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News 12 - microbacias.rj.gov.br · ties in the pilot study areas Barracão dos Mendes and Varre...

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1 News 12 News 12 News 12 Integrated Modeling, Scenario Assessment & Decision Support INTECRAL project is a jointly developed scienfic cooperaon supported by the German Federal Ministry of Educaon and Research (BMBF) and the State Secretariat of Agriculture and Livestock Project Rio Rural (SEAPEC- PRR). It aims to improve the compeveness of the rural economic sector in due consideraon of a sustainable watershed management, including environmental risk migaon and protecon of natural resources. 10.11.2014 INTECRAL Work Package 4: Water- Monitoring, Modeling, Sanitation and Watershed Management


News 12News 12News 12

Integrated Modeling, Scenario

Assessment & Decision Support

INTECRAL project is a jointly developed scientific cooperation supported by the German Federal Ministry of

Education and Research (BMBF) and the State Secretariat of Agriculture and Livestock Project Rio Rural (SEAPEC-

PRR). It aims to improve the competitiveness of the rural economic sector in due consideration of a sustainable

watershed management, including environmental risk mitigation and protection of natural resources.


INTECRAL Work Package 4:

Water- Monitoring, Modeling, Sanitation and Watershed Management


One of the goals of work package 4 is to establish an Inte-

grated Decision Support System (IDSS) coping with data

management, remote sensing, geo-spatial processing, inte-

grated modeling of water quantity and quality, erosion

modeling and multi-criteria analysis.

During the Workshop at 28th and the 29th of August 2014

we raised and tried to answer the question of how models

can function as a tool for decision support and help to an-

swer questions in regional planning.

Involved institutions PRR/SEAPEC, AGEVAP/CBH-R2R, EMATER, PESAGRO, FIPERJ, Programa Águas para o Futuro, Escola Ibelga/COGEM Baixada de Salinas; CAR/CNARH, Aguas de Nova Friburgo, Embrapa Solos, INEA, ITT/CUAS, University Leipzig, University Jena (DGHM).

Collaborators Marcelo Costa (PRR/SEAPEC), Sven Kralisch, Annika Kuenne, Juliana Santos (DGHM).

Research area The research area for the DGHM-Activities within INTECRAL WP4 (water monitoring, modeling and water-shed management) includes the three pilot river basins Macacu, Rio Dois Rios and Muriaé including specific activi-ties in the pilot study areas Barracão dos Mendes and Varre Sai.

Relevant activities Currently all data is checked for homogeneity and plausi-bility and trends are calculated. Moreover, the develop-ment of models for the different test-basins is ongoing. Further features and web-functionalities are implemented into the Integrated Decision Support System.

Relevant results INTECRAL RBIS was set up and is online available under http://leutra.geogr.uni-jena.de/intecralRBIS. Spatial data (raster and vector data) as well as hydro-meteorological time series and water quality data are available in the data base.

The data acquisition for the whole study area has been completed. First results of the data analysis are available, like tests of homogeneity and plausibility of meteorologi-cal data for all pilot basins as well as calculation of trends in hydro-meteorological data for different temporal resolu-tions (daily, monthly, seasonally and yearly).

A first delineation of hydrological response units (HRUs) was done for Rio Dois Rios as well as the model setup and parameterization. As a result, maps and simulations of water balance, runoff components, and precipitation for this basin are already available.

A first land use classification was done using ILMS IMAGE.

Next steps The next steps for the period 2014—2015 correspond to:

Modeling training course in March 2015

Implementation of additional functionality for RBIS (web-based HRU-delineation, web-based modeling,…)

In-depth optimization for the Rio Dois Rios model

Setup of a model for Rio Muriaé

Field research for sediment transport modeling in April and May 2015

Setup of a water quality and sediment transport model for Rio Dois Rios and Muriaé

Data acquisition for scenario modeling (Soil cover, Irrigation) within the pilot study area Barracão dos Mendes

Integrated Modeling, Scenario Assessment & Decision Support

Figure 1. Research area


Watershed Selection in the field (03.2014). Visit at escola colégio estadual José Martins (Água para o Futuro, 08/2014).

First Model results of surface runoff in basin Rio Dois Rios (simulated with JAMS.) First Model results of fast interflow in basin Rio Dois Rios (simulated with JAMS.)

First Model results of fast base flow in basin Rio Dois Rios (simulated with JAMS.)

First Model results for basin Rio Dois Rios (blue observed at outlet “Dois Rios” and red simulated with JAMS


ITT— CUAS: [email protected]; SEAPEC RIO RURAL Project: [email protected]

Web Page: http://intecral-project.web.fh-koeln.de/

© Torres, 2014

© Torres, 2014

© Torres, 2014

© Torres, 2014
