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Newgrange · The Newgrange Technology Department is proud to be a space to explore STEAM; Science,...

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Newgrange Weekly Newsletter Friday, June 21st, 2019 Robert Hegedus, Principal Howard Kaplan, Supervisor of Education UPCOMING EVENTS JULY AUGUST 1" - First Day of ESY 13th - Last Day of ESY 4'h - SCHOOL CLOSED: Independence Day 5" - SCHOOL CLOSED From the Desk of Mr. HeHedus Graduation!! A truly moving and memorable celebration took place here at the Newgrange School this past Tuesday, as we honored and celebrated our graduating class of 2019. Our graduates had an opportunity to share the speeches they prepared with family, friends and teachers. More than once, we were brought to tears as we listened to the stories about their lives before coming to our school and the extent to which Newgrange had helped them become the incredibly remarkable individuals that they became. This past school year has been our most successful ever and we've had the opportunity to see our children grow and mature in so very many ways. The Newgrange School has long been a program steeped in rich and abounding tradition, with extraordinary teaching and learning taking place each day. Our school has always gone well beyond simply meeting the academic standards that are required by the law. We pride ourselves in providing the BEST education possible to each and every child, also by making certain that we help them to become confident and self-assured in their social/emotional well-being. Congratulations, best wishes and good luck to our amazing Class of 2019. A huge and heartfelt thanks to our students, their families and friends and to our truly dedicated and committed staff for a fabulous school year. School Calendar 2019-2020! ! We have attached another copy of the Newgrange School Calendar for the 2019-2020 academic year. Please not that the first day of classes for the children has been planned for Wednesday, September 4'h. In addition, please be advised that the students will follow an early dismissal schedule on the first day of school. On Thursday, 9/5 and Friday, 9/6, our school will follow a full-day schedule. Lastly, our Back to School Night has been planned for Thursday, September Igth from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Additional information will be provided and sent home with our weekly newsletters beginning in September. If you have any questions, please contact the main office. ESY!! Final Reminder!! Our Extended School Year (ESY) program is set to begin on Monday, July 1" and will conclude on Tuesday, August 13'h. In addition, please note that school will be closed on July 4'h and July 5'h. Classes will be in session each day from 8:30am- 12:30pm. If you have any questions or if you need an additional information about our ESY program, please call the main office. In closing, please have a safe, restful, and relaxing summer vacation. Try to find your "mindful" place and please find time to spend with family, friends and loved ones. Again, many thanks to all of you for your support of our programs and for helping us to become the best school ever! Enjoy!!
Page 1: Newgrange · The Newgrange Technology Department is proud to be a space to explore STEAM; Science, Technology, Engineering, ... What are the inner and outer planets? And What are

NewgrangeWeekly Newsletter

Friday, June 21st, 2019

Robert Hegedus, Principal

Howard Kaplan, Supervisor of Education



1" - First Day of ESY 13th - Last Day of ESY

4'h - SCHOOL CLOSED: Independence Day


From the Desk of Mr. HeHedus


A truly moving and memorable celebration took place here at the Newgrange School this past Tuesday, as we honored

and celebrated our graduating class of 2019. Our graduates had an opportunity to share the speeches they prepared

with family, friends and teachers. More than once, we were brought to tears as we listened to the stories about their

lives before coming to our school and the extent to which Newgrange had helped them become the incredibly

remarkable individuals that they became. This past school year has been our most successful ever and we've had the

opportunity to see our children grow and mature in so very many ways. The Newgrange School has long been a program

steeped in rich and abounding tradition, with extraordinary teaching and learning taking place each day.

Our school has always gone well beyond simply meeting the academic standards that are required by the law. We pride

ourselves in providing the BEST education possible to each and every child, also by making certain that we help them to

become confident and self-assured in their social/emotional well-being. Congratulations, best wishes and good luck to

our amazing Class of 2019. A huge and heartfelt thanks to our students, their families and friends and to our truly

dedicated and committed staff for a fabulous school year.

School Calendar 2019-2020! !

We have attached another copy of the Newgrange School Calendar for the 2019-2020 academic year. Please not that

the first day of classes for the children has been planned for Wednesday, September 4'h. In addition, please be advised

that the students will follow an early dismissal schedule on the first day of school. On Thursday, 9/5 and Friday, 9/6, our

school will follow a full-day schedule. Lastly, our Back to School Night has been planned for Thursday, September Igth

from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Additional information will be provided and sent home with our weekly newsletters beginning in

September. If you have any questions, please contact the main office.

ESY!! Final Reminder!!

Our Extended School Year (ESY) program is set to begin on Monday, July 1" and will conclude on Tuesday, August 13'h. In

addition, please note that school will be closed on July 4'h and July 5'h. Classes will be in session each day from 8:30am-

12:30pm. If you have any questions or if you need an additional information about our ESY program, please call the main


In closing, please have a safe, restful, and relaxing summer vacation. Try to find your "mindful" place and please find

time to spend with family, friends and loved ones. Again, many thanks to all of you for your support of our programs and

for helping us to become the best school ever! Enjoy!!

Page 2: Newgrange · The Newgrange Technology Department is proud to be a space to explore STEAM; Science, Technology, Engineering, ... What are the inner and outer planets? And What are

Bob Graham

As we enter the last week of school and reflect on the laughs, the lessons learned, and the sportsmanlike ventures that

occurred during the year, it will be the quotes from the students that made me laugh and left an impression on me.

Here are a couple of them and I think you"ll see what I mean:

My mistakes are proof that I am trying. Do I get an A?

Shoot high like you're going to the moon then you'll make it. See Itold you!

Forget the mistakes? Remember the lesson. Good idea ! You are smart. I Know!

Do you stop playing because you grow old or Do you grow old because you stop playing?

In closing, to the graduating Senior class, Thanks for the memories and good luck in your next chapter in life. To the

sophomore class, remember: Driving is a privilege, not a right. Listen to Mom and Dad when they teach you to drive. To

everyone else, have a safe and healthy summer. See you in September.

Nancy SilverberH, RS, CSN; School Nurse/Health Instructor

As the weather finally gets warmer and the summer arrives, it is important to encourage your children and young adults

to get outside and enjoy the environment with exercise and outdoor fun and sports.

Regular physical activity has many health benefits. It will:

-Help to build/maintain healthy bones and muscles

-Help reduce the risk of developing obesity and chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and colon


- Reduce feelings of depression and anxiety and promotes psychological well-being

-Help improve a student"s academic performance, including academic achievement and grades, and also behaviors such

as being on task, and concentration and attentiveness in the classroom

Don't forget to wear appropriate light loose clothing for warmer weather and sunscreen. Drink plenty of water and/orsports drinks (not caffeinated) to stay well hydrated.

The long-term consequences of physical inactivity can include:

-Overweight and obesity, which are influenced by physical inactivity and poor diet

-Can increase one's risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, arthritis

As the weather allows, please encourage your children and young adults to get some exercise outside and enjoy the

good weather.

In my Ilth &12 grade Health classes, we did a month of nutrition modules, focusing on healthy eating practices, and

learning about all the categories of types of foods we consume, as well as vitamins, minerals, and how we metabolize

our food. We discussed how we utilize the calories that we ingest, including insulin production and how it works in our


We had our session 2 Hi-TOPs special classes on May 6, 28 & 29, discussing the social and emotional aspects of

friendships, romantic involvements, bullying, cyberbullying, LGBTQ issues and consent and boundaries.

My Health classes are following up with a class about the responsibilities of becoming a parent, as well as discussing

some of the circumstances that make a person or couple ready to take on the responsibility of parenting.

Mrs. Grande, History

Anotherschoolyearhascomeandgoneandsummervacationisuponus. Inthewordsofmystudents"YEAH!!!!Time

to sleep-in, stay up late, lay around and enjoy the sun and have some fun. Most of all no school work."

US History 11- All of the students worked very hard this year and covered a lot ofinformation dealing with various

topics. Some they liked and some not, but overall they all found a topic they enjoyed learning about. They studied the

Page 3: Newgrange · The Newgrange Technology Department is proud to be a space to explore STEAM; Science, Technology, Engineering, ... What are the inner and outer planets? And What are

growth of America from a land of farmers, a land of opportunity for immigrants, growing into an industrial giant,

entering into two world wars, and becoming a world power.

US History I- Learning about America's history from the beginning up to and including the Civil War was a tremendous

amount of work and the students were up to the challenge. They started the year with the discovery of America,

becoming an independent nation, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the first president, gaining new territories, the

Civil War and President Lincoln.

World History- The students found discovering the history of the world through wonderful, scary, maniacal historical

figures fascinating. Especially the talented artists of the Renaissance, the absolute rulers of Europe such as Louis XIV and

Catherine the Great, or the French Revolution and Robespeirre, or the crazy monk, Rasputin, all of these characters

impacted history for better or worse. Studying history and investigating famous people lead the students to discover

that history is full of fascinating stories and characters.

Here's wishing all of the students and parents a wonderful, fun-filled and safe summer. See you in September! :)

Andrew Haines, Technology

The Newgrange Technology Department is proud to be a space to explore STEAM; Science, Technology, Engineering,

Arts, and Math. With the rise of the digital age, the pressure is on for workers to develop increasingly innovative

products. Markets are continually evolving to reflect advances in technology, trending interests, and a broader, more

global market. Preparing students to join the workforce means equipping them with skills that will help them continue

to bring fresh ideas to meet rapidly changing needs.

In a world that's increasingly tech-driven, collaboration is an essential skill. A 2012 CEB survey revealed that two-thirds

of employees felt their jobs required more collaboration than they had three years before. Additionally, CEB suggested

that the increase in collaboration has had some positive effects on workplace life. For example, highly-collaborative

work environments had higher employee retention and increased levels of creativity and innovation.

In this digital age, STEAM-powered thinking is more relevant and essential to workplace life than ever. Regardless of the

field they pursue after graduation, today's workers benefit from both artistic and scientific thinking on the job. Rather

than separating the working world from the creative world, STEAM shows students how to embrace both to reach

greater success. Priming our students to solve problems using artistic processes in addition to critical thinking makes

them more well-rounded. It also helps them embrace their future role in the workplace.

Ms. Ruggiero

In Social Studies, our class just finished up learning about the regions of North America. Did you know that the Americas

are made up of North America, South America and 35 countries? We also learned about vegetation regions, climate

regions and bodies of water.

In Science, we learned about space and the solar system. At the end of the unit we were able to answer questions like

How does earth move? What is a star? What are the inner and outer planets? And What are asteroids, comets, meteors

and moons?

In Math, we worked on estimating and measuring mass and capacity. We solved mass and capacity problems. We began

telling time to the minute and learning about time intervals.

I can"t believe how fast this year flew by?! I'm so happy to be a part of the Newgrange family and have had so much fun

learning all the wonderful traditions the students and staff are able to enjoy! Have a safe and happy summer!

Page 4: Newgrange · The Newgrange Technology Department is proud to be a space to explore STEAM; Science, Technology, Engineering, ... What are the inner and outer planets? And What are


Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Genna

June Theme: "Bringing it all Together"

Wowi ! We've made it through a whole school- mindfully! Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Genna want to thank you all for following

along and practicing mindfulness with us. We hope that you gained some new knowledge and had fun with the


Here are some tips to help keep the mindful feeling over the summer.

* Plan, but don't over plan. Connect with your family and identify a few key activities that you want to do this


* Make sure you have time where nothing is planned. Block off time to relax and renew with a new book, a hike or

bike ride, maybe it is one morning a week where you get to do whatever YOU want, not necessarily what your

kids or partner wants.

Don't drive. Think about times where you can leave the car at home. What are all of the places you can walk or

ride instead of opting for the convenience of your car?

* Go for mindful walks after dinner. Take a moment to listen to the sounds around you, smell the fresh air, and

see what you can notice that you've never noticed before.

* Try to maintain a formal mindfulness practice in a way that works for you. Try meditating outdoors, take mindful

walks, practice mindful eating which might be a skill you want to work on this summer.

And no matter what you do, don't forget to slow down and breathe.

'All of the non-Newgrange School attachments to this newsletter are for informatiowl purposes only. The seminars and workshops may be of interest to you,however the Newgmnge Schoor is not affikted with the indrviduals or organrzations that sponsor these events.

Page 5: Newgrange · The Newgrange Technology Department is proud to be a space to explore STEAM; Science, Technology, Engineering, ... What are the inner and outer planets? And What are

New e Schoolgrarn3nextraomnarypiacetoiearn


Extended School Year

Summer 2019


Students attendingthe Extended School Year (ESY) Program at

The Newgrange School, Summer 2019


Extended School Year Program Curriculum will include Reading,

Written Language, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Instruction

will be integrated across all content areas and will also merge

computer science and related arts into technology projects.

Weekly implementation of social skills lessons and activities has

been planned in order to facilitate age-appropriate interactive



Newgrange School

526 South Olden Ave.

Hamilton, NJ 08629Telephone: 609-584-1800

Robert Hegedus - Principal

Howard Kaplan - Supervisor of Education


Program Begins: Monday, July 1, 2019

Program Ends: Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Daily Schedule (Monday through Friday)

8:20-8:30 Arrival

8:30-8:40 Homeroom

8 :40-9:30 LanguageArts

9:30-10:20 Language Arts

10 :20-10:40 Cafeteria- Break

10 :40- 11:30 Math

11 :30-12:20 Science/Social Studies12 :20-12:30 Dismissal


Extended School Year programs are provided to students in order

to minimize the amount of regression or academic loss that is

often times experienced during the summer. Children who meet

the criteria and whose IEP recommends ESY as a related service

are eligible to attend.

Page 6: Newgrange · The Newgrange Technology Department is proud to be a space to explore STEAM; Science, Technology, Engineering, ... What are the inner and outer planets? And What are

Newgrange School 2019-20 Calendar

Su M Tu W Th F Sa

Su M Tu W Th F Sa

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 l'd WafflUM 31





1 st Day ESY

Independence Day - Closed



13 Last Day ESY

29-30 New Staff Orientation"'i i " I I. '1

21 a: 141 5j IsJ 7__1Isr 4 1.___;p_:1_!Ll 12 I12_2i! ' 15

3J Ji'l l9'j [a 'i ' 22

-23 .iJ L!U_Jrfi 7 27 I 28 :' :_g


'i i

Su M Tu W Th F Sa

i-1%i 1"6 '-17o "'8 :-: 2'-: I 2"1 '

i 22 i 23 24 25 26 27 28

Su M Tu W Th F Sa

Ssptember - '

2 Labor Day - Closed

3 All Staff Orientation

4 1 st Day Students

4 Early Dismissal: PD

18 EarlyDismissal: PD

30 Closed - Rosh Hashanah

2i 13 41 i s. __5517L- _B :i i5 i

I B :i 10 ari jI 12 r 14 :, 17 0 i tg 20 II 21

,-22 lI 23 24 ,:m -l 26 27 I' 28

T-:_g :i 30 3al i I :l: il j I


9 Closed- Yom Kippur

16 EarlyDismissal: PD

30 Earlydismissal: PD

Su M Tu W Th F Sa

1, i .7. i 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 1l

19 : . 21 22 23 24 25 I

26 i 27 28 29 30 31

Su M Tu W Th F Sa


1-3 WinterBreak

17 Early Dismissal

20 Dr. Martin Luther King Day - Closed

29 End of 2nd MP

29 Early Dismissal: PD


14 Early Dismissal

17 President's Day - Closed

26 Early Dismissal: PD

' a 2#4'Q MarchSu M Tu W Th F Sa 13 EarlyDismissal

16 Closed

25 Early Dismissal: PD

-'}%WSu M Tu W Th F Sa


s .. r '. .Jt "i:'o"! 'iii 12 13 14 a, 5 16 i 17 18

, ig I 20 21 - :a 24 , 25 i


3 Early Dismissal

6-10 Spring Break

15 End of 3rd MP

15 EarlyDismissal: PD

22-23 Early Dismissal: Parent Conferences

: II 2 13 14 5

6 17i iI - i

O mIg,l

: 10 ' 11 I 12-

13 i 14 a',151 I 17 18 ::i.g.

20 21 :_22 i 23 i 24 l 25 26

27 28 iTh____g)!! I 31-: 'l Q ]l 27128 i 29, 30 ii,'


Su M Tu ' W Th F Sar


it 2

Is 4 5 l l- is i 9'

10 11 12 13 ii 14 i 15t!

. 16

', 23i-1 7' 24

18 19 20 II 21,M._-az{ 26 27 II 28 ' 29 30

'.31- --' i i

' : i " " I "2

a 3 'l 4 s 6 7 I 8 I 'g I

i io ] ll 12 15 [ 16'i 17 ' 18 19 20 21 22 23.

24 i 25 26 a . 30

-j i ai


6 EndoflstMP

13&14 EarlyDismissal: ParentConferences

26 Early Dismissal

27 -29 Thanksgiving - Closed

Su M Tu W Th F Sa

Su M Tu W Th F Sa

8 9 10 12 13 14

i 15 i 16 17 ts tg 21 i



1 l Early Dismissal: PD

2 0 Early Dismissal

23-31 Winter Break

i- Ir'm JuneSu M Tu W Th F Sa 3 Early Dismissal: PD

17-22 EarlyDismissal: PD

19 Graduation

22 Last Day for Students & Staff

it 12 m 14 'j 5 6

17 IsI

IgI 10 . 11 I 12 13

I .z.......-

l 14 i _;s._ J m 20 ,

7:_i- am '-123 -24- '2!)"- '-2-6 :-27"li'-

. 28 29 30I I I

I6 Snow Days: 23-30

Calendar Templates by Vertex42 com https //www.vertex42.com/calendars/




Early Dismissal: PD

Early Dismissal

Memorial Day - Closed

Page 7: Newgrange · The Newgrange Technology Department is proud to be a space to explore STEAM; Science, Technology, Engineering, ... What are the inner and outer planets? And What are



9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Re@isttntion Required. Tuisday) June a

Join us in the parks as we do Our pan toa T( register,protectourpreciousnatural'resources Tuesday,July9'

pollinator gardens, ahd planting riajive

treesandfl6wers.Thisseason'sfocusis 'sa4-A'ug""o'

p8j318ll(15, 4gB5 12+, 1,4d8j 26 lyBi.58 LOaatiOnS'J6be deteiamined. ReglStTantsWlllaccorr. pa niet, by. a n ad ult. be notified of location prior.to program

Trail Crew

ffeg,istration Required.

Come help maihtain our beloved

trail systems yvith some hands-on

fun (weather permitting). Ages 1Q*,under 16 must'be accompanied by

an.adu4t Exact meeting location willbe erriailed'to those who register

prior to date.

Sat., June 22 9:3(1- 11:30 a.m.

To redster,

Locations to be determined. Registrants will

be notified of locatlop prior lo program.

Mercer County Park Commission Nature ProgramsThe F%rk Commission offers opportunities for adults, chiltken, and families to connect with nature.

Progiams vary from brisk tiail hikes and cltizen science initiativas to family-onented pond

explorations and childienas summer camps. Program paflcipants have the opponunity to spend

time as a family, meet other outdoor enthusiasts, a nd have an up-close encounter wlth nature.

Experienced naturalists guide educational programs in some of Mgcer County's most pristine

natural areas, and hike an mplomtive approacb tO leamtng about the nalral world.

Park Commission Naturalist Staff

Jenn Rogers. County Natumlist

[email protected]

Kell} Rypkema, Nature Center Manager

[email protected]

Jllllan 8tai. Senior Land Steward

jstark@metcetcou nty.org

Samantha Stmth. Adminish'ative Aisiglant

[email protected]

ChTlsty AThmelva(, Park Naturalist

[email protected]

Alex Rlvera, Land Steward

[email protected]

Alexandria Kosowkl. Teacher Naturalist

[email protected]

Page 8: Newgrange · The Newgrange Technology Department is proud to be a space to explore STEAM; Science, Technology, Engineering, ... What are the inner and outer planets? And What are

Summer meals served ftaee to children and

teens 18 and under in communities across New Jersey.No enrollment, no I.D. required.

@ Text "food" to 97779

@ Visit summerfoodrocks.org/sitefinder

@ Call I -866-3-HUNGRY or for Spanish I -877-8-HAMBRE

Need more into?

Visit njfoodforthought.org/summermeals

or call the New Jersey Department of Agriculture at (609) 292-4498.

HNuen! eJreFrsreeye )JlFueling Change. FeedingAll. hungerfreenj.org

Page 9: Newgrange · The Newgrange Technology Department is proud to be a space to explore STEAM; Science, Technology, Engineering, ... What are the inner and outer planets? And What are


4' P

Comidas de verano gratis para nifios y adolescentes

menores de 18 afios. En comunidades a traves de NuevaJersey.No hay inscripci6n, no I.D. necesario.

@ Texto "comida" al 97779

@ Visite summerfoodrocks.org/sitefinder

@ Llame al 1-866-3-HUNGRY o al espariol 1-877-8-HAMBRE

4Necesitas mis informaci6n?Visite njfoodforthought.org/summermeals

o llame al Departamento de Agricultura de Nueva Jersey al (609) 292-4498.

Fueling Change. FeedingAll. hungerfreenj.org

Page 10: Newgrange · The Newgrange Technology Department is proud to be a space to explore STEAM; Science, Technology, Engineering, ... What are the inner and outer planets? And What are


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Summer Word Search






Ice cream





























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