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New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1903-06-05 [p 7] · 2017-12-25 · NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE,...

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NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, FRIDAY. JUKE 5. 1903. FOR PRIVATE PROFIT In conclusion. Mr. Cutting said. "We hav<» rai.se.l the standard of municipal auministratton so hish that It can never be lowered to the point at which vTT"found it. but it must be remembered that should Tammany return to power every effort will be made to turn the offices and revenues of the city to uses of private pront. Tammany is not a political or- ganization, and exists simpiy and solely to ejirich a little ciique of men. 2*o one ever heard a Tani many leader express an intelligent view on ques- tions of national policy. Peopie do r.ot quoit- .-. ard Croker's words on matters pertaining to the welfare of the state. He is not a politician; he is a plunderer. And Tammany is not a political or- ganization, it is a company of plunderers." Mr. Cutting wa3 followed by Thomas A Fulton, secretary' of the Citizens Union, who expressed himself even more strongly regarding the indiffer- ence of the better classes and the Influence of women in rousing them from it. "American politics don't lack brains." he said; "they lack morals, and we want the women to put morality into them It is not the lower East Side that we need to tear, it 13 the upper West Side. When the present President of the United States was Governor of New-York he referred once in a public address to two men who had served their country better than any others that he knew, and those two men, Arthur yon Briesen and Jacob Riis, were of foreign birth." Mr. Fulton advised the women to inform them- selves about wnat the city was doing, and sug- gested that they begin by a visit to BlackweU's Island, which was accordingly agreed upon. With facts such as they would glean in this visit. Mr. Fulton said, they cculd shut up the "kickers," who were mostly of the browr.stone front class. Of the importance of the work of women Air. Fulton was absolutely convinced. Dr. Lecierle had said they might have to have women on the Health Board. Mr. Fulton would have said, "We have got to have them." "If the women did not elect Mayor Strong i;i toto," said Mrs. Cutting, "he owed at least naif his majority to them. It was a raw, bleak day, and as the men stood In line waiting for a cnance to get to the polls, the women brought them coffee and sandwiches, and kept them tnere until they got their votes out of them." The meeting closed with a few remarks from Mrs. Josephine Shaw Lowell and ilrs. Harriet prosperous, airi tinder these circumstances tne seal of men. If not of women. 1b prone to flag. We are altogether too virtuous. If the other side were doing something that we could complain of. the problem would be much simpler Nevertheless, there is no reason for discouragement. If this- tide Is setting in any direction, it is in favor of fusion. A few mornings ago 1 was visited by two men of opposite political persuasion. One was an in- dependent Democratic leader and the other had been, until recently, active in the Republican party; but both were convinced that the fusion ticket was sure of success. Those who croak do not realize that the people are coming to feel the need of good government. The tide has been strongiy in that direction ever since Hewitt ciiine out as an independent candidate tn IS9O. Before that, opposition to Tammany rva.s only sporadic. In 1597 Croker declared that the reformers never win two elections in succession, but out of tha last three contests they have won two. and the time Is coining when they will win tww running." rrh« Gentlewnmaa. ELEGANT TEA TOILETS "If we lose this election." said R. Fulton Cutting, who had been asked to make some suggestions as to the place of women in the campaign, "we -will lose It not because of the excellent organization of Tammnny. or because of the opposition of the Ger- man element, or because of discontent with Mr. Low's administration. We will lose it simply be- cause of the apathy of the virtuous and intelligent men of this city, who Tvould rather spend Election Day out of town than do their duty as citizens. It is for the women to waken people from this apathy and bring thorn to the polls, and I believe they can do more to attain this end than any other agency. "We look to the women," continued Mr. Cutting, "to throw into any political campaign its sentiment. Keep at the subject ofrthe moral element cf politics and leave the business and economic Issues to the men It might be a good thing to write a letter, through the newspapers, to the men. just before registration and election days, insisting upon the sentimental phase of the contest. Do not make use of statistics, as these, except -when they come through the living voice, gain no votes, but give a few telling facts about the work of the Tene- ment House Commission and the Charities Depart- ment under the present administration and the extraordinary beneficence of the Health Depart- ment. Put into the letter all the sentiment you can get in, and have it signed by a good many young- women prominent in society, literature and the professions, and I believe it wlll do much good. You will want a considerable amount of other literature, too. but not statistics, and con- taining always sentiment." Referring to the prospects of the- campaign, Mr. Cutting pointed out that Tammany had been beaten three times in the last thirty-four years and each time the reform forces had gone In on a wave of indignation. "This time," he said "the situation is different. W r e now have the best administration since the incorporation of the city. The times are "It is the absence of the residential vote which defeats the forces of good government in this city." said Miss Margaret Astor Chanler. president of the Women's Municipal League, "and the absence of the residential vote is due to the fact tnat the women go away and shut up their houses. Ifwe want the men to register and vote we have got to come to town, and if we can't do that we must make the men realize that we do not wish them to be absent on polling days." R. Fulton Cutting Puts Burden of Fall Campaign on Their Shoulders. Preparations for the coming campaign were dis- cussed at the closing meeting of the Women's Municipal League yesterday afternoon, ar.d the speakers combined to place the whole responsibility for the issue on the shoulders of the women of the city. WOMEX AXD POLITICS Uhe Fojc. A HELPING OFFER. President of the T. S. S. : I ahve been a member of the T. S. S. for three years, and my life has been enriched and brightened by the loving kindness of Its members. lam a constant recder of the Wom- an's Pace, which Mrs. Griffith kindly sends me every week. I often see that you send out mate- rials' for knitting, and the work is returned to you for distribution. My mother is seventy-seven years old, and a cripple, but she would dearly love to do something for the T. S. S. She Is a fine knitter; and If some one will furnish her the ma- terials will gladly knit mitten? and wristlet* arid return them to you, so you can have them next winter. God bless you Inyour work. Tours very truly. (Miss) ANNIE G. BARROWS. Box 269. Spencer. Mass. DISTRIBUTIONS OF CHEER. Packages of cheer were sent yesterday to Maine Massachusetts. New-Jersey. Virginia. Florida. Texas, Michigan^ Indian Territory and Albany and Delaware counties, N. Y. Birthday greeting* were sent to Rhode Is'ar.d and Kentucky: an express box to Manhattan Branch No. 11, South Ferry; to the crippled children, and clothing to Slxty-Srst-st. for colored children. FLOWERS AND BOOKS. Some little girls of Rhlnebeck, N. V., have sent an express box of daisies and buttercups, to be given to pome little city girls. The initials of the senders are B. T.. E. R-. C. T.. H. R. and R. T. Some unknown friend hap contributed two brand new books which will be added to the list of book* that travel on Sunshine missions. After heine read by pome "shut in" or isolated member, they will be forwarded to another, and in this way several have an or-portuniry of enjoying them. A box of l^velv roses and pansies was brought to the office by Martha Heb-rton. of South Orange. N. J.. find a box of reading came by the Long Island Express. RCTHERFORD REPORT Mrs. E. T. Galloway, president of Rutherford ON. J.) Branch No. 1, gave her usual day of helpful service at the general office, on Wednesday. As Is her custom, she came laden with sunshine for others. There were twenty fine articles of clothing for a young child, the contribution of Mrs. Jack- son and several summer suits for older gir.p. which Just supplied an imperative need. This branch has also distributed during the week a box to the "Little Mothers." containing seventy articles of clothing, ten fiats, wools, dishes, sewing mate- rials, etc.. also a box of cheer to a farming dis- trict in Pennsylvania, and another contribution to Arlington. Mrs. Broach, a branch member, paid express charges on a box. Mrs. C. P. Perham will "pa** on" her I>al!y Tribune to another T S. S. member MONEY RECEIVED A. S M has contributed 15 for special cheer; "Two Friends," of Elmira. N. T.. $1. as June dues to the endowment fund; Mrs. F. Smith. 25 cents for postatre fund; Miss G., 10 cents for badsre All letter*, and packasei intended for the T. S. S. should be addressed to The Tribune Santtbine Society, Tribune Building. Hew- York City. It the above address is enrefnllj- obtterved* communications intended for the T. S. S. will be less likely to co astray. The Tribune Sunshine Society has no connection with any other organization •«\u25a0 publication using? thY word ''Sunshine." NOTICE THE LAW Who Ptoopp to lift a brother from the clay Himself shall lifted he; Who giveth of hi? love from day to day To others generously Shall surely find his own life still filled ur With blepsin*;:- more and more. And his soul crowned by joy as some deep cup With holy wine brimmed o'er. Who follows where the Master's steps have trod, To him it shall be given To quaff unstinted from the love of God And breathe the air or heaven. For this the law: to all who scatter ff>°n With liberal hand in spring. Ther? is throughout the universe decreed A tenfold harvesting —fl-. M Montgomery, in Christian Advocate. READING Sirs. C E. Beebe ha? placed the names of M-s*. W. H. Tafft and Mrs. N. Mason on her list to re- ce iv<» reading matter. A box of magazines sent to an Orange. N J.. r-.emr>er to distribute will supply reading for several In tioomfleid, N. J. WHO ARE THEY WHO FAIL,? F"i;d as thou wilt, unspoiled by praise or blame. ;,-- thou wl t and as thy llgnt i? given; Then. If a: last in" airy structure Tall. Dissolve, and vanish, take thyself no shame They fail, and they alone, who have not striven. (Thomas Bailey Aidrlch. WEDDINGS. Announcement ha« b»en made of the engasement of ktlss Fanny Cummins Cox. daughter of the late Rowland Cox. of V.'e=t Seven th-st., Plainfle!d. N. J., to Aubrey Herbert Weigbtman, of Philadelphia. Miss Marie CorelU. who has for several years been w«rkfn- very hard to keep Shakespeare, from bTng torioven has recently Published a bulky SarV^aUwet under the title of "The Avon Star •• to the course of which she aims some char- ac^-stic Corelll-lsms at the head of the travelling £2Sn. Among her "Hints to American Trip- pers" are the following charming words of advice: ' -Don't expect to buy picture post cards, photo- graphs or sweeties at Shakespeare's birthplace. It is a c hrine a shop. .„,«= wlatoW in IM Hob- Trtotty Church presented by 'American •*\u25a0•«" of Bhak««pe,re. 1, not y.t pa.d tor. On. «<'»"<> ter. pounds are -till owtoc. American millionaires. Z^SFMiiB ate "Big weddings have become so terribly over- done!" exclaims an Enplish society magazine -Soon It'll only he Americans. South Africans and Jews who will be married wlch twelve brides-nalds. a iwmd pues*9 arid fifteen hundred wedd:ng presents. Lady Sybil Primrose, you know was married quietly at Epsom, and she insisted on all in in ita be° n much th meTe £££&£ <™d one's friers won't they hear one Is going to be married." manuscripts, nor shall we present good plays m the 6ense of piavs revolving around fads and ism? To my mind, a "play isn't necessarily good because it is dull and didactic, nor wild and inßane because it is humorous. How shall we ;-'• t our pood p ays? I hope to see our accomplished litterateurs collab- orating with theatrics i-raftsinen. The furtner you iro the easier and lighter it all seems. Tnis theatre is like some tremendous situation in a play—if the situation came Brat, every one would say U wa^ Impossible. Coming In the third act. with acts, scenes and every step leading up to It. it seem? the only possible thing. Bo we are leaning gradually up '.o our great ?;; nation— the free, en- dowed theatre. When we gei it people won't won- der at it— they will wonder we didn't have it before." The balky horse has found a champion In Miss Mabel Alva Messlnger, of Chicago, who is conduct- ing a small crusade in behalf of this much abused animal. The cause of balking. Miss Messinger states, lies back of the horse, and it is unreason- able as well as futile, to abuse the animal for what is the, fault of his driver, past or present. He balks, as a rule, because at some time he has been overloaded, though at the precise time of his refusing to move his load may be light. Miss Mes- Binger's cure for the habit is a very simple one. and is based on the theory that a norse can think of but one thing at a time. "Hold ;r.-- n.r^ phi has never known this rHn^o fan and ha* several times relieved block- ades m the" street by starting a balking horse on its way. About Fifteen Thousand in Eastern District, Brooklyn, on March. Fifteen thousand Sunday school children, repre- senting thirty-nine churches, took part in the an- nual parade of the Eastern District Sabbath School Association, in Brooklyn, yesterday after- noon. The parade was formed at the fountain !n Bedford-aye. and mar down that thoroughfare to Heyward-st. and back again, ur.der the leader- ship of William G. Murphy, grand marshal. Among those on the reviewing stand at the Hanover Club were Borough President Swanstrom and Russell W. McKee and Alfred Tilly, president and grnnd marshal, respectively, of th*> Brooklyn Sunday School tTiilon. the western Wistrlct organization which has Its anniversary parade to-day. SUNDAY SCHOOL CHHDSEN PAEADE. Read "U'"" »tory, ••Tlie AdTeutnre» of tturrr Re T el"? .VoT Look for it la next Sni»«l*y*« >cn-l'ork Tribune. Election of Officers Conditions in Hew* England and the Nation. Providence, R. 1.. June 4.—A series of addresses marked the third and closing day of the Congre- gational Home Missionary Society's seventy-sev- enth anniversary. Officers were elected and it was voted to hold the next annual meeting In October, SO4. in Dee Moines, lowa, in connection with the National Council of Congregational Churches. The change in date is in connection with a movement to unify the meetings of the five Congregational Home Missionary Societies. The following officers were elected: President. Cyrus Northrop, of Minnesota; recording secretary, the Rev. T. C. McClelland, of Rhode Island: audi- . tor. G. S. Edgell. New- York; executive committee < to' serve until 13CS). the Ray. S. P. Cadman and C. W. Hebbard. York: C. C. West. New-Jer3ey. To fill vacancies on executive committee (to serv<» until 1904). tha Rev. F. L. Goodspeed, Massachu- setts; (to serve until 1205), the Rev. N. H. Waters. New- York: (to serve until 1306), S. B. Carter. Massa- chusetts. The report of the treasurer, William B. Eowland. showed that the society began the year with a net debt of $3,912. The receipts of tha national so- ciety from contributions, legacies and other sources were $217,669. The expenditures were C.-4.IST. The auxiliary societies raised and expended in their own fields $26o.SCT. In his address on behalf of the Congregational Sunday School and Publishing Society. Dr. W. A. Duncan said that 317 Sunday schools were organized during the year ending February 2S last. The demand for new work and additional workers has never been so great a3 during the lost year. These demands have come from North and South Dakota. Minnesota. Nebraska, the Indian Territory. Wyom- ing, Oregon, Nevada, Texas and Alaska- Washington Choate. the corresponding secretary, said the year had closed over a treasury freed from the long borne burden of debt, each previous year having shown a debit balance. More vigorous efforts to establish comity with sister denomina- tions in order to economize men and money, had been Instituted. With the Presbyterian Churca comity is in full operation. The Rev Joel S. Ives. of Connecticut, spoke upon "The Foreigner in New-Ens land. ' He said tn» last few months showed an Increase of the better class of Immigrants, ar. 1 many were going to th« Northwest, but an increasing number were coming into New-England. The Imperative demand for missionary endeavor was in New-England. New- England did not ask help from her giant children of the West, but she did ask that these children release her from the long and generous care ot the past, that she may have a car« for herself. The Rev. B. W. Lockhart. of Manchester. N. IL. "The most serious task this nation confronts hi the presence of 5.G0G.0C0 negroes, separated from th* white man by a . abyss of race prejudice which only the love of Christ can bridge. God never laid a problem so heavy as this en a nation before. Then there 13 the immense heterogeneity of our people. Half our 80.COO/«» Is of foreign parentage. The brain and soul of the land is still Anglo-Saxon. s-il! Puritan, still Christian, but the world Is, streaming in from overcrowded Europe, men who know nothing of our principles of self-government. of our simple, free, democratic^ churches, and un- belief 1* rampant among them.** HOME MISSION MEETTSG CLOSES, Suggestions have been made that wheel traffic in Fifth-aye. should be restricted so that during certain hour drays ar.d heavily lad?n vehicles would be prohlbi:e.:. All the avenues were opened as public thoroughfares at the expense of the public. There is no power in existing laws that would permit such a prohibition. Fif:h-ave. has taken on a commercial wide. Pri- vate residences, b^iow Forty-sixth-st., will all dis- appear in a few years. Flfth-ave real estate values to-day are measured by the advantages the avenue offers for that character of business th*.'- we observe being rapidly established. Tni» busi- ness is aided by advertisements. Tiere wfi: be an increase in rentals asd tha value, of property proportionate to the increase of the travelling pub- lic through th* avenue. An Increase in spaco for trafflo in general is what we have in mind. The sidewalks and carriageway, as laid out. have not the capacity for present demands at certain hoars of the day. As population increase and the ave- nue becomes more attractive trade Increases. a rearrangement of the carriageway and aide- walks is suggested. The pan is to w.den the car- riageway from 40 to 51 feet, an Increase of 40 per cent, which really means more than 40 per cent la the facility afforded for the movement of raffle. The present width ices no: permit of more than four vehicles atjrea3t, two passing north and two south. The increased width will permit of six abreast, travelling in safety. The present width, confines the traffic to a procession of wo line* on. each Bide during the crowded hours Slowly mov- ing vehicles establish the pace. With. increased width of roadway a: time* a carriage can pas» out ahead and turn in any open space aad mow more rap:d y. The sidewalks should be free from all encroach- ments and encumbrances between the curb ana the house line. The condition of --he »idewaik» is not uniform. Although they were originally laid, out at 30 feet, in many instances 15 feet oa.vo been inclosed. leaving but 15 feet for pedestrians. There are serious inclosures, such, as extended stoops, wells below the level of the sidewalk, gar- dens and lnc!osures in the pnblle street, where re- freshments are served. The entire street belongs to the public: these incumbrancee deprive the publia of their use. The suggestion Is that the side- walks, instead of being limited to IS feet, should be> in all cases of a \u25a0"»"«"\u25a0»— width of 23 feet, addln# about 50 per cent to the space for pedestrians. It Is in the minds of many that not so long ago there were stoop* to the house* on Broadway: they have been removed. There were stoop* to> the houses and Inclosures in Third-aye. up> to the time of the erection of the elevated railroad: they have all been removed. The abuse from encroach- ments tn Flfth-ave ha* been greater than In. any other avenue. The creations that are made> permissible during the pleasure cf the Board of Aldermen have become too genera;, so that peo- ple finding encroachments by their neighbors as- sume they have a license to create encroachment*, and the license has become an abuse. John D. Crimmim Urges Plan for Increased Roadway. John r>. 'Crimmlns.. it was said yesterday, will soon urge the Board of Estimate and Appor- tionment to take up a plan of widening Fifth- ave. by setting the fence line in on either side toward the fronts of the houses, and thus secur- ing greater width for both the wagonway and sidewalks. Irs a statement made by Mr. Crim- mins yesterday he said: FOR A WIDER FIFTH-ATE. Stantcn Blatch. Mrs. B!atch nu^«r«'ted the or- ganization of some political work among the wom- en of the laboring classes during tSe summer, and Mrs. Lowel! said that never before in th« history cf the league bad sho seen such a good June meet- ing. The regular business of the leagua preceded the addresses, and Miss Sadie American, who was a member of a committee on women Inspectors which waited on th* Commissioner of Immigration in Washington by invitation of th* latter, reported a courteous reception am! most satisfactory In- terview. Miss Levarldsc reported that the chureSen and settlements had t^en asked to form Juvenile street cleaning leagues, such as existed under the Warinfr administration. l>ut that only St. George's and Christ churches had r-^ponded. The lea^u* will therefore endeavor to organize some societies itself during the summer, arid Mrs. Henry Parscns has consented to oversee them. 208 Fifth Avenue. 11 28 Broadway (Madison Square > Lincoln Trust Company Building. Inthe centre of the great shopping district the M&DISON safe deposit co. has provided FIRE and BURGLAR PROOF VAULTS in which boxes for a ate It— ping of valuable papers, jewels, etc., can be had for as low as $5 per year. DOES NOT REVILE COMMERCIALISM. There was some difficulty in rinding a woman to U as chairman cf this committee. Miss MoU A'- 'en said she couldn't possibly manage any re in October, and Miss Blanche Walsh ™:J* ro do all the work Miss Allen at last , f nr -,rH'no from the chair elp along I Mien could be £' * a j£° ft erine Grey did even less. would fay. . ,. _ A Tdwa'-d Sothern are two Kichard Mar.*fleW\ndJCd£ a.a characters In actors who have P^^pV.t nut by he National American p-aye to be established. It is pro- Art Theatre when WUP» thirty-five weeks each posed to give a s<> a.For, o. tnr rv> . ' rr r..i-, : ced for a EB th. remaining five \u25a0 . deeply m- ....,.„;.. S nd want \u25a0\u25a0-\u0084 Rosenfeld. 3u.t \u2666 V w-A her summer horn- If , hy m «m . mm SSfgSSeSS 2££l and°°wat called on for a *P*-* r n. '. fc^_,,. that co^s with the pound he announced, wi-h a £ <k. «°<r of \u25a0»- - ST^orthe -^.^^o^thlng.-i^M^ J°V*??V~n or°a "ospltal for rej^t.d PLAYS THAT MOTHER CAN SEE. "I once heard a your.g girlJ=ay she had had diffl- cnlty in finding a play to which it was safe to take her mother." said Mrs. Grace Baylor Clarke, who gave an account of what the National Art Theatre stood for. And when a smile went round j "I know that sounds funny." She said, "but there is a good deal of Truth in it. all the same. What we w-nt Is a theatre that won't allow anything unworthy simply because it draws. Several mill- ionaires .-;-•- expressed a willingness to help us. and not with small sums, either. Women, with you d-jwnd* the result. You must awaken public eesximent; you must talk; that ought to be easy er Mrf Frederick Nye. chairman of the summer intertttament committee, urged the members to SyHSe gospel of a free theatre with them to the mountains, the country, the seashore "Go* > up .r.tertainment,. Don't charge any admission fee. tat devote . fifteen or Theatre. to ta£- ln«r kz> the National Art Theatre. she said. rGfft People to come-people with lovely hats! Even «f you have to give a tea. give something at which you can talk. Ifyou will g»ve me your ; " Tt!rta?n d"-s« I'll «ti(i you people to talk and entertain tor You. If you are in need of some one just tell me. and I'll send a man-and he shall be riven on the endowed theatres of Europe-tne Th^tre Francal- tn Paris, the Royal Theatre in 2rS an^ the Bur, Theatre in Vienna^ T£flm of th.se lectures will be given on the French stvsE ppring. THE NATIONAL THEATRE. Enthusiastic Women Pledged to Work for Its Establishment. "This organization is pledged to make a propa- ganda for the cause of a national art theatre,*' said Mrs. Sydney Roser.feld in presiding, vice Miss Julia Marlowe, over a very enthusiastic meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary to the National Art The- atre Society, at the New-York College of Music \u25a0yesterday. "By entertainment, by letter and by conversa- tion we are to interest people In the Idea of an en- dowed theatre, in which native genius in author- ship ar.d acting may be fostered— a great theatre, Independent of the ordinary risks of management. But "we are no: looking for small contributions from our members, and we are not opposed to theatrical syndicates. What we want to do is to create ar. artistic atmorphere right here, and to create & market for the works of American play- rights, so that managers won't have to cross the water to buy foreign plays, often of Inferior work- xnanshir and low morals." There were a pood many interesting people in tne room. Among theni were Mrs. Ravenhlll. Miss ... Grey. Mrs. Arthur Homblow. Miss Mor- pan of Chicago; Mrs. Allys True Gentle, who de- lighted the audience with two songs; Mrs. Florence Brook?. Mrs. Joseph I.C. Clarke. Mrs. M. F.londa. A'lsF Care! Parrieh. Miss Blanche Walsh. Miss Viola Mien Mrs. John pew. Mrs. Stuart Henry. Mme. Jeanne nko. Miss Ann Warrington, Miss Mary Phillips, Miss Ada Patterson, Miss Clara Bloodffood, Miss Elizabeth Brenton. Miss Grace T«=aNrl Colbron Mrs. Frederick Nye. Mrs. Caspar VfjmaaJ Dean." Miss Kate P. Douglas and Miss Myra. K<i!y. QARPET GkiMSiM Lareeiit iv »be World. Kvery tie ta.il. Tin-: TIIO-*. J. STEWART CO. 3O years' rxprrieare. Br»ml» . cor. >';ih >t.. >«\u25a0« York. Erie ana M* >t»- Jeriry City. rroKAoe WAREHOUSE AND MOVIXO -i-Si. Writ*or Ulfphoa* -far tatwtia*. bocJLl«. into the tree, and in a second -was off his horse and flogging the hounds furiously with his whip. Pres- ently the huntsman and whipper in appeared on the scene, looking rather crestfallen and very muddy. Sir Adrian roared his orders. The hunts- man called his hounds off. In a few seconds they were trotting away to the kennel, disappointed of their sport, but evidently anticipating their evening meal. Sir Adrian remained below the tree till the din passed somewhat out of hearing- Then he looked up Into the soft golden masses of the boughs. "Now." he said. In a tone of concentrated emo- tion, fury, concern, admiration, amazement, a'! struggling together, "you'd better let that thing go; and then be obliging enough to tell me what you did it for. I don't suppose it was motive enough that you were spoiling the run?" "Indeed. I never thought of you." answered a sweet, cold voice out of the tree. "And as for letting 1 the little beast go, why, I just can't. It's quite a young thing, and it has broken its paw. It fell right at my feet, yelping like a pet dog. Do you suppose I was going to leave it to the hounds?" "You knew your danger. I suppose?" "Oh, yes, I knew." replied the voice, airily. "It was a near tiling, too. The first hound almost pulled me back out of the tree. I believe he carried a bit of the braid off my skirt away in his mouth." "Good heavens! If the pack had pulled you down with the scent of the fox about you. they'd have made short work of you " "I shouldn't have liked that sort of death," said the voice. "Of course I knew it in a way. But what would you have done yourself if the fox had come tumbling at your feet like that?" "I ope I'd have had more sense than to do what you did," Sir Adrian replied grimly. "But now are you coming down? Is the Uttie beast's paw really broken? Didn't It scratch and bite at you when you picked It up?" "No more than a pet dog. I have a. theory that it Is some one's pet fox; or it has been tamed by the suffering, like the lion in the story. Here, catch it! I'm coming." A small, sun burned hand and wrist were thrust from the warm drift of leaves. From the fingers. heid by the scruff of the neck, dangled helplessly a little fox. In the same manner Sir Adrian received It and laid It down on the moss. The thing showed no inclination to run away. Its anxious face wore tha expression of a dog in trouble. Sir Adrian mentally inclined to that theory of the fox being a pet. "What are you going to do?" ask the voice, at his side now. Miss O'Driscoll had swung herself down with surprising ease and grace from the tree "Coins: to set the paw." he answered. "I've never done as much for a fox before, but I have more than once for a dog; and. as a preliminary. I'm going to muzzle you, old fellow. A fox's bits Is a very nasty thing. Miss O'Driscoll, as you. fortunately, have not been obliged to realize." He produced his handkerchief, and, \u25a0with sur- prisingly littla resistance on the part of the fox. bound up his Jaws. Then he looked about for something 1 of which to make his splints, found what he wanted, and performed the little operation skilfully and tenderly. When he had finished. "Now, what are we going to do with him?" he asked. "Ballinacarra is nearer than Erris. Supposing I think I could get a don- key cart close by—l take him there 0 " The girl had been leaning- over him so intent on what he was doins: that her breath was on his cheek: he could see where the upward sweeping eyelashes caught the light on their gold; the down on the young roses of her cheeks was like a baby's. "That will be best," she said. "When he gets well" "It must be for you to decide. Perhaps you had better make a pet of him to keep him from being hunted again." "I think we shall give him his choice," she said softly. "You know. I think It was splendid of ycu," he went on. "Perfect lunacy, of course, but splendid all the same." She reddened at his praise. "I think you are very kind." she said simply. "I don't know any one else who would have been so good to the fox. and so clever." "And you forgive me?" he asked, extending a frank hand. "I want to be friends with O'Driscoll and his granddaughter." She put her hand into his. "Grandpapa was angry because the deer were to be hunted." she said. "I shall not think of It again." he answered eagerly. She flung back her mane, and her bright eye* looked at him. at once, shy and fearless. "There are other things." she said, "things of no importance. It was my fault. I did mv best to make my grandfather hate you." "But you don't hate me?" "Not now." Their hands were still clasped above the little fox. which lay licking uneasily at the splintered lesr. between them. "Not now." she repeated, and then her eyes felL Down along the woodland road came a little don- key cart, returning from the market, whither it had carried \u25a0 family of little piss. It was easy to arrange for the carriage of the fox to Ballinacarra. When they had seen it started Miss O'Driseoll held out her hand. "Goodby!" she said. "We go the same way." he replied, turning to re- capture his horse, which was grazing in a little glade close by. ,1 \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '. They walked on then, side by side, till he had seer; her within her own gat». "I shall let you know how our patient pro- cresses." he said, as they parted, and it was with a curious thrill of pleasure he said that "our." Th-» gout had set its victim free for the time, and the Prince of Errls was happy. "Its almost worth while to have it for the Joy of getting rid of it. Kathaleen Mavourneen." he said to his granddaughter. "I want to tell you." she said, sitting down on his discarded footstool, "we made a mistake about him over there." nodding her head In th.- direction of Ballinacarra chimneys lust visible among the tref . _-the Englishman. We O'Driscolls are too proud not to own when we've made \u25a0 mistake or done an Injustice. He's a gentleman. if. he is rich, and he's kind, and he has no intention of hunting the deer which are your property he says, and it isn't his fault that he bought Bailinacarra. and he desires very much the privilege of knowing you. grandpapa." _ "Why, child, what do you mean? Wasn't it your- self that stuffed my head with stories against him. and set me on to make it Impossible for him to keep the hounds?" And then Kathaleen told him th» story of th» fox and of Sir Adrian's conversation, which had shown ouite the proper feeling toward the O'Drls- colls who had been a power in the land before ever an Ingestr« had followed a Norman robber into England, and much more to the same purport. Be sure Sir Adrian's remarks lost nothing in Miss Kathaleen's repetition of them. The next day the Prince of Erris's ancient bath chair was seen trundling up the avenue of Ballina- carra, and the prince's apologies for not h-ivln* made an opportunity earlier of welcomirjr Sir Adrian Ino-stre to the country which was O'Dris- coll country left nothing to be desired. The little fox's paw mended in time, but before he- had the choice offered to him of beinir a pet or having his liberty to be hunted. Miss O"Dri3COll had promised to change her name to Insreatre. And th* fox. having made his cfcoiee, became the per- manent Inmate of a comfortable house at Ballina- carra. Only, sad to relate, he sometimes raided a henroost when he got loose, like any of his wild brethren. But Lady Ingestres fox was a privileged beast, and her ladyship's partiality for him was quite shared by Sir Adrian, to the grief of many honest dogs*— and White. The BaMnacarra property was a very pretty one. It comprehended some miles of wood and water, a grouse mountain, a trout stream. There was a Dig nouse, with a courtyard at the back, in a state of ruinous disrepair. it had acres of grass, long ranges of outbuildings. Fortunately, bir Adrian Ingtstre's purse was equal to making it all as good as new again. Tue place was full of work- men, the noiso of hammering' resounded all day long. As noon as a few rooms were ready for occupa- tion, Sir Adrian had moved in. He was delighted with his Irish property, none the less because he had bought it for a song. His English friends were glad to Keep him company where there was such, sport to be had. The county was ready to receive him. Only two people held coldly aloof. They were his nearest nelgnbor, tne .Prince of Krrfs. and his granddaughter, ivaiiialeen O'Driscoli. As it happened, the Prince's property made a wedge in BalUnacarra land, it was a email wedge, but itspoiled any chance of inclosing Ballinacarra within a ring fence. It was a wild, overgrown place, a wilderness by Bailinacarra which bad been at some time a well kept park, and would be again now it was an Englishman's property. Sir Adrian Ingestre had come into the country with a kindly heart toward ali its inhabitants. He haa no idea of making a Naboth s Vineyard of tne Prince's wild piece or bog and n»ountiun. In fact, he was going tv call on ih^ rii.oe 10 ask him to make one of i.is party of guns, vvt.cn another neigh- bur, Lacy Derrymor*, warned him or tne Indiscre- tion lie was a^uui to commlu The occasion was a oance. following a dinner at Deiryl-eg. m* hodtfeas bad been very kind to him. in fact, her Irish sottneas ot speecu arid manimi i.aa maiie Him her at >.uteii slave. "1 want to dauce," he said to her, "with the little girl in the green frock, who has, tne eyes of a mountain pony." Lady Derrymore looked the way he Indicated. There was a shy child, with a go.Uen brown htad and extraordinarily bright eyes under a tangle of lashes. Sne was looking their way, and at the moment her expression was one of the utmost re- bentment. _ "I uaien't do it." she said, laughing, "why, that Is 0 Driscoll's granddaughter, little Kathaleen. Don't you know that they hate you like poison?" "I didn't know anything of the sort," he said bluntly. "May 1 ask why?" "Because Ballinacarra is O'Driscoll land. Because they are banished to the waste and derelict bit of the property. Because you're restoring Bailinacarra. Because we've all received you. and with constitu- tional inertness allowed you to take a leading place among us. Because you talk of starting a pack c" deprhounds. They do not consider that the sale of Ballinacarra Included the deer. My d»ar Sir Adrian the deer belong to none of us. Occasionally they swim th*> river to us. and we might well call them ours The original deer forest, the last bit of It that remains, certainly belongs to the Prince." "The deer were mentioned In the inventory of mv property. They feed in my park all day. After all my project of the hounds was a dim and distant ore For the present I am quite satisfied with the fox hunting especially since you have made me master. They mirht have postponed their hatred til! ! had given them cause." "You've riven them plenty. * laughed Lady Derry- more "O'Driscoll hasn't pat his leg across a horse these twenty year?, yet th»y recent our giving- you : v. mastership. It's" no use telling them that we couldn't afford to keep it ourselves They d think we ought to have pawned our last bit of plate to keep the hounds out of an Englishman hand* «....., <=ay O'PrisColl won't let the hunt cross his land this" winter. I know he's trying to stir up strife acaln«t you all over the country: and, mind, the people look up to him a deal a3 the last Prince of -I never he*rd anything so unreasonable." said th --M F v nP de; h r Tll r; t ;V ar t'r:;t% the charm of us." said his hostess, flirting her fan. "Til "all on him and have It out. "You'll find the door shut In your face. "I shall be no worse for that. v-«=-« The memory of the eyes under th» golden-brown tangl* of hair followed Sir Adrian lorn? after their owner had coldly refused him the dance which despite Lady Derrymore's warnings, he had Deen determined enough to ask for. ,'\u2666,- He had called at Castle Erris a day or two later, and found the avenue leading to the dilapidated mansion In such a state of disrepair so Uttered by the bor.e-hs and even whole trees of old storms, that' he was obliged to leave his dogcart a little wav from the entrance gate and do the rest on foot. The door was opened to him by an old man In a shabby suit of livery. When be had heard the visitor's name his face assumed the oddest mixt- ure of comical perplexity and a dogged deter- "^^ernow^ar.'^rTe said, looking furtively behind him. "I wouldn't take in that name not If you give me Darner's fortune. 'Tis one of the mas- ter's bad days. He's slttin' with bis foot laid up in cottonwool foreninst him. clanin" his ould breech- loader, an- if 1 was to mintion your name to him maybe 'tis the ror>tint!> of It he'd be givin me in me back. The divll a. lie In it." Since Sir Adrian Ingestre could not storm the Prince of Erris in his own stronghold, he was obliged to retire, not knowing whether to feel angry or amused. During the winter that followed there were sev- eral unpleasant incidents in connection with the hunting There were protests against the hunt crossing their lands from farmers who had never objected before. Once or twice the riders were met by a group of peasants carrying pitchforks and other unpleasant implements. tv,.^,- "Thev learnt the way of It," said Lady Dem- more. "in the Land League times; but they haven t been putting It into practice since we declared peace all round. Upon my word. Sir Adrian, it a too bad seeing ail the employment you ye been giv- ing in the country; but if it goes on we have to ask Colonel O'Connor to sacrifice himself for the rest of us and take the hounds. It's all the old Prince It's surprising what influence he has "It's always easy to influence the people badly said Sir Adrian, with an outburst of spleen which showed that he had been hard hit by the failure he had looked like to be as master. It was no later than the Tuesday after that the hounds, having lost an old dog fox at the Lohort Spinney; gave cry again as they were being led home to the kennels. The members of the hunt had dispersed Slowly and sadly. The master, the hunts- man and the whlpper in. with a few Idlers, were all that remained. It was a winter afternoon, cold ard bright with the yellow leaves yet shivering on the trees, since there hadn't been a gale to bring The hounds were let slip and disappeared into the solnnev The huntsman gave "Tally-ho!" although there were none but themselves to hear It. They swept through the spinney and out into the open country beyond, then made for Bargy Woods. Down the side of a ravine, up the other, went the hounds giving tongue. Sir Adrian riding behind them. It was rough riding, for the woods were full of the stumps of trees that had been lately felled, and once or twice Sir Adrian's mare stumbled with him but regained her footing. Once he was down. By the time he was up again and in the saddle he heard the furious barking of the hounds at a dis- tance. They were evidently at fault: the quarry had slipped Into a drain or otherwise baffled them. Sir Adrian looked round for the huntsman: he was not in sight. He rode on where the yelping of the hounds led him. Presently he came out in the mid.ll" of a little glade The dogs voices were deafenlna by this time; They were leaping like mad below a great chestnut tree, their sharp, ex- cited faces turned upward to the tree, their tongues panting, their tail* going like mad. Sir Adrian sod© into the midst of them, looked up A Tissue Paper Pattern of Woman's Coat, No. 4.433, for 10 Cents. Loose coats made with shoulder capes arA much In vogue and are admirable for many purposes. Made of pongee silk and the like, they serve " as warm weather wraps, and made from the heavier materials become suited to cold weather wear. This stylish one Is shown in pongee, with trimming of the same material *. m r o idered in Chinese designs, but is adapted to all the materials mentioned. , and, indeed, to all lightweight cloak- Ing materials. The quantity of material required for the medium size is 4^j yards 27 inches wide. 3 yards 44 inches NO 4.433— WOMAN'S COAT. wide or 2*-i yards NO 4.43a-WOMAN'S COAT. 62 in c he s wide. The pattern, No. 4.433. is cut in sizes for a 32. 34. 36, 28 and 40 inch bust measure. \u0084.,_.„ „„ , The pattern will be sent to any address on re- ceipt of 10 cents Please give number and bust measure distinctly.- Address Pattern Department. New-York Tribune. If in a hurry for tern send an extra two-cent stamp, and we>wiU raa^ i>y icux>r poslsMo in sealed envelope. THE TRIBUNE PATTERN A YOUNG HOPEFUL. Five-year-old Harold had been promised a "whole day in the country to-morrow, if it doesn't rain." and he went to sleep with fairyland visions danc- ing through his busy little brain. With the first of dawn he awoke, but only to hear the doleful drip of the rain on the streets \u25a0 "Can't go," he walled; "don't see what it had to go and rain for just this one day."' "But you mustn't talk that way" soothed his mother; " "God sends the rain, you know, and he knows better than we do." After a moment or two of dead silence, she turned to note the effect of her admonition, and lound the pmall boy in the crib at her side In wnat appeared to be a violent convulsion. His fare was distorted in the most hideous fashion, and his f< atures relaxed only to assume a still more horri- Dle form His eyes were fixed on the ceiling, anu his tongue from time to time shot snake-like out of his mouth. "Why my child!" exclaimed his terrified parent, springing up, "what Is the matter?" "NothinV returned the young hopeful. " cept I'm makln' fa^es at the Lord for lettin' it ram. Auntie and Grandma'!! always do anything for me IfI stop, so now I'm makin' the worst I know how to see if the Lord'll stop the rain." About a hundred Mount people attended the wedding of Miss Amy Beatrice Page to Arthur Fowler Babcock, which took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Le Papre, in that city, on Tuesday evening. The Rev. George C. Peck, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, performed the ceremony. Will- lam F. Crawford, of Mount Vernon, was best man. and the maids of honor were the Hisses Marion and Gertrude Le Page, sisters of the bride. The bridegroom is the son of Caleb S. Babcock. for- merly charity mmissloner of Mount Vernon. and is connected with a New- York bank. Laura Miriam Cornelius is a gifted Indian woman who after completing a four-year course at a sem- TrTryl Fond dv Lac, Wte. has returned to her people on the Oneida reservation, in North Wis- consin to carry on her work of gathering her literature for publication and of formulating her native tongue into an Indian pammar. Miss Cornelius is a descendant of two noble Oneida houses, the Breads and the Corneliuses, and her 'ather moved to the outskirts of his reservation In order that his daughter might attend a public 3 school rather than the reservation schooL He" is said to hold that "reserve life is most un- ronducive to a liberal development." Miss Come SSi ?eMre is to illustrate "the Indian side of Amer- iran life " Of her work she says: "The legends which I have complied have cost \u0084oh hard work. I have travelled long dls- and Jo the remotest corners of the reserve o get from the oldest residents these quaint fan- ? f n.ir tribe Igo to many persons for the deS -,ov order to compare their vers:^- same stor>. »\u25a0' a £ th( , i nd fi n vernacular, from T^h T m ke Tu.ra'l •= \u25a0 and * whi-.h I mrtKe m«i English The novel which I th em <£L*2?JSAEF< toTamcusag with which am at work on wm its stiK* of transition, and will the race is beset n it \u25a0 -££ , movements ar.d char- contain "*"*££s£ is to h* a Daniel Bread acters. to one f***^?^ Td^cSy. But I do not oration, which 1 shau Dle-e of literature. There is Intend to * sour P^e °i Indi a great deal of _ racial humo q t undKn^ nA iffibSSSSSSi^ the£t> people has been able to catch th i; flavor health. Miss Cor- Although a Jw- .n«' «« , „in son)( , Bpeclal Sn^t^nt^rt^s^olleges. WHY NOT REVIVE THE SAMPLER? Blilßi »H?J»SI "nf, *»ki figure repeats AlT ' hanet - lr th ordinary s.mpl.r. Keproductions figures. »« In the oho h thelr crude de- from these funny ow^anipirr. j mfl lehtiou. o 'fJ^ br^tn Colonial and oMDutch priate when used wiui thal haa become furniture, ° r^hlfconSu during the last two wort w ttSTwooutii <K**a**- \u0084„. b«*v".n.....-i- ••"lll,:,I." ll l ,:, I .; 1 IM v % f .. PJle..r.: >->»-» nd *S' n»BrVntoi»-l>e.«l.n »BrVntoi»-l>e.«l. lii» Street. 12. C, nd , on ' \u0084" C Uranton-Leed. hi» 7 tLL^J?INGS-; \u25a0/'<'' ~ x , GOOD CHEER. Have you had a. klndneaa *nownl Pass It on T»a: not *lven for you alon»— Pass It on. Vet It travel down the years. Let It wipe another's tear». Till in heaven the deed appear*- BY KATHEH.IXE TYJSA.N.
Page 1: New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1903-06-05 [p 7] · 2017-12-25 · NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, FRIDAY.JUKE 5. 1903. FOR PRIVATE PROFIT Inconclusion. Mr.Cutting said. "We hav



Inconclusion. Mr.Cutting said. "We hav<» rai.se.lthe standard of municipal auministratton so hishthat It can never be lowered to the point at whichvTT"found it.but itmust be remembered that shouldTammany return to power every effort will be madeto turn the offices and revenues of the city to usesof private pront. Tammany is not a political or-ganization, and exists simpiy and solely to ejiricha little ciique of men. 2*o one ever heard a Tanimany leader express an intelligent view on ques-tions of national policy. Peopie do r.ot quoit- .-.ard Croker's words on matters pertaining to thewelfare of the state. He is not a politician; he isa plunderer. And Tammany is not a political or-ganization, it is a company of plunderers."

Mr. Cutting wa3 followed by Thomas A Fulton,secretary' of the Citizens Union, who expressedhimself even more strongly regarding the indiffer-ence of the better classes and the Influence ofwomen in rousing them from it.

"American politics don't lack brains." he said;"they lack morals, and we want the women to putmorality into them It is not the lower East Sidethat we need to tear, it 13 the upper West Side.When the present President of the United Stateswas Governor of New-York he referred once in a

public address to two men who had served theircountry better than any others that he knew, andthose two men, Arthur yon Briesen and Jacob Riis,were of foreign birth."Mr. Fulton advised the women to inform them-

selves about wnat the city was doing, and sug-gested that they begin by a visit to BlackweU'sIsland, which was accordingly agreed upon. Withfacts such as they would glean in this visit. Mr.Fulton said, they cculd shut up the "kickers," whowere mostly of the browr.stone front class. Of theimportance of the work of women Air. Fulton wasabsolutely convinced. Dr. Lecierle had said theymight have to have women on the Health Board.Mr. Fulton would have said, "We have got to havethem.""If the women did not elect Mayor Strong i;i

toto," said Mrs. Cutting, "he owed at least naif hismajority to them. It was a raw, bleak day, andas the men stood In line waiting for a cnance toget to the polls, the women brought them coffeeand sandwiches, and kept them tnere until theygot their votes out of them."

The meeting closed with a few remarks fromMrs. Josephine Shaw Lowell and ilrs. Harriet

prosperous, airi tinder these circumstances tneseal of men. If not of women. 1b prone to flag.

We are altogether too virtuous. If the other sidewere doing something that we could complain of.the problem would be much simpler Nevertheless,there is no reason for discouragement. If this- tideIs setting in any direction, it is in favor of fusion.A few mornings ago 1 was visited by two men ofopposite political persuasion. One was an in-dependent Democratic leader and the other hadbeen, until recently, active in the Republicanparty; but both were convinced that the fusion

ticket was sure of success. Those who croak donot realize that the people are coming to feel theneed of good government. The tide has beenstrongiy in that direction ever since Hewitt ciiine

out as an independent candidate tn IS9O. Beforethat, opposition to Tammany rva.s only sporadic.In 1597 Croker declared that the reformersnever win two elections in succession, but out oftha last three contests they have won two. andthe time Is coining when they will win twwrunning."

—rrh« Gentlewnmaa.


"Ifwe lose this election." said R. Fulton Cutting,

who had been asked to make some suggestions asto the place of women in the campaign, "we -will

lose It not because of the excellent organization ofTammnny. or because of the opposition of the Ger-

man element, or because of discontent with Mr.Low's administration. We will lose it simply be-cause of the apathy of the virtuous and intelligent

men of this city, who Tvould rather spend ElectionDay out of town than do their duty as citizens. Itis for the women to waken people from this apathy

and bring thorn to the polls, and Ibelieve they cando more to attain this end than any other agency.

"We look to the women," continued Mr. Cutting,"to throw into any political campaign its sentiment.Keep at the subject ofrthe moral element cf politicsand leave the business and economic Issues to themen It might be a good thing to write a letter,through the newspapers, to the men. just beforeregistration and election days, insisting upon thesentimental phase of the contest. Do not makeuse of statistics, as these, except -when they comethrough the living voice, gain no votes, but givea few telling facts about the work of the Tene-ment House Commission and the Charities Depart-ment under the present administration and theextraordinary beneficence of the Health Depart-ment. Put into the letter all the sentiment youcan get in, and have it signed by a good manyyoung- women prominent in society, literature andthe professions, and Ibelieve it wlll do muchgood. You will want a considerable amount ofother literature, too. but not statistics, and con-taining always sentiment."

Referring to the prospects of the- campaign, Mr.Cutting pointed out that Tammany had been beatenthree times in the last thirty-four years and eachtime the reform forces had gone In on a wave ofindignation. "This time," he said "the situationis different. Wre now have the best administrationsince the incorporation of the city. The times are

"It is the absence of the residential vote whichdefeats the forces of good government in this city."

said Miss Margaret Astor Chanler. president of theWomen's Municipal League, "and the absence ofthe residential vote is due to the fact tnat thewomen go away and shut up their houses. Ifwewant the men to register and vote we have got to

come to town, and if we can't do that we mustmake the men realize that we do not wish them to

be absent on polling days."

R. Fulton Cutting Puts Burden ofFallCampaign on Their Shoulders.Preparations for the coming campaign were dis-

cussed at the closing meeting of the Women'sMunicipal League yesterday afternoon, ar.d thespeakers combined to place the whole responsibilityfor the issue on the shoulders of the women of thecity.


Uhe Fojc.

A HELPING OFFER.President of the T. S. S.:Iahve been a member

of the T.S. S. for three years, and my lifehas beenenriched and brightened by the loving kindness of

Its members. lam a constant recder of the Wom-an's Pace, which Mrs. Griffith kindly sends meevery week. Ioften see that you send out mate-rials' for knitting, and the work is returned to youfor distribution. My mother is seventy-sevenyears old, and a cripple, but she would dearly loveto do something for the T. S. S. She Is a fineknitter; and If some one will furnish her the ma-terials will gladly knit mitten? and wristlet*arid return them to you, so you can have them nextwinter. God bless you Inyour work. Tours verytruly. (Miss) ANNIEG. BARROWS.

Box 269. Spencer. Mass.


Packages of cheer were sent yesterday to MaineMassachusetts. New-Jersey. Virginia. Florida.Texas, Michigan^ Indian Territory and Albany andDelaware counties, N. Y. Birthday greeting* weresent to Rhode Is'ar.d and Kentucky: an express boxto Manhattan Branch No. 11, South Ferry; to thecrippled children, and clothing to Slxty-Srst-st. forcolored children.

FLOWERS AND BOOKS.Some little girls of Rhlnebeck, N. V., have sent

an express box of daisies and buttercups, to begiven to pome little city girls. The initials of the

senders are B. T.. E. R-. C. T.. H. R. and R. T.Some unknown friend hap contributed two brand

new books which willbe added to the list of book*that travel on Sunshine missions. After heine readby pome "shut in" or isolated member, they will beforwarded to another, and in this way several havean or-portuniry of enjoying them.

A box of l^velv roses and pansies was brought

to the office by Martha Heb-rton. of South Orange.

N. J.. find a box of reading came by the Long

Island Express.


Mrs. E. T. Galloway, president of Rutherford

ON. J.) Branch No. 1, gave her usual day of helpful

service at the general office, on Wednesday. As

Is her custom, she came laden with sunshine for

others. There were twenty fine articles ofclothingfor a young child, the contribution of Mrs. Jack-son and several summer suits for older gir.p.which Just supplied an imperative need. Thisbranch has also distributed during the week a box

to the "Little Mothers." containing seventy articlesof clothing, ten fiats, wools, dishes, sewing mate-rials, etc.. also a box of cheer to a farming dis-trict in Pennsylvania, and another contribution toArlington. Mrs. Broach, a branch member, paidexpress charges on a box. Mrs. C. P. Perham will"pa** on" her I>al!y Tribune to another T S. S.



A. S M has contributed 15 for special cheer;

"Two Friends," of Elmira. N. T.. $1. as June dues

to the endowment fund; Mrs. F. Smith. 25 cents forpostatre fund; Miss G., 10 cents for badsre

All letter*, and packasei intended for the

T. S. S. should be addressed to The TribuneSanttbine Society, Tribune Building. Hew-York City. It the above address is enrefnllj-

obtterved* communications intended for the

T. S. S. will be less likelyto co astray. TheTribune Sunshine Society has no connectionwith any other organization •«\u25a0 publicationusing? thY word ''Sunshine."


THE LAWWho Ptoopp to lift a brother from the clay

Himself shall lifted he;Who giveth of hi? love from day to day

To others generouslyShall surely find his own life still filled ur

With blepsin*;:- more and more.And his soul crowned by joy as some deep cup

With holy wine brimmed o'er.

Who follows where the Master's steps have trod,

To him it shall be givenTo quaff unstinted from the love of God

And breathe the air or heaven.For this the law: to all who scatter ff>°n

With liberal hand in spring.Ther? is throughout the universe decreed

A tenfold harvesting—fl-. M Montgomery, in Christian Advocate.


Sirs. C E. Beebe ha? placed the names of M-s*.W. H. Tafft and Mrs. N. Mason on her list to re-ceiv<» reading matter. A box of magazines sent toan Orange. N J.. r-.emr>er to distribute will supplyreading for several In tioomfleid, N. J.


F"i;d as thou wilt, unspoiled by praise or blame.;,-- thou wl t and as thy llgnt i? given;

Then. If a: last in" airy structure Tall.Dissolve, and vanish, take thyself no shame

—They fail, and they alone, who have not striven.—

(Thomas Bailey Aidrlch.

WEDDINGS.Announcement ha« b»en made of the engasement

of ktlss Fanny Cummins Cox. daughter of the lateRowland Cox. of V.'e=t Seven th-st., Plainfle!d. N. J.,to Aubrey Herbert Weigbtman, of Philadelphia.

Miss Marie CorelU. who has for several years been

w«rkfn- very hard to keep Shakespeare, from

bTng torioven has recently Published a bulky

SarV^aUwet under the title of "The Avon

Star•• to the course of which she aims some char-

ac^-stic Corelll-lsms at the head of the travelling

£2Sn. Among her "Hints to American Trip-

pers" are the following charming words of advice:'-Don't expect to buy picture post cards, photo-

graphs or sweeties at Shakespeare's birthplace. It

is a chrine—

a shop.

.„,«= wlatoW in IM Hob- Trtotty

Church presented by 'American •*\u25a0•«" of

Bhak««pe,re. 1, not y.t pa.d tor. On. «<'»"<>ter. pounds are -tillowtoc. American millionaires.

Z^SFMiiB ate

"Big weddings have become so terribly over-

done!" exclaims an Enplish society magazine

-Soon It'll only he Americans. South Africans and

Jews who will be married wlch twelve brides-nalds.

a iwmd pues*9 arid fifteen hundred wedd:ng

presents. Lady Sybil Primrose, you know was

married quietly at Epsom, and she insisted on all


thmeTe £££&£ <™d one's friers

won't they hear one Is going to be


manuscripts, nor shall we present good plays mthe 6ense of piavs revolving around fads and ism?To my mind, a "play isn't necessarily good becauseit is dull and didactic, nor wild and inßane becauseit is humorous. How shall we ;-'• t our pood p ays?Ihope to see our accomplished litterateurs collab-orating with theatrics i-raftsinen. The furtneryou iro the easier and lighter it all seems. Tnistheatre is like some tremendous situation in aplay—if the situation came Brat, every one wouldsay U wa^ Impossible. Coming In the third act.with acts, scenes and every step leading up to It.it seem? the only possible thing. Bo we are leaning

gradually up '.o our great ?;;nation— the free, en-dowed theatre. When we geiit people won't won-der at it—they will wonder we didn't have itbefore."

The balky horse has found a champion In Miss

Mabel Alva Messlnger, of Chicago, who is conduct-ing a small crusade in behalf of this much abused

animal. The cause of balking. Miss Messinger

states, lies back of the horse, and it is unreason-

able as well as futile, to abuse the animal for

what is the, fault of his driver, past or present.

He balks, as a rule, because at some time he has

been overloaded, though at the precise time of his

refusing to move his load may be light. Miss Mes-

Binger's cure for the habit is a very simple one. and

is based on the theory that a norse can think of

but one thing at a time. "Hold ;r.-- n.r^phi has never known thisrHn^o fan and ha* several times relieved block-ades m the" street by starting a balking horse onits way.

About Fifteen Thousand in Eastern District,Brooklyn, on March.

Fifteen thousand Sunday school children, repre-senting thirty-nine churches, took part in the an-nual parade of the Eastern District SabbathSchool Association, in Brooklyn, yesterday after-noon. The parade was formed at the fountain !nBedford-aye. and mar down that thoroughfareto Heyward-st. and back again, ur.der the leader-ship of William G. Murphy,grand marshal. Among

those on the reviewing stand at the Hanover Clubwere Borough President Swanstrom and RussellW. McKee and Alfred Tilly, president and grnndmarshal, respectively, of th*> Brooklyn SundaySchool tTiilon. the western Wistrlct organizationwhich has Its anniversary parade to-day.


Read "U'""»tory, ••Tlie AdTeutnre» of tturrrRe Tel"? .VoT Look for it la next Sni»«l*y*«

>cn-l'ork Tribune.

Election of Officers—

Conditions in Hew*England and the Nation.

Providence, R. 1.. June 4.—A series of addressesmarked the third and closing day of the Congre-

gational Home Missionary Society's seventy-sev-

enth anniversary. Officers were elected and it wasvoted to hold the next annual meeting InOctober,

SO4. in Dee Moines, lowa, in connection with the

National Council of Congregational Churches. Thechange in date is in connection with a movement

to unify the meetings of the five Congregational

Home Missionary Societies.The following officers were elected: President.

Cyrus Northrop, of Minnesota; recording secretary,

the Rev. T. C. McClelland, of Rhode Island: audi- .tor. G. S. Edgell. New-York; executive committee<to'serve until 13CS). the Ray. S. P. Cadman and C.

W. Hebbard. York: C. C. West. New-Jer3ey.

To fillvacancies on executive committee (to serv<»

until 1904). tha Rev. F. L. Goodspeed, Massachu-setts; (to serve until 1205), the Rev. N. H. Waters.

New-York: (to serve until 1306), S. B. Carter. Massa-chusetts.

The report of the treasurer, William B. Eowland.showed that the society began the year with a net

debt of $3,912. The receipts of tha national so-ciety from contributions, legacies and other sources

were $217,669. The expenditures were C.-4.IST. Theauxiliary societies raised and expended in theirown fields $26o.SCT.In his address on behalf of the Congregational

Sunday School and Publishing Society. Dr. W. A.

Duncan said that 317 Sunday schools were organized

during the year ending February 2S last. The

demand for new work and additional workers has

never been so great a3 during the lost year. Thesedemands have come from North and South Dakota.Minnesota. Nebraska, the Indian Territory. Wyom-

ing, Oregon, Nevada, Texas and Alaska-Washington Choate. the corresponding secretary,

said the year had closed over a treasury freed

from the long borne burden of debt, each previousyear having shown a debit balance. More vigorousefforts to establish comity with sister denomina-tions in order to economize men and money, hadbeen Instituted. With the Presbyterian Churcacomity is infull operation.

The Rev Joel S. Ives. of Connecticut, spoke upon"The Foreigner in New-Ens land.

'He said tn»

last few months showed an Increase of the betterclass of Immigrants, ar. 1 many were going to th«Northwest, but an increasing number were coming

into New-England. The Imperative demand formissionary endeavor was in New-England. New-England did not ask help from her giant childrenof the West, but she did ask that these childrenrelease her from the long and generous care otthe past, that she may have a car« for herself.

The Rev. B. W. Lockhart. of Manchester. N. IL.

"The most serious task this nation confronts hi

the presence of 5.G0G.0C0 negroes, separated from th*white man by a . abyss of race prejudice whichonly the love of Christ can bridge. God neverlaid a problem so heavy as this en a nation before.Then there 13 the immense heterogeneity of ourpeople. Half our 80.COO/«» Is of foreign parentage.

The brain and soul of the land is still Anglo-Saxon.s-il! Puritan, still Christian, but the world Is,

streaming in from overcrowded Europe, men whoknow nothing of our principles of self-government.of our simple, free, democratic^ churches, and un-belief 1* rampant among them.**


Suggestions have been made that wheel trafficin Fifth-aye. should be restricted so that duringcertain hour drays ar.d heavily lad?n vehicleswould be prohlbi:e.:. All the avenues were openedas public thoroughfares at the expense of thepublic. There is no power in existing laws thatwould permit such a prohibition.

Fif:h-ave. has taken on a commercial wide. Pri-vate residences, b^iow Forty-sixth-st., will all dis-appear in a few years. Flfth-ave real estate

values to-day are measured by the advantages theavenue offers for that character of business th*.'-we observe being rapidly established. Tni» busi-ness is aided by advertisements. Tiere wfi: bean increase in rentals asd tha value, of propertyproportionate to the increase of the travelling pub-lic through th* avenue. An Increase in spaco fortrafflo in general is what we have in mind. Thesidewalks and carriageway, as laid out. have notthe capacity for present demands at certain hoarsof the day. As population increase and the ave-nue becomes more attractive trade Increases.

a rearrangement of the carriageway and aide-walks is suggested. The pan is to w.den the car-riageway from 40 to 51 feet, an Increase of 40 percent, which really means more than 40 per cent lathe facility afforded for the movement of raffle.The present width ices no: permit of more thanfour vehicles atjrea3t, two passing north and twosouth. The increased width will permit of sixabreast, travelling in safety. The present width,

confines the traffic to a procession of wo line* on.each Bide during the crowded hours Slowly mov-ing vehicles establish the pace. With. increasedwidth of roadway a: time* a carriage can pas»out ahead and turn in any open space aad mowmore rap:d y.

The sidewalks should be free from all encroach-ments and encumbrances between the curb anathe house line. The condition of --he »idewaik» isnot uniform. Although they were originally laid,out at 30 feet, in many instances 15 feet oa.vobeen inclosed. leaving but 15 feet for pedestrians.There are serious inclosures, such, as extendedstoops, wells below the level of the sidewalk, gar-dens and lnc!osures in the pnblle street, where re-freshments are served. The entire street belongs to

the public: these incumbrancee deprive the publiaof their use. The suggestion Is that the side-walks, instead of being limited to IS feet, should be>in all cases of a \u25a0"»"«"\u25a0»— width of 23 feet, addln#about 50 per cent to the space for pedestrians.ItIs in the minds of many that not so long ago

there were stoop* to the house* on Broadway:they have been removed. There were stoop* to>the houses and Inclosures in Third-aye. up> to thetime of the erection of the elevated railroad: theyhave all been removed. The abuse from encroach-ments tn Flfth-ave ha* been greater than In.any other avenue. The creations that are made>permissible during the pleasure cf the Board ofAldermen have become too genera;, so that peo-ple finding encroachments by their neighbors as-sume they have a license to create encroachment*,

and the license has become an abuse.

John D. Crimmim Urges Plan forIncreased Roadway.

John r>. 'Crimmlns.. it was said yesterday, willsoon urge the Board of Estimate and Appor-

tionment to take up a plan of widening Fifth-ave. by setting the fence line in on either sidetoward the fronts of the houses, and thus secur-ing greater width for both the wagonway andsidewalks. Irs a statement made by Mr.Crim-mins yesterday he said:


Stantcn Blatch. Mrs. B!atch nu^«r«'ted the or-ganization of some political work among the wom-en of the laboring classes during tSe summer, andMrs. Lowel! said that never before in th« historycf the league bad sho seen such a good June meet-ing.

The regular business of the leagua preceded theaddresses, and Miss Sadie American, who was amember of a committee on women Inspectors whichwaited on th* Commissioner of Immigration inWashington by invitation of th* latter, reporteda courteous reception am! most satisfactory In-terview. Miss Levarldsc reported that the chureSenand settlements had t^en asked to form Juvenilestreet cleaning leagues, such as existed under theWarinfr administration. l>ut that only St. George's

and Christ churches had r-^ponded. The lea^u*will therefore endeavor to organize some societiesitself during the summer, arid Mrs. Henry Parscnshas consented to oversee them.

208 Fifth Avenue. 1128 Broadway(Madison Square >

Lincoln Trust Company Building.

Inthe centre of the great shopping district the

M&DISON safe deposit co.has provided FIRE and BURGLAR PROOFVAULTS in which boxes for aate It—ping ofvaluable papers, jewels, etc., can be had foras low as $5 per year.

DOES NOT REVILE COMMERCIALISM.There was some difficulty in rinding a woman to

Uas chairman cf this committee. Miss MoU

A'-'en said she couldn't possibly manage any re

in October, and Miss Blanche Walsh

™:J* ro do all the work Miss Allen at last

,f nr -,rH'no from the chair

elp along I

Mien could be £'*aj£°fterine Grey did even less.

would fay. . ,. _A Tdwa'-d Sothern are two

Kichard Mar.*fleW\ndJCd£ a.acharacters In

actors who have P^^pV.t nut by he NationalAmerican p-aye to be established. It is pro-Art Theatre when WUP» thirty-five weeks eachposed to give a s<>a.For, o. tnrrv>.'rrr..i-,:ced for a

EB th. remaining five\u25a0 . deeply m-

....,.„;.. S nd want\u25a0\u25a0-\u0084 Rosenfeld. 3u.t

\u2666 V w-A her summer horn- If,hy m «m.mm

SSfgSSeSS 2££l and°°wat called on for a

*P*-*rn. '. fc^_,,. that co^s with the pound

e£he announced, wi-h a £ <k. «°<r of \u25a0»-



J°V*??V~n or°a "ospltal for rej^t.d


"Ionce heard a your.g girlJ=ay she had had diffl-

cnlty in finding a play to which it was safe to

take her mother." said Mrs. Grace Baylor Clarke,

who gave an account of what the National Art

Theatre stood for. And when a smile went round j"Iknow that sounds funny." She said, "but there

is a good deal of Truth in it. all the same. What

we w-nt Is a theatre that won't allow anything

unworthy simply because it draws. Several mill-

ionaires .-;-•- expressed a willingness to help us.

and not with small sums, either. Women, withyou d-jwnd* the result. You must awaken public

eesximent; you must talk; that ought to be easy

erMrf Frederick Nye. chairman of the summerintertttament committee, urged the members to

SyHSe gospel of a free theatre with them to

the mountains, the country, the seashore "Go*> up.r.tertainment,. Don't charge any admission fee.

tat devote .fifteen or

• Theatre.to ta£-

ln«r kz> the National Art Theatre. she said.

rGfft People to come-people with lovely hats! Even

«f you have to give a tea. give something at which

you can talk. Ifyou willg»ve me your;"Tt!rta?n

d"-s« I'll«ti(i you people to talk and entertain

tor You. If you are in need of some one just

tell me. and I'll send a man-and he shall be

riven on the endowed theatres of Europe-tne

Th^tre Francal- tn Paris, the Royal Theatre in

2rS an^ the Bur, Theatre in Vienna^ T£flmof th.se lectures will be given on the French



Enthusiastic Women Pledged toWork for Its Establishment.

"This organization is pledged to make a propa-ganda for the cause of a national art theatre,*'

said Mrs. Sydney Roser.feld in presiding, vice Miss

Julia Marlowe, over a very enthusiastic meeting ofthe Woman's Auxiliary to the National Art The-atre Society, at the New-York College of Music\u25a0yesterday."By entertainment, by letter and by conversa-

tion we are to interest people In the Idea of an en-dowed theatre, in which native genius in author-ship ar.d acting may be fostered— a great theatre,

Independent of the ordinary risks of management.

But "we are no: looking for small contributions

from our members, and we are not opposed to

theatrical syndicates. What we want to do is to

create ar. artistic atmorphere right here, and to

create & market for the works of American play-

rights, so that managers won't have to cross the

water to buy foreign plays, often of Inferior work-

xnanshir and low morals."There were a pood many interesting people in tne

room. Among theni were Mrs. Ravenhlll. Miss... Grey. Mrs. Arthur Homblow. Miss Mor-

pan of Chicago; Mrs. AllysTrue Gentle, who de-lighted the audience with two songs; Mrs. Florence

Brook?. Mrs. Joseph I.C. Clarke. Mrs. M. F.londa.

A'lsF Care! Parrieh. Miss Blanche Walsh. Miss

Viola Mien Mrs. John pew. Mrs. Stuart Henry.

Mme. Jeanne nko. Miss Ann Warrington, Miss

Mary Phillips, Miss Ada Patterson, Miss Clara

Bloodffood, Miss Elizabeth Brenton. Miss Grace

T«=aNrl Colbron Mrs. Frederick Nye. Mrs. Caspar

VfjmaaJ Dean." Miss Kate P. Douglas and Miss

Myra. K<i!y.

QARPET GkiMSiMLareeiit iv»be World. Kvery tie ta.il.

Tin-: TIIO-*. J. STEWART CO.3O years' rxprrieare.

Br»ml» u». cor. >';ih >t.. >«\u25a0« York.Erie ana M* >t»- Jeriry City.

rroKAoe WAREHOUSE AND MOVIXO -i-Si.Writ*or Ulfphoa* -far tatwtia*.bocJLl«.

into the tree, and in a second -was off his horse andflogging the hounds furiously with his whip. Pres-ently the huntsman and whipper in appeared onthe scene, looking rather crestfallen and verymuddy. Sir Adrian roared his orders. The hunts-man called his hounds off. In a few seconds theywere trotting away to the kennel, disappointed oftheir sport, but evidently anticipating their eveningmeal.

Sir Adrian remained below the tree till the dinpassed somewhat out of hearing- Then he lookedup Into the soft golden masses of the boughs.

"Now." he said. Ina tone of concentrated emo-tion, fury, concern, admiration, amazement, a'!struggling together, "you'd better let that thinggo; and then be obliging enough to tell me whatyou did it for. Idon't suppose it was motiveenough that you were spoiling the run?"

"Indeed. Inever thought of you." answered asweet, cold voice out of the tree. "And as forletting1 the little beast go, why,Ijust can't. It'squite a young thing, and it has broken its paw.It fell right at my feet, yelping like a pet dog.Do you suppose Iwas going to leave it to thehounds?"

"You knew your danger. Isuppose?""Oh, yes, Iknew." replied the voice, airily. "It

was a near tiling,too. The first hound almost pulledme back out of the tree. Ibelieve he carried abit of the braid off my skirt away in his mouth."

"Good heavens! Ifthe pack had pulled you downwith the scent of the fox about you. they'd havemade short work of you

""Ishouldn't have liked that sort of death," said

the voice. "Of course Iknew it in a way. Butwhat would you have done yourself if the fox hadcome tumbling at your feet like that?""I ope I'd have had more sense than to do what

you did," Sir Adrian replied grimly. "But noware you coming down? Is the Uttie beast's pawreally broken? Didn't It scratch and bite at youwhen you picked It up?"

"No more than a pet dog. Ihave a. theory thatit Is some one's pet fox; or ithas been tamed bythe suffering, like the lion in the story. Here,catch it! I'm coming."A small, sun burned hand and wrist were thrust

from the warm drift of leaves. From the fingers.heid by the scruff of the neck, dangled helplesslya little fox.

In the same manner Sir Adrian received Itandlaid It down on the moss. The thing showed noinclination to run away. Its anxious face wore thaexpression of a dog in trouble. Sir Adrian mentallyinclined to that theory of the fox being a pet.

"What are you going to do?" ask the voice, athis side now.

Miss O'Driscoll had swung herself down withsurprising ease and grace from the tree

"Coins: to set the paw." he answered. "I'venever done as much for a fox before, but Ihavemore than once for a dog; and. as a preliminary.I'm going to muzzle you, old fellow. A fox's bitsIs a very nasty thing. Miss O'Driscoll, as you.fortunately, have not been obliged to realize."

He produced his handkerchief, and, \u25a0with sur-prisingly littla resistance on the part of the fox.bound up his Jaws. Then he looked about forsomething1 of which to make his splints, foundwhat he wanted, and performed the little operationskilfullyand tenderly.

When he had finished. "Now, what are we goingto do withhim?" he asked. "Ballinacarra is nearerthan Erris. Supposing

—Ithink Icould get a don-

key cart close by—ltake him there 0"

The girl had been leaning- over him so intent onwhat he was doins: that her breath was on hischeek: he could see where the upward sweepingeyelashes caught the lighton their gold; the downon the young roses of her cheeks was like a baby's.

"That will be best," she said. "When he getswell"

"It must be for you to decide. Perhaps you hadbetter make a pet of him to keep him from being

hunted again.""I think we shall give him his choice," she said

softly."You know. Ithink It was splendid of ycu," he

went on. "Perfect lunacy, of course, but splendidall the same."

She reddened at his praise."I think you are very kind." she said simply. "I

don't know any one else who would have been sogood to the fox. and so clever."

"And you forgive me?" he asked, extending afrank hand. "Iwant to be friends with O'Driscolland his granddaughter."

She put her hand into his."Grandpapa was angry because the deer were to

be hunted." she said."Ishall not think of It again." he answered

eagerly.She flung back her mane, and her bright eye*

looked at him. at once, shy and fearless."There are other things." she said, "things of no

importance. It was my fault. Idid mv best tomake my grandfather hate you."

"But you don't hate me?""Not now." Their hands were still clasped above

the little fox. which lay licking uneasily at thesplintered lesr. between them.

"Not now." she repeated, and then her eyes felLDown along the woodland road came a little don-

key cart, returning from the market, whither ithad carried \u25a0 family of little piss. It was easy toarrange for the carriage of the fox to Ballinacarra.When they had seen it started Miss O'Driseoll heldout her hand.

"Goodby!" she said."We go the same way." he replied, turning to re-

capture his horse, which was grazing in a littleglade close by. ,1 \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '.

They walked on then, side by side, tillhe hadseer; her within her own gat»."I shall let you know how our patient pro-

cresses." he said, as they parted, and it was witha curious thrill of pleasure he said that "our."

Th-» gout had set its victim free for the time,and the Prince of Errls was happy.

"Its almost worth while to have it for the Joyofgetting ridof it.Kathaleen Mavourneen." he saidto his granddaughter."I want to tell you." she said, sitting down on

his discarded footstool, "we made a mistake abouthim over there." nodding her head In th.- directionof Ballinacarra chimneys lust visible among thetref. _-the Englishman. We O'Driscolls are tooproud not to own when we've made \u25a0 mistake ordone an Injustice. He's a gentleman. if. he is rich,

and he's kind, and he has no intention of huntingthe deer which are your property he says, and itisn't his fault that he bought Bailinacarra. and hedesires very much the privilege of knowing you.grandpapa." _

"Why, child, what do you mean? Wasn't ityour-self that stuffed my head with stories against him.and set me on to make it Impossible for him tokeep the hounds?"

And then Kathaleen told him th» story of th»fox and of Sir Adrian's conversation, which hadshown ouite the proper feeling toward the O'Drls-colls who had been a power in the land before everan Ingestr« had followed a Norman robber intoEngland, and much more to the same purport.Be sure Sir Adrian's remarks lost nothing in MissKathaleen's repetition of them.

The next day the Prince of Erris's ancient bathchair was seen trundling up the avenue of Ballina-carra, and the prince's apologies for not h-ivln*made an opportunity earlier of welcomirjr SirAdrian Ino-stre to the country which was O'Dris-coll country left nothing to be desired.

The little fox's paw mended in time, but beforehe- had the choice offered to him of beinir a pet

or having his liberty to be hunted. Miss O"Dri3COllhad promised to change her name to Insreatre. Andth* fox. having made his cfcoiee, became the per-manent Inmate of a comfortable house at Ballina-carra. Only, sad to relate, he sometimes raided ahenroost when he got loose, like any of his wildbrethren. But Lady Ingestres fox was a privilegedbeast, and her ladyship's partiality for him wasquite shared by Sir Adrian, to the grief of manyhonest dogs*— and White.

The BaMnacarra property was a very pretty one.It comprehended some miles of wood and water, agrouse mountain, a trout stream. There was aDig nouse, with a courtyard at the back, in a stateof ruinous disrepair. it had acres of grass, longranges of outbuildings. Fortunately, bir AdrianIngtstre's purse was equal to making it all asgood as new again. Tue place was full of work-men, the noiso of hammering' resounded all daylong.

As noon as a few rooms were ready for occupa-tion, Sir Adrian had moved in. He was delightedwith his Irish property, none the less because hehad bought it for a song. His English friends wereglad to Keep him company where there was such,sport to be had. The county was ready to receivehim. Only two people held coldly aloof. Theywere his nearest nelgnbor, tne .Prince of Krrfs. andhis granddaughter, ivaiiialeen O'Driscoli.

As it happened, the Prince's property made awedge in BalUnacarra land, it was a email wedge,but itspoiled any chance of inclosing Ballinacarrawithin a ring fence. It was a wild, overgrownplace, a wilderness by Bailinacarra which bad beenat some time a well kept park, and would be againnow it was an Englishman's property.

Sir Adrian Ingestre had come into the countrywith a kindly heart toward ali its inhabitants. Hehaa no idea of making a Naboth s Vineyard of tnePrince's wild piece or bog and n»ountiun. In fact,he was going tv call on ih^ rii.oe 10 ask him tomake one of i.is party of guns, vvt.cn another neigh-bur, Lacy Derrymor*, warned him or tne Indiscre-tion lie was a^uui to commlu

The occasion was a oance. following a dinner atDeiryl-eg. m*hodtfeas bad been very kind to him.in fact, her Irish sottneas ot speecu arid manimii.aa maiie Him her at >.uteii slave.

"1want to dauce," he said to her, "with the littlegirl in the green frock, who has, tne eyes of amountain pony."

Lady Derrymore looked the way he Indicated.There was a shy child, with a go.Uen brown htadand extraordinarily bright eyes under a tangle oflashes. Sne was looking their way, and at themoment her expression was one of the utmost re-bentment.

_"Iuaien't do it." she said, laughing, "why, that

Is 0 Driscoll's granddaughter, little Kathaleen.Don't you know that they hate you like poison?"

"I didn't know anything of the sort," he saidbluntly. "May 1 ask why?"

"Because Ballinacarra is O'Driscoll land. Becausethey are banished to the waste and derelict bit ofthe property. Because you're restoring Bailinacarra.Because we've all received you. and with constitu-tional inertness allowed you to take a leading placeamong us. Because

—you talk of starting a pack

c" deprhounds. They do not consider that the saleof Ballinacarra Included the deer. My d»ar SirAdrian the deer belong to none of us. Occasionallythey swim th*> river to us. and we might well callthem ours The original deer forest, the last bitof It that remains, certainly belongs to the Prince."

"The deer were mentioned In the inventory ofmv property. They feed in my park all day. Afterall my project of the hounds was a dim and distant

ore For the present Iam quite satisfied with thefox hunting especially since you have made memaster. They mirht have postponed their hatredtil!!had given them cause."

"You've riven them plenty.*

laughed Lady Derry-

more "O'Driscoll hasn't pat his leg across a horsethese twenty year?, yet th»y recent our giving- you

:v. mastership. It's"no use telling them that we

couldn't afford to keep it ourselves They d thinkwe ought to have pawned our last bit of plate tokeep the hounds out of an Englishman hand*«....., <=ay O'PrisColl won't let the hunt cross hisland this" winter. Iknow he's trying to stir up strifeacaln«t you all over the country: and, mind, the

people look up to him a deal a3 the last Prince of

-Inever he*rd anything so unreasonable." saidth

--MFvnPde;hrTllr;t;Var t'r:;t% the charm of us." said

his hostess, flirting her fan."Til"all on him and have Itout.

"You'll find the door shut In your face."I shall be no worse for that. v-«=-«The memory of the eyes under th» golden-brown

tangl* of hair followed Sir Adrian lorn? after theirowner had coldly refused him the dance whichdespite Lady Derrymore's warnings, he had Deen

determined enough to ask for. ,'\u2666,-He had called at Castle Erris a day or two later,

and found the avenue leading to the dilapidated

mansion In such a state of disrepair so Utteredby the bor.e-hs and even whole trees of old storms,

that' he was obliged to leave his dogcart a littlewav from the entrance gate and do the rest on foot.

The door was opened to him by an old man Ina shabby suit of livery. When be had heard thevisitor's name his face assumed the oddest mixt-ure of comical perplexity and a dogged deter-

"^^ernow^ar.'^rTe said, looking furtively

behind him. "I wouldn't take in that name not Ifyou give me Darner's fortune. 'Tis one of the mas-ter's bad days. He's slttin' with bis foot laid up in

cottonwool foreninst him. clanin" his ould breech-loader, an- if 1 was to mintion your name to himmaybe 'tis the ror>tint!> of It he'd be givin me inme back. The divll a.lie In it."

Since Sir Adrian Ingestre could not storm thePrince of Erris in his own stronghold, he wasobliged to retire, not knowing whether to feelangry or amused.

During the winter that followed there were sev-eral unpleasant incidents in connection with thehunting There were protests against the huntcrossing their lands from farmers who had neverobjected before. Once or twice the riders were metby a group of peasants carrying pitchforks andother unpleasant implements.

tv,.^,-"Thev learnt the way of It," said Lady Dem-

more. "in the Land League times; but they haven t

been putting It into practice since we declaredpeace all round. Upon my word. Sir Adrian, itatoo bad seeing ail the employment you ye been giv-ing in the country; but if it goes on we haveto ask Colonel O'Connor to sacrifice himself for therest of us and take the hounds. It's all the old

Prince It's surprising what influence he has"It's always easy to influence the people badly

said Sir Adrian, with an outburst of spleen whichshowed that he had been hard hit by the failurehe had looked like to be as master.

It was no later than the Tuesday after that thehounds, having lost an old dog fox at the LohortSpinney; gave cry again as they were being ledhome to the kennels. The members of the hunt haddispersed Slowly and sadly. The master, the hunts-man and the whlpper in. with a few Idlers, were allthat remained. It was a winter afternoon, coldard bright with the yellow leaves yet shivering onthe trees, since there hadn't been a gale to bring

The hounds were let slip and disappeared into thesolnnev The huntsman gave "Tally-ho!" although

there were none but themselves to hear It. They

swept through the spinney and out into the opencountry beyond, then made for Bargy Woods.

Down the side of a ravine, up the other, went thehounds giving tongue. Sir Adrian riding behindthem. Itwas rough riding,for the woods were fullof the stumps of trees that had been lately felled,

and once or twice Sir Adrian's mare stumbled withhim but regained her footing. Once he was down.By the time he was up again and in the saddle heheard the furious barking of the hounds at a dis-tance. They were evidently at fault: the quarryhad slipped Into a drain or otherwise baffled them.

Sir Adrian looked round for the huntsman: hewas not in sight. He rode on where the yelping ofthe hounds led him. Presently he came out in themid.ll" of a little glade The dogs voices weredeafenlna by this time; They were leaping likemad below a great chestnut tree, their sharp, ex-cited faces turned upward to the tree, their tonguespanting, their tail*going like mad.

Sir Adrian sod© into the midst of them, looked up

A Tissue Paper Pattern of Woman's Coat,

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A YOUNG HOPEFUL.Five-year-old Harold had been promised a "whole

day in the country to-morrow, if it doesn't rain."and he went to sleep with fairyland visions danc-

ing through his busy little brain. With the firstof dawn he awoke, but only to hear thedoleful drip of the rain on the streets


"Can't go," he walled; "don't see what it had togo and rain for just this one day."'

"But you mustn't talk that way" soothed hismother;

""God sends the rain, you know, and he

knows better than we do."After a moment or two of dead silence, she

turned to note the effect of her admonition, andlound the pmall boy in the crib at her side In wnatappeared to be a violent convulsion. His farewas distorted in the most hideous fashion, and hisf< atures relaxed only to assume a still more horri-Dle form His eyes were fixed on the ceiling, anuhis tongue from time to time shot snake-like outof his mouth.

"Why my child!" exclaimed his terrified parent,springing up, "what Is the matter?"

"NothinV returned the young hopeful."


I'm makln' fa^es at the Lord for lettin' it ram.Auntie and Grandma'!! always do anything for meIfIstop, so now I'm makin' the worst Iknow howto see if the Lord'll stop the rain."

About a hundred Mount people attendedthe wedding of Miss Amy Beatrice L» Page to

Arthur Fowler Babcock, which took place at thehome of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. JohnLe Papre, in that city, on Tuesday evening. TheRev. George C. Peck, pastor of the First MethodistEpiscopal Church, performed the ceremony. Will-lam F. Crawford, of Mount Vernon, was best man.and the maids of honor were the Hisses Marionand Gertrude Le Page, sisters of the bride. Thebridegroom is the son of Caleb S. Babcock. for-merly charity mmissloner of Mount Vernon. andis connected with a New-York bank.

Laura Miriam Cornelius is a gifted Indian woman

who after completing a four-year course at a sem-

TrTryl Fond dv Lac, Wte. has returned to her

people on the Oneida reservation, in North Wis-

consin to carry on her work of gathering her

literature for publication and of formulating

her native tongue into an Indian pammar. Miss

Cornelius is a descendant of two noble Oneida

houses, the Breads and the Corneliuses, and her

'ather moved to the outskirts of his reservation In

order that his daughter might attend a public

3 school rather than the reservation schooL

He" is said to hold that "reserve life is most un-

ronducive to a liberal development." Miss Come

SSi ?eMre is to illustrate "the Indian side of Amer-

iran life" Of her work she says:

"The legends which Ihave complied have cost

\u0084oh hard work. Ihave travelled long dls-

and Jo the remotest corners of the reserve

o get from the oldest residents these quaint fan-

? f n.ir tribe Igo to many persons for thedeS -,ov order to compare their vers:^-same stor>. »\u25a0' a£ th(,indfin vernacular, from

T^h T m ke Tu.ra'l • •=\u25a0 and

*whi-.h ImrtKe m«i English The novel which Ithem <£L*2?JSAEF< toTamcusag with whicham at work on wm

its stiK*of transition, and willthe race is beset n it\u25a0 -££ ,movements ar.d char-contain "*"*££s£ is to h*a Daniel Breadacters. to one f***^? T̂d^cSy. But Ido notoration, which 1 shau

Dle-e of literature. There isIntend to

*sour P^e °iIndi

a great deal of_racial humo q

t undKn^nA

iffibSSSSSSi^ the£t> people has been

able to catch thi; flavor health. Miss Cor-Although aJw- .n«' ««, „inson)(


Sn^t^nt^rt^s^olleges.WHY NOT REVIVE THE SAMPLER?

Blilßi»H?J»SI "nf, *»ki figure repeats


lr th ordinary s.mpl.r. Keproductionsfigures. »« In the oho

h thelr crude de-from these funny ow^anipirr.

j mfl

lehtiou. o'fJ b̂r^tn Colonial and oMDutchpriate when used wiui

thal haa becomefurniture, °r^hlfconSu during the last two

wort w ttSTwooutii <K**a**-

\u0084„. b«*v".n.....-i- ••"lll,:,I."



IMv%f.. P.«

Jle..r.: >->»-» nd *S'n»BrVntoi»-l>e.«l.n»BrVntoi»-l>e.«l. lii»Street. 12. C,L°nd,on'\u0084" CUranton-Leed. hi»



\u25a0/'<'' >«~


GOOD CHEER.Have you had a. klndneaa *nownl

Pass It onT»a: not *lven for you alon»—

Pass It on.

Vet It travel down the years.

Let It wipe another's tear».Till in heaven the deed appear*-

