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New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1913-03-03. · «Kto^-Otâ fflriïMttt VOL LXXII..N0 24,211 rodav...

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«Kto^-Otâ fflriïMttt VOL LXXII..N0 24,211 rodav ^ir,^0^0:^^ 'nd NEW-YORK, MONDAY. MAI« II 1913.-FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE ONE CENT 4\'T InCltTof >'ew*iork. .Ii-raeytlty and Hehokes, KtSKtlHKRIC TWO rE>T*. E Utterances of the "Peerless Leader" Significant in View of Likely Cab¬ inet Post. WANTS U. S. TO LEAD WAY Should Set a Shining Example to the Powers of the World of Reducing Anna meats. He Sav»» iS C. March 2. William Jennings i.rv;,t«, th« 8* rctarj of Btat< m Mr Wilson's Cabinet,.rding to at« ni rer-orta, spol r- to. ir «-iRiit thousand .. r , ring .. ~i lal gi ,.;. the \ Carolina Psa<*e Conference. «vh.ch tuts m aalon in this ., two da Mr- n.is Introduced i.» Governor Cxa g. a-ho refarred to Mr Bryan aa itu «greatest apoatle «.f the «Prince of i'- a "ti earth t«*Hday, thi a*orld's foremen n «sis*] the highest > x. mpk of n imanahip Mr Bryan de lar« d thai imperative dtHy of the l'i ted - Mil] t«« e-"i <¦! at« in ry way ble with tl .. i«, '«r'.l poweri ti. a of th« a orld «¦.¦¡mi aig-r for . to «set «hinlna amph oi rHssi'iaam«gBt He fl< r d ih Cnit« «i «States «was «peculiai Ucd in local ion d ^taniiim; among ion* of h ¦:: lo boMI) take this itand The speaker n inn rated s the g ¦'i t«-.r»- tl «al .¦. teresl ..,-.-. x ... had advanced I rom .. « luipment to that point » hi e of <«,]. r-annon a .- man and natlona arere running debt i" bi .''. monai r gun« incr« ¦;.¦. .... i. er-gi "v\ n B on ": th« herhoi LANE FOR CABINET NOW Latest Guess it Interior Post Pip.cos Single Taxer. ihlnffton, Mal il -' !'r;,;.i lit Is Lana, of California, for ¦*;-' «retarj of inV'fior la the it test ides a-bifh ; ii-«mf«iini» in Consresi ha I'ffet regarding the Wilson cal Mi i.nr.f «is a i." n ocrai and Taxer, and waa ap* n\i Intei Mate «""omiriT'" C<onimiesion. of - w h ha is i'"4v rhali man Prealdem Ti oosr \ .". ! I. Rl :, ougblv «sound ot oni n stion .i i !«¦-. tie radl a oitw bul he will meet the approval f th« Pro) m lessrall« porter of Betiator I«a I cdlctt« at on« time. It Is suggested that, ha ing been < omreü-'d to drop Brandéis, Mr. Wil- «...n turned lo Lane as a «Progreaslve. ;' la also saaerted that, .? pred In The Tribuns, Colonel tleorgt W, <:hais baa declinad the portfolio ol Wnr. and nothing definite aaam« to > Vnr.nn re arding thi man rhoaen in h.«- pta«*». Tbs Bryanites are d«sclaring to-night *iw Mi. Bryan has protested bo I . rousl;« against the selection ol Mr. M«"Adon for Bacrstary °f Ih« Treaaur: that th«» Piasldant-slecl I.««n-'i- «r^ij his d'-rision, but the cotiser^ titres M) thai gfustsneiit must be tak« n «erirh s larg«- «grata of allowance. The nalejctton m* Jamas MeRaynolda U AUormy «renrral instead ft Chan« »¡lor Walker is regarded M pra« ittebUy asp tiro«;'. Xotiiini- «infinit«- is known ah "«t the s«-' ret.irv of Aa*rieulture, bul there are rumors tlint \\"nlt««i II Page Is rie.-ig (onsi«i«'r«'íl for th«« piad Dali- ru v Btoek haiirif- suffersd a slump hi tbs i-Tst tew hours. it is Intimated that the ansas ai the fun r'abinet will be made public to- Morro**-, unless there is a hit« h ret; ird- ng one or more piares. This Morning's News. local. «Page ataa Studaata Osard VWilaon.. - .fifty in Grin of T'.'-mil«- Otis 2 Taaaaaas-y «Off for sfashlagtoa.«¦ .*»uffraKi*-í«i «iff to Washington. 3 Dr. I"ri«sdrnan»i IUK ouimgud. * '\'hitmnn Aftei Tba« «Briber«. *. inturhoro ¦¿«B-nres <'«,ni«j ¿sasprsmlas. 4 ^'«gn«-r Committee «Opposes Oaynoi 5 ffar-hiT ruts Vi< «. t'y« to Mayar.« 5 .Vhitir.nn \*«« 'i';,..' Bribers. .* (Cardinal r;* » -j r: from Porto Rica.... 7 Town«pasple Invita Wltosn «Bach. 7 RsfJUbllcan LOSS«« Small. 7 RspuMfcr-au Loaass Baaall. 8 tsayta t«, I'nci« Trial. 8 "ne Dead ;«n«l «Five Hurt 111 lir«- 14 -.sjsadmaal to «Salllvaa i-a?..14 Tro iirui m Jawsl Robbery.14 r"tn RrlctS ÎH l'.imllií-M.14 GENERAL itryan foi Diaarmamsal. 1 1 I Troop« Kill Maalteatas. 1 .v'ufTrftKltts «Pias Frost. 1 Inauguration st»«?'- Bad. 2 H'.usc Thr«-.nk--«'i .-«t Sight Besoton.... a ».OH Buffragbita t«> Marek To-day...« 3 May Bad Sunday Katertnlning. 3 ^.'"M-an l»\iriR ¿irid %t'',.'i«(> fJKMM. 4 I (:««..is linrraatsr Maths«la. * Ton Kxtol« BIS <*reed. 7 Nassau's MB r.'iH«"»»!» Senate. 14 roKEioir. o iif Oarbaaa Army« Increase » 5 i^ndon H«jffrag««tt«ra Injurad.I .Ventral Shir'*« Klri-'l Or,. 5 MISCELLANEOUS I «litorial . 6 Obituary . 7 >iu«j« .7 v»-wk ii,i \\ .men. . 8 .«¦lions .S and 10 '.»-..l KKt.it«.10 I inancUl and MaiaSJlB.IS and 13 ^.«tr-ir .13 i>iiipplng .m9 WILSON IN HANDS I OF PRINCETON MEN Guaro of 600 Undergraduates Readv to Escort Him to Washington on Special Train To-day. QUIET SUNDAY AT HOME President-Elect Still Silent on Cabine, Make-Up. but May Make Announcement Be¬ fore Hi? Departure for Capital. is Tribun« itm « ton, x. j, March ..'. Great i< na rat ions ha« bren m<ade by the '¦! Pr< id« .¦:. '.. WJh-on'i lure from ..¦ not row men I a III be .. guest until ¦ pc ol und« rgra lust« a formally t h, ., ... ,. r .., ,_,,. om. "'',' VVi ihington at ::.t.". lex k '" morrón Bftcr md Ihej n- «¦ plann« «i to ma .. hi Is in ,; . Ir d ' for him they «¦.'¦Mill' -1 ^ 10:311 ....... ;, o«tnoi «roe .t ning one tho isand undcrgra'luutes «HI Bsa« m -i- in front f the Wilson " « !lei eland «Lane, tu act ma an r for th« i'i« rittent-el« « « an«; his partj to the train. The part-, will r .'¦ ' itom.I« t, nd i rompt'] ai I": Kl o «. '.«. Il .-,'..: for th« tr.-ii i, \\ ¡ih the stud« nts as urt, Paul K omroii ;.m r*. .'. Hall IV. M !.. at« r, \VI1 ci Pon« Rol i. '.' er v. ill .. Mr. V n and I pai SV'it dei i will M '. ,.,i Hi. Marga] >. Jes».« and ' on, «'i-.... -s«-: Stockt« \ ... ... r \i, .i roa Bon« a. th« «president«« I s Car Wir.dov. Pe.-'ipps. Th« siudei :-'...: «nil« lepurt- m v Ith tí.- Ir i g«, and oik .-.¦ and .-«s the train j out f ti »tatto «¦. i i ! , I tong deal i'i ¡it -i -n m< :.. :. dby. »l«l Nas- a .¦! ... r H riroiig'i ..'. .. dot .. Mr »'¦ llanti roi uni tradition that when «i st '.. « '... pi here with hi hi? tlier nl t:." its m i - »It« a a (h the ar »* n- «i"«\ and ii"isi hfin through the .. " .«. vinjgnifc an IPI roprlat« .. .. It HiaJli .".. of the mo t iti s « « ooimi m .-.i nl a Than it le llke.ll. which W«*«odnen Wilson rec-elved . 1 v. di f"i ii at «gradual« f "SJ rep« .i" d is ther nf his remiden n "v oble fcix H:in:«reti. « ¦. | ates will >v-- .. ( ¦- ¦¦ II, to Washlni \ stop v ill be mad« at v. en i'i, tak« on M Annie Howe, . «., he It sident el« ' ,,ii«i ht i daughter, Mrs, Perin Cothran. with her foui t«.>-ii-iii,«tiTiis'-.«i.j daughter, Sont' phine Cot bran, who is i great far with tii«' Prealdent-el« ind a III ¦] 11 onskh raW« ol .. at th« Hou '. '«Mon« Th«»mai H. Bird .'.i¡ ,1 i'- ton'a personal ««a., will also lioartl lie train at W eel Phil id« Iphl a ill .barge ol Mi Wlson «and hfr frit «¡'it ir.-j the Inauguration cere« n»..t,j«r-.- Th«; train will alee stop ai Baltlmo long «.-n«« j»;¡i to drop off th« I Princeton nrwtHng team which Is go« ¡mil' to meet the "middies at Annapolis. The «Presl«flentlal train la due la ¡Washington at ¦'¡.i"« «'clock. Mr. Wil« will go at on« . th« Pi esidentlei room in th« atat Ion. where the commit« tee of denti will formally relinquish ,,n tu Tilomas Kelson «Peg, .-«n«J the irai ommittee. rormalitlea over, i«<* will motoi i«, the Hotel Siioichi.m. where he aril] stay until i"" «foai to ii" Pii"1 eton ;«¡ .nm¡ ¦m ker In th« evening. Before «going i,, th. miokei h*. ail] be Iba guaal of coualn, .i««iin Wilion, at i reunion ,i the Preel.Bent«el«*ct'i r-r-iM i vet al iho «Shoreham Hotel, In addition lo lb« live memberi of th«- «Pre-idsnt«al«wit'i family, there will be twenty-five r«ia- tlvei by marriage or otherwlae at this dinner. Th« - a ill Includ«**. .Í. im Wilr-on. Franklin. iVnn: Stook- t.,u Axson. Mrs. Wlteon'i brother; Mr«. Annie Howe, »Philadelphia; J. R. Wil« si.ii. Nashville; Mm J. R. WUáon and daughter -.nil Wilson Howe. Wanning« ton; Q-aOrgg »Bow«*, CohitaMa, «**.. C.; Mra TVrrtn Cothran. RaMgh, N. «".; ¡Mrs Tli'.maH WeodrOW, Dornet", Mr?. j-,.,-,;"«-' W-oodrow, Columbia, «8. C: IJamef Woodr©** and ntgerilliag« Me« I Masten Wo dron*. Columbia, B. C, «and Mis-. Helen \vo*o<in«w «Bonaa, Rome. «¡a. Mra. Wilsoo's Inaugural Gown. Mis. Wllaon'a IrMiiBttrnl gown, which, I of «sovraa, iha nrill not «need on Tuee« \ony, becauaa Mr. Wllaon cut onl the Iinaugural ball, ,v»**, deacrtbad by Um future tii«>-trosH «,f «the White Houac to« .tiiKltl a* "artis-ii« ;«n«l Kimpl«'. Ria.«:«fii! without w^iiiK -*lnhorate." II is mad« ..t ».ilk <«f ¦ bennthTnl i>ro«n«i«' «rtwe pat- lern, the prcdoniiniititia,' «olor nf light ¦reen- II I* U>w In th«- neck, which if trimmed "ith lace. The IM «'1 ^»" b*A small appllQUe hf-adw.irk irimminr. The K«^" ^a., ¦ ,C"'K train' ,V|,h * ittatgeatlon of la«:«- down the «ht&ofc. '. hi fronl of the «foam is tiinuiH«! -vith lar«. Butterfllei '" ttrtwn i*oaea are on eaicn aleeva a' th* .-«iiouid««!'. and are elec utttd to good ctfft on th« trlmmlni atxmnd th.« nnok. Th« Mlh for g««t\ n «in 1 N«"''' (uniiniird en Kioad PM*« »hlrtl toluma, WOODROW WILSON TAKÍNT. LEAVE ci ; vu: ri \.\ FRIENDS \M> FELLOW PARISHIONER! .RC11 VT PRINCETON YESTERDAY. VI ¡¡IF. FIRST PRE WERE CHRIST IN CABINET Philadelphia Clergyman Gets Varying Opinions. ».ii lad« Iphla Man h 2. The Be' \ B i rnett, of the Epi» opal "hureh of !:¦..« r, took «aa bl text I th«- th« in. What » ould hap rial rasa member ol «Pr«rsld«anl Wil abinel The dtergyman had *4 .it.. tit»v- |.i oral« nenl .'¦' ng the repl ree« pre l B It would not tl .. I ... .... ¦.. He i? on the tin I don't I presidí '¦..-' « 'hrist in i he all « nit« ,-i .' if ii¡. President t ouM '.¦ l «. .n all that ;. do« 'hi let's principle! «omething would happen." Jacob 4. Bil« There «vould >>. . hqtiahe If i'hrlat wai in thai .. .1 -, Bun kgh 1 the lug -. .¦.¦.» I mm« dial «.. ould '¦¦ ..n hin. org« 4«i« Itjktl I. FAIR WEATHER FOR WILSON ¡ Moore Musi Make Good if He j Wants Cabinet Place IB« Bu Waahington, March '_' 'Fall with lying t< mpei a un Su« h ia the l'i edli i ion of the prog« nosticatora at the W«?ai .. y. reau In regard i<> climatic conditions In Wash Ington > i. Tu« sdaj rp t.. to-nigh i Willie I. Moon ;,.. ( ol the W athei Bur« a lin. aibei ing ihe "fall and ! somewhat .1er" prssjnoaticration «>tM 'mir year« agu win. h went bo wofull) aatraj*, has Issai decldedl) allant, hull 4\itii(i¡i an; 'probably" or "maybs" It] la announced thai thi weather "will bel ¡.m for ih- inaugurathm ol Oovnnior \\ IIm.'Ii. Mr. Moore baa i>een mentioned sa a possibjlit) fcr s.e. retar] of Agrii ulture under thr ne« administration, ami it has been facetious}! «suggested lo imu thai he Had bettei produce rtia '».¦»,' brand ol s eath« r He loot the «tuf« I rag« vote through the chilling brasses! in- mi vd up thia afternoon, i The foreeasi far lo->m*irrow is f.ur I S&d «-lili« r i:i the forcii'.on. with rising] tamperatura la the afternopn and niirht. I The meréury 4viii drop to 20 degrees aoortttng i" lb« «prediction, and win I then gri'iiiinb rist HONOR FOR TUB AT LAST; Findlay, Ohio, to Place Maine; Relic in Square. i: 1 .:¦ c o 1.«« Ti In is* iti'iii«:.. Ohio, .Min« I. l. admiral. siisf«4i">'«'s bathtub, ¡» v\'\r ui the brittle-1 ship Maine, baa Juinpod (toan the try«-] ins? r1'«'' Into ti"1 lira, :«-» it ware. To '" in":*' exact, the ablutionar . utensil which the »..«><i sdmlrsl formai« ly ii««"ii in tin privat-j «if Ms Mint.« mi thi» Maine has ? n hustled «from obllv« i ion In ."" ITrbans chicken coop t«> equ oblivion m the <'it» Hull hare And, \4hai Is mora, n<« mortal eye shall reist on th«- «relic until Memorial «Day, when« by order <>.' tin Mayor, it shall osass iSatlng ¦.¦ etnte :" «he municipal build¬ ing to be unveiled on rti*- public «square v, |th Rttlng car« iiiotit«.-». Jusl now th«*- tub Is .. r.ii'i't i in I mantle of burl'" and «Is occupying «anl honored place In «the «City «Hall Moth« | room. » » SOUTHERN RAILWAY Thr «cp'n.1 steel highway th« South. Makea all ..i the important Southern '*.in- Ϋ-t resorts cv-\ ll* own ralla N v. Offer. N4 Kittii Ave-Ad4t. VU !''.'|"-i!»í vr V1AR5 M.I.. RS. UARS'fïAÎ.L \N'l-> '<'...»> Kl «.h .1 I I.I I \ I !<i- \ iiw'i.vi; tut*: rri.vKK < \í)F.tí¡ \t Washington. SUFFRAGIST HOSTS FLEE FROM JACK FROST Get Cold Feet at Open Air Rehearsal in Greek Costumes and Retreat to a Hotel. r Bum «> labingtoti M.«r« h '-' A .. ¦la« k l'i mi i th« i"« ing «¡"n.m«! «,f tin fuir »uffragi l mdertook to their tablei on th« " | mile | il« thli .'«fif-rnoon in Greek costume. Thi Irreverent .T." k «PYoet «k» d ihr tiny lootsi« even i. fore tii«'ir fair oa ra «¦«mill itep oui '¦. ih« taxis and "nlghl linera"- which alao run by da\ during n augurât ion I Im« In a hi- h th« had .in,, to ti" i. ndetvous, ati«i ¦< m.l- ingi*, th« h< I wi tranif« rred to Ra is h**T*i and "i'.'iii' '-i li door «Had women i.«-^ini earlier i«< assert the!i right* and ecured woman to preside ,,'.ei the «««i'i and frost thia never * "iii«i hav« happe-ned th* wf« fragette* 'a>. Th« n«'<s.-n' of "Ulme the dree* rehenraal Indoors, th« ongnllant «-««n- «ni'i of the rtf'.nsniii Jack Kroat, the r*ont«**mptlble eonduet <i th «weather o.m ind the general dlsappolntmen' 1,-ii to an anlinatad debate i «indu« io<i with aM that rtmpeci f««: parliamentary j -,,..d'lr.- which always eharaeterlaeaI ii meeting of excited women, aver the proposition: ...fteaalvtd That natural n*ool nni'»n suit! .-.t. nu«.« gppiuprlati épient of ; . ¦..;. oatum« han goosefli «lu«( is th« déliât« ¦. gan to assume erent | oport n a mere ion \v barred rom th« oooi and in- female d w«ie ... rmitted «.> depart only after they haíd been In« trul roll« t«\ sly «worn to Aa a i «'ii»' im m of th.»» ui.is- t.- a 11 .m interested public will be compelled to ;i\»..(ir the Ublégux bsfora it« lirsathlesa suspense Is relieved, The weather man lit omises to .ibate to-morro* the chUHhg broesei n-hlch ..«. rnted the ««i» n all r^hi n.-.ii lo- ti;i\. but he crtjell* intimat,*ta lhat the mercur) arfll he Just as Ion «and that th. re nia> hi even dUTTlea «it BMOW in the mi". The dauntless suffragettes de- clare iIimi Ihey ulii not bs dsterrfd from «posing In Greek «ostuni« y even bj ii snowstorm, and ««n '.ia«i popu« lace !. loolclng fontard to the oppor« Inn ii of In pectins some of th««- pink« s i. i'ii !«t.H'«fi .m public «szhibi« tt««n. p, s l.ii.' this t'.enirm ««frltial ;«n- nounoemi nl was from iulTr.aHT»itte head* quartern apropos of th«« tableau! that« "M, the « hara<*t**ra «¿vill bs draaaad In cUsai' costume, bdt their (ir;i->e :. will be w.itni " I SNOW ON VESUVIUS LU Rumbling Heard, but Eruptioi Unlikely lor Many Years. rTaplie. March 2..«The rumbling <«i Mount v«-sii\ ¡us. which haa bean per ¦latent for Mtne time paat, hai cwnnti onsid« laid« alarm. Man cracks .»ml Baaurci aro to be Men and i up^at maaa "f baaall haa rolled doam, us «lark «mt- iii..- cootraating agalnet the arhlt* i«<i of now P**oCeaaor Hallada, aaalatant dir«« tor «if the «<l«s«-r\ atorj. mad«' an n««i"ni «>t the mountain and dtMctuitrled into Hi" crater, which has been totally inactiva ntn« «. the «uu|«ti«»n of \90b\ II«« found it- fill««! with enow ami «the lower strati« ihowed nf> kikii-s f»f BMlting. "Thb" Indicatea,'1 «íii«i «Proiingor Mar« call!, dii'"t««r of tin' obaefvatdty, "that C.c r.on' «if fire ih null a v< r> i «.tistd, r- able dtatance from the i»«jtt««m ««r «the crater, it in loevltabl* Usât 11..- a»-1 tivity of th» \oKaim will lir r«siini«-<J. hot Hint Í5 not piobal-l" toi from ft\, | to twenty >.;»!- LAUGHS HIMSELF TO JAIL Man Hysterical When Terrier Plays Part of St. Bernard. H T «.j.-upr '.. Th.- Tri! Berwick, Penn., March - -Be auaá 4 ahlvering little t»lack-and«tan terrier w:is «iubatltuted and snsj fur the «part of ¡1 llfesartng si. Bernard In s meio- iirani.'i hers Isst «night, .'¡(¦or-?«' Crons, of iTUkas«Barre, Patin., laughed sol inns and heartily thai both audienceI gQd BCtOTi united in efforts to qulptl hlni. and when lie persisted In hij» in« 1- rlmenl he araa arrested. «fJrone tras ar- r.iitjTi«--«! In the police court, and, -«till M«lia*hlng, paM S lifnw tin*-, de lantii" between -"i-ísles that >t was the fun- nlest show he ever saw. Tin- St. Bernard which was cast to «TSSOttS the hero from the -mow-dad Alps sraa índif-po«.«-!!. and at the last moment til«- property man «rubstltutsd th«> t.ny bint k-ainl-tan. Crone laiiidii 1 through that set and another which followsd, Bhowmg th«- hero basklag tn Florida sunshine. ANTEDILUVIAN WHISKEY \- a I»«-« crag«* or for medicinal purposes nothing puier. Luytics Bros., N. Y..Advt. SOY KILLED FLYING KITE Used Wire. Instead of String, and Got Electric Shock. I' : -. it March !. While flying kit« to« day, Sidney Bright, ilx« ic.-ti ¦ eat ¦ ol« .* M |ni tantlj killed bj '«'« trii.it'- The bo; atta d i thin s Ire t.« tit* tite, inatead «t .-¡¡ma. and whan the dte lu H.-n.ss an electric arlra, llMS roll* paased through hi* body. FLAGMAN'S PRESENCE OF MIND SAVES EXPRESS Puts Signal Torpedo on Tra«:* and Washington Train Escapes Disaster. t..«i> '.. Tribuna »Princeton Junction« N. J, Maren 2.. By i'i«"1 narrowest <<f margins «the P«?ntv lytrvanta night limited from Iféw York |to Washington, while running at sev¬ enty mile* an hour, m-night egcMpad rrasbing Into ¦ freight wre« k inn he- i<.«v here. The praaaoce <«f mind dis- played bj John Schränk ¦ flagman, i-.mi bj the limited'* engineer aided ma« teriall) In av**rttng dleagter f iii«' freight train was running al a ii^ciii ipeed when, with a jar thai ti.rew Bchrenk froni th«- cupola <>f th«- «snhoggg, th«> !<«nK strin;- of cara hroko in the middle an«! the head ar arga thrown across the outeld* track. us«>d i>> «south« ii..uti'i peaaengrer traille. Prom his iaa.1 In the cupola Bchrenk !i...i :. .n the adllght ol the limited hardl) a mile In the «rear coming on nt full apead «>i« the outside track. As ho ateggered to ins foot, half .tUMMta. m- sliti« t told him that \vhatov«M had hap¬ pened it was almost otlftaln t«> have sffected the path <>f the onc«taning limited. He thf-ioiipon ran «i«.«« ti tho tra«.!; toward the a|tp*****a>**iiing egpieen, árhlcti waa i««;i'i''i wlfji «pgaaangan bound for the knsMigratntlon. «Bchrenk ha«l simia! torpedoes In his p.«, ket. ifter running I hundred yards ii.« planted one «>n the rail and thon rushed on. «Finally he stepped in the .centre of the tra ¦'.. and waved hta arma .n the hope tii.it the e-nginoer of «the axpraga would «wa him in the alar« of th«' headlight. He ha«l no tima to plant a second torpedo liofore he had to leap aside. Tho engliteer «>f the itmiio«! \».is .tru¬ ing at top ipoed, with no stop .«<li««i nird before North «Philadelphia. H«"- «H'l not s«'«.- thr- gagman, nor was be s»i|i- «pogad to .step ««t. the signal «>f otM tor¬ pedo, vin« h ordinarily maruta to slow (¡own. Buttheenginearr had a 'hunch," and that on»' lorpcd«« was enough. Ho shut down tho hrak« s hard and halted his train h haro H«.» feat from the freight oar across his tra« k. ... a CASTRO BACK IN UNITED STATES. ,|\. -\ \\>;'t. Mal«li .' <'i|«t ¡ano «"-.atio. onIIo«! I«.in.« I'i -Klont of Vfiioy. lolu. ai - rivtid h>«o last ,«\ .'nin=r «>n the steamer fjovernov CObb from Havana. i.'«.iba. and l.-ft at one* f««r Washington, »here b* wiil remain «luiinii the inauguration fen- tMtUm. U. S. TROOPERS KILL MEXICANS Sharp Fight Along Arizona Boundary Between 9th Negro Cavalry and Huerta's Regular Patrol. AROUSE DOUGLAS CITIZENS Arm Themselves to Resist "In¬ vasion'".Diaz Hero of Day at Bull Fight in Mexico City--Rebels Kill .50 Regulars. B| l.i».« iVx, Mardi % In ¦ rnnntng tight .«n the border near «Douglas, Ar:«;.. early to-day, tsrturees Mex¡«-an »oldiera and troopers of th«- itth t'mt«-d «-täte« Cavaln. four Mexicans wire killed. None of the American iroopg wat killed or wounded, f't'iir .\m« tu.m army ediosrg walking "ii the Amaticaa line three mile« from Douglas are rsporbed to ha4« as»-1 fired on b: forty regular Mss*fcoa ol» db>rs patrolling the border out of Agu* Prista, opposite Douglas. BfXtSStl of the Mgro trooper« of th«* 9th rushed to ths place of the firing sud a spirited skirmish ensued. Tba American soldiers were holding thun position at the international line when relnforcisd bj taro troops at the i)th. The Mexicans wer., routed, leaving four killed on the field and others -traggling through the brush wounded. Tt is said that th* American troops bf ame ?o excitad that they oversteppsd the «boundary »n.¡ purauad the m.-ai- i ans for aoess distance The tight causad great excitement «gj «Douglas, to which ths telegiaph :lu«;* at- not open t<.-da>. The townspuu- pls arm<*d themselves and tssnt to lbs boundary, bebo* inn th»- Mexican añi¬ diera urere attempting to invade th* United »--tat« s. Within a «tew minut«« hundrsdg "t dtlaens wets a? the poauo, Isrmed and «randy, Ctowboys ata> rushed in from searb) ranches, Mexico City, March -..«Usneral Ke..x. r>ia/ recstvsd .. «grant o\auon tins ,:t- ternoon «it the bullring, th«: «trat psi forma «nee of the matador? sport Maas .h. bombsrdinanl of the r-ipltal T«n thousand apt «tators stood and ehssrsjd lustily a/hea Mènerai Lilas ««Uarsd a box in th« arena, attended only b> hla Secretary. bis chief of staff and a fast IflaSnds, and he wsa orr«»d to rise time anj again to a< knowledge the demc'»- s-tationt». Several groups 01 prlBOOSfB who «»- leaped from Batan Prison «during taps recent bombardment and wore being 1 retornad to ptrtasn to-day made a 4,»- lfnt^attempt to resist their guard. The police fired a volley, killing thrSS an I wounding BVS of ihem. None g| -ii- 'prisoners 4\as prominent political!*». Paace Parada Rsviswad. At noon Fre?idfnt Huerta, Genet ai 1'iaz. Osnsml Mondragon and «Mènerai Plsnqtta stood on the balcony of the Nutlonal I'alace and reviewed the pc- rads organized by the Felix IM.it: Ciu«- in honor of the m- n who were mos'. closely identified 4\ith the recent r-#- [volt. Several thousand persons, rer,- ireHentmg the ditYcnnt branches of th» Imilltarj service, civic soeietieh and fraternal organizations, afoot, mountwd and ¡n carriages, paraded through tliu principal streets. Thousand« of spoS« tators lined the stre.-ts surrounding lb* [ palsIf. but 4». ere not markedly dem.«:. .«.tratlv«-;. although the \Y-.-hs -a »: numerous. In front of «he Palace women in a carriage heading a delegation of fae(- tory employes IsiSOOSd four dOTtg of peser Among the transparencies wehe sosas bsartag such inscrlption.»4 *.-,, 'Honor and Glory to the Restorers react" and "Our Country Is Saved." Press Appeals for Pesca. The Metropolitan Pies»» Asso« i.iuoii has joined in th« patriotic endeavor-» to reatore- complete ptMdftontloO «it the countr> and ha» sent ta Goveiuor Vonostlono carranza of Coanu.ia « te-legram imploring him to detist in ilia opposition to the ne«' f-ixernment and give hit« support to Prealdspt Hua.ta The ne wapaper s of th.- country, with out notable uxct-ption, am PI*ÍTS|p|***g from criticism «>f the ne*A' adinliii?tr.i tion and are lending their active sup- poll t«. th« pa.ni ati.n prsgrssassa «¦aSQtatval Obrsgon, MInlet nr Wie nance, sent a .»-.sag., to «'ongi sa Uta yesterday asking an authorization to tloat «tars loans, one for 1im>,0Oi),»jui» pesos to be placed abroad and the othei for 'JIM-00,0(10 pesos to floated ai home. The larger loan would be used for general purposes, including «the ev p.nse of tin- army. The other would ha eSBPSSysd in the payment of ind« nv ¡niticH arising from the revolution 01 ll'lo, including the Chinese claim of j.J.Ot'0,01-0 pesos. Fifty soldiers have Icen killed in an attack on a militan' tttÚU by the Zapa¬ tistas south of AJOS« o. on the line of the Mexican «'entrai *" Cuemava«a Tlie train was stopped ii» a cut. the. rebels tiring from nil Sides Th»* en gSgemsnt lasted appi"Xlmately an hour. The regulars BU<*ceed«*d in driv¬ ing the attaching party to the hill». There lb much interest in a long con¬ ference whi« h Señor de la Barra, Min¬ istor of Foreign Relations, had last, night with Ambassador Wilson, and the subaequenl Cabinet meeting, which hurtad till nearly morning. All partie» are reticent çn the subjects under dis¬ cussion. PhsaMtX, Ariz., March «1.¦A force ol Maderista»« captured the custom house oB th«- Msgteoa side of th<* line at Naco to» day, after S brief Bght, according to a tH-M'lio"" aaSBSag« from Bi»!x«e to-nlclit. No one was killed or soriously Injured. The victory gives the Sonora rebel« their first port of entry and controls all shipments to Cananea-
Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1913-03-03. · «Kto^-Otâ fflriïMttt VOL LXXII..N0 24,211 rodav ^ir,^0^0:^^'nd NEW-YORK, MONDAY. MAI« II 1913.-FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE ONE CENT4\'T

«Kto^-Otâ fflriïMtttVOL LXXII..N0 24,211 rodav ^ir,^0^0:^^ 'nd NEW-YORK, MONDAY. MAI« II 1913.-FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE ONE CENT4\'T InCltTof >'ew*iork. .Ii-raeytlty and Hehokes,



Utterances of the "PeerlessLeader" Significant in

View of Likely Cab¬inet Post.


Should Set a Shining Exampleto the Powers of the

World of ReducingAnna meats. He


iS C. March 2. WilliamJennings i.rv;,t«, th« 8* rctarj of Btat<m Mr Wilson's Cabinet,.rding to

at« ni rer-orta, spol r- to.ir «-iRiit thousand .. r ,

ring .. ~i lal gi e« ,.;. the \

Carolina Psa<*e Conference. «vh.ch tutsm aalon in this ., two da

Mr- n.is Introduced i.» Governor Cxa g.a-ho refarred to Mr Bryan aa itu«greatest apoatle «.f the «Prince of i'- a"ti earth t«*Hday, thi a*orld's foremen

n «sis*] the highest > x. mpk of n

imanahipMr Bryan de lar« d thai

imperative dtHy of the l'i ted -

Mil] t«« e-"i <¦! at« in ry wayble with tl .. i«, '«r'.l poweri

ti. a of th« a orld «¦.¦¡mi aig-r for. to «set «hinlna amph oi

rHssi'iaam«gBt He fl< r d ih Cnit« «i«States «was «peculiai Ucd in local ion

d ^taniiim; among ion* of h¦:: lo boMI) take this itand

The speaker n inn rated s the g¦'i t«-.r»- tl

«al .¦. h« teresl ..,-.-.

x ...

had advanced I rom .. «

luipment to that point » hi :¦

e of <«,]. r-annon a.- man and natlona arere runningdebt i" bi .''. monai r gun« incr«

¦;.¦. .... i. er-gi "v\ n Bon ": th« herhoi

LANE FOR CABINET NOWLatest Guess it Interior Post

Pip.cos Single Taxer.

ihlnffton, Mal il -' !'r;,;.i lit Is

Lana, of California, for ¦*;-' «retarj ofinV'fior la the it test ides a-bifh; ii-«mf«iini» in Consresi ha

I'ffet regarding the Wilson calMi i.nr.f «is a i." n ocrai andTaxer, and waa ap* n\i InteiMate «""omiriT'" C<onimiesion. of - w hha is i'"4v rhaliman PrealdemTi oosr \ .". ! I. Rl :,

ougblv «sound ot oni n stion .i i

!«¦-. tie radl a oitw bul hewillmeet the approval f th« Pro) m .¦

lessrall«porter of Betiator I«a I cdlctt« at on«

time. It Is suggested that, ha ing been< omreü-'d to drop Brandéis, Mr. Wil-«...n turned lo Lane as a «Progreaslve.

;' la also saaerted that, .? predIn The Tribuns, Colonel tleorgt W,

<:hais baa declinad the portfolio olWnr. and nothing definite aaam« to >

Vnr.nn re arding thi man rhoaen in h.«-

pta«*».Tbs Bryanites are d«sclaring to-night

*iw Mi. Bryan has protested bo I. rousl;« against the selection ol Mr.M«"Adon for Bacrstary °f Ih« Treaaur:that th«» Piasldant-slecl I.««n-'i-«r^ij his d'-rision, but the cotiser^titres M) thai gfustsneiit must be tak« n«erirh s larg«- «grata of allowance.The nalejctton m* Jamas MeRaynolda

U AUormy «renrral instead ft Chan«»¡lor Walker is regarded M pra« ittebUy

asp tiro«;'. Xotiiini- «infinit«- is knownah "«t the s«-' ret.irv of Aa*rieulture, bulthere are rumors tlint \\"nlt««i II PageIs rie.-ig (onsi«i«'r«'íl for th«« piad Dali-ru v Btoek haiirif- suffersd a slump hitbs i-Tst tew hours.

it is Intimated that the ansas ai thefun r'abinet will be made public to-

Morro**-, unless there is a hit« h ret; ird-ng one or more piares.

This Morning's News.local. «Page

ataa Studaata Osard VWilaon.. -

.fifty in Grin of T'.'-mil«- Otis 2

Taaaaaas-y «Off for sfashlagtoa.«¦.*»uffraKi*-í«i «iff to Washington. 3

Dr. I"ri«sdrnan»i IUK ouimgud. *

'\'hitmnn Aftei Tba« «Briber«. *.

inturhoro ¦¿«B-nres <'«,ni«j ¿sasprsmlas. 4

^'«gn«-r Committee «Opposes Oaynoi 5

ffar-hiT ruts Vi< «. t'y« to Mayar.« 5.Vhitir.nn \*«« 'i';,..' Bribers. .*

(Cardinal r;* » -j r: from Porto Rica.... 7

Town«pasple Invita Wltosn «Bach. 7

RsfJUbllcan LOSS«« Small. 7

RspuMfcr-au Loaass Baaall. 8

tsayta t«, I'nci« Trial. 8

"ne Dead ;«n«l «Five Hurt 111 lir«- 14

-.sjsadmaal to «Salllvaa i-a?..14Tro iirui m Jawsl Robbery.14r"tn RrlctS ÎH l'.imllií-M.14

GENERALitryan foi Diaarmamsal. 11 I Troop« Kill Maalteatas. 1.v'ufTrftKltts «Pias Frost. 1

Inauguration st»«?'- Bad. 2

H'.usc Thr«-.nk--«'i .-«t Sight Besoton.... a

».OH Buffragbita t«> Marek To-day...« 3May Bad Sunday Katertnlning. 3^.'"M-an l»\iriR ¿irid %t'',.'i«(> fJKMM.4

I (:««..is linrraatsr Maths«la. *

Ton Kxtol« BIS <*reed. 7Nassau's MB r.'iH«"»»!» Senate. 14

roKEioir.o iif Oarbaaa Army« Increase » 5

i^ndon H«jffrag««tt«ra Injurad.I.Ventral Shir'*« Klri-'l Or,. 5

MISCELLANEOUSI «litorial . 6Obituary . 7>iu«j« .7v»-wk ii,i \\ .men. . 8.«¦lions .S and 10'.»-..l KKt.it«.10I inancUl and MaiaSJlB.IS and 13^.«tr-ir .13i>iiipplng .m9


Guaro of 600 UndergraduatesReadv to Escort Him toWashington on Special


President-Elect Still Silent onCabine, Make-Up. but MayMake Announcement Be¬

fore Hi? Departurefor Capital.

is Tribun«itm « ton, x. j, March ..'. Great

i< na rations ha« bren m<ade by the'¦! f« Pr< id« .¦:. '.. WJh-on'ilure from h« ..¦ not row men n«

I H« a III be .. guest until ¦pc ol und« rgra lust« a formally

t h, ., ... ,. r .., ,_,,. om."'',' VVi ihington at ::.t.". .« lex k'" morrón Bftcr md Ihej n- «¦

plann« «i to ma .. hi Is in ,; . Ird ' for him they

«¦.'¦Mill' -1

^ 10:311 ....... ;, o«tnoi «roe .t ningone tho isand undcrgra'luutes

«HI Bsa« m -i- in front f the Wilson" « !lei eland «Lane, tu act ma an

r for th« i'i« rittent-el« « « an«; hispartj to the train. The part-, will r d«.'¦ '

.« itom.I« t, nd i rompt'] aiI": Kl o «. '.«. Il .-,'..: for th« tr.-ii i,\\ ¡ih the stud« nts as urt, Paul K

omroii;.mr*. .'. Hall IV. M !.. at« r, \VI1 ci Pon«

Rol i. '.' er v. ill ..

Mr. V n and I pai SV'itdei i will M '.

,.,i Hi.Marga] >. Jes».« and '

on, «'i-.... -s«-: Stockt« \ ...

... r \i, .iroa Bon« a. th« «president«« I« I s

Car Wir.dov. Pe.-'ipps.Th« siudei :-'...: «nil« lepurt-

m v Ith tí.- Ir i g«, and oik .-.¦

and .-«s the train j out f ti »tatto«¦. i i ! , I tong deal

i'i ¡it -i -n m< :.. :. dby. »l«l Nas-

a .¦! ... r H .¦ riroiig'i..'. .. dot .. Mr »'¦ llanti

roi unitradition that when «i

st '.. « '... pi here with hihi? tlier nl t:." itsm i - »It« aa (h the ar »* n-

«i"«\ and ii"isi hfin through the.. " .«. vinjgnifc an IPI roprlat« .. ..

It HiaJli .".. of the mo t itis « « ooimi m .-.i nl a Than

it le llke.ll.which W«*«odnen Wilson rec-elved .1 v. di f"i ii at «gradual« f

"SJ rep« .i" d is thernf his remiden n

"v oble fcix H:in:«reti.« ¦. | ates will >v--

.. ( ¦- ¦¦ II,to Washlni

\ stop v ill be mad« at v. en i'i, a«tak« on M Annie Howe,

. i« «., he It sident el« ' ,,ii«i ht i

daughter, Mrs, Perin Cothran. with herfoui t«.>-ii-iii,«tiTiis'-.«i.j daughter, Sont'phine Cotbran, who is i great farwith tii«' Prealdent-el« ind a III ¦] .¦ 11onskh raW« ol .. m« at th«Hou '.

'«Mon« Th«»mai H. Bird .'.i¡ ,1 i'-ton'a personal ««a., will also lioartl lietrain at W eel Phil id« Iphl M« a ill.barge ol Mi Wlson «and hfr

frit «¡'it ir.-j the Inauguration cere«n»..t,j«r-.- Th«; train will alee stop ai

Baltlmo long «.-n«« j»;¡i to drop off th«I Princeton nrwtHng team which Is go«¡mil' to meet the "middies at Annapolis.

The «Presl«flentlal train la due la¡Washington at ¦'¡.i"« «'clock. Mr. Wil«

will go at on« . th« Pi esidentleiroom in th« atatIon. where the commit«tee of denti will formally relinquish,,n tu Tilomas Kelson «Peg, .-«n«J the

irai ommittee.rormalitlea over, i«<* will motoi i«, the

Hotel Siioichi.m. where he aril] stayuntil i"" «foai to ii" Pii"1 eton ;«¡ .nm¡¦m ker In th« evening. Before «goingi,, th. miokei h*. ail] be Iba guaal of

coualn, .i««iin Wilion, at i reunion,i the Preel.Bent«el«*ct'i r-r-iM i vet al iho«Shoreham Hotel, In addition lo lb«live memberi of th«- «Pre-idsnt«al«wit'ifamily, there will be twenty-five r«ia-

tlvei by marriage or otherwlae at thisdinner. Th« - a ill Includ«**.

.Í. im Wilr-on. Franklin. iVnn: Stook-t.,u Axson. Mrs. Wlteon'i brother; Mr«.Annie Howe, »Philadelphia; J. R. Wil«si.ii. Nashville; Mm J. R. WUáon anddaughter -.nil Wilson Howe. Wanning«ton; Q-aOrgg »Bow«*, CohitaMa, «**.. C.;Mra TVrrtn Cothran. RaMgh, N. «".;¡Mrs Tli'.maH WeodrOW, Dornet", Mr?.

j-,.,-,;"«-' W-oodrow, Columbia, «8. C:

IJamef Woodr©** and ntgerilliag« Me«I Masten Wo dron*. Columbia, B. C, «andMis-. Helen \vo*o<in«w «Bonaa, Rome. «¡a.

Mra. Wilsoo's Inaugural Gown.Mis. Wllaon'a IrMiiBttrnl gown, which,

I of «sovraa, iha nrill not «need on Tuee«\ony, becauaa Mr. Wllaon cut onl theIinaugural ball, ,v»**, deacrtbad by Umfuture tii«>-trosH «,f «the White Houac to«

.tiiKltl a* "artis-ii« ;«n«l Kimpl«'. Ria.«:«fii!without w^iiiK -*lnhorate." II is mad«..t ».ilk <«f ¦ bennthTnl i>ro«n«i«' «rtwe pat-lern, the prcdoniiniititia,' «olor nf light¦reen- II I* U>w In th«- neck, which if

trimmed "ith lace. The IM «'1 ^»" b*Asmall appllQUe hf-adw.irk a« irimminr.

The K«^" ^a., ¦ ,C"'K train' ,V|,h *

ittatgeatlon of la«:«- down the «ht&ofc. '. hifronl of the «foam is tiinuiH«! -vith lar«.

Butterfllei '" ttrtwn i*oaea are on eaicnaleeva a' th* .-«iiouid««!'. and are elecutttd to good ctfft on th« trlmmlniatxmnd th.« nnok.

Th« Mlh for m« g««t\ n «in 1 N«"'''

(uniiniird en Kioad PM*« »hlrtl toluma,




WERE CHRIST IN CABINETPhiladelphia Clergyman Gets

Varying Opinions.».ii lad« Iphla Man h 2. The Be' \

B i rnett, of the Epi» opal "hureh of!:¦..« m« r, took «aa bl text I

th«- th« in. What » ould haprial rasa member ol «Pr«rsld«anl Wil

abinel The dtergyman had*4 .it.. tit»v- |.i oral«

nenl .'¦'ng the repl


pre l

B It would nottl ..

I ... .... ¦..

He i? on the tinI don't I "«


« 'hrist in ihe all « nit«,-i .' if ii¡. President t ouM '.¦

l .« «. .n all that ;. do« 'hi let'sprinciple! «omething would happen."Jacob 4. Bil« There «vould >>.

. hqtiahe If i'hrlat wai in thai..

.1 -, Bun kgh 1 the lug-. .¦.¦.» Imm« dial «.. ould '¦¦

..n hin.org« 4«i« Itjktl I.

FAIR WEATHER FOR WILSON ¡Moore Musi Make Good if He j

Wants Cabinet PlaceIB« Bu

Waahington, March '_' 'Fall withlying t< mpei a unSu« h ia the l'i edli i ion of the prog«

nosticatora at the W«?ai .. y. reau Inregard i<> climatic conditions In WashIngton > i. Tu« sdaj rp t.. to-nigh i

Willie I. Moon ;,.. ( ol the W atheiBur« a lin. aibei ing ihe "fall and !somewhat .1er" prssjnoaticration «>tM'mir year« agu win. h went bo wofull)aatraj*, has Issai decldedl) allant, hull4\itii(i¡i an; 'probably" or "maybs" It]la announced thai thi weather "will bel¡.m for ih- inaugurathm ol Oovnnior\\ IIm.'Ii.Mr. Moore baa i>een mentioned sa a

possibjlit) fcr s.e. retar] of Agrii ultureunder thr ne« administration, ami it

has been facetious}! «suggested lo imu

thai he Had bettei produce rtia '».¦»,'

brand ol s eath« r He loot the «tuf«Irag« vote through the chilling brasses!in- mi vd up thia afternoon, i

The foreeasi far lo->m*irrow is f.ur IS&d «-lili« r i:i the forcii'.on. with rising]tamperatura la the afternopn and niirht. IThe meréury 4viii drop to 20 degreesaoortttng i" lb« «prediction, and win Ithen gri'iiiinb rist

HONOR FOR TUB AT LAST;Findlay, Ohio, to Place Maine;

Relic in Square.i: 1 .:¦ c o 1.«« Ti In is*

iti'iii«:.. Ohio, .Min« I. l. admiral.siisf«4i">'«'s bathtub, ¡» v\'\r ui the brittle-1ship Maine, baa Juinpod (toan the try«-]ins? r1'«'' Into ti"1 lira, :«-» it ware.

To '" in":*' exact, the ablutionar .

utensil which the »..«><i sdmlrsl formai«ly ii««"ii in tin privat-j «if Ms Mint.« mi

thi» Maine has b« ? n hustled «from obllv« iion In ."" ITrbans chicken coop t«> equoblivion m the <'it» Hull hare And,\4hai Is mora, n<« mortal eye shall reiston th«- «relic until Memorial «Day, when«by order <>.' tin Mayor, it shall osass

iSatlng ¦.¦ etnte :" «he municipal build¬ing to be unveiled on rti*- public «squarev, |th Rttlng car« iiiotit«.-».

Jusl now th«*- tub Is .. r.ii'i't i in Imantle of burl'" and «Is occupying «anlhonored place In «the «City «Hall Moth« |room. »


SOUTHERN RAILWAYThr «cp'n.1 steel highway oí th« South.

Makea all ..i the important Southern '*.in-

Ϋ-t resorts cv-\ ll* own ralla N v.Offer. N4 Kittii Ave-Ad4t.

VU !''.'|"-i!»í vr V1AR5 M.I.. RS. UARS'fïAÎ.L \N'l-> '<'...»> Kl «.h .1 I I.I I \ I !<i-

\ iiw'i.vi; tut*: rri.vKK < \í)F.tí¡ \t Washington.


Get Cold Feet at Open Air Rehearsal inGreek Costumes and Retreat

to a Hotel.r Bum

«> labingtoti M.«r« h '-' A ..

¦la« k l'i mi i th« i"« ing «¡"n.m«! «,f tin

fuir »uffragi l mdertook to r«

their tablei on th«" | mile | il«

thli .'«fif-rnoon in Greek costume. Thi

Irreverent .T." k «PYoet a« «k» d ihr tiny

lootsi« even i. fore tii«'ir fair oa n« ra

«¦«mill itep oui '¦. ih« taxis and "nlghllinera"- which alao run by da\ duringn augurâtion I Im« In a hi- h th« had

.in,, to ti" i. ndetvous, ati«i ¦< m.l-

ingi*, th« h< I wi tranif« rred to

Ra is h**T*i and "i'.'iii' '-i li door«Had women i.«-^ini earlier i«< assertthe!i right* and ecured ;« woman to

preside ,,'.ei the «««i'i and frost thianever * "iii«i hav« happe-ned th* wf«fragette* 'a>.Th« n«'<s.-n' of "Ulme the dree*

rehenraal Indoors, th« ongnllant «-««n-

«ni'i of the rtf'.nsniii Jack Kroat, the

r*ont«**mptlble eonduet <i th «weathero.m ind the general dlsappolntmen'1,-ii to an anlinatad debate i «indu« io<i

with aM that rtmpeci f««: parliamentary j-,,..d'lr.- which always eharaeterlaeaIii meeting of excited women, aver the

proposition:...fteaalvtd That natural n*ool nni'»n

suit! .-.t. nu«.« gppiuprlati épient of; . ¦..;. oatum« han goosefli

«lu«( is th« déliât« ¦. gan to assumeerent | oport n a mere ion \v r«

barred rom th« oooi and in- femaled w«ie ... rmitted

«.> depart only after they haíd been In«trul roll« t«\ sly «worn to

Aa a i «'ii»' im m of th.»» ui.is-

t.- a 11 .m interested public will be

compelled to ;i\»..(ir the Ublégux bsforait« lirsathlesa suspense Is relieved,The weather man litomises to .ibate

to-morro* the chUHhg broesei n-hlch..«. rnted the ««i» n all r^hi n.-.ii lo-ti;i\. but he crtjell* intimat,*ta lhat themercur) arfll he Just as Ion «and thatth. re nia> hi even dUTTlea «it BMOW inthe mi". The dauntless suffragettes de-

clare iIimi Ihey ulii not bs dsterrfdfrom «posing In Greek «ostuni« y even

bj ii snowstorm, and ««n '.ia«i popu«lace !. loolclng fontard to the oppor«Inn ii of In pectins some of th««- pink«s i. i'ii !«t.H'«fi .m public «szhibi«

tt««n.p, s l.ii.' this t'.enirm ««frltial ;«n-

nounoemi nl was from iulTr.aHT»itte head*quartern apropos of th«« tableau! that«"M, the « hara<*t**ra «¿vill bs draaaad In

cUsai' costume, bdt their (ir;i->e :.

will be w.itni" I


Rumbling Heard, but EruptioiUnlikely lor Many Years.

rTaplie. March 2..«The rumbling <«i

Mount v«-sii\ ¡us. which haa bean per

¦latent for Mtne time paat, hai cwnntionsid« laid« alarm. Man cracks .»ml

Baaurci aro to be Men and i up^at maaa

"f baaall haa rolled doam, us «lark «mt-

iii..- cootraating agalnet the arhlt* i«<i

of nowP**oCeaaor Hallada, aaalatant dir«« tor

«if the «<l«s«-r\ atorj. mad«' an n««i"ni «>t

the mountain and dtMctuitrled into Hi"

crater, which has been totally inactiva

ntn« «. the «uu|«ti«»n of \90b\ II«« found it-

fill««! with enow ami «the lower strati«

ihowed nf> kikii-s f»f BMlting."Thb" Indicatea,'1 «íii«i «Proiingor Mar«

call!, dii'"t««r of tin' obaefvatdty, "thatC.c r.on' «if fire ih null a v< r> i «.tistd, r-

able dtatance from the i»«jtt««m ««r «thecrater, it in loevltabl* Usât 11..- a»-1tivity of th» \oKaim will lir r«siini«-<J.

hot Hint Í5 not piobal-l" toi from ft\, |to twenty >.;»!-


Man Hysterical When TerrierPlays Part of St. Bernard.

H T «.j.-upr '.. Th.- Tri!

Berwick, Penn., March - -Be auaá 4

ahlvering little t»lack-and«tan terrierw:is «iubatltuted and snsj fur the «partof ¡1 llfesartng si. Bernard In s meio-iirani.'i hers Isst «night, .'¡(¦or-?«' Crons,of iTUkas«Barre, Patin., laughed solinns and heartily thai both audienceIgQd BCtOTi united in efforts to qulptlhlni. and when lie persisted In hij» in« 1-

rlmenl he araa arrested. «fJrone tras ar-

r.iitjTi«--«! In the police court, and, -«tillM«lia*hlng, paM S lifnw tin*-, de lantii"

between -"i-ísles that >t was the fun-nlest show he ever saw.Tin- St. Bernard which was cast to

«TSSOttS the hero from the -mow-dadAlps sraa índif-po«.«-!!. and at the lastmoment til«- property man «rubstltutsdth«> t.ny bint k-ainl-tan. Crone laiiidii 1through that set and another whichfollowsd, Bhowmg th«- hero basklag tnFlorida sunshine.

ANTEDILUVIAN WHISKEY\- a I»«-« crag«* or for medicinal purposes

nothing puier. Luytics Bros., N. Y..Advt.

SOY KILLED FLYING KITEUsed Wire. Instead of String,

and Got Electric Shock.I' : -. it March !. While

flying kit« to« day, Sidney Bright, ilx«ic.-ti ¦ eat ¦ ol« .* M |ni tantlj killed bj

'«'« trii.it'-

The bo; atta d i thin s Ire t.« tit*

tite, inatead «t .-¡¡ma. and whan the

dte lu H.-n.ss an electric arlra, llMSroll* paased through hi* body.


Puts Signal Torpedo on Tra«:*and Washington Train

Escapes Disaster.t..«i> '.. Tribuna

»Princeton Junction« N. J, Maren 2..By i'i«"1 narrowest <<f margins «the P«?ntvlytrvanta night limited from Iféw York

|to Washington, while running at sev¬

enty mile* an hour, m-night egcMpadrrasbing Into ¦ freight wre« k inn he-i<.«v here. The praaaoce <«f mind dis-played bj John Schränk ¦ flagman,

i-.mi bj the limited'* engineer aided ma«teriall) In av**rttng dleagter

f iii«' freight train was running al a

ii^ciii ipeed when, with a jar thai ti.rewBchrenk froni th«- cupola <>f th«- «snhoggg,th«> !<«nK strin;- of cara hroko in themiddle an«! the head ar arga thrownacross the outeld* track. us«>d i>> «south«ii..uti'i peaaengrer traille.Prom his iaa.1 In the cupola Bchrenk

!i...i :. .n the h« adllght ol the limitedhardl) a mile In the «rear coming on nt

full apead «>i« the outside track. As hoateggered to ins foot, half .tUMMta. m-

sliti« t told him that \vhatov«M had hap¬pened it was almost otlftaln t«> havesffected the path <>f the onc«taninglimited. He thf-ioiipon ran «i«.«« ti thotra«.!; toward the a|tp*****a>**iiing egpieen,árhlcti waa i««;i'i''i wlfji «pgaaanganbound for the knsMigratntlon.

«Bchrenk ha«l simia! torpedoes In hisp.«, ket. ifter running I hundred yardsii.« planted one «>n the rail and thonrushed on. «Finally he stepped in the.centre of the tra ¦'.. and waved hta arma.n the hope tii.it the e-nginoer of «theaxpraga would «wa him in the alar« ofth«' headlight. He ha«l no tima to planta second torpedo liofore he had to leapaside.Tho engliteer «>f the itmiio«! \».is .tru¬

ing at top ipoed, with no stop .«<li««inird before North «Philadelphia. H«"- «H'lnot s«'«.- thr- gagman, nor was be s»i|i-

«pogad to .step ««t. the signal «>f otM tor¬

pedo, vin« h ordinarily maruta to slow(¡own. Buttheenginearr had a 'hunch,"and that on»' lorpcd«« was enough. Hoshut down tho hrak« s hard and haltedhis train h haro H«.» feat from thefreight oar across his tra« k.

... a

CASTRO BACK IN UNITED STATES.,|\. -\ \\>;'t. Mal«li .' <'i|«t ¡ano «"-.atio.

onIIo«! I«.in.« I'i -Klont of Vfiioy. lolu. ai -

rivtid h>«o last ,«\ .'nin=r «>n the steamer

fjovernov CObb from Havana. i.'«.iba. andl.-ft at one* f««r Washington, »here b*wiil remain «luiinii the inauguration fen-tMtUm.


Sharp Fight Along ArizonaBoundary Between 9th Negro

Cavalry and Huerta'sRegular Patrol.


Arm Themselves to Resist "In¬vasion'".Diaz Hero of Day

at Bull Fight in MexicoCity--Rebels Kill

.50 Regulars.B| l.i».« iVx, Mardi % In ¦ rnnntng

tight .«n the border near «Douglas, Ar:«;..early to-day, tsrturees Mex¡«-an »oldieraand troopers of th«- itth t'mt«-d «-täte«Cavaln. four Mexicans wire killed.None of the American iroopg watkilled or wounded,

f't'iir .\m« tu.m army ediosrg walking"ii the Amaticaa line three mile« fromDouglas are rsporbed to ha4« as»-1fired on b: forty regular Mss*fcoa ol»db>rs patrolling the border out of Agu*Prista, opposite Douglas.

BfXtSStl of the Mgro trooper« of th«*9th rushed to ths place of the firingsud a spirited skirmish ensued. TbaAmerican soldiers were holding thunposition at the international line whenrelnforcisd bj taro troops at the i)th.The Mexicans wer., routed, leaving

four killed on the field and others-traggling through the brush wounded.Tt is said that th* American troops bfame ?o excitad that they oversteppsd

the «boundary »n.¡ purauad the m.-ai-i ans for aoess distanceThe tight causad great excitement «gj

«Douglas, to which ths telegiaph :lu«;*at- not open t<.-da>. The townspuu-pls arm<*d themselves and tssnt to lbsboundary, bebo* inn th»- Mexican añi¬diera urere attempting to invade th*United »--tat« s. Within a «tew minut««hundrsdg "t dtlaens wets a? the poauo,Isrmed and «randy, Ctowboys ata> rushedin from searb) ranches,

Mexico City, March -..«Usneral Ke..x.r>ia/ recstvsd .. «grant o\auon tins ,:t-ternoon «it the bullring, th«: «trat psiforma «nee of the matador? sport Maas.h. bombsrdinanl of the r-ipltal T«nthousand apt «tators stood and ehssrsjdlustily a/hea Mènerai Lilas ««Uarsd a

box in th« arena, attended only b> hlaSecretary. bis chief of staff and a fastIflaSnds, and he wsa orr«»d to rise timeanj again to a< knowledge the demc'»-s-tationt».Several groups 01 prlBOOSfB who «»-

leaped from Batan Prison «during tapsrecent bombardment and wore being

1 retornad to ptrtasn to-day made a 4,»-

lfnt^attempt to resist their guard. Thepolice fired a volley, killing thrSS an Iwounding BVS of ihem. None g| -ii-

'prisoners 4\as prominent political!*».Paace Parada Rsviswad.

At noon Fre?idfnt Huerta, Genet ai1'iaz. Osnsml Mondragon and «MèneraiPlsnqtta stood on the balcony of theNutlonal I'alace and reviewed the pc-rads organized by the Felix IM.it: Ciu«-in honor of the m- n who were mos'.

closely identified 4\ith the recent r-#-

[volt. Several thousand persons, rer,-

ireHentmg the ditYcnnt branches of th»Imilltarj service, civic soeietieh andfraternal organizations, afoot, mountwdand ¡n carriages, paraded through tliuprincipal streets. Thousand« of spoS«tators lined the stre.-ts surrounding lb*

[ palsIf. but 4». ere not markedly dem.«:..«.tratlv«-;. although the \Y-.-hs -a »:

numerous.In front of «he Palace women in a

carriage heading a delegation of fae(-tory employes IsiSOOSd four dOTtg ofpeser Among the transparencies wehesosas bsartag such inscrlption.»4 *.-,,'Honor and Glory to the Restorers oíreact" and "Our Country Is Saved."

Press Appeals for Pesca.The Metropolitan Pies»» Asso« i.iuoii

has joined in th« patriotic endeavor-» to

reatore- complete ptMdftontloO «it thecountr> and ha» sent ta GoveiuorVonostlono carranza of Coanu.ia «

te-legram imploring him to detist in iliaopposition to the ne«' f-ixernment andgive hit« support to Prealdspt Hua.taThe newapaper s of th.- country, with

out notable uxct-ption, am PI*ÍTS|p|***gfrom criticism «>f the ne*A' adinliii?tr.ition and are lending their active sup-poll t«. th« pa.ni ati.n prsgrssassa

«¦aSQtatval Obrsgon, MInletnr oí Wienance, sent a m« .»-.sag., to «'ongi sa Utayesterday asking an authorization totloat «tars loans, one for 1im>,0Oi),»jui»pesos to be placed abroad and the otheifor 'JIM-00,0(10 pesos to b« floated ai

home. The larger loan would be usedfor general purposes, including «the evp.nse of tin- army. The other wouldha eSBPSSysd in the payment of ind« nv

¡niticH arising from the revolution 01

ll'lo, including the Chinese claim of

j.J.Ot'0,01-0 pesos.Fifty soldiers have Icen killed in an

attack on a militan' tttÚU by the Zapa¬tistas south of AJOS« o. on the line ofthe Mexican «'entrai *" Cuemava«aTlie train was stopped ii» a cut. the.rebels tiring from nil Sides Th»* en

gSgemsnt lasted appi"Xlmately an

hour. The regulars BU<*ceed«*d in driv¬ing the attaching party to the hill».There lb much interest in a long con¬

ference whi« h Señor de la Barra, Min¬istor of Foreign Relations, had last,night with Ambassador Wilson, andthe subaequenl Cabinet meeting, whichhurtad till nearly morning. All partie»are reticent çn the subjects under dis¬cussion.

PhsaMtX, Ariz., March «1.¦A force ol

Maderista»« captured the custom house oB

th«- Msgteoa side of th<* line at Naco to»day, after S brief Bght, according to a

tH-M'lio"" aaSBSag« from Bi»!x«e to-nlclit.No one was killed or soriously Injured.The victory gives the Sonora rebel«

their first port of entry and controls allshipments to Cananea-
