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New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1890-06-09 [p 3]. · ALOXQ A BA1XLKSS COAST. i\ WII.I.'KAN TRAD1...

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ALOXQ A BA1XLKSS COAST. i\ WII.I.'KAN TRAD1 WITH PERl1 BMBCkOVtCX 01 CA.T.L. *M..v;ii:*MM.s. , |i I] D HV llll vv vr. !i w BILV1 R BE- -;,,N W l* V. OJJPLWni H rao.. * .111. tni'i.- ¦¦ t .- We i »_pai l made lt the hi .f - al .i bere rx. ' ":"' *),...-. ro.indriea .-..-'- ' ,,!"- .'..-. .;'";"' Uaea. n hoapltal an.l evea e ihealre were built. I. ia an unerrlng i rn of l.*mme anre of fallao thai Ibe eompanj are tranafernnq Uieit ma* rrom the Peruvtan to tho Iblliai.' "' .«* tn*")....1i'al "*..k whieh wae f«.rraerl.i .1"".' here foi lhal Beet la ,,,.,- proMdol for t V.lparalao laia aalnable ...... ¦'. ».lt*n" " r ... -arkmen baa been ,-atlv reduced The tramafer nl tl.e remnanl r tha. | ,-. ei rineera and na '" Val- ,,,:.a. aoi a gueatlon of tlme 1.*ommer.*a lation .'I th** town baar ateadil, de. . .I *¦¦.*.¦ "! *¦** «¦»**" h*~-n*»- (l,,,. ,:,. baj waa eonauntli Blled with ahippinaj / .. . i,. .t* Sow then are few ve**aela from f**rei-n " , , ,. .,nvmkr directly from huropean, Auatralian and I'alted Rtotea poria .. Eagliah, rhillan and Oerman ateataen ln tlv- coaatlng trade rntiip nnd -¦". louehing here a* they do at olhet _ tiao and Panama, an.l i up- ,, remente "f Peruvi in eominerce. v .'i.i r.itc Bteamera pl.v between raiao and i alla... bul il.is is mainly l"r tbe i,.. *a**rme llate nltrate porta. I'nllao );ia ...-.¦: I.. he a tenalnal r»*int >.f the flrai port ., ,. for Ruropean commerce lt* population waa once lO.nno; |i ran now hardly exceed 25,.>. Tbere are tu> aiaras ol i...*t]e nnd activlty ln Ita strert* lt looka 11Ia.¦ a town whlch haa *-**«-n Ua i..at tiayaand la eonteni with reminiaeeaces ol ita r eommercial Importance. One'a Bral Impreaaiona "f < allao are deeeptive. There is ;m exeeptionally c.1 harbor f»r thia co.i-t. aad it baa been deepened and Improved Lv ;, i ren. h company. There are n* '<.* n liere ateam« rrs.u.'l aailiaa veeaelaeaa reeeivc carguea: there i*. ¦ Iur.** floating doek; there la ;. aea-wall nearly n mlle I"..-' of Bubatantial eonatruetion: there are Bteam eranea for loadinc a.i'l diachanrinc carsoee an.i rai way tracka leading nearly t.. i!.*- rnda "f ii,*- m.>]»**. and t!*"r.- is ancfaorage ground l". Ihe largeal ahipa Faeilitiea nre provided for handling nn Inimenae comatttft. Tlw :>. nre all the me ehanleal appliaacea and enginecring worka ..¦- ,,iiir.'.l for making Callao a metropolia, bul busi. ),-aa a \\ OU 1 lll*. r.UTlll-* *'"..*t 01.>I1- atanl y leea <lrv river-beda where there are fine i hai ela I »r running watei . curv* (I ... n a ln t ,. eoaal mountaina offering a Lrouiiae of bold, effecl tt en Only ©ne thing ia wanting.water; nnd a* Mr. Warner ,. . ,,'ie.l when be saw- the anna of the IJay of Fundy al low ti'le. water adda Immnnaely to tlie general appearance of a river. Here ;>t ;,r<- .1..' e laranela bollowed out and ecientifically Improvrd t-r floating a greal commerce: b i ilier*- aeema i" be no buaineaa. The town is st.ik'n.'.iit. All ¦'- el and Induatrial in- tereeta are depreaaed, There lia*-** been aifrna of iaproTeaaenl during the laal iw*> yeara, bul tlio reviv.il ,.f Ita forl haa nol yet aet m with inrlgorating faarce. The transition atage from the dlaaetera of war to the matorial proaperltj *.f parifie progreaa baa been Indeiinitely prolonged. F o ,!ii..f cauee for Ihe eommercial .1.adeneo of (al!,,.. is tbe exhauation "f the reaoureea of tho country whlch waa produced by u.e war with ChilL rern, at th. ol ti,.- dlsaatroua cam- paiga, waa completely cruahed. Ita aeaboard had Ut:i ravaged; many ol ita towna were heapa of rl'..,rr**<i ruino; and Ita eapital waa only aaved from (iestrr''-t:..n by tba energy af ihe foreiga reaidenta ii** Oovernmenl waa bankrupt. F"r yeara it haal l.een «lepen«lent upon tl.e euano beda for rerenuea, an*l now ilies«> aouroea **f wealtb l.ad pcaeii *>ut *.f its poagegaion. Ii waa eam pelVd by it.s neceaaltiea to eontinne the u r ot irredeeinul*:*- li .t I'lrnn'y, whlch waa already *.v(,rt), ..ni\ :. fraetion of its face ralue. It went on laflatiag 'l.e currency nntll tbere w .* a -. vario.is'y eatimated fr(.m |R0,OO0,0Ofi t*, ?100.- 000,000, and an BCtual ralue of a few cente *>n tbe dollar. With auch ;i mediutn *l ex* liunineaa ojieratii.ns ('. M nol i"' extended. lt was not nntil tlm enrren.v hecame worth leaa rm wa*. (*»*at asido witli one eonsenl by t'.... people in the eoaal towaa thal tbere \% bi y n- l Improve- ment In tl * lie Momentarily, the rc. iion of the currency ri*..,j-..¦ greal distresa i.i the interi.tr, where the natirea bad no mone va-lth whieh to i.tiv food; bul tbe aubatitution of a.i!vi-r f«.r paper wns rapidly elfected, and f ,in thii tinje tbere baa been a partial reatoration ol baaineaa confldence. T! e Induatrial interei tbe eonntry ba*re not, however, recovered from the pararyaia broughl <m during ibe wn .*. unfinif-l)<*(l railway aystem baa been one ol * li ct olMtoelea to material Lack *.f eapital available f*.r new* enterpriaea haa been nnotm-r hindranee. Peru l- *i st. »jaj>«-< pa ihe inter.'*t ..n its publle deht, and thereby had fatalbjr np ilred Ita credil Its 1 cnl nee.1 araa (orelgn eapital, bul its horrowing powen huil eompletoly collapaed IXI'.'I'.'l IH":!..- m PORT EXAfTfOXS Aaide tr.iiii thia general .**. of eommerrlnl fjeprenaion peeial reas*.ns ussinned for tbe s'a.'i;..¦.'.' "t lauain u al * tllao. f>i.<- ia ll.e Irrati'.iia! policy "i the (iovernmenl in burden- Ing 11..* trade ol ihe country with heavy cx- j.-on dutiea al a time uia-n it waa aufTerlajK from Internal exhauation nnd needed t<* the s..f its producta abroad Tliere wrf ataplea m. tbe produetion ol whieh Pcru <v. led. ll the free exportation "i tlaeae at .[,;,.-, iiH<i been allowed, gold would liave ren rned 1.. tbe eonntry an.l buaineaa would inevitably have improvrd; l.ut '.¦ Irvying dutiea npon these pr'Mi icta the Governmenl baa crippled the moat inportanl induatrlea, and prevenled theii normal develapinent. Tbere la, moreover, general «-.im- plamt uaoog ahippera bere againal t!..- Prencb cajuipany whiefa practically controla the .-..t.'i- merce ,,t the port. By virtuc of eonce w ranu irom tbe Oovernmenl when il « flnaaeial stralta th;, ayndicate ol foreiffnera baa aeenred a monopol' ol the harbor privilegea and bmaffovementa rt pping laal itamercy; an«l artbongh il baa nol been guilty ol anj seridn* ..,.:.. v. ,...,., prejudice haa been »'xnt*-.l agaiaal It Shippera naturally avoid b iKirt whiefa is dominated by a foreiajn monopoly. Poaafbry lt ia ia ¦.of tbu foreign eontrol of the harbor tbal tbe Paciflc Navigation Com pany are abaadoning tbelr extenaive plaal in Callao. and tranefcrring tbelr repair ahopa and meeliBiiies t,, Valp iraiao. Ne.tiii-r the exporl nnr tho Imporl trade baa ree.ivoeil tbe volume whiofa it had before tlie war. Buaineaa has Improved tinee tbe adoption af silver as the medinm >.i exehange, t'i" thera haa nof ,»":i a retara el the buoyant feeling «.i lhal preapem ia period when tlie guano siipiili*'*. M-.-iu.-d iDexbauatiha*, aad the Meigga railwaya werei bailding with tho hondholdera' adrancea ot caallal Aaaerieaa trade wlth Pern haa de (line.) very inucli aa Buropenn n ide has fallen .fl, bat it i* now alowljr bnereaaing in volume. (;race Brotbera an.l ether Ameriean bouaea ln i alla.i aad l.iinn are developing thal traale by il,i-ii entorpriae, bnl .t ralla fai beloa tbe limita of Gtiaafa nnd Engflah tranaaetlona wltli Peru I ha*l ezpeeted ta aee Mr. lh.ni. tbe eapable ;.n<i eflicient conaul, arho has repreaented ***** l ini<*i Siaies with aeal aad Idelity i.,i many yeara, bul fouml *.n in.'. ar... iln.i he w,,s lerioualy ili from thc efreete ol overwork, alheil gradually laaaiealni nnd noplng ait*-. b period ..( needed reat ta< be able lo reatnae h.* \i<«.\ i,., i,is ahaenee .Mr. John Eyre, ih<- vlee-eonanl, aupplied tlie followiMi; inforrjiaUou rcapecting thc bailing vcs-cl* arriving al Callao ia lft._ from foreign porle n..i in ihe "...i>,iii_ trade: "HU'.N ARRYINU TRADE I'BDF.B -AIL. \ itlu , Nn.i ', Totiiiage. 71 00..17 tn i' '«?'° i" s .'¦.'. 4'1. ""' rrrneh ... 1 " 102 '.'¦. I''- Thb exhihii leovea oul "f acronnl l-be roaatlnR tr;':.' -in,i abo i'i" ateontera, and merely Bhowathe nnmtwi iiu'i tonnagv ol aaillng vi__ela enlering .i ln .- irae ol n ye r ilirr-.-.l.x. lr..iii foreign l".its. ilu, <.i i".' xi'-s"!-. fourleen were under the Amerieon flag, aail nlne, meaauriog l".'--"" toi s regteter, coroe lr>.ui porta of tbe L'nitcd Sl itoe. There xvcre aeven vreerb, ol 6,931 t..uv rrgbter, fr.mi the aame i»<»ri . undei foreign Baga 11"* (,ir..."s bronghl from tiie I'nlted RtatoJ ln rcg- lsi.-r.-.l tonnage inclndetl ¦'¦.¦'¦¦:', ol wheat, 9,04f of lumher and 5,700 ln genernl merchandbe. From Hambui. the aailing fievl bronghl a regiBtered tonnage of 5,591 in general cargo, ani rrom Oreal I'ritain <>.''', ..t merchandiae nnd 31,55f "f coaL The i.nlk ..f ti.e Hnglteh, French and (Jernion Im- porta comea, however, hj ateamer, nn'l is re- Bhipned either al Valparabo or Panaroa. The Knglieh and Chllian Hnea each tlbpatoh one, and aottetlmea i\\". atearoera a week from Valparalao t.. .illao: and from Panama a ateamei la aent either once a xv,-.-,; or once a fortnight, foi < urral, ln Soutbern < "hill. atopping al Intermrdi ile porta. Tiie Oerman Koaauo Une abo aenda Ireighl ateamera to the nitrate porta Bnd Callao from Valparalao. Tbeae ateamera brlng mer- chandbe from Enropean porta with lower freight chargea than are paid ter Ihe tranaporl Uon ol American gootb bj ateamei vm Panam oi by BBiling-veaae] direcl rrom New-York. Thb haa been, and atlll rematna, tbe chiel obataele to the rbvelopmenl of Ihe rxpori trade ol the n.te.l Mn... xvith P.i.i. With higher freighta. American ,,,u na, woolbnu and hnnlwarr rnnnoi eomnete with Engliah and Germangooda, whtel, are hrought Into thb markei al the loweal bom - rate* "f transpurtotien. Even with the benefli of Beree ,,..,..,!,,.. from Pananw aouthward between the ,h aud ChiUan li'.-. ' .' rwbbl el ea are materially higher on Ameri, ifl mercl m on flimlbr claaat- ol Europran . a '.; >«¦ ,n inereaard riak ol breakage from rele t handling hy the Irthmun roule, wl leh npei ite. to tii" pre udlce ol Amei :' ""'ls- The exporta from Callao to the 1 Siatwa have lall.-i, ofl li.-.ivilx alnce tl"' xx with < hl A Hai whleh tl.urteo ;.- vic, - l"'" eured for me from the Cuatom 11 '" ''" ¦". ;,_-,,¦-..!.- of 140,943 13 r.n 1889 «P entriea an- gold bnra and eoin, roin, .-."Mi..". '-..¦.-. ind nilratea are aenl from ovher porl*, aggregatevalnatlonol llwexporte " rrutothe I'aited Stolea is leaa than il waa coasl wnr. The exporta of guano. n <*;. '. orea an.l colton from the aame porta 1 Kingdom have Bveragril lesa ..ce the 'I'.-.i- ol v>" .n. whei the war they ran aahl J '"' " nd nitre Ihe Importi - Englan.l hnvc averagrd I Btme periiKl, whereaa in l*T, -. ii :. ea.np rboni the compleie rxl laiion ol Pei x. trade, hul K.iropean trade afl ,i from tl." pai lysifl "' produced one ol the m-ai ..'¦ "¦¦'¦ ' !,,,,- .i. -tuerican X4 ¦ inv F x'.'i '.i JN 1*1! The Gr__.ntruct, i' - .' here, xx.ll tranaform Per in ll « vearaaad invigor. - c- i " it 4.111 exeri n ti r pl floetc*. hy hrii ,.. eapital can liardl> i.' ,!V. in natural reaotii .-. ,- ¦¦¦¦ Soath Amei ,;,.,;,- '.,,,!....* of nuuing and n When it i> aupplied, and rtupl. tor tbouaanda of workmea in ' .. the railwaya, it is reaaonabb u. Infei | pner-irt r the country wlll to ri^vod, with aa Inereaae ... proaoerlty ti"' >..;¦.. ,M,.r, trade will be reatored li prcpecl -f .... laduatrl Jrenmtare to dbcu- the p. tractuponAm. In.de Thr .',.'.,..:'. .'."'. "-¦-- preataa. at of i ,.- impoited f.cmthc I'nited Rtoti tor the. pletion and t of tl* railway. he right, bul it «* "" " .... .,.: ni« M ' U" '" ,,.,! ti,.. purchaaea ol planl and rollli " -,..l thal the* will htoin in Engb ,.,lllir.rv ,l,..t n.av U- ,.-1 it.-.l ...eh preati - - ¦. Vm.-ii.an enterprbr- Every ¦¦. ' ,' -Ul he operated iiltimatel in an Englbh compan Irarta 1 vill alao he ma "''" .1 '|. ThOn ..¦ ">"¦.' '" railway ayatem nnd h .liBpoaarM. , prMen1 (iovernment, - one ol the p ,-.... in ,!,-,..,." ,,, ,..,. ,,... frankly tbal Ihe ra r.x i.va. in o their Aua , ... ,,. . .... The ..'¦... ry will wanl to :i,,!.,. eh .'.:. "ina with 1 n people will nol favoi .rn, IMKRICA.X Mr Thorndike believea '", eneral inter- n trade in Sonth An."'.' ''¦'. ....; ,, .. ihlibhmenl ol direei ,-: .,:,.! We live i _nd ownei foi manj yeara, he li.- no fi r o| unitins the la.itinentu * ,, ...... .. extremeb V1S ior iry, and expieito- - thol I seriouslj conai*lercd in .- L'niied Statea ".' ilintaneea, ln hia iudgment, are ao greal tbal even il the continent il railw ilt, frei hl eould noi ii- "inii-'i ni "''iu.itlon -.xnii -:..'in"'-' The completion "I an iiitrroecarili! canal would itolve ti'.- nueution "i American eompetiti°n *vl"' Europe on tlu: Weal Coaat, hy provxli.ig abortei ul coiumunication Iroin N'ew-York. rhe Mcar-gu < anal, be frara, will ix- liegun, bul never compteted. The I'.i. -.. .nal would be the better acheme it Ibe ('hagrea llooite oould i.. rrgiilated.a poim which M de _e_*rp" ''¦" hi. cabubtiona. I!,.. i.,t outBpoket. ... ... ,t.. ,,, Ameriean sii-:iuisl:'ji line. whom hav, rm-t on the weal .__, is tlu- ll".i. F. .- ..-i ii Eliaore, formiTlj IVruvian -liniMer al Waahington. In thr miura* ,,i ,i lui.. convenrntion on the niu-i pr..cti«*a methodfl "i reatoring tbe influenee "1 tbe I nited Siate. in thb quarter "I tbe world, and "l de- veloping i*s I".-'- ::u trade, he did nol b*. "'f-ss upon tarilT n-xisi..ii ..r reciproolt*/ _reatlca, out wholly upon llte uecowity ol opeiiiiig direet lnn-s ..f ateam communici.tion lietween American und Peruvian porta \ line from N-"- Vnrl ... allu... i" wa ..I ii .. Slraite. he -I"1 '"'' oonaider practicabb, aa the dbtanoe xx is too .. ,- A ni"'.' feaaible aclieme in bia judgmeni would is- tt" eatabliahmenl ul an Americaii line l-lween s. n Franelaeo and Valparalao, with ateamera expreeah adapted f.r the coaat ing trwle ,,i Mexico, I'entral America, ' otembia, EcuBdor, I'.'"' an.l Clilli. With 11 ..-.P-'1 tion nlready exbting between iii" Englial. ;,ii<| ,'.nll ui linea, llieli nn eiiiernr.-' l,i- .i li. |M-le-> uiidertoking withoiil mall « '.*. The nalural D.-. .,i liiercoarii corape tition would he ,, rrduction ol frcigbta. whteli would prooiote Ibe (bvelopmenl ol iii" American exporl trade and faeilitate rxchangea uf i"" Mi Eluiorc, lieing Intenaelj luierioan in lib aym p.-itli---. ia '..-ix .-iiii.ii.iii" in e>.p,e_aiii the opln mn tbnl the I, flueuee f th. | nited St«t«_ ouifhl ," !"¦ powerfullj exerted In all Ihe rtouth Ameri'-an eapitab, an eapeoially la SoutUui ¦¦ nnd thal i.s oommercial tupremacj ah*iulil he rrat-red ln tl." watera "l tlni heiiil*ph«re. Ile doea n"t lielieve tbal Amerie_u manufacturea oo, U- ¦ucceaafiill.. intrnduced withoiil ll,e eatai. lir.inii.-it uf Btenniahip line* unibi Oovernment iu flidira Tl." general effeel ..f thr Grace aoni prom tee, he tbinka, xxlll i..- helpful lo Peru, al though t\X" oi the moal rminenl meti ta the coun- iry .- li oti .- '" it. an.l bave openly expn r ,li- ipprovol "I ii Mr. .lohn^i"!! on* "i Ihe ui"st popubr aad en terpriaing Aroericana "i. tiie roaot. te Importin. troin ilu- r.iite.l Statea the Butoldnerv reoulred lo_ the lurue b,j,elt_u_ worka which hc _af» et- inhlialied nem ilcla. le baa taken precaiitlona lo contrtri for ihe naekng as well na the mann- factnre nnd ihipmeni ...u, Biipptt****. and cotiae- i|ie tly .*' el rg e ervtlng .rdered from thal iu ._. -i .¦¦ n*lll in. llal be i.ve e atrraa n*. .,.¦ necessit.v < a radic.il refi.rn. ln Uie methn , ..| pa. king ¦-¦'¦ ti \., Anierlcan imrts for Uie \Vi Si f'oaat. A lar.c*h ui- >.l ihe gooda Im- porte here (..nn me l».v wny iit* lathmiia, wltrre trniiMliimrnl .* required. bnl then- ia I.,, i,., uu the packing ia alwaya .rell dunc nl t ..- aiart. tierican tnerehnnt**, ae eording lo Mr. .lohtiaton, li .. never Icnrned how P -n.i.iis im this mnrei, ind tl r brci U .«. :*l 11*8 lsthniiia a:i.-..- Oftoer I...,......,.,a nnd Ignorance in Xew-Vork lian from ni an menl nl ,.;,,., and Panana. Tlie .... gooda ia nig,, ,|,,ll(, j,, ,).. ,.,., ..||,,.,i,,.i ronnnei iheae rr ,,,.,..¦. ,\e\a ¦.. ;, ,, American taer- chnnta wii] n«*e*l l. niar.ter (.:¦¦.. ':.<¦- ean Inne i" increaae theii trad « it ti Ib We,: .st. V. ten they Introdncr a. ti.'ir wn rchoiisaea ihe lier- man nnd Rngliah nietbodn n i.,cKing Ihey aill liial i.'as eaiiae f. thelr ceitin lai oomplainta agaii st. ii .. i',...;,,,,;. rinilwo; i ompany. Here, a* a. \.,;.,. ,,,... | -,- .. mcl wltli ane '¦ti'." disputAtioita vmeri ana who have aeserted tbal there ran be n*. gpnera Inr-reasr In Irade with the ITiiited Stnfea ivilh«a1 n indieal twdl- neation >.f tbe InrifT. Thc Krongeal argtimenl whieh I have heard i. ln fnv r nl tbe re f Ihe augar achediilex ko oa '¦. Imil nl a I.ti.t exporl "i ti,. r ..,,..,, at ipk* nl P.rn tn the I'r.ii. Statea market, Will. a mnrket for thia augni in New-Yurk and San Franrlac.., iiereaaed Importn tlena "f peneral merehandixe wmld prohably ne reeelved in return. li an.v re,|proeity Ircatlea i.n- tn i.,-- neg.itiated wlth Sotifa Ameriea. tlie aiiirni nnd wool -.- ¦. ..¦ lie n...*i .i> iil« ii'1'*' i.asin lor '."!..1's.aimi'. n.i tlie nul ol the l ritrd Statea. Ibe former i'i rlenlini ritli Ilraril nnd Peru and fhe lat-tei with tl.e !*late countrie*. Ilul \. l,-:i n practical Vmerieni olaarr ea Ihe progreaa made hy proteetion eoitrtriea. like Ger- man* an.l Fmnee, in rxtendine t rii trade ,<.''. thi- hemiaphere, he is .!i*r>"-."l l> attaoh littie Importance f-. i:iri-T iiueatlnna ani lo I.r atr**. tnairly npon Ihe neeea*ity for eatu1 lialilm lice- nf ateam comn. inication hrfwet**! ihe V 11 d Statea and Sonth Amerba f'nlifrrnla oauld be by Ameriean enterpriiie inwa a greal h .>. nf - npliea for Ihe raiuleaa roaal It p everything lhal i* needed for toott, ind .t* niaau- fae'nrea. niiiler |*."|*-r tn .i.r.. i-irii'iit. .'. I.- Irodueed into ibe*. m .rke.a li .¦(¦ picreed S ..¦¦ V* rk wonld ha*.- tl.e nl- .i .. ..f :. shnr' llre of direet e*min « Ith I'tin*. :i..-;i'. allfm an Vnlnai ra* >. luai ' . wonld lae "f littie avail ln developina irnde with. oul Americ... atenrn naal rompeti. n fre .a with the Rngliah iTiili in ..* Will . rln . helle !..:.'.' inerr >e in 1 f Ai in iri*'*1 with thi* co mi ia ni .. tie il.lp larifl ..r n< ' 1 N 1 THF UaSPBEXT TOR IIVGCtS C.RATE*} !.. »m \".«* iBoratk ni-siox xn ix ". » Ft'XTI FOK A M M'MF.ST IX A l'X!'..- - .'¦ X RF. xv: !.!> I\'.r- ».-.-_, ni, ,-":, xn i.i i -ii - il -.1 1,1 m tt" ."- to 1 ' Pa ... ]¦.¦.¦ ... _. - f the 1 .' .. ... ......... .... ...; " . |'.| ... -. I to - .¦...¦' ... '',.', al not ] ¦ .-. ever. i* thal i. ¦'... X .. .... Ili, . uid i.f 1 .1 llal of II,.,:... h'-lglll '¦...,.- ii .. VI V.. ,-. i.n Iiii ,. , ..i ¦'. md '1 .i ,i ... ., i: ,| ,| ilrli.b and I.l- i, ... of agitatl. ti k.iiI'I .I the ..'. ,. I .: .i lai ¦.! .' ..' uf ihe |,.-i ., -i at 'i llf prt,1 1 iii Ix ? . I BOOKKUEPEB '//.(/.¦*./,'a 1177// iinir I im \ lllliim Jqi .1 . .' N.,. '.'.... II .niiil-ti'' il .l.-ik ..t A Sfevan a arhol. ale tloner al Klghl ....... in- .-ii,|.!...'1 dl ..¦..i..i Uial Jea*en .... IM lila .... ouhl JlW -11 u ,f. .1 ... ;, .1 ¦..'! aiad ..i raiigrd l«j umpri.n -.¦ tlie ... ¦. 000 Hl ..-..,.. ,,| ,,; ,., ,| tl, |,.,-, ;. ,.. li , f.--. -.. .a:,.:.. .arr.nl rra IWOtll ..nt rliargll.g Imii 'illi 1" ttj bi only oi.'. i-harg..ild L" proven, IVhen aent I., I....1, f..r Jensrii he i-oulrl .1 Nothlng ara* lirard *.! hlm nntll iaturday, alien he ara dl** overed .. imltj \ llle. L. ..'.<l ofl tliere wlth tin. aarn.ni ... ..- lonnd hlm ln .. dog-rarta and, arhen thev .... mpt«-<1 la. hlm. la. wii 'ia lalBier* .1 rha VII,. ., t«>, inil.' run ln waa e.mpllt. At Vlarhel |*i»l .. ,,111' .' Id thnl te tlel .1* all >n ni n.inted t. .--'.:'..>. Jei.sen plradod noi iru.ltj nnd wa» reinanded t". irlal. .4 .v/.ir ADIBOXD.vrB BEBOBT >i* inile- fi 'ii . Inl.lu. M NJtatlon. 'in tl.e N.ii-.li.rn Adlrondarh Itallmad, ...1 th** ihore >.f ilar beanllfnl Latte Ma laweple, 1- the rhlMwold I'aii. Ilouae, .. '"'"¦' and .li.-iriniiir inmmer home, arhlch proml '" he a favorlte «i;ii lovcr* ..f Ihe Vdlrnndach a*md and nmiii t.-ii.i ii parl ..! the eiten Ire rhlldwold ite, and li anrrounded bj .* natural park "' nvrr ri.Qitfl ;,. re.. rml rai Ing ake Ma -. ,n'i .' er "«P ,.f flve ddlghtfol lakeletai. The vlew <>i mniinlalii, lake .irai f-.[¦>¦-: i- line, and, alUi ;. arell ron-tru'teri, wi-ll 4-<|!il|.|i.- aild (-...iv,-. 1.nt lmi, I. the pl.i..- I- .1 rharmlng plaee for .. -ii.niii.-i- .iiiiiinr. H'/l IB TBE TOBXTOWS BETTBS1X1. .¦lhat th. gaa'...,' Vi-MiUwn ha« heea i '. .! »."1 erdered home tr. th Kquad.. KieJutl* Bn ¦., 11 ln f. a. .. ...i fri.iu Wa'hlngte. n . , .1 .,., n Born. m .:¦ iM aa ofl of th. v... ¦¦ But 1 1 I'r dl li'- .1 !. Blll ..¦ v.-l'ri.a- .... - ¦¦!. lll. UV IM.a' ¦.' .1- I.idlUg ... -ni. ., ,.'. i,. th, who |... _-..,.. i. k....'.> II ".> t-n, ,1 .. ii lhal ¦¦ '......... 1. .. ,- ..el i-.l borne 1.. .>'.*'- "f w iin .i-.-.i ..!.' f * -.¦. .ni gi ji aad la erdci ..' '. 11 igai brlng ba *l t< rn - "' "!¦-'".. al lia.l .v'.iic. l.e ', .. ..f Ul S'|'..'!r.'i ll ,|.. .: \'. .a *' 4 iii.l 1- t.(":i. " !' *»'B) ,,r tiihrall ra ¦¦ ... aa> 4 "11" ra are .-' Micn 1. 1 na iii.,1. ih.- Wa«hln I ¦. ¦¦ aill brta »,..,.-ral ..IV* .i ...,,,¦ rt BVI nl.nl!. .....1 111.11 vl... ar .,.. ,. r.i.11' 1. ull ...*i ll .- aUa parted lhal .. -ia i...,i 1. ba ..¦.. r .1-1 aad i. I»d rra. " .aael wlth u,e .*ii «».. r n.,011 tn. diflirciit fciod- ol auetj:-, caualfll .* .. ii-h.ii" MRS. M//77/'.s GOOD TIME. Rea _or_ tetter to Tbe San Praociaco Argooaut. '-¦ '. raR her Mra. Bmlth. Her rlght name 1a murh ui .r. Impre Ive aud ba* a rharming prcrlx. foi i.i-i,. ..f ber ixiini lutve, ev-i-ytnlng i-harmiug about their »mall sllpper* te tbe Jewelled plu in the i"i> of ihelr ii.-:,.!.. Anj one who goe* frequentlj t" Oel'a, i., ii.. the mattnee, te Flfth-ave. '. txx... ii :; _nd ... ii ia.. openlng day* >f fa-hlo, rnllliner., i., the apring "vi'i'.i.- "i palntlng.. '" anj plaee where the j*av wo'rld roiigregate* vv nii.-it ln- vltal. ni. .. irer nnd form lu- or ber own "-t.- liiatc ,' v I. r kind ..i .i p r.i u -ii" :-. ln ,, , ,. ,. :. .! raihei' qulel ln little over thlrty. she itcver h i anj nn ne>-al all: In ;..¦:. the wlll tell vou uulte scnou.ly inii llu-y are i ar to he tnnird oul for rcnt, and tnal the .,,,,. r., ,,..,t x,-t .!" ha- ovcrj thl ifl "f i.i- \.4 late i ,ii.<1 rn..-! expendve. When x ii-- -7 :,i- ui. Mr l.V* '... nr- a blllirh i.i iic, ':...'.'. ii-' '." ¦.¦ "vrj from I'u-i-. xi,-.. -mith liad ''i- prettlesl to !¦" h in t-.n ii: 4. !i..'i niiiniul i. (l <!l" "-'': ,.. nnli mr Hundred. Mt smlth liad a beautj .:,:,.. when rlcli vounc ladle* - u -ilu stoiklnes only xviu-n arrayed In ihelr war-paini-. Mr*. smiih never X4...U. n. other kind. And aU ihi. when I, .- Unown Bhruad thal Uie hatch r ta.u- flcrrei. nt ¦,.'.:..¦ the Kmlth ir iu- WH \ti smlth i- bIwbv* expenalvelj dresacd, with an odd. nrtgtoal tou.h bImhiI evexythlng ahe wear*. 1 ,1,., .;,,,. ,.,., . | ,., t l..x.,i ,"." In iin nei time, where |*dle* are Reneralb suppo*ed to dra** irnvh :. ,.i lu IIjhl rol ir». Mra. Smlth wore paW "'-a velvet bodlce rut out m ih.. ne.k. a im.'" itraw ha1 wlth a wreath <»f green flowers I'.ntiri it ami n nolnted erown fuliy etgnt Inche. ch. lmmen*elT long yelloa gloves, ino vard. ol B»ii-e veiling twlsted round her ncefl. »n» l.,".i :.. If -!,-. had con.ut of - La Vle l^demie. ,,,- ,.,t. rolor -i,-t.!i !.¦ i.-.u Moran. rhe mlnd in not plt-tur. anythlng more plquant, »tn« .,-. than ni Ugure pf Mr*. sniun iu !':.- ..,;.i::i". I'liei. were ¦ voung glrl uti'l ¦* man wlth her. .nd the. walked Bhoul Innklng Bt tbe p«i pl.-. inni the neopb kwkl, g d them a* if thej xx '.''... her "ft. ii. -!". ron«tantly lunchod .I t ,.< ,t ]...!i.,.,' I...'-. She drove out ,.,,:., i, ;,, pelham: she »-enl .verj'thUig ln tlu wav ,,r ,-r,- vi,.m7 »eein ihe -.ra- alway* ot, nana ii ' eptlon dav* of r|.h and liarltj hall ''" ,,,.,,,! it her wa* that ahe wh* never wiu, ..ut the viHinii glrl and the man I* "a- no, alway. .', mi" man nl lu tt) i_ ,w_ .... lm, |., _|r| v ,:. ln- inii Ix verj pretty. ... Tho ni.ii i." .",-'"'. i" "."' ...... »ver 1 '' '' ri -.-.¦ ,! ".::';. uul .p.rtxllne. - ii;,. - whl. 'i -! '' ."If ,' .' : th I '* i'i-: .. ru -. .... Il '.... the sh-.de ul her lanre rurly brimn.ed " - thal thi rn not ,. be eiiltlv it;; M lVll.ll.CI md tl* ii ... ¦' lld md aa. ll |i i dell* .... ,,.|. . .t '.:.-.¦¦ r;i" . ,. ,- md --.! l) ami kl'b'l .... ..... \ '' ",'l'"'i, ¦.no »*ed -..-..i'l- ,.. m tv.oir.en * t .... ..... one tuo .,; '. l| -. tho .' 1,111 l Ie- il rllitprrtill. VOU .:.:--.' I" I rhlipei - V"ii Kl II II foi ¦' .!v rn other, :i dellginful pirl. xx.,. Ik glltlllg liei .- r .' ,,i .,. l'""1 .'. :: ,"l -:. -.1 ,.. me ., rlal fm M, i fr.nu -.m' Pla.-.. lu v.-rj ' ..- n new 4-I..U ' ,1.1 ll.-l.ll ,...!.:¦ ,".'' i. .-hi I- p-ther ¦I'.i.i.i.'.¦.*"!. Mr.- ^"' ",.". ,i,4 dyl ne"i ,. (-li" x. and nol a bll «».d of glrl*. on. I |.|,',u he, ., lnc«*d 'i drei ' ers nnd mv .ixt, ;-"I-;.":. mi "','"' «,,"!,u-"1" ""' Mi ' ' '',"' ,!'-,! -.- ..ti ,.' the Ilu, do.,', .'. .' .III ¦¦" .' "" ' ',' »_. v, t them « mean* to tttani "". -'" tl loward the ofl ¦.' ," ," ,-_,_, . .: II, rn ug 'li'"' ,'.¦' ,. ii.. M nd x ou " X- uj -: Si t.1 <-.. i, v, i.f \ iiii t.. ii'lle*" thal ll " " 'ii' re x. ii f ''. .molmlol rv. tnd iB ,,. his I, v. ' , . I,:- th" ,..,",..:,¦:¦ """./"lha."! .,-,. h" reiiera -""'ll '' ¦ ""¦"." '.- " ¦' ' i" t»n ". ... ... .,,-.. ti Uj lover xx ..in..".. "¦:" "' the rieieresi m iown. FATALL7 IXJrBEB 11 ".''.'. TBTlXO Tn BSCAPE. I..,:, Ilealley. age fourteen. of So. SSd Wed sl, ..,.:,ti, ., Juinped rrom ie rool of a piaara la IIm .,,r ol hi l.." r< icnlii: ..i'l fractored hl* knll ii.. had heei playlng l'»U " ""' »"''1 ','"1 '',:' '"',"" ,-.,.! nf the pla«_ togel .way from b poUeeman who h.,i.I I other teo I"'" i"'"" ':.'.. di,i noi ..-ii". ii, ittey ¦¦..<¦. '."¦l";l:.-,';':,\ % Iho '' IM. and '' ,..,f. ii.- xx taken ¦"" V:" "' " '" '' dylng '.ii.Mi-ni. /'/.'.' .tf.'.s-s- OBBISTOS Vtl B-fV/l SJ v repwlc. .f ,.,-, -.... n, Ul. K I- XV.., ..,.4.,,'x.:.! ..--.- U" '. '". f..l I.*, -, ..,,! .X!,.',,-trxi,,.. !" _*¦__' ,.,-.,.e,r.laooperatl.»l.Hd'a lt-rmred ato.ll. -I,,.. fraruire rxtend. from Ui* f '-'"' l"'"" "*'r ''"' "''' ....., "wr_ ,.,, i:.. ,-U.nl'. 4.,ii. ..,., ¦"!..-' "»' '"" "''"'' " "" ,,,. .I,. ,..'¦ vv i,.. .o| r. t. ..,. ."". a* !.' aa* '-." "*" l waa t-aaeteaa aad aal ot aala, ttoagk »var. SOME RACE-TRACK FICTIOX. [(iRV OF A TRAP INTO WHICH A GRF.AT MANY OOOD PF.OPI.K WALKED. SELLIXG nw vt TVTTrr.svi.r.'*-nr. vtk mov- J) VY ;.\ IMil. v:i»- -'UTiF VOTES AND rOMMI-.NTS. Ileie ia | httle »tOry in ai\ cliapter*. 1. Rlnghltter waa in hard lack. Thev Tindn't beea rnnntng lii- way at aii. Bnd ta waa reduced to aeaperate lenta. Money he nm*; Bave; honeatly If po* ble, bnl ni any rate i." maal bere it. Bo ba eaal aboul i.im for an opportnnlty t*» tet evee. ln the programme f'.r ilie iriorrow l.e found a r.ic for three v...i- ..i,i-., the condltlona of whieh k.*pt oaf wtnnera .' more ti.au 91.000. Tlie dlatanee araa i i - mlle-.. ii** read and poadereal and Dnally dactded on a pbvn ..I ampnlgn. I ihall aee Onajob ahont this," wa,- hl* ni**t.t'.i reinark. "i thlnh lie will gladly embraee tii" poMen opportnnlty, f*.r they have not oern runnlng i.i* way of late any more than they have been raanlng min-. v ni do it. lll dn it. None bal im*' brave deeerve the -mllca ol the BcWe giiddeaa. III be brave for both of aa, ;.- Onajob, the dear "id l.oy. "iii r-.|..in* a loi ..f braelng np. Here |*oea far ;i trj ..! ii." " ijob wa- Imldins np ;i poal BBder tl." intilever r'.'.f .,f the 8*300,000 ihed in u.e aaddllng paddoctc. looklng the peraonlflcatlon ol departed ambltlon and -.1 bope. ertniiilv tlie world *.''.- not aoing ¦a. ii ¦. t'i hlm then, eh, then. Rlnghltter ?a.ve hlm ;i ^.*sa>^^n<^in'., tl.waek on the (iff ihoukter and a pnnch over the wUhera that woold l.tve lamed Tenny for hf.-. lh* rai-e,i himaeif a? |. aad B*ked arho itrnek t:.it blow, whereup*4i all -ni la*, draggi *i !.i"i ofl t the -iiaaie f a ir in an ..t.-.-nr.' eorner "f tii" Ineloaare and made Min -1 down t'. t "i r. in. tiie i.f woe. Rui ft-hal you -* iin' t.. d ai. mt it " Onajob a-ked. - ii ..v. the (ipt.i.1. ¦" Rlnghltter r'-piio'. lerble well." .¦*. .1 rn..iirJ, to beal a ha*1 lott" '. n ¦*. t. atart hlm morrow " .. Dunn V* a .i better, hadn'l yoa? Ainl no uae 'n tottin' :i ini ¦. -l p." \\ni. ¦¦! .'¦ !' il 'i.. -.- ir ..I'l race." ii ¦''! have t" carry Um marh weigut. t ... run hlm a*lth l-J pounda <>n lus i;" ii. '! .: |.-,- :.ln . N.. t .. v u nt. nelther. Whaterer'p ln ag-.in-t him 'li hive ;.. carry the aame, and the whole lot aln't i. better 'n a l"* o' maldena. There alnl no lett .. thi* year than thi, one. Ilava you nt* "V. *'i. ron pnl hlm in. Twnn't do no barm. If myl that you can't ie at, :\hy. yoa ean VII right, rl .','t rnii d 11 i do.* .' IV* II, »i I'U *ee yori -.. hei t e ent ome out.'' li. Bo lhal la 1 i.i ,;..v- good enit. ciptim Yearly, be enl f .:. t':-- twecpst il ea, Vn.i Bl ; i. liugg rl - lemtelve. and e-,, ii other .¦! . i- -'i .[.* i.:.'a only ;.[... * v. /,..¦:¦-. \> 1.1 had no i race with lilni. ¦. ih, I tolt j ....-. i knew .- "1 g >t you to r, ni lr'- .: n. >ney.* ¦. Rnt, .1 ii :.;¦¦ " there lii.'l hin' ln lt We ra i'l gel no bcttln' agalnat my rolt wll b it." v we ran, too n (or that We'll gel .. |[oa ¦¦. ' to do 11 '" I'.| t«'ll you. W .- -' .'¦' to -¦.; :.¦ rId Mlddl lon. Ii-'* ' \ n- can li"a*p him itral uWell irou want to make a aure thlng f II oyou*d rlghi now. Mlddleton'a ...in-ii tn ri* fo ¦.. i don't - ¦.* how tlie. '."¦. . n' to .'. Mlddletom waa poUil "* leavlng the loekeya' mom, '.. ed dreaalng, end Onajob iu-«i no dUII. ulty in penuadlng tl.e greal man lo take tl.e mouni ln al! ihe placea where torfmen moal do .-:i;rei.*atn e, || une gene dlj known thal Yearly wa* a aure -tar-t.'r on the morrow, tbal |C .;::,, aiat that lie aroald Wlo. . en Um the tipalera ann -nin'ed ild have the nioui I on l aptaiu, tJarj .:.-¦.:.. |. i'r- **IB 14 g «kI btuUlCBI. ... iii.ihni petsoni wl .:-.t.-.i tii- ir*.!. were lon thal Mlddl* lon arould plkai tbe , tlterefore. "..- the * ent of all « graph Lx_rd annoainoad Uve and o. ing araj that a ¦i 1.1.1. unknown to fortune and to fame, had ,; ..,. v arly. Well. the pnl.lle it, ia..-. bul p«*»ltlve .. '-*;,> t!ia' rouid noi run wltl. an* h a. ilMjaemafcer" .nd a .. ,:' uid put 1 iqueduct or *. tl priie fell ofl -' »*»*.*£»"_ u s a>,.-.«,i gamclers ln tlie held de ... >t going to i;v a > ir-i. y.i- ainipiji oul dir vi .,, ,. ;, ;.. i. Wll !' :;-.4-un.-. -iii'l'l.* ...a » n A luedu* l, who «*.* i-alde rwo noted ,.. ... t.i..h.,i. \| -t ut Ihe book , rlien thi*^btg it II '. .- mrtbcd fe« .. ';- *i,",'" .' ,',,,7: ... .1 b) iinJ 1.) ithcr tlimugh tlie .j ., |, men * to .. and un down m .1 altogetlier. . - more .- -:irnlii..:..'.l lo tllC IV li ,- .. i|.m »I the iteward* oi ihe J , Inl ti "'' helUiw l.iUi thera '.*;.. aald to indl.ute liiai tliere aaa ..i.H-tluiil* i.atten i.i ihe 'late ..I l*eni..a'h. tle Inform.int, Uw ..''- .' J*ao li. thc roloml lad un nnd tu iu,,.- iHmtd ....( or W lllV|, d tl ai .. tl . I»»'> '"' I':' oo, - I.i .»r: ':,,,.,, ., ,,,.'.1:. ." Ihe -(.u.. . fell over eaeh I, !.,.,. to ..-.. tlll- |.|.'.-.-I.;'.. II li.'!' ur ':-. .1 ;;. ,..,.. ,. und 1.41 ,:f.. thc ¦- I" he poat M 4 -. i.i- .,¦ ..; .,,1 ,:.,.. ar.. i paule in tho , ,,.. wai Ing and gnai l.ail plange-l <;ii ,.,..,. |*h Mlddletoi on piui.t "*e..rli ,,V lu.,,-.-i wlth ni- n.lnl.raor lu ie t-*ll**l rhai lh,, na, !. wim all '.¦. ."'' I' " -'""" '-'. '"' ' -' ,,.,,,,,..., ,., k-,, aowti .11 11 t.m. h.'.t bol .-..,.i Yearly. arell tlddcn bi Middleton. who .. ,,.' ;,.,, rH-r.u_.le hlpi to ¦¦. d»- en .ngh 1 nw .. 4.,,, '.- ..i""" of .. '." *vl*h \'i""'l'i'i "'"i t|, i. wui, a- he plc&s-d \ i. "VViV v ">v; ,...,,.. ,.,-_.- ,."'- thal ii"' -fxwii.N iMjalra of Mat ., :,,',.,. or the nn rulngofthe ruce. ..,,.,,,. ,]i th- he '...uui-io-rs. nu i.wn - V.,V ,', ..'.vi today who pul tl:-,r b*l P ,r*onr;pTfroh^.r.^gw-^j. VV" ,';.. Y'xv |< .r- i..i ln the breach taoa b '""n'ViWi.! thal tbe moma al Tateeraalb nn _', .,,,44,,.1,e i.kmakei- liave returned rrom '.,-_.'.n.i after dlnne,.n Bdrk down there ta 4. ,.... more div at fortune. n I* a llvely, md-j ..,,,. iii\ ..a t.\e of -"iu" btg raee, Imi : KC tte "LVr te mii* ^'!_^r?ly .'.i,,,,. fur -,,ii,.. 441-11 i.n.ixiii l.kmaker. V.'tVr ;;";i-"lM..iuav.-:ii .f iu- turf. i_*ptoln M_,ii_ll, ¦. man who alway* -¦"-_ a -tlr atTattor f^actus I BLOOD The n.o-t extranr'linnrv V.Z"t.ll'|e renr*dT yet dl«*-«Ter/Ba Aii al>«olut.> cir.. f..r »il bet* d '..rr or :ti-.|.iired bluod dta- '»,..*. infaiiibi.. in aarafaia, ea.r, rheaaaaMam, diafisnir- lag aiapllaaa an.l diaaedera al BBeaaarh, unc -nd wdno-e ,.f adalt* aad BblMraB. lv-.t,. m-.i ba ir«din».- BBfaMaaa af ffew-Yerh the pr.-atct bioad cura baaaa. Head for da- acrtpttv. baek realtalnlag ndaraemeatti af Rtieaaad caih. olle pataera, piea-laiwt phyal tona, aad Baaty aaaei ia Xew.York. DOCTORS ARE AST0N1SHED. * ¦'.;.., aal -.Itte (ti--.-. .. Uie l«0 BkMl Inaajioua. Ineurehle and deatrui tlv* Ii'.kiiI diaordera thut ever a~IcUai rtumanlty, nnd againat wiilca - :-. >.¦. i.a. be*'n tielpjeaa ana ..(.-trii.iia .io*», have i\n--*l tu.- world BO lonir tnat now th- pby»lclia* >-! -.¦ tha mar":".,- .¦..'. ¦. t "f ''>* i-x-tu* lllood ure ar.. tr..;. a*tonla|nd and |. aaoonre N Hai inoai wonderful medlcioir of tn- Bgr. . .'iie.-izo Janaar* -. I*'00. III*. VZII.I.VN' RL('"I» Sl'i.i IH*' .* >.-<.-ntl-ii4.ii I bav.- na.tl io... eor.' verj axleaaively >t..rincr tiie \a*t *.». \-ar-. rn th- treatnit-.it oC Jll u'- a-- <>: th- l,;o..J. and liave found lt an Invaluabl* rem*-d.e, and in .." laataaeehaa ll fal t.i-;T..'. ,, i, r- .. nii'i ".¦ .t'.'i- cure. i aaa. very truly, B. XKWTON M. l»-, --'I Ueariiorn-ave. The Cnr.ui lllood < nre Iih« :io»llive|v cored nnaier. ou, enara nf **. roti.ln n.iil "ull Ithi-nn. In one nin.i.h'a llnip .rhri-r all olii.-i- lilo.a.l |iurifl.-r* Inne inili-d. Pleaaaat ta tak.. applteable la dtaeaa. i >.f lafaaey or old ai*'- Al <ini*».-i- I'l I...-- -.'- B.'.OU *,aaU Bi.oo. b ' lutlv* pui 11.. .. id -- rtin* .te*. AI.VA *, BltAJSll.lAN ¦SPKCIFIC CO.. i. vv.i.at... N'ew.Yark. SeltersficMCaiionic. I.I IIIIV and VI'HV vilh I.I IIII V, BOAVutA*) I.VKI.*nvI». M VI'.Il'.Mi.VI), KISSlX'.l.N, I.Ms. 8CHWALBACH, PTBMOS1T, Ki**i\'.rN'-ninr.i*.vv.vTKR, IMM.N'A, e*e. The eomplete hnalywi* of en.-h .*trr I* on tba h.ii.le nnd fhr .nler* nrr cnnrnnterd lo ngrre nlt% tbeae anulv«e*. TIIK OVI.V PIKE 1M1 CORIIECT MINFRAL MATfll* *-(>I.ll IV Tlll- I ITY Tll-IIAY. ¦ iiii.BiriaAss FURNITURE AT FORCED SALE. -hi- 'ir:..- «.'.r -. . -¦.' blundera ivcln to *h«w iv, .,- tla . a. re callai ml n-,'. t.irr.i.'.' Into "r galar all kere." .,. re ir.:,.k..i. low, t.ut are not ap> ¦I rer* tA .! the .:¦!..--. parbap* eeahf nol ¦< n h>-hind .. aod a. i -'¦'., fa* *o.na .. other, m trWaoel aaerey f..r tha te, ... -. or lli.VVN lll ST IM 1(11 i.f. CAI.I.ANUaBBl8t thev AltE Mir WHAT VOI HAVT. GEO. C. FLINT CO., .V.K1 t*. i-i- arben I Th* P.' .. '. e r.Ti|a.. ., Ul-.-'- THB jfaT H IIMTI ItK MAKBBB, H.I. His \VI>T 1 tTII-«*T. tually sendJng Ihem ovei ln England when tl.e luln wh- r-.'l'. i.-i ''.. ii. !'-: waa irrear .- .. . ., who, ..-Mciit knowliif .¦*. arrlved -:.i-!\. heard lu.ching il i thc |mv foi thelr keep, In UW llcrmll won ti.a i.. , at '.*'. '.. i a- '. ¦' 'i Machell made a -rr,Ul un tlie i.r. after .ettliag-daj eaeh tartuer recei for £1,000. ripperary sweara bj Uie < iptain. He wlU be M hand <i i\ and ¦.> will Mr i.eorge and the preaenl Karl of Uudley. The two turmer aill rememtaer tiut, II ;- Juat twent) icar* ».-.* tiiiit n *::..ila" blarB lai folloiied the Derby «::...' of tha vv*>-a ;,:.-¦ ...I-. fheil , -Uile*! c.en ii h.nt r I.,-....,:. tliar did * refoot. Three to l on wa, ti.a ta**t :,. to b* procured, bul it wai mch a .-*rt..lnt\ ¦. thal hundredN i.u-.--.i thelr 1..* **n*ereign to put «>n the ivi.. Kingcraft. the wor«t la... exept fclr lievv* that ever landcd tlie blue rlbbon "t Uie mn, won; llaeareegor nol ever. gettlng a plaee. -V laraa ...iting'..: ,»f Kngll*hnien made iMauIogna tl.elr boaaa t.,r .. .a-.n. ril.d neltlMT T'lttaT-all- nor f.'i" *orrowinf bookmakera -:.« tlicm m.are. It .- nut unHkely that there "ili ne a larg. exudua tr. Ihe ume i'r«-n.-h aea- ..,:.. :-..,.,; ,,ii um rtni day ol thla week. The booaV .,,.,!,-:-. however. are . ngaiitferlng race, a'.d aftee i ... ke thal f la tt *dn '*day. an wllllng tn giva plentv of iraee to their Bato Wllllam Eaatoa **-ll- Uie JdcGrathlana vear.mga, thlrt) roll and Blllea., at Morrb Park toraoiTOW, ihe aale heginnlng at ll ::«> a. .... Unondaca will ha ,,.p;,.., ,i exrentliMially promlamg young- .;,... in,,,! of them onl of tlie dam* ol wlnnera. ln-. i.nondagi, have alway* *h(awn .i Bue tnni "f -pe«*d, _,d ii,. e to lund «*arly. Hie other ilrea .p- renented are Duke ol Mi>ntro*e. Mntthm-are. luptnre. I*, ;.;., ii|-ir*cd rapendUirlft. Kir:k' Alfonaa ,,,i',l Harrv u'Fallon. l'r..:n anthentlc r*.-p<>rt*. fr-un all part* of the rountry." aaya Sir. Ba n, re learn that cian.i iuar*** from whlch Utl* *. greaai tl.lnga were especiod have alipped (*r oUicrwlaa l..at their f.,.,... ; % -.v ot i!u-. aak \.» to rutulder well the certalntv t.'iat U.e rrot. t yearllna** for 188)1 wlB i*. v*-r\ imall. A* a matter ol tact. II la -ut-yl by ihe i.*--t liithoritles that Kentarky will n >t raa* .,.,. mie-thlnL if .- -'I-- the numbet of dinariti olfered Irom tlual f-tate. v- .-. iiitu.-al raa* .,.,.,,..,,. ,.;.,-. aill .ai*' very mt(ch l.igl.ei- n.-vt yeair tlian fore. A fwAtwo-yeaff* .,'.1 it the preaenl dav can win fmn. e.'O.**"" -loo.ono and i- aboul the moat vahiabla aseea of ,-i a:i iaiii." i i: llacgia'a Kancho del Paao yeeattlaga wlB ba .,,|,| a. |,;:.air-. x-ve'itl, av e. irat 1'ifti llftll St., ii'-xt Mn _____ Thlrty-four ¦.':* and Blllea from Dlxlana, t':a u,i; . ...... irra of Major II. .¦¦ TliiHBaa. ,,,. ,,, ;.. a.iid ai dorrl* Park on ttcdneaday at il .,. ,,. tho* -'- the rei "f Uarm. Illrayar Ml*vw. ,,..,», :,.,.i Le'aps, .md are an unu«(iallj promMag l-.t._ ttoodwln'a stai.e Rook, contalnlng entriea tor all stake* whi.h have rloscd f.»r the Monmouth Parfc and ,..'¦:- .."i Ne« >" .¦'". «to_- nnd lir.M>klvn Jockey clul for !-.»i now -al-. ln orde. ... i .;mIi../' U.I esicllent work, the aejb- :,,!,... a liave icduced the pi.rom P10 to W». 16 ,,, ;.,. .,; .| 4,1 ¦ ,..'.!- 118 ..... t/> B P*J_ ., ,.,-...,i,i, ti keep ii ni**ll th**rou«;blj i..f* laarfl ."".-¦ _, i....,v laland l.ackey ilnn. ..> -wai popa_rel v...n. ..... m'.... -. ne .--."t ¦' '¦¦, pra- Kn...t, prl i ui .'. I»eg:n« '"-vl riu.,div Mii.urban day. Tl.-t of go <i lh n ra n in.ii.-a one'* mouth water. There wlU l>e ., ,-t indeed al M*eepa,head ay for iwo weeta, Ui Vandertiltf* ..».'....' editlon ol ;. rac tracfc oM !.. f.mnd Biore attra. tlve than ei'er. vvrsrciiKSTFR KXTRIKS POH r*,).i)\v TBere wlU '- ;l" eatra *Ikv of raalaa t..Jav. wh»a .., - .. aeata will *><* raa, wBb law atartata, Ma*. leva, SlUeek an.l Vaab*arg. Bal * rrrj t.riu.aui In ihe laal race, ..t a Blle, Tenny, Ur D tea, strdeiway ¦nd othera are aaaeaaced la atart M aaeb vetgM ennd:. aaa tbal Taaoi uel* ln nt 118, Mr PIMB at H'i. and strideawaj al 110. if Bll Buee omoM na at .i.o.j .. i.in. ,- «,.ili !.<¦ aa lalfMBtlBg eontaat. l'mhahiy reiinj arould win, alUiough II la aaKiuu (*> BHBBb of bim ia papect i.n.. to «|4- Mr Dlian t.i. i-.-u.J-. ;i an Iha ttaaa al araaBbla ,t*.t.-ri I'lltsT BACK rvv.iv ...vi;oi.i». ii.vi.k mill:. *r% Meiro-e 118 it.e.tai.o . \\* i.r- ui.oid '.'.' roxford :.,. a Kllrue i anip.en.oii Vlhlll. . Ilal.fi.beck a| umi BACB- MVIUI.N Sam* I.Vtl* l»l> I.i '.r.,.! '.j Algemou u. ,..i .- 1. .u I <. La.a .. ':.i',V;'f biimone* lj« AJaaa nih 1 .b Ml,- Wll. .41, a 11» Martha vi j.r.in.'U... 118 EUea >ix rvBiaOBoa. S'aaa __ u l Rnatic.iof lll ih- T4rt.ii ln7 T"7 .118 Ui IU Ili .liat 11 . 118 ll* Ili Ili 107 107 Wvndhai \V..«l.a..in Dr. ll-,..'i'i. " .;0,- '2? Klthlna ">. Walemy . 81 TH1BP KA( I.M.I.l.l.V'i l'« MlLlr>- W't. Xanie. W't. ur Mebleaa .no llia |.u.id->. 110 110 Haeweapaifey 10* ,,: Rili K.v. lll.ATS OP "NK MlaVE. v.m. W't, Name. vrx , ?**}*; HO I taUieefe .Mj J'i;'.",:'"n i,..-,i v..ai,.;K m I-IKTII r.V* K-TWO-VI VI'. iil.l'*. M.U.I.**'.' I1VB i r.i.i.M.* V,n,.. W|. Illlt. .s.v--t .101 Nrini- .Ili. K lv" UUaa llo\< N'am.' VV ' iiiBo"»i'..i i^*. '!' Aevcnlurei J Melvel l, a- ftlooaa olt H-t Itoj. I',l-.|ll» vvo..,i utter .I'l; Knaliltirht '"' MXTIl K.V( li-M'ICI Vl. N ,..,-. *FX *t:-ek-. Tenny . aaala*. .-..1-Mt.l.Il.l Hatfraol 9*1 110 iodge M.l.heli. (M in* riouiihr.im !?<* Paota *»i l-a.lv >l»r.v. 9*> wi.i'.nTs. i.nt, IflLI. Kaaa* wt. 11.") Korct Ktrw. lOi llal l'hila»di-r ... .!.lOi 110 Eephynta .loi |.il >.i|*v Queen.108 ft&SiS-ea . .\<» Ltt'mitc ..l0i blr Iilxon..lafl k ir.'. race al 2 80 p. Um
Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1890-06-09 [p 3]. · ALOXQ A BA1XLKSS COAST. i\ WII.I.'KAN TRAD1 WITH PERl1 BMBCkOVtCX 01 CA.T.L. *M..v;ii:*MM.s., |i I] D HV llll vv vr. !i w BILV1



BMBCkOVtCX 01 CA.T.L. *M..v;ii:*MM.s.

, |i I] D HV llll vv vr. !i w BILV1 R BE-

-;,,N W l* V. OJJPLWni

Hrao.. * .111.

tni'i.- ¦¦ t .- Wei »_pai l made lt the hi.f - al .i bere rx. ' ":"'

*),...-. ro.indriea .-..-'- ' ,,!"-

.'..-. .;'";"'Uaea. n hoapltal an.l evea e ihealre were built.

I. ia an unerrlng i rn of l.*mmeanre of fallao thai Ibe eompanj are tranafernnqUieit ma* rrom the Peruvtan to tho

Iblliai.' "' .«* tn*")....1i'al "*..k

whieh wae f«.rraerl.i .1"".' here foi lhal Beet la

,,,.,- proMdol for t V.lparalao laia aalnable......

¦'. ».lt*n" "

r... -arkmen baa been

,-atlv reduced The tramafer nl tl.e remnanl

r tha. | ,-. ei rineera and na '" Val-

,,,:.a. aoi a gueatlon of tlme 1.*ommer.*a

lation .'I th** town baar ateadil, de.. .I *¦¦.*.¦ "! *¦** «¦»**" h*~-n*»-

(l,,,. ,:,. baj waa eonauntli Blled with ahippinaj/ .. . i,. .t* Sow then are few ve**aelafrom f**rei-n l» "

, , ,.

.,nvmkr directly from huropean, Auatralian and

I'alted Rtotea poria .. Eagliah, rhillan andOerman ateataen ln tlv- coaatlng traderntiip nnd -¦". louehing here a* they do at olhet

_ tiao and Panama, an.l i up-,, remente "f Peruvi in eominerce.v .'i.i r.itc Bteamera pl.v between

raiao and i alla... bul il.is is mainly l"r tbei,.. *a**rme llate nltrate porta. I'nllao);ia ...-.¦: I.. he a tenalnal r»*int >.f the flraiport ., ,. for Ruropean commerce lt* populationwaa once lO.nno; |i ran now hardly exceed 25,.>.Tbere are tu> aiaras ol i...*t]e nnd activlty ln Itastrert* lt looka 11Ia.¦ a town whlch haa *-**«-n Uai..at tiayaand la eonteni with reminiaeeaces ol ita

r eommercial Importance.One'a Bral Impreaaiona "f < allao are deeeptive.

There is ;m exeeptionally c.1 harbor f»r thiaco.i-t. aad it baa been deepened and Improved Lv

;, i ren. h company. There are n* '<.* n liere ateam«rrs.u.'l aailiaa veeaelaeaa reeeivc carguea: there i*.

¦ Iur.** floating doek; there la ;. aea-wall nearlyn mlle I"..-' of Bubatantial eonatruetion: there are

Bteam eranea for loadinc a.i'l diachanrinc carsoeean.i rai way tracka leading nearly t.. i!.*- rnda "f

ii,*- m.>]»**. and t!*"r.- is ancfaorage ground l". Ihelargeal ahipa Faeilitiea nre provided for handlingnn Inimenae comatttft. Tlw :>. nre all the me

ehanleal appliaacea and enginecring worka ..¦-

,,iiir.'.l for making Callao a metropolia, bul busi.),-aa a \\ OU 1 lll*. r.UTlll-* *'"..*t 01.>I1-

atanl y leea <lrv river-beda where there are finei hai ela I »r running watei . curv*

(I ... n a ln t ,. eoaal mountaina offering a

Lrouiiae of bold, effecl tt en Only ©ne thingia wanting.water; nnd a* Mr. Warner,. . ,,'ie.l when be saw- the anna of the IJay ofFundy al low ti'le. water adda Immnnaely to tliegeneral appearance of a river. Here ;>t

;,r<- .1..' e laranela bollowed out and ecientificallyImprovrd t-r floating a greal commerce: b i

ilier*- aeema i" be no buaineaa. The town is

st.ik'n.'.iit. All ¦'- el and Induatrial in-

tereeta are depreaaed, There lia*-** been aifrna ofiaproTeaaenl during the laal iw*> yeara, bul tlioreviv.il ,.f Ita forl haa nol yet aet m withinrlgorating faarce. The transition atage fromthe dlaaetera of war to the matorial proaperltj *.f

parifie progreaa baa been Indeiinitely prolonged.F o ,!ii..f cauee for Ihe eommercial .1.adeneo

of (al!,,.. is tbe exhauation "f the reaoureea of thocountry whlch waa produced by u.e war withChilL rern, at th. ol ti,.- dlsaatroua cam-

paiga, waa completely cruahed. Ita aeaboard hadUt:i ravaged; many ol ita towna were heapa ofrl'..,rr**<i ruino; and Ita eapital waa only aavedfrom (iestrr''-t:..n by tba energy af ihe foreigareaidenta ii** Oovernmenl waa bankrupt. F"r

yeara it haal l.een «lepen«lent upon tl.e euano bedafor rerenuea, an*l now ilies«> aouroea **f wealtbl.ad pcaeii *>ut *.f its poagegaion. Ii waa eam

pelVd by it.s neceaaltiea to eontinne the u r otirredeeinul*:*- li .t I'lrnn'y, whlch waa already*.v(,rt), ..ni\ :. fraetion of its face ralue. It wenton laflatiag 'l.e currency nntll tbere w .* a -.

vario.is'y eatimated fr(.m |R0,OO0,0Ofi t*, ?100.-000,000, and an BCtual ralue of a few cente *>n

tbe dollar. With auch ;i mediutn *l ex*

liunineaa ojieratii.ns ('. M nol i"' extended. ltwas not nntil tlm enrren.v hecame worthleaa rm

wa*. (*»*at asido witli one eonsenl by t'.... people inthe eoaal towaa thal tbere \% .¦ *¦ bi y n- l Improve-ment In tl * lie Momentarily, the rc.

iion of the currency ri*..,j-..¦ greal distresa i.i

the interi.tr, where the natirea bad no moneva-lth whieh to i.tiv food; bul tbe aubatitution ofa.i!vi-r f«.r paper wns rapidly elfected, and f ,in

thii tinje tbere baa been a partial reatoration olbaaineaa confldence. T! e Induatrial intereitbe eonntry ba*re not, however, recovered fromthe pararyaia broughl <m during ibe wn .*.

unfinif-l)<*(l railway aystem baa been one ol* li ct olMtoelea to material Lack *.f

eapital available f*.r new* enterpriaea haa beennnotm-r hindranee. Peru l- *i st. »jaj>«-< paihe inter.'*t ..n its publle deht, and thereby hadfatalbjr np ilred Ita credil Its 1 cnl nee.1araa (orelgn eapital, bul its horrowing powenhuil eompletoly collapaed

IXI'.'I'.'l IH":!..- m PORT EXAfTfOXSAaide tr.iiii thia general .**. of eommerrlnl

fjeprenaion peeial reas*.ns ussinned fortbe s'a.'i;..¦.'.' "t lauain u al * tllao. f>i.<- ia ll.eIrrati'.iia! policy "i the (iovernmenl in burden-Ing 11..* trade ol ihe country with heavy cx-

j.-on dutiea al a time uia-n it waa aufTerlajKfrom Internal exhauation nnd needed t<*the s..f its producta abroad Tlierewrf ataplea m. tbe produetion ol whieh Pcru<v. led. ll the free exportation "i tlaeae at .[,;,.-,iiH<i been allowed, gold would liave ren rned 1..

tbe eonntry an.l buaineaa would inevitably haveimprovrd; l.ut '.¦ Irvying dutiea npon thesepr'Mi icta the Governmenl baa crippled the moatinportanl induatrlea, and prevenled theii normaldevelapinent. Tbere la, moreover, general «-.im-

plamt uaoog ahippera bere againal t!..- Prencbcajuipany whiefa practically controla the .-..t.'i-merce ,,t the port. By virtuc of eoncew ranu irom tbe Oovernmenl when il «

flnaaeial stralta th;, ayndicate ol foreiffnera baaaeenred a monopol' ol the harbor privilegea andbmaffovementa rt pping laal itamercy;an«l artbongh il baa nol been guilty ol anjseridn* ..,.:.. v. ,...,., prejudice haa been»'xnt*-.l agaiaal It Shippera naturally avoid b

iKirt whiefa is dominated by a foreiajn monopoly.Poaafbry lt ia ia ¦.of tbu foreign eontrolof the harbor tbal tbe Paciflc Navigation Company are abaadoning tbelr extenaive plaal inCallao. and tranefcrring tbelr repair ahopa andmeeliBiiies t,, Valp iraiao.

Ne.tiii-r the exporl nnr tho Imporl trade baaree.ivoeil tbe volume whiofa it had before tliewar. Buaineaa has Improved tinee tbe adoptionaf silver as the medinm >.i exehange, t'i" therahaa nof ,»":i a retara el the buoyant feeling«.i lhal preapem ia period when tlie guano siipiili*'*.M-.-iu.-d iDexbauatiha*, aad the Meigga railwayawerei bailding with tho hondholdera' adranceaot caallal Aaaerieaa trade wlth Pern haa de(line.) very inucli aa Buropenn n ide has fallen.fl, bat it i* now alowljr bnereaaing in volume.(;race Brotbera an.l ether Ameriean bouaea lni alla.i aad l.iinn are developing thal traale byil,i-ii entorpriae, bnl .t ralla fai beloa tbe limitaof Gtiaafa nnd Engflah tranaaetlona wltli PeruI ha*l ezpeeted ta aee Mr. lh.ni. tbe eapable ;.n<ieflicient conaul, arho has repreaented ***** l ini<*iSiaies with aeal aad Idelity i.,i many yeara, bulfouml *.n in.'. ar... iln.i he w,,s lerioualy ilifrom thc efreete ol overwork, alheil graduallylaaaiealni nnd noplng ait*-. b period ..( neededreat ta< be able lo reatnae h.* \i<«.\ i,., i,is ahaenee.Mr. John Eyre, ih<- vlee-eonanl, aupplied tliefollowiMi; inforrjiaUou rcapecting thc bailing vcs-cl*

arriving al Callao ia lft._ from foreign porlen..i in ihe "...i>,iii_ trade:

"HU'.N ARRYINU TRADE I'BDF.B -AIL.\ itlu ,Nn.i ', Totiiiage.

71 00..17tni' '«?'°i" s .'¦.'.


rrrneh ... 1"

102 '.'¦. I''-

Thb exhihii leovea oul "f acronnl l-be roaatlnRtr;':.' -in,i abo i'i" ateontera, and merely Bhowathennmtwi iiu'i tonnagv ol aaillng vi__ela enlering

.i ln .- irae ol n ye r ilirr-.-.l.x. lr..iii foreignl".its. ilu, <.i i".' xi'-s"!-. fourleen were underthe Amerieon flag, aail nlne, meaauriog l".'--""toi s regteter, coroe lr>.ui porta of tbe L'nitcd Sl itoe.There xvcre aeven vreerb, ol 6,931 t..uv rrgbter,fr.mi the aame i»<»ri . undei foreign Baga 11"*

(,ir..."s bronghl from tiie I'nlted RtatoJ ln rcg-lsi.-r.-.l tonnage inclndetl ¦'¦.¦'¦¦:', ol wheat, 9,04f oflumher and 5,700 ln genernl merchandbe. FromHambui. the aailing fievl bronghl a regiBteredtonnage of 5,591 in general cargo, ani rrom OrealI'ritain <>.''', ..t merchandiae nnd 31,55f "f coaLThe i.nlk ..f ti.e Hnglteh, French and (Jernion Im-

porta comea, however, hj ateamer, nn'l is re-

Bhipned either al Valparabo or Panaroa. TheKnglieh and Chllian Hnea each tlbpatoh one, andaottetlmea i\\". atearoera a week from Valparalaot.. .illao: and from Panama a ateamei la aent

either once a xv,-.-,; or once a fortnight, foi< urral, ln Soutbern < "hill. atopping al Intermrdi ile

porta. Tiie Oerman Koaauo Une abo aendaIreighl ateamera to the nitrate porta Bnd Callaofrom Valparalao. Tbeae ateamera brlng mer-

chandbe from Enropean porta with lower freightchargea than are paid ter Ihe tranaporl Uon ol

American gootb bj ateamei vm Panam oi byBBiling-veaae] direcl rrom New-York. Thb haa

been, and atlll rematna, tbe chiel obataele to the

rbvelopmenl of Ihe rxpori trade ol the n.te.l

Mn... xvith P.i.i. With higher freighta. American,,,u na, woolbnu and hnnlwarr rnnnoi eomnete

with Engliah and Germangooda, whtel, are hroughtInto thb markei al the loweal bom - rate* "f

transpurtotien. Even with the benefli of Beree

,,..,..,!,,.. from Pananw aouthward between the

,h aud ChiUan li'.-. ' .' rwbbl el ea are

materially higher on Ameri, ifl mercl m

on flimlbr claaat- ol Europran . a '.; >«¦

,n inereaard riak ol breakage from rele t

handling hy the Irthmun roule, wl leh npei ite.

to tii" pre udlce ol Amei :' ""'ls-

The exporta from Callao to the 1 Siatwa

have lall.-i, ofl li.-.ivilx alnce tl"' xx with < hl

A Hai whleh tl.urteo ;.- vic, - l"'"

eured for me from the Cuatom 11 '" ''" ¦".

;,_-,,¦-..!.- of 140,943 13 r.n 1889 «Pentriea an- gold bnra and eoin,roin, .-."Mi..". '-..¦.-.ind nilratea are aenl from ovher porl*, '¦

aggregatevalnatlonol llwexporte " rrutotheI'aited Stolea is leaa than il waa

coasl wnr. The exporta of guano. n <*;. '.

orea an.l colton from the aame porta 1

Kingdom have Bveragril lesa..ce the 'I'.-.i- ol v>" .n. whei

the war they ran aahl J '"' "

nd nitre Ihe Importi -

Englan.l hnvc averagrd IBtme periiKl, whereaa in l*T,-. ii :. ea.np rboni

the compleie rxl laiion ol Peix. .¦ trade, hul K.iropean trade afl

,i from tl." pai lysifl "'

produced one ol the m-ai ..'¦ "¦¦'¦ '

!,,,,- .i. -tuerican X4 ¦

inv F x'.'i '.i JN 1*1!

The Gr__.ntruct, i' - .'

here, xx.ll tranaform Per in ll '¦ «

vearaaad invigor. - c- i "

it 4.111 exeri n ti r plfloetc*. hy hrii,.. eapital can liardl> i.',!V. in natural reaotii .-. ,- ¦¦¦¦

Soath Amei,;,.,;,- '.,,,!....* of nuuing and n

When it i> aupplied, and rtupl.tor tbouaanda of workmea in ' ..

the railwaya, it is reaaonabb u. Infei |pner-irt r the country wlll to ri^vod,with aa Inereaae ... proaoerlty ti"' >..;¦..

,M,.r, trade will be reatored li

prcpecl -f .... laduatrlJrenmtare to dbcu- the p.

tractuponAm. In.de Thr

.',.'.,..:'. .'."'. "-¦--

preataa. at of i

,.- impoited f.cmthc I'nited Rtoti tor the.

pletion and t of tl* railway.he right, bul it «* "" "

.... .,.: ni«M

' U" '"

,,.,! ti,.. purchaaea ol planl and rollli "

-,..l thal the* will htoin in Engb,.,lllir.rv ,l,..t n.av U- ,.-1 it.-.l

...eh preati - - ¦.

Vm.-ii.an enterprbr- Every ¦¦. ' ,'-Ul he operated iiltimatel inan Englbh compan Irarta 1

vill alao he ma"''"

.1 '|. ThOn ..¦ ">"¦.' "¦ '"

railway ayatem nnd h .liBpoaarM., prMen1 (iovernment, - one ol the

p ,-.... in ,!,-,..,.",,, ,..,. ,,... frankly tbal Ihe ra r.x i.va. in !¦

o their Aua, ... ,,. .

.... The..'¦... ry will wanl to

:i,,!.,. eh .'.:. "ina with 1 n peoplewill nol favoi .rn,

IMKRICA.XMr Thorndike believea '", eneral inter-

n trade in Sonth An."'.' ''¦'.

....; ,, .. ihlibhmenl ol direei,-: .,:,.! We

live i

_nd ownei foi manj yeara, he li.- no fir o| unitins the la.itinentu


,, ...... .. extremeb V1S

ior iry, and expieito- - thol I

seriouslj conai*lercd in .- L'niied Statea ".'

ilintaneea, ln hia iudgment, are ao greal tbal even

il the continent il railw ilt, frei hl eouldnoi ii- "inii-'i ni "''iu.itlon -.xnii -:..'in"'-'

The completion "I an iiitrroecarili! canal woulditolve ti'.- nueution "i American eompetiti°n *vl"'

Europe on tlu: Weal Coaat, hy provxli.ig aborteiul coiumunication Iroin N'ew-York. rhe

Mcar-gu < anal, be frara, will ix- liegun, bulnever compteted. The I'.i. -.. .nal would bethe better acheme it Ibe ('hagrea llooite oouldi.. rrgiilated.a poim which M de _e_*rp" ''¦"

hi. cabubtiona.I!,.. i.,t outBpoket. ... ... ,t.. ,,, Ameriean

sii-:iuisl:'ji line. whom hav, rm-t on the weal.__, is tlu- ll".i. F. .- ..-i ii Eliaore, formiTlj

IVruvian -liniMer al Waahington. In thr miura*,,i ,i lui.. convenrntion on the niu-i pr..cti«*amethodfl "i reatoring tbe influenee "1 tbe I nitedSiate. in thb quarter "I tbe world, and "l de-veloping i*s I".-'- ::u trade, he did nol b*. "'f-ss

upon tarilT n-xisi..ii ..r reciproolt*/ _reatlca, outwholly upon llte uecowity ol opeiiiiig

direet lnn-s ..f ateam communici.tion lietweenAmerican und Peruvian porta \ line from N-"-Vnrl ... allu... i" wa ..I ii .. Slraite. he -I"1 '"''

oonaider practicabb, aa the dbtanoe xx is too.. ,- A ni"'.' feaaible aclieme in bia judgmeni

would is- tt" eatabliahmenl ul an Americaii linel-lween s. n Franelaeo and Valparalao, withateamera expreeah adapted f.r the coaating trwle,,i Mexico, I'entral America, ' otembia,EcuBdor, I'.'"' an.l Clilli. With 11..-.P-'1tion nlready exbting between iii" Englial.;,ii<| ,'.nll ui linea, llieli nn eiiiernr.-'

l,i- .i li. |M-le-> uiidertoking withoiil mall « '.*.The nalural D.-. .,i liiercoarii corape

tition would he ,, rrduction ol frcigbta. whteliwould prooiote Ibe (bvelopmenl ol iii" Americanexporl trade and faeilitate rxchangea uf i""Mi Eluiorc, lieing Intenaelj luierioan in lib aymp.-itli---. ia '..-ix .-iiii.ii.iii" in e>.p,e_aiii the oplnmn tbnl the I, flueuee f th. | nited St«t«_ouifhl ," !"¦ powerfullj exerted In all Ihe rtouthAmeri'-an eapitab, an eapeoially la SoutUui ¦¦

nnd thal i.s oommercial tupremacj ah*iulil herrat-red ln tl." watera "l tlni heiiil*ph«re. Iledoea n"t lielieve tbal Amerie_u manufacturea oo,U- ¦ucceaafiill.. intrnduced withoiil ll,e eatai.lir.inii.-it uf Btenniahip line* unibi Oovernmentiu flidira Tl." general effeel ..f thr Grace aoni

prom tee, he tbinka, xxlll i..- helpful lo Peru, although t\X" oi the moal rminenl meti ta the coun-iry .- li oti .- '" it. an.l bave openly expn r,li- ipprovol "I ii

Mr. .lohn^i"!! on* "i Ihe ui"st popubr aad en

terpriaing Aroericana "i. tiie roaot. te Importin.troin ilu- r.iite.l Statea the Butoldnerv reoulredlo_ the lurue b,j,elt_u_ worka which hc _af» et-

inhlialied nem ilcla. le baa taken precaiitlonalo contrtri for ihe naekng as well na the mann-factnre nnd ihipmeni ...u, Biipptt****. and cotiae-i|ie tly .*' el rg e ervtlng .rdered from thal

iu ._. -i .¦¦ n*lll in. llal be i.ve eatrraa n*. .,.¦ necessit.v < a radic.il refi.rn. ln Uiemethn , ..| pa. king ¦-¦'¦ ti \., Anierlcan imrts forUie \Vi Si f'oaat. A lar.c*h ui- >.l ihe gooda Im-porte here (..nn me l».v wny iit*lathmiia, wltrre trniiMliimrnl .* required. bnlthen- ia I.,, i,., uu the packing ia alwaya.rell dunc nl t ..- aiart. tierican tnerehnnt**, aeeording lo Mr. .lohtiaton, li .. never Icnrned how'¦ P -n.i.iis im this mnrei, ind tl r brci U .«.:*l 11*8 lsthniiia a:i.-..- Oftoer I...,......,.,annd Ignorance in Xew-Vork lian from ni anmenl nl ,.;,,., and Panana. Tlie ....gooda ia nig,, ,|,,ll(, j,, ,).. ,.,., ..||,,.,i,,.i ronnneiiheae rr ,,,.,..¦. ,\e\a ¦.. ;, ,, American taer-chnnta wii] n«*e*l l. niar.ter (.:¦¦.. ':.<¦- ean Innei" increaae theii trad « it ti Ib We,: .st. V. tenthey Introdncr a. ti.'ir wn rchoiisaea ihe lier-man nnd Rngliah nietbodn n i.,cKing Ihey aillliial i.'as eaiiae f. thelr ceitin lai oomplaintaagaii st. ii .. i',...;,,,,;. rinilwo; i ompany.Here, a* a. \.,;.,. ,,,... | -,- .. mcl wltli ane'¦ti'." disputAtioita vmeri ana who have aesertedtbal there ran be n*. gpnera Inr-reasr In Iradewith the ITiiited Stnfea ivilh«a1 n indieal twdl-neation >.f tbe InrifT. Thc Krongeal argtimenlwhieh I have heard i. ln fnv r nl tbe re

f Ihe augar achediilex ko oa '¦. Imil nl a I.ti.texporl "i ti,. r ..,,..,, at ipk* nl P.rn tn the I'r.ii.Statea market, Will. a mnrket for thia augni inNew-Yurk and San Franrlac.., iiereaaed Importntlena "f peneral merehandixe wmld prohably nereeelved in return. li an.v re,|proeity Ircatleai.n- tn i.,-- neg.itiated wlth Sotifa Ameriea. tlieaiiirni nnd wool -.- ¦. ..¦ lie n...*i .i> iil«ii'1'*' i.asin lor '."!..1's.aimi'. n.i tlie nul ol the l ritrdStatea. Ibe former i'i rlenlini ritli Ilraril nndPeru and fhe lat-tei with tl.e !*late countrie*.Ilul \. l,-:i n practical Vmerieni olaarr ea Iheprogreaa made hy proteetion eoitrtriea. like Ger-man* an.l Fmnee, in rxtendine t rii trade ,<.''.thi- hemiaphere, he is .!i*r>"-."l l> attaoh littieImportance f-. i:iri-T iiueatlnna ani lo I.r atr**.tnairly npon Ihe neeea*ity for eatu1 lialilmlice- nf ateam comn. inication hrfwet**! ihe V 11 dStatea and Sonth Amerba f'nlifrrnla oauld be

by Ameriean enterpriiie inwa a greal h .>.

nf - npliea for Ihe raiuleaa roaal It peverything lhal i* needed for toott, ind .t* niaau-fae'nrea. niiiler |*."|*-r tn .i.r.. i-irii'iit. .'. I.-

Irodueed into ibe*. m .rke.a li.¦(¦ picreed S ..¦¦ V* rk wonld ha*.- tl.e nl-

.i .. ..f :. shnr' llre of direet e*min« Ith I'tin*. :i..-;i'. allfm an Vnlnai ra* >. luai '


wonld lae "f littie avail ln developina irnde with.oul Americ... atenrn naal rompeti. nfre .a with the Rngliah iTiili in ..* Will

. rln . helle .¦

!..:.'.' inerr >e in 1 f Ai in iri*'*1with thi* co mi ia ni .. tie il.lp larifl ..r n< '

1 N 1


!.. »m \".«* iBoratk ni-siox xn ix ". »

Ft'XTI FOK A M M'MF.ST IX A l'X!'..-

- .'¦ X RF. xv: !.!> !« I\'.r-

».-.-_, ni, ,-":, xn i.i i -ii - il -.1 1,1 m tt" ."-

to 1' Pa



_.- .¦

f the 1.'

.. ...

............. ...; "




I to-



'',.',al not ]



ever. i* thal


¦'... X




. uid

i.f 1.1 llal of II,.,:...h'-lglll'¦...,.- ii ..

VI V..,-.

i.n Iiii ,.,

..i ¦'. md '1 .i ,i ... ., i: ,| ,|

ilrli.b and I.l-i, ...

of agitatl. ti k.iiI'I.I the ..'. ,.

I .: .i lai ¦.!.'

..'uf ihe |,.-i .,

-i at'i llf prt,1 1 iii Ix

? .

I BOOKKUEPEB '//.(/.¦*./,'a 1177// iinir

I im -¦ \ lllliim Jqi .1.

.' N.,. '.'.... II.niiil-ti'' il .l.-ik ..t A Sfevan a arhol. ale

tloner al Klghl....... in- .-ii,|.!...'1 dl ..¦..i..i Uial Jea*en ....

IM lila .... ouhl JlW -11 u ,f. .1 ... ;,

.1 ¦..'! aiad ..i raiigrd l«j umpri.n -.¦ tlie ... ¦.

000 Hl ..-..,.. ,,| ,,; ,., ,| tl, |,.,-, ;. ,..

li , f.--. -.. .a:,.:.. .arr.nlrra IWOtll ..nt rliargll.g Imii 'illi 1" ttj bionly oi.'. i-harg..ild L" proven, IVhenaent I., I....1, f..r Jensrii he i-oulrl .1Nothlng ara* lirard *.! hlm nntll iaturday, alien heara dl** overed .. imltj \ llle. L. ..'.<l ofltliere wlth tin. aarn.ni ... ..- lonndhlm ln .. dog-rarta and, arhen thev .... mpt«-<1 la.hlm. la. wii 'ia lalBier*.1 rha VII,. ., t«>, inil.' run ln waa e.mpllt. At

Vlarhel |*i»l .. ,,111' .'

Id thnl te tlel .1* all >n ni n.inted t. .--'.:'..>.Jei.sen plradod noi iru.ltj nnd wa» reinanded t". irlal.

.4 .v/.ir ADIBOXD.vrB BEBOBT>i* inile- fi 'ii . Inl.lu. M NJtatlon. 'in tl.e N.ii-.li.rn

Adlrondarh Itallmad, ...1 th** ihore >.f ilar beanllfnlLatte Ma laweple, 1- the rhlMwold I'aii. Ilouae, .. '"'"¦'

and .li.-iriniiir inmmer home, arhlch proml '" he a

favorlte «i;ii lovcr* ..f Ihe Vdlrnndach a*md andnmiii t.-ii.i ii parl ..! the eiten Ire rhlldwold

ite, and li anrrounded bj .* natural park "' nvrr

ri.Qitfl ;,. re.. rml rai Ing ake Ma -. ,n'i .' er "«P,.f flve ddlghtfol lakeletai. The vlew <>i mniinlalii,lake .irai f-.[¦>¦-: i- line, and, alUi ;. arell ron-tru'teri,wi-ll 4-<|!il|.|i.- aild (-...iv,-. 1.nt lmi, I. the pl.i..- I- .1

rharmlng plaee for .. -ii.niii.-i- .iiiiiinr.

H'/l IB TBE TOBXTOWS BETTBS1X1..¦lhat th. gaa'...,' Vi-MiUwn ha« heea i '. .! »."1

erdered home tr. th Kquad.. KieJutl* Bn¦., 11 ln f. a. .. ...i fri.iu

Wa'hlngte. n. , .1

.,., n Born. m .:¦ iM aa ofl of th. v...¦¦ ,¦ But 1 1 I'r dl li'- .1 !. Blll ..¦

v.-l'ri.a- .... - ¦¦!. lll. UV IM.a' ¦.' .1- I.idlUg ...

-ni. ., ,.'. i,. th, who |... _-..,.. i. k....'.> II ".>

t-n, ,1 .. ii lhal ¦¦ '......... 1. .. ,- ..el i-.l borne 1.. .>'.*'- "f

w iin .i-.-.i ..!.' f * -.¦. .ni gi ji aad la erdci ..' '.

11 igai brlng ba *l t< rn - "' "!¦-'".. al

lia.l .v'.iic. l.e ', .. ..f Ul S'|'..'!r.'i ll

,|.. .: \'. .a *' 4 iii.l 1- t.(":i. " !' *»'B),,r tiihrall ra ¦¦ ... aa> 4 "11" ra are

.-' Micn 1. 1 na iii.,1. ih.-

Wa«hln I ¦. ¦¦ aill brta»,..,.-ral ..IV* .i ...,,,¦ rt BVI nl.nl!.

.....1 111.11 vl... ar '¦

.,.. ,. r.i.11' 1. ull ...*i ll .- aUa parted lhal

.. -ia i...,i 1. ba ..¦.. r .1-1 aad i. I»d rra. " .aael wlthu,e .*ii «».. r n.,011 tn. diflirciit fciod- ol auetj:-, caualfll.* .. ii-h.ii"

MRS. M//77/'.s GOOD TIME.Rea _or_ tetter to Tbe San Praociaco Argooaut.

'-¦ '. raR her Mra. Bmlth. Her rlght name 1a murhui .r. Impre Ive aud ba* a rharming prcrlx. foi i.i-i,...f ber ixiini lutve, ev-i-ytnlng i-harmiug about

their »mall sllpper* te tbe Jewelled plu in thei"i> of ihelr ii.-:,.!.. Anj one who goe* frequentljt" Oel'a, i., ii.. the mattnee, te Flfth-ave. '.

txx... ii :; _nd ... ii ia.. openlng day* >f fa-hlo,rnllliner., i., the apring "vi'i'.i.- "i palntlng.. '" anjplaee where the j*av wo'rld roiigregate* vv nii.-it ln-vltal. ni. .. irer nnd form lu- or ber own "-t.-liiatc ,' v I. r kind ..i .i p r.i u -ii" :-.

ln ,, , ,. ,. :. .¦ .¦ .! raihei' qulel lnlittle over thlrty. she itcver h i anj nn ne>-al

all: In ;..¦:. the wlll tell vou uulte scnou.ly iniillu-y are i ar to he tnnird oul for rcnt, and tnal the

.,,,,. r., ,,..,t x,-t .!" ha- ovcrj thl ifl"f i.i- \.4 late i ,ii.<1 rn..-! expendve. When x

ii-- -7 .¦ :,i- ui.Mr l.V* '... nr- a blllirhi.i iic,':...'.'. ii-' '." ¦.¦ "vrjfrom I'u-i-. xi,-.. -mith liad ''i- prettlesl to !¦" hin t-.n ii: 4. !i..'i niiiniul i. (l <!l" "-'':

,.. nnli mr Hundred. Mt smlth liad a beautj.:,:,.. when rlcli vounc ladle* - u

-ilu stoiklnes only xviu-n arrayed In ihelr war-paini-.Mr*. smiih never X4...U. n. other kind. And aUihi. when I, .- Unown Bhruad thal Uie hatch r ta.u-flcrrei. nt ¦,.'.:..¦ the Kmlth ir iu- WH

\ti smlth i- bIwbv* expenalvelj dresacd, with anodd. nrtgtoal tou.h bImhiI evexythlng ahe wear*. 1,1,., .;,,,. ,.,., . | ,., t l..x.,i ,"." In iin nei

time, where |*dle* are Reneralb suppo*ed to dra**irnvh :. ,.i lu IIjhl rol ir». Mra. Smlth wore paW

"'-a velvet bodlce rut out mih.. ne.k. a im.'" itraw ha1 wlth a wreath <»f greenflowers I'.ntiri it ami n nolnted erown fuliy etgntInche. ch. lmmen*elT long yelloa gloves, inovard. ol B»ii-e veiling twlsted round her ncefl. »n»l.,".i :.. If -!,-. had con.ut of - La Vle l^demie.,,,- ,.,t. rolor -i,-t.!i !.¦ i.-.u Moran. rhe mlnd

in not plt-tur. anythlng more plquant, »tn«.,-. than ni Ugure pf Mr*. sniun

iu !':.- ..,;.i::i". I'liei. were ¦ voung glrl uti'l ¦* manwlth her. .nd the. walked Bhoul Innklng Bt tbe p«ipl.-. inni the neopb kwkl, g d them a* if thej xx

'.''... her "ft. ii. -!". ron«tantly lunchod,¦ .I t ,.< ,t ]...!i.,.,' I...'-. She drove out,.,,:., i, ;,, pelham: she »-enl .verj'thUig ln tlu wav

,,r ,-r,- vi,.m7 »eein ihe -.ra- alway* ot, nanaii ' eptlon dav* of r|.h and liarltj hall ''"

,,,.,,,! it her wa* that ahe wh* never wiu,..ut the viHinii glrl and the man I* "a- no, alway.

.', mi" man nl lu tt) i_ ,w_

.... lm,|., _|r| v ,:. ln- inii Ix verj pretty.

... Tho ni.ii i." .",-'"'. i"

"."'...... »ver 1 '' ''

ri -.-.¦ ,! ".::';.uul .p.rtxllne.

- ii;,. - whl. 'i -! ''

."If,' .'


th I '*


.. ru -.

.... Il

'.... the sh-.de ul her lanre rurly brimn.ed"


thalthi rn not

,. be eiiltlv it;; M

lVll.ll.CImd tl*

ii ...¦'

lld md aa.

ll |ii dell* ....

,,.|. . .t'.:.-.¦¦


. ,.

,- md --.!

l) ami

kl'b'l.... ..... \

'' ",'l'"'i,


»*ed -..-..i'l-,.. m



t ....

..... one

tuo .,;

.¦ '.


.¦ tho.'

1,111 l Ie- il rllitprrtill. VOU .:.:--.'I" I rhlipei

- V"ii KlII II foi ¦'

.!v rn other, :i dellginful pirl. xx.,.

Ik glltlllg liei .- r .'

,,i .,.l'""1

.'. :: ,"l -:.-.1

,.. me ., rlal fm

M, ifr.nu -.m' Pla.-.. luv.-rj ' ..- n new 4-I..U'

,1.1 ll.-l.ll ,...!.:¦,".''i. .-hi I- p-ther ¦I'.i.i.i.'.¦.*"!. Mr.- ^"' ",.".

,i,4 dyl ne"i,. (-li" x. and nol a bll «».d of glrl*. on.

I |.|,',u he, ., lnc«*d 'i drei '

ers nnd mv .ixt, ;-"I-;.":.mi "','"' «,,"!,u-"1"""' Mi ' ' '',"' ,!'-,! -.- ..ti ,.' the

Ilu, do.,', .'. .' .III ¦¦" .' .¦ "" ' ','»_. v, t them « mean* to tttani

"". -'" tl loward the ofl ¦.' ," ,",-_,_, . .: II, rn ug 'li'"' ,'.¦'

,. ii.. Mnd x ou " X- uj-: Si t.1<-.. i, v, i.f \ iiii t.. ii'lle*" thal ll " " 'ii'

re x. ii f ''..molmlol rv. tnd iB,,. his I, v. '

, .I,:- th" ,..,",..:,¦:¦ """./"lha."!

.,-,. h" reiiera -""'ll '' ¦ ""¦"."'.- " ¦' ' i" t»n ". ... ... .,,-.. ti

Uj lover xx ..in..".. "¦:" "' the rieieresi m iown.

FATALL7 IXJrBEB 11 ".''.'. TBTlXO Tn BSCAPE.I..,:, Ilealley. age fourteen. of So. SSd Wed sl,

..,.:,ti, ., Juinped rrom ie rool of a piaara la IIm

.,,r ol hi l.." r< icnlii: ..i'l fractored hl* knllii.. had heei playlng l'»U " ""' »"''1 ','"1 '',:' '"',"",-.,.! nf the pla«_ togel .way from b poUeeman who

h.,i.I I other teo I"'" i"'""':.'.. di,i noi ..-ii". ii, ittey ¦¦..<¦. '."¦l";l:.-,';':,\ %Iho '' IM. and ''

,..,f. ii.- xx taken ¦"" V:" "' " '" ''

dylng '.ii.Mi-ni.

/'/.'.' .tf.'.s-s- OBBISTOS Vtl B-fV/l SJ

v repwlc. .f

,.,-, -.... n, Ul. K I-

XV.., ..,.4.,,'x.:.! ..--.-U"

'. '". f..l I.*, h« -,

..,,! .X!,.',,-trxi,,.. !" _*¦__',.,-.,.e,r.laooperatl.»l.Hd'a lt-rmred ato.ll.

-I,,.. fraruire rxtend. from Ui* f '-'"' l"'"" "*'r ''"' "'''

....., "wr_,.,, i:.. ,-U.nl'. 4.,ii. ..,., ¦"!..-' '¦ "»' '"" "''"'' " ""

,,,. .I,. ,..'¦ vvi,.. .o| r. t. ..,. ."". a* !.' aa* '-." "*"

l waa t-aaeteaa aad aal ot aala, ttoagk »var.




SELLIXG nw vt TVTTrr.svi.r.'*-nr. vtk mov-

J) VY ;.\ IMil. v:i»- -'UTiF VOTES AND


Ileie ia | httle »tOry in ai\ cliapter*.1.

Rlnghltter waa in hard lack. Thev Tindn't beearnnntng lii- way at aii. Bnd ta waa reduced to aeaperate

lenta. Money he nm*; Bave; honeatly If po*ble, bnl ni any rate i." maal bere it. Bo ba eaal

aboul i.im for an opportnnlty t*» tet evee. ln theprogramme f'.r ilie iriorrow l.e found a r.ic for threev...i- ..i,i-., the condltlona of whieh k.*pt oaf wtnnera.' more ti.au 91.000. Tlie dlatanee araa i i - mlle-..ii** read and poadereal and Dnally dactded on a pbvn..I ampnlgn.

I ihall aee Onajob ahont this," wa,- hl* ni**t.t'.ireinark. "i thlnh lie will gladly embraee tii" poMenopportnnlty, f*.r they have not oern runnlng i.i* wayof late any more than they have been raanlng min-.v ni do it. lll dn it. None bal im*' brave deeervethe -mllca ol the BcWe giiddeaa. III be brave

for both of aa, ;.- Onajob, the dear "id l.oy."iii r-.|..in* a loi ..f braelng np. Here |*oea far ;i

trj ..! ii."" ijob wa- Imldins np ;i poal BBder tl." intilever

r'.'.f .,f the 8*300,000 ihed in u.e aaddllng paddoctc.looklng the peraonlflcatlon ol departed ambltlon and

-.1 bope. ertniiilv tlie world *.''.- not aoing¦a. ii ¦. t'i hlm then, eh, then.

Rlnghltter ?a.ve hlm ;i ^.*sa>^^n<^in'., tl.waek on the(iff ihoukter and a pnnch over the wUhera that wooldl.tve lamed Tenny for hf.-. lh* rai-e,i himaeif a?

|. aad B*ked arho itrnek t:.it blow, whereup*4iall -ni la*, draggi *i !.i"i ofl t the -iiaaie f

a ir .¦ in an ..t.-.-nr.' eorner "f tii" Ineloaare and madeMin -1 down t'. t "i r. in. tiie i.f woe.

Rui ft-hal you -* iin' t.. d ai. mt it " Onajob a-ked.- ii ..v. the (ipt.i.1. ¦" Rlnghltter r'-piio'.'¦ lerble well.".¦*. .1 rn..iirJ, to beal a ha*1 lott"'. n¦*. t. atart hlm t« morrow "

.. DunnV* a .i better, hadn'l yoa? Ainl no uae 'n tottin'

:i ini ¦. -l p."\\ni. ¦¦!

.'¦ !' il 'i.. .¦ -.- ir ..I'l race."ii ¦''! have t" carry Um marh weigut.

t ... run hlm a*lth l-J pounda <>n lusi;" ii. '! .: |.-,- :.ln .

N.. t .. v u nt. nelther. Whaterer'p ln ag-.in-thim 'li hive ;.. carry the aame, and the whole lotaln't i. better 'n a l"* o' maldena. There alnl nolett .. thi* year than thi, one. Ilava yount*"V.

*'i. ron pnl hlm in. Twnn't do no barm.If myl that you can't ie at, :\hy. yoa ean

VII right, rl .','t rnii d 11 i do.*.' IV* II, »i I'U *ee yori

-.. hei t e ent ome out.''li.

Bo lhal la 1 i.i ,;..v- good enit. ciptim Yearly,be enl f .:. t':-- twecpst il ea, Vn.i Bl; '¦ i. liugg rl - lemtelve. and e-,, ii other

.¦! . i- -'i .[.* i.:.'a only;.[... .¦ * v. /,..¦:¦-. \> 1.1 had no

i race with lilni.¦. ih, I tolt j ....-. i knew

.- "1 g >t you tor, ni lr'- .: n. >ney.*

¦. Rnt, .1 ii :.;¦¦ " there lii.'l hin' ln ltWe ra i'l gel no bcttln' agalnat my

rolt wll b it."v we ran, too n (or that We'll gel

.. |[oa ¦¦.' to do 11 '"

I'.| t«'ll you. W .- -' .'¦' to -¦.; :.¦ rId

Mlddl lon. Ii-'* ' \ n- can li"a*p himitral

uWell irou want to make a aure thlng f II oyou*drlghi now. Mlddleton'a

...in-ii tn ri* fo ¦.. i don't - ¦.* howtlie. '."¦. . n' to .'.

Mlddletom waa poUil "* leavlng the loekeya'mom, '.. ed dreaalng, end Onajob iu-«i nodUII. ulty in penuadlng tl.e greal man lo take tl.emouni

ln al! ihe placea where torfmen moal do .-:i;rei.*atne, || une gene dlj known thal

Yearly wa* a aure -tar-t.'r on the morrow, tbal|C .;::,, aiat that lie aroald Wlo.

. en Um the tipalera ann -nin'edild have the nioui I on l aptaiu,

tJarj .:.-¦.:.. |. i'r- **IB 14 g «kI btuUlCBI.... iii.ihni petsoni wl .:-.t.-.i tii- ir*.!. were

lon thal Mlddl* lon arould plkai tbe, tlterefore. "..- the *

ent of all « graph Lx_rd annoainoadUve and o. ing araj that a

¦i 1.1.1. unknown to fortune and to fame, had,; ..,. v arly. Well. the pnl.lle

it, ia..-. bul p«*»ltlve .. '-*;,> t!ia'

rouid noi run wltl. an* h a. ilMjaemafcer".nd a .. ,:'

uid put 1 iqueduct or *. tl

priie fell ofl -' »*»*.*£»"_u s a>,.-.«,i gamclers ln tlie held de

... >t going to i;v a > ir-i. y.i- ainipijioul dir vi

.,, ,. ;, ;.. i. Wll !' :;-.4-un.-. -iii'l'l.*...a » n A luedu* l, who «*.* i-alde

rwo noted

,.. ... t.i..h.,i. \| -t ut Ihe book, rlien thi*^btgit II '. .- mrtbcd

fe« ..';- *i,",'" .' ,',,,7:... .1 b) iinJ 1.)

ithcr tlimugh tlie

.j ., |, men * to .. and un down m.1 altogetlier.

.- more

.- -:irnlii..:..'.l lo tllCIV

li ,- .. i|.m »I the iteward* oi ihe J, Inl ti "'' helUiw

l.iUi thera '.*;.. aald to indl.ute liiai tliere aaa

..i.H-tluiil* i.atten i.i ihe 'late ..I l*eni..a'h.tle Inform.int, Uw ..''- .' J*ao li.

thc roloml lad unnnd tu iu,,.- iHmtd ....( or W

lllV|, d tl ai .. tl . I»»'> '"' I':' oo, - I.i .»r:

':,,,.,, ., ,,,.'.1:. ." Ihe -(.u... fell over eaehI, !.,.,. to ..-.. tlll- |.|.'.-.-I.;'.. II li.'!'ur ':-. .1

;;. ,..,.. ,. und 1.41,:f.. thc ¦- I" he poat M 4

-. i.i- .,¦

..; .,,1 ,:.,.. ar.. i paule in tho, ,,.. wai Ing and gnai

l.ail plange-l <;ii,.,..,. |*h Mlddletoi on piui.t "*e..rli

,,V lu.,,-.-i wlth ni- n.lnl.raor lu ie t-*ll**l rhailh,, na, !. wim all '.¦. ."'' I' " -'""" '-'. '"' ' -'

,,.,,,,,..., ,., k-,, aowti .11 11 t.m. h.'.t bol

.-..,.i Yearly. arell tlddcn bi Middleton. who.. ,,.' ;,.,, rH-r.u_.le hlpi to ¦¦. d»- en .ngh 1 nw ..

4.,,, '.- ..i""" of .. '." *vl*h \'i""'l'i'i "'"i

t|, i. wui, a- he plc&s-d\ i.

"VViV v ">v;,...,,.. ,.,-_.- ,."'- thal ii"' -fxwii.N iMjalra of Mat

., :,,',.,. or the nn rulngofthe ruce.

..,,.,,,. ,]i th- he '...uui-io-rs. nu i.wn -

V.,V ,', ..'.vi today who pul tl:-,r b*l P

,r*onr;pTfroh^.r.^gw-^j.VV" ,';.. Y'xv |< .r- i..i ln the breach taoa b

'""n'ViWi.! thal tbe moma al Tateeraalb nn_', .,,,44,,.1,e i.kmakei- liave returned rrom

'.,-_.'.n.i after dlnne,.n Bdrk down there ta4. ,.... more div at fortune. n I* a llvely, md-j

..,,,. iii\ ..a t.\e of -"iu" btg raee, Imi:KC tte"LVr te mii* ^'!_^r?ly

.'.i,,,,. fur -,,ii,.. 441-11 i.n.ixiii l.kmaker.V.'tVr ;;";i-"lM..iuav.-:ii .f iu- turf. i_*ptolnM_,ii_ll, ¦. man who alway* -¦"-_ a -tlr atTattor

f^actusI BLOODThe n.o-t extranr'linnrv V.Z"t.ll'|e renr*dT yet dl«*-«Ter/Ba

Aii al>«olut.> cir.. f..r »il bet* d '..rr or :ti-.|.iired bluod dta-'»,..*. infaiiibi.. in aarafaia, ea.r, rheaaaaMam, diafisnir-lag aiapllaaa an.l diaaedera al BBeaaarh, unc -nd wdno-e,.f adalt* aad BblMraB. lv-.t,. m-.i ba ir«din».- BBfaMaaaaf ffew-Yerh the pr.-atct bioad cura baaaa. Head for da-

acrtpttv. baek realtalnlag ndaraemeatti af Rtieaaad caih.olle pataera, piea-laiwt phyal tona, aad Baaty aaaei ia


DOCTORS ARE AST0N1SHED.* ¦'.;.., aal -.Itte (ti--.-. .. Uie l«0 BkMl Inaajioua.Ineurehle and deatrui tlv* Ii'.kiiI diaordera thut ever a~IcUai

rtumanlty, nnd againat wiilca - :-. >.¦. i.a. be*'n tielpjeaa ana..(.-trii.iia .io*», have i\n--*l tu.- world BO lonir tnat nowth- pby»lclia* >-! -.¦ tha mar":".,- .¦..'. ¦. t "f ''>* i-x-tu*lllood ure ar.. tr..;. a*tonla|nd and |. aaoonre N Hai inoaiwonderful medlcioir of tn- Bgr.

. .'iie.-izo Janaar* -. I*'00.III*. VZII.I.VN' RL('"I» Sl'i.i IH*' .* >.-<.-ntl-ii4.ii I

bav.- na.tl io... eor.' verj axleaaively >t..rincr tiie \a*t *.».\-ar-. rn th- treatnit-.it oC Jll u'- a-- <>: th- l,;o..J. andliave found lt an Invaluabl* rem*-d.e, and in .." laataaeehaall fal t.i-;T..'. ,, i, r- .. nii'i ".¦ .t'.'i- cure. i aaa.very truly, B. XKWTON M. l»-, --'I Ueariiorn-ave.

The Cnr.ui lllood < nre Iih« :io»llive|v cored nnaier.

ou, enara nf **. roti.ln n.iil "ull Ithi-nn. In one nin.i.h'allnip .rhri-r all olii.-i- lilo.a.l |iurifl.-r* Inne inili-d.

Pleaaaat ta tak.. applteable la dtaeaa. i >.f lafaaey or oldai*'- Al <ini*».-i- I'l I...-- -.'- B.'.OU *,aaUBi.oo. b ' lutlv* pui 11.. .. id -- rtin* .te*.

AI.VA *, BltAJSll.lAN ¦SPKCIFIC CO..s« i. vv.i.at... N'ew.Yark.

SeltersficMCaiionic.I.I IIIIV and VI'HV vilh I.I IIII V, BOAVutA*)


Ki**i\'.rN'-ninr.i*.vv.vTKR,IMM.N'A, e*e.

The eomplete hnalywi* of en.-h .*trr I* on tbah.ii.le nnd fhr .nler* nrr cnnrnnterd lo ngrre nlt%tbeae anulv«e*.




FURNITUREAT FORCED SALE.-hi- 'ir:..- «.'.r -. . -¦.' blundera ivcln to *h«w

iv, .,- tla . a. re callaiml n-,'. t.irr.i.'.' Into "r galar all kere."

.,. re ir.:,.k..i. low, t.ut are not ap>¦I rer* tA .! the .:¦!..--. parbap* eeahf nol

¦< n h>-hind .. aod a. i -'¦'., fa* *o.na.. other, m trWaoel aaerey f..r thate, ... -. or lli.VVN lll ST IM1(11 i.f. CAI.I.ANUaBBl8t thev AltE MirWHAT VOI HAVT.


.V.K1t*. i-i-

arben ITh*

P.'.. '. e

r.Ti|a.. .,




H.I. His \VI>T 1 tTII-«*T.

tually sendJng Ihem ovei ln England when tl.eluln wh- r-.'l'. i.-i ''.. ii. !'-: waa irrear .-

.. . ., who, ..-Mciit knowliif.¦*. arrlved -:.i-!\. heard lu.ching il ithc |mv foi thelr keep, In UW llcrmll won ti.ai.. , at '.*'. '.. i a- '. ¦' 'i Machell made a -rr,Ul

un tlie i.r. after .ettliag-daj eaehtartuer recei for £1,000.

ripperary sweara bj Uie < iptain. He wlU be Mhand :¦ <i i\ and ¦.> will Mr i.eorge and the preaenlKarl of Uudley. The two turmer aill rememtaer tiut,II ;- Juat twent) icar* ».-.* tiiiit n *::..ila" blarB

lai folloiied the Derby «::...' of tha vv*>-a;,:.-¦ ...I-. fheil , -Uile*! c.en ii h.nt r

I.,-....,:. tliar did * refoot. Three to l on wa, ti.ata**t :,. to b* procured, bul it wai mch a .-*rt..lnt\ ¦.

thal hundredN i.u-.--.i thelr 1..* **n*ereign to put «>nthe ivi.. Kingcraft. the wor«t la... exept fclrlievv* that ever landcd tlie blue rlbbon "t Uie mn,won; llaeareegor nol ever. gettlng a plaee. -V laraa...iting'..: ,»f Kngll*hnien made iMauIogna tl.elr boaaa

t.,r .. .a-.n. ril.d neltlMT T'lttaT-all- nor f.'i" *orrowinfbookmakera -:.« tlicm m.are. It .- nut unHkely thatthere "ili ne a larg. exudua tr. Ihe ume i'r«-n.-h aea-..,:.. :-..,.,; ,,ii um rtni day ol thla week. The booaV.,,.,!,-:-. however. are . ngaiitferlng race, a'.d afteei ... ke thal f la tt *dn '*day. an wllllng tn givaplentv of iraee to their Bato

Wllllam Eaatoa **-ll- Uie JdcGrathlana vear.mga,thlrt) roll and Blllea., at Morrb Park toraoiTOW,ihe aale heginnlng at ll ::«> a. .... Unondaca will ha,,.p;,.., ,i exrentliMially promlamg young-.;,... in,,,! of them onl of tlie dam* ol wlnnera. ln-.i.nondagi, have alway* *h(awn .i Bue tnni "f -pe«*d,_,d ii,. e to lund «*arly. Hie other ilrea .p-renented are Duke ol Mi>ntro*e. Mntthm-are. luptnre.

I*, ;.;., ii|-ir*cd rapendUirlft. Kir:k' Alfonaa,,,i',l Harrv u'Fallon. l'r..:n anthentlc r*.-p<>rt*. fr-unall part* of the rountry." aaya Sir. Ba n, re learnthat cian.i iuar*** from whlch Utl* *. greaai tl.lngawere especiod have alipped (*r oUicrwlaa l..at theirf.,.,... ; % -.v ot i!u-. aak \.» to rutulder wellthe certalntv t.'iat U.e rrot. t yearllna** for 188)1 wlBi*. v*-r\ imall. A* a matter ol tact. II la -ut-yl byihe i.*--t liithoritles that Kentarky will n >t raa*

.,.,. mie-thlnL if .- -'I-- the numbet ofdinariti olfered Irom tlual f-tate. v- .-. iiitu.-al raa*.,.,.,,..,,. ,.;.,-. aill .ai*' very mt(ch l.igl.ei- n.-vtyeair tlian fore. A fwAtwo-yeaff*.,'.1 it the preaenl dav can win fmn. e.'O.**""-loo.ono and i- aboul the moat vahiabla aseea of

,-i a:i iaiii."

i i: llacgia'a Kancho del Paao yeeattlaga wlB ba.,,|,| a. |,;:.air-. x-ve'itl, av e. irat 1'ifti llftll St.,ii'-xt Mn


Thlrty-four ¦.':* and Blllea from Dlxlana, t':au,i; . ...... irra of Major II. .¦¦ TliiHBaa.,,,. ,,, ;.. a.iid ai dorrl* Park on ttcdneaday at il

.,. ,,. tho* -'- the rei "f Uarm. Illrayar Ml*vw.,,..,», :,.,.i Le'aps, .md are an unu«(iallj promMagl-.t._

ttoodwln'a stai.e Rook, contalnlng entriea tor allstake* whi.h have rloscd f.»r the Monmouth Parfc and

,..'¦:- .."i Ne« >" .¦'". «to_-nnd lir.M>klvn Jockey clul for !-.»i i« now -al-.

ln orde. ... i .;mIi../' U.I esicllent work, the aejb-:,,!,... a liave icduced the pi.rom P10 to W». 16

,,, ;.,. .,; .| 4,1 ¦ ,..'.!- 118 ..... t/> B P*J_., ,.,-...,i,i, ti keep ii ni**ll th**rou«;blj i..f* laarfl


i....,v laland l.ackey ilnn. ..> -wai popa_relv...n. ..... m'.... -. ne .--."t ¦' '¦¦, pra-Kn...t, prl i ui .'. I»eg:n« '"-vlriu.,div Mii.urban day. Tl.-t of go <i lh n ra

n in.ii.-a one'* mouth water. There wlU l>e., ,-t indeed al M*eepa,head ay for iwo weeta,

Ui Vandertiltf* ..».'....' editlon ol ;. rac tracfc oM!.. f.mnd Biore attra. tlve than ei'er.

vvrsrciiKSTFR KXTRIKS POH r*,).i)\vTBere wlU '- ;l" eatra *Ikv of raalaa t..Jav. wh»a


.. aeata will *><* raa, wBb law atartata, Ma*.leva, SlUeek an.l Vaab*arg. Bal * rrrj t.riu.aui

In ihe laal race, ..t a Blle, Tenny, Ur D tea, strdeiway¦nd othera are aaaeaaced la atart M aaeb vetgM ennd:.

aaa tbal Taaoi uel* ln nt 118, Mr PIMB at H'i. andstrideawaj al 110. if Bll Buee omoM na at .i.o.j.. i.in. ,- «,.ili !.<¦ aa lalfMBtlBg eontaat. l'mhahiyreiinj arould win, alUiough II la aaKiuu (*> BHBBb of bim ia

papect i.n.. to «|4- Mr Dlian t.i. i-.-u.J-.;i an Iha ttaaa al araaBbla ,t*.t.-ri

I'lltsT BACK rvv.iv ...vi;oi.i». ii.vi.k mill:.*r%

Meiro-e 118it.e.tai.o . \\*i.r- ui.oid '.'.'roxford:.,. a

Kllruei anip.en.oiiVlhlll. .

Ilal.fi.becka| umi BACB- MVIUI.N

Sam*I.Vtl* l»l>I.i '.r.,.!

'.jAlgemouu. ,..i .-

1. .u I<.

La.a ..

':.i',V;'f biimone* lj« AJaaa nih

1 .b Ml,- Wll. .41, a

11» Martha vi j.r.in.'U...118 EUea

>ix rvBiaOBoa.S'aaa


u l Rnatic.ioflll ih- T4rt.ii ln7


.118UiIUIli.liat11 .118ll*IliIli

107107Wvndhai \V..«l.a..in

Dr. ll-,..'i'i. " .;0,-'2?Klthlna ">. Walemy . 81TH1BP KA( I.M.I.l.l.V'i l'« MlLlr>-

W't. Xanie. W't.ur Mebleaa .nollia |.u.id->. 110110 Haeweapaifey 10*

,,: Rili K.v. lll.ATS OP "NK MlaVE.v.m. W't, Name. vrx

, ?**}*; HO I taUieefe .MjJ'i;'.",:'"n i,..-,i v..ai,.;KmI-IKTII r.V* K-TWO-VI VI'. iil.l'*. M.U.I.**'.' I1VB

i r.i.i.M.*V,n,.. W|.

Illlt. .s.v--t .101

Nrini-.Ili. K lv"UUaallo\<

N'am.' VV '

iiiBo"»i'..i i^*. '!'Aevcnlurei JMelvell, a- ftlooaa oltH-t Itoj.I',l-.|ll»vvo..,i utter .I'l;Knaliltirht '"'

MXTIl K.V( li-M'ICI Vl.N ,..,-. *FX

*t:-ek-.Tenny .


.-..1-Mt.l.Il.lHatfraol 9*1

110 iodge M.l.heli. (Min* riouiihr.im !?<*

Paota *»il-a.lv >l»r.v. 9*>

wi.i'.nTs. i.nt, IflLI.Kaaa* wt.

11.") Korct Ktrw. lOillal l'hila»di-r ... .!.lOi110 Eephynta .loi|.il >.i|*v Queen.108ft&SiS-ea . .\<» Ltt'mitc ..l0i

blr Iilxon..laflk ir.'. race al 2 80 p. Um
