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New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1859-04-26 [p 6].MtMwitelitireljr earn.«4 WWWJ, lud tkt...

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CALIFORNIA. ARRIVAL OK THI BT. U (718. 11.700,000 in Trra«ur<-. The 1'i.tt. <: Butei »ii hm Bt L" ¦ .Vatrowan, Coniniftodt-r, arrived last evening, at f>j o'cknfc. B tu Ml ti hi |l ;i I m t*e Calif' IBM mn:> I I Ii . l OH I WO* f>< rf rnM I ri M day* 4 hour» and 48 minnt-«. Tb«« following .. tl . ... .-<¦>> Let >¦< tb« Sf.Iyo.ru: Air P«< tana. Hn.k t .. f l a -. « * C r Haler . \\ 4 S B l.ik! PU.rfcMr.rr, ..) Mir > V *<» te A Mi o ¦.> J a M. > * bbki' hi. .. W,t*B K Heeder A O. Ai 4'kok AWlIb.il " P.T.M '. i'- ¦- J. H. CoHtlt. »/.*» »*. N»»l.>r. IAO« W T Oolrman fc O... 77,.W» I. B N.wU, AI-. \%V* tkn J k tl*f in. l«,AM J. O Parkrr fc >Vn,.... 7.«-' C.W. i ruebr. *- IVri k . V. B Crowefi. «,n"n ¦>«*¦ Tetn. k. «VW | C II r ¦¦irr. a.m*i J-hii Phet.n. De Witt K Itle * i - »¦' " " K btin Obernau A ('«.. Ill.'Wl R> lurJ <' .. MM L. p.1..l in A hr. i. * a i K.i.ti. ii lil-i paBMlCt. 14 '"*i R. ¦ h... .- r i I7.SU P. r4 A IVelr. f ..... » >. tm *«-. A i >. 71 i .,<-. M < ii .i: 4 I ... bjlmo J. (Mdaii.'h «i«. I" mo E. C. Thini fc Howe. 2.IBS TJ ii a (Vi. .,.*.» Turner Im ... A. Uerdy k Co. 3. »40 I.. Vo.. Ilo-n^i, A t". H.001 J Reck«, Ire. 4 (. S.IM B B. Wert- .I M w u.U. * o.. in,irr.w. r. WeilaCo. irv*. »Hirn. li.t.^. ,14«.. J. Hebciweil. " Jn.eei Bent ac. IU («in leauiiif. A Ho " ( Kr.lyfcl«. 41'»'. W-iiier A Kn». 3.477 I B. W.ir. Il.l."i W.U.. ?'¦.!« A f.. .. > - W. t WrigUt. ibm <>rler.. »,'>.») ToUl.IIT^j'«; Pro» ü.r O*:. CorreepoiiAeut. S«s Kk*m i.?<"<¦, A|iril 18.'.!». Day Iii fön yesterday Si>i,.lay mnriiin OBM H I I Unlera t.f tl.i .ti Hin 'iriy-hoiif « mitral BBaa> ru'.i.mg bitweet. I.. " .imi Oakland, BS] kall .). k Hag \ Bad woonding aiHHBIfiiBki oafaj 'i- i-known. Tbl Contra Coote wa-. racing nt t hl t bm v* 111. an oppoi gbM boat, t»tit at tl einiiiuerit .>! Um PXpJosrtoe n«< going akiwly, mak'ng a turn in the crooked channel Bat (lakiainl harnu ÜM Beaten of tin bay. Par* Innately nearly nl! lb*passen jo r* wire nt Um .'¦ kfieikii.at tin- nppn.itmn boat, winch MM babil !. The boat IbmItwe largi boilero, HaVbyaMaj aaa of t im exploded, and wa- blown Oonpletely out of tba b«4»t, whih- the other w an «eare»-|v nmveii. Il n..' yet known win '.her the biaine ol the bZbI .-ion iboabJ be plored on the engineer, or the ImhIi i-uiakee. I'n- «liibiitediy the BaptaM in ii -1 have a aban of tiie biauie. The I oiitrn I oKta was a inw-pressure Iniat of rilmut SH bbbb| and was bu'ii iu ftpHMlbll, 1857, Tb« belli rs wir. ¦ BtM in New-York. Nnli«t of j.,-.-. agon ki kept onthe-e Tarry boat-., to there is BA BBHM of obtainii".' an uudoiibteilly rxirreet list nf the killed. Tin- billow in-.; |i-t gives th« nan,e-of all known tu be kill- d or si-riou ly in- jun d as gi ,i ii in Tkt .i/'u. KM I Ml Da. ui W Otdy, t tlrtel naMiaiItl, luatwli f). p rtj CK I le veyer. at««!-M veam. a native nf New-Yurk. Mr. GL wa. bl .wii uik> the sir "iii Ii II ii '" tie- wa'. r. ht .wain m tbe kott mwi nt Ukili ao h. aro O.e Oakland, b it .0. d - - n af'sr. Mi.'bael (1. Soi.'li. tbe btrkeeper <il tlie ki*', wan ..nraaed in ep« miif a hat let ..f win. «. ib.. on,.- ..I law ..xp'...i..n. K '.ai MtM wit elitireljr earn. «4 WWWJ, lud tkt niil..n una WMMM » ... never ae. ii aO< ird« It It r im .rnl tliat n build WM . k* aaently f.n nil «rhu h, by a run upon MM f the «Ina»!. raaaoHatd b.-i..i'ant la ab Heiirj 1,. Oetraerl. r, .n^ if :u. r. v. as «f r.-ndl'.||!y - uMi i, and waa brojthtthiariry and tiki ii Ui tbe Marine Uaafiia1 wb* r<- be di« d -. n i*ll* r dJheit \A n «lip. aae al :ne fireieen, war ilnadr.illy Mahlad, and taken i n tssird the itriimri O.tklund, ai.d runveyed to laa »bore, where I., find b a Bra niin .-¦ - (»e..ia* M< !>..«. Ii, ike kead liaaaa af th.- Boat, a aatTM ot W>» Jiraiy, anil a MO "I AW-riuan McD..w> II i.l Mm ra¬ il,. BM Jniepb lli.li>:« ir, an . inpl. yei'i.f the Ai i.. »Ii r> Depa mei tie I'. M Mint AJaa aaathar ataa, aaaat aakaawa, wholauld to hi * k< i«buardiut haota n rai ab -tri>< .-i mm -i i is.i. t ti. T W. K. tin. Isnrdii t hm» kn i i.ii B(. ».l..«y >:r.... ta.1 . aealA 4 Mittb.wMalq rea, kaardtBf-knaiekaaaef oa Market rtxeet aeverely .'-aided hi the ban.In and i.e . BeBjauiin Hilliard. » v. r. ly ..'a di-d In the f.i.-. n- ! Mr.-hunth, l.r.) b< r nf the liar keep. . le'v - daapt raaa Jim (l.rela-, ..aided In 'he fare and handt. Jumt Maria, badly MakA 4 la Iba b.a.1. IKikirea (iarria laillv H aid. d. Prauk Bmitb, male id 'be .L anier; .lightly «ea'ded. Nirhelaa Km.wit. u, a de. k band U.l > f alili iBBBMOOO Ibtxl to Um axpkaioa, tba obiof aaaaatioa itea ol the fortnight baa beea tbaarraaiaad asaaalaatioa at Cajg4. jTaybralM Peadletoa, aaaslar of tiie barh Bai I'aiks, on a i harge oi haviag treat) I bteaaJlore0) h horrid cruelty, and of having kilh d one of tin in by ill-tiraRe, while on a voyage from Card II to this p..rt. lb wa.- brbagtag a oarge ..i eaala, und H Card fl ha I ? ii. difliiulty in getting a crew, and it b00im that be started at night w in some bmbwbebad beea " ebanghaed,' or drugged und lu d, und in UmI itOkV ditmn tiiki n mi beard. Thai is Um laahioMtbla aMB* ner of iircrsinir men into the merchant set vice. Amin.g the shriiielia.il men wi ie .everal Norwegians, with whnui Iba i-ln.-f trouble in eiirred. Whea thai atdeeo* Omm Hera, theae Norwegian! aaim m , Wflbaois, Johiisoii and Thompson- slide some bread. eadOf the plea thai Ibej did imt reeeive enough to . it. Williama was no seaman, and he shirked his work, even when it was BMh work that hi eeald doH, and the captain beat him, kn kod him, chained hnl up in nncomb rtable po>,i ions, placed him w In ie In- wo b< waeheil liy I lie cold sea-wati I, and deprived him ol fnrsl ami rcM until tin-piKir fellow died, .lohnson and Thompson wi re erm-lly beaten, Bad kept without food, and chained up in uucnmfiirlable pi^itions lor ten days, i. mi abea the aarh arrived ban thee eoaJd si .. wulk, and wi ie so n. a:ly-it'll ved thut the pbv-i'-; in- had to take ercAt cap to prevent UmRH from injurit.g themselves by eating Iimi much. Several others of the Mill re were in utc.1 wBh similar cruelty. And yet ("Opt. Femlli Ion rin-t dr. w the atlentnilHif the rMitbori- Mbs to the eaadttiea of the aaaa by baefaag twoH them arrested. baaMawahHJ after his arrival, on a charge of stealing bard bread. The Captain was then In mwU urri rted, uud when the testimony, taken I" tnr.-tin 1'. H. Commissioner, was published, the putihc feeling wa- vctv Hreaaj agalaH him. Ho waa bead to aaower oa a charge of tniirilcr, and on tin dllfomat ohargej "I i-rneity lo Milan J et hin e. \\ h- n he w.i- beUkg khi D to tin dad broaa ub Ceartseaoaa. after the olon of the adHnaaaUaa, be was followed by au esaüad aaabof aeveral thousand men, who cin-.t out, " Haag bfaa Lynch hhn'" "Take him In I he lamp-post1 <Vc.; and just badbn the ofb. rs an ved al UM jail, the i-rviwd nifule a rush to get him, but the i>ffie« rs and iHiUK-law-and-onler men near ihem were tun strong, and they managed to get POadMoa into the jail, bat not until he bad Ih-i-ii hit by several -tones, and deprived of some o| h's rlothu.g. Capt. I'eudb-toU is fmm Hath, Muine. I'ersoiis who have kino.ii I :in Im g s.iy In- alwajt bad a good reputation us a ]>. a< nb\< man. BIMkbeoMl Win. Walker, i x-lVesi l.-rt ol Uh hV In - i t S. oiu, Irower Cahlornia and Nicaragua, u \ h»re en tl.,. filet ult. as a second cabin passeuger, on.let theaaaM oi Jaaani Wilaoa, iathe ateamrGahl A e. Iii« brother lilhbu-ter, liruuo Nat xmer, is with bun. It ia said that Walker i- preparing to imu Heuningseu in Mo oebaaMteeetoodn Jkriaaaa with Batibeateri who tei I" take Siuoi a. It the A Imini-ttKliou an cent iu tbe declarations of hostility to lawaHOtoriaao, they will have a good opportunity to prove their sin¬ cerity by placing troops tn Arizona, and leadta ; slop- ei war tn (luaymas in (,p. rate again-t these rulhoi.-. It must he n-i i ll.-, ted that Walkei never hu« had the tlM-ans ot enrrying on an honorable wailare, Imt that iu enry an hi ha- nah nkaed biaw u au.i hii t.-.^..;.- by the mlibi ry nt private and peat eabie pern.: -. and thai hetagIba»aagaged hi whoieaaiarohhi \, eoan save, ruttiKi:. won Iii stay with him, anj that u BO WM p. ndent on them he had no control o\t-r them, aad that ae a nataral i>ii si'im< nee they »er« continually co'ti- mitting the mi..' wu'kesf entires agaii ", trie po..i nalivi-r.s-nmes which, if fully dc<i r:l»erl, wouhlset f .. whole world Bgdaaat wxh horror. No aeaaai :hi!ttue pi. 1 .c of heaera aad Mk ^ sgua habi AAaark mi*. A tcmble shis.ttng affray lisik place m Sau Jen itn /'th ult., m aide« B. J. Creebj et Nun:« t 4 unity, and 1.. I'. Keiwoaoaot Oraat Valley,fan (if Missouri, w en klhed. A man B4katod Seale WM beiag tried lor muriler that day. Bed ClUobj, who ami ee> « us. .1 of ha\ ing Iwen an mx'cssory in the crime, was to be a W11uess I V" Mr. > i »r t.f the a.nn niuni. rod b\ S ale, aiint at (hwihf II BH »tre« t, near the Court House, while the trial wa. :n progrear., and cm h party le ing provided w .th a r. vn!- wer, a brink firing ensued, and friends on eai h si le joined in. Croat.y w a* shut .1. ad by Shore-. K. rgu...r, eitting in Ihr i-«.urt.nsTin ajeja killed by a beftel ben .>oabVi pistol, laaaaded for BbuTaaj laabktaw inadiad a flerh wound in the leg, and w vcral others laoaind ftesb wounds. Thi hotel at M.e w>,rnlphn Bprbaga,hi Nspa t'ounty. the most foabltiMbH "watering place, or feuniUM r resort for fashiouable lsrople, in tue State, was destroyed by f.re on tin tbrih u t.. at a loss of |*,0oU There Areftgl3.gBfl iii the BUM tielnnging to |.ri\ «-. individuals, and Iv.igt re .n.c-the In of Juuuary last, (.If this aom, b3l,4M w. r, depoated Lo I8M: in lR'.T |32 Kt-» ii fljrb.OOO in UV.:. g22,800 ial«M |5,6» ia I8i5, aad $d .4oo in MkH n waa aVawaBjad himh] leriyanag*, Xfit*, ha» B»V'fh«n wifJidrnwT). ft m i^vft all 9mm kj mmt MM in mir»a, »hn a) rent wi«fi to inveejt it. Hit pn.ha be., (bat many of Ihr hwiht» ure ilemt. The total UM rt af tn it-iirc <|riri;If the fin-t (jO-Uter M? ÜM Ml, wa-ft" I--...K: a t *'I.4«7,M3 06 in tl e t*r»t <|0i\r1< t of Lfn»' y, ar. Of UM qnarter « . I < rt cf Ihia year. %^-'A. >\-> *. r> ~ at Coma, VOfi M HMMlfjhl. a»*l (90.000 to the Jan.. limuxi 1-lnjnl, BMkiBg f**14.'**4 in all carried away by «aiünjr veaaelg. The . \|H,rtx "f tti>' iitiafcr <¦:. ..> ? hm, tr n-nr»-. aoMoat to $1r99,996; »t-Vi,« sd mtire t h m ÜM export oi tii ... . |..... -i wm. of th- f'<M,«.<f,. *.:li..,».-.; am MM V V *-Ytxk, >Aff-.,f3*-Q :.. Hr -b Co ml..,». f!iM.i;i, to MVv.., *<;:.:':» t.. a.,- trnüa. ami the laMMMBM to <'hin«. l';ir, MM. CI .< Tahiti. TtoBMMf J. ii'l fat flwJgfctoa CMIgOM which arr^w.! dariog the qaartaf aaumi s to $1,117, S8. I- ag :r.n; more thin ÜM fi. i.-lit in.m. v of Um fi'-t «|««n« r >.| KV«-. Of '.V. « fr' i ;bt money MgLOM nt toakhi '»..in Ntyw'York, $..'....47 t.i -hip* trom Boa» taa, f ft 212from r Eoaten aaaMMM port -aad I'.oi.ors fr..in foraigi port.*.. Darias the qruxrtei < ,1«9 paaaaBgan arrived by aca, aad .i.'.r.<i deporr.-,!, .imwinir i»:'. of m\Uf, AMBag the ebiel pin, es whcr.ee pgMBBBgan come, ami uhith'T thaj go tr-.ui oaf ix.rt, l r. Im t tmt falloanag m worthy of apodal MaMkw Arriv*'*. D«p*r- «¦<». Paaaaaa.i,<H4 ..¦«.'< Vlttoita, V. I. Til 6.9 ttm.a. 114 a:a Mm/. m ts ArTe rt,»i. A'lat.ti.- p.tl*. Ml .... Ore.', llriuin. *V.> A.:«n i«. a*n UmBTaragapaoaagi oi toaaab «t;v i . ...< u Lbaw* Voik dai-tag tin- quarter ha. baoa 1 i-'J <I .} ivtxwdlBR i< 77,, BiJaaba, «ml 141 day* ti..rn Boatoa. Paai of lit) days nre fur more iure now-a-day s 11.an they were four or ata y. an an. Um itniaiag eaaaati by tbe eJfalta to make *nt h Ijatt Mpi i'"-t more than if. pr. tied. 'the steamer Oriahbtt, tl the titirri-on-Vandeibl' brie, ivbieii |. ft ban f«.r Paaaaaa aa tiie *tii of Mairb, hikI was to brfag tba (.«»si turera »ho let* Nav*Ttvk aa i the (inn ',.|.-V Hii.ierl.ilt Hteainer on lie wime ilnv, bus Bat >el arnve.l. 'I e UaCkC Sam i- to -ail t,i <li'i\ t. r rl will (.ri.loil.lv li.- aatMMaJ till MM in tin- ultertioon, in the b..p<- that the I iri/.aha inay MM in. It in BtM tl.at tbe sale- ,,f r< al < slate in Utk oJt* davlagtbe last three w.-< ks liBVe liiiiiiiint, A to *,', hi.0IHI. Many oew ami substantial baiMitifja are goiag uji iu nil part- af the eity. A new mitiinir blTOaUoaof liilin_' tiM pott lafWOOaM bihrfktaritk qtaaltailvar,aa « humus taftMtebinartba ¦.la, baa baaa aaMaiatf; «nd. aiMoreliag t.> '/'... Ant in i, f/i lafo*. tlii) poll nl i /ht f.) PlaoM Cavaty bJom I..,- I. en aoU f..r IX^rOO, TIm Uoaka, Uaji alia «mit ksilver, are aJaaaa m the Isiitom of sluieea im.I Uoaffja over whieii the water ettalainbaa pjnld aad diii runs, aad ill.- ntd adbirti to the qtik^tatlt .-r. without any of the latter metal mmmk lost. Tki flermldaayi tf.- qak kiiltrerblatliaaw trönafraljaMdal liiehigaa Blnff. .1. A. WaiTN int.-of Boatoa. Mi i .. bMappliod for a, utoim from - aifl , Anai la f*. VVarrta, who remains in the I'.ay htate. \\<- baaa dataa from Vtetaria to the Sjflth March. If 7/i 1 /< '. 'I,./:. ". is to be lie veil, WeOfl, Vnrl'n »V Co. bavi bntaajbt $140,ftOiatreaaart trom toria mi.. th.- la! ol Jaaaaiy. A Manai «.t mmm aorth |9Ml nbtalaad from the |n- iliniot Qaeoa ( hariotte islnn.l. bad ba u broaaal to Victoria. Tbo ladiaai nM Uanra trai tin., h more of tn< laataa Itiad «>i atojf winaa they got tha;. aad pnaa< is.-.l to yet -oiii.-more of it, but araaU not tell the p!,!, .- to tha w hites. Tkt fJmjuttt aaji aanc r.-al estate awaon .ii \ ii toria raiaod tin prioM ot thaif lot.- ^'.i pet cent after tins aaggot Bi'iivwL Tbo bark Priaeaa koynl aailod on tbo SSUi Maich, for LoaaOBj with furs «ortb f ltW,600, tin.I wool worth $i..i uo, i he Radaoa't Bay Coaapaay Mmubm Otter baa OMue to tbia pavt. to bo gzod Bp t>.r narjiag paaMM gi i- at twa i. Mm Fraaoiaeo ai .1 Vn-toria. Tin- Vntoiia papon loiitam bIbIbiimibIi that Um mill, rs are daittg very well on the I'{>)»« r Fräser, but not much goU i" IMBäiag UÜI way, h. mt bavc bo »- ill- in. nt in I alii..i n.a. Our datea from IVBllaBd an- to ti e S3d Mar. h. BbtbpbI baadtod obbom oi gold daa* have i»..' brought to the Dull. - Iriun the Olvillc mim -. the Brat sent aaWB Ii is year. The baa ot black entile, hots' - an 1 aV 11». pa aa '"im of th.- col<i mill want of Mod an.I bWBm bi BBppoBBd to BBaoaal to aot mm Umb tjH,6al BMong Um Ongo& liun.ei-. 'I hcy'il know tl. r DBSl time 7/.i Smltm .*>'.,'. w,i»/«, th.-lenxliiii; I).'inocrntie i.r- gBB ..t the MBatalol taa BOB Btata, MT! that the m i.n rOBBOB why the Or.-yoiiinris were in tavm of a Stut. OuiiBBawM was that tlu-y aappoied th.- adMMatoa woul.l s.-.-iire tl., ipeada paymeni mJUm aarittiht,aad since the a..11,. aba tat Ion BjOBB not MBM dlaptaod to tnnketliis pay.cent, Ihe Jieople ol' < ir. MO are r. I 't itifi tl.at Omb lia\<; baaaatbtaiUod. Tbo TerTiUariaJ in. i s an still in power, but it is im.ici atood i..n' i aa Hi Bin OotiitiMMiM' w.il baorgaalBed arftblB tbo ooen oi a few aooka. tba mBbbn boMa those aMOMd li».-t .Summer, with .lohn \\ bMefa t as tJovemor. tlnrriime». In K»era»renlf.. Msreb It, Win. Nlehnl* to Ort.-» U.i:y. la Builaaaoiai Mm kt^Jaaaa l>- BOB t<. Sar.ii il laal lu AaMaa. t' a «i i...., Mji.1i lt. 1). iMkaa a Z.l'i Towarr. In Man Pan i> a, Hi h 17. rttiaiaaiaVii. .' tl M .,-« ran., a* taa lav raaa flaltajBrr Caai ITa 11 JaBtC '...Mi»* J. luin.« I),.i..,li.it, h at that city, i., aa Kt.......... Maraa it. aj !>.. R. v. J. K. Bh a r. Mr. » t ,-. It -.-i.tt- K y, On ip,n, -.. Mlaa M. j E. U in-..-..f Man PI I...... |a Baa liaaa latm, Mar. h 22, a: Flckwlek Hall. I.v th- Rev. R. f. Catler, Mr. aaanaaaa Cmbbi la Mha Baa a DafMaa, aotb ..i th*- m In Baa r laBflaan M«-rh at Pii kwI. t Hal', by tlie R. r. K. I' « '...Mi i. 11. bbaaa to Mka Mar.-an lb* BaMaWa, both af rhu l rac haa, la Baa fiaaiiliiir, Wirrl by th. Bai I. A Bluail, IVaaV in.'. A. K. ard.it > to Mi~> Bophia llnniphrira, all ol th.it eity. A- u.«aakte, Bait Mat,<.Coaaty, M.c n >. b> lha Raa. laaaph Xaefy, ( apt. Joka I^iwr, in , tn Nra. Ida V lab In Han) ... . ... M i. I. Ret M VVill-y. Or. Ua- v-.d Borhai b i" MawiClara A Ka ikV rof M.r. N. 11. In 8j Kia.i. usti, M r. ii .I .. .. R. \ Hr. Aiid.-r» .11, Mr. Be j. si oakta t,. Mia* TUrj N kola, all ..1 Hal .' Ii. fan Krau. i*rt,, Mar." h .4. by in.- Rev. R." P.CMaOT.Mr. Henry »'.s..t ... M . Kliz.il« '. r .111 « Ma. k. I. 1. ..fttt.il . '<y. ihia.and. M.-.-.-li ~>, by s. B. In It, M. M. Baaa, aa>,m Mha Barak A Bqi .. ia.tu < f o*kiinai. At Dutch Itat,MtvatiaCaaaty, Mar.-h II. Jaba aWMhaafl to R.^ah. R. Dei ra, Ii. Ka; JiaMiii CoaMj,Maral .1' .1 I.- I*. Uatertitaii t-.M r> Rabbit. In S.i Krai. bar. Me. S 28, h> lb* Rev. J. A. B .:.er, \\ liiiam Martta ai it J.ti.e u M> ¦¦¦¦> ail or that ..:.}. |a Bar Fraaej ... Marek M, bj H'-ujaiiiin Caraaa, Jutti. e ot a Peart tin-,', waahia, Mr P, >t K. Weit ol Sau M.i- tu Mi» I., uha Mi'lt 1 i*fBaa Kraai baa, Ii. San Kran ¦-. ., Mm.ta, h> '!». R'v. Mr. Wi'lt y, Mr. Moni« M, ban ot S. Lin. n. Miv EBm fciiry ..f Kan Kran. I*.... la Baa Pn Mar B bj m Raw. Mr. WUbey, Mt. ia*. V\ Hl. » l .!»». iu. V an. >. .0 M »- Mi.-v .1. 11 .1 .S. a Tori MaaaPra t. »;. .. n,hythaR>t fi T flanightf. 11m* f'tawf. f iSat Nt tan» I ') :. Mn> Mary L.slty ol tali K.ai i«< At Hi .. ba, atari h SI. bv tr^ R> * Mr. Wao (.ridge, Dr. W m. \\ 1 '.prnati tu Mi** I. /.-« K.-i 1; bathof VaBe^ta, .- raatea M rk by tba In. T. aatMaM, Jobu Ma^tr* te Maua lot d*» |, all at 8».-ran . BM. In BAt ranuiit.., Mart h 31, ly the Rev Mr. afctHk, Lm Ab Rita Mlaj u t.e _ l»i alba. Iu S«n Kr»i.(;.T. Marrl. l'J, Th'.maa Poulterer. .. It ? a ai P. M. *. -*.'«! .'.* .1 ti Si- ft}. ar.-! v. m »!..¦. .!<¦ ¦. 1 j dm - lafl arraat ... Mano if, at th.- i*MakMMaf bMMathM, Mi. v Pia man. It. »..:. Kia... .Marth.-" IV ru. II Newk>. lall af Phiiai.-t- pbia, Pa., apro M \> Bra lalaa riMibaa Maiiih 11 flfiHa w.fe .1 j.-m.- H Ptaa-. e»o., a a'oe I A.i'. \, N ^ »fsi Ij y> «:». Iu 6ati Klais i«e MariUJ', at *{ a. m Wm H Sfx.l-i.n. p|Phi a... ip .*, at .1 Ht jeara, ha* is i u a r. ndeut uf San Frau- ....., a. aa i^tn. I: bm Pn Mavrrl 8, P.'i;*>iq:u P. U. eu, a uallve of MaxbV U»d. Ma**., ..ad a > ar*. I. Sai Kran« Mar. 0 all, Pa'ri. I Nir !, au .i.e o Al>r- ft. « S. tl ,|.d a|. »e«ia In tbi. t ity, M»n h «4. altar a linaariaa ii, ma, U'iUum il. v '.. »¦ a*, d - >-aJ« 11 Uli ' ll« . j 11 d»l a A'Ae'.i i' R...:. p:». . r i *tBty.MarcBH ¦! .- Ila 0 i >.-.. K *, ug. 1 al )ear. .1i s I.aan ... Co Ij M- » V. rk. A- mb, M" k i«. at loel«k a e. I«'. 21', '.-u. 127 l ap' Aii. .. a Lit Mat Ma.i.e. f. | oat ib-ard ib.- aMaBOM Olm«, ai.d > on a rard. K*. M*- I. 2i Mr*. M I.)i < v. »<» 1 S"> >..«'.. In Kar Vrax. jm.*>, Man h 27, Lort .la, wife of Cba*. Ü. Aaaury, »»ed 23year*. Oa mmi the »iapOaaao Natt, *t aaa, i><. c, iioe, Ckrutian Ola. a, *, IHBaa, . tel.at ot N, -«.> At R.c . a'a frnj, baMtpaMCarnatty, Mar. Ii II, i.... R-.df. hat d |mM anal n.outb*. du (hier, ol Me iiaei aud Uai Brady In Bau Kranrlaco, <>n tba n>< r- ir M .. h J ¦.«'.-.».-. .rt i. . aaBiue*.Kaaavi .; I Raatrjaad n>.i .1 p-ar». i- is .uto, Monk 27, Ma-t.ra K-.tdit. ae»d :*t paaat taraWtil ( Bal'.in.ore, Md. In Ma.viille. Mat. b .If. Au -, :-(n lrhlldol |{.-i,rytv.dRj itie V\aai. r, aged 9 n..nth.. In M.rjaiilb aba h 3R KUxata-h. ai'* of fha-ve* l.'-j4Ia». *lnrl»rl a. Sil fllkllH'0,M..r.31l il.rt I, Ap-i. I. i ¦.' Tbl» a* tafl tbe tl|bte*t .'ea-n- ' d"»T of h>. ae»^ a. . a l> tub, r i aru kuoa u i»»- ua it a a* t lij r»pts-:r»t to be. Ai tor baa been eselookaery dtreeted to tlx tmjt.. t*.-y .a-etipotleaa ef the day txaiar-apiemly but Ir"*. icl.rnia-. 't ,. " I ". e\ r - r- h¦.' « M re y bv* is-'' ¦. n «j*a»i, attd at| a easot Baa beau the ruKag 6a .. T. aRtVsakj to- daa a. re tlaIMM Sean.at.'* Bide. f'"m New-Vork, to Mate..-a. ktihral Haberrk, and theahip huu'tr^. tram B<>atuo, oa. «igi.'d tm Mean-. Knut, Peabud* Kj. a*Lota-«aks*ofl>uai~ti, ft 4.7jcdai<:' M I ex Star ballt. OL pr > t !e >n.'>. VN M a-l .Ma aale. N porl-d. Baai kt.Ka .a rapt l'*7*.No-ale. ret«ir*.-«l. aa-uAa.4U h...l bbia- Cr.udj.-d ^.ld c-t. p...ate ».. me. y*»»T Powor-ai .f tr.« r aM aoid mi a^1 n a.m half, beat* Ooloag* *old at IB N a .; S* .. ,.| HO I. v | .; . *. . p.- ot a .f-iiat. n atarlight. ou private term*. ALtoHeL.Mkkl*. N. V. *uld ou private t. rau. «.r vi i.m ila. We have 1MB >'! the (iium t >h. .a! ol Ml) 1 17, i hi i< i OBBltMl Rf bbwi pf »MgartaBoa. I \ t.v \ r>' n, <'. .».».;. to I - . U - thrivhag hub BUti wm t(.»iiay pi.' dews, Bad Mini Ml 'AM iOVA. We have fiat** from the capita! to Man n S& Rai only lac the tr. aty with England BOOB confirmed, bad Vardii.ia hau al-<- mad.- SM "ii bBbbbI «invhr torin-. Bad Qob. Ijimar haeat length BegeUBU J air aty ".iniewbai s,n il.ir to Mi.- <¦..'.. hrni'-.J I a.Vr.r-ar-i >\<*- i:r .-r i bm aftbe Q.rby tr. aty.pra ided «...01- . Um itthac out« f fillibustcring exp«"di? mns to Nit aragu* from H. 1$. afak tj - d..iii.i A ... 'I «i aanlfeSah.i, the FonigaMniator,wlrfifid la insert in the Anerh aa tnaty aaaa i;.-n. I^mnr. >t i, r.i..|, olectoil t" Ii liaii-. . in .'j In tin I 'it.d State«, aadmorsnroi"ai aotbeiagreeiproi ii, Imt Zi '.. dun n.» t baa aa the latti r paial by baa rnagaa adalitioaal artteh. bv which Mioaragaa biada hcreelf rut to M-fid rd!:bu-?»r,i g ...".'{.i ditinaa ;.. tbe Ui Btetoal a biad «af a cenproeaiai araa aaade, aad tba treaty wa- ratilbd by (..!_.:.-- without any op|»»i- tioa. Rbaaiagaa ba- oka eeacraded apoetal treaty with 6ml Britaia. |>attan b ta ara Brttlah aadJUcarBs gl in; ports an- to In- rhar. d - x pewe, and Nicaragua binds bam if not .<> charge aware thau two eeato adaad poetage aa BrB ib tattere, Tba baatyiel bat for one vi ar. It ha- ai-.. I*i-n c..t tinm-d by tli-- <. nali*. Tai treaty »itb Sardinia bat ».. ai al gbtly asodhlod, Tbc . r»11 . agaiaal atlrataacaag has an hce-. tu «-. iit'-«f. NhMraeaa ^tat.ngthat ibewiBcaaaeal tagtva .t up w baa tba UaBod ste.;. - eon aa hi-... An eaneafy ha- beea. graatad !.. ail poBtJca] al aV are, aad Paaaa V.iil. Wa L. r Hhdirtn to Wad ton, has been allow d la return. A bettor feeling towaid ( r. roan appear* toaababta tba pat Qov* » rr,m> i.t, ui il a «.'. '.Tv >¦. riii.-vn to i iii oiirugr imn i- tii ri and the development of tin- ri -ourr.-« of the country. I aaaalarabai alarm was can-, i I y UM Bap aram e of the Decatnr ebmg the coast, as aba was at first taken throaoof Um .boater v.ItappaantbatOoL Si htaniagi r eal d on i m. Loagto aaa bis anaMlatai laopeaiagtbeTraaaH route bwlbrae« Totbk rory impn i >t acaaaad Iba CaauBoama. oi cours«-, refused to ci ii pry, and ri p: iaastab d Bebb Hiagi for ntgn a lag raeti a thbag to him. t.¦«- \ai.«nt iSalaw da> elared bo waa able to do w wbboal r!,- Coanaadors/i «id. the latter and the Dn atv to paavaat awytbfa g ¦.¦ th. kind. Tbe fact of Walker having lurm-d CathoHe teOa vary naab agabwd aba aaaaag ';»>.- Ii n iragaa, lappoaod to ba tneadty ta bbi oaaae. Tba peopia aat* ¦rauyoi achata thai he did aafn a politieal dodgi anu not ir. in "aaot< rwbaanbageaatirnaa." Tin-rotaiioial condition of tie- ,-. un'rv is in a most afepaarabk -täte. Tba reporl of tbe itaaater ot H- aaaeeabowaadefli ; of ifO.OM fat tb« yean ol ISQ9- '§k\! The Beaata and Heatae of lb-present at ;ves bare aV- . larid the tlrtt -it iolite It.-e, and 'I I'hori/.ed tin- QoT< eraaai t.t le beat u doerei totbal aft el a- aooa u it be. eoneaeipedkaat. Tbbt Hep ii -uid to give ginera! aetadbetioa, aad taadi to tbe bope tbat tba roete nay 0000 be op. i.i d agaia« We na no m atioa aaade of tbe eMveaa r of M. lb ily. A OafTrapoodoat nsnMtoai that his treaty, or roatract baa aot u.-t wfcb tba support in Ceogren it was expected to rec ive; another correspondent says, 1 imt wtreeUa hi brewbajr;" an<i atbard w-U' ntbai "uiutii i an g< ''¦'¦a hot. C08TA RICA. Tbore hi Tory Httte eowa treaa Urii Bepal Do arc le the Sd laat, BrrWUBanQnw Oaoeleyaw «* Baa loaV.ahrlag goad diaaen und doiag his work qaietly. i bo 11 (kor« inan Muhen had also arrived ot the Coptl iL Pn dent More is said to lie Verj iinxiou-about th. prog.e-. of tba Cajiul »-i l eu,.-, ead would probably a«.-:-l ui lie laaagaratiea of Um work. Hio neteetfoa to üm Preai. di oe] wm en ddert .1 ai rtnin. The i. rt'. e nop dow nearly all ll pped hu bei 0 unusually large, aoy I in.isiti the prkea m -'ill high BMatof tin- regular tradenhave beea loado od bu\e tailed ior Earope. The i peieinie w hi-h bad vkdtod Pinta Aianaa, had quite rlisapjieaied, a:..i tt.i town wu- as h...i:hy as aoaaL Tin- French Adnaral in the frigate dadiowwile wm i.t Peati Anna-, Iba i aptaia was at BeaJeai on i flu mi bastaoaa, the Adaiiial aot bung ubie |e go, owiti^ lo ihr tat. i 1 i- In a'.tIi. sSQUril AMERICA. < MILE. I III Ml M K HS I 11k kMl ItM \N 0X81 MM. liht.-s from < hilt «te to March 33b The rev olllt *nn, hi OOldttg to the / i.fr.-n, bM B Bl nearly \\w lied, In iii--ati-l.ii ti..n atiH t.-igns in the Piei lin e of Aim mini, and I h. p v ...ul ;ouurV foH IM reported a-, nerehfaag oa Ceejalaanai The Qovera* in. nt having now plenty ot ir.s.p- to spur.-, bopea "sin tolaotoreoador. in tin. oeatha puny still holds out ULiiii.-i the auihoriii. s, im.I wugesa war of dovaata. Uua tbroogbeal tea u.-nnt. it appean that tie Indians ns' i.t them. \ iiuiiiImt of tin leaders of the revolution have beea baaisbed lo MaireUeM; aanag them Mr. Booper, aa ETngUabmad, who appears to have aaaed hims»-:f up in ibe poBtica af theean ry. Of the loan lately i ll. el-U >n El ghnd, |1^0ILUÜ0 M In en received by tbe Qovernawai, aad will be apewt on pabBe w> rks «-.ii m oi lei ia raoteiwl. All . llgll.'e|i:i I Hs'k pllli e Ii. w , . || the b'l V ollltion- kBa aad um Qe/veraaaeM force- ia Corpnwbo. Ib wl the letter were Ibreed t<> retire, leavfaaxtfiUBed aad woesdod. Ti e in.. aa Um pari id the Reeoiatioaiel ii said to have beea dewhh . Ten of the priardpa] kndenof tbe revotatloa have In . ti sentenced to lieaib, but it is tbeBgbtthat their iiiiaiabaa nt will bo rennated le bayiiaoMMat n ban- tahaai nt. Ci.rre»is.uilei ce of The P.."im» B'.kr. r«i I too, March 15, I89B, Since my la^t there ha- been a BOafUe! Im-iwc.-u the eatheriUN of that plaeo and the UaMed Btati 1 CeanaV Beveral of the pitacipal aeten in the outhr.uk on the SBth ult., tis k ii faga la the (' "i-ui 1 boeee. and wen Iheia aeveral days witboat Ua bdeadaate taking any apparet.t Botin ol the fact, or even m mm h as riaBeot Log the delivery of tbe panic- in qaaatfeBi Suduvuly, bowi vei, in Hie ah-i nit nf the Consul, his priva:e rcsi- di iii* w h- in aded by m am ad bodj of peBoo, ^. boa object wm to nni -t tie- rovoaatioakata, aad, naeeea. Hew, to resort to ext'ein, measure- in so doing. As Ibcy wen not braiabed wiin aiiy order in writing Bon tin- Qoveraor, Iba Coaaala lady, who sro aim a in the beaae, niaeed n allow the building to i»e BaaeehedL and the privacy at her own epartaa ivm- lated ia the ehaeaoe otJ bee hn bead. TbwpeBeaeA* ri r. it appeals, behaved ia O very BBgBlrthWBlitj naaaep, aad was in .ng most noleat ia bia eoa- dart, whoa t nurati 'y Mr. Tri v tt arrived, and with km difii By na.ii»-d in oaiiTTlag the Piaiaiilaao I'pon tiinlit'g that the officer wa- the bearer of nn wri- |ee rei|in si lor the di!,very of Um i. tngees, he imme¬ diately ordered bin te leavi Iba peanane; be ana beggi |i that the eoeaol wi aid allow bin ta remain un¬ til he could tret more positive in-tructions from the kateadoaBO. This was granted, and tbe answ. r sent lu ck via. that the otbeeratne'd retire iiir.u-.t.at.'y ft- m the house and ln-g Mrs. Tr. \ tt . par Ion fi* the it.tru.-:'. r., which wa-.)..: c. T.n uUuir was then s i . >l to In- all a mistake- it had B0V1 r BOM the htoBjUei BO search the Coi,-n .. house; but this was a very It u.sy excuse, lor, previous to entering, which was done faun the rear el the panaJees, all the avenue.-to the locaBty were gaarded .id no oae allowed to peiA In the alt. rcatii-n with the police officer .after he hail beeaBndk swan thai ho oaa in the Consulate. Mr. Baad. CobbbIbt Beeretary, was haocked dee a, aad w aid have be.-n killed il Nil-. T'. -, itt had L'o1 pla. I beiaebTbeaaa bhw aad dated then to strike n.-r. la Um atmaggte, the Ceaaal succeeded in disarming the . flier, ant tide,wBh a revolver at Ins bead,WM Wbal brought 1, in lo 1.1ins finally. The exi day n party of JO BBM went to eapt :r.- tl.i* the parlies couci and, and politely requested the Con¬ sul to walk out witb bis family, in order that the hon-«- eiiebt be taonbed, ead, ht Beooeaary, haeaod down, lor the sake of'be prisoner-. Mr. IrevBi khofl nirretidered ui.der |itotest, and i. :"i ibe premises when-ix y..iiig naa were shortly aftirwar i found ai d thken prisoners. 'I ban .¦' a lertety af epbtaVoao as to the BMfiiaty i f t'e i .i.duct Uith nf'he Consul and the authorities; i Um baol is, that Ibelatandoaca, whodaeeeathe right i f the Amern an Consul to .-ive protection, him- taaT BOBgbt ref,','e, with h;s family, :n the house of the Bpei lah Ceaaal anriag the hahaoi pan ml tbe tumult. Mr. I r. I M .- en i| .i.i ;' wa- yi -l.-r lay ea'.- .;e.| |.y tin- Govonaaeat, and i' B said that au ai-tion will be »i.t. red «.im .: iu f t re»i-tai.ci to the c.instituted I. Utllor.''.r<-. BOLIVIA. Our news fr..m tin-Republic rouiea to u-by the way :" I. ma. It appears trom the -talercei.t. "pul»- l.sLed that, on the SAtb of Februar,, ti e Opp-.- t:..n party were datband in action by the QovaVaBBOBl tore s, with a kaaeof 19 k:IWvl. tm-iudtng many of the i A run r .f the principal leadi rs were taken pfWoaon. lien. I'ordoba. ei-1're..d.-ut, at the head ol a lar.-i BWOO, had n.ieie Bil app.-a.-a:Ml on Ibe Beatfawe, aadanepa bad howdiapeaehod u> p:uv. ut his advamr. PEBC. Tbe I liainbci of Ib-putirs by a large majority has coaAnued tbe act, by which all Peravieaa baaiehod f. .- political afhaon ate panalhad tn return to their country. AaeeTBt session of both H ülse» ba.. been held for the purpioe of considenng the Ecoadonaa .joetti.-n. The r>-'i' iw MenentioM - ao nede paLlic. By order i'f the Supreaie Court, th-.- ¦.A prvofwr* e*T.f.t .". u Larva, have »«. . -m-..-.:. with the .»..;.¦.. <.¦ Bf» Ottttt) B ,Si,ii a ard U< wbBBJV < 11 uukr anuet. I.t I AIM 'hi. qi rtO m - um» 11> 11 KAEIrKlUAKS. r r. in ti - I;. I ut., i w. r »v. i ,11, r- I March» Tita awaahydo of *;u«ya«juil #tii! eaatteaee, an«! hu-inee* waa, <¦( aama a *oaq ¦*¦ Maed»e»Rt. (>'.... th a Hib-.ir a. p. a.-» :.. '. iv -ak« i ii,,* |.. -l: t t. . i- .. I r , ai .ipailri i. ami a pftity of I-. ift.lu'iai «, li.it .: ii.ani.it. »»> in la hav .' aii" BBH .1 Hi BaWI h> Do the ."id > .( if an-h, a* ItM ofeleel :be Menine, a «.-vt r.- earthquake i.*fro)i t iu the % ty of .. .. r . rely. 1 In- rliuri-hi'-. ' in 11 ata aaal GoveOBBMBl bwiMbife rr> nn-t af IheeB tBJWWI BWWe, I- -i-ii many privat« riniaVariio, Tin* boaen awl Ihieea down an aa ho¬ lered i< m t Ui bo hah labte, Tla daaMge a eataBBBtad at a.l.n.1'.'11'. Tbe. death* an r-;.. r,..i at .'i.inat, but tb.a «f vi- !-. I f t n a;.y ..- .. ..entail. A noaahai of »mall tt-wp« tu tbe n..rth «>f th» t apftal ham ibm hw n ib-tri.yi d. ami iiit.uay.njui! tb' iL it K waefi .1-4-V ui.<! ii 'I - n.f llama/--. ri'.r OBEMUM RESCUE CA8E. 1 lit I MTl Ii BTATttl M VR-H VI. 1 VKI - I I - HM i BOB] Tin -in.Kit I .i OBI11' r oi' TU H U- hat 4L ISP !>T\TI HIT Ii I K-. I rr«-»'- i.ern'e i (The N. Y Trikuae. ( l Evri.tin, Kiiday. April 22, IflSt, Abnnf Hio ol. ok ti bj BMnin:* S A. Al.b-y. one of tki baUbkh i'i Catted states Marshal Maaaaa, ap¬ peased at the ('i inity .la;!, in whhsh th' Oberila pr.s- ii..:- nr. n.r.tin>'l, and rnjeeoted Sheriff Wight* ii:ant» abww Beana Baal aal, tl.' pr mm - aha wm f.r»t tried, and whn baa beer, e..nvu f.d, but mil - n- t. t.i. d. ta aaaoa paaj hba ha a V w bbmbbbm- a.- ba wao waated iatha ranrt-ceeea. Tbo s'.'-rtT. iwppoe- inj- that he wan wonted fur tin- purpose af noäviag 1..« .. ntfliee. i-i.mpiied w .'!. li r -ij .' *' ai in ii ri|,... aha] them. I in Brnvfaag ippoBBI ti e ibe.r nt tin fj- ¦¦. ) s-1,*. - M".r-'ai- r.¦.¦ ii ...'.:. t! v und t.i | i-< ir. . i.i r !.. roach the ooart-roen. aaathat af tha Martha] s lir.:l;(T- invi'iii llu. hn-, ?.. th- rn. m, -ay:r._. rh.i: i'.o Monhal triabcal teeet bun. Oa < rnajr, tho hey waa i: tail* ¦... ai L aaa Baahaol »». a prioaaari S.,, ri aiter, Mar.hal .Inbu'i.n aent a demand tn the M r.ff f. r the n Kthaaa aaacf which In*, the S'.er If, I.a.I held I'nelir. .i in eaalaiy, Tia Bhaawnfoaaal lo acttvi r tbe parier» tn the Mar'l.al. aa th- gnaad thai the act ,,f the Mar-! ai i n- dli ;a' an he It,: I '.ik-l, the ailooair wltheal any awtlaaraT] of the Coait. II« ihenfbn eaaaaun Baahaol a- nt hie ariaaaer, Whetinrhe wfJtattaaaptta rataha alainaaaraatoba M-cn. . Jrlar«hal Ji bnion -in'im :- to niif-Mi r wholly in- aiplh ihtoi Baa a Mppeee, however, thai hi oojeai wa-to hold Hu-hi.e'i until a private aeataaee ii pr,e nminred bv Judfe Wil-on, ami then »pirit him away tn boom Daaaeaeaiir! jn'h otlu r* think bin eaom wa» i leapted by ra-e, uupired by tie teat that SI..-mT Wightmaa woaU aal ooalae Baabaal ia the c Da with felon and ii.ur.ter» r». The ScprenH- ('. iirt of Obio, or ippUcatioa of Jnilge gpeahbag far a wrh afhaheM ran aa, y- t, rday-.- ¦' ,i n raaaa aaa, oa i m i.i i 17. s. Menhal Jehaaea 11 a hict'Attonoj Debora aad BbeiiaT U _"i"i i le appear a' Coraaibeaial lOe'cfoeh, a. to-oxwrew, gatni lay). and ihi.vv eau-f wb\ c. wnt nl «I» in-orpu- -hall not in- baaed fee tie per mmm aftbe priaoaera. Th in aataaa lorivi.l Heafay, after the -e;y ..| Baabl><¦'.. The Mai-1 al and li:-trict-A!inraej arith ether Baehaaaa . Bkrial», an- aow in eoanWathai, tn doeide whether tn obey tbo aiaadatri of the Coert. it la probabel that they will conply, a- the L'. S. Cnurt hu» a.li.,urne.l ever tdl BToaaay. Tho two iJavodkaatera, Jeaniaga and bTHcbel, are ft ill hi pt iloao la the Marahafa nwaa, tn w rm-h p'aoe tin b food tarried tn them. The roan of thai :< the (enr ot tIk ir Btieal by th. Btata i tn. . ;- lei hkhaappaag. Tlii» la-i ni t I n.» ptnduced -ti!: ..n-n'- r i vcitement aaaoag the pooplo. ADrega dJadg Wih hi e Jof* Ireyi LaeoOBpte, arid Mar.lial .Inhti-m an a Dun. ii i>r Vain. 1 tbiah U aot at all laipwhablc that BherlaT Wlght« n an vv ill attempt the reOCtM af Be -hin l. He is a limn el ii» ri mi atu r.. hud will dn what he nMeti-pK The Manhal i lafaaa tn have knm Bfty DepatiM.i oorpoaad i¦t.v ef the diaeharged Deawi ratio Ckty Police--and nrnari rrnintaaoa te the death Oi ti e athei hand, the BberiafeM anare aai aid in- nur. n.I. 'I he Slab-, in reliaqu uiiog in tba I t.ited State« the graaad oa welch the federal baBahaga arc haeeted, ri .< rvcl tha rr.'ht tn execute pria< -- mi 'he «aiuc. THE BUBQUEHAyNJ RAILROAD. la fA* J-'iitiv oj TA* X. V. Tr.bmu. Butt I imtue m year paper0( y ¦«...rday an artieie Bpea in v. Ilergaa'l retOof the Albany und Sn^pie- bei ii Railroad bill. Tot -ay it i- very fi.-i iblj urge 1 that the h. Ipci.ntemp'ati 1 .ii the bill abeald bo glvai t.n.p'..t>- rather th.-.n commence the work. It w lead the bill ri?ht. no nmney was to be paid by the State until thirty mil. s of the road were completed, and oody fldf^tf thea. Oa the eaaaplatbai ef thirt y eddM ioeel aataaa, anot her giea,eea « i- r.. lie gfvea by the stat.-. Thaiawet eat look i ke paying to com- lift the work. in thil ei lion of th, State we ar> unable to MB the Jaatiee it theOevarwaT'i a\rgaaaeat, that the Btata ibeald fir-t ahdah the public workathroagh dhdiieti upon which it b.n lav bed ill BbaUoM ali'ivly a largo Bortioa of whk h ha- beea diewa from m t.i en- rich Bad build up thoM taVOiad poitionu of the S:ai. aad thofe very worke depreciating the vahw ef real t-tat. in tlii» county. Wneih. r Iö.v. M. Inn been a' all iaaWaced by bt Bag h large -to. bholdet m Iba Hew. 1 ..rk t'i i !ra! Uaili.a 1 i-avc other* to judge; hut no rpechriahaaliagof h ariOeeaviantbi peoph of this part of the Mate thai he has uot been. Vi.nra ». BatTEf, M.IJ-rd. 0:ei..( ,. N V A\ 1. [OeV, M. doea not own a dollar of stock in thfl Central Kailioad, and ha» not owned an> for yi irs. Nor can tho Central be injured b) the [QlrtricHpTI of the Albaoj ai.d Binghaaatofl Boadi we Uaiah it is mild rather bo benefited. Thousands heading weitwaard would then tike the Central at Albany and ride its whole letn-th, whn BOW l ike it at Port Plata, l.itii" 1 all-, ui em L7tka, We haBj the friende of tha AJhaoj ami Biaghantoa Bead tn in- patteBt ami not anjaat That road liiu.it be baflt, and the State will probably help it; but let ut finish the ( annls and have then a re- r. .'. e iaiteed m a beidea tn ti.«- State, aad mean thi ll Si 0 W hat is the -t tn be do n- BOl I.Mii'i-uvi. I.ii il Ti.ial..At the April term ot the Cireail d.uit fbi Cecil Coaaty, Md.,atwiadaaj pr. n ulmn b>r 1.1» 1 cum« i ff, which il of i onaiderahle ml- reel to nhateri and publishers. The fart- in the . .1-. were substantially as fnllowoi b Jaaa, ttSk\ aa eacaryaMNM pamphlet wa- put in circulation, in which there wa- a er' .- persona! attack upon some one in the Ighherheod of Darhajttoe, Barfbrd Co. At the b> ateaeeef I>r. Waa. B> Pwrweed and hlanrieBde, who ;'. f l e a a- '' j e- ,.r. hlied'd to il the parrphle: aii in nal BnaOtBaahaj was in-tiluted against Henry Vaaderford. jr., niiior and publi-ber of Tht CmM l>> ,:vcnit, for pr.nf.rg and publishing the same. It wa- in OVaBOWOO i'. mi [nes of the pu.'iiphlef had BOOB rei, ivi d th.oe,-h the 1*. r'-llrbi.. by several jiersons; that t'rom aliu-ion- :r. -(.id pamphb t th¦» g.-.-u'er part of which wen- fa'-c t! get -rai BBJbJbI in the nei_h- I ri:.--! w -. IM -v».-i resided wi- * fem-d to b.ui. ted h--0 that Vandi rford ha<i (n knowl- edged to two of the wütesse- that it wrw printed at t ßu e. Vani n .rd alb d h. d. l not know who th. painpl.i. t aBadhd ha, nutLer d.d be know who wr.s tbe author'.! tt. He, Lowever, refused to d:.- 'I BOB : tin p. reOB who had left the manu¬ script at !,:- oftii .'. The tr.aJ lasvd three day-, during B-hh h time tbe law ...I Bhal was fully and ably i .. . --.¦¦!, ead the Jary, aft. r V-rg out about an hour, r. ' i'.rted a »«rd'.ct ot gudty. The convict'-sl publi-her WM i- nteti 1 t>j pay a IBB ot $00 and mu of the I reai. utiou. Hoe. JaBMe O. Pataaaa, -,n a r. Boat letter, | bm t. aowbaji .. Whea in the letaad of Ma.b ira, I -aw a BMF ca.sea of Bateail at;, r. OB "Cg the poorer people. And I ba>i fn»m a nine year-- nr-ident lerjryinan this explanation: Ti.at before the failure of the wine crop in Madeira, (tormeriy the annual yield »as about Io.OUO pipe* of wine, now five or six hnn«ired), there waa scarce any drunkenness, on the I-land, but the failure had placed wine beyond tbe resch of the poor, thev now cultivated the sugar cane, from which was mazifactured a etrong spirit now in common use. And the result wa* dxut- kvu.-..- hadiflcxetwed aeUli »ii duapptaxiii.' PUBLIC MEETINGS. BOARD OF OOUKCUJkmtfi. Tl « !'«*.-: tr.*-: ).«u-ii.i afternoon. Mr. < -i a, tM I iinr. 'i'!' 11 nr<! reeolva.! LtMii*** > hoirr of tin I (.:.<.; r». n... »iura, i; UM ineniLe of May, Jano, J i end limt 7'Ar ['a n^ikgn ir. ;kt tiorxriwr t Ro,,*.. A rt lp Hi m Toarived froM tk*) CBBNdttoe «mi Arts ¦ is by which it iH'|x *r« tt;t' u'rttiy of pail ngl I (. v-ti it'' . in ur* in -t v ry had -.iuii... u :. i,u tn m I . ttt ott-ution. TIm CaoMdlMa i*mb*t*v ti . nl»'i 'let '.Y.i ,m *»'. r b»r\ ;n the p-op. . i r. : i- *< rk < f -Utr.tu- and pn «. rv .1 I > i . t ¦ - ti tba .harte of r.,:r»t>. u-i.t pnttj to at;, .id loIt. I rid %. r, BBaM 'li.- na I r*Mt t/aMfl h'.rr» I Yon;mi I. Mr. BbUTEBL eilh- "' ii a rMeliifbB*1 a*a*Tiag Um Um t .. tfi He*-d by wbr.t irr.I.. rit, tl.e Fi.ieii F rry C"ii.- par v lrt ou?, from tint*' to tin***, a part "f tie «hp. tttt ti ii,. - . . .. »tri r, to .. ni.boatii Bad . th" \ . I and if the l»d-«: tOUM CMtVMktJ |i*MJ iii-'- ,'h. M ia *o. Hr. Hi fill. i'lT' r> I nrt thl 1 re «tut B, Mt n nt.in by vtb«it a.itbt rity tiio WiLlia.ii>biir.-ii Kerry t'ttrpaiy hold the dock at the foot of timed MflBt, Ka-t K.v'er. MM] if Mdd fctupanv baa ti1'' ri-;ht to rtiti I a terry t" S*»*»tit 1* Seveiitii afreet, Wilbainshurxn. witli- '.i:t lu-t i blu.LlL|» tlif BMBMM of the CMBM II COMMA ' of N. a-Yi t-k. Adopted. 'Ik, I .*?» na\ i lt*ji., f/..'I tie r»solutions of thi¬ ll. Kid \...t rMMJ iu Ml pa* .. in MM >t til MM iM.itty »fn- received, and M'-esrs. Oi mi- s :i I I.» M < "| {."- 1 t "murr mm with flu in, on tin- gftJBI I tint im 4iM**wtbM *m*mM bo bmJb*m*>vmm Mr. i».>- l.i t:_i am! ftl.t r dci. a*ed pcnu.n* who had foiUMlIf i t. i, ti i n i r- nf tl .. i 'oinuiou Council. It w..til l Im I WfBMbhiBjt b iMtd pfMMdtMBM) v.>to a public funeral tt,t \.ry; rtain who hiid oue*1 la-i u a un-iuber ol li.e CtMHBOB t'<ut ctl. |t aitn nn niininaJ eotir*** of pn«- i...IU.-. i'il ÜM] pp. -ed it. 'Hie Hoard, hoWi'Vt-r. et luiur d. 7'hf ßmmitmrt t*'/t...'/,/....Tiie nmmMÜMI t-> ap- l n t riaV |&,l I 0 to tt. fray tl «. MtpMMM MThM Sani'nrv l»i\' tn u to Ml held tn tin* city i u Wednesday e.-iuw up fur action. Mr. ll< v icev-d ... .tn .i'l,. i.«t bj ii tUm mm t sjti.inii ImImmI td | Mi. Li n I' M *m nurlii .i!.ii nbj-ctioits to the MMMMl specified in tbe resolution, hut he deitred tn know bow it wm if bt ipai L Wer- üm9 |MlMJ to fM druuk on I il ? tlr. CottSBtl < nil. tl Mr. LMl It) order, i»t*m*mj|> that ).. i\ »p« aki' i.' in a di«i. -p > t*U umuner ot I It.- inetii- h. r- I'll.. Hoard. Bf.OtTAMOI who W%t MUM cbalr at tbi -i t 1. i r\ d 11,at t|r. J.t in - it r.ark aa-t not «tr:t t'.y t ! a M r ,.. ii el tat \ cliarat r. Aller souie further «iehate, the aniendmeut pMpo..v| by Mi. K.-eK was i..-t. and the «-ri_-ii.i.l n-..'.. KM -auk a.n ptetl. 'ii, Br0n\lf* M'k , r i',l in n. in:'.- The Honr.l rc- Mhredlfo Meet at f n clock nWMMMb* tfJM»»*M M j r., i ad toft-rti. r to attend the e. lebr.irion of ti.'- MM* ductioii i f wat. r into the City of BMtdUjB* .\.. '. i.rnt tt la next Tlnirsnay at 5 0 CMi k p. in. i OinilSBIONBBM OF EMIQBATT01I A -J«t III II.t e'llttr . f the t'oil'ln's^i.'fer-. of Kft. Ms Hoa vbi kald at their rooms, at CbMMQartiea, yeste;-- ay u.tiriiiii?, ut It1] o'clock, at the NMM of cx-liov. rail' r-oti. !". cot (i MBM by t'.. CVBMMttMMMM for UM r.r. \ itl t l^.; .1 Me. llf t) ( ..!,.in --..n- rs of Kini-^ution, there were pre-ei.t rre-i,!et:t VkRFLIBCB, ÜMJMBk rarriLTHn. l'tir,. v, i'tirtiss, CBBBMgi JetlHBjbBM UBBtBsd leVB Bad ft M e fJoD tnissioners lor MBMTbI of t^tlaratii ilie, F x fit 'I BM r.n.I .lohn i'. (ireeu. Mr. PBtti IM was absent, havin)» been tatfaab callisi to Caiaiagi If, Y., on mfoiltit of tbe MM n IMBM of hi* MB* A tt« t ii.lerchiitii.'inK "tiews ns to the Mibjecf of the renn vitl 11 Uli l/tiat.i' line, tl-e following i.hit ion. MMTad bj CtMaMMMMM l'..r,ly. was iittati..n..u iy u.I. nic.l: Kre t.rf Tl il tlie C. m.nl««i"ne'» af Fmigrttinn wl'l ehe'-r- fi j i. .. . %». I. l'..rtiini**H.iier» f..r '.be retn..*Kl >.f ti i.ir- ' BlillM. si.d tbst tbl* Board Uruiler tnuud l'..ultnl**kM > tue use if their. Hire Inf be MMMttBMl of itMh bu«ire»», M*i il«i will iff. rd -i.v. ry facility iu their r».-»-r m} Bat a. o i.,. M aftta 'j.. .. i.iit mff) i'. Ml i'OUXG Mi.VS CHRISTIAN iSSOCaATION. The re^ulur ii'oiithly MBalJag "f liie NVu-York foaBg Men's t hr.stiun A-so. iation was held htBl BTBI iflg i. tie sliutil clltpe! of the l'l.iver-it\, |{. K. Mimi uki. e.-tj., President a. tlieciiair. The t -u 'Ois (.'ollili ittect repolle.l, Bad -"ine BttaMUBM mbu MBBB in ti e i 'imbIMmMB with s(h dal r. f- t. .. t.. IBB tit.f the v'-it il IT i 'oliilniltee. Hinj. K. PtULPS, BBf*. r-ad an essay on ''The i'm t.t al Man, after winch several MBBBBMB »*Mk putt in a diacra»MM up.>u the same subject. Tin- A.-iot iatioti will move to its new rooms in Ifroiuliwiv. 11 r .1 Tweifih <rt.-i t. in May, »lien it iriBkavi bAm nadJagiwaBMid htirnry. 4BMJtBM of tlie I'M.tn v. ill Im- upproprtiitetl for MBMMjBJB* The men. nrt inei.t i.l the loom ia 75 BJ «W fett. Ii is now OM BpBM tin a billiard r.snn. ARMY .in/' s\VY INTELLIGENCE. r.-i. s F. i»l Am,';, ry. ati.i D I'll Art.lb ry. ha\e lie. ii I.t..k> n up, as per in-triietions of ti e Wur liepaifii t.t. The privates are .lie;ribut. d iMoagh ttbi-r 11 ii f .it .UM ofTicers und non-coinmis-i om-.l i flicei - bt iri^' trunsferr. d, aa vat .inctes oci-ur, t.< oj-. n i on par s. u bit b are to gB t«* Fort Moinoe, Vn. The BBW military )x.st ou the roivl to Kl Faso, is at CbMBMBM ('f'k, Bad is gBIliMMBd at presort t.y Ci I paaj II. l-t liit'niitry. Fort l.aii.a-Ni bSf BUM! bantBMpaM* Qaa* Twijfirs hosairAin issued nnler-i to the MBBMBadtog orlieers at Korts ] kaM end (Mark, to prevent, ts far as iu them lies, any fil!ihu-terin'» i tje.it. agaiaal M.jitn. Vmmmhmc »MBMn bn row- BBiag biIbbiImIj u.ied for m Tbbbb, moobbb* ijUt nee i t the inadequacy of the United Slates trisip*. to prcti 11 that MTgB Bad troiiblc.-ijmc rcK'i'iii from the In.liiii, .!> paraOMM* Ot mouiited militia there are no - than I.I.IKJ men at pr. s-nt uutltr annn on tin- tn nl it r. Ti e-team l*igBiB S.->|ii. i anna WWt taken bt the Drj I).. k i Hr.f.kiyii N'avy Yard rt bnvini; been BBBBMWad advi.able to leave the In ipiois fjiirttiiti' a while iBBgBf BBMB1 bMatlagBM bJgfe ai.d tlry. Iu f.-omphai.t i w ith onli ra from Ihe Navy Depurt- ii t *, u »tuard ol marine" was yesterday .-' tit to l'orts- n out!,. N. H.. for tl"' elnop-of-warFortsntouth, fitfinif out at ti nt port, bf Um A*Ubm station. Lieut. Stone, who brought home the ket< !i Broth¬ ers, is nt tailed tor the .lohii Adams; Licit. L.vi.'li, to attend to lard ar.dctirrept charts in?hi*ciry: Ll.-it. WtWBMJ, f r the receiving ahip Ohio at Huston. A MTgB qiiuitity of an.-lior". cables, chains, tte., bj nl.. tit BMMJ forwarded from tin- BMBBJjB Yard f.rtlie i ti e'eafi t-r S.-ti: r oh-, at .Mare l-'aud. ('..'.t'.e t..,i. 'I! >. !. ;t r Harriet Lane will ga int.. tbe dry dot k wl.cn UM S IBQMllBBM h aves, to be put in trim lor !. r 11.1 p. ni:. ii oi tl.e Coa«t Survey. Her cn-w and MBfiaBBBfl by her yet, hut nn: to BBfabi MT. WMB Um .r ac< oui ts n tun. fn-m \Vadhini*ton. Ceu.u.iMiore Iniiian prefers to bate his heati-quart- eru, aa Ha« ship of tbe African aqiuuiron, on board the snilii ü !.!." i' (.'"ii-tcllat'on. althou-jb the 8m: Jacinto wa* first ordered to tbM pOMa Ti.. attributed and BaTBacaaMaM W Üntl ships, are, however, confined Ut the lattir. which may probably hav. t' e wde Ahr a!. n ot the »tation. AcctvBBf ob THr Bail Bauvboab..A friaad, ataj mm MM MBgl r iL |M ( it' inna'i Ki[»r< i* train ou the Kne K"h 1, tri ji Kimirn. M Saturday orht, laMftV that rl.t; trait, was three Leu * behind itt tun.-, at that j (... .-,. v i-- t.. In avy si:..w-dnfe. In the ne](rhbor- Boodol F uura and Hi rntllsviLle, indeed thrt.ii,;bout i bajr**M*nc County, the snew lay upward ot two feet de>p, wiiti verv heavy tlrifts. LMBiag Ki.i. ru. Um tnia cobm BaOBg M rapid IgBBd in order ts> make up the bad tin.e. A iitMe thia stda of Homeü-iilie tie how Ltd entirely disappeared, and by the time the trail' reached Bam* sburuh, lifteen mitiiites' t ree !.,-. i i.. . .-aired. The .l.-tarn e troin .s i»»pn Lain a to Nat- r. w .hurnL, about reverty miles, wns run in two hours. Ab« ut niteen mil.-, th.-fide ..f Xarrow.-bur/h. at a rre ia tbo food bbmPMI Eddy, taa aaciae raa aaT Um iraik, MBlBBMall agaiaMtba nx.'ke, and rot on t! e * de ul ere tl.e einiiai.kinert" SUid slopes BBMl thet v.t.l'-y. I n. t-n^'.te was hailly dair.au'ed, as was al.-,o th.-b.-.-eace t ar. Ft rtunately tl.t Li^i. emharkmeut ,'. taeBBgiM and bagnge sufficient!) to pr. ver.t the passet o. r. ars trom ,it-.. i .' off and '.e pa*. -' «: .1 vi.th some bruiee*. A tiiemar, BBBMd I v. ae itstanl.y killesl. The tondnctor and aonv- of the pa-n r cers walked on to a nei^blMirinr» telegraph a. Bad rd< r- w-re -.-r.t t<> F"rf J^'i :-. or Da* poeit, f. r a new enpee ami train, and after a MM I tlett-Ltioc tie pa-senjrera prosiof utnd their joomoy. Our fnecd .peaks .n Mgh rms of the prornptitudei aad < '"'1 depttrtmect of the engineer when the accident ot< urred. (CommerciaJ, "J6ih. ScaaanT PaCMM n.it>... Tht Hart),>rd Vl.) <'nu- rant ret (junta an exploit of one Terry, in Terryeville, after this fashion: There was a rum--hop i-ays Tbi i '.vran') at a hi- h jK-rsota got intoxicated, but it was tioBgU t : not lo rely an IBB IdLaw to abate ."r ivf'wn % . in.. ..«,..' -14. «.ayaat>ere>anl. howev.r . i.iing . ,tlj M. » '* fini-f ÖM keeper of th«? a-rncgery re.. , . Z k'ir-.t ii -n, aid ,, v rir f-rin. : CM of' :alJtrV .I*'. TearyBakedhim if be had nui f,,f,lL hi. Th, Mow 1 ¦ 11 " *'.. 1 tv, tarni tax » . *" W. kaoebed bthaheed ..f rV,nH« it,? rv tboarhtrt. .... I' a*J£}*> N ,v - ¦» cheap in iMaware. Tkt i.Wfrt-. Mit' r. a'is that ..a,: wu sold ib thai StaaTo^ OtlM r do] (br $. »n<i * <!.._.. ^*t JI. - r. Mum and Theaaaa give the ir fifth ekv* ,ai Matin- l) bedhtajavwaj nt lb.-worth's Ilaii. «.nrairas iagal k. Tin- pn.graiiuiie will be tJXUti a a.ivi-r ( BBBBBBj JrrtBru BFBBiai»: Oitiixhi. * in,«"-.t aaaaa <¦¦ 11. vouug t. ::-p.iao.v j.., 1 the Coop, r It.-tituta on Saturday 4*,,. 1 " ¦ ' .... ..' 1 -. .'...:» an- to addrraa I A BaaetiBg, an ..nt; th. m th.' Hob. 6*«»rj;a HalL imf K«t. Theaaaa Armitago, anil Horace Ureeley. u vi'.ll... ajaaVaBbtoBTj.BB 1. r : r,ft* wees.ua to beth* young and old. TBIBITI Cat 14 11. .TrMl BB^BBBBBN bjnj rotijed that an BpiaBBClofl BOB Inn orgMdaed a^ulsat Ua prioOBi eeetn and .1 general attitlan.. ml B0BI bnw] at the i lection. Tt'- F> <.» en. The n'-t BBBBBaBJ off* Amet i< .in Ii -titiito Karni. -v' Club af the new rone-a, in tbt CoBfN I 11 -' vife, -ran held y. »tcrday, ar>d »u well attend- d. and the mutt, rs discn-aed aero inter- e-ting. Prof Knw.k, :!... u-w |»r. .:.!« rd of Uta Ann 1 i- an la-litutc, gave a vuy valuable talk BBB| tbe u-e of BB .11 Mgr.cu'.tire. The BBBl ineettag w. i be b< id a; bob. MayPA Ml a, 11 ibti bb bot 10 BK III"v.. To-Mu K.!'*.. Jud ». \N light, nf Albany, yesterday graated, al tha Hlam ard BoBOO in tln-e ty. aut ,t "i ermr for b atay ol prooeediaifa ia tko eoao of JI*-. Härtung who waa t>> have In i n hung in Albany t..-morrow. The groan | on w,hi( b he .'rant- thi- m that the pr<>He«>ation. after one ef fhr:r >>wn w:tne«ses had sworn thai from tho H'.ve of Mr. Il .ittifg'- a. h and iiilcitine* as BB \ al I oa Boat unuti in, BO was BOaatiVB that the »uh. stance whieh prndueed (b ath was taken three u.«in'h« beRare death | that after th,-. the presei ati«n iBtr.w due. ,t an., ii, u :tnos t.i pinve that the npinmn of t!i* ti. al bas boI mi.nit aagrthbaf, Ju tg« \\ruhtBBBBBl w h. t ier they had a right to examine one expert a- t.i the e.uiip. t. nev of BBOtbOT, tlieirown VitaBBB. and e.- pociaS} he doahta ahoibor thai they had a right to dhacredil tin ir own witness in this wav. Blob aa.. We have boaaro us has pamphletspub- 11-lud by II. K. HI;-snfS| ..t". :i. Ma-., inahing, logothoi Ti p ..f bdoooriptin eatahagBBatbai laorara, vrgotabhi aad phaata ableb be euitivates, .t' p«_. - nf whieh ure ,h-voted to fjow. alone. The..' are |Osd With ill. BBBMB of BS many il.lTe-.-iit goworianthoraarallooa upon a lar^.. oabBva pag.», and eoinp! i-e- Bbaaal 1 v.-rvtiling that ia eukivated .il ply lor itl boaaty. la hu ge a list ts very attract¬ ive, and n -'1 'ti pr-sun.pt ivi evidence of a gei'Tii buto for loaror oaJtaro, Aad yal hav otb-n wo mo homes, l ot only m the eify but in the country, faru.t :> holm s, altogelhi r destitute of dowert aad ¦raBBMBtaJ ahiabbuji Ba Baaai pagahi know haV uun n i lit y lose ' li would be well for them to ' cultivate 11 tiled in it- ri lining, and stirronml thea> selves v, h these most beautiful of all p. ri-htb,a !' ings. It i-,ft._\ to p'ai a I. w si ids, 1 a-y to tt*. out a b *v raatii Iu due Moaoa thav will a.i.-. u v»ar bom.---, and be a source , f pur,- uniiiterruptcd p|. as- Ore |0 tbOOO WIM eher;sh t!n iii, as Wi ll OS '-taddi'b bV opoai bo pa aor by. 'Im Sanuvkv t'oCv r n t ion..The followmg mem¬ bers ot tlie NeH-Yoik Saotary A-sooiafum hava been appoi itod delegates to the National tyuurantiue ai ! San.taiy I otivi ntmn. i\ Im .i will assemble in thil city on Wedaaajday, 17th met.: Meaara. V. C. Matlier, P. BL B/aBaaoa. P. I W.n.i ,u. B IV. El imt, 11.1 rj U k.. il>, s. k. lialiiOay. K. U VTala, C. B. II.»- well, Joan \V Ri*. h. I'.-er I'..,per, N. tlr-velauu, Natluujiel II,v.. 1, .1 f ,\|. .M r..,. Id. J B Pe.aeider. 1 11 Ottaam BaBha n«r.j. \v b. Bibbine, A I f. .1. M |l U lie-. j s Cuofe« C. b- Aji.s», Hearr uuemeey, W. M. Veraiilje, K. ti. f. *»e ., A. B.Juim*. «i.a 8. T. II ..bberd._ Simmihi. OtTTBABI t is I ('iu vtkv OiRf .. About .1 in ba I; ye-terday BBYBBBJ the aptum of tho bteruiib. at Kan lie!.1, lying nt the BBB] of (.'anal street, olieerve.l a pis r country girl standing on the pi.-r cry¬ ing most bitterly. He laqairod what was the matter. She b id him that herBBBM WM Alary Hurke, that she wa.-ai orphan. 11> years of age, from PkfaaOOOBi New-Jei .. y ai d hud come to N't w-York in warch of her sister, vs ho lived iu Aunty street. Being unable to lind her, and having 110 money, she was-tan.hi.£ . u the eorn-r of Canal and W est streets, on tic pre¬ vious evening, uncertain where to go, when a ynun£ man ¦BJ a!"iiurnl alter learning wim she was. aud that abe bad no home, he invited her to go home with him to his mother. Tin -trangi r wa-a lain-man, and she supposed that he w.;- honest in hi* inb ntious, so she t'i.üi.ued him niilmut hesitation. It was i|uite dark at tlie time, and slic .1. f>.on<! hanah BB a pier in the neighborli.I. Just us si,j le-.'an to feel euspieioiu, tin- man turned snddenly epoa her, aad, eaiaaagbaratwaad tiie waist, earned her BB Ix.ard a tug-In at. HoN another man jnined the laBM aaatBadlagetber, inapito of her cnesaof atraggb I ¦) oaggad BOB dowu into the cabin. Sis.u after, a il.ird peraon came in. and tbe three, by tun e ami threatening; t<> kill her if she did not keep fBOalj tamed her untti m. rnu.g, and during the Bight repeat, dlv outraged her pBCBBBb The capUlB 01 the Ka.rti.-ld guve the 1 iM .-nine break!*-', and t b*. n, culling Officer Cholwell and Waters, went off hi aaoah of tba haataa whtoh m»9 had boob so cruehy BIBBgadt Mn-pointed out tin; aleanXu^ Pluto, a* the raOB ! 1 pon which -he had pasjed the night, and, goisgBa lei.trd, BBMOJadjB 1 Alexander th Paimer and Bofljaada A. Smith, boat bauds, as two ot haf as»iail- ante. fbaaawaaaaaaaaood. Tie lame man, who«o nan . m Blaf to be t^lward LOB, waa Bit found. Ju»- tice Kelly tommitled tbe prisoners for exauuna' BBBj BaVOffOjan l.\yvsTictiir. -The body of a leirule at, about Ihre- wc lu> abi, was lound on Holiday in an o. l. -d n. m the rear of No. I'M West Vau street. Coroner St hirmer held an inr/m-st upoa it, and a iwrdh * >a .' death hy drowning in a ciateia" a a- rendered. The . ln!d .-opposed to hav. b-i-o thrown ml" the 1 .steTT by is mother, % servant girl in the lamil). who b it shortly aber tor Scotland. K*»t l-:«T*r>.-The foüowin»; aalei were mad* reatefday Bl the Meril.ants Kxehange, by M »sr». Ä. J. Btiiahir, Son A Cavi l»r, T>i-o »» r..e .*ner BJd-rt. I '¦- 4*»xl'Ä.aieg (i- T ¦¦ tt)i nlrut awrae. I lot gSalOl. WS. s.y .sals. -'Xlia. ~" Amata RcBBI tios..I ranr. fjerver. a f>nn«n li ieer» .. tj.- *». ve»'srd»T trr»e»a if a % w»rr»i,' weed ay ib" M » i ui hi-- -*s> :«. i-ud.r p-i-Oe- -( **<.- . , .rrea M.n. le ..- o d.'fl of 'i* T«.'a W.rt. liervi r»,. t-kea a*twe Jaf^e Halah,aad eawaBltadaa**. . 1_ Ao tot ¦> r.-An old BeuHeeaaa ea-ned John fJibauB. I .¦; .'-¦' ear >..t-th avenue, walle »«la.o| TaWaaaenuacearK.n . «.-ti. 00 BVoaat eeauB*MO- , . 1 4 Hi IIBial «»1^1 'h-. Mb. *U ,e-i rfavel -. Ms v. mi . . . .' -si : .i -r . > a lad, after ««** a* aa»*04 _^_ Th. b,,ty .f Henry Delbora, whoa-a»- lliiairj fi .J 1 aVaxaay, »a» i.sjj»I 00 tae w- > K.v^.-. . ¦¦i '.»ins to ali l*^ ie»aaeaa», B I Bed al Itel «e__j«« The body of an unknown man was fours! on Monday, in'in Berth Bive/. aaarOke ton- o> >eveut«ei.u< itr**:. lc^«*J*, will a* Bald ayai ikedeeaiBBd i.eaay. An ioni Womm Kr.-ofJicer BaaBatoai y^^f t::.fr<i m oaii naansl Jernais I gay, who |lvea bia f^t>^ at taat ofa ¦ereeawt, ttt a eoatBatlal made br Jti cAarf>| tmJM Hgi. .. Bvtia tu a * k '*


11.700,000 in Trra«ur<-.

The 1'i.tt. <: Butei »ii hm Bt L" ¦

.Vatrowan, Coniniftodt-r, arrived last evening, at f>jo'cknfc. B tu Ml ti hi |l ;i I mt*e Calif' IBM mn:> I I Ii . l OH IWO* f>< rf rnM I ri M day* 4 hour» and 48 minnt-«.

Tb«« following .. tl . ... .-<¦>> Let >¦< tb« Sf.Iyo.ru:Air P«< tana. Hn.k t .. f l a -. « *

C r Haler .\\ 4 S B l.ik!

PU.rfcMr.rr, I« ..) Mir > V

*<» te A Mi o ¦.> J a M. > *

bbki' hi. .. W,t*B K Heeder A O. Ai4'kok AWlIb.il " P.T.M '. i'- ¦-

J. H. CoHtlt. »/.*» »*. N»»l.>r. IAO«W T Oolrman fc O... 77,.W» I. B N.wU, AI-. \%V*tkn J k tl*f in. l«,AM J. O Parkrr fc >Vn,.... 7.«-'C.W. i ruebr. *- IVri k.

V. B Crowefi. «,n"n ¦>«*¦ Tetn. k. «VW|C II r ¦¦irr. a.m*i J-hii Phet.n.De Witt K Itle * i - »¦' " " K .»

btin Obernau A ('«.. Ill.'Wl R> lurJ *¦ <' .. MML. p.1..l in A hr. i. * a i K.i.ti. ii lil-i

paBMlCt. 14 '"*i R. ¦ h... .- r i I7.SUP. r4 A IVelr. f ..... » >.

tm *«-. A i >. 71 i .,<-. M < ii .i: 4 I ... bjlmoJ. (Mdaii.'h «i«. I" mo E. C. Thini fc Howe. 2.IBSTJ ii a (Vi. .,.*.» Turner Im ...

A. Uerdy k Co. 3. »40 I.. Vo.. Ilo-n^i, A t". H.001J Reck«, Ire. 4 (. S.IM B B. Wert- . I Mw u.U. * o.. in,irr.w. r. WeilaCo. irv*.»Hirn.li.t.^. ,14«..J. Hebciweil. "

Jn.eei Bent ac. IU («inleauiiif. A Ho "

( Kr.lyfcl«. 41'»'.

W-iiier A Kn». 3.477I B. W.ir. Il.l."iW.U.. ?'¦.!« A f.. .. > -W. t WrigUt. ibm<>rler.. »,'>.»)


Pro» ü.r O*:. CorreepoiiAeut.S«s Kk*m i.?<"<¦, A|iril 18.'.!».

Day Iii fön yesterday Si>i,.lay mnriiin OBM H I I

Unlera t.f tl.i .ti Hin 'iriy-hoiif « mitral BBaa> ru'.i.mg

bitweet. I.. " .imi Oakland, BS] kall .). k Hag \ Badwoonding aiHHBIfiiBki oafaj 'i- i-known. TblContra Coote wa-. racing nt t hl t bm v* 111. an oppoigbM boat, t»tit at tl einiiiuerit .>! Um PXpJosrtoe n«< goingakiwly, mak'ng a turn in the crooked channel n«

Bat (lakiainl harnu ÜM Beaten of tin bay. Par*Innately nearly nl! lb*passen jo r* wire nt Um .'¦

kfieikii.at tin- nppn.itmn boat, winch MM babil !.

The boat IbmItwe largi boilero, HaVbyaMaj aaa oft im exploded, and wa- blown Oonpletely out of tbab«4»t, whih- the other w an «eare»-|v nmveii. Il :« n..'

yet known win '.her the biaine ol the bZbI .-ion iboabJbe plored on the engineer, or the ImhIi i-uiakee. I'n-

«liibiitediy the BaptaM in ii -1 have a aban of tiiebiauie. The I oiitrn I oKta was a inw-pressure Iniat ofrilmut SH bbbb| and was bu'ii iu ftpHMlbll, 1857,Tb« belli rs wir. ¦ BtM in New-York.

Nnli«t of j.,-.-. agon ki kept onthe-e Tarry boat-.,to there is BA BBHM of obtainii".' an uudoiibteillyrxirreet list nf the killed. Tin- billow in-.; |i-t givesth« nan,e-of all known tu be kill- d or si-riou ly in-

jun d as gi ,i ii in Tkt .i/'u.KM I Ml

Da. ui W Otdy, t tlrtel naMiaiItl, luatwli f). p rtj CK I le

veyer. at««!-M veam. a native nf New-Yurk. Mr. GL wa. bl .wii

uik> the sir "iii Ii II ii '" tie- wa'. r. ht .wain m tbe kott mwi ntUkili ao h. aro O.e Oakland, b it .0. d - - n af'sr.

Mi.'bael (1. Soi.'li. tbe btrkeeper <il tlie ki*', wan ..nraaed inep« miif a hat let ..f win. «. ib.. on,.- ..I law ..xp'...i..n. K '.aiMtM wit elitireljr earn. «4 WWWJ, lud tkt niil..n una WMMM » ...

never ae. ii aO< r» ird« It It r im .rnl tliat n build WM . k*aaently f.n nil «rhu h, by a run upon MM f the«Ina»!. raaaoHatd *» b.-i..i'ant la ab

Heiirj 1,. Oetraerl. r, .n^ if :u. r. v. as «f r.-ndl'.||!y - uMi i,and waa brojthtthiariry and tiki ii Ui tbe Marine Uaafiia1wb* r<- be di« d -. n i*ll* r

dJheit \A n «lip. aae al :ne fireieen, war ilnadr.illy Mahlad,and taken i n tssird the itriimri O.tklund, ai.d runveyed to laa»bore, where I., find b a Bra niin .-¦ -

(»e..ia* M< !>..«. Ii, ike kead liaaaa af th.- Boat, a aatTM otW>» Jiraiy, anil a MO "I .» AW-riuan McD..w> II i.l Mm ra¬

il,. BMJniepb lli.li>:« ir, an . inpl. yei'i.f the Ai i.. »Ii r> Depa mei

tie I'. M MintAJaa aaathar ataa, aaaat aakaawa, wholauld to hi * k<i«buardiut haota n rai ab -tri><

.-i mm -i i is.i. t ti.T W. K. tin. Isnrdii t hm» kn i« i i.ii B(. ».l..«y >:r....

ta.1 . aealA 4Mittb.wMalq rea, kaardtBf-knaiekaaaef oa Market rtxeet

aeverely .'-aided hi the ban.In and i.e .

BeBjauiin Hilliard. » v. r. ly ..'a di-d In the f.i.-. n- !

Mr.-hunth, l.r.) b< r nf the liarkeep. . le'v -

daapt raaaJim (l.rela-, ..aided In 'he fare and handt.Jumt Maria, badly MakA 4 la Iba b.a.1.IKikirea (iarria laillv H aid. d.Prauk Bmitb, male id 'be .L anier; .lightly «ea'ded.Nirhelaa Km.wit. u, a de. k band U.l > f alili

iBBBMOOOIbtxl to Um axpkaioa, tba obiof aaaaatioa itea ol

the fortnight baa beea tbaarraaiaad asaaalaatioa at

Cajg4. jTaybralM Peadletoa, aaaslar of tiie barh BaiI'aiks, on a i harge oi haviag treat) I bteaaJlore0) hhorrid cruelty, and of having kilh d one of tin in byill-tiraRe, while on a voyage from Card II to this p..rt.lb wa.- brbagtag a oarge ..i eaala, und H Card fl ha I? ii. difliiulty in getting a crew, and it b00im thatbe started at night w in some bmbwbebad beea" ebanghaed,' or drugged und lu d, und in UmI itOkV

ditmn tiiki n mi beard. Thai is Um laahioMtbla aMB*ner of iircrsinir men into the merchant set vice.Amin.g the shriiielia.il men wi ie .everal Norwegians,with whnui Iba i-ln.-f trouble in eiirred. Whea thaiatdeeo*Omm Hera, theae Norwegian! aaim m ,

Wflbaois, Johiisoii and Thompson- slide some bread.eadOf the plea thai Ibej did imt reeeive enough to . it.

Williama was no seaman, and he shirked his work,even when it was BMh work that hi eeald doH, andthe captain beat him, kn kod him, chained hnl upin nncomb rtable po>,i ions, placed him w In ie In- wob< waeheil liy I lie cold sea-wati I, and deprived him ol

fnrsl ami rcM until tin-piKir fellow died, .lohnson andThompson wi re erm-lly beaten, Bad kept without food,and chained up in uucnmfiirlable pi^itions lor ten days,i.mi abea the aarh arrived ban thee eoaJd si ..

wulk, and wi ie so n. a:ly-it'll ved thut the pbv-i'-; in-

had to take ercAt cap to prevent UmRH from injurit.gthemselves by eating Iimi much. Several others of theMill re were in utc.1 wBh similar cruelty. And yet("Opt. Femlli Ion rin-t dr. w the atlentnilHif the rMitbori-Mbs to the eaadttiea of the aaaa by baefaag twoH themarrested. baaMawahHJ after his arrival, on a charge ofstealing bard bread. The Captain was then In mwUurri rted, uud when the testimony, taken I" tnr.-tin 1'.H. Commissioner, was published, the putihc feeling wa-vctv Hreaaj agalaH him. Ho waa bead to aaower oa a

charge of tniirilcr, and on tin dllfomat ohargej "I

i-rneity lo Milan J et hin e. \\ h- n he w.i- beUkg khi Dto tin dad broaa ub Ceartseaoaa. after the olon oftheadHnaaaUaa, be was followed by au esaüad aaabofaeveral thousand men, who cin-.t out, " Haag bfaa

Lynch hhn'" "Take him In I he lamp-post1 <Vc.;and just badbn the ofb. rs an ved al UM jail, thei-rviwd nifule a rush to get him, but the i>ffie« rs andiHiUK-law-and-onler men near ihem were tun strong,and they managed to get POadMoa into the jail, batnot until he bad Ih-i-ii hit by several -tones, anddeprived of some o| h's rlothu.g. Capt. I'eudb-toU isfmm Hath, Muine. I'ersoiis who have kino.ii I :in

Im g s.iy In- alwajt bad a good reputation us a ]>. a< 0»nb\< man.

BIMkbeoMl Win. Walker, i x-lVesi l.-rt ol Uh hVIn - i t S. oiu, Irower Cahlornia and Nicaragua, u \

h»re en tl.,. filet ult. as a second cabin passeuger, on.lettheaaaM oi Jaaani Wilaoa, iathe ateamrGahl A e.

Iii« brother lilhbu-ter, liruuo Nat xmer, is with bun. Itia said that Walker i- preparing to imu Heuningseu inMo oebaaMteeetoodn Jkriaaaa with Batibeateri who

tei I" take Siuoi a. It the A Imini-ttKliou an

cent iu tbe declarations of hostility to lawaHOtoriaao,they will have a good opportunity to prove their sin¬cerity by placing troops tn Arizona, and leadta ; slop-ei war tn (luaymas in (,p. rate again-t these rulhoi.-.It must he n-i i ll.-, ted that Walkei never hu« had thetlM-ans ot enrrying on an honorable wailare, Imt that iu

enry an hi ha- nah nkaed biaw u au.i hii t.-.^..;.- bythe mlibi ry nt private and peat eabie pern.: -. and thaihetagIba»aagaged hi whoieaaiarohhi \, eoan save,ruttiKi:. won Iii stay with him, anj that u BO WMp. ndent on them he had no control o\t-r them, aad thatae a nataral i>ii si'im< nee they »er« continually co'ti-

mitting the mi..' wu'kesf entires agaii ", trie po..inalivi-r.s-nmes which, if fully dc<i r:l»erl, wouhlset f ..

whole world Bgdaaat wxh horror. No aeaaai :hi!ttuepi. 1 .c of heaera aad Mk ^ sgua habi AAaark mi*.A tcmble shis.ttng affray lisik place m Sau Jen

itn /'th ult., m aide« B. J. Creebj et Nun:« t4 unity, and 1.. I'. Keiwoaoaot Oraat Valley,fan(if Missouri, w en klhed. A man B4katod Seale WM beiagtried lor muriler that day. Bed ClUobj, who ami ee>« us. .1 of ha\ ing Iwen an mx'cssory in the crime, was tobe a W11uess I V" Mr. >i »r

t.f the a.nn niuni. rod b\ S ale, aiint at (hwihf II BH»tre« t, near the Court House, while the trial wa. :n

progrear., and cm h party le ing provided w .th a r. vn!-wer, a brink firing ensued, and friends on eai h si lejoined in. Croat.y w a* shut .1. ad by Shore-. K. rgu...r,eitting in Ihr i-«.urt.nsTin ajeja killed by a beftel ben.>oabVi pistol, laaaaded for BbuTaaj laabktaw inadiada flerh wound in the leg, and w vcral others laoaindftesb wounds.Thi hotel at M.e w>,rnlphn Bprbaga,hi Nspa

t'ounty. the most foabltiMbH "watering place, or

feuniUM r resort for fashiouable lsrople, in tue State, wasdestroyed by f.re on tin tbrih u t.. at a loss of |*,0oUThere Areftgl3.gBfl iii the BUM tielnnging to |.ri\ «-.

individuals, and Iv.igt re .n.c-the In of Juuuarylast, (.If this aom, b3l,4M w. r, depoated Lo I8M:

in lR'.T |32 Kt-» iifljrb.OOO in UV.:. g22,800 ial«M |5,6» ia I8i5, aad$d .4oo in MkH n waa aVawaBjad himh] leriyanag*,

Xfit*, ha» B»V'fh«n wifJidrnwT). ft m i^vft all 9mm

kj mmtMM in mir»a, »hn a) rent wi«fi to inveejtit. Hit pn.ha be., (bat many of Ihr hwiht» ure ilemt.The total UM rt af tn it-iirc <|riri;If the fin-t (jO-Uter

M? ÜM Ml, wa-ft" I--...K: a t *'I.4«7,M3 06in tl e t*r»t <|0i\r1< t of Lfn»' y, ar. Of UM qnarter « .

I < rt cf Ihia year. %^-'A. >\-> *. r> ~ at Coma, VOfiM HMMlfjhl. a»*l (90.000 to the Jan.. limuxi 1-lnjnl,BMkiBg f**14.'**4 in all carried away by «aiünjr veaaelg.The . \|H,rtx "f tti>' iitiafcr <¦:. ..> ? hm, tr n-nr»-.

aoMoat to $1r99,996; »t-Vi,« sd mtire t h m ÜM export oitii ... . |..... -i wm. of th- f'<M,«.<f,. *.:li..,».-.;am MM V V *-Ytxk, >Aff-.,f3*-Q :.. Hr -b Co

ml..,». f!iM.i;i, to MVv.., *<;:.:':» t.. a.,-trnüa. ami the laMMMBM to <'hin«. l';ir, MM. CI .<

Tahiti.TtoBMMf J. ii'l fat flwJgfctoa CMIgOM which arr^w.!

dariog the qaartaf aaumi s to $1,117, S8. I- ag:r.n; more thin ÜM fi. i.-lit in.m. v of Um fi'-t

«|««n« r >.| KV«-. Of '.V. « fr' i ;bt money MgLOM nttoakhi '»..in Ntyw'York, $..'....47 t.i -hip* trom Boa»taa, f ft 212from r Eoaten aaaMMM port -aadI'.oi.ors fr..in foraigi port.*..Darias the qruxrtei < ,1«9 paaaaBgan arrived by aca,

aad .i.'.r.<i deporr.-,!, .imwinir i»:'. of m\Uf, AMBagthe ebiel pin, es whcr.ee pgMBBBgan come, ami uhith'Tthaj go tr-.ui oaf ix.rt, l r. Im t tmt falloanag m worthyof apodal MaMkw Arriv*'*. D«p*r- «¦<».

Paaaaaa.i,<H4 ..¦«.'<Vlttoita, V.I. Til6.9ttm.a. 114 a:aMm/. m tsArTe rt,»i. A'lat.ti.- p.tl*. Ml....

Ore.', llriuin. *V.>A.:«n i«. a*n

UmBTaragapaoaagi oi toaaab «t;v i . ...< u Lbaw*Voik dai-tag tin- quarter ha. baoa 1 i-'J <I .} ivtxwdlBRi< 77,, BiJaaba, «ml 141 day* ti..rn Boatoa. Paaiof lit) days nre fur more iure now-a-day s 11.an they were

four or ata y. an an. Um itniaiag eaaaati by tbeeJfalta to make *nt h Ijatt Mpi i'"-t more than if.

pr. tied.'the steamer Oriahbtt, tl the titirri-on-Vandeibl'

brie, ivbieii |. ft ban f«.r Paaaaaa aa tiie *tii of Mairb,hikI was to brfag tba (.«»si turera »ho let* Nav*Ttvk aa

i the (inn ',.|.-V Hii.ierl.ilt Hteainer on lie wime ilnv, busBat >el arnve.l. 'I e UaCkC Sam i- to -ail t,i <li'i\ t. r

rl .¦ will (.ri.loil.lv li.- aatMMaJ till MM in tin- ultertioon,in the b..p<- that the I iri/.aha inay MM in.

It in BtM tl.at tbe sale- ,,f r< al < slate in Utk oJt*davlagtbe last three w.-< ks liBVe liiiiiiiint, A to *,', hi.0IHI.

Many oew ami substantial baiMitifja are goiag uji iu

nil part- af the eity.A new mitiinir blTOaUoaof liilin_' tiM pott lafWOOaM

bihrfktaritk qtaaltailvar,aa « humus taftMtebinartba¦.la, baa baaa aaMaiatf; «nd. aiMoreliag t.> '/'...Ant in i, f/i lafo*. tlii) poll nl i /ht f.) PlaoM CavatybJom I..,- I. en aoU f..r IX^rOO, TIm Uoaka, Uaji alia«mit ksilver, are aJaaaa m the Isiitom of sluieea im.IUoaffja over whieii the water ettalainbaa pjnld aad diiiruns, aad ill.- ntd adbirti to the qtik^tatlt .-r. withoutany of the latter metal mmmk lost. Tki flermldaayitf.- qak kiiltrerblatliaaw trönafraljaMdal liiehigaaBlnff.

.1. A. WaiTN int.-of Boatoa. Mi i .. bMappliodfor a, utoim from - aifl , Anai la f*. VVarrta, whoremains in the I'.ay htate.

\\<- baaa dataa from Vtetaria to the Sjflth March. If7/i 1 /< '. 'I,./:. ". is to be b« lie veil, WeOfl, Vnrl'n»V Co. bavi bntaajbt $140,ftOiatreaaart trom toriami.. th.- la! ol Jaaaaiy.A Manai «.t mmm aorth |9Ml nbtalaad from the |n-

iliniot Qaeoa ( hariotte islnn.l. bad ba u broaaal to

Victoria. Tbo ladiaai nM Uanra trai tin., h more oftn<laataa Itiad «>i atojf winaa they got tha;. aad pnaa<is.-.l to yet -oiii.-more of it, but araaU not tell the p!,!, .-

to tha w hites. Tkt fJmjuttt aaji aanc r.-al estate

awaon .ii \ ii toria raiaod tin prioM ot thaif lot.- ^'.i petcent after tins aaggot Bi'iivwLTbo bark Priaeaa koynl aailod on tbo SSUi Maich,

for LoaaOBj with furs «ortb f ltW,600, tin.I wool worth$i..i uo,

i he Radaoa't Bay Coaapaay Mmubm Otter baaOMue to tbia pavt. to bo gzod Bp t>.r narjiag paaMMgi i- at twa i. Mm Fraaoiaeo ai .1 Vn-toria.

Tin- Vntoiia papon loiitam bIbIbiimibIi that Ummill, rs are daittg very well on the I'{>)»« r Fräser, butnot much goU i" IMBäiag UÜI way, h. mt bavc bo »-

ill- in. nt in I alii..i n.a.

Our datea from IVBllaBd an- to ti e S3d Mar. h.BbtbpbI baadtod obbom oi gold daa* have i»..'

brought to the Dull. - Iriun the Olvillc mim -. the Bratsent aaWB Ii is year.The baa ot black entile, hots' - an 1 aV 11». pa aa '"im

of th.- col<i mill want of Mod an.I bWBm bi BBppoBBd to

BBaoaal to aot mm Umb tjH,6al BMong Um Ongo&liun.ei-. 'I hcy'il know h« tl. r DBSl time

7/.i Smltm .*>'.,'. w,i»/«, th.-lenxliiii; I).'inocrntie i.r-

gBB ..t the MBatalol taa BOB Btata, MT! that the m i.n

rOBBOB why the Or.-yoiiinris were in tavm of a Stut.OuiiBBawM was that tlu-y aappoied th.- adMMatoawoul.l s.-.-iire tl., ipeada paymeni mJUm aarittiht,aadsince the a..11,. aba tat Ion BjOBB not MBM dlaptaod to

tnnketliis pay.cent, Ihe Jieople ol' < ir. MO are r. I 't

itifi tl.at Omb lia\<; baaaatbtaiUod. Tbo TerTiUariaJin. i s an still in power, but it is im.ici atood i..n' i aa

HiBin OotiitiMMiM' w.il baorgaalBed arftblB tbo ooenoi a few aooka. tba mBbbn boMa those aMOMd li».-t.Summer, with .lohn \\ bMefa t as tJovemor.

tlnrriime».In K»era»renlf.. Msreb It, Win. Nlehnl* to Ort.-» U.i:y.la Builaaaoiai Mm kt^Jaaaa l>- BOB t<. Sar.ii il laallu AaMaa. t' a «i i...., Mji.1i lt. 1). iMkaa a Z.l'i

Towarr.In Man Pan i> a, Hi h 17. rttiaiaaiaVii. .' tl M .,-«

ran., a* taa lav raaa flaltajBrr Caai ITa 11 JaBtC '...Mi»*J. luin.« I),.i..,li.it, I» h at that city,

i., aa Kt.......... Maraa it. aj !>.. R. v. J. K. Bh a r. Mr. »

t ,-. It -.-i.tt- K y, On ip,n, -.. Mlaa M. j E. U in-..-..f ManPI I......

|a Baa liaaa latm, Mar. h 22, a: Flckwlek Hall. I.v th- Rev. R.f. Catler, Mr. aaanaaaa Cmbbi la Mha Baa a DafMaa, aotb..i th*- m

In Baa r laBflaan M«-rh at Pii kwI. t Hal', by tlie R. r. K.I' « '...Mi i. 11. bbaaa to Mka Mar.-an lb* BaMaWa, bothaf rhu l rac haa,

la Baa fiaaiiliiir, Wirrl by th. Bai I. A Bluail, IVaaVin.'. A. K. ard.it > to Mi~> Bophia llnniphrira, all ol th.it eity.

A- u.«aakte, Bait Mat,<.Coaaty, M.c n >. b> lha Raa. laaaphXaefy, ( apt. Joka I^iwr, in , tn Nra. Ida V lab

In Han) ... . ... M i. I. Ret M VVill-y. Or. Ua-v-.d Borhai b i" MawiClara A Ka ikV rof M.r. N. 11.

In 8j Kia.i. usti, M r. ii .I .. .. R. \ Hr. Aiid.-r» .11, Mr.Be j. si oakta t,. Mia* TUrj N kola, all ..1 Hal .'

Ii. fan Krau. i*rt,, Mar." h .4. by in.- Rev. R." P.CMaOT.Mr.Henry »'.s..t ... M . Kliz.il« '. r .111 « Ma. k. I. 1. ..fttt.il . '<y.

1» ihia.and. M.-.-.-li ~>, by s. B. In It, M. M. Baaa, aa>,mMha Barak A Bqi .. ia.tu < f o*kiinai.At Dutch Itat,MtvatiaCaaaty, Mar.-h II. Jaba aWMhaafl to

R.^ah. R. Dei ra,Ii. Ka; JiaMiii CoaMj,Maral .1' .1 I.- I*. Uatertitaii t-.M r>

Rabbit.In S.i Krai. bar. Me. S 28, h> lb* Rev. J. A. B .:.er, \\ liiiam

Martta ai it J.ti.e u M> ¦¦¦¦> ail or that ..:.}.|a Bar Fraaej ... Marek M, bj H'-ujaiiiin Caraaa, Jutti. e ot

a Peart tin-,', waahia, Mr P, >t K. Weit ol Sau M.i-tu Mi» I., uha Mi'lt 1 i*fBaa Kraai baa,

Ii. San Kran ¦-. ., Mm.ta, h> '!». R'v. Mr. Wi'lt y, Mr. Moni«M, ban ot S. Lin. n. Miv EBm fciiry ..f Kan Kran. I*....

la Baa Pn Mar B bj m Raw. Mr. WUbey, Mt. ia*.V\ Hl. » l .!»». iu. V an. >. .0 M »- Mi.-v .1. 11 .1 .S. a

ToriMaaaPra t. »;. .. n,hythaR>t fi T flanightf. 11m*

f'tawf. f iSat Nt tan» I ') :. Mn> Mary L.slty oltali K.ai i«<

At Hi .. ba, atari h SI. bv tr^ R> * Mr. Wao (.ridge, Dr. W m.

\\ 1 '.prnati tu Mi** I. /.-« K.-i 1; bathof VaBe^ta,.- raatea M rk by tba In. T. aatMaM, Jobu Ma^tr*

te Maua lot d*» |, all at 8».-ran . BM.In BAt ranuiit.., Mart h 31, ly the Rev Mr. afctHk, Lm Ab Rita

Mlaj u t.e_

l»i alba.Iu S«n Kr»i.(;.T. Marrl. l'J, Th'.maa Poulterer. .. It ? a ai P.

M. *. -*.'«! .'.* .1 ti Si- ft}. ar.-! v. m »!..¦. .!<¦ ¦. 1 j dm -

lafl arraat ... Mano if, at th.- i*MakMMaf bMMathM,Mi. M» v Pia man.

It. »..:. Kia... 1« .Marth.-" IV ru. II Newk>. lall af Phiiai.-t-pbia, Pa., apro M \> Bralalaa riMibaa Maiiih 11 flfiHa w.fe .1 j.-m.- H Ptaa-.

e»o., a a'oe I A.i'. \, N ^ »fsi Ij y> «:».

Iu 6ati Klais i«e MariUJ', at *{ a. m Wm H Sfx.l-i.n.p|Phi a... ip .*, at .1 Ht jeara, ha* is i u a r. ndeut uf San Frau-....., a. aa i^tn.

I: bm Pn Mavrrl 8, P.'i;*>iq:u P. U. eu, a uallve ofMaxbV U»d. Ma**., ..ad a > ar*.

I. Sai Kran« Mar. 0 all, Pa'ri. I Nir !, au .i.e o Al>r-ft. « S. tl ,|.d a|. »e«ia

In tbi. t ity, M»n h «4. altar a linaariaa ii, ma, U'iUum il.L« v '.. »¦ a*, d - >-aJ« 11 Uli ' ll« . j 11 d»l a

A'Ae'.i i' R...:. p:». . r i *tBty.MarcBH ¦! .-

Ila 0 i >.-.. K *, ug. 1 al )ear. .1i s

I.aan ... Co Ij M- » V. rk.A- mb, M" k i«. at loel«k a e. I«'. 21', '.-u. 127 l ap'

Aii. .. a Lit Mat Ma.i.e. f. | oat ib-ard ib.- aMaBOM Olm«, ai.d> on a rard.

K*. M*- I. 2i Mr*. M I.)i < v. »<» 1 S"> >..«'..In Kar Vrax. jm.*>, Man h 27, Lort .la, wife of Cba*. Ü. Aaaury,

»»ed 23year*.Oa mmi the »iapOaaao Natt, *t aaa, i><. c, iioe, CkrutianOla. a, *, IHBaa, . tel.at ot N, -«.>

At R.c . a'a frnj, baMtpaMCarnatty, Mar. Ii II, i.... R-.df.hat d |mM anal n.outb*. du (hier, ol Me iiaei aud UaiBradyIn Bau Kranrlaco, <>n tba n>< r- ir M .. h J ¦.«'.-.».-. .rt i. .

aaBiue*.Kaaavi .; w¦ I Raatrjaad n>.i .1 p-ar».i- is .uto, Monk 27, Ma-t.ra K-.tdit. ae»d :*t paaat

taraWtil ( Bal'.in.ore, Md.In Ma.viille. Mat. b .If. Au -, :-(n lrhlldol |{.-i,rytv.dRj

itie V\aai. r, aged 9 n..nth..In M.rjaiilb aba h 3R KUxata-h. ai'* of fha-ve* l.'-j4Ia».

*lnrl»rl a.

Sil fllkllH'0,M..r.31l il.rt I, Ap-i. I. i ¦.'

Tbl» a* tafl tbe tl|bte*t .'ea-n- ' d"»T of h>. ae»^ a. . a

l> tub, r i aru kuoa u i»»- ua it a a* t lij r»pts-:r»t to be. Aitor baa been eselookaery dtreeted to tlx tmjt.. t*.-y .a-etipotleaa

ef the day txaiar-apiemly but Ir"*. icl.rnia-. 't .¦ ,. "

I ". e\ r - r« r- h¦.' « M re y bv* is-'' ¦.

n «j*a»i, attd at| a easot Baa beau the ruKag 6a .. T. aRtVsakj to-

daa a. re tlaIMM Sean.at.'* Bide. f'"m New-Vork, to Mate..-a.ktihral Haberrk, and theahip huu'tr^. tram B<>atuo, oa. «igi.'dtm Mean-. Knut, Peabud* Kj.a*Lota-«aks*ofl>uai~ti, ft 4.7jcdai<:' M I

ex Star ballt. OL pr > t !e >n.'>.VN M a-l .Ma aale. N porl-d.Baai kt.Ka .a raptl'*7*.No-ale. ret«ir*.-«l.aa-uAa.4U h...l bbia- Cr.udj.-d ^.ld c-t. p...ate ».. me.

y*»»T Powor-ai .f tr.« r aM aoid mi a^1n a.m half, beat* Ooloag* *old at IBN a .; S* .. ,.| HO I. v | .; . *. .

p.- ot a .f-iiat. n atarlight. ou private term*.ALtoHeL.Mkkl*. N. V. *uld ou private t. rau.

«.r vi i.m ila.We have 1MB >'! the (iium t >h. .a! ol Ml) 1 17,

i hi i< i OBBltMl Rf bbwi pf »MgartaBoa.

I \ t.v \ r>' n,<'. .».».;. to I -

. U -

thrivhag hub BUti wm t(.»iiay pi.' dews, Bad Mini

Ml 'AM iOVA.We have fiat** from the capita! to Man n S& Rai

only lac the tr. aty with England BOOB confirmed, badVardii.ia hau al-<- mad.- SM "ii bBbbbI «invhr torin-. BadQob. Ijimar haeat length BegeUBU J air aty ".iniewbais,n il.ir to Mi.- <¦..'.. hrni'-.J I a.Vr.r-ar-i >\<*- i:r .-r

i bm aftbe Q.rby tr. aty.pra ided «...01- . Um itthacout« f fillibustcring exp«"di? mns to Nit aragu* from H.1$. afak tj - d..iii.i A ...

'I «i aanlfeSah.i, the FonigaMniator,wlrfifidla insert in the Anerh aa tnaty aaaa i;.-n. I^mnr. >ti, r.i..|, olectoil t" Ii !« liaii-. . in .'j In tin

I 'it.d State«, aadmorsnroi"ai aotbeiagreeiproi ii,Imt Zi '.. dun n.» t baa aa the latti r paial by baa rnagaaadalitioaal artteh. bv which Mioaragaa biada hcreelfrut to M-fid rd!:bu-?»r,i g ...".'{.i ditinaa ;.. tbe UiBtetoal a biad «af a cenproeaiai araa aaade, aad tbatreaty wa- ratilbd by (..!_.:.-- without any op|»»i-tioa.Rbaaiagaa ba- oka eeacraded apoetal treaty with

6ml Britaia. |>attan b ta ara Brttlah aadJUcarBsgl in; ports an- to In- rhar. d - x pewe, and Nicaraguabinds bam if not .<> charge aware thau two eeato adaadpoetage aa BrB ib tattere, Tba baatyiel bat forone vi ar. It ha- ai-.. I*i-n c..t tinm-d by tli-- <. nali*.

Tai treaty »itb Sardinia bat ».. ai al gbtly asodhlod,Tbc . r»11 . agaiaal atlrataacaag has an hce-. tu«-. iit'-«f. NhMraeaa ^tat.ngthat ibewiBcaaaeal tagtva.t up w baa tba UaBod ste.;. - eon aa hi-...An eaneafy ha- beea. graatad !.. ail poBtJca] al aV

are, aad Paaaa V.iil. Wa L. r Hhdirtn to Wadton, has been allow d la return. A bettor feelingtowaid ( r. roan appear* toaababta tba pat Qov*» rr,m> i.t, ui il a «.'. '.Tv >¦. riii.-vn to i iii oiirugr imn i-

tii ri and the development of tin- ri -ourr.-« of thecountry.

I aaaalarabai alarm was can-, i I y UM Bap aram e ofthe Decatnr ebmg the coast, as aba was at first takenthroaoof Um .boater v.ItappaantbatOoLSi htaniagi r eal d on i m. Loagto aaa bis anaMlatailaopeaiagtbeTraaaH route bwlbrae« Totbk roryimpn i >t acaaaad Iba CaauBoama. oi cours«-, refusedto ci ii pry, and ri p: iaastab d Bebb Hiagi for ntgn alag raeti a thbag to him. A» t.¦«- \ai.«nt iSalaw da>elared bo waa able to do w wbboal r!,- Coanaadors/i«id. the latter and the Dn atv to paavaat awytbfa g ¦.¦

th. kind.Tbe fact of Walker having lurm-d CathoHe teOa

vary naab agabwd aba aaaaag ';»>.- Ii n iragaa,lappoaod to ba tneadty ta bbi oaaae. Tba peopia aat*¦rauyoi achata thai he did aafn a politieal dodgi anu

not ir. in "aaot< rwbaanbageaatirnaa."Tin-rotaiioial condition of tie- ,-. un'rv is in a most

afepaarabk -täte. Tba reporl of tbe itaaater ot H-aaaeeabowaadefli ; of ifO.OM fat tb« yean ol ISQ9-'§k\!The Beaata and Heatae of lb-present at ;ves bare aV-

. larid the tlrtt -it iolite It.-e, and 'I I'hori/.ed tin- QoT<eraaai t.t le beat u doerei totbal aft el a- aooa u it be.eoneaeipedkaat. Tbbt Hep ii -uid to give ginera!aetadbetioa, aad taadi to tbe bope tbat tba roete nay0000 be op. i.i d agaia«We na no m atioa aaade of tbe eMveaa r of M.

lb ily. A OafTrapoodoat nsnMtoai that his treaty, or

roatract baa aot u.-t wfcb tba support in Ceogren itwas expected to rec ive; another correspondent says,1 imt wtreeUa hi brewbajr;" an<i atbard w-U' ntbai"uiutii i an g< ''¦'¦a hot.

C08TA RICA.Tbore hi Tory Httte eowa treaa Urii Bepal Do

arc le the Sd laat,BrrWUBanQnw Oaoeleyaw «* Baa loaV.ahrlag

goad diaaen und doiag his work qaietly. i bo 11 (kor«inan Muhen had also arrived ot the Coptl iL Pndent More is said to lie Verj iinxiou-about th. prog.e-.of tba Cajiul »-i l eu,.-, ead would probably a«.-:-l ui lielaaagaratiea of Um work. Hio neteetfoa to üm Preai.di oe] wm en ddert .1 ai rtnin.The i. rt'. e nop dow nearly all ll pped hu bei 0

unusually large, aoy I in.isiti the prkea m -'ill highBMatof tin- regular tradenhave beea loado od

bu\e tailed ior Earope.The i peieinie w hi-h bad vkdtod Pinta Aianaa, had

quite rlisapjieaied, a:..i tt.i town wu- as h...i:hy as

aoaaLTin- French Adnaral in the frigate dadiowwile wm

i.t Peati Anna-, Iba i aptaia was at BeaJeai on

i flu mi bastaoaa, the Adaiiial aot bung ubie |e go,owiti^ lo ihr tat. i 1 i- In a'.tIi.


I III Ml M K HS I 11k kMl ItM \N 0X81 MM.liht.-s from < hilt «te to March 33bThe rev olllt *nn, hi OOldttg to the / i.fr.-n, bM B Bl

nearly \\w lied, In iii--ati-l.ii ti..n atiH t.-igns in thePiei lin e of Aim mini, and I h. p v ...ul ;ouurV foH IMreported a-, nerehfaag oa Ceejalaanai The Qovera*in. nt having now plenty ot ir.s.p- to spur.-, bopea "sin

tolaotoreoador. in tin. oeatha puny still holds outULiiii.-i the auihoriii. s, im.I wugesa war of dovaata.Uua tbroogbeal tea u.-nnt. it appean that tieIndians ns' i.t them. \ iiuiiiImt of tin leaders of therevolution have beea baaisbed lo MaireUeM; aanagthem Mr. Booper, aa ETngUabmad, who appears tohave aaaed hims»-:f up in ibe poBtica af theean ry.Of the loan lately i ll. el-U >n El ghnd, |1^0ILUÜ0 MIn en received by tbe Qovernawai, aad will be apewton pabBe w> rks «-.ii m oi lei ia raoteiwl.

All . llgll.'e|i:i I Hs'k pllli e Ii. w , . || the b'l V ollltion-kBa aadum Qe/veraaaeM force- ia Corpnwbo. Ib wlthe letter were Ibreed t<> retire, leavfaaxtfiUBed aadwoesdod. Ti e in.. aa Um pari id the Reeoiatioaiel iisaid to have beea dewhh .

Ten of the priardpa] kndenof tbe revotatloa haveIn . ti sentenced to lieaib, but it is tbeBgbtthat theiriiiiaiabaa nt will bo rennated le bayiiaoMMat n ban-tahaai nt.Ci.rre»is.uilei ce of The P.."im» B'.kr.

r«i Itoo, March 15, I89B,Since my la^t there ha- been a BOafUe! Im-iwc.-u the

eatheriUN of that plaeo and the UaMed Btati 1 CeanaVBeveral ofthe pitacipal aeten in the outhr.uk on theSBth ult., tis k ii faga la the (' "i-ui 1 boeee. and wenIheia aeveral days witboat Ua bdeadaate taking anyapparet.t Botin ol the fact, or even m mm h as riaBeotLog the delivery of tbe panic- in qaaatfeBi Suduvuly,bowi vei, in Hie ah-i nit nf the Consul, his priva:e rcsi-

di iii* w h- in aded by m am ad bodj of peBoo, ^. boaobject wm to nni -t tie- rovoaatioakata, aad, naeeea.Hew, to resort to ext'ein, measure- in so doing. AsIbcy wen not braiabed wiin aiiy order in writingBon tin- Qoveraor, Iba Coaaala lady, who sro

aim a in the beaae, niaeed n allow the building to i»eBaaeehedL and the privacy at her own epartaa ivm-lated ia the ehaeaoe otJ bee hn bead. TbwpeBeaeA*ri r. it appeals, behaved ia O very BBgBlrthWBlitjnaaaep, aad was in .ng most noleat ia bia eoa-

dart, whoa t nurati 'y Mr. Tri v tt arrived, and withkm difii By na.ii»-d in oaiiTTlag the PiaiaiilaaoI'pon tiinlit'g that the officer wa- the bearer of nn wri-|ee rei|in si lor the di!,very of Um i. tngees, he imme¬diately ordered bin te leavi Iba peanane; be anabeggi |i that the eoeaol wi aid allow bin ta remain un¬til he could tret more positive in-tructions from thekateadoaBO. This was granted, and tbe answ. r sentlu ck via. that the otbeeratne'd retire iiir.u-.t.at.'yft- m the house and ln-g Mrs. Tr. \ tt . par Ion fi* theit.tru.-:'. r., which wa-.)..: c. T.n uUuir was then s i . >l

to In- all a mistake- it had B0V1 r BOM the htoBjUei BOsearch the Coi,-n .. house; but this was a very It u.syexcuse, lor, previous to entering, which was donefaun the rear el the panaJees, all the avenue.-to thelocaBty were gaarded .id no oae allowed to peiA Inthe alt. rcatii-n with the police officer .after he hailbeeaBndk swan thai ho oaa in the Consulate. Mr.Baad. CobbbIbt Beeretary, was haocked dee a, aadw aid have be.-n killed il Nil-. T'. -, itt had L'o1 pla. IbeiaebTbeaaa bhw aad dated then to strike n.-r. laUm atmaggte, the Ceaaal succeeded in disarming the. flier, ant tide,wBh a revolver at Ins bead,WMWbal brought 1, in lo 1.1ins finally.The exi day n party of JO BBM went to eapt :r.- tl.i*

the parlies couci and, and politely requested the Con¬sul to walk out witb bis family, in order that thehon-«- eiiebt be taonbed, ead, ht Beooeaary, haeaoddown, lor the sake of'be prisoner-. Mr. IrevBi khoflnirretidered ui.der |itotest, and i. :"i ibe premiseswhen-ix y..iiig naa were shortly aftirwar i foundai d thken prisoners.

'I ban .¦' a lertety af epbtaVoao as to the BMfiiaty i ft'e i .i.duct Uith nf'he Consul and the authorities;i Um baol is, that Ibelatandoaca, whodaeeeatheright i f the Amern an Consul to .-ive protection, him-taaT BOBgbt ref,','e, with h;s family, :n the house of theBpei lah Ceaaal anriag the hahaoi pan ml tbe tumult.Mr. I r. I M .- en i| .i.i ;' wa- yi -l.-r lay ea'.- .;e.| |.y

tin- Govonaaeat, and i' B said that au ai-tion will be»i.t. red «.im .: iu f t re»i-tai.ci to the c.institutedI. Utllor.''.r<-.

BOLIVIA.Our news fr..m tin-Republic rouiea to u-by the

way :" I. ma. It appears trom the -talercei.t. "pul»-l.sLed that, on the SAtb of Februar,, ti e Opp-.- t:..n

party were datband in action by the QovaVaBBOBltore s, with a kaaeof 19 k:IWvl. tm-iudtng many of the

i A run 1» r .f the principal leadi rs weretaken pfWoaon. lien. I'ordoba. ei-1're..d.-ut, at thehead ol a lar.-i BWOO, had n.ieie Bil app.-a.-a:Ml on IbeBeatfawe, aadanepa bad howdiapeaehod u> p:uv. uthis advamr.

PEBC.Tbe I liainbci of Ib-putirs by a large majority has

coaAnued tbe act, by which all Peravieaa baaiehodf. .- political afhaon ate panalhad tn return to theircountry. AaeeTBt session of both H ülse» ba.. beenheld for the purpioe of considenng the Ecoadonaa.joetti.-n. The r>-'i' iw MenentioM - aonede paLlic. By order i'f the Supreaie Court, th-.-

¦.A prvofwr* e*T.f.t .". u Larva, have »«.. -m-..-.:. with the .»..;.¦.. <.¦ Bf» Ottttt) B,Si,ii a ard U< wbBBJV < 11 uukr anuet.

I.t I AIM 'hi.qi rtO m - um» 11> 11 KAEIrKlUAKS.

r r. in ti - I;. I ut., i w. r »v. i ,11, r- I

March» Tita awaahydo of *;u«ya«juil #tii! eaatteaee,an«! hu-inee* waa, <¦( aama a *oaq ¦*¦ Maed»e»Rt.(>'.... th a Hib-.ir a. p. a.-» :.. '. iv -ak« i

ii,,* |.. -l: t t. . i- .. I r , ai

.ipailri i. ami a pftity of I-. ift.lu'iai «, li.it .: ii.ani.it.»»> in la hav .' aii" BBH .1 Hi BaWI h>Do the ."id > .( if an-h, a* ItM ofeleel :be Menine,

a «.-vt r.- earthquake i.*fro)i t iu the % ty of ..

:¦ .. r . rely.1 In- rliuri-hi'-. ' in 11 ata aaal GoveOBBMBl bwiMbife

rr> nn-t af IheeB tBJWWI BWWe, I- -i-ii many privat«riniaVariio, Tin* boaen awl Ihieea down an aa ho¬lered i< m t Ui bo hah labte, Tla daaMge a eataBBBtadat a.l.n.1'.'11'. Tbe. death* an r-;.. r,..i at .'i.inat, buttb.a «f vi- !-. I f t n a;.y ..- .. ..entail. A noaahaiof »mall tt-wp« tu tbe n..rth «>f th» t apftal ham ibm hw n

ib-tri.yi d. ami iiit.uay.njui! tb' iL it K waefi .1-4-Vui.<! ii 'I - n.f llama/--.


1 lit I MTl Ii BTATttl M VR-H VI. 1 VKI - I I -HM

i BOB] Tin -in.Kit I .i OBI11' r oi' TU H U-

hat4L ISP !>T\TI HIT Ii I K-.

I rr«-»'- i.ern'e i (The N. Y Trikuae.( l Evri.tin, Kiiday. April 22, IflSt,

Abnnf Hio ol. ok ti bj BMnin:* S A. Al.b-y. one oftki baUbkh i'i Catted states Marshal Maaaaa, ap¬peased at the ('i inity .la;!, in whhsh th' Oberila pr.s-ii..:- nr. n.r.tin>'l, and rnjeeoted Sheriff Wight*ii:ant» abww Beana Baal aal, tl.' pr mm - aha wmf.r»t tried, and whn baa beer, e..nvu f.d, but mil - n-

t. t.i. d. ta aaaoa paaj hba ha a V w bbmbbbm- a.- bawao waated iatha ranrt-ceeea. Tbo s'.'-rtT. iwppoe-inj- that he wan wonted fur tin- purpose af noäviag1..« .. ntfliee. i-i.mpiied w .'!. li r -ij .' *' ai in ii ri|,...aha] them. I in Brnvfaag ippoBBI ti e ibe.r nt tin fj- ¦¦. )s-1,*. - M".r-'ai- r.¦.¦ ii ...'.:. t! v und t.i | i-< ir.

. i.i r !.. roach the ooart-roen. aaathat aftha Martha] s

lir.:l;(T- invi'iii llu. hn-, ?.. th- rn. m, -ay:r._. rh.i: i'.oMonhal triabcal teeet bun. Oa < rnajr, tho hey waai: tail* ¦... ai L aaa Baahaol »». a prioaaari

S.,, ri aiter, Mar.hal .Inbu'i.n aent a demand tn theM r.ff f. r the n Kthaaa aaacf which In*, the S'.er If,I.a.I held I'nelir. .i in eaalaiy, Tia Bhaawnfoaaal loacttvi r tbe parier» tn the Mar'l.al. aa th- gnaad thaithe act ,,f the Mar-! ai i n- dli ;a' an he It,: I '.ik-l, theailooair wltheal any awtlaaraT] of the Coait. II«ihenfbn eaaaaun Baahaol a- nt hie ariaaaer,Whetinrhe wfJtattaaaptta rataha alainaaaraatobaM-cn. .

Jrlar«hal Ji bnion -in'im :- to niif-Mi r wholly in-aiplh ihtoi Baa a Mppeee, however, thai hi oojeaiwa-to hold Hu-hi.e'i until a private aeataaee ii pr,enminred bv Judfe Wil-on, ami then »pirit him awaytn boom Daaaeaeaiir! jn'h otlu r* think bin eaom wa»

i leapted by ra-e, uupired by tie teat that SI..-mTWightmaa woaU aal ooalae Baabaal ia the c Da withfelon and ii.ur.ter» r».The ScprenH- ('. iirt of Obio, or ippUcatioa of Jnilge

gpeahbag far a wrh afhaheM ran aa, y- t, rday-.- ¦' ,in raaaa aaa, oa i m i.i i 17. s. Menhal Jehaaea 11 ahict'Attonoj Debora aad BbeiiaT U _"i"i i le appeara' Coraaibeaial lOe'cfoeh, a. to-oxwrew, gatni lay).and ihi.vv eau-f wb\ c. wnt nl «I» in-orpu- -hall notin- baaed fee tie permmmaftbe priaoaera. Th in aataaalorivi.l Heafay, after the -e;y ..| Baabl><¦'.. TheMai-1 al and li:-trict-A!inraej arith ether Baehaaaa. Bkrial», an- aow in eoanWathai, tn doeide whether tn

obey tbo aiaadatri of the Coert. it la probabel thatthey will conply, a- the L'. S. Cnurt hu» a.li.,urne.lever tdl BToaaay.Tho two iJavodkaatera, Jeaniaga and bTHcbel, areft ill hi pt iloao la the Marahafa nwaa, tn w rm-h p'aoetin b food tarried tn them. The roan of thai :< the(enr ot tIk ir Btieal by th. Btata i tn. . ;- lei hkhaappaag.Tlii» la-i ni t I n.» ptnduced -ti!: ..n-n'- r i vcitementaaaoag the pooplo. ADrega dJadg Wih hi e Jof*Ireyi LaeoOBpte, arid Mar.lial .Inhti-m an a Dun. ii

i>r Vain.1 tbiah U aot at all laipwhablc that BherlaTWlght«

n an vv ill attempt the reOCtM af Be -hin l. He is a limn

el ii» ri mi atu r.. hud will dn what he nMeti-pK TheManhal i lafaaa tn have knm Bfty DepatiM.i oorpoaadi¦t.v ef the diaeharged Deawi ratio Ckty Police--andnrnari rrnintaaoa te the death Oi ti e athei hand,the BberiafeM anare aai aid in- nur. n.I.

'I he Slab-, in reliaqu uiiog in tba I t.ited State« thegraaad oa welch the federal baBahaga arc haeeted,ri .< rvcl tha rr.'ht tn execute pria< -- mi 'he «aiuc.


la fA* J-'iitiv oj TA* X. V. Tr.bmu.

Butt I imtue m year paper0( y ¦«...rday an artieie

Bpea in v. Ilergaa'l retOof the Albany und Sn^pie-bei ii Railroad bill. Tot -ay it i- very fi.-i iblj urge 1that the h. Ipci.ntemp'ati 1 .ii the bill abeald bo glvait.n.p'..t>- rather th.-.n commence the work. It w

lead the bill ri?ht. no nmney was to be paid by theState until thirty mil. s of the road were completed,and oody fldf^tf thea. Oa the eaaaplatbai ef thirt yeddM ioeel aataaa, anot her giea,eea « i- r.. lie gfvea bythe stat.-. Thaiawet eat look i ke paying to com-

lift the work.in thil ei lion of th, State we ar> unable to MB the

Jaatiee it theOevarwaT'i a\rgaaaeat, that the Btataibeald fir-t ahdah the public workathroagh dhdiietiupon which it b.n lav bed ill BbaUoM ali'ivly a

largo Bortioa of whk h ha- beeadiewa from m t.i en-

rich Bad build up thoM taVOiad poitionu of the S:ai.aad thofe very worke depreciating the vahw ef realt-tat. in tlii» county. Wneih. r Iö.v. M. Inn been a'all iaaWaced by bt Bag h large -to. bholdet m Iba Hew.1 ..rk t'i i !ra! Uaili.a 1 i-avc other* to judge; hut no

rpechriahaaliagof h ariOeeaviantbi peoph of thispart of the Mate thai he has uot been.

Vi.nra ». BatTEf,M.IJ-rd. 0:ei..( ,. N V A\ 1.

[OeV, M. doea not own a dollar of stock in thflCentral Kailioad, and ha» not owned an> for yi irs.

Nor can tho Central be injured b) the [QlrtricHpTIof the Albaoj ai.d Binghaaatofl Boadi we Uaiah it

is mild rather bo benefited. Thousands headingweitwaard would then tike the Central at Albanyand ride its whole letn-th, whn BOW l ike it at PortPlata, l.itii" 1 all-, uiem L7tka,We haBj the friende of tha AJhaoj ami Biaghantoa

Bead tn in- patteBt ami not anjaat That roadliiu.it be baflt, and the State will probably help it;but let ut finish the ( annls and have then a re-

r. .'. e iaiteed m a beidea tn ti.«- State, aad meanthi ll Si 0 W hat is the I» -t tn be do n- BOl

I.Mii'i-uvi. I.ii il Ti.ial..At the April term ot

the Cireail d.uit fbi Cecil Coaaty, Md.,atwiadaajpr. n ulmn b>r 1.1» 1 cum« i ff, which il of i onaiderahleml- reel to nhateri and publishers. The fart- in the. .1-. were substantially as fnllowoi b Jaaa, ttSk\ aa

eacaryaMNM pamphlet wa- put in circulation, in whichthere wa- a er' .- persona! attack upon some one in the

Ighherheod of Darhajttoe, Barfbrd Co. At the b>ateaeeef I>r. Waa. B> Pwrweed and hlanrieBde, who

;'. f l e a a- '' j e- ,.r. hlied'd to il the parrphle:aii in nal BnaOtBaahaj was in-tiluted against HenryVaaderford. jr., niiior and publi-ber of Tht CmMl>> ,:vcnit, for pr.nf.rg and publishing the same. Itwa- in OVaBOWOO i'. mi [nes of the pu.'iiphlef had BOOBrei, ivi d th.oe,-h the 1*. r'-llrbi.. by several jiersons;that t'rom aliu-ion- :r. -(.id pamphb t th¦» g.-.-u'er partof which wen- fa'-c t! get -rai BBJbJbI in the nei_h-I ri:.--! w -. IM -v».-i resided wi- *

fem-d to b.ui. ted h--0 that Vandi rford ha<i (n knowl-edged to two of the wütesse- that it wrw printed att ßu e. Vani n .rd alb g» d h. d. l not know whoth. painpl.i. t aBadhd ha, nutLer d.d be know whowr.s tbe author'.! tt. He, Lowever, refused to d:.-

'I BOB : tin p. reOB who had left the manu¬

script at !,:- oftii .'. The tr.aJ lasvd three day-, duringB-hh h time tbe law ...I Bhal was fully and ably i ..

. --.¦¦!, ead the Jary, aft. r V-rg out about an hour,r. ' i'.rted a »«rd'.ct ot gudty. The convict'-sl publi-herWM i- nteti 1 t>j pay a IBB ot $00 and mu of theI reai. utiou.

Hoe. JaBMe O. Pataaaa, -,n a r. Boat letter, | bmt. aowbaji

.. Whea in the letaad of Ma.b ira, I -aw a BMF ca.seaof Bateail at;, r. OB "Cg the poorer people. And I ba>ifn»m a nine year-- nr-ident lerjryinan this explanation:Ti.at before the failure of the wine crop in Madeira,(tormeriy the annual yield »as about Io.OUO pipe* ofwine, now five or six hnn«ired), there waa scarce anydrunkenness, on the I-land, but the failure had placedwine beyond tbe resch of the poor, thev now cultivatedthe sugar cane, from which was mazifactured a etrongspirit now in common use. And the result wa* dxut-kvu.-..- hadiflcxetwed aeUli »ii duapptaxiii.'


Tl « !'«*.-: tr.*-: ).«u-ii.i afternoon. Mr. < -i

a, tM I iinr.'i'!' 11 nr<! reeolva.! LtMii*** > hoirr of tin

I (.:.<.; r». n... »iura, i; UM ineniLe of May, Jano, Ji end limt

7'Ar ['a n^ikgn ir. ;kt tiorxriwr t Ro,,*.. A rt lp Him Toarived froM tk*) CBBNdttoe «mi Arts ¦ isby which it iH'|x *r« tt;t' u'rttiy of pail ngl I(. v-ti it'' -¦ . in ur* in -t v ry had -.iuii... u :.

i,u tn m I . ttt ott-ution. TIm CaoMdlMa i*mb*t*vti . nl»'i 'let '.Y.i ,m *»'. r b»r\ ;n the p-op.

. i r. : i- *< rk < f t« -Utr.tu- and pn «. rv .1

I > i . t ¦ - ti tba .harte of r.,:r»t>. u-i.t pnttj to at;, .idloIt. I rid %. r, BBaM 'li.- na

I r*Mt t/aMfl h'.rr» I Yon;miI. Mr. BbUTEBL eilh-"' ii a rMeliifbB*1 a*a*Tiag Um Umt ..

tfi He*-d by wbr.t irr.I.. rit, tl.e Fi.ieii F rry C"ii.-par v lrt ou?, from tint*' to tin***, a part "f tie «hp. ttttti ii,. - . . .. »tri r, to .. ni.boatii Bad . th" \ .

I and if the l»d-«: tOUM CMtVMktJ |i*MJ iii-'- ,'h. Mia *o.

Hr. Hi fill. i'lT' r> I nrt thl 1 re «tut B, Mtn nt.in by vtb«it a.itbt rity tiio WiLlia.ii>biir.-ii Kerryt'ttrpaiy hold the dock at the foot of timed MflBt,Ka-t K.v'er. MM] if Mdd fctupanv baa ti1'' ri-;ht to rtiti

I a terry t" S*»*»tit 1* Seveiitii afreet, Wilbainshurxn. witli-'.i:t lu-t i blu.LlL|» tlif BMBMM of the CMBM II COMMA

' of N. a-Yi t-k. Adopted.'Ik, I .*?» na\ i lt*ji., f/..'I tie r»solutions of thi¬

ll. Kid \...t rMMJ iu Mlpa* .. in MM >t til MMiM.itty »fn- received, and M'-esrs. Oi mi- s :i II.» M < "| {."- 1 t "murr mm with flu in, on tin- gftJBI Itint im 4iM**wtbM *m*mM bo bmJb*m*>vmm Mr. i».>-l.i t:_i am! ftl.t r dci. a*ed pcnu.n* who had foiUMlIfi t. i, ti i n i r- nf tl .. i 'oinuiou Council. It w..til l Im

I WfBMbhiBjt b iMtd pfMMdtMBM) v.>to a public funeraltt,t \.ry; rtain who hiid oue*1 la-i u a un-iuber ol li.e

CtMHBOB t'<ut ctl. |t aitn nn niininaJ eotir*** of pn«-i...IU.-. i'il ÜM] pp. -ed it. 'Hie Hoard, hoWi'Vt-r.et luiur d.

7'hf ßmmitmrt t*'/t...'/,/....Tiie nmmMÜMI t-> ap-l n t riaV |&,l I 0 to tt. fray tl «. MtpMMM MThM Sani'nrvl»i\' tn u to Ml held tn tin* city i u Wednesday e.-iuw

up fur action.Mr. ll< v icev-d ... .tn .i'l,. i.«t bj

ii tUm mm t sjti.inii ImImmI td |Mi. Li n I' M *m nurlii .i!.ii nbj-ctioits to the MMMMl

specified in tbe resolution, hut he deitred tn know bowit wm if bt ipai L Wer- üm9 |MlMJ to fM druuk on

I il ?tlr. CottSBtl < nil. tl Mr. LMl It) order, i»t*m*mj|> that

).. i\ u» »p« aki' i.' in a di«i. -p > t*U umuner ot I It.- inetii-

h. r- I'll.. Hoard.Bf.OtTAMOI who W%t MUM cbalr at tbi -i

t 1. i r\ d 11,at t|r. J.t in - it r.ark aa-t not «tr:t t'.y t ! a

M r ,.. ii el tat \ cliarat t» r.

Aller souie further «iehate, the aniendmeut pMpo..v|by Mi. K.-eK was i..-t. and the «-ri_-ii.i.l n-..'.. KM -auk

a.n ptetl.'ii, Br0n\lf* M'k , r i',l in n. in:'.- The Honr.l rc-

Mhredlfo Meet at f n clock nWMMMb* tfJM»»*M Mj r., i ad toft-rti. r to attend the e. lebr.irion of ti.'- MM*ductioii i f wat. r into the City of BMtdUjB*

.\.. '. i.rnt tt la next Tlnirsnay at 5 0 CMi k p. in.

i OinilSBIONBBM OF EMIQBATT01IA -J«t III II.t e'llttr . f the t'oil'ln's^i.'fer-. of Kft. Ms

Hoa vbi kald at their rooms, at CbMMQartiea, yeste;--ay u.tiriiiii?, ut It1] o'clock, at the NMM of cx-liov.

rail' r-oti. !". cot (i MBM by t'.. CVBMMttMMMM for UMr.r. \ itl t l^.; .1 Me.

llf t) ( ..!,.in --..n- rs of Kini-^ution, there were

pre-ei.t rre-i,!et:t VkRFLIBCB, ÜMJMBk rarriLTHn.l'tir,. v, i'tirtiss, CBBBMgi JetlHBjbBM UBBtBsd leVBBad ft M e fJoD tnissioners lor MBMTbI of t^tlaratii ilie,F x fit 'I BM r.n.I .lohn i'. (ireeu. Mr. PBtti IMwas absent, havin)» been tatfaab callisi to CaiaiagiIf, Y., on mfoiltit of tbe MM n IMBM of hi* MB*A tt« t ii.lerchiitii.'inK "tiews ns to the Mibjecf of the

renn vitl 11 Uli l/tiat.i' line, tl-e following i.hit ion.MMTad bj CtMaMMMMM l'..r,ly. was iittati..n..u iyu.I. nic.l:

Kre t.rf Tl il tlie C. m.nl««i"ne'» af Fmigrttinn wl'l ehe'-r-fi j i. .. . %». I. l'..rtiini**H.iier» f..r '.be retn..*Kl >.f ti i.ir-

' BlillM. si.d tbst tbl* Board Uruiler tnuud l'..ultnl**kM > r» tue use iftheir. Hire Inf be MMMttBMl of itMh bu«ire»», M*i il«i williff. rd -i.v. ry facility iu their r».-»-r m} Bat a. o i.,. Maftta 'j.. .. i.iit mff) i'. Ml

i'OUXG Mi.VS CHRISTIAN iSSOCaATION.The re^ulur ii'oiithly MBalJag "f liie NVu-York

foaBg Men's t hr.stiun A-so. iation was held htBl BTBIiflg i. tie sliutil clltpe! of the l'l.iver-it\, |{. K.Mimi uki. e.-tj., President a. tlieciiair. The t -u 'Ois

(.'ollili ittect repolle.l, Bad -"ine BttaMUBM mbu MBBBin ti e i 'imbIMmMB with s(h dal r. f- t. .. t.. IBB tit.fthe v'-it il IT i 'oliilniltee.

Hinj. K. PtULPS, BBf*. r-ad an essay on ''Thei'm t.t al Man, after winch several MBBBBMB »*Mkputt in a diacra»MM up.>u the same subject.

Tin- A.-iot iatioti will move to its new rooms inIfroiuliwiv. 11 r .1 Tweifih <rt.-i t. in May, »lien itiriBkavi bAm nadJagiwaBMid htirnry. 4BMJtBMof tlie I'M.tn v. ill Im- upproprtiitetl for MBMMjBJB* Themen. nrt inei.t i.l the loom ia 75 BJ «W fett. Ii is now

OM BpBM tin a billiard r.snn.


r.-i. s F. i»l Am,';, ry. ati.i D I'll Art.lb ry.ha\e lie. ii I.t..k> n up, as per in-triietions of ti e Wur

liepaifii t.t. The privates are .lie;ribut. d iMoaghttbi-r 11 ii f .it .UM ofTicers und non-coinmis-i om-.li flicei - bt iri^' trunsferr. d, aa vat .inctes oci-ur, t.< oj-. n

i on par s. u bit b are to gB t«* Fort Moinoe, Vn.The BBW military )x.st ou the roivl to Kl Faso, is at

CbMBMBM ('f'k, Bad is gBIliMMBd at presort t.yCi I paaj II. l-t liit'niitry. Fort l.aii.a-Ni bSf BUM!bantBMpaM* Qaa* Twijfirs hosairAin issued nnler-ito the MBBMBadtog orlieers at Korts ]kaM end (Mark,to prevent, ts far as iu them lies, any fil!ihu-terin'»i tje.it. agaiaal M.jitn. Vmmmhmc »MBMn bnrow- BBiag biIbbiImIj u.ied for m Tbbbb, moobbb*ijUt nee i t the inadequacy of the United Slates trisip*.to prcti 11 that MTgB Bad troiiblc.-ijmc rcK'i'iii from theIn.liiii, .!> paraOMM* Ot mouiited militia there are no

- than I.I.IKJ men at pr. s-nt uutltr annn on tin-tn nl it r.

Ti e-team l*igBiB S.->|ii. i anna WWt taken bt theDrj I).. k i Hr.f.kiyii N'avy Yard rt

bnvini; been BBBBMWad advi.able to leave theIn ipiois fjiirttiiti' a while iBBgBf BBMB1 bMatlagBMbJgfe ai.d tlry.

Iu f.-omphai.t i w ith onli ra from Ihe Navy Depurt-ii t *, u »tuard ol marine" was yesterday .-' tit to l'orts-n out!,. N. H.. for tl"' elnop-of-warFortsntouth, fitfinifout at ti nt port, bfUm A*Ubm station.

Lieut. Stone, who brought home the ket< !i Broth¬ers, is nt tailed tor the .lohii Adams; Licit. L.vi.'li,to attend to lard ar.dctirrept charts in?hi*ciry: Ll.-it.WtWBMJ, f r the receiving ahip Ohio at Huston.A MTgB qiiuitity of an.-lior". cables, chains, tte., bj

nl.. tit BMMJ forwarded from tin- BMBBJjB Yard f.rtliei ti e'eafi t-r S.-ti: r oh-, at .Mare l-'aud. ('..'.t'.e t..,i.

'I! >. !. ;t r Harriet Lane will ga int.. tbe dry dot kwl.cn UM S IBQMllBBM h aves, to be put in trim lor

!. r 11.1 p. ni:. ii oi tl.e Coa«t Survey. Her cn-w andMBfiaBBBfl by her yet, hut nn: to BBfabi MT. WMBUm .r ac< oui ts n tun. fn-m \Vadhini*ton.

Ceu.u.iMiore Iniiian prefers to bate his heati-quart-eru, aa Ha« ship of tbe African aqiuuiron, on board thesnilii ü !.!." i' (.'"ii-tcllat'on. althou-jb the 8m: Jacintowa* first ordered to tbM pOMa Ti.. attributed andBaTBacaaMaM W Üntl ships, are, however, confined Utthe lattir. which may probably hav. t' e wde Ahra!. n ot the »tation.

AcctvBBf ob THr Bail Bauvboab..A friaad, atajmm MM MBgl r iL |M ( it' inna'i Ki[»r< i* train ou theKne K"h 1, tri ji Kimirn. M Saturday orht, laMftVthat rl.t; trait, was three Leu * behind itt tun.-, at thatj (... .-,. v i-- t.. In avy si:..w-dnfe. In the ne](rhbor-Boodol F uura and Hi rntllsviLle, indeed thrt.ii,;bouti bajr**M*nc County, the snew lay upward ot two feetde>p, wiiti verv heavy tlrifts. LMBiag Ki.i. ru. Umtnia cobm BaOBg M rapid IgBBd in order ts> make upthe bad tin.e. A iitMe thia stda of Homeü-iilie tiehow Ltd entirely disappeared, and by the time thetrail' reached Bam* sburuh, lifteen mitiiites' t ree !.,-. ii.. . .-aired. The .l.-tarn e troin .s i»»pn Laina to Nat-r. w .hurnL, about reverty miles, wns run in two hours.Ab« ut niteen mil.-, th.-fide ..f Xarrow.-bur/h. at a

rre ia tbo food bbmPMI Eddy, taa aaciae raa aaTUm iraik, MBlBBMall agaiaMtba nx.'ke, and rot ont! e * de ul ere tl.e einiiai.kinert" SUid slopes BBMl thetv.t.l'-y. I n. t-n^'.te was hailly dair.au'ed, as was al.-,oth.-b.-.-eace t ar. Ft rtunately tl.t Li^i. emharkmeut

,'. taeBBgiM and bagnge sufficient!) to pr. ver.tthe passet o. r. ars trom ,it-.. i .' off and '.e pa*.

-' «: .1 vi.th some bruiee*. A tiiemar, BBBMdI v. ae itstanl.y killesl. The tondnctor and aonv- ofthe pa-n r cers walked on to a nei^blMirinr» telegraph-¦ .¦ a. Bad rd< r- w-re -.-r.t t<> F"rf J^'i :-. or Da*poeit, f. r a new enpee ami train, and after a MM Itlett-Ltioc tie pa-senjrera prosiof utnd their joomoy.Our fnecd .peaks .n Mgh rms of the prornptitudeiaad < '"'1 depttrtmect of the engineer when the accidentot< urred. (CommerciaJ, "J6ih.

ScaaanT PaCMM n.it>... Tht Hart),>rd Vl.) <'nu-rant ret (junta an exploit of one Terry, in Terryeville,after this fashion: There was a rum--hop i-ays Tbii '.vran') at a hi- h jK-rsota got intoxicated, but it was

tioBgU t : not lo rely an IBB IdLaw to abate

."r ivf'wn % . in.. ..«,..' -14.«.ayaat>ere>anl. howev.r . i.iing . ,tlj M. »


fini-f ÖM keeper of th«? a-rncgery re.. , . Zk'ir-.t ii -n, aid ,, v rir f-rin. : CM of' :alJtrV.I*'. TearyBakedhim if be had nui f,,f,lL

hi. Th, Mow1 ¦ 11 " *'.. -» 1 tv, tarni tax » .


W. kaoebed bthaheed ..f rV,nH« it,?rv tboarhtrt. .... I' a*J£}*>

N ,v - ¦» cheap in iMaware. Tkt i.Wfrt-.Mit' r. a'is that ..a,: wu sold ib thai StaaTo^OtlM r do] (br $. »n<i * <!.._.. ^*t

JI. - r. Mum and Theaaaa give the ir fifth ekv* ,aiMatin- l) bedhtajavwaj nt lb.-worth's Ilaii. «.nrairasiagal k. Tin- pn.graiiuiie will be tJXUti aa.ivi-r ( BBBBBBj

JrrtBru T» BFBBiai»: Oitiixhi. *in,«"-.t aaaaa<¦¦ 11. vouug t. ::-p.iao.v j..,

1 the Coop, r It.-tituta on Saturday 4*,,.1 " ¦

'.... ..' 1 -. .'...:» an- to addrraa I A

BaaetiBg, an ..nt; th. m th.' Hob. 6*«»rj;a HalL imfK«t. Theaaaa Armitago, anil Horace Ureeley. uvi'.ll... ajaaVaBbtoBTj.BB 1. r : r,ft* wees.ua to beth*young and old.

TBIBITI Cat 14 11. .TrMl BB^BBBBBN bjnj rotijedthat an BpiaBBClofl BOB Inn orgMdaed a^ulsat UaprioOBi eeetn and .1 general attitlan.. mlB0BI bnw] at the i lection.

Tt'- F> <.» en. The n'-t BBBBBaBJ off*Amet i< .in Ii -titiito Karni. -v' Club af the new rone-a,in tbt CoBfN I 11 -' vife, -ran held y. »tcrday, ar>d »uwell attend- d. and the mutt, rs discn-aed aero inter-e-ting. Prof Knw.k, :!... u-w |»r. .:.!« rd of UtaAnn 1 i- an la-litutc, gave a vuy valuable talk BBB|tbe u-e of BB .11 Mgr.cu'.tire. The BBBl ineettag w. i

be b< id a; bob. MayPA

Ml a, 11 ibti bb bot 10 BK III"v.. To-Mu K.!'*..

Jud ». \N light, nf Albany, yesterday graated, al thaHlam ard BoBOO in tln-e ty. aut ,t "i ermr for b atayol prooeediaifa ia tko eoao of JI*-. Härtung who waat>> have In i n hung in Albany t..-morrow. The groan |on w,hi( b he .'rant- thi- m that the pr<>He«>ation. afterone ef fhr:r >>wn w:tne«ses had sworn thai from thoH'.ve of Mr. Il .ittifg'- a. h and iiilcitine* as BB\ al I oa Boat unuti in, BO was BOaatiVB that the »uh.stance whieh prndueed (b ath was taken three u.«in'h«beRare death | that after th,-. the presei ati«n iBtr.wdue. ,t an., ii, u :tnos t.i pinve that the npinmn of t!i*ti. al bas boI mi.nit aagrthbaf, Ju tg« \\ruhtBBBBBlw h. t ier they had a right to examine one expert a- t.ithe e.uiip. t. nev ofBBOtbOT, tlieirown VitaBBB. and e.-

pociaS} he doahta ahoibor thai they had a right todhacredil tin ir own witness in this wav.

Blob aa.. We have boaaro us has pamphletspub-11-lud by II. K. HI;-snfS| ..t". :i. Ma-., inahing,logothoi Ti p ..f bdoooriptin eatahagBBatbailaorara, vrgotabhi aad phaata ableb be euitivates,.t' p«_. - nf whieh ure ,h-voted to fjow. r« alone.The..' are |Osd With ill. BBBMB of BS many il.lTe-.-iitgoworianthoraarallooa upon a lar^.. oabBva pag.»,and eoinp! i-e- Bbaaal 1 v.-rvtiling that ia eukivated.il ply lor itl boaaty. la hu ge a list ts very attract¬ive, and n -'1 'ti pr-sun.pt ivi evidence of a gei'Tiibuto for loaror oaJtaro, Aad yal hav otb-n wo mo

homes, l ot only m the eify but in the country,faru.t :> holm s, altogelhi r destitute of dowert aad¦raBBMBtaJ ahiabbuji Ba Baaai pagahi knowhaV uun n i lit y lose ' li would be well for them to


cultivate 11 tiled in it- ri lining, and stirronml thea>selves v, h these most beautiful of all p. ri-htb,a!' ings. It i-,ft._\ to p'ai a I. w si ids, 1 a-y to tt*.

out a b *v raatii Iu due Moaoa thav will a.i.-. u v»ar

bom.---, and be a source , f pur,- uniiiterruptcd p|. as-

Ore |0 tbOOO WIM eher;sh t!n iii, as Wi ll OS '-taddi'bbV opoai bo pa aor by.

'Im Sanuvkv t'oCv r n t ion..The followmg mem¬

bers ot tlie NeH-Yoik Saotary A-sooiafum havabeen appoi itod delegates to the National tyuurantiueai ! San.taiy I otivi ntmn. i\ Im .i will assemble in thilcity on Wedaaajday, 17th met.:

Meaara. V. C. Matlier, P. BL B/aBaaoa. P. I W.n.i ,u. B IV.El imt, 11.1 rj U k.. il>, s. k. lialiiOay. K. U VTala, C. B. II.»-well, Joan \V Ri*. h. I'.-er I'..,per, N. tlr-velauu, NatluujielII,v.. 1, .1 f ,\|. .M r..,.Id. J B Pe.aeider. 1 11 Ottaam BaBha n«r.j. \v b.

Bibbine, A I f. .1. M |l U lie-. j s Cuofe« C. b- Aji.s»,Hearr uuemeey, W. M. Veraiilje, K. ti. f. *»e ., A. B.Juim*.«i.a 8. T. II ..bberd._Simmihi. OtTTBABI t is I ('iu vtkv OiRf ..

About .1 in ba I; ye-terday BBYBBBJ the aptum of thobteruiib. at Kan lie!.1, lying nt the BBB] of (.'anal street,olieerve.l a pis r country girl standing on the pi.-r cry¬ing most bitterly. He laqairod what was the matter.

She b id him that herBBBM WM Alary Hurke, thatshe wa.-ai orphan. 11> years of age, from PkfaaOOOBiNew-Jei .. y ai d hud come to N't w-York in warch ofher sister, vs ho lived iu Aunty street. Being unableto lind her, and having 110 money, she was-tan.hi.£. u the eorn-r of Canal and W est streets, on tic pre¬vious evening, uncertain where to go, when a ynun£man ¦BJ a!"iiurnl alter learning wim she was. audthat abe bad no home, he invited her to go home withhim to his mother. Tin -trangi r wa-a lain-man,and she supposed that he w.;- honest in hi* inb ntious,so she t'i.üi.ued him niilmut hesitation.

It was i|uite dark at tlie time, and slic .1. f>.on<!hanah BB a pier in the neighborli.I. Just us si,jle-.'an to feel euspieioiu, tin- man turned snddenlyepoa her, aad, eaiaaagbaratwaad tiie waist, earnedher BB Ix.ard a tug-In at. HoN another man jninedthe laBM aaatBadlagetber, inapito of her cnesaofatraggb I ¦) oaggad BOB dowu into the cabin.Sis.u after, a il.ird peraon came in. and tbe three, bytun e ami threatening; t<> kill her if she did not keepfBOalj d« tamed her untti m. rnu.g, and during the

Bight repeat, dlv outraged her pBCBBBb The capUlB01 the Ka.rti.-ld guve the 1 iM .-nine break!*-', andt b*. n, culling Officer Cholwell and Waters, went off hiaaoah oftba haataa whtoh m»9 had boob so cruehyBIBBgadt Mn-pointed out tin; aleanXu^ Pluto, a*

the raOB ! 1 pon which -he had pasjed the night, and,goisgBa lei.trd, BBMOJadjB 1 Alexander th Paimer and

Bofljaada A. Smith, boat bauds, as two ot haf as»iail-ante. fbaaawaaaaaaaaood. Tie lame man, who«o

nan . m Blaf to be t^lward LOB, waa Bit found. Ju»-tice Kelly tommitled tbe prisoners for exauuna' BBBj

BaVOffOjan l.\yvsTictiir. -The body of a leirule

at, about Ihre- wc lu> abi, was lound on Holidayin an o. l. -d n. m the rear of No. I'M West Vau

street. Coroner St hirmer held an inr/m-st upoa it,

and a iwrdh * >a .' death hy drowning in a ciateia"

a a- rendered. The . ln!d .-opposed to hav. b-i-o

thrown ml" the 1 .steTT by is mother, % servant girlin the lamil). who b it shortly aber tor Scotland.

K*»t l-:«T*r>.-The foüowin»; aalei were mad*reatefday Bl the Meril.ants Kxehange, by M »sr».

Ä. J. Btiiahir, Son A Cavil»r, T>i-o »» r..e .*ner BJd-rt. I '¦- 4*»xl'Ä.aieg(i- T ¦¦ tt)i nlrut awrae. I lot gSalOl. WS.

s.y .sals. -'Xlia. ~"

Amata RcBBI tios..I ranr. fjerver. a f>nn«n liieer» .. tj.- *». ve»'srd»T trr»e»a ifa % w»rr»i,' weed ay ib"

M » i ui hi-- -*s> :«. i-ud.r p-i-Oe- -( **<.- .

, .rrea M.n. le ..- o d.'fl of 'i* T«.'a W.rt.

liervi r»,. t-kea a*twe Jaf^e Halah,aad eawaBltadaa**.. 1_Ao tot ¦> r.-An old BeuHeeaaa ea-ned John fJibauB.

I .¦; .'-¦' ear >..t-th avenue, walle »«la.o| t»

TaWaaaenuacearK.n . «.-ti. 00 BVoaat eeauB*MO-, . 1 4 Hi IIBial «»1^1 'h-. Mb. *U

,e-i rfavel -. Ms v. mi . . T» . .' -si

: .i -r . > a lad, after ««** a* aa»*04_^_

Th. b,,ty .f Henry Delbora,whoa-a»- lliiairj fi .J 1 aVaxaay, »a» i.sjj»I 00 tae w-

> K.v^.-. . ¦¦i '.»ins to ali l*^ ie»aaeaa»,B I Bed al Itel «e__j««The body of an unknown man was fours! on Monday,

in'in Berth Bive/. aaarOke ton- o> >eveut«ei.u< itr**:. lc^«*J*,will a* Bald ayai ikedeeaiBBd i.eaay.

An ioni Womm Kr.-ofJicer BaaBatoai y^^ft::.fr<i m oaii naansl Jernais I gay, who |lvea bia f^t>^at taat ofa ¦ereeawt, ttt a eoatBatlal made br JticAarf>| tmJM Hgi. .. Bvtia tu a * k '*
