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Newman News November 2013 Edition

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  • 8/13/2019 Newman News November 2013 Edition


    NEWSNEWMANS COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERMonthly Edition November 2013 Issue 148


    PO Box 618, Newman WA 6753 | [email protected] | Ph/Fax (08) 9177 8290

    ABN 16 009 425 564 | www.newmanmainst.com.au

    The objecve of the Newman Mainstreet

    Project is to involve the community

    in projects or events that promote

    community cohesion, development

    and identy. The Newman Mainstreet

    Project also encourages a community

    based coordinated approach to improve

    the economic, social and physical


    To get involved call: 9177 8290

    Major Sponsor

    Cost: Free

    Value: Priceless

    Crawford Realty supports the Newman News

    October was Australias Breast Cancer

    Awareness Month which provides anopportunity to focus on breast cancer

    and its impact on those a!ected by the

    disease in our community men and

    women, survivors, carers, supporters,

    and loved ones who will be missed.

    Helen from Pilbara Finns arranged

    Newmans First Annual Breast Cancer

    Evening selling the 100 ckets in record

    me. This event held, on 25 October

    2013, comprised entertainment,

    speakers, ra" es, aucons and spot

    prizes. Background of the event and

    donaons received will be detailed in

    the following edion of Newman News.

    The photo using a variety of #re and

    lighng techniques was undertaken in

    honour of breast cancer awareness by

    Kevin Mitchell and Chris Watkins from

    Chasing Stars.

    Outback Fusion Fes!val19-22 September 2013

    Breast Cancer Awareness

    Photograph by Jessica Kirkland

    Family Entertainment at the Outback

    Fusion Fesval

    Photographs by Sonya Matheson

  • 8/13/2019 Newman News November 2013 Edition


  • 8/13/2019 Newman News November 2013 Edition


    Ad Size Bus/Gov

    regular rate

    min. 3 issues


    singular rate



    min. 3 issues



    singular rate

    Full page 132.00 165.00 88.00 110.00

    Half page 88.00 110.00 55.00 77.00

    Quarter page 60.50 71.50 44.00 55.00

    Inserts 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00

    Full pagecolour

    330.00 385.00 330.00 385.00

    Half page


    180.00 220.00 180.00 220.00

    Adverse with Newman NewsNewmans independent community


    Our adver!sing rates include G.S.T.

    You can submit your adver!sements to the editor in the following ways:

    Fax: (08) 9177 8290

    In Person: Mainstreet O" ce, Newman Community Hall (Mindarra Dr)

    Email to: [email protected]

    Other size adver!sements are available. Please contact us for our full rates chart.

    Newman News, your independent

    local community newspaper, would

    be delighted to hear from you. Please

    send us your stories, photos, events,

    birth no!ces and the like. Published

    monthly. You can submit your ar!cles

    via Newman Mainstreet Projects


    [email protected]

    Pools and SpasAs the weather warms up and we all

    try to cool down, it is !mely to give a

    reminder that State laws require that

    any water be it pool, pond, spa or

    wading pool over a depth of 300 mm

    (including in#atable) requires secure,$ed barriers and complies with all

    Shire regula!ons. In addi!on, all

    swimming pools and spas are required

    to be covered by a blanket to reduce

    water evapora!on and accredited

    with the Smart Approved Watermark.

    Consult the Shire of East Pilbara to

    ensure compliance.

    Keep Cool

    Other ways to keep you, your childrenand your pets cool this summer include

    staying out of the sun in the middle of

    the day, always wear sun protec!on

    even on overcast days, drink plenty of

    water, try pu% ng ice into your pets

    bowl so that they can lick it to cool o&,

    freeze damp cloths to carry with you for

    cooling children down, and cover car

    seats with towels to keep the seatbelts

    cool enough to handle comfortably.

    Haul Truck No ShowRumour has it that the viewing

    pla'orm for the Haul Truck 793B near

    the highway was not ready by its

    September due date as that the blocks

    that were to raise it o& the ground


    Sennel ChickensThroughout the na!on, #ocks of

    chickens have been established as

    sen!nels to help researchers monitor

    the movement of vector borne

    (mosquitoes) viruses. Chickens at the

    Newman Lions Animal Park have hadregular blood sampling for Murray

    Valley Encephali!s (MVE) and West Nile

    Virus Kunjin Strain (WNV). This helps

    the Department of Health determine if

    they need to alert the public when tests

    are returned posi!ve. In essence, the

    chickens act as an early warning system

    for poten!al viruses to spreading to

    the human popula!on. Along with

    MVE and WNV, it is important to note

    that mosquitoes are also the carriersRoss River and Barman Forest viruses.

    There are no vaccines for any of these

    vector borne viruses. Infected chickens

    cannot pass the viruses on to humans,

    nor do the chickens experience any

    symptoms. Be safe and wear protec!ve

    clothing and repellents.

    Large Waste ColleconThe Shire of East Pilbara is o&ering a

    large waste collec!on service on

    10 November 2013. This verge side

    collec!on may include all large, bulky

    items except car bodies. Residents

    are requested to neatly separate items

    into piles according to material such as

    wood, metal and the like.

    Vising NewmanThe Newman Visitors Centre creates

    a showcase environment that features

    Newman and the surrounding Pilbara


    The centre re#ects a dis!nctly West

    Australian #avour, with local and

    na!onally made products such as books,

    stunning objects from glass, wood and

    ceramics, beau!fully contemporary

    range of jewellery, clothing and more.

    A great place to shop for Christmas and

    other gi*s too.

    Whether you are new to town or havebeen here for years, drop in to the

    visitors centre for advice on tracks to

    take to see some of our breathtaking

    natural surroundings. The sta& o&er a

    wealth of local knowledge.

  • 8/13/2019 Newman News November 2013 Edition


    EPIS is very proud of six of its sta who

    have successfully undertaken their

    Cercate III in Home and Community

    Care over a two week period with

    a lecturer from Kimberley Training


    EPIS, East Pilbara Independence

    Support, was established in 1993 to

    help young people with disabilies and

    the frail aged to work towards a more

    independent lifestyle. They oer day

    centre facilies in Newman, Jigalong,

    Nullagine, Tom Price, and Marble Bar.

    Sta are trained to work on medicaon

    management, OHS, demena care and

    the like.

    Also oered are respite care, in-home

    respite care, home maintenance,

    nursing, transport, domesc assistance,personal care and meals on wheels.

    EPIS Sta Succeed in TrainingBy Sonya Matheson

    Pictured here from le! to right are: Sandie Clarke (Operaons Manager) presenng

    the cercates to Day Centre sta Doreen Kapfumvu, Horace Bynder and Margit

    Durr. Natasha Thomas, Yongmei Wang and Crystal Samata also achieved their


  • 8/13/2019 Newman News November 2013 Edition


    Unconrmed minutes of the Shire of

    East Pilbaras ordinary council meeng

    on 23 August suggest that the need

    for addional tourist accommodaon

    (42 powered caravan sites and 14

    powered camp sites with potenal for

    a number of chalets and backpackersaccommodaon), events area, and

    overow sporng area in Newman

    has earmarked the Lions Park reserve

    and adjacent reserve as a viable site

    for these developments, named the

    Cowra Tourist and Recreaon Precinct.

    BHP Billiton and LandCorp have had

    discussions regarding a potenal green

    space in the buer zone of the mine

    which may impact this precinct.

    Other Shire projects and plans

    underway, or soon to be, include

    Mindarra Drive landscaping, a dog park,

    heritage trail, a new Martumili gallery,

    and a new SES building in partnership

    with FESA.

    Cowra Tourist and

    Recreaon Precinct

    MovemberBy Sonya Matheson

    Movember is the month formerly

    known as November. The event began

    in Melbourne in 2003 with only 30

    parcipants. In 2013, that reached 1.1

    million Australia wide.

    Movember challenges men to growa moustache for the 30 days of

    November to help support Movember

    Foundaon to raise vital funds and

    awareness for prostate and tescular

    cancer, and mens mental health.

    This year, the Newman Neighbourhood

    Centre (NNC) challenges the men of

    Newman to grow their moustache in

    a style of their choosing and compete

    for Facebook likes in order to help

    raise donaons for the Movember


    Towards the end of the month:

    1. Mo Bros or their Mo Sistas take a

    photo of the Mo

    2. Drop a $5 entry donaon to NNC at

    2 McKay Street

    3. A!er liking the Newman

    Neighbourhood Centres Facebookpage, post the photo in the album.

    Alternavely, give them a photo and

    they will do it for you.

    Everyone is invited to vote on their

    favourite. The photo with the most

    likes wins.

    We encourage you to raise more than

    the $5 entry donaon for Movember

    Foundaon by ge" ng your family,

    friends and colleagues to sponsor

    you. Contact the NNC for details.

    [email protected]

  • 8/13/2019 Newman News November 2013 Edition


    POKER RUNPilbara StyleSaturday 9th Nov 2013 - Sunday 10th Nov 2013

    Meet at information bay @ corner of Gt Nth HWay & Kalgan Drive 9AM.All cars and bikes welcome, all passengers can buy hands $10.

    Final destination is Auski Road House Munjina for "show and shine",BBQ dinner, BYO drinks.

    Camping available at $5/person.All vehicles must complete registration forms.

    Registration and fee's of $25 (includes drivers hand) due by Fri 8th.

    Proceeds going to a fallen riders family for medical bills.

    Contact Cyndy 0447 007 715 or [email protected]

    Tiki Pa!yPull out your bikini and grass skirts.

    Come and enjoy a Luau under the starsof Newman.

    Newman ClubFriday 8th November 2013 7PM - 11PM

    Finger food supplied. Drinks available -No BYO.

    Tickets $20 available 0447 007 [email protected]

    Pilbara Stars Pageant

    By Cyndy WilliamsThe annual Pilbara Stars Pageant was

    held on the 7 September 2013. The

    stage at The Beach Indoor Play Centre

    held the event that lasted for the beer

    part of the Saturday with 43 boys and

    girls as contestants.

    There were ve age categories starng

    at zero and going all the way to teenage.

    The contestants all graced the stage

    twice adorning two wardrobe changesincluding formal and ouit of choice.

    Many contestants chose to perform

    for the audience during the ouit of

    choice category including a fantasc

    piano recital in a homemade tool box/

    piano by the reigning grand supreme

    winner, Chevelle White.

    All contestants had the opportunity

    to record their children's fun on DVD,

    thanks to Helen Finn and with photos

    by Sarah Stampi.

    A panel of four judges crowned rst,

    second and third posions in all age


    Winner of the 2-3 year age category,

    Steely-Rose Wright

    Photograph by Cyndy Williams

    The new Pilbara Stars Grand Supreme

    crown was awarded to Adeline


    Pageant organiser, Jaye Atkins, was

    heard on the day expressing her

    gratude to all the parcipants for

    making this years event the amazing

    success that it was.

    Mathew Willis compeng

    Photograph by Cyndy Williams

  • 8/13/2019 Newman News November 2013 Edition


    The Shire of East Pilbaras Community

    Assistance Grants are oered twicea year leaving plenty of me for

    community groups to consider

    applying for the next round which

    opens 1 January and closes 31 January

    2014. Applicaons will be tabled at

    the February/March Council meeng.

    Previous applicants include:

    CAG Round 1 (2013-2014):

    EPIS (East Pilbara Independence

    Support) - Beaucaon of theirNewman Day Care Centre

    BMX Club - awaing funding approval

    from BHP and Shire, funds will be used

    for the redevelopment of the old BMX


    K.J. - Community Access Library of

    Martu Culture open to the community

    Filipino Associaon - in kind support for

    their rst sports fesval

    CAG Round 2 (2012-2013):

    Newman Junior Soccer Associaon - in

    kind support for the inter-town soccer


    Pioneers Football and Netball Sporng

    Club - club house redevelopment of

    kitchen area

    Shire Grants

    BHP Billitons Environmental

    Department has a website showing

    Newman air quality monitoring. The

    aim of this website is to provide real-

    me dust monitoring informaon to

    the Newman community. Dust data

    is logged and then published every

    hour, providing current informaon

    from the monitoring sites around

    Newman including East Newman, the

    golf course, town centre, and South

    Newman (which does not appear to be

    valid at present).

    Quesons have been raised in the

    community about dust levels; on a

    lighter note for cleanliness and on a

    more serious note for anecdotal cases

    of health concerns.

    Dust from BHPB is generated by blasng,

    vehicle movement, and ore processing

    acvies and the like. Background dust

    is also a factor. This refers to dust levels

    A Dusty Town?By Sonya Matheson

    that would occur in the region caused

    by environmental (high temperatures,

    strong winds, bushres), industrial and

    community in!uences.

    Dust levels can be minimised by

    increasing and maintaining the

    moisture content of ore as it travels

    through the plant or held in stockpiles

    as well as other measures. Dust

    suppression measures reduce its aect

    on surrounding vegetaon as well as


    Back in September 2012 at the Shire

    of East Pilbaras Council Meeng, the

    unconrmed minutes indicate that Cr

    Doug Stead asked why BHP Billiton has

    stopped the usage of the water cannonson the stock piles at Whaleback

    minesite. He suggested that the

    Shire could explore independent dust


    This remained unaddressed unl

    the September 2013 minutes

    (unconrmed) which report that Cr

    Stead a"ended a meeng with BHP.

    We await the outcomes of this meeng.

    BHP had not been approached by

    Newman News for comment at me of


    The below chart of three months

    data extracted from BHPBs reporng

    site showing incidents requiring


    Source: h!p://newmandust.r-box.com.au/

    Accessed 26 October 2013 at 15:45

    The Newman Police have informaon

    resources available to guide you with

    precauons you can implement to

    help prevent loss or damage of yourproperty and avoid placing yourself in

    harms way this is not to imply that

    vicms of crime are at fault.

    The Newman Police are oering a

    free security appraisal of your home

    or business and/or having your

    valuables engraved, please emailSenior Constable Tamblyn to arrange a

    suitable me.

    [email protected]

    You and Your Property

  • 8/13/2019 Newman News November 2013 Edition


    Tuesday 5 November Melbourne Cup - many venues around town will be holding


    7-8 November St John Ambulance Apply First Aid Course, 9175 1105,

    [email protected]

    Friday 8 November Tiki Party at the Newman Club, Cyndy Williams, 0447 007 715,[email protected]

    Saturday 9 November Hillview Speedway club meet, President, Anton Porro, 0419 042 135

    9-10 November Poker Run please refer to advert on page 6, Cyndy Williams, 0447 007 715,

    [email protected]

    Sunday 10 November Commencement of large waste verge side collecon

    Monday 11 November Ngala courses oered through the Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 9175 1516,

    [email protected]

    09:00 11:00 Guiding Childrens Behaviour12:00 14:00 And So to Sleep

    19:00 21:00 Building Brains

    Tuesday 12 November Ngala courses oered through the Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 9175 1516,

    [email protected]

    09:00 11:00 Managing a Baby and a Toddler

    12:00 14:00 Toilet Educaon

    19:00 21:00 Skilled Dads

    Wed. 13 November Ngala courses oered through the Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 9175 1516,

    [email protected]

    09:00 11:00 Transion to School

    12:00 14:00 Tasty Toddler

    14-15 November St John Ambulance Apply First Aid Course, 9175 1105, [email protected]

    Monday 18 November St John Ambulance course oered through the Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 9175 1516,

    [email protected]

    8:30 am 12:30 pm St John Ambulances Child Basic Resuscitaon

    18-19 November St John Ambulance Apply First Aid Course, 9175 1105, [email protected]

    Thursday 21 November Super Parents and An-Bullying Workshop, 18:00 to 20:00, Newman House, [email protected]

    Saturday 23 November Newman Boxing Tournament

    23-24 November St John Ambulance Apply First Aid Course, 9175 1105, [email protected]

    25-26 November St John Ambulance Apply First Aid Course, 9175 1105, [email protected]

    Wed.27 November St John Ambulance AGM 7 pm, Newman Sub Centre on Newman Drive, cnr Nyabalee Rd

    Saturday 30 November Hillview Speedway junior event, President, Anton Porro, 0419 042 135

    COMING SOON1 December Mainstreet markets

    1 December Community Christmas carols

    14 December Hillview Speedway producon and Christmas event

    19 December Last day of school term


    Please contact Newman Mainstreet

    Project to have your community event

    added to this calendar.

    Phone/Fax 9177 8290 or via

    [email protected]

  • 8/13/2019 Newman News November 2013 Edition


    WHATS ON? REGULAR ACTIVITIESMonday 08:30 Time Out session with crche, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 McKay Street, 9175 1516,

    [email protected]

    09:30 Newman Playgroup, Moondoorow Street, [email protected]

    19:30 Bible study, house at the rear of Anglican Church, 11 Hilditch Avenue, 9175 1350

    Tuesday 08:30 The Beach Indoor Play Centre, open unl 12:30, Mindarra Drive opposite the Police staon,

    9177 8290 08:30 Time Out session with crche, as well as New Mums Group, Newman Neighbourhood Centre,

    2 McKay Street, 9175 1516, [email protected]

    16:30 Newman Capricorn Girl Guides, The Beach Mindarra Drive, Suzy Oldham on 0417 178 624,

    [email protected]

    19:00 Freeform Art session, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, Newman Neighbourhood Centre,

    2 McKay Street, 9175 1516, [email protected]

    19:30 Newman Lions Club, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month, Lions Park on Corwa Drive,

    Jessica Mclean-Middleton on 0415 699 991

    19:30 Congregaon Bible study, Theocrac Ministry school, Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses,

    Les Tu Drive, www.jw.org, 9177 8187 or 0412 991 551, everyone welcome

    Wednesday 08:30 The Beach Indoor Play Centre, open unl 12:30, Mindarra Drive, 9177 8290

    08:30 Quilng and patchwork, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 McKay Street, 9175 1516

    09:30 Newman Playgroup, Moondoorow Street, [email protected]

    14:30 The Beach Indoor Play Centre, open unl 17:30, Mindarra Drive, 9177 8290

    19:30 Twilight session, bring a project of your own to start or complete, Newman Neighbourhood

    Centre, 2 McKay Street, 9175 1516, [email protected]

    Thursday 08:30 The Beach Indoor Play Centre, open unl 12:30, Mindarra Drive, 9177 8290

    08:30 Time Out session with crche, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 McKay Street, 9175 1516

    09:00 Young mums bible study, Anglican Church, 11 Hilditch Ave, 9175 1350

    09:30 Gumnuts story and nursery rhyme me at the Library for 1 3 year olds, Newman Library

    19:30 Music pracce, Anglican Church, 11 Hilditch Ave, 9175 1350

    Friday 08:30 The Beach Indoor Play Centre, open unl 12:30, Mindarra Drive, 9177 8290

    09:00 Family fun cra unl 11:00, cost $5 for the family, Newman Neighbourhood Centre,

    2 McKay Street, 9175 1516, [email protected]

    09:30 Newman Playgroup, Moondoorow St, [email protected]

    10:00 Story me and cra for 3-5 year olds, Newman Library

    Saturday 11:00 Seventh Day Advenst unl 13:00, at Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 McKay Street,

    John Browne, 0437 777 208

    18:30 Eucharist Liturgy/ Community Liturgy at St Josephs Catholic Church, Warman Avenue, 9175 2344

    19:30 Twilight session, bring a project of your own to start or complete, Newman NeighbourhoodCentre, 2 McKay Street, 9175 1516, [email protected]

    Sunday 08:30 Eucharist Liturgy/ Community Liturgy at St Josephs Catholic Church, Warman Avenue, 9175 2344

    09:00 Worship, Vibrant evangelical, holding to biblical teaching, Anglican Church, 11 Hilditch Avenue,

    9175 1350, ncluding bubs and tots ministry and Sunday school

    10:00 Bible Discourse and Watchtower study-talk, Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses, Les Tu Drive,

    www.jw.org, 9177 8187 or 0412 991 551, everyone welcome

    13:00 The Beach Indoor Play Centre, open unl 17:00, Mindarra Drive, 9177 8290

    13:30 Freestyle cra, art, sewing, quilng etc. ends 16:30, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 9175 1516

    4 day shi bible study, Anglican Church, 11 Hilditch Ave, call Hope on 0487 178 243Disclaimer of Liability: Newman Mainstreet Project undertakes to ensure that accurate informa!on is disseminated to its clients through its community

    newspaper, Newman News. Every care is taken to ensure accuracy and we will publish any correc!ons that are brought to our no!ce. However,

    Newman Mainstreet Project makes no warranty, guarantee or promise expressed or implied concerning the content or accuracy of the informa!on

    provided by this service. Newman Mainstreet Project accepts no liability for any loss or damage a person may su"er because that person has directly

    or indirectly relied on any informa!on presented in this publica!on. The views expressed in the Newman News are not necessarily those of the editor

    or the Newman Mainstreet Project Coordinator or Commi#ee.

  • 8/13/2019 Newman News November 2013 Edition


    A two and a half day compeon, 4-6

    October 2013, saw thirty-eight shooters

    from as far as Esperance, Augusta,

    up to Broome and Port Hedland, and

    Queensland too, converge in Newman

    to compete at the Newman Clay Target

    Club. The clubs excellent camping

    grounds make it ideal for such a

    campers carnival.

    There were single barrel, double barrel,

    point score, and handicapped single

    shooter classes where competors re

    at dark, bakelite disks which shaer on


    The weekend aracted quality

    competors including ex-Newman

    resident Amanda Finn who is the2013 single barrel naonal champion

    who has made the Australian team to

    compete in the world championships

    in New Zealand next year. Amandas

    husband, John Finn, an ex-Newman

    resident and now a FIFO worker, was

    also compeng.

    Compeng was a 12 year old competor

    who delivered exceponal results.

    Other competors included Paul

    McGowan who has represented

    Australia at least three mes and

    Phil House who is the best-all-round

    shooter in Western Australia who has

    Clay Target CompeonBy Sonya Matheson

    also previously made the Australian


    The Newman Clay Target Club,

    established in 1970, meets every

    second Sunday. Visitors are invited to

    aend. Club guns may be available for

    use and club members also teach gun

    safety. For further informaon contact

    Bill Gow on 0408 802 891.

    The club thanks several generous

    year-round sponsors including AGK

    Automove Electrics and sponsorship

    from personal families.

    Shown below are

    Preston Moore and

    Phil Nix winners ofthe Dawesville Double

    CompeonPhotograph courtesy of

    Kathryn Joy

  • 8/13/2019 Newman News November 2013 Edition


    Towns in the Pilbara recently

    experienced an outbreak of

    gastroenteris, which saw several

    children hospitalised in both Newman

    and Port Hedland. The Department

    of Health issued a warning and

    informaon on prevenng the spread

    of gastro within the community,

    parcularly in shared care facilies

    such as schools and daycares.

    Gastroenteris is a highly contagious

    stomach virus which can present with

    dierent symptoms in dierent people.

    Common symptoms include voming,

    diahorrea, stomach pains, fever and

    lethargy. It is oen worse in children

    than adults. The most common strain

    of gastro is rotavirus, and since 2007there has been an immunisaon

    available for rotavirus that children

    receive at 2, 4 and 6 months of age.

    Children who have been immunised

    can sll carry and spread the virus, so

    hygiene is always imperave especially

    when children have been in close

    contact with others, such as at school.

    Good hand washing is the best way to

    stop the spread of gastro, and alcoholbased hand sanizers do lile to stop

    the spread as gastro is a virus rather

    than a bacteria. In the same way,

    anbiocs will not kill any of the gastro

    strains. If you or your children contract

    Gastro Outbreaks and PrevenonBy Jessica Kirkland

    gastro, there are several things you

    can do at home. The !rst is to contain

    yourself to home for the duraon of the

    illness and for 48 hours aer the last

    symptom, when the virus has usually

    died o.

    If your child is voming, keep them

    hydrated with small sips of water - do

    not allow them to guzzle. Sugary drinks

    including cordial can make diahorrea

    worse, so if your children are suering

    from this then it is best to limit them

    to water, or beer - an oral hydraon

    liquid such as Hydralyte. Over the

    counter medicaons such as Imodium

    can be used for adults. It is a myth

    that you need to allow gastro to take

    its course, as the virus dies rather thanbeing expelled from the body, so using

    medicaons like this with the advice of

    a doctor or pharmacist, and as directed,

    is not likely to cause harm or prolong

    the virus.

    As gastro is highly contagious, make

    sure you wash your hands frequently

    if you are sick or dealing with a sick

    child. Be sure to also wash all bedding

    on a hot water cycle, and a surfacespray such as Glen 20 is very aecve

    in killing the virus. If you are worried

    that you or your child is suering from

    dehydraon, immediately take them to

    hospital as dehydraon is dangerous

    and can progress very quickly.

    Gastro is uncomfortable and

    unpleasant, but unless it connues for

    longer than 48 hours or the paent is

    dehydrated, there is no need to seek

    medical aenon and in fact, going to

    the doctor or hospital oen spreads

    the virus unnecessarily amongstpeople who are already sick. Over the

    counter medicaons are available to

    control nausea and diahorrea, and are

    oen useful for adults who also have

    sick children to care for.

    Once feeling beer, it is important to

    remain vigilant with hand washing, and

    limit contact with other for 48 hours


    especially important with children,who are not as good at washing their

    hands, play closely together, put

    hands and toys in their mouth, and are

    generally very good at sharing germs.

    For more informaon on recognising,

    treang, and stopping the spread

    of gastroenteris, please visit the

    Department of Healths website.

    O-road (dirt) motorcycles are

    commonly targeted by thieves.

    Newman Police have seen an increase

    in the stealing of o-road motorcycles.

    While not the fault of the person

    whose property has been stolen, there

    are a few security precauons that can

    be employed to reduce the temptaon

    of these stealing incidents:

    Keep front/side gates closed andlocked if possible;

    Secure motorcycles so that they

    cannot easily be removed. Consider

    chaining o-road motorcycles to

    objects that cannot be removed;

    A disc lock alarm is also another

    good deterrent. They work by

    sounding a 120db alarm whenever

    moon or shock is detected on the

    vehicle. The lock !ts easily to the

    brake disc rotor; and

    Report suspicious acvity to the

    Neman Police staon immediately.

    Police report that there is a signi!cant

    increase in crime related to petrol

    based products. Community members,companies and transient contractors

    are asked by the Newman Police to

    secure loose items, including those

    on vehicles, which may pose a risk to

    ensure that these items are not stolen.

    There have also been cases of petrol

    being stolen from back yard tools such

    as whipper snippers. People are asked

    to secure all such things in locked sheds

    or similar facilies.

    As school holidays draw nearer

    (although not exclusively at these

    mes) there is the risk of alcoholic

    beverages being stolen from outdoor

    fridges. Please install and consistently

    use a lock.

    Newman Police Staon - 9175 4000

    Police Report

  • 8/13/2019 Newman News November 2013 Edition


    Back in 2009, BHP Billiton Iron Ore

    Legacy Project and the Shire of East

    Pilbara worked with Artsource WA and

    the Newman community to develop

    the Newman Town Centre Park

    located between the shopping centre

    and Newman House. Out of those

    workshops came many beauful pieces

    of art.

    Three creave works are by Judith

    Forrest, a former resident of Port

    Hedland who frequently visited

    Newman on business. Judiths works

    in bronze casng focus on the products

    of Newman and the mine, with so

    many young families around it is the

    crossover between babies and iron ore

    that she chose to explore.

    One of these pieces Safe in Newman

    shows a baby sleeping snugly in the

    security of a workers hat.

    A Tourist in Your Own Town

    Another is a sewing machine which

    makes strong reference to the acve

    cra! movement in Newman and

    the role that women have playing in

    the building of the community. This

    sculpture weighs approximately 20 kg.

    Her third piece is a train whose

    carriages morph into baby prams

    showing that iron-ore is not the only

    producon going on in town. Judith

    consulted the Pilbara Historical Trains

    Society to try and ensure that she got

    the locomove right.

    Source: DA Submission Report on the

    Newman Town Centre Park, 23 November


  • 8/13/2019 Newman News November 2013 Edition


    The Shire of East Pilbara has paid tribute

    to Bill Lynas, one of Nullagines most

    important residents with a memorial

    celebrang his military career at Lynas

    Lookout (formerly Nullagine Lookout).

    William James Dalton Lynas (Bill) has

    an outstanding military record with the

    original 16th Baalion in World War I.He is considered one of nest ghng

    leaders that Australia produced and his

    combinaon of military decoraons

    is extraordinarily rare. He is also

    remembered as the rst part me

    secretary of the local roads board.

    Born in 1886 at Auckland, New Zealand,

    he moved to Western Australia with his

    family as a child. Upon compleng his

    school years at Busselton, he movedto the Marble Bar district in 1901

    following a n rush.

    In September 1914 he enlisted in the

    16th Baalion, Australian Imperial

    Force, and sailed for Egypt. Despite

    being wounded at Vaire Wood in July

    1918, Bill was given his commission on

    Gallipoli and commanded the baalion

    during its last bale in the capture of

    Nullagine Memorial for Hero Digger

    Le Verguier, where on 18 September

    1918, 450 prisoners were taken.

    During his service, he was awarded the

    Disnguished Service Medal (D.S.O),

    Military Cross (M.C.) and two Bars, and

    was Menoned in Despatches.

    Bill also enlisted at the outbreak ofWorld War II and was rather annoyed

    when, because of his age and incapacity,

    he was excluded from an acve service


    In 1944, Bill and his wife Enid seled in

    Nullagine and he resumed his interest

    in mining, becoming an agent for

    buying base metals as well as mining

    for asbestos and n dredging. On 1

    September 1945 he was appointed

    part-me secretary of the local roads

    board. He died of coronary vasculardisease at Nullagine on 12 January

    1947 and was buried there.

    Councillor Kevin Danks, Shire President Lynne Craigie, William Lynas (GreatNephew of William Lynas), Councillor Lang Coppin and Chief Execuve

    O! cer Allen Cooper at Lynas Lookout, Nullagine

    Saturday 21 September 2013 saw

    Newman residents digging deep once

    again for a great cause, demena


    Demena describes a collecon ofsymptoms that are caused by disorders

    a"ecng the brain. It is not one specic


    Demena a"ects thinking, behaviour

    and the ability to perform everyday

    tasks. Brain funcon is a"ected enough

    to interfere with the persons normal

    social or working life.

    Most people with demena are older,

    but not all older people get demena.

    It is not a normal part of ageing.

    Demena can happen to anybody, but

    it is more common a#er the age of 65

    years. People in their 40s and 50s can

    also have demena.

    Quiz Night for Demen!aBy Cyndy Williams

    An inmate crowd of 80 people

    descended onto The Beach Indoor Play

    Centre for an evening of quesons and

    games in aid of Demena Research.

    The Quiz Night included elegantlydressed in the Demena colours with

    black table cloths and black chair

    covers and light blue chair sashes and

    quesons shown on a big screen.

    Once again, Newman businesses

    were exceponally generous in their

    donaon of prizes and support in-kind

    including but not limited to Newman

    Mainstreet Project, MOB Social Club,

    Celebraons Neman, Treadways

    Newman, Comfort Style Furniture

    Newman, Mia Mia, and Pitstop Deli.

    The lovely Nic Willis and Debbie

    Seivwright kept the drinks $owing by

    serving the drinks at the bar. While

    Transeld Services providing a courtesy

    bus to ensure all who aended made it

    home safely.

    Angel Rawlinson, served hot food,

    fruit and anpasto plaers. DanielleCochrane tallied the results as judge to

    show that the Savannah Engineers table

    took out the rst prize of a pamper pack

    that was kindly donated by Boulevard

    Pharmacy and a signed Eagles Jersey

    donated by BH Promoons.

    The MC, Debbie White, kept the crowd

    entertained while the organiser, Cyndy

    Williams, had to dash home and pick up

    the winners prizes a#er she, ironically,

    forgot them at home.

    A fantasc amount was raised. The

    majority going to Alzheimer's Australia

    Demena Research Foundaon and

    part to The Beach.

  • 8/13/2019 Newman News November 2013 Edition


    The weekend of the 20-22 September

    saw Newman Tee Ball Associaon take

    a Junior, Intermediate and Senior team

    across to Port Hedland to compete in

    the Annual North West Championships.

    All three teams competed extremely

    well with our Seniors nishing in third

    posion; our Intermediates in fourth

    posion, and our Juniors nished inh posion.

    The improvement in all of Newmans

    teams was excing to see but the eort

    and determinaon of our Juniors was a

    pleasure to watch.

    The Newman Tee Ball season resumes

    on the 25 October and will run through

    to the 6 December.

    North West Tee Ball ChampionshipsBy Geraldine Parsons

    North West Seniors 2013

    The East Pilbara BMX Club has gained

    Shire approval to lease a poron of

    the North Newman Reserve in order

    to construct a race track and storage


    BHP Billiton has also generously

    supported the club through itscommunity grants programme. With

    support also coming from the Shire

    of East Pilbaras community grants

    programme, this will see them with

    enough funding to reopen the track

    early 2014 in me for the next season.

    The second phase of their project is

    to develop club rooms, toilet facilies

    and a kiosk.

    September 2013 saw a conngentof Newman residents travel to

    Karratha to a!end the NorthWest

    championships and while there met

    with other Pilbara clubs and BMX WA

    to discuss the clubs future.


    Represenng the East Pilbara BMX

    Club in Karratha was a 2 year old,

    Dillon Coburn, on a mini wheeler

    (balance bike rider) having his very

    rst race.

    Working closely with other Pilbara

    BMX clubs such as Tom Price, Karratha

    and Port Hedland they will ensure that

    Newman can be a part of the Pilbara

    rounds and also parcipate in other

    clubs race meets if Newman residents

    are travelling on weekends.

    In addion to Shire and BHP funding,

    the club will be undertaking a variety

    of fundraising acvies around town.Keep your eyes open and support

    another great community iniave.

    If anyone would like to receive updates

    on the clubs progress or volunteer

    their me in fundraising opportunies

    or help reconstrucng the track please

    email [email protected].


    Photograph by Adam Tomkins

    Dillon Coburn in the mini wheelers race

    Photographs by Graeme Di!erich

    Photographs courtesy of Geraldine Parsons

  • 8/13/2019 Newman News November 2013 Edition


  • 8/13/2019 Newman News November 2013 Edition


    Bloody Slow Weekend Went Too Bloody Quickly

    Remembrance CeremonySenior Constable Donald Richard Evere 4600 Police Air Wing

    Senior Constable Philip Gavin Ruland 7877 Newman Police Staon

    First Class Constable David Adrian Dewar 9178 Newman Police Staon

    Constable Gavin Ashley Capes 10305 Newman Police Staon

    We will remember them.

    Photograph by Kevin Mitchell

    Photograph by Kevin Mitchell

    Photograph by Kevin Mitchell

    Photograph by Kevin Mitchell

    Ph t h b

    Stay posted for the Newman Polices

    newsleer by Shane Sadler showing

    more great photos including those

    from the Saturday night Rugby match;the game a!er which the weekend is

    named. Bloody Slow / Bledisloe Cup

    Winners and losers were almost

    inconsequenal during that

    weekend as great sportsmanshipand jocular rivalry was shown

    by all, as was mutual support by

