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New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1861-03-27 [p 4]. fileNew York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY)...

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I _ tiu.im'oe -Xotuc©. 141 _fc_aT alfiM Rat." Wel, ro t.< Kbox. ... - , _T._..1 >'" WWOB ll" br.-.-aihrr *;.«, .,,.,.. ,. . (al .1 ' .- ClKl"" W I R B. ". Waoiatna Pira* RB-RBBB, 4t TM, i, liii* roa i . , ... , ' ow »«'.'*¦"«£/ ,,.g_n,t.l! " oll... k 14. .1*. "^ArfflkfilwIlIN'' PBH*! ftc Va k ¦». MM rar.W-d fc. -tw » ' andalbr. i.< '.pt' tl.., . A "''"" wli.bw.a .""'"' F-.f ., y ,t i>. ' Raa c .'¦ at pi . .>' I IMMM tben. with ai MU, .' . ...,. MMMM M ,., fbt 7Xap*rd,'/a» gra. 4 -" Pi-' ... Lii 1 I J. " '. ", , x, . . IB g grrTttr-ayel ¦ Ba*. M .. ! -., . V*. - !«»' >' ." >.'' A ' ' '" I*. - a . 4 Tlr ..." Ba_a...*.raaa-wi '- . . .Ar perbe* 4 lifcrBaR*. ~ IU- POB IMIIRIVU ' 1 mntM. by W A Rat Rl a ni.l |i, iii-M" I liBi ' 'i _ Fowpi .: fc"i. , J v. ...t ) K lll . * Rara d-_.ll I* Raael Twr .«J* »l uaal rl*"*- ,...<¦. |i I ' M "' rvKia .... ,..-.... ..' i.,u i i.i'.i \i" -. VMI Ol'PH I I ~~y ,.,. .1. .a ii R'R MW1S..-V! I ata-a-t-aa iii , i ,i i. . ati ¦ ? WBTOf-MDAY, BABrf B 87, IbbI. 7 -i < RTI MaBa_l.aa.nMtt. .. . t onm,:, a*i n*. Wfc - aaait. M_a ..al aUtaaai I lha wrhar- uu» .*-*.-* -) Baa buiatagiiaiau . l>-' '.'. "' RRtal*aPt*h-aaf**M_-i-.«4Ra *... uidbeaddit-aedt* " TB TaiPi «a New-Y-tk. Wa.e-.not auaVt'ikaia rafum ir ,-tad i"»n.min.-k'*t.''.Bf. AdTertlaerntMita for Tn* WRaBU TrtiBivr f.r :1 tratk n-upt B -Baftad it. t.-d..y. The maila for Eur.-j .*, »¦) ihe r-'t»__._hip Ara biR, BiLl eluee thia iui>r...::g Rl 7 RaaMBn -4+- 0enrg4* W. Lane, a D_RBR_Bft hai RRBR I B_d BBttvi _9 the I'reaid.nt a* I'nited .-jtatt-o .Tudgi ta Alaba'na. The ft-fMMBBBBR ad liu >kly n BRRBBMa-l Mf il.nr, A. K.-nt of Iht NfftM VVf rd for HajW Uot eveniug. Mr. Ki nt lo inerly i't'prt**«uU*d b Ward in the Ciuunmn Cuuneil. - -a It il not true. aa prcviou*_jr reportr-d, tbn Satn IIou*lou ha- reaigncd Ihb (.overrinrrh.;> 1 Texa*. IU' aat ail rilinii t" .. Chiflt R_MRRB-TC R tbe fStat", aud tviU not luluut to hc dcpmi-i Withoot a atrnggle. ? A IRRRRRRMR RM ol tbe patfttfl and mail fa eilitii-a beretofure grnnted to Mejor Andorsnn i ROBding in tbo Soutb CaraliaB C<>n.ei,ti< n. but i ia thi'iigtit wdl not be carried. It ia to K* PaftH oa to-day. Tbe Pregidont baa notninated William A. _"»ar roited btatee -Vttoriioy for Un- Noitbem Diptric af NewYork; (xi-orKf* DMBMR PRtt-RRRRM at Al hanj; T. D. Fdaa-il', of I.en'tiehv, Inited Sfnt-1 Attornei for Qah-Haiei Oaa W. BtMjSM t Diaiter at .fatlBhaif| Alvin Sandcr", of lofra, Oovernor of NobiAtka: nnd FredttM Ifa-Reriich, af Ohio, blinitter to Fcuador. 4t Capt. Foi, alo wa* pent hy the PrcRide'if |t Inrctigate and IBfBli RfrflR thi- RRadHI-MBf tttft Hamter, atat<-a that M ij. AtdtlBtR har BRpfdiM Ruflicient to laat ti.'l Aprii tft, Our Wpefth enrreaporiflent telfgr-pha tbit Capt. Vbx Iibr formcd a plan for ri"*5rifiircing Sumtei, wbicb i- fi'aaihb", but rauiiol bo tniried out witliout Col- liiii_ and the inimgniatiun of a rivil war. D. K. Carttrr, late Membcr of CongreRR from Ohio, baa been appointed Miniater to llolivia. Cbar'lo* I,. YVoodbiiry of IIu*aarbtne>ttR, a Dem- ocratic jmliticinn of «ome note, waa au applicant to I'nbidivr.t Pieree for a fat ohVe, iu i-.v^, ovlich wai NMHBBjj but Pieroe, to pacify bim, aent bim a eommiBaion aa Miniater to HoIivia. Ift'oodbury, aa hc hiiuaclf iclute.i t!ie *tory, turm-d to an atlai to find out MfttBB llolivia waa, and, hfter a long oearrb in all quarti'ra if tlu* worid, failinf to dBcover any auch crmnlry, r*4>ncludr_ that the coiuruim.on wne a joke, aud acut it bm-k lo Waahinjtou. ^Ye bope the new Kmbat-uk; frill he inore auccepaful in Ar.- aearch. ft, abarp debate took piace in the Scnate yt*a- terday botween Me**r*. lumtjlaa and Breck n- ridge, in which the lato rital Deiuoi-ratic canli- ftateo for the Prciidency endeavorcd to druw aadh otber out on the aubjcit of SetcaRion. Mr. fir-ckinridgn hintcd &t the reroii*tructiori nf tiie .Union on the ba*ia of the biontgotnir> Conatitti- tlc-, excluding Ncw-Kngland. if the twelve Bonator* and twenty-fivc Beprcweotativoa ol ffow-Eufland can be kept out of Congreaa, the Blafoholdoia eotindiDtl) oxpeet to I'gain tbe Me«rar tba/ hare loit, and to control tho Federal jfertTwai |b' tk im*:, u .0(>. «"« «'-.' Ki.ll.-d it in Uu- paat. In thi. thev may pMBiMy be nii.taken. New-I'ngland ia worth rnoro to the ntli"ti than nll tl.e Cnttou State. rouihined, ai J if iiipelkd tn 33388 betiveen thi-in, tLe re.t of the ataatfy wdl hifi little diiTn-uliy of rl.niCO. - *»- From tl.e olTicial 188818-, it appean that the Whala an.i.'iiit i.l leiaaaa collt-t ted at all the port* m the r.ec.'(1.'.I Ptatei during the last fiscal year, t, Jaaa 16, 1800. wu* aatf 13,-ILeW, or Bboat one-twontietb of the revenue cnllected in nll the 8818. "f 831 DS338 State.. As 3331 a eo-awtara ahout i.ue-siith i>f Iha \3\um fa territarj m.d populatfaa, their u\ata ut thi, 8a> aaal aaaaatliturtrR of the Governmeut could n"t beea V i tha. I_urteea _B__.aaa. Xhn va.h ti.ru, aearl] tea a DUom i>v kBsarattoa, aaaaH collecl and appropriata M 338b 8188388 bf tns an b'-fore. They will lind, ha88381, that the HBaa af |M6lt763 will not verj far to- wurd siijiportinK a i.n-.eriit i-nt. - tiik poi-ic-y oa* fokiikaiuii-c-f. ra1 im.-Ui.ii to aA NMaaa* fu.lv in.-t la farl aaa ef ihaaa Ihrae wavs: I, F.. piiiRBft, raaahAaj aa-Hi(*hii6 mbJbIbbbi M ,,f faffM lo repcl B33A arhdl v,r ihe Im i raafatedl and tha aalhaa-j of bb (i..A. riiin. i.t d li.d; or n, .|iiievence in the Seceaeioo | b. the taaarpaala, and the reroe'iitx-n ,.f tl,,- rr-.ilt.'.I State> n* iib.olubly independent _. j, a ',..,, [..':. whiib t'otici-de* nolFinj!, p..rt af r< ihaaa FeaV |. ... t Av.-ar out the iti.uigetit .p,nt and ia due t .ue ne.tabluh the authoritj I oba tbr. ii_i...ut tlio r.".«,lt.'d or 883331 .. |,v rlrtae of tl.> retiirmiiK Mnitj and !,. alty 8d thi-ir own BMffa. \\ ,. ,1.t 88333 t'aat thi* last 1* the wi»e*t p..h. j. inir ;,et Ih.t it ha* bem reso'.A-d BB bf H,.- lie.A A 38 pri'pOSC Hill.pl) to iiudl t>u wlnch it il co-nraetded ni..! ni.t 1. 'Iii. G.iAiriitn.nt. it is raid, i* based not on f..r.. but BB P.-n; U'>t ou bayonet. nud bat- 03833, but on good will nnd general cone.-nt. \\e Tvi.h tVy vvould prearh thi* to the Kullifi.-rs. ,:, i,..« ..'.in t<> baaa jet cangiit ti.e id.a.] Ti w:.r m ti.>- Beeeean la giA.- t«> bbbj >'t AajM-') institutiona the atroog cetnent af hloix'. le baatfaa their nata-i.-iity fa the aahajfaal lifo blaaa. af bnoaa-aal faea. Fut let Iheat relj alone.allow th.in to we»r out the niili- tary srdor of their adh.-retit* in frmtl.-ss dri.l- iiiK* aud marehci, and b> (Abaiiit the BuHaBM ,! ?!... r t'iloiA-i-iii/i n* l>> the auiouut and frc- .. ,,f th.r aaaaaAry i-xnctn'i)..mi.<1 tha vaiII nielt nway I he f.a_ in I.ea-iiH of a rin.ri.iiig snii. Only giie them n.pe, and Ihtf w.11 speedily fnlhll their distiii) Ab PrBBBR, even of South Caroiina, iijerting i:ir hwsy a* intolerahl', aud retun.ing to the mild and paten.al (juardjanship of the Fuiou. In h. 1 .lf .,f tl.i* 83387, it ia urg.-.l thnt tl..¦ Pficeisionista nn- a uinortty even in mt 38388, .Slati-; that thiy have 333881 povvrrby usurpatioi. and r.tu.n it ly tirioriam; that they 88888 dare siibuiit tha fBaettaa of UBfal or Di.unioii fairly aad Kinanly to the people, hnd always ahun a popuhir v.te 8331338 can. ln vi.w of 8331 farl , tle FnioniiU af tle South tirge tl.ut the (inierinnent *hnll rarry l>>rb. axar.ro fa tta ulinoet, in the hope that tho 8883331 will soon he over- .A__.lii.fd by tbe piill..' sentiineiit of their own ».,: .ii, and Uri.en with iguoniiny from power. And here h-t BJ Bfey that, if the Sou!!.(¦." BaaaataAi vaaM but Mrbbb.raa evinre fltalaaar. ni;*. atil outapoken dcci'ion which they di.ire the Ftdeia! QaaBxBBMBf fa auppres* or concBll. would bave n I'.ir itrongaf claiui to be heeded. If the? would hut light the batlle of the Friion iiiifliiicliiiiply, theie AVotiid he no need of any ex- ti ..rdn.ary exirt.on af aiith'iity on the part of t ho Ibiaaal power. Had the F'nionitta of Loihiliitia tii'.A.'d the Mmt, the Snb-Trea«ury, and the Ar.entil, tr..in RpelfatiaB, they nii^iit havo rea- BBBBBBJ < ounafiod forbearauie on the part of the 1 I'leri'.l BBtharitier. Fut vvill it do to conrede Ut the .vullifier* a monopoly of the use ol force und the iii-iiitestatioii ol energ} ? ." (.ik! is patient, bernuie eternal," nairl Auc>iet:i,«'. The luvv i»f travitation can afl'ord to I ear aud BBBBB! with all seeming t-ouut. irr- ti(»ni: it il very apt t> hsve Rh way in the einl. The union of tbe N'orth-Weat with the South- Weel in no etrongly grouutled in |>1ia ei«-_il nccesHi- tics that it is very hnrd to persuade the 83338 tl.at the Federal Fniou i* or will ha hrokeu up. _ieantiine, the rxactions of 03 388883x1 are so paapaafaaaBB. their projeet of n reconrdruction on the biiBii- of n 18388881 of tinUcrBdl ai.d i BflBiaB_B38B propert) in slaA,?a.that is, of sliye- holding protcfted bf lavv in every part ol the I'niot..is B8 flagrantly nt war with the rpirit of our ag..that the North has not realized that they are in BBlBBB. Yi-t thiy are in i-Brnestj and a uiajorih of the loyal auhj.-ct* of .Feff. Iixvis Ixlieve tbat the North ii r.-ad) fa ninke itn suhiniajion, liml ask the privilegc of adoptinif the South.rn Fotiititiilion nnd stiing for aditiiksii.il into the Oatlea Beaahfts 10i that 08313331 delui-ion, the 83.BJ of forhearanre M-i.'ia t" predhr aa _b_aifala eure. We murtt 333331 bafaaB fiiving our BBBRBl Ui it. |ST1IIKII\0 TllliTI IF. Our State Senate ha6 atnt down a Com:8itt.c la faiTi'stignte tho alleged 183888 and 88833381 in th<> aword of borths for 818331 l*. tlu? Harbor- Muiters ut this tort. This ii un eiiiineiitl) propir and siilutniy proe.dtire. Tbotigh the Si-nat© ii Mrongly Kepiiblican, aid the Harbox-Maxtera are il _aaahttaaao, tha Ce.aa_tii of invert'gatioa i* eeaaaneJ ef two Ijaaeaarala toone BaaahUeaa, bb is nght. Let tln? itiA-Htigatiou be searching «ii'l thoro-.ipli; let the extortiou, if nuch thero be or b&B been, be expoied and pauished. It it abould appear, us is int.mated, that the shippert and oonsiguees have temptcd and urj_ed the Hur- bor-Masttr4 to necept gratuities, tbat fact will RBfalaa the Mtraflara af oil Bjnijxithy, but will not at all aZBBM the corrupted. Thiy aro paid .litarally paid.fa rcuder exact justice to the im8bT8 of veBseb desiring bertka at our docks; ai.d tbey can no more uicept any other or further payineiit be.ide their legal fafa than :. judge *n the bench can tnke preacuta frbin parti.'.A in 3_Ha favor he has rei dered decitions. But hi tbere be no husty judguit-ilt. Tbe -TailmC IfiatWIl have nct yct btrn Lcard; and iiivili of the I'vidcnce aa jet brought agaimt them it, of a vague and iiifeaential characb-r. It f lu.iilil he rcinenibered that Mr. Ma.ten, wbo wa. in- ilicieA (ot __:&lfca.ance on the eve of our reo'iit Tn .idential elcctmn, dembii&d-rn»y. fntreated. tliat he ibouid be brought (o tri^l forthw i .b, but wttii* ¦ out effeet; nor haa he been to thia day. Now, we truat, tho truth ia bound to conio out.not a part only, but the whole of it. Thcro are BMM ainong the preaent Ilarbor-Mnater* who could not, we are co.-fulont, he falltf Bf n buae or rapa- rioui actj tliere nre otheri ef vvlioie iinpregt.tt- bility to teiiiptatioa Mi are not ot all atnguine. l,4t there be no rnsh or heedleea judgraentj but lot all the facta be IRRI BfRd and coniidered, nnd if any piiblie ofticer ii provcd hy them to have arted rorruptl). M li'"1 ."' ItMWll at otice. So ,.ur-». we ljM8lMHj eipi-ct of QtX, Utft§kmi RR-B tbat, let Bta Co'trt- do tMl du'y. BJffl trtiat the IflRRBRa CaBMB-ttat will inqnire Rpi-cially MM tl.e abgontc ism of our Harbor- Mutert. Their dutii- rt*4[uho a Inrge mcaanre of Mkgaeity, LntelliRence, and diligeoce, aa wrll al MB-Byi they an* aurh aa lannot bo BBBfMlj iBthBlfBd by nny sort ef n dpputy. If, tben, c»*r- t-.ii, llarbor-Ma-tera aprnd tPtBjftfl togetber in iRRftyiRf RbOBt tht I.'^.lrlfituri' at All any.having the iinpiideuce It Blgt R-RMBBfl to overrulo tlu* mo-t rifhlBORa vetoeu of tlu* Oovirii'T who ap- BB-Mtd them.aud ut WB-htaftOB tr)ing to dic- late Fcderul nppointiui-nt-, Mflf ahould he rc- inoved for tbat IB8BBB BRBBR, lf tht preaent llarbor-Mn.tera, or any 4>f them, canuot <;ivo their timo to their B-Hflfl, let tbeir pla«*« be given to nprigbt, capabl.* mmr\ wbo can and will ntTerd it. T!.- R/wffll of all juiblir functiimnrii. ii hi* who fancie* tbat he do* a or ran oam tho (¦iniiUimtuti of hi- po*t without atleuJiiig to it* dutica. The Senuto baa done il» dnty iu the |tt_RtRM| let thi' (.'ommittvo euiuir>tc Iho fl-UMRBRB. Yv'e will not doubt tbat thfl flovernor will RPiRM cii'ial ineuy nrnl inflexiLilily._ ' | . nn. BBM-P-O-aRPal IHMBi The Hon. Alcxander 11. Stepheni, the Vice- Pr-*ident of tlu* t'onfedernte Statea, RddtRRBRd U e ntirena of Savannnli, laat Tb'iridiiy evcning, npon tbe m w Conatttutinn, and tbe pro<*pect« »i tht MRt-M Bta-M. Tb" Uf-I Itlfeet in v. Mr. BMfhtMR held bf all ;it tht South, bb intellectiinl abilit.iR, Ul ofuci-i .oaitioii, und the well-knowu coiu-ervr-tiaiii of hi* ftvlingp. k>v» to bia worda mueh importance, a* the exfffflBMRl M preaent, MthMRdt BaathBPB I¦pmimi. PRMt-f RRM the remaika of BM BRBBRmB RR variotiR leaturea of the C'onatitulion.all of wbicb will t-e h nnd in R_MtRMR " lun.n.we RSBBB to CBll Rhhaa-RR tt> tbe two pnmiiont I'ointa in th-* addnaa. Tbeie are: Tftt BaflBafthfl new 1'iu- atitution, and the Fut'.re I RIBM of tbe ( _n- li'leracy. Mr. Stcph-na at BMM RffRRPI not Ir 1 ¦¦ in ahaniR. i."r kt Iht Ittf-BetftBa whirh invi- rtabtj folliAR an nttempt to dc'eive t't_,orB; la nr-ordin^ly BMB tbrovvf nwa;. all -l-gui*', a:d aeti np the flag of tbe BhtPB I'mvi r m tlu* fu'J fnce of day. AaBflB-haJ It him. itR RRthtliHl and ablo cxpounder, tbe ('".. ttt.ti »n ef Md "Corifedernfo Statea" aa) I tl.in: Tlu' tbe idea upon wb cb tbe i_'oi,»tit..t.,n af tha -Taitod BtatM, in it* treatment of thfl BarttJ fBMMBR, ror-t , ;.- tbe tdea of the etiualitv i>l the negr.> iti.il aftitt raren: that ti.il id-a ia i ntirely laUe; that t' I prineiple B-B-MBd from rt, and implied in (!¦. I'rderal OflRatiaaa.B, tbat Sln.»ry B a moral wrong, ia incorrect, Ix-ng wni'igbt Imm errm."- ou8 premiaea; tbat the RRftMR raie i* nn infe.-.r rare; tbat it* i nilnvcmei.t ia rigbt, aud tbould be made per|>etunl. F" that RRtR thia baan the Southern Ci :,fi-i-iae) ft pLnriiv und wil'i- cnt wivering. fouudi.i Tbe negro race ii in- ferior, ahouiJ be tn .laved now nnd fmever. I RMJ pri'iaiio to ei.-l.ive it. 'L\u» CBI___f '* clear, and iliatinct, nnd bold. We conmieod the expneitmn ti> the cureful coniidcration of North- ern men who favor the projeeB tf Ml South. Th" wordi of Mr. St.-pheiiP on MM pnint aug- geat oriH or two remarlii: WhBt tte traitori io the Cabitiet, at tLe South and it t',- N-ith- 4IT1 Statei, were lltuvinp _f tlu* ln "f !>.!".!- lion, reciting the "wrongi of the South," the " aggreaaiou.4 of tl..* Nortl," th.y ened out with one PflBtfl tl,at tftt plavehnlderi only wuntt-d their rigbta uuder the CoiiRtiti.tmn; tbat tbo-c would aatisly IhflflR, and were anllici. nt for evcry RRR_L It uovv uppears bow iuainceie wero ull tbeir profcn«iou8; thiir rights, according t'> tbe Fedcra! CeaatitatJeB, were aM _Mt-Bjft fM l(:ei!l; tbe IlllilJl.er lll W.'iicll tlll' lluties of Mt Norlh, under tbuwiPtnin,! nt, bnc taMR RMfMRKd, is ncl.nov.ledged b) Mr. Stejihinn to bo IfltBMe* tory; tho tfRBjMt i* a fundaineutal one in Ma C-B* atitiition itei'lf, and could only Ih* remedied hy a new and dnierent inrttruiuent, BBti au uutruiuciit ai tbe nltivcLi'lilcr.1 iiitoi'led to inuke, Riich an inptriiDieiit aa they bu'.e made. A BMMtRRtlflfl of tbe tdd, nnd thi" cn ation t>f a new, woi the li.u- daiiitutnl id'"u iu tbo mindp ol tbe n. n wlio loug ago inauguratcd thii nbellion. YVnih- ington, Jeflerroii, Mn.li-on, all tbe leadiug MRRRRMM who lntt'li' Mt <'":i4itutiou, ci; Mi. PJtepheua, believed " thiit the i-ualavemeut tf tht " Afmun wa* in violntion of tbe lnw* of " naturo; tbat it waa wrong iu pnucipl'*, " pocially, luorall), and politicolly." Thi* waa a delupioii whi'h had led lo mui'li evj, nnd one object of tbe BBfBRBRMB vvon to tramo a Conatitution in accorouuet- with thu RRRj |ft R , of the South. Tho warping elleit of a belief iu th* juatice of Negro Slu'.ciy, mi n upon a miud like tLat of Mr. btopheiia, ia plumly bIiohii hy thi.i MRttht Ile placee the priiniplo of the ineq'iahty of tbe Afriran, and tbe ttMMMBMd dnetiine of the ri^ut of Slavery, on a hvtl with tbe principliH ciiun- t inteil b) Oahloo, Ilurvi), and Ailain Suiith, aud gaugea the probable BBTIBBBBBBbI of hia theory into univiTriJil action l*y tht prognaa they made .a progn'MR il)W hut coiitiuuul. ifc doca not aee tbat, vvhilo the men wboae namiR bo Bpeaks W4*ro itiiving RPBI forward to dravv uiui.l.iiid out of the night ii.to ihe open ligbt nnd tbo pure Bir, bo hurh) evtrylbiiig hat-kward into deeptpt darkueiH, reveruing the HrhaM- of progreBu witha violcuce which threntini etornal deatriiction to all ita macbincry. Aguin, Mt iirator pay* that the civilization and ChfiflttaR-RRtifla of Afriea can never attnined RBBRpI " hy Cnt tearhing tho "negro the learoii t.iugbt to Adum, ' in theiweat " 'of th) face ahalt tbou eut bre;id; ' aud teach- " ing tb« m to work nnd feed aud clothe them- " idvea." Ii it poambii" thut Ur. Stephena can- not h el aahamed of luch prorliv itica I Bccaufce .Mun ia bidiJen to RRPH tbo brend he oats, tbe B_M_a must oam the Lread he h not allowed |o eat, nnd the owuer of the Negro, living mt by bia own labor, but Ihe labor of othorn, iball 4ftt the brend be d(K's not earn ! Upon tbe point toucbing tbe future career of tho " iSoiitberu Co.;fi<liracy" little in*ed bo aaid, cxeept to direct attt ntiou to the triatiue.it it receive*. Mr. Stephena ie here diaingenuoiiB, uting figurei with the ,inall cunning of tbe ptt tifoggrr. Ile iaya: Are we too imallT We Ure mm Urritory ttua Jt'raace, Bpaiu, Portugal, and all Great Britatu. It ia sufficient answrrr to this to say that sin: does not constitcte great- neis. Mexico, Feru, Brazil, Buenoa Ayres, and many insignificant conntriea in Africa and Aiia, are still larger tbaa tha Cotton Confederncy. Mr. Stapheaa goe-i on to shovv that the populution is as large.not ai that of the couutric* he has jtint spokvu of.bnt of the tiiirteen origit-al Stabys, iniplying that the population vvill increaae till it becomoa pn38383331 b) its territory. Why ii this poj ulntion now not more than the five miUiona Mr. Stepbena boa.ts of? The Northern inenibera of the family have. gTownj if the Suiitheni noil i* to l,e tio fruitful of men under tl;*- 803 Governiiu-nt, why waa it n> La. k'.'. ard duriug all tLeso v.niv. that are past I The curno 38.A ha* bKghtoal it i* not thus casily to be 8333 t'.ie l>l"r-t..:g b;. whii-h it will tlirive. Then Mr. __tephenii compares the totul -bid of the Fedcral Gon-ri inent with the prercnt thbt ot tbu eeviii secedcd 83333, and n*k*: Can any one doult which will tucceed l He is carcful not to ncy tinvthmg ul-oi.l tlie asstts of the North, though equally carcful to ifaphy iu largest figureg the rexources of the South. But the most Bignificant ivord tpohea ly the Vicc-Fresiii.-nt of the " Southem Coaf.derm." was that ivherein he dimly and with a delieatc to'jch .creebadowed tho poliey of Lih QafBIWR ut b.waid the North, 88.fag H a poliey of reorgani- B83BB, Reorgaiiization Tbe North moy as uoll BraBan itself for one af tho uext motioi.3 of tbo A.88 FovviT. This Cotitititiitioii, so Batfy foiinded on tbe baiiis of inaking negro slav.-ry perpetual, BBeiaJ as un article of religious fttilli, ii to be presaalai te tha Hortbera Beopla ia the namo of the Uiiion, BB-I they will be a.kcd fa 88. ruce it. Tbere will, Meaeaiar, be fcaadl men at tha Noxta wbo vvill bl.ipphfiiie t'.is nuine ef Fnion, 83MM only wortliy synoiiym is Liberty, ui.d will say to us, Accept tha 883*1 No one who rijihtly inter- prc.s the siiii.s of the time*, who han inielligontiy studird the riiruricti r and anpirution" of the lend- ing traiiurn, mii l.ul to BM that thn moticu wiH bo madr. B M1C.AII _QFI liOtVIMAVA.. The ijitrodiiction of the suear eulttire into Louiiiana atl'-rds BBether iilustratioii ef the B88> eaaafBl ¦igratfae af iha wodLVt p>at ataplea Ir.in Baa faeality t-. aoother. Two vesiel.i on tbair vA.-.y to tbal aaaaa] arith traope, ntoiped at Hispaiiiola in 1751. The .).¦ u.t- of that ..'. I obta.lied p.'llliinioll to put on bmldof B3M ship*, nnd t>> 88BB. fa the JetuU- ol 1*08..UI8, 8838 I'igar 81888, und 88881 iitgroe. lamdiar Avith the riiitivaiinii af ti.e piant. The aaaaa vvere planb-d on ground which is now a d ;-»-iy Bjaabatoi portion af Baar-Oafaaaa, arhare tbey rr.-iv uvd fl.uriahed f>>r man) jean, bal ii" illi.rt wa* made to CAtii.tl the c'i!livati"ii, or t" pn.d'ice M-fBt in a farga way. The naaa arera i :.,! , tl..- ii,. -. ' I. an artii-le .1 !:,_ury. Qere they attraeaai lhe aatfaa af Dabroail, esa of |bR aa.. ...?t pfaatea fa Ihe eeb y, who ..ult.Aa.t.d tl.i'in b> 88888 ext. nt, built a inill for Bf.B8.JH M31B, ai.d att.-.iiptcd t<> ua*" .ugar, bal f.iil"l ii.tr-vy. Thi. faUureconLr_acu.hr _...!,« rai iinpre.Moii thi.t BBfU IBB-i BBt 88 BIA> duced iu Louiiiana, ai.d n<> A__M8 'Mort 8M inade <>n a U._.e .rai.?. until 17.>1, when the wiV kpread 688833.Bl «f the colony dr.ee the j. oala fa Iha introduetiun of looic new o_.riei.i- tural .taple. t'p t<> thia period, the re.ults of agrictilture anioi... tlre coloniit* had been verj iu.igni.3.A i.i'UAitbrt.ii.ding the a_tn ordinarj fertil-ty ot" the 80.i B-M iin 1 corn were raisi-d in ipiuntit) iiitlieii'i.t for l.oine conautnprion, but none lor M> p.,rt; and the .upplie* ef 8188388 of otL.r kitid- AAhi. h deccuded the Mi'.isaijipi constituted the gn-at d.'pend.iico for 1.1. ltidi_,">, then a ataple 818833.M of all Soiithern Aimrira, ha 1 leiii -ii'hieiily attacked hy au in>t»ct VAhi'-'i (I'vonred A . leares with in.-rcil;bfa rapidity, aud left i.othing .tuiiduig fart the nakid etenis ol" tho plaut. In 1780 and "L* t thi) ravng. * of thi* inu'c! were so g.-uCral and eomplete, thut the wbole ppovince was 338331 into a state of 1833333381 and de.pair. Ctton aah* th*'n ti'iknovvn as a c.m- il st-j'ie, a* lhe j.m had not beea faveBfaJL It was i-Tident that some new artiel- of produc- tion niust be diseovered. The |BBaX'HB8 had Iw-.-n (viNntiAely cuitivnled i.eir N.-w < lt.d.8 only on a aingle plai.tation, where, a'so, even atteujpt fa pro.iu.c .iigar had fuiled. lu thia euiergeucy, l.t .ni..- de For.'- ut.vl. rtook biicav the ha/arilous enterpri-e. Tbough of nioderat*- 888838. and past iiuddle lil'e, aud thouch warn* d bf vvile and A.381 of the dt.nger ef becoinii'i; _Bp8R8lbb8R_ the atraag laaalaa of hw aBergetb 3.tl bobU aot ba B3388a Ba plaiited canc-, lmilt milh, atd in I78C thia lirst extexi.'vc trial of the sugar fulture reaci.cd ¦ demi>n»trati.,'i. His iieighbom, both far and near, had vi-it.-J him aud watch.'l Ul pro^resi aud prepnrations lAilh tle ki'i'i.i 'I int.-ie*t. Fvei.¦ ditcoiirngrmet't had haaa ret aihat, b.ran.e all dei;l't»-d his cue- 8188, ^Yhen the grindiiig of the ctne waa to bagfa, tl.e inhahitaiit* gathercd 1188.1 tbe sugar- ho'i-e in irowds, to be pre.ent B. Iha lailure or BBM88B ol tho cipeiiiiieut. Th") wuilod Avith inipatiei.ee for the momont v.h"ti the muu who vv.kti hed the coction of the juice should d.ter- iiiiii' aAaahat it wa* iaaAj fa fraaa_Aa. Whaa that momeut arrived, tbe excited speetatoia bt.I their hreath, appan-ntl) coiimioi;s that it wai a (jeest.on ofruin or prosp.rity for them all. The siigar-maker euddeuly announced that granulation had tiiken place, wl.en eack one of tiie iiupatient li) rla.'id.-r* pre.sed iu to witi.e.g foi* himself the long doubt '(1 but BB.faaal/ de^ired lact. The moet pcrf'-ct grntiiilfttion had tukeu place, and tbe great prol.leiu had becu auccea.liilly solvcd. Borc wa* overwhelm. 1 with congratulationa, and the siigar cultiire of Lotiisiui.a eDtuhliihed aa a stiple which imuiediately revolutionized her pc- cuuiar) condition. This lirst crop of sugar Bor6 sold fer §18.666. a largi> wnin in those davs. Baab i* the nurratiA.- __iven b) (ia)urre, a de- seeiiilunt ol llor.'. Other aceotints alle;;" thnt »ugar li'iJ l.-en previoui-ly produced iu cou.ider- able ipiantity. But it ia cerfnin that only eigbt ycart? afti r Bore'g great exptTimeiit uo let* tiian eight) -one sugar 88881 vvere iu operation on tho d.lta alone, aud thnt tlie export from New-Or- leaiih had grown in lJ:il to 10(1,000 hogshcads, worth $o*,000,()00, all of which, aa the tahl.* in- forin us, went to fttm within the L'nioii. lt would thus seeiii that to Bore is due the honor of showing that the great WmI India staple could be prolitaUy ilomesticated in Louiiitua. Our aciiuiaitioti of that ngiou undouhtedly guve CTienuouB nnd rnpid i-xpamtion to tho bbb_MB, Iu IHCrt and W. Louiiiana reeeived §0,000.666 lor her sugar crop. The fact of this great staph- b> ing thus penuau.-ntly doineaticated among us af'oidd additioaal evidence that huuiau energioa va iii uHiwaU'ly triumph when diiected to provide for human wante.that no reginn can maiutain tho world in bondage to it for ifs productiona. nnd that tbe cultivation even of cotton will ia a few years become bo dilTupcd over froe-labor countrie* tbat thoso who now produce it by ex- peuHlvo Blavn labor muat in tho great centest bo drivcu to tho w.ill. RIOIJILtPHY A-BEGCJIWO. A certain Profearor Brown, of Dr. Lord's hi$h!y renpectubh* oidCollege of Dartmouth, viaited the City Of HiMt.m, in M .--..chuaette', with a big loQ of m.uuicript in Li* carpet-b-g, a fiw daya aince. Protcdsor Brown, for aoiue time paat, ha. IrrrRrI hii intellectunl and phytical eneri'i4« to tbe maii'ifaeture of " Iht Lift* of FufuH Cboate," bi li-ving fondly that the aaid ?' I.afe " wouli* be a miirkntabli) arttele, nnd would bring to lii.i the reward of h'ts IIBO-ICRTB ia credit and in caah. ProfetMr Brown, to his uttor RitoaiMoRBBtj could not f;nd a puLli-bcr, u_d bas roturntd to the cloaaic ri treata of Ilanorer wit'u hia negleettd manu.scnpt still in hia caipet-bag. Wi ure very mueh aatouiihed nt thia luekleis reault. What, then, rmiit have been the euiotioni of P-BB-MBf Brown? We havo always RBBMJted the beohlR-Bn of tho prennt period to bo b'.lder thau the Ton_oii* aud HiDan of the hat century; nml reinember- ing tho coura^eous coaudeuco ao often exhibited by tboao of Boiton, we are etill more aurprisi'd at tbe I'rofeaRor'* diacomlituro. IIo was told, if we iiiiiy cretl.t tbe account boforo ub, Uiat " tbo preaent mouieut ia inopipr>rtune for tho " publieation." Thia is IBtBj bowildering! Iu- opjortune ! We .houIJ very mu ii lilie to ktow tbnt houhaeller'a notion of an opport-nity. Hire la tbe Difbthtria raging, aa we are RflRj to aay. What do sagacioua biblmpoiiata do f (I.t out hooka on " Diphtheria," to be aure. '* Uiphtheria and DrencbM"." IHphtheria and " l.lnbiilea".'* Diphlboria and Cold Water". Dhfchtheria in all BOflMhlfl ahupea. ThiH is propor. 'J'..(¦ ioet-RJR read tho bw ka aud then attack their paliRRM iutelligently. Biit what ll Diphtberia te DBtiB-Ofli Aud who hai ever proocribed for the dhaBM af Diatjiiion aa Mr. Cboate did? Who ha* ever writlen RB-h wi>uderfully long preaerlp- tioiib with luch n number of i:gredient..RB> bracing, ii we may pay ao, the flflBRBfl-fl of all the drawer.4, jan, gallipot*, bottlea, aud boxei upon ,. - .idt tf nn RfRthtRBIJ- ahop. H-re RfRfl a inau who 1 ived Mt Fi'leral l'ni"n and lived (bf il.who kindled into a blnzo of rheforie vvhen- ever ht IfOftt tf it.who MBl na mad a. a Wclah bard MhRMBBBr he aung of it. Mht MBfBaJ all Mttj ct'iiiiderntinin ef wiml in def-*-fcdil_f it. who waa rafBldod bf Iht niccst juJgea a* tbe 'icat thanpRM Bf it.and now when, thotigh _. i¦!, he ahould yet Iftah, BBtf when tbo craeh ha* rcnlly OtRBRk RB_ tver}body Ll on tl I look-out lor Roaie idhesire invention, aomo prepared glue or LafaliihB enaeat, Mr Brrrob publi-ihera ot* Uj t. 11 Kt, and eruelly ti-11 you, PnMbbm Brown, that " tht pteaaat MMMat i* inopportune" for tht publieatinii of thia btagTRfhy nf Mt very rcan wbo taveated tbe ecoaplaial aud itd ibmbB-m! We never heurd ol RUtli u tLng. Ifr i* very rcpi.heiiPibie' Inopportune, foraooth Why, even tl.e elerpy- men who pjRBBB pORBMa- RtBflB-Bfl BfBJBBt pO-tical preaebiag, and who agitate on BbbBBJI RgR._I RgitBttaa, kuiiv bt-tter. I.i^k ut Bflbbi Raph_.il .what honor nnd glory he haa acbieved! l.ook at Brooklyn Yan D;ke.haa be uot been fi'asted RBBfl tbe fat of Cbarlieton! Lotft at the a.orci upon icon ol pBOBBIR burrviiig from thetr pn! pita to the prtaten.look at them from the Bar. Dr. Adama up! Hark, too, to tho lawyera.to L'harlea O'Conor, provi.ig thut the eoiitfitutiorial rIrcbbBB flf a Pre*id'*nt ia unronati- tlltillRfli tB Mt wbole ta,', r__\ Rad -MRttfl of Quiil.f, QrR-RROBB, and BoRffl! Are they not all iu fuil 0_7 I a.nd a:e Maf not ruu oftor, atd rti'oited, nud |R__i J Iuoppoatnne, ii.decd! Why, we have been thaiffld with ppe.'ihiug Mt lij:litlv uf tlii* efl'ect- ive ndvi'i'iite nnd JB-R-J eelel.rattd though vvoiully luiatakeu man. But did we eve»r bold him in auch iliihMK- to Ray tliat the BBhUcBtlOB of hi* biogiapby would be "iuupportuue ?" On the coiitrary, we tbink the pre-ieiit tbe very beat jx>"- Bible luonient fur briu_*iiii: t'ortb the book.Phe ln at for tbe ProfeMor, RrftaMR griefn we fiel aa keerily aa if they ivre our Rf~_fc*-_M I e»t for the p'lolie, wliifh BBBBB fiili-htetiint'i.t.ttie beat fur the puL- lishera, who may be aure of a ready aale.tho beat for ouraelvi'H, amioiiH aa BB are t" peruie the viilume. We Bincenly trnst that Mt PlBBa> aor baa not, iu a pitJBB of diKupnoititinent, ORBp Nigmd tl.e manu.-.ript to the i'niueaz If Boiton will not priiit t!ie book why uot try Ni w*-York 1 'orhapa our old friend*, tho llorper^, w_i be " Wllllhg." >iii ¦ I, n We tbink lo unprejudicid uian can have re.td the letter of Mr. Keunedy, Ger.eral Stip'rinte::- duit of tbe Metropolitun Police, to tho Cvmrnit- |M Of tbe Senate, ut xVlbauy, without aequitiii.^' him of tho chargea which havo ao fr»*elv btefl made againat him iu connectton with the inreiti- Catioiia undi rtaken laat Fa'l and Winter at tho South, by the deti'itivca uniler hia ronmmud. Mr. Keii'ied) BbMrBR that hia purpoae in aei.in | ing thom RR thut niirtiou had relereine rolely to tbe preaenati".'i of tlu* public peaee in thi* city; and we nre ORBPiliead that in thia matter ho did uo more than bi* d tJ; nor is there any reus. n to doubt that Iht work vvuo both BRSRRRRRJ and well doni*. It is proper alao to add tbat, in our jiiil^inent, we have RBPBI had ao good a Poliee a* now, and tbat the 4 ity ia greatl; ind4*bted for it to the official BaPfRMB of tho Oeneral Super- intendent. A curiouti caae came up in tho Court of (Bm> ni4>n Pleaa yeiterday. Mr. JtRRfh K. Kigci, in the year Wi, boiight 1*. h*t* of grouud in F.ighticth atreet of the city, at public atietioti, for 09,880, pajing .J'.'.'.'rO caab, and giving a bond and mortgage for the remainder, receiving in roturn tho u^ual guaranty of being pBBB-MR. iu peaci'able BRRRRRRB.¦ iu the year ltN*l* the C.uitrnl Purk bill wai paaa**d, and these lot*, being included within the pnoposed bouudariea, vvcii< taken, the Commisaionera of Eat-tBtfl and dUMtMRMBBl nwardmg Mr. Kij;g* only |(*,W10 for hiai projierty.not RMRBfth to covor the mortgage hi-ld b) the city upon it. Now ho bucb to re- cover at loaat tho amount, with intereat, which he puii the city for tke property. On motion of tho deUndaiit'B attorney the auit wai diami-Aed. .Tl.e wife nnd two cbildrcn of Oen. Minmon, E.\- Prcaident of Mexico, enrne p_BBRBfMR fta_R Vera Cru_ to llavaua, ta tbe Spaniah war-atearoer Iaabcl la Ca- lolica, accoiuivanitd by a nuuiber of other jxlitical exilia. The _»'<" ela lcarna tliat aitcr a brief aojourn in Ilavana,thowhol« f*-lily will procoijd.-ijrect U) the pgRJagulB, -_. a THE LATEST NEWS. RECEIVED BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPiL FrOBB W-'-ahixi-ilAB. SpecUI Di tp.teh to Th* N. T. Trfbnne. Wamiibutox, Tuesday, March 26, UJOI. FOUT SlMTEK. Capt Fox, who vi.ited Fort Sumter oa tha requtaition of the War Department, bM returned here axd reported the reault ef hi* muwioo. II is very well undirstood that he bad a plan for iutroducmg raeBforaaaaaatai which had beea aub- mitted to roembera of the Cabiuet, and waa re- rdcd meii-.uraluy practicable but attouded with the probabiliry if not certain'y of oolhaion, which conitituted the cbief objtction to ile adoption. Ile is perfectly fumiliar with all the approaches to tho harbor of Charleaton, having been long conuoeted with tho coaat aurrey, and had practical cxpencnce aa the commander of one of Aipinwall a bt<aaicrs. Hia acbeme did not cotitcuiplate any Berioii* dauger iu running the grauntlet of the b&tleriea on the islaada which guard tho channeli, but ouly in landing the men und proviiiona at Sumter, after it had been reached. If a fire wat opcoed upon bb transportd from Fort Moultrie or the other batteriea, it would be neceaaary fir Sumter ta eilence them in order to diachurge the rocuforce- meuts. Any attempt, thcrefore, loo'uug to that ohject would almost i_uvitably lead to bloodahed, and before rohorting to it, the Admi.'iiatratioa would be constrciued to expect that aUoiuative. Even if 8ucce»_iul without greut Iom of life, nothing would he gained hut tho rt leutiou of 8 fortrc-s which has only a local value iu pra- tecting Charleaton, and is of no natmual mouient whatever. Capt. Fox ia filly imprcsred with the conrage, integrity and sincerity of Major Auderson, with vvhom, however, hia couimuiiicalion wtu neees- eanly limited, un Gov. Pickens sent Capt. Uart- stein, late of our Navy, aa au encort with him to tLe Fort, who kept within eareliot during most of the interview, or, at leaat, near enough to prevent any free communication. He couaid- 881 that the Fort can be reeuforced either by a ruilitary operation, which, of cour.e, would re- (_uiro a 6.88 not at the di-po.al of the Preai- dent, or by the stratesyalready referred to, with its atter.dant hazard* of a _k8888168 confliei. The Mtipply of proviaions now in the garruoa vvill probably enable Major Auderson to sustain Ua c nimand rcasonably well uutil the lfith of April. From all the facts di*cl'*-t-d hy this in- vi_tii_ati&n, it is manif.-t that Fort Sumter iniist be ahandoiicd, or civil war maugurated. Capt. Fox ia cautious, inteiligent and well-ia- tormed, aud was bmught U> the notice of tha Gi . erument by Mr. Aspinwall and some of tha principal ship-owners of New-York and Boatoa. Mr. Lam >n, of Bliunis, vvho also went ta Charfaaaaaj, ta make certain iuquiriea, will rehira '..-uiorrow eveniug or the next moruing. Afbar all tho inforuiation has been laid before the Prea- ldnut, aud ho has tatisfi.d his own mind oon- .-lusively to the absolute nc.e-.sity, the order vvithdrawing Major Auderson will be approrod. THt: UBBMA._ BOTA-WABImr. After all, iJRvid Cartter is not to boGmeraor of Nobraska. Iii. competitor, Mr. Saundera, uho was etrongly pressed by the lowa deiegation. has reeeived the nominntior), nller au uniniated but friendl) conte.t, fa which the frieuda of both vvere equxilly confid'-i.t of 883888 Mr. Cartter has been made Minister resident at Boiivia, probably in conipliineut to his polilical ua.-fulneM and aeiivity. ARGENTINE 4'ONKEDF.RATION. Mr. Palmer of Fentisylvania, who wm origi- nally assigncd to Ecuador, gooe to the Argentiae Coufodemtion. BOBAABVl am> posta rica. Nicaragua and Costa Riia aro probably te ba made two missious mstea.l of one. So, probably, of Guateiuala aud Honduraa, uLiih oio now united. COKFillMATIoXS. Mr. Ptvinington wa* cooiirmed aa Secrctary of Lvgation to l'uria, uftor some oppoaitiou, and Mr. Crosby went tkrough for G_itemala, though toilowed u p sharoly. TIIE CONNrrne-UT EI.ECTIOB. John 088888 has been conip.Hed hy atchneM here to curtail hia pohFcul appou.tmeuts in Coo- i.eetient, which u much to b r.-gretted after hia erlicieut and Rucces.ful cumpni^n ia Kew- Hiiuipshire. THE SENATR DF.nATE. Me.ra. Breckiuridge and 1'ouglM had aa auiu.sing tilt ia the Se. ato to-di-.y, in which the latter endeavored to coRer hia riml, aud com- jyi _v declaro categorically f-r Necewion or l.'iuon. The wary .vent'iokiuii poieei biu_ehT rktUfulIy, and could not le ceuxed or bttrayed into a 183333BL He tbrew on*. tho mggestion, however, of a recoi,*truction of th? L'nion oo tha basis ef tho Moutgomery CoBatitution, to be accoiiipli.hed by the gradual s.-ccseion aud aecre- tion of the preeent States, exeluaive of New» Fnirlaud, w hich the Cotton Cotife-leracy proieriba i'roni fraternily. This idea is to be the baaia of Deruocratic organization at the North, and fa already well undcr.tiKid by all the leading Sonth- ern manager«, as tbe gnme by which they are ta come back, if at all, with increaa.-d power, and to outrol Congres* by the exclusion of thoM StatcH, which they cannot aeduco or intimidata into submi>.on. Mr. Breekiuridge rcflecta tha poliey of Mr. Slidell and the more adroit con- spiratori, who lind themselvea coiuplicated with resulta which were not expected or mti-nded when this bull opiiied. ANUREVV JOHNSON AND TIIE rKION_f Andrew Jehuson has goue to Frederick, Md., to address a iuush nieeting, upon the invitatioa of tho Uuion men there. the B6AMA sTAn:.». If a Couvetition of tho Bordit States be held, M proposed, a few mouths heuce, the pri>babilit_r it by uo means reuiote, that terma will bo de- mauded of tta Admiiiistration which cannot ba eini.-i-teiit!y yielded. No cauao of complaint bM been gircu them Ihua far, aud yet the poiiticiaoe insist upon a compromise whieh inrolrea a dired abandonment of principle. Neither Mr. Lincela nor hia frienda will consent b> any auch aar- render. That purpose may aa well ta underatood iu advance. The Ailminiatraiion ia for honorabto peace and conciliatiou, but nothing more. THE SAB il AN QUESTIO.f. Tho reference propoaed by Eugland of the 8aa Juan queation will be adjourned till next t/eeeion. As the best relationa now exist between the Iwo Oovernmenta on the Pacific, no appfeheMioa of difficulty ia exi>ected fnxa thia delay. If preaaedl u«w, it would iQA-olve, a lung aud nnyrvfita-i-d
Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1861-03-27 [p 4]. fileNew York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1861-03-27 [p 4].


tiu.im'oe -Xotuc©.

141 _fc_aT alfiM Rat." Wel, ro t.< Kbox.... - , _T._..1 >'" WWOB ll" br.-.-aihrr

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ClKl"" W I R B. ".

Waoiatna Pira* RB-RBBB,

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mntM. by W A Rat



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K lll . *Rara d-_.ll I* Raael

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WBTOf-MDAY, BABrf B 87, IbbI.

7 -i < RTIMaBa_l.aa.nMtt. .. . t onm,:, a*i n*. Wfc- aaait.

M_a ..al aUtaaai I lha wrhar- uu» .*-*.-* -)Baa buiatagiiaiau . l>-' '.'. 1° "'

RRtal*aPt*h-aaf**M_-i-.«4Ra *... uidbeaddit-aedt* " TBTaiPi «a New-Y-tk.

Wa.e-.not auaVt'ikaia rafum ir ,-tad i"»n.min.-k'*t.''.Bf.

AdTertlaerntMita for Tn* WRaBU TrtiBivr f.r :1

tratk n-upt B -Baftad it. t.-d..y.

The maila for Eur.-j .*, »¦) ihe r-'t»__._hip Ara

biR, BiLl eluee thia iui>r...::g Rl 7 RaaMBn-4+-

0enrg4* W. Lane, a D_RBR_Bft hai RRBR I B_dBBttvi _9 the I'reaid.nt a* I'nited .-jtatt-o .Tudgita Alaba'na.

The ft-fMMBBBBR ad liu >kly n BRRBBMa-l Mfil.nr, A. K.-nt of Iht NfftM VVf rd for HajWUot eveniug. Mr. Ki nt lo inerly i't'prt**«uU*d bWard in the Ciuunmn Cuuneil.

- -a

It il not true. aa prcviou*_jr reportr-d, tbnSatn IIou*lou ha- reaigncd Ihb (.overrinrrh.;> 1

Texa*. IU' aat ail rilinii t" .. Chiflt R_MRRB-TC R

tbe fStat", aud tviU not luluut to hc dcpmi-iWithoot a atrnggle.


A IRRRRRRMR t« RM ol tbe patfttfl and mail faeilitii-a beretofure grnnted to Mejor Andorsnn iROBding in tbo Soutb CaraliaB C<>n.ei,ti< n. but iia thi'iigtit wdl not be carried. It ia to K* PaftHoa to-day.

Tbe Pregidont baa notninated William A. _"»arroited btatee -Vttoriioy for Un- Noitbem Diptricaf NewYork; (xi-orKf* DMBMR PRtt-RRRRM at Alhanj; T. D. Fdaa-il', of I.en'tiehv, Inited Sfnt-1Attornei for Qah-Haiei Oaa W. BtMjSM tDiaiter at .fatlBhaif| Alvin Sandcr", of lofra,Oovernor of NobiAtka: nnd FredttM Ifa-Reriich,af Ohio, blinitter to Fcuador.


Capt. Foi, alo wa* pent hy the PrcRide'if |tInrctigate and IBfBli RfrflR thi- RRadHI-MBf tttftHamter, atat<-a that M ij. AtdtlBtR har BRpfdiMRuflicient to laat ti.'l Aprii tft, Our Wpefthenrreaporiflent telfgr-pha tbit Capt. Vbx Iibrformcd a plan for ri"*5rifiircing Sumtei, wbicb i-fi'aaihb", but rauiiol bo tniried out witliout Col-liiii_ and the inimgniatiun of a rivil war.

D. K. Carttrr, late Membcr of CongreRR fromOhio, baa been appointed Miniater to llolivia.Cbar'lo* I,. YVoodbiiry of IIu*aarbtne>ttR, a Dem-ocratic jmliticinn of «ome note, waa au applicantto I'nbidivr.t Pieree for a fat ohVe, iu i-.v^,ovlich wai NMHBBjj but Pieroe, to pacify bim,aent bim a eommiBaion aa Miniater to HoIivia.Ift'oodbury, aa hc hiiuaclf iclute.i t!ie *tory, turm-dto an atlai to find out MfttBB llolivia waa, and,hfter a long oearrb in all quarti'ra if tlu* worid,failinf to dBcover any auch crmnlry, r*4>ncludr_that the coiuruim.on wne a joke, aud acut it bm-klo Waahinjtou. ^Ye bope the new Kmbat-uk;frill he inore auccepaful in Ar.- aearch.

ft, abarp debate took piace in the Scnate yt*a-terday botween Me**r*. lumtjlaa and Breck n-

ridge, in which the lato rital Deiuoi-ratic canli-ftateo for the Prciidency endeavorcd to druwaadh otber out on the aubjcit of SetcaRion. Mr.fir-ckinridgn hintcd &t the reroii*tructiori nf tiie.Union on the ba*ia of the biontgotnir> Conatitti-tlc-, excluding Ncw-Kngland. if the twelveBonator* and twenty-fivc Beprcweotativoa olffow-Eufland can be kept out of Congreaa, theBlafoholdoia eotindiDtl) oxpeet to I'gain tbeMe«rar tba/ hare loit, and to control tho Federal

jfertTwai |b' tk im*:, u .0(>. «"« «'-.'

Ki.ll.-d it in Uu- paat. In thi. thev may pMBiMybe nii.taken. New-I'ngland ia worth rnoro to

the ntli"ti than nll tl.e Cnttou State. rouihined,ai J if r» iiipelkd tn 33388 betiveen thi-in, tLe

re.t of the ataatfy wdl hifi little diiTn-uliy ofrl.niCO.

- *»-

From tl.e olTicial 188818-, it appean that theWhala an.i.'iiit i.l leiaaaa collt-t ted at all the port*m the r.ec.'(1.'.I Ptatei during the last fiscal year,

t, Jaaa 16, 1800. wu* aatf 13,-ILeW, or

Bboat one-twontietb of the revenue cnllected innll the 8818. "f 831 DS338 State.. As 3331

a eo-awtara ahout i.ue-siith i>f Iha \3\um faterritarj m.d populatfaa, their u\ata ut thi, 8a>aaal aaaaatliturtrR of the Governmeut could n"t

beea V i tha. I_urteea _B__.aaa. Xhn va.hti.ru, aearl] tea a DUom i>v kBsarattoa, aaaaHcollecl and appropriata M 338b 8188388 bftns an b'-fore. They will lind, ha88381, that

the HBaa af |M6lt763 will not g» verj far to-

wurd siijiportinK a i.n-.eriit i-nt.-

tiik poi-ic-y oa* fokiikaiuii-c-f.ra1 im.-Ui.ii i» to aA NMaaa*

fu.lv in.-t la farl aaa ef ihaaa Ihrae wavs:

I, F.. piiiRBft, raaahAaj aa-Hi(*hii6 mbJbIbbbiM ,,f faffM lo repcl B33A arhdl v,r

ihe Im i raafatedl and tha aalhaa-j of bb

(i..A. riiin. i.t d li.d; or

n, .|iiievence in the Seceaeioo| b. the taaarpaala, and the reroe'iitx-n

,.f tl,,- rr-.ilt.'.I State> n* iib.olubly independent

_. j, a ',..,, [..':. whiib t'otici-de* nolFinj!,p..rt af r< ihaaa FeaV

|. ... t Av.-ar out the iti.uigetit.p,nt and ia due t .ue ne.tabluh the authoritj

I oba tbr. ii_i...ut tlio r.".«,lt.'d or 883331.. |,v rlrtae of tl.> retiirmiiK Mnitj and

!,. alty 8d thi-ir own BMffa.\\ ,. ,1.t 88333 t'aat thi* last 1* the wi»e*t

p..h. j. inir ;,et Ih.t it ha* bem reso'.A-d BB bfH,.- lie.A A 38 pri'pOSC Hill.pl) to

iiudl t>u wlnch it il co-nraetdedni..! ni.t 1.

'Iii. G.iAiriitn.nt. it is raid, i* based not on

f..r.. but BB P.-n; U'>t ou bayonet. nud bat-

03833, but on good will nnd general cone.-nt.

\\e Tvi.h tVy vvould prearh thi* to the Kullifi.-rs.,:, i,..« ..'.in t<> baaa jet cangiit ti.e id.a.]

Ti w:.r m ti.>- Beeeean la t» giA.- t«> bbbj >'tAajM-') institutiona the atroog cetnent af hloix'.

le baatfaa their nata-i.-iity fa the aahajfaallifo blaaa. af bnoaa-aal faea. Fut let Iheat

relj alone.allow th.in to we»r out the niili-

tary srdor of their adh.-retit* in frmtl.-ss dri.l-

iiiK* aud marehci, and b> (Abaiiit the BuHaBM,! ?!... r t'iloiA-i-iii/i n* l>> the auiouut and frc-

.. ,,f th.r aaaaaAry i-xnctn'i)..mi.<1 thavaiII nielt nway I he f.a_ in

I.ea-iiH of a rin.ri.iiig snii. Only giie them

n.pe, and Ihtf w.11 speedily fnlhll their distiii)Ab PrBBBR, even of South Caroiina, iijerting

i:ir hwsy a* intolerahl', aud retun.ing to themild and paten.al (juardjanship of the Fuiou.

In h. 1 .lf .,f tl.i* 83387, it ia urg.-.l thnt tl..¦

Pficeisionista nn- a uinortty even in mt 38388,

.Slati-; that thiy have 333881 povvrrby usurpatioi.and r.tu.n it ly tirioriam; that they 88888 daresiibuiit tha fBaettaa of UBfal or Di.unioii fairlyaad Kinanly to the people, hnd always ahun

a popuhir v.te 8331338 can. ln vi.w of 8331

farl , tle FnioniiU af tle South tirge tl.ut the(inierinnent *hnll rarry l>>rb. axar.ro fa tta ulinoet,in the hope that tho 8883331 will soon he over-

.A__.lii.fd by tbe piill..' sentiineiit of their own

».,: .ii, and Uri.en with iguoniiny from power.And here h-t BJ Bfey that, if the Sou!!.(¦."

BaaaataAi vaaM but Mrbbb.raa evinre fltalaaar.ni;*. atil outapoken dcci'ion which they di.irethe Ftdeia! QaaBxBBMBf fa auppres* or concBll.

would bave n I'.ir itrongaf claiui to be heeded.If the? would hut light the batlle of the Friioniiiifliiicliiiiply, theie AVotiid he no need of any ex-

ti ..rdn.ary exirt.on af aiith'iity on the part oft ho Ibiaaal power. Had the F'nionitta ofLoihiliitia tii'.A.'d the Mmt, the Snb-Trea«ury, andthe Ar.entil, tr..in RpelfatiaB, they nii^iit havo rea-

BBBBBBJ < ounafiod forbearauie on the part of the1 I'leri'.l BBtharitier. Fut vvill it do to conredeUt the .vullifier* a monopoly of the use ol forceund the iii-iiitestatioii ol energ} ?

." (.ik! is patient, bernuie eternal," nairlAuc>iet:i,«'. The luvv i»f travitation can afl'ord toI ear aud BBBBB! with all seeming t-ouut. irr-

ti(»ni: it il very apt t> hsve Rh way in the einl.The union of tbe N'orth-Weat with the South-Weel in no etrongly grouutled in |>1ia ei«-_il nccesHi-tics that it is very hnrd to persuade the 83338tl.at the Federal Fniou i* or will ha hrokeu up._ieantiine, the rxactions of 03 388883x1 are so

paapaafaaaBB. their projeet of n reconrdruction on

the biiBii- of n 18388881 of tinUcrBdl ai.di BflBiaB_B38B propert) in slaA,?a.that is, of sliye-

holding protcfted bf lavv in every part ol theI'niot..is B8 flagrantly nt war with the rpirit ofour ag..that the North has not realized thatthey are in BBlBBB. Yi-t thiy are ini-Brnestj and a uiajorih of the loyal auhj.-ct*of .Feff. Iixvis Ixlieve tbat the North ii r.-ad) faninke itn suhiniajion, liml ask the privilegc ofadoptinif the South.rn Fotiititiilion nnd stiing foraditiiksii.il into the Oatlea Beaahfts 10i that08313331 delui-ion, the 83.BJ of forhearanreM-i.'ia t" predhr aa _b_aifala eure. We murtt333331 bafaaB fiiving our BBBRBl Ui it.


Our State Senate ha6 atnt down a Com:8itt.cla faiTi'stignte tho alleged 183888 and 88833381in th<> aword of borths for 818331 l*. tlu? Harbor-Muiters ut this tort. This ii un eiiiineiitl) propirand siilutniy proe.dtire. Tbotigh the Si-nat© ii

Mrongly Kepiiblican, aid the Harbox-Maxtera are

il _aaahttaaao, tha Ce.aa_tii of invert'gatioai* eeaaaneJ ef two Ijaaeaarala toone BaaahUeaa,bb is nght. Let tln? itiA-Htigatiou be searching«ii'l thoro-.ipli; let the extortiou, if nuch thero beor b&B been, be expoied and pauished. It itabould appear, us is int.mated, that the shippertand oonsiguees have temptcd and urj_ed the Hur-bor-Masttr4 to necept gratuities, tbat fact willRBfalaa the Mtraflara af oil Bjnijxithy, but willnot at all aZBBM the corrupted. Thiy aro paid.litarally paid.fa rcuder exact justice to theim8bT8 of veBseb desiring bertka at our docks;ai.d tbey can no more uicept any other orfurther payineiit be.ide their legal fafa than :.

judge *n the bench can tnke preacuta frbinparti.'.A in 3_Ha favor he has rei dered decitions.But hi tbere be no husty judguit-ilt. Tbe

-TailmC IfiatWIl have nct yct btrn Lcard; andiiivili of the I'vidcnce aa jet brought agaimtthem it, of a vague and iiifeaential characb-r. Itf lu.iilil he rcinenibered that Mr. Ma.ten, wbo wa. in-ilicieA (ot __:&lfca.ance on the eve of our reo'iitTn .idential elcctmn, dembii&d-rn»y. fntreated.tliat he ibouid be brought (o tri^l forthw i .b, but wttii*


out effeet; nor haa he been to thia day. Now,we truat, tho truth ia bound to conio out.not a

part only, but the whole of it. Thcro are BMMainong the preaent Ilarbor-Mnater* who could not,we are co.-fulont, he falltf Bf n buae or rapa-rioui actj tliere nre otheri ef vvlioie iinpregt.tt-bility to teiiiptatioa Mi are not ot all atnguine.l,4t there be no rnsh or heedleea judgraentj butlot all the facta be IRRI BfRd and coniidered, nndif any piiblie ofticer ii provcd hy them to have

arted rorruptl). M li'"1 ."' ItMWll at otice. So

,.ur-». we ljM8lMHj eipi-ct of QtX, Utft§kmi RR-B

tbat, let Bta Co'trt- do tMl du'y.BJffl trtiat the IflRRBRa CaBMB-ttat will inqnire

Rpi-cially MM tl.e abgontc ism of our Harbor-Mutert. Their dutii- rt*4[uho a Inrge mcaanre

of Mkgaeity, LntelliRence, and diligeoce, aa wrll al

MB-Byi they an* aurh aa lannot bo BBBfMljiBthBlfBd by nny sort ef n dpputy. If, tben, c»*r-

t-.ii, llarbor-Ma-tera aprnd tPtBjftfl togetber in

iRRftyiRf RbOBt tht I.'^.lrlfituri' at All any.havingthe iinpiideuce It Blgt R-RMBBfl to overrulo tlu*

mo-t rifhlBORa vetoeu of tlu* Oovirii'T who ap-BB-Mtd them.aud ut WB-htaftOB tr)ing to dic-late Fcderul nppointiui-nt-, Mflf ahould he rc-

inoved for tbat IB8BBB BRBBR, lf tht preaentllarbor-Mn.tera, or any 4>f them, canuot <;ivotheir timo to their B-Hflfl, let tbeir pla«*« be

given to nprigbt, capabl.* mmr\ wbo can and will

ntTerd it. T!.- R/wffll of all juiblir functiimnrii.ii hi* who fancie* tbat he do* a or ran oam tho(¦iniiUimtuti of hi- po*t without atleuJiiig to it*dutica.The Senuto baa done il» dnty iu the |tt_RtRM|

let thi' (.'ommittvo euiuir>tc Iho fl-UMRBRB. Yv'ewill not doubt tbat thfl flovernor will RPiRMcii'ial ineuy nrnl inflexiLilily._'

| .

nn. BBM-P-O-aRPal IHMBiThe Hon. Alcxander 11. Stepheni, the Vice-

Pr-*ident of tlu* t'onfedernte Statea, RddtRRBRdU e ntirena of Savannnli, laat Tb'iridiiy evcning,npon tbe m w Conatttutinn, and tbe pro<*pect« »i

tht MRt-M Bta-M. Tb" Uf-I Itlfeet in v.

Mr. BMfhtMR i« held bf all ;it tht South, bbintellectiinl abilit.iR, Ul ofuci-i .oaitioii, und thewell-knowu coiu-ervr-tiaiii of hi* ftvlingp. k>v» tobia worda mueh importance, a* the exfffflBMRl Mpreaent, MthMRdt BaathBPB I¦pmimi. PRMt-fRRM the remaika of BM BRBBRmB RR variotiR

leaturea of the C'onatitulion.all of wbicb will t-e

h nnd in R_MtRMR " lun.n.we RSBBB to CBllRhhaa-RR tt> tbe two pnmiiont I'ointa in th-*addnaa. Tbeie are: Tftt BaflBafthfl new 1'iu-

atitution, and the Fut'.re I RIBM of tbe ( _n-

li'leracy.Mr. Stcph-na at BMM RffRRPI not Ir 1 ¦¦

in ahaniR. i."r kt Iht Ittf-BetftBa whirh invi-

rtabtj folliAR an nttempt to dc'eive t't_,orB; la

nr-ordin^ly BMB tbrovvf nwa;. all -l-gui*', a:daeti np the flag of tbe BhtPB I'mvi r m tlu* fu'Jfnce of day. AaBflB-haJ It him. itR RRthtliHland ablo cxpounder, tbe ('".. ttt.ti »n ef Md"Corifedernfo Statea" aa) I tl.in: Tlu' tbe idea

upon wb cb tbe i_'oi,»tit..t.,n af tha -Taitod BtatM,in it* treatment of thfl BarttJ fBMMBR, ror-t , ;.-

tbe tdea of the etiualitv i>l the negr.> iti.il aftittraren: that ti.il id-a ia i ntirely laUe; that t' I

prineiple B-B-MBd from rt, and implied in (!¦.

I'rderal OflRatiaaa.B, tbat Sln.»ry B a moralwrong, ia incorrect, Ix-ng wni'igbt Imm errm."-

ou8 premiaea; tbat the RRftMR raie i* nn infe.-.rrare; tbat it* i nilnvcmei.t ia rigbt, aud tbouldbe made per|>etunl. F" that RRtR thia baanthe Southern Ci :,fi-i-iae) ft pLnriiv und wil'i-cnt wivering. fouudi.i Tbe negro race ii in-

ferior, ahouiJ be tn .laved now nnd fmever. IRMJ pri'iaiio to ei.-l.ive it. 'L\u» CBI___f '*

clear, and iliatinct, nnd bold. We conmieod the

expneitmn ti> the cureful coniidcration of North-ern men who favor the projeeB tf Ml South.Th" wordi of Mr. St.-pheiiP on MM pnint aug-

geat oriH or two remarlii: WhBt tte traitori iothe Cabitiet, at tLe South and it t',- N-ith-4IT1 Statei, were lltuvinp _f tlu* ln "f !>.!".!-lion, reciting the "wrongi of the South," the" aggreaaiou.4 of tl..* Nortl," th.y enedout with one PflBtfl tl,at tftt plavehnlderi onlywuntt-d their rigbta uuder the CoiiRtiti.tmn;tbat tbo-c would aatisly IhflflR, and were anllici. ntfor evcry RRR_L It uovv uppears bow iuainceiewero ull tbeir profcn«iou8; thiir rights, accordingt'> tbe Fedcra! CeaatitatJeB, were aM _Mt-Bjft fMl(:ei!l; tbe IlllilJl.er lll W.'iicll tlll' lluties of MtNorlh, under tbuwiPtnin,! nt, bnc taMR RMfMRKd,is ncl.nov.ledged b) Mr. Stejihinn to bo IfltBMe*tory; tho tfRBjMt i* a fundaineutal one in Ma C-B*atitiition itei'lf, and could only Ih* remedied hy a

new and dnierent inrttruiuent, BBti au uutruiuciitai tbe nltivcLi'lilcr.1 iiitoi'led to inuke, Riich an

inptriiDieiit aa they bu'.e made. A BMMtRRtlflfl oftbe tdd, nnd thi" cn ation t>f a new, woi the li.u-daiiitutnl id'"u iu tbo mindp ol tbe n. n wlio

loug ago inauguratcd thii nbellion. YVnih-ington, Jeflerroii, Mn.li-on, all tbe leadiugMRRRRMM who lntt'li' Mt <'":i4itutiou, ci; Mi.PJtepheua, believed " thiit the i-ualavemeut tf tht" Afmun wa* in violntion of tbe lnw* of" naturo; tbat it waa wrong iu pnucipl'*," pocially, luorall), and politicolly." Thi* waa

a delupioii whi'h had led lo mui'li evj, nndone object of tbe BBfBRBRMB vvon to tramo a

Conatitution in accorouuet- with thu RRRj |ft R ,

of the South.Tho warping elleit of a belief iu th* juatice of

Negro Slu'.ciy, mi n upon a miud like tLat ofMr. btopheiia, ia plumly bIiohii hy thi.i MRtthtIle placee the priiniplo of the ineq'iahty of tbeAfriran, and tbe ttMMMBMd dnetiine of the ri^utof Slavery, on a hvtl with tbe principliH ciiun-t inteil b) Oahloo, Ilurvi), and Ailain Suiith, audgaugea the probable BBTIBBBBBBbI of hia theoryinto univiTriJil action l*y tht prognaa they made.a progn'MR il)W hut coiitiuuul. ifc doca notaee tbat, vvhilo the men wboae namiR bo BpeaksW4*ro itiiving RPBI forward to dravv uiui.l.iiid outof the night ii.to ihe open ligbt nnd tbo pureBir, bo hurh) evtrylbiiig hat-kward into deeptptdarkueiH, reveruing the HrhaM- of progreBu withaviolcuce which threntini etornal deatriiction to allita macbincry. Aguin, Mt iirator pay* that thecivilization and ChfiflttaR-RRtifla of Afriea can

never h« attnined RBBRpI " hy Cnt tearhing tho"negro the learoii t.iugbt to Adum, ' in theiweat" 'of th) face ahalt tbou eut bre;id; ' aud teach-" ing tb« m to work nnd feed aud clothe them-" idvea." Ii it poambii" thut Ur. Stephena can-

not h el aahamed of luch prorliv itica I Bccaufce.Mun ia bidiJen to RRPH tbo brend he oats, tbeB_M_a must oam the Lread he h not allowed |oeat, nnd the owuer of the Negro, living mt

by bia own labor, but Ihe labor of othorn, iball4ftt the brend be d(K's not earn !

Upon tbe point toucbing tbe future career oftho " iSoiitberu Co.;fi<liracy" little in*ed bo aaid,cxeept to direct attt ntiou to the triatiue.it itreceive*. Mr. Stephena ie here diaingenuoiiB,uting figurei with the ,inall cunning of tbe ptttifoggrr. Ile iaya: Are we too imallT WeUre mm Urritory ttua Jt'raace, Bpaiu, Portugal,

and all Great Britatu. It ia sufficient answrrr tothis to say that sin: does not constitcte great-neis. Mexico, Feru, Brazil, Buenoa Ayres, andmany insignificant conntriea in Africa and Aiia,are still larger tbaa tha Cotton Confederncy.Mr. Stapheaa goe-i on to shovv that the populutionis as large.not ai that of the couutric* he has

jtint spokvu of.bnt of the tiiirteen origit-alStabys, iniplying that the population vvill increaaetill it becomoa pn38383331 b) its territory.Why ii this poj ulntion now not more thanthe five miUiona Mr. Stepbena boa.ts of?The Northern inenibera of the family have.gTownj if the Suiitheni noil i* to l,e tio fruitfulof men under tl;*- 803 Governiiu-nt, why waa itn> La. k'.'. ard duriug all tLeso v.niv. that are

past I The curno 38.A ha* bKghtoal it i* notthus casily to be 8333 t'.ie l>l"r-t..:g b;. whii-h itwill tlirive. Then Mr. __tephenii compares thetotul -bid of the Fedcral Gon-ri inent with the

prercnt thbt ot tbu eeviii secedcd 83333, andn*k*: Can any one doult which will tucceed l

He is carcful not to ncy tinvthmg ul-oi.l tlieasstts of the North, though equally carcful to

ifaphy iu largest figureg the rexources of theSouth.But the most Bignificant ivord tpohea ly the

Vicc-Fresiii.-nt of the " Southem Coaf.derm."was that ivherein he dimly and with a delieatcto'jch .creebadowed tho poliey of Lih QafBIWR ut

b.waid the North, 88.fag H a poliey of reorgani-B83BB, Reorgaiiization Tbe North moy as uollBraBan itself for one af tho uext motioi.3 of tboA.88 FovviT. This Cotitititiitioii, so Batfy foiindedon tbe baiiis of inaking negro slav.-ry perpetual,BBeiaJ as un article of religious fttilli, ii to be

presaalai te tha Hortbera Beopla ia the namo ofthe Uiiion, BB-I they will be a.kcd fa 88. ruce it.Tbere will, Meaeaiar, be fcaadl men at tha Noxtawbo vvill bl.ipphfiiie t'.is nuine ef Fnion, 83MM

only wortliy synoiiym is Liberty, ui.d will say tous, Accept tha 883*1 No one who rijihtly inter-

prc.s the siiii.s of the time*, who han inielligontiystudird the riiruricti r and anpirution" of the lend-ing traiiurn, mii l.ul to BM that thn moticu wiHbo madr.


The ijitrodiiction of the suear eulttire intoLouiiiana atl'-rds BBether iilustratioii ef the B88>

eaaafBl ¦igratfae af iha wodLVt p>at atapleaIr.in Baa faeality t-. aoother. Two vesiel.i on

tbair vA.-.y to tbal aaaaa] arith traope, ntoiped at

Hispaiiiola in 1751. The .).¦ u.t- of that ..'. Iobta.lied p.'llliinioll to put on bmldof B3M

ship*, nnd t>> 88BB. fa the JetuU- ol 1*08..UI8,8838 I'igar 81888, und 88881 iitgroe. lamdiarAvith the riiitivaiinii af ti.e piant. The aaaaavvere planb-d on ground which is now a d ;-»-iyBjaabatoi portion af Baar-Oafaaaa, arhare tbeyrr.-iv uvd fl.uriahed f>>r man) jean, bal ii"

illi.rt wa* made to CAtii.tl the c'i!livati"ii, or t"

pn.d'ice M-fBt in a farga way. The naaa arerai :.,! , tl..- ii,. -.

' I. an artii-le .1 !:,_ury.Qere they attraeaai lhe aatfaa af Dabroail, esa

of |bR aa.. ...?t pfaatea fa Ihe eeb y, who

..ult.Aa.t.d tl.i'in b> 88888 ext. nt, built a inill for

Bf.B8.JH M31B, ai.d att.-.iiptcd t<> ua*" .ugar,

bal f.iil"l ii.tr-vy. Thi. faUureconLr_acu.hr_...!,« rai iinpre.Moii thi.t BBfU IBB-i BBt 88 BIA>duced iu Louiiiana, ai.d n<> A__M8 'Mort 8Minade <>n a U._.e .rai.?. until 17.>1, when the

wiV kpread 688833.Bl «f the colony dr.ee the

j. oala fa Iha introduetiun of looic new o_.riei.i-tural .taple.

t'p t<> thia period, the re.ults of agrictiltureanioi... tlre coloniit* had been verj iu.igni.3.Ai.i'UAitbrt.ii.ding the a_tn ordinarj fertil-ty ot" the80.i B-M iin 1 corn were raisi-d in ipiuntit)iiitlieii'i.t for l.oine conautnprion, but none lor M>

p.,rt; and the .upplie* ef 8188388 of otL.r kitid-AAhi. h deccuded the Mi'.isaijipi constituted thegn-at d.'pend.iico for 1.1. ltidi_,">, then a ataple818833.M of all Soiithern Aimrira, ha 1 leiii

-ii'hieiily attacked hy au in>t»ct VAhi'-'i (I'vonred A .

leares with in.-rcil;bfa rapidity, aud left i.othing.tuiiduig fart the nakid etenis ol" tho plaut. In1780 and "L* t thi) ravng. * of thi* inu'c! were so

g.-uCral and eomplete, thut the wbole ppovincewas 338331 into a state of 1833333381 andde.pair. Ctton aah* th*'n ti'iknovvn as a c.m-

il st-j'ie, a* lhe j.m had not beea faveBfaJLIt was i-Tident that some new artiel- of produc-tion niust be diseovered. The |BBaX'HB8 hadIw-.-n (viNntiAely cuitivnled i.eir N.-w < lt.d.8 onlyon a aingle plai.tation, where, a'so, even atteujptfa pro.iu.c .iigar had fuiled. lu thia euiergeucy,l.t .ni..- de For.'- ut.vl. rtook biicav the ha/arilousenterpri-e. Tbough of nioderat*- 888838. and pastiiuddle lil'e, aud thouch warn* d bf vvile andA.381 of the dt.nger ef becoinii'i; _Bp8R8lbb8R_the atraag laaalaa of hw aBergetb 3.tl bobU aotba B3388a Ba plaiited canc-, lmilt milh, atd inI78C thia lirst extexi.'vc trial of the sugar fulturereaci.cd ¦ demi>n»trati.,'i.

His iieighbom, both far and near, had vi-it.-Jhim aud watch.'l Ul pro^resi aud prepnrationslAilh tle ki'i'i.i 'I int.-ie*t. Fvei.¦ ditcoiirngrmet'thad haaa ret aihat, b.ran.e all dei;l't»-d his cue-

8188, ^Yhen the grindiiig of the ctne waa tobagfa, tl.e inhahitaiit* gathercd 1188.1 tbe sugar-ho'i-e in irowds, to be pre.ent B. Iha lailure or

BBM88B ol tho cipeiiiiieut. Th") wuilod Avithinipatiei.ee for the momont v.h"ti the muu whovv.kti hed the coction of the juice should d.ter-iiiiii' aAaahat it wa* iaaAj fa fraaa_Aa. Whaathat momeut arrived, tbe excited speetatoia bt.Itheir hreath, appan-ntl) coiimioi;s that it wai a

(jeest.on ofruin or prosp.rity for them all. Thesiigar-maker euddeuly announced that granulationhad tiiken place, wl.en eack one of tiie iiupatientli) rla.'id.-r* pre.sed iu to witi.e.g foi* himself thelong doubt '(1 but BB.faaal/ de^ired lact. Themoet pcrf'-ct grntiiilfttion had tukeu place, and tbegreat prol.leiu had becu auccea.liilly solvcd.Borc wa* overwhelm. 1 with congratulationa, andthe siigar cultiire of Lotiisiui.a eDtuhliihed aa a

stiple which imuiediately revolutionized her pc-cuuiar) condition. This lirst crop of sugar Bor6sold fer §18.666. a largi> wnin in those davs.Baab i* the nurratiA.- __iven b) (ia)urre, a de-

seeiiilunt ol llor.'. Other aceotints alle;;" thnt»ugar li'iJ l.-en previoui-ly produced iu cou.ider-able ipiantity. But it ia cerfnin that only eigbtycart? afti r Bore'g great exptTimeiit uo let* tiianeight) -one sugar 88881 vvere iu operation on thod.lta alone, aud thnt tlie export from New-Or-leaiih had grown in lJ:il to 10(1,000 hogshcads,worth $o*,000,()00, all of which, aa the tahl.* in-forin us, went to fttm within the L'nioii. ltwould thus seeiii that to Bore is due the honorof showing that the great WmI India staplecould be prolitaUy ilomesticated in Louiiitua.Our aciiuiaitioti of that ngiou undouhtedly guveCTienuouB nnd rnpid i-xpamtion to tho bbb_MB,Iu IHCrt and W. Louiiiana reeeived §0,000.666lor her sugar crop. The fact of this great staph-b> ing thus penuau.-ntly doineaticated among us

af'oidd additioaal evidence that huuiau energioava iii uHiwaU'ly triumph when diiected to provide

for human wante.that no reginn can maiutaintho world in bondage to it for ifs productiona.nnd that tbe cultivation even of cotton will ia a

few years become bo dilTupcd over froe-laborcountrie* tbat thoso who now produce it by ex-

peuHlvo Blavn labor muat in tho great centest bodrivcu to tho w.ill.

RIOIJILtPHY A-BEGCJIWO.A certain Profearor Brown, of Dr. Lord's

hi$h!y renpectubh* oidCollege of Dartmouth, viaitedthe City Of HiMt.m, in M .--..chuaette', with a bigloQ of m.uuicript in Li* carpet-b-g, a fiw dayaaince. Protcdsor Brown, for aoiue time paat, ha.IrrrRrI hii intellectunl and phytical eneri'i4« totbe maii'ifaeture of " Iht Lift* of FufuH Cboate,"bi li-ving fondly that the aaid ?' I.afe " wouli* bea miirkntabli) arttele, nnd would bring to lii.i thereward of h'ts IIBO-ICRTB ia credit and in caah.ProfetMr Brown, to his uttor RitoaiMoRBBtjcould not f;nd a puLli-bcr, u_d bas roturntd tothe cloaaic ri treata of Ilanorer wit'u hia negleettdmanu.scnpt still in hia caipet-bag. Wi ure verymueh aatouiihed nt thia luekleis reault. What,then, rmiit have been the euiotioni of P-BB-MBfBrown?We havo always RBBMJted the beohlR-Bn of tho

prennt period to bo b'.lder thau the Ton_oii*aud HiDan of the hat century; nml reinember-ing tho coura^eous coaudeuco ao often exhibitedby tboao of Boiton, we are etill more aurprisi'dat tbe I'rofeaRor'* diacomlituro. IIo was told,if we iiiiiy cretl.t tbe account boforo ub, Uiat" tbo preaent mouieut ia inopipr>rtune for tho" publieation." Thia is IBtBj bowildering! Iu-opjortune ! We .houIJ very mu ii lilie to ktowtbnt houhaeller'a notion of an opport-nity.Hire la tbe Difbthtria raging, aa we are RflRj

to aay. What do sagacioua biblmpoiiata do f(I.t out hooka on " Diphtheria," to be aure.'* Uiphtheria and DrencbM"." IHphtheria and" l.lnbiilea".'* Diphlboria and Cold Water".Dhfchtheria in all BOflMhlfl ahupea. ThiH is propor.'J'..(¦ ioet-RJR read tho bw ka aud then attack their

paliRRM iutelligently. Biit what ll Diphtberia teDBtiB-Ofli Aud who hai ever proocribed for thedhaBM af Diatjiiion aa Mr. Cboate did? Whoha* ever writlen RB-h wi>uderfully long preaerlp-tioiib with luch n number of i:gredient..RB>bracing, ii we may pay ao, the flflBRBfl-fl of all the

drawer.4, jan, gallipot*, bottlea, aud boxei upon,. - .idt tf nn RfRthtRBIJ- ahop. H-re RfRfl a

inau who 1 ived Mt Fi'leral l'ni"n and lived (bfil.who kindled into a blnzo of rheforie vvhen-ever ht IfOftt tf it.who MBl na mad a. a

Wclah bard MhRMBBBr he aung of it.Mht MBfBaJall Mttj ct'iiiiderntinin ef wiml in def-*-fcdil_f it.who waa rafBldod bf Iht niccst juJgea a* tbe

'icat thanpRM Bf it.and now when, thotigh_. i¦!, he ahould yet Iftah, BBtf when tbo craehha* rcnlly OtRBRk RB_ tver}body Ll on tl I look-outlor Roaie idhesire invention, aomo prepared glueor LafaliihB enaeat, Mr Brrrob publi-ihera ot* Ujt. 11 Kt, and eruelly ti-11 you, PnMbbm Brown,that " tht pteaaat MMMat i* inopportune" fortht publieatinii of thia btagTRfhy nf Mt very rcan

wbo taveated tbe ecoaplaial aud itd ibmbB-m!We never heurd ol RUtli u tLng. Ifr i* veryrcpi.heiiPibie'

Inopportune, foraooth Why, even tl.e elerpy-men who pjRBBB pORBMa- RtBflB-Bfl BfBJBBt pO-ticalpreaebiag, and who agitate on BbbBBJI RgR._IRgitBttaa, kuiiv bt-tter. I.i^k ut Bflbbi Raph_.il.what honor nnd glory he haa acbieved! l.ookat Brooklyn Yan D;ke.haa be uot been fi'astedRBBfl tbe fat of Cbarlieton! Lotft at the a.orci

upon icon ol pBOBBIR burrviiig from thetr pn!pita to the prtaten.look at them from theBar. Dr. Adama up! Hark, too, to tholawyera.to L'harlea O'Conor, provi.ig thut theeoiitfitutiorial rIrcbbBB flf a Pre*id'*nt ia unronati-tlltillRfli tB Mt wbole ta,', r__\ Rad -MRttfl ofQuiil.f, QrR-RROBB, and BoRffl! Are they not alliu fuil 0_7 I a.nd a:e Maf not ruu oftor, atdrti'oited, nud |R__i J

Iuoppoatnne, ii.decd! Why, we have beenthaiffld with ppe.'ihiug Mt lij:litlv uf tlii* efl'ect-ive ndvi'i'iite nnd JB-R-J eelel.rattd though vvoiullyluiatakeu man. But did we eve»r bold him inauch iliihMK- a« to Ray tliat the BBhUcBtlOB ofhi* biogiapby would be "iuupportuue ?" On thecoiitrary, we tbink the pre-ieiit tbe very beat jx>"-Bible luonient fur briu_*iiii: t'ortb the book.Phe ln atfor tbe ProfeMor, RrftaMR griefn we fiel aa keerilyaa if they ivre our Rf~_fc*-_M I e»t for the p'lolie,wliifh BBBBB fiili-htetiint'i.t.ttie beat fur the puL-lishera, who may be aure of a ready aale.thobeat for ouraelvi'H, amioiiH aa BB are t" peruiethe viilume. We Bincenly trnst that Mt PlBBa>aor baa not, iu a pitJBB of diKupnoititinent, ORBpNigmd tl.e manu.-.ript to the i'niueaz If Boitonwill not priiit t!ie book why uot try Ni w*-York1'orhapa our old friend*, tho llorper^, w_i be" Wllllhg."

>iii ¦ I, n

We tbink lo unprejudicid uian can have re.tdthe letter of Mr. Keunedy, Ger.eral Stip'rinte::-duit of tbe Metropolitun Police, to tho Cvmrnit-|M Of tbe Senate, ut xVlbauy, without aequitiii.^'him of tho chargea which havo ao fr»*elv bteflmade againat him iu connectton with the inreiti-Catioiia undi rtaken laat Fa'l and Winter at thoSouth, by the deti'itivca uniler hia ronmmud.Mr. Keii'ied) BbMrBR that hia purpoae in aei.in |ing thom RR thut niirtiou had relereine rolely totbe preaenati".'i of tlu* public peaee in thi* city;and we nre ORBPiliead that in thia matter ho diduo more than bi* d tJ; nor is there any reus. n

to doubt that Iht work vvuo both BRSRRRRRJ andwell doni*. It is proper alao to add tbat, in our

jiiil^inent, we have RBPBI had ao good a Polieea* now, and tbat the 4 ity ia greatl; ind4*bted forit to the official BaPfRMB of tho Oeneral Super-intendent.

A curiouti caae came up in tho Court of (Bm>ni4>n Pleaa yeiterday. Mr. JtRRfh K. Kigci, inthe year Wi, boiight 1*. h*t* of grouud in

F.ighticth atreet of the city, at public atietioti,for 09,880, pajing .J'.'.'.'rO caab, and giving a

bond and mortgage for the remainder, receivingin roturn tho u^ual guaranty of being pBBB-MR.iu peaci'able BRRRRRRB.¦ iu the year ltN*l* theC.uitrnl Purk bill wai paaa**d, and these lot*,being included within the pnoposed bouudariea,vvcii< taken, the Commisaionera of Eat-tBtfl anddUMtMRMBBl nwardmg Mr. Kij;g* only |(*,W10 forhiai projierty.not RMRBfth to covor the mortgagehi-ld b) the city upon it. Now ho bucb to re-

cover at loaat tho amount, with intereat, whichhe puii the city for tke property. On motion of

tho deUndaiit'B attorney the auit wai diami-Aed.

.Tl.e wife nnd two cbildrcn of Oen. Minmon, E.\-Prcaident of Mexico, enrne p_BBRBfMR fta_R Vera Cru_to llavaua, ta tbe Spaniah war-atearoer Iaabcl la Ca-lolica, accoiuivanitd by a nuuiber of other jxliticalexilia. The _»'<" ela lcarna tliat aitcr a brief aojourn inIlavana,thowhol« f*-lily will procoijd.-ijrect U) thepgRJagulB,

-_. a



SpecUI Di tp.teh to Th* N. T. Trfbnne.Wamiibutox, Tuesday, March 26, UJOI.

FOUT SlMTEK.Capt Fox, who vi.ited Fort Sumter oa tha

requtaition of the War Department, bM returnedhere axd reported the reault ef hi* muwioo. IIis very well undirstood that he bad a plan foriutroducmg raeBforaaaaaatai which had beea aub-mitted to roembera of the Cabiuet, and waare- rdcd &« meii-.uraluy practicable but attoudedwith the probabiliry if not certain'y of oolhaion,which conitituted the cbief objtction to ileadoption. Ile is perfectly fumiliar with all theapproaches to tho harbor of Charleaton, havingbeen long conuoeted with tho coaat aurrey, andhad practical cxpencnce aa the commander ofone of Aipinwall a bt<aaicrs. Hia acbeme didnot cotitcuiplate any Berioii* dauger iu runningthe grauntlet of the b&tleriea on the islaadawhich guard tho channeli, but ouly in landingthe men und proviiiona at Sumter, after it hadbeen reached. If a fire wat opcoed upon bbtransportd from Fort Moultrie or the otherbatteriea, it would be neceaaary fir Sumter taeilence them in order to diachurge the rocuforce-meuts. Any attempt, thcrefore, loo'uug to thatohject would almost i_uvitably lead to bloodahed,and before rohorting to it, the Admi.'iiatratioawould be constrciued to expect that aUoiuative.Even if 8ucce»_iul without greut Iom of life,nothing would he gained hut tho rt leutiou of 8

fortrc-s which has only a local value iu pra-tecting Charleaton, and is of no natmual mouientwhatever.Capt. Fox ia filly imprcsred with the conrage,

integrity and sincerity of Major Auderson, withvvhom, however, hia couimuiiicalion wtu neees-

eanly limited, un Gov. Pickens sent Capt. Uart-stein, late of our Navy, aa au encort with himto tLe Fort, who kept within eareliot duringmost of the interview, or, at leaat, near enoughto prevent any free communication. He couaid-881 that the Fort can be reeuforced either by a

ruilitary operation, which, of cour.e, would re-

(_uiro a 6.88 not at the di-po.al of the Preai-dent, or by the stratesyalready referred to, withits atter.dant hazard* of a _k8888168 confliei.The Mtipply of proviaions now in the garruoavvill probably enable Major Auderson to sustainUa c nimand rcasonably well uutil the lfith ofApril. From all the facts di*cl'*-t-d hy this in-vi_tii_ati&n, it is manif.-t that Fort Sumteriniist be ahandoiicd, or civil war maugurated.Capt. Fox ia cautious, inteiligent and well-ia-tormed, aud was bmught U> the notice of thaGi . erument by Mr. Aspinwall and some of thaprincipal ship-owners of New-York and Boatoa.Mr. Lam >n, of Bliunis, vvho also went ta

Charfaaaaaj, ta make certain iuquiriea, will rehira'..-uiorrow eveniug or the next moruing. Afbarall tho inforuiation has been laid before the Prea-ldnut, aud ho has tatisfi.d his own mind oon-

.-lusively a« to the absolute nc.e-.sity, the ordervvithdrawing Major Auderson will be approrod.

THt: UBBMA._ BOTA-WABImr.After all, iJRvid Cartter is not to boGmeraor

of Nobraska. Iii. competitor, Mr. Saundera,uho was etrongly pressed by the lowa deiegation.has reeeived the nominntior), nller au uniniatedbut friendl) conte.t, fa which the frieuda of bothvvere equxilly confid'-i.t of 883888 Mr. Cartterhas been made Minister resident at Boiivia,probably in conipliineut to his polilical ua.-fulneMand aeiivity.

ARGENTINE 4'ONKEDF.RATION.Mr. Palmer of Fentisylvania, who wm origi-

nally assigncd to Ecuador, gooe to the ArgentiaeCoufodemtion.

BOBAABVl am> posta rica.

Nicaragua and Costa Riia aro probably te bamade two missious mstea.l of one.

So, probably, of Guateiuala aud Honduraa,uLiih oio now united.

COKFillMATIoXS.Mr. Ptvinington wa* cooiirmed aa Secrctary of

Lvgation to l'uria, uftor some oppoaitiou, andMr. Crosby went tkrough for G_itemala, thoughtoilowed u p sharoly.

TIIE CONNrrne-UT EI.ECTIOB.John 088888 has been conip.Hed hy atchneM

here to curtail hia pohFcul appou.tmeuts in Coo-i.eetient, which u much to b r.-gretted afterhia erlicieut and Rucces.ful cumpni^n ia Kew-Hiiuipshire.

THE SENATR DF.nATE.Me.ra. Breckiuridge and 1'ouglM had aa

auiu.sing tilt ia the Se. ato to-di-.y, in which thelatter endeavored to coRer hia riml, aud com-

jyi _vdeclaro categorically f-r Necewion or

l.'iuon. The wary .vent'iokiuii poieei biu_ehTrktUfulIy, and could not le ceuxed or bttrayedinto a 183333BL He tbrew on*. tho mggestion,however, of a recoi,*truction of th? L'nion oo thabasis ef tho Moutgomery CoBatitution, to beaccoiiipli.hed by the gradual s.-ccseion aud aecre-tion of the preeent States, exeluaive of New»Fnirlaud, w hich the Cotton Cotife-leracy proieribai'roni fraternily. This idea is to be the baaia ofDeruocratic organization at the North, and faalready well undcr.tiKid by all the leading Sonth-ern manager«, as tbe gnme by which they are tacome back, if at all, with increaa.-d power, andto outrol Congres* by the exclusion of thoMStatcH, which they cannot aeduco or intimidatainto submi>.on. Mr. Breekiuridge rcflecta thapoliey of Mr. Slidell and the more adroit con-

spiratori, who lind themselvea coiuplicated withresulta which were not expected or mti-ndedwhen this bull opiiied.

ANUREVV JOHNSON AND TIIE rKION_fAndrew Jehuson has goue to Frederick, Md.,

to address a iuush nieeting, upon the invitatioaof tho Uuion men there.

the B6AMA sTAn:.».

If a Couvetition of tho Bordit States be held,M proposed, a few mouths heuce, the pri>babilit_rit by uo means reuiote, that terma will bo de-mauded of tta Admiiiistration which cannot baeini.-i-teiit!y yielded. No cauao of complaint bMbeen gircu them Ihua far, aud yet the poiiticiaoeinsist upon a compromise whieh inrolrea a diredabandonment of principle. Neither Mr. Lincelanor hia frienda will consent b> any auch aar-

render. That purpose may aa well ta underatoodiu advance. The Ailminiatraiion ia for honorabtopeace and conciliatiou, but nothing more.

THE SAB ilAN QUESTIO.f.Tho reference propoaed by Eugland of the 8aa

Juan queation will be adjourned till next t/eeeion.As the best relationa now exist between the IwoOovernmenta on the Pacific, no appfeheMioa ofdifficulty ia exi>ected fnxa thia delay. If preaaedlu«w, it would iQA-olve, a lung aud nnyrvfita-i-d
