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New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1880-07-03 [p...

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shares Ile waa unniarriad, .ind WBJ BjBtet, aohrr and ¦ flood worker. He was nl'out tinily vitus of age, ami lived I secluded life. <>n Wednesday evening flu1 nearest BadgbbOTI who live BbOUVt a quarter of a mile away, beard nome shots fgfed npparantly in the direction of Schmidt**house. Nothing wnethonfbi of lt,bow- ever, since tann were tranters ever the onnatry, and it WM SUpOOSed that they were trying t«> imo. About half an hom later attention .eil tn tlo- fact that N linii.li's bOUSS Bl <l bara wera on fire. The sim's that bad baaahenrd, however. .ri iud to hiv BOM thought of tn con¬ nection with the lire. |t WM fOUOd that Schmidt had tliaajifeiied. Oa Thunda? JusttosCspsn Ca* itet! tin rums, and discovered that i broodf tragedy bsd ta Hs found BU empty gnu in the and later Bebmldt'i holy was found tn tbs welL The left Bids of the man's bead had bess tern uwuy to thc utera by aahol bom a gun, and the body presented B ghastly Bight, Udp v. ns soon cned, and Coronet Preston was sent for. A lamination of Ibu dead man sad of thc '.mi indicated that Bohmldl waa probably lying down early Wednesday evening on tbs la«n in front of the house when one or more men approached With the intention of committing a robbery. It bi aappoaed tba! Schmidt, hearing them approach, and realluuu the desperate character of their errand, tired nt thean with hil pistol, thc shots befog mistaken bf the MU for those of hunters. Schmidt, it is thought, WM then killed by tho charge from tho gun in the hand, of one of thc acssilsnfa, and his holy was dragced to the .Mell, Into which it was thro .vu. One of tho dead man's stockings was found on his foot ; the other WM in tbs gun. His empty purse, with thc cla^p broken, was found near the house. Nu trace could bs found of his watch oe revolver. 'I he lock nf his trunk was found m the ruins, and from the fae* of its heing broken anti twisted, it is supposed that the robbers rifled the trank before they n't tire to too hnue. The skeleton of a watch-dog waa also found in tho ruins, No suspicions persons nave been seen lately In tim neighborhood. Coroner Preston and a jurv began an ruvcetigattou. The ffloen have suspicions of OBTtsin persons, but arc SN rein.nt us to whom they aro watching. The ."'.lair has created great exciuineut in tbe Usually (jiiict vi.lage o? Amttyvillo. 1MB COMMBNCBMENT "SBABON. WASHINGTON AND JEFFER80N COLLEGE. Wabhtbotob, Pi'H'i., July ii..Tlie seventy. eighth aanual eninmcnrstranl ot Waantegton and J- fr,. ton Co!legS look place at Washington, Penn., OB WedV as sta]. Jai e80, um gradaattoa atom aambei lng twen¬ ty-four members. The nra! boam sma awarded ti ac] B. McCormick, of irwin, Pcna^ whose valedictory oration waa highly commended. The seeoad honor wu* i b tween J. C Boyer sndWlanald htclrvalne. Honorary deareea were conferred ns fallows; A. IL upon thc Bi i .1 N tr/atrrm in, or california, sud J H. Clark, of Yeansstown, Ohio j Pb. I1 il ofestor BearyK Brower.ef Scw-H ron,Coan.;LL.D, Henry ll. Alt nader, of Bew-Tork city. Upon the conernston of tbe an alumni dtoaer was given In tho college ball. i. . iwen read from tM Roo. Jincs g. Blaine, lin M. Bristow and olbt in.r re-... I that th ts be pi cl ia* ot i."-.>¦:» held it- ball-century ronnica in on* I I In .'ii...;ti r bal ami i: . drifted toe." her In o ld nooks .md corners, sud tried j..nd to n> ..' in. I red hop git n !i wi re pi > i'i;o. .in i towna bel Pi, i" rms sad Ph Kappa Societies held luck* annual suppers ana reunion on i neatlay evening, ihe Kev. <.. P. Hays, D. I)., pi Oviri -?- V DE LA SALLE DfSTITCTE, Cliiekering Hall waa fairly filled yesterday on on tbs ocr.si .-.I ol tbs comm neemeni <\ i :, i'e Ls Balle Institute. 1 Inertiate ooenp ed the platform snd 1mm .!. itelj b ihlnd i onder Profi ¦:. 11. B an ' ri citations by . lind nndc-eradu .Gs, and music mirt Sing¬ ing. H. - - mat . of ti.e t ntUau Bro General Proston v u id dallyured the dlplt maa to las following graduates: Master* Bernard P. G.ad', i. ronri A. Doherty, w lilam J. Met 'i. il '.n't. K ... ard U. 0ll J ii m n. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT. BuBLiBOTOB, Vt., July l..At tho graduat¬ ing exereues ol > m Heal dapartmenl of tbe | Wi LD. and LL, D f tait city, on the " Di ont ol pby Iclan . | - i urah ret! fifi j rb? i> in incl .u tao Vu. M .- HEBREW UNION COLLEGE. t ts. untAtl, July l..'i be Hebrew Un.on Col¬ lege, at- its rammeaeemeai ex reiaes te-night, et b tbedegi so . . Hebrew Lore open i .. .... MW. ORATIONS AI AMHERST. AktBRBST, Magg., Ju!y ]..Tho lift.y-niii'ii oomnieneetaent at Amherst Collegeeloaed o..s of the grudu u'ti. uoC legi Hall. oil-hour trams. HADING AI LONG BilANC.'l-AU EXCE1XZB1 CARD i on rai ortatrwo gay. Many improvements have been made, ni Msanaoath I'ark, near Long Braaoh, since bail year, snd tM omi?! .mme for ts day, tbs opsniugaayel 1880 al this fashion'.1 >le and attractive rare-course, lu of so ii. neb merit that the sltendanot should ls' large. The arrange¬ ments for l MtoBtog the track ate amide and convenient. Details c. incoming them e.ui he fumd in til" advertising column*. For detail* concerning tho MneetMtWill mn, all inte'estetl In such mutter* ean eoaault tba Juli eOJttSO Of Krik's Guido to thc Turf, Ju»t Issued, which eira .ai.." records of all raced run to this country flam January L last), to July 1. Tiie opening race wld lie three-quarters of a mile for a parse, of ffJMH) with allowance*. DM Bparling ('our year*, 12a pi.mid.-), Enqui¬ res* <1. HT), Aurora'* Baby<3, loo), BBa- dow Canst Cl, 100) Sloux(4, IOU), Democrat Cl, IO0),aTbaj Ernest colt Cl, 100), and Kittie J. (8, Oft) will uart. Poole were told last night a* follow* : fir Hugh if.Ti, King Erne st earl gio, Daa Spartrag flO, Democrat (10, Anissa's Baby f'J, Enqniic»a|8, Kitty J. Bg, cioiu$7, ami Shadow Dance £l. The BtSOUdnss aili be fertile Hopeful Stake* for two- year-old*, half a ndle, with perni'.tics for Wtoeem t). L l/>rti!«rd will run his magnlfleeat filly Spinaway, aitliongb alie must carry tiie emuming waigbl ol IIB ixuiiidn, and hisctnt Btoaea (110 peoaaa); HertaLarll- lard will run his tilly ti.iuniuui (104 poniuls), and MeOrtitli kia coll Migo (107 pounds) In tbs BOC L. Lon i lard.'* entries betag 010&; uoraaluiu, 823, and tn*.i SIS. in me third race the fsninm three-yeai obi cult Lake Fda<-kiMirii Will appear. It wu! i»- rai tbs Ocean Bl ikea, \h mile*, u. e. willard win siari Harold, Dwyer linn bera Lake DI .cliburn, I'i«rr« Lorillard Duke of Montrose and D. D. Wilber* bl* King Eiim-t colt. Tb ev muk lu tin- pools tn tins order; Luke Blackburn #100, Duke of ¦Baltana BOO, Hamid Si Land the Kum Ernest colt gio. Euiiilh will be tue Ixiug iirsueb Hamil.-up. 1 U mllrs. Milan tb, 1 Un. Kepi.ri fi. 110). Benda Ml 107), Audax (4. 100) Bini Da-ci Brothers' Qaito (8,108) snd Kits* Lawreni t (ll, 00) will run. Here is a pool i iieitori -Oil, Kerida i? Jo, Milan 825, Sodas i»l<; neBrtfcracesrfll 1*3 mle°,with S'Tlrg allow¬ ance*, ami with Dann lu I (g, 121), flint Ci, 103), burge (aged, 108) aad Dials (aced, lil) for starter*, in tne betting thev rank as follows i Pilot 85*. Burge i^O, ii.it. chef. $lli. and DUD*, $.V 'the asl race will bc a handicap ot l'.j mile« over bur- dlea, with teven *tarters. DDturbsnce years, Iii pounds) brings $.'>" in the pods. Problem (ag«o, isa pound*) 820, Cartnaeii'* Jndiih (Byears, in? pounds) and BerthaiB year*, 140 poundt) #'J(', Itiven p n nrs. 137 pom.tl-) fin. PoBMray t.^ roara, mo pouads] flo, Euturlii (1 yeara, 130 pounds) pe. ATHLETIC BP01T1 Of i HTOB OUDKIl. The MiiiiliHft.ui AiLletic Clnb will have Un annual BUBBSSSC meeting on Ita gi.nindi at E'ghfti av. aud ijfij BTthit on Monday,galjr r>. 'lhere win be t*n inter, stilly cm lils, and the rp lal tj nilli run. In w hil li tbs "ted amateur runner, L B, .'tyers, will trv to baal ttie tiest Enifii"!; inmte.ir record, and tba Bpeetal oae- mil-waite. In which tin; wed known walker Furdy will .tHve to surpnsa the be»t A mere i record. wiU oet- taiulyattri.et omi n sttoatMB. Tm Harlem Athletic dab will grrs ns rcurth aunust gwiues un tue ground* of the Mauli..llau Alnlrtlc Hub thia alierkouu. __________^__^^ BASS BALI. KOT1 S Tli.' Cititinnati-l'iDvifleiico game nt Cniein- natl yesterday resulted iu f^vor of tbe Fi ovid BM < lah l,y ,i -..ie of 6 to 1. Ai Ailinn Hm Hap Bitten Ctab dsJbstsd ras i (Bas by rn ora sd 18 i" IO Th* i MW' I md <' 'H. u. f. Bled Hie Woue b rs bi I MTVO- o.ni i>.» .i care of ti lu 4. FROOBEi IA VIBOINIA. PCTBBeBSBO. Vu.. Julv 'J.-The eCBSBl r tami wi.non led to-day, and show tbe r >i ,, r K i.i ¦ L'l.c.i.-.. Bgshmt 18'tOO tor i^to. tb* ,., tn ci- ia. stored w un ni t red vu laeresMtapapnlatioa farcaneens lbs "-fl¬ in ita* ah.mle. lie Ul of Vii glin.. ai IMWU '"l rn ue than tv- CBOWDB GOING TO EVBOPB. THE BTEAHES8 OTEBCBOWDBD. i I'.n.'iii Mt.t rilli iv THRiivK waicn un 111- 11Y. Pipe European ateaniehipa sail for Europe Bet enty ara tba] all taxed to fketr tall cabra .pi if.init largi Bambara wM desired passage scull d. i. ii. i-tn i.v. om cl has owners of lbs WSlte Star Line, and wife, who are milking a tour annul tue world, tu Steal Bev. J. Betstntk, B hop of Huron, and Wi e, Prate BBOC BL BL Downs, s, ll. Ly. i..:iii.I'iiited Bastes ii .'¦! J -t.n ".Mnrrlll,nf Vcr':i'int, iiinl wJe. C. V. Wayland, ex-president of Ute Elton I Company, al fl/ntnrnnrjr, Conn., timi sad Mn. J. P. Eli ara pnsaengen ny tte Watta lp Celtic Ju lue M. F. Tuley and vito an p.i--c mer- by the National Line steamship Egypt. Itus- rgt* and tentfly, anti A. W. Thny. I. Inited Htates ( onaol nt Trieste, Austna, arc passing'rs on t lo¬ ot ti.e Berth Oormaa-Lloyd. Druthers Hage, BaatclM ot B il), Alie n, Arri .ni- BBd Curl <tl.'.il, 11 t I'hrMinn Brothers, will sail lor Otosgow on tko Anchor Lias st. BSBSktp DaVOBtoJ sad CMrtoa Ingersoll ls a passenger i n irn- Bsdsrlaad Ol tho Red Stat L».ic, Bailing for Ant¬ werp. Poliowing are the aomplets Bala of eaMa passcugrr* ..li I.IVt I'l'OOl.BY SrKAM-ltll' I QTFT. PattrrtSU. .Surg-MiUAlkin, Mr Patu mn, mis "Hum*, F l iii., ii'*-.-. J W Hume. Ml-. M F, i arpentei. Mia ll un M tm fl Mu.!.len. J i ilia Mis S J mis A LewlaPW I-ml..ii. J I i btrs li., bu, »'(' Ixisrln. tl Holden. Mrs 1..-wi-.. 0 Till, t, Judge M F LewiaO Tuey, .Mia Al. ide. fl .1 .1 n ,i-. Mr* F K Caalano. M Min.. Shackleton, K AlKi ii. Hr i. t handler, tl II Upi nc Ul I a o..:Vr. ilia. -. Mr. chi d MacOmggor, Mr Betlan, SO gar. Ui* fi -i. m i. -I "i '1 dey. C M Towera Br Marpkr, M ... i. ion. n Hyan. Mr Benton, Mrt B..T \ i 1'. Jr I, ii Itt imo,, lt ¦'is P Land I.inion i'rev den t«... hlldxea i'.n" ns. lt rainier. MrsJ T I! irbottl. C H ii,ii Miss M Harbord, Rev C II ,\i i-.n Mik* H Harbord, A t! Mr*K Walker, B E 'o Hann, li II Ul Uuilbxu, Ile* lil Baal 1. il Moln.-ii l.-ei I' Slater, W II Jaanlaos, K K Miller, II K Mill-. J I. Barlee, Dr J M I. e.. '., \V H mm i. 8 1 li I;.ny. A II Ke«iei, Roger \ oui'iin.-.r. Mts J Batlow, <"< Harlow. .Mrs i. 1...H. Mia* U Ml IJ and s,n m. ..ii.a ;. M Langhllu, M >i K Shipley, Mb - fl .1 s.. ri i... Mts I. il so. ar, Mrs M Alaar, lu ;., i. llr.il.-ir-. Il .1 bon . i. ii-. M i MII..T. Iii v K K McCall M I c m in. m e. Mn Bil Uti B hi n rn ir. J A Willi.-. T U Wii.te. ll .. and set fSBl FoH H..! ME.S I MOS llcnk, Mia lui. ft. A du ph eiialdl.C faber, baa A. .- tiena e. (,«car i:..e!ir«. Y >alll Pirti" sim,..h. tins*. 11 ll. sun .i- Mrs and twol \ l I u.ii 1.1 It W Mi mer*, ll lt Bi -. Mil* B f B Hi i. .. Mina E M Doini) .lill twocl t Langi i Mai.mi..tl.. MI** ma K 'I.ir, MUa PP rs \ Mary I alu .. \. M. lr .. il .:. i, w In d, li J chi! l i i .i rr, 'tax Alt lum a ..-.I V ll lt !n. A I .¦'¦ in Si.iti.il A K i rt lt D .. A ll Klein, Mau L k i'l-d W Mn it rn i. \i i. w it i billia, i J nrF A .-.. w i - !I r, ti n Mrs TA llama, atsai K \\ Miter, ; sn.uli. .-i i \t bite, A V. 'A Ul CU1. J T i uruiick, A J ,, Mci a ci. v. a i . II .i.<< ;i i i- -i. jr tr, LT j ii Ui»i Lucy o IgOt ' Ci liter. Misuiiilni dr Ii* if A Winston, F S t amt lr-v. a II IT Ma '. W Kimi all, ll C lu..' ton, ll e -i I : i, ii Tuwnaend, Husarl Ben 1 t (7) Hm ley, .xe H Mom* Mom.I. -eu .tor J .- he glan I,'. wau.., Mi** m a lill C A Mr li nilton, Ula Kev B v J II i i: May and. Mrs C g J ». Danton, Mai. il DM Heini-i-oii. losenh ll, Ali* tiavt-:. I OB Ct I ¦'.'. A li A sin Qua. !.. bush, J B M. uieilc. Ml i.i.ni:. ;t. la- TA Wal ., W L ¦ : v. -.1 ber Barn t, Mr* er In Brother Jenkin*. Mio IV I, ce<>k. A iv Mina Hi..1.1. llrliufll .. Inn J ulm III, .:.'' Wlgi.lniaii,til. Rev Barrett, n.nr < i. Ila* J A .: ra 1' M '-1IH1 M Mr* .\ x 1 exoil J ll 1 th. J ..Irs I M"*»iimii. Mrs C A M Watson, MlasB Irwin. H .i u tm c m.If. it. n Mi:'' ie I, I. M .lad, I-., Jr BUwart, K -ixl, J li M r. I, M ' i inn-.', Mia* n '.I du. Veitch, u .1 lo li, Mik W J J Paton Mr . i. -f Iel / .1 W L t, .1 A Mia* M I. \'. el una. T c MoUfH*, W lirron, Mr lt. lo :. MIS* Ito.v oke, Mrs M il .M.. e.-' Warden, il iva lt 1' !'. ii .J L. Jr Thompaua in J ir llHMlKll. VS L V. nk». W Collina J B auk. io W ll 1 inker lb* itnv A p Jebaaon fl fl Hail. Hil ll*v A A Weir. H W llnwi il, r Velr. Mm- j o.m.m. f "las C I. Buillli, i.l.-m . f. tv. How**, Pro/O .hud Un.un. M ri I M il. Uer, ."..uh i. Al M.u-ii. .'.Usn ll Fi nob, ->u Smith, h ;; .'. .', .HU el McAdam. M.a. Mr* Mr lt.h.ie, >ira If .il Wt. ll Hslkl Mrs ri Mo.--iii.ci sv a nana, ii llaun tun. F beuny, ila. Rei i I 'llliilioU::-. J ll Inion, >. .. ll run mon, J kuI. Mt I.a«lilnir> K ll I M, Tnt lilli . .1 M I L..II.IM.IUUU, ilika kite uiuuck, .Min I'raiK ll t raia, -sn» ii Moore, T Uoflera, ll I.it DU :. .¦. Il R Layne m.- ri; ii. i irlan i. I U A llu^n-. r 1 Cl.ll:. Ml lon \nt» Helm A J . Bjr Harbert lui.nu Dr I' V>' A io Ul 7. M Miller. S A Miller, Mm. K v i ina. Mn .i a Se..il. Mi-n M I, a w Ankiu. Mr t opeianil. il t out ..iii.i. Miall t nyeland, Matter II li. ed, J UomumnL .'a a-ttl Coi khalil. M A Cockburn, Mts h. a t'obklmrn. MM* A Ht , Mr* J 'I a in.e I, Mrs M 'I ni iiliuli, Una A Connell, Mailer W si Mi Donald, ll ii M. ('burles itu.I .lu..ll A ||n|t (Jaine* 0 ll ku.lil J ¦. Canulaghaia li ( uuiitlialiaru Mrs '1 Lou; ia C J M.u.ii'J I! ii mn? sedi vt urn. Hasaeabrnck Mrs and i niel Rarnot mi-. Lay (be iiev. L Manu Cai I Main Han Iel uk F Mn, ri Mn.'i ....- . ; XA VAL INTBLUGENlL. WAgBIXOTOK, July 2..Second.Lu iitdi.iiit II- n: v aTkltasy, Untied BtatSS Marine C epa, W'athtnj;- toii, bas beeu granted two woks leare ot akaaam nun Jul} 10. Ocean have been baatsd as lol lo wa: Mulshiprusn Jefea h. L. BetoOBSka to flaky at the Baerami Almanac OBtoa, BTsaanngtBB : llilef r.uglueer B. B. U. Wliariou to l^-t unei'.-uig. Kunine ni mallon ; CL.1,1 F.ugiui.*i Jauie* \V. \Miittuller, PaBSSd Aa-istant Eugiuonr. L. SV. Hobin ann, J. Van Botenbargi B. ':- (lowing. Ok H. lin cnleaf, AbaalsfflKirov, JsmesBntniatto, J. W. Bmsanel and Aastotaat-Baalneer <i. H. T. BakMB to hold ibenitolre* lu iiHdintu foi si a Mince. LteatOBanUCommaader I imrles M. Thnnria* lins been delHcned fmm tbe triiftiliiar-ship OoBStltBUoH ann yiacrd on walling ordi'ia. A uumlier ol leave* of »u- li .-ii fc'ruiit*il. I., .mun. .in y 2..Tiio rjarted Stares st.-amer 'i arrtved si r'limiiing resierday, tue 1st lust. lb- i it. i nsatas akig Portsmentk asUad I rom Fay al for Halites on ihe lti.n ul Jobs. ARMY INTELLIGENCE. WAMBTMVWm, July 2..Thc following ii..: n | i ni-ii . (recently |ii'ouiot«Ml) hHve been order. ! | | ttoir juoiier «tntiou- ht tlc d, inrtiuent* named res[.ect- hrCij I.l- uttirilit-i'idiuiel Bee. P. Andrews, Fourth Aitlltory naremetci froui Kajar, Fifth Artillery), jjr. aasrasasa of CalUorma. M.ijor Klehard II. Jackaon, Prftk Art Uii ry (i.roun.tcd Iroja Caytatn, Pirat Arti,>n j, DsgflBtmont cl tne souiu. The baa"d of offlocri to meet In this city to exnmlnc andr. |uil BgOB the riHlltlciition ot the rBflalSltoaS of of lue Anni, nu ve been ort'.esed io asBemblu on the 20lh lust. .In ,T-ifr|.b P flaaaor. Ilrsf Aiti.Iei y, tina Iwrn transferi-rd from Battery **A" te UxBl Bauer* *K' ol tii.it regimt i. vi uromoted, and Captain Jamel M. Ingall*, promoted from Baimir "B" bes been aasigncil to Battorj "A." \.ti .-..lu^or. Uaaalurrad, 'Mic BTOprietOT cd n Scnfcli hotel BJ " r iii.,.|. leo,. gauiMwoa n i i .iiriam " t U.ii l reii oi, of,.n,i la I ion a ssent.aaotbat "rania . u»d n bat A little tti'l in i ii . .. sftai iii mti4L t- .I,.', | il. ... .1 bS I. I' .... ,|J I eld I IO- THE COURTS. A WU.I. 'I HAT W.V- NOT BROKEN. BBJTOfBtfl ( alvin il gTOdflalljr clearing ttwiiy, tile iiiiniy Imii. rtanl t> lil com ciin:ir.,itid in tn" eean floria? thc p -nt taer of I in e of th 1...1 Important ot teei itosl of itn- will of Mrs. aaa Drake Beaman, which w.is deemed yesterday raverakty to the prop Toe opmioi In tearre <>f tim Bnrrogato'asnaunaryof ¦-, mis 170 pases nf les il i .antoni waa s \- rv etd mid went hy wi tow who lived nt Filth ave. mid Fifth-ilunl-at., and owned unicii late m thia etty tn addition te leads ls ina Wost. For some tims prevtoes to bm death, ta r nephew, Law- r.-ii, Ur,ike, sad i- M | Al :. Di '' B,lived with ber at d rkonealaFlfty-ava and at BJngtbridee, snd eared for ker. Wkfls other ralatlrm mid friends wem liberally remembered eui of ike mlirknvdsilni estate, tan nephew and his Battas reserved tan knUtof Bas properly bj lim terms of tko will, which waa Brads in ."¦¦; kline montos prevmus to tko execution ol tko wil Mr* I): ike bed fiih from tbe gani planfcofa nt into the river, ead it mus dunned \>v lbs oats Mi,it thi« eeeidi nt, token in connection with .erera I lighter one* and ker advanced ago, Bet only sh owed tkat ker mlod was impaired, bul thal lt waa peculiarly subject. fo tuc undue Influence which itv. id Lawrence louie' and bis tlstt r sr. a torc* quantity of ei dence was taken to thew ker fulling memory aad odd doings. Ike propo- nenta laimed thal lie av la end saying* ol the di indie,-.;. e m.il ii.. of rigor in tbs mind or « eighty yeera old. aad that lae pravtatooa ot the will ac-.-il. wt tb her trequentlr declared purpt ti flin.- wii.-u |gerc wat no qncsti »a Skoal tko soandBtss of bi r i. 'nd. AU8TRU'8 C0BK0PT1NG INFLUENCES. Joseph Kulin on Ma* 15, 1H77, pnrchaaod of Joseph hf. Kohler a bond af the Austrian CtovernnmBl of tbe loan of March 18, 1800, of tko denomination of Km Aortas, mid boering laBarest al the rute of 5 per seat pei ananas. Under a tehems dertoed by the Aus¬ trian ItoVaranMSYl the holder ot this lund uiuy become entitled to it prfcmvnrytng from hOOvOOO galona to500 ISlisn. ns it ls di aw.i; or it not drawn the OoTernssant will ut the Bam ol redemadtos pay tuc balder 190 flortea Koks bronskl aa eettoa to tba Ba¬ rer from Knhlar a peaattr andee the pas of the Bertaed Btatntes lotteries snd railing, nnd the gaestton before v. Br. Loew, bs referee, whs whether this tehems oonatitnted a lottery within Ike Btatotea ile waa of Un- oniuioa tiu.t li did not, beeausa tkebolderol tao bond asa In any event toreeelreitt par value and tntoreat andu premiimef 20p willi.ut recent to the qm »tion whether or not be thew OBS ol tile linger priZ -h. in. General r. rm. bj decision Just handed down, over- mir til i finding mid order a nev trial. Prealdli in*, wbo writea the opinion, myal "Ali it- thal attend ordinary lotteries arenreaenl in thia tcbeine, and. Indeed, are ennanoed by the rael th it the specula- dre spirit w biol ada mei le invest in lotterie* ia largely encouraged hy ihe a i*olut* aecurity acim-t any actual ... I* ., mi Incentive to jj.«iubie for a pram to Know bst ic --t." CHARGED WITH PERJURY. Henty Li\ ino.-ttm, (,f \',.m -York, wu- arrested «e el Bl motor- r. ii bill, in defanti t io Jail, gad ti ' "8 for the Jurors of ihe IhlSC imlna. to trial. On Thur* ii McArdis, of Ba 66 Ralph-eve., Roman Catholic priest, and iii his nil davit Darned I ('.ree story bri'it b Bo. lim Marchall si .. i nothing foi ' As I* the nstom. an Inquiry waa made a* to tl own. and t aa haves it ¦. perjury ye ter day. i. wa* that Nu. l i iii' it mi>.-, e bad be [ON OF ham; STOCK. 'il. I..'lie ra of - .i of the banka of thia intoners b under i s ii s law, al the market raine, have ob- from Jattiee Doi ontinental them B ittonaL the lea, thc Bashan in B al Ins ind the Ne,-. Vi,i. .. ni si Ban Inc Assoc ai. The I. tm uni e...mi itu.i alter tbe Coi rs bad ooks on Mi \ l. i hey bad no i..I tll.lt our ..:'. rf and that i been p CIVIL -V Jnstioc Donohoe yesterday granted adi of ab o nts dlrorce to tbe p tint Iff In .r.e. 'Hie Superior Conrt ten years ago granted a ¦lue. .. to Wi liam K. i hotel prop ri i.i-, in tbs su. .. .: o'. 0 ih lld' s bl ii .'li -. n t n .-.- tbe lu Igmi ni ihe default i..l.i n In tlc caae opened. 1'ke m.. iou was Thc annual report of District-Attorney ¦-r.il, ooYering thc wot I of I bey esr ended June 10,1880 ital the be¬ ginning of tbe jres thei were 8,685 < isi t pending. month* began tba defence of 1,180 j.r.-"ii' t'- re are 8,B0fl cioiea pending. During tbe year he eoilri 1,031 Ol for tbe Gov- -lunie. aidch lu excess of Uio au.ount r uar. CALXBDABS l tia DAY. .¦ir/ Special rena.Donohoe, J..Conrt lo-.Bu a m..Ujraacaar asl. Alu n DECISION**-.Fri.y 2. Sajtrrat* C*urt.Chamber*.By Jttdcre lawrence. (ruin agt ' nun. Motion bSlOooata to abide tim .-Mut. Thu people rt ai. uilmore sat. Donohue, .ti.I ii.ino' lidiik thal aaunt aliiuild hegranteit In ito-. .i.e. CuB .gu poi atora amy ot proceeding! denied. Tuc .. Ketieiiiu:.: Bri o'.lyn F.l.vitnt Rail¬ road Com ll -. Slllllll Jgt. Donohue, "d- liua..tinier h. Bv J Bun ii.. rm of di* yo. ee emoted io nlamtlft mpeelal Term -in Jong* Van Vorat, Stoddard, Jr..a^r. Key ann .i .. ii udnii 11 touted. Bj j ndg* Hi-it. ti \ h. oi .n.t. \t alker I tunings settled. Hy J i M. Tue Har¬ lem Un ice .in \ M..ni lan* UailroaJ rom'any agt. Yeller, . gi d. ; i ¦. i. rn .-.-Mi . hvit eta, agt, 0]and uiu.n. ii i-'ueiiiiKa alswart. Uv jvt'.yr Van .nun. Coleman »gt. Phelps and ether*.. ii. tuadail j-i. CataoBtsr et ai ile '. Superior Court.Special Term Judge Freedman.. I'... I...I .¦; ..I Sgt, lum et ll, lu.le,,, i|,.,.led. Au i timi fur He-tn r ..f aged, etc., female* etc .arl. Murphy cl al..Motlnu damed orUioul coate. Laadaobait Sgt. Muller. Mut. *r»ntea ll-.mit m; BorotC.Jntlg- m. ni ni lin..io- in piaJnUff. faw.r. Uagrmaon avt. Boga mann. Motion denied. llulld*cal. sui. Forartb,.Ol ¦ul i lol exatuinailoa el witn**a before tumi. etc. a. ..^t uranblug etaL.oroai 5 action Laodaehaftagl Muller. Order *ettuig aatoe ardor nf nun.1 ration, bm. Common Flem .Sen [al Term. BvJndceYnn Hocnen. .Schuman arl 'in li o.t. Hon un tile. Bl lads* I K mr.- Wacbtoi eta. net. 'Hie Noah'. V.1.1 wu a; .1 111 liliana' llciifvoi.-nl .\ ..ot ia. um..lieu at ai to lin signed. By Judge Van Rrnai Claws a Co. agl Ta* Bank of New- Yoi k ^.at.unal linn .iii^ Aaaoelalion. -Caae Mtlied and Sled. Kdigiotio Nottccs AlUtoBl'* Chureh. ttl. it* cornel SOtb-at,, .inly 4 .u ll a m., h.. lin- lil BOBLL v. BBLLOW8 Willpreactt, SflulBOti ortol I ali int* America Newla lo-nay." ful _ Avaoeiarlon Hall, 8fld-Ci, romes 1th are M'.xnAY M DUM M. at leno Hillie Ciaai fur iicKiiuicra iii IhaChrt*- tl.11 Ufa a! n.U'.i'i >.n nt (.Bible otg laen eenaraUy. I V'ENINQmbI OtSO, Young Men'a i'raver and li-rtiuiuio- Meetiaar. Tinuwiav rn.il Bataydoy evenings ai 8 . loni k Men'a Mecilnaa Ilyery .Int (Saturday and ed, I'Die11 I'la., r Meetings tuen 4 lo .'i ..'.¦ oct At »hlcli-ring Hull, (th .11 .., cornet t -. The Hev. til'i. V. PKNTkil 08T, u.e Kvangt-iul will \ V A rn. It .N'e in BlnfTlng by Mr. OBO. RrtAKfllCNT aol ttie t'tiorna I'hoh-. _Ans- .1 I erj Dody »e rome. At I 'il ila Avenue ORptlal ('darch. Weat 461 li at.. BBWBtk av.- rb* K*r. THOO, ARMITAUK, it D, Pa*(or, praacbe* fi MiaV MORJEIlRQat ll o'cloeiusad KVUM.NO at 7.4... Snnday-achool, t- 11 r ,. Prayer uiuctlng WliLNEsUAY. 7:-4e e. in Stranger* ooroiaU] weieomo. AtHrolch Fresbyterlan < burch, 14th et. between nth- 1' MDIIHIS, li U ni incnimtl »lil proeb Tu-MOHKOW at 10.30 a. m. .No aJl.ruoon aerrlcc._ At Stanton siireet tinptiai t'hurch, Sato t n. ar and ' Msdlaunayc -Th* in-y J, n. <Al.Vh.in' will preach al 11 a. in BaS7iSSp tu Aiiar*lurlt*4.| At Ibe Itroulil)!! Uliit. Iii. Kev. Iir WPh luN ureachea MOHNLMU iiel i-.Vi-Ms... aubiocU Morning. 'CiUacn- alibi an llirolmenl." Kraal i. lu .,.. p»i -ii a f;po' hev ¦ral will then le Unaereeil. temperance M**a i.c t.ug ii'.I by Mr. < fi.NWAY, ni 3:80 pruuipt. Address br lue 0on ORABLKB \n OOOOaan. oubject, -lubuccu a Da ttroror."_ At TklrM-lourtb istrret llefornicd (lt arr h. weat ol Ht t.- are..I' < wi Ile cVjrth. i-uiMlucte.i by tbe liar V/H,!-'¦:, -' V,:.no Hl,' "f "«* Day." M ...¦.) Hi Met Di I'l. 1 k. ll 1 ll Y K i.K wal ure* Tl. Ai Thirty -evetnh Htre..i mcihodlat Caaret, 2'1 and USS.I. » nt..-.-, in mr munnin. Praacll ¦ti a ai lo p. m. by poa tor, tho Bar, a. ih.aki. Caaul -irer. 1'r. »t)>icrluo ( luirrb. in lir*ena*i mu Mi IC KL V KY, Paalcr. ..aubaiu ¦i ia. Hortis** at lOuto a m -n.ie. i .. v.. '....' Al. w,-i. .i,,... "4 ( barch ol Hie ( ut. nulli Presbyter Up. l»i,u%.~..- U L) r'a.toi Oarin cmgrt «mi..n ur Um Bi el lier lu ,,i thea* terrlt ea * ol *L*ghS4>y ii.e.d,,, ! . I S «th lu i. K (ku.iii ol Hie lin arnaiion. MadUam ara ti « *0ta* UltiueScK'cili Bcligijin iXct'.co. C ".ureh ni Our '.Tn al 1ON.0I Bridge port. * III j .1.. .... i e. Church ol I he Mi-i*i wiraer H4tli . snit'..,. ttliOit.Nf, of Xi -.nort. B ( burch ul I lie -irnoarr", Mercer al i" ll in Mn i: >rning, .. evi nun: i .1 '.nfInn." All tin" teal fret City .HU-.m.. i'ttl 'li fl ir n. Fl Prc I. tiing ererj BABBA ll fill o'elosk, lu Hip foll 'Wing DI til' II.M'l.i Ko ii »t., I li. I OALVABY ciiait.l Ho. ina Wort* Tba lev. fi ai.ll in r -piing Plum.' f, Paster. LBBABOB CHAPEL, N'o 7uro'nra1 lin Ri v .uv. - Manbali, Pastor OLIVBT CM A PK I* Bo. HS Tb* Rt ... A r Bt asafffa: Peates CARMKL CHAPEL, N". 1 .I ..... .... ju ..I,...- tj,for. _I.I-.'.VIS I.. JAf'KS'i.N. Cori. .-pond.uk -.. ret irv. Callegiar* Itetormed batch L'harch e-nln-o, Ith-st.. fear Broadway. ff! ii p. ,i wUl prsaeh un hahuaTi'T. uh inst. s. m. anil 1 p. m. (ollcglnle ttefnrnied Putt lt (here. st 'the H J M.Jf KMmltK. li. I», will pren li on N»b- 11 mt il ni. an 7 I p. ie. _ Caaaev I nlon. BVEBY UUtfOAY tiIOB V, al 7 c. Mr. 8AWYKH will conduct tiospel torrieea. Mr, HM: will lead Ibo Blueing. Ira li Hankey ailljot* Mr. -.-. Dr. Newmaai will preach In < e-.trai M. E. Church, ind .til.-!.. «n SCBDAY at 1040am. aa "The i. ' mi n '. *n*h ii "_ Filth Avenn* Prrahyterlan Church, comer SBlh ll Hiv. Dr. HAM, l'a-t ni' Her. Principal CAI R>S, ol Edinburgh, U expected too. copy thu pulpit sunday, July 4. Service* m i a m. aad i n. m. Hrs! Haptlat (burch BOT. Park-are. nm' 30tb-at. -Preach- lin. ul 1 a. ni and 7.1". p. in by the PMtOT, th>- l'.ev. JilIlN PK Hld e.. Ii. I). _ ____ "First l'rr*h>ferinn Church. Ri ¦. W .t M, F I XTON. I>. I).101SO i. mid 1 p. m. Btra _____ 1'irat Beftrated Kp1*eo|in! Church. . | on tra end Itov i Bl n r. ni CTOR, BKKVICI nu a. B AND 7 IS P. M. Beat* always free in the evening._ lit.- Point* Horne ol Industry. No, »« Worth IL, WW (ABD, Mn.. ren'i m-m a e nf song nu Hnnday ai 3: tu o'clock. Pnhlle Ini I with . larg* obum organ, DoaaHon* si thess and second hand Clotbin* ____ iioapei Teat, alt hat., between 7th a-aa_ I ci rO-MORKOW, '"'J. m. and every week evening af * «'.m.nd l.y Mr. ALRXAftDBB MAH I, Al.rda ni.- invited._ ~f'nde|K>ndei t Catholic Church. Madiaon-BTa, corner 2i.th.st "l terries, Blsboj Mi va. MAKA pi h. rfternoen,8. lather O'CONNOR pia. ot. on Je*ultt and Ropnhl'c*," Brea 0," Imleoendenee Day Kerman byn New York der- syman, rrandaon ol a "I rather.'' ITruin»to , m directed by Prof. Alex. StoUaa. Brarybody welcome. ________ "Lexington Avenue M. !%. Church, r tb* Ber. II H. B1KKIMM, toi m., Hermon appniprl. ,,., toll Foi ;. 3 "' Kail '"..'I. 7 1. p. m.. MT- mon, followed by Sa. ai... nt. beat* tree and all weieome. MbSBMNI Avenue linpltat I hurcH. omer ol 8l*t-*t.. I- \ r. .. C. WW. Hill DOM \ V I). H. I ".bb Boes .1 .ii a. '". "¦¦! a-uvito oj WKDNLHDAY KVIMX'iiit: _ ,1lHdi-on Avenne Itelonned Clmrcli, corner B'.'tb-st,. thc Roi iRl A. UKi.u. P liam. Evening*emeedl*continned during July timi au- l _ _ tteAuley Water Ntreel Ila* I Water *rreet i.s.: il ind evt ty si u'.' at ¦/: tn ,.-, ... g. Tal to Frankll i f Mt mer In I Presbyterian I li 'h, " ind Sad- st.. iii" Rev. -. if "W n-">\, n f>.. ..- nt ii .,,;,.i -.. Pi :¦" t _ Mn Bag [ta Van foti -'¦ 'o t M. E. Cha viMiui. ea commet .Minmy HIM r -I .; 7ilJ p. :i' J. s. _ _ >. iv .lem-..Lin I burch .<¦'. s. . i: .. in .to i Text, M o." n » Joarned until K. _ Ni i -York Port o ,. i.. ¦¦ Hiv. D. * a. m. and ~a:> p. 11. ___________ ri ortb llclrh (ii n-.'.l mt -at. \ ,i.\ ll um. tn charm-. (.KlDAY Rf IIB* i^ 7AS p. m. In North I'll -ill'dO ll Ch.. Ula Jahn St reel Clotho rial Church ' Meei Religion* Servi c W \ ttl. h ld at Mai air t. Tho singing will ... 1'. _ H rveateeata -lee.i .tl. 1 seventh Ptaakylarfaf CBwrcb ¦A... st. Pan!'* Methot il ' harefc, lt M'.-.i.i;.' « ll pren h 13. _ I'l.'.rrn- i-|p BbbSIs* Cb lr '. .. .. iii-i i., i-. Moi Bil g, . RE IO ML' - Ll i" f.rv.- / RAIKE*'". ci. Nil v I AL -I -Vi * ¦omi Inter, tl mr idtlr -un lin - 'I - ¦¦: I All ure Oordl Inga v. .nil.. :.i .. The Kev. A H. Simpson i".i-:.\ i ii i'ri I.. PRE .:l^ . c.iri sod 7: t ... TO-MORP.t a '¦' ;n ¦1. p. ra. Tbe Kev .Tibn < it Int-.. I) ll Pi r*byt«i ian 11..-...... !' liam, itb li ct. In the Collegial Church, r HOth st., st 7 -i Wnahlnglon Ht.unre V. C. < bur-ii, ' -Pieaehiug Ly me Pastor, the liar, v r. ni, liioat Calamities »ml iv li ... Provi Evi nlng- "I I. 1,1 aad Ito ir Iv lenee." v :. i aelooB .. \VeMtmin"»er Preakytertaa Cburek corner Clinton-aU and >'lrat-|.,11 ooklyn. the Her. JAMKeJ M. i.i iH."W, l>. n. i- tn. ins 7:30 p, m. Saaday-a ihool al no p. m. pr0P03rtl5. t'MTt 0STATES I'.N' im:i .: i 11. > Army Rnlldlng, New Yoik. Jiu 'S -so, t IMPROVEMENT UF THE IIAKBUK AT I lt.xii. I.-T>v, .- C. shaikh PROPOSAL*, In duplicate addteeas'l t/itiieun demgned, wi Us receiv >i at thia atti' ¦. am .1 lil o'i lo, k. i.a. on Mondar, the 19th dar of Joly, 1880. al which tnaie sad lu. e lo.>¦ v. ill l>e oneil'o in 11.o presence ef null.', i^r ur uiahingand placing on Ute Vortn Jetty tn ('harli ton Harbor, tu. hiv Hm i* uni ,. o.t. o u ... yartla ol ri|i-rap alone. sneelue.it aunt, mcintctioiia to iii.ll.i-. ind blank* tor pro ""kala BtSy la- olea:iie<t al tld. ollie.., or fr.'nt t'ania ii J. c. Poat,' orpa ot :- ngineer*, Cbarleaton, 8. t ., on applicaUon ny ling Milder-. ij A. OILLMORE, I leii'.ii." ' Colonel 0f Rv* PROPOSALS FOB CO IL. 1 i -H'M l'ii i Ci i.i rctob'b omi a, Joly '-'. issn. { BEALFITI PROPOSALS will tie rceeivcd at lida oUlee until I'J o'clock noon, ot riaturday, July lo, ixho, tor luini.tiu.a coal tor tba uai ot revecne veaael* at tal* port for the ilsc»i \ ci ii'.mg June .in, IH.-I1. Satdooattob* au'lirncii..i fitiiiinoiis, a.. umj ie required, "f le-st ii milty free ft om im mu tflea, imd unlturni in character lo weir* S.Ctn poonda to Hie ton. too* deliver** ..n.-r kal latia axsorare lo tiie weaiiier oa board raaoai* at sueb iiiium and ra snob qiuntltl's bs mar ke reeaired, st apoclfled tocatlona rei^itv aeceastbie lor rovenu- aicain.i-rs, and to be subject to -.neureum) as to ¦l'ii.inc and wtlght, Bidden will apecifjr tie kind or kind. el teal to tie f ui iii»1ii d. iii,, location Bl the mine or m.rita from wini li taken. Hint lu genet Bi ton m lue wanner iu wldob the n. i* to be ruo. aied i for inatanoe, w hellier from »tocs on haml at s *y*elu«d locality, by regular e*auaal wnh mimng or tralisin tallou r.>nii.aiiic<., ki tn pur. luise when requirod, I nc relativo value of the diSBKBI kind* Ot coal offere.1. au.', ttn. fm uni'» ol Un-ImUirra will he conaliierotl m ooouacliou wlib the price Tho right reserved ro rejrrl any or all bill*, and lo walv<> defoot*, if u, i,r r.T u.r hstareet ol tim noven -mcni so to do. anil ttic siiercKMlul luddvi will U> icinlr.^1 to .'liter into a con¬ tract wlUi loanoUMlble aeciuliy. K A ill-.URriT. ^_^_____ t n.leeter. PROPOSALS FOR VETERINARY INSTKU- I MIMI H. At'. ijkiui y luTKRMiBTtir* ripncB.) M rr., convs.u (in: k\. > Mw Y©kg citt. July I, UBS, S si Air: PROPOSALS, lu udplTeato, inujaal to the nniial eoBdlnona will be received at Ibis office until 1 o'clock ti in ,tn naiu-.day. July ill. lbKO, at aUioa limo and place they will tie opened ia thc presence "f bMilora, fur tiiriilahliig au d. livering al ud. Depot, tho tol.o.vUig iiaanJ Vtierlcary Inalrumeulc, .u , rUi llfiv hail forceps: po bone saws, small; ISOeatastsrs gum witn atytotj lou eorkacrowsi fr1T nissinling osaesi lui) ilreiichliig horn*, lia M tiling Iron*, point Al) liung lMna lin.-i Ino lunuela. rubier; 100 funnel*, tin; Meela foot li-'runeiii*; lim gudti un glac-ie*. alua., oj; l'Hlgru.lu¬ au, glasse*, glans, niiu'm B bobbi**, c.i<ilugs bu linnea, i.il aeU iueaau.es, Un, 60 uiotlar* and peaties wailcawood wara, loch j to mortars and peoile*, trsdita wiaM waie rt wahi I.hiHJ nee.li"*, Burgeon'* t SOO BM dtea. for alt* aasarasi too tSil-ttla*i au toctot int. Co_ pleur SO | -.lui. u t lil ca-.-;.",, probaoal rellu.ild'- 60 bhyeUnau'eeaddla boga; rv -eau-- and walgkta, oie«cui>t'u.u 1 weight! ihep to ic!caora ''uiicd .so hcimou,' siralnht; bo Sllnga. fii-i^mllnif 1 mi apatulna, 6-lnch loo .palma*. K mehi til) speculum*, mouth; 100 ivr tngea, l.ii.u.Wi.uic, 100 ayrnuea, rafceeSj S o* IOU lyrmftB. rubber, H ..»., inn a, iicgoa. .nih lier, -i"l., fin lliiinuiiu.'ter*. cllii|e*l Bo lOoth CiiUol* ',o n ci*, lara* f.o u>otn loroaea Kilian ft., room run, BO tracheotomy anica, self reiauiiiui 60 irephinr.% mi urn' om.-t«.r» IOU paekaKeapapei. SltMUg, round. 10 Huh 'jon paper, lituiaa, ISO each hue ned rad BOO oeaeaa Milk llsaiuie ai i-tiplea of the " tarmera Vet.-r.nsrr Ad viaer " ».v rroiaaaor Liw, and ..y oopia* I'nanuacv " bv l't..'f«»<.i I-hitidIi. ¦" T Blade. willaiatethe-urlca ., n in fmnun each .u we«BUley wld uwirenre iud when c.uno etc tl,« af tho article* ou which ther hid. The inetruuienr. ¦di.i.-.i must tx 1 ke.ni.il,, ,;. ,., Bi| reaneols to [ha pealed tandtrS Minpl**at tbi*depot which binder, wi 1 « ; to examine. "" Piopo-iaia lor.|tiau , ... . rtwiyci. The righi fat raaam i any or al bida Piif a ll he given loaitlcUaoItl lueatlopiotl uUoii . ... tiousi f I ie e au I u'. ,0i| ii. iouui lilauk i.ro\«..ai» un., an, eil., fmeramttOB lint our h. de sired, ul he fu. .(.,'. ,1 . ipnticatlon to im Jftl"... y PfBBiuiaBtahoald in. iuii..r»cn ¦¦ k'ropoaaiafoi Vetartnarv li. ni.umcoia, A. ," gad aUdraaoed to tua uuderaigued Kai i'.' s, i ui,.i,.i a . Aaat Ouarict mailer lian I. l-*.ui yiianri« ,aier Board ano iioomo. Easl Side. RMS .¦¦>> tl il lunar HUI; hemmer pr>ca*. a. all* il I lt Olaf *>l EAST 22U-8T..Rooms th rsl .wi v thotii board, tera ail ia.-a Mummel ;._ .>/_ east L'«f'ni->r..0 i-».»iB . yt I with every coi ( altbont hnard; alan rooma for g nth _.>_ east i"r;i-si., niie ii.ii.i ti .-ii r.rTT I «M iii'-mi are r* let, a nicely I .*rgk lu a atnall prirai* family; 1 awd. Wes; Side. .) I WEST 27TH-ST., KCOBsi ttaajM eronl AW X of Broadway, north I 4 sr cn suite, atoo opaelonieooi room*on e.. t. l«>ri*ll i:.o*> ni..ni men.cs .le fm aJaXlJ-ST., 3¦! WE' T. - VA' l-fnn | iwJyw/ room* to let v. h Lui tenim very n. lien I ll ¦'¦ ?>7 WEST 31MT-ST. . I>nrsr*i snd - T » J I rs i'ii- bot sad ta mimer ;. *>V WEST I:'III-ST..II indi I . .' J rooms with beard; lijiaabtset term* mi -,:- $f_ to |7 PEK WEEK linaTli in I I milT . I rasaia WttS '"-nid iia\«t"r.ts. SI ncr civ, rabi* board. SS »l ("i> lr "iloee, il.auk .'CK M 'f I. 12 ¦ i; ii ni c. ie- neal B Coiub Wonttf), GENTLEMAN wi Jn¦- board In private .'. r- lean fal t tot tr and neal - V til,-*, r.: -¦-. alth ail perth nasa Adelphi Ir vi- U_fi__ .__ (Rccaii Dteamfra. a MERIGAN LINE. J\ ron ui i-.i- htown am> liverpool. Only Ti Mn* andi the -MLRICaN ''AH, catt lng every Wednesday fri Ltirasaninge on a :. .¦wa. ukiii.-n ( non . Joly ¦>, * BED BTAR i.IXK-i'OU ANTWEfiP. Pilling ever; teniatcly fr.eu Philadelphia aa*_ f.u cork, tor Antwerp, landina aithm a leay boora rid* of' ¦. .a- tlliellt. .... M IH.KI.A.NH Kat Ju.j ll. 1 p. m. \ a ni ii i.a.n n ^-ii. July IO, : porrtl -.' and other ui'oruiaiion ai PE, -'¦¦.'-. B07 Wain i' ' j.|"i. 1' llr...d» -«_ \ nuki:: f.ine c. s. mah. steamers. _rV NkW-YORE AMD OLASOOW. Fiom Pier >.. '.'". .n 'r*- Tleiona Juli », .: I". BL KtJ . P IB, m. ti Ireaaal*.J ¦¦.¦ -i. *. ta, Cabins,*''-i - ¦. t nralou tlekeu . - M-.'. ;;¦. ¦:. iii l.nN DO Kr ni Pfan Ka I" -N. rtli Hlv^r foot ot A astra la .......Jtiir it, Vp. m. i' ' r ¦. clea B Cabiua, let* rani rjENERAI. TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY, \J UKU'M N N KW-YORK ABD HA' Pier of Company tn wi .v.. 13 North lin line avoid born ti v . , :n-ll boat. .-liv .Wa«B*edar. J ... Lol I- l'l- / ruioN line! \I I'M ll-..' i OK Wi ' N»TOWN A Mi l-l'. .'I I.-I'A \.TCI i .. ,\ vj \, . 'sa a .".'.'.'.ri ;-i'\Y. aug op. ni. WYOMI? a wa-crtiL't. ..s l li ir hatti id '.iarv. ii. I. .-'. rn,, r. 'I ca is rv *1. o. 'l\ IKR-KM »- _ imp: m'.ii,. ¦': .." I American 'L'rB,' i HKHBOI ii and HAM BUHU V. -I 1 ii.vi.ii.. Ju i - IIIHI'' *. J ly ll ULLLKKT.Ju', lin IMIHI I. Jinv 29 I'lcmoutti. H na- riial t*l .1 1 v i i ..> Cabin, l Cabin. 4 u reuof CB " kV Ml -'. *'1 bioaiaay, N. .. t.. nerat .1 I MPERIAL i IAN MAIL. . .1:111 3 Hil US... ' I I V- rt Iii.v, UAVRR OH BUSMEN FIBS! i.A.Jl"-'.... ... Mt^iafie Ut ketS - » ....ll. I ROYAL MAIL 5TEAMEr£ i i.i .. take l.. i' .\at "i in* var. i i Or* Bill -iii.-! .I UL'USDAk. Joly ". .1 p. a .-a t i i .'A"i. lu.t 17. ! n ra .'.-..)> ll: KA I.... l.HK-nAV. J .. j i.. ta. ll.Mo.NL...... -. lo. av LIVY ( I" ltl»AY Aug. 7, | p. aC J ¦-.il Hil .7. ..'. U or. «r. a*, .-ii nrf nd hath rooms amid j. !* Y. \J ot ional Line..From (new) Pier 39, Nutihtt, j-s-puR VICKI N'STOWN ANii 1.1\. UPOOL....I ..li .-a:..I ii v ,t. j p. ti. , i* -""nu i.iiMinN' VictoriaDoekai.-J i \ .. I H v. \> j.,,. ; , ,, ,., HOLLA N n.- (al.lii. ,* ei lu Jiu. eurre-'v nu |nld atoer*/. I Iii in* ifflei i, >..« til amt 73 Broadway. K ss I. Ml imiI M nager, V i:\V-V iK'lv ANO HAVANA DIRECr >i Mt ^.1 LIM n tiiLirly j". « :>¦ tu >n i'i. i- '¦¦ i on., k \. i. li follow*! ISAM I At.U )>. it BA. ( ipt root* ..Thuxadai I, f io "A li.i ia.m P. i i.viii-. A Cu., .\o. oj Broadway. in li avail*. PACIFIC MAU. STEAMSHIP COMTaNY* J t-atllnr from Pier foot il' C*nal-»t.. North Klvec e ls iii Ul lie ol r*i>*u.a. -...i Kn r cl I'Y. S.if-rdsr. 1 r IS. l Conni etbig fi-rivi.tn, bbb South Al er-.a ind U J uly. Brain .-an FT*Brisco to Jupan ami Chins- , "obi fan Francisco to Honolnlu, n. . :'. ¦> inl .ut lit hi. n ILfl.B ititi i tir iii.iiif.ali'.y on ainvai of Uei.n.i. uisil« it \ Paaaengera lui wanted to isa N FHA St I Il ..A.NI '¦-. JAPAN, rn j VA s w/KAI. A Ni). Al -I UV 1 .* ': J \ '¦' UlLAX, i'L.N i ,.AL AMI-HI- AN aol Mt V" AN i¦. lo; freight, paaaags and n-n. ial liif>.rrnatlon. avii.y M Companr'a l u.> ., on Pi i io it ot Laaal-ot. Xor th tl H. J. li li v^ :-u|i. ROTTERDAM I.INC. ¦'¦. lier, adL Pat- ii ls Berry. ' r. HOI lt I IA -i . \s,.,i, .-I Ullll'Alll. li,, i, U W.A.SCI »J_Ji>..V. i . d lat Cabin. *'ii-s7o. ad cabin, ats tao. Rt. r*«e, %Xk ...-v l(.S A/Al r*. OeBeral Aateot. 27 un si Kl N i ll, r.l>\ I. .t .1. tl South u llliaiu -t., resaul AtBk U W. li11KIM-, on Broadway, Orueral l'o*eace a VinilTE STAB LINK. TT L.14ITKD elATRS \ NI) itOi'Af. .MAILS I'LA il-III ,.,,.,, 1"'»K gt KiKN.-l )\V\ AND LIVKIlT nil. 'N",l|i Iheatearueraof tb'a Lin* l* .- li-iitf r«" tinner,!. ,i by i., nt Maur. U- * ^-. un bom the eat* tra ana bomcwaul royasea i l-.i.i ii .,.,,. ,.i,.Mtnrdi v. J dj ii, lp ai V " lA.NXif, emf Perry .Sataraay.Juty io, 7a.ah A iKIA lu ,c.»;.i. J.-uiiiuga.Thur..lav, Juli 1".. 1 a. ia I.LIIMAN|, can? Kennedy . : eal riJOM TUB WUITK ^.TAR LOCK, KOUT OB Wt ,t 1U I ll sI. 1 hvaeaieauiets ,,re iiinfeirn lu sine so'. SBaaraeaBBS IB a*. I oliilnieiitc lin- -.i mill Slat.-oom* BUiOklng au' r laoat* ara placed aiaidahlpa * tere the nolan au! ne ..r* ¦..Matf.dt, aSOMlnga degree of comfort bliiiarui aaatUiaaMS ai aaa lt a I K-t.-^iioo", SJ<0 and S100. Steerage, int. k. . ir* tn kota on favorab e torma 'lh.se at".-Mi I-. .in 'ie-e.iril«, ahc-p nor pl*. lor iii-i" tuon of maintain! other miuruuiiou aaoiy ai tbs Companys naves, No 17 Braattway, New York, "c s j ul Walaul »L. Tu..ad. u ,..u H. LcOKllii, A^cut. Cnvouruii AOurrtisemcmo. I lEBIG C'Ml'ANVS i:\ika( r AJ OK MKAT. FI\l>r ANT OHKAPReyT bfP.Af FLAVtit'ltlNU HTOCK KoB SOU Pa _AUH I .-in- ami BAUCBA IlLltli; CO M PAN Y's* KXTKICT OX MK AT. ¦' 1' a sure, a* au.i a boon forwMc' ninia* .lit,uld fool Bialaini. -,-e,. '¦Me.tuai l'i»v», "Lags SSS." " Ut illili Ut-iUcal Jonrnar" Aa CAUTIOS loi.'iiio ».th th* f*« sim!!* nt Ba rv* Liebig a nlgnaluio lu blue ink acivai Isa .i oiiiiiu pliju lu Lngiai-il InorcAseJ i*..i od m tea yean" l.H lilt. COMPANfaj EXTRACT L'K Ml ai io be bud of all tiorc ke-pcr»,i,ri>i'ers. »nl eaamUta Hole »genta tor tb* Ciil'e.' slate. iWliiie1 B»b».,iilyi. c. LiAYlL A CO.. aa Uart ian*, Loud.* nSflBOd Sold wbo|e»»ie hy Park A Tilford, Suilta ,r V-.u1eib.*f_ Aekfl Mfiraii Jt fonoll, *lrKe»aou*Biibolllt. it. K. A f. B. Tburtier A Ca and J. Miluaiu a * ». ,...... ,. ... a,,,-* m. ¦».. ...... UK COU*. ASTHMA A CATARRll IPFS'S Cured by the Cigarettes EsplO >BH_Y0KK rAirOXRA .t t-n. 80 North William »t. I.OMION iOZKAO, tv llanuatael. PAUL'S 1-8 HueSaJiit-_»*are- MOl.ll AT ALL CIlLlliST^_ ProdjBct** aapeciai ivuulug pro <ei SB- \]} .u Cl-o. olau devolved ol lia o\t CHOCOT.ATT" r1,',,ll,M8»S'0aiil»alaiillallty. et ix at ea*. iiulo^a.x, ia_LwB*a nia-trt. ot tba conal»t.-u,e^ _>._.-»,,. cofff* AB nt'sraonn tlwol.t* I »i-| Tk»tib_JNui.. pat ke: la laballea I am Km kt*I'h A lam .M ll. i..o i»Uiti- t lirtnlata, Iaui.1 mi -.-_--__ (Toijiintur9:jiy Xotuco. BlSklHo Ht'lIK OS I.BOXAHD. IICWSLI. A IO. J \IR. JOSEPH s. DEOam oTOTato lf_ lM "l ^"""'«'l l uiifi A Co be. omeau parlor In tSB » TWO APPALLING CHIMES. e>.. MURDEH ix GHASTLY roi;M<. ¦akim, rai iio> tn uiu -iiiuKR (attonai- Tiir. I'lirAinn. ITOaTf .UMrs oYonnok w.\^ AWiKI.NlI> Ttl BEE.i OBRMAH KAltMin OE LOXO ISLSKB Ml iiUK'Hi am> US not ON I UK. Mn. .lames O'Connor, tlie wife of I wt irk- ligiiiai) iii Jersey City, l.illotl her tlirrt> Little bgji \. tinl,iv itiornm^r, bf nit I i.i j; tlicir bloats with, ii razor, sin-Las been ill ro* toutlv ami it is holuvttl that ibo i\.ts insane when n!ie conimilttd Ibo aVood. A iorincr numil Louis Sflimiilf, of Amity v;l!f, L, I., praa shot :uid killed t>n Wodseadaj evening. His luuly \\."< thrown Into a will and Iii.- lou- pru (ben set on Cue No etowto tlie tvimiiuil.N iia» been obtained. AX IN8ARI MOTHER'S TERRIBLE ACT. :i"lIINi. li:' 1 llttoa is Ol fini UTTUI nuYS- A I'Aiiih SWAEaUIEB BY lilt' t.ln>A>- Of WI DYIRO lilli.I>.lOMMMllNl. lill'. N0THEB ro r-iu- >N. Tares cbiMrsn wars killed ia Jersey City yestsr kay terning 1>.'.' th"tr mut!.' r, Mrs. Mary (?'. who la the wife ol Jeans* O'Connor, n poor Isborei livin. .' an old wooden teaemeat-honsc nt Xt>. 49 Watti si . Jen j City Heights. The srnsnan is tiii n ira of aaa. and Um tnoUii of live etui' <.-. BbM has been iii fur Bbonths with malarial feYar.sndin ber dca) aaeaad . ally tiiaaeassii u dsairs to and ber Mitt'- in' by ii lng lur own lila Ai ll a. tn. '..st.itlay Hr. O'Connor, who was ¦leaping mi a mattresa tri tbe rl"or, wBsswakened by an rrotaoueoi hla.ehildren to the adjoining room. II.- sprung aa, ead aa li" entered tba room whence the cry cami his foot blipped on s wal spilt. Ho lighted a. match sad a dreadful Bight presented lamil. David ami \ rands wars Lying ea Cn- bed with 111*¦ ir throat! 'it from ear to ear. Near tbs door wa.-, tho yonngi -t 'i ry, a baby, with a gaping wound in tba Berk i iio blood from his throat hail ru¬ the floor, .uiil oansed ttio father t<> slip when ho en- terod tin' room. In tun' ci.rnerthe wife was erooeh- ing v nli a rai r. dripping with Mood, ia ber hand. O'Connor ran out into tbe street shooting, " Mar- dtr! Police I For God's sake giYe roe help." 1' iiiuia: in Hanns, of Hie Fonrtb Polic Precinct. board bia erica and hastened tn tba hones. Borne of tho neigh ors also were aa abetted by the Boise, ami Ihe rooina "i tot1' nnfoftanate family srerc Biked with a crowd ol people. TheeAoar t. ok Mrs. O' ii istody and seat messengera to anaa- nsont iptaln MeKaig and Coroner Bnemflor. Mrs. O'connel and sat bm k ir.ii forth on tbe ll>or. T oti v.! tell lay thebodh two boya wat r.it'-i! willi blood, which slowly dropped te tbe Door beneath. Patrolman Hanna took Mrs. o< ooooi io tho p .Iii' the Kui-th l'ie- oiin t. Captain llcKaig nm le na examin the rot .'ind tiirinturo. Under the theli | t lira. < 'minor ami lie baby be I and abo doll blade. throi j Cit] Il and hon n laof pcrsoni uh..ut tho ho.-i, w li rh was guarded hy special pol < A reporter ol 'im; i iwed to enter thc apartments ocenpie 1 by Ot o lam .. [hey are ia the rear, on th I floor of the boase. Tbs two i ! carpets and contained hm little furniture. In the front rot.in th- | lu -''!.. in littln ri ii:.. i eat* badi ¦!. anil the fae t were pale, hut showed no inarki thc wails and t lin- . i li I'l'io.-l. footati ps could be tn oar. Tl IK r Ht I''. '¦TOKY. Tin father of the murdered children ares a np ami down in the roar Mia. He mail.' flo t ¦[ h.v. io | ttatemeal : " 1 was awakened carly th! morning hy t sort of pena, and acm latotbe backroom andstraeks light, 1 >w toy wife in tbe corner with s ¦asor ia her) ad, and on tbe flosr was tbe body of tho bel v hint: in tu large po >! of blood. On the bail I Ilia life] i of two ol ¦¦ r ehil- dren stitt in death. I ran ont and calli'.i for help 'itu- I ', '.n ho :, wi I li ram,"i .... auy n ison wi j t ly a (.tm.! i' ¦:. ¦!, a i. i ibis a.- .'. Wt bare h.-"n married twelve n Bbs ba sick ind malarial (ever, Hiift yesterday complained d! feeling wotan, wiit-n 1 Brat irered Ute bodieaof my P"-r children I tboi -; iui. in to h.1.1 r faio v . f Mr. 0 that bia wife bad ijii'tu. il. .: with him on Thursday night, hm win; red anger be stopped talking to ber. bxami mattoe t'F una, r/oosmon. C -> Phyaieian Cont . rea i tbs p lim etati"'i ..t balf-past 7 oVlocl, yesterday morning and leann 0 nnor Iring on a lounge in tho pn- vat' office of Captain MeKaig. She ia of medium height, bal much smaciati l. lier face was p^Je. li it -lie exhibited eoaaiderahle self aosscsiooB. Her bands were eororad with blood, ami har arness waa alao apattered erith lt. To the questions of tho Connty toyatsiaa abs eave, aaswora with BSneh difficulty. When a^kfd where her ebildran were -he s-ul: " i I; I killel them with f!" rri7'>r. Pt-opie a-. .1 to ca!! them little devils, but dow laey baw gone to ll-avon." Hu- also "-'ml that her baby had hcon sick and -lo- h.ul no ninney with windi to get it medicine und tum?. Tbs woraaa v..i- all wt ! !<> weeb bet beads, and waa tlien taken laaeoaeh tu Police H«adtninitersandarraifrri»ol be- fore Jnatiee iVl.-ulmt, in thu First District I'aJace Conn. Bbs towered wheu lett into the coiiitV-room. ami waa s!i'ii>iirt,-d liv f\-stiert Coruiiiissioner Wbefiban ami Cntrn k \V!ie!ihan. ht»r two brothers. In asMwer le tbe iisiiai gnastteae abs itavc her nsass and place ol reaideaee. " iou are aoeuasd "f killing vour three children," enid tin Jnatiee, after telling lim O'Connor thal elie c.uil'l i' fnsa io answer any questions whicn would t- ad lo criminate aernelf. " sea 1 kilietl the'ii," she laswfred qnietl.v. look- in m at into tbe lacs of tho Jasttos; "three of them. I guilty.* "Where waa your liTis*t.in<i V " Ile sud lu*children wt re asleep." .* What did you kill tbesa fort Were they not good el.ito.vi, ?" " I mv wore vary ?"t>d clnidr^n. I do not know what 1 tilled them for. I uunicdto send them v.) Heaven." lonaswet toother fiiies'mas Mrs. O'Connor said slit, bad BOt hoon very well. "I was pretty weil out nt Bil h fl aDiiiotiine*.' she continued, "and ari not aile to take care of the children | but i only thotu lil of killum them Just at the time I did it. I first Killed tbs baby. It Bundano neus. Then 1 killel iii', a aoad Sdtfest ami he made no rn.lac. Tba ablest one made a noise and my husband come into thc r. .in, and then run llilBBBlallB lhi- wssaaa atlded that sh* liad placed the buti iiei Kin'c auder tbe mattreaa of ber ned. Sho intended to >ill her children with it, but lt was not sharp enoiiirli. so slje f.»ok the rasor. "If the razor bad railed 1 wot.ld bars uted ttie knife," she re Bsayrksd. At the conclusion of the examination Ju-tice Seloobei committed Mrs. O'Connor to the County ail to swart tue action of the next Oratnl Jury. Srbe dispiayt 1 n ' emotion whatever during thetJaae alie waa In de court-room, anti gara her answers In a distinct hm languid tone. lier neighbors rssjarded ilr* O'Connor a most sftcci innate and ronaiueralo mother. It is believed by all that abe was insane. John ami i'atriik. the two remaining ohll- flrt*ii, wcio tak«n to the house of their uncle, John ffbeliban, at Ii'igen-ave. and Cliurrh-at., Jersey Citr Hergnte. Jobn stated thal lie heard hts luther's scream* ami saw bl* mother walking np and down the room in a frantic manner. He wa* frightened, liol i.-I -i bal what was thc mutter.*' " lhere killed rear thru- brother* baosnae the neitiliboi'o called tneru lillie devils; and 1 sn aol | ol ii if to have them called little devil* any nu,' aaa the anea er. (lofOSM r i'arslow will hold au inquest an 1 »\ I tiing. _ SHOT AND THROWN INTO A WELL. aYsTKMlfil* PEATE or i/>i I" atMDSlarT, a PABMBn. Al BBaTaTYVtlJUt, l. L.ITIS USB UKI > am. nig ¦ovsa »Ln.Nki>. htmit. .Schmidt, a U--r:ii ta fanner, who livotl Blane sn a farm owitm .1 ics Martin, of Brooklyn. Dear Aunt > . Ute, L 1-. ¦ aa ihot and killsd Woduc*- flay ev.o.'ig. lim body w.ts then thrown iain S wed. whew it was i".ni i us Thnrsday by .'i ti i. ji. Capon. Bonta i. ; Bohntidl earns t" *_,,,.,, u ..I .'rn b time wu¦,., .. snd with a n ., le, N. J iili [.trw, working it on

shares Ile waa unniarriad, .ind WBJ BjBtet, aohrr

and ¦ flood worker. He was nl'out tinily vitus of

age, ami lived I secluded life.<>n Wednesday evening flu1 nearest BadgbbOTI

who live BbOUVt a quarter of a mile away, beardnome shots fgfed npparantly in the direction of

Schmidt**house. Nothing wnethonfbi of lt,bow-ever, since tann were tranters ever the onnatry,and it WM SUpOOSed that they were trying t«>

imo. About half an hom later attention

.eil tn tlo- fact that N linii.li's bOUSS Bl <l

bara wera on fire. The sim's that bad baaahenrd,however. .ri iud to hiv BOM thought of tn con¬

nection with the lire. |t WM fOUOd that Schmidthad tliaajifeiied. Oa Thunda? JusttosCspsn Ca*

itet! tin rums, and discovered that i broodf tragedybsd ta Hs found BU empty gnu in the

and later Bebmldt'i holy was found tn

tbs welL The left Bids of the man's bead had besstern uwuy to thc utera by aahol bom a gun, andthe body presented B ghastly Bight, Udp v. ns soon

cned, and Coronet Preston was sent for. A

lamination of Ibu dead man sad of thc'.mi indicated that Bohmldl waa probably lyingdown early Wednesday evening on tbs la«n in

front of the house when one or more

men approached With the intention of

committing a robbery. It bi aappoaed tba! Schmidt,hearing them approach, and realluuu the desperatecharacter of their errand, tired nt thean with hilpistol, thc shots befog mistaken bf the MUfor those of hunters. Schmidt, it is thought, WMthen killed by tho charge from tho gun in the

hand, of one of thc acssilsnfa, and his holy was

dragced to the .Mell, Into which it was

thro .vu. One of tho dead man's stockingswas found on his foot ; the otherWM in tbs gun. His empty purse, with thc cla^pbroken, was found near the house. Nu trace couldbs found of his watch oe revolver. 'I he lock nf histrunk was found m the ruins, and from the fae*of its heing broken anti twisted, it is supposed thatthe robbers rifled the trank before they n't tire to

too hnue. The skeleton of a watch-dog waa alsofound in tho ruins, No suspicions persons navebeen seen lately In tim neighborhood. CoronerPreston and a jurv began an ruvcetigattou. Theffloen have suspicions of OBTtsin persons, but arc

SN rein.nt us to whom they aro watching. The."'.lair has created great exciuineut in tbe Usually(jiiict vi.lage o? Amttyvillo.


eighth aanual eninmcnrstranl ot Waantegton and J- fr,.

ton Co!legS look place at Washington, Penn., OB WedVas sta]. Jai e80, um gradaattoa atom aambei lng twen¬ty-four members. The nra! boam sma awarded tiac] B. McCormick, of irwin, Pcna^ whose valedictoryoration waa highly commended. The seeoad honor wu*

i b tween J. C Boyer sndWlanald htclrvalne.Honorary deareea were conferred ns fallows; A. ILupon thc Bi i .1 N tr/atrrm in, or california, sud J H.Clark, of Yeansstown, Ohio j Pb. I1 il ofestorBearyK Brower.ef Scw-H ron,Coan.;LL.D,Henry ll. Alt nader, of Bew-Tork city.Upon the conernston of tbe

an alumni dtoaer was given In tho college ball.i. . iwen read from tM Roo. Jincs g. Blaine,

lin M. Bristow and olbtin.r re-... I that th ts be picl ia* ot i."-.>¦:» held it- ball-century ronnica in on* I

I In .'ii...;ti r balami i: . drifted toe." her In o ld

nooks .md corners, sud tried j..nd to n>

..' in.Ired hop git n

!i wi re pi>

i'i;o. .in i townabel Pi, i" rms sad Ph

Kappa Societies held luck* annual suppers ana reunionon i neatlay evening,ihe Kev. <.. P. Hays, D. I)., pi


V DE LA SALLE DfSTITCTE,Cliiekering Hall waa fairly filled yesterday

on on tbs ocr.si .-.I ol tbs comm neemeni <\ i

:, i'e Ls Balle Institute. 1Inertiate ooenp ed the platform snd 1mm .!. itelj b ihlnd

i onder Profi ¦:. 11. Ban ' ri citations by

. lind nndc-eradu .Gs, and music mirt Sing¬ing. H. - - mat . of ti.e t ntUau BroGeneral Proston v u id dallyured the dlpltmaa to las following graduates: Master* Bernard P.G.ad', i. ronri A. Doherty, w lilam J. Met'i. il '.n't. K ... ard U. 0ll Jii m n.

UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT.BuBLiBOTOB, Vt., July l..At tho graduat¬

ing exereues ol > m Heal dapartmenl of tbe| Wi

LD. and LL, D f taitcity, on the " Di ont ol pby Iclan .

| - i urah ret! fifi jrb? i > in incl .u tao Vu. M .-

HEBREW UNION COLLEGE.t ts. untAtl, July l..'i be Hebrew Un.on Col¬

lege, at- its rammeaeemeai ex reiaes te-night, et b

tbedegi so . . Hebrew Lore openi .. .... MW.

ORATIONS AI AMHERST.AktBRBST, Magg., Ju!y ]..Tho lift.y-niii'ii

oomnieneetaent at Amherst Collegeeloaedo..s of the grudu u'ti. uoC legi Hall.

oil-hour trams.

HADING AI LONG BilANC.'l-AU EXCE1XZB1 CARDi on rai ortatrwo gay.

Many improvements have been made, niMsanaoath I'ark, near Long Braaoh, since bail year, sndtM omi?! .mme for ts day, tbs opsniugaayel 1880 althis fashion'.1 >le and attractive rare-course, lu of so ii. neb

merit that the sltendanot should ls' large. The arrange¬ments for l MtoBtog the track ate amide and convenient.

Details c. incoming them e.ui he fumd in til" advertisingcolumn*. For detail* concerning tho MneetMtWillmn, all inte'estetl In such mutter* ean eoaault tba JulieOJttSO Of Krik's Guido to thc Turf, Ju»t Issued, whicheira .ai.." records of all raced run to this country flamJanuary L last), to July 1.Tiie opening race wld lie three-quarters of a mile

for a parse, of ffJMH) with allowance*. DMBparling ('our year*, 12a pi.mid.-), Enqui¬res* <1. HT), Aurora'* Baby<3, loo), BBa-dow Canst Cl, 100) Sloux(4, IOU), Democrat Cl, IO0),aTbajErnest colt Cl, 100), and Kittie J. (8, Oft) will uart.

Poole were told last night a* follow* : fir Hugh if.Ti,King Erne st earlgio,Daa SpartragflO, Democrat (10,Anissa's Baby f'J, Enqniic»a|8, Kitty J. Bg, cioiu$7,ami Shadow Dance £l.The BtSOUdnss aili be fertile Hopeful Stake* for two-

year-old*, half a ndle, with perni'.tics for Wtoeem t). Ll/>rti!«rd will run his magnlfleeat filly Spinaway,aitliongb alie must carry tiie emuming waigbl ol IIBixuiiidn, and hisctnt Btoaea (110 peoaaa); HertaLarll-lard will run his tilly ti.iuniuui (104 poniuls), andMeOrtitli kia coll Migo (107 pounds) In tbs BOCL. Lon ilard.'* entries betag 010&; uoraaluiu, 823, andtn*.i SIS.in me third race the fsninm three-yeai obi cult Lake

Fda<-kiMirii Will appear. It wu! i»- rai tbsOcean Bl ikea, \h mile*, u. e. willardwin siari Harold, Dwyer linn bera LakeDI .cliburn, I'i«rr« Lorillard Duke of Montrose andD. D. Wilber* bl* King Eiim-t colt. Tbev muk lu tin-

pools tn tins order; Luke Blackburn #100, Duke of¦Baltana BOO, Hamid Si Land the Kum Ernest colt gio.Euiiilh will be tue Ixiug iirsueb Hamil.-up. 1 U mllrs.

Milan tb, 1 Un. Kepi.ri fi. 110). Benda Ml 107), Audax(4. 100) Bini Da-ci Brothers' Qaito (8,108) snd Kits*Lawreni t (ll, 00) will run. Here is a pool i iieitori -Oil,Kerida i? Jo, Milan 825, Sodas i»l<;neBrtfcracesrfll b» 1*3 mle°,with S'Tlrg allow¬

ance*, ami with Dann lu I (g, 121), flint Ci, 103), burge(aged, 108) aad Dials (aced, lil) for starter*, in tnebetting thev rank as follows i Pilot 85*. Burge i^O,ii.it. chef. $lli. and DUD*, $.V

'the asl race will bc a handicap ot l'.j mile« over bur-dlea, with teven *tarters. DDturbsnce (« years, Iiipounds) brings $.'>" in the pods. Problem (ag«o, isapound*) 820, Cartnaeii'* Jndiih (Byears, in? pounds)and BerthaiB year*, 140 poundt) #'J(', Itiven p n nrs.

137 pom.tl-) fin. PoBMray t.^ roara, mo pouads] flo,Euturlii (1 yeara, 130 pounds) pe.

ATHLETIC BP01T1 Of i HTOB OUDKIl.The MiiiiliHft.ui AiLletic Clnb will have Un

annual BUBBSSSC meeting on Ita gi.nindi at E'ghfti av.

aud ijfij BTthit on Monday,galjr r>. 'lhere win be t*n

inter, stilly cm lils, and the rp lal tj nilli run. In w hil li

tbs "ted amateur runner, L B, .'tyers, will trv to baalttie tiest Enifii"!; inmte.ir record, and tba Bpeetal oae-mil-waite. In which tin; wed known walker Furdy will.tHve to surpnsa the be»t Amere i record. wiU oet-taiulyattri.et omi n sttoatMB.Tm Harlem Athletic dab will grrs ns rcurth aunust

gwiues un tue ground* of the Mauli..llau Alnlrtlc Hubthia alierkouu.



Tli.' Cititinnati-l'iDvifleiico game nt Cniein-natl yesterday resulted iu f^vor of tbe Fi ovid BM < lahl,y ,i -..ie of 6 to 1.Ai Ailinn Hm Hap Bitten Ctab dsJbstsd ras i

(Bas by rn ora sd 18 i" IOTh* i MW' Imd <' 'H. u. f. Bled Hie Woue b rs bi I MTVO-

o.ni i>.» .i care of ti lu 4.


PCTBBeBSBO. Vu.. Julv 'J.-The eCBSBl r

tami wi.non led to-day, and show tbe r >i

,, r K i.i ¦ L'l.c.i.-.. Bgshmt 18'tOO tor i^to. tb*,., tn ci- ia. stored w un ni t red vu

laeresMtapapnlatioa farcaneens lbs "-fl¬

in ita*ah.mle. lieUl of Vii glin.. ai IMWU '"l rn ue

than tv-


THE BTEAHES8 OTEBCBOWDBD.i I'.n.'iii Mt.t rilli iv THRiivK waicn un

111- 11Y.

Pipe European ateaniehipa sail for EuropeBet enty ara tba] all taxed to fketr tall cabra

.pi if.init largi Bambara wM desired passage sculld. i. ii. i-tn i.v. om cl has owners

of lbs WSlte Star Line, and wife, who are milking a tour

annul tue world, tu Steal Bev. J. Betstntk, B hopof Huron, and Wi e, PrateBBOC BL BL Downs, s, ll. Ly.i..:iii.I'iiited Bastes ii .'¦! J -t.n ".Mnrrlll,nf Vcr':i'int,

iiinl wJe. C. V. Wayland, ex-president of Ute Elton

I Company, al fl/ntnrnnrjr, Conn., timi

sad Mn. J. P. Eli ara pnsaengen ny tte Wattalp Celtic Ju lue M. F. Tuley and vito an

p.i--c mer- by the National Line steamship Egypt. Itus-

rgt* and tentfly, anti A. W. Thny. I. Inited Htates

( onaol nt Trieste, Austna, arc passing'rs on t lo¬

ot ti.e Berth Oormaa-Lloyd. Druthers Hage, BaatclMot B il), Alie n, Arri .ni- BBd Curl <tl.'.il, 11 t I'hrMinn

Brothers, will sail lor Otosgow on tko Anchor Liasst. BSBSktp DaVOBtoJ sad CMrtoa Ingersoll ls a passengeri n irn- Bsdsrlaad Ol tho Red Stat L».ic, Bailing for Ant¬

werp.Poliowing are the aomplets Bala of eaMa passcugrr*

..li I.IVt I'l'OOl.BY SrKAM-ltll' I QTFT.

PattrrtSU. .Surg-MiUAlkin, MrPatu mn, mis "Hum*, Fl iii., ii'*-.-. J W Hume. Ml-. M F,i arpentei. Mia ll un M tm flMu.!.len. J i ilia Mis S J

mis A LewlaPWI-ml..ii. J I i btrsli., bu, »'(' Ixisrln. tlHolden. Mrs 1..-wi-.. 0Till, t, Judge M F LewiaOTuey, .Mia Al. ide. fl .1.1 n ,i-. Mr* F K Caalano. M

Min.. Shackleton, KAlKi ii. Hr i.

t handler, tl IIUpi nc Ul I a o..:Vr. ilia.

-. Mr. chi dMacOmggor, Mr Betlan,SO

gar. Ui* fi -i. m i. -I"i '1 dey. C M

Towera Br Marpkr, M... i. ion. n

Hyan. Mr Benton, MrtB..T \ i 1'. Jr

I,ii Itt imo,, lt¦'is P Land I.inion i'rev den

t«... hlldxea i'.n" ns. lt l»rainier. MrsJ T I! irbottl. C H

ii,ii Miss M Harbord, Rev C II,\i i-.n Mik* H Harbord, A t!

Mr*K Walker, BE 'o Hann, li II

UlUuilbxu, Ile* lil Baal 1. il

Moln.-ii l.-ei I'

Slater, W IIJaanlaos, K KMiller, II KMill-. J I.Barlee, Dr J MI. e.. '., \VH mm i. 8 1li I;.ny. A IIKe«iei, Roger\ oui'iin.-.r. Mts JBatlow, <"<Harlow. .Mrsi. 1...H. Mia*

U Ml IJand s,n m. ..ii.a ;. M

Langhllu, M >i KShipley, Mb - fl .1s.. ri i... Mts I. ilso. ar, Mrs MAlaar, lu ;., i.llr.il.-ir-. Il .1bon . i. ii-. M iMII..T. Iii v K KMcCall MI

cm in. m e. MnBil Uti Bhi n rn ir. J AWilli.-. T UWii.te. ll

.. and setfSBl


llcnk, Mialui. ft. Adu pheiialdl.C

faber,baa A.


tiena e. (,«car i:..e!ir«. Y

>alll Pirti"sim,..h. tins*. 11 ll.sun .i- Mrs and twol

\l I

u.ii 1.1 It W Mi mer*, llltBi

-. Mil* B f B Hi i. .. Mina E M Doini).lill twocl

t LangiiMai.mi..tl..

MI** ma K'I.ir, MUa PP rs \

Mary I alu ..


M. lr.. il

.:. i, w

In d,

li J

chi! li i

.irr, 'tax

Alt lum a


V lllt !n. A I .¦'¦ in

Si.iti.il A Ki

rt ltD .. A

llKlein, Mau L

k i'l-d WMn it


i. \i i.w it

i billia,i JnrF A.-.. w i

- !Ir, ti n

Mrs TAllama, atsai K\\ Miter,;

sn.uli. .-i i\t bite, A V.

'A UlCU1. J Ti uruiick, A J


Mci a ci. v. ai

. II

.i.<< ;i



-i. jrtr, LTj ii

Ui»i Lucy oIgOt '

Ci liter. Misuiiilni dr Ii*

if A Winston, F St amt lr-v. a

II ITMa'. W Kimi all, ll C

lu..' ton, ll e -iI :

i, ii Tuwnaend, Husarl Ben1 t (7)Hm ley, .xe

H Mom* Mom.I. -eu .tor J .- he glan I,'.

wau.., Mi** m a

lill C A


li nilton, Ula Kev B

v J II

i i:May and. Mrs C g

J ».Danton, Mai.


Heini-i-oii. losenh

ll, Ali*tiavt -:.


¦'.'. Ali A

sinQua. !.. bush, J BM. uieilc.

Mli.i.ni:. ;t. la- TA Wal ., W L

¦ : v.

-.1 ber Barn t, Mr* er


Jenkin*. Mio IV I,ce<>k. A iv


Hi..1.1. llrliufll ..

Inn JulmIII, .:.''

Wlgi.lniaii,til. Rev Barrett, n.nr< i. Ila* J A

.: ra 1' M'-1IH1 MMr* .\ x

1 exoil Jll 1

th. J..Irs I

M"*»iimii. Mrs CA M

Watson, MlasBIrwin. H

.i u tmc m.If. it. nMi:'' ie I, I.M .lad, I-., JrBUwart, K

-ixl, J liM r. I, M '

i inn-.', Mia* n'.I du.Veitch, u .1

lo li, Mik W J

JPaton Mr


i. -fIel / .1

W Lt, .1 AMia* M I.

\'. el una. T cMoUfH*, Wlirron, Mrlt. lo :. MIS*Ito.v oke, Mrs M il


Warden, il iva lt

1' !'.ii .J L. Jr

Thompaua in J irllHMlKll. VS LV. nk». WCollina J Bauk. io W ll

1 inker lb* itnv A p Jebaaon fl flHail. Hil ll*v A A Weir. H Wllnwi il, r Velr. Mm- jo.m.m. f

"las C I.Buillli, i.l.-m


f. tv.How**, Pro/O


Un.un. M ri I Mil. Uer,."..uh i. AlM.u-ii. .'.Usn llFi nob, ->uSmith, h ;;.'. .', .HU elMcAdam. M.a.


lt.h.ie, >iraIf .il Wt. llHslkl Mrs riMo.--iii.ci sv anana, iillaun tun. Fbeuny, ila. Rei iI 'llliilioU::-. J llInion, >.

.. llrun mon, J

kuI. MtI.a«lilnir> K llI M,Tnt lilli . .1 M

I L..II.IM.IUUU, ilika kite uiuuck, .Min

I'raiK llt raia, -sn» iiMoore, TUoflera, llI.it DU :. .¦. Il RLayne m.- ri;ii. i irlan i. I U

Allu^n-. r1 Cl.ll:. Ml

lon \nt»Helm A J

. BjrHarbert

lui.nu Dr I' V>'A io Ul

7. MMiller. S AMiller, Mm. Kv i ina. Mn .i aSe..il. Mi-n M I,

a wAnkiu. Mrt opeianil. ilt out ..iii.i. Miallt nyeland, Matter II li. ed, JUomumnL .'a a-ttl

Coi khalil. M ACockburn, Mts h. at'obklmrn. MM* AHt , Mr* J'I a in.e I, Mrs M'I ni iiliuli, Una AConnell, MailerW si

Mi Donald, ll ii M.

('burlesitu.I .lu..ll A||n|t(Jaine* 0 llku.lil J ¦.

Canulaghaia li( uuiitlialiaru Mrs'1 Lou; ia C J

M.u.ii'JI! ii

mn? sedi vt urn.Hasaeabrnck Mrsand i niel

Rarnot mi-.Lay (be iiev. LManu Cai IMain Han Iel

uk F Mn, ri Mn.'i ....- . ;

XA VAL INTBLUGENlL.WAgBIXOTOK, July 2..Second.Lu iitdi.iiit

II- n: v aTkltasy, Untied BtatSS Marine C epa, W'athtnj;-toii, bas beeu granted two woks leare ot akaaam nun

Jul} 10.Ocean have been baatsd as lol lowa: Mulshiprusn

Jefea h. L. BetoOBSka to flaky at the Baerami Almanac

OBtoa, BTsaanngtBB : llilef r.uglueer B. B. U. Wliariou to

l^-t unei'.-uig. Kunine ni mallon ; CL.1,1 F.ugiui.*i Jauie*\V. \Miittuller, PaBSSd Aa-istant Eugiuonr. L. SV. Hobin

ann, J. Van Botenbargi B. ':- (lowing. Ok H. lin cnleaf,AbaalsfflKirov, JsmesBntniatto, J. W. Bmsanel andAastotaat-Baalneer <i. H. T. BakMB to hold ibenitolre*lu iiHdintu foi si a Mince.LteatOBanUCommaader I imrles M. Thnnria* lins been

delHcned fmm tbe triiftiliiar-ship OoBStltBUoH annyiacrd on walling ordi'ia. A uumlier ol leave* of »u-

li .-ii fc'ruiit*il.I., .mun. .in y 2..Tiio rjarted Stares st.-amer 'i

arrtved si r'limiiing resierday, tue 1st lust.lb- i it. i nsatas akig Portsmentk asUad Irom Fay al

for Halites on ihe lti.n ul Jobs.


WAMBTMVWm, July 2..Thc following ii..: n |i ni-ii . (recently |ii'ouiot«Ml) hHve been order. ! | |ttoir juoiier «tntiou- ht tlc d, inrtiuent* named res[.ect-

hrCij I.l- uttirilit-i'idiuiel Bee. P. Andrews, FourthAitlltory naremetci froui Kajar, Fifth Artillery), jjr.aasrasasa of CalUorma. M.ijor Klehard II. Jackaon,Prftk Art Uii ry (i.roun.tcd Iroja Caytatn, Pirat Arti,>n j,

DsgflBtmont cl tne souiu.The baa"d of offlocri to meet In this city to exnmlnc

andr. |uil BgOB the riHlltlciition ot the rBflalSltoaS ofof lue Anni, nu ve been ort'.esed io asBemblu on the 20lhlust.

.In ,T-ifr|.b P flaaaor. Ilrsf Aiti.Iei y, tina Iwrntransferi-rd from Battery **A" te UxBl Bauer* *K' oltii.it regimt i. vi uromoted, and CaptainJamel M. Ingall*, promoted from Baimir "B" bes beenaasigncil to Battorj "A." \.ti .-..lu^or. Uaaalurrad,

'Mic BTOprietOT cd n Scnfcli hotel BJ" r iii.,.|. leo,. gauiMwoa n i i .iiriam " t U.ii lreii oi, of,.n,i la I ion a

ssent.aaotbat "rania . u»d n bat

A little tti'l in i ii . .. sftai iii mti4L t-.I,.', | il. .¦ ... .1 bS I. I' ....

,|J I eld I IO-


BBJTOfBtfl ( alvin il gTOdflalljr clearing ttwiiy,tile iiiiniy Imii. rtanl t> lil com

ciin:ir.,itid in tn" eean floria? thc p -nt taer of Iin e of th 1...1 Important ot

teei itosl of itn- will of Mrs. aaa Drake Beaman, whichw.is deemed yesterday raverakty to the propToe opmioi In tearre <>f tim Bnrrogato'asnaunaryof

¦-, mis 170 pases nf les ili .antoni waa s \- rv etd mid went hy wi tow who

lived nt Filth ave. mid Fifth-ilunl-at., and owned unicii

latem thia etty tn addition te leads ls ina Wost.Forsome tims prevtoes to bm death, ta r nephew, Law-r.-ii, Ur,ike, sad i- M | Al :. Di '' B,livedwith ber at d rkonealaFlfty-ava and at BJngtbridee,snd eared for ker. Wkfls other ralatlrm mid friends

wem liberally remembered eui of ike mlirknvdsilniestate, tan nephew and his Battas reserved tan knUtofBas properly bj lim terms of tko will, which waa Bradsin ."¦¦; kline montos prevmus to tko execution ol tkowil Mr* I): ike bed fiih from tbe gani planfcofa

nt into the river, ead it mus dunned \>v lbsoats Mi,it thi« eeeidi nt, token in connection with

.erera I lighter one* and ker advanced ago,Bet only showed tkat ker mlod was impaired, bul thallt waa peculiarly subject. fo tuc undue Influence whichitv. id Lawrence louie' and bis tlstt r

sr. a torc* quantity of ei dence was taken tothew ker fulling memory aad odd doings. Ike propo-nenta laimed thal lie av la end saying* ol the diindie,-.;. e m.il ii.. of rigor in tbs mind or «

eighty yeera old. aad that lae pravtatooa ot thewill ac-.-il. wt tb her trequentlr declared purptti flin.- wii.-u |gerc wat no qncsti »a Skoal tko soandBtssof bi r i. 'nd.

AU8TRU'8 C0BK0PT1NG INFLUENCES.Joseph Kulin on Ma* 15, 1H77, pnrchaaod

of Joseph hf. Kohler a bond af the Austrian CtovernnmBlof tbe loan of March 18, 1800, of tko denomination ofKm Aortas, mid boering laBarest al the rute of 5 perseat pei ananas. Under a tehems dertoed by the Aus¬trian ItoVaranMSYl the holder ot this lund uiuy becomeentitled to it prfcmvnrytng from hOOvOOO galona to500ISlisn. ns it ls di aw.i; or it not drawn theOoTernssant will ut the Bam ol redemadtos pay tuc

balder 190 flortea Koks bronskl aa eettoa to tba Ba¬rer from Knhlara peaattr andee the

pas of the Bertaed Btatnteslotteries snd railing, nnd the gaestton beforev. Br. Loew, bs referee, whs whether thistehems oonatitnted a lottery within IkeBtatotea ile waa of Un- oniuioa tiu.t li did not, beeausatkebolderol tao bond asa In any event toreeelreittpar value and tntoreat andu premiimef 20pwilli.ut recent to the qm »tion whether or not be thewOBS ol tile linger priZ -h.

in. General r. rm. bj decision Justhanded down, over-

mir til i finding mid order a nev trial. Prealdliin*, wbo writea the opinion, myal "Ali it-

thal attend ordinary lotteries arenreaenl in thia tcbeine,and. Indeed, are ennanoed by the rael th it the specula-dre spirit w biol ada mei le invest in lotterie* ialargelyencouraged hy ihe a i*olut* aecurity acim-t any actual

... I* ., mi Incentive to jj.«iubie for a pram toKnow bst ic --t."

CHARGED WITH PERJURY.Henty Li\ ino.-ttm, (,f \',.m -York, wu- arrested

«e elBl motor-r. ii bill, in defanti t io Jail,gad ti ' "8 for the Jurors of ihe

IhlSC imlna. to trial. OnThur* ii McArdis, of Ba 66 Ralph-eve.,

Roman Catholic priest, and iii his nil davitDarned I ('.ree story bri'it b

Bo. lim Marchall si

.. i nothing foi '

As I* the nstom. an Inquiry waa made a* to tlown. and t aa haves

it ¦. perjury ye terday. i. wa*that Nu. l

i iii' it mi>.-, e bad be

[ON OF ham; STOCK.'il. I..'lie ra of - .i of the banka of thia

intoners bunder i s ii s law, al the market raine, have ob-

from Jattiee Doi

ontinentalthem B ittonaL the

lea, thc Bashan in B al Ins ind the

Ne,-. Vi,i. .. ni si Ban Inc Assoc ai. TheI. tm uni e...mi itu.i alter tbe Coi rs bad

ooks on Mi \ l. i hey bad no

i..I tll.lt our

..:'. rf and that ibeen p


Jnstioc Donohoe yesterday granted adiof ab o nts dlrorce to tbe p tint Iff In


'Hie Superior Conrt ten years ago granted a¦lue. .. to Wi liam K.

i hotel prop ri i.i-, in tbs su. ..

.: o'. 0 ih lld' s bl ii .'li -.

n t n .-.- tbe lu Igmi niihe default i..l.i n In tlc caae opened. 1'ke m.. iou was

Thc annual report of District-Attorney¦-r.il, ooYering thc wot I

of I beyesr ended June 10,1880 ital the be¬ginning of tbe jres thei were 8,685 < isi t pending.

month* b« began tba defence of 1,180j.r.-"ii' t'- re are 8,B0fl cioiea pending.

During tbe year he eoilri 1,031 Ol for tbe Gov--lunie. aidch i« lu excess of Uio au.ount

r uar.

CALXBDABS l tia DAY..¦ir/ Special rena.Donohoe, J..Conrt

lo-.Bu a m..Ujraacaar asl. Alu n

DECISION**-.Fri.y 2.Sajtrrat* C*urt.Chamber*.By Jttdcre lawrence.

(ruin agt ' nun. Motion bSlOooata to abidetim .-Mut. Thu people rt ai. uilmore sat. Donohue, .ti.Iii.ino' lidiik thal aaunt aliiuild hegranteit In ito-. .i.e. CuB.gu poi atora amy ot proceeding! denied. Tuc

.. Ketieiiiu:.: Bri o'.lyn F.l.vitnt Rail¬road Com ll -. Slllllll Jgt. Donohue, "d-

liua..tinier h.

Bv J Bun ii.. rm of di*yo. ee emoted io nlamtlftmpeelal Term -in Jong* Van Vorat, Stoddard, Jr..a^r. Key

ann .i .. ii udnii 11 touted.Bj j ndg* Hi-it. ti \ h. oi .n.t. \t alker I tunings settled.

Hy J i M. Tue Har¬lem Un ice .in \ M..ni lan* UailroaJ rom'any agt. Yeller,

. gi d.; i ¦. i. rn .-.-Mi . hvit eta, agt, 0]and

uiu.n. ii i-'ueiiiiKa alswart.Uv jvt'.yr Van .nun. Coleman »gt. Phelps and ether*..

ii. tuadail j-i. CataoBtsr et aiile '.Superior Court.Special Term Judge Freedman..

I'... I...I .¦; ..I Sgt, lum et ll, lu.le,,, i|,.,.led. Au i

timi fur He-tn r ..f aged, etc., female* etc.arl. Murphy cl al..Motlnu damed orUioul coate. LaadaobaitSgt. Muller. Mut. *r»ntea ll-.mit m; BorotC.Jntlg-m. ni ni lin..io- in piaJnUff. faw.r. Uagrmaon avt. Bogamann. Motion denied. llulld*cal. sui. Forartb,.Ol

¦ul i lol exatuinailoa el witn**a before tumi. etc.a. ..^t uranblug etaL.oroai 5 action

Laodaehaftagl Muller. Order *ettuig aatoe ardor nf nun.1ration, bm.Common Flem .Sen [al Term. BvJndceYnn Hocnen.

.Schuman arl 'in li o.t. Hon un tile.Bl lads* I K mr.- Wacbtoi eta. net. 'Hie Noah'.

V.1.1 wu a; .1 111 liliana' llciifvoi.-nl .\ ..ot ia. um..lieu at ai tolin signed.By Judge Van Rrnai Claws a Co. agl Ta* Bank of New-

Yoi k ^.at.unal linn .iii^ Aaaoelalion. -Caae Mtlied and Sled.

Kdigiotio NottccsAlUtoBl'* Chureh. ttl. it* cornel SOtb-at,, .inly 4 .u ll a

m., h.. lin- lil BOBLL v. BBLLOW8 Willpreactt, SflulBOtiortol I ali int* America Newla lo-nay." ful_

Avaoeiarlon Hall, 8fld-Ci, romes 1th are M'.xnAYMDUM M. at leno Hillie Ciaai fur iicKiiuicra iii IhaChrt*-tl.11 Ufa a! n.U'.i'i >.n nt (.Bible otg laeneenaraUy. I V'ENINQmbI OtSO, Young Men'a i'raver andli-rtiuiuio- Meetiaar. Tinuwiav rn.il Bataydoy evenings ai 8

. loni k Men'a Mecilnaa Ilyery .Int (Saturday anded, I'Die11 I'la., r Meetings tuen 4 lo .'i ..'.¦ oct

At »hlcli-ring Hull,(th .11 .., cornet t -.

The Hev. til'i. V. PKNTkil 08T, u.e Kvangt-iul will\ V A rn. It .N'e in

BlnfTlng by Mr. OBO. RrtAKfllCNT aol ttie t'tiorna I'hoh-._Ans- .1 I erj Dody »e rome.

At I 'il ila Avenue ORptlal ('darch. Weat 461 li at.. BBWBtkav.- rb* K*r. THOO, ARMITAUK, it D, Pa*(or, praacbe*fi MiaV MORJEIlRQat ll o'cloeiusad KVUM.NO at 7.4...Snnday-achool, t- 11 r ,. Prayer uiuctlng WliLNEsUAY.7:-4e e. in Stranger* ooroiaU] weieomo.

AtHrolch Fresbyterlan < burch, 14th et. between nth-1' MDIIHIS, li U ni incnimtl

»lil proeb Tu-MOHKOW at 10.30 a. m. .No aJl.ruoonaerrlcc._At Stanton siireet tinptiai t'hurch, Sato t n. ar and

' Msdlaunayc -Th* in-y J, n. <Al.Vh.in' will preachal 11 a. in BaS7iSSp tu Aiiar*lurlt*4.|At Ibe Itroulil)!! Uliit. Iii. Kev. Iir WPh luN ureacheaMOHNLMU iiel i-.Vi-Ms... aubiocU Morning. 'CiUacn-alibi an llirolmenl." Kraal i. lu .,.. p»i -ii a f;po' hev¦ral will then le Unaereeil. temperance M**a i.c t.ug ii'.Iby Mr. < fi.NWAY, ni 3:80 pruuipt. Address br lue 0onORABLKB \n OOOOaan. oubject, -lubuccu a Dattroror."_At TklrM-lourtb istrret llefornicd (ltarr h. weat ol Ht t.-

are..I' < wi Ile cVjrth. i-uiMlucte.i by tbe liarV/H,!-'¦:, -' V,:.no Hl,' "f "«*Day." M ...¦.) Hi Met Di I'l. 1 k. ll 1 ll Y K i.K wal ure* Tl.

Ai Thirty -evetnh Htre..i mcihodlat Caaret,2'1 and USS.I. » nt..-.-, in mr munnin. Praacll¦ti a ai lo p. m. by poa tor, tho Bar, a. ih.aki.

Caaul -irer. 1'r. »t)>icrluo ( luirrb. in lir*ena*i muMi IC KLV KY, Paalcr. ..aubaiu

¦i ia. Hortis** at lOuto a m -n.ie. i .. v..'....' Al. w,-i. .i,,...


( barch ol Hie ( ut. nulli PresbyterUp. l»i,u%.~..-U L) r'a.toi

Oarin cmgrt «mi..n ur Um Bi ellier lu ,,i thea* terrlt ea


ol *L*ghS4>y ii.e.d,,,! . I S «th lu i.


(ku.iii ol Hie lin arnaiion. MadUam ara ti« *0ta* UltiueScK'cili

Bcligijin iXct'.co.C ".ureh ni Our

'.Tn al 1ON.0I Bridgeport. * III j .1.. ....i


Church ol I he Mi-i*i wiraer H4tli . snit'..,.ttliOit.Nf, of Xi -.nort. B

( burch ul I lie -irnoarr", Mercer al i" llin Mn i: >rning,

.. evi nun: i .1 '.nfInn."All tin" teal fretCity .HU-.m.. i'ttl 'li fl ir n. Fl

Prc I. tiing ererj BABBA ll fill o'elosk, luHip foll 'WingDI til' II.M'l.i Ko ii »t.,

I li. IOALVABY ciiait.l Ho. ina Wort*

Tba lev. fi ai.ll in r -piing Plum.' f, Paster.LBBABOB CHAPEL, N'o 7uro'nra1

lin Ri v .uv. - Manbali, PastorOLIVBT CM A PK I* Bo. HS

Tb* Rt ... A r Bt asafffa: PeatesCARMKLCHAPEL, N". 1

.I ..... .... ju ..I,...- tj,for.

_I.I-.'.VIS I.. JAf'KS'i.N. Cori. .-pond.uk -.. ret irv.

Callegiar* Itetormed batch L'harch e-nln-o,Ith-st.. fear Broadway. ff! ii p.

,i wUl prsaeh un hahuaTi'T. uh inst.s. m. anil 1 p. m.

(ollcglnle ttefnrnied Putt lt (here.st 'the H J M.Jf KMmltK. li. I», will pren li on N»b-

11 mt il ni. an 7 I p. ie._

Caaaev I nlon. BVEBY UUtfOAY tiIOB V, al 7 c. Mr.8AWYKH will conduct tiospel torrieea. Mr, HM:will lead Ibo Blueing. Ira li Hankey ailljot* Mr. -.-.

Dr. Newmaai will preach In < e-.trai M. E. Church,ind .til.-!.. «n SCBDAY at 1040am. aa "The i.

' mi n '. *n*h ii "_Filth Avenn* Prrahyterlan Church, comer SBlh ll

Hiv. Dr. HAM, l'a-t ni' Her. Principal CAI R>S, olEdinburgh, U expected too. copy thu pulpit sunday, July 4.Service* m i a m. aad i n. m.Hrs! Haptlat (burch BOT. Park-are. nm' 30tb-at. -Preach-

lin. ul 1 a. ni and 7.1". p. in by the PMtOT, th>- l'.ev. JilIlNPK Hld e.. Ii. I).


"First l'rr*h>ferinn Church.Ri ¦. W .t M, F I XTON. I>. I).101SO

i. mid 1 p. m. Btra _____

1'irat Beftrated Kp1*eo|in! Church.. | on tra end

Itov i Bl n r. ni CTOR,BKKVICI nu a. B AND 7 IS P. M.

Beat* always free in the evening._lit.- Point* Horne ol Industry. No, »« Worth IL, WW

(ABD, Mn.. ren'i m-m a e nf songnu Hnnday ai 3: tu o'clock. Pnhlle Ini I with .

larg* obum organ, DoaaHon* si thess and second handClotbin* ____

iioapei Teat, althat., between 7th a-aa_I ci rO-MORKOW, '"'J. m. and every weekevening af * «'.m.nd l.y Mr. ALRXAftDBB MAH

I, Al.rda ni.- invited._~f'nde|K>ndei t Catholic Church. Madiaon-BTa, corner

2i.th.st "l terries, Blsboj Mi va.

MAKA pi h. rfternoen,8. latherO'CONNOR pia. ot. on Je*ultt and Ropnhl'c*," Brea

0," Imleoendenee Day Kerman byn New York der-syman, rrandaon ol a "I rather.'' ITruin»to

,m directed by Prof. Alex. StoUaa. Brarybodywelcome. ________

"Lexington Avenue M. !%. Church, r tb* Ber.II H. B1KKIMM, toi m., Hermon appniprl.,,., toll Foi ;. 3 "' -¦ Kail '"..'I. 7 1. p. m.. MT-mon, followed by Sa. ai... nt. beat* tree and all weieome.

MbSBMNI Avenue linpltat I hurcH. omer ol 8l*t-*t..I- \ r. .. C. WW. Hill DOM \ V I). H.

I ".bb Boes.1 .ii a. '". "¦¦! a-uvito oj


,1lHdi-on Avenne Itelonned Clmrcli, corner B'.'tb-st,.thc Roi iRl A. UKi.u. Pliam. Evening*emeedl*continned during July timi au-

l _ _

tteAuley Water Ntreel Ila* I Water *rreet

i.s.: il ind evt ty siu'.' at¦/: tn ,.-, ... g. Tal to Franklli

fMt mer In I Presbyterian I li 'h, " ind Sad-

st.. iii" Rev. -. if "W n-">\, n f>....- nt ii .,,;,.i -.. Pi

:¦" t _

Mn Bag [ta Van foti -'¦ '» 'ot M. E. Cha viMiui.

ea commet

.Minmy HIM r


.; 7ilJ p. :i' J. s.


>. iv .lem-..Lin I burch.<¦'. s.

. i: .. in .to i Text,

M o." n » Joarned until K._

Ni i -York Port o ,. i..¦¦ Hiv.

D. * a. m. and ~a:> p. 11.


riortb llclrh (ii n-.'.l mt -at.\ ,i.\ ll um. tn

charm-.(.KlDAY Rf IIB* i^

7AS p. m. In

North I'll -ill'dO ll Ch..

Ula Jahn Streel Clotho rial Church



Religion* Servi c W \ ttl.h ld at Mai airt. Tho singing will

... 1'.


H rveateeata -lee.i .tl. 1

seventh PtaakylarfafCBwrcb¦A...

st. Pan!'* Methot il ' harefc,lt M'.-.i.i;.' « ll pren h

13. _

I'l.'.rrn- i-|p BbbSIs* Cb lr '.

.. .. iii-i i., i-.

Moi Bil g,. RE IOML' - Ll i" f.rv.-

/.¦ RAIKE*'". ci. Nil v IAL -I -Vi *

¦omi Inter, tl mr idtlr-un lin - 'I - ¦¦: I

All ure OordlInga v. .nil.. :.i ..

The Kev. A H. Simpsoni".i-:.\ i ii i'ri I.. PRE .:l^ .

c.iri sod 7: t ... TO-MORP.t a '¦' ;n¦1. p. ra.

Tbe Kev .Tibn < it Int-.. I) llPi r*byt«i ian 11..-...... !'liam, itb li ct. In the Collegial Church,

r HOth st., st 7 -i

Wnahlnglon Ht.unre V. C. < bur-ii, '

-Pieaehiug Ly me Pastor, the liar, v r. ni,liioat Calamities »ml iv li ... Provi

Evi nlng- "I I. 1,1 aad Ito ir Ivlenee." v :. i aelooB ..

\VeMtmin"»er Preakytertaa Cburekcorner Clinton-aU and >'lrat-|.,11 ooklyn. the Her. JAMKeJM. i.i iH."W, l>. n. i- tn. ins 7:30 p,m. Saaday-a ihool al no p. m.

pr0P03rtl5.t'MTt 0STATES I'.N' im:i .: i 11. >

Army Rnlldlng, New Yoik. Jiu 'S -so, tIMPROVEMENT UF THE IIAKBUK AT

I lt.xii. I.-T>v, .- C.shaikh PROPOSAL*, In duplicate addteeas'l t/itiieun

demgned, wi Us receiv >i at thia atti' ¦. am .1 lil o'i lo, k. i.a.on Mondar, the 19th dar of Joly, 1880. al which tnaie sadlu. e lo.>¦ v. ill l>e oneil'o in 11.o presence ef null.', i^r ur

uiahingand placing on Ute Vortn Jetty tn ('harli ton Harbor,tu. hiv Hm i* uni ,. o.t. o u ... yartla ol ri|i-rap alone.sneelue.it aunt, mcintctioiia to iii.ll.i-. ind blank* tor pro

""kala BtSy la- olea:iie<t al tld. ollie.., or fr.'nt t'ania ii J. c.

Poat,' orpa ot :- ngineer*, Cbarleaton, 8. t ., on applicaUon nyling Milder-.ij A. OILLMORE, I leii'.ii." ' Colonel 0f Rv*


Ci i.i rctob'b omi a, Joly '-'. issn. {BEALFITI PROPOSALS will tie rceeivcd at lida oUlee until

I'J o'clock noon, ot riaturday, July lo, ixho, tor luini.tiu.acoal tor tba uai ot revecne veaael* at tal* port for the ilsc»i\ ci ii'.mg June .in, IH.-I1. Satdooattob* au'lirncii..ifitiiiinoiis, a.. umj ie required, "f le-st ii milty free ftom immu tflea, imd unlturni in character lo weir* S.Ctn poonda toHie ton. too* deliver** ..n.-r kal latia axsorare lo tiieweaiiier oa board raaoai* at sueb iiiium and ra snob qiuntltl'sbsmarke reeaired, st apoclfled tocatlona rei^itv aeceastbielor rovenu- aicain.i-rs, and to be subject to -.neureum) as to¦l'ii.inc and wtlght, Bidden will apecifjr tie kind or kind.el teal to tie f ui iii»1ii d. iii,, location Bl the mine or m.rita fromwini li taken. Hint lu genetBi ton m lue wanner iu wldob then. i* to be ruo. aied i for inatanoe, w hellier from »tocs onhaml at s *y*elu«d locality, by regular e*auaal wnh mimngor tralisin tallou r.>nii.aiiic<., ki tn pur. luise when requirod,I nc relativo value of the diSBKBI kind* Ot coal offere.1. au.',ttn. fm uni'» ol Un-ImUirra will he conaliierotl m ooouacliouwlib the priceTho right 1» reserved ro rejrrl any or all bill*, and lo walv<>

defoot*, if u, i,r r.T u.r hstareet ol tim noven-mcni so to do.anil ttic siiercKMlul luddvi will U> icinlr.^1 to .'liter into a con¬tract wlUi loanoUMlble aeciuliy. K A ill-.URriT.^_^_____

t n.leeter.


M rr., convs.u (in: k\. >Mw Y©kg citt. July I, UBS, S

si Air: PROPOSALS, lu udplTeato, inujaal to thenniial eoBdlnona will be received at Ibis office until 1 o'clockti in ,tn naiu-.day. July ill. lbKO, at aUioa limo and placethey will tie opened ia thc presence "f bMilora, fur tiiriilahliigau d. livering al ud. Depot, tho tol.o.vUig iiaanJ VtierlcaryInalrumeulc, .u , rUillfiv hail forceps: po bone saws, small; ISOeatastsrs gum

witn atytotj lou eorkacrowsi fr1T nissinling osaesi lui)ilreiichliig horn*, lia M tiling Iron*, point Al) liung lMnalin.-i Ino lunuela. rubier; 100 funnel*, tin; Meela footli-'runeiii*; lim gudti un glac-ie*. alua., .¦ oj; l'Hlgru.lu¬au, glasse*, glans, niiu'm B bobbi**, c.i<ilugs bulinnea, i.il aeU iueaau.es, Un, 60 uiotlar* and peatieswailcawood wara, lochj to mortars and peoile*, trsditawiaM waie rt wahi I.hiHJ nee.li"*, Burgeon'* t SOO BMdtea. for alt* aasarasi too tSil-ttla*i au toctot int. Co_pleur SO | -.lui. u t lil ca-.-;.",, probaoal rellu.ild'- 60bhyeUnau'eeaddla boga; rv -eau-- and walgkta, oie«cui>t'u.u

1 weight! ihep to ic!caora ''uiicd .so hcimou,'siralnht; bo Sllnga. fii-i^mllnif 1 mi apatulna, 6-lnch loo.palma*. K mehi til) speculum*, mouth; 100 ivrtngea, l.ii.u.Wi.uic, 100 ayrnuea, rafceeSj S o*IOU lyrmftB. rubber, H ..»., inn a, iicgoa. .nihlier, -i"l., fin lliiinuiiu.'ter*. cllii|e*l Bo lOoth CiiUol* ',o

n ci*, lara* f.o u>otn loroaea Kilian ft., room run,BO tracheotomy anica, self reiauiiiui 60 irephinr.% mi urn'om.-t«.r» IOU paekaKeapapei. SltMUg, round. 10 Huh 'jon

paper, lituiaa, ISO each hue ned rad BOO oeaeaaMilk llsaiuie ai i-tiplea of the " tarmera Vet.-r.nsrr Adviaer " ».v rroiaaaor Liw, and ..y oopia* I'nanuacv " bvl't..'f«»<.i I-hitidIi. ¦" T

Blade. willaiatethe-urlca ., n in fmnun each.u we«BUley wld uwirenre iud when c.uno etc tl,«af tho article* ou which ther hid. The inetruuienr.

¦di.i.-.i must tx 1 ke.ni.il,, ,;. ,., Bi| reaneols to [hapealed tandtrS Minpl**at tbi*depot which binder, wi 1 «; to examine.


Piopo-iaia lor.|tiau, ... .

rtwiyci. The righi fat raaam i any or al bida Piifa ll he given loaitlcUaoItl lueatlopiotl uUoii . ...

tiousi f I ie e au Iu'. ,0i|ii. iouui

lilauk i.ro\«..ai» un., an, eil., fmeramttOB lint our h. desired, ul he fu. .(.,'. ,1 . ipnticatlon to im Jftl"... y

PfBBiuiaBtahoald in. iuii..r»cn ¦¦ k'ropoaaiafoi Vetartnarv li.ni.umcoia, A. ," gad aUdraaoed to tua uuderaigued

Kai i'.' s, i ui,.i,.i a .

Aaat Ouarict mailer lian I. l-*.ui yiianri« ,aier

Board ano iioomo.Easl Side.

RMS .¦¦>> tl illunar HUI; hemmer pr>ca*. a. all* il I ltOlaf

*>l EAST 22U-8T..Rooms th rsl.wi v thotii board, tera ail ia.-aMummel ;._.>/_ east L'«f'ni->r..0 i-».»iB.yt I with every coi (altbont hnard; alan rooma for g nth

_.>_ east i"r;i-si., niie ii.ii.i ti .-ii r.rTTI«M iii'-mi are r* let, anicely I .*rgk

lu a atnall prirai* family; 1 awd.

Wes; Side..) I WEST 27TH-ST., KCOBsi ttaajM eronlAWX of Broadway, north I 4sr cn suite, atoo opaelonieooi room*on e.. t. l«>ri*ll i:.o*>ni..ni men.cs .le fm

aJaXlJ-ST., 3¦! WE' T. - VA' l-fnn |iwJyw/ room* to let v. h Lui tenim very n.

lien I ll ¦'¦

?>7 WEST 31MT-ST. . I>nrsr*i snd - T» J I rs i'ii- bot sad ta mimer


*>V WEST I:'III-ST..II indi I. .' J rooms with beard; lijiaabtsetterm* mi -,:-

$f_ to |7 PEK WEEK linaTli in I I milT. I rasaia WttS '"-nid iia\«t"r.ts. SI ncr civ, rabi*

board. SS »l("i> lr "iloee,il.auk .'CK M 'f I. 12 ¦ i; ii ni c. ie- neal B

Coiub Wonttf),GENTLEMAN wi Jn¦- board In private .'. r-

lean fal t tot tr and neal - Vtil,-*, r.: -¦-. alth ail perth nasaAdelphi Ir vi- U_fi__ .__

(Rccaii Dteamfra.a MERIGAN LINE.J\ ron ui i-.i- htown am> liverpool.Only Ti Mn* andi the -MLRICaN ''AH,

catt lngevery Wednesday friLtirasaninge on a :. .¦wa.

ukiii.-n ( non . Joly ¦>, *

BED BTAR i.IXK-i'OU ANTWEfiP.Pilling ever; teniatcly fr.eu Philadelphia aa*_

f.u cork, tor Antwerp, landina aithm a leayboora rid* of' ¦. .a-

tlliellt. ....

M IH.KI.A.NH Kat Ju.j ll. 1 p. m.\ a ni ii i.a.n n ^-ii. July IO, :

porrtl -.' and other ui'oruiaiion aiPE, -'¦¦.'-.

B07 Wain i' ' j.|"i. 1' llr...d»-«_\ nuki:: f.ine c. s. mah. steamers.

_rV NkW-YORE AMD OLASOOW.Fiom Pier >.. '.'". .n 'r*-

Tleiona Juli », .: I". BL KtJ .P IB,

m. ti Ireaaal*.J ¦¦.¦ -i. *. ta,

Cabins,*''-i - ¦. t nralou tlekeu. -

M-.'. ;;¦. ¦:. iii l.nN DOKr ni Pfan Ka I" -N. rtli Hlv^r foot ot

Aastra la .......Jtiir it, Vp. m. i'' r ¦.clea B

Cabiua, let*rani

rjENERAI. TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY,\J UKU'M N NKW-YORK ABD HA'Pier of Company tn wi .v.. 13 North

lin line avoid born ti v. , :n-ll

boat..-liv.Wa«B*edar. J


Lol I- l'l-

/ ruioN line!\I I'M ll-..'

i OK Wi ' N»TOWN A Mi l-l'.

.'I I.-I'A\.TCI

i .. ,\ vj \, .'sa

a .".'.'.'.ri ;-i'\Y. aug op. ni.

WYOMI?a wa-crtiL't.


li ir hatti id'.iarv.

ii. I. .-'. rn,, r. 'I

ca is rv*1. o. 'l\ IKR-KM»-


imp: m'.ii,. ¦': .."I American 'L'rB,'

i HKHBOI ii and HAMBUHUV. -I 1 ii.vi.ii.. Ju i - IIIHI'' *. J ly llULLLKKT.Ju', lin IMIHI I. Jinv 29

I'lcmoutti. H na-

riialt*l .1 1 v i i ..>

Cabin, l Cabin. 4 u reuofCB "

kV Ml-'. *'1 bioaiaay, N. ..

t.. nerat .1


.1:111 3 Hil US...'


FIBS! i.A.Jl"-'.......

Mt^iafie Ut ketS - »....ll.


i.i .. take l.. i' .\at"i in* var.

i i Or* Bill -iii.-! .I UL'USDAk. Joly ". .1 p. a.-a t i i .'A"i. lu.t 17. ! n ra

.'.-..)> ll: KA I.... l.HK-nAV. J .. j i.. ta.ll.Mo.NL...... -.lo. av

LIVY ( I" ltl»AY Aug. 7, | p. aCJ ¦-.il Hil .7. ..'. U or. «r.


nrf nd hath rooms amid j.

!* Y.

\J otional Line..From (new) Pier 39, Nutihtt,j-s-puR VICKI N'STOWN ANii 1.1\. UPOOL....I

..li .-a:..I ii v ,t. j p. ti. , i*-""nu i.iiMinN' VictoriaDoekai.-J

i \ .. I H v. \> j.,,. ; , ,, ,., HOLLA N n.-(al.lii. ,* ei lu Jiu. eurre-'v nu |nld atoer*/. I

Iii in* ifflei i, >..« tilamt 73 Broadway. K ss I. Ml imiI M nager,

V i:\V-V iK'lv ANO HAVANA DIRECr >i Mt^.1 LIM

n tiiLirly j". « :>¦ tu -¦ >ni'i. i- '¦¦ i on., k \. i. li follow*!ISAM IAt.U )>. it BA. ( ipt root* ..Thuxadai I,

fio "A li.i ia.m P. i i.viii-. A Cu., .\o. oj Broadway.

in li avail*.

PACIFIC MAU. STEAMSHIP COMTaNY*J t-atllnr from Pier foot il' C*nal-»t.. North Klvec

e ls iii Ul lie ol r*i>*u.a.-...i Kn r cl I'Y. S.if-rdsr. 1 r IS. lConni etbig fi-rivi.tn, bbb South Al er-.a ind U J

uly.Brain .-an FT*Brisco to Jupan ami Chins-

,"obi fan Francisco to Honolnlu, n. . :'. ¦> inl .ut lit

hi. n ILfl.B ititi itir iii.iiif.ali'.y on ainvai of Uei.n.i. uisil« it \Paaaengera lui wanted to isaN FHA St I

Il ..A.NI '¦-. JAPAN, rn j VA s w/KAI. A Ni). Al -I UV1 .* ': J \ '¦' UlLAX, i'L.N i ,.AL AMI-HI- AN aol

Mt V" AN i¦.lo; freight, paaaags and n-n. ial liif>.rrnatlon. avii.y M

Companr'a l u.> ., on Pi i io it ot Laaal-ot. Xor th tlH. J. li li v^


ROTTERDAM I.INC.¦'¦. lier, adL Pat- ii ls Berry. 'r.

HOI lt I IA -i . \s,.,i,.-I Ullll'Alll. li,, i,UW.A.SCI »J_Ji>..V. i . d

lat Cabin. *'ii-s7o. ad cabin, ats tao. Rt. r*«e, %Xk...-v l(.S A/Al r*. OeBeral Aateot. 27 un siKl N i ll, r.l>\ I. .t .1. tl South u llliaiu -t., resaul AtBkU W. li11KIM-, on Broadway, Orueral l'o*eace a

VinilTE STAB LINK.TT L.14ITKD elATRS \ NI) itOi'Af. .MAILS I'LA il-III,.,,.,, 1"'»K gt KiKN.-l )\V\ AND LIVKIlT nil.'N",l|i Iheatearueraof tb'a Lin* l* .- li-iitf

r«" tinner,!. ,i by i., nt Maur. U- * ^-. un bom the eat* traana bomcwaul royaseai l-.i.i ii .,.,,. ,.i,.Mtnrdi v. J dj ii, lp aiV " lA.NXif, emf Perry .Sataraay.Juty io, 7a.ahA iKIA lu ,c.»;.i. J.-uiiiuga.Thur..lav, Juli 1".. 1 a. iaI.LIIMAN|, can? Kennedy . : eal

riJOM TUB WUITK ^.TAR LOCK, KOUT OB Wt ,t1U I ll sI.1 hvaeaieauiets ,,re iiinfeirn lu sine so'. SBaaraeaBBS IB a*.

I oliilnieiitc lin- -.i mill Slat.-oom* BUiOklng au' rlaoat* ara placed aiaidahlpa * tere the nolan au! ne ..r*¦..Matf.dt, aSOMlnga degree of comfort bliiiarui aaatUiaaMSai aaa

lt a I K-t.-^iioo", SJ<0 and S100. Steerage, int. k. . ir*tn kota on favorab e torma'lh.se at".-Mi I-. .in 'ie-e.iril«, ahc-p nor pl*.lor iii-i" tuon of maintain! other miuruuiiou aaoiy ai tbs

Companys naves, No 17 Braattway, New York, "c s j ulWalaul »L. Tu..ad. u ,..u H. LcOKllii, A^cut.

Cnvouruii AOurrtisemcmo.I lEBIG C'Ml'ANVS i:\ika( rAJ OK MKAT. FI\l>r ANT OHKAPReyT bfP.Af


IlLltli; CO M PAN Y's* KXTKICTOX MK AT. ¦' 1' a sure, a* au.i a boon forwMc' ninia*

.lit,uld fool Bialaini. -,-e,. '¦Me.tuai l'i»v», "LagsSSS." " Ut illili Ut-iUcal Jonrnar" Aa

CAUTIOS loi.'iiio ».th th* f*« sim!!* nt Barv*Liebig a nlgnaluio lu blue ink acivai Isa

.i oiiiiiu pliju lu Lngiai-il InorcAseJ i*..i od m teayean"

l.H lilt. COMPANfaj EXTRACTL'K Ml ai io be bud of all tiorc ke-pcr»,i,ri>i'ers. »nleaamUta Hole »genta tor tb* Ciil'e.' slate. iWliiie1B»b».,iilyi. c. LiAYlL A CO.. aa Uart ian*, Loud.*nSflBOd

Sold wbo|e»»ie hy Park A Tilford, Suilta ,r V-.u1eib.*f_Aekfl Mfiraii Jt fonoll, *lrKe»aou*Biibolllt. it. K. A f.B. Tburtier A Ca and J. Miluaiu a* ». ,...... ,. ... a,,,-* m. ¦».. ...... UK COU*.



Cured by the Cigarettes EsplO>BH_Y0KK

rAirOXRA .t t-n. 80 North William »t.I.OMION iOZKAO, tv llanuatael.

PAUL'S 1-8 HueSaJiit-_»*are-MOl.ll AT ALL CIlLlliST^_ProdjBct** aapeciai ivuulug pro <ei

SB- \]} .u Cl-o. olau devolved ol lia o\tCHOCOT.ATT" r1,',,ll,M8»S'0aiil»alaiillallty. et ix at ea*.iiulo^a.x, ia_LwB*a nia-trt. ot tba conal»t.-u,e^_>._.-»,,. cofff* AB nt'sraonn tlwol.t* I »i-|Tk»tib_JNui.. pat ke: la laballea I am Km kt*I'h A lam

.M ll. i..o i»Uiti- t lirtnlata, Iaui.1 mi


(Toijiintur9:jiy Xotuco.BlSklHo Ht'lIK OS I.BOXAHD. IICWSLI. A IO. J

\IR. JOSEPH s. DEOam oTOTato lf_lM "l ^"""'«'l l uiifi A Co be. omeau parlor In tSB



MURDEH ix GHASTLY roi;M<.¦akim, rai iio> tn uiu -iiiuKR (attonai-

Tiir. I'lirAinn. ITOaTf .UMrs oYonnok w.\^



Mn. .lames O'Connor, tlie wife of I wt irk-ligiiiai) iii Jersey City, l.illotl her tlirrt> Littlebgji \. tinl,iv itiornm^r, bf nit I i.i j; tlicirbloats with, ii razor, sin-Las been ill ro*

toutlv ami it is holuvttl that ibo i\.ts insanewhen n!ie conimilttd Ibo aVood. A iorincrnumil Louis Sflimiilf, of Amity v;l!f, L, I.,praa shot :uid killed t>n Wodseadaj evening.His luuly \\."< thrown Into a will and Iii.-lou- pru (ben set on Cue No etowto tlietvimiiuil.N iia» been obtained.

AX IN8ARI MOTHER'S TERRIBLE ACT.:i"lIINi. li:' 1 llttoa is Ol fini UTTUI nuYS-

A I'Aiiih SWAEaUIEB BY lilt' t.ln>A>- Of WI

DYIRO lilli.I>.lOMMMllNl. lill'. N0THEB ror-iu- >N.

Tares cbiMrsn wars killed ia Jersey City yestsrkay terning 1>.'.' th"tr mut!.' r, Mrs. Mary (?'.

who la the wife ol Jeans* O'Connor, n poor Isboreilivin. .' an old wooden teaemeat-honsc nt Xt>. 49Watti si . Jen j City Heights. The srnsnan is

tiii n ira of aaa. and Um tnoUii of liveetui' <.-. BbM has been iii furBbonths with malarial feYar.sndin ber dca)aaeaad . ally tiiaaeassii u dsairs to and berMitt'- in' by ii lng lur own lilaAi ll a. tn. '..st.itlay Hr. O'Connor, who was

¦leaping mi a mattresa tri tbe rl"or, wBsswakenedby an rrotaoueoi hla.ehildren to the adjoiningroom. II.- sprung aa, ead aa li" entered tba room

whence the cry cami his foot blipped on

s wal spilt. Ho lighted a. match sada dreadful Bight presented lamil. Davidami \ rands wars Lying ea Cn- bed with 111*¦ ir

throat! 'it from ear to ear. Near tbs door wa.-, tho

yonngi -t 'i ry, a baby, with a gaping wound in tbaBerk i iio blood from his throat hail ru¬

the floor, .uiil oansed ttio father t<> slip when ho en-

terod tin' room. In tun' ci.rnerthe wife was erooeh-ing v nli a rai r. dripping with Mood, ia ber hand.O'Connor ran out into tbe street shooting, " Mar-

dtr! Police I For God's sake giYe roe help."1' iiiuia: in Hanns, of Hie Fonrtb Polic Precinct.

board bia erica and hastened tn tba hones. Borne oftho neigh ors also were aa abetted by the Boise, ami

Ihe rooina "i tot1' nnfoftanate family srerc

Biked with a crowd ol people. TheeAoar t. ok Mrs.O' ii istody and seat messengera to anaa-

nsont iptaln MeKaig and Coroner Bnemflor. Mrs.O'connel and sat

bm k ir.ii forth on tbe ll>or. Toti v.! tell lay thebodh two boya wat

r.it'-i! willi blood, which slowly dropped te tbeDoor beneath. Patrolman Hanna took Mrs.o< ooooi io tho p .Iii' the Kui-th l'ie-oiin t. Captain llcKaig nm le na examinthe rot .'ind tiirinturo. Under the

theli| t lira. < 'minor

ami lie baby be I and abodoll blade.

throi j Cit] Iland hon n laof pcrsoni uh..ut

tho ho.-i, w li rh was guarded hy special pol< A reporter ol 'im; i iwed toenter thc apartments ocenpie 1 by Ot o

lam .. [hey are ia the rear, on th I floor ofthe boase. Tbs two i ! carpetsand contained hm little furniture. In the frontrot.in th- |lu -''!.. in littln ri ii:.. i eat*badi ¦!. anil the fae t were pale, hutshowed no inarki thc wails and t

lin- . i li I'l'io.-l.footati ps could be tn oar.

Tl IK r Ht I''. '¦TOKY.

Tin father of the murdered children ares a

np ami down in the roar Mia. He mail.' flo t ¦[h.v. io | ttatemeal :" 1 was awakened carly th! morning hy t sort of

pena, and acm latotbe backroom andstraekslight, 1 >w toy wife in tbe corner with s¦asor ia her) ad, and on tbe flosr was tbe body oftho bel v hint: in tu large po >! of blood. Onthe bail I Ilia life] i of two ol ¦¦ r ehil-dren stitt in death. I ran ont and calli'.i for help

'itu- I ', '.n ho :, wi I liram,"i .... auy n ison wi j t ly a(.tm.! i' ¦:. ¦!, a i. i ibis a.- .'. Wt bareh.-"n married twelve n Bbs ba

sick ind malarial (ever,Hiift yesterday complained d! feeling wotan, wiit-n1 Brat irered Ute bodieaof my P"-r children Itboi -; iui. in to h.1.1 r

faiov.f Mr. 0 that bia wife

bad ijii'tu. il. .: with him on Thursday night, hmwin; red anger be stopped talking to ber.

bxamimattoe t'F una, r/oosmon.C -> Phyaieian Cont . rea i tbs p lim

etati"'i ..t balf-past 7 oVlocl, yesterdaymorning andleann 0 nnor Iring on a lounge in tho pn-vat' office of Captain MeKaig. She ia of mediumheight, bal much smaciati l. lier face was p^Je.li it -lie exhibited eoaaiderahle self aosscsiooB. Herbands were eororad with blood, ami hararness waa alao apattered erith lt. To the questionsof tho Connty toyatsiaa abs eave, aaswora withBSneh difficulty. When a^kfd where her ebildranwere -he s-ul:

" i I; I killel them with f!" rri7'>r.

Pt-opie a-. .1 to ca!! them little devils, but dow laeybaw gone to ll-avon."Hu- also "-'ml that her baby had hcon sick

and -lo- h.ul no ninney with windito get it medicine und tum?. Tbs woraaav..i- all wt ! !<> weeb bet beads, and waa tlien takenlaaeoaeh tu Police H«adtninitersandarraifrri»ol be-fore Jnatiee iVl.-ulmt, in thu First District I'aJaceConn. Bbs towered wheu lett into the coiiitV-room.ami waa s!i'ii>iirt,-d liv f\-stiert CoruiiiissionerWbefiban ami Cntrn k \V!ie!ihan. ht»r two brothers.In asMwer le tbe iisiiai gnastteae abs itavc her nsassand place ol reaideaee." iou are aoeuasd "f killing vour three children,"

enid tin Jnatiee, after telling lim O'Connor thalelie c.uil'l i' fnsa io answer any questions whicnwould t- ad lo criminate aernelf.

" sea 1 kilietl the'ii," she laswfred qnietl.v. look-in m at into tbe lacs of tho Jasttos; "three ofthem. I guilty.*"Where waa your liTis*t.in<i V" Ile sud lu*children wt re asleep.".* What did you kill tbesa fort Were they not

good el.ito.vi, ?"" I mv wore vary ?"t>d clnidr^n. I do not know

what 1 tilled them for. I uunicdto send them v.)

Heaven."lonaswet toother fiiies'mas Mrs. O'Connor said

slit, bad BOt hoon very well. "I was pretty weilout nt Bil h fl aDiiiotiine*.' she continued, "andari not aile to take care of the children | but ionly thotu lil of killum them Just at the time I didit. I first Killed tbs baby. It Bundano neus. Then1 killel iii', a aoad Sdtfest ami he made no rn.lac.

Tba ablest one made a noise and my husband comeinto thc r. .in, and then run llilBBBlallB

lhi- wssaaa atlded that sh* liad placed thebuti iiei Kin'c auder tbe mattreaa of ber ned. Shointended to >ill her children with it, but lt was notsharp enoiiirli. so slje f.»ok the rasor. "If the razor

bad railed 1 wot.ld bars uted ttie knife," she re

Bsayrksd.At the conclusion of the examination Ju-tice

Seloobei committed Mrs. O'Connor to the Countyail to swart tue action of the next Oratnl Jury.

Srbe dispiayt 1 n ' emotion whatever during thetJaaealie waa In de court-room, anti gara her answers Ina distinct hm languid tone.

lier neighbors rssjarded ilr* O'Connor a mostsftcci innate and ronaiueralo mother. It is believedby all thatabe was insane.John ami i'atriik. the two remaining ohll-

flrt*ii, wcio tak«n to the house of their uncle, Johnffbeliban, at Ii'igen-ave. and Cliurrh-at., JerseyCitr Hergnte. Jobn stated thal lie heard hts luther'sscream* ami saw bl* mother walking np and downthe room in a frantic manner. He wa* frightened,liol i.-I -i bal what was thc mutter.*'" lhere killed rear thru- brother* baosnae the

neitiliboi'o called tneru lillie devils; and 1 sn aol|ol ii if to have them called little devil* any nu,'aaa the anea er.(lofOSM r i'arslow will hold au inquest an 1

»\ I tiing. _


Al BBaTaTYVtlJUt, l. L.ITIS USB UKI > am. nig¦ovsa »Ln.Nki>.

htmit. .Schmidt, a U--r:ii ta fanner, who livotl Blanesn a farm owitm .1 ics Martin, of Brooklyn.Dear Aunt > . Ute, L 1-. ¦ aa ihot and killsd Woduc*-

flay ev.o.'ig. lim body w.ts then thrown iain S

wed. whew it was i".ni i us Thnrsday by .'i tii. ji. Capon. Bonta i. ; Bohntidl earns t"

*_,,,.,, u ..I .'rn b timewu¦,., .. snd with a

n ., le, N. J iili[.trw, working it on
