 Broadway, u.d (lie facta ab- ve »rated deuionatrated. Certitc tie. can be teen from highly rexpectable gentloaton rg thia ity and B<-at»n, who bore uaed thorn to their entire oat .* IblPtlili a f.-w ot whom ora mentlonet below. The public Ort, Brrttl I to ail and nomine theae tr-ily valuable and lahor aortnaj Inv.-ntioua. Every ttove warranted to work to the entire totlt- facrion > I the purrhoaer. The Proprn rnr will put them In operation In any honor, «mf ref nd the ti... amount of 'rat, if uuaatitfioctory ^^^^^ No. «06 Boadwoy. REFERENCES. R. M. Hoe, New York. s'p Stap.et, Now Yorb. A a Oillegte, New-York. Gage. Sloou h DaUr, Now. Fdwtrd S. hell. New Y< rk. York. U Deimold, New-York. Jomeo B C'dllna. New York. i ... ko, Uirnd 4 Baker, New- 1. S. (- gaona New York. Y-.rk. W. W. Wo.rdwor'A. Nergg A B. Minor New York. York, w Bafloy Leap. Wtw-TeaB. .-n.on Brown, Bottoo. Sao.I,el A Elliott, Bootoa. Jamet Reed, Bootoa. II K. Beik. ap Bottou. 1 B Adomt, I' .ton. \S :.... ve fat wia. Horton. E O. Kelle*. Bootoa. A pi it aa A. Haye», B- at.rn. Richard Sullivan, Bottoo. h tha 0 Tuehef I'-.ton. ttoac C ubing, Bootou. J. It Wtghtman. Boat fjaappa II Gty. B-rttou. Thon.»» Starr King, Bortoo. C. F Htffeudaie, Bootou. R C Wtteraon, Button. O. V Horner, Bootou. Fred 0 Prince B .ton. J S. Honuewoll, Bootoa, W il ll.< ei;. P Pag'. B-atou. M I Ptr» n Boat- n O H. Child,, Botf«. 0 R R...- p A.b-rt Greatiletf. W».nlngtoB. _F L. Barreda, Ba.titi.-.ra. II I L D 8 Ä SMITH. No. 4S9 Pearl rt. * Importer*; Wholetale and Retall Datier* la _PAPER HANGINGS. THE BEST FRUIT CANJ it It the Ch. *p. at 5IOST Dt RABLE iu the World. No" LEAD SCREWS, WRENCHES aaa ctao i, thi, CAN Dep. t PRÄTT9 LAB It require* Loftb.tr WAX. SOLDER. CEMENT, aor Rl'BBEB RINOB tu (Owl It, It eloooo with a SPRING HASP, 0, I aad la ae aiaapia that aay oao con manage it. P COMPANY No. Ml Broadway. W 'LNDOW CORNICES. BAN US AND PINS. CUlLDSh SMITH No. ito Pearl at, H. T. Öoamcr ßetreatt. AGENTLEMAN fd>li«ed to travel tbia 8'mmvr wi.be. to find BOARD inthe COL'HTRT Aar bio Wife, Pre Boy* (the yosngeet 1 year* old), two Servant* and Baby) e llAio f ve hour,' nd* or Mil from tha eitr. frith pleat/ of fruit .hade, ride* or boating and flthing, oo . farm, wita good, k,n*i peopie. i.ear a t^ur, tad with ao otbor buardrra, far aior aP ten week*. T*rt*JVp>%> * warb alow, BAP of koroeo eitra. Writa with full porticular* ** to*ltaart<m ttt-actetn*. ho U KLiAl o.ik\giim
Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1857-06-16. · NBW-YOBK TRIBÜNE THR NEW-VOKK DAILY TRIBUNE. If PuBLianio EVERY MOBNINO txn.,KVENINO, i.Si mhv exc-amo.) BT OB«KLEY A Mc E LRATB


If PuBLianio EVERY MOBNINO txn.,KVENINO,i.Si mhv exc-amo.)


m Ys a raiavxa mUMMf ronn or HH4U iminid

ITlIIT' orroalTB tur ( itt hall,Bad delivered «,»< .M Sobecribere *.t 121 eata per weeh ManBat aerihere, B* otr'uinua, lo advance. For um mouths, $3


Ii Bahals* I every SatcsdaV Mntauu et Um low pr,. « of 82pa-r e».ei»ati, in adv«.-*. Tbrce Copiee for *A; Five C< pi*w for«Jd T'- . 0 II; ai d » paper 1* la do eaae ooulrnoedb. tor »«¦..¦ f"' »ho it is p«,d. Advi rtitemierits !? The*>>,»¦, Tnbuse eoet ONK DOLLAR PER LINE tat aac«

TIIK iniaWUBLl THIRINKTa p» bllehed eeerv Ti r.voa v snl FainaT Moaviac Prl'A 08¦er annum Ta ClBtaBBBt fl f» I .plea for AU 25. Bp*.gar Copies, Hu Cents. -


Is pabUsbed ou the i'i rpatl reof eaak Mail Sfxiner for Liear-', at *J p»r n.i.uiu. p...tai' n.u.aded. (Jingle Copies, Saxmmk st



ta ptebllehed M .-yaitata t M».l .<teaa.Tr far Aepko-arail, St ? 1 ** per ai nan. Smalc t op .»,, Six Cao'.a.

Special Xoticee.Twcaxa-ar-tb Ur.nl Kcpelilliiin tas.tvH.tl ion. A

raai.lar neetmr ot Ike TWENTIETH WtKli REPUBLI¬CAN ASS'H'IATl'JN will he held. THIS (TUESDAY; EVEN-INU, Jeane Mi. st H Yors's. No 44» «th a*.

WM R. STEWABT Pr aident.t'm»v Miaataax iaC B» Mt.-I, \ Se.-ra.sne,._.Nawra-Ywrai Htatortcal Wnclrty.- A «p~ .1 mn

of lie. .soetelv .» 111 b< Oeld et the large C6an< >» t!>e Uuiver-eitvmi TUEBDA 1 Et KNINO. Jane I« at 7? aVrUck.RV.VBK A NT»'] PI ALK eaa of PkdJaatolpMa, will read a


The fm.i ¦¦ ef rneinhari are invited to lie pr.aeu' at this¦.eating, 'l ie 1. »ill be illustrated by aeversl paintingsajipropilatnry Hallt« ol.

The Anownl Convention öl Ike BlwtboiFroteetaut Epi" >,pnl ( bun h of the Dnx eae of New-York, willlie held in 8*. Pet. i t ( In ri h, Mate at., nesx Unu! Brooklyn, oufTuMuKJaUU (Wi dno-day), lTth June inat. ftllBgalliare la«.iieeted to assemble for oraauixation at !»j o'clock a. m Divineservice and Holy Communioii, with a eermouixy the Re v. JNO.A PADDOCK, at 11 0YI0. k a. 10. All lerryinen and membereol kindred Soeintiea from other Dioceses, who may be in thevicinity, are respectfully invited to ettond. Toe Riant Rev.BISHOP ( LARK. D. D of Rhode Itiand will preach beforethe Courerition in the evening, at St. Peter'a Church. Service,"to (OtamoDw at 8 oV|.,.-k. A roilectimi iu aid of the CharitableFonda of the Brothi rfaood will b- made.

Aitii-rlran Inatitutr purinera' < lull.-A rerularraeetingarill lie held at the RepoaiUiry, Nu. 361 Broadway, oa

TUEBDAI loai IB, at iio.n. Si iuaara- The Manlpuls-tionof Uroucod IcirCropa," and''The Heat ela< e,«aiUn .f ( ropa"Artielea r- elvi I by the Iste ataameia relative n, Arrn ulturewill be Nad. Strangeia aie alwaya eapeclslly welcome. Ad-aaleaiaai ftaa to all H. AIKIOS.

To tUaUloriiinna.Os Buaau Si LAMMiie Ocoaoi Law, )

Orr LH AkaxTim Ni m ) i>xk Jim, m, 1837.5At s meeitina of tue mideraigiied eabiu paoeoaupJCi ou board,

the following preamble and reeolutiona uera unsmmuuiiyadopted:H/terra: The psa.engert by the tleorge Law, fr -in A.pin-Wall, sa per above dPAe, a "old be WKiit.ng in manly tVelina andpublic apiri'. uid we not expie-a our ndomatiou at the ferari M 'red on board .aid abdp doriiig arid voyage, therefore be it

Httnlttd, That ae uui|iieliheilly 00a leiiin Ui<- quality andajnautiiy of proriaioo* luriiitbed tbe pan-euger. during the tripleferred to, and feel it a duty we owe the travel, ,g public getie.rally, and Cslifomiajie in particular, to pautiotl tho-e who maylinn it n.ci aia'y to travel by thi« route, to provide them»elveawith the ueresaaiy .lolea for .0 kau] and tedious a voyage.

Httolttd Tint "in view il the very high atandard i>t prieeaf lor 1 abui, BZ*-'' «econd cabin, slid 4> lot' ateeruge), we are

< onatrnmed to 01 -ider the treatmcut n eived aa a gro»« intuitto the tiaei tiog polilü-, absnietully nnjii-tiliuMe and utterly iu-0x1 utsblr.

AVtoieed. That in our judgment the d-ljy of over twenty-fourboors ia ttaafaaaaaa, v» aa by aa aaaaaa )nettBod by the m um-

etancta, then having heeu but one slight caae of varioloid on

hoerd, while the aoaaxtal health of the pooeoojfoea was excellentin every parti'ulsr; and that such detention we» of extreme

cruelly to the lsdn s an I little cbildreu on board, ss also to thoseavhoae hesrts an- Uaru with anxiety to POOoh the " loved ones stLome" slter a plolonaed ab.i 111 c.

Httnlt td, i'hut v. 1 "i.-idcr thai in imposing an . xtra charge foriBIl OoBTTTtafa el j»..engef» and baggage from QbBIIIBiIsStothe City al New York, the Oaoapaay have been guilty ol a «r at

outrage and a violation of their contract.i...a It «f. Ttiat .0 far as our knowledge ¦«'.¦'- we recognize

in the proprietors of the Mail Steamship Company ami the

pi< aent Quurantiiie Health Off), er, the parties to be held re¬

sponsible for the outrages complained of m the foregoing resolu¬tions, and cannot possibly account for auch proaeedingaen ep* ou the grounds of mercenary motives or pecuniary coti-eidnrst erase,

Httnlttd. That winle we Unit heartily condemn the reneralf 1 return, t rei eived. we desire to exonerate the olfo era of the ahipliom bise'iie, being jiistitied in the belief that the evils ouiplaun d11 were tieyoud their power to remedy, and tlist Uiey were stall tiim-a polite and irentlemsrly.Hf lred That the loregoing lesolutioiis to- published in one

or more New Yoik City pepera, with a request to copy intoKoaton and California paper.

r-AMl EL MERR ITT, M. D Pie.idiut.Cspf. 8 B Hoeai v, 1

S t Baaioni ) F. E. Adi.v. .Secretary.W. N. Brsinsrd, E B. Caoxatai k,W. C. All. n, A. Ward.W Ü. Huacrott. W. (». Barrett,C F Liud, J. Kaum.,Wm Simpson, J Hains.B. Burrow. Capt. R S II.B. F. Roman. O. C Pratt,W. C. Stiver, T. Moore,J. Cordis, D. A Hunter.I) W. Fox, IV Ii It.k.r,R. W Oat - ' Swart,J. O lloo.lv. in, II. M. Hideout,Capt. E Un4i rwood, s. n Fottas,C ICwlatt, J J Brtier,O Bishop. A. O. Oardner,E. Whipple, C. J. J Deniu«,A IV Stiout, M S Oardner,T P. Drown, M Hills,D. P Hamilton. O. N. Veek.T. Sherbrook, L. A I lark.W. C. Lsugrnonr. K. S. Pr. scott,J. L. Taller, J. 11. Seller,C Hill., John Ri-oua,A. Robbius, »V. I n-rker,R, Lii. bar, J. A. Bhoete,J. T. Farley, J. C. Boyle,Dr. J Pine, J. B Larcomb.Jaa. Wst.ou, C. L. WhltaI' i' < lspp. John Williame,E. J. Si beriiieihorn, J. M. Seotield,D S Walbridge, Henry Jta kaon,J, M. Ha, k. tt, A. w Clark,i E. Hart, 8. Osrlow.T. Dunn, J. F. Hanieon,D. F. Bi ro. J De W lit.C H- Fneudlv, E C. Howard,D. Shaw, T. B Raglin,Won Kletcha-r. and Hal ,th. r passenger..

F. 8.^ Since laudiux, we uiid. r.taiid that toe name of theahip ie to be cbeug. d tnm "O. urge Law" to ('«utral Ann r

bra,'' ared so adveilis, d.

II tinaiKi Inn \\ iura.- It-d sud White; vartoua qaalttioges.upiH-1 FBEPKB1C S. CO/./.ENS. N-. 7.. W arr.-n at.

BaxatajratBt Inirlllgii-iicei Office and Labor Kx-ehiisge bs. been rvtooved 1v.11. ndvl Canoi-et. to No. 81Worth st. (late Antbvi v at 1. a lev. d... is west ol Br adway.Mo fee. charged. JAAIKSP KAOAN, Siiper-.u'.eudtr.t.

Milal t iaara tor SaMBet *.|iiokina./. \\ ALA A. Co.,

No.' 28» B a o a 11 w a V(Conn i Reade at ),

Have for axle, in large aivd .uixll quantities,MANILA CHERUOTf aiidtloAKS,

Ol tuiM iior ejuaiitv Also.HAVANA I'll.ARS. at Wholesale and Retail

llnvi nia va e «V Mollei '.« l'itifm Cut l.oaf **up;nr,a sopeiior quality ol Loaf Sugal. cut by a PATENTED Ma-1 knie Into sajoare pieces of convenient aize for HOTEL a

FAMILY asa, and flee In Di the tine Sugar found mixed a,tu

the ordinal- Crushed. Put up in BAKUM.S of about 170 Iba.,aad HALF BARRELS ol 80 lb-. For axle by all the principalOeSOoei In eil |»ris of the city end country, or, with the a. vi ralother vaiieti. - ol Rcliurd Sugars, at tbeii oaVoa, No M Wall at.




Madame anna DE LA OBAMOB. ill give ber LAST CONCERT BIT on I iu New York,pnoi to her aiepailuie for Europe od the Mbh inst., st Nlblo'aC's ou

FRIDAY E\ P.NINO, June 19.Madame DE LA OHANiiE willb.' assisted by the followini

«u.inriit Aiti.ts:Mile. HENRIETTA SIMON. Foprxuo.

HERK Mol.I EMi Ai .-:it. \ loliuist.Mr. E. OUtOB, Pian.tt P .pil of Thalberg.

Admission.ONK DOLLAR.The tale of Ticketa will commeme on W EDNESDAY, June

17, at WM HALL A «üca. No. 239 Broadway, and C.Bit. I BIRO'S, No. 701 Broadway, win re Scale miy be secured<» ft bout extra .barge).Door. op.-11 at 7J m loch; Concert commences at 8.

K B L O ' . 0 A It D E N ..

Door. ..pen at 7 to commence at 8 o'clock.Taketa An cents. Children half pri, e.

TI KSDAY BVEBIMO. June 1«, 18*7.tn-aaed nightly with the elite of the city to witnessaltRoMK'S NKW PIECE- A GLORIOUS TRIUMPH

HFANCO. OR THE MAOIC SWORD,.nd received » 0ta shouts of Inughter and applsuee.AXotUie in hit greet chsrscter »f.Bianco

New ae.nery, links, coetumae, propa rte a. i.e.L'ALMEF

BIANCO, and the Ravels, every night._I Ai'KA KEENS'* rHEATER*.MJ BECOND WEEB OF TUB NKW PlEi'E.

On TI KSDAY K\KNINO JatM lb I8>7,r?" ** paaeaaata d th, o. w Diama. received uinhtiy by crowded

wiu aa.ii«le.i haara ami laughter.Laura Keen >



, I.IKES TROUBLED TIDES.1,1! »«.'«. «.Mise iA'lhu' Hoituli.Mr. C.luawak l, »..:*i u.a. .uwaf.l Kxtrsvagxnra,

\\ A 1.1. a <' K s. TUESDAY, Jbim 1«..* * F.XTKA and AABT NIOHT -f the SEASONii nir, ». at BaBiaraUaiatn to

tto-f. 8 NIM8..V.LI^N/EDfaSK£«>x book sow ay] ''



Will brat ELMIHA. N Y e.m,a». nriag MONDAY, a it. SI.tad eoLUn-.li.« through Qm w.ek.

The around* «Iii be ags-ued e*. ti day for the tdioiaaioa of ahaitor» a? Ia. m. CUm*» *t 6 p. m.

Tll.tKK HI NDREO THii.LARS to be awarded in DI3-i El oNAKV r-KKMll[Mfl M(iN."\Y ? m WED-Sh>H»y-and $*Ot on TtHK.-DAY .:. MeBjaWBi d.hd interact be pr.-enited.

TVKRDAV. SECOND DAT,A. I 1 a. ii. (.RANK CA . AM ADE of all ttj- borare en exbi-h'..'

I'r.'edero. w,;l he giv.-r. to F! r» Tenip'.e and Lac»» ihrtwo Npaal iival», aaei v>red and bad.followed hv Jari Roaat-?er. Tib HinMat Ma.-. hooey, R/..a of Washington, Milier'aaaaaaaad, Lad\ M..arow. Rrowu Dirk, Oen.ral Dar'y and othertr< tting 'e.chrttie. win. Bga . ngagcd to -bow tüeir pennt« anIpar*, on the Arrieulf ural < our*e.TUESDAY I P If - BXHIBITIOHaad F.XAMINATIOM

¦ f TROTTIM, UELDIHOS ai t MAREK that hava nevertrotted for ntoney Trial of *p*rd required.one nute. To tb"beat wi.l be awarded:

K i.'. premium.? ¦

S< e/.ud premiuB.... lasThird premium. *.

MATCHED r DOUBLE TEAMS-No ev saBtaa a eotor.Exhibition and exandnatiun. Trial of «peed required.outn.ile axd r.pxat. To the beat will be awarded:

Firtt premium. .$20"S> >.:.d premium. 1""Th.rd pi mluin. M

WEDNESDAY'.THIRD DAY.10 a. ru .jEaam.nation ot all the Horte» oc Exhibition by lha

Judge*.2 p. m .Exan ii.nti'n of Qrldlnga and Mar« *. CaaamUth n

opeii to all. Fl- ra Temple and Lanc.t to ompete. Trial ofBfted requited.one I ile and repeat. To tha bett wiJ baawarded:

Etrat Premium.|WSeo-nd Premium. a"*!Third Premium. 1«1

Dia< retiotiary Premiuu.t thia day. BBMTHIRSDAY-FOhRTM DAY

11 a. in..Review of Fire Companie. by CoL Ely. Mayor <fElmira, and the Pretidcnt of the fax ieiy.1mm rihlhBbaa and Examination of trotting Stalli a.

Competition open to the l'nited State» and Canada. Trialtpted rt quired.one mile and r.peat, iu l.*r;.e»*. To the b* atWill be awarded:

Firot Premium.$*«iSeeaind Premium. I«0Tided Pr. mium. *»

Dm ret.oi.ar> Pun .m* thla day, g-.v-o.nUOAT.FlITH DAY',


Governor* of all the Slate*.Mayor* at all the Clttoi of the Srate of New Yorh and of thain. ii.nl i in. * ot other State*, trill k* iavtted to wittie** tb*ill! MAN'S I'AHADE and HEVIEW to be followed by a

TRIAL Of FIRE ENOINKS on tb* ground*. To the be.t wi

be aWB!<rirtt Premium.$1.000Si'old Premium. 6:10Third Premium. 6O0Fourth Premium. 4"0Filth Piemiuin. »KlSixth Premium. 20uS<m i.tn rinhtlaai. 100

I'ndtr the general aupervi.ion of h.nry H. Howatd. EaflChief Knar rue Dept. New York. a.-i«ted by Tracy ft,Morroli, e»q., iiinghamt.ni, and Samuel Sherman, raq)( ... rComoiittee on tiial of Fire Engine», and award cf Premium*,

Ilciuy II. Howard, Chairman,Chief Engineer of Fire Department, Philadelphia ;Chief Engineer if Fire Department, Baltimore;Chief Eaginarrof Fin- DepaartaaaaB, rinilimall,( hi. i htngtaaeff of Ffara P»pagtweat, Catteagw.

SAT I'll DA Y.SI XTH DAY Sept. 5.Examination and Exhibiiion of OBLOIBOl and ttAtSa.

Trial at »peeu required. Flora Temple and Ln'wet la eaaBBBBB,One uiile, btlt 9 iu 5. Oo aa the pirate. Tu tbe urtt will be»Wardt il

Btrai premium.$2,gg|Srcond pr. mium. l.CKatThird piemiuin. Suv

Ma ii mi l) DoOBLI TBAMP.No ex. eptioii t.dog, E»bib.-Uoa and Examination. Tiial of aprrd required.one iui.c ai.Jrepeat. To the beat will be award, d:

I t-t premium.rfSecond premium. |o»Third premium.a....h>

Marcwan CABauoc-HoaaiFirat premium.+2'«'heroiid piemiuin. KUThird pirmium. 50

Faxe v Mai i heo.Fir.t premium.$73R. Cond premium. 5flFamii.v lionet,*.SlKCLe.For generaj utility.Firtt Premium.giliVlSet ond Premium. 7AThird Premium. .VIFourth Premium. HO

Stallih»-. For general utility.Firtt Premium.* 100Second Premium. 50Third Premium. SO

Two Yean and leit.Firit Premium. f ViSecond Preuiium. JO

Dhaii Horms.Firat Premium.fluffSrcond Premium. boThird Premium. 30

Arrangement* will be made for teatiug the »trengrh and docil¬ity, lie-, of droit bortet on the ground, at a loach

PoMl.a.14 baud* and ir»a.Firit rrruiium. g>20Second I'reuiiuui. 10

Mfi.r.s.Firat Tri mium. $*. | Second Premium. $20

BBBBOtBfl Mari«.Firtt Prt miiiin.Sec.aid Prrmium. 50Third Premium. SO

Fl i II».2 >rai oid.Firtt Piemiuin.$40Second Premiuai. 30Third Premium. Bl

Plow*.Firrt Premium.$2r>Secoud Pn miutu. 15

Daavt.Firtt Premium.$20S< mud Pn mium. lb

CfLrivaToRs.Firat Premium.$20Second Preininm. lo

OH Friday EVEHIH0There will be a (»RAND TORCH LIGHT PROCESSIONBad * 11i,.iaut DISPLAY I FIRE Rut KET8, * ..» anyot the bind ever teen iu the couutry.Entrance Faa.Pot tingle Horaaa, $5: Paira, $10. If kept

on the »round», an additional charge of gO lor hay an t *traw.S-ccc.-Mtul coinpetitort will tie ch.irgcd 5 per cent, deducted

fr- in thr amount of premium awarded. Exhibit-oa who fail toibew thrir her*. . in thr Oread Cavilctde on Tue» lay, at IIa to., »ball foili-it their ruht to compete ami thr entrance frrwill be promptly ft-lundcd on the return of the receipt giteu b»the Seen May.No ai plication rt. eitedalter Aug t'>. ao »ic. pti -u. Noun-

aound holt.- tball receive t prcun ii When tu animal it

diein . d eir* orthy ot t premium, Ihr j .«Iget will withhold it.Potoaoa dit.ru« aatrata ilabloa Ist thaii will apply tothe Ooatral BopoglatoadoBt, j. B. I I.ARK. F.lmira.

Entriu.. <-I. e to Kit. ( oiiipaniea d-^o. Thry arr required to

appei.i in siaaaaa'l dn-aa. with their ei gin.-*. Ac. II preventedattending the l land Parade and Review on Friday, tha entranceBra Bill be refunded, a ii .net to the order of the Foreman.

Speciul Regulation* to Kite Compai .. c.inttnird la Citculara,to te obtained by application to the Secr. ttry at hi* otfi e, El¬mira. Exhibitoi. and Fir. mcu admitted tree, ai d Muticiau«ai c. ii panyu.g them.Fiirmt n can i-taiu thcii mrala at Rettaura'itt on tbe ground,

50 ctl t* coth.H> ». r\ >: ». at Ticket«. 2.\ iug tree edmi... .1 ring -be week

.and pt-ti" ttioi ut t. at g .aiaiitrrd:Single. $3(ientlrmau and Ladv. 5

A limit, d number only will be iiaucd.oi i icr.au.

Hon. SILAS M. Bl/RROl "HIS. Pr-.idrnt. Medina, Or-. .i n. Y( HARLES MORRF.I.L, 8e.-r.tarv I... wtille, N. Y.JOHN ARhillT. ,ii Treaaurrr. E.mii«. N. y.

aotan or MAXaaBBa.oeo. U ILKK8, aoa., New i tI. il KKi'W N Ne« York,t HAS. u BATHUATE, WeatehaatarCo., H Y.L A CHANDLER BS< rria t u N. j.john W WILLIAMS. Biittalo.THOMAS i OKWIN |iWM j. SPEED. Detroitj. B. (T.AHK lirueral Sti|»-rinte:VV W BaLLaRD. AaalaUutSecretaryFRED. E. PHILLIPS, AaatotantTraaaauai,

toMMiTTta o» arcrrriov.Hon. s. B i SHIHO Alkai jBBJkSTl'S COBHINO.il oaa Albanv.Hon. CHRISTOPHER HOBOAN \ ILEVY IB h MOKOAN.au R h-ater.t HAR1 fS IONES, raq., Ldrlxigctoa Ca N. Y.OaUMbOE CLABA. ooq_ Otaeg I N Y.

SILAS M. bl KKOL'UHS. Pre.ide:,-Cna*. MoaaCLi.. Secretary.

WALLACK" THEATER-Drau.atlc compliment to


The ia-r formalice will c«ini«t of the Fare fTHE (KIOD-FOR-NO. HI NO

the Seeoiad. Third ami Fo Otk Act. of Shtkeaprare-«Mb Ki II ANT OF \ KM H E,

and thr Mutica! FareA LOAN OF A LO\ ER

Mr. 0 T. Ware a« Shyloi k aoahBadha Mr T. S. Nioi». Mi.H H. Phtinp«. Mr Stuart. Mr Meitou *dr Drew M: Lea. re,Mi. Norton. Mr. N-wb. Mr* T S N.u *. Mi** Faaaj Oaa a,Mr. H. H. Pbiilip«. ood mxi.y "-lier pr ... na.t and ama' uit,


of thr Mua. urn ho* been ihr wn luto a M AOHI PICE NT ( OS-MORAMU s Al/t HIN. arc hitecturally cinhelliaord tod free-.>-.ltri thr hr.t «Ivb- ot art by (hat diatluguiahed arfiat M D'i>rt*v.

Lid n< w rmbran* a tt.ie.s2on of large aa I cw*ly VIEWS OFPLACES AND E\ EBTTS «jade «acred bv hi.;..ry and Haag t

the ui. n or* of the tdrUiaod world. POi rth AND POS1-TJVKLI LAST WEEK o< thrm-tt popular acdatirrluzaaratic drama osoa PTo.it.. ed in thi* r-tohti-hm. ut. FRAl'ulAMI ITS \ Il TIMS, which will r. pr.*eH.'-.l this Et BN-1NO. at 7J 0*eha k. with tbe talented ca*t. and In tbe ISniabe lwaaaaxlaai hat »Mih lOUSAHDSOFORATIFIF.t)i'EOI'l Y. at' many mtrki of d'»:iuiiii»hrd approbation. AF-TFBNl'oH *. « -' t% Oaneea and the mel.drauaaofTHE TWO OAI.LEY SLAVES. The Liring Herprut, H»pr»Eau.ilv. A. to be fern. Adauatica, 3i -entli IChudrea uadorton, Iii ¦*

BURTON '« NEW THEATER.Bmalw\v.Eiafatb eight of th» eiiceeatfal eegsaeme: r

Mi icdMit W.M J FLORENCE,the aavaaai delineator* of the

IRISH BOY and YANKEE girl.To-edae- iORJI Tu OOOD Ll'cK.

Fandr-et CPRafferty.M; Wm. J F. ad *

TWICE MARRIED.Mr* W'b. J. Florence :d fmr character*, three S >nga and two

»D.i.. MbMISCH IE'. Ol'S A1VNE

Mrs Wai. J FWeere euetxtrrit fee »h*r»ct»r», r.nf'i I QWDutch Organ Song, mmi cxcctt.r.i jc grand Dar.'M L» Anel

W A I- I- A f K - T 5 E A T K R. .t * Mr ST! ART'-- r* to I

etT.cted so engagement with that di-tini uane-i American act

MISS ELIZA LOGANoh'- h»i w: h.th a meed 'of BMWaaChga in every portion<f the >. ntrv. Mitt L-rai w.i; p- S -i n

ta the v.ti-g'of THURSDAY, the 18th of Jane in the ehar¦.Aar at

FAADNE.hi Shell'i great play of that name b« ing bar 6rat appearance inN-* Y rk.Miu h on a D be abstained by a bnlliant company.cOBpni

ing .. i* f th* nn"t dialing ttebod aet< re ad the eadiui ettieef-i.e t'nioi., ano wii, a-eo appear for the firtt time In Newlira._PO B DT»¦ Hi 1 UmAL THEATER.-

Dreaa fir-lea 2tV.. Pit. 13a. j Orheatr* Chair*. S«e.; Pri¬vate B. xi t Mi . ro, m t f r » .¦ h parm.--Doora oper, at 6«. curtain will riae at 71 .TH IS EVKNING:

THE KNIGHT OF AR\ A Or. Coa-oa Tnr RamCaunor the Raab. J H.Allen J Priice.. Marii-a. Mr. II.FNiehola

PoNGo. THE INTELLIGENT APEPorgo.C T Paialoe. jr I Amalie. Mise Wally

THE WEPT OF THE WIBU-TOB-WISBC'Liianch. t.J. H. AUea NatraanatUh..Mias Hathaway

W'll.I. CLOSE.NATIONAL ACADEMY »fTT design .The S3d Annual Exhibition <-f the NationalAcademy, now .pen dailv. from 9 am. to 10 p. m. at No. MiBroadway, OBButite Bool at, WILL CLOSE bat tat Sea-ten, oa SATURDAY JLne 2ntb.


C'RYSTAL PALACE..Tke Cr/stal PbIbob k/ atill open t<> the public, and <ontaini many iuter.-atiug an i

rurioua '.Lints. TLe Statuary x.one i* worth the price of ad-miaaioa.

CADEMT of MUSIC to LET.For Operaa,Concerts Rxila. Lefturea and ainiilar reapectable p irp art.

Apply to N. H. W ILJ K, No 9 Sooth at.

t^FIRTTUALISM.-.J. B. ('ONKLIN". TESTIO MM) IM. bar returned, and will baM Daily Clti lea DAYai d EVKNING. at tbi boat* of from l>i t- 12a in. aud from 2to 4 and t toM p. m. Fee M centa.

pleasure <t?jcnrsiona.

EXCURSIONS..The faa DouhW>-dV«'ke<l BargeIRENE, aewlj pi. t.d ant la aaaaalata order, fumulwdwith aeataaud n. w co.ors, will t>e chartered for excursion,. Ala..,the ateamb-ata KING PHILIP, \ 01 NO AMKKH'A. G. K.H1ASK.R and ( AMILLE Apply to M J. CLUPP, 10» Brosd-at., or to the Captain on hoard, wot of Adan.a at., BrocXfyn.

.fine -Arts.

THE DÜSSELDORF GALLERY ia open «ve-rthe Han of Dr. CHAPIN S Church, No. 548 Broadway-

old location.from 10 o'eiock a. in., until 1" o'clock p.m. Ad-miaaion 25 reu'a

iVctn Publications.Publiihed Th.a Dav, ( inptete.


CHARLES DICKENS (BO/1.Beautifully lUnatrated, i.i brie octavo and duodecimo form, i*Publiabed and for Sale Tbia Day. by aO B'H.kecileri and N-wagente everywere. EAgbteen .liSerent Editiona of it an- put.liabed, ai loxiinf, at pri.ee ranaiiif from Kifty Centa to

Two Dollxra and a Half for the complete work. Addreia a.l

rdaiatothe Publiaber, T. B. PETERSON,No. HIntaataal ¦> . Philadelphia.


Ku.iou it. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. Pulton-et.The eh. »p. at Rookaf. ie in the w rid.

l,1Vt lani *>'i Bo. ka at 7V 01 5U at 5>c MMFulton at *l Bonke at 2>rci fa. I


1*9 .*« ! a VUFulton at It will nay to comic » gr-at way t. buy Sultou at.

II. Aland Station.-! v atIM BHEPARD ». Co '., 13'i

Fulton at 1.V1 I.Vi I.Vi I.Vi Pult m at.Fniton-at Fulton at Fulton at. Fult-.u a-.

rpilE MAGISTRATE ou WEDNESDAY'I lllurtrated .lonnial ot Crimiual Evcnta.

Three Enar»viuga'L Statuarv for Court of Ore* and Terminer.S Murder Scene of Mrs Mary Keyeo.j. Portrait of Pinkett. the Muideier.

All Newameu in Town aud Country w ill hare it.

/ iODD BYE..If ruu mtiat fo, J.m't tail to take\J ene of DINSMOBE'S 01 IDES K ¦ a tkaft trio of J.I

Ff or l..a. get Till 1(1 . Ml I.KS IBOI N D NEW-TORI hat t r b ug journey, buy "DINSMOBE'S RAIL¬ROAD AND STEAM NAVIOATIÖN OUlDE."

PINSMOEE i. to, N... 9 Spruce it.. New-York.

1WE IOWA C ITIZEN in the beat paper in theWert, aa a medium through which to advertise. It also

gives a d>tailed account at the progress of W'eatern Rallrosdaand Laad Spei u.nil. n*. and la a amice through which Capitalistscan so. ure profitable laieolBei Ilia Term* A* pe: Jesu. Ad-dies* W ii. FARNER, Des Majaoa, l'.wa._

THE NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE.The gr.at Cliailaal Paper b.inr a perfect recrd of enoie

throughout th.- World, einb. llished with portraits of BeingeriminaJa. lasue.i weekly Annuxl sub., nptn u. *i. six mouths,A. Addreaa R. A SEYMOUR, otttre ol National PoliceG»a>ttv. No /tl Broade«, New York.

IBERAL BOOKS.Sent bj mail, i>..at.n;.' bee,J oil receipt of pri. e. Fee lull c*tsl..«»ea send a postage

atampt. CAL\ IN BLANCH VHP Ha ft Naaaa st._gpREAT SALE of BOOKS OB thu GIFTV! principle..book> rtaaaal aay bBbbj ea

asbliabir.mt iu the city. A OIFT with each BOOK a. ria from15 sta to a>6<>. The sal. ia Baal n t. d ob afair sad lita-rel prioripie. As rentable Praaaata will be given With esrh Bo<>k aa lit anyDtAer Otft BaoAateia Oarai M ,arge esl. aani amtvllpr.fiuOrdera fmru the *¦ uutry will mot with prompt attenUou.Catalogues of the Books and lufti sent to any address.

V 8. ANDREW'S. No. 140 Nassau et.. N Y,

BLOW BLOW' BLOW! Beeeai to b« tmeordei of the day with some st.>rea in this city, but we are

content w ith St LI.ING books at lower nricea. and aivingsa valuable PBKSENTS a. st anv ther OlFT-book store.Those w i.hing to purchase BOOKS » Ui pleaa.- all and J nigeforth, ms.lvea. J. S. ANDREW's. Bo. IM Naasau-at

Near the t ity Hall

IX) DKI'GG1>TS. aV,-..A.Iu»rti».'iiH'titB tort!..-mat (Julvi Number of the AMKRH AN DRI tiOISTS'

ClRCl'LAR. mutt be sent iu by the Jith iBst.. AT LATEST.Ten Cents a line Bat each and every Inaertuuu Sent to 1>.UOO(Fifteen Thou.and) Druggi.ta and Phyaleisi.t throughout Amer¬ica. Uffi.e No. J6 Be. ku.su. orurr at William tt. Huura fr >m10 to 4.

ßtationcnj anb -fanen ©ooöe.

BLANK BOOKS at WHOLESALE.Beat] kind and tile, fine and tuprrSne,


SEK Mi IB PAPERBookseller* and Stationers ar» invited la taM and exxin:u*

these goa>da Ik-I r. purchsaing I laaw here._JOHN P ELLIS Nq. M Na.sa.. a- N. Y


H -4 >.. L I » Mo. Wtear', at-. N-w-York-Sold by the pi.or pa Stationers

Coet onö /otmö.C. .> RT REWARD.CAUTION..The public are

mt'J baaejby a that a rafl Bo. jihS". for 0*t»ari.dated San FlBBBiom Caitfornia, May U. 1x57 drta n bv DBEX-I BATBER ACUl'RCH aa \ LECK. KPED A DRKXEL.No. 27 Wail it.. New-York, st a-ght. ass dropped in the ttrta-ttbia morning, sad all persons are :.. reby notified and iörbtddeiiit' > nt ash or therwiae necotiate the eame. a* pay¬ment there. I is stopped The finder by ret iruu.a it to the aub-evriber aU. U'reaaided a* xb- ie P C ALLAGHAN.

I .i.e. 1 r at aw. No. it Si.,

"L^LECTROTYFING BDd STEHEOT YITNG..A-g VINCENT DILL. ELEt TRoT i Pr.K and STEREO¬TYPER, Baa H sad 31 Beekmsu at.. N Y. B-A.. Mine.I 11 . ait. tarda, Check*, and Label* of all klnda eaecntard ,.ail Licrir vari. us branci.ee. Also, Engratunj* of every deserip-tl I adtbae E . trSvped or Ster». t.ped ¦ the moat p-TV--:mtuiser Stamps BBBai fM Bsi.as ... i >r small Hand Presee*.


Boa. Pi aad :7« p.a.- n. w Yjrk.BOW NE A HASBROCt K

PRfNTPRo LITHOGRAPHERS a^: SrATIONER*. ADI, . PBJJITIBB eaecLted m the beet ety.e, with COPPER-FACED TYPE, at the lowest rates

s rEREOTYPINO, ul ever/ dr^irriptiou. from aLABEL la a HOOK, promptly executed by

JOHN A GRAY Sue in and It Jacob stCorser wf r ». »: fireeav4 B_|t

Ij\UTLIT!ES tJNZQUAjLED IB extent mmi ran-

ety f< r the RAPID PBODt CTION af the BF.ST -r

IHEAPEST *tylee of PRINTING. L.'.h.^grapcy. STEREO¬TYPING. EiectrotYpiug, BOOKBINDING and Engraving, w Bb* found at No*. 16ar.d II JACOB-ST.. corner Frankfort at

In tbe FIRFPROOF Pr.nting OaVe of JOHN A. GRAY.Partie» requiring any kind of Printing in LARGE quanlitiee

a find it t'i their advantage to giee tin; » »:..

Tbe Sen Pari e-.-aa.mcr gn "Mr. Or»T ia a THOR¬OUGHLY RELIABLE man. »od hl» Pnntmi I*tab.e»hm*-jt i*

t THE LAROEST ». d MOST PKRFEl f n-.f. arr-iag«mer.t« that »' have ever »ru. M* Orir print* The Examiner,and br i* rapatl- el J. in» »n INDEFINITE AMOl'NT of¦ k i the avAJ»tE BEai tie it. style-

Tl.«- CArw.ioo ItttUtftittr papa -The immer.».- »pocitie*of Mr Oa*V» m»mm. th E-tablUhrnerit, r:»bi. him I a eie.it«ordert wi'b tb. utmost !:.patch, »od »t rate* that alni"*t DEFY( oMFETITION. A RF.Pt'TATIi'N OF TWENTY U 'R>(.Ri 'WTH i» the beat aaeaait* that cou be given that all ordertUiTi.tti-d to bin. will br- fairhf-illy and promptly raaeaBedThe /«dcre..d*af taya " W e CORDIALLY RECOMMEND

HIS OFFICE to tb- iew.pap.-r pre»«. »nd . th.frirr.d* who may ever hare caarn for the prompt aerv-caa of» m deal ai d iMIUU Printer."Tl e fArtftida Inquirer uv». in noticing the firtt number of

»per .-in*; Tue Printer U«NM of THE BEST IN THEWi'RI.D ». we can te*tify by eiperience.JOHN A. i.RAY,N. . Irl »I d It Jacob-tt "

it- L'karttiibi* MotifA/p *av«: 'It would be tnly «tränte ifMr. Oia* ad not hi* among tb.- printer* -if" t Baty likett.it; bi t it i* certain that none of thn*e tre hart- known de-terra '-. ii p«n« n with jim l"u»paringiy a* we work, at time*,la pi.ah aw Montblv through the Printing OAre and Biudery.a- Lave kt.own him we .peak of equally P.VINSTAKI.V SPERSoR, f.r the tame object, although oar tmail butinea*

-ild be r . IIle Importan.e to an eatabliahmeut where Till R-TY or F"RTY periodical* including many of the h-a.Hng Lite¬rary and R.ligi. u» Journal* of the country, are but a min- r pat"ion of the regular work "

In addition to the ordinary pr >c. »*e» of Printing he i* pre

pared t.. execute ordert for Note.. CHECKS Draft*. BILLSOF EXCHANGE. Certificate* af Stock, BONDS Certificate,af Depr.it. and ther COMMERCI AL BLANKS, abajiappl u

Stone r St.. I. in the bigbett »tvle of »rf.

WBDDlNfJ MSITINH. an'i AT HOME Carl* agppllltnd pint.d in the h**t »ty!c and »t low ratet.

NOTE PAPER.-r Envelop.-, STAMPED with Cre-t or Ini¬tial* p'ain or in pelapP* at »hott notier.BLANK-BOOKS m»de kB -rder. riled »ny paferu. w ith or

without printed heading!, by the mint careful workmen.LABELS, printed from type, plate*, or »tone, in one or many

i-.ort, tupplied in large or »mall quantities.JOHN A. GRAY. No. 373 Br-odway,

_And No*. Id and 18 JACOB-ST or Frankfort *t

1TRIBUNE BUILDINGS..FRLNTINQ of öv^ydeiarlption. from a Card t" a R >.,k, at the hnw.it Caan

Price.. BAKER k OOIlVVIN. Tribune Building*.


1?IBEW0RKS..HEW-YOBK LABORATORY,No. 1H* Front «t -Fire Cracker». Cantoa Rocket.. D akae>

Header*. Jeaa Btleka, «nd a complete a»*ortment of FIRE¬WORKS, warrant.d of the fir-t quality CeanllJ Maand Dealer* in General, alto Committee, for uty and OouutryDi*pi»y*, «applied ou the mo.i liberal term*.

_M. HEN NETT. N c l**i Frott« «t.

I^IKEWOJ.'ks..A gvjtasnü pnuilnwjinl of plainand c .i.-d F1BJEWOBXS, al i t Mm U»»' poalhtj, lor aale

bp BADE.\ LOCKWOOD k Co.,Ho. 227 W'athin«tou-*i.

ä" i. i l i. i i 5 I» a h l .a EX< El.SIOR FIREWORKS.

Jol.LEY v 1TEBSsoli: tot st.

No. 13 Maidcr. lane tnd No. 1811 Uilliara-(t. corner Spru e *tNew-Turk.

I T Wi u!d OaH the attention af the trade to their Wfihknowa tt.ck .t FIRECRACKERS, TOBPEDOEB, R<iCK-ET8 R< MAN CAROLES, WHEELS of all kin la EXHI¬BITION PIECES, and all article», kaq|e ot »uiail. r. quired to

u »ke » full «.* rtiraj forliiHRINIi OR RF.TAir.INi.

Quality guaranteed at pih a* b. yoi d otnpetilion.


\N An i-rie.ni Oirl waiiU a pitaation ai CHAM*LERMAID and to «..i.t in the WASHING and lltOIS-


.-..d iity reterenrr. Coll (or two day* at No. .ä*l H.-ury *t_

A~nT7>(Ti.ISII l.fv, who Im« M.l Hi.- p.aaitii.nat II ii*. keeper anW ll .veri.t .« for tuany year*

country in ne lamilv, ana nearly thr> e where the ia at pre*«ut,<!¦ i r. t a gtaaflaa SlTl'ATION in the family of a gentlemanah. re tlo children are young, or ». MATRON to au inatitu-tion. or ( (>M PAN ION t- an invalid lady. aBaip fully qualifiedbv h up experience to take charge of a large eatat>li*brnrnt.R. t. t. i. t ,f the hight ot rctarcUbihtv. Aaataaa T. R. No.134 Front-at.

RESPKCTAHLK tiirl wantn a aitu;iti..n U>-l>general HOI SEW ORK in a »malI family Q .1 referCall at No. 10a> Foravth at. for two das».

ARESPECTABLE Pri.tv.taiit liirl wi*b--* aSlTl'ATION; I* a good Cook, can make bread and piet,

and an ex. client Waah.-r and In BOT] ha* the beat of city refer-en-e i.I jei t ii to go » »bort distance in the couutry Call atN Bowery.V17iSiTi.iiilSEAMSTJ»ESS-» PLACl WANT-J»* ED.By a laaatatakaO. *t*»dv Woman, who ha* b-.-n lat- nire In New York an Waahiugto i. bathe beat familieo, f .r

tlx yrpta Apply by i ot.-or p< r»on« t . 't» at No. IJdW'»*t Uth tt., near 7th av. No obj.t ti-iu to travel.

4a*ITl ATK)N WANTIT).Ily an iiitolliitontkJ7 Er. nein an l. WAITER in a priiate family a ko «peak»theEnglith language. Will teach the children In (enure time. Noobject'.. - to the.UtrV. Be*t reference given in New Y-r-kCity. Addrt**, by letter, HENRY CAK\ ER. No. LSI Uu-ttn*tt.

SEAMSTRESS.Waiite.l . o-utik; ri-tf-Lmt_ W oman, oftt.ady habit*, who ha* been w. II bred, uSEAMSTRESS and CHILDREN'S MAID, to go I Staten1.1*1 d Satlafo. tory reference* will be required. Wag*-*An f atHea*V»reea'togpee, eniuloyer** entrance. No. 77 No*-tau at., on Wedneadav n.orning. between 9 and 10 o'clock.

S*ITl'ATK >NS WANTED.In thT dty" ortr-r. aa a good Cook, and to Waoh arid Iron at 'Cham

bt rmaid and W alter, a* Nurar and Chambermaid a* Laundretatad Chambt rn.ald at 8eam*tre*t andNurae; and to do Oen-

H t.v. -k hp verT c< uipetent (hrl*. Call at No. 71 6thv in the Bo< kitore.

hairirATlUNS WANTEI».Uy two KtftfMMeh* v. i.eg (.IKLS. »Itter». <>n> a* COOK, tnd tu* other t»

CHaMB> RMAID, WAITER r LAlHOREBI Cabett af Cttv reference. Can be teen fjr thai w. -k at N. SiWr»t l«th *t.

W'AN'I EI>. Situathma !>} two neat |Mw8e>l liirlx,V» with OXOallrbt city refereL'-r, .mo a* «eu-ra! SEAMAV.TRESS In » tmoll family make. b. r> " * kind fttjillvwagt * gfi a month, the atttap it M yrtr* old, a good, tidy andneat NCR.-» F v. Id wait on a lady who h-.*r!». wagaapyltaB5. Call at H tjlRaal gd _

W'AN[TED.My a rftfae^table eolored Woo'» I .it lato-n a* CC)i >K. o.ily in a private family. She ran

gite good ritv reference, lau be ».en for two layt at N IdMori- t.-*t in the tear._IVAN I ED.A nituati. ti m COOK, b) i Rt>rr it.. rth:. Sctchw- u.an. Wouldoecept ra larata ww *

Citv ref. ron. et given if uquired. Call fur tao day* at No. INMulberry *t.

\VrANTED.A nituatii-n \n a v.-rv reaia-.-tiol.*I? roang Woman »* a fir*' rite DRESSMAKER andSFAMSTRESS: fully competent ia »II her undertaking*. Haohjei tion to tbe aar«'i I Children r to do Cnamberwork. No¦lje«t. n to the eoi.ntrv. N. B .Wa«ea not a. much an objectaa a home, a,od reference* *> to char*' tor and capability.* fort* :*v» at No. lOSBrounie ...

W'ANTED. Bj l r.-jiei-Uble W.-man. i SI 11 A-v r TION to do tbe'I <a>kit.g. W tahiug tnd Ironing of a tmallMm .t it t pod plain cot-k and a tir-t rate wa*uer and r Bag. i i . ».Kilbrea.l l aker ha* u>' objection to go * abort li*.t»i.'e in the ountry f« r the Summer mouth* the br*t of ityreter. Lce can br given. Call at No. M 7th at-, near l*t av

fol two d»yt, fir»t floor. fn-r.t ro I_

WT^TTeD.A iituati. ti a* CHAMBEBMAID*r hi a tu.*',, privat«- lomily by a retpe.-tabla. inte. g.

>¦ uLg W oman who con pr.-*«it uneii-eptlouable rofBfaseaApplv to Mr. WOOLLIE, No. 241 Bowary, at 10 o'clxrk thia


W"ANTED.A aituatiori bv a reiportable |". PYi rr»n She I* * pood COOK? fint rate WASHER .:. 1¦ KONEB. tnd underrtaäd» Babing Kr*ad and Paatrv. Hatpai d eitt refeten. ea Can be teen for two day* at No ft We*t.lu. it.. betw . en 6th and 7th-ti a a-a-nd fl-«Jr. back room.

W'ANTLÜ.Bv n reaia-ftable oil-ir.-.l PFOOLBB, I"*

.ite.t'ajn tt SEAMSTRESS v, TRAVEL with »

LADY*. She would sot object to taking coro of a child. Cangive goad reft renee. Addrraa A. B., Mad e t, oqi»re P 0-

W"ANTED. Situ.vtit.n-« by tw,, peape>rtarr liermon Oirlt ;n tLe aoc.e ftmi.v .r..- a* C rIAMBEKMAID» COOK, and the oth»r a* SEAMSTRESS. Apply atNc. JOy W e*t 13th it betw. ee <tb or and Hadoou-at.

AR( IU I ECU RAL DRAFTSMAN WANTED.Ctpobi, »I taking charge of vheoS.e butinett. tnd wao

oaa moke a go.«i derign, and detail drawing* for pnvtt* andpublic bt i:: r» Aaahvrvoffr m # l.OWl to . 1.200 per ann arawi.. be pfroa tLd conotaat rmpioyment, br THOS. WALSH,A '. .". *r. J Sapemten lent new C'i*torD-Hoa*e, St Lo i;t M .

A~ BADUATE OF COLLEGE, of merenyeoia' rxaerieaer ia teaching, ab* *ervi..e« for 10* pa*t

year ia * City Sehc«ü ore t.ow tb- ut concluding, an enter ipon. NEW E NGAOEMENT after the lot of July. Owod teaten r »¦ t ri fin 11mo fiirni«bod A-: Irrra lillH


Raa Ho. 159 Tribune OCce.

CUV and CDI'NTRV EMl'lJ »YER.S i-au obt-un.THIS DAT. .mart, eiperieaeod FEMALE SERVANTS

in every k ranch of domeatie work, from aa pood and rooarefahlaa alert.- i. aa ti. be found in the tty tad with pood iilaroai.i,WESLEY'S SELECT FEMALE UFfJCE. NV JaOota »»

lwaf2W.t *.^ij*a|'trhrfa.,t.

TO PERSONS ui tmt COUNTRY .Wtafei *¦it turn. f\.r a Bot U M II years of age. who !. deeirou*

of being i FARM KR. He 1a an amiable wvL'na diepodtioo. or*genteel family, and nuke. a country l.fe hit choice. Any per-.on d< siring a boy to remain with them, can have an opportu¬nity to obtain one. No salary <. required, but a ewmfortabl*.bappr home with a rente*! family, woo woald libe the help ofeneh a 'ittle hoe. AJdreee W. ft. I" oare of J.aeph Uoxic,e*q No t Wi.: at Will be untre. I. ate v attended t a_

Ir S. SCHOOL Af.FNCY ttn.l TEACH EK>'. l NION fi by F.. II W1I.COX A SONS. No. 2»

Br- adwae-A PFRPFTl'Af. INTRODl'CER. ahanrut Evtl'A LDIVIDEND* with CHECKHOLDER*aad AOENTBthroagh-tit th» Cnion and in Foreign Lan la. with many order* cvn-

atantly ra band, stilting nearly every Institution an I Family,negotiating forerer at I >r % per cent on the o-ompensetlou. nlilnaall rler*. vacxr.eiee and rhangee for thoae who keep a fallhr, a. #5. Bl'1 Bl\ BIS. lo bcirg ren.weble and tr*nef-r

able, murin* "*> and IBM percent. pre penn» and printin« Canie.Catai aMe* and Circulars. transferring Seh*'* and all SchoolFropertT.

N. < I - . r P: vvc ( aaaea.frmiin' and Promt's MrgTtvc Dan v. 9 to Hand 1 to A


1^ANTED.Ta COOK, W ASH and IRON*, aII : »et. -ily Woman, who understands >i»r boeineso, andcan come well recommended from her last place to aneh goodwares wil. be gir.App.v at No. It7 Amity st.. Br klyn.

\VANTED.A CLERK tor I ShippS ÖfiBB,FT a Ork fir a Railroad Ticket Office two rorteBBtat

Storea one Housekeeper, and a Stewardess for a Steamer; f r

Oir'.sf. travel with tvn les to Oallfoniia and Kim'pe Apple toI.I.EN A Co No v East Broadway

iyANTED.A H« >\MAKER r.> *.> f.» KTT Aaaod BBOChaaie who is sober and ind istri ua. can have

a e<> d pla. e and steaJ) ruiplov imut. Apply at No. 62 Lihor-.¦¦

Cbancte for Dttsinrst SXciu

FOR BALE.In barton N'.«rlh Can-lina, aST. AM SAW-MILL and eight hundred acres ai fine

CTpr»**Tlmb.T. Arply to W BIGHT A KISStM._ jfo. Ii!« Kr n .1-, New York.

FoR SALE.Tbe riööp rackt NAUTILU8, a*ah* lie* off the Alma House. Jersey City, la about 6 tana,

rcrpered aad o. pper faatened. built laat Auguat, ha* very large¦shim Ac Any gentleman wanting to pur«, haae a rery r.»>mv,fast Boat, ahou* 1 see the above before going elsewhere WSYOl'NO. Cunard Dock, will show the above

ONE f the moet ''crying evil*" pxperience.1 byhousekeeper* 1s that produced by the cooking of huck-

weeat, and all other griddle cakes Since the general introduc¬tion of Cooking Stove*, tlie unoke and fume* tr'in the culinarydepartment bare >o-.e tu be an iatolerabie nuisance, and thereis on one article In use which is so productive of *thts iiiiiaanceaa the common arlddle upon which " pancakes" are <»>ked.I»r BtTBintTTa PATENT \ ENTILATINO OBIDDLB is

an eflectual cure Inf this terrible nuisance, every particle ofSiecke, fume and odor, beiui carried hate the Baa eod up the

chimney, leaving the atmosphere at the apartment pure and uu-

contaniinati d.Everybodv ttkee pain ikes but nobody can endure the amok*

and fnmea aruing trein the operation at cooking tin nn Manufscinre* ami desleis in Stovea will promote their own interest,and '.hat of tl.eir paireus. by obtaining an inter, st iu this mostexcellent common sense invention. N a Is the tune to makearrangements tat the spur.*. Mug Baaaaa STATE andCOUNTY RIOHTS tor sale upou the most liberal terms.Orders tor the manufactured article are uow being r-celved,whi >h will be filled at an early day.For full particulsra address

J. w BOCKWELL No to Bnadwiy. N T.

IjROrosALS will he ttHitdvtsi for RE PI' B>NISHINU H ARD SCHOOL No. g, Eighth Ward, uu

til Ifth inat 3 o'clock, p. m.

The Plana and St*-, iri. Bthetef to be aoen at th» Office af theClerk to the Board of Kdueetion, corner of t' rand and Plea ateti.eOfT.au reserve the right to reject anv or all tue Idda

apoa maaHiialliia David a FOWLEa,ki.hhai.kt BOOTUAlf.lAbtUEL J MONTOOMERY,J. 8. Bl RNTON.

Otaa on Repair*.

SEALED PR< >P< »SALS will bo received by theundersigned, at the office of the Clerk of the Board Bf Bat»

ration, comer of Oraad and F.ltu its until the /7th day ofJune. IW7, noon, for Ri'.Fl'RNISHINO WARD SCHOOLN. SB, in Raxt. r it Fourteenth Ward, similar f.. Ward SchoolN. .. in Mott-st.. ssuie ward, la accordance with the plans andapeclfii ctious on file in the office uf the Clerk of the Board ofFdm ation. The School Officers reset re the right to reject any

all of the no p. -als AND'W H ORKEN,Cbe'n of Board of School Offin raot the Kourteetb Ward.

Hi-ear I* Wim Sei r»ury.

?aJ 1 EAMHOAT for gillilf imm WBBJBIi Ictinth,A? H« feet: basal. BM feet, depth of hold, »fe.-t: draft ofwa¬ter. < feet. burden. Ifitf tons; Beam Engine, 4.11-loch cvliuder,11 feet stroke; Tubular Boiler, diameter of wheel ZSfeet. Am-pie ai con.tnoda'ioiis lor paaaeuters Appiv to CHARLES W.COPELAND, No. tti Br sdway, New fork.

T~EACHERS PLEASE READ..Ths owaer afa beautiful Boarding Sch.x.l property, located iu the

valley of the Housatonic, nve hour* from New-York, will anilthe same, w ith the good will uf the school, at s very tow rata.The annual income of the achool ia over At.noo. The buildiaxawere erected expressiv tor the purpose, are finely arranged, ingood repair, aud fun.lab ac ommodationa for forty pupils. Pos¬session given the 1st of October. Addresa P. \V. L., SouthCornwall, Conn.

I'H) SURVEYORS..Proaäää\h mm bö» rä«BtWibr th. iiuderslgned, until the 2.Vh Inst for SCRVKYINO

aaat BtAFFINCi that par' ol BbVlOKN TOWNSHIP boundedba the Moiria Canal New York Bay Kill Van Knll and New.ark Bay Fat particulars aud specifications, apply to

A. D. MF LI CK No. * Pearl st New Yi.rk,JACOBM \ RKFLAND No W Front at New Y >rk,HARTMAN \ REELAND, Bergen, New Jerser,


WEEKLY PAPER for SALE.Ni-nr the city,It with of withu' a JOB OFFICE. W ill he sold on ao

c«u>niodatit:g term*, as the Editor la about to enter other bnal-.. A good hai. f. r an active, capable mau. Address

DKMOCBAT. Tribune Office.

iyANTED.A PARTNER, with $1,000 toYv B/.Ono capital, to aid la bringing out mori altaaBtalf BBAHTD I.E lately perle, ted by the advertiser and much calledfor. Tue profit* are targe iu proportion to the first coat. Thebusiness ia highly r- sp.. table (J<«m1 references giren sod1 re¬

quired. Address, with real name, X Y. / Tribune Office.

iy AN I KD.Rial Eetato, Cuali or A|>provedTV Notea la EaabaM* for good atock of Rrsudr. Irish and

Broich Whisky, Jamaica end St. Croix Spirits. Wines, andother Liquors, together with Iron Safe and aensl offiiv furniturebx New-XOrk. The adveatAast ha. ing withdrawn from huaiuea*ai a p rtfe] I Will BOW eel Bf fan beuge as above for eligible Iota,anug house In r near Bmokliu. country place with few acre*

partially improved laud or adf suited to raising hardy French{tape*. The atM k may Bet egceed BS.iasi.end difl.-r-

..er wav. an e arranged tor sab or ntherwiae. AddreaaA LA TOI KETTK or Agent. Br.n.klyn._W'AN'l ED.#7.tNM) to $I0.(HM) to um. in th**TT MAN1 FACTI BE Of VARNISH tka -eputation of

whi' b Is already established, it being In extensive use for the. sears The pirty has a thorough practical knowledge of

tide business. Addreaa F. INSCO FRANCISH. w York Post Office.

yl'{U|/||| U AN ILD-Oo.' or Ivm. Vtfi-"}*.%' t\ Ft "* lahVsta wb o an BoaaaMasI this BBBtaatf<- take an INTEREST ia oue ..f tbe moot lucrative bran. he. ofths IRON Bl SINKSS in Fem.svlveni*. Addreaa. f. r

Bl . i, A. B. C Philadelphia Pus- Office, when full particulars' i -

(Co tTJIiom it mafj (Coiuetn.


ICAL LABTFrvei lered tbe pabiic AOENTfl WANTEDto solicit orders and sell Bights, on the moot liberal terms. For

re a itiaaa to HAWXHUKBT, atOTT k Co.,exclusive man .fa. t .rers. No W Fulton st., New-York.


TAKE NOTICK .Notb e la her-by given to si psrtie* Interested, thst the A.sessoe nt Rudis of the several Wards of BY*City of* New-York hsve been dedvernd to the O'lumiiaiuxwraof taxes and Assessment*, and that too ssma wil; ba opoti tatreview and c nasrtioa, at the "Bee of the dummies'.onr*. NoB Cbimbers-st. (New Court H at ( BB the anth day of Matto the 26th day of Jane incienve, between tbe boXBa uf \

afca B and 4 o'clock p. m.Appli. atiou for the m rre. tlon .f erroneoua a*a«ementa must

be n^eie at the office uf the Conimieetonera of Taxes and AaaeasmeLta during the period above mentioned. Ali per»«*who neglect to make rich app nation leacept by r-«j-« of

aickneaa or absence from the city during the entire period bawbil h the b.- ks ire open) will Lot be entitled to reibst frorxtoe Bvard of auperv s rs at any subsequent period.


CoDimlaaloner* of Taxes and Assessment*.

] Jl !>' .NAL .Re. e .e.1 One Huiuir-'il and Thir-I t-etiMn- Mi teal Baal Fifty tana, 1 IBaaBtBj Eleven Hundred all well._B C

S'E\*EN PER CENT CITY REVENUE B0ND8will be issued by the Contrdier in turnt not lee* that a)BOB,

pat able tr m six BtatBBthf to one year, a* may be desired.The m tey may be deposited with A. V. STOL'T, Chamber

tain, in Shoe and Leather Baak. Intereat from dote of da p.ata.

xioarö anb fiootns.

AI I KNi-HFD R< h M SUITE of ROOMS.B * ' BOABD.For O-ntlemea only, may be had is a

hoo*e desirably situated t ear Rr-adway. eontainimj the usualconveniences and occupied by a aaaa.1 and strictly private lam-ily. Apply st Nu. 2t W eat 1 Ith at.

AFI RNI>HED ROOM, with jurMl BOARDif respired, iu apnvate family fee one or two aingle Oen-

. -n- - No tiet Hudenr. st, New York.

Bi 'ARD in BROOKLYN .A <.eiitleMiian andWlfs r two Single > .eLtiemen can bar? a pleasant ROOM

and BOARD at Ba ft Sidney plaee.

BOARDING at Nob. 4o, 47 and 4Sf ES Bruadwayfur Aunihea and aiagle gentleman.

R0OM8~W ith or without br>a*faat, can be hadin the h.aaae No. A2 Weak IXb at, lata ia Iba Besse


»5oMr-/tti^ieJ)tnfjj brittle*.MAS COOKING STOVES

LI I «OS Broodw.y


N «r»i H »u»»«


w.r F, SHAW . GAS COOKING STOVES,N.v ** Bnalwit.

r^AS COOKING STOVES.l.' No «X Br adwoy


PJt pK K «.:» ^

( >AS COOKING STO\ ESNo. «4 Broadway.

w >H \\\ - gas (< toKING stoves.No «**> Broodwo*

C0P1 t I 1 et:, r ttm IV..f A. A. ILVYES,M P Aetav- I for the Sr.:.- of Mita^-huoetra

The inveoti. n. of \V F Sh»w .ubmifted to the Cwmntttt»-«or Warming and H.-ttlng Apparativ o: the lit* .-ihibittoo of.I M.ekorica' At*a»bat»oa. laeetred » (old modal oo tooloarfnp ground*

r i* :-«t?.»l inver.tiua, tatpottai: u ib-ir oppu--atW«j an.Ie to adaptation to . cotaovo wont frit, to* Co01 mpiete In tdaptatl.

were allowed to (rant the higheet prior.».<.' v ntn .ucd Mr Shaw * dev.ceo pad oooa W»M»*1

- ha.i panned a i.r« path of tnreutMa aod diaooeery. ht<|avudtd the error* ot f rarer inventor* and prodrued (pjparat up

«t'tui ( acht meeting the d.airva .-f outatorona appjira *.

Inquiry alec-aatiaaed theo» that ' ke merit* of hi* loaoutt.--to)hod b. conic even o»o»*-evident whore they bad N-.n a red f >c. BM Bod th< it higbeot *iu>» over any auniior meanttoood..«neaii.- or turetga wer» ¦aaaohiba A Ao owttre oaaaadaait* (

fa tee .-f tire peraon* fruai different prut. .¦.

|Bjd ot c pal ion* exietrd and the bipbeat award waa eaodr.

Y. SHAW"* GAS COOKING STOVES»'N. 4-6 Hifo.iwt* WOMmw aa*o» atw

( WAS COOKING STOVES.1 N «*j Broadwar


N... ?>« Rroodwoy-

J As COOKING MO\ Es.MNo «l«S Hr.-alw atc

w F. sHAW . GAS COOKING STOVES,N.- ** Hr.-adu ¦<

^AS COOKING STOVES.' No. «06 Hroadwov.


No ... «, . -o



F. SHAW * ({AS COOKING STOVES,No. 40« Bnadway

G AS COOKING!STOVES.No. «t« Broadway.


he. he. ho.

The itn.li r.iatie.l lia. on hai.d and offer* for (ale o large apaaortaaent -f \V K SHAWS HAS COOKINi! and H F. ATI NilSTO\ KS. adapted to the waota of large and »mall faanllea. Ti.-ipeculiar nient» of tbeae In*, nt n* c.ui.itt uv I .-»,eaaklagj being mmom at leu than one half the eapeaaeof any)other o.etho.T, avoiding heating the houaa or kileaon iu warnow. ather -mi l ih. wear and tear i eapeuaiae coobioa rouge*,doing aw»y with kit dllup tire*, and all the dual, dirt and aoa-kaoi a. .ji.rnt apea putting a .-uiui. u atote or rang» io operation.For all kind* i aa they are uurqualed, ta the beatan b» gradooted to toy degree, and kept tt that aunt f-r tup)

d< air. .1 1- i'tth i time Tb. ae atoTra can he nerd in oar boiuMPwhere the city gaa I» intp-d d. and. from the *luipflcil> ftheir outtrucilori, can he managed more eerily than any otjteg-. i. m -i.e. ii qu.ring u-- parrl- ular (hi.I la opera'tug them.

W. F SHAW No tosklroadwar


_No. «QU Broadway.



_No ?OH BroadwayMaPOP Hum Yoiatat, Augutl,

MR. W E. SHAW:.la reply to vnur iut{'iiry nlt. tat I to the Uta Raupe I would tay that I bare ateg It

in ii i tarn..», con.itting tt ten or twelve peraona, tbo pott f. >*u Eha. toil ppgfa found it to tntwer « the purpooea watch yoilclaim for it. In regard lo ueatueaa, it la unaurpaaaad, cautingjno dirt, nor labor in kindling hr> «. and it entirely free tVoai ana

unpleatant odor. I think coohlnp can bp done with your Rang«at much leaa coat than by any other method. f



No. «06 Broadway.



At No. «0g Bioadwoy.


_No. «ui Br.aa.lwayNo fSf «taiara».»r May B5, lMlT"

MR. SHAW: In Am» im'r to your ini-iiiryconce>rtietug the Oat Stove pun bated mi pop ltd winter we wou'dl

Bahsettatiaply reply, mat it I.a. worked io our utire tatiatati.-n. The ilie No. 10 wat uaod iu oal oilce with a northern »(*¦ooara, but partially lucloaed, and with a high celling. During]the »ererett old we uae.l the f. ur bnmert, hut in ordinary win¬ter weither one or two were quite tuaVicnt to warm the il-fie*.We ore highly pleated with It. being economical, perf.-c'a

lean, fr. e Haag any odor, dirt, or kindling w.^.d .-an be lighte.gIn t moment tnd at readily eitlnpultbed. We hope to (re eralong your Ott Store» v r> gruerall, utrd.



No. gag Broadway.F. SHAW » PATENT GAS COOKING am.IIF.ATINO STllVES. No. 4-« Broadway.

AS COOKING STOVES._No. ¥4 Broadway.



he, he, he.


_No. «OB H.a...,


No. «06 Broadway.he., he., he.

For all the operatlont of baking, boiling, ratting, he , th#Jgtt can b< applied to the »tovea, taken from tbo ordiaary gaa-bracket »r burner

Tl.e.e at. vet can be teen Iu operation tt No. «08 Broadway,u.d (lie facta ab- ve »rated deuionatrated.Certitc tie. can be teen from highly rexpectable gentloaton rg

thia ity and B<-at»n, who bore uaed thorn to their entire oat .*

IblPtlili a f.-w ot whom ora mentlonet below. The public Ort,Brrttl I to ail and nomine theae tr-ily valuable and lahor aortnajInv.-ntioua. Every ttove warranted to work to the entire totlt-facrion > I the purrhoaer.The Proprn rnr will put them In operation In any honor, «mf

ref nd the ti... amount of 'rat, if uuaatitfioctory^^^^^

No. «06 Boadwoy.REFERENCES.

R. M. Hoe, New York. s'p Stap.et, Now Yorb.A a Oillegte, New-York. Gage. Sloou h DaUr, Now.Fdwtrd S. hell. New Y< rk. York.U Deimold, New-York. Jomeo B C'dllna. New York.i ... ko, Uirnd 4 Baker, New- 1. S. (- gaona New York.

Y-.rk.W. W. Wo.rdwor'A. NerggA B. Minor New York. York,w Bafloy Leap. Wtw-TeaB. .-n.on Brown, Bottoo.Sao.I,el A Elliott, Bootoa. Jamet Reed, Bootoa.II K. Beik. ap Bottou. 1 B Adomt, I' .ton.\S :.... ve fat wia. Horton. E O. Kelle*. Bootoa.A pi it aa A. Haye», B- at.rn. Richard Sullivan, Bottoo.h tha 0 Tuehef I'-.ton. ttoac C ubing, Bootou.J. It Wtghtman. Boat fjaappa II Gty. B-rttou.Thon.»» Starr King, Bortoo. C. F Htffeudaie, Bootou.R C Wtteraon, Button. O. V Horner, Bootou.Fred 0 Prince B .ton. J S. Honuewoll, Bootoa,W il ll.< ei;. P Pag'. B-atou.M I Ptr»n Boat- n O H. Child,, Botf«.0 R R...- p .¦

A.b-rt Greatiletf. W».nlngtoB._F L. Barreda, Ba.titi.-.ra.

II I L D 8 Ä SMITH.No. 4S9 Pearl rt.


Importer*; Wholetale and Retall Datier* la_PAPER HANGINGS.


It 1« the Ch. *p. at

5IOST Dt RABLEiu the World.


aaa ctao i, thi,CAN


It require* Loftb.trWAX. SOLDER.CEMENT,


tu (Owl It,

It eloooo with aSPRING HASP,

0, I aad la ae aiaapia that aayoao con manage it.

P COMPANY No. Ml Broadway.


CUlLDSh SMITHNo. ito Pearl at, H. T.

Öoamcr ßetreatt.

AGENTLEMAN fd>li«ed to travel tbia 8'mmvrwi.be. to find BOARD inthe COL'HTRT Aar bio Wife,

Pre Boy* (the yosngeet 1 year* old), two Servant* and Baby)e llAio f ve hour,' nd* or Mil from tha eitr. frith pleat/ of fruit.hade, ride* or boating and flthing, oo . farm, wita good, k,n*ipeopie. i.ear a t^ur, tad with ao otbor buardrra, far aior aPten week*. T*rt*JVp>%> * warb alow, BAP of koroeo eitra. Writawith full porticular* ** to*ltaart<m ttt-actetn*. ho U KLiAlo.ik\giim
