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New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1886-12-27 [p 8]....occurred lor whch Casi a *a* mod. Mr. CioKer...

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PHASFaS OF CITY POLITICS. DEMOC.RATIC PRIMARIES AT HAND. VABMANI FACTIO-AI. FIGH TS PATCHED UF.COB" TBSTB BXFBCTKD IN THK COI'NTY DBBOCRACY. The Tammany D-Mnocracy will hokl Ite prlmarlen tn __S carious Assembly Districts W-morrow evening. It was expected tbat tfaere would be several lively conti-*.*, but H la iiuileist.sKl uow thal the troubles Bave naen patched up. In the lat Dia¬ triet little Juetloe Dully managed to loee hi* r-indi- detc for Alderman at the lost election by what moat per¬ sona thought to be extremely poor polltica. aad thei-e waa talk that tbe diatriet mi*, ut be takeu from bim. " The natter waa settled at the meetiu- wheu Inspectors of .lection were chosen," aaid a Tammany leader. " The Judge was allowed to name thc inspectors of election. "»__ know whal that moana. The opposition would not SBBSe a Unlit with thc luspectors against tfteui." Tuen* will be a chango lu the XXlVth District Aa has already boen announce-, tne i-pre-ciitatiou hereafter will be from the Twenty-third and Twenty -fourth Wards, as such, in the same manner as in the Bepublleuu aud (Vimy Democracy SSBBStMBlsaa The exce-diugly poor Showing iu.i.lc by the Tammany orirani-.uti.iii at tbe laat election bas had a good Isal to do with this change. Colonel E. T. Wood, instead of bo uk Ibe leader or the XXI Vth District will only have the leatersbtp ol the Twenty fourth Ward, aud this may possibly be SSfllBSBSSl .u licorice ll. Forster. The new General Couiiultt-c will meet in TaiuniHuy Hall on the evcuiug of January 14 lor organ Uailou. Tue County Democracy primaries will be held on Wed- Beetlay evening In each of the 812 election distil, ls of the tlty. Ko other politieiU orgauuatiou attempt* thia. Tuiiimaiiy aud the Kepubllcaus bold prliuaricH by Aaaembly Districts. It looka now aa though there would be sharp coutesle In the election district* of the Vth, Vlllth aud XV ll. Hi ?sMiaioi. Diatiicia, sud possibly In aome others. The op.Hiueuteo. Hr. Philip E. : *oiillu lu the Vth Dlstiiet are ©ager to try lOuclusious wii.i nun. lu the Vllltu Dis- trioi ex Aaseuibiymau Uuiiic. Paliersou aud his tiieud* gm cou*, lou* Ual they ba e a autirp struggle t-ctoie Uieiu. me iiisinei is a p_cu.__r oue ror the teat Bide. beni-.' heavily uepubiicau, an i'm telson has had a hurl tluie lu keep lils cu...millee il un tit st i llug him at each Sh tuuu. lie la going to tey to gel oue uow that shall he .'iron-clad." _. 'ibe XVUIth District la Hu >e.rt O. Thompson a old die- IMS. Mayor -trace also ii vo* Jiere. Ju.uo* McCariuey wa* 1 boiupsou's ttBBBBBBSB* De desire* tu l.lalu coiiuol Bf the uisirict Air. Graces candidate is '1 burna* v.. By rut**, his marshal, aud a clever puliuulau. The outcome (ii'ibiittiuiivK will oe w-aumei wita a good deal of luiur- e.t, uol ouly lu the IBBBd ol the county Domocruey, out lil lain n.au.) ililli. _.-__» ibo ot-aia of representation la one delegate for each 100 vine- nun lui any lia* tiona. , ult ol lui. iotas exccciiiii* Oliy eaat tor the i ru.oi mile tK.ct al the lu*i i're«iileutiul rici li,tu, bul eacu election olsirlct 1* entitled to at least oue delegate 1 he uele-iatlou* to tue i-ouuiy Comuiltlee aaal lue feaecutive Coiu.iltteo aro chose u by the Dlairli-l coin nuilee*. TAMMANY HALL WANT- RECOGNITION. ITS I.KAl'l R-** W11X RRLNO TUtlR CASK BKkORl- MAYOR UEWir.. There is much curloklty in political circles as to bow Air Mr. Hewitt will reco_ni_e iauunany UaU ana tbe couuty Demociacy lu the matter of ".atronage. Tani many Hall and the Republican organl^-un* have received no i-cognit-on from Mayor Grace; neither have U»ey naked lor any. The County Denioeraoy ka* bad a corni aratively clear field. Ibis iiew of the caae will be preaented to Mr. Hewitt by the Tam¬ many leaders, with a requeet (much like a demand) Uiat Una condition ol things aliall he remedied as soon aa prt-cUc»b_e. Ai S matter ol fact. Tammany Hall doea not to¬ day control any one ot the groat departments ol the city tio-eminent, ihe County Demooiacy control* Uio la.k, Charitie* and correction, l'u-iic Wons and _ti-**"t Cleaning Dei_ar.meuto, ana ba* a lair i-nre- Sentat oa m each ol the others. AiU-u_j.b Mr. Howitt w_m one of tho founders of the county Democracy In leel, and ha* beun nom¬ inally connected <*ith it over aime, lt 1* undoi-tood that he haa for somo time bad a warmer feol.ng tor Tannually Hall than lor ito DtmoeraUc ri*al. Thia Ba* been specially the i-u-c sii.ee the retirement o( John Kelly. Mr. Hewitt withdrew volunurily from Tammany Hall ou account ol u tinten in o wiih Mr- Keily. He aid not Uke the iumuiauy cbieftum's ar- l Urary lueUiotls. With K chard Cruller Mr. Hewitt ha* been fr.entlly for many years, lt wari in saving Mr Hewitt's hallot-boxee from bein.* overturned an.l bis adherents dn\en from the j.oil* that tho uiuxucr occurred lor wh ch Casi a *a* mod. Mr. CioKer will be expected by his organization to emlen-, or to h:i\c the patronage adjusted a little more evenly. If lannnany Hall doe* not get a largo share Of the (rood thiiif-s ,i|.r i¦u-.'sl from the City Hall dur¬ ing 1887. there w ll be a rattling fight o**cr Senatora and Assemb.ymen nnd the lor.il ticket next fall. Further than tho ap; ointment of Arthur Berry as private secretary, as auuoun.et, Mr. Hewitt will mahn Bo kmiii. dun..' change* In tho personal staff at thc* cny HUI lt ia not certain that he will make any other ct.aime- it be l.ti i. Uie employe* air-auy there capable. ¦ ¦ SIXTY YEARS A PASTOR. TO t'ELKRRATE THE ANNIVERSARY OP DR. KOWABM BEF.( llKH't. INSTALLATION. Mr. Beeeber anuouueed In Plymouth Churoh yesterday murnini: lhat a special meeting of Ute New-York aud Brooklyn Congregational Assoclatluu would be held In the church on Wednesday afleruuou aud evening to coin- Dicuiorulc tbe sixtieth anniversary of the ordiutitiou aud lnstallullou of Dr. Eduard Beet-ber In the Park Street Coiit-rcKi.tii.nal Church, Bo.-tou. In tha evening cuu- gvati.l.'ilt'iy addresses will be delivered b.\ the Rev. Drs. abbott. Barrows, Kincaid and Lloyd. Mr. Beecher added: " While delicacy prc.cut* my making auy re¬ mark* alu.ul this event, lt would give me gmt plca-iic lo see thc members of this church and congregation fcere lo honor my brolher in this laic year of his long and uni a.ms life." lu regard to thc annual pew-letting, next weak Mr. Beecher saul tli.it all BBSS free to reu; each pew* as Ihey desired. Nasas owned anything in the church except lor oue yciir. " An.l then they dou't own me," bo added with emphasis. The system of disposing of |iew. by auction, he further said, was the best iu m.my ways, ami it mihi a thousand dinu_.-re.iiifute in tbe Bb ure I. lu ui* sermon Mr. Beecher sold Hint the iniilirxl nf Christ's rem bing was -bully il.tleteiH truui thut ol our day. He Usik nt. one ute* and exi-uutidefl philosophically, but usually Hi* lite,h. spiuu-* up Hom ibe croivtl ubi.ut Him. mid (hey took purt lu ihe discourse lu hu Interlocu¬ tory manner. ihe mother and brothers of Christ did not belle*.e nial He was what lie de. lured himself to I.e. There waa a wide t*>nt)ii-.f betweei) the real .dury and the Alary c.-le- br.ie.| ii, ii,.,.'.n.ie.,t-i*ti '-'.ii.mi i eais. There is nu proof that she i.h.i uu.i spiritual perceyilaa or insight, c-he and ber t.ltici bulls thoa_;hl .leniis **.ts out nf lils Uiiud. ll) the inusi and liiKhesl sense,only wbeu men rise Into the consciousness nf the (|iialitie* -ahlcli belong to God. do they uu.ier.-taud Him. Men an: m-ckiii-.' to kunu i.od by rain* iii.itniii and by studying Hie onmuol lue. No mau can lind .....I until he Uiul* ibo pet uliar iiuality winch f-oiisfliui-.s Him (¦<*!, uiul conies mi.. pasasaeloB al those S-ipereituiifii! <in;ilities lu his nun soul rel.-itiunebip. The royal road tn kuowludge ot iiml isgoodness. EMMWAl MEETING OF THR MT. SIVA! HOSPITA I. The lecture-room of the ML Sinai Hospital, at Sixty sixth st aud Lexington-ave., was tilled yesterday uiorn- Iwt willi an audience of rSfSSSSSBattTS Hebrews of this city, to lisii ii to the uiiuuiil re poi t a ml luke part in the an- Bual election of ..Hlceis. Tbe rej-urt af tin- president nnd directors sboa-cd that J.'-'titl patients had been treated Sunlit; the year, and a large humber ueccsaurily turtmri away, for whom lhere waa no room that a new depm!- Bteiit hud BBSS created during the ieur. known as the "Diatriet Corps of Physicians." Members of this corps Ylstt ajtjilicai.ts at their homes, wlm cannot I. . received In the hospital for lack of room" Trialled nur-es aro also a*rutuiii»;ii!ly supplied tn these sufferers, from 'lie Mt. Sinai Traluiiiir School. Thc city and btate contribute nothiux toward the sup-tort of the hospital: so Hint lt depends en Brcly upou the Income from patrons, members and In* Veetesl funds. (inc hundred ami ninety two new natrons And mt-iiii.i is wert) ol.iolled dm.uk the le.n, the total aw lu >er-> mp bSSBg 'AAoA. Tbe u.-ii-iir. r's n pori showcd that the total receipts tor the year had been _.*-.**.-* 13 «(_!, and the total di-aiuine- Bieuis pdii^FAA AO. Thc eic.ti.iii of oflicers resulted SS follows : Prssidsa., Hyiuiiu J; i ii in i let picsideiit. Isaac ii al ia. li ; tre.isiir.tr, Bamuel M. -chafer uirectoie. Dewitt J. Roligmau, Wolo- BMiu l^H,b, William Vo_;el, tliaa Aslel. Adolph Ht in,..nu Maitms. f'e.uuciiuer. Before the iiiei-iiugadjourned A(lol|.hus Solomon, prcsl- 4cui ol the uew Mouu-uoie Home for Chrunii: Iuvalius, in Bh.Mii, a vole of luauke io thereti)lu>j board ot duectoi*. Staion that la view of the hearly support which the .sion lefloie 1 ali iiatl rceclved fixim all deuomliiatioiis. lt Was _B.euii.-d as soon us possible to make the home thorough ly Bon -bi'iUnui). EXPRESS COMPANIES MVST YESTERDAY. Many people, to whom Christmas day had seemed like ¦aaday, had lo etop and SMUlBSS tlicii.seli.-. that yester _agr wae not Monday, wheu tbey heard the heavy express wagons ruuibllngovcrtlie pavements aud sawthe Busy porters delivering huudreds of bulky parcels at fflvate houses aud etores. Bot " ueceaelty knows no law," and Police tf ujierln laodcnt Murra) reoognUca the force of that axiom. 6o ( when bc wa* appealed toon balm day to allow the cz- '- Btam conipautc* to deliver panel, lu the city to-day ; and wea Inlormed that tbe abtpmeut* of Christniaa pa,-ages from all paru of the country had been no oiei whelming tBat the compaule* bad lieen unable to deliver them; BBd that a million parcels still remained lobe delivered n BBiloua eon*l_<neee; and that many of theai contained perishable alua which would be a lo** lr uot delivered to Bajf, bere-lect-d that'thehabbath was made for mau Bait pot man for tte Uabbatb." mui decided that the _uu- aay Law might be more honored .\e_widH_ lu the bicauii sliaa la the obaervauce. Accoralntdy, uu order wa* Issoed IB Ula police not to tutertere with the BBB-BBS ageuia lu tho delivery of purcell yesterday lt ls la bs vraeuuied that the pill liege waa not abused aarulaly ao complain ta were tiled by thc reclpieuu. evcii IBaiah they did not look fm their panels iiiitii to-day XhB companies ail acree that (he l>u*i___es done this si Caw-BS-BS far ekceds Qi ' oltune lhat of any holiday kr* n EBB, aai say tkat lt tin, a stonaa had pi .vailed lustoad of J si open weather, tbe efrain on the delivery departments would have aortonsly delayed dollverio*. CHATS WITH BASEBALL MEN. WHAT JOHN B. DAY OFFER3. THE BALTIMORE CHU.KKNTlt KY BLl'K GRABS. RA8KI1ALL IN CUBA. Jenn B. Day, president of th* New-Yorlt Rant-all Clnh, aaya: " Von Der Ahe, the mauager of the Kt. I/mls chatupion*, haa been talking niiich of late atmut my nine betux a third class club. I am tired of hearing such rubbish and am going to kick. I am in good tullis when I aay thal I think tho local lannie club i* suprric.r to tbe Ht. Ixiiils clot), and I intend tn challenge tho latter fur a werie* of triune* to be played in the sprint:. I will waxer f.'t.OOO Hint the New-York club win* thc majority of the ninnes. In ease Ihe Kt. Ixiui* club win*, the $6,000 la to tn-tlc vi.lol to some dencrving ehnritle* in 8t. Louis; and In ease my club win*. Von Der Abe'* 05,000 I* to iro to wine New-York charity. The gala receipts do not bother mo, and In easo Mr. Von Der Alie is willing, the winning BBB. will take Hie total BOOMtam If Hie gentleman dues nut like the fftyOM pro¬ position, I will play him for tlie gate receipt* iilonc. Thi* is mt idle boast, for I really think thc New-York club can win. Thc friend* of tho llrooklvn club are alan talking freely aljout the superiority of their club. Each of the Incut nines j-"l third place 'ii it* lespectlvo association, and ir tho _MBgBO ia not stronger tliiiu the Americati A»- -.t iiitiiiii, the tennis niljin timi tn iii: evenly matchoi, I will miikc the annie offer to the Brooklyn club that I have made to thc Kt Lout* nine, aud nothing would please nie more than to have both club* accept Both thc Brooklyn am! Kt. Louis clubs have- plenty of open date* In the »priug, and nothing but fear of defeat can prevent them accepting my otter*." .. .lu.k " McMaetera, trainer of the Brooklyn club: " Every baseball chibougbt to have a professional truluer. I could see rhe good result* of my labor* on the Hrooklyu player* during the lust season, aud you will nut icc lt wlih even more distinctiveness next season. Ball plnyer* are prune to stoutness and fat ls a virtue that a player doe* not need. There arc several heavy-weltrhl* lu the Brooklyn club that 1 will take under my charge us noon as the frost get* out of tho ground. Bwartwood, Henderson. Phillips nnd one or two others aro much too heavy. A run from haapOOt Park to Coney Island lu heavy swuateis will be their tlrst early in.ni uk doses." John Kelly, ei-umplro, now BBBB.OOO of tho Louisville club, says : " I have made a reputation aa au umpire and hope to do equally well a* a manager. An umpire's lot 1* not a happy one. unlc»s he la specially quoll!.d for the work. I could never uill how I gullied Dtulurity, nnlc** lt waa simply through iffereuce. I never ftllowed the'cat-calls' or dissatis¬ faction of the spectators t<i bother me In the least. If a player became offensive. I tined him ; and that generally put a stop to his tricks. People In different titles view the traine lu entirely different ilvlits. In nome cities the spectators » ant thu umpire to decide all close questions In favor of the borne club. People say lhat lt ls most dlf- in nil for uiii|itie* lo give satisfaction in Ihe Western cilice; but there one town, not far from New-York, where lt is harder for hu nipfre to do his duty than in any Western town. New-York I* the most ceOBMlp.ItBB town lu the country, aud tbe euslest for an umpire to plOBSS, AU New-Yorkers want 1* Justice, and If an um¬ pire doe* ht* duty he need never fear violence, lt 1* a remarkable fact that, ult hough one hears constantly of vio¬ lence to umpires, BS umpire ha* ever been seriously Injured by the infuriated spectatora" William Barnie, manager of tho Ballimore club; "If Ill-luck ever followed a man. lt hna followed me in base¬ ball. 1 don't mean In a financial sense, for I have made money; but, aa rar as am-urina- u winning team i* con¬ cerned, mv club insist* upon being the tall of the Ameri¬ can Association. I hope, however, that now I have shaken off my bad luck und that Maryland's represeuiatlve team will make a model record next season. I have secured the pick of all the old Newnrk players, and aa they made a wonderful record in New-Jersey, I don't see why they ahould uot do the same In Maryland. The deal cost me a round sum of money, but I needed the piaf.0 and got them. 1 he Arbltralloii Otminiitce did right In reinstating Tom Burns.it im wan blacklisted by Hie Newark cl iib. Hui ns hus permission to sign wherever he wishes, but aa he say* he annis to play In Baltimore. I am reasouablv sure that he will *lxu with my club. He will play third base for me If he signs ; bur in case he does not sign. I have two other tuen who ran play in lhat position creditably. Tbs New-York club wants Burua badly, I know, but I hardly think they will get him." John Lotto, of Louisville theatrical and bnaebAll fame, said: " Baseball aud the theatre combined serve to keep me busy. 1 have alway* bci-n a great baseball en¬ thusiast, ever since 1 wa* a small boy and looked through tlie crack.* in the leuce at the old Eclipse dub iilayiutr at Eclipse Park, nt Louisville. The old Eclipse 'ark ha* long *iuce beeu ubuutloued, aud our present 6l!o ls much more con¬ venient. We may not have the greatest team in the world, although wc have 0 good oue; but wo have thc greatest diamond Held in tho world. I tell you lt will cure Hore eye* to go out to our grounds mid look at e.ir diamond, covered willi Kt ni in ky blue gru.,. Our j.layers always play a great came at home, ami some or the uu|teratiti ms one* any thut tho blue grasI I* what makes them do lt" " Lew" _iimons, exinlnstrel, now director of the Ath¬ letic club of Philadelphia: "1 was the prime mover in the si liiine to make baseball popular in Cuba and now I wish I had not been. Tho inp of tho two club* taken down lo (lilia a lew weeks ago, waa not a OBOOOOO, and those who engineered the si heme are out about $1,300 In rtnieOOJHinre While the inill- ttchtors would draw 5.000 people, our moral bulI Interest¬ ing Kanie would tm luck i If MiO pcoole were present. I waa tJad to got sway, aud so vatm tiio players. I want no more Cuban trip*. WHERE IS JUIS HOSPITAI t HATTIE KAHN'S STORY OF HOW BBB WAS CABED FOR UY MYS.UUOCO OTBAXOBBS, Hattie Kttm, the yo mg (ienr.tw woman who iIIsap- peurel OB December ld, rmurueu to brr mother's linnie, No. BBB East Ninety-thto-'-st, ou Haturduy, at about tlie same time mat thu polios woie lOSJBaetad to searcu lot her. She wus seen ut lier home ye-ierdity afternoon bv allum m. reporter. Sue is a well-formed woman, of ai'out tweuij-l wo, with reifnl.ir features and a pair of luise blue eye*, the could not -peal: Euiriisli aud made her .aiemei t llimul li lier brother lieu j.iiuin. Kb« re; e.iled the story told lu Der let*er to her bro! her utKUll I.tlntilliV ill lill, tl'i Ct ll'.ul IBBB.HBO I m.e. I'l --.ess lu it nospuul. 'J ur ru aa* unoti.er beti lu tue room on which lay a young wonuin, who Inui been run oVt-r ny a w.tnoii. ."ho sn)* tout wnile lu this foin sun was ul'.euded by a lem .lc nurse ulitla short, mid ile;i_ I lie. lew pi.j slot .ii. T n piiysn iau lola i-er li.ut elie hud ii.itiati.il leter, and retuned lo lot her ki ow winnie aim w -a. On rialurnu) alie, w_* in. nai neil fioui I e liOaiotal, . Ut! n li..Ire ifcouirault- Iu-1, sn alie *a s, to liol i-ilVtt., wileri-she took a or lo Uer nome. Ail lh.it alie cnn Cul. tu nilli ol tue liiiiluiiw aUe lett ls Unit it aa* "' rut nrnk anil bini a billi woollen BtBSf. rhe reineiiiner- tlmt wnll. walling with t e nurse ne pa sci! n.r,i Bridge over widen lue r-ilroad run, ami tnal once she nette*' " Ninety-ninth" pint ou h i!tiri|j-iM,st Wneu *ne fainlei in I I'tn-iii e. ue had -iii au-l aouie Ce lils iu her pocket, which she lu.* iud seeu aiuuo. .-he s.i> s Mm was v-el treated lu tue hospital. IL r br llicr auld tn tl bs bad visited all tlie bospnela in the liei/l.corlio.nl, lueludllil! tlie MlicIC nlii'li - Ire! Hospital, uii't the null.on.1 * deuifd Inn. tliey li il ti d sub n-e n rh- ii i, s -lunion nt ia*. At the .iirty- i.Ililli Mr-et Ho-pllal one of theuurs s ssl-l that llier hud Mid a \ omia* "in ,n wno bail laren rmi oier ny a watron. Uko tue young woiu.iU, wini, his Histor said, wa* lu thc room with her. A SKILFULLY Pl.ANTc.D RLOIY. A toll man, slightly intoxicated, insulted a number of ladies on one of tho Bridge curs, dossing over from Brooklyn yesterday BBBBBing. The gliaill re¬ monstrated with him, and bOSBBM himself the object of the tallow, abuse. At the New-York end of the Bridge Olticei Murri.) ,of the Bridge police,unilertsl the mau away, i bc olleiidci-let Ukisc ii still greater IIoihI ol blasplieiuy, mut t lapped his hand tu hi* hip pocket, as lr todruw a revolver. Officer Murray dashed ut hun. and ho turned und run dim n 1'a.ik kow. Two other Bridge policemen Joined lu Hie chase, lui! when Mails!, was rc ac li eil the putmara aron hopelessly la tha rear. OB.of thomson WUlaa Of the I'uik indite, however, who bael run uimmi the park, Jumped the low wire lenee nu Hie coiner ol ibe nark and with one bkiltul swing ol his brun Bf ieft arm, landed a big fist behind thc car of tile astonished runner with a loree which spica.i him senseless nu the side walk. Before Jiulge iJutty, iu tlie Tombs 1'olioc Court, he eave hla name sus Thoma* Minivan, aud lu default of «*r_ lim- wa* im kt tl np. FOR CHINESE SC MIA 1-St HOOL SCHOLARS. The front scat* in tho Chun li of the Holy Trinity, at Madi n-ttie. aud Forty-second st., were occupied lu.st nlglit by Hie Chliianieii who comprise the, Chine. branch of thc Kuiiday-ecboo! uud Ibeir frieiids from the vailou* other schools of the elly. The service was especially Tor them aud there wu* a large iitleiiduiicc Io heal' the spcaki wiio addressed them. Ile was !Jamel l-l,un .-Inn. Hi* address lo tiii-iu Iii their own language wa*, uo doubt, to them an interesting one, for their ttOtt ihOWSd thut they were pat lug strict attention to what lie wa* saying, i'hii t- wore sfuglug and a few addresses upiu thu school, il* growth aud Hie umount of guts! done hy it. THE POLICE HOCBY TUB S10RY. Policeman McDonald found a man at Third-uvc. And rblrtcetith-aL about 2 a. m. yesterday, with a wound lu ai* bead. At the station he said that his name was Cuiio Von Frotba, of No. 254 Fra,uklyn-ave., Brooklyn, und that he wa* a rei wrier on a Brooklyn BBWOfapOT, He ind that three men had attacked him without warning In 1 nnd use. am! dragged lum into a basement, tv he lc they )OOt him and lobbed him ol -fAS. He could not lucille the lasruicM with certainty. His erasing hud beeu ipeul lu Ko.nie. mil st. and al the Morton House. The police do Mt place any contiden c lu the BtBtOOMBt of Yon Frotba hu! lie Waa attacked by highwaymen. After his wound inn! in 11. di eased he wen! lu hm nome. A TOOTH IN HIS BRON OBIAL TCP E. Walter I'eiTy, aire twenty-seven, died yesterday at iiamhii* .Mn el Hu.siiiiul from Injuries received un Fil¬ ia), when he wa* eli mk with an elevaUir at No. v.". int L, where he worked. It wa* IBfOKOQ* at the Cormier'* .lin.- ihui ii. ulh nun caused bi a fiatiurotl skull. A more illunie cvuliiiiiitllOB Showed Iiini the man's nknil was uot rat lui ttl. 1 lu-ullin k ul Hie bl. tv, however, hail broken d twimf the trout lt tit. one of tt lil' li lind iutl^ed in Hie ighl I'ltin. Inal lube, and the inflammation and irritation e: up by il lintl tudu' cd spasms of thc glottis, which lided lu Mrnuguliiiinii. SHOT Bl HER SWEETHEART. (ni mu i, 8. c., Dec. 20 (special)..In celebration of iii niiij.i>- *omc of the colored pt "plc of l»ailingiuu gave dance aud supper last night After the dattee while upper waa acned, " Terry " Utile, one of the young cgitic* got into a quarrel with one ot tlie girls and drew ls pistol. Watt Ellison the sweaUieart of tho girl, lipped belweeu with hla pistol, bevoru! shuts were red aud the gili wu* Bccidc.nUy killed hy .illaou wtUi Uta io! I mead.T.i uer .Buller. J..hw aaTB>yt- htiMK NEUS. ri.nMlNI.NI ARRIVAL*. rtfth Arenue Hotel-1 nngrcssn sn William L Scott el Penn»Tlvnl* sf. Jnme* lintel --ct.ati.r hninss M Mowen, of o'tusdo, and (uii_.it-sn an lirrlah Wilkins, of Ohio Bnck'noham Hotel Vf ss*,.r ii. c. Msrsh. of Vale MHB* ....Astor Houn-Pny Director J. H. Watiuuush. C. 8. Navy. .m WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. Bnard nf F.stlmaU* sin! Appo'lbmment. ( o.iieien, .. lu tw.s-n I'resiietii l_HSi*,of Rrooklyn City Rad rue ls. ami cuinnntie *of t multi. .-*. Annnal meeline «f Church Kxt BBBB snd Missionary Ho- clftv. Nu. S05 Hr.mill, ai 4 |t. m. Meeting* of P.aptiat preocliers and Hefr.rnie«l pastors, .1 a. m. __ Michael ('regan Investigation. Coiner Union. 780 p. m. Ketall Urorers' Inion, No. SIS Bast Twenty thin! st, I p. m. NFW-YORK CITY. The-Omedlan* Kvans and Huey will app tar in "A Parlor Match "with si) the Kidd family st the Harlem Theiire Comlqoe to-ulght and the rest of tho week. John T. Raymund will spptiar as Colonel Mulhern/ Seller* nen week. The stesmer Helgic strived st r-au Francisco yesterdsy with malls fto ti Hon? Kong. Tbe M. IHSMS and Monitor naval battle panorama. In Mad¬ ison.ave ls pt .ti inc a strum: Christina* attnctlon. It ls moro free fren the Sui ISSI of the tmlllo scene than inosl panuraiiias of tin* sort, and ia greatly enjoyed by both yo ing and obi people. The steamer Rrefarne. of the French Line, which arrived yesterdsy from Hsvre, brought SI.HM).OOO in S|.*cle, Angus McMullen. sge twenty four, a nullor, fell into tlie holt! ut the steamer State of Nevada yesterday and was killed. ? BROOKLYK. After his parents left the table on Christmas T)sy little Joi.nny K*ne. sge fi.uran-l a Itslf, of No. ,'!(i Carroll.st., gut hold ot a bottle of litpiur ami nrank so much that he item,i.e panicle I. In Ike evening M. tiled. rsainncl McLean has resigned the presHencv of th* Hamilton Club, owing lo frequent absence fruin Hie elly, sud Oeorge M. Olcult, the funner vlce-predde.it. ha* been elcctdl to succeed hun. The Fourth UnlversahH Hucloty, wbich wss ilnven from Ridgewood Hall «o Mist a llrjuor llOSBSa isiulil e sccurud furs drstnshup in the building, bs* seenred rn-me st No. Oil (isle*.ave. nervines were held I ier« ye sterdav. I he pruir'.e- turor Rnlaewuotl Hall toal Hie usslor ul tue cliuroh mat ail r tho license wa* secured service* coull bo ne'd In th* hall again. Tho rent paid ny ihe -SBflMBSf will Ue S73 a month. Two linndred pour funllli-s were urovblel vostenlav with olothn,-.. SkaSS sud olber uneful ai tittle* hy ttie Wllllsuisbuig Heiiev.-lt-nl bo.-lriv. I'lie tlisti billion bsik place at No. Ui .M. (, role-st. lu ill* atroet Cs|.(*.o Kerser and a squad uf policemen lied much lilith ultv lu preaei via*; ui.Ur ai.il keep¬ ing Hie mell, wouien anti children lu line. K'lwsrn Hyde, of Nu. Vii Atlantic-ave fell from the ferrv- lH.»t ..superior uu rssttiritsv lil. Itt near the situ at Hrustlw.iv. lie wa* rescued sutl taken lu -M. Catherine's Hospital, whore hs died yesterday. The newly organized Yonng Men's Hebrow Assoclsttnn a iei I.- aooust.tutiou and by-laws yesterdsy snd ducted ll.e following offlerr* Presld nt. Kerillusiid Itel** nm lil eel tlt-iii. Mus.* J. Harris; rroortllug seeretsrv, Julius Weona- ler, financial secretary, K. r-i.lnberg. treasurer, ii. Rluoh. Over COO ineuibcr* have already hueu secured. NEDS FROM TUE SURURBS. HIS LIFE SAVED BY A DOO. An old man who ls known as " ¦steamboat (leorga," snd who does odd Jobs around the bunt »bnp nf Kclttnilt Pamck at Tompkinsv llio, r-taten Islam!, diank to*, much on brunna* and crept inti, au obi boat, tied to s raft at the buat shop, to sleep. Ab.mt H p. ni. Mr. Paul k was star, led hy bearing his dog "Sailor barking lo olly. The .log's bark rame fruin the wharf, aud he fuuu.i ihe ult! man In the water clinging tu the boat snd the dug holding him hy the nat collar. I'annk. with the assistance of William Alex¬ ander, a boat-Itu bier, draggel the man ashore, if it had not in eu i.u the do/, Hm man would uiul .uiii.«:iv have I,ot n .-it..**, ii.-,I. This ts Uie third Hf* tual Sailor ha* saved. A lew weeks o.o hu saved a valuable h..at ii.un .nilling out to sea. rn NEWARK. Joseph O. Rleff, age twenty-seven, of No. td Rmen-st., cotiunitied snit ute vest.-r.lsv morning 'ty taxing i.oison. He ha.! been tho kc. per o! »rv. ral low barroom*, and had made two previous attempts at suicide. m JERSEY CITY. ron-eroy Andrew*, a Pullman nalino car conductor on ths lvim-i ii m,a Railroad, met Maggie nr.a.nan si a ball un Christmas night, sud took'er to Hie Phila-i. Mila Hotel fur sup..er. An irews, wiio »fl u ox,cabul, fell asleep lu a chair, au his companion robbed ...in uf a Kuhl watch valued at $1.'-U. siic was arrested and Hie watch was found upon ber. Daniel .Me In.i.a1,! am! Myra (stinger, two well-known burglar*, were arrested early yesterday u orulng wmle trying to eui. r thc !,un se ,i Mi,!,arl .unley at h. ne amt E.ghth ats. Alt In.Haiti has been ouly a short tmeuut of prison. Joseph Rablnn anti Vldaiino Ronieuto, Italians, got Into a quarrel yesterday at No WW Railroad-avc, and llabiuo slabbed itoiuento In the breast w.lh a stiletto. NEW-JERMEY. HOBOKk*!. .A blood*-tamed overcoat wss fonii'l In Cotta-ft Pow at 3 a. in. yesterday. In a pocket waa found a natural! fat.on paper. SOewlaR ilnil Patrick Kirwin had become a titi- iou tu Hil* elly in Oi tuber last STATEN ISLAND. NKWIlonp..The great mausoleum of the Vanderbilt fam¬ ily. In Hie Moravian Cemetery, will be ouet.ed for a short time today, lu order hat the heavy brou/.* Pla n. Inreinle.l to seal tlie m.nilli ul the vault where the bo y of William H. Vander¬ bilt Ile*, may be Dually placed lu position. STBBI NRiv.IiltloirrnS..I he ..I.iceiiai Theatre Comedy (annually," under Hie maras-*.tnt -f Klwyn Hal mn. wen* lo play '. East Lynne " at Ibe* Hall Chr.atiaaa Ive.-.ive a matinee on ( hii-tini* Ray nml BBotbrr pertorniaiice in the t venn,i', but the maiiairer .ail-d to apii.-sr or pay lor tin- ball, ani llieie was no pei .uiiiii.in e lill hiiu's iv night, wheo Hie nu. inlier-ul llic inn.|iinv pin*, ed. on theil BBB account, tua lair audience, aud gut euuugli to net hume walli. I.ONO IHLAND. JAMAICA.. lute on Saturday nig ti Jeremiah i"-t_btrin and John llrsniaik. living in Unit ii.niion tn Isaialna Known as ' Inihlin, were at icsied mi a barge of stetting luu.b.-r. ar- Maters' too's anti wheelbarrows trsta Ihe ;..>. imus., -.t is., tc li Reuiseii ul iteare 1'uiitl. A large quantity ul Hie stolen pi.Tte **:t* lound lu (.'millhill'* ri-iiir. Co.-li an ia ..io chanted witt, aasauii witb latent to kui J.dm Marun _Ti... Itev. W.H. De Halt, bavin*- icsigticn Hie paslorate of tim ll, Itu ioctl chnr li. pieat he,i bia farewell ser.uou lo bis ubi parishioners laal evoelaa. Wi.'iiuiAikn. Marv Hawes, are sixteen, wmrarnt on nn tr rand to Kasi New-York on Thursday last. Hie baa not alane It lin inti au 11 ail etlotls lo I l.u I lo i Ka. I so fal fail. .1. Hi. Ks\ ii I*, .fohn M Hillie, arrested for Walking on the rail! natl track, was on - nut l.iv *t n lem X d by Ju-le e -I, ne it lo lu e iu,itiliis in Ibe Couuty Jail. Ihl.ll'.- On uiul niter Jannarv 1 the Islip post office will bea Presidential oilicc. liie salary of ll.e pnaimaslsc will le SL-OO. ,-*» TUE NOBLE GEEMAS ECht tVPPOBl Ills' WIFE. At Jefferson Market I'oiiee Court yesterday Herr von Nebcll wus ortleietl to put tfi, ;, xvnll to his wife Marin. who charges him willi ulniiiilnniiieiit. Finn von Nelull in a good-looking fBBBf Herman ivuman. ivlmiii no one woiihl Kii-.pc.-t or h.ii lng Itctrii the iiu.tlicr of six chiblren, tl fut t tn u hu h sh,, |f.ulieil lu court, lier liil-liainl is ii tall, soltlierly-lisiking fellow, who bslBBgS t.t a good tinnily in Frank,in i-ou thc Main. Ins father having lung billi al (he heall nf tin- poUSS of flint city. The wile i- also irom li ai ii Iv Ti ut, lui', nu' Int-.i in New-York hutu week. Mic says that her husband dsSSItsd her lu De. em¬ ber, 1 KWH, mid run ult' with SBBthSf WtWBBB. He denies the bitter part Bl thc statement. BBd *aj I lhat lie left bis wire because of her SMUKtaloBI dotnga lt ls thought tluit the troilltle probably glow fruin liie (lllterei.ee in rank between tin- hoabaml nutt mic. Timbuebaad to nubia and thc wife is Um child or sb artist The gul lind a dowry of 40.00(1 mai ks. boivever, which, it is iiverrcd, lins been squalid.-io.I bj her husband. 'Hie inisi.ami i^ now einplo.i eil lit a Hiilury of SI ,000 by *'laren,.* M. ROOf, aB Importer, of No. '-"J tollcu'e pince. Ile lays that he has all lilting been supp,,i ting the two clilitllt li ulm are -lill nillo.-, mu I will support tue lumber if she mil return to 1 ruiikiort BBd take ture of (Bs children, ii In. li, bc says, sin- lins not tloue lii-ri-l.tfiire. He nil,;.-.ts tu paying for her niaintennnce In tins country, however, mid will appeal trom J nellie (.ur'nan's decision. Von Nebcll wa* ile...ral.-d with the Iron (ros* for gal¬ lantry on thc held during the Franco Prussian ii ar. He lives at no. 188 Atlantlc-ave.. Bioo.l.n, anil his wife li with her sister at No. 33ft nest Iblrty-sevcntii-st. After the I,eur.ru of the case Mrs. Von Nebcll had a violent Ht of hysteric* in IBs court-room. DWINDLING A POOH FAMILY. Dr, Charita P. Kreizer, of No. ftft West TBlllJ IllBlh St. and Alexander il. De 'lerra, of No. 413 We*l Twenty- seveiitli-at., were licltl in $700 each at the Jefferson Mar¬ ket Police Court yesterday, charged willi defrauding u man widow out of premiums paid to them ns repre-,uutii- tiies of ;, ufiietlt association, which is sam to lie dcfiincL The name of the usr-ot iiition was tho Metropolitan Henetlt A sane ttl lo n. ami l.y the payment of seventeen SSBM a Week B niau became entitled SB BE B week lu nun- ul ill lie-e. Andrew .IoIiiikoii, u loiigsiior.riuiiu, of No. 513 West Twenty sixth st ii ns ,,i,e of the subscribers to Hus in isl ti t ti m. his Inst payment haling bSBB _BB_S tm lie ccu.lier 13. A few days before that BB Bad fallen 111 gmt his wile and Slime of her Meads ma.le tunca Bal calls for aislislance, but Were told flint thc association hail .' gone up " long ago. Ill coin! jcsleida* Strim SHIIIBBial his willingness to nay the money, but Justice lioriiiau thought that had no bearing on the eharga of laiitny from a p<*or woman willi several small children, ami held him. TRYING TO ROB I ARE rf TILFORD. William Meyer, who was formerly employed by Park & Tilford, hired a small boy to go to the linn's store ut Twenty tlrst-st. abd Hroiulviay ami present a hook, telling Mr. Pherson that "Tommy" wanted ^I.immi worth of cigais tor the up town suire ut Pitt) iii ni ii -st Mr. Pher¬ son suspected thal stun.-lnmg v. ms wrong lu the mtier ami gave lin* boy empty isiies. Mejer BM! thc boy on u,,. cars ami got oft at l-'orti-second st., where be {BBS Hie litue- au.l hhs ai le-d-.l. tie was held lu the Vorkinle Police Court yesterday by Justice huilib for trial. BENJAMIN (JlfACElxRt'Sli BCIII ID. 'I'he funeral nf Heii.i.innii (^iiuckluhiish, the old tiing gist, wiio dictl on Thursday, took place yt slertlay ritter BBBB St ths Third l.'nlvclhiilist ( hureh In \ie_,t llewnili et. Dr. lallat kiiiiiiisii was om* ot the tive rouuder* of me church ami Uiere waa a gtasi attendance oi mcmbcis of tuc church as well a* of friends ami leiuiin-s. 'ih,t pastor, the Kev. ilium,i* w lllu.au, couuut ted the service, ibe burial wu*ul Gleenwood. A CH ASCI. THAT MISS WOLFE WILL BBOOTBB. Mis* Ciithnrlnc L Wolfe coniliiues lo inij.mve In health, and Dr. WHliaiu Tod llcliinitli, her pli>slclnn. now tx. presses the belief ilia! she will ret oier. The many poor people who baie been ucciistomeii to share brr bouiny (,t Un* season of Hie ytOt wen not loigoiteii, her ugeni hav¬ ing been Hisli ui ted to pun ldc foi t,..-,., as usual. PEaEhEOE (>F Ml SD. iiom 'Ihr I, a ul,, Ciruriee. They tell a story ol a .ocai uew«paper m.in that illus! ates hil pr.-en. n of luina ev. n umiei the iuo*t try * lng circuuislsme*. He w.s uwukeuea In a hotel ono uigbl b, ti.e r. oi .. me," ami lu <i..« a.i ma ami two bii'i t'li.t-li.s waa out uf bad aud IU lue bail, wlliub Was tl.io '. won ain-.-ko. Jual ai ruo of i.im waa a Oi lug Uguie, elad lu White Ilk* l.iin.elf. and ruuuliigat _, 'J.K, ,-u... a turu lu tue hail ino two aupa ieauiug lo a higher level i.r.nigitt tu« ur* up, ur rat uer uuwn. and ins saaie cause precipitated lbs BBWBIBJ ur mau against ber. "Let's nra),' cried the eitrigiitnd w.ia)au, ns sue ela.pr.I him by tne arm. " No, i.-i'« run," waa ht* rep'y. au i piitt.ng be ono* more iu ibe right direciiuu, tue iu.iy w.s soou turrabead, though her reaouar gol oul lu plumy of Hum. The two never s iw ep-h other niram. bm t' elr flrat uni only meeting miisl b ire vividly liupreaacd Itself upoi ti.e iiilutl of eneh. -? McQClDE DOES AOT I XPEi TA NEW TR 1AL. Ki Al'krin.n MBQB.11 has been loclnil up In OlI Tumbe long enough to come to a full realiiatlon o! how flrmlv tho public ls convinced of his guilt, an he has begun to .00 ho|te of ever gr tiing hi* ca le'ore thc court-. In -hiv more favorable shiip'* thBO when he waa trtod in lilt Court of O'-ncr.tl (session io one of a half dOOBB ..BBB-1 with whom he eon Tensd yesterday BO in ti.at utile it BBS I"-1-' I*' thai .Iinlce I'mtt would grunt a stay of OfOOOOB.BP in hi* i-f"-, bo thou, tit it doubtful, and even if he. did, he feared that .MOB was Utile hope nf gelnBf a new trial. "If a stay is not granted ou luella) " he continued, "thc case will not be carried any further." McQiiinlo's wife, throe of his children, and his brother Bernard were with lum from nunn until Bf.I darli last evening, ihe BOB.OM 'Moodier" has taken advantage nf Uie respite gmnteil him to ghi all bis business alfa.rs in shape fur a lung 0.B BOO, Ills int-rest In Uie rag burilda, which has I.e-. rt cnn ducted with OBBBMO.M0 piOfl in _00l iii rte ii th st fur a number of years, Im. bOOB BSOJgBOd. bi Ins wife, who will be IBpSBOBBM Bf Hilliard MoQBOO.¦ FVNRRAL OF WILLIA tf JAMKS TOHU. Tko fiincr.il of William Janus TOO. at lils homo. No. ll West Fifty-elgbtli st., ye-t-rday. wile Ot._Bot by a large galhering of his rehiliBOO amt friends. The Hov. Dr. C. I>e Witt Bridgeman, of wliuse church Mr. Todd was a tm -ie, was bj ndirlato, lull Icing ireien'e-l by Illness fi om attending, tho simple cent PUilV Mils cundill list bv the tout Hr lo-eph I I'lii, ot the Church of thc Epiphany. Miss Anne Mc- ( nllotn sane a hymn, and limn those present 108k 0 la ,t look ut the B_jo Of th'ir 'e| .irtcl friend Anmiig those present were his brothers. 1.eOdOIB W. nnd Charlo* Todd, hi* sister, the widow of Eli POTTY, his brother- n-law, Sn.eon J. Drake, and Ins wife, Con¬ troller L00W| l.iieBl Marlay, O, 1). Baldwinl, lint Lev. Dr. Edwanl Bright, VA ward Colgate, Hoary W. Ilelrher. -loTtn It. Dos PBSS_ and Kimuol T, Yarian, ihe body will be placed in tho family vault ut Creen wood Cemetery to-day. -? Dr, M'QLYNN ARDENT OV ST BTBPHBTB Di Y, Dr. Edward Mc Glynn has not yet given any Intimation aa to wheu he will start fur Boiue, or whether lie will go at all. He has BOOB so much harass,. by people calling tn as, ertaiii Ids intentions that ho now refuse* to receive any except Iii* must intimate friends. Tho foo*t of Ht. Htcp'ieii, the painui saint of Dr. -SOI] SB'SShank , was celebrated there yesterday. Low ii..-i«-es were said hourly fruin 6 lo lu a. m., solemn high mass was celebrated at ll o'clock and vesper* at 7 p. m., but tlie pastor was not present ii|kui any of these (M-ca.sl.in*. Tho Kev. lather Patrick Munch an was thc celebrant at fhn hiivh mass and was assisted by the Kev Fathers .la BOB I Barry and Thmnas Me* Laughlin a* deacon and siib-dcncnn. Tho Kev. Father Benjamin J. O'Cnlluhau prent bcd the sermon. // OS Pl TAL 0 V v D.i Y C ol L OTIOT S. Tlie Sunday lu.spiral collections were taken In nearly all the churches of the city ami its vicinity ycMenlay. There BBSB lurge attendance at the churches. BBd I.fal Bras,Ot course, favorable to the cnllecliuiis. F. F. Cook, the gen¬ eral agent of thc association, said that whilo ho hud aa yet no iiosirive Informalnm as to tho result, the estimato iran the oilectitiiis la several churche* indicated largo cunti iii'.ititnis, within a day or two ks expects lu obtain figures of the largest collection*, ihe Jewish churches mitde their contributions un Katiirday, and that of the Temple Emullu 101, lt was said yesterday, wuuid reach $1,01*0. rn PRIS LES uUl OF WORK. from The London Spectator. Prince Alexander'* earner i* tue ni ire rsBinrka'de be- Cntue of late year*, willie tin one* nave been very fie- i,u uilly web filled, Ibo ca-le'e of tun Boyd Hun.es have not dlitli.aulsiiwt tin ns-iv * In nroi ortbui to tuelr oppur: l iiiti- s Charles ol Hohenzollern hus a* yet tloiio heat i h- Aii-iid Ke Maximilian uml I'iince Amadou bulli lill.e.I, uni Hie Prussian'* K> d 1 linen" Wll* kim.vi only a* a severe though eoiustaal (list Ipllnailau. TLe Archduke Al> r'(-ht s> owed hiuiseir a good General at CBatassa* BB. at ul: evenis, lie won ; uni the rr-neb nelie-o tko Due d'Auiuslo to he u llrst-ratn officer, . lui mere Uiu li I seems tu emt. t lie Princes tire Turf lillmernlts. bil' tnev ure lilnllstui.lisneil. There ls reine .nu e, *X.pl peri,ans iii iios-im, to e111, I.>y li.em, for the Kings have cease I io ne ali ..id nt tneir tins oik |iU> Wlie SST fruin want ol will or w,ml o' power. Iliey iio l.ot r nne to tue front, even ns iniuii ns '.li y dil when ¦"Turenne," wno. ns sou of tho I'm-do Bouillon, was it Child of rrHnce, found bis ablest op nioelit ill i ll .-ene or Kavoy, semi-l'rliiot) of three, mt ionulitlea. T..ey seoiu tor iii- nm inn tu no witituiit iiiuiii'.ioii. There wa. sumo dllllcully in Milli.' the Tnrone ol Gience, a ni li ls auld ny mei, wini have il Mimi.tl in erest iu making the aOaran BilSei BB Bl. Illnt ilt'-r-is nut a I'linoe lit iaiiop.-. out ..lo tin-live fa.illira who tire BM.ad Ot ira',., wiiu I* btil.i enniigli, ora vciilurou* rnoiigli, ur anginal si.vii, lo ..cn pt lue I,iii...11 n. Tinline. Yul the lu-xl Prince nt Bulgul ia, if e I- cull pef.-nt. Bill be ticllei alissinio ol Hie Haitian heder tl ion. uni pethsp* in the end. Emperor uf Coll-talltlnnple. t -O nineo Which King L-npiilil nf lid .um regretted all Ins life that ne lia thrown a viv T nae uro 1 .rue pii/.es fur young ill-.1 w luise univ n .'nial lu: -.1 ess. iu Mien nw ii .-yt s ..I all events, la rali na, ann Willi, wi.en witno il euell husi 8Sn liave to lend live* welch simula be v. ry uiouutuiioiis ami ili-iustefnl. ludi-a.l. they ure horitil toilealu, .nd marry all kinds nf plipia.l BIMBOS nut of their own class ju.si lo e-cape sufbi'M lon rr-'Ul tllt-lf tank. (Jon winni a e tut-u.-lit there woulil Ita er.dle.aa Ililli, iles with till- conti and tutti to hcciii'c u noni m.,lion tu Bul ria ; kal ti.e Piiuccs Lick t-vei- the audacity of the King nf uuiraui'i, au I usg fur " gniirni.tites." ai il " a snr.nu s." ai.d i'Ivii I.isis, niul all iiisiiii. r uf prop- ninga winen usi univ t n y cn nt lin-... b it tvitli win li. In a year ni two. tum' ini.-li- li" wetla le tu .aspen*-. We suppose that. ko t veryitotly B.B nowaila18, t ev tbs .,.|i,-.e in ii,.- itselTea, il.uiiit it r ev ran Ba tn-c s n ry ali) -wi. eic, mil Wnw IO be * ire kefMOeietO I (>. pnysinil co.i,full ; inn .ero must i'i> a and la k uinniig them nf tint spn il « ii C tniiiuts rlyu.'isties. oil ult S .H.lug for a Rta i aadm a Frihi. nr aa ita mo el e veiy BoadersfL Tlie thing Wiimcd is t y.m ig mau with rotes bea I, sumo lui it .iv' li'ti.iiiw. and tim nerve tu think that wu li a t' io e before tim -n no risk o' .! fe fur ii fe* ye.ns is m,r tn lie ciin-i i.-ro a lin .1 tm.lucie lt ls run every dey hy y ung sui l-rs anl ni * tesl!, n. ni il KlBSS c'limit >+ nls. cd in. c t hf themselves. We k -tv induing moro curious, ur ni ns t»..y mure iiislienrteiiing, in nie iimitern hisiorv of Erne titan Ilia I'i nu es should en lot B Ul.pulv or mis (turtle,liar section of the um Id's work, ali i timi, !icv«rt:ielcs , tn, re ls nu uno anning them wi li nil laclty enough t. a. cc pt the Tb uno nf Bolgart* BOSOM- ditlo .ally. Five ) ears nf lt migliv be made ttnri li Bl IT foote or or iniarr prnceiy nie. eimked aod tra*Bitielsd ns I' ls willi elii|iieltcs and if itu- I'lieee tal ni, he cuiild fit! Hull lng. and s .v. wiiu ('narlee Al ci aftel Novara. "At lent I have not die . ns Kings die. " (lue tiing is (piit- certain j If th.a kind of win.i nf s| int lusts, tim I'lliiCes « Hi not .ona ret nil tnelr uunopoiy nf roiguiiis. Tm people eau ni iktt I'i no es if tney want them, .iud Eastern Eurnpe mav Ultim nely lin js riluited mining llii-u ts lioso Hewn- ss uml | ieClB« Will leaf Ulai kind Unit u'ler ali, mere, is not until in ed gt re. Kn g Milan ones in- du m nil lu -uss pnte lout ubi il iistiiu ; but m.e Ml "SS Ul linn i' Sprilllg Holli tlie peopl- Would t un ni. ll) pur till Ililli IIS of Wandering alu.ut m.ipn io dispose of il illunie. LOY A I, lURACr. MA Y\ l I- D'S PERIL. Irons The IndiannpoUe Journal. During tho c.iiivh * »(1870. Mr. -Ma n.riwa* posted toipe.k nt tue tuwii of .ui.erville, ihe shire fnwti ur Fa)elte Cuiiutt. in *eVe t Teiiicsst e. Tnat ls the oily county ni the Kt ito in wh ea inei« :* a mnj<>rny of color tl people, alni u c.iui-e it wm and ls yet strongly I.epul.Ill-all. Seven hoiegs lhere Was and is in | lie i.my a gan. »l ss dcsp.-r.ile ami devilish meu n* eau be fuiiuu. Winn ll wu. kmuiu lu Kui.ernl.e linn Mr Ma)bald Wa* to speak Un r.- ii gang of nilliau* liri a cutliicii, uu I doters Inod lo tlllkiai while i.e was sptukliigln the cn r ru un. Uk was inftinueil of ti.e tact, nut nravely delerinloetl lo tn ino nie ape. cu, tlestu ur no death. lu r iles, eiiie characters were cn.men to do tlie dcVi.lah ll. , an I, IO pl ut nie lieu Will tin: ln.'S-ur) cuu age th-y were ll. led tull uf » link v. line of lend, "i li.fl t.epuhlii nus of Fuyetie Conn y teni Ulierlfl Beeves, a. luuve a io a li aa ever ampi el a r-nel iuillet. Mn also he ni ut Hie plot, alni with-ti ret, BTW Be IS, aa brave as himself, and nu uncle, ent, led tun court rooiii uni loni seats un elie nf lue tables u-e-i hy ibe lawyers All nf them were ariin-d to the lesth, aud rea ly to scatter lead al .. moment's u. tue. The ititir chnseu radians en'ered B0TB Biter Mr. Mav- ii ntl li", un Ina speech, alni lu n .nit ore of them ll.-d iiliu -t - datoii-il Har." an I r--peeled Hie Insult a g. un and .it; Mu ail the tune 11 e four uiovrO fotw.ird towal.; ti a siaud. Ju-t *a the last ou- wa* aaatBS him, end I'.eeve* fliieleil hun by ino neeve an l wl-lsp. r<d t him " Iiuh't von f'iliiw* interfere with Maynard. If ) uu ito. we O ve will snout you do* ii. " The fellow turned uud cell, ri a Int. A lnnriel rtilsperi.ig tmi* pi toe, ami tht-u the seinind els slow Iv tile onl. ami ills* n e irn.l. '11 lliev hail lulerfei e I willi Mayuuri they tumid have been kllletl lu .- u. ,.i cerla'uty for the Beeves,* were dead snots, mid as brave a> they make them anvwlieie. Sheriff Iteeves wa* murk.I lor rt.-tdirtlnn fruin t n't very nour, ns were iii* brothel* Two of the Utier wiro kilfl.1 hythe rebels afterward, and he himself c irrtes t rets bullets tu Un* imy. The illirie slond In* gioiind ulid fungnt the tight om ami, tuon.I a very old in .ii now. was elected recorder of th* caunty at tue carctmu last tall. MARINE 1ST l-.UAGENCS. MI MATU KK AI.MANAa T.J-IJAT. 8nn rises. 7 20 Bet*. A .i.au, sets. 7:00 .BBB. ac*. 2 1111,11 wai in. _,JT-Sandy H.sik. H Vi u,,r. Isl' L 0.1'.'I Hall Oat*. 11:01 Jf-iiau.ly ll .V. 0 18 (lev. lal'd. li.,,r, | HalI li al*, ll JA 0U1G01SG STEAMERS. TiE*iiAr, uko. 2a Yeas*'. Vessel. Lint. For Malls close. sails. Wyoming. Ouioii. L'veriHiol. A . m Ballam Klivnlsnd. Hedtur. Antwern. I »m (I a ni Chateau Is-ni tile, iiordeaui. Itordeanx.... M a in (leo W Clyde. Cly de, han I juiuiugo . 1 p in 3 pm wa BBBBIiAT, BBQ '-".» Aller. Nd Moyil. Bremen via Houth'ton. 6;_ a m 8 * ra OBI..BAT, UEC. 30. A*syrian Monarrh, >'nn»irh, London. 8 sm cia le of Nerada Ktate. illaagow. o , ni Marengo, Wit* .n's, Uiitlianhurg . g am Wlelaii.l. Ilsmii Amer, Hamburg. H * ut City ni Wasb'-n.Aiei. .Ire, Har. _ Mex. 1 pm 3 pm Alp. s. Atlas. Jamaica.......ll am j J, ., itluldsd, QaSfcaa bel mud*. I 0 m J J, ^ FRI HAT, tllX'. 31. ( Itv of Pars. Pacific Mall. Asplnwall.10 a rn noon Ssi.tlogs, Viaid's. Huvsiis. . 8 1P ., ISCOMISU .UEAMERS. TO-Il AV. Vessel. /reta Une 0 reece.landon.Na inn al luty.Liverpool.fl attona! A Irona. I.lv*ruuol.littles (ianin.LienrpAni.i Baard In ai sn r'>.i inthen burg.Wilton'* Ki I... il j iu.A mst el. lam.N >-l >i-A mer Hsratoga.Havana.Ward's .! ISHAI. lill-. V'S. Clresssia.(Haagnw .Anchor Minni Wintlwsrd Islands.Uiisueo M iiliM.»l.A 1. Uki;. 'JO. ll aa baU*B..ilava&a..Aloiaudr* R. H. MACY & CO, I4TH-ST., SIXTH-AVE. AND I3TH-ST. 6RAND CENTRAL FANCY ANO DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT. NEW YEAR'S SIFTS. LACES AND MADE-UP LACE GOOD"). Handkerchiefs NECKWEAR FOB LADIES AND OENTLF-MEN. WE ABE SOLE AGENTS FOR NKW YORK CITY TUB Oh M.'I.Nh, KID CLOVES for r.AniEs ano imun. PARIR AND VIENNA FANS, _ WEARE EXHIBITING A VERY CHOICE A SHOUT- MENT Off FINS GLASSWARE, BOTH CUT AND ENORAVKD. R. H. MACY & OO. SH IT I'l SG SETS. PORT OF NEW-YORK.SUNDAY. DEC. 20. ISM A UKI V I. . Steamer nrnoklyn City (Rr). Fltf, Bristol Dec fl. 8wai>«e*_ IO. with mdse to Arkell A Dou-flaa-). Arrived at tho Bar at ll) Steamer Galileo (Hr). Jone-, null Dec 5. vin, Bonton, with mils.-lo--iitler«on .(¦ s..n. Arrived at the Har at ti ara. hleamei l_a Kretaxne il-r). De Jousselln. Ilaire Dec ls, willi ni.le«. ft*, rabin un.! Vii -tteemite |ta-)sen.ers la Loma ito Kelila*., ii iv..i at the Hui ai 11 a M. Mcanier ( iirata". Hopkins, Pu.-ito (abello Dec ld. ( urarao IS IriKiiijiri l'.i. with mils,-unii I passeiiKOa to Boulton. Bilae A Dullen. Arrived at the Har at 7,DM a ni Mcnier Or,noco lin. darrin. ibrntiila:!*-ji1ay-.. with indue ami IS neaeeaaei-i to a K Ontei-fMjca A Oe, Arrived at thu Har al 7.110 a m. Meanicr illy of Columbia, Woodhull. Fernandina i day*, via t hal.esl..h. with mdae and passe u ge rs lo WinPCtyde A co. sieainer Wyaiioke, Hulphers. Richmond, ( ur Teint and Norlolk. arith mdae and paa«etijrera to old Doniini.n Be Co. --tiiiu,er s.-ueea, Walker, Newport News an.I Weat I'oint, Va. willi milne am! pa-meiu-ers lo ob' Dominion Sa Co. ship Chan - Whitney (o. ParraiM.ro. NM). pier. Antwerp Bft tiara, with iron and empty banda to order; vessel IB I ff Whitney A Co. Kai k Mali atore Kama (IluD, Domlnlci. Smyrna 5'2 days, with lb once root ami wool to order; vessel io ¦Belar. SU VIKI'-Wind-t '-in Iv lox. inod-rate. MS Fr, clondy. Al City ls,ann. Iresh, NE; cloudy. Arrived venli'Muv . Steamer carbla Bay 'Pr). Trecrarthen. nir-renti Nov 20, Palermo Mt Gibraltar Mr H. withlrult and siilpliur to order. i.s.el io Pun. li. lille Co. Arri* ed at Ute Hal at li.(ll p iii. Sieainer 'liv of A agosta. Nb kenon, savannah, 3 tuyn, with tiiilnc and liis-eii_;i ls to ll Yuline. Jr. ( bared an lei daJ Rrlx Nllo .CH). Winter*. Bluetlebla, Nie, and a n._.i_et. L Schepp. SUI.KD. Steamer Ruffalo, for II nil. T111. M 0V1 M ¦v* TB '' t BT i: A M E RS, ri>i.i:ii..\' PORTS, VfUTMOM. Dec '25.Arrived, steamer lower Hill (Br), Archer, from .Nt w York. l.ivKKi-otti, Der 2ft -Balled, ¦taamaraBI Ronan-) (Bri. Camp- bell, bu New York, Norseman (lir). Mad ox. Ior Huston Ul KivsioivN, Dec-'tl.a.i. -loams, Nerada ibn. Doug- lass. Iron, l.iveruoo hence tor New-York. Dtiihil, Dre -.'li-Passel, steamet* Holland (fir), Tvst.n, from New. York on l>-i way to nm lim; Vu ar.a (Gen, Scbatb*, i.out New York on ber wav I Ila.i.l.nrx. Yokohama, prior to Dee 20 amrert.-teamer cttv nt syd nev. Knelt, fiuiu Hon-* Kom* oh her way io Mau Francisco. IIava-a. Dec Ift Ballad. steamer Ma n hal Um, Steveua, for Nev-Yark, -_--_--_--_--,----. -___. Aliiiotlticetiieiiti. Adv tri-; to Mother-i. Mrs. WllSimVs St ti illicit; syklc ahonld always bo nsed for ciHLittiKN it-, m.No. ii toorale iiio child. eorraae tbe (.('Ms, Al Als Ul. IAIN. Illili- W.VIt COLIC, and is tho liker KKHkbY Kia blAllllll'KA. I lieut)- IlVflullll ,i bottle. Karl WiUon'-i E. tc W. bm I if .Mimi's Collat saml Gulla aro Iho b .«[. -sol.I overirwliorj. -_»-. Foi.Dixr, Brds..Largeat assortment at mod¬ erate prices. Call and examine. I hf Dniuxr. Foi.mxo Brp 0O., WW l-aat 14th st.. uear Broad-ay. Henry A. I)A\IKI,s, M. I).. 744 I.-tilmrlonave.. Iietweeu '.'.th anl :li)t'i sr*-. Ifonn.M lo 1, A to 7. Diseases if the Nervous S-stem. i.eiiito-L'iinarv oriMiis. liupoluneu su st.-rilitr CHEAP. WE NEVER CAUKY COVERED PARLOR FIRM- TIKE (IVKit TIIK HOI.II.AYN. TIIKKKHIKK WILL SELL OCT TIIE BALANCE OF OCR MTOCK OF "HESE HOODS-MOKE THAN '_00 SLITS, Ac.-AT A HO LT TI lt IR VAL! K WITIIOl'TC OVEI.INH COST OR (SAY) ONE-THIRD LESS THAN I SI AL PRICES. I I Kl Hilt UilHI WE INTEND ItEIMCINO OUR ENTIRE STOCK BY ONE-HALF AT LEAST BEFORE JANUARY 1, AND TO EFFECT THIS MIALL OFFER INCOMPARABLE lt AIM.A N-i. "Buy of the Maker." GEO. C. FLINT CO. 104, 106, 10S WEST 14TH-ST. Par.net Floors, Wool Mantel*, and all kinds of furniture mt'te to order at nor 2'Jth-sL Factory. In order to attract holiday pur¬ chasers to our warerooms, ive are now offering the greatest bargains ever heard of in this linc. 1,000 MUSICAL BOXES, playing G tunes each, price $16, for only $10, until New Years. M. J. Paillard & Co., 680 BROADWAY. Tho Celebrated SOMMER PIANOS Are at present the most popular, and preferred by leading Artists^ 149 to 166 B. 14th SL. H. 7. Still further reductions ip prices of Furniture, Crtus, in plush and rattan, remaining unsold, suitable (or New Year's gifts, at Nos. 22, 24 & 25 East 14lh-st., Near Union Square The GORHAM MFG CO., Silversmiths, Announce that they are now pre¬ pared to give attention to all cus- tomres desiring to exchange articles purchased during the press of the Holiday business. LI road way »._ 19tli-st. AUK A HAM HYATT, Alt TIONKEIt. CONTINUATION SALE OF FURNITURE* BEDDING, SILVERWARE. CROCKERY. ETC., OF TilK MANHATTAN HOTEL, Corner Broad- t j and (anal--., Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 28 and 29, al 10 a. m. The Furniture wa* m.ttle io order Iit He Couti tb Taylor, nutt ibe Mtvertt nee by Ihe Co rim mi HasalaeU ii rlu« t o ni iinji jr. ami (ht best miuil.nrr j,'im Be ankh SALE P.iHITlVE AMI HTTIIOl f iiksKkhc STEINWAY THE -WDAIII) HAMS OF THE WORLD The Large- Establishment in Existence. Wareroonis, Steinway Hall, New-York DIAMONDS. RAND_L, BAKEMORE ..lLLl-US, I.ll I'O UTE UM OK Ol A HON OH. Ul RI EH, m AI'I'llllCl.*.. -ilKiCAl.O*. FKAU-* ABO HV1.-..AM iii'it-s ManulHt turn a ot diamant! Jctvslrr. lint mund I 'tiller* auti I'o.laker*. &S N issn.i »t. au.l ill Maitteu I.ie. Nsw York. 1 bl. Aluin* s st., lin;. ..i., Circus, 1 .Ul.'.mi. -. BACON PIANOS. . ll Jil* 11AVKN A O-il'ON.) FRANCIS BACON'S PIA.NO FACTORY, MANON MU.II ANO HrMKll DIH-CT F-OM # FACTORY, If) anti wt Wilt MIMT, near -Vii ave., N. Y. ALL Fits aiul Smlskin GttptBti raanufact- ur*U by C. C. bll.v V M.. lui l'nu.-st. ha** lae Bra name wa, U»*i'*bj . srryluj Hi* _.u.iuu-« ol rellakMltl/.
Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1886-12-27 [p 8]....occurred lor whch Casi a *a* mod. Mr. CioKer will be expected by his organization to emlen-,or to h:i\c the patronage adjusted a



TBSTB BXFBCTKD IN THK COI'NTY DBBOCRACY.The Tammany D-Mnocracy will hokl Ite prlmarlen tn __S

carious Assembly Districts W-morrow evening. It was

expected tbat tfaere would be several lively conti-*.*, but

H la iiuileist.sKl uow thal the troubles

Bave naen patched up. In the lat Dia¬

triet little Juetloe Dully managed to loee hi* r-indi-

detc for Alderman at the lost election by what moat per¬

sona thought to be extremely poor polltica. aad thei-e waa

talk that tbe diatriet mi*, ut be takeu from bim. " The

natter waa settled at the meetiu- wheu Inspectors of

.lection were chosen," aaid a Tammany leader. " The

Judge was allowed to name thc inspectors of election.

"»__ know whal that moana. The opposition would not

SBBSe a Unlit with thc luspectors against tfteui."Tuen* will be a chango lu the XXlVth District Aa has

already boen announce-, tne i-pre-ciitatiou hereafter will

be from the Twenty-third and Twenty -fourth Wards, as

such, in the same manner as in the Bepublleuu aud

(Vimy Democracy SSBBStMBlsaa The exce-diugly poorShowing iu.i.lc by the Tammany orirani-.uti.iii at tbe

laat election bas had a good Isal to do with this change.Colonel E. T. Wood, instead of bo uk Ibe leader or the

XXI Vth District will only have the leatersbtp ol the

Twenty fourth Ward, aud this may possibly be SSfllBSBSSl.u licorice ll. Forster. The new General Couiiultt-c will

meet in TaiuniHuy Hall on the evcuiug of January 14 lor

organUailou.Tue County Democracy primaries will be held on Wed-

Beetlay evening In each of the 812 election distil, ls of the

tlty. Ko other politieiU orgauuatiou attempt*thia. Tuiiimaiiy aud the Kepubllcaus bold

prliuaricH by Aaaembly Districts. It looka

now aa though there would be sharp coutesle

In the election district* of the Vth, Vlllth aud XV ll. Hi

?sMiaioi. Diatiicia, sud possibly In aome others. The

op.Hiueuteo. Hr. Philip E. : *oiillu lu the Vth Dlstiiet are

©ager to try lOuclusious wii.i nun. lu the Vllltu Dis-trioi ex Aaseuibiymau Uuiiic. Paliersou aud his tiieud*gm cou*, lou* Ual they ba e a autirp struggle t-ctoie

Uieiu. me iiisinei is a p_cu.__r oue ror the teat Bide.beni-.' heavily uepubiicau, an i'm telson has had a hurltluie lu keep lils cu...millee il un tit st i llug him at eachSh tuuu. lie la going to tey to gel oue uow that shall he

.'iron-clad." _.

'ibe XVUIth District la Hu >e.rt O. Thompson a old die-IMS. Mayor -trace also iivo* Jiere. Ju.uo* McCariueywa* 1 boiupsou's ttBBBBBBSB* De desire* tu l.lalu coiiuolBf the uisirict Air. Graces candidate is '1 burna* v..

By rut**, his marshal, aud a clever puliuulau. The outcome

(ii'ibiittiuiivK will oe w-aumei wita a good deal of luiur-

e.t, uol ouly lu the IBBBd ol the county Domocruey, out

lil lain n.au.) ililli. _.-__»

ibo ot-aia of representation la one delegate for each 100vine- nun lui any lia* tiona. , ult ol lui. iotas exccciiiii*

Oliy eaat tor the i ru.oi mile tK.ct al the lu*i i're«iileutiulrici li,tu, bul eacu election olsirlct 1* entitled to at least

oue delegate 1 he uele-iatlou* to tue i-ouuiy Comuiltleeaaal lue feaecutive Coiu.iltteo aro chose u by the Dlairli-lcoin nuilee*.



There is much curloklty in political circles as to

bow Air Mr. Hewitt will reco_ni_e iauunany UaU ana

tbe couuty Demociacy lu the matter of ".atronage.

Tanimany Hall and the Republican organl^-un* have

received no i-cognit-on from Mayor Grace; neither

have U»ey naked lor any. The County Denioeraoy

ka* bad a corni aratively clear field. Ibis iiew of

the caae will be preaented to Mr. Hewitt by the Tam¬

many leaders, with a requeet (much like a demand)

Uiat Una condition ol things aliall he remedied as

soon aa prt-cUc»b_e.Ai S matter ol fact. Tammany Hall doea not to¬

day control any one ot the groat departments ol thecity tio-eminent, ihe County Demooiacy control*

Uio la.k, Charitie* and correction, l'u-iic Wons and

_ti-**"t Cleaning Dei_ar.meuto, ana ba* a lair i-nre-Sentat oa m each ol the others.

AiU-u_j.b Mr. Howitt w_m one of tho founders ofthe county Democracy In leel, and ha* beun nom¬

inally connected <*ith it over aime, lt 1* undoi-tood

that he haa for somo time bad a warmer feol.ng torTannually Hall than lor ito DtmoeraUc ri*al. ThiaBa* been specially the i-u-c sii.ee the retirement o(John Kelly. Mr. Hewitt withdrew volunurily fromTammany Hall ou account ol u tinten in o wiih Mr-Keily. He aid not Uke the iumuiauy cbieftum's ar-

l Urary lueUiotls. With K chard Cruller Mr. Hewittha* been fr.entlly for many years, lt wari in savingMr Hewitt's hallot-boxee from bein.* overturned an.lbis adherents dn\en from the j.oil* that tho uiuxucr

occurred lor wh ch Casi a *a* mod.Mr. CioKer will be expected by his organization to

emlen-, or to h:i\c the patronage adjusted a little more

evenly. If lannnany Hall doe* not get a largo shareOf the (rood thiiif-s ,i|.r i¦u-.'sl from the City Hall dur¬ing 1887. there w ll be a rattling fight o**cr Senatoraand Assemb.ymen nnd the lor.il ticket next fall.Further than tho ap; ointment of Arthur Berry as

private secretary, as auuoun.et, Mr. Hewitt will mahnBo kmiii. dun..' change* In tho personal staff at thc*cny HUI lt ia not certain that he will make anyother ct.aime- it be l.ti i. Uie employe* air-auy there

capable.¦ ¦



Mr. Beeeber anuouueed In Plymouth Churoh yesterdaymurnini: lhat a special meeting of Ute New-York audBrooklyn Congregational Assoclatluu would be held Inthe church on Wednesday afleruuou aud evening to coin-

Dicuiorulc tbe sixtieth anniversary of the ordiutitiou audlnstallullou of Dr. Eduard Beet-ber In the Park StreetCoiit-rcKi.tii.nal Church, Bo.-tou. In tha evening cuu-

gvati.l.'ilt'iy addresses will be delivered b.\ the Rev. Drs.abbott. Barrows, Kincaid and Lloyd. Mr. Beecheradded: " While delicacy prc.cut* my making auy re¬

mark* alu.ul this event, lt would give me gmt plca-iiclo see thc members of this church and congregationfcere lo honor my brolher in this laic year of his longand uni a.ms life."lu regard to thc annual pew-letting, next weak Mr.

Beecher saul tli.it all BBSS free to reu; each pew* as Iheydesired. Nasas owned anything in the church exceptlor oue yciir. " An.l then they dou't own me,"bo added with emphasis. The system of disposingof |iew. by auction, he further said, was the best iu m.myways, ami it mihi a thousand dinu_.-re.iiifute in tbeBb ure I.

lu ui* sermon Mr. Beecher sold Hint the iniilirxl nfChrist's rem bing was -bully il.tleteiH truui thut ol ourday. He Usik nt. one ute* and exi-uutidefl philosophically,but usually Hi* lite,h. spiuu-* up Hom ibe croivtl ubi.utHim. mid (hey took purt lu ihe discourse lu hu Interlocu¬tory manner.ihe mother and brothers of Christ did not belle*.e nial

He was what lie de. lured himself to I.e. There waa awide t*>nt)ii-.f betweei) the real .dury and the Alary c.-le-br.ie.| ii, ii,.,.'.n.ie.,t-i*ti '-'.ii.mi i eais. There is nu proofthat she i.h.i uu.i spiritual perceyilaa or insight, c-heand ber t.ltici bulls thoa_;hl .leniis **.ts out nf lils Uiiud.

ll) the inusi and liiKhesl sense,only wbeu men rise Intothe consciousness nf the (|iialitie* -ahlcli belong to God. dothey uu.ier.-taud Him. Men an: m-ckiii-.' to kunu i.od byrain* iii.itniii and by studying Hie onmuol lue. No maucan lind .....I until he Uiul* ibo pet uliar iiuality winchf-oiisfliui-.s Him (¦<*!, uiul conies mi.. pasasaeloB al thoseS-ipereituiifii! <in;ilities lu his nun soul rel.-itiunebip.The royal road tn kuowludge ot iiml isgoodness.

EMMWAl MEETING OF THR MT. SIVA! HOSPITA I.The lecture-room of the ML Sinai Hospital, at Sixty

sixth st aud Lexington-ave., was tilled yesterday uiorn-

Iwt willi an audience of rSfSSSSSBattTS Hebrews of thiscity, to lisii ii to the uiiuuiil re poi t a ml luke part in the an-

Bual election of ..Hlceis. Tbe rej-urt af tin- president nnddirectors sboa-cd that J.'-'titl patients had been treatedSunlit; the year, and a large humber ueccsaurily turtmriaway, for whom lhere waa no room that a new depm!-Bteiit hud BBSS created during the ieur. known as the"Diatriet Corps of Physicians." Members of this corpsYlstt ajtjilicai.ts at their homes, wlm cannot I. . received Inthe hospital for lack of room" Trialled nur-es aro alsoa*rutuiii»;ii!ly supplied tn these sufferers, from 'lie Mt. SinaiTraluiiiir School. Thc city and btate contribute nothiuxtoward the sup-tort of the hospital: so Hint lt depends en

Brcly upou the Income from patrons, members and In*Veetesl funds. (inc hundred ami ninety two new natronsAnd mt-iiii.i is wert) ol.iolled dm.uk the le.n, the totalaw lu >er->mp bSSBg 'AAoA.Tbe u.-ii-iir. r's n pori showcd that the total receipts

tor the year had been _.*-.**.-* 13 «(_!, and the total di-aiuine-Bieuis pdii^FAA AO.Thc eic.ti.iii of oflicers resulted SS follows : Prssidsa.,

Hyiuiiu J; i ii in i let picsideiit. Isaac ii al ia. li ; tre.isiir.tr,Bamuel M. -chafer uirectoie. Dewitt J. Roligmau, Wolo-BMiu l^H,b, William Vo_;el, tliaa Aslel. Adolph Ht in,..nuMaitms. f'e.uuciiuer.Before the iiiei-iiugadjourned A(lol|.hus Solomon, prcsl-

4cui ol the uew Mouu-uoie Home for Chrunii: Iuvalius, inBh.Mii, a vole of luauke io thereti)lu>j board ot duectoi*.Staion that la view of the hearly support which the .sionlefloie 1 ali iiatl rceclved fixim all deuomliiatioiis. lt Was_B.euii.-d as soon us possible to make the home thorough lyBon-bi'iUnui).

EXPRESS COMPANIES MVST YESTERDAY.Many people, to whom Christmas day had seemed like

¦aaday, had lo etop and SMUlBSS tlicii.seli.-. that yester_agr wae not Monday, wheu tbey heard the heavyexpress wagons ruuibllngovcrtlie pavements aud sawtheBusy porters delivering huudreds of bulky parcels at

fflvate houses aud etores.Bot " ueceaelty knows no law," and Police tfujierln

laodcnt Murra) reoognUca the force of that axiom. 6o (when bc wa* appealed toon balm day to allow the cz- '-

Btam conipautc* to deliver panel, lu the city to-day ; andwea Inlormed that tbe abtpmeut* of Christniaa pa,-agesfrom all paru of the country had been no oiei whelmingtBat the compaule* bad lieen unable to deliver them;BBd that a million parcels still remained lobe deliveredn BBiloua eon*l_<neee; and that many of theai containedperishable alua which would be a lo** lr uot delivered toBajf, bere-lect-d that'thehabbath was made for mauBait pot man for tte Uabbatb." mui decided that the _uu-aay Law might be more honored .\e_widH_ lu the bicauiisliaa la the obaervauce. Accoralntdy, uu order wa*Issoed IB Ula police not to tutertere with theBBB-BBS ageuia lu tho delivery of purcell yesterdaylt ls la bs vraeuuied that the pill liege waa not abusedaarulaly ao complain ta were tiled by thc reclpieuu. evciiIBaiah they did not look fm their panels iiiitii to-dayXhB companies ail acree that (he l>u*i___es done this si

Caw-BS-BS far ekceds Qi ' oltune lhat of any holiday kr* n

EBB, aai say tkat lt tin, a stonaa had pi .vailed lustoad of J si

open weather, tbe efrain on the delivery departmentswould have aortonsly delayed dollverio*.




Jenn B. Day, president of th* New-Yorlt Rant-all Clnh,aaya: " Von Der Ahe, the mauager of the Kt. I/mls

chatupion*, haa been talking niiich of late atmut mynine betux a third class club. I am tired of hearing suchrubbish and am going to kick. I am in good tullis whenI aay thal I think tho local lannie club i* suprric.r to tbeHt. Ixiiils clot), and I intend tn challenge tho latter fur a

werie* of triune* to be played in the sprint:. I will waxerf.'t.OOO Hint the New-York club win* thc majority of theninnes. In ease Ihe Kt. Ixiui* club win*, the $6,000 la totn-tlc vi.lol to some dencrving ehnritle* in 8t. Louis; andIn ease my club win*. Von Der Abe'* 05,000I* to iro to wine New-York charity.The gala receipts do not bother mo, and In easo Mr. VonDer Alie is willing, the winning BBB. will take Hie totalBOOMtam If Hie gentleman dues nut like the fftyOM pro¬position, I will play him for tlie gate receipt* iilonc. Thi*is mt idle boast, for I really think thc New-York club can

win. Thc friend* of tho llrooklvn club are alan talkingfreely aljout the superiority of their club. Each of theIncut nines j-"l third place 'ii it* lespectlvo association,and ir tho _MBgBO ia not stronger tliiiu the Americati A»--.t iiitiiiii, the tennis niljin timi tn iii: evenly matchoi, Iwill miikc the annie offer to the Brooklyn club that I havemade to thc Kt Lout* nine, aud nothing would please nie

more than to have both club* accept Both thc Brooklynam! Kt. Louis clubs have- plenty of open date* In the»priug, and nothing but fear of defeat can prevent themaccepting my otter*."

.. .lu.k " McMaetera, trainer of the Brooklyn club:" Every baseball chibougbt to have a professional truluer.I could see rhe good result* of my labor* on the Hrooklyuplayer* during the lust season, aud you will nut icc ltwlih even more distinctiveness next season. Ballplnyer* are prune to stoutness and fat ls a virtue that a

player doe* not need. There arc several heavy-weltrhl*lu the Brooklyn club that 1 will take under my charge us

noon as the frost get* out of tho ground. Bwartwood,Henderson. Phillips nnd one or two others aro much too

heavy. A run from haapOOt Park to Coney Island luheavy swuateis will be their tlrst early in.ni uk doses."John Kelly, ei-umplro, now BBBB.OOO of tho Louisville

club, says : " I have made a reputation aa au umpireand hope to do equally well a* a manager. An umpire'slot 1* not a happy one. unlc»s he la specially quoll!.d forthe work. I could never uill how I gullied

Dtulurity, nnlc** lt waa simply throughiffereuce. I never ftllowed the'cat-calls' or dissatis¬

faction of the spectators t<i bother me In the least. If a

player became offensive. I tined him ; and that generallyput a stop to his tricks. People In different titles viewthe traine lu entirely different ilvlits. In nome cities thespectators » ant thu umpire to decide all close questionsIn favor of the borne club. People say lhat lt ls most dlf-in nil for uiii|itie* lo give satisfaction in Ihe Westerncilice; but there i« one town, not far from New-York,where lt is harder for hu nipfre to do his duty than inany Western town. New-York I* the most ceOBMlp.ItBBtown lu the country, aud tbe euslest for an umpire toplOBSS, AU New-Yorkers want 1* Justice, and If an um¬pire doe* ht* duty he need never fear violence, lt 1* aremarkable fact that, ult hough one hears constantly of vio¬lence to umpires, BS umpire ha* ever been seriouslyInjured by the infuriated spectatora"William Barnie, manager of tho Ballimore club; "If

Ill-luck ever followed a man. lt hna followed me in base¬ball. 1 don't mean In a financial sense, for I have mademoney; but, aa rar as am-urina- u winning team i* con¬

cerned, mv club insist* upon being the tall of the Ameri¬can Association. I hope, however, that now I have shakenoff my bad luck und that Maryland's represeuiatlve teamwill make a model record next season. I have secured thepick of all the old Newnrk players, and aa they made awonderful record in New-Jersey, I don't see why theyahould uot do the same In Maryland. The deal cost me around sum of money, but I needed the piaf.0 and gotthem. 1 he Arbltralloii Otminiitce did right In reinstatingTom Burns.it im wan blacklisted by Hie Newark cl iib. Hui nshus permission to sign wherever he wishes, but aa he say*he annis to play In Baltimore. I am reasouablv sure thathe will *lxu with my club. He will play third base forme If he signs ; bur in case he does not sign. I have twoother tuen who ran play in lhat position creditably. TbsNew-York club wants Burua badly, I know, but I hardlythink they will get him."John Lotto, of Louisville theatrical and bnaebAll fame,

said: " Baseball aud the theatre combined serve tokeep me busy. 1 have alway* bci-n a great baseball en¬

thusiast, ever since 1 wa* a small boy and lookedthrough tlie crack.* in the leuce at the old Eclipse dub

iilayiutr at Eclipse Park, nt Louisville. The old Eclipse'ark ha* long *iuce beeu ubuutloued, audour present 6l!o ls much more con¬venient. We may not have the greatestteam in the world, although wc have 0 good oue; but wohave thc greatest diamond Held in tho world. I tell yoult will cure Hore eye* to go out to our grounds mid look ate.ir diamond, covered willi Kt ni in ky blue gru.,. Ourj.layers always play a great came at home, ami some orthe uu|teratiti ms one* any thut tho blue grasI I* whatmakes them do lt"" Lew" _iimons, exinlnstrel, now director of the Ath¬

letic club of Philadelphia: "1 was the prime mover inthe si liiine to make baseball popular in Cubaand now I wish I had not been. Tho inpof tho two club* taken down lo (lilia a lew weeks ago,waa not a OBOOOOO, and those who engineered the si hemeare out about $1,300 In rtnieOOJHinre While the inill-ttchtors would draw 5.000 people, our moral bulI Interest¬ing Kanie would tm luck i If MiO pcoole were present. Iwaa tJad to got sway, aud so vatm tiio players. I wantno more Cuban trip*.



Hattie Kttm, the yo mg (ienr.tw woman who iIIsap-peurel OB December ld, rmurueu to brr mother's linnie,No. BBB East Ninety-thto-'-st, ou Haturduy, at about tliesame time mat thu polios woie lOSJBaetad to searcu lother. She wus seen ut lier home ye-ierdity afternoon bv

allum m. reporter. Sue is a well-formed woman, ofai'out tweuij-l wo, with reifnl.ir features and a pair ofluise blue eye*, the could not -peal: Euiriisli aud madeher .aiemei t llimul li lier brother lieu j.iiuin.Kb« re; e.iled the story told lu Der let*er to her bro! her

utKUll I.tlntilliV ill lill, tl'i Ct ll'.ul IBBB.HBO I m.e. I'l --.ess

lu it nospuul. 'J ur ru aa* unoti.er beti lu tue room on

which lay a young wonuin, who Inui been run oVt-r ny a

w.tnoii. ."ho sn)* tout wnile lu this foin sun was

ul'.euded by a lem .lc nurse ulitla short, mid ile;i_ I

lie. lew pi.j slot .ii. T n piiysn iau lola i-er li.ut elie hudii.itiati.il leter, and retuned lo lot her ki ow winnie aimw -a. On rialurnu) alie, w_* .¦ in. nai neil fioui I e liOaiotal,. Ut! n li..Ire ifcouirault- Iu-1, sn alie *a s, to liol i-ilVtt.,wileri-she took a or lo Uer nome. Ail lh.it alie cnn Cul.tu nilli ol tue liiiiluiiw aUe lett ls Unit it aa* "' rut nrnkanil bini a billi woollen BtBSf. rhe reineiiiner- tlmtwnll. walling with t e nurse ne pa sci! n.r,i Bridgeover widen lue r-ilroad run, ami tnal once she nette*'" Ninety-ninth" pint ou h i!tiri|j-iM,st Wneu *ne

fainlei in I I'tn-iii e. ue had -iii au-l aouie Ce lils iu herpocket, which she lu.* iud seeu aiuuo. .-he s.i> s Mm wasv-el treated lu tue hospital.IL r br llicr auld tn tl bs bad visited all tlie bospnela in

the liei/l.corlio.nl, lueludllil! tlie MlicIC nlii'li - Ire!

Hospital, uii't the null.on.1 * deuifd Inn. tliey li il ti dsub n-e n rh- ii i, s -lunion nt ia*. At the .iirty-i.Ililli Mr-et Ho-pllal one of theuurs s ssl-l that llierhud Mid a \ omia* "in ,n wno bail laren rmi oier ny awatron. Uko tue young woiu.iU, wini, his Histor said, wa*lu thc room with her.

A SKILFULLY Pl.ANTc.D RLOIY.A toll man, slightly intoxicated, insulted a number of

ladies on one of tho Bridge curs, dossing over fromBrooklyn yesterday BBBBBing. The gliaill re¬

monstrated with him, and bOSBBM himself the object ofthe tallow, abuse. At the New-York end of the BridgeOlticei Murri.) ,of the Bridge police,unilertsl the mau away,i bc olleiidci-let Ukisc ii still greater IIoihI ol blasplieiuy,mut t lapped his hand tu hi* hip pocket, as lr todruw a

revolver. Officer Murray dashed ut hun. and ho turnedund run dim n 1'a.ik kow. Two other Bridge policemenJoined lu Hie chase, lui! when Mails!, was rc ac li eil theputmara aron hopelessly la tha rear. OB.of thomsonWUlaa Of the I'uik indite, however, who bael run uimmithe park, Jumped the low wire lenee nu Hie coiner ol ibenark and with one bkiltul swing ol his brun Bf ieft arm,landed a big fist behind thc car of tile astonished runnerwith a loree which spica.i him senseless nu the side walk.Before Jiulge iJutty, iu tlie Tombs 1'olioc Court, he eavehla name sus Thoma* Minivan, aud lu default of «*r_ lim-wa* im kt tl np.

FOR CHINESE SC MIA 1-St HOOL SCHOLARS.The front scat* in tho Chun li of the Holy Trinity, at

Madi n-ttie. aud Forty-second st., were occupied lu.stnlglit by Hie Chliianieii who comprise the, Chine. branchof thc Kuiiday-ecboo! uud Ibeir frieiids from the vailou*other schools of the elly. The service was especially Torthem aud there wu* a large iitleiiduiicc Io heal' thespcaki wiio addressed them. Ile was !Jamel l-l,un .-Inn.Hi* address lo tiii-iu Iii their own language wa*, uo doubt,to them an interesting one, for their ttOtt ihOWSd thutthey were pat lug strict attention to what lie wa* saying,i'hii t- wore sfuglug and a few addresses upiu thu school,il* growth aud Hie umount of guts! done hy it.

THE POLICE HOCBY TUB S10RY.Policeman McDonald found a man at Third-uvc. And

rblrtcetith-aL about 2 a. m. yesterday, with a wound luai* bead. At the station he said that his name was CuiioVon Frotba, of No. 254 Fra,uklyn-ave., Brooklyn, undthat he wa* a reiwrier on a Brooklyn BBWOfapOT, Heind that three men had attacked him without warning In

1 nnd use. am! dragged lum into a basement, tv helc they)OOt him and lobbed him ol -fAS. He could not lucille thelasruicM with certainty. His erasing hud beeu ipeul luKo.nie. mil st. and al the Morton House. The police doMt place any contiden c lu the BtBtOOMBt of Yon Frotbahu! lie Waa attacked by highwaymen. After his woundinn! in 11. di eased he wen! lu hm nome.

A TOOTH IN HIS BRON OBIAL TCP E.Walter I'eiTy, aire twenty-seven, died yesterday atiiamhii* .Mn el Hu.siiiiul from Injuries received un Fil¬ia), when he wa* eli mk with an elevaUir at No. v.". intL, where he worked. It wa* IBfOKOQ* at the Cormier'*.lin.- ihui ii. ulh nun caused bi a fiatiurotl skull. A moreillunie cvuliiiiiitllOB Showed Iiini the man's nknil was uotrat lui ttl. 1 lu-ullin k ul Hie bl. tv, however, hail brokend twimf the trout lt tit. one of tt lil' li lind iutl^ed in Hieighl I'ltin. Inal lube, and the inflammation and irritatione: up by il lintl tudu' cd spasms of thc glottis, whichlided lu Mrnuguliiiinii.

SHOT Bl HER SWEETHEART.(ni mu i, 8. c., Dec. 20 (special)..In celebration ofiii niiij.i>- *omc of the colored pt "plc of l»ailingiuu gavedance aud supper last night After the dattee whileupper waa acned, " Terry " Utile, one of the youngcgitic* got into a quarrel with one ot tlie girls and drewls pistol. Watt Ellison the sweaUieart of tho girl,lipped belweeu with hla pistol, bevoru! shuts werered aud the gili wu* Bccidc.nUy killed hy .illaou wtUi Utaio! Imead.T.i uer .Buller. J..hw aaTB>yt-


ri.nMlNI.NI ARRIVAL*.rtfth Arenue Hotel-1 nngrcssn sn William L Scott el

Penn»Tlvnl* sf. Jnme* lintel --ct.ati.r hninss M Mowen,of o'tusdo, and (uii_.it-sn an lirrlah Wilkins, of OhioBnck'noham Hotel Vf ss*,.r ii. c. Msrsh. of Vale MHB*....Astor Houn-Pny Director J. H. Watiuuush. C. 8. Navy.


WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY.Bnard nf F.stlmaU* sin! Appo'lbmment.( o.iieien, .. lu tw.s-n I'resiietii l_HSi*,of Rrooklyn City Rad

rue ls. ami cuinnntie *of t multi. .-*.

Annnal meeline «f Church Kxt BBBB snd Missionary Ho-

clftv. Nu. S05 Hr.mill, ai 4 |t. m.

Meeting* of P.aptiat preocliers and Hefr.rnie«l pastors, .1

a. m. __

Michael ('regan Investigation. Coiner Union. 780 p. m.Ketall Urorers' Inion, No. SIS Bast Twenty thin! st, I

p. m.

NFW-YORK CITY.The-Omedlan* Kvans and Huey will app tar in "A Parlor

Match "with si) the Kidd family st the Harlem Theiire

Comlqoe to-ulght and the rest of tho week. John T. Raymundwill spptiar as Colonel Mulhern/ Seller* nen week.

The stesmer Helgic strived st r-au Francisco yesterdsy with

malls fto ti Hon? Kong.Tbe M. IHSMS and Monitor naval battle panorama. In Mad¬

ison.ave ls pt .ti inc a strum: Christina* attnctlon. It ls moro

free fren the SuiISSI of the tmlllo scene than inosl panuraiiiasof tin* sort, and ia greatly enjoyed by both yo ing and obi

people.The steamer Rrefarne. of the French Line, which arrived

yesterdsy from Hsvre, brought SI.HM).OOO in S|.*cle,Angus McMullen. sge twenty four, a nullor, fell into tlie

holt! ut the steamer State of Nevada yesterday and was


BROOKLYK.After his parents left the table on Christmas T)sy little

Joi.nny K*ne. sge fi.uran-l a Itslf, of No. ,'!(i Carroll.st., guthold ot a bottle of litpiur ami nrank so much that he item,i.e

panicle I. In Ike evening M. tiled.rsainncl McLean has resigned the presHencv of th* Hamilton

Club, owing lo frequent absence fruin Hie elly, sud Oeorge M.Olcult, the funner vlce-predde.it. ha* been elcctdl to succeedhun.The Fourth UnlversahH Hucloty, wbich wss ilnven from

Ridgewood Hall «o Mist a llrjuor llOSBSa isiulil e sccurud fursdrstnshup in the building, bs* seenred rn-me st No. Oil(isle*.ave. nervines were held I ier« yesterdav. I he pruir'.e-turor Rnlaewuotl Hall toal Hie usslor ul tue cliuroh mat ail r

tho license wa* secured service* coull bo ne'd In th* hallagain. Tho rent paid ny ihe -SBflMBSf will Ue S73 a month.Two linndred pour funllli-s were urovblel vostenlav with

olothn,-.. SkaSS sud olber uneful ai tittle* hy ttie WllllsuisbuigHeiiev.-lt-nl bo.-lriv. I'lie tlisti billion bsik place at No. Ui.M. (, role-st. lu ill* atroet Cs|.(*.o Kerser and a squad ufpolicemen lied much lilith ultv lu preaei via*; ui.Ur ai.il keep¬ing Hie mell, wouien anti children lu line.K'lwsrn Hyde, of Nu. Vii Atlantic-ave fell from the ferrv-

lH.»t ..superior uu rssttiritsv lil. Itt near the situ at Hrustlw.iv.lie wa* rescued sutl taken lu -M. Catherine's Hospital, whorehs died yesterday.The newly organized Yonng Men's Hebrow Assoclsttnn

a iei I.- aooust.tutiou and by-laws yesterdsy snd ducted ll.efollowing offlerr* Presld nt. Kerillusiid Itel** nm lil eeltlt-iii. Mus.* J. Harris; rroortllug seeretsrv, Julius Weona-ler, financial secretary, K. r-i.lnberg. treasurer, ii. Rluoh.Over COO ineuibcr* have already hueu secured.


An old man who ls known as " ¦steamboat (leorga," snd whodoes odd Jobs around the bunt »bnp nf Kclttnilt .« Pamck atTompkinsv llio, r-taten Islam!, diank to*, much on brunna*and crept inti, au obi boat, tied to s raft at the buat shop, tosleep. Ab.mt H p. ni. Mr. Paul k was star, led hy bearing hisdog "Sailor barking lo olly. The .log's bark rame fruin thewharf, aud he fuuu.i ihe ult! man In the water clinging tu theboat snd the dug holding him hy the nat collar.I'annk. with the assistance of William Alex¬ander, a boat-Itu bier, draggel the man ashore, if ithad not in eu i.u the do/, Hm man would uiul .uiii.«:iv haveI,ot n .-it..**, ii.-,I. This ts Uie third Hf* tual Sailor ha* saved. Alew weeks o.o hu saved a valuable h..at ii.un .nilling out tosea.


Joseph O. Rleff, age twenty-seven, of No. td Rmen-st.,cotiunitied snit ute vest.-r.lsv morning 'ty taxing i.oison. Heha.! been tho kc. per o! »rv. ral low barroom*, and had madetwo previous attempts at suicide.


ron-eroy Andrew*, a Pullman nalino car conductor on thslvim-i ii m,a Railroad, met Maggie nr.a.nan si a ball unChristmas night, sud took'er to Hie Phila-i. Mila Hotel fursup..er. An irews, wiio »fl u ox,cabul, fell asleep lu a chair,au his companion robbed ...in uf a Kuhl watch valued at $1.'-U.siic was arrested and Hie watch was found upon ber.Daniel .Me In.i.a1,! am! Myra (stinger, two well-known

burglar*, were arrested early yesterday u orulng wmle tryingto eui. r thc !,un se ,i Mi,!,arl .unley at h. ne amt E.ghth ats.Alt In.Haiti has been ouly a short tmeuut of prison.Joseph Rablnn anti Vldaiino Ronieuto, Italians, got Into a

quarrel yesterday at No WW Railroad-avc, and llabiuo slabbeditoiuento In the breast w.lh a stiletto.

NEW-JERMEY.HOBOKk*!..A blood*-tamed overcoat wss fonii'l In Cotta-ft

Pow at 3 a. in. yesterday. In a pocket waa found a natural!fat.on paper. SOewlaR ilnil Patrick Kirwin had become a titi-iou tu Hil* elly in Oi tuber last

STATEN ISLAND.NKWIlonp..The great mausoleum of the Vanderbilt fam¬

ily. In Hie Moravian Cemetery, will be ouet.ed for a short timetoday, lu order hat the heavy brou/.* Pla n. Inreinle.l to sealtlie m.nilli ul the vault where the bo y of William H. Vander¬bilt Ile*, may be Dually placed lu position.STBBI NRiv.IiltloirrnS..I he ..I.iceiiai Theatre Comedy

(annually," under Hie maras-*.tnt -f Klwyn Hal mn. wen* loplay '. East Lynne " at Ibe* Hall Chr.atiaaa Ive.-.ive amatinee on ( hii-tini* Ray nml BBotbrr pertorniaiice in thet venn,i', but the maiiairer .ail-d to apii.-sr or pay lor tin- ball,ani llieie was no pei .uiiiii.in e lill hiiu's iv night, wheo Hienu.inlier-ul llic inn.|iinv pin*, ed. on theil BBB account, tualair audience, aud gut euuugli to net hume walli.

I.ONO IHLAND.JAMAICA.. lute on Saturday nig ti Jeremiah i"-t_btrin and

John llrsniaik. living in Unit ii.niion tn Isaialna Known as' Inihlin, were at icsied mi a barge of stetting luu.b.-r. ar-Maters' too's anti wheelbarrows trsta Ihe ;..>. imus., -.t is., tc

li Reuiseii ul iteare 1'uiitl. A large quantity ul Hie stolenpi.Tte **:t* lound lu (.'millhill'* ri-iiir. Co.-li an ia ..iochanted witt, aasauii witb latent to kui J.dm Marun _Ti...Itev. W.H. De Halt, bavin*- icsigticn Hie paslorate of timll, Itu ioctl chnr li. pieat he,i bia farewell ser.uou lo bis ubiparishioners laal evoelaa.Wi.'iiuiAikn. Marv Hawes, are sixteen, wmrarnt on nn tr

rand to Kasi New-York on Thursday last. Hie baa not alaneIt lin inti au 11 ail etlotls lo I l.u I lo i Ka. I so fal fail. .1.Hi. Ks\ ii I*, .fohn M Hillie, arrested for Walking on the

rail! natl track, was on - nut l.iv *tn lem X d by Ju-le e -I, ne itlo lu e iu,itiliis in Ibe Couuty Jail.

Ihl.ll'.- On uiul niter Jannarv 1 the Islip post office will beaPresidential oilicc. liie salary of ll.e pnaimaslsc will leSL-OO.


TUE NOBLE GEEMAS ECht tVPPOBl Ills' WIFE.At Jefferson Market I'oiiee Court yesterday Herr von

Nebcll wus ortleietl to put tfi, ;, xvnll to his wife Marin.who charges him willi ulniiiilnniiieiit. Finn von Nelullin a good-looking fBBBf Herman ivuman. ivlmiii no one

woiihl Kii-.pc.-t or h.ii lng Itctrii the iiu.tlicr of six chiblren,tl fut t tn u hu h sh,, |f.ulieil lu court, lier liil-liainl is ii

tall, soltlierly-lisiking fellow, who bslBBgS t.t a goodtinnily in Frank,in i-ou thc Main. Ins father having lungbilli al (he heall nf tin- poUSS of flint city. The wile i-

also irom li ai ii Iv Ti ut, lui', nu' Int-.i in New-York hutuweek. Mic says that her husband dsSSItsd her lu De. em¬

ber, 1 KWH, mid run ult' with SBBthSf WtWBBB. He deniesthe bitter part Bl thc statement. BBd *aj I lhat lie left biswire because of her SMUKtaloBI dotnga lt ls thought tluitthe troilltle probably glow fruin liie (lllterei.ee in rankbetween tin- hoabaml nutt mic. Timbuebaad to nubiaand thc wife is Um child or sb artist The gul lind a

dowry of 40.00(1 mai ks. boivever, which, it is iiverrcd, linsbeen squalid.-io.I bj her husband.'Hie inisi.ami i^ now einplo.i eil lit a Hiilury of SI ,000 by

*'laren,.* M. ROOf, aB Importer, of No. '-"J tollcu'e pince.Ile lays that he has all lilting been supp,,i ting the twoclilitllt li ulm are -lill nillo.-, mu I will support tue lumberif she mil return to 1 ruiikiort BBd take ture of (Bschildren, ii In. li, bc says, sin- lins not tloue lii-ri-l.tfiire. Henil,;.-.ts tu paying for her niaintennnce In tins country,however, mid will appeal trom J nellie (.ur'nan's decision.Von Nebcll wa* ile...ral.-d with the Iron (ros* for gal¬lantry on thc held during the Franco Prussian ii ar. Helives at no. 188 Atlantlc-ave.. Bioo.l.n, anil his wife liwith her sister at No. 33ft nest Iblrty-sevcntii-st. Afterthe I,eur.ru of the case Mrs. Von Nebcll had a violent Htof hysteric* in IBs court-room.

DWINDLING A POOH FAMILY.Dr, Charita P. Kreizer, of No. ftft West TBlllJ IllBlh St.

and Alexander il. De 'lerra, of No. 413 We*l Twenty-seveiitli-at., were licltl in $700 each at the Jefferson Mar¬ket Police Court yesterday, charged willi defrauding u

man widow out of premiums paid to them ns repre-,uutii-tiies of ;, ufiietlt association, which is sam to lie dcfiincLThe name of the usr-ot iiition was tho Metropolitan HenetltA sane ttl lo n. ami l.y the payment of seventeen SSBM aWeek B niau became entitled SB BE B week lu nun- ul illlie-e. Andrew .IoIiiikoii, u loiigsiior.riuiiu, of No. 513 WestTwenty sixth st ii ns ,,i,e of the subscribers to Hus inisl ti t ti m. his Inst payment haling bSBB _BB_S tm lieccu.lier 13. A few days before that BB Bad fallen 111 gmthis wile and Slime of her Meads ma.le tuncaBal calls foraislislance, but Were told flint thc association hail .' goneup " long ago. Ill coin! jcsleida* Strim SHIIIBBial hiswillingness to nay the money, but Justice lioriiiauthought that had no bearing on the eharga of laiitnyfrom a p<*or woman willi several small children, ami heldhim.

TRYING TO ROB I ARE rf TILFORD.William Meyer, who was formerly employed by Park &

Tilford, hired a small boy to go to the linn's store utTwenty tlrst-st. abd Hroiulviay ami present a hook, tellingMr. Pherson that "Tommy" wanted ^I.immi worth ofcigais tor the up town suire ut Pitt) iii ni ii -st Mr. Pher¬son suspected thal stun.-lnmg v. ms wrong lu the mtier amigave lin* boy empty isiies. Mejer BM! thc boy on u,,.cars ami got oft at l-'orti-second st., where be {BBS Hielitue- au.l hhs ai le-d-.l. tie was held lu the VorkinlePolice Court yesterday by Justice huilib for trial.

BENJAMIN (JlfACElxRt'Sli BCIII ID.'I'he funeral nf Heii.i.innii (^iiuckluhiish, the old tiing

gist, wiio dictl on Thursday, took place yt slertlay ritterBBBB St ths Third l.'nlvclhiilist ( hureh In \ie_,t llewniliet. Dr. lallat kiiiiiiisii was om* ot the tive rouuder* of mechurch ami Uiere waa a gtasi attendance oi mcmbcis oftuc church as well a* of friends ami leiuiin-s. 'ih,t pastor,the Kev. ilium,i* w lllu.au, couuut ted the service, ibeburial wu*ul Gleenwood.

A CHASCI. THAT MISS WOLFE WILL BBOOTBB.Mis* Ciithnrlnc L Wolfe coniliiues lo inij.mve In health,

and Dr. WHliaiu Tod llcliinitli, her pli>slclnn. now tx.presses the belief ilia! she will ret oier. The many poorpeople who baie been ucciistomeii to share brr bouiny (,tUn* season of Hie ytOt wen not loigoiteii, her ugeni hav¬ing been Hisli ui ted to pun ldc foi t,..-,., as usual.

PEaEhEOE (>F Ml SD.iiom 'Ihr I, a ul,, Ciruriee.

They tell a story ol a .ocai uew«paper m.in thatillus! ates hil pr.-en. n of luina ev. n umiei the iuo*t try *

lng circuuislsme*. He w.s uwukeuea In a hotel onouigbl b, ti.e r. oi .. me," ami lu <i..« a.i ma ami twobii'i t'li.t-li.s waa out uf bad aud IU lue bail, wlliub Wastl.io '. won ain-.-ko. Jual ai ruo of i.im waa a Oi lug Uguie,elad lu White Ilk* l.iin.elf. and ruuuliigat _, 'J.K, ,-u... aturu lu tue hail ino two aupa ieauiug lo a higher leveli.r.nigitt tu« u« ur* up, ur rat uer uuwn. and ins saaiecause precipitated lbs BBWBIBJ ur mau against ber. "Let'snra),' cried the eitrigiitnd w.ia)au, ns sue ela.pr.I himby tne arm. " No, i.-i'« run," waa ht* rep'y. au i piitt.ngbe ono* more iu ibe right direciiuu, tue iu.iy w.s soouturrabead, though her reaouar gol oul lu plumy of Hum.

The two never s iw ep-h other niram. bm t' elr flrat unionly meeting miisl b ire vividly liupreaacd Itself upoiti.e iiilutl of eneh.


McQClDE DOES AOT I XPEi T A NEW TR 1AL.Ki Al'krin.n MBQB.11 has been loclnil up In OlI

Tumbe long enough to come to a full realiiatlon o!

how flrmlv tho public ls convinced of his guilt, an

he has begun to .00 ho|te of ever gr tiing hi* ca

le'ore thc court-. In -hiv more favorable shiip'* thBOwhen he waa trtod in lilt Court of O'-ncr.tl (sessionio one of a half dOOBB ..BBB-1 with whom he eon

Tensd yesterday BO in ti.at utile it BBS I"-1-' I*'

thai .Iinlce I'mtt would grunt a stay of OfOOOOB.BPin hi* i-f"-, bo thou, tit it doubtful, and even if he.did, he feared that .MOB was Utile hope nf gelnBfa new trial. "If a stay is not granted ou luella) "

he continued, "thc case will not be carried anyfurther."

McQiiinlo's wife, throe of his children, and hisbrother Bernard were with lum from nunn until Bf.Idarli last evening, ihe BOB.OM 'Moodier" hastaken advantage nf Uie respite gmnteil him to ghi allbis business alfa.rs in shape fur a lung 0.B BOO,Ills int-rest In Uie rag burilda, which has I.e-. rt cnn

ducted with OBBBMO.M0 piOfl in _00l iii rte ii thst fur a number of years, Im. bOOB BSOJgBOd. bi Ins

wife, who will be IBpSBOBBM Bf Hilliard MoQBOO.¦FVNRRAL OF WILLIA tf JAMKS TOHU.

Tko fiincr.il of William Janus TOO. at lils homo.No. ll West Fifty-elgbtli st., ye-t-rday. wile Ot._Botby a large galhering of his rehiliBOO amt friends.The Hov. Dr. C. I>e Witt Bridgeman, of wliuse churchMr. Todd was a tm -ie, was bj ndirlato, lull Icingireien'e-l by Illness fiom attending, tho simple cent

PUilV Mils cundill list bv the tout Hr lo-eph I I'lii,ot the Church of thc Epiphany. Miss Anne Mc-( nllotn sane a hymn, and limn those present 108k 0la ,t look ut the B_jo Of th'ir 'e| .irtcl friend Anmiigthose present were his brothers. 1.eOdOIB W. nndCharlo* Todd, hi* sister, the widow of Eli POTTY, hisbrother- n-law, Sn.eon J. Drake, and Ins wife, Con¬troller L00W| l.iieBl Marlay, O, 1). Baldwinl, lintLev. Dr. Edwanl Bright, VAward Colgate, Hoary W.Ilelrher. -loTtn It. Dos PBSS_ and Kimuol T, Yarian,ihe body will be placed in tho family vault ut Creenwood Cemetery to-day.


Dr, M'QLYNN ARDENT OV ST BTBPHBTB Di Y,Dr. Edward McGlynn has not yet given any Intimation

aa to wheu he will start fur Boiue, or whether lie will goat all. He has BOOB so much harass,. by people callingtn as, ertaiii Ids intentions that ho now refuse* to receiveany except Iii* must intimate friends.Tho foo*t of Ht. Htcp'ieii, the painui saint of Dr.

-SOI] SB'SShank , was celebrated there yesterday. Lowii..-i«-es were said hourly fruin 6 lo lu a. m., solemn highmass was celebrated at ll o'clock andvesper* at 7 p. m., but tlie pastor was not present ii|kuiany of these (M-ca.sl.in*. Tho Kev. lather Patrick Munchan was thc celebrant at fhn hiivh mass and was assistedby the Kev Fathers .la BOB I Barry and Thmnas Me*Laughlin a* deacon and siib-dcncnn. Tho Kev. FatherBenjamin J. O'Cnlluhau prent bcd the sermon.

//OSPlTAL 0 V v D.i Y C ol L OTIOT S.Tlie Sunday lu.spiral collections were taken In nearly all

the churches of the city ami its vicinity ycMenlay. ThereBBSB lurge attendance at the churches. BBd I.fal Bras,Otcourse, favorable to the cnllecliuiis. F. F. Cook, the gen¬

eral agent of thc association, said that whilo ho hud aa

yet no iiosirive Informalnm as to tho result, the estimatoiran the oilectitiiis la several churche* indicated largocunti iii'.ititnis, within a day or two ks expects lu obtainfigures of the largest collection*, ihe Jewish churchesmitde their contributions un Katiirday, and that of theTemple Emullu 101, lt was said yesterday, wuuid reach$1,01*0. rn


from The London Spectator.Prince Alexander'* earner i* tue ni ire rsBinrka'de be-

Cntue of late year*, willie tin one* nave been very fie-i,u uilly web filled, Ibo ca-le'e of tun Boyd Hun.es havenot dlitli.aulsiiwt tin ns-iv * In nroi ortbui to tuelroppur: l iiiti- s Charles ol Hohenzollern hus a* yet tloiioheat i h- Aii-iid Ke Maximilian uml I'iince Amadoubulli lill.e.I, uni Hie Prussian'* K> d 1 linen" Wll* kim.vionly a* a severe though eoiustaal (list Ipllnailau. TLeArchduke Al> r'(-ht s> owed hiuiseir a good General atCBatassa* BB. at ul: evenis, lie won ; uni the rr-nebnelie-o tko Due d'Auiuslo to he u llrst-ratn officer, . luimere Uiu li I seems tu emt. t lie Princes tire Turflillmernlts. bil' tnev ure lilnllstui.lisneil. There lsreine .nu e, *X.pl peri,ans iii iios-im, to e111, I.>y li.em,for the Kings have cease I io ne ali ..id nt tneir tins oik|iU> Wlie SST fruin want ol will or w,ml o' power. Iliey iio

l.ot r nne to tue front, even ns iniuii ns '.li y dil when¦"Turenne," wno. ns sou of tho I'm-do Bouillon, was it

Child of rrHnce, found bis ablest op nioelit ill i ll .-ene or

Kavoy, semi-l'rliiot) of three, mt ionulitlea. T..ey seoiu toriii- nm inn tu no witituiit iiiuiii'.ioii. There wa. sumo

dllllcully in Milli.' the Tnrone ol Gience, a ni li ls auld nymei, wini have il Mimi.tl in erest iu making the aOaranBilSei BB Bl. Illnt ilt'-r-is nut a I'linoe lit iaiiop.-. out ..lotin-live fa.illira who tire BM.ad Ot ira',., wiiu I* btil.ienniigli, ora vciilurou* rnoiigli, ur anginal si.vii, lo..cn pt lue I,iii...11 n. Tinline. Yul the lu-xl Prince ntBulgul ia, if e I- cull pef.-nt. Bill be ticllei alissinio ol HieHaitian heder tl ion. uni pethsp* in the end. Emperor ufColl-talltlnnple. t -O nineo Which King L-npiilil nflid.um regretted all Ins life that ne lia thrown a viv

T nae uro 1 .rue pii/.es fur young ill-.1 w luise univ n .'niallu: -.1 ess. iu Mien nw ii .-yt s ..I all events, la ralina, annWilli, wi.en witno il euell husi 8Sn liave to lend live*welch simula be v. ry uiouutuiioiis ami ili-iustefnl.ludi-a.l. they ure horitil toilealu, .nd marry all kinds nfplipia.l BIMBOS nut of their own class ju.si lo e-capesufbi'M lon rr-'Ul tllt-lf tank.(Jon winni a e tut-u.-lit there woulil Ita er.dle.aa

Ililli, iles with till- conti and tutti to hcciii'c u noni m.,liontu Bul ria ; kal ti.e Piiuccs Lick t-vei- the audacity ofthe King nf uuiraui'i, au I usg fur " gniirni.tites." ai il" a snr.nu s." ai.d i'Ivii I.isis, niul all iiisiiii. r uf prop-ninga winen usi univ t n y cn nt lin-... b it tvitli win li.In a year ni two. tum' ini.-li- li" wetla le tu .aspen*-.We suppose that. ko t veryitotly B.B nowaila18, t evtbs .,.|i,-.e in ii,.- itselTea, il.uiiit it r ev ran Ba tn-c s n ryali)-wi. eic, mil Wnw IO be * ire kefMOeietO I (>. pnysinilco.i,full ; inn .ero must i'i> a and la k uinniig them nftint spn il « ii C tniiiuts rlyu.'isties. oil ult S .H.lug fora Rta i aadma Frihi. nr aaitamo el e veiy BoadersfLTlie thing Wiimcd is t y.m ig mau with rotes bea I, sumolui it .iv' li'ti.iiiw. and tim nerve tu think that wu li at' io e before tim -n no risk o' .! fe fur ii fe* ye.ns is m,rtn lie ciin-i i.-ro a lin .1 tm.lucie lt ls run every dey hyy ung sui l-rs anl ni * tesl!, n. ni il KlBSS c'limit >+nls. cd in. c t hf themselves. We k -tv induing morocurious, ur ni ns t»..y mure iiislienrteiiing, in nie iimiternhisiorv of Erne titan Ilia I'i nu es should en lot BUl.pulv or mis (turtle,liar section of the um Id's work,ali i timi, !icv«rt:ielcs , tn, re ls nu uno anning them wi linil laclty enough t. a. cc pt the Tb uno nf Bolgart* BOSOM-ditlo .ally. Five ) ears nf lt migliv be made ttnri li Bl ITfoote or or iniarr prnceiy nie. eimked aod tra*Bitielsd nsI' ls willi elii|iieltcs and if itu- I'lieee tal ni, he cuiildfit! Hull lng. and s .v. wiiu ('narlee Al ci aftel Novara."At lent I have not die . ns Kings die. " (lue tiing is

(piit- certain j If th.a kind of win.i nf s| int lusts, timI'lliiCes « Hi not .ona ret nil tnelr uunopoiy nf roiguiiis.Tm people eau ni iktt I'i no es if tney want them, .iudEastern Eurnpe mav Ultim nely lin js riluited miningllii-u ts lioso Hewn- ss uml | ieClB« Will leaf Ulai kind Unitu'ler ali, mere, is not until in ed gt re. Kn g Milanones in- du m nil lu -uss pnte lout ubi il iistiiu ; but m.eMl "SS Ul linn i' Sprilllg Holli tlie peopl- Would t un ni.ll) pur till Ililli IIS of Wandering alu.ut m.ipn io disposeof il illunie.

LOYA I, lURACr. MA Y\ l I- D'S PERIL.Irons The IndiannpoUe Journal.

During tho c.iiivh * »(1870. Mr. -Ma n.riwa* postedtoipe.k nt tue tuwii of .ui.erville, ihe shire fnwti urFa)elte Cuiiutt. in *eVe t Teiiicsst e. Tnat ls the oilycounty ni the Kt ito in wh ea inei« :* a mnj<>rny ofcolor tl people, alni u c.iui-e it wm and ls yet stronglyI.epul.Ill-all. Seven hoiegs lhere Was and is in | lie i.mya gan. »l ss dcsp.-r.ile ami devilish meu n* eau be fuiiuu.Winn ll wu. kmuiu lu Kui.ernl.e linn Mr Ma)bald

Wa* to speak Un r.- ii gang of nilliau* liri a cutliicii, uu Idoters Inod lo tlllkiai while i.e was sptukliigln thecn r ru un. Uk was inftinueil of ti.e tact, nut nravelydelerinloetl lo tn ino nie ape. cu, tlestu ur no death.

lu r iles, eiiie characters were cn.men to do tliedcVi.lah ll. , an I, IO pl ut nie lieu Will tin: ln.'S-ur)cuu age th-y were ll. led tull uf » link v.line of lend, "i li.fl t.epuhlii nus of Fuyetie Conn y

teni Ulierlfl Beeves, a. luuve a io a li aa ever ampi el a

r-nel iuillet. Mn also he ni ut Hie plot, alni with-ti ret,BTW BeIS, aa brave as himself, and nu uncle, ent, led tuncourt rooiii uni loni seats un elie nf lue tables u-e-i hyibe lawyers All nf them were ariin-d to the lesth, audrea ly to scatter lead al .. moment's u. tue.The ititir chnseu radians en'ered B0TB Biter Mr. Mav-

ii ntl li", un Ina speech, alni lu n .nit ore of themll.-d iiliu -t

- datoii-il Har." an I r--peeled Hie Insulta g.un and .it; Mu ail the tune 11 e four uiovrO fotw.irdtowal.; ti a siaud. Ju-t *a the last ou- wa* aaatBS him,end I'.eeve* fliieleil hun by ino neeve an l wl-lsp. r<d

t him " Iiuh't von f'iliiw* interfere with Maynard.If ) uu ito. we O ve will snout you do* ii. "

The fellow turned uud cell, ri a Int. A lnnrielrtilsperi.ig tmi* pi toe, ami tht-u the seinind els slow Iv

tile onl. ami ills* n e irn.l. '11 lliev hail lulerfei e I williMayuuri they tumid have been kllletl lu .- u. ,.i cerla'utyfor the Beeves,* were dead snots, mid as brave a> theymake them anvwlieie. Sheriff Iteeves wa* murk.I lorrt.-tdirtlnn fruin t n't very nour, ns were iii* brothel*Two of the Utier wiro kilfl.1 hythe rebels afterward,and he himself c irrtes t rets bullets tu Un* imy. Theillirie slond In* gioiind ulid fungnt the tight om ami,tuon.I a very old in .ii now. was elected recorder of th*caunty at tue carctmu last tall.


T.J-IJAT.8nn rises. 7 20 Bet*. A .i.au, sets. 7:00 .BBB. ac*. 2

1111,11 wai in.

_,JT-Sandy H.sik. H Vi u,,r. Isl' L 0.1'.'I Hall Oat*. 11:01Jf-iiau.ly ll .V. 0 18 (lev. lal'd. li.,,r, | Hal I lial*, ll JA

0U1G01SG STEAMERS.TiE*iiAr, uko. 2a

Yeas*'.Vessel. Lint. For Malls close. sails.Wyoming. Ouioii. L'veriHiol. A . m BallamKlivnlsnd. Hedtur. Antwern. I »m (I a niChateau Is-ni tile, iiordeaui. Itordeanx.... M a in(leo W Clyde. Cly de, han I juiuiugo. 1 p in 3 pm

wa BBBBIiAT, BBQ '-".»Aller. Nd Moyil. Bremen via Houth'ton. 6;_ a m 8 * ra

OBI..BAT, UEC. 30.A*syrian Monarrh, >'nn»irh, London.8 smcia le of Nerada Ktate. illaagow. o , niMarengo, Wit* .n's, Uiitlianhurg.g amWlelaii.l. Ilsmii Amer, Hamburg. H * utCity ni Wasb'-n.Aiei. .Ire, Har. _ Mex. 1 pm 3 pmAlp. s. Atlas. Jamaica.......ll am j J, .,itluldsd, QaSfcaa bel mud*. I 0 m J J, ^

FRI HAT, tllX'. 31.( Itv of Pars. Pacific Mall. Asplnwall.10 a rn noonSsi.tlogs, Viaid's. Huvsiis. . 8 1P .,


Vessel. /retaUne0 reece.landon.Na inn alluty.Liverpool.fl attona!

A Irona. I.lv*ruuol.littles(ianin.LienrpAni.i Baard

In ai sn r'>.i inthen burg.Wilton'*Ki I... il j iu.A mst el. lam.N >-l >i-A merHsratoga.Havana.Ward's

.! ISHAI. lill-. V'S.Clresssia.(Haagnw .AnchorMinni Wintlwsrd Islands.Uiisueo

M iiliM.»l.A 1. Uki;. 'JO.llaabaU*B..ilava&a..Aloiaudr*








KID CLOVESfor r.AniEs anoimun.







Steamer nrnoklyn City (Rr). Fltf, Bristol Dec fl. 8wai>«e*_IO. with mdse to Arkell A Dou-flaa-). Arrived at tho Bar at ll)

Steamer Galileo (Hr). Jone-, null Dec 5. vin, Bonton, withmils.-lo--iitler«on .(¦ s..n. Arrived at the Har at ti ara.hleamei l_a Kretaxne il-r). De Jousselln. Ilaire Dec ls,

willi ni.le«. ft*, rabin un.! Vii -tteemite |ta-)sen.ers la Loma itoKelila*., ii iv..i at the Hui ai 11 a M.Mcanier ( iirata". Hopkins, Pu.-ito (abello Dec ld. ( urarao

IS IriKiiijiri l'.i. with mils,-unii I passeiiKOa to Boulton. BilaeA Dullen. Arrived at the Har at 7,DM a ni

Mcnier Or,noco lin. darrin. ibrntiila:!*-ji1ay-.. with indueami IS neaeeaaei-i to a K Ontei-fMjca A Oe, Arrived at thuHar al 7.110 a m.Meanicr illy of Columbia, Woodhull. Fernandina i day*,

via t hal.esl..h. with mdae and passe u ge rs lo WinPCtydeA co.sieainer Wyaiioke, Hulphers. Richmond, ( ur Teint and

Norlolk. arith mdae and paa«etijrera to old Doniini.n Be Co.--tiiiu,er s.-ueea, Walker, Newport News an.I Weat I'oint,

Va. willi milne am! pa-meiu-ers lo ob' Dominion Sa Co.ship Chan - Whitney (o. ParraiM.ro. NM). pier. Antwerp

Bft tiara, with iron and empty banda to order; vessel IB I ffWhitney A Co.Kai k Mali atore Kama (IluD, Domlnlci. Smyrna 5'2 days,

with lb once root ami wool to order; vessel io ¦Belar.SU VIKI'-Wind-t '-in Iv lox. inod-rate. MS Fr, clondy.Al City ls,ann. Iresh, NE; cloudy.Arrived venli'Muv.

Steamer carbla Bay 'Pr). Trecrarthen. nir-renti Nov 20,Palermo Mt Gibraltar Mr H. withlrult and siilpliur to order.i.s.el io Pun. li. lille .« Co. Arri* ed at Ute Hal at li.(ll p iii.

Sieainer 'liv of A agosta. Nb kenon, savannah, 3 tuyn, withtiiilnc and liis-eii_;i ls to ll Yuline. Jr.

( bared an leidaJRrlx Nllo .CH). Winter*. Bluetlebla, Nie, and a n._.i_et.

L Schepp.SUI.KD.

Steamer Ruffalo, for II nil.T111. M 0V1 M ¦v* TB '' t BT i: AM E RS,

ri>i.i:ii..\' PORTS,VfUTMOM. Dec '25.Arrived, steamer lower Hill (Br), Archer,

from .Nt w York.l.ivKKi-otti, Der 2ft -Balled, ¦taamaraBI Ronan-) (Bri. Camp-

bell, bu New York, Norseman (lir). Mad ox. Ior HustonUl KivsioivN, Dec-'tl.a.i. -loams, Nerada ibn. Doug-

lass. Iron, l.iveruoo hence tor New-York.Dtiihil, Dre -.'li-Passel, steamet* Holland (fir), Tvst.n,

from New. York on l>-i way to nm lim; Vu ar.a (Gen, Scbatb*,i.out New York on ber wav I Ila.i.l.nrx.Yokohama, prior to Dee 20 amrert.-teamer cttv nt syd

nev. Knelt, fiuiu Hon-* Kom* oh her way io Mau Francisco.

IIava-a. Dec Ift Ballad. steamer Ma n hal Um, Steveua, forNev-Yark,

-_--_--_--_--,----. -___.


Adv tri-; to Mother-i.Mrs. WllSimVs St ti illicit; syklc ahonld always bo nsed for

ciHLittiKN it-, m.No. ii toorale iiio child. eorraae tbe(.('Ms, Al Als Ul. IAIN. Illili- W.VIt COLIC, and is tho likerKKHkbY Kia blAllllll'KA. I lieut)- IlVflullll ,i bottle.

Karl WiUon'-i E. tc W. bm I if .Mimi'sCollat saml Gulla aro Iho b .«[. -sol.I overirwliorj.


Foi.Dixr, Brds..Largeat assortment at mod¬erate prices. Call and examine.

I hf Dniuxr. Foi.mxo Brp 0O.,WW l-aat 14th st.. uear Broad-ay.

Henry A. I)A\IKI,s, M. I)..744 I.-tilmrlonave.. Iietweeu '.'.th anl :li)t'i sr*-.

Ifonn.M lo 1, A to 7. Diseases if the Nervous S-stem.i.eiiito-L'iinarv oriMiis. liupoluneu su st.-rilitr






"Buy of the Maker."

GEO. C. FLINT CO.104, 106, 10S WEST 14TH-ST.

Par.net Floors, Wool Mantel*, and all kinds of furnituremt'te to order at nor 2'Jth-sL Factory.

In order to attract holiday pur¬chasers to our warerooms, ive are now

offering the greatest bargains ever

heard of in this linc. 1,000

MUSICAL BOXES,playing G tunes each, price $16, foronly $10, until New Years.

M. J. Paillard & Co.,680 BROADWAY.

Tho Celebrated


Are at present themost popular, andpreferred by leading

Artists^149 to 166 B. 14th SL. H. 7.

Still further reductions ipprices of


in plush and rattan, remainingunsold, suitable (or New Year's

gifts, at

Nos. 22, 24 & 25 East 14lh-st.,Near Union Square


GORHAM MFG CO.,Silversmiths,

Announce that they are now pre¬pared to give attention to all cus-

tomres desiring to exchange articlespurchased during the press of theHoliday business.

LIroadway »._ 19tli-st.




MANHATTAN HOTEL,Corner Broad- tj and (anal--.,

Tuesday and Wednesday,Dec. 28 and 29, al 10 a. m.The Furniture wa* m.ttle io order Iit He Couti tb

Taylor, nutt ibe Mtvertt nee by Ihe Co rim mi HasalaeUiirlu« t o ni iinji jr. ami (ht best miuil.nrr j,'im Be ankh



The Large- Establishment in Existence.

Wareroonis, Steinway Hall, New-York


I.ll I'OUTEUM OK Ol A HON OH.Ul RI EH, m AI'I'llllCl.*.. -ilKiCAl.O*. FKAU-* ABO

HV1.-..AM iii'it-sManulHt turn a ot diamant! Jctvslrr.

lint mund I 'tiller* auti I'o.laker*.&S N issn.i »t. au.l ill Maitteu I.ie. Nsw York.

1 bl. Aluin* s st., lin;. ..i., Circus, 1 .Ul.'.mi.

-. BACON PIANOS..ll Jil* 11AVKN A O-il'ON.)


# FACTORY,If) anti wt Wilt MIMT, near -Vii ave., N. Y.

ALL Fits aiul Smlskin GttptBti raanufact-ur*U by C. C. bll.v V M.. lui l'nu.-st. ha** lae Bra

name wa, U»*i'*bj . srryluj Hi* _.u.iuu-« ol rellakMltl/.
