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New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-02-17 [p 7].€¦ · Itannit A Mrtboue of r.uutjW_ia 8....

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Ib.at, acd Llaushe- fur W ater oae, wat grotrm «Bk- laat hcTMnher, and that not tn a hot-borj-e, but ea- m a ht^'-rcvoied cp*n Ueld. .jatercnsand _h_WM baaa been aariteoeed to bo h_g pnb.icly oa Pnday, the Kth day o' March uext, bedweeo tho hon r> ol 1»' o eaoak a. m. aud '.' oi ht k p. m. . AParUlr^'r--Titertbued-a».'rik«a. !-".'. Naooleoo -oa one of Ihe apacJona avennee ot that inp.-ri-l city: " DTtTTB* a irair of eplendid baya. attarhed to aW- watroo. with tbe re-na ia bia owu hauda. aud LaaBbng tbeb. »e thongh be were acnatomed to it, without any oatrirjera, e«inenea, cr guerd-, tbe l.ta^-nr Jajvo eoo <wme alone the s-enn*. He waa drwaaad w.th h blark im-rwai aad a bat wbich wea of a faahiou of lla own- Tl* rott.!* .1 bia uiuataclie look particularly BMTp, and ba. 'imperial' as thoutib H bad i*»t come from tbe barber'e. It reqaired a etendy hand and a qnick eye to aaki*' tboee daehmg bo.-aea tbr.iu.rh tbe immenv ihroajr of vrvhiclea of every daa-ription whirh liilod ti«« avenae, particularly aa the dnvcr, while keeping c_r eva apo_ ihe stee-t., wa o'jliged With ihe other loBO-Dowlcdga tae aalutationi which ho raceivevi on erery aide, and be kept up u oonttuual laowine. 1 cou- aader tayaclf a ulenible jtoni a>mocr*», bnt I took my bat entirciv trom my bead aa he paaaed. A BTaafl mi'a a bo; he ba* Vxaen ancc^otfol, and, c-»nt aa p»*ead'»- phdoaoyt er» B ay about tt. auci-vaia is Uie Irn* meitu-e ot areml aten.atter all 1 e Ijtnpa-.ot givtB,M ve', no aign* oi tue ina will be 58 on the 20th of April nex". lot look*. freab aid vonn^, I thiuk, as when I aaa bim bve yeara ago, before ba bud the wholt weight o Kurope on bia ahoaidera, und tle i'opo 'down on hnL. " .Mr. Jamea Clark, an ai'od aad retired marchant, while aa Ute Uali of liejroacntativea. ik.ton, on tbe 1-th, het<taiog to txo<*e~*t« om tbe prop aod Better ¦Mot law. ia which he fe.t mnrh iu'eraat, auddenly fell abd t-xpirtd ot apopltxy. Tbe Hocae at once ad* iBBBBBJi- POLITICAL. .AUthe OpjKiaiuon louruiil-. ir. Maryland bnt two -avw anstaioed Mr. Winter Davit in bia vote for Mr. -J'ea.uu,'!-*- aa speaker. Toe malrontcnts are not re- gur_od aa uideiea of pobltc tentimeuU .Tbe Repubbcan Kxecutive Cointniltee of Illinoia metai hpr_£-elo onthe 'Ah, and deei^aated Dtx?atur aa the pia .? tor koldmg tbe 8tate Couvention. The aV. I*utt IkrntoTat aays the time haa been fixM for the 23d of June. _Tbe Republican Convention of Wiacouaiu meet* oo tl.e '."Hh 999 Tk; Petertomrc Aa' Ir.uUiL'tnctr eays tbat tbe Seaau. of Viigiuia, ou _S»lu_n_iav, ordered tne paymeul ot the bill for tbe entenamment given to tbe Hon. (.'. O. Memmirjicr at tha ExcoanKO HoteL It amonntad tojnat f.W ">.- Thiaia all tne txpenac Vitginia will _a*eur on acconiit of the dt«un»on scheme of .v.ntb Car- plina, except eacb as ia waated io conoiiertug lt in the l-egidaiure. Vujiiuia will not appjiut Commusaion- tca in fcrtherutce of any auch b*. beiae. - tiat'a certain. .Tlie claim of Mr. Amor J. Willmmaou ol tbia city to hia et at, aa repreaenutive li om tue T__d Diairict, waa preseCttod in the Houae by Mr. Hunpbrey, ol the lld. I'tftrict, on the day tbe Commitioe oa Elections was apjxainied. Tbia atatement, ia neceaaitry to aupply an omb«io» in tbe rrport ot* tbo C»ugro_iooal proceed- i_ngs forwarded to tbe New-York preas. .Clerk Forney'e appointments were as follows: Y. Btj. Hayea. Chief Clerk. talarj Ol.lfi"; C C. Cbtflee of Bta-.a-_'a.tl* Kep. L.it>rax_n, ai,80u; A. JortUn iv.btvar'i- «.l v^au-rj'.-uia. A, L. Utin A-»ltt.ut Lnrarla.., Bt.tVU; Joba M banu.* ot indiana, Bej., Journal __-___, ieiair.*4, *l,i«c; 1 joaiaa LV K l;ai:i- j! O-uif.u ieuui_>d, Itkerk ia c.ar<e 01 f .is'inf aad bi'.. aook, a'.8U8; Wm. AvarbiU .! Maiue. Rap., Booklt-i*-. H-11U8-. JamtaC. Waiaor. t*eadin_t f.ta.k in tbe ><.,.-., t..:rib-_ at a-0; H-.r.itan Krieainaii u! JUiuela ktip., Caail 11 B-taier -Pvatlio-a aiid faper* la Corumiltaae Koouit. »i waj. Oeo. W. Faaica o! Yemuyt*mn*. A. I*. Deiu Ueony year: C'.atk. *l,B«, A. K. Taraer 'of tua llKtn.tof Hojumbia. {/rauti_.tsB._a"raHa_i_ued, »-.ltili. K-Ai IsBen-aau or N»t-1 ora, kep t.-rlt to take tba I *a* a::0 rtay« io tue iioi.aa, *1 8UB; W i..:aa. Aditu-B ofCahJ-n.i_.A- L llem.. Land Utl «, *l.(HKl; *\o.» fc Kiaaatia-. .(' C-hloroia. A. U Hrm., Lend llffice, ai.bOO li J. baunell o. Unio Kap., Clerk to tete i__r^e ot '^a hooai votad rm-nitx-ra, ai,8uti; Joliu Bupiug of Naw \ ork, A. L- i'en., Maiioi-ary Aooco. *i Swt; B. C. Bovn- iar of Caio. A L. !>«_ eutiuaerv Bo-ixi. 01,**.'; J W Jaua* ot tlkio, aip frmnpai ktueoeefer. *1 T;,i; W tn. K. llrhairv o'. Miii___ebo_» Bep , C.erk io Jo.iioat.M i'ttilloiu. raMU-.1 *1 «« Jir-a* f*av-ock o> P.-nntylvania Kap.. Land i^tv* ai *-8i tteo. Li. Ciuputa- ol ladiana, K. p Lmid (JBU-e, .aJW<. u-> Martiugh o' :%aa--J*ra.-.y -. L. Dem.. rntaioed a* MtaMBtei iatkt tojiB titermou ol ma Capitol ai>"; Itaac stiaahu* o: u_ie. Bij., kUHni. Buf-n fir-in- oii K-uiutkr, la. ?1.50°. rr.laaa* B. To-npkii* of .Newi ork. Rap.. Land __-. * 1 tlO; Uao. _-_p-__. i.' V eii'ioc.- liep., # l.tt*1 O.uiel l-atiot tat-aaat reUir^i *l,waj. (ibo. I baaerofNaar Vora, kra- Uui Ui- ' *"¦ Yower ot fannajIvanU. k.r.; Atawlanl <H*> iaiUrarj. aiBu". J !'. Allea ot lo-_.u_-l Rea., t_aadi>-.i)e, *i.i*Xi-, W ran !. ornay of fenn Nl»aa_A _ l»a_.. Ataittaut a-. t»»a Clrrk'a ItttoB. 01 MO; Itannit A Mrtboue of r.uutjW_ia 8. L. Dem., A**it._¦! iiataea-ftr. *i>* F.ed Eun-trlut* of tha l»'.t r -t of Culau- W_^uWBte-*t_«Bi.raUii.ed. *l.iv>J; J B Urui* of lovri. m^.At*bUilaatekutwUdtofuC., Pji^.Pa r.u^eer r. SSa^ *>!>*! F'O* McCloaky of Nav,-\_ork. A. L. l>vm At- ..r ai^uu; Jacob iaindel of -Penn.lvania, a. L. La_».H.a-«- - The Richmond i\k.: tm/uirtr ot tke 14ih says that tbe proaea-ingB ol M teBntiea have reicbed tbat o.lioe. pob-tig M,3-2i Dinfr ratic votao.tt wiuonnum- bar _f,_yj, ia 47 eountitB, havo declared their prafer- .aee ior Hinry A. Wm; 1,4-t, - two counttis, havo j*dared tbeir'prafercaca lor tha Hoa. H. M. T. Huu ter; aad -4,-*><, io 41 coontiea, have axpraaacB no ptefertitce. There remain fl coauties nuhoard from, wbi*m wili come in hy the delejatos. Thasa -.1 ecan- _<-«poil m%Ja%i voUm. The atadents of <-<orgetow_ I>. C.) Coll*-ge lately t __e4 Uie efligy ol Henry W ioter Davia for hia vote iv, 1'ennit.gun. .A Republican Hnb, tht only one in Phiiadalpuia, Wb*> nr^antaoda ahort time i^-o, and already uumbera «rver four hundred membe:-.. lu I'raaideut ia Wui. B. Tboma*, ea'j , ahoavyO-alti iu floor aud grain. Iu beaaqnaiterB are in a tui-din^ onthe corner of Seventh ^.d Cc-eu-ut aUreatB, whtre a laige room haa been Btted up and well aun.lied with newapapers aaid docu- tuivt*. aad whicb ia open every eveuinfr. A waekly B.iniiiK of tbe Csafc is bead every Saturday evanmg, at w_-~ one or more aodresaes are made by the boot speaker*. tbat ran be proenred. Tke Futtt Waobington eorraepondent wrltaa that Mr. hewaid " La* a great tpeeth preparod upon tue ^iavtty queotioa, which be witl deliver when, arcord- bg to iu* j'idgment, the fttiag BffllMBlri o^enre. Thoa* pei-oos wbo report lhat Mr. Soward will now take a _a--B-a- atep will b< fciaally m^uUn, though, ,.f ctMir-e h i* paottaMa ttat he wili B*B««B tbe lalao , m of ..voutbcni men who bave beiied hia priu- 'upaea." .Se-ator )>on?las haa mmnm m9t9 d.ngerouely IU. So k*B ttan five pby'icians were in attendanra npon iuia ot Tivaday. Th*. fiaa- 1 (M-8B.; Repubitear. fairly hits tha _ai-^rity ti tbe iHmo.-nwy touching tbe HUvary <jo«a_4i, in tbe following rvugh, bat u%ei> epitfrau: Jobn Sherinan, lo prove you 'ra uad, ,e reaark ii>- a* ir^oraa^ fleipe.r t book t alled - t'fc*- liiipi-udina ( rlait- ^atrl_ar. ym oace mcorend ra aOoUtJun opi.iloo BaluIOBlaerea Loiaa-rat, Joha. Ai- noa O.nor of the (Jid D-oilut^u- lomm Ra«-aii a da-ii-John Lef-her '. a rauU - ^t^tl * a Da.rr.ocTB'. J^n Shtrman t IVMMEROIAL llATTERS. Balta aa tha Macki .¦.B Fas. U. 8^ot)i h.i. irrt .IM BBB V. T. OlOiral S. B..«. J Mi.«ejri a.att.6*..... 114 *'n *".°W i.-es 4*,.uaaao,!*) do.Snii nmm *(_. * 'i.o do._7,-,4 *.,*»» do.*B0 T.'t .lltl do.t-0 . .U* a-...:., ».v io..!_.>.. S,fliBlBa. lat. l»a. '4".....1<>1 Sw ..iQ .., ie.OODIa^ Larp b*. 1*.... SBi'i-O do.op| .11 l.oaON. Y. teaio*.»i| vA d-.baa 711 ...oON Y. C*ut.Ba.'76.U..t'JU e* do.okc tl\ W do.t» .1 2.M'wauit Kailroad.IWi c,.. ;.J0 Itaadlmj Raliro.!...*... M I'JO d<*.eM) ;«*; i-u* K.I io do.a;S 171 |.j(AKrj--id_M'*. ba. W ;,'«8Mi- (-e-K.K. Ipar -< laM.S K.'Vjtt-ba Bl »,0B» De.. Ue.* W. E.X. -'i;aj«.. B' .aaarv idMonrt^e. W iMii.< i. W 1*. Ml|.. BU 1 alan b-t t.ltw '.. Bai a Iiud. f-atial Co.. Mt Yrnl. 1*4 ay faoia m*ji a. a. Co.. -~ i*a ^.i,im aa 80 U.CaalB.a.b* S_t SO do.aiw .*-) 10 cvtr., col fc ciu-R B. ae 2X> Otlk i b.;*40 B.B.... b''i WO do. KO ca.t,C i^ii **> do.boo J'.j da.»l(. B8 *. da.wio ta *> *o. V* to...". tr.: J* ***.lwH:« *. <!.. 87 5u0 Oa..il0 :~ do. W* ">.ilOiM 4* i».-llftS^* X*1 da..*tc aa' M Bo.bl tt, *te Ae .ie u tt !-_> >a..ro*id. B to io..ior BjB do.ta» . «aa do.boo de. 108 do. mo du.bb m >j l hl. fc 8. la_ it K...1I.J .. bO io. 300 d-. do.aaa wj do!!!!!! .......*i.ea) aJ.'.'.'.'.'.V'.'.'.'.'.'.b'ibdii aacovn a«»-r> Mxait. 8.6*. 1IC5.8* 10M« do.bl f»\ -,((». Cal Ht.te ;..81 Bt-oTaaa- *», 't*'..H'f l.la^virjinla**..8/i iHOMi.a-uii t.a i-BKri-B B. B I'1»GW * OBI B.B.....-8B5TI IO _...8*1.7} Hr. .MW 87! Vtr> Pacifir M. H. H. C*.8^ a..a-, do.bon .( iiw a«..*~i») ll,(i» de.'.>, M <i*.trfl tm ."t'M.iii'l.-K Hl: |N do. BBi lat Mt.p. !* [BB d«.h») fwl ¦nN. Y. On. K B. -'I 7<e do.7»J H-rfc'W K. B. I'rrl.8. ii« n-«dui8 R. R.<»» do.otuvr.i, aa d..u« ui 110 8*.usj zo do.en <\'.t._..i.it_.i.:' tai'aa a*._*, tnj --P*B__naR. R.l'.'l :*09 da. hkj 4<m lev..t ol fc'in. R B. » il>* Bo.-* rTa I t.riii. a, R I.i. B. R.6-i 1(4 *o. Hl, SC do.fi". M dv.b*l 88 Thirsii.i, Feb lfV -p. m. TL* iiiiarettt of tbe Stoek market oou_u.Be* to be coneautiated _1_iont ent_r.lv on Pacitic Mad, which took to-day one of ita tremrndona aorgea, ranging from H to *1, aod again np to Rfi, a nnctnati »n of li 4* cent. The market waa atoady al tb* openicg at HH, at whieh at»ont -,000 Bhare* w< re taken; bnt on the aecond call a laading operator bec.me a free aelksr, and tbe ijuoia- tion fall oil to N.V Aller tha Board, tranaactioua were ¦BBB a* low a* tt, but tbere wa* a rapid recovery to P5. The fall appaara to bave been tbe reanit of tbe reply, more f.-rciole than elegunt, mad* by the Com- >_oo.r_ to the propoeiUon of t_* Paoific Maii, tbat cfttain named boata ahotud be ran m the lme from 2»'.w-York to Aapiawall. Thi* point, however, beiog jrialii ri, -ha »tock uguin advanred and toncueU H'J, tkfo> tng ai h**, bid. Tbe laxt laeBBe propoaed by Com Vau- deibiJt, anbatan'iully thoae we gave yeatorday, have betn offlcLaiiT accep'.ed by the Boaida of the l-citic Mail aud !*______. Cmpaniea, witb bul one diaeeuueul vote; anl Uiim txp-univr co'.upeULiou for tbe Californi* buainerB may be comioen _ for the preaent aa eet- Ued.Uiua ending one of Ue le- couteet* ou record wbere both partie* were defeated. Tbe amuigament weiuidemt-uid to ba tliat Ue Pacittn Mail pay a $1,000,000 lor tae Vanderbilt boau in the I'ac-tic, ef wmch $600,000 la in Pacific M_il*tocB,to ba beld out of market two yeara. The Coia_u-_ore ia to do tbe AUantic aervice al 30 4* ceut of tho receipla, de.lucUug Uie Pau-ma Uauail Uiat. Tb- >orth A-l.u- tic Compa-j » bcaia. are lo go into the Uavre line. Wo do not give the above lenn* at official, bnt we believe lha _BB_BB- to be aiibatantutliy coiteot. The aggre- pate aale*. private aud rvir-U-r-d, were pr-l>a(jly over 111,1,00 fhaiva. Tb«» do-uuieut. of agieemeut have not v et befcu r-igutd, but tbe allaor1* couaidered cioiaed uu- lil it BuitK aomebody a iut-re»l to opeu it agam. Ccu- tra! wa* l.uoyant, nuder Uie impr-aaiun that tbe pro- ccedinpamthe Aawcmbly v eaterday wero an uufavor- ab e indication for ibe BBBaaaa of the Pro liata biL. 188 i-Wck aold up to 71 j, bui wa* inactive and oeavy iu clc+u-g t-__j_ac.on_ at 71. Panama wa* lirm but cull ut ibe uptuii.g, but aller tlie cou'duaiou ot liie U'.- giiationa between Mr. Vauderbilt aud the Paoh. Mail wa* known it wus in utmand, and a lrancod to Mi. Tbe Weatern Kbirea were quiat, excep-ing (ialcna and Bock Ialand, m wluch tne ua-ie-cUuiia araee to io_»iderable BBBB-I -t impioving pricee. Iu II . lH,_,d market tbere w*» not much floue, excep'ing iu Mireoun 6e, of whi< h $1-0,000 were _©ld, tne market advancingto70j'_*S0. Tne eloaing pricea were: \wginia !», !rr-^tff3; Mi_*oon 6*. 79i'_*7.ji C_nton Cvnpbny, 16, a-17; Cu-lnrland Uoai Pref., U.016) Paiilic Mail, SH.ar>>.; New-York Ceutrai Iiuiroui, ;i Hi Erie ltaiiroad, 8* _al»; Hndaon Biver Bail- road, 4U,_-4t-\; Hariem fcaj-road, .--J, Hulrm Pre- fenad, 33<-33.; Beaaing Railroad, :-J»3-i; Miohi- pau Cantral Bailroad, ^7._;tTj; Mic.igan Southern andKortLern Indiana R__lro_d, t»i *"^_; do. Guatan- t<td I4J--14J; Pauama Railroad, 1J3J & 13:i_; lllmoi* Ontral RaiLoad, _^« oot'-'t Galcna aud CtteafB Rail¬ road, .'>r; _*..7,; Cleveland and Toledo B_Jro»d, 19| ¦ S$; Ciucago and Roc- Ialand li-iiroad, tk% Btt|; il¬ linoia Ol nti-l Btulro-wl Bouds, 88. S8-1. ln foreign biila ther* i* notbinif of ioaportano* doin«-. KrtightBtoLivarpool: 3»Hi tc*. Beet at 3*. 6d ; 100 boxta Bacon at 98. Bd.t -"0 bale* Cotton at Jd. To Loudou: 1,0IK) bt)l«. Boain _*__.__, and 1,000 do. at 3*. l_d.; 400 boxea Bacon ut ~*7b. 6d., un 1 1»0 balee Bacon at30a-: -00tc*. Ikef at... 6d i*00 bbla. Pork ... l.frOO b«.xoB t'lieeao at 4a. A veaael of 100 tunn, ont to Windward at 75b. per bbl.. and on* of 130 tu:,M, from the fckmUi to Vi mdw»rd on private ttrm*. Th* bn-iuca* ef th* Bub-'Ileiuiury wa*; Ke-*ipw, eivw,818 :ti.for Cnatoraa, $113,000; Paym»_t«,$ll-,- 199 y7; Balani*. $l',8_l,837 ti7. Tne bu-incfB of tha Cieai-iug-Houae to-day wa* $.,6,7.1,>'_. Tbere ia uo ctutug* t. uotii* in mouey ma'ttra. balea jf $.'0,"00 (wvernment ia regiatered 8*.'-.-k have betn made at pieviona raa-re. Another B-ttnient ¦ regard to tbe arrangemeui between Mr. itii.t and the Paciit Mail ia that Vanderbilt aeila bk !-ur shipa on th* Pacific for $750,000.$_o0,000 puvafeie in tbe atock ol th* Pacitic Mail Company and $_50,CM in c_rli; b* to aiao recaive $-O,00U lur e*- lenaea of bringiug tbe Cbampion aioond tu tbe Atlaa- tir, or, if -Bft in the Paiitif, to lake iu exclu-ug* tbe KU Lou'a, now ou Uiia Bide, and |l$ttIM la carh. \_u- derbiil to run the A-lantic aide at .'«* 4? cent of freight and pa_*eni;er receipte and one-third of treaaare re¬ ceipt*. The p»B8age of ihe Poat-OB-M appropriation haa Utn received with gr__t BalialacUou iu the Btroot. During tbe next week probably »o_-c three mil'ioua of dol__TB will ba reie-aed liom Uie Sab-£..***ury here. Muny of Uie elaiJ-in have al-eady been lorwarded to Waahington Capua i_t« who bought tbeee c«rU_c_8ea at 80 up te 30 will make a i-Jg- intereat npon their u.ve*t_-t»t. The following will rhow the Ua_ic of U.e Grand Trunk Railrtav Compaiij forthe weekeudiug January tt, 1860: Naii-aaaa.*_};5S _r.1Rht -ru1 I.tv.Hio... _2_S_! tm Sl, MalU, tc.__1__^___ Toul..JMB1BI C.rT*»r>o_-in| w**« laal jear. --,_.- "4 lB^r«a_e.'.#B\BH ~ The ofEce at Panama furniaheH Uie foliowmi* efcoo- ment of lh* -uaaportaUon by the Panama Ra-Lroad thu-Bg tiie year eommencing Oct. 1, 18-*, and enl-ug Bep*-, 30, 1S~9: .Lre.w.i t* Sjtire t.t freight. f ______ l'_M-'Jit-r«. 2».*J»» Trauaar*..»;.I.140'J^ >_..., v.b.. &... mm Malia, __B8_-_, tt-.. . a-;,e68 Mtr-_).--», *-a«. .J'JJ* (.».'.i--. _4*_ h-*saf«, t-». 67,6* Tbe annnal report of the New-lUven, New-Londou, aud Motungton pallroad Co. *_*w» Uie following re- i-:i i »*ca'rT». v h leaaBBSBaa.B»._*J »> IO' lla.l«bt. JI.B.BB* j.°,u-:.. B.oeuw i'ui rr_> aud exprea.. 8,7-4 ^4 Xotal..8107,837 1" axra.Y-iTr.aa*. Forordii_-7rumi-««ir«'-*«, ke.. B~,0M f ..r ,npair*and r«_*a*trurt^>a. tkBmm Total."astfTtia Ia i*_U ouCoupoa*. 4l,KI)| i*) Io__l mojtaeaU .8184.079 8. l_e groaa eaininga of the Kxtenaion Road are $x'l,- '.r74 11, from which, after deducting expen-ea, 6 ? rent will be paid. In regard to tb* actlof Iba -BflB Legiabtture, nuUior- ifhlg the Baaa of $_W0,_<W aeveu t^r ceut mortgair- bou_»>, in or_*r to -i^rnd-a* tbe $11(0,00- ten per ... .il taoiida, du* «Inly 1-, 1*^, aad the overdae intereat, U.e IiiTecTx.rB ataie ih.t tba Bokiom of th_ latter hav* to a .vcrv kr«ai exteut agreed to exeb-uiKe the old 1" Ibe i,ew bond«. When tne entire exenauge baa beeu trfected,the OoBBP-J-y will be comparaUvely uuembar- naaed Tnere w.' "* i,,ft ^i" ... "'.""dne >. mpoua ,.u tbe fit-t mort^asr* *even pr rent liond*, which the n-reetou trrop°ee tofaud with aix yoarr eevon tntr ._._ -mlL, . lu»d bonde, Tb-8 propowuou la B'_wd te ___*. mat with at-cb ,-an*ral nppiovai that tba bond« *7- _*.r._: prepured, ao that on and afuir Uie Hith of March aexl 2 holdera of ancb bonott.au demwi. with th_T-_r_.*r of Uio >e*t-IIav*D Mavim-. llank tk* c nrv.UB <m U.e Lt-u* for the yeare -BM, iB-B, BJBl IBtt, ;T. a elrn'mahmg ihai.r'lirat mori.ago aaaofky, iTi.'.I mkoSSi in:oi-at ou tnaia m BBab and mc.__* bond" lor U.e princioal. . --,- Tb. l-x-aaiiea Road ir l^f«,w»Tk. \.v, l IB ... to the New Vork, Provileftce and Boatou Ba.i..a^ ( o-apany oa iav..,,,.i._ Nraaii and it » ** ,1, Dbtad thal ihe i..". <rf Ibe CalBIBB-BB Road will tm um, 4 i^ir tmm -aieiaaltbaal-tegiviagaUtha im <ia.r.t:.! H"Mii'U. .- 10 H.*> ">,>rinal lia* wh-BB tt Bfaa i Ve-ieTci tbe txianaiou Waabl ailoi-. The ohJ P.o.ird haa l*ro leWected aa folbara: Wyliia l!hi *r»D*». New-York; C. B. HnaVell, New-Hav-i. B C. Kt-raat .u A O. Wilrox, M-dtaon; Hen.i.er lloll. htybtook; ChariaoJ. McCunJy, L-'barlto C OiiawoM, [.;_!<.; Cbailt-b Mallurj, Mystic, Jatnoa L Day, Ru.-i,;iv't<>ii. Tlie'aDininl ta etfag of tlie atockboMera of tbe Hon- aatonic lu.i'n adCewpuny will be hetd on Fridiy, Peb. M P e rntideuee v>,- annexed atat.meot ot Uie basi BBBB of th«- joml, -ftahaf tbe year HBB, lrom the huper- iatrnda-m*.' r*-fort: Berriot, iron, a.; aattfflflfl.*'?*''*' ?i Kuuaii_si'ij>vu-. taaea, uittv.-tt, fc-. -. NetF,olli..T*-.MO*»» The raoaipta ol tl'e ivad have excee.lod tboii ol lH-« by |!<i,.r>8?, aud the BpaaBM-BfJ expeuaea b.\o locreaaed ?oO.VCl; a portion ot n.ia iucreeae waa cauaed by tbo New-lotk and New Jlnven liailroid retoaing to ro- itew Un ir oontract, theroby m il ing it necesaarr for tha Ilonratonu- ttoad to make uddiuotie to tbetr bo\ and Ire uhl caia; wLioli adiuoua coal ubon'. fl'J.OO-. Tba buiiding fotmerly nwned sni o. ipiod by the 0 io Liie inauraiice uiU Tltk% 'Jj-ipauy, al CSBBBB.< mjmkL bas U-en parckaaed ol the M.icl.a.-.la Bauk ot Cleveland, by the Livarpool and l*oud«.n Life and Kire iDanmuce Company, f»r t_>,00C. One of Uie moat important Kailway ta-eti ia uow be fore tbe Hapieme Court of OLio, and will, it ia ex- p*,ttd, be oexndad doriug the proeent month. It ii tbe caae oi Gao* 8. Coe agt. The Columbua and Fit]ua Railroad Co., and invulve* tbe whole .(uealioa con BBBBtaj the riybta of tbe aeveral claaa-a of railway mditora, and the rtdl more important pomt of the 1 aseiug of tho franehise by a aule und»r foreclosare. We earn by a alip f.om Su Louis of tbe 1- h mrt. tbat aa ai<eut oi a hu Louia baukiog hou»e preeeatud, on Kriday last, fJS.MJO at the Chilioothe brauch mt 99 ISkii- of Missoun, in the notes of thr> braucl., f >r re- deuiption, bat a mob preveuted tbe ageul fro_n draw- ing tbe coui The atatement of tbe Iihodo Ialand Banks, m_le on tbe oth inbt., ia as tollowa i'tovidenca Bauka. O-jt of Providanoa. Total. CapHal.ati,23i:>80 aBa.0Cl.7iu B-JO.89i.2-r. t lfruiaticL.... \y.+ .?« i.isa.aw i.in.iii l.-potlta.. J,5c«-it- 81-Htr.i l,tt&,j~.\ Dt:n Bankt.... BJI.TB 73.7.11 1,008.811 Lo»:.a.. I«*,l4l.-a* 7,:77.8u8 B6.7_.lt'J operie. rtt,,T.fl ,*t,2ki loi.,5'JI UtT.iNote..... tntp* iw.aJ* i,ii'i.-t Du.byBaak*. M#N 99M 780,804 Aa comj-tred witb the ataieme-ut .~n. '-.', tho nr Btilti are as tollowa: Provtdaaca Binlia. Country Caaka. fap«ta;.#?«.;.<- C0 iu *1M «0 inc. Ctreo-aioB. aOIBBlBdaa. .\t <r7S 8o daa. I>*-L>c_a_lt- . »>.*,_.! l». .1- Ih.Kirr :kj dr*V Due Baukt. 1M17 8-8 li.Ui-1 Loan*. WCtiac. l.lbe 11 inc. Spe.-lr. 1(1.rs ti iu -. Ill H -BC. Ma-knite. *7-...«; 41 in.-. 9JtH tt inr. Due hj iiaiiia..*>.,iM et de.. 9J.W1 11 .lat. Tbe Coatrolior_ lieport of the Ctiy ti CtfflBfB l*or- riahca tbe following automem ol Uie debt ol tuat city on tbe .Hat oi January Itond* at I" i' .en. ¦flBflflSflt, due Nnv., ll-i-O.a.tO.lt- Uutidadue Jauuarj, 1«>-I. ».«>rt Boudadue Jauuary, lt«. 'iiw ______ -0 ^0«yi BouJutHP'cent interett.die JoJ/, 18C1.B?'.' O BoBdiuua July, 1H6I. BM" boncid « Jaly.lBBI. io.o^; Bo,d.du. Ja. mwf, aiw.____fU0.000 Boadt tt C f aaal i-t*-r-it. dua Jaauary, 99 »*V).000 Bondt d.eJmuarv 1M>1. 10 080 B.Ld.due -tily, fi7i. i«l.H_ fconaa o-ie Jt^Ltry, ir.J. _W. «" Boudt otieJuiy. ItCS. 10UM0 raCWw.¦J^ttet.v* lotal.99AM9 The geuer_l trade in Dry Gjods lacka that activity wbich waii so ctiufidently expeoted. No'.withat_fiing tl.e incre.ta«d arrival* of mer. hanu, the bcaineas haa not been Ofoal to the corn-epouding woek ol last your. Xlaprieoa of Domeatic Good*, however, are wall nj__-tain«^J. and tlie lirmneaa wili bit rotitiaacd while tbe export trade is ao large, as Uit_-. the atxka are iejt moderaicly low. AU heavy got-da.Brown ShettingB, Denimfl, kc. ar« full { ctut parfBB- bi^'-.r tlun al tho cmoieuce- mvtt ofthe year. Bleached flheetings aod light me¬ dium SheetiuKa are uot as w»U maiuUmtd iu price, al- tb .tigh thB itg'__x make* are dehvr rt 1 t»the trade as ftist as pr'.ciuced. oc prt-vious coniraolo, aud uo iai- porunt stocks exist. BW .Sn-riingaaro ingood dtmand al advam ng ralea. Tbe T'rinting Cloth market hiia t>een qnite Batffa, tlie prmtera havinjr generally ron. wcd tiieir <o_ra*-t«, w hich cxpire ou tue lat prox. We b*ar of taloB b*iu.- tius made ta future dehvei} which amouut to a _afB agyregat-, IMyMI peicea beinK repfirted. ThBBB ttk I havi been made on the basie of pr* rione ontracts for the moat part, alth<.n,rli in nonii- iiMt-un-ea h.^h.T prlcea h^ve bern paid. VN'ooleti* have u-Jt improvod in ar-nvitv, ai.d, ia ub-*enie of the BBBBl deiuaud, huldera of bftui liptuig Caaeimerre are uivie anAi-'iia 8_llen, nnd the BB-r-at baa BBt been iiiaUjiied. Tue high j.iice of WimiI llKhaitn. and tbo iucre.aaed priov for ia bor, otfer little hopo of rrmnr.entive nrfiir.u lo the manutactur'T, aEd we ae" BO i:amedi_i_e rolicf moie le-itru ted produ-'tion «dn be iidopted, or a atill tiutner dtniine iu Wod __0_-_ mane. The Wtki aale to-day WM well attcadod, usi i a decliuc was c»_'j- lialied. \louia lhal Bold at -OO, prt-vioiu 10 the H^fl- ton sale, were aold M 9fl ¦- J -. tbia ia not aunicieut IB inouie a good buiineat to the faMBB.t* Titre ia m.i'.h uttention at preaert given to the probabie fetataaftbo Cotton miirket. It Ib well nn- d* retood tbai tbe hiMh eatim*U-a uiin!.- early in tba Aa- tr.nn to the BBBBBB- oi the crop were nut too larfO, a= u »ni fBnaaaij aaao-ai I ltt ltt V frt Wuhtttia fa< t, and the Lut year's consutuptioB of tbe world i>*> fieus, it ia clear aaurplna wil! be carried eve,r. Tne f08«ajB maiketa laffltrod last year only alwmt three miiiio-a of bi-.x-a of our 000f, valuie oui houi-9 conaump- tiou iauhowu b> tbe Qolloa UOlea iv Li\e beeu «(>..a'. ti-ht h_i.di.-a and li ft y tiiou-uid t.iUea, nnd if tbe c*.n- aumption of lii'.1 H t'.-o-ld ba _BBBBBBBl ton per c_>ut, whicb Lrt noi at ull BfahaUo, we ahab have a surpi _ of ovur _a.JaJ.<JtJ*' b-iie«. I| ia euowniliau our apinik.ial_.ve Mt lahaB C.tton in tle aame ra'io at Un year, t'ne doliv.-ricB twii-g some 60,000 bj*.* loBB il_u f*ir tne correhponding p* tuxi, wiu.h laa-n u-i-y to atip- poia tiutt tbe fnatiif U_eu lust, year by our »i>uiiier8 Mae iu. :-:- crit. riou of tbe amount coiiauaea, o_ it is beiieved thut ut no potM 1"*h tbo cour._cpi.ion ot Cotton b*er. gB-B-BI U-m at praaen'M We annei otir nBrul Uble exports of l)om*?s_- Co'^ ton, for ti.e WBB- end-n,' Toaeday, ah in~i., and aiuce Jan. 1, aa foilows: -DurlBftbe waak. FaaaafB* DaBiaO Wr'ti*. India*. J.ivtrpooi. *i l.|.erpool(Dry (aoodt). 3 t'ul>i.- i Na*-l.r«at_*a. * \ a_* anala. 3B Bratil. _* Tntal. 153 i'rati-Mi.lj reporfi. II,f_ To«al»iiraJBB«i-7 1. e\J99 »»T-Vi7? Ueawa Kaynor k lllackwell have uold I lotaN. B. .-orner :«d-av. and 74th-#t., ea*'h ¦:'.'...>IM fe+t; also, I on the rear, fronting 7l.h-.t., Hl IMJ tb*. 9 loo frr $J,7Wi. AJbo, I lom on north side of 1 Htii-Bt., W> f*<< eaat of 4tli-«v., at |B_S BBB-U Alsr,, :i lou wj?h side of l.llst-aL, '221, feet east Bf rtth-BV., at $_-.' eacb. They ulao report the cule oi :) lo'.a n'-rth bMb of -llh-nt-, Wl leet weat of Xtb-av., all fnll lot», for $--,.".00, pnn-hased for l»r. htryker's lUfomled Duteh Church, now lo:aiod c^nier of Bnxinte and (areene-ato.. tbey wili sbor'-Iy BBB8J a new eh'ireh editice 'ip*m tb*?*« lota, oi wrat tyle and ronteral we an- yet uiiable to state. Jvhu MtCLive luio a-jid on* two-ftory and baja-ment tii-rn- .toopdwer.ing oa the acnth MB of _lBy«BfltBtraat, etwaen Ki.'hth aad Ninth avenuea, for ftvOiJ. Aliu, ae full lot on Ihe 9J9t **9 ot I levtntii av< n>e, 95 t*et north of Forty-third itr-el, for $1,H(X». Our alatemeuL, ma.le a fow daya aj:o, tbat tbe A_"i- tor of Illinoia bad made a i _I1 on the baaka for I «-< 99} fornrenl-tingnotta, isconhrm.-d by Th* Chi- itpi Pn .a, wbich aay»: " W.- bavi banied tuat u call h._» l^n mtde M tlie banka whoae ii_m-. aia biaed on Mis-O'iri Bjo. 8, to d*|aoei» addhiueal raeaitt-M, or, whu would taa mane thiuu, to wi'.bdraa a o/rn-epouding amouut ot billa. 'I ho call puta Mieaouri down to t-euis -abou'. tbau pre^-ut vali-Bin N. B>Yofk. \N< loani that uo mo!.- Mi onri atoeha will be Boaaaaal by tba n.ta Bt-b-BBBBOB-BI-ty l"r bar.k ii-ait-n " Iu reyiud U> tbe jToiupt p«)meul of _ul«J.al <o. M laourV of Miaaouri, Tke 8t. Ltntu RepuUican ha* the followi.g: The iniemat on tbe pormaneat Htale d'l.t ia |1»J-B, M Wi h the lnoreai* o'ihe bu.iueaa ofthe roila, aiH ra-*oiir*>l- gooo __ii__i_'_ia_t, it w pre.amed t .at $rM*,OOtlofUioiiit<'re-t will be mel'ty tu-oi, ibttafl._*. irg thecht-rgeon tha--Ue $77~i,iHll or for tha tw » y< me, $!,4M,:ifie, Tbe rereipt* tn' > Mie Ntuta T. lynry lor tbe »wo tiniail yeara endiug in l'-W ware $(,3ril .IM. The mfimar/* for the two yeara ending PV>o, laetadiu tbe balar.ce in hand, and f-^.OOOi p;o.eed*of tb-» mill- t*x. ia l/,8S3,0_., fiom which are to be de<lu. ted $l,C_7,~fo h.r ordinary rxfwodUnr-a and -ohool pur- p *.-*. Tlie aocount t-er-lorv- atand*: B-YcoBB lor two yeat a .ad-Og IB89.«-.<>*- 041 PruowMl* D>iH taa. B4H,ae* A-grefrt*._. 87,851 «42 Or Ilnar. »x|-adttura*. a*"" WA S-ImjoI Apprupriatioa. 4~'T*'_. __ __. .. ?1.0*7 70* Sa-plu..ei/rej.au \nl-toot to br paid by tbe Stat*. 1.46IJ4B Bnxp4ua*Y-' all. tt-M-i (Advoral Nl w-YoKk Statk Sixta of 1*77, hav- >'.«_ Ntayb Stra* of l*S6, I'arrm* m»r«* la-rutBBr. B'*-a _, WH, I mtbu :--. i.aa i'*cr»a fivax ofirm, lu ...Jiuirta U Mllt, -J Tao»~-i» BaoTwr**, N*.2\v_B-L BlarkeUr-t-aaarvu-T ___.-»._.» roa Ta* H. T. Taiacaa Tll' It'l.AT ~.b. is, 1B-1. A/illEB T.' damaad for both -lod. b falr. aad t_n mtrket la rl'.-dT ; aale. af ?uU *t *4 2., aud fe-ria Bt *i 87|. COlTl <N-Tb* market haa baaa Ball and heavy; a*;** ef 74* ba- -. VV'e q;ot» lod.10* ly a* trilowa: Ult i". OLx_»irtr;ATtoir. [.i.u-n-k.. Eiertda. Mc .11*. N. i). 4. T*_. Ordtaa-.84 8* * «i «f M!ddit_i.ll! 111 111 ». Mldd.l_« Kaix.13 _ '*. I», p_u...7.Ui 134 . 18 184 COFPEE-T_n m-raat ia Brtn ac- moderatary aTtira; .a-*. ef 177 baa* Blo *t I8B.I 100 aUmrnluo at i»;ari.u and 1U* G'-i*i»«a, »t U... -t ¦¦-._. rLut.'ft AND *aEAI.-Th») lnq.il. for Wantern aad StaU rYiur i* mom a. uva. eaneci.i.ly tor tha. maduim aad battar I h.v. al.dall klu«l**r«ll'ui«l *t the .loaa>, tt -oja. ./ll I. chiellr c.a*__jp'iTe aud with _*h* a-rlvala price. f.vor Um .eiler ai tha cloar., tle «_li-» ara 8.VO baU. a. »- 1*4*8 1- ur aiinertina Stat* «..*. 3**4 lor Extra d. and low *-*rt«* *f VV.ateru r_.tia; 84 * _¦**) 94 for akipolng branda Bouai Hoop Extra Ohio 86-86. lor tt»d» b and. do and*>b--»*7 for tk. U.,.;a and l-nvx** Extr_«. l «a_d1*n Flour i. hald witn in- ci"M«.l titmn*.a *»rwi.lljr tUetiv- iiioi Br.'i"*: th«ar ai« ui f. toi ii-i_j___ii. i_,l iu itd-c-il a'jpply; wlc*vi41 b .1*. at *5 45_» io To (or Y.ilrt*. Bo-tber- K.our i. withxut important vari a;in_; Um imnii are li;_t, aod tha iaai*od fair lor tn<- ...w __d uiediur- .T»<ea; hoi.«r» oi" .:hoka brand. _ir g'3Uer__y i.it* Urm; a»_aa of l.o-t, bbi*. at ii 4rt9mk9 lot _j|i..rt__- Baiti- ioo.'h, be .ud 84BH- *.''8tifor thr bnttar ir.de*. By. r*lcor l* it, iair dn-uaad, aod i. _mi .-.*. of - >- bhk. _t i'i -04**4 tc. Com -.eai 1* tn fair dcu-uui. aui pirnty 83 4* tor JaraaY, oaa ii li for Braudrwin*. Bni-whaa* Flour i. qaii-t . *1 _-. _r- * 4 TS ifioort. Fl-H-TUm-rk-t U -.- y«t .t«ady for all d.**rrtpl:on«. on ar.-o-i.t of Um> ligbt .toel otierinj, pariicniarly ol Dry l ,d .n.t M_rk«r.L .__ , UKAlN.Th- Mr.8*1 .--*t 11,1* A)-1 lbf.dan.and fair for ui iiu*. and ihe _irh aia »..'ry li*iit; aala* of 7.10O bu«h. MU- w.uiiK.Club at prualou. p lo**; 3-0 buah uii'uri_r Ri.d doiithera at if au, r i, n -,»ri. f..od iV'fciia Minbifao it * !*. aad 7ia) aa.h. lul-rior VV_n» Kratuck] m priiata la-m*. By ia ati^dy, aad lu fair deuiaud; aa'r. of .'.au-l l.uau. at 8rj-y7{". Baxiry ilalt u ir. fii: d.^mar d at 32- BSo. Bari-y 1. iu »ood re^ueat. and ix bnn; -.ai a nf ",.'.., Ba ,h. at Wt. (ot la.r rowad Stal*. in atora, aod _m_ forU*aa*jB Kut. 0*H ai«brm,a*d ln t»ir dam-ud tor iri^'r*.!-; ¦aie* of r..-dl_ aui Wartexa at 44tt»4Ac., aod Slata at 45. ct *oc. f'orn raily iu the dav «i> ^ailt dnli, aud ratiie.- .«.ie-. but ere t:.. rrnaai tha. d'Biand impr-ved, ard tae markwt -_«. i Oetinr; aala* nf W.'aY) buab .t 77<r7K.', for J»r.ny VVhlt* *r.d V *ilaw, tud"7tf7'l*i. for S-i'lh-r* W.tue aud Vrilow. H!D_.&_re T-ia'.. aala* <tf W0 fayU. al 19. IjM vV.atarn .^'jiuxhtr :.-'.%...-ndt.)/) ai_r_._:bo, at 21c. . HoPli. The donoand ia ujodai-te forlocrlurf; »*ia. o: -<.hi.a* '.' -a .t ii 18c, .. to nuality. Il .oiaa Iuataxic-. r-hoice hop. sra -.o.dat ll'-lc- b.'. th«v-r«ou:o_«-rt?dii., au-tu. paper paid ic teturn ia uot hut cinn*. ... , »*__,. , HaY-lha d-ta_nd 1. fair for .b.ppii_j; a*-** of SCO balea at -^..*l #. HO *. a JlUi,Ar«rlF>i.Tt.r* U more doing; «*'«. of 578 bol.. Kaw. Iirlaan* *. lot47.%, and lor raoicn 4ac 1<* Taxax, on pnrat* aaVAL .-TORXI SpL-itaT'.rpen'.'.nerontiuna* ln good dn mand at ruii pn.-.--. lh* a*l-a Includ.. 7S0 bM*., in aniprln* ofd-r. to airive, B»H d_livai*b> in AUr^h, oet\t>T*' option, ol. ol «:. 4* .ai .u, ..ah;3'M> b.ia. I.V.'-U'l pk||a.i. iu Ma. -hipH^a crd.r. .old »t 19c b_*. *..e d.v.il, w<.-rc not tarrl_d o_*. np to tt« | i.e *.t irf*. t.- n._rk.t; aal^a, alao. of 4."" bbl.., in poor, mrr.-a-iao!- ardrr, at 46c, r_-0: tbia .howa a g'e-tur i.ie-.eaco . t*-u i* g*.:er*i,j tr.e .**_. froui'b*;*-, tb-.: tke .:*._-!. 1 ia I'liiaDv for r-;^J. aud uf l »' .- -_ract«r; _be bu_t ol the .to-- now here, th.refor.:, u uot ht for aliipment, and b.nr* tlie unuaaa; oiB.'.r-nce iu pii,--. tiud* ia 8*0, *-'ut pr:.:«a au« norain.l, at #.. 80 .'* S». f _.*! H*. th* baik of tb* atacB (lika -f ;.., ia of iuferio: ouaJty. Co-ju.-ju Koaiu i* l~«* a'tttve, »r.. pnea* »re .omawhr; irr-ril'-', owing to an irreprfluiala e(,_tff ¦. bv'*-»n o'Jiitruding partlaa, whu'h ajy-ount. for th« -er-ia-aud JiSan-nen u. pilxfortba paa. two or thra^ dava; Ihr u__rt et vaiue u. $1 U', ' 1-5, d«lfvarad, b^l th*re ara aoma .. Ilrr.. itippe-r*, Bt 8IW. of oarjo*. afl J»t. Tne 6n.r f-idnfl ar* qon-t .-Ie. of IV) bbla. No. 3 at f I 70, and m»)io. I"^No. I .t « ^0 iH- 310 ft. Tar ia iuactive, but aie_dy at r2 W; tr*. J0 4* bbl , aa to ajoaUty. . ..... _.. OlLSo*^i_j-- vj'ieuieiy qulat, but pnc«« rul«rt-»dy, aale. orTOneogaila. I.ir.aaed. ». o'abee. PauVistlONe-Itolde.of Pork ar* qulta 8rrn tha domand i* Iaa* active for tha MM. tr-da, ani o.y aicl«r-ta fir th* fotuia; the_rilva_> ir* fali; the aala* ar* HTi) obla. at *17 »o lor old >I~a; «,!_ 27i !o: new do ( 814 _3j_»8H 7i loru-w VV mAe ne; #13 li, f.r old do., aad »l7 fjr City Pnxr Mn.«. Beef toveiy U'BB. and ln fwod daruant for tha tr*4e. tna a<_a* B.-*»7i bt la.. at *> 2M*» V) for Couutry Meaa; ?. 2-a *!°i'_r Rep«.4ed Me.., a_ 1 * I '..'»* 11 7;. for flitra I'lim* Mai. u 8r. »io icfai: d-fj.-iid: a-i«*if **)'.o. r-»- VV'-ataix _t *U; lndla Wei. i. in requr-at: **.** of *Ju toi. extra PttiU-leiphi* at »7* ii), ad 114 fa Ok.r adl- at ?*<. B-»' R.BM i" li ra, aad in r*ir da.....Ml, »l**of l_0 bhia. aod 81' tc. VV. .t.,.n n: # 11 7.... + >;. M B.. I* .B*Ba ti>. ajpply ia ran<l^:_ta aala* of ll*J bx*. IV>ng kloi_»* Wa*t_ro at -8*- aud uo Baa nno t _l»ar Ctty, »x. ahip J. J. Hoyd, at l*c -ard U q.ita nrui; .ha dam.nd i- f.lr t.* lh* traita -aie. of -27 nhU ar Hl Cit Ma.i. are io U.r daaaao.l aod n.m aalea nt 810 _nd_. ao* te*. at M'^jc fvr Mto.i.dera, \ud !.}- '¦).-¦ f-r Haxua. uraw- Hofi arr iu '.ir dei .and a' 7i_*::|.:. M.tter 1. ln (all da U'Tltc. f'.r Dhio, .udlla-IU. rnr atate, and .ioi.:e «'»)<l*-8o. t.'*'-e.ai,i . ll .!?.-.. 1 an.l la Btl a' '.; * 11 .- BlCE _i.Ua.yi *_.eaof VOtc* , at 83 7S.»a>4 S0 for ordlnvry HtJO.BB Tha t-id- U *ovi, and pru** ar* urm; aat*. of CV> hhd.. MrL.o tc .-o o.tof thia marke*..-t 5tr W4 boxa. Ha- vkna a: T; - .ii- *)-J hhd. Cub* al 7i f.-7Jo.. and 7i hodx. Texa* s'ALT.VV e col* m!«-of IJHB BBaBa A-hton'a _.iv*rpoo. Ftn*, pe- Maahattan BB prh.tr l-nua. «Kx-Ps A giod d*__and lor ciov-x reanl tn oaport;' Mlr* of jUi.oa.. at'. XK) -. iraio.uv «.-. iiKi'v-iiiw."i TA- Ll)V\-1.'.» n._rket I. batt«r tha .npply nm-derata; alr... vvr,t-iU:.,:....t I't VVOOi .r. r* B**oa and i"**.' WooB ¦ '..-day orot well aitan.i.d, aud w.-.r. oV .BM, ou..a*r. ,a .ntn: at pn av* ahowlo.a tu.iy aoxuinad ¦uaj^et T_t-x-«'- puTtloi waa * Id to l*{it..2.*i* b-yera, »,. 1 '. .'. Vw lota wei* bil ut or wl'bliawn' to tbat, oa tba «bol>, Ib* *al» ha* hB a 8**d Imprr-rloa *a th* _«rbe4. M* aa ... IE iaaa noti.jeaOla at tfcaB M'a .' raport»d Dr .evaral wr-ka paat by icla" ot d-_ivt-, bJl M IB* >n\_.-y, p*'0*> whirh were Ya!o*d before lh* aale by aapeiie.*ed --*....-. a. ¦'¦ ouo.V>" r-rou.ht Vt\ _4M r*af*efiv«ly. Ia* 'uu-fjr 'la- e Woo.a wa* tlul fo- .juhii'.ij 'sj hji'- .'.l^iiu'i aud hax. bj tiir 1 .-!..-1 .. .or -. Ut of liue -ap. A per :>'l of 81.010 tt. na» N. w '. r.rx f.ae* ao:d a: "I- atid a iovo. Dm-iu'M Co-oty p: .xi .:x _i ....-.. a._ot-e parrwl jf aortr J S*C*aa or) _gB*.'j^c Vva h*v-*_id'*l"V'« that Ibe uiajk^t--. fully aa-utlu-d, but .-.oae Hoatou dealei. &_i._iy adn. tt- .1 lha. a...ue iola .,! Uae M.-a . ol VV &..: t.roi.|tit il,e. o> tt, mota t_*_ -t tna hoatoa __!*, Tha tiu.-r graiJiof P..ud, however. raowadad :.iiaj tb* r\n-. *u fiom :il_!lk-. :or No. I Ctty upto 17.. fjr extra OaaailiJ. VV « r.r.< na_jw s rr.ore drtaiird raa.rt of thi' aala: »uj .."loninion B_M_a_. .»e.; aoO Ib txtra Kleeoea, -tio.; 1 MlB th M"_i r- Ohio Flia ea, 3c..-,; 7* ri «-di-ai Yiancri, m - ueO .. f.-.w..-.-.'. Bxtra fi*****, IB i b.u- P:-x Loa* rort. from V\ aaui-K'.-n Co.. Woel. repr-^atiiig l.-fJO lh I a 1.108 Iti I~iiib Tn! aaah»i VV'oo., i-pr-veutiug akaat '.- '.hr riaiaii.ilai ot ta» wiaol u bsia. to hr ae^u >>_ i_a Ub !lo«ir n( No. U' Jtaid.-u '.a.. 43c. ;'«)» M' wd i'^'ed VV'...;, Mo 8M If. No. . Heec-a. ?7- 1 Ra N'> I 71*80**, 8M* " '«" B !.".'' B Extra N-w Yor*. Btata Kk-oov, WUt.; .:.*/! Ib do.. JI..; 400 IU Uawuhnd r_" MB, ix- .; M tb No. 3 irie-:e., Ha. I 1.400 Ib Pi-k Lack riMOBB ¦>'¦'¦: 1.---J ft No. 1 B*w-X*rk SUt* Fia-cea, Miti 3,0.>. ft Extra New-York d'.aia 71*00.a, lte. t 6,'M) Ib Fine N-w-Vork B'.te ¥'.¦".*¦*. CT-.I Ll C. b Pfcaa Sel-.-ted 1 u'j-w___Ki vVocl. ?»,- | 3AW !t, Uoubie Extra !'-.:-h"« Ca. FTaaeea, 50c : l.0>0 Mcrf-'a Kuie Ciip. .-';., -.' Z<". B No. 1 Fi-*r»* 4ir ; 400 Ib L'uwuhed Extra ,:,..,:., i .,(: rn Extra Plaacaa, «»«- ;«,.oo|> *v. Very Flna iijjt.l- Kxtr* Sa*-Vorkr)uia Klr*.'**, BBa ii,-" th fionoU KxtraOLl' .«..d l'"uii'jlv_ni*Kle-catl * Urga BrapafBaai rY.in H---rix-,Band J<'rT_t»ou COunlie*, OU1*. aud W_._.o,'i..n Co-' *.v. .¦..i.-d Nnw Tirk Btata flaaeaa, lac 10 ftv r r.t/r' Madtum Blr***a -'¦.-, !-,,.>) :r BatraOntaaaf tvnn .ylv-uia r.v j :. 1.10 f 1 ixht »1a4l.im F>a/-aa, ..(.-. .'-.,,XH) tB I'j.bir Lxlia (.iIUo tuid I'aui.aylvenla. Mc IUBB ID Ught, C_.njou. aud Qu_rUi bl*M_) Kire.'.a. 171* B,8J8 B fi. k lyyk W«. .ii.g'..n O'titj I'eun., l>>-a* 2 aar* Old. ..... H.*.-h Kl.- 'a. '..".^. H.MIO TT No. I tltilo i-:-_». <-,. aaa B Pa*8-a r_t.. Dr.io ;;.»<.«*, 4io.j JLJI, S D.l. ;..u l i-.tv f-.- . _--X r---<-."», -_i-i ?.'«*» U) Ex- u'aOti tbia K.tri N«w Vork rt'.a-e rio*a*a li-t-,500 Mliod l._wa*h-i P-MOM, n-.: lA^aoft Cta.-e Ohio I - ¦ .. ra v rj >,0OB ft Ao., 40c; 8,B8B ts d_. M B.HB B r_e aud lia*»y Yl^orot. WH. l.NBI m Iiib- wsahad W**L :.7.-.- 18,088 it- l-i ia New-Y.-rk MW I'Me-v**, 443.C.; J.n..O !1 K, 484. ! Or*J B do., « N.) I Flwaeex, t."-.: 8,000 D Biua N-v ¦! .«. »'. il* r kweaa, fTc «.(*» m lon-.C'.oa Tah w.hod W oo.. -tlc _0,.J»Y) tb D-.'Jb!* Extra ¦i ,:-..-. .... .. .i.-r. pi .por.nn trom I-arri- .en.n.: Jata.'ion l_>L-nrwa, tlnii, anl V\'__r.:=r.on t.onulY, Pa, :4c. i.r-iet -; very"xrit Ihlteb.*. Ca_Bty CnaB-Wa. FUaflax, 31' 11,0B8 ft rt-k-Ua-k D--,':b»-a !'.>. Dr.w_.r-.ad B-MOBa :.'. Ohio ai. Eaai la****, a l-r»a prnportloa troiu II_.-_.ou ar.d J«1arr.ii t.a.unlu, «nd VVaalurrt .n i^> Pa., MB Doobte Extra Ohio au.l Eeao. ^lar--«, » arga pia f«rtlcBfromll_rvUiu»_d leBeraooCaa (>Li aodW**bliurt*a <., Pa .*...- iaaa ia loi,ia.e; 5.wo>» a*..b*l_*w**fpi | 80B Bl *Stra Vkoottno. OM)e i.-W Ib IVo. i Ohio aod r«!__ay.'. v nia tle.c .. 13 o.'tn e.tra d-> Mc t'.O*)- ft. or bai-»' Ba of la ,»..'..rfl ft ioable ei_r»(>tii» auu P'._iL.v»a_ta Fi.y-.ra .xxj ft Na J Fu.oe*. 1.:|c v,0i«x Iti llgl.t. coouitori. aud ¦ a.-irler j.ooo vV'..c«D*iu Bia eaa., ". 0 ft d aatra t')b-» .ad t-ennryva-da Kla-cra i^j iB.Oiiij IL .to.. or b<u*nne nf p:i.-, iljt. t.uw.,u hghl o»<li_n. Far- :-«, ¦»¦- i.lM) tb d.~bie .'IU. -U-ttoit Tkntoot. 4*0 ^,'»'^ T io 4Bj 7l».la. ¦__«_ r*1**e* aad ..'-.._. eaweoL ~> .v h.laa du.it>-. avtra PuIW W'ooi, -i'.'a I'j.I^.i W.K>i ta id aala* aa., 8B|a IBala*BBpai l'j.l-i VVo.., Baa.|B,*lB fb luora, .Ai.. ; 4 _*iae H**rl La* . . P , -.1 BVa*LI8a.( ln ba..<a more, l_^c. 3 ti_le* Nv 1 i ull-l '.'.,-.: * -ax-. tljut iV--:. *.,-. .) :>».,. i aiora, 37, i aie. Ueabl*. i.i. t rec-ry Pol>d Wool, loj-. H bak. Lor* Boc. t tMuw FaUaal VV _oi. tic 3 bale* napar ruiied Wooi, .4 B " ... ...or, .- i ba-M Kxtra tlattU-f Pu->-d Wooi, *«j.baiaa .-up.': I.ajuo*1 nilUd BT*at, BBci 6 ...... l...^ h-.p..- P.-ilad W.._ M- 11 o_i> Kri-a, 1 ¦'.-..; I )._** iu-.-, 13<v | 1 ua/a njpar r____l V .-:¦, V>~. 1 !,»> Eilra PaiU-l W «ol, 41a | l baia t)ou,... Ettxa P.i.»d 4.V. I ba-M lawub.' ).-._._, -U.. . 8 balea aihoil Lai.b.' P .__-! XV vo., IU - .._-.-._ 1 Paihad vv.,-: :i>- -. bal*. Mla . Wo..!, ie. B) baiaa Ba l Pii-__-, lar.;. vvh.i- «. «o -._ vv Mtn, a.-.. io _«. s.,p*r l*a_-o * I baJe* Uoubie Ettra H_tti,gPu:i-u VV«..i, 4.. .1 Ui.-V-fl-- Weos Blj*. 4 Ui*. Ne. I I'ul-ad VV'.k.I, 88- i bataa Mo. 1 I'li.aai Wo-.i. i'l 4 ba--. .-Lort !.-ni_» Pul-i« V. oel. Itc ; I Bal I l tr* Pallnd VV'oal, ti -. Sui-r Laui-ba pulM ".' -)l. .'"*." :' b»la* Larnb. Pu.>d Wwi, .-. I* hel-* Kx'.-* r...la_l u ,...|, BB Bl bal-* Hur-r I'.'led W,,.l *i«., l _._. No. PoLa* Vv oot ilio | Bbale.'' M .. tarr 14 ft each; 8 bale* »__«< Wa-Md Sl ..-'-_ * I balea Ita'tan l*-.!>d VVoo!. '~i» 14 tt aaah.B4a |lb*l*4o., n. lb*W8*, I l h*loCtooa woai ..... ... (.-... iM.a. Wulvd Bfax Wool. tar* S ft, 1-4- 3 b-a-f-M-a, .'. wi .1 balea dc, -a Bo i.*l-. MI.-.1 K.igll-h Flo">», l: l * '._... Ea*l_h W ai.r r*_.._.ly, IA ., ,4 r,__»* r*__k- _ug.l-._d.1y?*.,:-. j.«. -,,.x«) t. liray r4to-.lng .laoldy, :*> \VMIfhi -Tha iiiarx-' M wilh.._'B .._.;-. lh. I.ii.an.l I* fr.r. hI'i ol ." W.la. al -*i .«..., i... laUM lo. u..io -_« - la 1 CITY ITKmiS. -? Tue wetttlier yeaterday was ao wara aad Bprlog- !ike, that tle heavy fall of *now ot the nigkt proriooo almoM diaappeared: There is t*> be gi~- a BBtVl of conoerta, the vocal muaic with Engliali word', in the Freorh Thoater, No. M.r> Broadway, conmen tn*' next Mood-y-i-d with BucceaeioDa on Wedoeeday and Knday. One of tbo BBajBBB aft-a. aaaaifiaia io jfa Cooka, aajaaBy wMi- knowu for bii c_i imug fr««h tenor voics and hia lib- enJity in leuding his aoi-ioe*. Mr. Cooke (or his frwnoai found out utH -iig aince lhat be had a very fine mueical orgaa, B-Blpjaad lo interfere witb bi* l«-g«J BtudW.an.1 acoordio^ly. in hia case the Miises have overerowed tke god of rhe l^nch and bar, If that pro- foesw.n have a mythologi'al deitv, and jonng Mr. Cooke appears aa a profcanioaal singar. Olher vocal- istaoftalent will take part in thi* Kngh-ih mnaic coo- ceit, Meet.ni. Drapor, Lawrence, and Trost. Mra. M->- tart, kc. There will be an oobestra;' tbe Coaductor, Mr. G. W. Morgao. The programmo deeervee a fall houae, o Tbe frietuls of Free Italy meet to-oigbt at the City Aaeembly Hooms, to pabbcly recognixe the independ- ence of Italy. .-? Tbe Junior Kzhi >ition of the Kree Academy will be beld tl.ia erening at the Cooper louUtute. The F.ighth Ward Pioneer C1 ly Clab *rlebrate their annirtrtary at the Apoilo Boonia to night. m Mr. Brsdy has Just added to his pbof>graphic g-tlery a portrult of tbe llon. Edward Batee of Miasouri. It doefl joatice t> tlie miugied ftrmneos, g«ni_lity, vivacity, and reoaement wbich rharactrrizo the frutaree of its diatinguished snbject. m ytenm. Sudlier, publiaVrs of The WtB Tttw Tablrt, have publiithod u Bteej-engravral porrrait of the Rev. Dr. Cahill, wliich ia aaid to be an excellent likeueao. There was an error in tbe aanonncement ofthe date ofthe loucertto be given by ihe new mnaic baa. of tbe 7th Legiment. It will be oa Saturcay eveuing the i^th, ai.d not on tbe 21st, as atated. All the ticketo, we are told, are diaposed of, except 200, for aale by Futh, Pond k Co.. No. W Broadway. The Board of Couucilmen, having no rjuornm yeo-* icrduy altornoon, waa dejbu-d udjoaniod u> Monday r_>< xt, at _ p. m. Tbe Uev. Wiiliam Alviu Bartlett ol Brooklyn will iectur- at Treuor Hail, coruisr of Thirty-foarth atreet atd Broadway, this evoning, at 8 o'clock. Sabject: .. The Wiee and Otherwtae; or, Progreaaiun by Antagonism." SrictDK or a Duaaan vYoaux..Coroner Jack- man yeaterday hebi an inqaeat on the body of Mary Cull, a uatire of Irelaud, a^ad -7 yeara, who had committed sutcide by taking a doea of liudauum. It uppeara that about two yeara ainca, in conaeqieace of the death of a siater, tba de:ea*ed became partiaiiy tLsane, and bad contiuued so moat of the time aince. Kho had oflen tLreatened to commit auictde, but her f.-icDOe had noversnppoeed inat ahe intended any lnjnry to Lerrt-Lt". When it was foond tha. she had takeu the poison every efiort was made toaaveher life, but with¬ out avaiL The J ury rtsndered a veroict of '' Saicide by taking UudaJaum while dorau-gwd." lir afd olt op Pli' >...One half of the buaineaa ol the -Datective Poiioe of New-York is caused by the dishoneety of aervuat g'ula, and nearly all the perplex- iuea of the careful housewite .iriae from the iguoranuo or nnfaiibfulnea* of ber .lotne*rti«a. The diahoneat servantgirl nearer carea to remain more than a week or two, or at moat a moutb, in tbe aame eittxation. VVb. a sbo liaa piliared till delection becoaea in_;u: u:, the tramp'* np some pictexi lor oiacharging heraelf, or elae becomee ao careless, indolent, and imioien:, tna*. her emplovcr ia gotuled into aendicg her adntt The more ii* kiese ot thia <.[».<_ do uot wair t j be dkcharged, bat pack np their scanTy wardrobe, some line evenmg, aud alip away uaperccivtd. Snch peraona haunt tne inMl- ligenca ofllcea iu aearch of new phicea Lu which to n»- pont tbeir knavery. W- do uot aaaert that all who go to such oHi-'ee in Beaich of attuations, are oi^houebt; bat it is well known that the futmilr thieves, whi puraoe thdir cill iug throngh tbe aguncy of the ir.toliigonca offi ^, rorrnpt many of tbotse with whaui they there como io roLUct. It ia of ihe oi.'houeat chtas that wo woald speak. Among tneae are to be found aome ot tbe ahrewdeet and moat experienced femaie thievea knowu U tbe police, who beng tolorably good looking and runnmg over win fair promiaos, generally nitiuge to eeenre ailuationa, while tbe honeat aud modeet uues are left b.-hiad. Perbaps by givingasket'h of the career of a aingle cue %ve ahall be better able to ahowthe manner in wbi.h hundreda of them ply their trnda. M.iry Doyle ia a biooming-lookiog young lriah girl, about 'M yaura ot' age, with dark hait and eyes, rajd chaeka, aud udy ii, appearance. She is juat the gitl that niaaty-uiue j-eroona ont cf every hr.ndred wonld select tor a ser- vunU Mary was aitting demurely Lu au iutclbgence othce a -*nort time atuce, when n gentteman, whoae mtmtl hall'had aent him oul bervant-huuiiu^. enlerad the pla**e. nnd noon entered into coaveraatiou with her. t>he sai*l ahe didn't care so mnr-h f ir wages, bat ahe w _ited to srearo a go_d home; ahe waa a poor orpn-tn and bad uo ii teuda to care for her, aud it ahe ciaid onlv hnd a g.x^l home ahe would be perfectly sut^lied. Mary, of coune, waa cotwiderod a treaaure, and inatant'ry cngufcd. Sht- .jntercd on har dutiee imme- diately, a:id gave thv giaatebt sat.faction for tlie apace ol iwenly-i.ur honti. wben, all of a auddeu, tbe ita- macuiate Mary wae mb»_i/. After waituig for sev¬ eral hours and Mary not return ing, tne miatrMS, ba- Lomlni.' -mp: ious, iuatiftt*d a ae«irch ot ber preuiiae-J, lo aacertain -f anything bt-i-e ber LVlUc ueariu. kad diaappetue.L Ot conrse, tbe lady limt run to h«r drua-ui^' b ireaa, aud al uuo. ..-uovared lhat her brucr- i.-ts aud her -arringv, her porte-mouuaj« and her j*w- elry, ali "Uad g* ue al oue leli awoop." A luriher Lnve>.rij;a_on rayeal* d tha; t99 that several adk dre~aes, aLd cverything of valuu llutt wai. lyiuguround looso, had beeu appiopriated by the orpbau Mary. Mr.icume Mary kui Lurried wita tha purloined arti- clta to a conven-enl pawn-aii>.>p, waere she obuuued a coutiderab-ie BBBB up->n the gooda. With thia she re- pa_rtd to a rciaote part of uie city, where atie again took up her p aitjonui ano_er offica, wbich " furuish-a tho Lt*: ot MTvuiita to hoosekepeera." From here ahe a*x.n went to another aita-nion, where, after a ahort i;ae. (ir^ae^e, |* w.Iry, uud tba chob-e aervant weremi/t- t'ug. Ai.'i.u waaiep. ateJ tiiri eamescaneat tbe ai^n of tiie three I'o'dca bulLi, uStrr wtuch Mary w*>nt w still «..- ortice, tar away, and tbia time hired out as rook. Hhe eeeina t? have been well pleaaed witb this place, or eloe ahe oid uot obtain a ai^rht of the valuablea b-ouer, for here sho remainod upward of ii month. Bat at bat a favorable opportuaity pruaonled i-aoif, tad Maiy and other jeweL* were miasing. ln this wuy Mary contmned for thrfla montbs from tha time "we firat got Udings of ber, aad in that Uaae the lirod in twelve dtfferent lamUiea, all of whom ahe ,.*bed. Hbo was lix_Uy arreal-d, bowarer, by tho dtrttv-iv-a, aud charga- with on- of har numaroua crimea. Whtlo nnder examination, other compliinanto wen- fooad, tiil at J«st ihera were t«i ebargw of graad lorooay pralerrad t-raiu-ttheyoothlul Mary. Heamg tlie waa fairly camjht, ahe eoafesaed bar enmaa, and jltring np a trimber of paam ticketa, a large portion of the itoleu property waa recovered aad reatored to tbe rightful owu-ra. Mary waa triod, conficted, aud is ea- piating ber otfensea at Hing-8iag. Now, Mary IXyle is but a a^imon of hundreda of har claas who do b'tainefls in tbe aame manner. 8MM cf them are even worae, being teagoed wih bnrglara who w.nild BBjBBBI at noiluni- u> IBBBSBJIIA tii.-ir ea-r. T_e iui.Jltx>ace-Jhcoo cever tb..r relrvat \>y Utatnhepft them other aitavfotaa iMK^attity. H h jrwmtmtt-A tkht oot B frw o< tte keepers of tbaae pfto^a *-«¦ deeply intereoted ln t*e opet -t'oos of the n»r1«, _a4 ahare let p-nodar for tbe oee_rrtj aJTardod hy tbaao, lf a cirpiair.i ia made h U alm lat lonwoaJMe, ttntw 9m Im^i-ect taeeeriptio. gi'"". tn ao o-Uw to traoe tt oi tlese wil! o'-wispe tkroagb al? ber wladro- a«4 k%- poieea. ard roany fe sfcrewt deteetlro haa heta oooat p etaly fctlr-d in hta atteapts. Th* IVtarrh-a Polire OQggeat B pUo, whio- fchea* think would put a stop to the dbhoneety of aerra _% viz: TTiaf every porton em^oylug a aer\ tat froxt _a hiteHigenee onioB or elaewbere who oanaui pr--u*ea valid rertifica'e cf good ebaia-ier, ahould require aBo pi-I to have ber d-gni-rraotype uk«a and eVptett H with the miatress of tbe hdnte. If she proves _oa*fl> wh<n ahe loavas har attaatina, the ptetnra eaa ha rtetorcd to ber. But if ahe is diahoaast and departo with any valoablea, tbe daguerreotype, pUced ia tto banr?a of r. dewire oflBcer, woald pretty mnretj lead t* Ler arreet, a Tna NxwYobk Pouci ftriTA*..Mr. t-tittaad, a detertrre attached to tbe Pailsdelpei. poiiee, is oa* hi this city inapeciing the poHet eyitem nf N-w Yark. bavrug been commiaeioned fcr the purpose by tke OMof of the Philadelpbia Poiice. -*> On Taeeday of Ia«f week, George M. Wooleey, aaa of Edward J. Woolaey, eaq ,of Astoria, died. Oe waa at the time a tfudeat ln the Uni-ertity, where ho had endeared hiuwalf to al1, by bia uobe qaaJi-ies ti and mind. Immediately npoa therecaptioa tt* that tidir.gi.tbe stodeaU, i~eepoctii- of caaa,: and adop'ed a series of retiolutu_.de, wkich wera pah- liabedinTMK Trtiaiae, expi_**te of their afl^ati-a for tbeir departed feliow-etadent, and aympiuay la aaa aonow of his frien a, to whom __».> the reooba i«ao wtre traLsmitted. In tokao of tbe cu-cumatanses ti tle caae, Mr Woolaey, tbe father, proaeatad, aa Wedm-avday morning, tbroagh tbe CbaaceQor, a w_4 tome Bible to every studeat, ia the name of tha kttk, On the covir of each Bibie waa lettered the name mt tbe rec-pient, with tbat of tha douor. Upoa oaah title-page Were wrilten some uo ea aud oU*»rva_uaa^ wbich bad been fouid id tbe Bible of tbe deceioed, aad his favorite pasaagea and texts were marked ia alU The ciatribation, which took place at taa ctose of tha rnaiomary ChupeJ f xerriaea, wsa deepiy tnterestiag; aod will lor g be rememberod by all as a meaaeriai ti tbeir derarted friend. Arrxit r..a Fai.sa PntriNSBi .Offlcee Ba.oa yet.te.-day aireeted a man aamed David Marrin, for¬ merly of tbe firm of D. k J. B. Marvia, moroaaata doing boainess at Troy, charged wi-h having .wiadiod Bower, Uolmea _ Co. out $1,701 71, by Ua. iiifaa- sentaiio-a. It alleged thit the aecused ta Marah last deeired to ptuctuee a bill cf good* of tke omm- ptamaata, audUiat befure t .ey woui. sell to hia ha mae'e auch statemento regaiding his bustneea aa provwd aatiiftictory, wherenpon the gooda were furaisBed. It ia clarged that tbe accuaed aent to gooda to aa «¦>- tion-room iu thia city, where they wero sold, aod tha proeec-M deliverod to him. Subseqaontly tbo Trop fi m faded.and Bowen, Iloltne* . Co. ware aaablo ia get tbe ir monty. Tboy also etate that tho repreeeaia- tioua made to tbem by M,-.rv iu were eatirely fiaUa. Tbe urxuaed was taken before Joatice Couaolly, waa committed Lim lor examm .Uou. o CiiAiu.fco with Fokokkt..A man named Waa. Duaenr>ury waaarreated, charx-d with bavmg ptntei a forged check for tJBk on Erfjab M. Speny of No 1»1 Sixth avenue. Mr. Sperry aliegee that tbe nctuood j-n .tenu-d to bim a check purporting to be drawa oa the Importeis' and Traders' Bauk, p tyabte to the ordar «f .lobn Arno d, und sigried by A H. Bean, aad re- qaeoted him a favor to caah it for him. Mr. 8pe-ry did ao, bnt aubaev'UHntly learuiog tbat the cbeck waa forped caosed tho aneB'. of Dasen'>eTry. Oa betag taken before Juatice Kelly tbe acenaod waa comauued to unawcr. 9 Thi Mi'RDKK u Tuomas stuxt.Carooer hehie- mer yeaterday beld an inqtieat on the body of Mary KtuBi-t, the woman who was so aerioasly heatea oa Kuuday evening, as to cau»e ber death oa Weduoadajr afternoon. Tba deceaaed waa a woman of iil-ta«e, ti the lower. claaa, and with saveral others ocenptei tho houae, No. 11 \ Thomaa street, whieh was readerod famous by the niurder of Holen Jewott, wio waa kilied in tho aame bm'ding. It appeared from tha evidence tbat on Sanday night bat tbe deceaaed aad Enos Fonlke got intoa qaarrel about _. oanta, aad tbat finJ.y Fouike atruck hor aeveral lloa/a oa tha aeat with hia hat. time 1'ell to the fioor iaaaasible, aad ooa- .Luucd in tbat coneiuon antil herdeatb, which follawed ou Weduesday. Tbe inaatee ofthe honse, sappoaing: tbat tbe injurad woman wonld recove-, kept tho affair from ihe knowledge of tbo poiice, antil it waa te© lita to render her any aaaiatauca. Dr. Oeorge. C Bc aton made a pott-mortam examinatiou ef tha body, and loanii that tbe blows received on tbe head had produeed compreasi'.B of tha brain, whi th was tha come cf death. Toe .Inry mturned a verdict aocord- iufc-ly, aud bold Foulks reapotutble for tbe deatk oi tha woman. The priaoner admita that he atraek tba deceaaed, but says lhat be had ao iotention of killiog her. Fouike is a longahoreman, aboat -1 yeara of age, and w aa horn in PLiladelpaia. Tho deceaaed was 33 yeara old, and a native of .Votiand. Two men, aaaar-A Dauicl Williama und Kphraim Hose, wbo ariiaaand the hh'r.-y, were detaised aa witneates, w_la YemlAm wa* committed to tho Tomba to auawor. Kkat. E^tatf Salis, Feb. IC.Tbe following w-re uiade veiterday bv A. J. Biercker. Soa k Co.: 4-tterybricA BOOBO md lot a, a fithav. 4t), a eith-at, la&a'.».9VTm 3 -tcry brick houte _-d lot No. ViZ K. 81.' «., IfLSinLB... 8,-BI 2 a ttury briok h-itia.- aad la«t Noa. At aod isi W. jau-at.a 7,1-1 1 itory brick houie aud lot No. 177 ItHh-av., UalCO. 8,108 a. Accidkhts aid Itr^rEiTS..George Baker, of Na. tl. Prto.-e ttraet, trhllalntoitottad sn tbe lSth lott , tell _.-. a f.'.gbt of *t*-r*, aad ..a*t«t..e_ auca .u>r.e- a* ta mwait la daalk. Decea-ted w_* a utliae of I u^lao-.l, efd fiilv jraaia Cortaar .'-..iruier bald aainyuetiou tbe body.Ueury-arry,aytang man en#Bfed at Ma 111 Priaoe ttrtet. arhUa Bt work itoot ..«. r.i,.-hineiy, bad bu va*t oa_t_t ui a revolvtoj ahaft walek tBrt»~ m ut-«r arlta ttKbforoa w to break b'.i uw«._. Taa doota.ai w».-oove7Pd U> hU r«tiaiauce. Nu- m Thixij-uXk ttttot, tat% Ut Corvuar nutiAed. a [A-varl_iaiial I_ B i rr-uat or's Hair Dn Ww and Ttyrt-i facraai, Haaovai* la 10 BotmVtk. Ytieete ^*f+* 1*3-^ B*.«__^>b* Haj_-i>«aiBw FaOAaaiBaatBR nflaumo BO Na. le BtaUiC Fitvatawaiaaoatar Uilaa. o f A 0________aa__B_flflHB_k 1 Loa-KHi Clfb Sai-C-L.Tbia anriaalad Saaaay _a^.>i*__i*a_r*- kT Paajraa Haoa- haadao, taa Ba *iula*4 4 £?SSu tkm*^i_?'~»^Fi'R^'*«~ J_» ettUi^iV*i-,nwtet to lha Wan*«anaira Baaea, aad BB ba o_. ufetd al oaa-fca-'-Bi >»<*.- m Wrv bi mt Bot ao I'eavaataK avi> mt Daoub- .rax ioI'iira-1-LT *. **4J,4*?Tr.TI'* fcn,t "V ». aarUt t_a Toa-aa-f emduerxiy io thata. A rhraaolw«iaai Ktaeaiaatioa at to-iaa B Wa-'i 88B Broadway. will aataar tha oaasatoa. [AdvartlaaizMBl.| The Orakof. Blohbom Wedpoiu Kitvelof^ iwt laaaad. ren b_-utifol leopyriglii taeaea.li tt Kvaana-1 >a \Va_d__toar_rdIiapol, Na. antl Br.__adway, aor Duaaa^C AlaJ aii aavgaal tatoTtaaeai et Fraaoh Nora I'aPBa, all oolort. ^^ » [ IdvarttaamaDt. J fftiVRALiVB Povdrr fcjLBTU.K uproota hair ftana low K-reheoda. uppar llpa, ot aay part of the t>-dv. W arr*at____S_. ^..».; W -uAet-.1 am ttara froa Hroadway. ^^ m [AdTtrttnitatl The "RKiOHTRlss.".Tbe methcal profeoaiim a_d nthtvt ua iBTitad to eiaailne UI* tattramoat. tooalaar wHA oiber new appliaacai far Varioosa, Ptaa, FtalaoMi Aal aaa jaWged BBBB ot taa met, bioaontr*, Ito. Na B Br f *_t.-'t-mtat ' hfiDieaa of Bottlea of Mra. WnraLOW's 8o<m__K rv*. btarr ara aaw uaed avery yaarta la* I'nlWd ____________M __t t -Othva Teatbia*. wUh uatet-f_il_« tuoaaa. RailaT |7___. diata aadcartala. Q_lyABt«atta iMtUa. ^^ f I'.u ui atiob or NbwKoglavh.. 7V PkUadefphtm St*9 Amaaritmjm ia indulginK in cilcalattona reapec-aa Ihe popolauou of the ouotrv, ia advaaoe of the bbS stia, aud makea the foCowm« aatimate of the auiae^r oa! lohiibitnut- m tbe aix Naw-KnyLaad Ntateo- Mmmwl K76,OQO; Naw-IUmpabire. tOMO; VomuaL XO tmil Miiitaa.bunetta. 1,^1.1.000; Rlu.de lainud, IST iUM- Coul uev'ticut, 4rti,uou, '^^i a,saa»,ouv, ' '
Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-02-17 [p 7].€¦ · Itannit A Mrtboue of r.uutjW_ia 8. L. Dem., A**it._¦! iiataea-ftr.W_^uWBte-*t_«Bi.raUii.ed. *i>* F.ed Eun-trlut*of

Ib.at, acd Llaushe- fur W ater oae, wat grotrm«Bk- laat hcTMnher, and that not tn a hot-borj-e, but

ea- m a ht^'-rcvoied cp*n Ueld..jatercnsand _h_WM baaa been aariteoeed to bo

h_g pnb.icly oa Pnday, the Kth day o' March uext,bedweeo tho hon r> ol 1»' o eaoak a. m. aud '.' oi ht k p. m.

. AParUlr^'r--Titertbued-a».'rik«a. !-".'. Naooleoo

-oa one of Ihe apacJona avennee ot that inp.-ri-l city:" DTtTTB* a irair of eplendid baya. attarhed to aW-

watroo. with tbe re-na ia bia owu hauda. aud LaaBbngtbeb. »e thongh be were acnatomed to it, without anyoatrirjera, e«inenea, cr guerd-, tbe l.ta^-nr Jajvo eoo

<wme alone the s-enn*. He waa drwaaad w.th h blarkim-rwai aad a bat wbich wea of a faahiou of lla own-

Tl* rott.!* .1 bia uiuataclie look particularly BMTp,and ba. 'imperial' as thoutib H bad i*»t come from tbebarber'e. It reqaired a etendy hand and a qnick eyeto aaki*' tboee daehmg bo.-aea tbr.iu.rh tbe immenvihroajr of vrvhiclea of every daa-ription whirh liilodti«« avenae, particularly aa the dnvcr, while keepingc_r eva apo_ ihe stee-t., wa o'jliged With ihe otherloBO-Dowlcdga tae aalutationi which ho raceivevi on

erery aide, and be kept up u oonttuual laowine. 1 cou-aader tayaclf a ulenible jtoni a>mocr*», bnt I took mybat entirciv trom my bead aa he paaaed. A BTaafl mi'aa bo; he ba* Vxaen ancc^otfol, and, c-»nt aa p»*ead'»-phdoaoyt er» B ay about tt. auci-vaia is Uie Irn* meitu-eot areml aten.atter all 1 e Ijtnpa-.ot givtB,M ve', noaign* oi tue ina will be 58 on the 20th of April nex".lot look*. b« freab aid vonn^, I thiuk, as when I aaabim bve yeara ago, before ba bud the wholt weight o

Kurope on bia ahoaidera, und tle i'opo 'down onhnL. "

.Mr. Jamea Clark, an ai'od aad retired marchant,while aa Ute Uali of liejroacntativea. ik.ton, on tbe1-th, het<taiog to txo<*e~*t« om tbe prop aod Better¦Mot law. ia which he fe.t mnrh iu'eraat, auddenly fellabd t-xpirtd ot apopltxy. Tbe Hocae at once ad*iBBBBBJi-


.AUthe OpjKiaiuon louruiil-. ir. Maryland bnt two

-avw anstaioed Mr. Winter Davit in bia vote for Mr.-J'ea.uu,'!-*- aa speaker. Toe malrontcnts are not re-

gur_od aa uideiea of pobltc tentimeuU

.Tbe Repubbcan Kxecutive Cointniltee of Illinoiametai hpr_£-elo onthe 'Ah, and deei^aated Dtx?aturaa the pia .? tor koldmg tbe 8tate Couvention. TheaV. I*utt IkrntoTat aays the time haa been fixM forthe 23d of June._Tbe Republican Convention of Wiacouaiu meet* oo

tl.e '."Hh 999Tk; Petertomrc Aa' Ir.uUiL'tnctr eays tbat tbe

Seaau. of Viigiuia, ou _S»lu_n_iav, ordered tne paymeulot the bill for tbe entenamment given to tbe Hon. (.'.O. Memmirjicr at tha ExcoanKO HoteL It amonntadtojnat f.W ">.- Thiaia all tne txpenac Vitginia will_a*eur on acconiit of the dt«un»on scheme of .v.ntb Car-plina, except eacb as ia waated io conoiiertug lt in thel-egidaiure. Vujiiuia will not appjiut Commusaion-tca in fcrtherutce of any auch b*. beiae. - tiat'a certain.

.Tlie claim of Mr. Amor J. Willmmaou ol tbia cityto hia et at, aa repreaenutive liom tue T__d Diairict,waa preseCttod in the Houae by Mr. Hunpbrey, ol thelld. I'tftrict, on the day tbe Commitioe oa Electionswas apjxainied. Tbia atatement, ia neceaaitry to aupplyan omb«io» in tbe rrport ot* tbo C»ugro_iooal proceed-i_ngs forwarded to tbe New-York preas..Clerk Forney'e appointments were as follows:Y. Btj. Hayea. Chief Clerk. talarj Ol.lfi"; C C. Cbtflee of

Bta-.a-_'a.tl* Kep. L.it>rax_n, ai,80u; A. JortUn iv.btvar'i- «.l

v^au-rj'.-uia. A, L. Utin A-»ltt.ut Lnrarla.., Bt.tVU; JobaM banu.* ot indiana, Bej., Journal __-___, ieiair.*4, *l,i«c;1 joaiaa LV K l;ai:i- j! O-uif.u ieuui_>d, Itkerk ia c.ar<e 01

f.is'inf aad bi'.. aook, a'.8U8; Wm. AvarbiU .! Maiue. Rap.,Booklt-i*-. H-11U8-. JamtaC. Waiaor. t*eadin_t f.ta.k in tbe><.,.-., t..:rib-_ at a-0; H-.r.itan Krieainaii u! JUiuela ktip.,Caail 11 B-taier -Pvatlio-a aiid faper* la Corumiltaae Koouit.»i waj. Oeo. W. Faaica o! Yemuyt*mn*. A. I*. Deiu Ueonyyear: C'.atk. *l,B«, A. K. Taraer 'of tua llKtn.tof Hojumbia.{/rauti_.tsB._a"raHa_i_ued, »-.ltili. K-Ai IsBen-aau or N»t-1 ora,kep t.-rlt to take tba I *a* a::0 rtay« io tue iioi.aa, *1 8UB;W i..:aa. Aditu-B ofCahJ-n.i_.A- L llem.. Land Utl «, *l.(HKl;*\o.» fc Kiaaatia-. .(' C-hloroia. A. U Hrm., Lend llffice,ai.bOO li J. baunell o. Unio Kap., Clerk to tete i__r^e ot'^a hooai votad rm-nitx-ra, ai,8uti; Joliu Bupiug of Naw \ ork,A. L- i'en., Maiioi-ary Aooco. *i Swt; B. C. Bovn-iar of Caio. A L. !>«_ eutiuaerv Bo-ixi. 01,**.';J W Jaua* ot tlkio, aip frmnpai ktueoeefer. *1 T;,i; W tn.

K. llrhairv o'. Miii___ebo_» Bep , C.erk io Jo.iioat.M i'ttilloiu.raMU-.1 *1 «« Jir-a* f*av-ock o> P.-nntylvania Kap.. Landi^tv* ai *-8i tteo. Li. Ciuputa- ol ladiana, K. p Lmid (JBU-e,.aJW<. u-> Martiugh o' :%aa--J*ra.-.y -. L. Dem.. rntaioed a*

MtaMBtei iatkt tojiB titermou ol ma Capitol ai>"; Itaacstiaahu* o: u_ie. Bij., kUHni. Buf-n fir-in- oii K-uiutkr,la. ?1.50°. rr.laaa* B. To-npkii* of .Newi ork. Rap.. Land__-. * 1 tlO; Uao. _-_p-__. i.' V eii'ioc.- liep., # l.tt*1 O.uiel

l-atiot tat-aaat reUir^i *l,waj. (ibo. I baaerofNaar Vora,kra- Uui Ui- ' *"¦ Yower ot fannajIvanU.k.r.; Atawlanl -» <H*> iaiUrarj. aiBu". J !'. Allea otlo-_.u_-l Rea., t_aadi>-.i)e, *i.i*Xi-, W ran !. ornay of fennNl»aa_A _ l»a_.. Ataittaut a-. t»»a Clrrk'a ItttoB. 01 MO;Itannit A Mrtboue of r.uutjW_ia 8. L. Dem., A**it._¦!iiataea-ftr. *i>* F.ed Eun-trlut* of tha l»'.t r -t of Culau-W_^uWBte-*t_«Bi.raUii.ed. *l.iv>J; J B Urui* of lovri.

m^.At*bUilaatekutwUdtofuC., Pji^.Pa r.u^eer r.

SSa^ *>!>*! F'O* McCloaky of Nav,-\_ork. A. L. l>vm At-..r ai^uu; Jacob iaindel of -Penn.lvania, a. L.

La_».H.a-«-- The Richmond i\k.: tm/uirtr ot tke 14ih says

that tbe proaea-ingB ol M teBntiea have reicbed tbat

o.lioe. pob-tig M,3-2i Dinfr ratic votao.tt wiuonnum-bar _f,_yj, ia 47 eountitB, havo declared their prafer-.aee ior Hinry A. Wm; 1,4-t, - two counttis, havoj*dared tbeir'prafercaca lor tha Hoa. H. M. T. Huu

ter; aad -4,-*><, io 41 coontiea, have axpraaacB no

ptefertitce. There remain fl coauties nuhoard from,wbi*m wili come in hy the delejatos. Thasa -.1 ecan-

_<-«poil m%Ja%i voUm.

The atadents of <-<orgetow_ I>. C.) Coll*-ge latelyt __e4 Uie efligy ol Henry W ioter Davia for hia vote

iv, 1'ennit.gun..A Republican Hnb, tht only one in Phiiadalpuia,

Wb*> nr^antaoda ahort time i^-o, and already uumbera«rver four hundred membe:-.. lu I'raaideut ia Wui. B.

Tboma*, ea'j , ahoavyO-alti iu floor aud grain. Iu

beaaqnaiterB are in a tui-din^ onthe corner of Seventh^.d Cc-eu-ut aUreatB, whtre a laige room haa been

Btted up and well aun.lied with newapapers aaid docu-tuivt*. aad whicb ia open every eveuinfr. A waeklyB.iniiiK of tbe Csafc is bead every Saturday evanmg, at

w_-~ one or more aodresaes are made by the boot

speaker*. tbat ran be proenred.Tke Futtt Waobington eorraepondent wrltaa that

Mr. hewaid " La* a great tpeeth preparod upon tue

^iavtty queotioa, which be witl deliver when, arcord-

bg to iu* j'idgment, the fttiag BffllMBlri o^enre.

Thoa* pei-oos wbo report lhat Mr. Soward will now

take a _a--B-a- atep will b< fciaally m^uUn, though,,.f ctMir-e h i* paottaMa ttat he wili B*B««B tbe lalao

, m of ..voutbcni men who bave beiied hia priu-'upaea."

.Se-ator )>on?las haa mmnm m9t9 d.ngerouely IU.

So k*B ttan five pby'icians were in attendanra nponiuia ot Tivaday.

Th*. fiaa- 1 (M-8B.; Repubitear. fairly hits tha

_ai-^rity ti tbe iHmo.-nwy touching tbe HUvary<jo«a_4i, in tbe following rvugh, bat u%ei> epitfrau:

Jobn Sherinan, lo prove you 'ra uad,,e reaark ii>- a*

ir^oraa^ fleipe.r t bookt alled - t'fc*- liiipi-udina ( rlait-

^atrl_ar. ym oace mcorendra aOoUtJun opi.iloo

BaluIOBlaerea Loiaa-rat, Joha.Ai- noa O.nor of the (Jid D-oilut^u-

lomm Ra«-aii '» a da-ii-John Lef-her '. a rauU -

^t^tl * a Da.rr.ocTB'. J^n Shtrman t

IVMMEROIAL llATTERS.Balta aa tha Macki .¦.B Fas. U.

8^ot)i h.i. irrt .IM BBB V. T. OlOiral S. B..«. JMi.«ejri a.att.6*..... 114 *'n *".°W

i.-es 4*,.uaaao,!*) do.Sniinmm *(_. * 'i.o do._7,-,4*.,*»» do.*B0 T.'t .lltl do.t-0 .

.U* a-...:., ».v io..!_.>..S,fliBlBa. lat. l»a. '4".....1<>1 Sw ..iQ..,ie.OODIa^ Larp b*. 1*.... SBi'i-O do.op| .11l.oaON. Y. teaio*.»i| vA d-.baa 711...oON Y. C*ut.Ba.'76.U..t'JU e* do.okc tl\

Wdo.t» .12.M'wauit Kailroad.IWic,..

;.J0 Itaadlmj Raliro.!...*... MI'JO d<*.eM) ;«*;

i-u* K.Iio do.a;S 171

|.j(AKrj--id_M'*. ba. W;,'«8Mi- (-e-K.K. Ipar

-< laM.S K.'Vjtt-ba Bl»,0B» De.. Ue.* W. E.X.

-'i;aj«.. B'.aaarv idMonrt^e. WiMii.< i. W 1*. Ml|.. BUc» 1 alan b-tt.ltw

'.. Bai a Iiud. f-atial Co.. MtYrnl. 1*4

ay faoia m*ji a. a. Co.. -~

i*a ^.i,im aa

80 U.CaalB.a.b* S_tSOdo.aiw .*-)

10 cvtr., col fc ciu-R B. ae2X> Otlk i b.;*40 B.B.... b''iWO do.

KOca.t,C i^ii **> do.boo J'.j*» da.»l(. B8*. da.wio ta*> *o.V* to...". tr.:J* ***.lwH:«*. <!.. 875u0 Oa..il0 :~*» do.W* ">.ilOiM4* i».-llftS^*

X*1 da..*tc aa'MBo.bl tt,

*te Ae .ie utt !-_> >a..ro*id. B

to io..iorBjB do.ta» .

«aa do.boode.

108 do.mo du.bbm>j l hl. fc 8. la_ it K...1I.J ..bO io.

300 d-.do.aaa wjdo!!!!!! .......*i.ea)aJ.'.'.'.'.'.V'.'.'.'.'.'.b'ibdii

aacovn a«»-r>Mxait. 8.6*. 1IC5.8*10M« do.bl f»\-,((». Cal Ht.te ;..81Bt-oTaaa- *», 't*'..H'fl.la^virjinla**..8/iiHOMi.a-uii t.a

i-BKri-B B. BI'1»GW * OBI B.B.....-8B5TIIO _...8*1.7}!» Hr. .MW 87!

Vtr> Pacifir M. H. H. C*.8^a..a-,

do.bon .( iiw a«..*~i»)ll,(i» de.'.>, M <i*.trfl tm."t'M.iii'l.-K Hl: |N do. BBi

lat Mt.p. !* [BB d«.h») fwl¦nN. Y. On. K B. -'I

7<e do.7»JH-rfc'W K. B. I'rrl.8.

ii« n-«dui8 R. R.<»»

do.otuvr.i,aa d..u« ui110 8*.usj a»zo do.en

<\'.t._..i.it_.i.:' tai'aa a*._*, tnj--P*B__naR. R.l'.'l :*09 da.hkj4<m lev..t ol fc'in. R B. » il>* Bo.-* rTa

I t.riii. a, R I.i. B. R.6-i 1(4 *o.Hl,SC do.fi". M dv.b*l 88

Thirsii.i, Feb lfV -p. m.

TL* iiiiarettt of tbe Stoek market oou_u.Be* to beconeautiated _1_iont ent_r.lv on Pacitic Mad, whichtook to-day one of ita tremrndona aorgea, ranging fromH to *1, aod again np to Rfi, a nnctnati »n of li 4* cent.

The market waa atoady al tb* openicg at HH, at whiehat»ont -,000 Bhare* w< re taken; bnt on the aecond calla laading operator bec.me a free aelksr, and tbe ijuoia-tion fall oil to N.V Aller tha Board, tranaactioua were

¦BBB a* low a* tt, but tbere wa* a rapid recovery to

P5. The fall appaara to bave been tbe reanit of tbe

reply, more f.-rciole than elegunt, mad* by the Com->_oo.r_ to the propoeiUon of t_* Paoific Maii, tbatcfttain named boata ahotud be ran m the lme from2»'.w-York to Aapiawall. Thi* point, however, beiogjrialii ri, -ha »tock uguin advanred and toncueU H'J, tkfo>tng ai h**, bid. Tbe laxt laeBBe propoaed by Com Vau-deibiJt, anbatan'iully thoae we gave yeatorday, havebetn offlcLaiiT accep'.ed by the Boaida of the l-citicMail aud !*______. Cmpaniea, witb bul one diaeeuueulvote; anl Uiim txp-univr co'.upeULiou for tbe Californi*buainerB may be comioen _ for the preaent aa eet-

Ued.Uiua ending one of Ue le- couteet* ou

record wbere both partie* were defeated.Tbe amuigament weiuidemt-uid to ba tliat Ue PacittnMail paya $1,000,000 lor tae Vanderbilt boau in theI'ac-tic, ef wmch $600,000 la in Pacific M_il*tocB,toba beld out of market two yeara. The Coia_u-_ore ia

to do tbe AUantic aervice al 30 4* ceut of tho receipla,de.lucUug Uie Pau-ma Uauail Uiat. Tb- >orth A-l.u-tic Compa-j » bcaia. are lo go into the Uavre line. Wodo not give the above lenn* at official, bnt we believelha _BB_BB- to be aiibatantutliy coiteot. The aggre-pate aale*. private aud rvir-U-r-d, were pr-l>a(jly over

111,1,00 fhaiva. Tb«» do-uuieut. of agieemeut have not

v et befcu r-igutd, but tbe allaor1* couaidered cioiaed uu-

lil it BuitK aomebody a iut-re»l to opeu it agam. Ccu-tra! wa* l.uoyant, nuder Uie impr-aaiun that tbe pro-ccedinpamthe Aawcmbly v eaterday wero an uufavor-ab e indication for ibe BBBaaaa of the Pro liata biL.188 i-Wck aold up to 71 j, bui wa* inactive and oeavyiu clc+u-g t-__j_ac.on_ at 71. Panama wa* lirm but

cull ut ibe uptuii.g, but aller tlie cou'duaiou ot liie U'.-

giiationa between Mr. Vauderbilt aud the Paoh.Mail wa* known it wus in utmand, and a lrancod to

Mi. Tbe Weatern Kbirea were quiat, excep-ing(ialcna and Bock Ialand, m wluch tne ua-ie-cUuiia

araee to io_»iderable BBBB-I -t impioving pricee. IuII . lH,_,d market tbere w*» not much floue, excep'ingiu Mireoun 6e, of whi< h $1-0,000 were _©ld, tne

market advancingto70j'_*S0. Tne eloaing pricea were:

\wginia !», !rr-^tff3; Mi_*oon 6*. 79i'_*7.ji C_ntonCvnpbny, 16, a-17; Cu-lnrland Uoai Pref., U.016)Paiilic Mail, SH.ar>>.; New-York Ceutrai Iiuiroui,;i Hi Erie ltaiiroad, 8* _al»; Hndaon Biver Bail-road, 4U,_-4t-\; Hariem fcaj-road, .--J, Hulrm Pre-fenad, 33<-33.; Beaaing Railroad, :-J»3-i; Miohi-pau Cantral Bailroad, ^7._;tTj; Mic.igan SouthernandKortLern Indiana R__lro_d, t»i _¦ *"^_; do. Guatan-t<td I4J--14J; Pauama Railroad, 1J3J & 13:i_; lllmoi*Ontral RaiLoad, _^« oot'-'t Galcna aud CtteafB Rail¬road, .'>r; _*..7,; Cleveland and Toledo B_Jro»d, 19| ¦S$; Ciucago and Roc- Ialand li-iiroad, tk% Btt|; il¬linoia Ol nti-l Btulro-wl Bouds, 88. S8-1.ln foreign biila ther* i* notbinif of ioaportano* doin«-.KrtightBtoLivarpool: 3»Hi tc*. Beet at 3*. 6d ; 100

boxta Bacon at 98. Bd.t -"0 bale* Cotton at Jd. ToLoudou: 1,0IK) bt)l«. Boain _*__.__, and 1,000 do.at 3*. l_d.; 400 boxea Bacon ut ~*7b. 6d., un 1 1»0 baleeBacon at30a-: -00tc*. Ikef at... 6d i*00 bbla. Pork

... l.frOO b«.xoB t'lieeao at 4a. A veaael of 100

tunn, ont to Windward at 75b. per bbl.. and on* of 130tu:,M, from the fckmUi to Vi mdw»rd on private ttrm*.

Th* bn-iuca* ef th* Bub-'Ileiuiury wa*; Ke-*ipw,eivw,818 :ti.for Cnatoraa, $113,000; Paym»_t«,$ll-,-199 y7; Balani*. $l',8_l,837 ti7.Tne bu-incfB of tha Cieai-iug-Houae to-day wa*

$.,6,7.1,>'_. Tbere ia uo ctutug* t. uotii* in moueyma'ttra. balea jf $.'0,"00 (wvernment ia regiatered8*.'-.-k have betn made at pieviona raa-re. Another

B-ttnient ¦ regard to tbe arrangemeui between Mr.itii.t and the Paciit Mail ia that Vanderbilt aeila

bk !-ur shipa on th* Pacific for $750,000.$_o0,000puvafeie in tbe atock ol th* Pacitic Mail Company and

$_50,CM in c_rli; b* to aiao recaive $-O,00U lur e*-

lenaea of bringiug tbe Cbampion aioond tu tbe Atlaa-

tir, or, if -Bft in the Paiitif, to lake iu exclu-ug* tbe KU

Lou'a, now ou Uiia Bide, and |l$ttIM la carh. \_u-derbiil to run the A-lantic aide at .'«* 4? cent of freightand pa_*eni;er receipte and one-third of treaaare re¬

ceipt*. The p»B8age of ihe Poat-OB-M appropriationhaa Utn received with gr__t BalialacUou iu the Btroot.

During tbe next week probably »o_-c three mil'ioua ofdol__TB will ba reie-aed liom Uie Sab-£..***ury here.

Muny of Uie elaiJ-in have al-eady been lorwarded to

Waahington Capua i_t« who bought tbeee c«rU_c_8ea

at 80 up te 30 will make a i-Jg- intereat npon theiru.ve*t_-t»t.The following will rhow the Ua_ic of U.e Grand

Trunk Railrtav Compaiij forthe weekeudiug Januarytt, 1860:

Naii-aaaa.*_};5S_r.1Rht -ru1 I.tv.Hio... _2_S_!tmSl, MalU,tc.__1__^___Toul..JMB1BI

C.rT*»r>o_-in| w**« laal jear. --,_.- "4

lB^r«a_e.'.#B\BH ~

The ofEce at Panama furniaheH Uie foliowmi* efcoo-

ment of lh* -uaaportaUon by the Panama Ra-Lroadthu-Bg tiie year eommencing Oct. 1, 18-*, and enl-ugBep*-, 30, 1S~9:

.Lre.w.i t*Sjtire t.t freight. f______

l'_M-'Jit-r«. 2».*J»»

Trauaar*..»;.I.140'J^>_..., v.b.. &... mmMalia, __B8_-_, tt-.. . a-;,e68Mtr-_).--», *-a«. .J'JJ*(.».'.i--. _4*_h-*saf«, t-». 67,6*Tbe annnal report of the New-lUven, New-Londou,

aud Motungton pallroad Co. *_*w» Uie following re-

i-:i i

»*ca'rT».v h leaaBBSBaa.B»._*J »>IO' lla.l«bt. JI.B.BB*j.°,u-:.. B.oeuwi'ui rr_> aud exprea.. 8,7-4 ^4

Xotal..8107,837 1"axra.Y-iTr.aa*.

Forordii_-7rumi-««ir«'-*«, ke.. B~,0M f»f ..r ,npair*and r«_*a*trurt^>a. tkBmm

Total."astfTtia Iai*_U ouCoupoa*. 4l,KI)| i*)

Io__l mojtaeaU .8184.079 8.

l_e groaa eaininga of the Kxtenaion Road are $x'l,-'.r74 11, from which, after deducting expen-ea, 6 ?rent will be paid.In regard to tb* actlof Iba -BflB Legiabtture, nuUior-

ifhlg the Baaa of $_W0,_<W aeveu t^r ceut mortgair-bou_»>, in or_*r to -i^rnd-a* tbe $11(0,00- ten per ... .il

taoiida, du* «Inly 1-, 1*^, aad the overdae intereat, U.eIiiTecTx.rB ataie ih.t tba Bokiom of th_ latter hav* to a

.vcrv kr«ai exteut agreed to exeb-uiKe the old 1" Ibei,ew bond«. When tne entire exenauge baa beeu

trfected,the OoBBP-J-y will be comparaUvely uuembar-naaed Tnere w.' "* i,,ft ^i" ... "'.""dne >.mpoua,.u tbe fit-t mort^asr* *even pr rent liond*, which then-reetou trrop°ee tofaud with aix yoarr eevon tntr._._ -mlL, . lu»d bonde, Tb-8 propowuou la B'_wd te

___*. mat with at-cb ,-an*ral nppiovai that tba bond«*7- _*.r._: prepured, ao that on and afuir Uie Hith ofMarch aexl 2 holdera of ancb bonott.au demwi. withth_T-_r_.*r of Uio >e*t-IIav*D Mavim-. llank tk*c nrv.UB <m U.e Lt-u* for the yeare -BM, iB-B, BJBl IBtt,;T. a elrn'mahmg ihai.r'lirat mori.ago aaaofky,iTi.'.I mkoSSi in:oi-at ou tnaia m BBab and mc.__*

bond" lor U.e princioal. . --,-

Tb. l-x-aaiiea Road ir l^f«,w»Tk.\.v, l IB ... to the New Vork, Provileftce and BoatouBa.i..a^ ( o-apany oa iav..,,,.i._ Nraaii and it » **

,1, Dbtad thal ihe i..". <rf Ibe CalBIBB-BB Road will tmum, 4 i^ir tmm -aieiaaltbaal-tegiviagaUtha im

<ia.r.t:.! H"Mii'U. .- 10 H.*> ">,>rinal lia* wh-BB tt Bfaai Ve-ieTci tbe txianaiou Waabl ailoi-.

The ohJ P.o.ird haa l*ro leWected aa folbara:Wyliia l!hi *r»D*». New-York; C. B. HnaVell,

New-Hav-i. B C. Kt-raat .u A O. Wilrox, M-dtaon;Hen.i.er lloll. htybtook; ChariaoJ. McCunJy, L-'barltoC OiiawoM, [.;_!<.; Cbailt-b Mallurj, Mystic, JatnoaL Day, Ru.-i,;iv't<>ii.

Tlie'aDininl ta etfag of tlie atockboMera of tbe Hon-aatonic lu.i'n adCewpuny will be hetd on Fridiy, Peb.M P e rntideuee v>,- annexed atat.meot ot Uie basiBBBB of th«- joml, -ftahaf tbe year HBB, lrom the huper-iatrnda-m*.' r*-fort:

Berriot, iron, a.; aattfflflfl.*'?*''*' ?iKuuaii_si'ij>vu-. taaea, uittv.-tt, fc-. -.

NetF,olli..T*-.MO*»»The raoaipta ol tl'e ivad have excee.lod tboii ol lH-«

by |!<i,.r>8?, aud the BpaaBM-BfJ expeuaea b.\o locreaaed?oO.VCl; a portion ot n.ia iucreeae waa cauaed by tboNew-lotk and New Jlnven liailroid retoaing to ro-

itew Un ir oontract, theroby m il ing it necesaarr for thaIlonratonu- ttoad to make uddiuotie to tbetr bo\ andIre uhl caia; wLioli adiuoua coal ubon'. fl'J.OO-.Tba buiiding fotmerly nwned sni o. ipiod by the

0 io Liie inauraiice uiU Tltk% 'Jj-ipauy, al CSBBBB.<mjmkL bas U-en parckaaed ol the M.icl.a.-.la Bauk ot

Cleveland, by the Livarpool and l*oud«.n Life andKire iDanmuce Company, f»r t_>,00C.One of Uie moat important Kailway ta-eti ia uow be

fore tbe Hapieme Court of OLio, and will, it ia ex-

p*,ttd, be oexndad doriug the proeent month. It ii tbecaae oi Gao* 8. Coe agt. The Columbua and Fit]uaRailroad Co., and invulve* tbe whole .(uealioa con

BBBBtaj the riybta of tbe aeveral claaa-a of railwaymditora, and the rtdl more important pomt of the

1 aseiug of tho franehise by a aule und»r foreclosare.We earn by a alip f.om Su Louis of tbe 1- h mrt.

tbat aa ai<eut oi a hu Louia baukiog hou»e preeeatud,on Kriday last, fJS.MJO at the Chilioothe brauch mt 99ISkii- of Missoun, in the notes of thr> braucl., f >r re-

deuiption, bat a mob preveuted tbe ageul fro_n draw-ing tbe coui

The atatement of tbe Iihodo Ialand Banks, m_le on

tbe oth inbt., ia as tollowai'tovidenca Bauka. O-jt of Providanoa. Total.

CapHal.ati,23i:>80 aBa.0Cl.7iu B-JO.89i.2-r.t lfruiaticL.... \y.+ .?« i.isa.awi.in.iiil.-potlta.. J,5c«-it- 81-Htr.i l,tt&,j~.\Dt:n Bankt.... BJI.TB 73.7.11 1,008.811Lo»:.a.. I«*,l4l.-a* 7,:77.8u8 B6.7_.lt'J

operie.rtt,,T.fl ,*t,2ki loi.,5'JIUtT.iNote..... tntp* iw.aJ* i,ii'i.-tDu.byBaak*. M#N 99M 780,804Aa comj-tred witb the ataieme-ut .~n. '-.', tho nr

Btilti are as tollowa:Provtdaaca Binlia. Country Caaka.

fap«ta;.#?«.;.<- C0 iu *1M «0 inc.Ctreo-aioB. aOIBBlBdaa. .\t <r7S 8o daa.I>*-L>c_a_lt- . »>.*,_.! l». .1- Ih.Kirr :kj dr*VDue Baukt. 1M17 8-8 li.Ui-1Loan*. WCtiac. l.lbe 11 inc.Spe.-lr. 1(1.rs ti iu -. Ill H -BC.Ma-knite. *7-...«; 41 in.-. 9JtH tt inr.Due hj iiaiiia..*>.,iM et de.. 9J.W1 11 .lat.

Tbe Coatrolior_ lieport of the Ctiy ti CtfflBfB l*or-riahca tbe following automem ol Uie debt ol tuat cityon tbe .Hat oi JanuaryItond* at I" i' .en. ¦flBflflSflt, due Nnv., ll-i-O.a.tO.lt-Uutidadue Jauuarj, 1«>-I. ».«>rtBoudadue Jauuary, lt«. 'iiw

______-0 ^0«yiBouJutHP'cent interett.die JoJ/, 18C1.B?'.' O

BoBdiuua July, 1H6I. BM"boncid « Jaly.lBBI. io.o^;Bo,d.du. Ja. mwf, aiw.____fU0.000Boadt tt C f aaal i-t*-r-it. dua Jaauary, 99 »*V).000Bondt d.eJmuarv 1M>1. 10 080B.Ld.due -tily, fi7i. i«l.H_fconaa o-ie Jt^Ltry, ir.J. _W. «"Boudt otieJuiy. ItCS. 10UM0raCWw.¦J^ttet.v*

lotal.99AM9The geuer_l trade in Dry Gjods lacka that activity

wbich waii so ctiufidently expeoted. No'.withat_fiingtl.e incre.ta«d arrival* of mer. hanu, the bcaineas haanot been Ofoal to the corn-epouding woek ol last your.Xlaprieoa of Domeatic Good*, however, are wall

nj__-tain«^J. and tlie lirmneaa wili bit rotitiaacd whiletbe export trade is ao large, as Uit_-. the atxka are

iejt moderaicly low.AU heavy got-da.Brown ShettingB, Denimfl, kc.

ar« full { ctut parfBB- bi^'-.r tlun al tho cmoieuce-

mvtt ofthe year. Bleached flheetings aod light me¬

dium SheetiuKa are uot as w»U maiuUmtd iu price, al-tb .tigh thB itg'__x make* are dehvr rt 1 t»the trade as

ftist as pr'.ciuced. oc prt-vious coniraolo, aud uo iai-

porunt stocks exist. BW .Sn-riingaaro ingooddtmand al advam ng ralea.Tbe T'rinting Cloth market hiia t>een qnite Batffa,

tlie prmtera havinjr generally ron. wcd tiieir <o_ra*-t«,w hich cxpire ou tue lat prox. We b*ar of taloB b*iu.-

tius made ta future dehvei} which amouut to a _afBagyregat-, IMyMI peicea beinK repfirted. ThBBB ttk I

havi been made on the basie of pr* rione ontracts

for the moat part, alth<.n,rli in nonii- iiMt-un-ea h.^h.Tprlcea h^ve bern paid. VN'ooleti* have u-Jt improvod in

ar-nvitv, ai.d, ia ub-*enie of the BBBBl deiuaud, hulderaof bftui liptuig Caaeimerre are uivie anAi-'iia 8_llen,nnd the BB-r-at baa BBt been iiiaUjiied. Tue highj.iice of WimiI llKhaitn. and tbo iucre.aaed priov for ia

bor, otfer little hopo of rrmnr.entive nrfiir.u lo the

manutactur'T, aEd we ae" BO i:amedi_i_e rolicfmoie le-itru ted produ-'tion «dn be iidopted, or a atilltiutner dtniine iu Wod __0_-_ mane. The Wtkiaale to-day WM well attcadod, usi i a decliuc was c»_'j-lialied. \louia lhal Bold at -OO, prt-vioiu 10 the H^fl-

ton sale, were aold M 9fl ¦- J -. tbia ia not aunicieutIB inouie a good buiineat to the faMBB.t*Titre ia m.i'.h uttention at preaert given to the

probabie fetataaftbo Cotton miirket. It Ib well nn-

d* retood tbai tbe hiMh eatim*U-a uiin!.- early in tba Aa-

tr.nn a» to the BBBBBB- oi the crop were nut too larfO,a= u »ni fBnaaaij aaao-ai I ltt ltt V frt Wuhtttiafa< t, and the Lut year's consutuptioB of tbe world i>*>

fieus, it ia clear aaurplna wil! be carried eve,r. Tne

f08«ajB maiketa laffltrod last year only alwmt threemiiiio-a of bi-.x-a of our 000f, valuie oui houi-9 conaump-tiou iauhowu b> tbe Qolloa UOlea iv Li\e beeu «(>..a'.

ti-ht h_i.di.-a and li ft y tiiou-uid t.iUea, nnd if tbe c*.n-

aumption of lii'.1 H t'.-o-ld ba _BBBBBBBl ton per c_>ut,whicb Lrt noi at ull BfahaUo, we ahab have a surpi_ of

ovur _a.JaJ.<JtJ*' b-iie«. I| ia euowniliau our apinik.ial_.veMt lahaB C.tton in tle aame ra'io at Un year,t'ne doliv.-ricB twii-g some 60,000 bj*.* loBB il_u f*irtne correhponding p* tuxi, wiu.h laa-n u-i-y to atip-poia tiutt tbe fnatiif U_eu lust, year by our »i>uiiier8Mae iu. :-:- crit.riou of tbe amount coiiauaea, o_

it is beiieved thut ut no potM 1"*h tbo cour._cpi.ion ot

Cotton b*er. gB-B-BI U-m at praaen'MWe annei otir nBrul Uble exports of l)om*?s_- Co'^

ton, for ti.e WBB- end-n,' Toaeday, ah in~i., and aiuce

Jan. 1, aa foilows:-DurlBftbe waak. FaaaafB*DaBiaO Wr'ti*. India*.J.ivtrpooi. *il.|.erpool(Dry (aoodt). 3t'ul>i.- iNa*-l.r«at_*a. *\ a_* anala. 3BBratil. _*

Tntal. 153i'rati-Mi.lj reporfi. II,f_

To«al»iiraJBB«i-7 1. e\J99 »»T-Vi7?Ueawa Kaynor k lllackwell have uold I lotaN. B.

.-orner :«d-av. and 74th-#t., ea*'h ¦:'.'...>IM fe+t; also,I on the rear, fronting 7l.h-.t., Hl IMJ tb*. 9 loo frr

$J,7Wi. AJbo, I lom on north side of 1 Htii-Bt., W> f*<<

eaat of 4tli-«v., at |B_S BBB-U Alsr,, :i lou wj?h side of

l.llst-aL, '221, feet east Bf rtth-BV., at $_-.' eacb. Theyulao report the cule oi :) lo'.a n'-rth bMb of -llh-nt-, Wlleet weat of Xtb-av., all fnll lot», for $--,.".00, pnn-hasedfor l»r. htryker's lUfomled Duteh Church, now lo:aiodc^nier of Bnxinte and (areene-ato.. tbey wili sbor'-IyBBB8J a new eh'ireh editice 'ip*m tb*?*« lota, oi wrat

tyle and ronteral we an- yet uiiable to state. Jvhu

MtCLive luio a-jid on* two-ftory and baja-ment tii-rn-.toopdwer.ing oa the acnth MB of _lBy«BfltBtraat,etwaen Ki.'hth aad Ninth avenuea, for ftvOiJ. Aliu,ae full lot on Ihe 9J9t **9 ot I levtntii av< n>e, 95t*et north of Forty-third itr-el, for $1,H(X».Our alatemeuL, ma.le a fow daya aj:o, tbat tbe A_"i-

tor of Illinoia bad made a i _I1 on the baaka for I«-< 99} fornrenl-tingnotta, isconhrm.-d by Th* Chi-

itpi Pn .a, wbich aay»:" W.- bavi banied tuat u call h._» l^n mtdeM

tlie banka whoae ii_m-. aia biaed on Mis-O'iri Bjo. 8,to d*|aoei» addhiueal raeaitt-M, or, whu would o« taa

mane thiuu, to wi'.bdraa a o/rn-epouding amouut ot

billa. 'I ho call puta Mieaouri down to *¦ t-euis -abou'.tbau pre^-ut vali-Bin N. B>Yofk. \N< loani that uo

mo!.- Mi onri atoeha will be Boaaaaal by tba n.ta

Bt-b-BBBBOB-BI-ty l"r bar.k ii-ait-n "

Iu reyiud U> tbe jToiupt p«)meul of _ul«J.al <o. M

laourV of Miaaouri, Tke 8t. Ltntu RepuUican ha* the

followi.g:The iniemat on tbe pormaneat Htale d'l.t ia |1»J-B,M Wi h the lnoreai* o'ihe bu.iueaa ofthe roila,aiH ra-*oiir*>l- gooo __ii__i_'_ia_t, it w pre.amed t .at$rM*,OOtlofUioiiit<'re-t will be mel'ty tu-oi, ibttafl._*.irg thecht-rgeon tha--Ue $77~i,iHll or for tha tw »

y< me, $!,4M,:ifie, Tbe rereipt* tn' > Mie Ntuta T. lynrylor tbe »wo tiniail yeara endiug in l'-W ware $(,3ril .IM.The mfimar/* for the two yeara ending PV>o, laetadiutbe balar.ce in hand, and f-^.OOOi p;o.eed*of tb-» mill-t*x. ia l/,8S3,0_., fiom which are to be de<lu. ted$l,C_7,~fo h.r ordinary rxfwodUnr-a and -ohool pur-p *.-*. Tlie aocount t-er-lorv- atand*:B-YcoBB lor two yeat a .ad-Og IB89.«-.<>*- 041PruowMl* D>iH taa. B4H,ae*

A-grefrt*._. 87,851 «42Or Ilnar. »x|-adttura*. a*"" WAS-ImjoI Apprupriatioa. 4~'T*'_. __ __.

.. ?1.0*7 70*

Sa-plu..ei/rej.au\nl-toot to br paid by tbe Stat*. 1.46IJ4B

Bnxp4ua*Y-' all. tt-M-i

(AdvoralNl w-YoKk Statk Sixta of 1*77,

hav- >'.«_ Ntayb Stra* of l*S6,I'arrm* m»r«* la-rutBBr. B'*-a _, WH,

I mtbu :--. i.aa i'*cr»a fivax ofirm,lu ...Jiuirta U Mllt, -J

Tao»~-i» BaoTwr**, N*.2\v_B-L

BlarkeUr-t-aaarvu-T ___.-»._.» roa Ta* H. T. TaiacaaTll' It'l.AT ~.b. is, 1B-1.

A/illEB T.' damaad for both -lod. b falr. aad t_n mtrket larl'.-dT ; aale. af ?uU *t *4 2., aud fe-ria Bt *i 87|.COlTl <N-Tb* market haa baaa Ball and heavy; a*;** ef 74*

ba- -. VV'e q;ot» lod.10* ly a* trilowa:Ult i". OLx_»irtr;ATtoir.

[.i.u-n-k.. Eiertda. Mc .11*. N. i). 4. T*_.Ordtaa-.848* * «i «fM!ddit_i.ll! 111 111».Mldd.l_« Kaix.13 1» _ '*. I»,p_u...7.Ui 134 . 18 184

COFPEE-T_n m-raat ia Brtn ac- moderatary aTtira; .a-*.

ef 177 baa* Blo *t I8B.I 100 aUmrnluo at i»;ari.u and 1U*G'-i*i»«a, »t U... -t ¦¦-._.

rLut.'ft AND *aEAI.-Th») lnq.il. for Wantern aad StaUrYiur i* mom a. uva. eaneci.i.ly tor tha. maduim aad battarI h.v. al.dall klu«l**r«ll'ui«l *t the .loaa>, tt -oja. ./ll I. chiellrc.a*__jp'iTe aud with _*h* a-rlvala price. f.vor Um .eiler ai thacloar., tle «_li-» ara 8.VO baU. a. »- 1*4*8 1- ur aiinertinaStat* «..*. 3**4 3» lor Extra d. and low *-*rt«* *f VV.aterur_.tia; 84 * _¦**) 94 for akipolng branda Bouai Hoop ExtraOhio 86-86. lor tt»d» b and. do and*>b--»*7 for tk.U.,.;a and l-nvx** Extr_«. l «a_d1*n Flour i. hald witn in-ci"M«.l titmn*.a *»rwi.lljr tUetiv- iiioi Br.'i"*: th«ar ai« ui f. toiii-i_j___ii. i_,l iu itd-c-il a'jpply; wlc*vi41 b .1*. at *5 45_»io To (or Y.ilrt*. Bo-tber- K.our i. withxut important varia;in_; Um imnii are li;_t, aod tha iaai*od fair lor tn<- ...w

__d uiediur- .T»<ea; hoi.«r» oi" .:hoka brand. _ir g'3Uer__y i.it*Urm; a»_aa of l.o-t, bbi*. at ii 4rt9mk9 lot _j|i..rt__- Baiti-ioo.'h, be .ud 84BH- *.''8tifor thr bnttar ir.de*. By. r*lcor l*it, iair dn-uaad, aod i. _mi .-.*. of - >- bhk. _t i'i -04**4 tc.Com -.eai 1* tn fair dcu-uui. aui i« pirnty 83 4* tor JaraaY,oaa ii li for Braudrwin*. Bni-whaa* Flour i. qaii-t . *1 _-.

_r- * 4 TS ifioort.Fl-H-TUm-rk-t U -.- y«t .t«ady for all d.**rrtpl:on«. on

ar.-o-i.t of Um> ligbt .toel otierinj, pariicniarly ol Dry l ,d .n.tM_rk«r.L .__ ,

UKAlN.Th- Mr.8*1 .--*t l« 11,1* A)-1 lbf.dan.and fair forui iiu*. and ihe _irh aia »..'ry li*iit; aala* of 7.10O bu«h. MU-w.uiiK.Club at prualou. p lo**; 3-0 buah uii'uri_r Ri.d doiitheraat if au, r i, n -,»ri. f..od iV'fciia Minbifao it * !*. aad 7ia) aa.h.lul-rior VV_n» Kratuck] m priiata la-m*. By ia ati^dy, aadlu fair deuiaud; aa'r. of .'.au-l l.uau. at 8rj-y7{". Baxiry ilalt uir. fii: d.^mar d at 32- BSo. Bari-y 1. iu »ood re^ueat. and ix bnn;-.ai a nf ",.'.., Ba ,h. at Wt. (ot la.r rowad Stal*. in atora, aod _m_

forU*aa*jB Kut. 0*H ai«brm,a*d ln t»ir dam-ud tor iri^'r*.!-;¦aie* of r..-dl_ aui Wartexa at 44tt»4Ac., aod Slata at 45. ct *oc.

f'orn raily iu the dav «i> ^ailt dnli, aud ratiie.- .«.ie-. but ere

t:.. rrnaai tha. d'Biand impr-ved, ard tae markwt -_«. i Oetinr;aala* nf W.'aY) buab .t 77<r7K.', for J»r.ny VVhlt* *r.d V *ilaw,tud"7tf7'l*i. for S-i'lh-r* W.tue aud Vrilow.H!D_.&_re T-ia'.. aala* <tf W0 fayU. al 19. IjM vV.atarn

.^'jiuxhtr :.-'.%...-ndt.)/) ai_r_._:bo, at 21c. .

HoPli. The donoand ia ujodai-te forlocrlurf; »*ia. o: -<.hi.a*'.' -a .t ii 18c, .. to nuality. Il .oiaa Iuataxic-. r-hoice hop. sra

-.o.dat ll'-lc- b.'. th«v-r«ou:o_«-rt?dii., au-tu. paper paidic teturn ia uot hut cinn*.

..., »*__,. ,

HaY-lha d-ta_nd 1. fair for .b.ppii_j; a*-** of SCO balea at-^..*l #. HO *. a

JlUi,Ar«rlF>i.Tt.r* U more doing; «*'«. of 578 bol.. Kaw.Iirlaan* *. lot47.%, and lor raoicn 4ac 1<* Taxax, on pnrat*

aaVAL .-TORXI SpL-itaT'.rpen'.'.nerontiuna* ln good dnmand at ruii pn.-.--. lh* a*l-a Includ.. 7S0 bM*., in aniprln* ofd-r.to airive, B»H d_livai*b> in AUr^h, oet\t>T*' option, ol. ol «:. 4*.ai .u, ..ah;3'M> b.ia. I.V.'-U'l pk||a.i. iu Ma. -hipH^acrd.r. .old »t 19c b_*. *..e d.v.il, w<.-rc not tarrl_d o_*. np to tt«| i.e *.t irf*. t.- n._rk.t; aal^a, alao. of 4."" bbl.., in poor,mrr.-a-iao!- ardrr, at 46c, r_-0: tbia .howa a g'e-tur i.ie-.eaco

. t*-u i* g*.:er*i,j tr.e .**_. froui'b*;*-, tb-.: tke .:*._-!. 1ia I'liiaDv for r-;^J. aud uf *¦ l »' .- -_ract«r; _be bu_t olthe .to-- now here, th.refor.:, u uot ht for aliipment, and b.nr*tlie unuaaa; oiB.'.r-nce iu pii,--. tiud* ia 8*0, *-'ut pr:.:«a au«

norain.l, at #.. 80 .'* S». f _.*! H*. th* baik of tb* atacB (lika-f ;.., ia of iuferio: ouaJty. Co-ju.-ju Koaiu i* l~«* a'tttve,»r.. pnea* »re .omawhr; irr-ril'-', owing to an irreprfluialae(,_tff ¦. bv'*-»n o'Jiitruding partlaa, whu'h ajy-ount. for th«-er-ia-aud JiSan-nen u. pilxfortba paa. two or thra^ dava;Ihr u__rt et vaiue u. $1 U', ' *¦ 1-5, d«lfvarad, b^l th*re ara aoma

.. Ilrr.. itippe-r*, Bt 8IW. of oarjo*. afl J»t. Tne 6n.r f-idnflar* qon-t .-Ie. of IV) bbla. No. 3 at f I 70, and m»)io. I"^No.I .t « ^0 iH- 310 ft. Tar ia iuactive, but aie_dy at r2 W; tr*. J0

4* bbl , aa to ajoaUty. . ..... _..

OlLSo*^i_j-- vj'ieuieiy qulat, but pnc«« rul«rt-»dy, aale.orTOneogaila. I.ir.aaed. ». o'abee.PauVistlONe-Itolde.of Pork ar* qulta 8rrn tha domand

i* Iaa* active for tha MM. tr-da, ani o.y aicl«r-ta fir th*fotuia; the_rilva_> ir* fali; the aala* ar* HTi) obla. at *17 »o lorold >I~a; «,!_ 27i !o: new do ( 814 _3j_»8H 7i loru-w VV mAe

ne; #13 li, f.r old do., aad »l7 fjr City Pnxr Mn.«.Beef toveiy U'BB. and ln fwod daruant for tha tr*4e. tna a<_a*

B.-*»7i bt la.. at *> 2M*» V) for Couutry Meaa; ?. 2-a *!°i'_rRep«.4ed Me.., a_ 1 * I '..'»* 11 7;. for flitra I'lim* Mai. u

8r. »io icfai: d-fj.-iid: a-i«*if **)'.o. r-»- VV'-ataix _t *U;lndla Wei. i. in requr-at: **.** of *Ju toi. extra PttiU-leiphi* at»7* ii), ad 114 fa Ok.r adl- at ?*<. B-»' R.BM i" li ra,aad in r*ir da.....Ml, »l**of l_0 bhia. aod 81' tc. VV. .t.,.n n:

# 11 7.... + >;. M B.. I* .B*Ba ti>. ajpply ia ran<l^:_taaala* of ll*J bx*. IV>ng kloi_»* Wa*t_ro at -8*- aud uo Baa nno t_l»ar Ctty, »x. ahip J. J. Hoyd, at l*c -ard U q.ita nrui;.ha dam.nd i- f.lr t.* lh* traita -aie. of -27 nhU ar HlCit Ma.i. are io U.r daaaao.l aod n.m aalea nt 810 _nd_. ao*te*. at M'^jc fvr Mto.i.dera, \ud !.}- '¦).-¦ f-r Haxua. uraw-

Hofi arr iu '.ir dei .and a' 7i_*::|.:. M.tter 1. ln (all daU'Tltc. f'.r Dhio, .udlla-IU. rnr atate, and .ioi.:e «'»)<l*-8o.t.'*'-e.ai,i . ll .!?.-.. 1 an.l la Btl a' '.; * 11 .-

BlCE _i.Ua.yi *_.eaof VOtc* , at 83 7S.»a>4 S0 for ordlnvryHtJO.BB Tha t-id- U *ovi, and pru** ar* urm; aat*. of CV>

hhd.. MrL.o tc .-o o.tof thia marke*..-t 5tr W4 boxa. Ha-vkna a: T; - .ii- *)-J hhd. Cub* al 7i f.-7Jo.. and 7i hodx. Texa*

s'ALT.VV e col* m!«-of IJHB BBaBa A-hton'a _.iv*rpoo. Ftn*,pe- Maahattan BB prh.tr l-nua.«Kx-Ps A giod d*__and lor ciov-x reanl tn oaport;' Mlr* of

jUi.oa.. at'. XK) -. iraio.uv «.-. iiKi'v-iiiw."iTA- Ll)V\-1.'.» n._rket I. batt«r tha .npply nm-derata;

alr... vvr,t-iU:.,:....t I'tVVOOi.r. r* B**oa and

i"**.' WooB ¦ '..-day orot well aitan.i.d, aud w.-.r.oV .BM, ou..a*r. ,a .ntn: at pn av* ahowlo.a tu.iy aoxuinad¦uaj^et T_t-x-«'- puTtloi waa * Id to l*{it..2.*i* b-yera, »,. 1'. .'. Vw lota wei* bil ut or wl'bliawn' to tbat, oa tba «bol>,Ib* *al» ha* hB a 8**d Imprr-rloa *a th* _«rbe4. M* aa

... f» IE iaaa noti.jeaOla at tfcaB M'a .' raport»d Dr .evaralwr-ka paat by icla" ot d-_ivt-, bJl M IB* >n\_.-y, p*'0*>whirh were Ya!o*d before lh* aale by aapeiie.*ed --*....-. a. ¦'¦ouo.V>" r-rou.ht Vt\ _4M r*af*efiv«ly. Ia* 'uu-fjr 'la- e

Woo.a wa*tlul fo- .juhii'.ij 'sj hji'- .'.l^iiu'i audhax. bj tiir 1 .-!..-1 .. .or -. Ut of liue -ap. A per :>'l of 81.010tt. na» N. w '. r.rx f.ae* ao:d a: "I- atid a iovo. Dm-iu'M Co-otyp: .xi .:x _i ....-.. a._ot-e parrwl jf aortrJ S*C*aa or) _gB*.'j^cVva h*v-*_id'*l"V'« that Ibe uiajk^t--. fully aa-utlu-d, but.-.oae Hoatou dealei. &_i._iy adn. tt- .1 lha. a...ue iola .,! Uae M.-a

. ol VV &..: t.roi.|tit il,e. o> tt, mota t_*_ -t tna hoatoa__!*, Tha tiu.-r graiJiof P..ud, however. raowadad :.iiajtb* r\n-. *u fiom :il_!lk-. :or No. I Ctty upto 17.. fjr extra

OaaailiJ. VV « r.r.< na_jw s rr.ore drtaiird raa.rt of thi' aala:»uj .."loninion B_M_a_. .»e.; aoO Ib txtra Kleeoea, -tio.;

1 MlB th M"_i r- Ohio Flia ea, 3c..-,; 7* ri «-di-ai Yiancri,m - ueO .. f.-.w..-.-.'. Bxtra fi*****, IB i b.u- P:-x Loa*rort. from V\ aaui-K'.-n Co.. Woel. repr-^atiiig l.-fJO lh I a1.108 Iti I~iiib Tn! aaah»i VV'oo., i-pr-veutiug akaat '.-'.hr riaiaii.ilai ot ta» wiaol u bsia. to hr ae^u >>_ i_a Ub !lo«ir n(No. U' Jtaid.-u '.a.. 43c. ;'«)» M' wd i'^'ed VV'...;, Mo 8M If.No. . Heec-a. ?7- 1 Ra N'> I 71*80**, 8M* " '«" B !.".'' BExtra N-w Yor*. Btata Kk-oov, WUt.; .:.*/! Ib do.. JI..; 400 IUUawuhnd r_" MB, ix- .; M tb No. 3 irie-:e., Ha. I 1.400 IbPi-k Lack riMOBB ¦>'¦'¦: 1.---J ft No. 1 B*w-X*rk SUt*Fia-cea, Miti 3,0.>. ft Extra New-York d'.aia 71*00.a,lte. t 6,'M) Ib Fine N-w-Vork B'.te ¥'.¦".*¦*. CT-.ILl C. b Pfcaa Sel-.-ted 1 u'j-w___Ki vVocl. ?»,- | 3AW !t, UoubieExtra !'-.:-h"« Ca. FTaaeea, 50c : l.0>0 Mcrf-'a Kuie Ciip..-';., -.' Z<". B No. 1 Fi-*r»* 4ir ; 400 Ib L'uwuhed Extra,:,..,:., i .,(: rn Extra Plaacaa, «»«- ;«,.oo|> *v. Very Flnaiijjt.l- Kxtr* Sa*-Vorkr)uia Klr*.'**, BBa ii,-" th fionoUKxtraOLl' .«..d l'"uii'jlv_ni*Kle-catl * Urga BrapafBaai rY.inH---rix-,Band J<'rT_t»ou COunlie*, OU1*. aud W_._.o,'i..n Co-' *.v.

.¦..i.-d Nnw Tirk Btata flaaeaa, lac 10 ftvr r.t/r' Madtum Blr***a -'¦.-, !-,,.>) :r BatraOntaaaf tvnn

.ylv-uia r.v j :. 1.10 f 1 ixht »1a4l.im F>a/-aa, ..(.-. .'-.,,XH) tBI'j.bir Lxlia (.iIUo tuid I'aui.aylvenla. Mc IUBB ID Ught,C_.njou. aud Qu_rUi bl*M_) Kire.'.a. 171* B,8J8 B fi. klyyk W«. .ii.g'..n O'titj I'eun., l>>-a* 2 aar* Old.

..... H.*.-h Kl.- 'a. '..".^. H.MIO TT No. I tltiloi-:-_». <-,. aaa B Pa*8-a r_t.. Dr.io ;;.»<.«*, 4io.jJLJI, S D.l. ;..u l i-.tv f-.- . _--X r---<-."», -_i-i ?.'«*» U) Ex-

u'aOti tbia K.tri N«w Vork rt'.a-erio*a*a li-t-,500 Mliod l._wa*h-i P-MOM, n-.: lA^aoftCta.-e Ohio I - ¦ .. ra v rj >,0OB ft Ao., 40c; 8,B8B tsd_. M B.HB B r_e aud lia*»y Yl^orot. WH. l.NBI m Iiib-wsahad W**L :.7.-.- 18,088 it- l-i ia New-Y.-rk MW I'Me-v**,443.C.; J.n..O !1 K, 484. ! Or*J B do., «N.) IFlwaeex, t."-.: 8,000 D Biua N-v ¦! .«. »'. il* r kweaa, fTc «.(*»m lon-.C'.oa Tah w.hod W oo.. -tlc _0,.J»Y) tb D-.'Jb!* Extra¦i ,:-..-. .... .. .i.-r. pi .por.nn trom I-arri-.en.n.: Jata.'ion l_>L-nrwa, tlnii, anl V\'__r.:=r.on t.onulY, Pa,:4c. i.r-iet -; very"xrit Ihlteb.*. Ca_Bty CnaB-Wa. FUaflax,31' 11,0B8 ft rt-k-Ua-k D--,':b»-a !'.>. Dr.w_.r-.ad B-MOBa

:.'. Ohio ai. Eaai la****, a l-r»a prnportloa troiuII_.-_.ou ar.d J«1arr.ii t.a.unlu, «nd VVaalurrt .n i^> Pa.,

MB Doobte Extra Ohio au.l Eeao. ^lar--«, » arga pia

f«rtlcBfromll_rvUiu»_d leBeraooCaa (>Li aodW**bliurt*a<., Pa .*...- iaaa ia loi,ia.e; 5.wo>» a*..b*l_*w**fpi

| 80B Bl *Stra Vkoottno. OM)e i.-W Ib IVo. i Ohio aod r«!__ay.'. vnia tle.c .. 13 o.'tn e.tra d-> Mc t'.O*)- ft. or bai-»' Ba of

la l» ,»..'..rfl ft ioable ei_r»(>tii» auu P'._iL.v»a_ta Fi.y-.ra.xxj ft Na J Fu.oe*. 1.:|c v,0i«x Iti llgl.t. coouitori. aud

¦ a.-irler j.ooo vV'..c«D*iu Bia eaa., ". 0 ft d .¦ aatrat')b-» .ad t-ennryva-da Kla-cra i^j iB.Oiiij IL .to.. or b<u*nne nfp:i.-, iljt. t.uw.,u hghl o»<li_n. Far- :-«, ¦»¦- i.lM) tb d.~bie.'IU. -U-ttoit Tkntoot. 4*0 ^,'»'^ T io 4Bj 7l».la. ¦__«_r*1**e* aad ..'-.._. eaweoL ~> .v h.laa du.it>-. avtra PuIWW'ooi, -i'.'a I'j.I^.i W.K>i ta id aala* aa., 8B|aIBala*BBpai l'j.l-i VVo.., Baa.|B,*lB fb luora, .Ai.. ; 4 _*iaeH**rl La* . . P , -.1 BVa*LI8a.( ln ba..<a more, l_^c. 3 ti_le*Nv 1 i ull-l '.'.,-.: * -ax-. tljut iV--:. *.,-. .) :>».,. i aiora,37, i aie. Ueabl*. i.i. t rec-ry Pol>d Wool, loj-. H bak.Lor* Boc. t tMuw FaUaal VV _oi. tic 3 bale* napar ruiied Wooi,-» .4 B " ... ...or, .- i ba-M Kxtra tlattU-f Pu->-d Wooi,*«j.baiaa .-up.': I.ajuo*1 nilUd BT*at, BBci 6 ...... l...^h-.p..- P.-ilad W.._ M- 11 o_i> Kri-a, 1 ¦'.-..; I )._** iu-.-, 13<v |1 ua/a njpar r____l V .-:¦, V>~. 1 !,»> Eilra PaiU-l W «ol, 41a |l baia t)ou,... Ettxa P.i.»d 4.V. I ba-M lawub.' ).-._._, -U.. .

8 balea aihoil Lai.b.' P .__-! XV vo., IU - .._-.-._ 1 Paihadvv.,-: :i>- -. bal*. Mla . Wo..!, ie. B) baiaa Ba l Pii-__-,lar.;. -« vvh.i- «. «o -._ vv Mtn, a.-.. io _«. s.,p*r l*a_-o *

I baJe* Uoubie Ettra H_tti,gPu:i-u VV«..i, 4.. .1 Ui.-V-fl--Weos Blj*. 4 Ui*. Ne. I I'ul-ad VV'.k.I, 88- i bataa Mo. 1 I'li.aaiWo-.i. i'l 4 ba--. .-Lort !.-ni_» Pul-i« V. oel. Itc ; I Bal I ltr* Pallnd VV'oal, ti -. Sui-r Laui-ba pulM ".' -)l. .'"*." :' b»la*Larnb. Pu.>d Wwi, .-. I* hel-* Kx'.-* r...la_l u ,...|, BB Blbal-* Hur-r I'.'led W,,.l *i«., l _._. No. PoLa* Vv oot ilio |Bbale.'' M .. tarr 14 ft each; 8 bale* »__«<Wa-Md Sl ..-'-_ * I balea Ita'tan l*-.!>d VVoo!. '~i» 14 ttaaah.B4a |lb*l*4o., n. lb*W8*, I l h*loCtooa woai..... ... (.-... iM.a. Wulvd Bfax Wool. tar* S ft, 1-4- 3b-a-f-M-a, .'. wi .1 balea dc, -a Bo i.*l-. MI.-.1 K.igll-hFlo">», l: l * '._... Ea*l_h W ai.r r*_.._.ly, IA ., ,4 r,__»* r*__k-_ug.l-._d.1y?*.,:-. j.«. -,,.x«) t. liray r4to-.lng .laoldy, :*>\VMIfhi -Tha iiiarx-' M wilh.._'B .._.;-. lh. I.ii.an.l I*

fr.r. hI'i ol ." W.la. al -*i .«..., i... laUM lo. u..io -_«

- la 1


Tue wetttlier yeaterday was ao wara aad Bprlog-!ike, that tle heavy fall of *now ot the nigkt prorioooalmoM diaappeared:There is t*> be gi~- a BBtVl of conoerta, the vocal

muaic with Engliali word', in the Freorh Thoater, No.

M.r> Broadway, conmen tn*' next Mood-y-i-d with

BucceaeioDa on Wedoeeday and Knday. One of tbo

BBajBBB aft-a. aaaaifiaia io jfa Cooka, aajaaBy wMi-

knowu for bii c_i imug fr««h tenor voics and hia lib-

enJity in leuding his aoi-ioe*. Mr. Cooke (or his

frwnoai found out utH -iig aince lhat be had a veryfine mueical orgaa, B-Blpjaad lo interfere witb bi* l«-g«JBtudW.an.1 acoordio^ly. in hia case the Miises have

overerowed tke god of rhe l^nch and bar, If that pro-foesw.n have a mythologi'al deitv, and jonng Mr.Cooke appears aa a profcanioaal singar. Olher vocal-istaoftalent will take part in thi* Kngh-ih mnaic coo-

ceit, Meet.ni. Drapor, Lawrence, and Trost. Mra. M->-tart, kc. There will be an oobestra;' tbe Coaductor,Mr. G. W. Morgao. The programmo deeervee a fallhouae,


Tbe frietuls of Free Italy meet to-oigbt at the CityAaeembly Hooms, to pabbcly recognixe the independ-ence of Italy.


Tbe Junior Kzhi >ition of the Kree Academy will bebeld tl.ia erening at the Cooper louUtute.

The F.ighth Ward Pioneer C1 ly Clab *rlebrate theirannirtrtary at the Apoilo Boonia to night.


Mr. Brsdy has Just added to his pbof>graphic g-tlerya portrult of tbe llon. Edward Batee of Miasouri. Itdoefl joatice t> tlie miugied ftrmneos, g«ni_lity, vivacity,and reoaement wbich rharactrrizo the frutaree of its

diatinguished snbject.m

ytenm. Sudlier, publiaVrs of The WtB Tttw Tablrt,have publiithod u Bteej-engravral porrrait of the Rev.Dr. Cahill, wliich ia aaid to be an excellent likeueao.

There was an error in tbe aanonncement ofthe dateofthe loucertto be given by ihe new mnaic baa. oftbe 7th Legiment. It will be oa Saturcay eveuingthe i^th, ai.d not on tbe 21st, as atated. All the ticketo,we are told, are diaposed of, except 200, for aale byFuth, Pond k Co.. No.W Broadway.

The Board of Couucilmen, having no rjuornm yeo-*icrduy altornoon, waa dejbu-d udjoaniod u> Mondayr_>< xt, at _ p. m.

Tbe Uev. Wiiliam Alviu Bartlett ol Brooklyn williectur- at Treuor Hail, coruisr of Thirty-foarth atreet

atd Broadway, this evoning, at 8 o'clock. Sabject:.. The Wiee and Otherwtae; or, Progreaaiun byAntagonism."SrictDK or a Duaaan vYoaux..Coroner Jack-

man yeaterday hebi an inqaeat on the body of MaryCull, a uatire of Irelaud, a^ad -7 yeara, who hadcommitted sutcide by taking a doea of liudauum. Ituppeara that about two yeara ainca, in conaeqieace ofthe death of a siater, tba de:ea*ed became partiaiiytLsane, and bad contiuued so moat of the time aince.Kho had oflen tLreatened to commit auictde, but her

f.-icDOe had noversnppoeed inat ahe intended any lnjnryto Lerrt-Lt". When it was foond tha. she had takeu the

poison every efiort was made toaaveher life, but with¬out avaiL The J ury rtsndered a veroict of '' Saicide bytaking UudaJaum while dorau-gwd."

lir afd olt op Pli' >...One half of the buaineaaol the -Datective Poiioe of New-York is caused by the

dishoneety of aervuat g'ula, and nearly all the perplex-iuea of the careful housewite .iriae from the iguoranuoor nnfaiibfulnea* of ber .lotne*rti«a. The diahoneatservantgirl nearer carea to remain more than a week or

two, or at moat a moutb, in tbe aame eittxation. VVb. asbo liaa piliared till delection becoaea in_;u: u:, the

tramp'* np some pictexi lor oiacharging heraelf, or elaebecomee ao careless, indolent, and imioien:, tna*. heremplovcr ia gotuled into aendicg her adntt The more

ii* kiese ot thia <.[».<_ do uot wair t j be dkcharged, bat

pack np their scanTy wardrobe, some line evenmg, audalip away uaperccivtd. Snch peraona haunt tne inMl-

ligenca ofllcea iu aearch of new phicea Lu which to n»-

pont tbeir knavery.W- do uot aaaert that all who go to such oHi-'ee in

Beaich of attuations, are oi^houebt; bat it is wellknown that the futmilr thieves, whi puraoe thdir cilliug throngh tbe aguncy of the ir.toliigonca offi ^,rorrnpt many of tbotse with whaui they there como ioroLUct. It ia of ihe oi.'houeat chtas that wo woaldspeak. Among tneae are to be found aome ot tbeahrewdeet and moat experienced femaie thievea knowuU tbe police, who beng tolorably good looking andrunnmg over win fair promiaos, generally nitiuge to

eeenre ailuationa, while tbe honeat aud modeet uues

are left b.-hiad.Perbaps by givingasket'h of the career of a aingle

cue %ve ahall be better able to ahowthe manner inwbi.h hundreda of them ply their trnda. M.iry Doyleia a biooming-lookiog young lriah girl, about 'M yauraot' age, with dark hait and eyes, rajd chaeka, aud udyii, appearance. She is juat the gitl that niaaty-uiuej-eroona ont cf every hr.ndred wonld select tor a ser-

vunU Mary was aitting demurely Lu au iutclbgenceothce a -*nort time atuce, when n gentteman, whoaemtmtl hall'had aent him oul bervant-huuiiu^. enleradthe pla**e. nnd noon entered into coaveraatiou with her.t>he sai*l ahe didn't care so mnr-h f ir wages, bat ahew _ited to srearo a go_d home; ahe waa a poor orpn-tnand bad uo ii teuda to care for her, aud it ahe ciaidonlv hnd a g.x^l home ahe would be perfectly sut^lied.

Mary, of coune, waa cotwiderod a treaaure, andinatant'ry cngufcd. Sht- .jntercd on har dutiee imme-

diately, a:id gave thv giaatebt sat.faction for tlie apaceol iwenly-i.ur honti. wben, all of a auddeu, tbe ita-macuiate Mary wae mb»_i/. After waituig for sev¬

eral hours and Mary not return ing, tne miatrMS, ba-Lomlni.' -mp: ious, iuatiftt*d a ae«irch ot ber preuiiae-J,lo aacertain -f anything bt-i-e ber LVlUc ueariu. kaddiaappetue.L Ot conrse, tbe lady limt run to h«rdrua-ui^' b ireaa, aud al uuo. ..-uovared lhat her brucr-i.-ts aud her -arringv, her porte-mouuaj« and her j*w-elry, ali "Uad g* ue al oue leli awoop." A luriherLnve>.rij;a_on rayeal* d tha; t99 that several adk dre~aes,aLd cverything of valuu llutt wai. lyiuguround looso,had beeu appiopriated by the orpbau Mary.Mr.icume Mary kui Lurried wita tha purloined arti-

clta to a conven-enl pawn-aii>.>p, waere she obuuued a

coutiderab-ie BBBB up->n the gooda. With thia she re-

pa_rtd to a rciaote part of uie city, where atie againtook up her p aitjonui ano_er offica, wbich " furuish-atho Lt*: ot MTvuiita to hoosekepeera." From here ahea*x.n went to another aita-nion, where, after a ahorti;ae. (ir^ae^e, |* w.Iry, uud tba chob-e aervant weremi/t-t'ug. Ai.'i.u waaiep. ateJ tiiri eamescaneat tbe ai^n oftiie three I'o'dca bulLi, uStrr wtuch Mary w*>nt w still

«..- ortice, tar away, and tbia time hired out as

rook. Hhe eeeina t? have been well pleaaed witb this

place, or eloe ahe oid uot obtain a ai^rht of the valuableab-ouer, for here sho remainod upward of ii month. Bat

at bat a favorable opportuaity pruaonled i-aoif, tad

Maiy and other jeweL* were miasing.ln this wuy Mary contmned for thrfla montbs from

tha time "we firat got Udings of ber, aad in that Uaae

the lirod in twelve dtfferent lamUiea, all of whom ahe

,.*bed. Hbo was lix_Uy arreal-d, bowarer, by tho

dtrttv-iv-a, aud charga- with on- of har numaroua

crimea. Whtlo nnder examination, other compliinantowen- fooad, tiil at J«st ihera were t«i ebargw of graadlorooay pralerrad t-raiu-ttheyoothlul Mary. Heamgtlie waa fairly camjht, ahe eoafesaed bar enmaa, andjltring np a trimber of paam ticketa, a large portion ofthe itoleu property waa recovered aad reatored to tberightful owu-ra. Mary waa triod, conficted, aud is ea-piating ber otfensea at Hing-8iag.Now, Mary IXyle is but a a^imon of hundreda of

har claas who do b'tainefls in tbe aame manner. 8MMcf them are even worae, being teagoed wih bnrglarawho w.nild BBjBBBI at noiluni- u> IBBBSBJIIA tii.-irea-r. T_e iui.Jltx>ace-Jhcoo cever tb..r relrvat \>y

Utatnhepft them other aitavfotaa iMK^attity. H hjrwmtmtt-A tkht oot B frw o< tte keepers of tbaae pfto^a*-«¦ deeply intereoted ln t*e opet -t'oos of the n»r1«, _a4ahare let p-nodar for tbe oee_rrtj aJTardod hy tbaao,lf a cirpiair.i ia made h U alm lat lonwoaJMe, ttntw 9mIm^i-ect taeeeriptio. gi'"". tn ao o-Uw to traoe ttoi tlese wil! o'-wispe tkroagb al? ber wladro- a«4 k%-poieea. ard roany fe sfcrewt deteetlro haa heta oooat

p etaly fctlr-d in hta atteapts.Th* IVtarrh-a Polire OQggeat B pUo, whio- fchea*

think would put a stop to the dbhoneety of aerra _%viz: TTiaf every porton em^oylug a aer\ tat froxt _a

hiteHigenee onioB or elaewbere who oanaui pr--u*eavalid rertifica'e cf good ebaia-ier, ahould require aBopi-I to have ber d-gni-rraotype uk«a and eVptett Hwith the miatress of tbe hdnte. If she proves _oa*fl>wh<n ahe loavas har attaatina, the ptetnra eaa hartetorcd to ber. But if ahe is diahoaast and departowith any valoablea, tbe daguerreotype, pUced ia ttobanr?a of r. dewire oflBcer, woald pretty mnretj lead t*Ler arreet,


Tna NxwYobk Pouci ftriTA*..Mr. t-tittaad,a detertrre attached to tbe Pailsdelpei. poiiee, is oa*hi this city inapeciing the poHet eyitem nf N-w Yark.bavrug been commiaeioned fcr the purpose by tke OMofof the Philadelpbia Poiice.


On Taeeday of Ia«f week, George M. Wooleey, aaa

of Edward J. Woolaey, eaq ,of Astoria, died. Oe waa

at the time a tfudeat ln the Uni-ertity, where ho hadendeared hiuwalf to al1, by bia uobe qaaJi-ies tiand mind. Immediately npoa therecaptioa tt* thattidir.gi.tbe stodeaU, i~eepoctii- of caaa,:and adop'ed a series of retiolutu_.de, wkich wera pah-liabedinTMK Trtiaiae, expi_**te of their afl^ati-afor tbeir departed feliow-etadent, and aympiuay la aaaaonow of his frien a, to whom __».> the reooba i«aowtre traLsmitted. In tokao of tbe cu-cumatanses title caae, Mr Woolaey, tbe father, proaeatad, aa

Wedm-avday morning, tbroagh tbe CbaaceQor, a w_4tome Bible to every studeat, ia the name of tha kttk,On the covir of each Bibie waa lettered the name mttbe rec-pient, with tbat of tha douor. Upoa oaahtitle-page Were wrilten some uo ea aud oU*»rva_uaa^wbich bad been fouid id tbe Bible of tbe deceioed, aadhis favorite pasaagea and texts were marked ia alUThe ciatribation, which took place at taa ctose of tharnaiomary ChupeJ f xerriaea, wsa deepiy tnterestiag;aod will lor g be rememberod by all as a meaaeriai titbeir derarted friend.

Arrxit r..a Fai.sa PntriNSBi .Offlcee Ba.oayet.te.-day aireeted a man aamed David Marrin, for¬merly of tbe firm of D. k J. B. Marvia, moroaaata

doing boainess at Troy, charged wi-h having .wiadiodBower, Uolmea _ Co. out $1,701 71, by Ua. iiifaa-sentaiio-a. It i« alleged thit the aecused ta Marahlast deeired to ptuctuee a bill cf good* of tke omm-

ptamaata, audUiat befure t .ey woui. sell to hia hamae'e auch statemento regaiding his bustneea aa provwdaatiiftictory, wherenpon the gooda were furaisBed.It ia clarged that tbe accuaed aent to gooda to aa «¦>-

tion-room iu thia city, where they wero sold, aod thaproeec-M deliverod to him. Subseqaontly tbo Tropfi m faded.and Bowen, Iloltne* . Co. ware aaablo iaget tbeir monty. Tboy also etate that tho repreeeaia-tioua made to tbem by M,-.rv iu were eatirely fiaUa.Tbe urxuaed was taken before Joatice Couaolly, waa

committed Lim lor examm .Uou.o

CiiAiu.fco with Fokokkt..A man named Waa.Duaenr>ury waaarreated, charx-d with bavmg ptnteia forged check for tJBk on Erfjab M. Speny of No 1»1Sixth avenue. Mr. Sperry aliegee that tbe nctuoodj-n .tenu-d to bim a check purporting to be drawa oa

the Importeis' and Traders' Bauk, p tyabte to the ordar«f .lobn Arno d, und sigried by A H. Bean, aad re-

qaeoted him a» a favor to caah it for him. Mr. 8pe-rydid ao, bnt aubaev'UHntly learuiog tbat the cbeck waa

forped caosed tho aneB'. of Dasen'>eTry. Oa betagtaken before Juatice Kelly tbe acenaod waa comauuedto unawcr.

9Thi Mi'RDKK u Tuomas stuxt.Carooer hehie-

mer yeaterday beld an inqtieat on the body of MaryKtuBi-t, the woman who was so aerioasly heatea oa

Kuuday evening, as to cau»e ber death oa Weduoadajrafternoon. Tba deceaaed waa a woman of iil-ta«e, tithe lower. claaa, and with saveral others ocenptei thohouae, No. 11 \ Thomaa street, whieh was readerodfamous by the niurder of Holen Jewott, wio waa

kilied in tho aame bm'ding. It appeared from thaevidence tbat on Sanday night bat tbe deceaaed aadEnos Fonlke got intoa qaarrel about _. oanta, aad tbatfinJ.y Fouike atruck hor aeveral lloa/a oa tha aeatwith hia hat. time 1'ell to the fioor iaaaasible, aad ooa-

.Luucd in tbat coneiuon antil herdeatb, which follawedou Weduesday. Tbe inaatee ofthe honse, sappoaing:tbat tbe injurad woman wonld recove-, kept tho affairfrom ihe knowledge of tbo poiice, antil it waa te© litato render her any aaaiatauca. Dr. Oeorge. CBc aton made a pott-mortam examinatiou ef tha body,and loanii that tbe blows received on tbe head hadprodueed compreasi'.B of tha brain, whi th was thacome cf death. Toe .Inry mturned a verdict aocord-iufc-ly, aud bold Foulks reapotutble for tbe deatk oitha woman. The priaoner admita that he atraek tbadeceaaed, but says lhat be had ao iotention of killiogher. Fouike is a longahoreman, aboat -1 yeara of age,and w aa horn in PLiladelpaia. Tho deceaaed was 33yeara old, and a native of .Votiand. Two men, aaaar-ADauicl Williama und Kphraim Hose, wbo ariiaaandthe hh'r.-y, were detaised aa witneates, w_la YemlAmwa* committed to tho Tomba to auawor.

Kkat. E^tatf Salis, Feb. IC.Tbe followingw-re uiade veiterday bv A. J. Biercker. Soa k Co.:4-tterybricA BOOBOmd lot a, a fithav. 4t), a eith-at,

la&a'.».9VTm3 -tcry brick houte _-d lot No. ViZ K. 81.' «., IfLSinLB... 8,-BI2 a ttury briok h-itia.- aad la«t Noa. At aod isi W. jau-at.a 7,1-11 itory brick houie aud lot No. 177 ItHh-av.,UalCO. 8,108


Accidkhts aid Itr^rEiTS..George Baker, of Na.tl. Prto.-e ttraet, trhllalntoitottad sn tbe lSth lott , tell _.-. af.'.gbt of *t*-r*, aad ..a*t«t..e_ auca .u>r.e- a* ta mwait la daalk.Decea-ted w_* a utliae of I u^lao-.l, efd fiilv jraaia Cortaar.'-..iruier bald aainyuetiou tbe body.Ueury-arry,aytangman en#Bfed at Ma 111 Priaoe ttrtet. arhUa Bt work itoot ..«.r.i,.-hineiy, bad bu va*t oa_t_t ui a revolvtoj ahaft walek tBrt»~m ut-«r arlta ttKbforoa w to break b'.i uw«._. Taa doota.aiw».-oove7Pd U> hU r«tiaiauce. Nu- m Thixij-uXk ttttot, tat%Ut Corvuar nutiAed.

a[A-varl_iaiial I_

B i rr-uat or's Hair Dn Ww and Ttyrt-ifacraai, Haaovai* la 10 BotmVtk. Ytieete^*f+*1*3-^B*.«__^>b* Haj_-i>«aiBw FaOAaaiBaatBR nflaumo BONa. le BtaUiC Fitvatawaiaaoatar Uilaa.


f A 0________aa__B_flflHB_k 1Loa-KHi Clfb Sai-C-L.Tbia anriaalad Saaaay

_a^.>i*__i*a_r*- kT Paajraa Haoa- haadao, taa Ba *iula*4 4£?SSu tkm*^i_?'~»^Fi'R^'*«~J_»ettUi^iV*i-,nwtet to lha Wan*«anaira Baaea, aad BB ba o_.ufetd al oaa-fca-'-Bi >»<*.- m

Wrv bi mt Bot ao I'eavaataK avi> mt Daoub-.rax ioI'iira-1-LT *. **4J,4*?Tr.TI'* fcn,t "V ». aarUt t_aToa-aa-f emduerxiy io thata. A rhraaolw«iaai Ktaeaiaatioa atto-iaa B Wa-'i 88B Broadway. will aataar tha oaasatoa.

[AdvartlaaizMBl.|The Orakof. Blohbom Wedpoiu Kitvelof^

iwt laaaad. ren b_-utifol leopyriglii taeaea.li tt Kvaana-1 >a\Va_d__toar_rdIiapol, Na. antl Br.__adway, aor Duaaa^C AlaJaii aavgaal tatoTtaaeai et Fraaoh Nora I'aPBa, all oolort.



[ IdvarttaamaDt. JfftiVRALiVB Povdrr fcjLBTU.K uproota hair ftanalow K-reheoda. uppar llpa, ot aay part of the t>-dv. W arr*at____S_.^..».; W -uAet-.1 am ttara froa Hroadway. ^^


[AdTtrttnitatlThe "RKiOHTRlss.".Tbe methcal profeoaiima_d nthtvt ua iBTitad to eiaailne UI* tattramoat. tooalaar wHAoiber new appliaacai far Varioosa, Ptaa, FtalaoMi Aal aaajaWged BBBB ot taa met, bioaontr*, Ito. Na B Br

f *_t.-'t-mtat '

hfiDieaa of Bottlea of Mra. WnraLOW's 8o<m__Krv*. btarr ara aaw uaed avery yaarta la* I'nlWd ____________M __tt -Othva Teatbia*. wUh uatet-f_il_« tuoaaa. RailaT |7___.diata aadcartala. Q_lyABt«atta iMtUa. ^^

fI'.u ui atiob or NbwKoglavh.. 7V PkUadefphtmSt*9 Amaaritmjm ia indulginK in cilcalattona reapec-aaIhe popolauou of the ouotrv, ia advaaoe of the bbSstia, aud makea the foCowm« aatimate of the auiae^r oa!lohiibitnut- m tbe aix Naw-KnyLaad Ntateo- MmmwlK76,OQO; Naw-IUmpabire. tOMO; VomuaL XO tmilMiiitaa.bunetta. 1,^1.1.000; Rlu.de lainud, IST iUM- Couluev'ticut, 4rti,uou, '^^i a,saa»,ouv, ' '
