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New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-01-18 [p 7].anpU-.i.'* jKipmeut,...

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BVflBM'A eralo. m-o*"red a; tirmt ejpenee f.x>_ tha indiaur. wl.. uh.tra.ied it Tbe ol .mal _pflO_a af the conifrtrt afi'ordetl to t'e family bv «he me :n.eh.t'y r-'ie, aa the Oflflflf iaenii.e. *> ith aU 'he mur ai.d eve. and ih* beautiful.y fine eilkeo '.>«.wn hir a* na»ur .1 aa w.en fltruck down bv the ruihle-e tcmauawk ..f th. kiv- BfB. ."Thepihiisherti,' MJI Th H md Ra* Jlerurr. "have i^ctred the Kev. C. II SpacgOM of London. at _.eat eipenee aa >-_-ular ran tbu> OflflH r. A:ii"i MBBBBrbaBBfl re p-'oflt h)» .omionn in tloa e.nintrv. tbere ia hanily oue -~bo d a deep int-res' m hw» contun fnliithc _.vd proeperity, and who will no- hfldl BflflBMt* nicatioi-v.il) him. Aa Mi. BfarfOOB heeee bl.anM infom.t.i ot al' n-lt_n-u- irov-menla, flflflawba-rj i" Eo^iaao. hie lettera cannot fail Ik> rijhl* inaiructive aad eniertaiuiag." .Tb* S-pcretary of the hr.erior hae a]>pli*Mi to the Sar and WtM Inilian* for I hl Indutn WM dtM ^.r.eoteu, throujih the F.'.-ii.h H-flfl-bor, t.. Lflfldl N'.i- .KMeotL Tbe tiibe ba* mrv*t uenerounly reenonded wit. anpU-.i.' * jKipmeut, pcalpin^-knite, tomahawk, pem >.- pi|as, ain". variouii other articlea fld a*\a..'e wartare. N) axpei.e. 1 ..s bBM PBBOOd bj way of oruauieut and dM> oration. .It ip i_d that UM inre-.-t <»f Mr. Winans of BeM more in ibfl i-Jroud from ¦_¦ RflOflflBBBBJ '" MflflM * I tlie pni.. ipa! ot*tarle ita purchaae ny tie It .thectiili f/om ibe Kiipaian ftovi-i nuient. The n.»J eoet llfO.i -ide the peru anf-v hrn which Mr. W'BBne 00 en lt. and the fioveinm-nt ha* o'Jero. to aal n t.-i UM* .The New-York OOOMBfflflolflaBaf a ChatlflflOM p*- per aaya ln the way ot ir.maip, rnm.ir haa it that a iair n»«se ad May. r VV oo-i a IOM bfl be led tn the hy- menial altar hy a Cu*an miiiionaire. . Io. I (J.huni, wbo ded in Lon'. n .'>u i*v. Vir Ukmrn, < 0 'he _d mat., Wl ii will. by which he dbacted UiOBeealOflO to aell bia faro. BBBrWaad^iaoa, aad give the money to the Alr.aDiria, Lou-lou, an-) Hamp- ihire Iiai i- od Conipany. lo be u.-ed bt ''-e ouitdint: of ths road The beqne-t ia valued at $ti,O.K). . The artiei. in Wuehiuk'rou wtut over io Uail'more oo Tu.-e.iiiy. to ''aarir-t iu iboflO.tiaae ad -.igaflfl, the lan-i-cape painter. to :i dauphter ol I»r. ilarria of that flOtfa Atterward, Keneetf. BtvWM, and Lauib- oin, tLe An Coniuiiesiort-r», tret m \\ _._Jnirton to re- p irt or lie Capitol recorationf*. 7>. tbal the K.rl ..f Derby ha- withdrawn tbe uoticee to quit their uohiir.L-. .hh-h hia lordal.ip eaaaed t<. be eerve.l 08M flooaoal fld nauU 00 tbe Coot'ei eatate, in T-pj.ef mediateiy after tiie OBfBBjO munler of Ur. I'rowe. I'hie!-JuatKe Taney h_e autiiciently re^overed from loa at'uck of pnenuionic catitrrh lo helioTe thut he wili be oUfl to re.ume hi. aeat in the Supreme Coart \. rv Mioiily. .Oie of tbe menihem of tbe firm of Cornon & 6hitld8. VV asliiiiirvon Market, oo Satu'day coliecced the eurn flf *;l4>i ia money foi the benelit of the L_wrence suftercn. .Qflflt. ('-fl hu* ifiven to the Board ol BdflM_M of DaBBB-akd of iand vuiued at $10,018', l..raL'nion 8< hool-bouae. .Wenueil rhillipe ie enpksred to deli-er hij lofltMO od Toufwaint L Onverture inthweityat ttie Ooepoo Iiuthnte. Jan. IU. .Moim. Charlee IIeid*eck, the celebrtted (ham- pa_-ne W ine ptOfriflbor, haa arrived in thia ciiy, en roiite t" the Weet to hunt huffaloe and other au.iD.il-. He provide.! with the fineet shooting utennil*.aouie of anequaii-d rariaian ex.cllence. . One Rer. Mr. A. S. Kmch publiehea n card, in wluch he anya that while altendu.ic the Brorkport Cainp Sleetii-K. a woman, aaall ia sta'ure, we_.-ing *j*«-b, and prt-poe»ef«J!)_ in apj>earanee, upprjin-d, pur- oued hi_ in u c iniag*. told him of her eeteem and how much abe wae worth, and induced bim to mtrry her. He c< naenu-d. the knot wa- tied, and ahe. h-ving ac- eomphehedhhi ruin, forsook him, probabiy to find an¬ other vicum. Mr. F_ch aaya «ne eerved two men ia the aame way before: one in Canada aud th<> otber iu Wlfaotieiii the latter in a dBO-BOBfl c.i..l:rioi.. He giv.a waiuintr lhat ahe may BflO mthct p.uiilar outragea a<{'-in. . Thr l\'a,htr,o-t0n Star B.y»: "The H.n. John Cochrane of New York thoai- _..wly re- ---,-. Hvp-iiifnliibe*. Thou«h in no p_r»ic...ardanfer. the fact that he ia very nok oea_i-_a great _- »-Don» bi. fellow- membera of the B -uae and tbe \\ aa-lDCton public. by al! ol wfconi he i. wucerely ref_rd>-.. i_d«-<! '' .In tiie Supreme Court ia Borton, on Monday tn..-ni- «.i. motion of Ex-.li. . I .well wae aduii'.te.l Ifl t ie b.-ir. VV.- Mdfltaboad tlutt be ifl about to OOtab-bll __BHoU in that rit" ill 00» nection witb Hon. Joel QflflO, and tiiat he will, in all probabihty. reeign hia otfii e aa Secretary fld ihe Board of Educat.on. .The ffll lecjth portr^i' of aTiflbflflOfl .SL, nent lawyer. ifl bfl P-M d in the room of Ibfl Coarl of Appaie. At the lav.' i'.-eanleu: lOTOO in Wl *d*;rable amn>. ment waa flBOOBod OBB-Of ibfl OTMIBf bv tbe ith. r flMI I '"'I nfiif" ir»n'ltni_Ji pre*eiit, wbo made himaelf unu-aaliy on- arptiu...,. lt wae aec.-rtaiued that he waa a atr4Uger frrn. tl. Weat, BBd ba.! !>.-. ' T- Bbfl attire bt- wore, by §omewaire. who _fat_ed birr. thit be muai wea-a .ourt dr.-aa or i;i. appearance at the OOflflftMl of the I'reaaieii;. .A n.ilnoua'.in Kei.t. Kukr'-ind aadalo-ffl lau.l- owner h^* a daughter upon wh... he wan paeoaaad bfl bank h.p lonune. Tt.. ul wou bj tbeearaleeftbopai ' Tt,u reveren.' venrleman orlflbod Ifl m*ke ber hi- wife, hut. Oad even'...;.!!;,- pi;e Ufmt itniuce..':-. marrv a pcl Dabsh BBB_Um 1 marriace ber htbflO Httffld £1I0,MI on .. wu* ma.ied about four ye-re. -tud a few w. el^ped with ber former adoai-er, the parao'i. . Mr. FranklinJ. ut'..'« i w h.. hae Bflfll veara coimocted with Th j T baBtak.t: nn ma¥m "u f*o Nem-tmrh _>»¦ Txitrh, oreof onr beat w.. ;iv MITflpapefO. Mr PTib aaoooM tha ff lifllni flaBed-Bir, arili | iMtacb-BBtbaflBBlaft-M Hon D-itiiel li BOflblflO .Webfl-8 al ready af-ed that HflB Mfl-MOBy, \m\ aotreer. wa* no much _r|gbfleaod bj tbe attemj t ot a ¦ heeal into bec ¦aartfl-oat -l w_,urbur-, I'.-nu '.'-i' dba ha- ba i. uu.oollfld to abaadM bflt tafkmmi lt iteemB it wae about 11 o'ciock at niwht wheU aome icounirvl firat -M a door frum the enlry. an-i had puahed ba :k tbe bolt wrtlin the riMOOBtbal M ha b, when tbe m.-reiiii_. and nhnekaot Mra. UmtMtmAj Umrmti the who.. drove the Miryla- :«- h li>-0-B| I'l-'A and hoaafM M u-nan. Tl e man had fl M a hoie over tbfl 'loor of the roonia. il.:it be OBflH IM who wa* -800*0,aad had proeo ied .i k.y littin« her loek. _-A H-aM letter in tbe Auiraburg Otsttpt eayai -IV amt of tbe il- niliil r*-y *r"«^ __.._? "T" MM -.i lajir . their mmnt . and -thef 1-ota-ienU »l Ut leet of __. __~roi.U-C b . "--J «r_tulwi_dy.BOB.U» lea_e-t_. poblic bardrr.a, ai.-i mtM u.ru o: raeru who have MM hmrat obii#ed,. I mH _M B_ld >*»""- rwn Wiii__.-h7ala .-.|--.t4«l the uie., u.d the three V m M -8 Li M vt-o-ui Pt_BM s.i.w.up...-n aafl UhOewBB **** G_;w TI-nflB lanu-te. mi Rri«-l_-h. mll W-B-J mmtmm " Bad iMdai, aBlbBflflaB-Mea who po-*- paB »te propeny i_ve, il ta mod. _«le th* t-iperor mm wuae oOer for Bvp y«_r. . Beit . /.'/.' I^rrtdon nov* . \V. un-or-UU-l from g.->- n.thority lhal tha. rieoki. Ho nmr be p.r-".'-<l "> -~ ». m B-B .->umiyd-iUM lha. euaulii* w--i Hu pr««rt i_l#nti..n I* to k«rp hiuaeif qul** io count. ^uMta-a -nl_ -ft>r the -r*^ !».«-. . re«-l-l.«'- :»*.» u> be oom- uv-jrted b.:i wbeth*. he will t>e temp»»- to __v- |M 8 P~V »» i __.1|l-r .,i. ..AtorebaiM) r»_i*tn* Wj be proved. .We read in the Br_e«--> In<1 epmdsamce \ ¦ _fl tb- r*i*^»_t_tion ni the Pnrdcr. *U Ploermai. «.*«» on a___- ..,^|t. t., T__r» de U Manaain, M--*. Bou-wt w_. tk* e_)aan .' t_e __. flalterUif d-'-OCti-fi- TbeU B»y-1 H'«h MM _m !>u_» md Oue-aw. of BraOrtt eOBB prew-ut, nu* atimr the a_ewi_ M .f _*T*ibta.'. o^era our prtma donna waa aaut fur U the r»-_l Uo_, «-.» *_e reu___eO th« whoie time b«twieu _a _n_. 1_ B-ke ooo>p-__*-t«- her lu the hm'.e.'. MM upuii Ui hfUkut Ul-ata, ui pav_MM*4 her wtth a aplendid Urvs-ia*. a* . tapt m -a* a8mtraft..- akt m:\is. m Tb- K< v. TTenry -V_,nl B^eoher ha. pnrrha-. .1 the lnrir |n niiii' I y flerirfe L Ifown, now nn BxM_t- Nr> 7f8B oiidway, n^iweraen'inj a vi»w af 'he *'-* of Tu-rn'om from tbe Wvp of Monn* Alt*»no. rt i* (. :,n.t p-i-tnre of thut trr.ly n,»hle .H»d-*ii|ie, tti11 ottle nvillinnt li.bl of a Snmm.r raonu... flf taa o\a A.-pitn tvay, iietr Kome*. Tbe 4 vrt, ,t Tu-rnlnm." ir ar ren*H kal'l for ita hf* oiii of r«_ aa. f'nr pro-r-- ry, a* for the bold _nd mu-eir* (¦lutHi-ir r i-f tbe r.K-kv toivu-r. .und. It ratiks among have ba_B axbtbfead Ib N.-w- York. Ti ri.* i i trr*h were to have been MMBVfl_to :Ml*-\ hnir- attBM-B_r_a niuili n't. Mi- ihat tha aitiM mm ."t.-luded to kflflaBBBMfl el ort »in e li-iuer. .Tle tir-t Artirt - Keeepiion at the Stndi- ______*_ in Ten'l, B__-t, f"i the MMMB, will take plare on -lanaBBI _%_-, tl e 1. th. Tbe Committee are Meaans. Baya, __y__M, and _______ .Mr. Barn . tioin BoflMa, a Maa uajfla haaa. bave BS-B-BMl M nnub diatinrti __. Lan taken irwisin ui.eie haiabaeQjM vvrk. Among bia re ef-nie of onr liteniry colebritie*. He haa in h-r ndio a' a_a_-d_Ba. B_M ktti of Whitti BT, the !.. .-¦ wl'nl b r_B__l___-l BB. IM vi-on>u. dritwit., nd ..int..two qa_JI_aa wr.ioh nre aot alwuya found i tlcK r_> w. rk. Am i;_ the Hrti-t. now in Niw-York in Rall, the ml|_M -MB BflatlM, wboM _Rdl-___ftft Ht-.Mi_ of . i-r tlie nt mbei. ol tbe Nt _¦-._._':_.. Nor.ety Hr* -<r] r- to bave ratf in br.-nin-, to be BflMM in l .1 n _q_Mfl Mr. Hall ir. eng;i_.-d on flMMM_ f |_a _MftM of -VlM-liUL-toll, whilll 1.1 to hfl pl_ed in tle liiistuii ('omuoo, on the i_.n_ i_-r...i nd ne_r the " frog p< ad." TaaBai-iaBBB__ai n m Ibbats _*________.- 7,*- //.. o't Warhington conTripoiidenf tbu-i de- erriht-a ihe __¦___ in Bflflfl_l o! Southern Sa.ua- tor* aaaa Mr. _NaH__bof H______i «n Hiaaay. " Tl.e exei-.iriv* r-efeinr. <-t tle »H-!i:iie tn-Uy waa pnd.H'.lv 'he MflM *iolent asd hmtal that ever d'r- tntytti t_a _aaaMaft_a Uaita. w-Mee. Ifr. t'l n_- n n n,ai4«- n Baaesa Bflflfli b agadawl the eU-.-'ion of Rew¬ ard. Mr. OnrilHtle rap_-d t<> clii._-.iaii -md ahfl-fljfli i<i tbe800thwithaa-wHy afcafl Hr.TaoMb.fa~l ibt- le toIkaoHttie, an. Dootittk Inaaj it imck, ai.d oi rti iti _fion foDowed, and whut follawad thM faaf r-iiiii'.'.t 'il1. t-uve a burvi-d adi'iiirnuietit. I do ln t bfturthal noi« s have phreed to-lil.ht, hut .11 eon -nr that ' . ine BBBBM t.-iay .a* uever e_- i-.ed.d. Sur-iri; tha abore I haaa b-arred tbat th* nin-r ,,i !'. .1 th: nlty i-reiv *.nt of _cliMr_e bmught by t) f ftepa_-__-_a__M Mr. Finlkner waa in ttTOf of .n.- niiion. Aa _T_-r__Bof thM, an Batrael ofWa raaaal ap. .-ib eoiH,-m i._- Hrowu * raid .t Harpar'a faary w u qnoted. Thia btuaaat tha eatii. Boath ta tha .-upport ol Mr. Panlkn.: ano ha dhMMoa _-fltM__Bt_, who, it m ;,- i,. i a~ad np to thM tm.e, woald i.avi ha-cu reje. ted hur tor lha adiiiiiouai intarfataaea of Mr. DoolitUe. .ea~. Ivereor, und Tiay are ttki M bave lie. n qnitl u- hitier Bf Mr. To.-i.Lri in their repliir to Mr. I thi, who ia n_t iflpartad ta h_~i __mi bbj aaawarto Ibf Blitbet' bi h are reported to hflflfl BBMI -fl-7 Ifl- veie. Tl _d Baflaton Mythaia ha-. aMbaflaafl n.ir.,r an e.\»-rntive bbmImi MBM the lajfl-t-M flf Mr. .BB iliii.-ii. ar,<i tl,.-attem|-_-d r.-n. tinii of Mr. Kver- att, who was _aved by the 8tir._t_t.ng rlo(|uen_e of Ilenrv ( ];:..' a A>"r_. taa tbt a D-Basaaai HTat Cotutci- [ri Oi.' Dbbti.Tnari baa haaa m b__-Mmm fur ttjnr tine ;n K-W*T_rh an BBMMJ BM colleetii._del.t-, ¦_h. ae B_m er of btiMnewi ia ao_____a_ in rins stra.i Tb»- _-t_._av-.DeT_ kfl-pa a l_r.*e ea-ara. flngoa "n whiih \r jainted in eonnpicnou. letters the name and rln, e of haahMM of the a_"nt, and the worda, " Had ri'd.tb ,-.r-,->d, "OMclaiaia hunted n,"iu. Tl.e .a.on in quent'on, with there _teni bi. lettera on it, ;r driveii u,-daiiv, and iii BOBBflfflBBI honrly, b.f,>rethe doirofev.-rv mi orti_a!r drh-orarainat wlinui ther-ollectorba.* fljin,. .- ,- at-oi,* e.i.nvaleut to t.-Muia; the ii-lrhbor. rl.at l_c So-and-So'. ar* oli'uxed (o be dnni.ed l>y ibr;r l.i.rJ:"id. xrrrer. or tallor. Many are d.ubtlet. worri-d into "artt'ilg up bv thia insrn'on., unw*rr«n_.blr and unjutt . j,,.r.'t',ti-*n Ii Nr.^orl w* belirra i. - trt. tbere la on« in-.taine. derlaiinr ir an ii>- tal niuaaiire. a_d iiidividual auarr viaiti-n Ibe unlurky dnver of i),r irbicle wilh .emuiary aud not altorether umnedUid rha*- ti-*:i CDt. At al. eventa. th* areacy haa nea-ti tra_afrr.--l.or a branrh hr^n extended to thi. ritv *-_d n m tul) oseration here. .ra p_-t th* annoyuir wazon ln que*fi»n wa« ; hefolfl a hou»* in Hiefca _-**?, wr.er* a reitlenian aud ^oardrrl. arain.t whom tt .. alle/ed a . inn'iin- oealer of i-ure-jhadaelaiin far BM Tba |._Ue_>flB Ib q.e.-in. .e aaa in.'ort ,ua:* ir --ine.t and falled. Tbe oiruitnr* dealrr tbtrlini the drbt l ot onr of il.e tv*at. aflMlttotbfl MM Tt.. ^.^v i, i.t tlie ,i- - ra ... on hi. I ra; \r__ nol t< arain eon * ronnd tln-r* annuyiur trir hou-«. t.i.-t ta nr. Ib* bill ta hrr '-iiiabaiid al bia p_-« .! buiinr-. tu Nr. Y«rk. Not to t__* "nr." fnra:-anawer ka *_* ef t-S ._- and in a\rrv .liort time tlie w,__ w_a .mn 'I nr ..oy tti. liiu* *- ******** ** "*T* * *_T r*ntwith th* driver. and a. -oon a. he pnked hia noae inti e tn» door- .iru witb aiiorar-whip and very vi.oroialy Bia-i .or..tt*r to call tha: wa* ain. e. brooklyn ra_le. Thi. BbvSBB Cold Ifl Ea-t T_xa«.. A letter, wntttn in C'happel Hill, tha niiddl- ol' __BB_fl_Mr, eaMi: '.Two _m>-MMM at Waaa, ia lat*. . wer* fillea la^t wa-h C-Bflfl out on tha pahlM reaa. du,! hy bundredn. I have iteeu a*. niani a- __.} al aep ilead m oaa paa. all of whioh _ia_ ia a aagli ui-bf- h\t*\- er>.l place. | ork hogn, iu tine lat order, hav.- froze:-, _nd eppeciai'T when jn. Iloored pen.. Sinie lew hOfMI baaabflfla l-'ui.d Iroaafl, and the cbicken. _enerally im. tbeir to.-n. '. \\. __r_ iron. 7'/,-*¦ Htnuttm Teleemph that, dur- flraataar, th.-re were firoM fiity to __ry i bb to daflth in Taaaa, M b-_<_ Ihrty of whom '.>'¦ intln. r," >>: imai when fn--* n. ThB'i- MBTB B-S0 tuutiv rlii.H. aii.lrt of hatfB, MBIM -.'": ?I,.. j froxefl io deathifl lhal _____ 1" thm re». ou tbe Hffu-tromed to tlu- CoW tha' what not he c-4_riaaifl. MM_B h.-re terribly severe here. -? Mo-.iY " Tk.ht" at Wa'hi- r.iv..A eorre* tlo- Waatata paaan Mya: .. Waahin_ton ("it-. aataaaad _»h pacantarilT. I am told tha- i_> bboJiImiiI nr, .»¦. B-'rirtl ln.m haal here, lor tbe very .TmprC .-..- n Tha* the h_n_H baven't oo' ar.v n _r« mvented B- thMrB-OBaj in PM-OBfll drafta, and tharaia ao _pyt_vfriatiofl ontil Ihero ** a v, ,.r. Hi. thm money iaaea.-e here iBOudwniahly true. E** .bodl who wanlrj hae more ttflM the _i>u_' dLBcfllty in .et'in. it. It i* _«d thai (.l.*..ren ner, _m - i-at-ArnM, haa ad4_a_--dibmm-bi- tM H.-ni' of f-O.tr-D, ezpecttac to r.-p** ¦! wbea '-he S-euker eaa rign wb-tb_-_ Bel tba f-^.O-O brokefl him an.l be _howa a blaah __M mi-1 an Ifltpty piira.- to all aopl.ranlr.. But thi* h one fn-1 BB-M M moaey wbich uiay be rem_r_i"i M of Um timei." ¦-.-.. M IBBB B-n» -MLBx.M-T_LaTIOB.--Aa old MBMflfl, Wi \r.i-.it kt'e. r»iidin_ near Aiil.ni'n, tl.e eoniny -.;_. .,, j. Kulh i at" h_B_____d. 7»»__JI etab Ull ii> n.k a-aa aia «. flaataaay. Sm war lodgad ¦ .ail and on ?he foilowinir Suiiaat hhe pro, ured a <o_i- _MM HBM-flltn »nd aharpened it on the *tove-pi|*-ui her ceM with tbe m'ei thrcMt; 'bnt barbtg tb_ Iraife *ru aot »ban tbe oftnaa, eat or *__ed i bole throogh u emrhy «»f 'he aOdomen.tore out B portion oi ti- nndlbrli MMMd tlu-. lar.e iii'f-tiltr.-divided IM rn-ot! .. pieeflaboM Iti ifldtM laag, throwingt-w r.i'.-.e il I,. ibfl *'¦.'., h'l' '' '' %V'"" liiimr to,, ni-ieh for i-QMiWratirm. Sbfl ia now .eLtr.-- well. Tbe r .aaon *be MalfBfld _BT ti.e a't war MM MW B uted n, v'(> where her old man w__. Noa kid wbh rt-ndered, a.4it wan thon.ht *he woold d _M ;: Ifl-HMB-flfl han lMMi___- -the itOflBBflbk BBM M . -t..i» pro_-dui_ about twa imhea ont of the wonml, tbraaah wbiel ..-,.,- *!*"_< ha*-I.i.ii i'.rt;<illy iui-u- ¦ tor tlllirr, um) herr-eif n ____. .-¦.-. Canal |ai__trBTBflB__rTi A_onBni» ob mt Baitibi tirruiofl..Tba law of 185* raqnirei tbe oflcaof Basaa-Bt-B-BB. of Bepairi '»- d_j with on all aa-t-BM. wbflffl tba r-f__n .trt- _m tr_ct. Tlu* mandute o: the law haa beon oonipli-d with f.r tbe la.i vear or more hr the lt-pubht-an Contr. itu Board. _t a meetin^r of th« Hoard y. *M Diii.iot. of Mr. S.inner, the BB« Dmbo. MIM x _n_UB- *i..n*r. a reeoln ion waa adopred to Utomtt . Itnc of Sii} x-r ntendent -1 RflBB-. nu h.H, ti.e lhv__oa.fi ''-.' h" ,'rM( d.iv ..f l-braari _bb_ Tmi re-iove*' 8_|Mi__M_l_at H. f. D'.rn, Sec -' Krie (-i-i»l, Wm. 6< VVait, 8«y. 3, ,lohn BaaMBMB) * ' K Cl.'r-ivery, .-er- -. lla-BBOfl VN'elc i, Kn,it, Iv-. I I iuuip-nu. acd Uuy W. (____, laa. '-' do. L. W. lindir ti. _ppotn_>d a K**ii_-iit Kt._i.ie. r on lha I.Lta.k Il'vci fan-i. In I_>_rd of (,-_al t'omuii- er, tbe keBiKwa..* of I barle* H. l'nntup, aa (____ in Uieu oltr., waa rec-ivtd nnd _*v.pU-d .' (Araaaaad AtUa. Yoku laMDMiTfr-lrl- Wm*y*^mB*mtmtmj i _- u.ara lal/O 0l,e Of tlie nlav nliol Jl :i_ fc"M-aMaKir__*__S5f ^c fS S s_a a* sg ^SdOTX^i-rK Twhe- wa. not _low in ,.n_ini_tiBK ¦ T>^ «- "J» ^f.,1 eviia-o,,. Ile bfld _M honaebold __._k.__j lor a pei-oai of niiMtj-BU-e yea-B 77; V QOrEhVfOMS. Thia 11 -ard rr-t K-i..'. itiemoon i.t the Ro'nndv tit ii. r. _*..< oeai ifl Ibfl flbe r, aad a'l t -e i. n.be-. pi-- ... Mr. T. vv-i.-.'.'l. Tlie usn_ te, ui-ir.. i 'ri.ni the \\ -.rd-.a and Pbjfl-BBMO mtaM in-p.d ni d ll.- n.i' .'..-a te.ol and ..n. r<>v.-.|. Tho r.eH.|e. i Ht.i.. ioc- |b« faVrowing ae tlie .Staadiiu, ConiUlllteee |h the \..ir I o. .l'«. / ... .- ¦ ..en_«k»-ie». ). ,. ;. t.!U:- ,.:¥h_u«». Lytw-U, an.ltrua- Umt. 'i i.*,lrrr-Slp.^ OsatWet ("iv.r _,lMi'.ariey ('ii|l'r.»ri-MiM.- W T. C.r t-ev, I'.ii".. au-?< un- . . OaaWti armtt Atyltm-Slr**l*. Uujrt. Olivrr. aoa 1 o> r.pp'id . -».,.-r. Vi.-..:. .. an.l k-i-it_. Frrrma.h.i ¦:_- I j-er.. 8_-ltL, aad !.¦«.. l.i.tM an-i >mailr** Wc*~ir__>-.Vie_»ra. iiinther, I.acb, an-J V. i. ...... /.../. aitlil Mb.B, VI'. T. Piukney, bre.i'Wir.»ha_wB. aid ,V.a.i.»y 0-8-J -r /V.-ltpi- l!r»_et.i_«.o*o*en, M-luuey, aiid U-a- Prnttntlinry.M»**r*. |)i.rr>i Tnwn.e»d. »*.! VV. T. Pinkoey. /...».,W. a fa..*...vfe.ar- 1 -r ueo ...i VV T Plnkney. .Snlo'itt. M.M.a. 1. wiw.il Sinirh. ard l.nw oii^cBMU*-. Mir.te-M.at.. >_.itl. I \ .. _mi ilhver. ll.,. ),,,.,,_ a aaata .' '.li/p-. aiid M»l <ney. .S'«;-i-/.r«-.Me*.ra. MbIolp;. V\ T. Plnkney. aud Ur_e_in|- bhi KB >'.n incc-Meaara fync!,. ¦'.!-. r. A coiiiu.iii.iei.tioii w, ¦ r.ie.-.-d tiotn Warden Betton, t>' tl.e ( ity PnflM ai-i ...ii.fii.. .lohn Kelloflh nadNich- Mhl.er, ih -put; Ve.^e-.,iu the place fli Kdvvin loiBh aad Ji.p. Bat wn. ia»8aaad. A c"n.niuiiiciition 8TM ri-ie.ved from Ibfl Chairman ot tie BliM IllMfl I'otiiUl'tiee. ilal.ll' lh;»t be had trin-femo reaaoti Ointaaiei ..1 tbal inahot*»*a to the AV rh-boo-a. bal ba *V< - Work-HeaflO fuped ;.. tecofte then.. Vi. > iii.i Blalad that he had t:.l-.l. fli- p'i p ... 00 rtal r.f ibfl croivd.-.J p'o'e of the Alu.r-Iloi.p... Tbep.ii].-.: mtm rafettad .. IbaOoaH BtitteCB of thoa. un. i,i.-nii!.i.ii'. to aria'i. e tbe uiii- I. r .-. vv- t fl ibeOM Ivi-p. Abill vv-.a p.ep.nt.d <" '. I fof hncka nsed in b-i!.ln._ ibe Utaad II d oa OflOie* hy Mi Waluaiev. tba WartM rd hUadaU'e IalaadL Mr. u. T. nuaaai wn- d id tbal lh oaottor had < Ol-- lip, 11- lt |boaad hl.VV h.la.lie-a W_f u-.ii.-va.-t.-l. A K'em de*l oi ev.l ni.|;ht urlee i.. flOflaOfljaM ¦ ot eai h ui tne n-.iiil-rp oio.-i .ni- article*. 11.. ou-Oaaa_ad tbtt HaloiiUi b>.ve l-eei. upon tl.e re. I l.ir r--.| inaltii.n, or upon 11 private re.j'na tion. Tne u.-.iit-r nh'.uld have lieei. adv.Tiipe.i, md BflflflBeeta ree.-iv.-d. It waa due lo tl.e i$.md thut 1.1I nMefltoeboeld wo bofatolbfl-o. Mr (iiMiiiK moved that tl.e bill bfl paid, which WOfl carri.-d. Two other billa for $B and |B9 for lafli. for the p.ili.c inati'iiloii, vv.-ie 1 it-eente.l. ... d rcurre.l to CoiU- u.iiiee 01.1.^an.l BeepaaL BiU. 10 ih.- iiii.-.i.i.t oi |8M brwaaoe,oiflMO and KfreebaoentB, otdated darn « thi 1 -fl .v>'ir *J individ- nal nei.l.eia <>' the 15-..11.1, vv. .- Bflfloaodj and rc- | - wi.h jM-iwerto piv. Tii.pe hill-Wtre of hl da.'-, Und al! .'ontr.ie'e 1 ptiot to tb« i.ulaiiua li ..im,- .ho apptaft..aa t-> ffi .'.i fnr refit -' m Dtt for < aei b nbar. Mr. \\. T. i'lvhsji .-. -ed .1 repolulion tiiat no .- iiaul .-*iej. tboM for tbe ragalor laqa^Bfldoao. M raraed iv th. raaalar aee-iag.aad plm.i bv 'ihe Fiaauea aud -^u.ply lomuiitte*. Tle I ini.i!.. < ..n.u. fl rero'.nfion that from ai.d aftei tbe Ul daij al PObroary ina'., the l'reP- -.1 t_w Board he diraetad lo draa foraadcaaa Med. _bo 8bm aad laa-hfla ISai.k, all .-ump ot hbqm* h.-lu-u'iii'/f-tbfl D- punruen'. ¦nd the aiconnt t.-.w with the il.ehaui.a' Himk be eloeed "ii ll e ;.!.. ve date. ( oi.M.'eii.i.ie .1. ed upon the aubject. tho motiv. -.,... lhiiik wonil t>e more .ouv.-i.ieut. L_iid ou tbe U -ie. Ul.f.l the 1,'M ni»etlli_. Tl.e we. hlj atatem. nt _- followa: '. ...... i-'ir.awiiif J-n. *. AdmitteJ. Total.":j10 r':p.i. ttv.!.1 JjB . I** ;¦; ^tata I'n-ou. 6.1,13* Ke_.-ii.ii.-f J.L. 14. 18f.H.-l^ NH. '"* -., IleUevne Hr.-pital.1.100 B_nJ_.raI-.__i- BeefHBl.. 8W Liuaa A-- ri.. "I- _itj Pi..¦. B.lui.-1'ou.e.1 'rrtoeo. 1. ,...18 l.land Iioap.ia.. f'm VV ork- Ku.rih Diatriet frtooe. J }io. «e. ."' Ialand ll..-pnal.IroniAlui. .--I Orphau A.ylum... 1*» I mms. HI ..'hil ir.-n at B.ir«». **<* Work-l.oi->e. 1,1-V. .'ity .-nirUry. 88 aniall Vou i>o.yii*i. U -.. huidial!'- I-.»n. HU TOBal.«."" Uoaid then adjouri.>.<!. FIRl 8. DKSTRUCTIVE fTBE l.v BUDSOS ITEXBC TI.N BCTLOUMM PAKTULLI D-MOT.< Abou-.'.' o'tiork ou Tm a by n...rnifiK', a fire broke <-ut hothfl laofltflij aad _....- bab.ag No. tBR Badoaa atre<-t, up.ed a* 0 _MC| ";. and dWfl-Mf by B. .iflbfoaflboho. aad _haaoo aabaaiod ~ Noa. U.9d3,9_S,947l M9, Bt, oalflBBL 8hoi tly af'er II o . bak otln.T MflCflOBfll flf I Eigbth 1're.jnct, wh.le pamJIJOf hb '..nt, tried the uoor of L- iad foai -' MfoflOoaad. Two gfa - -n ploved in tln- BtMfl eaawtO mt door io eoa pniv wi-h ajtoaag oom arbo bade th.-T good-oifrht and j.n.'ed .:¦..'.! aeartbal aaa ita aaf oj tov.it. Tbe__k*.ri rotdfl aith Ibfl pm, and told ti.em lo loea then door. Tr.., d ..ce orthe ottier uiile eirplov.-.l .:, be BtOTB WOIO -.1 a balL I i'-'J. Mflfl-OB -bfl haea -- trtnodtMdMr, mbw* bt found fiat, aad ao that all wao b_rk iaaide. Ihe third time he a .** a boboII ;ire bora-ag in tbo back part afthoflaOie, and _or_oeo_tel* abona. Tbfl fla-K- apreod rapidly, ond, ronning np thro-i^h the w.a.leii i.urtitioti ogkd roof, wrence it e.teuded 10 IM WOO. 08 tao aflfflflO-Og Tl.e faaOBM vvere aadv on the .roand, and worked iv ith a will, Idoofdta nrtieaa, tne ra aukoftbe bail.nga abovfl eM-ao-Blod, were rie- atroyed. 'Ibe boilding vv the fireon^nated, m almostentiielj deatroyed, and tbe two toom - who alep: ihei.ii). narrowly -Bca ed beh_K anth..;.-ed. Tle HMflfl i.i.-l ina in.n.e. aie up r..!l-'W--i >..'..'¦>, oceanod oa dwelbag ond eroeherr atore bo Oerard Matihew, wboae I - Lnflnrad for fl.BBJ ,i.. [. ,. u d r-adei. loooranofl f ompooy. N., . ,,i by Hoeea li. Lisboanatotaart ¦ ,-._rv iddwellinff. Inenred for j.. u i --.e ('ompHny.etock a-d !,1,1i,w'' mial an.l X --. rwned bl tt M Bfl oi 1 00-8 I M >N inkle, ni.d are hoaarad l".: *' ""', m "'e PflOf-O'fl luaaruii.-e DaamM a.rt 91,90. ¦> .-..; .- i i.\ 11. D ...-iea-1. mill.nery. UaTi- awe by fi.-e and water aboot f iOO. laaared tor $1, _D | ninre an l Btoeb ". !tl" I Ity I i \ ).y V. BoraUH B a book a: and dweH-Bjg. l>«ma_e botwaaa ^:ai and i-'it 0 li.pured ;«.r f3,0wl on Btoch in ibe K.if.er- .... .... on tunn .mo TbiB buildhiK and -'¦''; me oceopied by A. (1. N, .v....| i i .... ¦ I Ut oi ,.. i.,._,],. i . iardlaaoroaeo Ca. No "i. ¦.. 'i'..e.i I-, .m I...'..- aaooiofli flUaaaad d-".-llin_. Lo+e ah. Bl | 1 - ed b.r |l,*Woe atocki. loo and 91,500 ou furmture iu the I- iil'< n li.auraJice ( \.. -,M.> ie. np.ed 3 miMiaery- rtore and dwllinir. bi 11. U'Veil. I- . '"t,ie Iv. i lt p. N UMuaace m foraltaro. Lone, tkmm »:i.*. S | ....,d-.''¦. ur.-..."]-e-l hv Thonma liove. and an t.- .:. d | lha < .ty, oad $M in the !_. ton Ineorancc < '. n>i N ;. ...:,.,i bv Jobfl K. I-in !.n, aea jewelry ¦t.-re and dwelliiiL'. to-atvd for 91,008 M ato.k. und | , Hooth ktvcr Inaurance foai F'as'' -.1'' acranied b] J. llellmun, mil'.inery and i.,,v -ior.- aad !¦- 9»M! hflO-BBl lor »'..'. the Brooklyn li mi met < a. Koo. :i, aad -I an «ni vi by Ma Momaon. and aie feDj it-ur. <l. T ¦:..-¦- aroaBflMBBa to the MBonnt. I >' " .... b. _,___ \., .'..!. r..-.-.i|.- .-! i.v.v!r.. JaOBOB Miller. I.rxwf^); i$] SOOMflteoo a'.d turuiturfl in tke-'eople. Ir^nnrire (o. ..,,._ N.,. ...,;(, uceaeied bv \Sm. Muchell, ladie* pho- llore --, * -'". Hofll I tbo Btooh wua r.-tnov^l. A i kbotrt .'^' \.-nr. ..'a-e, flflflaadHooyBtoeb well whohad been HI Had Ifl tiie honse for neariy . rei.r'i.iipi bj aaih-OBB aroa ao.flOBil freei the lainiitm- luilui:.^ i.' -' 80, where .he diedm u few ¦daaffloflerwfl L _. .__.*. Theae hnild.u.i. aie ..wned br K. A. A. *-riai.i)' Dar, und are rOMr*. lOf 93,0011 iu ihe Eo#> iMOMMfl Compan-; d_n.a_e. Bo-i ea-h. No ooadMieo baa . aaardtotb. orWio oi um*** f.atr the n-iitirr ifl l«-tr_^r -OOBBlfBlad by Ute Pire Matfliflil r-lltf IN PBIOCO *TR»:-T. Ab.tii II oci.H-k MTiawda) _80*a__fl|0 Hre.>eoorreU in Ibo eroeb-0. atcre of .lainet, M. Kn;, Noe. and1 >I priaeeBt-«l oa4flflaaodaboM|a_BMHflaak ineor- oruii.-'»~! in th.- ba-ement, amoni: *ome *traw uaed for .jtuk.un .rmkery. hu: liom whai .a.i-»-i unkfiovvu. The O-iroe ~rH*tTu ,aat ie eompriaed withiu the m--..nd »...ry of llolman. bnck bl..-b iu Sileni Ibe (JoTernor h_- one rot.m, and the Se.retary of Sute and Treaenrer flMMl I aad a* the I>.»rt*l-*aTe mee-U but biennu-Uv. that branoh of the Oovernment will be diepa^-d of in tbi pnblic hall «v-rhe.d wba. ocr^n rtnir... The 0MJM StoU.mtn UutrkB th-a 14 a ^reai |_. on tbe old H.voma.-iatior.. ihe offi.-i l^an^ now in a bnck inatead of a woodea biuld hM. CITY TFEUH -<_>- |__j v rn-t.. Sai.AKir ..The MM-MBBI .r-titao. tbn foil.itor oi Ai.re_ao.4_ti and tu depnf'e* __tb fr.m tiine to time been tx'ibii.l b;. ni'.D'hly »tit*- nmt-, but we nov* .ive th* entire fi_-a ot th". -'"-y ofl. ,.l. to: th.- vewr 1 *.._¦. Ti..-> BM "t'l'.e M.-ir iii.il t'.rii pt/i'l-r I Mplatalj bt thfl ______ BM f e.. arr m.t tie on'y lurky t*m*\ Tte S-i_ritf. C.niit,. fierk.atid a un- other* h-ijo reap * _o! ien har\e t. Tl e n-ireni lor the (ol e< tiou of A*-_**iiii.euf» u about tfa_-___--PO- II. the Strrel Ilepurt.i.ent. T .ne .tp- peara to be no _._»d reaon wby the offir* BBflB d t.ot n_» B__baral_rMo_e and the rolb-tion pnt i.i. l.-r t-n. BHIIbI >-f tle B-flBflM Dejiartuient, Wlivre il .- ..[.rly lielotiKB. TLt- followinc ntat'inent chow_i the auio-int of foe* Maaa y ti ¦ CaiMMi hi l li- _Bjaa__a *_____ Ita raar. Thir n -B-JflBMB < nt of __¦ p-.!.et- ot';>...| *|J flflTBflM a»-<ri_rd lor lmpioveuieiit. Ja.,n..rrto Aptil ... *7.4*1 b/.Septeirber. 14JM M Jti,v .. .( ,-... "'. U.'-ober. 2,1*)-- . iS* T'.;No.e_n._-r. ._ . j,.-.. .,<W7 10 llpcrruber. <-* 8J *nsS_*V _?.^5_5_7 TUflBBBBMf -un .iividi-i UBBBg ikl Coll.ct ' and I)i Mtfc * in* foilo wg: D. B. Dfllaifla -__*___ Ifl IflBfl _. *___!_ _. I.T ..tt.r. ( rUe. .- t nni Juue...**. \ \' h.mrera. Prpuly r-i'-ctor for the vear. 1, *_.. -' (. Caaaa PflMt. --_-*¦lar for tb* y__. .!_'____ U _______ |..-i_:l- ( <->, ro.-f,.r the vt'. '' w JJ -ruall Ilepul- Cullivtor fio.u AwjiKt l.'l ¦-¦ Total..-_-.,470 M l>.i< iai .- bmb. aaatri 1 t'ool.k**!**.-..-tJJJ !«____( B_aB__*4B*a «....< per d.v . -P. gNotirr Cl*rkt, * I'-pr: month BBflB. 1.440 T~_l.*3,in« Aaannamaaa or raa Oaaaaa laciilf..(>n Monilay eveniw_r ibe German -vociety held-heir 7_;h ar.Dnal ni*etiii_, when th.- TBMMBTM r-.port.-d a habBBM of -* I, ><» II, iu BM tri-Huury, e.t dat-ive of tbe hoetitk! fiind, whi..!. MMBMM to ffXpkmi *9. Tbe re- ce-tit* dnrii v !__., iaeludiog a balaoce from the p-e- vioiis juir o! _-,_«._, BMBBBBaJ in all to f.,i>-l B. The e.x. .nditure _n...inted to 17,141 Hi flf wbllh $3,-72 w.-rr l.iid oui hy 'he Bahnl Committee, far _* af _fl_t_fl_B BBMMM* Ihfl PWBBBBB-- re- cit _MM- MB dnriigtbe yeai lli"' pflnoaa bad 1.1 fnrrirhed wi'h employmeut by the IfMtT, and B fi.u.iii'r> iip.-.iiied with a.-.ifatH'-. The pbyticiana of I"_ p'.- riMb fllj ar.d. >.¦ rhe Ofl roar W**ftt*mJJ, *ftX tt. ___¦_ Ull-t,- -"" pMMMB w.-re tifated dnnn_ tbe yenr. Tio- BB| M.IBBI 1Q- nitntion, amonntitu? to $l.r_>i 58, n .-¦ BBifBal by vo- lui.Ury coiilribnUona and dona'ioua, indeptn',ent of tlm S<i_etv. At the Xew-York Dup.m8.-iry, No. 69 Kouith avenne, (.ermaL phvaioianK treared at.oi.t l,<_"0 pa-ienta. Th* followbg _-utleuien w.'-e elec'_»d to >he Board oi Dbaetotr:.Maaa OawaM (>'t.-n.iort>r, B Iiilt/ei, .1. a. Bi-btil, Taaa. IfaMiH, S. T I liv, ( nr! -ittiiiway, and Wiilie WuJl.-u-*;. ?- Hri.l Bl.»!>.. -le BflflBBM tt it'le jBfM Jl div at .' c fjm*i Oaltli MarhM in PmIj ffMth maat, will no' di_:-r n.uch trom MM head, and a __ BVBBar> |i,ii ir of very paad (}-inlity. Tl.e n iinijer of all Mrti if ample lor tbe dem ind. a* a Attgbi redn.- tion i'pui ib. rate* cunent of _M_ week: tbe hif___l pii, -ti ie _eik eini/ ItOBBBBa B-_b4 BM l M :irn'-..!,.-r, MU a Irille _ffh_MMBBVMJMWflf BBtM 'i'iil''y. while y< d, Iut oxen aola at I cen'.a, nnd fflfl-. --...e. for tlie ritail market, wtre plBatyMBeflflM. Ti i drovn* i_i-ntrnily, and BBBM ot tl.e BflttM brohflCB, tini.k BMf thfl tnarket tUB week, if the a-rfand day like the hryt, will wind up IBmM the worrt of .hr Wii.trr AbMB-gb the pri. -. BMf BBBBM the mii.e l.y _hf potuid, they tMJ tbM bajflM Mtl I >'- the _,:_.,ir aotow that tba BMramlMwill Iwaga tvr.p. t,r aWBIH th.m ihey wero laa; Wflflk. T;.af the na.k.-. ii a liard t0Le ttt imtttt, MB BBflB B0 \V« B-M '" tk M lha' BflJMM > an obtain tQeir nupply of t;i*t-m'e I'little mu«b e-__ ter tban lant wwk, at c-rtamly BB hi_ber **m\m\ wLile bnyors ot mtdium nmderi cin gfltW-M tliey wiiiit af IMBBT rflMB, BBi .MM ot" in- Irrior gvaur- an get tbem af aimoet tli.-ir owu otTera. ? 8pm mi HaBTIBfl il TBB FotlCB COBBIMI a _aa___ M.iun. o' Aa Bflardaf l'- Hm ''"-u* aionen.. called ou Udonday at th* Nfflflfltflf tba !_*_._. _._¦____, Mayor Wood, Preeideut .Siiliman, Memi*. ltu\M ri, ..iianahiBB, Ml I -.hflflBflr, BBBflf prt-. tit, aud Bl aBja, l'-a. >y aud i'owell were abeent. The MMMMB wa* tratir-a. ted iD aerret *ie__._on. It wa*» IflflfllflfldM take ir- m Sup* rintendeut I'illabury tbe power of ihm- im. dctailnienuand tranjafert. of officera and mei:i!ier_ of the I'olae force, by rept-abnp; tne rule irraiitintc him Mfl rtime. Tbo OflMMBaiaaa BflBflaaad ____la-_Mi were M______a_ to make anch tnn. femand d. 'ailmenu for BMBMBBBl -Mt_ aa tbey _____ defm B__BBBB__I_M tbe _n at.r *Akm**Mj of tbe force. Buhject to tbe appro val ot ti.e BaBfld at it*< uext meetiiu_r. .May.r Wood, M.f-r-. i;..v.n, Stillman, and Stranahan, voted for tbtee uiea.tir*-. and Mr. I'lahoeHer ak'-imii them. I_B I fl rru't.-e nn K-iir* und ki-Kulariotus.Mayor Wood, M_-*.n_ llowen. Sallman, and Ulahoeffer, re- jrorted the followirp; transfera, whioh were adopted; nt I'lt'rr. S*vent**nth Ward, ard Pitroni- M . i. rir.*Ward; JaajMa Matcall ThlrlWart! **«. (___*__» Nu>*te*a_i Ward; Rkhwfl OaaBbbaa, Kuli'-enih Ward. i. y.i ! ..lai. l«eiii-, ti.t WarJ .1 ilii.rod. _lxl___d; H. B. -.¦li, Twpatjr-lxt ^Wrd. J. H. hl_nt.Kir.ttv rjl; 1 atri k li J. n. r i. iitr-ntn Wtrd and J. Cronk, T*oth \\ tt>U And th*: Uoard adjiurm-u. Bauuoi Ki ai r.-ime..T'.ie Mbrwtaf hmm mbm made .erterday at thfc Merchunta' LxchaUKe, by A. .). Hoiabi r, Bflfl k CB.I lHati bri. k k Wa. "J Canal-tt.. n*ar Laar.:.- i tl ? ..,tor, . .1 lo', u UI Fraukliu-f... uear . -BB I .;..> .¦! .o' No M Caaali I Biabi -t kn I"...:.-"- . ° -. ir-»i buxi. ¦ I ... m . out hon-e and let, No DowQin «t., lot . ?.*» B. M'.llier; . *"°- .-. t. tieh . '; iti No. -Um u,. . -. ¦ - ... TaaWaraaBBi ai Ln_u--__a it*»- k. M. « iiti.u.t.'.d flfl S'niday nioniiay. M B_ ab-Bflh, in BraadNiBy, a bmum of ei_bt aflnaoai on tb« " Wai- MBfbl ot ______ 'l'he tini HmMMM trea'.-<i of " Child- hood.'' iit'l ttti IBB d a pp,t.--t a_--im_t the ays'em of MMM._f yflBBf children ami t__ag tn* in _i;h __ah«lM___Bf. He f-_d tbu' .' _a.i atro.-ioua tha' -li«- Mo<-d and vik'or that w.-ia in-et; i.-d M d'.'-'tii^h *n tbe hand.a and body -"hotild Ih« httlti m'o 'he he id until it b<<came a dieprtporTioua'e lMa_MtBfl] w.-n oa the d U. The next dincouree wiil he | UmmmI to youDg men. ? A Boi m "..Wil'iam LfllO-i * buT.her in (,'enfer llaikei, exiiil,.'.'i...i I BflfliflrJ m frflM flf 'he City Hall, a moiihtrritin fat -teer. Tlie animai a hw ****it red Iiuiham, 7 yeara old, and hae beeu futtened for the part j veaif. He r-iindd .'* feet | ini-h¦¦¦* in/li al tlie wiibetr, uLr'ba II I'eet ~>\ inilie*, and hi- pie*ent own- - -ha! ten day,. au» he wei^'hed il.-tT*. ponnd*, bat rin.e hm arrivu! ut Bull'i H.-iul Iuim hut '.H pmnid*. making hi* pn-eent wrii'ht, 3,41^ potmiir. He waa tthti and BtMaitl by E. Huxtnn <-f Ileekman. I)uli-Le*ri Cotuitv. Fu_ ..iv. OaaBBI.- A (ierman f n.lor, MBM. Krna Keeler, reaidiBg at 2to. 'JT. Hayard atreef., wai arreettvl jerterday, ch .r-^ed witb baving fi.r_.e_ the name of Anjjuat W. Wehmer, keeper of a aaloon, to aeveraJ ordera on dilT'-rent penion*. Theee orders were pre- *eu!*4l by a young brother of the ui'iuned, and lha mon*y obtained on tbem. Tbe priioner waa commit- t»d byJaatice Steer* to uuwur, and the lad wa* aent to the Ilotue of Detenuon to aecure hu attondanc- aa a witueat. a fliLBWAT EoBBBBT..John T. Kildey waaarr-a--- yeaterday, by (ifficer Ta> lor of tbe Fift__«th P^--il-c^ charged with bai__ idMnpi-d lo rob Miaa Juli* Min.rlBiid, rt-aidmg at No. I Ki«bth ..renui.. of a t-T cap., valaid at $-0. ThB eompUinant aUeijaa that while ahe wbb pa«wrttf throuirb Laiinn* atrr*.., .ln- wm aeeanlted hy tbe prier.ner -r»d twn ofhera, wh.. t » k imprr-er libertiee wi'b her, aud aft-rw«r| a e n,.t*d .... ai-v off her <ape. TIip ... '!-¦-! --lointuitUwl f>r MBBBt-BB- n i>y Jaookfl K'-llv ? -.>- Ki-ontt or thi IUii.k..*I)C'ik Lic%**t* Tha time fr tbe rei.ewul of r_. ifleaOflfl b-the" i.» K.iil- r ad Conjpaai'a hae arrived, aid Aa Mixth an.l --fhtfe Aomm Coooiao-fl hBM aboady iom aod. The um. ond and Tl.ird Ave: 08 CBaBJ BBBO Ifllbaod lo ..' oooM-MMarB-aCooo-OMCMMBMO y** -MO-Baj each car. and .oi.tiue t.- diar- .*rd it. M_ were t na- mer-r-.-ii-ytie- -t t oaaBaaltbaBilBO-kaaatl but M da.BaB hua, h* *.», -OM arn-ed at. -a Lin Krr.-Bt..AS,.-l'e Twenty-fir* W*rd R* pnhli.:tn Aaeocihtion ... _beCflflBBJBJB-- whi^ UrtrJ l.ave j.rt adopted. haTO an art.-.'.le whi.-h pro*.d«w that n,e. ur... abail be bold every Monday e-emuz. and aa n.n. h flflbflflM ne tl e Aiwocriii..!. aiiajl direct. The Ke- pi.blicanj cf thia Ward uiean work. -*-- CBOtM Rr. -iptv.Since the hr»t of JflflHOflrj, the no. ;j»a for CboMB water iflOBi have l>eeu bnt $-',000, IflflrVhOf B-aff] $|ia',(U.i'H'il| d.ie, on wbirh inter.-it al tl.e tale ot liltt.-n per Bflflfl ia exiv-ted. U not paid by tbe first. of .Time the pioperty v. ill be Oflld _ uniial. Maw-You Citt L."i<*tir oVflflociATioa..Tojb lantiree, MM ibfl ('hen-ie'ry ol C-irhon Brttl bfl d.'I'V- ered in tie ObOOO- ln*ti'Ute by rT-.f. Silliman. jr., be- fore tbe New-York (ity Lihr.trv An-.a i_t'...n. The io he _iveii thia eveuiii*;, a_d tbo M ud to-ni >r- row evemnif. Tnr rtiRMvifr Ho.ru oj- Tkviu..The third an- nnal dincer of tbia ^tjiIiI takea plaflfl thia eveninir at th.- St. nebflflaa Betai, orhaalbfl rafraaooaalfaflaodtbo trade will munter in a-ronp for.-e. An Ueretf-nTO- JTati aouiu.-l-BoJooolMfl^ a farmer ol Npv-Jer-ev, h*J in bb etnp.-y a ...au u_n- UoH.p. ' -' rie.i.ii. iovi.it .New-torB Mf VVeiaa __«._«. H..:.li.-.|.a.«.-.I i.p» lo'.ol .L.thiiiK a-i.1 other i.rnperrv. valued at #01'. with wh'. b he all.-urt*l for >«-. \ ork W bi e i,avij_tii.« iu the nelkhborh.H.d of tiie .V--h*w.-n ler-v .he Ihipf nrtmrr" th- ati.pi.ioB of. Itft.-.-r lta.Tifaol.la ol the ¦; aiii.iv ....-nd I'-.-. n..-.. ¦ ' ' bta taaj Btwaefly. ...i :. ,- The prtj er wsa '«_po bef.ire JMM Keliy t. ho eoinniltted bui. to anawer -?- AcciBBan am) lafljaMio. -fory Kyaa di*^.ou «..t,.I.t r.iaht frntn -rjerlea re.-.iv-.- in oooawinenee ol rj.-a... u _lf-tofitall.il No. ifi ra-t -eveBtea-thatraat. Aa 10^ q....i»-..!eid oi.tl.p u-ly bj < -.-.uner J i kiiian. «'.d » v»r- 11. t or .¦.ridpn..i dea'h taudnmi.... M«T- r_B Hlluhy wa. ..¦-. I- to death nt. Mnnrl.iv laat, «t tbe re-i.lei-,-.- v.t her p_rent«. ln 1 */en- tvnr-f atreel Igp »r-.t'.ra a .pnje.fooiluif water over her per- l0_ Tl.e Lii.'v..- _.t K-u-cl-th. old. Rf. nvi>i. traiaa BaoM .Atmm CaflUcaa of Vo. Till wen'T a.-v u.h atrp-' WM I.e -p,l-'i»v _j I, ali.-e K-llv u,an.«P ¦ - rp,.pi..itf a_i-_ immU. prafernal a.-...at a he .I..' re- varietv a' an.all arti-l.-a which h.d ueen . utbel -'.. ": ':"f''-r. i.t -.. -** Brl-tai. A'iiriT.-Alexat.der V. E3lbB_0,a mtoA ia1 lo-.ii i Po-"-....- w». a-rea-p.: ye.terrlay eharged wuh havira. ot; the IM nh ....niii.i:"- a b...-»l ou-ra.« ma rine IJodenhotfet -. rhiM aiatfl ;rr. -.r^.- I ka -JUM - par-n-a re.idp.t s'>. .'¦! Oraokhrl «tre-.. arban *ey kaef b-eardtoe- Baaaa ard ia alder daotfcUr -..y lhal lha .*__»*_ «a.i previ- .Ueinpted Oj co.i....it » HBa a-*--' up m herwlf. ?- Pbbcbbm oo * Baaetaai .On Monday ni^ht, MeDet-Md ofthe Math Praeia-t *.*» . ¦"»¦_¦ Wh ita .treel » ith a BBiall bat of moaey iu hi* hand. The ofii -er walkpd altttladliUBrewlthl .-.]..eaM......¦ h.-n^ wl-pn Ibe Wlow inddaei* dr.ip.ed the hiu and r_ The bai wa* t«urd tr. ..r.nt.ni B08 VI, whi. h i* luripoaedto Oethipio- ceecaof aburalir-. ¦rsaitM PUBII.Hr00. JSoBMWM arreated on Mrn.i.v ni.hv ,-h.r.pd with h-viri Make BU -J 'w.-uiea from a -u.-.u M Valaal »P*. ot No. 14 Maraei-*.-«'- 1 Le accuMd wa* held for exaxtitnariou. m (Adver.i.e-iPii'..] F.rwARU B. Dix.'N, M. I>.. E litor of The Baal* pel attPi-..'.-eT.'.i.-ivelv tn r.p.--ai;ve a.irTr-jr, and the more ob- . ,,,. uj, . 'i.eivic tVaeara. Buptere, hru.orrh.jid*. hatula d roncealed «h*-e»* ofthe reet.ni arecared Wfthout th* k_ii or lin.t-ie Utl'.ee hoi-a, BtDo 8 t*Oa. aa , 18aB aud -. to 'i p i.i aVa 42 5-.h :.t. A-. all oth.-r uo.irahf ia at ma pn- \atph...r.ii*l whereeve-voomf.irt al lot aatlehfeli provi-l-d fnr t' a aha leaillia Iba BBBW i_.pjr_-; op.-;»uon*, or oaretul _idt. atn-.rr-:. -? [ Advertiaanjient. OiR BOCIAL Rfi.aihin. Mviiriv.;..:..Thi* i* the ...liject of P of. FowLBE'a Lecture ui llope Chapa.1 at 8 Private Kxai-initioiu, with .'hart*. dallj. at -W8 Broadway. [AdTerti-enjentl CAl"Tf01SNEf*S Is ¦OOOaTUna A OREAT U\ma> r-ktra OlWB BIB. ita deh-ieu- ) ii ol m -uinoua. A I'hreuo- )>_i.ai I'.xaniinatisu at KowLhak Wrii.-S. WW Brcadway. will ahow the eieeaaea, weaX pnin.a. taleuta. ao. ri^ht parault. [ AdTerti*eoient J The Red HaBBBB.Here Ib a ehanee fo witneaB thi* exc«l>nt drao.a.tbe he.t the »tp h vp pramtWai I. ia to Be r. -r*afed thia iftarnonii an.l evenlLi at haitMCM'a Mcsbcm, and alwaya at'.ra.:t* |re»: crowd*. [ A d-erttaenienlj M31honfl ef Botrlea of Mra. Wr-sLOw's toHrTtr- rm. Bi-r/r are now naed evary vear ln tne Unlted Hute* fo* Ch_dr«n Teeth.n*. w+th nev»r-fai_n« mcca**. Beliaf U laani*- Hate aad certain Oall t* p*nta» hmtle. BBOOaTL yn items. -m Tlie Prnytoni will pert'onn " N'.-v.t Detrp.tir," und .. Love'a I_ib^.r Loat two of their ente.-tHir.iii. I'.r- lor Opcra..tLui ev.flB-Of, flt Woflb_glM il.ill, WiU- iamahuri<-h. Stnor Oliveira will appear between the pflfflO, aud extiute jjouie I_v: Bfl piflOOOM tua; violiu. ? |_U 00 COBflTAOUU i> (,'k-mi>..:. CaflOfl. Bo.O montha ainee ,lu._e Cu'vtr of the Cfflj (.'..urt, refuaed '.. ;..Iu.it the bfl 8 flf CeaataUflfl h)r a..>rv.fiL' r-iuiiuai - -p.-t,. ¦ the groead lhal it waa om '.'< m\% ia iee oi Ibfl poliee. uud hy perinUUnij; the Couawblea to per- ti-tm tl.-.t d.ity the i-o.in'.y woiii.i bfl un.iu-'lj ta_e«l. 'I |.-i. ¦ wa- uppeuh-.l to th. lafOOOOfl ('ourt. on the eiiit of Edward O'SoiO* offl-aai BraaMfl l»- Caloor, City Ju.Ikc, and recentl* the i.»llowin« decudon w;u ren.lered hT Jiulue BOBflOt, heiuir in favor ol' tbe CoU- Bahkoi Mambu BaiL..I »u Tbaradajeoeao-afl',!-* M I ttcoait* I W Ilianiabn _-h -.. \e baO ol Ibo Udeon, in uid flf I i tiie _1.iboiik- Hoard of Kelief. .' Um "if- 'he noli-em*n app.-inted under t>ie V ' *.o e-tah- ii-h a .V.elroio ita-i'olKp l'ia'.ri-t.'et (Laari ol 1087, ~eLI,f. 2li.I poaa*a. ai;'. p | - ".'' -1 -'*¦'¦. o. .-ivii prrxe.a. 'p'-he-'.I'h.-p a d' rel . vaatad arith aurh pmarnta. 'l he ..an.tahie* in the City ol I'.rooklyn *ti 1 ...on- tinue in ..Ihce -..I retani i-tu p.mer la tiie MfViaa ot y pt lt 1- i_ the dia.-i -'..on >.f the ¦aghOMea lo dtr...-t and de liverth. ;r proi-oif Li - tt"Bleefi, aiw Kay exacote U. It ia traa that tba aBaetal '.!->. tin-i,. -li.irpuot. one way or the ..-. te enjpU.y au olli.-er who tp.pi.P4 a atatad .r..-y, or on-- who w .__«» . har^e apoa\ tlie rttj TraBaaBy fWtl ¦-i upw to p-r- )...t ine ii-ajtipi:ate v.-> r-.; - eauraathay p-.r.up II. ti.- .:_'ipr .;:.: \ '..'.;-¦ (...-. IJ not il u'r"! tliPir o.p.-rptiou by raft-jIMJ 'o la-i r ' . Meeaa vhaeB 'h-v p-i pawj. la taa, m.. Jiajt in.-r.r-p.-t y ret.aed io t»v lha ralator'a Mu, an-i 'nerauiuat bajuiifaaaatBflBUMt him ior a peteinptory i.i.i.iaii.q-." CocBTKBrcrro- T\ Fulice ofthe Eaatern D aaere jp.tprd.v uo'.iied'hal o.i_:pr .-lt *9 bll - .-.:. l .n.uiy bai.k.N. V., wei-- I.eii.^ ..p.»-. hi lha -.'-> Ta.- -tor.-- i.. ,. »r-. aa. .-. .' a.-J ine..urp.'ai.-:. ta a0*_ra lha [..irtie* ei^ujp.l la p*.- u..' ti.PL'. b.:: lh.-T aluiafl '.'.e viaiLui.-i ... rl-.e louD'ertPit v hilli nL tba I'linlne i-ana. N J..a_d the (h.Pid* l ...ty Ba-ik ol'l't:-.. N >.,repul!n piicuis'wn yp.tenivy ia :h» VV-.i-m i--au:-.:t. A ynuur -i.n ui to pa*. a -f.e IU.U..I Oank. Be WBB coi_ui.'l«d to _n.»er by Ju»- ti. e lon w- . ? AMabBbotii Hiotabb. \ Fbmb bmi ooaood I-.. vv.-: berbaaaer*er fMBya t Beld M ttm N"r VorikjWk** aholonf-.u_p.j ln...U1L2 iapl iv VI:. K.-ld. who .upp-»e- ne w**%hur»:ar. Mr Ke.j U Ibe r.»tn.aM4»r. aud hia p*- "* haaa n-. r.d aaee-al .. at Oa Ha-a-q .-or-i..« he he-ird rne iroul doo. open. and w-.l J-wa Hairi wi'.h a loaded *ua Ua W i.t aiao weat out ".to «he entrv, wb-o lle.d h.-arin. the ..... hrpd. anMoaioi it v. aa ihe bur«-_. I ha -bal took adeet... lha ody of ./e VV .t. who i* ..noely mjma i, bui it i* lh..|-l »iil te.-jver. MA.H_a.-I_tm-VCT.Bnw-- brmmM beforeJa*- .,, (..,, .,ii ve.i«rd.v ou 10- oharie ol bltln. Uie uo*e of p.r.. k rrr:.on ne.,:/cr***-!**__. »«h. _, .,u., preTiou*. »he o.taand oou._ut.e- M ti ia_ --?- Tllf BBOiiBLYH CBMi fl.lB. TntkrA'dttar ./' |BB*I WNm Sir: In your article upon theea mattet. on tbe lwb ii_» yoa have a-mtentloaally do_e ii^uum to the Oroohlya (.'haaa flab, by r*p«rU-| U *i -ot ao liuurnhiuf a conditi-a a* U*i v»ar Thi* l*a ui-rtake, a* tie Clab *u _«..«/ io ao prosuaiaaca eo__Uio» ** h i* u«w. ll ha. amoag ita membera 8B08B ol the -ar- uraaayat pUyar. ia the cooatiy uad the avaaaaa atraagth at ita meuibera I* not eicellad by auj lluh ta lha l/attad flUlea. Tba room* of tha l luu ara aeatrally looalaO aod a-aaSortabty f-i-i*bed, -_- -ia open u the pabllc every ii»a.a| Oa Wadaaa- day _d Satarday arflflflap then U a _.«-»- -B8B-8MB of tha. tuaiban r*r prmrtioe. and eu flat-rday aaxt a (nad toomamea* . Ui BJ.088000 'aa tha p«rpo«> of teatinc tha aomaarativa aUe-ith ofthe maealwr.. aad thmt #_f_aUla prteea ara ta ba ttvaai li the »_mii Ut eeah af Uyaae BiflBM at ptajnta. Ab-UUBJU XEW-JERSEJ^ ITEMS Pir_»o_Ki_T...Wii_». afew .Uti pi-t»#4r#-_tl **»> r, at. h.'r I*. m .re hv p*rtl*. Wfl* -«»- bad the'r _..¦_¦ p_-krdw_Ue pw-n, lr.n, lli- t*WtJ tr ...» U> MB.«BM__1__ _ei.t_.in. i, »rre .. d_vp. W muuI an*v>nuU y**t*r**y, aa» taa B .-. Bot Ifrlr cre_ 0«_m. I..h(ibi..Jao_» /.. T.i_<'.HI.,*>mpl.T_-l <_a . aaaarl l.inr.. BBflflth* l.-rarvt if r**iy. »-_r*a_i~4 na Maa.laa v* ith »__.' l._.r,.(,.. to thr capt-.n All _aar*B (er W * aa pr_v*a| anava K.tai ,Mfi:-.iM 11 rn.T. vi.t -J.hn L»»i*_, a it*t._>ve« ln hhaft v,, .,. a_M _-__. o-jflr*- y-w-'-l-r ) heir-bloa.li uu,(u tl e ahafl - I..,' ¦.'¦»«'» work. Ii* waa rrnv.jed toth*N*w York I. a I***" a/Ur r»_i_i__ a*.-. Tl.e mmtrn htry ,f U-Mifl (. o_ty yewtawdaf ie«n_"it ur.-. v-tavaral -_».* <*( t_t_(l-U v at-d lapr_ LA IV / \ 2'A /. LIGENQaX roriT or oknbral.-h:-.-,u.-.. -ji...i-.-i IttUlBI.I.. 'I l.e i. -e ai Hetiry Kai.i*.. trbiflh w eom«ii*l cn &.on-d'v, taa. reaam-.l (<.-«l*y 1 -., >>.*a> w a* r.iewl*t_L Btill laaalaaltlili tl.l' ( l* aa__.i__iu.ilr ted iu lli* raa*. I ar -. .,_afl wa. tr< on ptLlril iu i* ( -ui' r*j hi. wife a yu.rB. warnae »P >*- r.!_,»I. not u*er i" j*«r> of _«*. Abont'hree h.or. _|. Wf wnr mr :p*rH III i*b_b1 in i-iitimi-ii «p 'n« rat*. Xaaii 11 «B ,ii,d F.aj,kn,ana<sdr»i>ii «»t* JbTJ nn VfcAlf of tha artaiair, aal Mi I-. vie. aaaBB.al D__-_ _*t_-_*y. ,ortb« *._*-¦ Tt** Jud.e _irl__|__ th* J'*rv dir*. te,l tn«_a la _H*.1_ 'Ba rbari* ___**.'. ib tb* md.- ..-rnt f ¦ _»- 1_'*t___ ll rn, that ti* j-i4 «aa*_-*fl Mlull t-iru* w.«t« mw .*«<_-* ora* t_.**__.)-edla*i.__ty of'.'cmv l'e ***** revi-wel tb* *-!. e.-trenf Hir.rr llr._ Vr l..ne Mr Be u*y aad etbera, aal air. Ir<J tl*r larv t- ss>»e no Le-1 -o ':i_*roor***t-B rn*!* By l__- pir. al 'hr __i.. 1 h* rvi_e_.p in ibt. r*i_B_ t w*. io aa r___*__t with ti* _l raatloo i.d ti** d< nr.- ot BBBBB_BB_M B I. ro b* ********* oy tb* J'.ry cndrr BB_a__BBM» .tsni-ra of *arh r»_e. < onfr_.iona *al_ *"_« taa uv**l d.i,a*r-" . ippdaatd «. id. nrr ict-d-i-i- ia a .aa*- at J _e- __t IU ___*.e *l.o ri____i_._ t_rjar/._*l tbej __i- a_>t ta c.B.lder the ili«_t of thea.ru._ed a. au enrl-ore of jullt a* faar aei eri.it atte^l. hr u.iua. of uien nudi-r -Jldir iklrw -fl-B '.** n,aittr *_ hr cOt*f*.ai o -,ade 1*. tb* -»_d *l Ma Hai* Be waa ,_..rirU bv Mr Laiie with ateai.tn tb* li.or, tb* J-dfl* a|*la Diadeal u-iot, _i-t d, prlad t-* Jury lo <t... aw Dead la iL '11 r Jury lb-B reti rd to ib*tr room l.ut wer* unabl* U> rwaal_B B_aatti»r* w.aiiob-* m (ne .rore Tb* ( .Hlrt _.'»»«* vtt .-._rd ol .|.r,u,..,i ia-ei. «"'. rapoTta**. aafll-B 'B. tairu Um r. __. At I olo.ll th*v oad n*t **rr+4 apao a vardksi. UBITBO BTATU IltSTRKT l ol HT-Ja». li.-l Ja. laa «BTT. < kimimi. aaflflfli Thi. -ora'mr th* Judi'e naid he wonld heir tba r>i#- tnrt-Btiorur. on tba B_B_BflB maile t*H -atnrday lo dla- I. rr- iiiio,,i pe'-aoa. couvn:ted duilna taa o_»i*tb, aa tba ar.nid tii»t the ui. lotu-uU wei» u.t .i_t:_.-.i t*y *aj Uiaad-* a< ..-.. -iiin vai-.nt at tnr tira* ia _>o*«?<iu«a-t at I ... Vr -»<!_» ir.. Fn-Ji'd.- BflflBB-flb, Ue I iatr'rt-ttt.iniey. rern.rked thtt tb* . cr« -rr^ol a |raar uatnr.. an-i "e pruouara flflfljl ::..i-|.ar«ed n a. rh a t* i'iii*i-%. _-a*e_l_B Bfl flflflMMl a. . how a pei-uin with an indirt.m- bef. ie nim re<il*rty .ad h. a '.r.-ud lur.. tin* _-ith al i't Bifaala opeo ,.*Uf-»inu>a tr'ltl wirhout » a.ofii.c IU trr« »t n-j ,.«;ir.ent aud thai aliar ia* jri.y tav. j._r_rd aaatfl ih>- aaa, aa ... _~B*.*.-4 Mfl__M u .-.r ._ .ne.' -A ;udguirni on 'hr K-oiiad r.r ,_y ... hnicil -*- , r,.r>-lv in-hrfa.-. that at tn- tuna Whr'lithe; i : i -i IM.rict-A't ini-v. ¦i whj lad i a h.vim reteotly d.D*rt_l He ii r-.-iderr.l t,i Wfl_l onm, for if tb_B \--.-.--.y war* Indi.ted. thou.d it !ail of otfact IMflajp .hr nerr w...t .j: ie. -izn*tnre . *_i ..idtheiaw aa. unaK'led i.i rTird ti thit aaatta^ h.t ......... r J '.- !u_r«-.<»i!, - tlr- .rpin.rnt ba heard ii* cr hiia a..d ia tb* laiaa -..u.e wo_.li! d. .Vr ri:r « nr. BM i! Mfl pri vonafi. MAB:NI-". 001 RT-J .. i-.-itefi-r, M in. A. K. Maibabb, Jiin. - ,n,i i I iry raraa mi; t m ir. Edward II. sta_.i_ J _..".. B. MilhjrT. Thi* wiui bb _*...<.- In-wu.iit l.v I-.- ,-i _iuu.Ttore-w-er *4.7d_n. e. :or the na* ... a P-lir _MB ia ^.tlu. a MMM h, i* n -i 11" tlie i*. Irniltn- t. i-onvert atiaw ind n.i ;..i*> I Iflfl tuatte'r, _udfro.ii '.: r-i e into paper. Th- p,.i:.rilf umtun rfte *V- ¦ inv.Blioa .¦.. . ,i tbat pr r.iap- i: muat h, api>. ej ta iniiinol ,ai.r luto Bapal B* wall i, :i,i u.l .ir*» a*4 t,. iir.ri ii.ni' **uun*»**t*mMa* Tbat drlr.da:,-. .-oi.aen -0.'or ii tb* . r-rf _.« Bt an .aid an<-oea_ tfta laimt wr-uii! .datena* i* tba i.-u :.. t.ue rf.l. nd.-1 non.-ut in * oun'er ruim afaiaat tba pajn'iH for tarvicM and u_j.-r.ii. in mikinz ta* eip-n_iai4 oi>(i. T: .. trial waa eaofltaaeafl .*u M_d*y moruina ud of B |t*_t ¦_ ind a-rv**e|- rraa firftu lo t::e )*irj | -raoon.. fbfl .erdi. t ti*." lha- plauittti .'! Ij" ___.'i"l*mm***mtmlhaaaaMtl tt**** * » -anoBiortao dtieudauL 8trRFMt( OL'RT.Cir. :t--o IT..Beror*Jaatic* .».. BBIIBB TH_ NH KB* Hl CA-B. Mi Ke- /ie a^t.L^t McA-ttHi*. Thbtaaitwaa broaucbl hj thfl ImbbMbm BBBBflBI hM wi'e t* art.jir!.-a derd of ronvejance road* hy hi_a t* bar *_B tb< ;.r»_v.ra No TSS Kroad-aj. 1 he plaiutie aiie.ed tb-t r.i. u ife IndoUel bim ia tb* babit at drickii.a aj.lriiuciia liquora. and that abe o -.air.t.l from aia llBfl dred .-I umr), r. »li;> h- WBB ,ii an IMflfll aiei .UI*. -) i.,. edlbee-rar. 1 h- ..-r ca. t»een *b Irlal t_. j,_,. r . r reai_iui__lo.it afl Duht. «rre unarle ro a/'-i* BB. B tfleflMI i'wa. iinder.laaB |, »t aavca .->' iu Cavat >,: a verdi^l for th>- iel'i-adaut. leba _____ b _M .'_.;_:¦-, BaJ. fl-Bflf _-d Mr. __BMMBBj lor drl.uda: V Bel'or* Jmtire Lbcakd. hk< iai ia. Saronel W. Mfldfl Mt. Joiiu M. t lark...Motion ___> Bird. will* BMflflflBI toaoidnrvont. ¥¦ H. H_Ji li _.e_ a^t. Ku'biird A. ( oizina.. __!_*. tion _Tar.'*d_ COCRT OF COMMON P_KA_J-1b.il Tibm.Jaa. 1_. b*for* ludj* Hu ti.v. heait raaoici a«__u_it tai itt. Vlilliau. lS..l_'ei*.-. TI.eMajor. kc..,f. ._* Vtrl. Th.^ ^v..- at, .-uuii tor ihUBBpefl for aijunea re.eire- by il_utitt. tl _, tu-.ilewala at tla coruerof F.lav.nth a»enoe and Tbtrty ^.-or.d ttirn*. Tbr ptatn- litl itated that ou Lia way ho__L,e. tne m.ht being dark. a* t.1 n*o th* Bole in ij,ie.ti.,r. H* had no pt-viou. l__iowlaKl_» ibat .twa. th*r*. Iltruiiirn bo'.*. I Bf ann .al nve feet deap, aud 'inIirot*.:ta_. h too. in tb* udeWiik aa_l urb and ritter-arc-e IVittje.t wat an.. n injured Two pjuo*- n;*t, *ot hin. oat i*( th* BfU uid beiped h:a* b itne. H* waa ¦h k ...L.e time .. b< a r and »t Uie bo.oi a. liu kaee-paa waa brrjkrn, ai.-o arvrril ofbia nt.... ai.d W Ifli atir.-.lder aad hia aad aad baad i-uvad. __ - . . Th* Jefeneaiit. -.ifered bo t ..tunony. Mr. Hepry H. .Vi__l*t *r>n the Atalaia^t (orprritioti l oituael. * lo i-oujucled tb* aaaBW on th* part ct the i-%- MMad -o IBa > ry tu_u I u- c__*a WBB one ui ai__l.v pioaa;c_lte«i ai.iual the -i:». iu » IlicB Ib* CltW ,..1..-.-11 Lav. BaBaaaaaal isliiru-ilion a. to thc/aet. exc«pt aura a. they can ter-v- Irooi the ''¦'lan..' put i»by to* pi_joti_l_u I'r L.ei.Cril ll.il ttie plailili-t up.it. uia u*u evi_eon» hai BM n.a.ie out . i-d*e on « h:i-li tir waa ri.til.ej to r, ,-ovej- eape,.-ia_jr be'ant* he did do( -pp.'*r to have ba»eu h wawhf f a* trom oe_r_i- U*l,'- Cnthe c ntiaiv it appeared f o_n aal tn* eirca_____.uo__s eo. uunt.'v c-t_;.-.: Iy pUn.ti-, 'Bat he wa. nrgliijrut. lia n Igbl -.>-. au--.- l*. .' hr did uot Bnon 'i,.. atate ot Ihe tl**- .* . .-¦*.».. :,lly *< it ai-;r»i*il he lifjurutly. il not utoaJy, pa..-J lar _a*fl iu goiim tu __ut 'r.i-i * MB. 1 hr Jurj irudri^d a vrrdi, : lor Ib* pi-UuliS ror B_, 000 Tki* b tba ::" ¦"' u '' '.' ** '** Jurv fjave th* pla'lltil av*idl..t .,: *_-'!. r._ouu tfla_ verdict, -_ ..a. appraled to th« i.-__arJ T«._. wb«re u waa Ml jefeudauta. iaroar__>i : ui-i-irn.-.botbbb to .->.r asidb rtMtaat rcaaaBBTi ibocbti.b tb fl IMt ST. A I'-w '¦ii.'- ib "' Williiim Caii . N'o.i-* ofitmned an .- -lolfliiiK judf- r -e u- to' ..l.iv. BflM a wiiy tne aam.' thonld .¦« :j . 7 i >rd to i-om* ;a and o.-f.nd Tb* Caatrnllrr n-nr.- .,. hy virt;..- af th*- .'.:h la.-.onoflna aot at" 1 .'_>. wbith *i-.'-- bim thfl pawa* t- - ''.'I rea_i»dy ta *B ct.«* wh»re, in htt -aiuedi- -* 1 npoo by ttm L'ontroUar, it will '- »__*«_>.____, ¦».- .-¦ M___Mat iMf l-a»r o ». -"¦ lu^raliBin. '1 t«fo:i-,-:. _: :-th'--a'..Ur-Uir_ji"o. Lbi j iai.oriua now *ouaht t* .'¦ d: ¦mt. Charl*. W. I rnnJ'u* aal piiiiiibi Mi iriaaaiBveB .«_ ¦-. *w i i»* r .-^ _t .:i th__a oa_ir wa. a»- i> i imtvalir l_h_M daii.tr*. tor o»*rn.>. br **- ._.'!_ k. ilay. who _(*¦>* lud.'.rpt i'r p._.'n;.^ in to.-- .ui af ?'-.'-.B «_ . \. IL. .1 .*** *¦» Ihr ih. l , u- ' »' 'o-t."'.a| innte* [gt,. J.. -. ul.lder. Referreii to . n*v A. il w". «.__.<.-l.v* .Jdziue.-.t tar .i_i_ti_ lul 'fte tuiu irt a_.-_* M JolL K- - ' rflBflU "fl-eB V. anl rr'rrf._. .. a V ¦. .ii_|t-_fll 1-*' \**m* lifl for + -a r.r..h. for .... - « toappciorintBarBflflr (Tu.!** »_ J*-_4_*. ' _ ..r*rvau*biai to* .._*-_-«_»r|r»ra..0B b^ ti,«.. i tarle* C JaMtaa. *-. ***** _-B__-flMMf ^^ *, ...V.ria.C-i.".'.:^-, ,,_ Tb*lo;towi_*tB*i - np... l__tt_i ... d bav._« baa_ Lbal thr oi -l^ Laldai oi laa __a ..r.unr __l __Ua-d >>___l____" _'. torrcaiv* .-ata '.- *¦*- acparal* tult. AJ ta* '-'. ;, . ei. "u.ed bat-ra-Bdi-,' ***>** «j'.« "«-,*._ _ CeaiflrManii ¦*''.'¦ -.m*.i't*r aiM TB , * ol Mirin, .au* Mrvic«_ Jadc r..lp i.iiror*. aarvice. a* Inap_.;or. lod<_rat for bJbbMbBj S.i i.-. Bb-bb. a*.i|_7i«* ef (ii :aor», wm* aamoaa. _f«d_. t^'nr Bl.'" <o" 1 he -b*iitt ti*« l*vi_d jpon Ib* pera-.nal property ef 'b* City lor al' thew lutlf mrut< iut ou mo-innof Mr Soy*.. a Uuipona-. |UJ"U> nH ber ba-»l* oDial . ;. i ptoiotnluifl. ia lbi* itia'tei uctil ifor tbe a_XTUIBB_il on Iba H....U, wbicb waa aM down f»r T..-_.dav nl COl'KT Or SPKCIAL -rs.-iu.- laa .::-B*_*r* MflBflM 4.-bi'B.V, tlKl-N.v.v lad-TBBBB. LflB-B Cunau, lan-eny; FeBiteaiiary three mosthflb Jau.** L'aiv, Laiaaai. PeiAt-nlUry thram m.ntti. IrtdflM Fivbb, larreuy Prnitentiary trrve roata*. laataa Umaafl. iar'-a _y l»__u*i.ti*ry Uur* ot*uU_ Wai. Jarbaon. l_r_*ayt I .-i.iteL.viv ...:.- i_..'i,-ha. Wm M_,.n lar'.euy Pauilaallalll iwo uaortii.. Mu v _.__i*h. laru-etv Pe.il-.eatiary tbr** ;¦*****¦ ( a;,Hn* S,-h._n-li. f*rr*ny Penivn-iary oaa meotb. Jehn w~- ilann. larreny Keail-utlary aia uxotitka. Wm. Pe»*__*o. "*¦ r«av Irnileuiiaij aia niouth^ .._u«_i-l Uotiabo*, lare.yi P»B_l*nti___-y thr-e ;.n>*'!... Jnhj. II*i,.ock, la/.'-aj raailaa* iary iluee Bwnlha. _______} <_rvn*. ______.lt *_d __->r _.*." rn ..y t're* ujootha W.i. R.euii«.ly *._*_!< and Battaryt l-eui.ri.t__v four uaoulba. John lUuiillau. __a*r_*ily »*«!2» Pe.iteBtlary tbraa tuanlb*. 'uri-a Br.r_*. Iweanji <_f Prwoatblny lay*. 'arab Paoaia. iarovayi _»-'. _"**-__ d.v. Jau*.a _"{Bn*iIy *-**-_ aad b-Atary .. Baad BJ- __; .ra. oibe. eaaaa w*r* i'_*_ aad m.p--.il »fl»i^ by ra«.*n._*-a tbe piwoner. ior *r«_^auc«, or di_.-b^»liMi laa* r COCRT CALEMUAB.TaUB.OAT. Srrait-iii OotBT.-__.mt..Pan -.-*_, ^ t«_, ItiU. 4.1, *_>, 4TS, 477, 47«, 4B«, 4*1,_.._».^"-__' S SaT l«: K». Sli. Vart ll.-»e*. aBUMI,2*\£*___". _M aaa tm ta*, tcfl. 4W, atl. *l«. «l«V*ai. ^_mJtt Jy 104. M. IM, W 1W, >, 111, LM. Bl. -M, IM. tM .. M ». .». ***. m "s-ravioB CmT.-PBtL^f-^S .1.4 Mr, 4M, »41 4M. 4\«l«iV_* -M S _rr, ar, Pan ll.-!-**. BM. IM. ^_J«_^ .*.*¦"* U*. (Ti aa.aM.aMBH. 4_a4H, MB l2_^. ar-. A., B. ^olBT «.r CMMMHfBBil |^1a_BS_LS av. __«, aia. bm rn »v «M "_ ^** "ft, S K R BH, IM*. tM. far* ll..We*. IM U-. .**. .-» "" '
Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-01-18 [p 7].anpU-.i.'* jKipmeut, pcalpin^-knite,tomahawk,pem>.-pi|as, ain". variouii other articlea fld a*\a..'e wartare. N) axpei.e.

BVflBM'A eralo. m-o*"red a; tirmt ejpenee f.x>_ thaindiaur. wl.. uh.tra.ied it Tbe ol .mal _pflO_a af theconifrtrt afi'ordetl to t'e family bv «he me :n.eh.t'y r-'ie,aa the Oflflflf iaenii.e. *> ith aU 'he mur ai.d eve. and ih*

beautiful.y fine eilkeo '.>«.wn hir a* na»ur .1 aa w.en

fltruck down bv the ruihle-e tcmauawk ..f th. kiv-

BfB.."Thepihiisherti,' MJI Th H md Ra*

Jlerurr. "have i^ctred the Kev. C. II SpacgOM ofLondon. at _.eat eipenee aa >-_-ular ran

tbu> OflflH r. A:ii"i MBBBBrbaBBfl re

p-'oflt h)» .omionn in tloa e.nintrv. tbere ia hanily oue

-~bo d a deep int-res' m hw» contun

fnliithc _.vd proeperity, and who will no- hfldl BflflBMt*

nicatioi-v.il) him. Aa Mi. BfarfOOB heeee bl.anMinfom.t.i ot al' n-lt_n-u- irov-menla, flflflawba-rj i"

Eo^iaao. hie lettera cannot fail t» Ik> rijhl* inaiructiveaad eniertaiuiag.".Tb* S-pcretary of the hr.erior hae a]>pli*Mi to the

Sar and WtM Inilian* for I hl Indutn WM dtM^.r.eoteu, throujih the F.'.-ii.h H-flfl-bor, t.. Lflfldl N'.i-.KMeotL Tbe tiibe ba* mrv*t uenerounly reenonded wit.anpU-.i.' * jKipmeut, pcalpin^-knite, tomahawk, pem >.-

pi|as, ain". variouii other articlea fld a*\a..'e wartare. N)axpei.e. 1 ..s bBM PBBOOd bj way of oruauieut and dM>oration..It ip i_d that UM inre-.-t <»f Mr. Winans of BeM

more in ibfl i-Jroud from ¦_¦ RflOflflBBBBJ '" MflflM * Itlie pni.. ipa! ot*tarle t« ita purchaae ny tie It .thectiilif/om ibe Kiipaian ftovi-i nuient. The n.»J eoet

llfO.i -ide the peru anf-v hrn which Mr.W'BBne 00 en lt. and the fioveinm-nt ha* o'Jero. to

aal n t.-i UM*.The New-York OOOMBfflflolflaBaf a ChatlflflOM p*-

per aaya ln the way ot ir.maip, rnm.ir haa it that a

iair n»«se ad May. r VV oo-i a IOM bfl be led tn the hy-menial altar hy a Cu*an miiiionaire.. Io. I (J.huni, wbo ded in Lon'. n .'>u i*v. Vir

Ukmrn, < 0 'he _d mat., Wl ii will. by which he dbactedUiOBeealOflO to aell bia faro. BBBrWaad^iaoa, aadgive the money to the Alr.aDiria, Lou-lou, an-) Hamp-ihire Iiai i- od Conipany. lo be u.-ed bt ''-e ouitdint: ofths road The beqne-t ia valued at $ti,O.K).. The artiei. in Wuehiuk'rou wtut over io Uail'more

oo Tu.-e.iiiy. to ''aarir-t iu iboflO.tiaae ad -.igaflfl,the lan-i-cape painter. to :i dauphter ol I»r. ilarria ofthat flOtfa Atterward, Keneetf. BtvWM, and Lauib-

oin, tLe An Coniuiiesiort-r», tret m \\ _._Jnirton to re-

p irt or lie Capitol recorationf*.

7>. tbal the K.rl ..f

Derby ha- withdrawn tbe uoticee to quit their uohiir.L-..hh-h hia lordal.ip eaaaed t<. be eerve.l 08M flooaoal fld

nauU 00 tbe Coot'ei eatate, in T-pj.efmediateiy after tiie OBfBBjO munler of Ur. I'rowe.

I'hie!-JuatKe Taney h_e autiiciently re^overedfrom loa at'uck of pnenuionic catitrrh lo helioTe thut he

wili be oUfl to re.ume hi. aeat in the Supreme Coart\. rv Mioiily..Oie of tbe menihem of tbe firm of Cornon &

6hitld8. VV asliiiiirvon Market, oo Satu'day coliecced theeurn flf *;l4>i ia money foi the benelit of the L_wrencesuftercn.

.Qflflt. ('-fl hu* ifiven to the Board ol BdflM_M ofDaBBB-akd of iand vuiued at $10,018', l..raL'nion8< hool-bouae..Wenueil rhillipe ie enpksred to deli-er hij lofltMO

od Toufwaint L Onverture inthweityat ttie OoepooIiuthnte. Jan. IU.

.Moim. Charlee IIeid*eck, the celebrtted (ham-

pa_-ne W ine ptOfriflbor, haa arrived in thia ciiy, en

roiite t" the Weet to hunt huffaloe and other au.iD.il-.He h» provide.! with the fineet shooting utennil*.aouieof anequaii-d rariaian ex.cllence.. One Rer. Mr. A. S. Kmch publiehea n card, in

wluch he anya that while altendu.ic the BrorkportCainp Sleetii-K. a woman, aaall ia sta'ure, we_.-ing*j*«-b, and prt-poe»ef«J!)_ in apj>earanee, upprjin-d, pur-

oued hi_ in u c iniag*. told him of her eeteem and howmuch abe wae worth, and induced bim to mtrry her.He c< naenu-d. the knot wa- tied, and ahe. h-ving ac-

eomphehedhhi ruin, forsook him, probabiy to find an¬

other vicum. Mr. F_ch aaya «ne eerved two men ia

the aame way before: one in Canada aud th<> otber iu

Wlfaotieiii the latter in a dBO-BOBfl c.i..l:rioi.. He

giv.a waiuintr lhat ahe may BflO mthct p.uiilar outrageaa<{'-in.. Thr l\'a,htr,o-t0n Star B.y»:"The H.n. John Cochrane of New York thoai- _..wly re-

---,-. Hvp-iiifnliibe*. Thou«h in

no p_r»ic...ardanfer. the fact that he ia very nok oea_i-_a great_- »-Don» bi. fellow- membera of the B -uae and tbe

\\ aa-lDCton public. by al! ol wfconi he i. wucerely ref_rd>-..i_d«-<! ''

.In tiie Supreme Court ia Borton, on Mondaytn..-ni- «.i. motion of Ex-.li. . I

.well wae aduii'.te.l Ifl t ie b.-ir. VV.- Mdfltaboadtlutt be ifl about to OOtab-bll __BHoU in that rit" ill 00»nection witb Hon. Joel QflflO, and tiiat he will, in all

probabihty. reeign hia otfii e aa Secretary fld ihe Boardof Educat.on..The ffll lecjth portr^i' of aTiflbflflOfl .SL,

nent lawyer. ifl l» bfl P-M d in the room of Ibfl Coarlof Appaie.

At the lav.' i'.-eanleu: lOTOO in Wl*d*;rable amn>. ment waa flBOOBod OBB-Of ibfl OTMIBfbv tbe ith. r flMI I '"'I nfiif"ir»n'ltni_Ji pre*eiit, wbo made himaelf unu-aaliy on-

arptiu...,. lt wae aec.-rtaiued that he waa a atr4Ugerfrrn. tl. Weat, BBd ba.! !>.-.


T- Bbflattire bt- wore, by §omewaire. who _fat_ed birr. thitbe muai wea-a .ourt dr.-aa or i;i.

appearance at the OOflflftMl of the I'reaaieii;..A n.ilnoua'.in Kei.t. Kukr'-ind aadalo-ffl lau.l-

owner h^* a daughter upon wh... he wan paeoaaad bfl

bank h.p lonune. Tt.. ul wou

bj tbeearaleeftbopai ' Tt,u

reveren.' venrleman orlflbod Ifl m*ke ber hi- wife, hut.Oad even'...;.!!;,- pi;e Ufmt

itniuce..':-. marrv a pcl Dabsh BBB_Um 1

marriace ber htbflO Httffld £1I0,MI on ..

wu* ma.ied about four ye-re. -tud a few w.

el^ped with ber former adoai-er, the parao'i.. Mr. FranklinJ. ut'..'« i w h.. hae Bflfll

veara coimocted with Th j TbaBtak.t: nn ma¥m "u f*o Nem-tmrh _>»¦Txitrh, oreof onr beat w.. ;iv MITflpapefO. Mr PTibaaoooM tha ff lifllni flaBed-Bir, arili |iMtacb-BBtbaflBBlaft-M Hon D-itiiel li BOflblflO.Webfl-8 al ready af-ed that HflB Mfl-MOBy, \m\

aotreer. wa* no much _r|gbfleaod bj tbe attemj t ot a

¦ i« heeal into bec ¦aartfl-oat -l w_,urbur-,I'.-nu '.'-i' dba ha- ba i. uu.oollfld to abaadM bflttafkmmi lt iteemB it wae about

11 o'ciock at niwht wheU aome icounirvl firat -M a

door frum the enlry. an-i had puahed ba :k tbe bolt

wrtlin the riMOOBtbal M ha b, when tbe m.-reiiii_. and

nhnekaot Mra. UmtMtmAj Umrmti the who..

drove the Miryla- :«- h li>-0-B| I'l-'A and hoaafM Mu-nan. Tl e man had fl M a hoie over tbfl 'loor of the

roonia. il.:it be OBflH IM who wa* -800*0,aad had

proeoied .i k.y littin« her loek._-A H-aM letter in tbe Auiraburg Otsttpt eayai-IV amt of tbe il- niliil r*-y *r"«^ __.._? "T"MM -.i lajir .

their mmnt . and -thef 1-ota-ienU »l Ut leet

of __. __~roi.U-C b . "--J «r_tulwi_dy.BOB.U»lea_e-t_. poblic bardrr.a, ai.-i mtM u.ru o: raeru who have

MM hmrat obii#ed,. I mH _M B_ld >*»""- rwn

Wiii__.-h7ala .-.|--.t4«l the uie., u.d the three V m M -8 Li M

vt-o-ui Pt_BM s.i.w.up...-n aafl UhOewBB ****

G_;w TI-nflB lanu-te. mi Rri«-l_-h. mll W-B-Jmmtmm " Bad iMdai, aBlbBflflaB-Meawho po-*- paB »te propeny i_ve, il ta mod. _«le th* t-iperormm wuae oOer for Bvp y«_r.. Beit . /.'/.' .» I^rrtdon nov*

. \V. un-or-UU-l from g.->- n.thority lhal tha. rieoki. Ho

nmr be p.r-".'-<l "> -~ ». m B-B .->umiyd-iUM lha. euaulii*w--i Hu pr««rt i_l#nti..n I* to k«rp hiuaeif qul** io count.

^uMta-a -nl_ -ft>r the -r*^ !».«-. . re«-l-l.«'- :»*.» u> be oom-

uv-jrted b.:i wbeth*. he will t>e temp»»- to __v- |M 8 P~V »»

i __.1|l-r .,i. ..AtorebaiM) r»_i*tn* Wj be proved..We read in the Br_e«--> In<1epmdsamce \¦ _fl tb- r*i*^»_t_tion ni the Pnrdcr. *U Ploermai. «.*«» on

a___- ..,^|t. t., T__r» de U Manaain, M--*. Bou-wt w_.

tk* e_)aan .' t_e __. flalterUif d-'-OCti-fi- TbeU B»y-1 H'«hMM _m !>u_» md Oue-aw. of BraOrtt eOBB prew-ut, nu* atimr

the a_ewi_ M .f _*T*ibta.'. o^era our prtma donna waa aaut fur

U the r»-_l Uo_, «-.» *_e reu___eO th« whoie time b«twieu_a _n_. 1_ B-ke ooo>p-__*-t«- her lu the hm'.e.'. MM upuiiUi hfUkut Ul-ata, ui pav_MM*4 her wtth a aplendid Urvs-ia*. a*

. tapt m -a* a8mtraft..-

akt m:\is.m

Tb- K< v. TTenry -V_,nl B^eoher ha. pnrrha-. .1 thelnrir |n niiii' I y flerirfe L Ifown, now nn BxM_t-

Nr> 7f8B oiidway, n^iweraen'inj a vi»w af 'he*'-* of Tu-rn'om from tbe Wvp of Monn* Alt*»no. rt i*

(. :,n.t p-i-tnre of thut trr.ly n,»hle .H»d-*ii|ie,tti11 ottle nvillinnt li.bl of a Snmm.r raonu...

flf taa o\a A.-pitn tvay, iietr Kome*. Tbe4 vrt, ,t Tu-rnlnm." ir ar ren*H kal'l for ita hf* oiii ofr«_ aa. f'nr pro-r-- ry, a* for the bold _nd mu-eir*

(¦lutHi-ir r i-f tbe r.K-kv toivu-r. .und. It ratiks amonghave ba_B axbtbfead Ib N.-w-

York. Ti ri.* i i trr*h were to have been MMBVfl_to:Ml*-\ hnir- attBM-B_r_a niuili

n't. Mi- ihat tha aitiM mm ."t.-luded to kflflaBBBMflel ort »in e li-iuer..Tle tir-t Artirt - Keeepiion at the Stndi- ______*_

in Ten'l, B__-t, f"i the MMMB, will take plare on

-lanaBBI _%_-, tl e 1. th. Tbe Committee are Meaans.

Baya, __y__M, and _______

.Mr. Barn . tioin BoflMa, a Maa uajfla haaa. baveBS-B-BMl M nnub diatinrti __. Lan taken irwisin

ui.eie haiabaeQjM vvrk. Among biare ef-nie of onr liteniry colebritie*. He haa in

h-r ndio a' a_a_-d_Ba. B_M ktti of Whitti BT, the!.. .-¦ wl'nl b r_B__l___-l BB. IM vi-on>u. dritwit., nd

..int..two qa_JI_aa wr.ioh nre aot alwuya foundi tlcK r_> w. rk.

Am i;_ the Hrti-t. now in Niw-York in Rall, the

ml|_M -MB BflatlM, wboM _Rdl-___ftft Ht-.Mi_ of. i-r tlie nt mbei. ol tbe Nt _¦-._._':_.. Nor.ety Hr*

-<r] r- to bave ratf in br.-nin-, to be BflMM inl .1 n _q_Mfl Mr. Hall ir. eng;i_.-d on flMMM_f |_a _MftM of -VlM-liUL-toll, whilll 1.1 to hfl pl_edin tle liiistuii ('omuoo, on the i_.n_ i_-r...i nd ne_r the" frog p< ad."

TaaBai-iaBBB__ai n m Ibbats _*________.-

7,*- //.. o't Warhington conTripoiidenf tbu-i de-erriht-a ihe __¦___ in Bflflfl_l o! Southern Sa.ua-tor* aaaa Mr. _NaH__bof H______i «n Hiaaay.

" Tl.e exei-.iriv* r-efeinr. <-t tle »H-!i:iie tn-Uy waa

pnd.H'.lv 'he MflM *iolent asd hmtal that ever d'r-tntytti t_a _aaaMaft_a Uaita. w-Mee. Ifr. t'l n_-n n n,ai4«- n Baaesa Bflflfli b agadawl the eU-.-'ion of Rew¬ard. Mr. OnrilHtle rap_-d t<> clii._-.iaii -md ahfl-fljflii<i tbe800thwithaa-wHy afcafl Hr.TaoMb.fa~l

ibt- le toIkaoHttie, an. Dootittk Inaaj it imck, ai.doi rti iti _fion foDowed, and whut follawad thM faaf

r-iiiii'.'.t 'il1. t-uve a burvi-d adi'iiirnuietit. I doln t bfturthal noi« s have phreed to-lil.ht, hut .11 eon -nr

that ' . ine BBBBM t.-iay .a* uever e_-

i-.ed.d.Sur-iri; tha abore I haaa b-arred tbat th*

nin-r ,,i !'. .1 th: nlty i-reiv *.nt of _cliMr_e bmught byt) f ftepa_-__-_a__M Mr. Finlkner waa in ttTOf of .n.-niiion. Aa _T_-r__Bof thM, an Batrael ofWa raaaalap. .-ib eoiH,-m i._- Hrowu * raid .t Harpar'a faary w u

qnoted. Thia btuaaat tha eatii. Boath ta tha .-upportol Mr. Panlkn.: ano ha dhMMoa _-fltM__Bt_, who, itm ;,- i,. i a~ad np to thM tm.e, woald i.avi ha-cu reje. tedhur tor lha adiiiiiouai intarfataaea of Mr. DoolitUe..ea~. Ivereor, und Tiay are ttki M bave lie. n qnitlu- hitier Bf Mr. To.-i.Lri in their repliir to Mr. Ithi, who ia n_t iflpartad ta h_~i __mi bbj aaawartoIbf Blitbet' bi h are reported to hflflfl BBMI -fl-7 Ifl-veie. Tl _d Baflaton Mythaia ha-. aMbaflaafln.ir.,r an e.\»-rntive bbmImi MBM the lajfl-t-M flf Mr..BB iliii.-ii. ar,<i tl,.-attem|-_-d r.-n. tinii of Mr. Kver-att, who was _aved by the 8tir._t_t.ng rlo(|uen_e ofIlenrv ( ];:..'


A>"r_. taa tbt a D-Basaaai HTat e» Cotutci-[ri Oi.' Dbbti.Tnari baa haaa m b__-Mmm furttjnr tine ;n K-W*T_rh an BBMMJ BM colleetii._del.t-,¦_h. ae B_m er of btiMnewi ia ao_____a_ in rins stra.iTb»- _-t_._av-.DeT_ kfl-pa a l_r.*e ea-ara. flngoa "n

whiih \r jainted in eonnpicnou. letters the name andrln, e of haahMM of the a_"nt, and the worda, " Hadri'd.tb ,-.r-,->d, "OMclaiaia hunted n,"iu. Tl.e.a.on in quent'on, with there _teni bi. lettera on it,;r driveii u,-daiiv, and iii BOBBflfflBBI honrly, b.f,>rethedoirofev.-rv mi orti_a!r drh-orarainat wlinui ther-ollectorba.*

fljin,. .- ,- at-oi,* e.i.nvaleut to t.-Muia;the ii-lrhbor. rl.at l_c So-and-So'. ar* oli'uxed (o be dnni.ed l>yibr;r l.i.rJ:"id. xrrrer. or tallor. Many are d.ubtlet. worri-dinto "artt'ilg up bv thia insrn'on., unw*rr«n_.blr and unjutt

. j,,.r.'t',ti-*n Ii Nr.^orl w* belirra i. -

trt. tbere la on« in-.taine. derlaiinr ir an ii>-

tal niuaaiire. a_d iiidividual auarr viaiti-n Ibe unlurky dnver ofi),r irbicle wilh .emuiary aud not altorether umnedUid rha*-ti-*:i CDt. At al. eventa. th* areacy haa nea-ti tra_afrr.--l.or a

branrh hr^n extended to thi. ritv *-_d n m tul) oseration here..ra p_-t th* annoyuir wazon ln que*fi»n wa«

; hefolfl a hou»* in Hiefca _-**?, wr.er* a reitlenian aud^oardrrl. arain.t whom tt .. alle/ed a . inn'iin- oealer of

i-ure-jhadaelaiin far BM Tba |._Ue_>flB Ib q.e.-in. .e

aaa in.'ort ,ua:* ir --ine.t and falled. Tbe oiruitnr*

dealrr tbtrlini the drbt l ot onr of il.e tv*at. aflMlttotbfl MMTt.. ^.^v i, i.t tlie ,i- - ra .¦ ... on

hi. I ra; \r__ nol t< arain eon * ronnd tln-r* annuyiur trir hou-«.t.i.-t ta nr. Ib* bill ta hrr '-iiiabaiid al bia p_-« .! buiinr-. tu

Nr. Y«rk. Not to t__* "nr." fnra:-anawer ka *_* ef t-S ._-and in a\rrv .liort time tlie w,__ w_a

.mn 'I nr ..oy tti. liiu* *- ******** ** "*T* **_Tr*ntwith th* driver. and a. -oon a. he pnked hia noae inti e

tn» door- .iru witb aiiorar-whip and very vi.oroialyBia-i

.or..tt*r to call tha: wa* ain. e.brooklyn ra_le.

Thi. BbvSBB Cold Ifl Ea-t T_xa«..A letter,wntttn in C'happel Hill, tha niiddl- ol' __BB_fl_Mr,eaMi:'.Two _m>-MMM at Waaa, ia lat*. . wer* fillea

la^t wa-h C-Bflfl out on tha pahlM reaa. du,! hybundredn. I have iteeu a*. niani a- __.} al aep ilead moaa paa. all of whioh _ia_ ia a aagli ui-bf- h\t*\-er>.l place. | ork hogn, iu tine lat order, hav.- froze:-,_nd eppeciai'T when jn. Iloored pen.. Sinie lew hOfMIbaaabflfla l-'ui.d Iroaafl, and the cbicken. _enerally

im. tbeir to.-n.'. \\. __r_ iron. 7'/,-*¦ Htnuttm Teleemph that, dur-

flraataar, th.-re were firoM fiity to__ry i bb to daflth in Taaaa, M b-_<_ Ihrty ofwhom '.>'¦ intln. r," >>: imai when fn--* n.

ThB'i- MBTB B-S0 tuutiv rlii.H. aii.lrt of hatfB, MBIM -.'":?I,.. j froxefl io deathifl lhal _____ 1" thm re». ou tbe

Hffu-tromed to tlu- CoW tha' whatnot he c-4_riaaifl. MM_B h.-re i« terribly severe


Mo-.iY " Tk.ht" at Wa'hi- r.iv..A eorre*tlo- Waatata paaan Mya: .. Waahin_ton

("it-. aataaaad _»h pacantarilT. I am told tha- i_>

bboJiImiiI nr, .»¦. B-'rirtl ln.m haal here, lor tbe very.TmprC .-..- n Tha* the h_n_H baven't oo' ar.v n

_r« mvented B- thMrB-OBaj in PM-OBflldrafta, and tharaia ao _pyt_vfriatiofl ontil Ihero ** av, ,.r. Hi. thm money iaaea.-e here iBOudwniahlytrue. E** .bodl who wanlrj hae more ttflM the_i>u_' dLBcfllty in .et'in. it. It i* _«d thai (.l.*..renner, _m - i-at-ArnM, haa ad4_a_--dibmm-bi- tMH.-ni' of f-O.tr-D, ezpecttac to h« r.-p** ¦! wbea '-heS-euker eaa rign wb-tb_-_ Bel tba f-^.O-Obrokefl him an.l be _howa a blaah __M mi-1 an Ifltptypiira.- to all aopl.ranlr.. But thi* h one fn-1 BB-M M

moaey wbich uiay be rem_r_i"i Mof Um timei."


M IBBB B-n» -MLBx.M-T_LaTIOB.--Aa old MBMflfl,Wi \r.i-.it kt'e. r»iidin_ near Aiil.ni'n, tl.e eoniny -.;_.

.,, j.Kulh i at" h_B_____d. 7»»__JIetab Ull ii>

n.k a-aa aia «. flaataaay. Sm war lodgad ¦.ail and on ?he foilowinir Suiiaat hhe pro, ured a <o_i-

_MM HBM-flltn »nd aharpened it on the *tove-pi|*-uiher ceM with tbe m'ei

thrcMt; 'bnt barbtg tb_ Iraife *ru aot »bantbe oftnaa, eat or *__ed i bole throogh u

emrhy «»f 'he aOdomen.tore out B portion oi ti-nndlbrli MMMd tlu-. lar.e iii'f-tiltr.-divided IMrn-ot! .. pieeflaboM Iti ifldtM laag, throwingt-wr.i'.-.e il I,. ibfl *'¦.'., h'l' '' '' %V'""

liiimr to,, ni-ieh for i-QMiWratirm. Sbfl ia now .eLtr.--

well. Tbe r .aaon *be MalfBfld _BT ti.e a't war MMMW B uted n, v'(> where her old man w__. Noakid wbh rt-ndered, a.4it wan thon.ht *he woold d_M ;: Ifl-HMB-flfl han lMMi___- -the itOflBBflbk BBM M

. -t..i» pro_-dui_ about twa imhea ont of thewonml, tbraaah wbiel ..-,.,- *!*"_<ha*-I.i.ii i'.rt;<illy iui-u- ¦ ;« tor

tlllirr, um) herr-eif n ____.


Canal |ai__trBTBflB__rTi A_onBni» ob mt

Baitibi tirruiofl..Tba law of 185* raqnireitbe oflcaof Basaa-Bt-B-BB. of Bepairi '»- d_jwith on all aa-t-BM. wbflffl tba r-f__n .trt- _m

tr_ct. Tlu* mandute o: the law haa beon oonipli-d withf.r tbe la.i vear or more hr the lt-pubht-an Contr. %¦

itu Board. _t a meetin^r of th« Hoard y. *MDiii.iot. of Mr. S.inner, the BB« Dmbo. MIM x _n_UB-

*i..n*r. a reeoln ion waa adopred to Utomtt. Itnc of Sii} x-r ntendent -1 RflBB-. nu h.H, ti.e

lhv__oa.fi ''-.' h" ,'rM( d.iv ..f l-braari _bb_ Tmire-iove*' 8_|Mi__M_l_at H. f. D'.rn, Sec -' Krie(-i-i»l, Wm. 6< VVait, 8«y. 3, ,lohn BaaMBMB) * '

K Cl.'r-ivery, .-er- -. lla-BBOfl VN'elc i, Kn,it, Iv-. I

I iuuip-nu. acd Uuy W. (____, laa. '-' do. L. W.

lindir ti. _ppotn_>d a K**ii_-iit Kt._i.ie. r on lhaI.Lta.k Il'vci fan-i. In I_>_rd of (,-_al t'omuii-er, tbe keBiKwa..* of I barle* H. l'nntup, aa (____ in

Uieu oltr., waa rec-ivtd nnd _*v.pU-d. ' (Araaaaad AtUa.

Yoku laMDMiTfr-lrl- Wm*y*^mB*mtmtmji_- u.ara lal/O 0l,e Of tlie nlav nliol Jl :i_fc"M-aMaKir__*__S5f ^c fS Ss_a a*sg^SdOTX^i-rK

Twhe- wa. not _low in ,.n_ini_tiBK ¦ T>^ _» «- "J»^f.,1 eviia-o,,. Ile bfld _M honaebold __._k.__jlor a pei-oai of niiMtj-BU-e yea-B

77; V QOrEhVfOMS.Thia 11 -ard rr-t K-i..'. u» itiemoon i.t the Ro'nndv

tit ii. r. _*..< oeai ifl Ibfl flbe r, aad a'l t -e

i. n.be-. pi-- ... Mr. T. vv-i.-.'.'l. Tlie usn_te, ui-ir.. i 'ri.ni the \\ -.rd-.a and Pbjfl-BBMO mtaMin-p.d ni d ll.- n.i' .'..-a te.ol and ..n. r<>v.-.|. Thor.eH.|e. i Ht.i.. ioc- |b« faVrowing ae tlie .Staadiiu,ConiUlllteee |h the \..ir I o.

.l'«. / ... .- ¦ ..en_«k»-ie».). ,. ;. t.!U:- ,.:¥h_u«». Lytw-U, an.ltrua-

Umt.'i i.*,lrrr-Slp.^ OsatWet ("iv.r _,lMi'.ariey

('ii|l'r.»ri-MiM.- W T. C.r t-ev, I'.ii".. au-?< un-

. . OaaWti armtt Atyltm-Slr**l*. Uujrt.Olivrr. aoa 1 o> r.pp'id

. -».,.-r. Vi.-..:. .. an.l k-i-it_.Frrrma.h.i ¦:_- I j-er.. 8_-ltL, aad !.¦«..l.i.tM an-i >mailr** Wc*~ir__>-.Vie_»ra. iiinther, I.acb, an-J

V. i. ......

/.../. aitlil Mb.B, VI'. T. Piukney, bre.i'Wir.»ha_wB.aid ,V.a.i.»y

0-8-J -r /V.-ltpi- l!r»_et.i_«.o*o*en, M-luuey, aiid U-a-

Prnttntlinry.M»**r*. |)i.rr>i Tnwn.e»d. »*.! VV. T. Pinkoey./...».,W. a fa..*...vfe.ar- 1 -r ueo ...i VV T Plnkney..Snlo'itt. M.M.a. 1. wiw.il Sinirh. ard l.nw oii^cBMU*-.Mir.te-M.at.. >_.itl. I \ .. _mi ilhver.ll.,. ),,,.,,_a aaata T« .' '.li/p-. aiid M»l <ney..S'«;-i-/.r«-.Me*.ra. MbIolp;. V\ T. Plnkney. aud Ur_e_in|-

bhi KB>'.n incc-Meaara fync!,. ¦'.!-. r.

A coiiiu.iii.iei.tioii w, ¦ r.ie.-.-d tiotn Warden Betton,t>' tl.e ( ity PnflM ai-i ...ii.fii.. .lohn Kelloflh nadNich-

Mhl.er, ih -put; Ve.^e-.,iu the place fli KdvvinloiBh aad Ji.p. Bat wn. ia»8aaad.A c"n.niuiiiciition 8TM ri-ie.ved from Ibfl Chairman

ot tie BliM IllMfl I'otiiUl'tiee. ilal.ll' lh;»t be hadtrin-femo reaaoti Ointaaiei ..1 tbal inahot*»*a to theAV rh-boo-a. bal ba *V< - Work-HeaflO r»fuped ;.. tecofte then.. Vi. > iii.i Blalad that he hadt:.l-.l. fli- p'i p ... 00 rtal r.f ibfl croivd.-.J p'o'e of theAlu.r-Iloi.p... Tbep.ii].-.: mtm rafettad .. IbaOoaHBtitteCB of thoa. un. i,i.-nii!.i.ii'. to aria'i. e tbe uiii-I. r .-. vv- t fl ibeOM Ivi-p.

Abill vv-.a p.ep.nt.d <" '. I fof hncka nsed in

b-i!.ln._ ibe Utaad II d oa OflOie* hyMi Waluaiev. tba WartM rd hUadaU'e IalaadLMr. u. T. nuaaai wn- d id tbal lh oaottor had

< Ol-- lip, 11- lt |boaad hl.VV h.la.lie-a W_f u-.ii.-va.-t.-l.A K'em de*l oi ev.l ni.|;ht urlee i.. flOflaOfljaM ¦ ot eai hui tne n-.iiil-rp oio.-i .ni- article*. 11.. ou-Oaaa_ad tbttHaloiiUi b>.ve l-eei. upon tl.e re. I l.ir r--.| inaltii.n, or

upon 11 private re.j'na tion. Tne u.-.iit-r nh'.uld havelieei. adv.Tiipe.i, md BflflflBeeta ree.-iv.-d. It waa duelo tl.e i$.md thut 1.1I nMefltoeboeld wo bofatolbfl-o.Mr (iiMiiiK moved that tl.e bill bfl paid, which

WOfl carri.-d.Two other billa for $B and |B9 for lafli. for the

p.ili.c inati'iiloii, vv.-ie 1 it-eente.l. ... d rcurre.l to CoiU-u.iiiee 01.1.^an.l BeepaaL

BiU. 10 ih.- iiii.-.i.i.t oi |8M brwaaoe,oiflMO andKfreebaoentB, otdated darn « thi 1 -fl .v>'ir *J individ-nal nei.l.eia <>' the 15-..11.1, vv. .- Bflfloaodj and rc-

| - wi.h jM-iwertopiv. Tii.pe hill-Wtre of hl da.'-, Und al! .'ontr.ie'e 1ptiot to tb« i.ulaiiua li ..im,- .ho apptaft..aa t->

ffi .'.i fnr refit -' m Dtt for < aei b nbar.Mr. \\. T. i'lvhsji .-. -ed .1 repolulion tiiat no

.- iiaul .-*iej. tboM for tbe ragalor laqa^Bfldoao.M raraed iv th. raaalar aee-iag.aadplm.i bv 'ihe Fiaauea aud -^u.ply lomuiitte*.

Tle I ini.i!.. < ..n.u. fl rero'.nfion thatfrom ai.d aftei tbe Ul daij al PObroary ina'., the l'reP-

-.1 t_w Board he diraetad lo draaforaadcaaa Med. _bo 8bm aad laa-hflaISai.k, all .-ump ot hbqm* h.-lu-u'iii'/f-tbfl D- punruen'.¦nd the aiconnt t.-.w with the il.ehaui.a' Himk beeloeed "ii ll e ;.!.. ve date.

( oi.M.'eii.i.ie .1. ed upon the aubject. thomotiv. -.,...

lhiiik wonil t>e more .ouv.-i.ieut. L_iid ou tbe U -ie.

Ul.f.l the 1,'M ni»etlli_.Tl.e we. hlj atatem. nt i« _- followa:

'. ...... i-'ir.awiiif J-n. *.AdmitteJ.Total.":j10

r':p.i.ttv.!.1 JjB

. I**;¦; ^tata I'n-ou. 6.1,13*

Ke_.-ii.ii.-f J.L. 14. 18f.H.-l^NH. '"*


IleUevne Hr.-pital.1.100 B_nJ_.raI-.__i- BeefHBl.. 8WLiuaa A-- ri.. "I- _itj Pi..¦.B.lui.-1'ou.e.1'rrtoeo. 1.

,...18l.land Iioap.ia.. f'm VV ork- Ku.rih Diatriet frtooe. J

}io. «e. ."'Ialand ll..-pnal.IroniAlui. .--I Orphau A.ylum... 1*»

I mms. HI ..'hil ir.-n at B.ir«». **<*Work-l.oi->e. 1,1-V. .'ity .-nirUry. 88aniall Vou i>o.yii*i. U-..

huidial!'- I-.»n. HU TOBal.«.""Uoaid then adjouri.>.<!.

FIRl 8.


Abou-.'.' o'tiork ou Tm a by n...rnifiK', a fire broke<-ut hothfl laofltflij aad _....- bab.ag No. tBR Badoaaatre<-t, <« up.ed a* 0 _MC| ";. and dWfl-Mf by

B. .iflbfoaflboho. aad _haaoo aabaaiod ~ Noa.

U.9d3,9_S,947l M9, Bt, oalflBBL8hoi tly af'er II o . bak otln.T MflCflOBfll flf I

Eigbth 1're.jnct, wh.le pamJIJOf hb '..nt, tried the

uoor of L- iad foai -' MfoflOoaad.Two gfa - -n ploved in tln- BtMfl eaawtO mt door io

eoa pniv wi-h ajtoaag oom arbo bade th.-T good-oifrhtand j.n.'ed .:¦..'.! aeartbal aaa ita aaf oj tov.it.

Tbe__k*.ri rotdfl aith Ibfl pm, and toldti.em lo loea then door.

Tr.., d ..ce ortheottier uiile eirplov.-.l .:, be BtOTB WOIO -.1 a balL I i'-'J.Mflfl-OB -bfl haea -- trtnodtMdMr, mbw*bt found fiat, aadao that all wao b_rk iaaide. Ihethird time he a .** a boboII ;ire bora-ag in tbo back partafthoflaOie, and _or_oeo_tel* abona. Tbflfla-K- apreod rapidly, ond, ronning np thro-i^h thew.a.leii i.urtitioti ogkd roof,wrence it e.teuded 10 IM WOO. 08 tao aflfflflO-Og

Tl.e faaOBM vvere aadv on the .roand, and workediv ith a will, Idoofdta nrtieaa, tne ra

aukoftbe bail.nga abovfl eM-ao-Blod, were rie-

atroyed. 'Ibe boilding vv the fireon^nated, malmostentiielj deatroyed, and tbe two toom -

who alep: ihei.ii). narrowly -Bca ed beh_K anth..;.-ed.Tle HMflfl i.i.-l ina in.n.e. aie up r..!l-'W--i >..'..'¦>,

oceanod oa dwelbag ond eroeherr atore bo OerardMatihew, wboae I - Lnflnrad for fl.BBJ

,i.. [. ,. u d r-adei. loooranofl f ompooy.N.,

. ,,i by Hoeea li. Lisboanatotaart ¦

,-._rv iddwellinff. Inenred forj.. u i --.e ('ompHny.etock a-d

!,1,1i,w'' mialan.l X --. rwned bl tt M Bfl oi 1 00-8 I M >N inkle,ni.d are hoaarad l".: *' ""', m "'e PflOf-O'fl luaaruii.-e

DaamM a.rt 91,90.¦> .-..; .- i i.\ 11. D ...-iea-1. mill.nery. UaTi-

awe by fi.-e and water aboot f iOO. laaared tor $1, _D| ninre an l Btoeb ". !tl" I Ity I i

\ ).y V. BoraUH B a book a:

and dweH-Bjg. l>«ma_e botwaaa ^:aiand i-'it 0 li.pured ;«.r f3,0wl on Btoch in ibe K.if.er-

.... .... on tunn.mo TbiB buildhiK and -'¦''; me oceopied by A. (1.N, .v....| i i .... ¦ IUtoi,.. i.,._,],. i . iardlaaoroaeo Ca.No "i. ¦.. 'i'..e.i I-, .m I...'..- aaooiofli flUaaaad

d-".-llin_. Lo+e ah. Bl | 1 - ed b.r |l,*Woeatocki. loo and 91,500 ou furmture iu theI- iil'< n li.auraJice (

\.. -,M.> ie. np.ed a« 3 miMiaery- rtore and dwllinir.bi 11. U'Veil. I- .'"t,ieIv. i lt p. N UMuaace m foraltaro. Lone, tkmm»:i.*.

S | ....,d-.''¦. ur.-..."]-e-l hv Thonma liove. and

an t.- .:. d | lha < .ty, oad $M in the !_.ton Ineorancc < '. n>i

N ;. ...:,.,i bv Jobfl K. I-in !.n, aea jewelry¦t.-re and dwelliiiL'. to-atvd for 91,008M ato.k. und| , Hooth ktvcr Inaurance foai

F'as'' -.1'' acranied b] J. llellmun, mil'.inery andi.,,v -ior.- aad !¦- 9»M! hflO-BBl lor»'..'. the Brooklyn li mi met < a.

Koo. :i, aad -I an «ni vi by Ma Momaon. andaie feDj it-ur. <l. T ¦:..-¦- aroaBflMBBa to theMBonnt. I >' " .... b. _,___

\., .'..!. r..-.-.i|.- .-! i.v.v!r.. JaOBOB Miller. I.rxwf^);i$] SOOMflteoo a'.d turuiturfl in tke-'eople.

Ir^nnrire (o. ..,,._

N.,. ...,;(, uceaeied bv \Sm. Muchell, ladie* pho-llore !¦ --, * -'". Hofll I tbo Btooh wua r.-tnov^l. A

i kbotrt .'^' \.-nr. ..'a-e, flflflaadHooyBtoebwell whohad been HI Had Ifl tiie honse for neariy .

rei.r'i.iipi bj aaih-OBB aroa ao.flOBil freei the lainiitm-luilui:.^ i» i.' -' 80, where .he diedm u few¦daaffloflerwfl L _. .__.*.

Theae hnild.u.i. aie ..wned br K. A. A. *-riai.i)' Dar,und are rOMr*. lOf 93,0011 iu ihe Eo#> iMOMMflCompan-; d_n.a_e. Bo-i ea-h. No ooadMieo baa

. aaardtotb. orWio oi um***f.atr the n-iitirr ifl l«-tr_^r -OOBBlfBlad by Ute Pire

Matfliflilr-lltf IN PBIOCO *TR»:-T.

Ab.tii II oci.H-k MTiawda) _80*a__fl|0 Hre.>eoorreUin Ibo eroeb-0. atcre of .lainet, M. Kn;, Noe. 4« and1 >I

priaeeBt-«l oa4flflaaodaboM|a_BMHflaak ineor-

oruii.-'»~! in th.- ba-ement, amoni: *ome *traw uaed for

.jtuk.un .rmkery. hu: liom whai .a.i-»-i unkfiovvu.

The O-iroe ~rH*tTu ,aat ie eompriaed withiu them--..nd »...ry of llolman. bnck bl..-b iu Sileni Ibe

(JoTernor h_- one rot.m, and the Se.retary of Sute

and Treaenrer flMMl I aad a* the I>.»rt*l-*aTe mee-U

but biennu-Uv. that branoh of the Oovernment will be

diepa^-d of in tbi pnblic hall «v-rhe.d wba. ocr^nrtnir... The 0MJM StoU.mtn UutrkB th-a 14 a

^reai |_. on tbe old H.voma.-iatior.. ihe

offi.-i l^an^ now in a bnck inatead of a woodea biuldhM.


|__j v rn-t.. Sai.AKir ..The MM-MBBI .r-titao.tbn foil.itor oi Ai.re_ao.4_ti and tu depnf'e* __tb

fr.m tiine to time been tx'ibii.l b;. ni'.D'hly »tit*-

nmt-, but we nov* .ive th* entire fi_-a ot th". -'"-yofl. ,.l. to: th.- vewr 1 *.._¦. Ti..-> BM "t'l'.e

M.-ir iii.il t'.rii pt/i'l-r I Mplatalj bt thfl ______ BM

f e.. arr m.t tie on'y lurky t*m*\ Tte S-i_ritf. C.niit,.fierk.atid a un- other* h-ijo reap * _o! ien har\e t.

Tl e n-ireni lor the (ol e< tiou of A*-_**iiii.euf» u about

tfa_-___--PO- II. the Strrel Ilepurt.i.ent. T .ne .tp-

peara to be no _._»d reaon wby the offir* BBflB d t.ot n_»

B__baral_rMo_e and the rolb-tion pnt i.i. l.-r t-n.

BHIIbI >-f tle B-flBflM Dejiartuient, Wlivre il .- ..[.rlylielotiKB.

TLt- followinc ntat'inent chow_i the auio-int of foe*

Maaa y ti ¦ CaiMMi hi l li- _Bjaa__a *_____ Ita raar.Thir n -B-JflBMB < nt of __¦ p-.!.et- ot';>...| *|J flflTBflM

a»-<ri_rd lor lmpioveuieiit.Ja.,n..rrto Aptil ... *7.4*1 b/.Septeirber. 14JM MJti,v .. .( ,-... "'. U.'-ober. 2,1*)--

. iS* T'.;No.e_n._-r. ._ .j,.-.. .,<W7 10 llpcrruber. <-* 8J

*nsS_*V _?.^5_5_7TUflBBBBMf -un .iividi-i UBBBg ikl Coll.ct ' and

I)i Mtfc * in* foilo wg:D. B. Dfllaifla -__*___ Ifl IflBfl_. *___!_ _.

I.T ..tt.r. ( rUe. .- t nni Juue...**. \\' h.mrera. Prpuly r-i'-ctor for the vear. 1, *_.. -'

(. Caaaa PflMt. --_-*¦lar for tb* y__. .!_'____U _______ |..-i_:l- ( <->, ro.-f,.r the vt'. '' w JJ

-ruall Ilepul- Cullivtor fio.u AwjiKt l.'l ¦-¦

Total..-_-.,470 Ml>.i< iai .- bmb. aaatri

1 t'ool.k**!**.-..-tJJJ!«____( B_aB__*4B*a «....< per d.v . -P.

gNotirr Cl*rkt, * I'-pr: month BBflB. 1.440


Aaannamaaa or raa Oaaaaa laciilf..(>nMonilay eveniw_r ibe German -vociety held-heir 7_;har.Dnal ni*etiii_, when th.- TBMMBTM r-.port.-d a

habBBM of -* I, ><» II, iu BM tri-Huury, e.t dat-ive of tbehoetitk! fiind, whi..!. MMBMM to ffXpkmi *9. Tbe re-

ce-tit* dnrii v !__., iaeludiog a balaoce from the p-e-vioiis juir o! _-,_«._, BMBBBBaJ in all to f.,i>-l B.The e.x. .nditure _n...inted to 17,141 Hi flf wbllh$3,-72 w.-rr l.iid oui hy 'he Bahnl Committee, far_* af _fl_t_fl_B BBMMM* Ihfl PWBBBBB-- re-

cit _MM- MB dnriigtbe yeai lli"' pflnoaa bad 1.1fnrrirhed wi'h employmeut by the IfMtT, and Bfi.u.iii'r> iip.-.iiied with a.-.ifatH'-. The pbyticiana of

I"_ p'.- riMb fllj ar.d. >.¦ rhe Oflroar W**ftt*mJJ, *ftX tt. ___¦_ Ull-t,- -"" pMMMBw.-re tifated dnnn_ tbe yenr. Tio- BB| M.IBBI 1Q-

nitntion, amonntitu? to $l.r_>i 58, n .-¦ BBifBal by vo-

lui.Ury coiilribnUona and dona'ioua, indeptn',ent oftlm S<i_etv. At the Xew-York Dup.m8.-iry, No. 69Kouith avenne, (.ermaL phvaioianK treared at.oi.t l,<_"0pa-ienta. Th* followbg _-utleuien w.'-e elec'_»d to

>he Board oi Dbaetotr:.Maaa OawaM (>'t.-n.iort>r,B Iiilt/ei, .1. a. Bi-btil, Taaa. IfaMiH, S. T Iliv, ( nr! -ittiiiway, and Wiilie WuJl.-u-*;.


Hri.l Bl.»!>.. -le BflflBBM tt it'le jBfM Jldiv at .' c fjm*i Oaltli MarhM in PmIj ffMth maat,will no' di_:-r n.uch trom MM head, and a __ BVBBar>

|i,ii ir of very paad (}-inlity. Tl.e n iinijer

of all Mrti if ample lor tbe dem ind. a* a Attgbi redn.-tion i'pui ib. rate* cunent of _M_ week: tbe hif___lpii, -ti ie _eik eini/ ItOBBBBa B-_b4 BM l M :irn'-..!,.-r,MU a Irille _ffh_MMBBVMJMWflf BBtM 'i'iil''y.while y< d, Iut oxen aola at I cen'.a, nnd fflfl-.--...e. for tlie ritail market, wtre plBatyMBeflflM.Ti i drovn* i_i-ntrnily, and BBBM ot tl.e BflttM brohflCB,tini.k BMf thfl tnarket tUB week, if the a-rfand day

like the hryt, will wind up IBmM the worrt of

.hr Wii.trr AbMB-gb the pri. -. BMf BBBBM themii.e l.y _hf potuid, they tMJ tbM bajflM Mtl I >'- the_,:_.,ir aotow that tba BMramlMwill Iwagatvr.p. t,r aWBIH th.m ihey wero laa; Wflflk. T;.af the

na.k.-. ii a liard t0Le ttt imtttt, MB BBflB B0\V« B-M '" tk M lha' BflJMM > an obtain tQeir nupply oft;i*t-m'e I'little mu«b e-__ ter tban lant wwk, at c-rtamlyBB hi_ber **m\m\ wLile bnyors ot mtdium nmderi cin

gfltW-M tliey wiiiit af IMBBT rflMB, BBi .MM ot" in-

Irrior gvaur- an get tbem af aimoet tli.-ir owu otTera.?

8pm mi HaBTIBfl il TBB FotlCB COBBIMIa _aa___ M.iun. o' Aa Bflardaf l'- Hm ''"-u*

aionen.. called ou Udonday at th* Nfflflfltflf tba !_*_._._._¦____, Mayor Wood, Preeideut .Siiliman, Memi*.ltu\M ri, ..iianahiBB, Ml I -.hflflBflr, BBBflf prt-. tit, audBl aBja, l'-a. >y aud i'owell were abeent. The MMMMBwa* tratir-a. ted iD aerret *ie__._on. It wa*» IflflfllflfldMtake ir- m Sup* rintendeut I'illabury tbe power of ihm-

im. dctailnienuand tranjafert. of officera and mei:i!ier_of the I'olae force, by rept-abnp; tne rule irraiitintc himMfl rtime. Tbo OflMMBaiaaa BflBflaaad ____la-_Miwere M______a_ to make anch tnn. femand d. 'ailmenufor BMBMBBBl -Mt_ aa tbey _____

defm B__BBBB__I_Mtbe _n at.r *Akm**Mj of tbe force. Buhject to tbe approval ot ti.e BaBfld at it*< uext meetiiu_r. .May.r Wood,M.f-r-. i;..v.n, Stillman, and Stranahan, voted fortbtee uiea.tir*-. and Mr. I'lahoeHer ak'-imii them.I_B I fl rru't.-e nn K-iir* und ki-Kulariotus.Mayor

Wood, M_-*.n_ llowen. Sallman, and Ulahoeffer, re-

jrorted the followirp; transfera, whioh were adopted;nt I'lt'rr. S*vent**nth Ward, ard Pitroni- M

. i. rir.*Ward; JaajMa Matcall ThlrlWart! **«. (___*__»Nu>*te*a_i Ward; Rkhwfl OaaBbbaa, Kuli'-enih Ward. i.y.i ! ..lai. l«eiii-, ti.t WarJ .1 ilii.rod. _lxl___d; H. B.

-.¦li, Twpatjr-lxt ^Wrd. J. H. hl_nt.Kir.ttv rjl;1 atri k li J. n. r i. iitr-ntn Wtrd and J. Cronk, T*oth \\ tt>U

And th*: Uoard adjiurm-u.

Bauuoi Ki ai r.-ime..T'.ie Mbrwtaf hmm mbmmade .erterday at thfc Merchunta' LxchaUKe, by A. .).

Hoiabi r, Bflfl k CB.IlHati bri. k k Wa. "J Canal-tt.. n*ar

Laar.:.- i tl?

..,tor, . .1 lo', u UI Fraukliu-f... uear. -BB

I .;..> .¦! .o' No M CaaaliI Biabi -t kn I"...:.-"- . °

-. ir-»ibuxi. ¦I ...

m. out hon-e and let, No DowQin «t., lot

. ?.*»B. M'.llier;

. *"°-.-. t. tieh

. '; "»iti

No. -Um u,. . -. ¦ - ...

TaaWaraaBBi ai Ln_u--__a it*»- k. M. «

iiti.u.t.'.d flfl S'niday nioniiay. M B_ ab-Bflh, in

BraadNiBy, a bmum of ei_bt aflnaoai on tb« " Wai-

MBfbl ot ______ 'l'he tini HmMMM trea'.-<i of " Child-hood.'' iit'l ttti IBB d a pp,t.--t a_--im_t the ays'em of

MMM._f yflBBf children ami t__agtn* in _i;h __ah«lM___Bf. He f-_d tbu' .' _a.i atro.-ioua

tha' -li«- Mo<-d and vik'or that w.-ia in-et; i.-d M d'.'-'tii^h*n tbe hand.a and body -"hotild Ih« httlti m'o 'he he iduntil it b<<came a dieprtporTioua'e lMa_MtBfl] w.-n oa

the d U. The next dincouree wiil he | UmmmI to

youDg men.?

A Boi m "..Wil'iam LfllO-i * buT.her in (,'enferllaikei, exiiil,.'.'i...i I BflfliflrJ m frflM flf 'he City Hall,a moiihtrritin fat -teer. Tlie animai i« a hw ****it redIiuiham, 7 yeara old, and hae beeu futtened for thepart j veaif. He r-iindd .'* feet | ini-h¦¦¦* in/li al tliewiibetr, uLr'ba II I'eet ~>\ inilie*, and hi- pie*ent own-

- -ha! ten day,. au» he wei^'hed il.-tT*. ponnd*, batrin.e hm arrivu! ut Bull'i H.-iul Iuim hut '.H pmnid*.making hi* pn-eent wrii'ht, 3,41^ potmiir. He waa

tthti and BtMaitl by E. Huxtnn <-f Ileekman.I)uli-Le*ri Cotuitv.

Fu_ ..iv. OaaBBI.- A (ierman f n.lor, MBM. KrnaKeeler, reaidiBg at 2to. 'JT. Hayard atreef., wai arreettvl

jerterday, ch .r-^ed witb baving fi.r_.e_ the name of

Anjjuat W. Wehmer, keeper of a aaloon, to aeveraJordera on dilT'-rent penion*. Theee orders were pre-*eu!*4l by a young brother of the ui'iuned, and lha

mon*y obtained on tbem. Tbe priioner waa commit-t»d byJaatice Steer* to uuwur, and the lad wa* aent

to the Ilotue of Detenuon to aecure hu attondanc- aa

a witueat.a

fliLBWAT EoBBBBT..John T. Kildey waaarr-a---

yeaterday, by (ifficer Ta> lor of tbe Fift__«th P^--il-c^charged with bai__ idMnpi-d lo rob Miaa Juli*Min.rlBiid, rt-aidmg at No. I Ki«bth ..renui.. of a t-T

cap., valaid at $-0. ThB eompUinant aUeijaa that

while ahe wbb pa«wrttf throuirb Laiinn* atrr*.., .ln- wmaeeanlted hy tbe prier.ner -r»d twn ofhera, wh.. t » kimprr-er libertiee wi'b her, aud aft-rw«r| a e n,.t*d.... ai-v off her <ape. TIip ... '!-¦-! --lointuitUwl f>rMBBBt-BB- n i>y Jaookfl K'-llv ?


Ki-ontt or thi IUii.k..*I)C'ik Lic%**t* Thatime fr tbe rei.ewul of r_. ifleaOflfl b-the" i.» K.iil-

r ad Conjpaai'a hae arrived, aid Aa Mixth an.l --fhtfeAomm Coooiao-fl hBM aboady iomaod. The um.

ond and Tl.ird Ave: 08 CBaBJ BBBO Ifllbaod lo ..'

oooM-MMarB-aCooo-OMCMMBMO y** -MO-Bajeach car. and .oi.tiue t.- diar- .*rd it. M_ were t na-

mer-r-.-ii-ytie- -t t oaaBaaltbaBilBO-kaaatlbut M da.BaB hua, h* *.», -OM arn-ed at.


Lin Krr.-Bt..AS,.-l'e Twenty-fir* W*rd R*

pnhli.:tn Aaeocihtion ... _beCflflBBJBJB-- whi^ UrtrJl.ave j.rt adopted. haTO an art.-.'.le whi.-h pro*.d«w that

n,e. ur... abail be bold every Monday e-emuz. and aa

n.n. h flflbflflM ne tl e Aiwocriii..!. aiiajl direct. The Ke-

pi.blicanj cf thia Ward uiean work.-*--

CBOtM Rr. -iptv.Since the hr»t of JflflHOflrj, theno. ;j»a for CboMB water iflOBi have l>eeu bnt $-',000,IflflrVhOf B-aff] $|ia',(U.i'H'il| d.ie, on wbirh inter.-it al

tl.e tale ot liltt.-n per Bflflfl ia exiv-ted. U not paid bytbe first. of .Time the pioperty v. ill be Oflld _ uniial.

Maw-You Citt L."i<*tir oVflflociATioa..Tojblantiree, MM ibfl ('hen-ie'ry ol C-irhon Brttl bfl d.'I'V-ered in tie ObOOO- ln*ti'Ute by rT-.f. Silliman. jr., be-

fore tbe New-York (ity Lihr.trv An-.a i_t'...n. Theio he _iveii thia eveuiii*;, a_d tbo M ud to-ni >r-

row evemnif.

Tnr rtiRMvifr Ho.ru oj- Tkviu..The third an-

nnal dincer of tbia ^tjiIiI takea plaflfl thia eveninir at

th.- St. nebflflaa Betai, orhaalbfl rafraaooaalfaflaodtbotrade will munter in a-ronp for.-e.

An Ueretf-nTO- JTati aouiu.-l-BoJooolMfl^ a

farmer ol Npv-Jer-ev, h*J in bb etnp.-y a ...au u_n-

UoH.p. ' -' rie.i.ii. iovi.it .New-torB Mf VVeiaa

__«._«. H..:.li.-.|.a.«.-.I i.p» lo'.ol .L.thiiiK a-i.1 other

i.rnperrv. valued at #01'. with wh'. b he all.-urt*l for >«-.\ ork W bi e i,avij_tii.« iu the nelkhborh.H.d of tiie .V--h*w.-nler-v .he Ihipf nrtmrr" th- ati.pi.ioB of. Itft.-.-r lta.Tifaol.la ol the¦; aiii.iv ....-nd I'-.-. n..-.. ¦ ' ' bta taaj Btwaefly.

...i :. ,- The prtj er wsa '«_po bef.ire JMMKeliy t. ho eoinniltted bui. to anawer


AcciBBan am) lafljaMio. -fory Kyaa di*^.ou«..t,.I.t r.iaht frntn -rjerlea re.-.iv-.- in oooawinenee olrj.-a... u _lf-tofitall.il No. ifi ra-t -eveBtea-thatraat. Aa 10^q....i»-..!eid oi.tl.p u-ly bj < -.-.uner J i kiiian. «'.d » v»r- 11. t or

.¦.ridpn..i dea'h taudnmi.... M«T- r_B Hlluhy wa. ..¦-. I- to

death nt. Mnnrl.iv laat, «t tbe re-i.lei-,-.- v.t her p_rent«. ln 1 */en-tvnr-f atreel Igp »r-.t'.ra a .pnje.fooiluif water over her per-l0_ Tl.e Lii.'v..- _.t K-u-cl-th. old.

Rf. nvi>i. traiaa BaoM .Atmm CaflUcaa of Vo.Till wen'T a.-v u.h atrp-' WM I.e -p,l-'i»v _j I, ali.-e K-llvu,an.«P ¦ - rp,.pi..itf a_i-_ immU. prafernal a.-...at

a he .I..' re-

varietv a' an.all arti-l.-a which h.d ueen

. utbel -'.. ": ':"f''-r. i.t -..


Brl-tai. A'iiriT.-Alexat.der V. E3lbB_0,a mtoAia1 lo-.ii i Po-"-....- w». a-rea-p.: ye.terrlay eharged wuhhavira. ot; the IM nh ....niii.i:"- a b...-»l ou-ra.« ma

rine IJodenhotfet -. rhiM aiatfl ;rr. -.r^.- I ka -JUM - par-n-are.idp.t s'>. .'¦! Oraokhrl «tre-.. arban *ey kaef b-eardtoe-Baaaa ard ia alder daotfcUr -..y lhal lha .*__»*_ «a.i previ-

.Ueinpted Oj co.i....it » HBa a-*--' up m herwlf.?-

Pbbcbbm oo * Baaetaai .On Monday ni^ht,MeDet-Md ofthe Math Praeia-t *.*» . ¦"»¦_¦ Wh ita

.treel » ith a BBiall bat of moaey iu hi* hand. The ofii -er walkpd

altttladliUBrewlthl .-.]..eaM......¦ h.-n^wl-pn Ibe Wlow inddaei* dr.ip.ed the hiu and r_ The baiwa* t«urd tr. ..r.nt.ni B08 VI, whi. h i* luripoaedto Oethipio-ceecaof aburalir-.

¦rsaitM PUBII.Hr00. JSoBMWM arreated on

Mrn.i.v ni.hv ,-h.r.pd with h-viri Make BU -J 'w.-uiea froma -u.-.u M Valaal »P*. ot No. 14 Maraei-*.-«'-

1 Le accuMd wa* held for exaxtitnariou.m

(Adver.i.e-iPii'..]F.rwARU B. Dix.'N, M. I>.. E litor of The Baal*

pel attPi-..'.-eT.'.i.-ivelv tn r.p.--ai;ve a.irTr-jr, and the more ob-. ,,,. uj, . 'i.eivic tVaeara. Buptere, hru.orrh.jid*.hatula d roncealed «h*-e»* ofthe reet.ni arecared Wfthoutth* k_ii or lin.t-ie Utl'.ee hoi-a, BtDo 8 t*Oa. aa , 18aB aud-. to 'i p i.i aVa 42 5-.h :.t. A-. all oth.-r uo.irahf ia at ma pn-\atph...r.ii*l whereeve-voomf.irt al lot aatlehfeli provi-l-dfnr t' a aha leaillia Iba BBBW i_.pjr_-; op.-;»uon*, or oaretul_idt. atn-.rr-:.


[ Advertiaanjient.OiR BOCIAL Rfi.aihin. Mviiriv.;..:..Thi* i*

the ...liject of P of. FowLBE'a Lecture ui llope Chapa.1 at 8

Private Kxai-initioiu, with .'hart*. dallj. at -W8 Broadway.

[AdTerti-enjentlCAl"Tf01SNEf*S Is ¦OOOaTUna A OREAT U\ma>

r-ktra T» OlWB BIB. ita deh-ieu- ) ii ol m -uinoua. A I'hreuo-)>_i.ai I'.xaniinatisu at KowLhak Wrii.-S. WW Brcadway. willahow the eieeaaea, weaX pnin.a. taleuta. ao. ri^ht parault.

[ AdTerti*eoient JThe Red HaBBBB.Here Ib a ehanee fo witneaB

thi* exc«l>nt drao.a.tbe he.t the »tp h vp pramtWai I. ia to Be

r. -r*afed thia iftarnonii an.l evenlLi at haitMCM'a Mcsbcm, andalwaya at'.ra.:t* |re»: crowd*.

[ Ad-erttaenienljM31honfl ef Botrlea of Mra. Wr-sLOw's toHrTtr-

rm. Bi-r/r are now naed evary vear ln tne Unlted Hute* fo*Ch_dr«n Teeth.n*. w+th nev»r-fai_n« mcca**. Beliaf U laani*-

Hate aad certain Oall t* p*nta» hmtle.

BBOOaTL yn items.-m

Tlie Prnytoni will pert'onn " N'.-v.t Detrp.tir," und.. Love'a I_ib^.r Loat two of their ente.-tHir.iii. I'.r-lor Opcra..tLui ev.flB-Of, flt Woflb_glM il.ill, WiU-iamahuri<-h. Stnor Oliveira will appear between the

pflfflO, aud extiute jjouie I_v: Bfl piflOOOM tua; violiu.?

|_U 00 COBflTAOUU i> (,'k-mi>..:. CaflOfl. Bo.Omontha ainee ,lu._e Cu'vtr of the Cfflj (.'..urt, refuaed'.. ;..Iu.it the bfl 8 flf CeaataUflfl h)r a..>rv.fiL' r-iuiiuai

- -p.-t,. ¦ the groead lhal it waa om '.'< m\% ia ieeoi Ibfl poliee. uud hy perinUUnij; the Couawblea to per-ti-tm tl.-.t d.ity the i-o.in'.y woiii.i bfl un.iu-'lj ta_e«l.'I |.-i. ¦ wa- uppeuh-.l to th. lafOOOOfl ('ourt. on theeiiit of Edward O'SoiO* offl-aai BraaMfl l»- Caloor,City Ju.Ikc, and recentl* the i.»llowin« decudon w;u

ren.lered hT Jiulue BOBflOt, heiuir in favor ol' tbe CoU-Bahkoi

Mambu BaiL..I »u Tbaradajeoeao-afl',!-* MI ttcoait* I W Ilianiabn _-h -.. \e baO ol Ibo Udeon,in uid flf I i tiie _1.iboiik- Hoard of Kelief.

.' Um "if- 'he noli-em*n app.-inted under t>ie V ' *.o e-tah-ii-h a .V.elroio ita-i'olKp l'ia'.ri-t.'et (Laari ol 1087, ~eLI,f.2li.I poaa*a. ai;'. p | - ".'' -1 -'*¦'¦.

o. .-ivii prrxe.a. 'p'-he-'.I'h.-p a d' rel. vaatad arithaurh pmarnta. 'l he ..an.tahie* in the City ol I'.rooklyn *ti 1 ...on-tinue in ..Ihce -..I retani i-tu p.mer la tiie MfViaa ot ypt lt 1- i_ the dia.-i -'..on >.f the ¦aghOMea lo dtr...-t and deliverth. ;r proi-oif Li - tt"Bleefi, aiwKay exacote U. It ia traa that tba aBaetal '.!->. tin-i,.-li.irpuot. one way or the ..-. te enjpU.y au olli.-erwho tp.pi.P4 a atatad .r..-y, or on-- who w .__«» . har^eapoa\ tlie rttj TraBaaBy fWtl ¦-i upw to p-r-

)...t ine ii-ajtipi:ate v.-> r-.; - eauraathayp-.r.up II. ti.- .:_'ipr .;:.: \ '..'.;-¦ (...-. IJnot il u'r"! tliPir o.p.-rptiou by raft-jIMJ 'o la-i r

'. Meeaa vhaeB 'h-v p-i pawj. la taa, m..

Jiajt in.-r.r-p.-t y ret.aed io t»v lha ralator'a Mu, an-i 'nerauiuat

bajuiifaaaatBflBUMt him ior a peteinptory i.i.i.iaii.q-."

CocBTKBrcrro- T\ Fulice ofthe Eaatern Daaere jp.tprd.v uo'.iied'hal o.i_:pr .-lt *9 bll - .-.:.

l .n.uiy bai.k.N. V., wei-- I.eii.^ ..p.»-. hi lha -.'-> Ta.- -tor.--

i.. ,. »r-. aa. .-. .' a.-J ine..urp.'ai.-:. ta a0*_ra lha [..irtie*ei^ujp.l la p*.- u..' ti.PL'. b.:: lh.-T aluiafl '.'.e viaiLui.-i ... rl-.e

louD'ertPit v hilli nL tba I'linlne i-ana. N J..a_dthe (h.Pid* l <¦ ...ty Ba-ik ol'l't:-.. N >.,repul!n

piicuis'wn yp.tenivy ia :h» VV-.i-m i--au:-.:t. A ynuur -i.n

ui to pa*. a

-f.e IU.U..I Oank. Be WBB coi_ui.'l«d to _n.»er by Ju»-ti. e lon w- .


AMabBbotii Hiotabb. \ Fbmb bmi ooaoodI-.. vv.-: berbaaaer*er fMBya t Beld M ttm N"r VorikjWk**aholonf-.u_p.j ln...U1L2 iapl iv VI:. K.-ld. who .upp-»e- ne

w**%hur»:ar. Mr Ke.j U Ibe r.»tn.aM4»r. aud hia p*- "*

haaa n-. r.d aaee-al .. at Oa Ha-a-q .-or-i..« he he-ird rne

iroul doo. open. and w-.l J-wa Hairi wi'.h a loaded *ua Ua

W i.t aiao weat out ".to «he entrv, wb-o lle.d

h.-arin. the ..... hrpd. anMoaioi it v. aa ihe bur«-_. I ha -baltook adeet... lha ody of ./e VV .t. who i* ..noely mjma i, buiit i* lh..|-l h« »iil te.-jver.

MA.H_a.-I_tm-VCT.Bnw-- brmmM beforeJa*-.,, (..,, .,ii ve.i«rd.v ou 10- oharie ol bltln. Uie uo*e ofp.r.. k rrr:.on ne.,:/cr***-!**__. »«h. _, .,u.,preTiou*. »he o.taand .« oou._ut.e- M ti ia_


Tllf BBOiiBLYH CBMi fl.lB.

TntkrA'dttar ./' |BB*I WNmSir: In your article upon theea mattet. on tbe lwb

ii_» yoa have a-mtentloaally do_e ii^uum to the Oroohlya (.'haaaflab, by r*p«rU-| U *i -ot _» ao liuurnhiuf a conditi-a a* U*i

v»ar Thi* l*a ui-rtake, a* tie Clab *u _«..«/ io ao prosuaiaacaeo__Uio» ** h i* u«w. ll ha. amoag ita membera 8B08B ol the-ar- uraaayat pUyar. ia the cooatiy uad the avaaaaa atraagth at

ita meuibera I* not eicellad by auj lluh ta lha l/attad flUlea.Tba room* of tha l luu ara aeatrally looalaO aod a-aaSortabtyf-i-i*bed, -_- -ia open u the pabllc every ii»a.a| Oa Wadaaa-day _d Satarday arflflflap then U a _.«-»- -B8B-8MB of tha.tuaiban r*r prmrtioe. and eu flat-rday aaxt a (nad toomamea*. Ui BJ.088000 'aa tha p«rpo«> of teatinc tha aomaarativaaUe-ith ofthe maealwr.. aad thmt #_f_aUla prteea ara ta ba ttvaai

li the »_mii Ut eeah af Uyaae BiflBM at ptajnta.Ab-UUBJU

XEW-JERSEJ^ ITEMSPir_»o_Ki_T...Wii_». afew .Uti pi-t»#4r#-_tl **»>

r, at. h.'r I*. m .re hv p*rtl*. Wfl* -«»- bad the'r _..¦_¦p_-krdw_Ue pw-n, lr.n, lli- t*WtJ tr ...» U> MB.«BM__1___ei.t_.in. i, »rre .. d_vp. W muuI an*v>nuU y**t*r**y, aa» taa

B .-. Bot Ifrlr cre_

0«_m. I..h(ibi..Jao_» /.. T.i_<'.HI.,*>mpl.T_-l <_a. aaaarl l.inr.. BBflflth* l.-rarvt if r**iy. »-_r*a_i~4 na Maa.laav* ith »__.' l._.r,.(,.. to thr capt-.n All _aar*B (er W * aa

pr_v*a| anava

K.tai ,Mfi:-.iM 11 rn.T. vi.t -J.hn L»»i*_, ait*t._>ve« ln hhaft v,, .,. a_M _-__. o-jflr*- y-w-'-l-r

) heir-bloa.li uu,(u tl e ahafl - I..,' ¦.'¦»«'» work. Ii* waa

rrnv.jed toth*N*w York I. a I***" a/Ur r»_i_i__a*.-.

Tl.e mmtrn htry ,f U-Mifl (. o_ty yewtawdafie«n_"it ur.-. v-tavaral -_».*

<*( t_t_(l-U v at-d lapr_

LA IV / \ 2'A /. LIGENQaXroriT or oknbral.-h:-.-,u.-.. -ji...i-.-i

IttUlBI.I..'I l.e i. -e ai Hetiry Kai.i*.. trbiflh w _« eom«ii*l

cn &.on-d'v, taa. reaam-.l (<.-«l*y 1 -., >>.*a> w a* r.iewl*t_LBtill laaalaaltlili tl.l' ( l* aa__.i__iu.ilr ted iu lli* raa*. I ar -. .,_aflwa. tr< on ptLlril iu i* ( -ui' r*j hi. wife a yu.rB. warnae »P >*-r.!_,»I. not u*er i" j*«r> of _«*. Abont'hree h.or. _|. Wfwnr mr :p*rH III i*b_b1 in i-iitimi-ii «p 'n« rat*. Xaaii 11 «B,ii,d F.aj,kn,ana<sdr»i>ii «»t* JbTJ nn VfcAlf of tha artaiair, aalMi I-. vie. aaaBB.al D__-_ _*t_-_*y. ,ortb« *._*-¦Tt** Jud.e _irl__|__ th* J'*rv dir*. te,l tn«_a la _H*.1_ 'Ba

rbari* ___**.'. ib tb* md.- ..-rnt f ¦ _»- 1_'*t___ll rn, that ti* j-i4 «aa*_-*fl Mlull t-iru* w.«t« mw .*«<_-* ora*t_.**__.)-edla*i.__ty of'.'cmv l'e ***** revi-wel tb* *-!.e.-trenf Hir.rr llr._ Vr l..ne Mr Be u*y aad etbera, aalair. Ir<J tl*r larv t- ss>»e no Le-1 -o ':i_*roor***t-B rn*!* By l__-pir. al 'hr __i.. 1 h* rvi_e_.p in ibt. r*i_B_ t w*. io aa r___*__twith ti* _l raatloo i.d ti** d< nr.- ot BBBBB_BB_M BI. ro b* ********* oy tb* J'.ry cndrr BB_a__BBM».tsni-ra of *arh r»_e. < onfr_.iona b» *al_ *"_« taa uv**l

d.i,a*r-" . ippdaatd «. id. nrr _« ict-d-i-i- ia a .aa*- at J _e-

__t IU ___*.e *l.o ri____i_._ t_rjar/._*l tbej __i- a_>t ta

c.B.lder the ili«_t of thea.ru._ed a. au enrl-ore of jullt a* faar

aei eri.it atte^l. hr u.iua. of uien nudi-r -Jldir iklrw -fl-B '.**

n,aittr *_ hr cOt*f*.ai o -,ade 1*. tb* -»_d *l Ma Hai* Be waa

,_..rirU bv Mr Laiie with ateai.tn tb* li.or, tb* J-dfl* a|*laDiadeal u-iot, _i-t d, prlad t-* Jury lo <t... aw Dead la iL

'11 r Jury lb-B reti rd to ib*tr room l.ut wer* unabl* U> rwaal_B

B_aatti»r* w.aiiob-* m (ne .rore Tb* ( .Hlrt _.'»»«*

vtt .-._rd ol .|.r,u,..,i ia-ei. «"'. rapoTta**. aafll-B 'B.

tairu Um r. __. At I olo.ll th*v oad n*t **rr+4 apao a vardksi.

UBITBO BTATU IltSTRKT l ol HT-Ja». li.-lJa. laa «BTT.

< kimimi. aaflflfliThi. -ora'mr th* Judi'e naid he wonld heir tba r>i#-

tnrt-Btiorur. on tba B_B_BflB maile t*H -atnrday lo dla-I. rr- iiiio,,i pe'-aoa. couvn:ted duilna taa o_»i*tb, aa tba

ar.nid tii»t the ui. lotu-uU wei» u.t .i_t:_.-.i t*y *aj Uiaad-*a< ..-.. -iiin vai-.nt at tnr tira* ia _>o*«?<iu«a-t at

I ... Vr -»<!_» ir..Fn-Ji'd.- BflflBB-flb, Ue I iatr'rt-ttt.iniey. rern.rked thtt tb*

. cr« -rr^ol a |raar uatnr.. an-i "e pruouara flflfljl::..i-|.ar«ed n a. rh a t* i'iii*i-%. _-a*e_l_B Bfl flflflMMl

a. . how a pei-uin with an indirt.m- bef. ie nim re<il*rty .adh. a '.r.-ud lur.. tin* _-ith al i't Bifaala opeo ,.*Uf-»inu>atr'ltl wirhout » a.ofii.c IU trr« »t n-j ,.«;ir.ent aud thai aliar ia*

jri.y tav. j._r_rd aaatfl ih>- aaa, aa ... _~B*.*.-4 Mfl__Mu .-.r ._ .ne.' -A ;udguirni on 'hr K-oiiad r.r ,_y ... hnicil -*-

, r,.r>-lv in-hrfa.-. that at tn- tuna

Whr'lithe; i : i -i IM.rict-A't ini-v.¦i whj ladi a h.vim reteotly d.D*rt_lHe ii r-.-iderr.l t,i Wfl_l onm, for if tb_B

\--.-.--.y war* Indi.ted. thou.d it !ail of otfact IMflajp.hr nerr w...t .j: ie. -izn*tnre .

*_i ..idtheiaw aa. unaK'led i.i rTird ti thit aaatta^h.t ......... r J '.- !u_r«-.<»i!, b«

- tlr- .rpin.rnt ba heard ii* cr hiia a..d ia tb* laiaa-..u.e wo_.li! d. .Vr ri:r « nr. BM i! Mfl pri vonafi.

MAB:NI-". 001 RT-J .. i-.-itefi-r, M in. A. K. Maibabb,Jiin. - ,n,i i I iryraraa mi; t m ir.

Edward II. sta_.i_ J _..".. B. MilhjrT.Thi* wiui bb _*...<.- In-wu.iit l.v I-.- ,-i _iuu.Ttore-w-er

*4.7d_n. e. :or the na* ... a P-lir _MB ia ^.tlu. a MMMh, i* n -i 11" tlie i*. Irniltn- t. i-onvert atiaw ind n.i ;..i*> I Iflfltuatte'r, _udfro.ii '.: r-i e into paper. Th- p,.i:.rilf umtun rfte *V-

¦ inv.Blioa .¦.. . ,i tbat pr r.iap- i: muat h, api>. ej ta

iniiinol ,ai.r luto Bapal B* wall i, :i,i u.l .ir*» a*4t,. iir.ri ii.ni' **uun*»**t*mMa* Tbat

drlr.da:,-. .-oi.aen -0.'or ii tb* . r-rf _.« Bt an .aid an<-oea_ tfta

laimt wr-uii! .datena* i* tbai.-u :.. t.ue rf.l.nd.-1 non.-ut in * oun'er ruim afaiaat tbapajn'iH for tarvicM and u_j.-r.ii. in mikinz ta* eip-n_iai4oi>(i. T: .. trial waa eaofltaaeafl .*u M_d*y moruina ud

of B |t*_t ¦_ ind a-rv**e|-rraa firftu lo t::e )*irj | -raoon.. fbfl

.erdi. t ti*." lha- plauittti .'! Ij"

___.'i"l*mm***mtmlhaaaaMtl tt**** * » -anoBiortaodtieudauL8trRFMt( OL'RT.Cir. :t--o IT..Beror*Jaatic* .»..


Mi Ke- /ie a^t.L^t McA-ttHi*.Thbtaaitwaa broaucbl hj thfl ImbbMbm BBBBflBI hM

wi'e t* art.jir!.-a derd of ronvejance road* hy hi_a t* bar *_Btb< ;.r»_v.ra No TSS Kroad-aj.

1 he plaiutie aiie.ed tb-t r.i. u ife IndoUel bim ia tb* babit atdrickii.a aj.lriiuciia liquora. and that abe o -.air.t.l from aia llBfldred .-I umr), r. »li;> h- WBB ,ii an IMflfll aiei .UI*.

-) i.,. edlbee-rar. 1 h- ..-r ca. t»een *b Irlalt_. j,_,. r. r reai_iui__lo.it afl

Duht. «rre unarle ro a/'-i* BB. B tfleflMI i'wa. iinder.laaB|, »t aavca .->' iu Cavat >,: a verdi^l for th>- iel'i-adaut.

leba _____ b _M .'_.;_:¦-, BaJ. fl-Bflf _-d Mr. __BMMBBjlor drl.uda: V

Bel'or* Jmtire Lbcakd.hk< iai ia.

Saronel W. Mfldfl Mt. Joiiu M. t lark...Motion ___>Bird. will* BMflflflBI toaoidnrvont.

¥¦ H. H_Ji li _.e_ a^t. Ku'biird A. ( oizina.. __!_*.tion _Tar.'*d_COCRT OF COMMON P_KA_J-1b.il Tibm.Jaa. 1_.

b*for* ludj* Hu ti.v.

heait raaoici a«__u_it tai itt.Vlilliau. lS..l_'ei*.-. TI.eMajor. kc..,f. ._* Vtrl.

Th.^ ^v..- at, .-uuii tor ihUBBpefl for aijunea re.eire-

by il_utitt. tl _, tu-.ilewala at tlacoruerof F.lav.nth a»enoe and Tbtrty ^.-or.d ttirn*. Tbr ptatn-litl itated that ou Lia way ho__L,e. tne m.ht being dark. a* t.1n*o th* Bole in ij,ie.ti.,r. H* had no pt-viou. l__iowlaKl_» ibat.twa. th*r*. Iltruiiirn bo'.*. I Bf ann .alnve feet deap, aud 'inIirot*.:ta_. h too. in tb* udeWiik aa_lurb and ritter-arc-e IVittje.t wat an.. n injured Two pjuo*-

n;*t, *ot hin. oat i*( th* BfU uid beiped h:a* b itne. H* waa

¦h k ...L.e time .. b< a r and »t Uie bo.oi a. liu kaee-paa waa

brrjkrn, ai.-o arvrril ofbia nt.... ai.d W Ifli atir.-.lder aad hiaaad aad baad i-uvad. __ - . .

Th* Jefeneaiit. -.ifered bo t ..tunony. Mr. Hepry H. .Vi__l*t*r>n the Atalaia^t (orprritioti l oituael. * lo i-oujucled tb*aaaBW on th* part ct the i-%- MMad -o IBa > ry tu_u I u- c__*aWBB one ui ai__l.v pioaa;c_lte«i ai.iual the -i:». iu » IlicB Ib* CltW,..1..-.-11 Lav. BaBaaaaaal isliiru-ilion a. to thc/aet. exc«pt aura

a. they can ter-v- Irooi the ''¦'lan..' put i»by to* pi_joti_l_uI'r L.ei.Cril ll.il ttie plailili-t up.it. uia u*u evi_eon» hai BMn.a.ie out . i-d*e on « h:i-li tir waa ri.til.ej to r, ,-ovej- eape,.-ia_jrbe'ant* he did do( -pp.'*r to have ba»eu h wawhf f a* trom oe_r_i-U*l,'- Cnthe c ntiaiv it appeared f o_n aal tn* eirca_____.uo__seo. uunt.'v c-t_;.-.: Iy pUn.ti-, 'Bat he wa. nrgliijrut. lian Igbl -.>-. au--.- l*. .' hr did uot Bnon 'i,.. atate ot Ihe tl**-.* . .-¦*.».. :,lly *< it ai-;r»i*il he lifjurutly. il not utoaJy,pa..-J lar _a*fl iu goiim tu __ut 'r.i-i * MB.

1 hr Jurj irudri^d a vrrdi, : lor Ib* pi-UuliS ror B_, 000Tki* b tba ::" ¦"' u '' '.' ** '**

Jurv fjave th* pla'lltil av*idl..t .,: *_-'!. r._ouu tfla_ verdict,-_ ..a. appraled to th« i.-__arJ T«._. wb«re u waa Ml

jefeudauta.iaroar__>i : ui-i-irn.-.botbbb to .->.r asidb

rtMtaat rcaaaBBTi ibocbti.b tb flIMt ST.A I'-w '¦ii.'- ib "' Williiim Caii . N'o.i-* ofitmned an

.- -lolfliiiK judf-r -e u- to' ..l.iv. BflM a wiiy tne aam.' thonld .¦«

:j . 7 i >rd to i-om* ;a and o.-f.nd Tb*Caatrnllrr n-nr.- .,. hy virt;..- af th*- .'.:h la.-.onoflna aot at"1 .'_>. wbith *i-.'-- bim thfl pawa* t- - ''.'I rea_i»dy ta *Bct.«* wh»re, in htt -aiuedi-

-* 1 npoo by ttmL'ontroUar, it will '- »__*«_>.____, ¦».- .-¦ M___MatiMfl-a»r o ». -"¦ lu^raliBin.

'1 t«fo:i-,-:. _: :-th'--a'..Ur-Uir_ji"o. Lbi j iai.oriua now *ouaht t*.'¦ d:

¦mt.Charl*. W. I rnnJ'u* aal

piiiiiibi Mi iriaaaiBveB .«_ ¦-. *w i i»*r .-^ _t .:i th__a oa_ir wa. a»-

i> i imtvalir l_h_M daii.tr*. tor o»*rn.>. br **-._.'!_ k.

ilay. who _(*¦>* lud.'.rpt i'r p._.'n;.^ in to.-- .ui af ?'-.'-.B «_ .

\. IL. .1 .*** *¦»Ihr ih. l , u- ' »' 'o-t."'.a| innte*

[gt,. J.. -. ul.lder. Referreii to . n*v

A. il w". «.__.<.-l.v* .Jdziue.-.t tar .i_i_ti_ lul 'fte tuiu irt a_.-_* MJolL K- -

' rflBflU "fl-eBV. anl rr'rrf._. .. a V ¦. .ii_|t-_fll 1-*' \**m*lifl for +

-a .« r.r..h. for .... - « toappciorintBarBflflr(Tu.!** »_ J*-_4_*.


_..r*rvau*biai to* .._*-_-«_»r|r»ra..0B b^ti,«..i tarle* C JaMtaa. *-. ***** _-B__-flMMf^^ *, ...V.ria.C-i.".'.:^-, ,,_Tb*lo;towi_*tB*i - np... l__tt_i

... d bav._« baa_ Lbal thr oi -l^ Laldai oi laa __a

..r.unr __l __Ua-d >>___l____" _'. _£torrcaiv* .-ata '.- *¦*- acparal* tult. AJ ta*

'-'. ;, . ei. "u.ed bat-ra-Bdi-,' ***>** «j'.« "«-,*._ _

CeaiflrManii ¦*''.'¦ -.m*.i't*r aiM TB, * ol Mirin, .au* Mrvic«_ Jadc

r..lp i.iiror*. aarvice. a* Inap_.;or. lod<_rat for bJbbMbBjS.i i.-. Bb-bb. a*.i|_7i«* ef (ii :aor», wm* aamoaa. _f«d_.

t^'nr Bl.'" <o"1 he -b*iitt ti*« l*vi_d jpon Ib* pera-.nal property ef 'b* City

lor al' thew lutlfmrut< iut ou mo-innof Mr Soy*.. a Uuipona-.|UJ"U> nH ber ba-»l* oDial . ;. i ptoiotnluifl. ia lbi*itia'tei uctil ifor tbe a_XTUIBB_il on Iba H....U, wbicb waa aMdown f»r T..-_.dav nl

a»COl'KT Or SPKCIAL -rs.-iu.- laa .::-B*_*r* MflBflM

4.-bi'B.V, tlKl-N.v.v lad-TBBBB.LflB-B Cunau, lan-eny; FeBiteaiiary three mosthflb

Jau.** L'aiv, Laiaaai. PeiAt-nlUry thram m.ntti. IrtdflMFivbb, larreuy Prnitentiary trrve roata*. laataa Umaafl.iar'-a _y l»__u*i.ti*ry Uur* ot*uU_ Wai. Jarbaon. l_r_*aytI .-i.iteL.viv ...:.- i_..'i,-ha. Wm M_,.n lar'.euy Pauilaallallliwo uaortii.. Mu v _.__i*h. laru-etv Pe.il-.eatiary tbr** ;¦*****¦( a;,Hn* S,-h._n-li. f*rr*ny Penivn-iary oaa meotb. Jehn w~-

ilann. larreny Keail-utlary aia uxotitka. Wm. Pe»*__*o. "*¦

r«av Irnileuiiaij aia niouth^ .._u«_i-l Uotiabo*, lare.yiP»B_l*nti___-y thr-e ;.n>*'!... Jnhj. II*i,.ock, la/.'-aj raailaa*

iary iluee Bwnlha. _______} <_rvn*. ______.lt *_d __->r _.*."rn ..y t're* ujootha W.i. R.euii«.ly *._*_!< and Battarytl-eui.ri.t__v four uaoulba. John lUuiillau. __a*r_*ily »*«!2»Pe.iteBtlary tbraa tuanlb*. 'uri-a Br.r_*. Iweanji <_fPrwoatblny lay*. 'arab Paoaia. iarovayi _»-'. _"**-__d.v. Jau*.a _"{Bn*iIy *-**-_ aad b-Atary .. Baad BJ- __;.ra. oibe. eaaaa w*r* i'_*_ aad m.p--.il »fl»i^ by ra«.*n._*-atbe piwoner. ior *r«_^auc«, or di_.-b^»liMi laa* r

COCRT CALEMUAB.TaUB.OAT.Srrait-iii OotBT.-__.mt..Pan -.-*_,^

t«_, ItiU. 4.1, *_>, 4TS, 477, 47«, 4B«, 4*1,_.._».^"-__'S SaTl«: K». Sli. Vart ll.-»e*. aBUMI,2*\£*___". _Maaa tm ta*, tcfl. 4W, atl. *l«. «l«V*ai. ^_mJtt Jy 104.M. IM, W 1W, >, 111, LM. Bl. -M, IM. tM .. M ». .». ***. m

"s-ravioB CmT.-PBtL^f-^S.1.4 Mr, 4M, »41 4M.4\«l«iV_* -MS_rr, ar, Pan ll.-!-**. BM. IM. ^_J«_^ .*.*¦"*U*. (Ti aa.aM.aMBH. 4_a4H, MB l2_^. ar-. A., B.^olBT «.r CMMMHfBBil |^1a_BS_LSav. __«, aia.bm rn »v «M "_ ^** "ft,SKRBH, IM*. tM. far* ll..We*. IM U-. .**. .-» "" '
