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New York Times About.com dumb physics and silly reporters

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  • 8/8/2019 New York Times About.com dumb physics and silly reporters


  • 8/8/2019 New York Times About.com dumb physics and silly reporters


  • 8/8/2019 New York Times About.com dumb physics and silly reporters


  • 8/8/2019 New York Times About.com dumb physics and silly reporters


  • 8/8/2019 New York Times About.com dumb physics and silly reporters


  • 8/8/2019 New York Times About.com dumb physics and silly reporters


  • 8/8/2019 New York Times About.com dumb physics and silly reporters


  • 8/8/2019 New York Times About.com dumb physics and silly reporters


  • 8/8/2019 New York Times About.com dumb physics and silly reporters


  • 8/8/2019 New York Times About.com dumb physics and silly reporters


  • 8/8/2019 New York Times About.com dumb physics and silly reporters


  • 8/8/2019 New York Times About.com dumb physics and silly reporters


  • 8/8/2019 New York Times About.com dumb physics and silly reporters


  • 8/8/2019 New York Times About.com dumb physics and silly reporters


  • 8/8/2019 New York Times About.com dumb physics and silly reporters


    And (a 1 - a 2)/ a 2 = (0 / ) 2/3 1

    Or (a 0 a)/ a = ( 0 / ) 2/3 1

    And [(a m a e)/ a e] 0

    = [(a 0 a)/ a] (v 0 /r 0) ' 0 = [(a 0 a)/ a] ' 0

    Modern and Nobel error # 16 is: [( 0 / ) 2/3 1] ' 0

    = 70.75 [(88/365.26) 2/3 -1] = 43 arc sec/100y

    Modern and Nobel error # 33 is : - 2 sine 2 {[cosine -1 ( 0 / ) 2/3 ]/2} ' 0

    = - 2 sine 2 {[cosine -1 (88/365.26) 2/3 ]/2} 70.75 = 43 arc sec/100y

    6.9 - Newton's distance historical mistake II

    Newton force is F = k/r 2 = G m M/r 2 = m v 2/r

    And velocity of a celestial object measured from the sun is = (GM/r) 1/2

    With r 3 0 = (GM/v 2 0); r 0 = (GM/v 2 0)

    And r 3 = (GM/v 2); r = (GM/v 2)

    Modern and Nobel error # 17 = [(r 0 - r)/r] ' 0 = {[(GM/v 2 0)/ (GM/v 2)] - 1} '0

    = [(v/v 0)2 - 1] '0 = [(29.8/47.9) 2 - 1] x 70.75 = 43 arc sec/100y

    Modern and Nobel error # 34: = - 2 sine 2 {[cosine -1 (v/v 0)2]/2} ' 0

    = - 2 sine 2 {[cosine -1 (v/v 0)2]/2} ' 0

    6.10 - Newton's velocity historical mistake II

    Newton force is F = k/r 2 = G m M/r 2 = m v 2/r

    And v 0 = (GM/r 0) ; v = (GM/r) 1/2

    Modern and Nobel error # 18 = [(v 0 - v)/v] ' 0 = [(GM/r 0) 1/2 / (GM/r) -1] '0

    = [(r/r 0) 1/2 - 1] '0 = [(149.6/58.2) 1/2 - 1] x 70.75 = 43 arc sec/100y

    Modern and Nobel error # 35: = - 2 sine 2 {[cosine -1 (r/r 0) 1/2 ]/2} ' 0

    = - 2 sine 2 {[cosine -1 (149.6/58.2) 1/2 ]/2} 70.75 = 43 arc sec/100y

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    6.11 - Newton's surface gravity historical mistake II

    Newton force is F = k/r 2 = G m M/R 2 = m g

    And g 0 = Gm 0 /R 2 0 ; g = Gm/R 2

    Modern and Nobel error # 19 = [(g 0 - g)/ g] ' 0 = {[(Gm 0 /R 0 2) - (Gm/R 2)]/ (Gm/R 2)} '0 = {[(m 0/ R 0 2) - (m/R 2)]/ (m/R 2)} '0

    = [(g 0 - g)/ g] ' 0 = [(3.8/9.8) -1] 70.75 = 43 arc sec/100 years

    Note: [(m 0 / R 0 2)/ (m/R 2) (29.8/29.335) 2 -1] '0 = 43 arc sec/100y

    Modern and Nobel error # 36:

    = - 2 sine 2 {{cosine -1 [(m 0/ R 0 2)/ (m/R 2)]}/2} ' 0

    = - 2 sine 2 {{cosine -1 [(0.33/ 2440 2)/ (5.97/6371 2)]}/2} 70.75 = 43 arc sec/100y

    6.12 - Le Verrier mistake II

    Modern and Nobel error # 21 is: [(v +/- v ) /v 0)] ' 0 = (v /v 0) [1- (v /v)] ' 0

    Modern and Nobel error # 37 : - 2 sine 2 {{cosine -1 (v /v 0) [1- (v /v)]}/2} ' 0

    = - 2 sine 2 {{cosine -1 (29.8 /48.14) [1- (0.4651/29.8)]}/2} 70.75 = 43 arc sec/100y

    6.12 - Le Verrier distance mistake II

    And v = [G M 2 / (m + M) r] 1/2 = (G M / r) 1/2 ; m

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    6.13 - Le Verrier signal time mistake II

    With (r/r 0) 1/2 [1- (v /v)] ' 0 = [(r 0 /c) /(r /c)] 1/2 [(1- (v /v)] ' 0

    Modern and Nobel error # 23 is: (T 0 /T) 1/2 [(1- (v /v)] ' 0

    = (194 /498.67) 1/2 x 0.98 x 70.75 = 43 arc sec/100y

    Modern and Nobel error # 39 :- 2 sine 2 {{cosine -1 (v /v 0) [1- (v /v)]}/2} ' 0

    = - 2 sine 2 {{cosine -1 (194 /498.67) 1/2 x 0.98}/2} x 70.75

    6.14 - Le Verrier orbital period mistake

    Keplers law: a/T = k = constant

    Or, r 0/ 0 = r/ = k; r 0 / r = ( 0 / ) 2/3

    With (r 0 /r) 1/2 [(1- (v /v)] ' 0

    Modern and Nobel error # 24 is: ( 0 / ) 1/3 [(1- (v /v)] ' 0

    = (88/365.26) 1/3 x 0.98 x 70.75 = 43 arc sec/100y

    Modern and Nobel error # 40 :

    = - 2 sine 2 {{cosine -1 ( 0 / ) 1/3 [(1- (v /v)}}/2} 70.75

    = - 2 sine 2 {{cosine -1 (88 / 149.6) 1/3 [(1- (0.4561/29.8)}}/2} 70.75

    = 43 arc sec/100y

    6.15 - Le Verrier gravity mistake

    And 0 = g 0 = Gm 0 /r 20; = g = Gm/r 2

    And ( / 0) = (g/g 0) = (Gm/r 2)/ (Gm 0/r 20) = (m r 20 / m 0 r2)

    And (r 0 /r) = (m 0g/g 0m) ; (r 0 /r) 1/2 = (m 0g/g 0m) 1/4

    With (r/r 0) 1/2 [1- (v /v)] ' 0

    Modern and Nobel error # 24 is: (m 0g/g 0m) 1/4 [1- (v /v)] ' 0

    = (0.33 x 9.8/3.8 x5.97) 1/4 0.98 x 70.75 = 43 arc sec/100y

    Modern and Nobel error # 41 :

    =- 2 sine 2 {{cosine -1 (m 0g/g 0m) 1/4 [1- (v /v)]/2} ' 0

    = - 2 sine 2 {{cosine -1 (0.33 x 9.8/ /3.8 x5.97) 1/4 [(1- (0.4561/29.8)}}/2} 70.75 = 43 arc sec/100y

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    Chapter 7: Fourier Light signal processing

    r = r 0 e t

    Distance r in real time is r = r 0 e i ( + t)

    With r 2' = h = r 0 2'0; ' = '0 e -2 i ( + t)

    At = 0; Perihelion

    r = r 0 e t

    Taking r = c t and r 0 = c t 0

    Then (t/t 0) = e i t

    And the Fourier transform is:

    = (1/2 ) {- e i t d t}

    And = (1/2 ) 0 0 e i t d t

    = (1/2 ) [e i 0 -1]/ i

    = (1/2 ) [cosine 0 + i sine 0 - 1]/ i

    Along the line of sight

    x = (1/2 ) [sine 0]/

    x [100 / 0] = (100 /2 ) [sine 0 / 0] per 100

    With 0 = arc tan ( v 0/c); 100 = 1 century = 36526 days

    x [100 / 0] per century = (100 /360) {sine [arc tan ( v 0/c)] / [arc tan ( v 0/c)]}

    x [100 / 0] per century

    = (36526days /360degrees) {sine [arc tan ( v 0/c)] / [arc tan ( v 0/c)]}

    In arc seconds per century: x [100 / 0] per century

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    = (36526x 24 x 3600 /360 x 3600) {sine [arc tan ( v 0/c)] / [arc tan ( v 0/c)]}

    x [100 / 0] per century

    = (36526x 24 x 3600/360 x 3600) {sine [arc tan ( v 0/c)] / [arc tan ( v 0/c)]}

    Where v 0 = 47.9 km/second; c = 300,000 km/second

    Modern and Nobel error # 42 :

    x [100 / 0 ] = (36526 /15) {sine [arc tan (47.9/300,000)] / [arc tan (47.9/300,000)]}

    = 42.5 arc seconds per century

    Modern and Nobel error # 43 :

    x [100 / 0 ] = (36526 /15) {sine [arc tan (29.8/300,000)] / [arc tan (29.8/300,000)]}

    = 42.5 arc seconds per century

    Angular velocity ' in real time is ' = ' 0 e - 2i ( + t)

    Taking '= 2 f and ' 0 = 2 f 0

    Then (f/f 0) = e - 2i ( + t)

    At = 0; Perihelion

    And (f/f 0) = e- 2i t

    And the Fourier transform is:

    = (1/2 ) {- e - 2i t d t}

    And = (1/2 ) 0 0 e - 2i t d t

    = (1/2 ) [e - 2i t -1]/ - 2

    = (1/2 ) [cosine 2 0 + sine 2 0 - 1]/ - 2

    Along the line of sight

    x = - (1/2 ) [sine 2 0]/ 2

    x [100 / 0] = (100 /2 ) [sine 2 0 / 2 0 ] per 100

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    With 0 = arc tan ( v 0/c); 100 = 1 century = 36526 days

    x [100 / 0 ] per century

    = (100 /360) {sine 2 [arc tan ( v 0/c)] / [arc tan ( v 0/c)]}

    x [100 / 0] per century

    = (36526days /360degrees) {sine2 [arc tan ( v 0 /c)] / 2 [arc tan ( v 0/c)]}

    In arc seconds per century:

    x [100 / 0] per century

    = (36526x 24 x 3600 /360 x 3600) {sine 2[arc tan ( v 0/c)] / 2[arc tan ( v 0/c)]}

    Where v 0 = 47.9 km/second; c = 300,000 km/secondModern and Nobel error # 44 :

    x [100 / 0] = (36526 /15) {sine 2[arc tan (47.9/300,000)] / 2[arc tan (47.9/300,000)]}

    = 42.5 arc seconds per century

    Modern and Nobel error # 45 :

    x [100 / 0] = (36526 /15) {sine 2[arc tan (29.8/300,000)] / 2[arc tan (29.8/300,000)]}

    = 42.5 arc seconds per century

    Modern and Nobel error # 46 :

    x [100 / 0] = (36526 /15) {sine 2[arc tan (0.4651/300,000)] / 2[arc tan (29.8/300,000)]}

    = 42.5 arc seconds per century

    Chapter 8: Descartes and LaGrange failures

    8.1 = x + y = 0 e t

    Along the line of sight x = 0 cosine t

    Then x (seconds) = x - t

    = - 2 t sine {[arc tan (V r m - V r e)/ ( 2c)]/ 2} = 43

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    And in arc x (arc seconds) = x - t

    = - 30 t sine {[arc tan (V r m - V r e)/ ( 2c)]/ 2} = 43

    Where r = V r; and r = V ; and V r = 2 r r; and V = r

    The confusion is and was r = ; V r = 2 V ; and taking V r = ( 2) V And taking V r = V r (Mercury) - V r (Earth) = V r m - V r e

    And V = V r / 2

    Modern and Nobel error # 47 : x (Arc second) = x - 0

    = - 30 t sine {[arc tan (V r m - V r e)/ ( 2c)]/ 2} = 43 arc second /century

    8.2 La Grange historical mistake

    Angular velocity with respect to center of mass ' c m = v c m /r

    Angular velocity with respect to Sun ' s = v s/r

    And Astronomers observed: ' s = v s/r

    Angular velocity with to the sun

    And v c m = [GM/ (m + M) a]; m = 0.32 x10 24 kg; and M = 2.0 x10 30 kg

    And v s = (GM/a)

    And (' cm - s) / s = [(2 /T c m) - (2 /T s)]/ (2 /T s)

    = (T c m /T s) 1 = (v s/v c m) 1

    = [ (GM/a)] / { [(m + M) a/ GM]} - 1

    = [(m + M)/M] - 1

    = [1 + (m/M)] - 1

    1 + (m/2 M) 1 m/2 M

    And (' cm - s) / s (m/2 M); and (' cm - s) = (2 /T s) (m/2 M)

    And (' cm - s) T s = (2 + - 2 ) = m/ M; = m/ M

    Multiplying by [(180/) (3600) (26526/ 0)]

    Modern and error # 48 = (m/ M) [(180/) (3600) (26526/ 0)] = 43

    = (0.32 x 10 24 /2x 10 30 ) [(180/) (3600) (26526/ 0)] = 43

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    Modern and Nobel error # 49 is

    (per century) = - 2 x 15 0 sine 2 arc tan (v/c); 0 = 100 years

    = - 30 (100 x 36526 x 24 x 3600) sine 2 tan -1 (48.14/300,000) = 43 arc sec/100y

    Chapter 9: Axial tilt processing

    In Chapter 7 Fourier analysis said that planet Mercury's Perihelion has nothing to do with planetMercury but has something to do with Earth.

    Astronomers measure with an axial tilt of 23.44 0 because they measure from Earth and use theSun as reference point. Parallaxes are shifted by an angle of 23.44 0

    Meaning measurements are shifted by a factor of: (1 - sine 23.44 0)

    Modern and Nobel error # 50 : (1 - sine 23.44 0) ' 0

    = (1 - sine 23.44 0) 70.75 = 43 arc sec/ 100y

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