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New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-03-09 [p...

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iít^váftiúlQfáiJmto MARINE AFFAIRS. t , We PBTO reeeived from Mess-s. K. * ««« W. Bina' a Bsejresl the West Inn-i, or W.o.I ward «fessait, woieb taey aave jttat published. It contain« the authenth« aad Nrtm tnrve«f« of tboe» islands, and is BBS ««TfMt ead toteet chart ibat bee b4*» poblisbcd of that pari of .to world. BSTSSI m «toffST TK- aurotioo of the LAjjbi-Uitise Board w «gain Müll toibe rroat BkwM-*J of ft«*«-in*? a suittVe bencon OB Mill Keei, (.pr-»M,«'N'-v**Hrl*:,,w"l'inK:l1 V<K1 Ka,!- Ob Toe*da» and fVedaeso-ay ve^seWonld be »eon piled er» en the recks: u»d «sel is the case fcluaos». dailv. Toe Bn.ee in üssee waters, pertkalarty to and frota the coal dspou of Ei)M.be'hr>;>rt, is very extensive. and some ejteiiri'.atsfein»? tv-Rik should lu» placed on this d_n>reroos fwea. fliere st-nne soflieienl on the reef to build a baaaon, viliH'h is rvanti'd, «H», with a bate t'«'tcet eeja»re, «mi 1KI fttt high, cisuund «bared, wi'.btbe points i-ralrfl a. lui »be river. At pieeent there is BBtbi:^ to aotity mai inen of M t»ï «irtoiR HATABaaB. Tbir- aew ironeViimer, fie ii.«'. . t BS kffsl ever MB Mruettd in thi* couurry, will soon M realy for a trial «tip, at which litne the man« improvement« ÍLtrodsx^d to her huildiBj.« will I»' thoronirhly und properly tooicd. Full par tirulsrs 1:1 »eteit-nce to bull, boiler and engine« will be foui»d sn'joiût-d; Length on de^k, MB 'c*\. «seaejtdkef BMM I noese; safiaef bebí, IV ft-ti'.'lûmes; dir>th of îiwld ta spux-deck, M fNt fi «XH-h«'«; druft of wa'4.T ut load-line, |9 fue'- mm ef irriiiifrsrd oeetinn Ht above drafi 322MSaMf*a ; toenaiï*. 8.0 tnne. Her frame »s of wrotunt iron «lai» s, lu»} imb in thickness, ana t!.e*e are seca'ely teairrjtd «tuL r.veie .. -, mji ¡ inch ia diaxieler, every 3 h.eh» s up*e DtotoolOO of toBBM Offert M c-ra'-er, IS iorlus; ernee fluors, m 1-Jed Z L, B] in .he«; aided, » à»eh, aad mad« / to nauidt i k. H1 keelsons, stisinsj T, ¡ itch hy 'J4 ¡urbes, und , inca by 1 1 ioe!¡«>; depth «»me VtoSwBB Sd* is fined wua a verueal direct t asiré; dinn pt«r of cylinder, 5»> tocbrs; length of stroke o! ),i»i.,i,. BffBM I un!.se. iiwmet-. of «crew. 14 t.-«-t. Ba'r-rwi. i «st iron, lei riii of sime, 3 feet I iac oes; slir b«v 4 bUe»e atd a pit.h tt feet. |M ¡»i» "i '. re.urn uii.ular boiler: length, 3 I feet; Brsadih, 1«.'» fttt, Ü MkBMS; hie.L'., ex. lu jve af eieam cilia.»*;,, ! I te*'. I «esBM; ncitiir of futu»:es 3, breed.t, ii fe«t, lJ inrhiMi; lentjtii of »-rate burs, 7 f. tt, eintbes; m-.xlrt r of tn».i s aaosM BOM Bslorr, 1 art-he: inte-nal .itutm ti r «MM, 3 ¡ii'-he-: ffaabVaMr at ibataîe mb/b, íl tiat, T ladite; aU«. ji-*î.'s. H MOI ni*xirotira ffeaoaan of «teaxi, '-.* »trnnds; bonkers of wood; «viler loettted La hold On* «»ok«-»»I»', one iii.ii tn-ti re, und li:i»»e Bump, nb<- Mlgl iHjecuon. und butt-mi rait es or c«xkt to a. 1 optn'-cys in bofotn. IK r lijj is that of a foreiop- aail t«t»4»0Der. In u'id fonto tbeas, ahf hts 1>. *_ tur or sirin« c.'ï on bvUi dtck?, '.'ó luchen t>; j inch, and to*he» by ¡ix»»h; fear «ruter tipht bf.lkaeais, ar.-J ull ¦eeeatobT] lasases t... make her a sea«voitLy s.earner. RaiXkr of bull una en^iries ('. H. iAilünii'.er if ihw «à); oivneis, Mo.a Dr s. Navarro  Co.; intended ativice, iNew-Voik to ilauu/as TBSSBI M MBB Ttere are fears iba», i! e MSMansr JBBBWEBttttib, i/sni >l4*j»ig;i»7 on Feb. 4 lor Net« IUviq, is loet. BaviDjV been out over a m »nth, wi'lioit I.* frète, ¡s'.»» was ander th* clinv»« of C«j>t. C. (.'. Hil- burd oi iiiuck Beekg *u esi^ritnc«. t-aaartoer, wha, in tie »aux.- veseel, on her preruue v:yai:e, mMe the ve»»i'e tu HaStogMB und buk to í.-rt-Voik in the r*- »oikat'l* SBSSS af '& daje Sbe ba4 ae car^-i .taust«*, obd OSSBO*BB| MSba\SJBB«j to J'i»Vrou, I>v>U*fl.i«s A Co., and war- not tally loaded. "IHK H«I IK IMB BBWaMATBB BTBABIBOAl . The s»ee_ier Tratel'er han BOM bfu'ed oll fron the lt»*-\ui_ lout for tLe pu'] itii; a n-.«- t éntr. nvd bt-in»: ot'ier eise rruov»l*/<i for .Sa umer uee. Tbc t tsUfiicu Will trake her place, a_d be under lbs ckarite oi QafSa BeeaaOi The ttreoito S u.t<». am tost 0.ni.*.'.ciit Hiver is oaea, v;i!i pro-.». Lau »S ou ,n a few da\s. wLeu hex < «neort, IS Oty, will make t. trip a day, leeTtoaj Kew-York. every afttinoon at 3 o clock, and New-Taven every fveain^ Mlloeloek. iîloe lisios Joel ft (oji.»r. THE BIM ÍTEAM*,n= I'.'E TH£ BA.WBl LINE. A dej-TiC'ition of trie Royal Atlannr Stain S ffoti Comjacy ilvmite"". loaeiet Df of DoBBM K'j-vio. 1>. L. C'ilito-'l." of iLe Irish Committee; Joba (' m.-iiy, «lid ¿lr. Wier. MuLuciDa! Director, aw-jiapan ed by Capt. Nicholson, MBMMwe on l*iur«du;. Croa Liud.m toNtrViai'iecti-Iyne, fcr the prjrpoea of inapecÜQaf Üie n.u*;ii ticeiit rJtuiuei-s do« in vji.tx: u'. ere.'-iou bff toe Me«»rs. l'ulnier lor the Galsray Line. TxtoStofl List aflvuLwd is ;ti Conn Bffjaw, uu/J the depuu'.uu arr:\eo e*ir'y on Friday morn.Di', ajien: tbo Sjream pert of'he day in examinier aeael Bad h ir twin sitter. tL'. Leinrter, iu tneir several details. Tan too great -letn if-»mere iios? bein»; built in the bai'd- ia*r vit'deof Mrerre. Palamr ui'e lu oil »dvauced olvte Con a nil ht, to wlith we h ve aire», i y refened, will be rea''y for **vanchin>f early in Mar'cL, and the ¦ether, ihe L"- BBtor, Mil] l>e readi W a ie T wi tks s>fi<.«r. Tte Connacßki ha« «Jreaoy «ill ber ma'hioery on U*rO*, all btr benas htu-d np. her spleudsd s-tloon ¦early completed, and is no neailv La'sieed ün: aittus Bti day a alter bor lpon-ching m March she will 1 to take tie ilt-ei. Tue I oijuuU,'tjf, he Well bir a_- ter hhip, HM lAinsU-r, are »} leudid specizueus ol naval Bi-tnr*cvjre. lbe foUowirif bto UM (ümens-'ons of the Connw s-ht He-length over s length U't»ve>pc per- Setsiciiftir. 880 He" brettdih, wtuoh is i_K*ailj eat ö ¡.»r vreat speed, 40 MM; depth i»l boll, ;<2 feeji. Tbe iuunu>:e of iLi«; spU ncid ateaaaer is 2,SHI I itu*, aad toe Lonuial horsepower of ber entrnee, erh cL are Blriitxy placed in ber, ia e^ual to' ísíhj. Tue prin- b4>i biJooii ia 1 lu feet long uud us cap »Me ot diuaiif v . ailort two hundred peisons. Tue U'liu' i;j ojiaaoatof ifioeat afertatem iamlrotváy tot aii i aad b_l> ot the seiend'«? rxi-ror* a Tae oil J»a_i.i.ijis ISSfaaiaSBMJ Ifftok Hud American ajer.iry, a,t» i(#».-<l to adorn the walls, aie all teily. auu a:e .1 vtiili «reat UfcTU Uüd ab îity. lu adduuu to tki* acra inrni.ila.tu n tor Irot lISBB BBSnBSMIS, «he a> I rn.i'le.J viitii ev. nr. i/ not DM for the treat« of U»e emt coaet sd leiand, ari WiU be able I aai'le avcomm »dat n to 1-ur hundred intermediate .»<. rteerai'fe paseen' er>. »or *.'..'*« cojifort and i jü- teijieLl'.- :\>t) piu. .i-i'nie Oeioj/ uwUle. The t «ait -s.-ti r shi.. IM Leu.-:»- prOSSng .ios* «o toe atoáis ol the o;í..t»1 ipto point «f atfeaaet' ¦»Sit, eiL be ready ui a fc\» betkn after the Con- «aú^bt, utd «kill be a* BBM M BtoSWÜle of IM Bn« nsic«T,i' and power. It i* coif »»enLly e.vp*H.''»?d 'tu' Re»* two irae-Jibceiit «SSBoll viill BbBoI BM Bad ready fcr ««a i_ i«\o m< BtM, and that tboy wii M the fu'tst; .»an meaati r- I ,sù waters". After toe visit t; keweaatle, I n wom to Moil to leapoot tee »!*-»«t» uow hi ii.i; btiilt hy Uim o»vit. oa'nu-jl- eii. To.ee vt>s»cls, ihouafh noi M íj. alvaw»d a- tue ?Weeis ti.al uro Leu.».' OotiOtrasted Ly too Mesenj. i\lo.*r, are in a very f\>rw«xd «tale, aud will be rend y e. One, the Ih-ter. will M laaaeSed at **»..:.»;. u «-!''? u.i:.t of March, lull ehe w;l! I"- lanuried ««boat BSV eiii?ii»r*»«, and wi!i have to w* t for tJjr« pi>r. . of ber BM*caio*«ry- Th». second sf««am<'r, the Mb lor, I «dlettea, the Mc-sis. Nimue_»ou, ir> al-o n klörava'd c<,nijM.o;.. and BM de pat i tos WOM eqoalry Ba».I,«(j at !he BBBJ 1MB which the Merj**. ¡Sanauelaou at] liiud«, ¡g chair e,.mU_ot. (London Kv». Jaur ffeb. 17. ARMY ASD SA Y Y IS TI. I. AGENCE. ?- A daUclment of raited SUatee tro ape will leave ¦».i on üje 1«iL iBSV lor Texas. Tne deta* limict will .toaLw about 400 men, u_4 «rill be dL-'.nbu'«d bolvTeen .bt <LSi4«biit c.»m|ij»jji.-r, 0:1 tifcir arrival in Ttaas. Eu- "M»h^ ligr the Tu ted SjaWss aimy i< l'Oing on pretty ..ally in tliis ti«y. Ad -i^-s fron Brownsville, Texas, ..e ibjt (i.ft Toben, wiii a compoiy of ran^-vs, ¦to rnfoBj^ ha f way lie«.ween Corpui Chria.i and .".»iwot^-ilM-, uwaituit» rt- ofof.ements. Fifty men ef we IrirBi Aitilkry h_c arrived at Brau«, aad would at. '*>4* |»t<,e««jd Wr Bro«*tniillf. The oBBMM«Va«TBB» .the w*ja «ontiueieo euUioieut to repel any a'.U. k tha». ««"Kht he muile oa theai. The genera! bealia of the ¡J^'iO at CaSBfflajJ aad Fo.-t Bi*B|BffffrM K>od. Ürs.k!y n wdl leave for Vera Cruz after BM exam- .aatirin of the kilter enge. 'fLere ;.ri* I've rc«>i«'|« of wargiaiM.iegl in the Cjf 0f Mexico. TaS BiTBSBMs, ^Ht Jaivis. commmding Üie tlali gjutdras, ii su- ti*i*id at Vera tnr/ the l'rebble. at TulíAío. and the eWhUgft, at Miiittailaa. The lew «teamer Na» *,A**' »«eatly rehuffj at (import, Va., baa beeo i»r- «'?d the Half of Moneo. Tu following is a liât of B.« 'Att/e; Cooauandej, BwffawBl Hmuru, L.vuttnaat ai>| «xe-rutrve cffifer, Van K. Mugan¡ lAVnV'nan'e, Kapert l>. Lowry.llev'erlj Kennte; Parier, M*. II »r- wwhJ, Aleeter, A. Evan*. Tbe Ptor»r>.ip Fa«»v.>y.h » »vp,iti<i to >*o in (..nmW'ainn evor» rl«y. Hit o Mi .»to aavt not Irren m «iced an »et. Lieu'. S. B. L*ire ha» BBBB Bt^trntm» Bt tli«- «tarai Amde'iiy at Anaopoln Knn- i.»r T. U. WiImih to ilm «»tvet»«.' Hronkly», und |aamm Will »a Arnold be» been ordu« d to the N'aval ila^-i- Boat «ti Kllii'i IhUuhI. NaVal Mil ', I'.r, A^vicei.'rom tl«.' Dastard «ataaVm aM»nm«hip MirViv, da'ed aa that vt»K'! waa about to k.ive St Paul de I/Oftr.da, ptaai that C'ait. Iiinnn, t-omnitindaDg the Ali it-iin tjiiudron, luid tmtalled ttte. MtBtiatO BToaeed to St Ha BBB and tak«* oti hoar.! IBB crow aod «illi * ri of tbe rVe luik OriBB, stud peatman! «vito tbetn to Una port. Tie general beaka of tie CiBcera aud crew w<u fanai, Th«' followirj; ie «i lio', of ant ollic-er«: 1 lent» i art '".tarn'andmg. W't l'ani V I.eKr.y-, I.iMitonnrrt and Pxeculive ifr- r. I). McN P.i lux ..i« utcnauta. Mitten liar n, aid il M (-«il-nd; t'urteon 87, I), (la ri.on; Maat»-., N. (i-. ; « bie' FniitOa-r, C l!. nake- ; lit «a.i.timt f.n#ineer». JaaeiPluulet and J. 1. Kiuiey; do.. II vv Murrte- ad do. (.bail-« J Jewell ; Copiais/» Clerk, J V\ Jene. Purser's Clerk. M. W Wsaatnal, Ma-ter'a M«*-. O. R. W.-ren. Cap!. Willuioi M. At ¡natron»»t ncvntíy in comrnirid of the Meatiirhii. Niii Jacinto, a ill he court luirlitied, on hit. return to the liuted St«.:«*, for dieobeUieiice of ordere. The DamaiBenita itaaiamaUn Rtytmnte lu» left Pen- atoóla fot An.iD*v.il¡, wl.ee abe wil laeelta Uir JapEiKMe Comnii-cioneiB on board, and come to tbi-: port tv'rh them. Shf> may *.» erp«rted »bout the end of nt-ivt month. N*' ai.Th« Board «if p'.tvaj Ktiiriivera rtoent'y'la i.t the Pli.ladelpB'a Uff] \ ro. a.ijjtiruelaf«t-.v dayauj'o after tMuniuing a,d pa^aing the following vMl!,(ll(1nt« f : Pi-»r ...m-.-infr Bt bt Ckirjt.S T. I'ctterson, Montgim-ry ¦fen box, .>' ad .4»»'»f«»ri fo bt r'it.t jtM'wtet't.Y.iiwH d W. !!». kief, H A.h;on Run.ay. .lime« B. Ki- bail, J. VV. Tl ?m- ata A,..,t+-t, p*bi Boom I iiWieoo«» IVa» Mai vv... p. IV »anno Cb«t!ton U hid Ftoob Mivt, E. A. C. Dujviiee. Tbeedor» H. Hj N. B. Litl.g, O. K. N.'' ower, L. R. Oreene, 1 :\-h Law», Jo»,ph !.. hot r r ir -4rfmia«v a a. 7htrd Sitittunln O. W, Tennant. Eco« M. n c ajelloaia, DaotdJ Boule Feed L B. lot .-. L *»Lci»in. Lili IV. J 1' ^plague, Daat»TÍ0o, M \ w in. ó. **tai', burlin? OD, > J.. VV ui l'ai'aid .la«. Kcushaw, Ri'i-it Parta, N. Y. Höht. H. line ne 1. Peter A. R.a.irA A. H. r i.her, h i, i.... Bo I Ta»ot v i '.\ '-are', VVa.h.riitt m il. C «ibeit i. (..et ne 'Trir-, N. i Jutit Cirpoutel, SVllane harn l'a Htirv Breva, leoeab A'atti-ra. P.or.Ier.tioan, N. J Jo.eph Triaey, BaExojtta Me.; Be»jaexla Barttoa, Port»- Va. ( oai DavU (»risir.'-i-r. nf the r.'iiit«'d K'iitpp Navv. l'en ut bit m »if< ne,, û l'hiUd«-l|>hin on tue f "h. Ile «M îd hii- 7<'tb year. f.Dd acotu' 'h¿> oide.-t oblitera of eNavy, 11,» en: :.,^-nii ;ie (. p'jin wa-di'ed M «y 34, I06L In tin- War..f ¡812 1- nue Hi. it-lve ..«r- . led araa on bo-ird ihe oVnaf iliillng her cr-i> e «m tbe El ¡.li'li t'o-t^I :u 1814L I ¡.oil the «. ip'.nr« ot the) Atelinta t'v the We.*p Hi. Qela ; «rer «?«¦ pnt in aova« al ii» r, ». nd t tint- eùecmatenee he ov»d h>a lian, Iwr ibiiWa^p tu» lever lie ml of Blomaani. l'om. OeiaiDhtr waa ü>r «tíny y. :.r^ ateiloaiid n* fie NaTkvl Afty.nin in l'h'I-icel^hia. Hie rank wja oeveatû '.he Lupia li« oi Ide K-er-r\e() Lie».. LATEST FROH BRITISH II EST INDIEX ORKAT PIRE Al BARBADOGi The lit.,* Imiim», pn.lieHd ar Ilridatetown, îl»»- r uti-Jer da'e of PVb. 1.' tWttaedjBBtateaxBja» «.f a d. Brranive tire at Bridjiffirn on tie riiajht of trek«.- out la il'. Allvyae'e lutn'ier ^B1<^ from wh-rh it etirrud to Mr. J.'iire'e atljt aad Metar*. Barraw A Daaatrtett't ai aod eetablion Bmat m Hlajk wiaat; mil Bafote anj Martnal atoeen of cherl.iutr it irireavuilahlc.it bteamo ar.xrutrolU'ilc. Kr« ai Bbvroaj f Dommeu e ï anrtmtl to »> e lee Hoaee. Ir Hi;, m ¡and u| ou the I-ir;'« buildiotj ni the (.' aaatnm* »¦»'iut otv-eunot-e Booieo cm tbe »^ppoeae tina al dugâ rtrn-t wí.i'h at re non eavcloped ni liavci««. On li.r ¦i tire npre*'i frn-j- Allcytii- a Batí J ti"> e er and eeaJ taiaa aerea Btnbla e-r.-.t to MtMr« rroiilii,(l,«:'H toierte,tala MürihiJl e'reet tu the eart »cd ti.- í.r»en on the 8oo b. The flame« {etietruted airoe« Nelson a.iiitre fr the renne of tlneoe m. oing on to iba brade»» und uhating rBTfWaBt|Oi Tiiae the three »id«--cf the ftqca.e ¡.r h alt d i.n laelneafatyl !!«.r;i. m rtb Mom Ubi inarianr- yard it) the aiulill«', like a boon«, irnriic(iia«ly in frcat of -.viuch s-tc-od Iba a-atue of the vid hero. The tKiMiere aid lie 1X11140 caiiie to the aid of tLe . e, .--ti. red to et.eeL the prop'Csa of the fl-»ui"?. Beteral huidio^'e were turDcd d.iw'u. ILe Li»L vm«Jh Curried r^arke to dietict «juarttrti of ii.e ii.KTi. aua i-et fre u. otl«r bniidingn. Bvataa, toutea, and iumbcr-vardb ortre doatroyoc, autil aac b 1 tl . town woe lb tlutiir-r. V'/.r IV. a/ Jiulxmi na« " 1hei vuitof Kivim-d CDve-cd w.ü. are eiould »*y folly at large, it not latter, than in the tire of lb-!.'. ano'a lbrte BmttCB btBaj in tt.t ceui-r of tbe haainot.u pert c* (be tawB| tne valce of propeny deeir >\u¿ D»:»t bo riinrh greater. It in var.oufly eftina'cl at fu ii; a miiliou doliere to ü Uiuii-a of v »uujs, ;_o¿ t r. -ui opii ¡on H«e n»to fil it >it £510,0181, a ft r;- ù-roiiPideral-le portion of trhicb we regret to bav it iñ- eared .lot Uetettina* A'ÜU.IRH)." ï* Mercant.le InitUigtnxr raye: " TLe deet: uctlon uf proiierty etnbiaem ainct-ir olben 'h-' t'oaniir-ar ut butld::.'.'f in Trafaiiriraijiure. 7A Glttb* and Bmrbmdian irirjiiiiic eataihlialianent«, and tbt bntiaem ¡ircaincH of int foütutiaa men l..- att A;. J 8 (i A ley ne, A. Jo;.te, Harrow A I) a mir. *.: t "l.y iioodei, D I', t'otton &:«... ilbe it-e erttt'.l sh neu' J. Car ford, TiOtvbrid^e 6c Co., P, Kilkeliy A C^., Ctrixath A Joflrap, AI. Ii. IrHÄ- -, Jan,« Bsatll A ( ..., F A Ciairmetae A Co., <i. A. N'k'hi«'ii»r«t'e A- Co., IT. Ktll A Co., B. T Yoql-/, J Gill (tirnagiH). r1. B. RarhaL. Jattt-B A. L'. Ulli, LJailiud RoiROtoV Co., 8aa,ue¡ Bo.xi!!: 0. W. ¿K Clean ¿ (o.. \V. U-jrill, W. llew."'.. .1 11. «NiaiHioii, J. L B. K. Curtí» «;.i! a iik tte W. Morris (ca*iineuiiaker), Taouiaa iíar- mI.hÜ le-.bijje-imakfcr , Ac, Ac. " The eutîeiers for the uio.-t par*, are amonK the sore ret}.ecUiLi'e ai-d well-io-iij elBtitt, tvho, Kre at th» ir lofie» aie, will tie able to U-.»r them wit loot die tn-cf; but in B«J «re«t, a poor Icv-ality wa* earcrK by the lire or fvar-ntictd to eUy it« pro,re»o, und a nnaiber of poor fepop'e hare bata rendered aOBBOleai and do*'ti- tute, for vrhom, we tmflt. aoaaeunn,-' will be dona, aud thai wiliioa'. uVlay. LA W INTELLIGENCE. UNITED STATES (lltCI IT COI RT-Mvu 6.Befor« Julgt rinAtiEi. COBTtCTlOB FoK ramiae «mOBaaabVBIl coin, Jthrj \V. Curtía wat trieU for paae'DX a couulerfeit 30krter do lrr on Mr«. Torrev, »t » «tore in Metalta attetrt. '1 tie urj returned a vtrcict oi ^tii;y. .-.eiiter.oe v ¿» di 'erred. J.:.,. P. Dwigbt for the I'uiieJ Suten Jac«» Riigi way for tbe (ivf.Lda.-iL ]«>D1( 'Ml M.. Tlie Crand Jury preaent4*o indictments a^ainat the foiiow ing in raoii» J«n,t a >. \V i.iikiiia for purloining a letter s-id ¡ta con'. :,ti. CBailoo C »»cLttloy, 'barged with ottering ¡rrged writing». ;.'.. piejll.-i .- Oe< rn.- Mai-er, leco.-id mkte of tbe «hip Dei ctthire, cbariel with llie rutirder of Jaiiie« H.'.;p'-> J. a »cuirai. He pleaded out guilty. ? SUPAEsVJE COURT--Im*u»l Tiao-ilaati î.-Befbro Juauce ijo.K.H.a. not l( r. Tbe ralendar waa cfcllt-d throni>h thi« momirii, and «»»riady 1 he Jooge nntitr-« ttie lier that u".«as coure ael are letuy aTttk tiieii ca«e,, a «.reatei uuuiieroi causes wi i ¿. \ . M'a.-. « tiatiBB Bef«are Itatlna StTiiiaLkrvo. m. iBiuna. John C. Tneher u>-t. liatU tV. I'ien-e. .hotii mo- l 'oata It eitler party. John \ an Vv. :..- | ¡. ( trcliu- if. Iroolittle et al. .Til pli '...tí- e- i,, >- i te t-e ni'.al j'.dguieDt for the t BOOot i^itrt. ornli the »kirie Ciata aa il C ki. Dot,', tt .. had put iii no iniwer; bat I ti.ij.fc toe teí-dar.:. !>¦, little i-. :-lie plat ut Ifl her taxât -'.e sud triai of tbe la«, J.ain» d (.y lier aniwer, without OLy extra aliowance. H r fore Jr.atir/ Al i B«r. K.itvari Kheîlicl.! a »'t. t'.:."eii Hercun..Motiot do ri. wrh t 1'" ¦¦¦'. wi:, ¡. v |0 «aiw«r, lu. MaiirMot Moncpef ,^i. John âlonfriof..Ordered def.-LiCk.it pay to tl.e júaintlfi aliuony from tue C na aeiiorixirbt tf Ike auii u.' »i pi«* week, axid pay c paxtat I . a.torney. Ti.onu.rJ. J.nte diet. Jonn A. I'nderwood et ah¬ ilo',fil o- Lied wiUiout eaoto, Ilouiet ltuai»d«l! a*rt. 1/wellen J. Weaver..M jtioa der ied etttk *l'.oo»ti. Tbe Uanoa Hdnk ai*'- 'Mrrel B. Mott..4">rderel Uiat Iht atdtl (-! II ' Keli ree »uitcii- r:.- ai. arrieiduieet of trie . ., leai.dt». a'. »t. totither p»riy, Bud ij.att)., i ' ¦¦ »,'!'!) '> Ototteate tne kàotlt r lii.e.'y to »u-eiia Ihe euLit>.aiu' Ii IMOOOtloa ai'd If the filairi'it .led to i:..ke i pro aadlnao bt a ajod aaVil i. u> »aid u-oliurr r.'.'. to e«,;eet 30 dry» Tbe Cum E*otaa«e Pir«-. toMtaaei I.«um»»a8| a^t. ¦*l a aotatedl alii ? ooaa .IBBbwI aiaitiii a^it. Uei.rv N. Hoacti. Motion d«y oled, with BU» "*'-. , - . i ... i }ii-iiri A liirru.'t. V> a>. J. bvma «-t al--A'W.h .:ra/td»at V'. J Bj B»«, »rd the leaidko of toe mo- uo«, d. oi. PtrtP* li.fore Juti.'ee Js«a«. JobaJ bir.i/ag'.. K«yer.. .s^i'.i Hrl»ar*tj«,r, n-Mdinp in. »ew.ïotk, Biaitiirt tbe de|t-rti»r.t», who aro aCrnovatloo lo tta« State i "***< ,**. *.' ° bav-iales-oorn. In N-a Vor» »i r! »everal of the pnu'li, »I title. lootett tie en." ttviraetprl -( t* ""'i Oikllltng of JimnUot .ilveraarel y th. BOBw>aB rer roe deft :.c»Lt», «i t-t per et. It »«. ...a tt. »ati »a. bad p.rtiaJly «i.d Lnperfertly prenired, ai d tie Otfendai..! rtlii-. d to fjrr.i h tl.e f.ate'i«. M ttr em btaaing wcik mjept fifty tota, trioat of wl.ich had been pBd fur ^o sperlAi datnsge wa. pfov.d, an I nui.e all'gtd. aid tt appear- the plal» UTbowo abowing «Lat t!.a scli.al »a'ti« ut'llie «n.bo ..r,| w«a i,.ott than ilie «i tria-t price, tbe r;0, rt heiaithal |kaj lab «f BH_p . uasno: the uLl.-'l p:.C* oouteod- »d fer hy prVntlir, and »u »peeial r»«tnar/e« we»e «bo »i, ibera w«* ao»Lhig »or »he Jbiv I, par* «poo bnt t'e plaintiff« ri«b». ift i»r«r»ei t' e .Dial) balan** or '»oil doi,e, and at Ue e Be* «ri- lii im of a .«aiibter-eiaim, theie nr.e.tioua oi»IV wookt be »»»«lit »?¦i te i be J..r> on »» rd"r»dsi text S. F. C aik. öl for pbiintttf ¥.. a. d T.. F Brawn for ilefV-.ti J«ota. I'lMHu'm«. Iibavi riian lierai. I BM the ff4HBSJM RAIiBSAB CAIS- IK» in IBStTTlOB SUS- T»is D 11 fil», ai Bl K at 11 BM, Tbe iiJDnct'oTi tee«raiii>nv; il-e C imxvin Conrcil of tlu iiy i|.,ui gi»iiilug ih« riebt toihe Bew-YeikaméTaoberi Maiiio.d nt.ptuv to b. i,d a road to «r'uin NBOatsa lli,.,i t. esa., 'iptn *»,.. h.'-re 'be l .'»He at , M; t r or. .1 ent It «III b. ii n.« inhered Ihm (be p-npr,s»d rril.nad w*.|i SJBMB*BM and , iii'i in 'I.» by «ad «e oeil b et «f ti s ffveewt] o-., oaf* »iojg tb« mute hid peer, obtained aareoaired r.y law (In ll ernrr.e ri»y »n.l hefrre th' «<ijo:i.-.-e- afil..« R-iard af '. i, r .11 «ml »|i.mii the public uulic~ rc.iu'leii oy t'e '*ib S. r'l.,1. afttie defend*«!»«' (Tnr.iter (V-.-ed » pnl I«, IH.S7, the»' «I If«« t.'r'i.iù'tleiî <j lbs E- arJnf AI'ermen .,!'. »id p*-»»d bj *a'd oo«rd,aotwithr'a'd'i.r o'jeo'iou» »el i *"e hj 01», er n or» f t'ne 1..'.era the eof in n.iati .n of .»M .1 tb ffr I" 11 ol «aid »et, w'.iro pluvilíe» thai Wj ordinance a biro «ball t.ave p«... ,1 «a« Hoi-.l abaS b- SOtM mom by lb« otb-r ffeeed 00 ihe »«lire dry. rnle.r uiiai'i:,. .11» cote* «I. ILesrid eirlipaore was »e«t to ihe «»«ycrnf »»inrby for bl* «pp-r.r»l he deet-rerl aopmve tie Mr,,., and within ,... 'I ne required by Ii» retar:» d ibe »»me, vCth hi« objee,'lnj», to the t.l 1 board ol t'.nl.e.,.- en a *«ul H.-at'*» of Aide men »nd d > intl:i.,»ii llie-eepon were a* r.i.t »o pan tbe aime iiotwlthit<-:i(li: ,- th» n' .-- Bett, of the * «v,r »»be 11 a leu!|.or uy !i,|,"ct »11 -a» i.b'»iu»d fro u the lor Wie. B. Wrieh'. Ju.'g» at ite ejoreme tear», with ,1. ur Bet to «bow i». on the .Vth s-, y ,ii Jtuoary, ijs/i, woy the I »u.e «1 ouid Dot bi made pi rpeina'.. On tbe aatd S" b day ..r ,l«U'.a-y »ft.r argument of r> «ato hi« Hnior Jndga i.omd «iratain» I tbe 11, ,-itir-tt»!., and «a rier «ti »ulered n.k'n« ibe «au..- per» eiual. Krem Hi« Oeii.inn the défendait« appealed la the (n eral Tere o'lin. (-.ri, srbe je-'.er.'.ay, alter a gtntrat, su.taiiiel tbe 11 innrtira ero the spot O. I»e»n for «be defeurajit«, R. F. Andrew» »ni Wm. M. F!v- ail. '01 tbe pkkiii.tl«. (Ol HT Oí' COMMON Ti,»--AS.Taut TSSB MlBMl Hefcr- .'udte D»L». 11 Abitur »?». Hinki. hiri'Eiis. Wat Faro« t Anit'.rl* CbaBO l'Iointlt-sned ce enfant, whj ie the proir-etrese ef ( l«rl a He'el iu l»v »treei to reeorer damage» Í r the loi ci lene'rr and w»'.eb move nier:«, wbieh, tbe f. tlntiH * 1. r. ». ». re Hebra !¦»_ hi» room. » hKD be occupied ;.i Oefenla:»'.'« Ii-w-l. Pa-lathi '.. »'.itird l'ai be r«iue to Ilia t:m'ry ia U.-er_v-'. )-¦ Sm, «ud w»nt 10 tbe ferdant'* hn'e' tr bi«»d, he placada ilWOtohta roniii, ri titt.utug rarlou. stet-1 walrh ba d. I el,. 1 t-,ol». w»ltb U ove.ie. .il» »Uil otli*tr_tlcIe», Vjiued a* èi.'r". »td tb«: defel.dant mace a «prwial agreeir-nt wtta him, vri » -»-by il.etiTnnivea tn taie rare of «ail propertT. Plair,titf wenraway f«S Si» Il ils liai« »-..d oa In« return tl.-p'Oper'y wa» «err rB| II» Vidant nul 1.0. sue l:ui «uy vi- iuui ol i ». ().-. rr->««exiui Ü atier. .*.Mi,tiij odniloed ihat Defore I bid been in l!..rk'a Betel breada)* be »o» eneeeeS 'or aaseggHag «>'d te*-u le Bioerrin «tieel, I. ,t be ».rojed, war IsBaBCS »ad sent ;o the Tr.iT. t,., wb. re be we« -ontn.ed for -ir «e. kj t'»'.ei li\e O'.lner oBSWaS le*'.Hred '.bat be aeired «ad took «¦. .vu,e of lùegood*. 'I be Juiy dl-.fr. ".ill. ¡am \ ar l.oim for plain:;*!- W, r, Howe fir d'fe-.d tat. lebn B. l>iofle.l.i ,gi Tsw* N Birlas hi this rsra tie pi »»ntt ft allege.i that the defemlmt pro, ;. d a lo»u lor 1 in» frouj tbe lulled .Stole. Life or j Trurt OatOBaS) »i!,o»ni;ug»" BH,ato, On .itir.r plaintirt «bis ::.n:i"y toe eef«M*ieetretastsad BBM owteethaaba ». aiij«ved'ir7 «uktoM to retain '1 bi« »uti N now .0 ,ght »o »»# re. or.ied. hi*n«u»r, th» aVffaBOOBt abege* that one ller.gi*»rln Co'lln« ' i.l «»uti.l bin. t- -> ne tbe Tu» 1. and tnat tw ,.'e'.i,,lvnii t.á 01 Ij irr.lvt d ri SO, ar.d l.ollir.« the 1. o »1 .der. Veldictfr»! BiaaMBT, H-'A^i. Dewey A Sav*tefu. «BktoBaTl N. 0. Hoiie ior d»f.in'.a ".' SUPERIOR OtjSJRT B>MI«t ikkm.-M»«. *. 5 -Befors Juali. e vV OOBBI SB. DBCIBtOB, John I!. A. AH n a*;!. Frederic«; Hiirrrxlv..--Case ent¬ iled. e COURT OK »ÏKiNKRAL 81 SSIliN<4_M ru. h C.Be for. tbe <-T-\ JlIM,« Tbe Coati aaargediboJari ntseewoof Atoceador N r Bette, taSteBsJ lai «ea«aatolag a npe «o i aettl n-^ued K»t. lind« nüCier. The .lu j retired. Tist lad : n reta/ueü a: * Uie bo; r iu Ik- ever ing A lia, k or,v.r. . «a . I M1 ,)a»l fla't, W«* SOel I »he I'eLIUn- lin« fel 'our ur.iL'.l » MM dr:vi:'g over 1 sw) ««BB0«1 Jimer Boj ie. on tbe )>t»! JniB'.ir tiie wli.ej« 01 bis ear«. g?._r, ovei : I. il 1 be iejt:m-ny if lam» « t »mpheti »I .we 1 t'i»' II irt w,. . c, i ti »t he l.-are ouHii»..;,i» kokiug bi k »I tbe nor, when be V.new tbe wb«*;* ai hi» ejm had run or.r him. \\ 11 leetei «atejs»« I g.ilty to .--ault «nd .«Itïi-y upuii ijeuig^ I ¦ 1. Ut .-.-.h o: Ap-il .«»t, »ad w«" reír and.-d fer »cru»'.-. .*. tVa». Te»!* be* lie M1 ai Iteasel*« Tait «Ilia l*aib. aras lilsl ...lue a,.-v,.' +¦¦ rr-rlb rf sni«H rirlor tr*m he till «f Mi ( our*.!. A paíUn-r of Mr. Ce.arrd'» Barrad Ja Cob. bed Un' t e »new IM !»:.» ut» bod t»»e-.l tic tr>u»\, »ni whdge turie»d ont to be mere »uj; »"..j'.. T-vir wa« dit- rl.tT' d. Jim»« Jotiier ai (bar!»* Manuel, -olored '. t'b*r». in peit- tier-uip ht No. bi ' e.i'.re iirerl. »eie -.r.aj:.',80l u,e tb rd di tree, and p »,i»d ri »v Tbe ¿r,,. e-' «toie o: >vm. tí. \ oj, No. lu e nur-h »reune, en'.-r'-J Lr tl .'m ou the aigtt ot the )it of Marcb, bbSB4Sw ttaU . w-.th loae rloibi:;: tu a.l rvonb é m1 » I d-.,». They «tere »rri .t. 1 wfJe tr»v»l.-ig ..*»y e ,- Jol 11 l'ouabj-t ^ »» »eul lo Ibe l'eu leotm.-y .'-.: >.x SSSMb«, f .r . ta iug «o»>e audio*. He told tbe Cea»! . Dad au cl.ii- dien. Mary I te aba* Mary Clane. * tvoiired »ervar t in the iimite of Juila KiilhtnliiKl, No. M »*> et« Hioadv/ay. pn-i-led gui! y of glaLd lar. .1 y, 1: irea.1. :; a omctity ..: ¿r-.' », «'.awt< a he I util» to l/i'r m. tre,.. »urih »bout BSS, Sol .i.e 1 ,:til of r/etiru- »rr klary i"r»n- bris tbe pren i«»« w^thcii tro afeetel r.-ri. 1 II Mia rio'h'chlld bu', wueu aub.eijuer.ily Mr» Kotbicniid had orr-aaio-i to enter h. r rio.i: to drc«. «be Va* «uddei.iy led to 100,1,11, whtoe M.rv ;,,i,bt b.re g.-r>e 'o IM er iiewu-.'. the kif'h l'ü'-ioe:. Hoiireerrette-i h. r a«. No 41 Ixuuar.i tama*. in iu>» .r 10 tic oiin'mr. ni il.i r 1. Iraetl low rial .a pari'y >be war ».-ig.d in »t ibe hou»<> cf Sir» ttoit.cl, »l.-eeied, -.*>.¦1 -'line-, »or| eied «e.'ie'.lii I pl.y. 111* ( on«! sal 1er -»d b*I '. IM l'eal »n'iar» fo« »l» r- . John lln-.»weri,i pleaded g iitr. a^d va, ».güer.-ed to tb» PeM'enlia} M I ...o,i'r «a ti . ¦ - Ml c i,i*.uiug atoteea gl-** otuvutni» Ir. in the frort «1 .In 1 K»rle U«Bfta*aS -Son .No Ii Motegfl laue, on W'. ton of leb- Itar; l»'t. I.en »id Rj»"., »nd lri.hm»n re«idiog 'i >'itty-tb;-d «treet. n»ar Ninth ive _¦- .** -ei t- i.eed to 'be .-trleKri-« for two year». 01. a vli.. of .'"ill> te ou ksdletaaaW ... » lib «we»riug folKJy ie ISM t '¦¦ «. th-t be o«'t i-d +. 1,'j.ri «rn.i1- ->." 7. lu '.be pieoj.sea uieu'.-oued. WMM »> ijt bo.» !or W m. Hoog, i ti .d witb big.-iy 11. lot« Ala» no.»- Btl ly. .'.', 1, kerl t r'.m: m »nd » Mol me pie«de¿ guilt r '" Ibe rh rji I Í v.hipp;..- reward Bel orn,. 0 on tl. I.e..; «4 Noven- her »ud wne'rio.iidej uii'.l ffli »r. M.:y ?b»eh»n »t.d Ri bard Bertendr.wr. ploaic.! giilty of kre-j.ug bawj. ne Ia* iu ibe odjouuiu^' Ne» ó" »cd 3d Batter »tlrot. both l»IM-ud»d A «wi'cl lei'J-- ei the Hi.Jaou River Ra'irccd Company, named Li.tnid Slurpny. baring i twtasb to Lab ¿,'er ili'i »t,il,iy to »:np in tl tie toot «f I Urksnr «tree: NattB R'»er, »«- a.'* pre« lot «t>n,pf,r g ron 1'1.1» o r*p< en I Use Dee »tree, » wa»heiwr.ii -.:i re* é_ig etTte. SI Malt stseei bo loot aereelf while relui nil f wtl. lier b»»ke; from a I-jie la dirtt .'..el O. tiieen I 1. 11. *i,d N,i,'li »veuue* and MMSthsd ta lb« . pot ibeee m»i,v',,».l. Marawy luiBed r. rla re-,'.:'.e'» »n.l de- ¦ired bi r :. warm tovaatf, promising sAtWWBrd 10 ». 1er U 111.0. Il« lieu m... 1 ,, rr,p.r prop .»a-, »ii k *. * " lea, eje I Uuaiiy oil» n-p'eri I* ,ohil..iI '¡if oulis^e ci.«rg--l. but war tb waited by ihe «r:r al of a poll-eu, in v.l..) k< ard the ».,.,,« ol Mis II.uoh.ie. 1 he prisoner war »eut to the Pniiteutlaiy for one ye»r. M:l.«.| Ship.i»c »¦*» tiied aud »cjuittej «a tbe »'urge of cn.n iiiit.g »u *^ji~.' upon Leopiid ht »r.j on IBM icih ef January. A dei int looklur Urroisit narued Charle« L;e:'- rt wa11 -ied for conmifiig a tow: cri'in SBbtaOwB .'» n.'e May r. Lie.c't. in the 12ih January, tathob heu»e, No 311 Dkir.eei ,li it riet llary is a girl aboiit litt, en }. ar, .,:' axe. o; «try unpr.-p... «Vpearau.e. tste oll*Ht-d tbit » b e «eraalf, » litt'e iTother. aaa ¦M el-er *i»ter were «¡e.-tung i o bed to-etri-r. herf.'hir rtt -ai.d rcain.itt'-d tbe r-r.u.' 'uar,.di'. tr,>- ::.,l;rtuipnt. Mr rlevenr-r, fur lb« Si «rodant. creae-ciaMas«1 bar, a:/i ,, «to the fa-» llht »be sold -Ie never «oiiil beV« nude the eoui,>'iio'. agi mu l»r loiter bad 1--lot r»fu«.d tie clothe of BwlaBat »nd sbH r or, tn .,, <--B.iu.-i at hen tbey wai.l"d 10 go OOl or.« evening, »ad Se denied them. r. -.eiai vtlMaaaa wer examined to ahow "be go->d rha-ir-ter ot tl - Ixtbet, «nd »I.» -»¦ I -Iby of tb. pe.||,;.. io t ' ,e.- ne I 'o I'e «uougly *f »iu«' lie giii. ilir Jjrj acqui.'ed ihe ptii'."»r. but wat in.Biedialely let-rerted en n «iuu ar rbi (.. pret.ir.d by tb-- elder oau^ltar i»«_,ed Anna, who 1* II rear« rat age. fer le. limon) v. »> ai«o liiougíi*. ji.reiíaDle, ;.:- te mil prove». Tbo bad ckaracter of ttie giris wr.u cJmpu-lelr eilabuab. .-. '.rn '..-.- f.! 11I101I,» r vi u e», ;.-: tí,e .let. r,.e, w ». -' t- I -> e In tl.e to U of «toning about the »treet< a: ji. it. aid that ft was 10 prevent lui« ll at tue falber witbbe^ .roi.-i tbr-,,. TtieJoiy bsOOabt In a .erdKt o\ «.ii..:' skatsaá» ÎOt'RTOFPPKCIALSKslriloN.s Has. Bl -Bef.ire Juatice* Bbob mu. ( »i ; "i ll »uii Oaoeeu James Hnihe, a*«ault aad batter] tii»ed %";. P-itr.k C-n.»ai, «aiault »nd b«ite.ry »entenoe snssailiilawl. Ml *»ael lr< ..: kaw ii ai, i '..tu .y ' *Kri::lt »nu tiatterv «oBSWarM «.-ferdel. l'n'/Ick Ki-liiejy. p. t:i Inr enj i'i i.nenur/ tWO.MsBtBB Samue! l/*e, p.j;U.- I', iiitentii'y tbrea mcoi'ia LewMs atteea, ».»an» aoi b»»verj ; »e-itence «uiornJed. Kmil M:;'»r, »..» il', acl 1 i'iery ; u- r. e «uapenoed Jnhn N'ohn, «"«auli so« i.a'tery rSMBtea * SOS . iiti'd. Patri k O'Hrien. «imiii anil liat'i-ry e-strur» i.« piiidea Aieja.ii." i'afeiaon aeasoB a/.d ban ¦). local SS 1 boi-a. Tri'ilau a».»i)t »ml bat aal:| bned ei". K-u.il« Taa »ino as'fJt «bS eattery; nned Olli Jobn Tjrreb, ». .. bai'er» r.i »d 4>1Ä. lieorge 1 uele.r «««»'»It and ba'lery; lo-d ?,.'-. Ja.':.»« kVaM »««»ult irid Lc t-ry oeii^enc' » i.,:».nd»>d. ( tolla« \\ hite, _..ai II »uJ btti'-ry hm d 03. KI.MJS COÜKTt »«11 Hl .- SSION« -Before Jji#e 0*sr.i»o>. »nd Juktin« hrr: rrjti.i. ,.ud Srarsua. Hi i,rj Uoeeid^l ¡l»d r»ad l"r ra;«', a-^a lit and b it- te rj I. romo.in -d in 1897, wa- bro.,i.t befara the Csurt ,'-* md ad" iue.l 10 ball, wrr -¦. On ¡in barg« burgijrr, è i'« r»pe I «M; a««kull t i'«i. ISisall »id 1 M «a »ii ,SJB *r. BIS), John l.ai.g.Wr), 1 rj»v*l '.«-. ci» .- À M b.. h ja' U- . eV'r. Blebera M. Baai»b «.«» «iralniMlet lilsl as lor b'uMi) i be u Ji- 'me..' cb»r«e» tr.»t. del'.-i. Isut . Adeli'.e So ill, al the ft-.rn 0' Smiilitow-i, I.. I., 11, tbe brth .,. J... .-. H41, aud 1 11 tue li'.:. K If let, 11J". IbwQBj u. Hi00aly 11. d Mi» Jusept'liie li-rker ti. >,r '. ».. ',.:... .u i,n.. lie lev lir. iS. to, Klug te.tifiedto marrying de'endant »r» Ml.a IS 1S4I i bad « rn" ."i ol th» Tjvnafe, bu' net with bin: Ad- ¡ne Huiilh tes'lbed t_*t »be ».». uiariied lo de eiidant in 1 »l.li.dfi.e ctnldreu, «¿»J. a-,-i.'.».-,.i 1. it. it b»J b-. d i.rnl-oisly »b»ndoi ed him. Jo», phh.e Oeeier ratified i»t»ieu». uit'iii d to detetdsnt In Ad'i.'. IBM ' y the R»e Ml .»'i!, -I.eil; »be b»d de cLi: 1, bey separited t!:e.-lluie» . Ibi -t tin.e »brftit line rnoc «is slice iJitier witne*»s» werr il>ii to pro», tbe two man lap*« . uni'* coui »J la op», lug the ease, made t atateuient a* lathe tSeat the lb ».i«ia«n'ed to a young l«dy, n*mcd Cboilclt* Jar' U'.-ei* r. ISM wb, h ».. :..!, wo» » i,l ,:»,i,r or ¦I ui.-lvui, <d si ihe t. 01 tbe marr. a-e ro AdelJu Sarb in U.U. The uitrriaie ta Adeline wa*, tlere.'oie, ii.il and «"Bl, The kcoud oaain.ge »h blg*i,.| \. bin il.. «M inla| '. lb»i law, but di« eiid«nt did out rrn-lanr ll n.r,t\i j w.ong, lu-mu, h tbe ni.t »He btJ »Loi.iJun.^I hlin. lU .' IL. bud '.iai :ia|«, it'l Mim Ue, k»r, to.a I ¦'¦a", a J f. ; !) '. dairnditi* r..i »toed lude ted for »rlgirny. To r>on«'l».ute ¦ ol'.e: »if. Ui'i't l.e lnui». Thai w»* uit tbe ca»o »1 h tl e l»*t uiarri»ge, to Ineeablne batwis« «eVesBa i not ins 1'g.l wife, tb»- in.1 «lie ba.i.ig died before be aiatiiod in« lyl :ne Ml». hJJUB «lieber, for de'. ti»e, 'tei'lfled to ihr rar", tint de¬ le. Btal d M.r. V. , el. lei! ( IJ 8p'lug I. I, lui N.« Vo.k, «aaae »«rawly b»r y.tr« a*o !,ir th. purpooe ol haiu« mir ¡*d. .'¦.iii'j.'i V. faillh. biolt'i il d»f'Uiai.l, n-.tite ,1 to belog pre.ei.t when he (d.feridar '1 «i> married to Ml»a \\ eeka. hy tl,elIe\.Mr ,'liw.::, i,, the old Metboll.t thunh. in Ch'y«tie », New fan, ll IIM I),, nriwn olh»r«(e«ilft"<I t.. lelng pi»»* n( tt ilia céleri»» ny. Mi* Jane A»k le«nhed that t'»»y b.r hi.»e ai.d ln»i4 ibere man and wl*e f jr «ome il» htabard ff M hwell, rtlled by tbe Di.tri't Attomry, d tie mord« r! Ibecbareh o\< r w'i-h hi« f«(her w». p«>ior. and le« il-d that Ike naoie ofthe pa'ii'id'd nil %ff*-f Mi tl»»! M'Oid. Tbe lecord bad beeu bonuw.-d of hi» »IΫ l«»t ff«»« ST. »i.J w) «a It »a« .-»tuined . bel hod been directed he hkd no doubt, by aen e »ne iulerr.ird in tbi* ea»e. I It did pot appear iu erirferre. but It aeen.a to be riliier«tool, that the enratted leaf roniaioed tb«re..rd of Ml«* Week*'* nj«irl»ge, not to Smith, but to a maa nau.ed Lioyd 1 1 ba r. ». will be »ominad up Una innriiln«. Join. Jour», arraigi»«d ou «a ludletuieut fcr mUdemeaner, pieidvd «atrio, aad wai leDteaeed lo pay a liu*. of 8 IB, at 0*881 » dsy« ioipitoi tia-eut. COIJRT CAI.BalUR-Toi« 1)»T Htjraa.tr i:ttiiRT.tîiactiT..(»vhort Ctwoe»'-l*4rt 1 -No» I oil í ISA, IfV.J, I,'mi, |im 1.7'Jl, l,Mi, l.-v i .1.7, 10*1. Mot, í.lo\ I «i, 3,905, an«. 1,391. I.« -, :«-CU 2B>.|, 2 1 A Part II.- Nee 1071 I.Oai, lOr», Itl«, «,'.»46. 3 o*i. 2 tvi, 2,io», ir-", litt, Met, üm, kma a i.u, ¦.tit.a.an an, Im«, I Bwe, aaJjBf, I9*> MS8, 4,(11. 1,41» aa«, l.tui, a,hat, tn. 14ii; BtypBaBI C "CUT.SPfitL TcRM .No«. If?, 10*.», (o a 1 I'4. 170, 08. Hcrthioa Coirt .Pa»t 1. Han *WL 651, », (77, .»21 M, B% BJt\ 52', 411, (35, 4Cl,fi07, 32,1. l'ait II. -Vame lhtrniay »nd No 4VÏ. ( iHT'or fi.vti'.ar Puna-Part I..Not. 1717. 17.13. 1,719, Lim, to 1,715, 1,7!«, 1,:9H 1.7.». LBBL l «01, 1,112, I.'.' fa». n.-S»n.e|ilhtiridty, ind N, fci«..,'. ( i.i>tt ClBCVIf Corar No», «m -I", 41, jo, :«, m, c.\ R, m, :o, .1, i:<, 71, ;.,, M ttj W, at, m, w. A Laverie Saw-. Btan Oei 1 bi «faa n ana iuTt »in with * K»t »r Fat BB TV l th. . A fee» onoorhe life, Churl» e WbefedeD, a broker in thin ci'y. be'iiie Btopae and w»8 ie»'. to tbe N<i xrbnrah A'.yhm. He lu.r) ;in»o»ed mm« f iO^HMI ne » broki r, Hiiil Hi«'arv-n- Biulaiioii of aouey becaaie the prime object of hin i.to. He thought anrl t»!k»-ü of nothing elaa, und if. Iirutlly <íp<itii biiii n.ad H«i wur-ii'ii;« r.hul, an 1 *:c< Baa Bex in «trd No I, where tbe rnot,', dBBajetanB binan«:» ar« placed, sad »»hieb, rooao'i'wntiy, i* mor« »e<*nre tb*n .hen.lier w>ir<1n. About tv»n wtattk» Baje ho BBawBat errai e'id the fol'oninn niu.r.er: He took the aet of faire teeth 'rt.ni hi« tijoutb,Tai»de a taw, «id sawd I cole ihn ngh «be tl or of lr» mom, which wot on this 188881 floor. H* dpoeeii(!»d to the tirât Hoot, and amaaad. tl.iorjyb tbe window. Be waa eiti'tared in the r ty by llar.bal Crow, and take«! tick to the Aatlntn Ii 881 tutH'orefl Be bad altando:,.id the idea of eec i-og tur a i a ait«l Ute la« SotoriV.- t.iwbr, wh"u v». was fouad he hud time. With it IbbtBB 89888? liiutT nui*, ('..iilcned out, be drift; a hole tùroii^h the fide of tiia room, craw »d on', »nd let Mamau dotn te UeefTOaed (88 Bt> f..re, be we* in tbe »ecoDd atom end walked away. Otilrfr Mrl'ru'h foond him on trie University Highi«, at d be wae ag iin pal rn» rl to the I *> Inm. i< lcvr-iand t(X'oi Batata, Mwch 5. Bj\jJs*B88 RE(oit[i4 Fotsn..A volume o> tu,' reordi ef the old Son'h Chan h in liostip, Mmn.. vv'irh baü beeu ci^rcrf fcrtamBttBaa half ata>8tartlBM j'iei been brought to lii»!-,t. It wai in the BawwtH it root* foirr.«»l7 oempied hy a proa.ii:« nr. biwver, n«. , de ceafaxi, and it îa '.b. ngh». the records were i :amined ii\ lor- in »«nie; e-i t. und re a^ottTotnid itm n. It r »aid that th't» volume rfce^a ro .urh !;."t B88B tl... i«ti h fluids l'..at it ik | r-irali .. >. I Befit Bat trill I,, tt't.r be mar- .i-'tli.r.., no tawit ¡In» wi'l moCtaiBe ¦eat af the mtaatji ua ama anatatlad by tbe orixiuai done.*. Oov. Rnrkitvlfcm of ('orinr'-.-ficiit ha« Bjape 'atad day, April r>, to be obe.i.-ved -m the tnnual loBt U*7 lb« State. __^___^______ COMMERCIAL TTERh. 0) Aaira »I »kr ailorli * -, .-r->. » .-HaBCB I apJHt I'. S. 5a. fi5.leO 4'K» N. f. Ceatrai R».lirc«f!. ,tj 'W I' S U. Ij7.NT IM rl.. .»».! Tt\ tO .14 .«. '"'4.l"i; it » 0 Tenneeaea bt '!*'.... »0 :¦((« do.MiO M SI nai klUaoui State 6».. if«) do.». «.o do.ban Taj M do.b*)72' it'-. do. H>( I Co. .bieei-iluc do.t-2 :'. I ret ro.t-«.»- it io»i do.t-; ... area h«. .».to «.i.i-oo do. ¦> .j. *i roatral ta.. mil »I «o. -».wajKrle l on. %1 Xt.i itvi d;. TlJ ! at Haai K. Rn. »atMt.BI llMB do. l.iiaHiid K.ltlt .tdMt w 'ii-ii rl. « 1 il re . Mi 7.1 liai ¡?in ¡t.lln.at I'f f.. W 1 .«0 de. st- tee Jo. Il" Miril . eLt. RR. t* real t t Mi. Bka. ltd. Corv Hn. d«. ¦ travi Bat a Ü J. UK ü m aam *>.<.'. n f-.i 0' HeW'Totk.aatj H Ba.rfllt o'N. V.,rk. M It H»r.k » f. i0 to. rlu tH :ii, it,,,.,-.;.,. (:.y KK.ll«S IM Bttetdfta Ceutral M |t"0 .lo.»:<0 J-^ IdO do. 55 do.BBj 7 do.81 .'ii at Fr J. N. led. H1 ... I 25 Cniit.0 1.Ill hi.i.k.B9 '(i'i dn. Rl ". Aixi.r.caii V x. Hank ... SJ tSB d. 8^ Mk>«"»ry lent Co. S i«".'. Illîn-la ( entrai I.T. Ha Del 1 ih.d Ciu.lCo.. w:1 y. i¡,>,,« a CkJeapo Rt.. mi 45 f ). Hi 2 j do . Ml d--.B»84| l«J do. bltMJ I" Teno. t'o.l Co. »S M do.5«» im fieri.; Mi 1 «.a.ce .»m «âj .." d".ami .: 5" di. .»!«»Í>1 ü-'Clev. a. Toiedt RÍ-II M 41. mllinn do.'..ii ¿11 V< 4i.i.l".'l..'Ct;r. alt. I. ¿KIMUi V' I «lite Ciii|.-aiiy. VI ' 3.VJ do. 150 c'a. *l li'tj do. lia. <-..TO'I fv) do.»lit 10 Milw. k Mi».. RR. 1, 4im da.b.« 6 .; r it« T. .'Mee t. '». «..(«xi ltli.su.ir1 ri-ilrb.,.. IIi 1 i«., n J.-...U kl» B II 2d t4>ee.t» lioeno.: b Ceo R R ?*»«. lai Mie F f Con Hda V5 ;, un iri- I! K 2d Mtf.lU M 3-f. Feetao M.K r-. to. M 20 aie. .et» M .b» f4 ton j.. M'CxoMa ( otxpauy.20 lut «c. 191 ?.W jr, . oal Pief. I' Til.S. ', «sutiai R R .fc'^i "7> »a i*n »ron i::. IMvN. V. Central RR. a. 71 Hal do.km .'.. im d..» .¦>'. 50 do.bl'i 72'. It Mods-in Riv.t r.; ij l'H. t.t..li; * Raiit.wd 411 im M. So k M « d M'á ITJ 50 faj.aiiia R»lir»a¿.IBM !>o ¿n.bm.taai Illlnoi» 0, ntraii*. B.BII ¡o, 2«i0 do. eo ¦'¦ l.atmv CLi'..at it.... BU MO ro. 5»| ino Bt,.bin 5lH 1'tO do .«sV> 5it¡ 2'0 du. io.alO '.'il 500 Cleve k Tciedc R.K... 20* 10 do.s»'2l ..1 (1 f i!n. 1*1 «00 do.et»» IB :ti do.bMI'.2 HO »do. 72: 5'(i «"o.Ii») »n, inn do. yi BwOt i.l A.-a-j« C. R... M i>. larert L.8 vv. B II. n7 Tnrrtsrnv, March*1- F. 8. Tne ur.wa/.l rnovetnen', >, tl>e am k maketeen inueo, end wi:b bnt little leeieta-jiv trom tae bearr. Tka »d- «raDce-of tbe Uai fern faye hat brought in 18881 outtido apaaamm a, altowagh not. yett/tany irjiportant extent, a', the »unie time il.ni it ha* induei«! aeme of the anorta to cover ibeir cotitrscte. Ttie ball epeculatore b 14 I evi. dcn'.iy rt -overerj a portion of thrir nn8t888| loat during cany EiODtba of an advene market, and, vi«.»vitij; *.he lejijlarive Bemttj a' Albany a»1 likely to re«a't in noth- li % distitataaate mOiaatta,. re di. aaaad to man a more tojie/ul tiew of the markitt, now thitt we lire a- ¡.roach- in».'tbe opening of navigation, when the »mammmaf tin- VV i-rttern raitdrt ma«t »how an ini|¦rovi-ra-nt. la ('. ryral tbo traneaitione were very lar^e, with a rising nisilící. Tbe agajit-gu't? rec'rt'^-red siles of the day exceed (*,ïrO bhtt'ee. Toe opinifg price wai.'.'[ and IBBTBmatto»tiamBjBxlasBcedailng tae n»*8.Mion ;o?j}, wh*D tome thort tell»rn'on*a^.iB were thrown on tbe uiurket, wùwh checked the riae. At tb.> manatí Iburd the (.(«-iiilig .|ii'i'-ili)¡ir »liiiw-J a ilr.-lil..' nf «ih.ir.t; | f> crn?, bot the tttrkm atrcrwarl gained H-ren)»rh, and « VJ «at paid. The Nenat« bill .ntlodu. ...»! yenU'iJuy by .Mr. .Se.r,.(>uf|Wui' looked u^juar a compromiso metumm. ai.d un aiuc-h Irw« itijarion* to the Ceatral roa.!, if I, than tbr original bill. I*' the ('..'mptiny gboulJ be alloareil to (baiae 2| (edte jr.-. mile purvuuger fare», it ha* Ij»«u cal, oii.'ed ihm, BBtmanaasamm «maalae teSat of lf.'»9, thr '¦]¦¦"! aa «! revenu n of the ro.id w >::H b». $4'<J,( «0 At IBB Biam. tae mwk"*. waefirm atí-¿| bid. Panaafc Ma«] was muci: mor-i a live t'j.tu oi U'«, and advanced t-o ^4. Peanma wan k'».') BsTBanj, bn'. ma BrnBaainiimi wo.v' ly.ht. Baadlog i^ iir.u, Badat or- dt ra Irotii riii-'ail»rlj»lii,i to pun !ni>e. /- ..r r -.-. \'\ rhare», Utie waa a eta-oo»? market, with a fuir an. inat ol ti.ioMtciioD«. |.'or Hatmipjen Ceatral, tin murkct. rmder fmaîf trateacu'w«, aJvai.cd to .''.., (i ilaM BaMatBf|8a the morjitng li^ird, but wae in démuni in tlv: aJtvrnoon at .>'. Kxk hlaud a>.ld at 63). Xothiug it ku«'.. m 1.1 1 to the aipertad riltliBjtid on thtaet'^ol, «raj ri* || tmpp -ed th.tt BB8 oi :i jr IJ . «eu.wi!; be decLi-ati), pajaaJe aa tne nella;., dMdamd day, the IO-h of April. MatafU Nvi'heia old eto-k 8JM in deffidtnl «t*. hj prob»ôl» tor tie pur^fe of orj. (Milling the n-'tt amatarm. IbIIbobiCtmtial bjbb ibj¦ e*r«>iig¡ halte we.e cunte ae BajjB it-1 It, Bad .in BdtBUta of , 4)> ont K»« aeked ai ti«. clou«.' I'd«? mi for State ano«-k» in n'r.'ng, Bad (iiiwrn:iii"it tie betur. Sales of Coupon on, is; 1, Braaamaaaat lnJJ, anattvtmeof [ t> .ent. Th« rc^ie*t>red Sa an- held M 1'-,. At the Second Hoard the truiukt-t Brat very firm and fairly active, and the teudeucv wn» still ra'her npward at the do««. The Lit cet qr^nrioaa were: I Virginia >'«, 9I«:M{; Mireonri »^. H|8Ja1|| Cm- ton C'ompuny, l'i.;<rl.ij¡ Camberlsind Coal Company, I.; tlt'.¡ l'lu-itic M«u), BJ|«j194, Ndv-York Central hiun.iul, *-.<i(.'^; K,,,- iCaili-i.iH, l|8>8|| Had^on Kiver R^lrvttd, .«.ob«|| Harbm Kuilroad, li«9Ji Hariem Preferred, Ba^«94| Heading Uailroati, II |fj 4J, Miclüsjan CVntrJ liiiilmad, atr|*«*a>|| Mt.higao .vootlern and Northern Indiana Uaiiro.td, la>8|| do. iluaianteed, 17i <r |K; IWtn» Uaiiroad, IXIj 113.1 {; Iliiiioi'« Central Kai road, tA\ BtA] Galena and Clii- cgo Kailrotd, >, <r,vi; C-vul^nd and Toledo Rail- rood, lavfatJIl Chicago and K..ck laland Uailrotvd, 6.l,tfC*¡; Il inoia Centiul Rai rood 7a, **] uW. In loieign billa thaïe ia littla or nothing doing, and ratee tue heavy. FieigbU to Littrpool: HKi balea Cotton at9-3*2d.; 100 ua. lleef at 3«. N ; 100 boxta liaron at J5a 100 bblf. Flour m ?a. 3d., axd par eteumer, 10 ton* Seed at 10e. To London: l,Vi0 tea U««,f at 30a ; 75 tea. Kio« at 30a.; 100 ua. India lleef at t*. 6d. ToGlatgow: 170 bait! Cotton at 9-32tL To Bremen 100 bairn Cot- b n al Ü'-Pe. To K»-.»N;rdiim 10!» bak-a Cotton nt Je. ¡ 8C0 bbk R eta si 3*. 6d. The bornera of the Sob-Traatmry was: BaiBafoa, $IV0.t07 13.for Cn»» oro», $11.0000; 1 'aymenta, $.11,- 130 7.1; R-Janre, is, Ki, ¦'»«.... to. Tlc (jermania Kire Iri«n**inc«Comp'ii.y BM Wlarod aasmi-annDal dividend of 6 *> cent, payable on the 1'J'h iBBt» I" Money, there il no change to note. The eopply iaveiy abnnd.mt at 5 c 7 f <"ent on cull, and c I 7 cent on paper. The bur-inoea of tho CltAring- lloaie to-day wat $9 ''37,4.01. At an« tion tho following S t-rk« wi re laid by B. DbV rer, by on), r of tie a88oa C .titi'-'ller of the State of Wateesomi BI,>mM|a.oflri«*«T eertt IV'-.I. I a WTd.*"} tare» Vl«..r.rilii«»e*nl Hord.n.e IBM.flf I 0.0 Miaoworl I 4? Cei.t Ii. nd fat Ifta.M, 4.(ro Mleeoorl l4V cent Bn-rl, due '.t5".;;"- l.tYalMlieKiiiei« If-eot Bond, due 1W.i"t .>..) 0 'll.n ,.-(.¦"'.eut «olid Boa aftei I*". 2,4111 liltuo - ». I' tttd il n<i, d'," aftet IBB).tB« 88 ;i'ratii<i m'tit wen' iutnetWt on Monday between the I'entojlvaiii.i Railroad Company, the New-Jarsey Certntl [»lu'roHd Com« any,and the Companies owning the intern,f<)>.!e roa.l-, whereby cars baattBftaaj to the fu»t-tamed Company, loaded with live at ck dee'iued foi New To'k will run. via Ktadioi/and Allenrown, 118ft8»«fmafl City« Tho Bmvaa f rfanspcrtation of livo »*r>ek over tbia row rvnt<> BJ to bo prorated amorg the different CompaTii's, BtXOtdfag to the nr'!"« or road, n»»d between lMtt-'.jrgh and Jersey City; lemtHttmam tat^aamiItitmt«Mghaad Jtaaaj City, vu âBBBttrata, Il HI Bafte. The dis'ance between Pitta- burgh and Jersey City via tv.iiUdc-!phit ia 415 mile«. Tbe earnine* of the Michigan Central Railroad for tbe n>»lith of Ktibrtrttry W»r». 1VBO. 1*».»». Pk»»eurei«.»tl 377 71 tl... in M rr.-i|íh*. *' il at liiaiellaneoua. ».IMA* l.CJX H Total.81''".*+« H* *IW,y59 »5 Tbe ea'iiir g») of toe last eight day»! of the month were |39 «70 4»j aguiire' tßAJmVi TO, 6n increa^ of $6JU4 Í«». The wcerward-bonnd frd-bteare ehowinji fonriderable H'crease. Thia road, the tt xk of wbich BBfl be. | the f.K.tliiiil of the «tree! Bt from |M to «*IU 4? «bare for tbe l«ut tin montha, bar- been gradutliy hroniil.t info a cendi ion of financial stability, more aaaad and tatfamaoaaj laamalsaj time in it* history. The floafng debt han been entirely li.j'iHatcd, and the bond» of 1*30 are provided for in cash, or by renewal, at the option of the holder». The biet, official state- írent of <«»iuess for th« nix montra ending Dec. 1, .taw*, wat", under the state of depression in the W'eet, very Baiirrfaeiorv. The road e.trncd during tint time the itiicreit on il* bonilid di ht. the »inking fund of í .".'..< tO, and about 9 t' BBBt on t»e entire capita' stock. Club r »rich cir«nm»*atren, it is evident that but a in. derate iucreir-e of BaaBNM in requt-ite to enable the (i tn¡ a-.y to irtrtiine dividend pat tirent*. Tne present c»sh reeourc»» of the Company to tbe credit of 88 orae aicoCDt, will, in poini of lad, warrant a dividend of I 4* cent in .Inly nett: but thia will be ontuuent upon the I.Heine»« BIB'IBllB vA the road, tbe director»! pr» posir.r, M we unit? r-iar.d, to commence dividt-LÍ- bbIj when the prop* c'a warrant the expectation of ont'n- u-.nc«. Tbe. probabilt y i* that in July or .Iiuiuiry this pent of promir» will be resolied. The ro-id in in om- p'ete working order throuuhout with ample equip¬ ment, for a large business, with »i;..sunt;.il 1..-.¦'. ami eu Bt dtpo's und mu'-'hitierbopaul Detroit and v. BB »g' and ample dtpot icrounda. In point of f*ct, it thtr mort thoroughly Cuiehed r iad, in all respecta, in the Noi<h-We»t. ñmleanl atBaammaf tlr« taWBlaaaii *r,flirien* »o ;i»Hnro taB crock holder« of 8 large traffic, Bad ibe thrifty taBJBB8888 88»888» 8888888 Detroit, and Chicago, will bear a favorable comparison with romo of the beat of our Ktatern ronda. il---.v. Rayncr A lJlai'-w.-il have aold foir lota innthwest cx>rnpr of I.exinpton-i.v. and 5^rl-.-»t , for f '; aleo 8 h.ta on the rear, fronting tattaai, at aa»wll V lot; also, 4 aojoùiiog aod fronÚDi/ 4th av., Iic'iiii ¡lie oouUM»aet corner MaoVBa and dtb-av., for B/ljOf.o, ah of oaid lot» «ra> full in «ixt cxewpt the foar coner irii-tiv , whi.-h ^re 1' ."> feet in >i«pJi. Alno 4 lots i< nhtatt conx r 4'1í-kv. and Í :th-8t , ea**h 'jrixlilj, :i;$'.H0. aleo, 8 It,ta aoioinirc and fronting ó?th at., a.id rnnning withia HH1 BBBl of L«xir ||8a av., beiii^* ail full in a!ze. x* lota in al', aoiounting in the a^gre- gnte to |..'i,4irf). J ihn UcCiave hat told one lot ou CvH fide of Broadway, commencing '23 ft í¿ in. north al ' tb-et., thence running northerly on Broadway 98 ft 9 in., ;btnce easterly M ft. '.'] io., tbonce aonther y 96 ft. I in, and werterly H ft. 10t in. to tho line on Broadway, for *ii,ri'U. Mr» McClave BB8J report* the «alo afama thr««.-«'oryaud harvinjent hi^h »t«op, hrick- f.ont dtveliing on north BjaB ai iCah-st., between 9tu a-jd lOthav?., for |.l,IH)i». There ban been no important change in tbe gonera Iiry Coodf tn.le. pjajai cor la.-t review. Ita centraliz 4- laou to tbe great dititributing houKe is be:om:ag more apparent, and with that clare there appears to be no tV.iixtr off in sa'ea while :!ie irjcrt.'Oíe cf a*rivala from tbe wtet baa given more a- tivity t<- thotse houriea who d.4 not participa'e io ihe dietribution of trood* in Jan- nary and February. The South.Ifa8awf8 trade in ali.iot over, bat many near-by Southern buyern are in il-.'carkei. In Domtetie Cottons there has been a moderate busi-jce», and more confi ience ie felt to the future price of our chief fabrica from the lac", that the eitraordinury demand for the productions of rlie Fn- glieh manufactories for exportation to all parts of tbe world, will «iva tbem full BSBjIl yraent, wi'.hoat at- temptiig an e-ipaneion of their trade in thin contitrr. Tin' ollicijl returns of the British Board of 1 ride fi;r ls.V.'«repre»erit tn impartant increase of their exporta over that of |8Sa, although the export«) of th** v>-tr were ia-i."r than ever before known. Vet it cm« no«* be dvnied tB8t tbe BBaetal ba?iii.;sí of the ha mu baa «Jiha',i»i)inted n.any, and those par- tieH who are looiin* for a large trade late ¡n l)c IBBBwfl will u!h" b.- dÍKi¡ppo;!red, fir'jir.îatly \n the woolen department. Tne stoeka of wooleca io the inteiior. aa wt-U aa in the chief centore, are large, and there is no st irit t¦> the trade among j >bbon« or the large c'o'ikjnt: lion»«--«. Pet* pun ha of goods will be matfe for Autumn .»ir. until »ixty days at least hove i aw t> ; while la*1' year, at ttiie time, wo were m ih« midajtiif a !ai ..¦ basini.ej«. What ¡a done af preet-nt is eeaflaed to t'.'e soring np of stotts. Tae goer1«, however, a-u net BlwStad it th* nurket, ar.d ir-noe arriviüir are gentjally voit.g u.l.i bHaded wareho'ir^, lo I.e. witbdrtiwn, if po«r«iiile, under a m>re liivoi-iii). r-iaik.'» thiirithc | '.xtent Tama are cjr«r«i'iiie to this feature of tho market in fire styles of < us-i:i,e¡ís.in wbicii goxl taate at die- playd. hat the ii'.-y Cunfn. Btsl shipment* give tae tone to the i.-ade. und tlie I iyt-ra nave the al- v.int.ire. We annex avajaaj table of« xpcrti of D .meetic Cot¬ ton, for the »h k: n , , ., . , ,, Perkit»«, Valoe. DurrhWeaf |-)r|¡.. ¿,. 810,11« H.intl, Houdir».. ie |jOBJJ "*'!'. W4 TJB8 "'et1"" . 3|n M «!' N-« i.ri.i.»J». ».73 Ve»eiu.-I«. 2 1Í4 UlliU. fU l.Jli To«al. -,iS a47"(»; I'iev.iual^ repeiwd. 18,608 1.ÜSÍJ99Í ToU! ilace January I. I'J 134 81,13.'.t1M The v.iiiiu oi m .-Importe nud Bxporte al B cotón lor the month of B^ebraaiy, wh«uk follows: llh.II.. Dolltblt, en'ered for eootumptluo.* 'Li'iJ! Hi.tl.Me. Wat.hi.iMeH. ÎE'VS hre-, exc;..¡»,.0, .pvc.i-ana bulileo. ,'?* Bprrie and tiullioo. Total iaiport». Baaaaea Until, all,- merrliar.Jlae. f. -.'rn »nercl anrllae, tlutlahle. I- i f'<n d erroaallae, flee. bpeile and bullion. Tola! »ipjrl».81 ose,TO Merch'dl»ewUhdr»wn froto wareb'e feroonaojnptído. 8478,»Si The Imports of foreign goods at that port for a teiiee of v eara paat, wr re aa follow e: y..'r». r>t~ P«ytm Huty. Tittl. UK.BIH'O.MJ 8»"»9H.t44 aw.inw.i;« UM. i,W.tS9 Wl'H.IW Jl.bHSM IM». ».147.144 m.iiw.M* ».wViu ]H»l. II-Î1.Ï11 t«.744,IM HM".«» lff4. I.IM.III 4l.tM»&e 4»¡4«)'"4 it»*. t.ra.ae a-»,eii tar: . ,, , it»«. tata<m aM.isi.oet 4srii4'<*no jan.litsiiM on.tin.seT asvn«4 ami. tAnfm uota.m n'lH'" WR. ll.Ml.lltl t-,Wle»T 43,(04,«; The .Vea-Oi» .«* fWfBM '»f March I ahja: Ir. Money m.rlet h»« been 'libe-qolet »öd«?. «_»< ( tor» bre.ibe* more 'ree|y «fter »be erlvlty of the pw t»« «r tin» e day*. P»»ro«n»»«i tbe R»nk« «nd H«nk»nr n >».».» W4BB febea».»*» for the »eaaoD, »mo mttr g h. the »rgreg»te t«jsoasa» OS.iXiOOi yet they we«« net w'th the a»nal b»ot)P'Ko«*s, a** le-p»p.-r went to protest except a few CTJO'ry n^ellia* bee bren o»posited for r o'UcMon. There »»a» » miried dlrrfoTtUB »icetae in tbrg demand fer aeon. nKxUtl S thriorhon» the day, and I..* diftir'.il'y In negoriallr.g orime li-iaine«« .lotii«'"'"«. T_J move i ent« In iioe.k« and b*tnii inr icated no ehaog» of any MM on r e««eroa»'» report. 0*>-ln|. we'e ample, »nd »ale« wax« lin I'edtoSC «bar»* M.rrs». u' steal r'oekat nnr*\ati, at »44. 1 he Kg»h»ng» market opeied under a general depletion, .»« at aallght redo»:eii la r»»e»of rnmeitle Pltlit, tbe day «d- rarreo bowerer. a rear, ».(ou took piare, whir h rernlted la «odV etsle .«le» of sil ductlptlon», tbe market sjkjstej weak at ye-iter. da»'« quotailnr«, follow«: leer «tterting Bl'le, I4t7|'»*10H¡ Bill* »lib 'hipping Iloentnent» »«taone»», \*V0UfH; Kr«tiw, if. líjiy.'/íí |>d ,ll«r Sify d.y nil,« oo New V.,1 a »... ]\dt 4>cent discount; light, 1 dUtonut to pv, a ad | if e*mt «re- Uilnm. Tho Bank movement ba* been Ie.« eein»er»ate»e than fir the week «Tiding the 7'th ult but a vartetOa wk» looted for, la view of the ¡urreaeed demand for ac'ommodalion. Ece»T tteea «bow* an ir.<-re»»e. except Fichai.«- and lliatant Baiaii»^«, which eibl'.H a riBBttli n on the previo.« r>-tnrn*. Th« p recks« change« ar« in the following order, vit Im In Per":'». ?fi,Är».luc. InHneeU.BMA *Wv I,.- in ' i,c.l«tlon....J41»»f) In.-. It «litrt Loan«.'Se.«.! Pec ,o Ii b.ng-.SawinJDe* ¡n Ulataat lleiaue«a.lt2,Wl lar. in Long Loeu«....848 1331 The Trefisnrer »»f the «wSSRw Mor»t<**TO TrnaJoM of t) e Northern New-York (Ottdmshurifh) Itailrrred »rivée notice to the First Mortalité bondholder«, tbat, to pursuance of the recent decree of tho Supreme Court ci tas Hute of New-York, the in'ereet warraati for il.ei \teiid».1 Bilan»! for Un teura fro« Joly I, 1859, will be atuched (on production of their bonds) at the office of George A. Kette!, Treaearer, Boiton, on and aft« r th»: l'Jth inst. The amonnt of Hour and drain in atoro at Calato on the 3d inst, was m follows: M»r.h 3. M»-»b5. Mv-h«. 1H434I. JH39. A«"4***: Flour, hbll.«IBVJ 31574 4*1171 Whe.it. Ssrtng, bo.4'«.***, *>» 132 ief-toT (¦«.leit Bed. ba. M*« 1311.573 |_| Wheat. While »Ainter, bo..... 907 10,811 S4Ä Total »heat.41«,*4» 5A3.I-K I.IM5,«S Cor« ka.738.1.91 33.44» S.7J_ Oatf. In.1492«0 119,715 I7,«l By.«, bn. 6 157 biiley, bu. Kill «Vial SRMJS Tot.) (»rain, bo.IS*».*» 7n,7»8 l,Hl,m 7% l'htlnihlphta Uiiç, r reports: " Navlgglion will be i»»im»il on the IMiwar» r.nd Karl»*« Cunsl on ibe |Mh list I he sralef bj. »he Veri« «an») bar beea d.awn eH to illow a few repair». Navigation will pro»»ablj ra- ror, m»i In « few day». <in Friday the waw-r w»* km Into lb» I', jrn Division of the k He «-»0*1. »ud hoata bave e-onnoeDrAd1 Itintdag by the middle of the rnoitii, navigation will be opened, to Ktie.-' MarUeta>-C*R«riLiv RiPC»T*r> «ok Tan S. 7. Txt:«r»na. Trii-gmiiv, March ». 18m. ASHF!- Tbe Baikal wltbo',' change; the cernand BBT| iaie«..f'.5bM*. Po'tst 05 85, siid'Ohtls PevU «5 43}. '. tlffFRR.The trade i«moieaeti»e: «ale« of 5,Ú09 Dea« Rio at li.'tf I.V.. the ran *r r0»ef"r 2W bag« Slimming«. I OTTON.The market «»easy; »ale» of ¡JtofftjafeB We jote Middling Cpland «t ll'.c and do (Jnlftt lije. KLOLTl AKU MhAL.Toe lutrket for VV»«tena and State Float I* more active, particularly or tie medium and better g'-iuu: tbe«e»»e »««In better, while State nr«ed« are.. i»et «t .'. 'loer rate«: ire »irira * are medente : the sale* »re t l.*!V> tbl*. *t i.^ SOU *5 2"> for SeatjtSaa otate and VVeaters 4>í»ó'»1' *¦'> 56 for I Hi» i-tote »nd «A »«tern *J to for choice brand« do. e*'w> 06 h tor Shipping brand« of Ii oucd Hoop Kxlra (JHIro; $6 fMB e>' for trade brtudrdr.aad *«¦ 2014756 for at. leroi» extra«, laiaci n Fieor'. »«TJ brni.the rec»-ipt*limited, »nd the d,-ri»iudl gord: the «ule* aie 237 t>hl». »ft 4 Í miieè'i ¿i for Kill**, hootberti Flnur bet'er, »nd »till more »ctire; tbe «VaMM la iu Mrt »peciU'iv.' «nd there i. a good Ijcal au« l'ai' m.p.ing lelre* o' Ml bb a at 4>S lr*5 *.* ii fut liaperñivs Balti- »nd .>»» >Oa »> : 5c for tbe uei'.er g-_e«. K re 'tour it. !«il dr.ii«!.d »lid tiliu: »>le*of la« bl,'... »t *.t '.'»'i * » 4ÍI. ton Meal vn ; quiet, but i* »'h Iff *3 Si »v.+3 7" (st Je«»ey, .mi Bill fef Urandvwiue. Bo.:kwueat I-lour ia wanted «t I 1 75.7*1 ttj ft I0u';6. ti HAIN-1 ie demand for U'leo» I* more »rtive, and ri"*t kino« »re toot««. * lute.- held m n.i.ieraily higher, and loatli- ern 'a w»nt»d; tbe er are 11 "XA bu'h. Cb»c«g< 9 SI 2.'. a *l 23 in «tore; 5.8 I bu.b. eho'.re Milwaukee.: ol *l to, In »tor»; 0 5-0 bush, good W hit. CanalUn, at f». M, la «t-re, and 4 7rc bo'h. good Wbi'e Indians «4 Bl '-' « »tore. Parley quiet, but there lit' 1«; cbange to Bit« in iu l the »nival« a e light: w* quote 77o.!«e. Barley Malt »a iti Mr i.iiin ¦( at aua'/tc. Oat« aie ileady, bot ire ratre vtive ; ii>«of W, «tern und Canadian »t V!, «44J., and Stale »t II Rje ir wirh'Ut rl.auge, the demand fair; tales el* .'."SI i.«i. atb-. illost. Corn it Ie«« »rtive, and Wa.te - ha'dly .o turn tbe Ir.'iiiry m»n,iy 'or ».It I ast and home irada «oJ»* i III i'bu»h at74a7Ü-. r L'ueojua; 78'<f80e. lor it BBS »ud Yellow J»r»ey old aontbe'u. HAY.The fimii.ri iaHahl, and the market i* he»»y; «lie* of «I 'I', h +. i' Uli ft. HOP«* -nntiioe oai! at form : illlr'.S.'lie n.ark^t ste.d) and a HUle mere eeOve ; »ale« ol 1 H" Vain, aibo, 22 if, av, rage »*. ¿ljc. ; \,#*- Ca'::,:oi« at M Tel»* at M'.all (i mouth*; 450 Ta*npie*, 27 9», «A í'¡c. t! Lio* or )e»» i ü» eeit Mali i MS green aaltcd Aouto**«, aid tin o-osle Video, 2li tb on i.nrn net di«oi««ud. l.KAl ill-ll-iieaioei.it ite.-vdj arid lu for deiaaad. Oak is qoiet MOLASSIS ia doll; aalea of 11 BBSS Cane Sirup at ««., aad 4u in.I« New 0)le«n» »t 4*r. NA\Ah 6lOl.K>.Sp ritr f'rr»nthje 1* alea.tr and ¡u m d- ersle lequeat; »al»« af «ome w oil TOO bbU. Ia*t evening and U* rjiv. in geed n.tiehar.rahlr ¦ i.ii r ru 48c, ca.b. I'ride eeunaiij» .-'I'.i mm «' rf i t; i ,-tm>0i. Coumion Ro«io dull at rfl r:ir;#l kff* BrlMffJ, afloat and delivered The medium .i n e f,pJes »!. *>. » que- ; .-les of I'm bul». »A hi», at #3 871 ¦f 28». tt> Tar inactiio, bat the atork i* light, and pnce« ara »ustaiaed í'liP. I.ln«eel ia In fsi'r reqie.t at 57a 59e but o'ber dercrip- ticn* «re devoid of »civliy, and, In tbe abaeaee of »ai««, prloêa are non ir.a'Ir un «hanged PROVISION.Ibe Pork aea-k«11- rslh'r lower aud rJoae* berivy p*,»ici lai'V for rid, «nd the iiquiry ¡a moderate «ale« of ITOtb. «t #K tltíit .15 for old .Meaa; * 18 Zfld + IS 35 for newdi. »12 50 for old Prime, and BU OgSBM M for ae*r do. leef '. firii.ly b»ld. tbedeiranj ia fair tor the trad«; «leM rt 4«n b:l» a». S>5 lia ti 50 for C. uutry Me.*, re*) Ü1** 10 5 for Keparied M»»«; Oil .«-f ¿rf 12 M for F.xtr« Prime *«.* n quiei at 4>l'u«t-19: Indi« Me.» he'd at £224 f 15. Beut' lieuia are quiet. *»Ie*of56 bbla. al £15 BrR 016. Cut Meat» ar a. lih'ii'ch» ge, the demand fair. »tie* of 1*6 h:..L. and tc at ',a'\e. for Pbonlder« »nd '.-{'a:-1c for Ham« Uvon wanted, »id »caree; i-les of 10 («JO fí> short e>«r Cite, I pi, 11- tt Ite. f«r Ibe f* 'lisiáis uiarkel; a lot 10.000 Ib Cree lide. »eie «nid from the block íeic. Dressed Hog« a»e in dV B and al "ju.'c ' «'d i. iu betier Jecruui. and i* *eady; talo« of I'llhtl». at K j'êtllir. Untier tnd Cbee-e are hruj. RICK qul.t; a.ie.of 150 tea. at *3 753 *-4 25 4)* '.00 to. r I- I.>.vl b.- d. ci.iiJ 'or Clover Se«d i. tdt : .r it» Lisa liai'e at 7ju8ic the latter fur *o.all lot* of cholee Timothy l"nd I* *c«rce aid n«tnin*l. Ro lgb Flax «L»d «ejsi. Taiiut- le Lit »»ei qo'et, but very firm at fc 65 ¡> bu.h r*»S, for lota to »rrlve.snd £1 tîj for pateéis oo ibe ipot in Boa'.oa. bL'üABS. The market cntlnoe* In tbe bay«r-a ravor; «alee of 1.401 hid*. Cuba. 15t; boxe« Havana, and So hods. .M,i**io at r»ih*r e*»ier price«. TALLO« -The market ia fiim aale« ll,oro^p-ime .'outhern »t II«. cîsb. v HI -KV The market is qniot; small lots b*i*.-d i*¿¡cs at : to R«r« i'll« of Producv, Toful by a". Kouut -sl»rrh R.SSffJ bh!*. Flour 8.7»>^bo»b. Corn, I.T» do. Ult*, 890 pkg«. Prov.«ion*. (S(.r. pj;.«. L.r.l, 'J^a bbji. W):i»ky. ^_ flBBRIKIk. BI 'J.' I- LTOK-la tbl. «B«. .aV.nJy, ffal. H, oy l.e Kev 1 tana Remli'g.on. Johu C. Butler end MUt Lucy Lyou, bdh of New Loidoi, Cc..:¡. Ml'NSOB.WILLUMB-Oa rht-r»day. March », bnivR«r. B«.i g. Mr. Cha*, ff. Moasea iu Mi»» Kaie H.'iVHiiaa.i, all of this city. MARSH -(.I.KNN-IntLii.ity on U'edn^td«. Feb «, by the) Bee. fisto Remui^ion, Jolu K. .Varjba-id Mies Jil.«."» ¦ * of New-York. MAI 'r'AKI. AMI.,SMITH-Inth'. city, on Wedneeday. M»";h lln. I'.dok Beiniig'on, Jauier C. MaekftL'i-vcd «ud Nia« Sarto Jj«aa srn.itb, all «fa«w Ton. TAYJ.OIt-F.f.LRFD-In Helgrade, Me, c:: Monda v rrvwnmg. J.'M. ". vi. by Ari.l H.ukley, e«j., M-. Jobnlro rell Ç«y!or to .Mi. tell«Crewel] Kdr..«, «Meet dangbterof rbomai Kl- -I.. iaiei'ouiij ("on aii»«.oner of Keine >«r ( ou-iij, M«. WARD-W 4SI! Hi -RN-du Iwasdof, M»'th«, by the Rev. e. Rn'i.'i a'oa »'r. ') hou.o« \t aid lo ^L«« I ua«lutte Ana W»«h- ketB "f tM» -,rj. V llj'ir Kb Kl>.'":. We,tie.diT -v.r:i:ig, March 7 by Iba Lord, t»|| mi i kViiitl M '). o»' .-¦ »'» «l#. .o Maria Loujte, da n'i'.r o: J. M. Reed, «*q «ftbks city. USED. Pinity-At Pompion l"..:n-. N.J. en Thor»d«y. Mar h 3, .-aiab. widow ot Ja< oW Keny, ageJ '»-, year». The lelmiv. . oid friends »f tke Aually, «ad t«ie«e <»? h*r »oiv«, Peler, Martin'»nd Samuel, «»e r**prctfully lorited lo alietuj ibe d u.rol ¡roui her laie re.ideme, on -«aiirday, tuebHb u..t., ¦t I o'clock i I KIIANS-On Tue.doy »ftamoon. llareh 6. Barak EUsabetb, Bt% at «.»u.uel Uuihan*,jr.,*g»'ii J-year«, I moajlh» «nd 15 Tb« lelstive« «nd Mend» af the ftunlly »re respectfully tavitaaj toat'»nd her fauer»l. ivitliont further iuvi'atnn, on Friday, March 8, at 1 fl ui., from her lat- re*ideute, 2T| Spring rstrenL DflltOC faiilttj OreenSeld HD!. Cjii.i.. 8ued»y, S»»rch4 mi«:.u An».«, ».>.: Uaastol W. ingg*lUitte i-.Mi j. »r of t r a»«-. S lain told ptper» pi«*«»« copy. CKbRRI -Iu tni« city, on WVlneeday, Marra 7, l'oirio* (lr île, »rallie of (^»uuiy of ( »ran, Ii. ¡and, aged 72 year«, lOI.U ll.l-la Ihl« city, on Wednesday, \f,»ch : o».B ( a|aHI. «red «o year« I naiive of County Hilg), IreWd. yy, i. |U .»...city, on \Vedne.day, M«ro.h 7, ef cens.iuipiUj- riit»rJli kill, «gvd *S year« »" JlliDl.FS- In Brooklyn, on W'edneNUy. Marab 1 «irV^j Hodge, «aadtoleera, T' Muan AUr** Tbe ft.ne^r will tUeplace f.org, the reaidenoe of hi. da-^hter. Mr. b. M. R Hicb.rd.oo, No 86 ,out: Cli.rJ atrewt, BroJ»;,,, ¦ U..I, rn.I.y. ibe«..tnu..t.at -o'Uock p. ui. U'W'"'?U» IIOI.MK- At floren or'.Jaland.New-Vork H»rW,on Weduee- jl.vuior.ii.1, M»rcb .Mr«. Laura VV.. wt/e at' ki.jor T. H. I BOS l i.tej bta'e« Aiuiy. J .*mm K-Or Wednesday, M»rch 7, IS6«. Ritty Jaue infKn« fabler of Lou,. K. anil£»U. Jaia M.n^A^tí. 1oî,r, '?,]",*** ft\'*ólvfJh* flml|y !" »»«l-i-ctraB. Invited te all rd tbetiiiier.loukMd., afternoon M 8 o'ci^k. .rouuii renden,,. cf paient., Bo. 5a Downing street, near Variai MVIniItli-Oi, «Vd.a.d.y.M^ehT. Ne.l..,Vant «Uuahter '" e() .nd Nellie Muilord, aged to onotith.. Tbe friend, and i. lall «lirCfully luvited alterad tb« siaÄoBL* Lr,t M 1U - C ',0,a No Ä "**Bmr PV«d.7Arnlh-,v,"i'/2 T.hjnd«y' *¦«.. Ref aor-uoaptioe, l_ydi« Arn, .'!'. ot ». B Pp.», «ged 37 Tear* and ^-.Cr^ Noti.e of tbe funeral will be given l..-.n«itow llaif.nd and New-Haven paper» copy "wto^eeM^'ItitlVL "" " ¦¦"¦»» The lelMlre. and hie lid» «re l«»pertfnU, Inelt^l lo ..,_. _- Wim*' ^LÄ resuene.. No. lh South stsU^l»* W iUiagri.burgh. tbl. day Frid.y). at 8 «Vocà. Hn*^' flov. nnrkiiishan of Connecticot has apwiatod FViday, Apnl n, for a day of ffaBBBff, htukiiLXa,^ praj cr. ^

iít^váftiúlQfáiJmtoMARINE AFFAIRS.



We PBTO reeeived from Mess-s. K. * ««« W. Bina' a

Bsejresl the West Inn-i, or W.o.I ward «fessait, woieb

taey aave jttat published. It contain« h« the authenth«

aad Nrtm tnrve«f« of tboe» islands, and is BBS ««TfMtead toteet chart ibat bee b4*» poblisbcd of that pari of

.to world.BSTSSI m «toffST

TK- aurotioo of the LAjjbi-Uitise Board w «gainMüll toibe rroat BkwM-*J of ft«*«-in*? a suittVe bencon

OB Mill Keei, (.pr-»M,«'N'-v**Hrl*:,,w"l'inK:l1 V<K1 Ka,!-

Ob Toe*da» and fVedaeso-ay ve^seWonld be »eon pileder» en the recks: u»d «sel is the case fcluaos». dailv. Toe

Bn.ee in üssee waters, pertkalarty to and frota the coal

dspou of Ei)M.be'hr>;>rt, is very extensive. and some

ejteiiri'.atsfein»? tv-Rik should lu» placed on this d_n>reroosfwea. fliere i» st-nne soflieienl on the reef to build a

baaaon, viliH'h is rvanti'd, «H», with a bate oí t'«'tcet

eeja»re, «mi 1KI fttt high, cisuund «bared, wi'.btbe

points i-ralrfl a. lui »be river. At pieeent there is

BBtbi:^ to aotity mai inen of Mt»ï «irtoiR HATABaaB.

Tbir- aew ironeViimer, fie ii.«'. . t BS kffsl ever MB

Mruettd in thi* couurry, will soon M realy for a trial«tip, at which litne the man« improvement« ÍLtrodsx^dto her huildiBj.« will I»' thoronirhly und properly tooicd.Full par tirulsrs 1:1 »eteit-nce to bull, boiler and engine«will be foui»d sn'joiût-d; Length on de^k, MB 'c*\.

«seaejtdkefBMM I noese; safiaefbebí, IV ft-ti'.'lûmes; dir>th of îiwld ta spux-deck, MfNt fi «XH-h«'«; druft of wa'4.T ut load-line, |9 fue'- mmef irriiiifrsrd oeetinn Ht above drafi 322MSaMf*a ;

toenaiï*. 8.0 tnne. Her frame »s of wrotunt iron«lai» s, lu»} imb in thickness, ana t!.e*e are seca'elyteairrjtd «tuL r.veie .. -, mji ¡ inch ia diaxieler, every3 h.eh» s up*e DtotoolOO oftoBBM OffertM c-ra'-er, IS

iorlus; ernee fluors, m 1-Jed Z L, B] in .he«; aided, »

à»eh, aad mad« / to nauidt i k. H1 keelsons, stisinsj

T, ¡ itch hy 'J4 ¡urbes, und , inca by 1 1 ioe!¡«>; depthoí «»me VtoSwBB Sd* is fined wua a verueal directt asiré; dinn pt«r of cylinder, 5»> tocbrs; length of strokeo! ),i»i.,i,. BffBM I un!.se. iiwmet-. of «crew. 14 t.-«-t.

Ba'r-rwi. i «st iron, lei riii of sime, 3 feet I iac oes; slirb«v 4 bUe»e atd a pit.h oí tt feet.|M ¡»i» "i '. re.urn uii.ular boiler: length, 3 I feet;

Brsadih, 1«.'» fttt, Ü MkBMS; hie.L'., ex. lu jve af eieam

cilia.»*;,, ! I te*'. I «esBM; ncitiir of futu»:es 3,breed.t, ii fe«t, lJ inrhiMi; lentjtii of »-rate burs, 7 f. tt,eintbes; m-.xlrt r of tn».i s aaosM BOM

Bslorr, 1 art-he: inte-nal .itutm ti r o» «MM, 3 ¡ii'-he-:

ffaabVaMr at ibataîe mb/b, íl tiat, T ladite;aU«. ji-*î.'s. H MOI ni*xirotira ffeaoaan of «teaxi, '-.*

»trnnds; bonkers of wood; «viler loettted La holdOn* «»ok«-»»I»', one iii.ii tn-ti re, und li:i»»eBump, nb<- Mlgl iHjecuon. und butt-mi rait es or c«xktto a. 1 optn'-cys in bofotn. IK r lijj is that of a foreiop-aail t«t»4»0Der. In u'id fonto tbeas, ahf hts 1>. *_ tur

or sirin« c.'ï on bvUi dtck?, '.'ó luchen t>; j inch, and 1»to*he» by ¡ix»»h; fear «ruter tipht bf.lkaeais, ar.-J ull

¦eeeatobT] lasases t... make her a sea«voitLy s.earner.

RaiXkr of bull una en^iries ('. H. iAilünii'.er if ihw

«à); oivneis, Mo.a Dr s. Navarro  Co.; intendedativice, iNew-Voik to ilauu/as

TBSSBI M MBBTtere are fears iba», i! e MSMansrJBBBWEBttttib,

i/sni >l4*j»ig;i»7 on Feb. 4 lor Net« IUviq, is loet.BaviDjV been out over a m »nth, wi'lioit I.*

frète, ¡s'.»» was ander th* clinv»« of C«j>t. C. (.'. Hil-burd oi iiiuck Beekg *u esi^ritnc«. t-aaartoer, wha, intie »aux.- veseel, on her preruue v:yai:e, mMe theve»»i'e tu HaStogMB und buk to í.-rt-Voik in the r*-

»oikat'l* SBSSS af '& daje Sbe ba4 ae car^-i.taust«*, obd OSSBO*BB| MSba\SJBB«j to J'i»Vrou, I>v>U*fl.i«sA Co., and war- not tally loaded.


The s»ee_ier Tratel'er han BOM bfu'ed oll fron thelt»*-\ui_ lout for tLe pu'] itii; a n-.«-

t éntr. nvd bt-in»: ot'ier eise rruov»l*/<i for .Sa umer uee.

Tbc t tsUfiicu Will trake her place, a_d be under lbsckarite oi QafSa BeeaaOi The ttreoito S u.t<». am

tost 0.ni.*.'.ciit Hiver is oaea, v;i!i pro-.».Lau »S ou ,n a few da\s. wLeu hex < «neort, ISOty, will make t. trip a day, leeTtoaj Kew-York. everyafttinoon at 3 o clock, and New-Taven every fveain^Mlloeloek. iîloe lisios Joel ft (oji.»r.


A dej-TiC'ition of trie Royal Atlannr Stain Sffoti Comjacy ilvmite"". loaeiet Df of DoBBM K'j-vio.1>. L. C'ilito-'l." of iLe Irish Committee; Joba (' m.-iiy,«lid ¿lr. Wier. MuLuciDa! Director, aw-jiapan ed byCapt. Nicholson, MBMMwe on l*iur«du;. Croa Liud.mtoNtrViai'iecti-Iyne, fcr the prjrpoea of inapecÜQafÜie n.u*;ii ticeiit rJtuiuei-s do« in vji.tx: u'. ere.'-iou bfftoe Me«»rs. l'ulnier lor the Galsray Line. TxtoStoflList aflvuLwd is ;ti Conn Bffjaw, uu/J the depuu'.uuarr:\eo e*ir'y on Friday morn.Di', ajien: tbo Sjreampert of'he day in examinier aeael Bad h ir

twin sitter. tL'. Leinrter, iu tneir several details. Tantoo great -letn if-»mere iios? bein»; built in the bai'd-ia*r vit'deof Mrerre. Palamr ui'e lu oil »dvauced olvte

Con a nil ht, to wlith we h ve aire», iy refened,will be rea''y for **vanchin>f early in Mar'cL, and the¦ether, ihe L"- BBtor, Mil] l>e readi W a ie T wi tks s>fi<.«r.Tte Connacßki ha« «Jreaoy «ill ber ma'hioery on

U*rO*, all btr benas htu-d np. her spleudsd s-tloon¦early completed, and is no neailv La'sieed ün: aittusBti day a alter bor lpon-ching m March she will 1

to take tie ilt-ei. Tue I oijuuU,'tjf, he Well a« bir a_-

ter hhip, HM lAinsU-r, are »} leudid specizueus ol navalBi-tnr*cvjre.lbe foUowirif bto UM (ümens-'ons of the Connw s-ht

He-length over s length U't»ve>pc per-Setsiciiftir. 880 He" brettdih, wtuoh is i_K*ailjeat ö ¡.»r vreat speed, 40 MM; depth i»l boll, ;<2 feeji.Tbe iuunu>:e of iLi«; spU ncid ateaaaer is 2,SHI I itu*, aadtoe Lonuial horsepower of ber entrnee, erh cL are

Blriitxy placed in ber, ia e^ual to' ísíhj. Tue prin-b4>i biJooii ia 1 lu feet long uud us cap »Me ot diuaiifv . ailort two hundred peisons. Tue U'liu' i;j

ojiaaoatof ifioeat afertatem iamlrotváy tot aii i

aad b_l> ot the seiend'«? rxi-ror* a Tae oil

J»a_i.i.ijis ISSfaaiaSBMJ Ifftok Hud American ajer.iry,a,t» i(#».-<l to adorn the walls, aie all teily. auu a:e

.1 vtiili «reat UfcTU Uüd ab îity. lu adduuu to

tki* acra inrni.ila.tu n tor Irot lISBB BBSnBSMIS, «he u»

a> I rn.i'le.J viitii ev. nr. i/ not DM for the treat«of U»e emt coaet sd leiand, ari WiU be able Iaai'le avcomm »dat n to 1-ur hundred intermediate.»<. rteerai'fe paseen' er>. »or *.'..'*« cojifort and i jü-

teijieLl'.- :\>t) piu. .i-i'nie Oeioj/ uwUle.The t «ait -s.-ti r shi.. IM Leu.-:»- prOSSng

.ios* «o toe atoáis ol the o;í..t»1 ipto point «f atfeaaet'¦»Sit, eiL be ready ui a fc\» betkn after the Con-

«aú^bt, utd «kill be a* BBM M BtoSWÜle of IMBn« nsic«T,i' and power. It i* coif »»enLly e.vp*H.''»?d 'tu'

Re»* two irae-Jibceiit «SSBoll viill BbBoI BM Bad readyfcr ««a i_ i«\o m< BtM, and that tboy wii M the fu'tst;.»an meaati r- I ,sù waters". After toe visit t;

keweaatle, I n wom to Moil to leapoot tee'» »!*-»«t» r» uow hi ii.i; btiilt hy Uim o»vit. oa'nu-jl-eii. To.ee vt>s»cls, ihouafh noi M íj. alvaw»d a- tue

?Weeis ti.al uro Leu.».' OotiOtrasted Ly too Mesenj.i\lo.*r, are in a very f\>rw«xd «tale, aud will be rendy

e. One, the Ih-ter. will M laaaeSed at

**»..:.»;. u «-!''? u.i:.t of March, lull ehe w;l! I"- lanuried««boat BSV eiii?ii»r*»«, and wi!i have to w* t for tJjr« pi>r.

. of ber BM*caio*«ry- Th». second sf««am<'r, theMb lor, I «dlettea, b« the Mc-sis. Nimue_»ou, ir> al-o nklörava'd c<,nijM.o;.. and BM depat i tos WOM eqoalryBa».I,«(j at !he BBBJ 1MB which the Merj**. ¡Sanauelaouat] liiud«, ¡g chair e,.mU_ot.

(London Kv». Jaur ffeb. 17.


A daUclment of raited SUatee tro ape will leave¦».i on üje 1«iL iBSV lor Texas. Tne deta* limict will.toaLw about 400 men, u_4 «rill be dL-'.nbu'«d bolvTeen.bt <LSi4«biit c.»m|ij»jji.-r, 0:1 tifcir arrival in Ttaas. Eu-"M»h^ ligr the Tu ted SjaWss aimy i< l'Oing on pretty..ally in tliis ti«y. Ad -i^-s fron Brownsville, Texas,..e ibjt (i.ft Toben, wiii a compoiy of ran^-vs,¦to rnfoBj^ ha f way lie«.ween Corpui Chria.i and

.".»iwot^-ilM-, uwaituit» rt- ofof.ements. Fifty men efwe IrirBi Aitilkry h_c arrived at Brau«, aad would at.'*>4* |»t<,e««jd Wr Bro«*tniillf. The oBBMM«Va«TBB».the w*ja «ontiueieo euUioieut to repel any a'.U. k tha».««"Kht he muile oa theai. The genera! bealia of the

¡J^'iO at CaSBfflajJ aad Fo.-t Bi*B|BffffrM K>od."» Ürs.k!y n wdl leave for Vera Cruz after BM exam-

.aatirin of the kilter enge. 'fLere ;.ri* I've rc«>i«'|« ofwargiaiM.iegl in the Cjf 0f Mexico. TaS BiTBSBMs,^Ht Jaivis. commmding Üie tlali gjutdras, ii su-ti*i*id at Vera tnr/ the l'rebble. at TulíAío. andthe eWhUgft, at Miiittailaa. The lew «teamer Na»*,A**' »«eatly rehuffj at (import, Va., baa beeo i»r-

«'?d M» the Half of Moneo. Tu following is a liât ofB.« 'Att/e; Cooauandej, BwffawBl Hmuru, L.vuttnaat

ai>| «xe-rutrve cffifer, Van K. Mugan¡ lAVnV'nan'e,Kapert l>. Lowry.llev'erlj Kennte; Parier, M*. II »r-

wwhJ, Aleeter, A. Evan*. Tbe Ptor»r>.ip Fa«»v.>y.h »

»vp,iti<i to >*o in (..nmW'ainn evor» rl«y. Hit o Mi .»to

aavt not Irren m«iced an »et. Lieu'. S. B. L*ire ha»BBBB Bt^trntm» Bt tli«- «tarai Amde'iiy at Anaopoln Knn-i.»r T. U. WiImih to ilm «»tvet»«.' Hronkly», und |aammWill »a Arnold be» been ordu« d to the N'aval ila^-i-Boat «ti Kllii'i IhUuhI.

NaVal Mil ', I'.r,

A^vicei.'rom tl«.' Dastard «ataaVm aM»nm«hip MirViv,da'ed aa that vt»K'! waa about to k.ive St Paul deI/Oftr.da, ptaai that C'ait. Iiinnn, t-omnitindaDg theAli it-iin tjiiudron, luid tmtalled ttte. MtBtiatO BToaeedto St Ha BBB and tak«* oti hoar.! IBB crow aod «illi * riof tbe rVe luik OriBB, stud peatman! «vito tbetn to Una

port. Tie general beaka of tie CiBcera aud crew w<u

fanai, Th«' followirj; ie «i lio', of ant ollic-er«:1 lent» i art '".tarn'andmg. W't l'ani V I.eKr.y-, I.iMitonnrrt and

Pxeculive ifr- r. I). McN P.i lux ..i« utcnauta. Mitten liarI« n, aid il M (-«il-nd; t'urteon 87, I), (la ri.on; Maat»-., N.(i-. ; « bie' FniitOa-r, C l!. nake- ; lit «a.i.timt f.n#ineer».

JaaeiPluulet and J. 1. Kiuiey; 'ü do.. II vv Murrte- addo. (.bail-« J Jewell ; Copiais/» Clerk, J V\ Jene. Purser'sClerk. M. W Wsaatnal, Ma-ter'a M«*-. O. R. W.-ren.

Cap!. Willuioi M. At ¡natron»»t ncvntíy in comrniridof the Meatiirhii. Niii Jacinto, a ill he court luirlitied,on hit. return to the liuted St«.:«*, for dieobeUieiice ofordere.The DamaiBenita itaaiamaUn Rtytmnte lu» left Pen-

atoóla fot An.iD*v.il¡, wl.ee abe wil laeelta UirJapEiKMe Comnii-cioneiB on board, and come to tbi-:

port tv'rh them. Shf> may *.» erp«rted »bout the endof nt-ivt month.N*' ai.Th« Board «if p'.tvaj Ktiiriivera rtoent'y'la

i.t the Pli.ladelpB'a Uff] \ ro. a.ijjtiruelaf«t-.vdayauj'o after tMuniuing a,d pa^aing the followingvMl!,(ll(1nt« f :

Pi-»r ...m-.-infr Bt bt Ckirjt.S T. I'ctterson, Montgim-ry¦fen box,

.>' ad .4»»'»f«»ri fo bt r'it.t jtM'wtet't.Y.iiwH d W.!!». kief, H A.h;on Run.ay. .lime« B. Ki- bail, J. VV. Tl ?m-

ataA,..,t+-t, p*bi Boom I iiWieoo«» IVa» Mai vv... p.

IV »anno Cb«t!ton U hid Ftoob Mivt, E. A. C. Dujviiee.Tbeedor» H. Hj N. B. Litl.g, O. K. N.'' ower, L. R. Oreene,1 :\-h Law», Jo»,ph !.. hot r

r ir -4rfmia«v a a. 7htrd Sitittunln O. W, Tennant. Eco« M.n c ajelloaia, DaotdJ Boule Feed L B. lot .-. L

*»Lci»in. Lili IV. J 1' ^plague, Daat»TÍ0o, M \ w in. ó.**tai', burlin? OD, > J.. VV ui l'ai'aid .la«. Kcushaw, Ri'i-itParta, N. Y. Höht. H. line ne 1. Peter A. R.a.irA A. H. r i.her,

h i, i.... Bo ITa»ot v i '.\ '-are', VVa.h.riitt m il.

C «ibeit i. (..et ne 'Trir-, N. i Jutit tî Cirpoutel, SVllaneharn l'a Htirv Breva, leoeab A'atti-ra. P.or.Ier.tioan, N. JJo.eph Triaey, BaExojtta Me.; Be»jaexla Barttoa, Port»-

.¦ Va.( oai DavU (»risir.'-i-r. nf the r.'iiit«'d K'iitpp Navv.

l'en ut bit m »if< ne,, û l'hiUd«-l|>hin on tue f "h. Ile«M îd hii- 7<'tb year. f.Dd acotu' 'h¿> oide.-t oblitera ofeNavy, 11,» en: :.,^-nii ;ie (. p'jin wa-di'ed M «y

34, I06L In tin- War..f ¡812 1- nue Hi. it-lve ..«r-. led araa on bo-ird ihe oVnaf iliillng her cr-i> e

«m tbe El ¡.li'li t'o-t^I :u 1814L I ¡.oil the «. ip'.nr« ot the)Atelinta t'v the We.*p Hi. Qela ; «rer «?«¦ pnt in aova«

al ii» r, ». nd t tint- eùecmatenee he ov»d h>alian, Iwr ibiiWa^p tu» lever lie ml of Blomaani.l'om. OeiaiDhtr waa ü>r «tíny y. :.r^ ateiloaiid n* fieNaTkvl Afty.nin in l'h'I-icel^hia. Hie rank wja oeveatû

'.he Lupia li« oi Ide K-er-r\e() Lie»..


ORKAT PIRE Al BARBADOGiThe lit.,* Imiim», pn.lieHd ar Ilridatetown, îl»»-

r uti-Jer da'e of PVb. 1.' tWttaedjBBtateaxBja»«.f a d. Brranive tire at Bridjiffirn on tie riiajht of

trek«.- out la il'. Allvyae'e lutn'ier^B1<^ from wh-rh it etirrud to Mr. J.'iire'e atljtaad Metar*. Barraw A Daaatrtett't ai aod eetablionBmatm Hlajk wiaat; mil Bafote anj Martnal atoeenof cherl.iutr it irireavuilahlc.it bteamo ar.xrutrolU'ilc.Kr« ai Bbvroaj f Dommeu e ï anrtmtl to »> e lee Hoaee.Ir Hi;, m ¡and u| ou the I-ir;'« buildiotj ni the (.' aaatnm*»¦»'iut otv-eunot-e Booieo cm tbe »^ppoeae tina al dugârtrn-t wí.i'h at re non eavcloped ni liavci««. On li.r

¦i tire npre*'i frn-j- Allcytii- a Batí J ti"> e

er and eeaJ taiaa aerea Btnbla e-r.-.t to MtMr«rroiilii,(l,«:'H toierte,tala MürihiJl e'reet tu the eart »cdti.- í.r»en on the 8oo b.The flame« {etietruted airoe« Nelson a.iiitre fr the

renne of tlneoe m. oing on to iba brade»» und uhatingrBTfWaBt|Oi Tiiae the three »id«--cf the ftqca.e

¡.r h alt d i.n laelneafatyl !!«.r;i. m rtb Mom Ubi inarianr-yard it) the aiulill«', like a boon«, irnriic(iia«ly in frcatof -.viuch s-tc-od Iba a-atue of the vid hero.The tKiMiere aid lie 1X11140 caiiie to the aid of tLe

. e, .--ti. red to et.eeL the prop'Csaof the fl-»ui"?. Beteral huidio^'e were turDcd d.iw'u.ILe Li»L vm«Jh Curried r^arke to dietict «juarttrti ofii.e ii.KTi. aua i-et fre u. otl«r bniidingn. Bvataa,toutea, and iumbcr-vardb ortre doatroyoc, autil aac b

1 tl . town woe lb tlutiir-r. V'/.r IV. a/ Jiulxmi na«" 1hei vuitof Kivim-d CDve-cd w.ü. are eiould »*y

folly at large, it not latter, than in the tire of lb-!.'.ano'a lbrte BmttCB btBaj in tt.t ceui-r of tbe haainot.upert c* (be tawB| tne valce of propeny deeir >\u¿D»:»t bo riinrh greater. It in var.oufly eftina'cl atfu ii; a miiliou o¡ doliere to ü Uiuii-a of v »uujs, ;_o¿t t« r. -ui opii ¡on H«e n»to fil it >it £510,0181, a ft r;-ù-roiiPideral-le portion of trhicb we regret to bav it iñ-eared.lot Uetettina* A'ÜU.IRH)."

ï* Mercant.le InitUigtnxr raye:" TLe deet: uctlon uf proiierty etnbiaem ainct-ir

olben 'h-' t'oaniir-ar ut butld::.'.'f in Trafaiiriraijiure.7A Glttb* and Bmrbmdian irirjiiiiic eataihlialianent«,and tbt bntiaem ¡ircaincH of int foütutiaa men l..- attA;. J 8 (i A ley ne, A. Jo;.te, Harrow A I) a mir. *.: t

"l.y iioodei, D I', t'otton &:«... ilbe it-e erttt'.l sh neu'J. Carford, TiOtvbrid^e 6c Co., P, Kilkeliy A C^.,Ctrixath A Joflrap, AI. Ii. IrHÄ- -, Jan,« Bsatll A ( ...,F A Ciairmetae A Co., <i. A. N'k'hi«'ii»r«t'e A- Co.,IT. Ktll A Co., B. T Yoql-/, J Gill (tirnagiH). r1. B.RarhaL. Jattt-B A. L'. Ulli, LJailiud RoiROtoV Co.,8aa,ue¡ Bo.xi!!: 0. W. ¿K Clean ¿ (o.. \V. U-jrill, W.llew."'.. .1 11. «NiaiHioii, J. L B. K. Curtí» «;.i!a iik t te W. Morris (ca*iineuiiaker), Taouiaa iíar-mI.hÜ le-.bijje-imakfcr , Ac, Ac.

" The eutîeiers for the uio.-t par*, are amonK the sore

ret}.ecUiLi'e ai-d well-io-iij elBtitt, tvho, Kre at a»

th» ir lofie» aie, will tie able to U-.»r them wit loot dietn-cf; but in B«J «re«t, a poor Icv-ality wa* earcrK bythe lire or fvar-ntictd to eUy it« pro,re»o, und a nnaiberof poor fepop'e hare bata rendered aOBBOleai and do*'ti-tute, for vrhom, we tmflt. aoaaeunn,-' will be dona, audthai wiliioa'. uVlay.


Julgt rinAtiEi.COBTtCTlOB FoK ramiae «mOBaaabVBIl coin,

Jthrj \V. Curtía wat trieU for paae'DX a couulerfeit

30krter do lrr on Mr«. Torrev, »t » «tore in Metalta attetrt. '1 tie

urj returned a vtrcict oi ^tii;y. .-.eiiter.oe v ¿» di 'erred.J.:.,. P. Dwigbt for the I'uiieJ Suten Jac«» Riigi way for

tbe (ivf.Lda.-iL]«>D1( 'Ml M..

Tlie Crand Jury preaent4*o indictments a^ainat thefoiiow ing in raoii»J«n,t a >. \V i.iikiiia for purloining a letter s-id ¡ta con'. :,ti.

CBailooC »»cLttloy, 'barged with ottering ¡rrged writing».;.'.. piejll.-i .-

Oe< rn.- Mai-er, leco.-id mkte of tbe «hip Dei ctthire, cbarielwith llie rutirder of Jaiiie« H.'.;p'-> J. a »cuirai. He pleadedout guilty.


SUPAEsVJE COURT--Im*u»l Tiao-ilaati î.-BefbroJuauce ijo.K.H.a.

not l( r.Tbe ralendar waa cfcllt-d throni>h thi« momirii, and

«»»riady 1 he Jooge nntitr-« ttie lier that u".«as coure

ael are letuy aTttk tiieii ca«e,, a «.reatei uuuiieroi causes wi i¿. \ . M'a.-.

« tiatiBB Bef«are Itatlna StTiiiaLkrvo.m. iBiuna.

John C. Tneher u>-t. liatU tV. I'ien-e. .hotii mo-l 'oata It eitler party.

John \ an Vv. :..- | ¡. ( trcliu- if. Iroolittle et al..Til pli '...tí- e- i,, >- i te t-e ni'.al j'.dguieDt for the t BOOot

i^itrt. ornli the »kirie Ciata aa il C ki.Dot,', tt .. had put iii no iniwer; bat I ti.ij.fc toe d« teí-dar.:. !>¦,little i-. :-lie plat ut Ifl her taxât

-'.e sud triai of tbe la«, .¦ J.ain» d (.y lier aniwer, withoutOLy extra aliowance.

H r fore Jr.atir/ Al i B«r.K.itvari Kheîlicl.! a »'t. t'.:."eii Hercun..Motiot do

ri. wrh t 1'" ¦¦¦'. wi:, ¡. v |0 «aiw«r, lu.MaiirMot Moncpef ,^i. John âlonfriof..Ordered

def.-LiCk.it pay to tl.e júaintlfi aliuony from tue C na

aeiiorixirbt tf Ike auii u.' »i pi«* week, axid payc paxtat I . a.torney.

Ti.onu.rJ. J.nte diet. Jonn A. I'nderwood et ah¬ilo',fil o- Lied wiUiout eaoto,

Ilouiet ltuai»d«l! a*rt. 1/wellen J. Weaver..M jtioader ied etttk *l'.oo»ti.Tbe Uanoa Hdnk ai*'- 'Mrrel B. Mott..4">rderel Uiat

Iht atdtl (-! II ' Keli ree »uitcii- r:.- ai. arrieiduieet of trie . .,

leai.dt». a'. »t. totither p»riy, Budij.att)., i

' ¦¦ »,'!'!) '> Ototteate tne kàotlt r

lii.e.'y to »u-eiia Ihe euLit>.aiu' Ii IMOOOtloa ai'd If the filairi'it.led to i:..kei pro aadlnao bt a ajod aaVil

i. u> »aid u-oliurr r.'.'. to e«,;eet 30 dry»Tbe Cum E*otaa«e Pir«-. toMtaaei I.«um»»a8| a^t.

¦*l a aotatedl alii ? ooaa

.IBBbwI aiaitiii a^it. Uei.rv N. Hoacti. Motion d«yoled, with BU» "*'-. , -

. i ... i

}ii-iiri A liirru.'t. V> a>. J. bvma «-t al--A'W.h.:ra/td»at V'. J Bj B»«, »rd the leaidko of toe mo-

uo«, d. oi. PtrtP*li.fore Juti.'ee Js«a«.

JobaJ bir.i/ag'.. K«yer.. .s^i'.i

Hrl»ar*tj«,r, n-Mdinp in.

»ew.ïotk, Biaitiirt tbe de|t-rti»r.t», who aro aCrnovatloo lo tta«

State i "***< ,**. *.' °

bav-iales-oorn. In N-a Vor» »i r! »everal of the pnu'li, »I title.

t« lootett tie en." ttviraetprl -( t* ""'i

Oikllltng of JimnUot .ilveraarel y th. BOBw>aB rer roe

deft :.c»Lt», «i t-t per et.It »«. ...a tt. »ati »a. bad p.rtiaJly «i.d Lnperfertly prenired,

ai d tie Otfendai..! rtlii-. d to fjrr.i h tl.e f.ate'i«. M ttr em

btaaing wcik mjept fifty tota, trioat of wl.ich had been pBd fur^o sperlAi datnsge wa. pfov.d, an I nui.e all'gtd. aid tt appear-

the plal» UTbowo abowing «Lat t!.a scli.al »a'ti« ut'llie«n.bo ..r,| w«a i,.ott than ilie «i tria-t price, tbe r;0, rt

heiaithal |kaj lab «f BH_p . uasno: the uLl.-'l p:.C* oouteod-

»d fer hy prVntlir, and a« »u »peeial r»«tnar/e« we»e «bo »i, iberaw«* ao»Lhig »or »he Jbiv I, par* «poo bnt t'e plaintiff« ri«b». ifti»r«r»ei t' e .Dial) balan** or '»oil doi,e, and at Ue e Be* «ri-lii im of a .«aiibter-eiaim, theie nr.e.tioua oi»IV wookt be »»»«lit»?¦i te i be J..r> on »» rd"r»dsi text

S. F. C aik. öl for pbiintttf ¥.. a. d T.. F Brawn for ilefV-.ti J«ota.I'lMHu'm«. Iibavi riian lierai. I BM

the ff4HBSJM RAIiBSAB CAIS- IK» in IBStTTlOB SUS-T»is D 11 fil», ai Bl K at 11 BM,

Tbe iiJDnct'oTi tee«raiii>nv; il-e C imxvin Conrcil oftlu iiy i|.,ui gi»iiilug ih« riebt toihe Bew-YeikaméTaoberiMaiiio.d nt.ptuv to b. i,d a road to «r'uin NBOatsa lli,.,i t.

esa., 'iptn *»,.. h.'-re 'be l .'»He at , M; t r or. .1 ent It «IIIb. ii n.« inhered Ihm (be p-npr,s»d rril.nad w*.|i SJBMB*BM and

,iii'i in 'I.» by «ad «e oeilb et «f ti s ffveewt] o-., oaf* »iojg tb«mute hid peer, obtained aareoaired r.y law

(In ll ernrr.e ri»y »n.l hefrre th' «<ijo:i.-.-e- n« afil..« R-iard af'. i, r .11 «ml »|i.mii the public uulic~ rc.iu'leii oy t'e '*ibS. r'l.,1. afttie defend*«!»«' (Tnr.iter (V-.-ed » pnl I«, IH.S7, the»' «I

If«« t.'r'i.iù'tleiî <j lbs E- arJnf AI'ermen .,!'.»id p*-»»d bj *a'd oo«rd,aotwithr'a'd'i.r o'jeo'iou» »el i *"ehj 01», er n or» f t'ne 1..'.era the eof in n.iati .n of .»M .1 tbffr I" 11 ol «aid »et, w'.iro pluvilíe» thai Wj ordinance a biro «ballt.ave p«... ,1 «a« Hoi-.l abaS b- SOtM mom by lb« otb-rffeeed 00 ihe »«lire dry. rnle.r b» uiiai'i:,. .11» cote* «I.ILesrid eirlipaore was »e«t to ihe «»«ycrnf »»inrby for bl*

«pp-r.r»l he deet-rerl 1» aopmve tie Mr,,., and within ,... 'I ne

required by Ii» retar:» d ibe »»me, vCth hi« objee,'lnj», to thet.l 1 board ol t'.nl.e.,.- en

a b» *«ul H.-at'*» of Aide men »nd d > intl:i.,»ii llie-eepon were

a* r.i.t »o pan tbe aime iiotwlthit<-:i(li: ,- th» n' .-- Bett, of the* «v,r »»be 11 a leu!|.or uy !i,|,"ct »11 -a» i.b'»iu»d fro u thelor Wie. B. Wrieh'. Ju.'g» at ite ejoreme tear», with ,1. urBet to «bow r« i». on the .Vth s-, y ,ii Jtuoary, ijs/i, woy theI »u.e «1 ouid Dot bi made pi rpeina'..On tbe aatd S" b day ..r ,l«U'.a-y »ft.r argument of r> «ato

hi« Hnior Jndga i.omd «iratain» I tbe 11, ,-itir-tt»!., and «a rier«ti »ulered n.k'n« ibe «au..- per» eiual.Krem Hi« Oeii.inn the défendait« appealed la the (n eral

Tere o'lin. (-.ri, srbe je-'.er.'.ay, alter a gtntrat, su.taiiieltbe 11 innrtira ero the spotO. I»e»n for «be defeurajit«, R. F. Andrew» »ni Wm. M. F!v-

ail. '01 tbe pkkiii.tl«.(Ol HT Oí' COMMON Ti,»--AS.Taut TSSB MlBMl

Hefcr- .'udte D»L».11 Abitur »?». Hinki. hiri'Eiis.Wat Faro« t Anit'.rl* CbaBO

l'Iointlt-sned ce enfant, whj ie the proir-etrese ef( l«rl a He'el iu l»v »treei to reeorer damage» Í r the loi ci

lene'rr and w»'.eb move nier:«, wbieh, tbe f. tlntiH * 1. r. ». ». re

Hebra !¦»_ hi» room. » hKD be occupied ;.i Oefenla:»'.'« Ii-w-l.Pa-lathi '.. »'.itird l'ai be r«iue to Ilia t:m'ry ia U.-er_v-'.)-¦ Sm, «ud w»nt 10 tbe d» ferdant'* hn'e' tr bi«»d, he placadailWOtohta roniii, ri titt.utug rarlou. stet-1 walrh ba d. I

el,. 1 t-,ol». w»ltb U ove.ie. .il» »Uil otli*tr_tlcIe», Vjiued a* èi.'r".»td tb«: defel.dant mace a «prwial agreeir-nt wtta him, vri »-»-byil.etiTnnivea tn taie rare of «ail propertT. Plair,titf wenrawayf«S Si» Il ils liai« »-..d oa In« return tl.-p'Oper'y wa» «err rB|II» Vidant nul 1.0. sue l:ui «uy vi- iuui ol i ». ().-. rr->««exiui

Ü atier. .*.Mi,tiij odniloed ihat Defore I bid been in l!..rk'aBetel breada)* be »o» eneeeeS 'or aaseggHag «>'d te*-u leBioerrin «tieel, I. ,t be ».rojed, war IsBaBCS »ad sent ;o theTr.iT. t,., wb. re be we« -ontn.ed for -ir «e. kj

t'»'.ei li\e O'.lner oBSWaS le*'.Hred '.bat be aeired «ad took«¦. .vu,e of lùegood*. 'I be Juiy dl-.fr.

".ill.¡am \ ar l.oim for plain:;*!- W, r, Howe fir d'fe-.d tat.lebn B. l>iofle.l.i ,gi Tsw* N Birlas

hi this rsra tie pi »»ntt ft allege.i that the defemlmtpro, ;. d a lo»u lor 1 in» frouj tbe lulled .Stole. Life or j TrurtOatOBaS) »i!,o»ni;ug»" BH,ato, On .itir.r plaintirt «bis ::.n:i"ytoe eef«M*ieetretastsad BBM owteethaaba ». aiij«ved'ir7 «uktoMto retain '1 bi« »uti N now .0 ,ght »o »»# re. or.ied.hi*n«u»r, th» aVffaBOOBt abege* that one ller.gi*»rln Co'lln«

' i.l «»uti.l bin. t- -> ne tbe Tu» 1. and tnat tw ,.'e'.i,,lvniit.á 01 Ij irr.lvt d ri SO, ar.d l.ollir.« the 1. o »1 .der.

Veldictfr»! BiaaMBT, H-'A^i. Dewey A Sav*tefu. «BktoBaTl N.0. Hoiie ior d»f.in'.a ".'

SUPERIOR OtjSJRT B>MI«t ikkm.-M»«. *. 5 -BeforsJuali. e vV OOBBI SB.

DBCIBtOB,John I!. A. AH n a*;!. Frederic«; Hiirrrxlv..--Case ent¬


COURT OK »ÏKiNKRAL 81 SSIliN<4_M ru. h C.Be for. tbe<-T-\ JlIM,«

Tbe Coati aaargediboJari ntseewoofAtoceadorN r Bette, taSteBsJ lai «ea«aatolag a npe «o i aettl n-^uedK»t. lind« nüCier. The .lu j retired. Tist lad : n reta/ueüa: * Uie bo; r iu Ik- ever ingA lia, k or,v.r. . «a . I M1 ,)a»l fla't, W«* SOel I »he I'eLIUn-

lin« fel 'our ur.iL'.l » MM dr:vi:'g over 1 sw) ««BB0«1 Jimer Boj ie.on tbe )>t»! JniB'.ir tiie wli.ej« 01 bis ear«. g?._r, ovei :

I. il 1 be iejt:m-ny if lam» « t »mpheti »I .we 1 t'i»' II irt w,.. c, i ti »t he l.-are ouHii»..;,i» kokiug bi k »I

tbe nor, when be V.new tbe wb«*;* ai hi» ejm had run or.r him.\\ 11 leetei «atejs»« I g.ilty to .--ault «nd .«Itïi-y upuii ijeuig^

I ¦ 1. Ut .-.-.h o: Ap-il .«»t, »ad w«" reír and.-d fer »cru»'.-. .*.

tVa». Te»!* be* lie M1 ai Iteasel*« Tait «Ilia l*aib. aras lilsl...lue a,.-v,.' +¦¦ rr-rlb rf sni«H rirlor tr*m he till «f Mi( our*.!. A paíUn-r of Mr. Ce.arrd'» Barrad Ja r« Cob.bed Un' t e »new IM !»:.» ut» bod t»»e-.l tic tr>u»\,»ni whdge turie»d ont to be mere »uj; »"..j'.. T-vir wa« dit-rl.tT' d.Jim»« Jotiier ai (bar!»* Manuel, -olored '. t'b*r». in peit-

tier-uip ht No. bi ' e.i'.re iirerl. »eie -.r.aj:.',80lu,e tb rd di tree, and p »,i»d ri »v Tbe ¿r,,. e-' «toie o: >vm.tí. \ oj, No. lu e nur-h »reune, n» en'.-r'-J Lr tl .'m ou the aigttot the )it of Marcb, bbSB4Sw ttaU . w-.thloae rloibi:;: tu a.l rvonb é m1 » I d-.,». They«tere »rri .t. 1 wfJe tr»v»l.-ig ..*»y e ,-

Jol 11 l'ouabj-t ^ »» »eul lo Ibe l'eu leotm.-y .'-.: >.x SSSMb«,f .r . ta iug «o»>e audio*. He told tbe Cea»! . Dad au cl.ii-dien.Mary I te aba* Mary Clane. * tvoiired »ervar t in the iimite of

Juila KiilhtnliiKl, No. M »*> et« Hioadv/ay. pn-i-led gui! y ofglaLd lar. .1 y, 1: irea.1. :; a omctity ..: ¿r-.' », «'.awt< a heI util» to l/i'r m. tre,.. »urih »bout BSS, Sol .i.e 1 ,:til of r/etiru-»rr klary i"r»n- bris tbe pren i«»« w^thcii tro afeetel r.-ri. 1

II Mia rio'h'chlld bu', wueu aub.eijuer.ily Mr» Kotbicniidhad orr-aaio-i to enter h. r rio.i: to drc«. «be Va* «uddei.iy ledto 100,1,11, whtoe M.rv ;,,i,bt b.re g.-r>e 'o IM er iiewu-.'. oíthe kif'h l'ü'-ioe:. Hoiireerrette-i h. r a«. No 41 Ixuuar.i tama*.

in iu>» .r 10 tic oiin'mr. ni il.i r 1. Iraetl 1» low rial .a

pari'y >be war ».-ig.d in »t ibe hou»<> cf Sir» ttoit.cl,»l.-eeied, -.*>.¦1 -'line-, »or| eied «e.'ie'.lii e» I pl.y. 111*( on«! sal 1er -»d b*I '. IM l'eal »n'iar» fo« »l» r- .

John lln-.»weri,i pleaded g iitr. a^d va, ».güer.-ed to tb»PeM'enlia} M I ...o,i'r «a ti . ¦ - Mlc i,i*.uiug atoteea gl-** otuvutni» Ir. in the frort «1 .In 1

K»rle U«Bfta*aS -Son .No Ii Motegfl laue, on W'. ton of leb-Itar; l»'t.

I.en »id Rj»"., »nd lri.hm»n re«idiog 'i >'itty-tb;-d «treet. n»ar

Ninth ive _¦- .** -ei t- i.eed to 'be .-trleKri-« for two year».01. a vli.. of .'"ill> te ou ksdletaaaW ... » lib «we»riug

folKJy ie ISM t '¦¦ «. th-t be o«'t i-d +. 1,'j.ri «rn.i1- ->." 7.

lu '.be pieoj.sea uieu'.-oued. WMM »> ijt bo.» !or W m. Hoog,i ti .d witb big.-iy 11. lot« Ala» no.»- Btl ly.

.'.', 1, kerl t r'.m: m »nd J» » e» Mol me pie«de¿ guilt r '" Iberh rji I Í v.hipp;..- reward Bel orn,. 0 on tl. I.e..; «4 Noven-her »ud wne'rio.iidej uii'.l ffli »r.

M.:y ?b»eh»n »t.d Ri bard Bertendr.wr. ploaic.! giilty ofkre-j.ug bawj. ne Ia* iu ibe odjouuiu^' Ne» ó" »cd 3d Batter»tlrot. both l»IM-ud»dA «wi'cl lei'J-- ei the Hi.Jaou River Ra'irccd Company,

named Li.tnid Slurpny. baring i twtasb to Lab ¿,'er ili'i»t,il,iy to »:np in tl tie toot «f I Urksnr «tree: NattB R'»er,»«- a.'* pre« lot «t>n,pf,r g tö ron 1'1.1» o r*p< en I Use Dee »tree,» wa»heiwr.ii -.:i re* é_ig etTte. SI Malt stseei a»bo loot aereelfwhile relui nil f wtl. lier b»»ke; from a I-jie la dirt t.'..el O. tiieen I 1. 11. *i,d N,i,'li »veuue* and MMSthsd ta lb«.pot ibeee m»i,v',,».l. Marawy luiBed r. rla re-,'.:'.e'» »n.l de-¦ired bi r :. warm tovaatf, promising sAtWWBrd 10 ». 1er U 111.0.

Il« lieu m... 1 ,, rr,p.r prop .»a-, »ii k *. * " lea, eje IUuaiiy oil» n-p'eri I* ,ohil..iI '¡if oulis^e ci.«rg--l. but war

tbwaited by ihe «r:r al of a poll-eu, in v.l..) k< ard the ».,.,,«

ol Mis II.uoh.ie. 1 he prisoner war »eut to the Pniiteutlaiyfor one ye»r.M:l.«.| Ship.i»c »¦*» tiied aud »cjuittej «a tbe »'urge ofcn.n iiiit.g »u *^ji~.' upon Leopiid ht »r.j on IBM icih efJanuary.A dei int looklur Urroisit narued Charle« L;e:'- rt wa11 -ied for

conmifiig a tow: cri'in SBbtaOwB .'» n.'e May r. Lie.c't.in the 12ih January, tathob heu»e, No 311 Dkir.eei ,li it riet

llary is a girl aboiit litt, en }. ar, .,:' axe. o; «try unpr.-p...«Vpearau.e. tste oll*Ht-d tbit » b e «eraalf, » litt'e iTother. aaa¦M el-er *i»ter were «¡e.-tung i o bed to-etri-r. herf.'hir rtt -ai.drcain.itt'-d tbe r-r.u.' 'uar,.di'. tr,>- ::.,l;rtuipnt. Mr rlevenr-r,

fur lb« Si «rodant. creae-ciaMas«1 bar, a:/i ,, «to thefa-» llht »be sold -Ie never «oiiil beV« nude the eoui,>'iio'.agi mu l»r loiter bad 1--lot r»fu«.d tie clothe of BwlaBat »ndsbH r or, tn .,, <--B.iu.-i at hen tbey wai.l"d 10 go OOl or.« evening,»ad Se denied them.

r. -.eiai vtlMaaaa wer examined to ahow "be go->d rha-ir-terot tl - Ixtbet, «nd »I.» -»¦ I -Iby of tb. pe.||,;.. io t ' ,e.- ne I 'o

I'e «uougly *f »iu«' lie giii. ilir Jjrj acqui.'ed ihe ptii'."»r.but b» wat in.Biedialely let-rerted en n «iuu ar rbi (.. pret.ir.dby tb-- elder oau^ltar i»«_,ed Anna, who 1* II rear« rat age. ferle. limon) v. »> ai«o liiougíi*. ji.reiíaDle, a« ;.:- te mil prove». Tbobad ckaracter of ttie giris wr.u cJmpu-lelr eilabuab. .-. !» '.rn '..-.-

f.! 11I101I,» r vi u e», ;.-: tí,e .let. r,.e, w ». -' t- I-> e In tl.e to U of «toning about the »treet< a: ji. it. aid

that ft was 10 prevent lui« ll at tue falber witbbe^.roi.-i tbr-,,. TtieJoiy bsOOabt In a .erdKt o\ «.ii..:'

skatsaá»ÎOt'RTOFPPKCIALSKslriloN.s Has. Bl -Bef.ire Juatice*

Bbob mu. ( »i ; "i ll »uii OaoeeuJames Hnihe, a*«ault aad batter] tii»ed %";. P-itr.k

C-n.»ai, «aiault »nd b«ite.ry »entenoe snssailiilawl. Ml *»aellr< ..: kaw ii ai, i '..tu .y


*Kri::lt »nu tiatterv «oBSWarM «.-ferdel. l'n'/Ick Ki-liiejy.p. t:i Inr enj i'i i.nenur/ tWO.MsBtBB Samue! l/*e, p.j;U.-

I', iiitentii'y tbrea mcoi'ia LewMs atteea, ».»an» aoi

b»»verj ; »e-itence «uiornJed. Kmil M:;'»r, »..» il', acl 1 i'iery ;u- r. e «uapenoed Jnhn N'ohn, «"«auli so« i.a'tery rSMBtea *

SOS .iiti'd. Patri k O'Hrien. «imiii anil liat'i-ry e-strur» i.«

piiidea Aieja.ii." i'afeiaon aeasoB a/.d ban ¦). local SS1 boi-a. Tri'ilau a».»i)t »ml bat aal:| bned ei". K-u.il« Taa»ino as'fJt «bS eattery; nned Olli Jobn Tjrreb, ». ..

bai'er» r.i »d 4>1Ä. lieorge 1 uele.r «««»'»It and ba'lery; lo-d?,.'-. Ja.':.»« kVaM »««»ult irid Lc t-ry oeii^enc' » i.,:».nd»>d.( tolla« \\ hite, _..ai II »uJ btti'-ry hm d 03.

KI.MJS COÜKTt »«11 Hl o» .- SSION« -Before Jji#e0*sr.i»o>. »nd Juktin« hrr: rrjti.i. ,.ud Srarsua.

Hi i,rj Uoeeid^l ¡l»d r»ad l"r ra;«', a-^a lit and b it-te rj I. romo.in -d in 1897, wa- bro.,i.t befara the Csurt

,'-* md ad" iue.l 10 ball, wrr -¦. On

¡in barg« oí burgijrr, è i'« r»pe I «M; a««kullt i'«i. ISisall »id 1 "¦ M «a »ii ,SJB *r. BIS), John l.ai.g.Wr),1 rj»v*l '.«-. ci» .- À M b.. h ja' U- .

eV'r. Blebera M. Baai»b «.«» «iralniMlet lilsl aslor b'uMi) i be u Ji- 'me..' cb»r«e» tr.»t. del'.-i. Isut .

Adeli'.e So ill, al the ft-.rn 0' Smiilitow-i, I.. I., 11, tbe brth .,.

J... .-. H41, aud 1 11 tue li'.:. K If let, 11J". u» IbwQBj u. Hi00aly 11.

d Mi» Jusept'liie li-rker ti. >,r '. ».. ',.:... .u i,n..

lie lev lir. iS. to, Klug te.tifiedto marrying de'endant »r» Ml.aIS 1S4I i bad « rn" ."i ol th» Tjvnafe, bu' net with bin:

Ad- ¡ne Huiilh tes'lbed t_*t »be ».». uiariied lo de eiidant in1 »l.li.dfi.e ctnldreu, «¿»J. a-,-i.'.».-,.i 1. it. it h» b»J b-.

d i.rnl-oisly »b»ndoi ed him. Jo», phh.e Oeeier ratifiedi»t»ieu». uit'iii d to detetdsnt In Ad'i.'. IBM ' y the R»e

Ml .»'i!, -I.eil; »be b»d de cLi: 1, bey separited t!:e.-lluie».Ibi -t tin.e »brftit line rnoc «is slice iJitier witne*»s» werr

il>ii to pro», tbe two man lap*«. uni'* coui »J la op», lug the ease, made t atateuient a*

lathe tSeat the S« lb ».i«ia«n'edto a young l«dy, n*mcd Cboilclt* Jar' U'.-ei* r. ISM wb, h».. :..!, wo» » i,l ,:»,i,r or ¦I ui.-lvui, <d si ihe t. 01 tbe marr.

a-e ro AdelJu Sarb in U.U. The uitrriaie ta Adeline wa*,tlere.'oie, ii.il and «"Bl, The kcoud oaain.ge »h blg*i,.|\. bin il.. «M inla| '. lb»i law, but di« eiid«nt did out rrn-lanr lln.r,t\i j w.ong, lu-mu, h a» tbe ni.t »He btJ »Loi.iJun.^I hlin.lU .' IL. bud '.iai :ia|«, t» it'l Mim Ue, k»r, to.a I ¦'¦a", a Jf. ; !) '. dairnditi* r..i »toed lude ted for »rlgirny. To r>on«'l».ute

¦ ol'.e: »if. Ui'i't l.e lnui». Thai w»* uit tbe ca»o

»1 h tl e l»*t uiarri»ge, to Ineeablne batwis« «eVesBa i not ins

1'g.l wife, tb»- in.1 «lie ba.i.ig died before be aiatiiodin« lyl :neMl». hJJUB «lieber, for de'. ti»e, 'tei'lfled to ihr rar", tint de¬

le. Btal a» d M.r. V. , el. lei! ( IJ 8p'lug I. I, lui N.« Vo.k,«aaae »«rawly b»r y.tr« a*o !,ir th. purpooe ol haiu« mir ¡*d.

.'¦.iii'j.'i V. faillh. biolt'i il d»f'Uiai.l, n-.tite ,1 to belogpre.ei.t when he (d.feridar '1 «i> married to Ml»a \\ eeka. hytl,elIe\.Mr ,'liw.::, i,, the old Metboll.t thunh. in Ch'y«tie

», New fan, ll IIM I),, nriwn olh»r«(e«ilft"<I t.. lelngpi»»* n( tt ilia céleri»» ny. Mi* Jane A»k le«nhed that t'»»y

b.r hi.»e ai.d ln»i4 ibere 1« man and wl*e f jr «ome

il» htabard ff Mhwell, rtlled by tbe Di.tri't Attomry,d tie mord« r! Ibecbareh o\< r w'i-h hi« f«(her w».

p«>ior. and le« il-d that Ike naoie ofthe pa'ii'id'd nil %ff*-fMi tl»»! M'Oid. Tbe lecord bad beeu bonuw.-d of hi» »IΫ l«»tff«»« ST. »i.J w) «a It »a« .-»tuined . bel hod been directed hehkd no doubt, by aen e »ne iulerr.ird in tbi* ea»e.

I It did pot appear iu erirferre. but It aeen.a to be riliier«tool,that the enratted leaf roniaioed tb«re..rd of Ml«* Week*'*nj«irl»ge, not to Smith, but to a maa nau.ed Lioyd 11 ba r. ». will be »ominad up Una innriiln«.Join. Jour», arraigi»«d ou «a ludletuieut fcr mUdemeaner,

pieidvd «atrio, aad wai leDteaeed lo pay a liu*. of 8 IB, at 0*881 »

dsy« ioipitoi tia-eut.

COIJRT CAI.BalUR-Toi« 1)»THtjraa.tr i:ttiiRT.tîiactiT..(»vhort Ctwoe»'-l*4rt

1 -No» I oil í ISA, IfV.J, I,'mi, |im 1.7'Jl, l,Mi, l.-v i .1.7,10*1. Mot, í.lo\ I «i, 3,905, an«. 1,391. I.« -, :«-CU 2B>.|,2 1 A Part II.- Nee 1071 I.Oai, lOr», Itl«, «,'.»46. 3 o*i. 2 tvi,2,io», ir-", litt, Met, üm, kma a i.u, ¦.tit.a.an an,Im«, I Bwe, aaJjBf, I9*> MS8, 4,(11. 1,41» aa«, l.tui, a,hat,tn. 14ii;BtypBaBI C "CUT.SPfitL TcRM .No«. If?, 10*.»,

(o a 1 I'4. 170, 08.Hcrthioa Coirt .Pa»t 1. Han *WL 651, », (77,

.»21 M, B% BJt\ 52', 411, (35, 4Cl,fi07, 32,1. l'ait II. -Vame a»

lhtrniay »nd No 4VÏ.( iHT'or fi.vti'.ar Puna-Part I..Not. 1717.

17.13. 1,719, Lim, to 1,715, 1,7!«, 1,:9H 1.7.». LBBL l «01, 1,112,I.'.' fa». n.-S»n.e|ilhtiridty, ind N,

fci«..,'. ( i.i>tt ClBCVIf Corar No», «m -I", 41,jo, :«, m, c.\ R, m, :o, .1, i:<, 71, ;.,, M ttj W, at, m, w.

A Laverie Saw-. Btan ?¦ Oei o» 1 bi «faa n anaiuTt »in with * K»t »r Fat BB TV l th.. A fee» onoorhelife, Churl» e WbefedeD, a broker in thin ci'y. be'iiieBtopae and w»8 ie»'. to tbe N<i xrbnrah A'.yhm. Helu.r) ;in»o»ed mm« f iO^HMI ne » broki r, Hiiil Hi«'arv-n-Biulaiioii of aouey becaaie the prime object of hin i.to.He thought anrl t»!k»-ü of nothing elaa, und if. Iirutlly<íp<itii biiii n.ad H«i wur-ii'ii;« r.hul, an 1 *:c< Baa Bex in«trd No I, where tbe rnot,', dBBajetanB binan«:» ar«

placed, sad »»hieb, rooao'i'wntiy, i* mor« »e<*nre tb*n.hen.lier w>ir<1n. About tv»n wtattk» Baje ho BBawBaterrai e'id the fol'oninn niu.r.er: He took the aet offaire teeth 'rt.ni hi« tijoutb,Tai»de a taw, «id sawd I coleihn ngh «be tl or of lr» mom, which wot on this 188881floor. H* dpoeeii(!»d to the tirât Hoot, and amaaad.tl.iorjyb tbe window. Be waa eiti'tared in the r ty byllar.bal Crow, and take«! tick to the Aatlntn Ii 881tutH'orefl Be bad altando:,.id the idea of eec i-og tura iaait«l Ute la« SotoriV.- t.iwbr, wh"u v». was fouad hehud time. With it IbbtBB 89888? liiutT nui*, ('..iilcnedout, be drift; a hole tùroii^h the fide of tiia room,craw »d on', »nd let Mamau dotn te UeefTOaed (88 Bt>

f..re, be we* in tbe »ecoDd atom end walked away.Otilrfr Mrl'ru'h foond him on trie University Highi«,at d be wae ag iin pal rn» rl to the I *> Inm.

i< lcvr-iand t(X'oi Batata, Mwch 5.

Bj\jJs*B88 RE(oit[i4 Fotsn..A volume o> tu,' reordief the old Son'h Chan h in liostip, Mmn.. vv'irh baübeeu ci^rcrf fcrtamBttBaa half ata>8tartlBM j'ieibeen brought to lii»!-,t. It wai in the BawwtH it root*

foirr.«»l7 oempied hy a proa.ii:« nr. biwver, n«. , deceafaxi, and it îa '.b. ngh». the records were i:aminedii\ lor- in »«nie; e-i t. und w« re a^ottTotnid itm n.

It r »aid that th't» volume rfce^a ro .urh !;."t B88Btl... i«ti h fluids l'..at it ik | r-irali .. >. I Befit Bat trillI,, r« tt't.r be mar- .i-'tli.r.., no tawit ¡In» wi'l moCtaiBe¦eat af the mtaatji ua ama anatatlad by tbe orixiuaidone.*.Oov. Rnrkitvlfcm of ('orinr'-.-ficiit ha« Bjape 'atad fñ

day, April r>, to be obe.i.-ved -m the tnnual loBt U*7 iülb« State.



Aaira »I »kr ailorli * -, .-r->. » .-HaBCB IapJHt I'. S. 5a. fi5.leO 4'K» N. f. Ceatrai R».lirc«f!. ,tj!¦ 'W I' S U. Ij7.NT IM rl...»».! Tt\

tO .14 .«. '"'4.l"i;it » 0 Tenneeaea bt '!*'.... »0:¦((« do.MiO M

SI nai klUaoui State 6»..

if«) do.».«.o do.ban TajM do.b*)72'it'-. do.

H>( I Co. .bieei-iluc do.t-2 :'.

I ret ro.t-«.»- it io»i do.t-; ...

area h«. .».to «.i.i-oo do.¦>.j. *i roatral ta.. mil »I «o.

-».wajKrle I« l on. I« %1 Xt.i itvi d;. TlJ! at Haai K. Rn. »atMt.BI llMB do.l.iiaHiid K.ltlt .tdMt w 'ii-ii rl. «

1 il re . Mi 7.1 liai ¡?in ¡t.lln.at I'f f.. W1 .«0 de. st- tee Jo.Il" Miril . eLt. RR. "¦ t*

real t t Mi. Bka. ltd.Corv Hn. d«. ¦

travi Bat a Ü J. UK ü maam *>.<.'.n f-.i 0' HeW'Totk.aatjH Ba.rfllt o'N. V.,rk. MIt H»r.k » f.

i0 to. rlu tH:ii, it,,,.,-.;.,. (:.y KK.ll«SIM Bttetdfta Ceutral M|t"0 .lo.»:<0 J-^IdO do.55 do.BBj7 do.81

.'ii at Fr J. N. led. H1 ... I25 Cniit.0 1.Ill hi.i.k.B9 '(i'i dn.Rl". Aixi.r.caii V x. Hank ... SJ tSB d. 8^Mk>«"»ry lent Co. S i«".'. Illîn-la ( entrai I.T.Ha Del 1 ih.d Ciu.lCo.. w:1 y. i¡,>,,« a CkJeapo Rt.. mi45 f ). Hi 2 j do.

Mld--.B»84| l«J do. bltMJI" Teno. t'o.l Co. »S M do.5«»im fieri.; Mi 1 «.a.ce .»m «âj .." d".ami .:5" di. .»!«»Í>1 ü-'Clev. a. Toiedt RÍ-II

M 41.mllinn do.'..ii ¿11V< 4i.i.l".'l..'Ct;r. alt. I. ¿KIMUi

V' I «lite Ciii|.-aiiy. VI ' 3.VJdo.150 c'a. *l li'tj do.lia.<-..TO'I fv) do.»lit10 Milw. k Mi».. RR. 1, 4im da.b.« 6 .;

r it« T. .'Mee t. '».«..(«xi ltli.su.ir1 ri-ilrb.,.. IIi1 i«., n J.-...U kl» B II 2d

t4>ee.t»lioeno.: b Ceo R R ?*»«.

lai Mie F f Con Hda V5;, un iri- I! K 2d Mtf.lU M

3-f. Feetao M.K r-. to. M20 aie.

.et» M

.b» f4ton j..M'CxoMa ( otxpauy.20lut «c. 191?.W jr, . oal Pief. I'Til.S. ', «sutiai R R .fc'^i "7>

»a i*n »ron


IMvN. V. Central RR. a. 71Hal do.km .'..im d..» .¦>'.50 do.bl'i 72'.It Mods-in Riv.t r.; ij

l'H. t.t..li; * Raiit.wd 411im M. So k M I« « d M'á ITJ50 faj.aiiia R»lir»a¿.IBM!>o ¿n.bm.taaiK« Illlnoi» 0, ntraii*. B.BII ¡o,2«i0 do. eo

¦'¦ l.atmv CLi'..at it.... BUMO ro. 5»|ino Bt,.bin 5lH1'tO do .«sV> 5it¡2'0 du.

io.alO '.'il 500 Cleve k Tciedc R.K... 20*10 do.s»'2l

..1 (1 f i!n. 1*1«00 do.et»» IB:ti do.bMI'.2HO »do. 72:

5'(i «"o.Ii») »n,inn do.yi BwOt i.l A.-a-j« C. R... M

i>. larert L.8 vv. B II. n7

Tnrrtsrnv, March*1- F. 8.Tne ur.wa/.l rnovetnen', >, tl>e am k maketeen inueo,

end wi:b bnt little leeieta-jiv trom tae bearr. Tka »d-«raDce-of tbe Uai fern faye hat brought in 18881 outtidoapaaamm a, altowagh not. yett/tany irjiportant extent,a', the »unie time il.ni it ha* induei«! aeme of the anortato cover ibeir cotitrscte. Ttie ball epeculatore b 14 I evi.dcn'.iy rt -overerj a portion of thrir nn8t888| loat duringcany EiODtba of an advene market, and, vi«.»vitij; *.he

lejijlarive Bemttj a' Albany a»1 likely to re«a't in noth-li % distitataaate mOiaatta,. re di. aaaad to man a more

tojie/ul tiew of the markitt, now thitt we lire a- ¡.roach-in».'tbe opening of navigation, when the »mammmaftin- VV i-rttern raitdrt ma«t »how an ini|¦rovi-ra-nt. la('. ryral tbo traneaitione were very lar^e, with a risingnisilící. Tbe agajit-gu't? rec'rt'^-red siles of the dayexceed (*,ïrO bhtt'ee. Toe opinifg price wai.'.'[ and

IBBTBmatto»tiamBjBxlasBcedailng tae n»*8.Mion ;o?j},wh*D tome thort tell»rn'on*a^.iB were thrown on tbeuiurket, wùwh checked the riae. At tb.> manatí Iburdthe (.(«-iiilig .|ii'i'-ili)¡ir »liiiw-J a ilr.-lil..' nf «ih.ir.t; | f>crn?, bot the tttrkm atrcrwarl gained H-ren)»rh, and« VJ «at paid. The Nenat« bill .ntlodu. ...»! yenU'iJuy by.Mr. .Se.r,.(>uf|Wui' looked u^juar a compromiso metumm.ai.d un aiuc-h Irw« itijarion* to the Ceatral roa.!, if

I, than tbr original bill. I*' the ('..'mptiny gboulJbe alloareil to (baiae 2| (edte jr.-. mile purvuuger fare»,it ha* Ij»«u cal, oii.'ed ihm, BBtmanaasamm «maalaeteSat of lf.'»9, thr '¦]¦¦"! aa «! revenu n of the ro.id w >::Hb». $4'<J,( «0 At IBB Biam. tae mwk"*. waefirm atí-¿|bid. Panaafc Ma«] was muci: mor-i a live t'j.tu oi U'«,and advanced t-o ^4. Peanma wan k'».') BsTBanj, bn'. maBrnBaainiimi wo.v' ly.ht. Baadlog i^ iir.u, Badat or-

dt ra Irotii riii-'ail»rlj»lii,i to pun !ni>e. /- ..r r -.-. \'\

rhare», Utie waa a eta-oo»? market, with a fuir an. inat

ol ti.ioMtciioD«. |.'or Hatmipjen Ceatral, tin murkct.rmder fmaîf trateacu'w«, aJvai.cd to .''.., (i ilaMBaMatBf|8a the morjitng li^ird, but wae in démuniin tlv: aJtvrnoon at .>'. Kxk hlaud a>.ld at 63).Xothiug it ku«'.. m 1.1 1 to the aipertad riltliBjtidon thtaet'^ol, «raj ri* || tmpp -ed th.tt BB8 oi :i jr IJ .«eu.wi!; be decLi-ati), pajaaJe aa tne nella;., dMdamdday, the IO-h of April. MatafU Nvi'heia old eto-k8JM in deffidtnl «t*. hj prob»ôl» tor tie pur^fe of orj.(Milling the n-'tt amatarm. IbIIbobiCtmtial bjbb ibj¦e*r«>iig¡ halte we.e cunte ae BajjB it-1 It, Bad .in BdtBUtaof , 4)> ont K»« aeked ai ti«. clou«.' I'd«? mi

for State ano«-k» in n'r.'ng, Bad (iiiwrn:iii"ittie betur. Sales of Coupon on, is; 1, BraaamaaaatlnJJ, anattvtmeof [ t> .ent. Th« rc^ie*t>red Sa an-

held M 1'-,. At the Second Hoard the truiukt-t Bratvery firm and fairly active, and the teudeucv wn» stillra'her npward at the do««. The Lit cet qr^nrioaa were: IVirginia >'«, 9I«:M{; Mireonri »^. H|8Ja1|| Cm-ton C'ompuny, l'i.;<rl.ij¡ Camberlsind Coal Company,I.; tlt'.¡ l'lu-itic M«u), BJ|«j194, Ndv-York Centralhiun.iul, *-.<i(.'^; K,,,- iCaili-i.iH, l|8>8|| Had^onKiver R^lrvttd, .«.ob«|| Harbm Kuilroad, li«9JiHariem Preferred, Ba^«94| Heading Uailroati, II |fj4J, Miclüsjan CVntrJ liiiilmad, atr|*«*a>|| Mt.higao.vootlern and Northern Indiana Uaiiro.td, la>8|| do.iluaianteed, 17i <r |K; IWtn» Uaiiroad, IXIj 113.1 {;Iliiiioi'« Central Kai road, tA\ BtA] Galena and Clii-cgo Kailrotd, >, <r,vi; C-vul^nd and Toledo Rail-rood, lavfatJIl Chicago and K..ck laland Uailrotvd,6.l,tfC*¡; Il inoia Centiul Rai rood 7a, **] uW.

In loieign billa thaïe ia littla or nothing doing, andratee tue heavy.FieigbU to Littrpool: HKi balea Cotton at9-3*2d.;

100 ua. lleef at 3«. N ; 100 boxta liaron at J5a 100bblf. Flour m ?a. 3d., axd par eteumer, 10 ton* Seed at10e. To London: l,Vi0 tea U««,f at 30a ; 75 tea. Kio«at 30a.; 100 ua. India lleef at t*. 6d. ToGlatgow:170 bait! Cotton at 9-32tL To Bremen 100 bairn Cot-

b n al Ü'-Pe. To K»-.»N;rdiim 10!» bak-a Cotton nt Je. ¡

8C0 bbk R eta si 3*. 6d.The bornera of the Sob-Traatmry was: BaiBafoa,

$IV0.t07 13.for Cn»»oro», $11.0000; 1'aymenta, $.11,-130 7.1; R-Janre, is, Ki, ¦'»«.... to.Tlc (jermania Kire Iri«n**inc«Comp'ii.y BM Wlarod

aasmi-annDal dividend of 6 *> cent, payable on the

1'J'h iBBt» I" Money, there il no change to note. The

eopply iaveiy abnnd.mt at 5 c 7 f <"ent on cull, andc I 7 k» cent on paper. The bur-inoea of tho CltAring-lloaie to-day wat $9 ''37,4.01.At an« tion tho following S t-rk« wi re laid by B. DbV

rer, by on), r of tie a88oa C .titi'-'ller of the State of

WateesomiBI,>mM|a.oflri«*«T eertt IV'-.I. I a WTd.*"}tare» Vl«..r.rilii«»e*nl Hord.n.e IBM.flfI 0.0 Miaoworl I 4? Cei.t Ii. nd fat Ifta.M,4.(ro Mleeoorl l4V cent Bn-rl, due '.t5".;;"-l.tYalMlieKiiiei« If-eot Bond, due 1W.i"t.>..) 0 'll.n ,.-(.¦"'.eut «olid Boa aftei I*".2,4111 liltuo - ». I' tttd il n<i, d'," aftet IBB).tB«

88 ;i'ratii<i m'tit wen' iutnetWt on Monday betweenthe I'entojlvaiii.i Railroad Company, the New-JarseyCertntl [»lu'roHd Com« any,and the Companies owningthe intern,f<)>.!e roa.l-, whereby cars baattBftaaj to thefu»t-tamed Company, loaded with live at ck dee'iuedfoi New To'k will run. via Ktadioi/and Allenrown,118ft8»«fmafl City« Tho Bmvaa f rfanspcrtationof livo »*r>ek over tbia row rvnt<> BJ to bo proratedamorg the different CompaTii's, BtXOtdfag to the nr'!"«or road, n»»d between lMtt-'.jrgh and Jersey City;lemtHttmam tat^aamiItitmt«Mghaad Jtaaaj City, vuâBBBttrata, Il HI Bafte. The dis'ance between Pitta-

burgh and Jersey City via tv.iiUdc-!phit ia 415 mile«.Tbe earnine* of the Michigan Central Railroad for

tbe n>»lith of Ktibrtrttry W»r».1VBO. 1*».»».

Pk»»eurei«.»tl 377 71 tl... in Mrr.-i|íh*. *' il atliiaiellaneoua. ».IMA* l.CJX H

Total.81''".*+« H* *IW,y59 »5

Tbe ea'iiir g») of toe last eight day»! of the monthwere |39 «70 4»j aguiire' tßAJmVi TO, 6n increa^ of

$6JU4 Í«». The wcerward-bonnd frd-bteare ehowinjifonriderable H'crease. Thia road, the tt xk of wbich

BBfl be. | the f.K.tliiiil of the «tree! Bt from |M to «*IU4? «bare for tbe l«ut tin montha, bar- been gradutliyhroniil.t info a cendi ion of financial stability, more

aaaad and tatfamaoaaj laamalsaj time in it* history.The floafng debt han been entirely li.j'iHatcd, and thebond» of 1*30 are provided for in cash, or by renewal,at the option of the holder». The biet, official state-

írent of <«»iuess for th« nix montra ending Dec. 1,.taw*, wat", under the state of depression in the W'eet,very Baiirrfaeiorv. The road e.trncd during tint timethe itiicreit on il* bonilid di ht. the »inking fund of

í .".'..< tO, and about 9 t' BBBt on t»e entire capita' stock.Club r »rich cir«nm»*atren, it is evident that but a

in. derate iucreir-e of BaaBNM in requt-ite to enable the(i tn¡ a-.y to irtrtiine dividend pat tirent*. Tne presentc»sh reeourc»» of the Company to tbe credit of 88 orae

aicoCDt, will, in poini of lad, warrant a dividend of I4* cent in .Inly nett: but thia will be ontuuent uponthe I.Heine»« BIB'IBllB vA the road, tbe director»! pr»posir.r, M we unit? r-iar.d, to commence dividt-LÍ- bbIjwhen the prop* c'a warrant the expectation of ont'n-

u-.nc«. Tbe. probabilt y i* that in July or .Iiuiuiry this

pent of promir» will be resolied. The ro-id in in om-

p'ete working order throuuhout with ample equip¬ment, for a large business, with »i;..sunt;.il 1..-.¦'. ami

eu Bt dtpo's und mu'-'hitierbopaul Detroit and v. BB »g'and ample dtpot icrounda. In point of f*ct, it i« thtrmort thoroughly Cuiehed r iad, in all respecta, in the

Noi<h-We»t. ñmleanl atBaammaf tlr« taWBlaaaii*r,flirien* »o ;i»Hnro taB crock holder« of 8 large traffic,Bad ibe thrifty taBJBB8888 88»888» 8888888 Detroit,

and Chicago, will bear a favorable comparison withromo of the beat of our Ktatern ronda.

il---.v. Rayncr A lJlai'-w.-il have aold foir lotainnthwest cx>rnpr of I.exinpton-i.v. and 5^rl-.-»t , for

f '; aleo 8 h.ta on the rear, fronting tattaai, at

aa»wll V lot; also, 4 aojoùiiog aod fronÚDi/ 4th av.,Iic'iiii ¡lie oouUM»aet corner MaoVBa and dtb-av., for

B/ljOf.o, ah of oaid lot» «ra> full in «ixt cxewpt the foarconer irii-tiv , whi.-h ^re 1' ."> feet in >i«pJi. Alno 4lots i< nhtatt conx r 4'1í-kv. and Í :th-8t , ea**h 'jrixlilj,:i;$'.H0. aleo, 8 It,ta aoioinirc and fronting ó?th at.,a.id rnnning withia HH1 BBBl of L«xir ||8a av., beiii^*ail full in a!ze. x* lota in al', aoiounting in the a^gre-gnte to |..'i,4irf). J ihn UcCiave hat told one lot ou

CvH fide of Broadway, commencing '23 ft í¿ in. northal ' tb-et., thence running northerly on Broadway 98ft 9 in., ;btnce easterly M ft. '.'] io., tbonce aonther y96 ft. I in, and werterly H ft. 10t in. to tho line on

Broadway, for *ii,ri'U. Mr» McClave BB8J report* the«alo afama thr««.-«'oryaud harvinjent hi^h »t«op, hrick-f.ont dtveliing on north BjaB ai iCah-st., between 9tua-jd lOthav?., for |.l,IH)i».There ban been no important change in tbe gonera

Iiry Coodf tn.le. pjajai cor la.-t review. Ita centraliz 4-

laou to tbe great dititributing houKe is be:om:ag more

apparent, and with that clare there appears to be no

tV.iixtr off in sa'ea while :!ie irjcrt.'Oíe cf a*rivala fromtbe wtet baa given more a- tivity t<- thotse houriea whod.4 not participa'e io ihe dietribution of trood* in Jan-

nary and February. The South.Ifa8awf8 trade inali.iot over, bat many near-by Southern buyern are inil-.'carkei. In Domtetie Cottons there has been a

moderate busi-jce», and more confi ience ie felt a« to thefuture price of our chief fabrica from the lac", that theeitraordinury demand for the productions of rlie Fn-glieh manufactories for exportation to all parts of tbeworld, will «iva tbem full BSBjIl yraent, wi'.hoat at-

temptiig an e-ipaneion of their trade in thin contitrr.Tin' ollicijl returns of the British Board of 1 ride fi;r

ls.V.'«repre»erit tn impartant increase of their exportaover that of |8Sa, although the export«) of th** v>-tr

were ia-i."r than ever before known. Vet it cm«no«* be dvnied tB8t tbe BBaetal ba?iii.;sí of the ha

mu baa «Jiha',i»i)inted n.any, and those par-tieH who are looiin* for a large trade late ¡nl)c IBBBwfl will u!h" b.- dÍKi¡ppo;!red, fir'jir.îatly \nthe woolen department. Tne stoeka of wooleca iothe inteiior. aa wt-U aa in the chief centore, are large,and there is no st irit t¦> the trade among j >bbon« or thelarge c'o'ikjnt: lion»«--«. Pet* pun ha e« of goods willbe matfe for Autumn .»ir. until »ixty days at least hove

i aw t> ; while la*1' year, at ttiie time, wo werem ih« midajtiif a !ai ..¦ basini.ej«. What ¡a done af

preet-nt is eeaflaed to t'.'e soring np of stotts. Taegoer1«, however, a-u net BlwStad it th* nurket, ar.dir-noe arriviüir are gentjally voit.g u.l.i bHadedwareho'ir^, lo I.e. witbdrtiwn, if po«r«iiile, under a m>reliivoi-iii). r-iaik.'» thiirithc | '.xtentTama are cjr«r«i'iiie to this feature of tho market in

fire styles of < us-i:i,e¡ís.in wbicii goxl taate at die-playd. hat the ii'.-y Cunfn. Btsl shipment* givetae tone to the i.-ade. und tlie I iyt-ra nave the al-v.int.ire.We annex avajaaj table of« xpcrti ofD .meetic Cot¬

ton, for the »h k:n , , ., . , ,,

Perkit»«, Valoe.DurrhWeaf |-)r|¡.. ¿,.810,11«H.intl, Houdir».. ie|jOBJJ"*'!'. W4 TJB8"'et1"" . 3|n M «!'N-« i.ri.i.»J». ».73Ve»eiu.-I«. 2 1Í4UlliU. fU l.Jli

To«al.-,iS a47"(»;I'iev.iual^ repeiwd. 18,608 1.ÜSÍJ99Í

ToU! ilace January I. I'J 134 81,13.'.t1MThe v.iiiiu oi m .-Importe nud Bxporte al B cotón lor

the month of B^ebraaiy, wh«uk follows:llh.II..

Dolltblt, en'ered for eootumptluo.* 'Li'iJ!Hi.tl.Me. Wat.hi.iMeH. ÎE'VShre-, exc;..¡»,.0, .pvc.i-ana bulileo. ,'?*Bprrie and tiullioo.

Total iaiport». BaaaaeaUntil, all,- merrliar.Jlae.f. -.'rn »nercl anrllae, tlutlahle.I- i f'<n d erroaallae, flee.bpeile and bullion.

Tola! »ipjrl».81 ose,TO

Merch'dl»ewUhdr»wn froto wareb'e feroonaojnptído. 8478,»Si

The Imports of foreign goods at that port for a teiieeof v eara paat, wr re aa follow e:

y..'r». r>t~ P«ytm Huty. Tittl.UK.BIH'O.MJ 8»"»9H.t44 aw.inw.i;«

UM. i,W.tS9 Wl'H.IW Jl.bHSMIM». ».147.144 m.iiw.M* ».wViu

]H»l. II-Î1.Ï11 t«.744,IM HM".«»lff4. I.IM.III 4l.tM»&e 4»¡4«)'"4it»*. t.ra.ae a-»,eii tar: . ,, ,it»«. tata<m aM.isi.oet 4srii4'<*no

jan.litsiiM on.tin.seT asvn«4ami. tAnfm uota.m n'lH'"

WR. ll.Ml.lltl t-,Wle»T 43,(04,«;

The .Vea-Oi» .«* fWfBM '»f March I ahja:Ir. Money m.rlet h»« been 'libe-qolet »öd«?. «_»<

( tor» bre.ibe* more 'ree|y «fter »be erlvlty of the pw t»« «r

tin» e day*. P»»ro«n»»«i tbe R»nk« «nd H«nk»nr n >».».» W4BBfebea».»*» for the »eaaoD, »mo mttr g h. the »rgreg»te t«jsoasa»OS.iXiOOi yet they we«« net w'th the a»nal b»ot)P'Ko«*s, a**le-p»p.-r went to protest except a few CTJO'ry n^ellia* beebren o»posited for ro'UcMon. There »»a» » miried dlrrfoTtUBn» »icetae in tbrg demand fer aeon. nKxUtl S thriorhon» the day,and I..* diftir'.il'y In negoriallr.g orime li-iaine«« .lotii«'"'"«. T_Jmove i ent« In iioe.k« and b*tnii inr icated no ehaog» of any MMon r e««eroa»'» report. 0*>-ln|. we'e ample, »nd »ale« wax«lin I'edtoSC «bar»* M.rrs». u' steal r'oekat nnr*\ati, at »44.1 he Kg»h»ng» market opeied under a general depletion, .»«

at aallght redo»:eii la r»»e»of rnmeitle Pltlit, I» tbe day «d-rarreo bowerer. a rear, ».(ou took piare, whir h rernlted la «odVetsle .«le» of sil ductlptlon», tbe market sjkjstej weak at ye-iter.da»'« quotailnr«, .« follow«: leer «tterting Bl'le, I4t7|'»*10H¡Bill* »lib 'hipping Iloentnent» »«taone»», \*V0UfH; Kr«tiw,if. líjiy.'/íí |>d ,ll«r Sify d.y nil,« oo New V.,1 a »... ]\dt4>cent discount; light, 1 dUtonut to pv, a ad | if e*mt «re-

Uilnm.Tho Bank movement ba* been Ie.« eein»er»ate»e than fir the

week «Tiding the 7'th ult but a vartetOa wk» looted for, laview of the ¡urreaeed demand for ac'ommodalion. Ece»T tteea«bow* an ir.<-re»»e. except Fichai.«- and lliatant Baiaii»^«,which eibl'.H a riBBttli n on the previo.« r>-tnrn*. Th« precks«change« ar« in the following order, vit

Im In Per":'». ?fi,Är».luc. InHneeU.BMA *Wv

I,.- in ' i,c.l«tlon....J41»»f) In.-. It «litrt Loan«.'Se.«.!Pec ,o Ii b.ng-.SawinJDe* ¡n Ulataat lleiaue«a.lt2,Wllar. in Long Loeu«....848 1331The Trefisnrer »»f the «wSSRw Mor»t<**TO TrnaJoM of

t) e Northern New-York (Ottdmshurifh) Itailrrred »rivéenotice to the First Mortalité bondholder«, tbat, to

pursuance of the recent decree of tho Supreme Court

ci tas Hute of New-York, the in'ereet warraati for

il.ei \teiid».1 Bilan»! for Un teura fro« Joly I, 1859,will be atuched (on production of their bonds) at theoffice of George A. Kette!, Treaearer, Boiton, on andaft« r th»: l'Jth inst.The amonnt of Hour and drain in atoro at Calato

on the 3d inst, was m follows:M»r.h 3. M»-»b5. Mv-h«.1H434I. JH39. A«"4***:

Flour,hbll.«IBVJ 31574 4*1171

Whe.it. Ssrtng, bo.4'«.***, *>» 132 ief-toT(¦«.leit Bed. ba. M*« 1311.573 |_|Wheat. While »Ainter, bo..... 907 10,811S4Ä

Total »heat.41«,*4» 5A3.I-K I.IM5,«SCor« ka.738.1.91 33.44» S.7J_

Oatf. In.1492«0 119,715 I7,«lBy.«, bn. 6 157biiley,bu. Kill «Vial SRMJS

Tot.) (»rain, bo.IS*».*» 7n,7»8 l,Hl,m7% l'htlnihlphta Uiiç, r reports:" Navlgglion will be i»»im»il on the IMiwar» r.nd Karl»*«

Cunsl on ibe |Mh list I he sralef bj. »he Veri« «an») bar beead.awn eH to illow a few repair». Navigation will pro»»ablj ra-

ror, m»i e» In « few day». <in Friday the waw-r w»* km Into lb»I', jrn Division of the k He «-»0*1. »ud hoata bave e-onnoeDrAd1Itintdag by the middle of the rnoitii, navigation will be opened,to Ktie.-'

MarUeta>-C*R«riLiv RiPC»T*r> «ok Tan S. 7. Txt:«r»na.Trii-gmiiv, March ». 18m.

ASHF!- Tbe Baikal I« wltbo',' change; the cernand I« BBT|iaie«..f'.5bM*. Po'tst 05 85, siid'Ohtls PevU a» «5 43}.

'. tlffFRR.The trade i«moieaeti»e: «ale« of 5,Ú09 Dea« Rio atli.'tf I.V.. the ran *r r0»ef"r 2W bag« Slimming«.

I OTTON.The market i« «»easy; »ale» of ¡JtofftjafeB Wejote Middling Cpland «t ll'.c and do (Jnlftt lije.KLOLTl AKU MhAL.Toe lutrket for VV»«tena and State

Float I* more active, particularly or tie medium and betterg'-iuu: tbe«e»»e »««In better, while State nr«ed« are.. i»et «t.'. 'loer rate«: ire »irira * are medente : the sale* »re t l.*!V> tbl*.*t i.^ SOU *5 2"> for SeatjtSaa otate and VVeaters 4>í»ó'»1' *¦'> 56for I Hi» i-tote »nd «A »«tern *J to for choice brand« do. e*'w>06 h tor Shipping brand« of Ii oucd Hoop Kxlra (JHIro; $6 fMBe>' for trade brtudrdr.aad *«¦ 2014756 for at. leroi» extra«,

laiaci n Fieor'. »«TJ brni.the rec»-ipt*limited, »nd the d,-ri»iudlgord: the «ule* aie 237 t>hl». »ft 4 Í miieè'i ¿i for Kill**,hootberti Flnur I« bet'er, »nd i« »till more »ctire; tbe «VaMMla iu Mrt »peciU'iv.' «nd there i. a good Ijcal au« l'ai' m.p.ing

lelre* o' Ml bb a at 4>S lr*5 *.* ii fut liaperñivs Balti-»nd .>»» >Oa »> : 5c for tbe uei'.er g-_e«. K re 'tour k«

it. !«il dr.ii«!.d »lid i« tiliu: »>le*of la« bl,'... »t *.t '.'»'i * » 4ÍI.ton Meal I» vn ; quiet, but i* »'h Iff *3 Si »v.+3 7" (st Je«»ey,.mi Bill fef Urandvwiue. Bo.:kwueat I-lour ia wanted «tI 1 75.7*1 ttj ft I0u';6.

ti HAIN-1 ie demand for U'leo» I* more »rtive, and ri"*tkino« »re toot««. * lute.- i» held m n.i.ieraily higher, and loatli-ern 'a w»nt»d; tbe .« er are 11 "XA bu'h. Cb»c«g< 9SI 2.'. a *l 23 in «tore; 5.8 I bu.b. eho'.re Milwaukee.: ol

*l to, In »tor»; 0 5-0 bush, good W hit. CanalUn, at f». M, la«t-re, and 4 7rc bo'h. good Wbi'e Indians «4 Bl '-' «

»tore. Parley I« quiet, but there i« lit' 1«; cbange to Bit« in iul the »nival« a e light: w* quote 77o.!«e. Barley Malt »a

iti Mr i.iiin ¦( at aua'/tc. Oat« aie ileady, bot ire ratre vtive ;ii>«of W, «tern und Canadian »t V!, «44J., and Stale »t IIRje ir wirh'Ut rl.auge, the demand i» fair; tales el* .'."SI i.«i.

atb-. illost. Corn it Ie«« »rtive, and Wa.te - ha'dly.o turn tbe Ir.'iiiry i» m»n,iy 'or ».It I ast and home irada «oJ»*i III i'bu»h at74a7Ü-. r L'ueojua; 78'<f80e. lor it BBS »udYellow J»r»ey old aontbe'u.HAY.The fimii.ri iaHahl, and the market i* he»»y; «lie* of

«I 'I', h +. i' Uli ft.HOP«* -nntiioe oai! at form :

illlr'.S.'lie n.ark^t l« ste.d) and a HUle mere eeOve ; »ale«ol 1 H" Vain, aibo, 22 if, av, rage »*. ¿ljc. ; \,#*- Ca'::,:oi« at

M Tel»* at M'.all (i mouth*; 450 Ta*npie*, 27 9», «Aí'¡c. t! Lio* or )e»» i ü» eeit Mali i MS green aaltcd Aouto**«,aid tin o-osle Video, 2li tb on i.nrn net di«oi««ud.l.KAl ill-ll-iieaioei.it ite.-vdj arid lu for deiaaad. Oak is

qoietMOLASSIS ia doll; aalea of 11 BBSS Cane Sirup at ««., aad

4u in.I« New 0)le«n» »t 4*r.NA\Ah 6lOl.K>.Sp ritr f'rr»nthje 1* alea.tr and ¡u m d-

ersle lequeat; »al»« af «ome w oil TOO bbU. Ia*t evening and U*rjiv. in geed n.tiehar.rahlr ¦ i.ii r ru 48c, ca.b. I'ride eeunaiij».-'I'.i mm «' rf i t; i ,-tm>0i. Coumion Ro«io 1« dull atrfl r:ir;#l kff* BrlMffJ, afloat and delivered The medium.i n e f,pJes »!. *>. » que- ; .-les of I'm bul». »A hi», at #3 871¦f 28». tt> Tar I« inactiio, bat the atork i* light, and pnce« ara»ustaiaedí'liP. I.ln«eel ia In fsi'r reqie.t at 57a 59e but o'ber dercrip-

ticn* «re devoid of »civliy, and, In tbe abaeaee of »ai««, prloêaare non ir.a'Ir un «hangedPROVISION.Ibe Pork aea-k«11- rslh'r lower aud rJoae*

berivy p*,»ici lai'V for rid, «nd the iiquiry ¡a moderate «ale« ofITOtb. «t #K tltíit .15 for old .Meaa; * 18 Zfld + IS 35 fornewdi. »12 50 for old Prime, and BU OgSBM M for ae*rdo. leef '. firii.ly b»ld. tbedeiranj ia fair tor the trad«; «leMrt 4«n b:l» a». S>5 lia ti 50 for C. uutry Me.*, re*) Ü1** 10 5for Keparied M»»«; Oil .«-f ¿rf 12 M for F.xtr« Prime *«.* n

quiei at 4>l'u«t-19: Indi« Me.» i« he'd at £224 f 15. Beut'lieuia are quiet. *»Ie*of56 bbla. al £15 BrR 016. Cut Meat» ara. lih'ii'ch» ge, the demand i« fair. »tie* of 1*6 h:..L. and tcat ',a'\e. for Pbonlder« »nd '.-{'a:-1c for Ham« Uvonwanted, »id 1« »caree; i-les of 10 («JO fí> short e>«r Cite, Ipi, 11- tt Ite. f«r Ibe f* 'lisiáis uiarkel; a lot 10.000 Ib Creelide. »eie «nid from the block a» íeic. Dressed Hog« a»e in dVB and al "ju.'c ' «'d i. iu betier Jecruui. and i* *eady; talo«of I'llhtl». at K j'êtllir. Untier tnd Cbee-e are hruj.RICK I» qul.t; a.ie.of 150 tea. at *3 753 *-4 25 4)* '.00 to.r I- I.>.vl b.- d. ci.iiJ 'or Clover Se«d i. tdt : .r it» Lisa

liai'e at 7ju8ic the latter fur *o.all lot* of cholee Timothyl"nd I* *c«rce aid n«tnin*l. Ro lgb Flax «L»d i» «ejsi. Taiiut-le Lit »»ei :« qo'et, but very firm at fc 65 ¡> bu.h r*»S, for lotato »rrlve.snd £1 tîj for pateéis oo ibe ipot in Boa'.oa.bL'üABS. The market cntlnoe* In tbe bay«r-a ravor; «alee

of 1.401 hid*. Cuba. 15t; boxe« Havana, and So hods. .M,i**io atr»ih*r e*»ier price«.TALLO« -The market ia fiim aale« ll,oro^p-ime .'outhern

»t II«. cîsb.v HI -KV The market is qniot; small lots b*i*.-d i*¿¡cs

at : to

R«r« i'll« of Producv,Toful by a". Kouut -sl»rrh R.SSffJ bh!*. Flour 8.7»>^bo»b.

Corn, I.T» do. Ult*, 890 pkg«. Prov.«ion*. (S(.r. pj;.«. L.r.l, 'J^abbji. W):i»ky. ^_

flBBRIKIk.BI 'J.' I- LTOK-la tbl. «B«. .aV.nJy, ffal. H, oy l.eKev 1 tana Remli'g.on. Johu C. Butler end MUt Lucy Lyou,bdh of New Loidoi, Cc..:¡.

Ml'NSOB.WILLUMB-Oa rht-r»day. March », bnivR«r.B«.i g. Mr. Cha*, ff. Moasea iu Mi»» Kaie H.'iVHiiaa.i,all of this city.MARSH -(.I.KNN-IntLii.ity on U'edn^td«. Feb «, by the)Bee. fisto Remui^ion, Jolu K. .Varjba-id Mies Jil.«."» ¦* of New-York.

MAI 'r'AKI. AMI.,SMITH-Inth'. city, on Wedneeday. M»";hlln. I'.dok Beiniig'on, Jauier C. MaekftL'i-vcd «ud

Nia« Sarto Jj«aa srn.itb, all «fa«w Ton.TAYJ.OIt-F.f.LRFD-In Helgrade, Me, c:: Mondav rrvwnmg.J.'M. ". vi. by Ari.l H.ukley, e«j., M-. Jobnlro rell Ç«y!or

to .Mi. tell«Crewel] Kdr..«, «Meet dangbterof rbomai Kl--I.. iaiei'ouiij ("on aii»«.oner of Keine >«r ( ou-iij, M«.

WARD-W 4SI! Hi-RN-du Iwasdof, M»'th«, by the Rev. e.Rn'i.'i a'oa »'r. ') hou.o« \t aid lo ^L«« I ua«lutte Ana W»«h-

ketB "f tM» -,rj.V llj'ir Kb Kl>.'":. We,tie.diT -v.r:i:ig, March 7 by Iba

Lord, t»|| mi i kViiitl M '). o»' .-¦ »'» «l#..o Maria Loujte, da n'i'.r o: J. M. Reed, «*q «ftbks


USED.Pinity-At Pompion l"..:n-. N.J. en Thor»d«y. Mar h 3,

.-aiab. widow ot Ja< oW Keny, ageJ '»-, year».The lelmiv. . oid friends »f tke Aually, «ad t«ie«e <»? h*r »oiv«,

Peler, Martin'»nd Samuel, «»e r**prctfully lorited lo alietujibe d u.rol ¡roui her laie re.ideme, on -«aiirday, tuebHb u..t.,¦t I o'clock

i I KIIANS-On Tue.doy »ftamoon. llareh 6. Barak EUsabetb,Bt% at «.»u.uel Uuihan*,jr.,*g»'ii J-year«, I moajlh» «nd 15

Tb« lelstive« «nd Mend» af the ftunlly »re respectfully tavitaajtoat'»nd her fauer»l. ivitliont further iuvi'atnn, on Friday,March 8, at 1 fl ui., from her lat- re*ideute, 2T| Spring rstrenL

DflltOC faiilttj .» OreenSeld HD!. Cjii.i.. o« 8ued»y,S»»rch4 mi«:.u An».«, ».>.: Uaastol W. ingg*lUitte i-.Mij. »r of t r a»«-.

S lain told ptper» pi«*«»« copy.CKbRRI -Iu tni« city, on WVlneeday, Marra 7, l'oirio*

(lr île, »rallie of (^»uuiy of ( »ran, Ii. ¡and, aged 72 year«,lOI.U ll.l-la Ihl« city, on Wednesday, \f,»ch : o».B

( a|aHI. «red «o year« I naiive of County Hilg), IreWd.yy, i. |U .»...city, on \Vedne.day, M«ro.h 7, ef cens.iuipiUj-riit»rJli kill, «gvd *S year« »" "»

JlliDl.FS- In Brooklyn, on W'edneNUy. Marab 1 «irV^jHodge, «aadtoleera, T' Muan 7» AUr**

Tbe ft.ne^r will tUeplace f.org, the reaidenoe of hi. da-^hter.Mr. b. M. R Hicb.rd.oo, No 86 ,out: Cli.rJ atrewt, BroJ»;,,,¦ U..I, rn.I.y. ibe«..tnu..t.at -o'Uock p. ui.U'W'"'?U»

IIOI.MK- At floren or'.Jaland.New-Vork H»rW,on Weduee-jl.vuior.ii.1, M»rcb .Mr«. Laura VV.. wt/e at' ki.jor T. H.I BOS l i.tej bta'e« Aiuiy. J .*mm

K-Or Wednesday, M»rch 7, IS6«. Ritty Jaue infKn«fabler of Lou,. K. anil£»U. Jaia M.n^A^tí.1oî,r, '?,]",*** ft\'*ólvfJh* flml|y !" »»«l-i-ctraB. Invited teall rd tbetiiiier.loukMd., afternoon M 8 o'ci^k. .rouuiirenden,,. cf _« paient., Bo. 5a Downing street, near VariaiMVIniItli-Oi, «Vd.a.d.y.M^ehT. Ne.l..,Vant «Uuahter'" e() .nd Nellie Muilord, aged to onotith..Tbe friend, and i. lall «lirCfully luvited t« alterad tb«siaÄoBL* Lr,t M 1U - C ',0,a NoÄ"**BmrPV«d.7Arnlh-,v,"i'/2 T.hjnd«y' *¦«.. Ref aor-uoaptioe,l_ydi« Arn, .'!'. ot ». B Pp.», «ged 37 Tear* and 1« ^-.Cr^Noti.e of tbe funeral will be given l..-.n«itowllaif.nd and New-Haven paper» copy

"wto^eeM^'ItitlVL "" " ¦¦"¦»»The lelMlre. and hie lid» «re l«»pertfnU, Inelt^l lo ..,_. _-Wim*' ^LÄ resuene.. No. lh South stsU^l»*W iUiagri.burgh. tbl. day Frid.y). at 8 «Vocà. Hn*^'

flov. nnrkiiishan of Connecticot has apwiatodFViday, Apnl n, for a day of ffaBBBff, htukiiLXa,^praj cr. ^
