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NEWS AND NOTES - ILSLila.ilsl.br/pdfs/v31n4a04.pdf · Dr. Zeferino Vaz, S ecretary of Health, State...

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NEWS AND NOTES In/o 'l'lIIotion con ce rning instituti on s, or ga niw tions, (l11ci ('o nn ec ted with leprosy wor'k, scienti fi c or onu ' /' JII ee tings, legislati(;e ('not tm ents and otll f' r J//att ers of i 11t f' r f's t, EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF LEPROLOGY HELD IX IUO DE JAN ElH,O, BRAZlT -1, S EPTE MBER 12 '1' 0 20, 196 3 BY TH\<: BRAZTLIA N A XD THE LEPRO S Y .ASSO CIA TJOX NATlONAL ORGANIZING (COCIL ) H onorary P r es ident Sm, Dl', J oao Belchi or Ma rqu e Goulart , Pr esident of the Republic V ice P1 'e sidents E xmo. Sm. Dr. , Vih ;o n Fadul, Minister of Health Exmo . Sm. Dr. Jo ao Augusto de Araujo Ca s tro , 11inister of For eign Affair s . Kxmo. Snr. Dr. Paulo de Tar s o, Minister of Education and CuItm e Exmo. Snr. Dr. Carlo s de Lac e1'da, Gov ernor, Stat e of Guanabara Sl1l'. Dr. Adhemar de Barro s, Governor, Stat e of Sao Pa ul o Dr. Mar colino Candau, Dir ector Genera l, , \Todd H ealth Organization Honorary Members Exmo . Snr. Dr. Pedro Calm on 1f oniz de B itt encourt , R ec tor , u niver- s it y of Brazil Exmo . 'S m. Dr. Haroldo Li sboa da Cunha, R ec tor, Universi ty of Guanaba ra Exmo. Sm. ])1'. P e. La ert e de Moura, R ec tor, Pontifical Catholi c Uni - vers it y of Guanabara Exmo. Snr. Dr. Elo y Dutra, Yi ce- Governor, Stat e of Guanabara Exmo. Snr. Deput y Raul B1'unini, Pr esident of Legislativ e Assembly, Stat e of Guanabara E xmo. Sn1'. Dr. Chief Ju sti ce Vi ce nt e de Faria Coelho, Pr esident , Tribunal of Ju sti ce , S tat e of Guanabara Exmo. Snr. Dr. Ra ymundo de Brito, Secr etar y of Health, Stat e of Guanabara SnI'. Dr. Zeferino Vaz, S ecretar y of Health, Stat e of Sao Paulo Sm. Dr. Mar io Pinotti, Member, Nationa l Council of H ealth Exmo . Sm. Dr . Paulo Pinheiro Chagas, F ede ral Deput y Pr e ident, National Acad emy of Medicine 44 2
Page 1: NEWS AND NOTES - ILSLila.ilsl.br/pdfs/v31n4a04.pdf · Dr. Zeferino Vaz, S ecretary of Health, State of Sao Paulo l'~xmo. Sm. Dr. Mario Pinotti, Member, National Council of Health

NEWS AND NOTES In/o'l'lIIotion concerning institutions, organiwtions, (l11ci indi l/ idu((l~

('o nnected with leprosy wor'k, scientific or onu' /' JII ee ti ngs, legislati (;e ('not tm ents and otll f' r J//att ers of i11t f' r f's t,






H onorary P resident

J~xmo. Sm, Dl', J oao Belchior Marque Goulart, President of the R epublic

V ice P1'esidents

E xmo. Sm. Dr. , Vih;o n Fadul, Minister of H ealth Exmo. Sm. Dr. Joao Augusto de Araujo Ca stro, 11inister of Foreign

Affairs . Kxmo. Snr. Dr. Paulo de Tarso, Minister of Education and CuItme E xmo. Snr. Dr. Carlos de Lace1'da, Governor, State of Guanabara ]'~xmo . Sl1l'. Dr. Adhemar de Barros, Governor, State of Sao Paulo Dr . Marcolino Candau, Director Genera l, , \Todd H ealth Organization

H onorary Members

Exmo. Snr. Dr. P edro Calm on 1f oniz de B ittencourt, R ector, u niver ­sity of Brazil

Exmo. 'Sm. Dr. Haroldo Lisboa da Cunha, Rector, Univer sity of Guanabara

Exmo. Sm. ])1'. P e. Laerte de Moura, Rector, Pontifical Catholic Uni­ver sity of Guanabara

Exmo. Snr. Dr. Eloy Dutra, Yice-Governor, State of Guanabara Exmo. Snr. Deputy Raul B1'unini, President of Legislative Assembly,

State of Guanabara E xmo. Sn1'. Dr. Chief Justice Vicente de Faria Coelho, President,

Tribunal of Justice, State of Guanabara Exmo. Snr. Dr. Raymundo de Brito, Secretary of H ealth, State of

Guanabara l~~xmo . SnI'. Dr. Zeferin o Vaz, S ecretary of H ealth, State of Sao Paulo l'~xmo . Sm. Dr. Mario Pinotti, Member, National Council of H ealth Exmo. Sm. Dr. Paulo Pinheiro Chagas, F ederal Deputy Pre ident, National Academy of Medicine


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News a,nd N ol es

President, Brazilian Academy of Military Medicine President, Brazilian Medical Association President, Association of Medicine of the State of Guallabara President, Brazilian Pharmaceutical Association President, Brazilian Medical Syndicate


President, Industrial Pharmaceutical Syndicate of the State of Guana-bar a .

President, Brazilian Nociety of Dermatology and Syphilology President, Brazilian Society of Hygiene President, Brazilian 'Society of the History of Medicine President, Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine Superintendent, Foundation of Special Services of Public H ealth Director General, National Department of Children Director General, National Department of Rural Endemic Diseases Director General National Department of H ealth Director, National Cancer Service Director, National Service of Mental Diseases Director, National Service of Sanitary Education Director, National Leprosy 'Service Director, National ~ruberculos is Service Director, Service of Port H ealth Director, National Faculty of Medicine Director, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of the State of

Guanabara Director, School of Medicine and Surg-ery of Rio de Janeiro Director, National School of Public H ealth Director, Oswaldo Cruz Institute Director, Ataulfo de Paiva Foundation


President: Dr. Fausto Gayoso Castelo Branco Vice President: Dr. Jose M. M. F ernandez, Acting President of ILA 1st S ecretm'Y: Dr. J. Ross Innes, Secretary-Treasurer of ILA 2nd S ect'etary: Dr. Orestes Diniz, General Secretary of COCIL

111 el1'ibers of the Organizing Committee of VIIIth Int ern-lational Congt-ess of L eprology (COCIL)

Committ ee

P resident: Dr. Fausto Gayoso Castelo Branco S ecretary General: Dr. Orestes Diniz Secretary: Dr. Joaquim Fraga Lima M e1nbe'rs : Drs. Achilles Scol'zelli, Candido de Oliveira e Silva, E rnani

Agricola, Sra. Eunice W eaver, Drs. Francisco Eduardo A. Rabello, Gilberto :Mange on , H eraclid cs Cczar de Rousa-Araujo (posthu-

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Illt l'1'Yw tiona l J onrna l of IA'prosy

mous homage), Hildehrando Portugal, Hiltoll H ermont, .Joiio I {amo~ c ~ilva, :J lallucl Fcrreira, Hulwnl David ... \ zu la.,' , \\"cllld.,·ck del Favero.

W orking Group: Profs. Domingos Barbosa da Silva, Clo"is Eug0nio de Ya scollcelos Chaves, Walter de ~ I oura Cantidio, Alberto F el'­llalldez Cal'taxo, Jorge Loho, ~ehastiao de Almeida Prado Sampaio, Newton Alves Guimarars, Wald emir ~oares de l\ li1'an<1a, JorlO de Aguiar Pupo, Lui s Ma rino B cchc ll i, Ahraiio Hothcrg, Humhel·to Cerruti, Josefino Al r ixo, Antollio Carlos Pcrcira I<'i lho, OswHIdo Costa, Olinto Orsini de Castro, Clovis Bopp, rl'allcl'cdo Ah'cs V'ur­tado, 11.uy Noronha dc Miranda, Drs. Ham ilton Paulin o (lol1(lin , Ij:lson Dama sceno Lopcs, ~ l ario R osas, Dini7. OCinl:-i Botelho, ,A ntonio Euzobio da Costa Hodriguez, J os6 (,hagas c]c ?lrc(lc il 'os, Odorico de ~ rorais, Sil villo Lamartin e dc Faria , ~ raria }~l'aclit<l Lima de ~firanda , Oalwiel P el'azzo, Arthur B. Continho, Aldo de Sa Cardosa, }. r oacyr HC111'iqu e fIe ~ I clldonQa, Orlando (10 Barros I>imentel, Joso ~ l oaci1' de Alcantara ~ l ad ei1'a, Guy ~rouriio, Vitor ~ rl'ndes, Joa o da Si lva Silveiro Neto, Joso Stanciolli, ~\rart inian o Hoss i, AretillO CaValCallti de ~ ratos.

Lie-ti'flg Presid ent: Dr. Jose M. M. F ernandez r ice P resid ent s: Dr. R. G. Cochrane, Dr. K. KitammH Secretary-Treas urer : Dr. J, Boss Tnn es Councillors : I~ . Agricola, L. M. B echclli, K. R. Chatterjec, R Chau ssin ­

and, F . Contrcras, J. Convit, T . F. Davey, O. 1)iniz, DhHrl11 rncha , :-\. n. Fraser , J. N. Rodriguez.


Al'l'angements and procedures for the VITlth Interna tional Con­gr ess of Leprology, as in previous international cOllgresses, were made under the sponsor ship of officials of the host country, working closely with the officer s of the Tnternational Leprosy Association, rrhe Organ­izing Committee (COC IL), uncler the presidency of Dr. Fausto Gayoso Castelo Branco, set up and managed the Congr css thr ough thc se rvices of general officers, a general council and an executive committee.

Officer s of the Congress wer e elected as lloted below, Dr. Castelo Branco, Presid ent of COCIL, serving as P rcsidell t. Dr . .Jose ~ I . ~ r. I<'el'nandez, Vice-President of the Tnternatiollal Leprosy Associa ti.oll, se rved as Vice-President of the Cong]'c~ s in the abscnce of Dr. H. ,V. '\~ad e, President of the TJL, whose attendance was prevented hy ill­Hess. By officiall'egulation member s of the Congress compri scd natioll -

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:31 , -t News and Notes 4J5

al delega tes, institutional delegates and associate member s (including the wives of participants ) . Portuguese, English, Spanish and French were r ecogllized as official languages.

The major activities in the Congress consisted of a scientific pro­gram , a social program, meetings of the Council of the International Leprosy Association and a plenm·y s(' ss ioll of the Association. A Laelies Committee worked effi cientl? in ce1'taill phases of the prog ram alld social allel hO:'ip itality functions. Outlines of the general activit ies a r c presented in the following pages. rn1e scientific program consisted of panel, committee and round tabl e sess ion s, and the presentation of original papers. Pallel, round tahle and committee r eports, abstra cts of the original papers, a cond ensed account of the ILA council meet­ings and plenary session, and th e r eport of the Secretary-Treasurer of the lLA, a re ca rri ed in the following pages.

Officer s of the Congress Dr. Fausto (;ayoso Castelo Brallco, President of COCIL, P1'es'ident Dr. .Tose .H. ~r. F ernand ez, Vice- Pres ident of 1LA, Vice-Presiden t Dr . .T. Ross Inn es, Secr etary-General of ILA, F'irs t Sec1·etorv Dr. Orestes Diniz, Secretary-G ell eral of COC IL, Second S ecretary

As in pa st congresses, the International Leprosy Association wa!" ass igned l·esponsibility for the scientific program. As early as 1'950 tentative plans ,ver e initiated informally, in Geneva, in conver sations among Dr. ,Yade, President of th e Association, Dr. Fermindez, Vice­President, and Dr. Ores tes Dilliz of the prospective organizing group in Brazil. Formal arrangements were undertaken early in 1962 h~r the Brazilian National Organizing Committee (COCTL). By vote of tl1(' Coullcil of the Tnternational Lep rosy Association, Dr. F ernalidez was sell t to Hio de Jan eiro in April 1962 for dcfillitive arrangements on th e respective r espon sibilities of the two collaborating g roups.

Out of these mee tings came a detailed proposed selection of panel chairman and member s, as well as other arrang('ments for the Con­g r('ss . Final a l'rangements, including some revisions, for panel, rOUlld tabl e and committee activities, and presentation of papers, wer e made in c01Te~ponc1 ell ce between the r espective chairmen and the designated memhers of their group, mediated on an extensive scale through the office of ])1'. J. Ross hm es, Secretary-Treasurer.

r\ second representative of the Association, Dr. K Muir, visited Rio de .Janeiro in the late summ el" for further conver sations allC1 ar­rangements integrating the roles of the local national organizing group and th e Association. Throughout the deliberations the late Dr. J. \. Doull , who him self visited Rio de Jan eiro ill 1962, was helpful as an ill fo rmal advisor.

Although changes in detail s took place, the final estahlishm ellt of the scient ific program wa s close to that envision ed in principl e at the close of the Tokyo Congr ess in 19!'58.

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446 I nte1'1lO,tionol J ournal of Deprosy


The list of actual participants in the Congr ess, supplied by its sec­r etar iat, indicates that 374 persons r egistered as members. Th e figure does not include ladies and others who registered as associate members in order to attend the soc ial act ivities. Provi sion wa s mad e for attend­ance of local phys icia ns wi.thout formal r egistration.

ABRF;[J, Ih. J OSF; EDUA RDO, Hio de ,Jane iro, Brazil ABREU, DR. 1\1:ANrH~L ])E, Hio de Janeiro, Bmzil A I3R~~U, DR. WILSON MARQm}S m}, Rio de J aneiro, Brflzil ABU-M~}RHY, DR. MIG UEL E., Hio de Jllneiro, Brazil A])Rf, DR. FAUzr, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil AGRICOLA, DR. ERNANf, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil AGUIRRE D~} GONZALEZ, DR. AMEI. IA, Asuncion, Paragua y AK INTONDE, DR. DAVID A., OSSlOAlO, V{estem N ige ria ALElXO, DR. JOS~:FINO, Belo Horizonte, Brazil A LolllEroA , DR. JOSE OLlVJ<:lRA DEl, Ribeiriio Preto, Brazil AUf ETI)A , DR. NELSON CAMILO DE, Hio de Janeiro, Brazil ALONSO, DR. AVELINO MIG UEZ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil AWNso-NIETO, DR. J . L., Sao P aulo, Brazil ALVARENGA, DR. ARNALDO E., Asuncion, Paragua y AItUBLES y PIPO, DR. NLit NUEL, Madrid, Spain AMBROSETTI, DR. F~}I.lx K, Buenos Aires, Argentina AMORE'I'TI B[.ANCO, DR. AQUILES R ENE, Montevideo, Uruguay ANAUATI, DR. ERN ESTO, Buenos Aires, Argentina ANDRADE, DR. JORGE COSTA, Salvador , Bahia, Brazil ANDRA])E, DR. LYGIA M. C., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ANDRADE, DR. RAIMUNDO S. C., Hio de Jnneiro, Brnzil A NTIA, DR. NOSHIR H., Bombay, India AQUINO, DR. TOMAS I., Chicago, JII., U.S .A. ARAUJO, DR. SEBASTIAO F 'ERREIR A ])El, Vitoria , E f; pirito Sa nto, Brazil ARVELO, DR. J. J., Caracas, Venezuela AYA!.A URIBE, MA. Guadalupe, i\'Iexico, D.F., 1'I{exico AZ~::VE])O, DR. J OAO GARCIA DE., Belo Horizonte, Brazil AZEVEDO, DR. MURIW P ACA, Sao Paulo, Brazil AzULAY, DR. ELIAS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil AZUI. AY, DR. R UBEM DAVro, Rio de .Janeiro, Brll zil

BA CCARIH:DD.\ ·.BOY, DR. ALDO, Gellonl, Italy BAETA, DR. JOAO DAMASCENO, Sao Joao del Rei, ~linas Ge rais, Brazil BALTNA, DR. LUIS lVfARIA, Buenos Aires, Argentina B .. I.RANGER, DR. PIERRE lVI., Paris, F rance BARBA RUBIO, DR. Josf:, Guada lajara, Mex ico BARBOSA, DR. AUGUSTO DE ALMEIDA, Uniao da V ictoria, Parana., Brazil BARCI.AY, DR. CARLOS A ., Buenos Aires, Argentina BARROS, DR. JOSE MARTINS DB, Sao Paulo, Brazil BASSET, DR. ANDRE, Dakar, Senegal, Africa. BECHELJ.I, DR. LUIZ M., Geneva, Switzerland BEIGfJE LMA N, Dn. BERNARDO, Sao Paulo, Brazil

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::\1 , -t N C1VS and 11' ol l'S

13 ElLDA , DR. 'VALTER, Sao Plwlo, Brazil BELTRAN, DR. ~IARro SAIlSOSA, Quito, Ecuador BERGELJ DR. MENY, Rosario, Argentina BERNARD, DR. PIERRE MAURJCE, Paris, France BIAGINI, DR. ROBERTO K, Cordoba, Argentina BIANOHI, DR. OSCAR J. VICENTEl, Buenos Aires, Argentina BINFORD, DR. CHAPMAN H., 'Washington, D. C., U.S.A. BLY, Mrss MARJOIUE r. , Peng Hu, Taiwan BONHOnJ, DR. ' VIr.LIXlI[ T., Rio ile Janeiro, Brazil Bopp, DR. CUWIS, Porto Alegre, R.io Grande do Sui, B razi l BOIlSANI, DR. REN~, Rosario, Argentina. BRAGA, DR. R ENATO PACHF.CO, Sao Paulo, BI'Il7.il BRAND, DR. MAIlGAIlET E., Veil ore, India BRAND, DR. PAUL vV., Vellore, India BRAKDAO Fn,Ho, DIl . AOOLPllO, Rio de Janeiro, Bra7.il BR.>\KT, DR. ADHElIblR PIMENTA, Belo Horizonte, Brazil BREOHET, DR. RODOLPllE A., Ca luquem be, Angola BROWKE, DIl. STANLEY G., Uzuakoli, }<~astel'l1 Nigeria BRUSCO, DR. CAIlLeS M., Buenos Aires, Argentina BUENO DE :MESQUITA, DR. S. J., Pa.ramaribo, Su rinam Bur. I,OCK, DIl. DONALD, Cochabamba , Bolivia Buu-Hor, DIl. N. P., Paris, F rance

CAMAIN, DIl. Rom:R'l', Dakar, Senega l, Africa CAMPOS, DIl .. NKLSON SOUZA, Sao Paulo, Brazil CANTIDIO, DIl. WALT~~R DE MOURA, Fortaleza, Ceanl , Brazil CAPR,IRA, DR. G.IBRTEr,Fl, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil CARAYOX, DR. ANDRE, Marseille, France CARBOXT, DIl. EDUARDO A., Rosario, Argentina CARDAi\fA, DR . .TosE E., Buenos A ires, Argentina CARLOTTf, DR. C AlU..oS G., Ribeirao Preto, Brazil CARSI YEIlC~;Z, DIl. FF5J,IPE, Fontilles, Spa in CARVAT. HO, DIl .• 1osE C. DE SOUZA, Sao Paulo, Brazil CARVALHO, DIl. KELSON, S5.0 Paulo, Brazil CARVAL HO NE'rO . DIl. EDUAIlDO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil CASTEL, DIl. ESTEll, Xiteroi, Rio de J aneiro, Brazil CASTELO BIlA~CO, DIl. FAUSTO GAYOSO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil CASTIlO, DIl .. INALJO MAIlTTKS DE, Rio de Janei ro, Brllzil CEDENO, DR. GUILHERJlfE, E., Biliboa, Panama CHANG, DR. YAO Tmr, Bethesda, Md., U.S.A. CHATTERJEE, Dr.. K. R.., London, England CHAVES, DIl. CLOVIS E. v., Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brazil CHOUELA, DR. AT.FIlEDO, Buenos Aires, Argentina COCHRAXE, DIl. ROBEIlT G., London, E ngland COELHO, DR. JOEL TEIXEIIlA, Belo Horizonte, Brazil CONTRERAS DUENAS, DR. 1<Thrx, Madrid, Spain CO~VIT, DR. JAUINTO', Caracas, Venezuela COUTINHO, DR. ARTHUR B., Recife, P ernambuco, Brazil COUY, DIl. MAFll.~N AJlIlANT~~S, Florianopolis, Sa nta. Cata rina, B razi l CROWTHER, MR. C. 1., New York, N. Y., U.S.A. CZARTOIlYSKI, DIl. OLIGIERD, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

])A. , DR. V ICTOR P., P Ullllia, India ])AVF,Y, DIl. T. FIlANK, London, England


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4-18 hdenwtional Jolt?"1wl of Lcpj'Osy

DELGADO, DR. B ARTOLON! ~ SAGAR6, Havana, Cuba DEINILLE, DR. J E.~l\, Eli sa bethvilIe, Hepublic of Congo DERROM, ~1l ss DEurA, Washington, D. C., U.S.A. DHAR:~H: :-mRA, DR., Chingleput, India. DC\Jz, DR. ORP-s'rES, Belo Horizonte, Brazil DOME~I CI, DR. HODOVAI,HO ?l1ENDES, (;oiflnia, Goias, Bl'azil f) uAH-rl'l, DR. ARlI[INDA M., Nitel'oi, Hio de Janeiro, Bl'flzil DUPON'!', On. JOIW~; , Buenos Ail'es, Al'gcntina.

EFRAIN, DR. SOLARTE ALAVA, Nn.riii o, Colullibia ESTRADA S ILOS, DR., Corlceprioll , Mexi('O, D.F., Mexico

}'AGGI N, DR. J'OAO ERNESTO, Sao Paulo, Brazil FARIA, DR. SILVINO LAMARTINE m:, ='illtal, Hio Grandc do Korte, Bl'azil ]<-'A RUI S, Du. GUlDO, Genoa, Jtaly FAVERO, On. WA NDYCK DEl., H.io de Janeil'o, Brazil FELni\IAN, DR. 'i-'i ' n.J:,lAlIf I-I., 'Wfl~hington, D. C., U.S.A. ]<-'ER.l'ANDElZ, DR. JOSE M. M., Hosario, Al'gentina FERREIRA, DR. ESTHER M. PI N'ro, Petl'opolis, Hio de J aneil'o, Bnlzil FERREIRA, DR. l\IANm:L, Rio de Janeil'o, Brllzil FIGUEIHA, DR. RENA TO RAIMUNDO, Rio de Janeiro, Bl'flzil ]<-'OLLEREJIU, MR. RAour" Paris, France FO~ SE ii, DR. ADOLFO 1M, Pitangui, ~1ina s Gerais, Brill,:il FRAN CO, DR. HJ<;LlO D UPIN , Belo Horizonte, Brazil ]<-' RA SER, DR. NEIL D., London, Englflnd FHE:\KEN, DR. JOShlPH I-I., Aruba, Netherll1nds Antilles FUKUTO~IE, DR. I SA1I1u, Tokyo, Japan FURT.~DO, DR. TAXCREDO A., Belo I-Iol'izonte, Brflzil

GAGO, DR. JOS EFA G., Buenos Aires, Argentina (;ALEA~O, DH. JUAN ANTONIO, Asuncion, Paraguay GASPERT NI, DR. C, GASPERINO, Hio de Janeiro, Brazil GATTI, DR. JUAN C., Buenos Ail'es, Argentina GLlQUIKTO, DH. MARlO, Geneva, Switzel'lanrl GIBSON, DR. CAR-AIENCITA BARBOSA, Hio de Jflneiro, Bl'llzil GrMI NEZ, DR. MANUEl, M., Resisteneil1, Chaco, Argentina GOLDs'n;IN, DR. JOSE A., Buenos Aires, Argentina GOKZALEZ, DR. JU"\N SrNFERTAN0-, SI1PUCI1Y, Paraguay GOXZAI:'EZ DEI, CERRO, DR. SEBASTIA N, Rosario, Argentina GRAY, DR. CARL, Clevelanrl, Ohio, U.S.A . GRIFFITHS, DR. PETER G., Broken Hill, Northern Hhode~ia GUlKTO, DR. RICARDO S., Cebu, Philippines

HADLER, DH. 'i-'i1A LTIC'Il, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil H .UIAXO, DR. KIKUO, Tokyo, J apa n HANKS, DR. JO}fX H., Baltimore, Md., U.S .A. HARGRAVE, DR ... TOHN C., Darwin, Austl'alia HASSELBT,AD, DR. OLIVER W ., New York, N. Y., U.S.A. HASSELMANN, DR. C. MAX, Erlangen, Germany I-IER~{'~NS, DR. EDUARD H., Rotterdam, Netherlands HEH.MONT, DR. HYLTON, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil HERRERO·PAU, DR. JOSE, Basel, Switzerl and HIRAXO, DR. NOHIMASA, Tokyo, Japan Hm. AL, DR. MILAN TUMA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil HUERTA, DR. RTJPER'l'O, Washington, D. C., U.S.A.

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:~ 1, -I- .\'C II '8 (Iud Notes

11ll AP I \" .1, DR. CARLOS POWn~ I "I , 'j'PI'('ZiIlH , Pian!, BJ'llzil L\lAEDA, DR. T.utOTSU, CflJ'IlCIlS, Venezuela Ix:-a~s, DR. J. Ross, London, England

.L\l)l~, DR. J'J;;AK-BAPTIS'l'J;;, An ve l'~, Belgiulll JAGADl 0:-1, DR. T. ~., 'Jladl'il S, India JAXSSF.};S, DR. Pn:n~R C., Antwerp, Belgium JOR, DR. C. K ., Lo nd on, England .}OPLlXG, DR. I\~ I LLI AM n ., Ecll'lswood, SUl'rey, EnglHnd .J O:-lQu 1 ~In;s, DR. E. D. L. , Bu('no~ Ai I'l'S, j\ rg'pnt ina JORJ)Y, DR. CE1If, F~;1lI1r,:IRA, Riio Paulo, BI':lzil

J"AIIX, DR. IIILJ)~; , X itrroi, Bi o ell' .JaIwil'o, Bl'ili\il KALIL, DR. NJ;; 1D8 S TlXA, Xiteroi, Rio dr Jilnriro, Brai\il K k M] };SKY, DR. ANA ROS8~'I'HAL nr,:, Buenos A ires, Arge ntina K .UllKSKY, DR. CARLOS A., Buenos Aires, Al'gentina KATLENELSON, DR. 1'\ 1 SlO, Coneol'diH, Entre Hio, Argentina KATO, DR. LASZLO, ~lontreill, CilIHlfla K~: b'P~~R, MISS LUlU, Siio Paulo, Bl'llzil K E'lvrANUlV\K, DR. CH,ll smr, Bangkok, Thailand KJIl.CHH J<,'l~H)R, DR. IVAl,DEMAR l<'., CilI'vill e, LI1 ., U.S.A. Kr'I'AMURA, DR. KANEKIKO, Tokyo, Japiln KLI .... G.\l UELL~:R, DR. GE011G, } luenst('r, Gerlllany K NALLINSKY, DR. MARCOS, Buenos Ail'es, Argentina KIlT .... Em, Dil. JosE, Buenos Aires, Al'gentina K UPE11, D11. SYDNEY IV. A., London, England

LACEIlDA FILHO, DR . :JIAUlll CIO DE, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil LAKGSFORD, DR. VVILLIAM A., Darwin, Australia LA NGUIr,LON, DR. JEAN, Bamako, Republic of 'JIali, Afl'iCI1 LAREDO, DR. MANUEL SCOA .... E, Buenos Ail'PS, 1\ l'gentina I ,,\TAPl, DR. FEI<NANDO, ::\Iexieo, D.F., .\11ex ieo LATERZA, DR. A~I ELIA MAIlTA, Rosario, Argentina L ECJ-l Nr, DR. ;\11 CJ-l EL 1<'., Baltilliore, ::\ld ., U.S .A. L EI'l'E, DR .. A UGUSTO SATJAZA R, Lisbon, POl'tugrll L EONAIlDO, Dil. GnFx;6HIO GON\:ALVr,:S, Hio de Jnn piro, Brllzil LEW, DI~. J OON, Seoul, K orea. Luu, DR. J OAQTJUr FnAGA, Ri o de Jflneiro, Brazil LI1I[A, DR. L,,\ URO DE SOUZA, Summ'e, Siio Paulo, Brazi l LDIBOS, DR. P AUL, Antwerp, Belgium LIRA, DR. OIAVO DE AKDIlADE, Hio de Janeiro, Brazil LO I~ s, D11 .. JosE R ODRIG UEZ, Belo HOl'izon te, Brazil LOISON, DIl .. GU I', KouJl1l'a , Xew Caledonia LO:-lJ)o~o, ]JR. FABJOo, BogotA, ColOlllbia LOPES, DR. Cm FE11 Il ETll A, Belo H Ol'izonte, Brllzi l LOPES, DR. ELSON D.nrAscENO, Rio Branco, Acre, Brl1zil Lu cENA, DIl .. C,\RLOS EDUARDO, Rosa ri o, Argentina

McI NNES, DR. GfJORGE P., Augusta, Ga., U.R.A. l\JA mmo, DR. OSMARlO BORGES D~~ , Tatuape, Siio Paulo, Brazi l 'JIACHAJ)O, DR. EDTA C\' CAMPOS, ~itel'oi, Hio de J:lJlP iro, B razil 'J(ADElIl.A, DH. JosE JL ALCANTAHA, Siio I aulo, Brazil MAGORA, DI~ . AU,,""ANDER, Jerusillelll, I srael l\IA NGEON, Dil . G1LBER'I'O, Bio dl' .J aneiro, Brazil


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450 I11l e1'ltational J 0'lt1'nal of Leprosy

MARA"SHAO, DH. DJBULO BATIS'!'A, BalTa, Mansa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil lV[ARGOTTJ, DR. FRANCESCO CAl\[I NADA, Cambu<luil'a , Minas Gerais, Brazil :MARINT, DR, VE~ANUO, Macerata, Italy MARQm:s, DR. AKTONIO L.,(zARO V., Sao Paulo, Brazil MARROQUT, DR. ARS~: NIO MTNs.u" Havana, Cuba :VIAR'rn,'s, DR.. VINI CIO BRAZILEIIlO, Paranavai, Paran}), Brazil MAIlZETTT, DR . . ANGKL, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1[A'1''I'OS, DR, OSMAR, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil MATTSON, DR, BWN' G., Bokoba, Tangallyika MAUIU, DR, ANTONIO CA llWS, Sao Paulo, Brazil M&4Al\O}D, DR. ALB~~R'I.·O JAIME:, Buenos Ail'es, Argenti na MEuLO, DR, AGENOR m;, Rio de Jnnpiro, Brazil Ml<JNDES, DR, JOf' f; PESSOA, Sao Paulo, Brazil MENDONCA, DR. MILTON' DORTAS DE, Araeajll, Sergipe, Brazil MERCAU, DR. AUGUSTA R., Rosario, Argentina MESQUITA, DR. R.AuL FERRAZ DE, Sao Paulo, Brazil MINGOIA, DR. QUINTINO, Sao Paulo, Brazil MIRANDA, JR" DR, JOAO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil :MrRANDA, DR,. Rur NORON'HA DE, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil MORR, DR, WERNER, Hamburg, Germany i'l[OI:.ANO, DR, VIO'I'OR CAWERON, Bogota, Co lombia MOT"ESWORTH, DR. B. DAVJD, Elmina, Ghana M~T'L}:;R-C}JRlSTE'~SEN, DIl. VILHEl,M, Roskilde, Denmark MONTAIGNE, S ISTER M, MAGDAlJ}}XA N J, Spanish Town, Jamaica MON'l'ESTRUC, Du, ETIENNE, Fort de France, Martinique MORAES, DR. MA~OEIJ OOORICO DEl, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil MORENO, DR. SAUL RUJELES, Socorro, Santander, Colombia MOREY DE SOTELO, DR. HORTENSIA, Lillla, Pel'll MORIS, DR. ROGER, Yonda, Rerpublic of Congo :MORRISON, DR. KORMAN E., Baltilllore, Md" U,S.A. MOTTA, DR. LA URO PINHEIRO, Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil MOURA, DR, Jo.\() DE BRITO ATHAIDEJ, Joao Pessoa, Pernambuco, Bmzil

N AKAl\IURA, Dp.. RHIG UEO, Ribeil'ao Pre to, Sao Paulo, Brazil NAKLIYAl\IA, DR. TETSU, Tokyo, Japan NEUHAUSFJR, DR. IREN E, Chicago, IlL, U,S.A, KEYES, DR. MARIA DA CONCErC:AO DA COSTA, Sao Paulo, Brazil KEVES, DR. RE~E GARRIDO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil KISHTMURA, DIl. SHINJJ, Osaka, Japan KISHIURA, DR. :.'IfJTSUG U, Kyoto, Japan NO,JIMA, DR. TALlI, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan NUDENBERG, DR. BER~ARDO, Rosa rio, Arg-entina XOGC~IIU , DR. LOl.i RIVAI , DE OI,WEIRA, Volta Redomln, Rio de Janeiro, BrHzil

O'BYRNE, DR. AR'1'UIlO, Cal i, Colombia Om:':, DR. E1-IlLTA, Manyemen, Cameroun OLTETE BENnn:u. DR. JOAQUlM, FontiIIes, Spain ONOFRE, DR. ORLAKDO JOSE DE PAIVA, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil OPROMOI.I"A, DR, DII.'rOR VLADIMIR ARAUJO, Sorocaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil ORcsco-HER~ANDO, DR. MARINO, Rabat, Morocco

PACHECO, DR. JOSE N~~VES DEl SOUZA, Sao Paulo, Brazil PADIN, IRMA MARIA VIOI"ETA, Concei<;ao do Araguaia, Para, Brazi l PL\T.~fEJRA, DR, N"ORl\fA MARIA RIBEIRO, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

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31, -l: News and Notes

p ,\nK, DR.YOO); BIN, Taegu, Korea PATTYN, DR. STE,'AN R., Antwerp, Belgium PEDnINO[,A, DR. VITTORIO, Sao Paulo, Brazil PEr~I~EGRlNO, DR. DUlLIo) Bauru, S5,0 Paulo, Brazil PEJREJR.A, DR. CAHI,oS A. CLIRVALHO, Juiz de FOI'a, Minas Gel'llis, Brazi l PER~~IRA, DR. J LICY RODnI GUEZ, Belo Horizonte, Bl'llzil PERElHA, On. LUlz CAnLos, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil PER~~IRA, DR. PAULO CERQUt;IHA R., Belo Horizonte, Brazil PEREIRA F ILHO, Dlt. ANTON IO CAltLOS, .Jui z de Font, :Minns GCJ'H is, Bl'nzi l PEREZ, Dn. JAIME, Bogotii, COIOlllhill PERFJZ, DR. JOSE BEnNARDO ROJAS, Ca li , Coloillbill. Pt~RF.lZ-S UA nEZ, Dn. OWRIA, Guadalajara, ~'lex i co

PERYASS U, Dn. DEMETRIO B. GON~A1Nt;S, Bio de Janeiro, Brllzi l P~~scr,;, DIt. H UGo, Limn, Peru PETTIT, Dn. JOHN H. S., Sungei Buloh, Ma laya PlANA, DR. Ct:mlR, Belo Horizonte, Brazil PIERINI, DR. LUls E., Buenos Aires, Brazil PINTO, Dn. THWFILO LIMA, Ubn, Minas Gerais, Brazil PLASENCIA FILHO, Dn. FF~I,IX, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PONDE, DIt. ARMANDO, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil PONTES, DR. FRANCISCO EULER, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil POnTUGA T" DR. H1LDEBltANDO M., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil POURCHET, DR. EUNICE, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PRADINAUD, DR. ROGER, Dakar, Senega l, Africa PRASERTSLIRJWUT, DR. PHAIROJ, Bangkok, Thailand PRENDES, DR. MIGUEL GONZALEZ, Cristo, Oriente, Cuba PRICE, DR. ERN~:ST W., Addis Ababa, Ethiopia PUGLISI, DR. JosE LUIS, Posadas, A rgentina P UPO, DR. JOIIO HE AGUlAn, Siio Paulo, Brazil

QUAGI,IATO, Dn . Rt:YXALDO, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil QUEVt:DO DE ConD1VIOr: .. A, DIt. CEI,IA , Buenos Aires, Argentina QUlTWGA, On .. JonGE SUAnt::z, La Paz, Bolivia

RABELO NETO, Dn. AMERTCO VIEIM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil RABE1LT~O, DR. Ii'HAN CISCO EDUARDO, Bio de Janeiro, Brazil RAMIREZ, DR. J UAN AGUlLAIt, Lima, Peru RAMIREZ RAMOS, DR. J ULIA, Asuncion, Paraguay RH{()S, DR. FAmo PLINIO m~ CARVALHO, Goiania, Goias, Brazil RAMOS, DR. Jos{.; CUSTODIO PIRES, Belo Horizonte, Brazil REDDY, DR. K. ~L, Kuala. LumpID', Malaya REES, DR. RICHARD J . ' V., London, England REGINATO, DR. LUIZ EUGEN IO, Sao Paulo, Brazil Rooo, DR. CLAUDIO LIsnOA DE MOHAES, Siio Luiz, :'\ial'anh50, Brazil RENNAUD, DR. JEA N, Daklll', Senegal RIDLEY, DR. DE~~JS S., London, England RIOS, DIt. FEDERI CO S., Asuncion, Paraguny ROBSON, Du.. JO[]~ H., London, England RoOHA, DR. CJC~}RO COELHO DE ABREU! Flol'iano, Piau!, Brazi l BOCHA, DR. Jos(; MARIL\ GARCEZ, Goiania, Goia , Brazil RODRIGUEZ, DR. EDUARDO, A,'uncion, Paraguay RODRIGUEZ PUCHOI~, DR. JULIO, Madrid, Spni n B,oT~T~JElTt, DR. RENE, Casablanca, Morocco BOSSAS, DR. TJro-MAZ POMPEU, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


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4;')2 IJlt1'1'nati(m(ll J om'nat of ]A)PI'O.~.IJ

HOSS I, DR . :'IIARTI:\IA:-<O, Goiania, Goias, BJ'llllil ROTnERC, DR .. ABRAAO, Sao Paulo, Bmzil Roy, DR. A. 'J'. , Purulia, India RUDGE, DI~. CARLOS E. R. TE1JLF:S) Sao Paulo, Brazil Russm.L, DR. Doum.As A., POI·t Y[orcshy, Terr. P ap ua fHld Xpw Guinea

SAGli ERT, DR. RI CA RDO ]i'., BUP1l0S Air('s, Argentina SACHER, DR. F~~J, IX , J!'rusnlelll, Israel SA IJAZAR, DR. Dm.F I ~ gr,I7,ONDO, San Jose, Costa Rien SAfJE, ', :'I[ERE :JLlRH~ FR1,N CO LS DE, Lyon, France SAU:S FILII O, DR, i\(;OS'L' I:-< II O, Belrlll, P a l':1, BrHzil SALO~:[AO, DR. 1\r.~ IHA DE LOlJIW~;S , Suo Paulo, B I'azil SAAl l' DIO, DR. IJ ES IIH:RIO :'IJ ~:7.A, Asun cion, Paraguay SANSARR1CQ, DR . 1Il' nEIl'I', Bnlllflko, Hepubli r of Mali, ,\ fl'il'H

AKTAHAYA, DR. ]i;M1LlO, Burnos Aires, Argentina SATO, DR. SABeRO, Senrlai, Japan SAUl" Dlt. A linDo, :'I[cx ico, D.F., .!\[ex i(·o SCHALLER, DR. KMlL F., Add is Ababa, Ethiopia R(;HglD~', DR. ARY, CU l'itihll, Pal'l1nll, Brazil SOHENCK, DR. ROBEwr R ., Cll li forni a, Pennll., U.S.A. SC HMIIYl', DR .. T01-I:\ n., Asuncion, Pal'agullY SCHNEIDER, DR. JEAN, Pfll'is, Franrc SCHU.DfAX, DR. SAL0110N, HOSlll'io, Al'grntina RCOIlI:"L I.I .JR. , Ih. ACIIII.U:R, Hio de .Janf'il'o, Brallil R~;G ll RA-nOS, Ih . . JosE, B russels, BelgiuIII SERIAL, DR. A['CGSTO, Rosal'io, Argentina SERODlO. DR. EURI CO de AHIlA IR. Sao Paulo, Brazi l SHEPARD, DR. CHARLES C., Atlflllta, Ga., U.S.A. SILES, DR. XOR,I, La Paz, Bolivia S rrJvA, DR. A)IlLCAR CARVAI,EO DE, Rio de Janeiro, Brazi l SILYLI, C .I~D!DO DE OLIVEIRA E, Ri o de Janeiro, Brazil S rrJvA, UH. JOAO RA ,IIOS E, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil S ILVA, DH. :'I[A~l'EI~ S.I:-< 1'OH, 'rocha, Portugal S [LVA, DH. }[AtrI:l CIO :\'lAHTISR DE, 'Washington, D. C., I' .S.A. SnJVA, Dn. XELSOX D1.1 8 DA, Xiteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil SnxA, DR. XILROS CAHVAI,11 0 D~:', Xiteroi, R io de Jfllleil'o, Bnlzil SJfjVA, JR., DR. :'ILl RC}:r.O, Rio de Janpi ro, Brazil STLHllRA, DR. AnEMIR RODHIGUE8 1M, Xiteroi, Rio fIe Janeiro, Brazil STLVEIRA, DR. LrSSET: :'ILI'l'TOS 1M, Sorac<lba, Sio P aulo, Brazil STiXE1RA XETTO, DR. JOAO DA S IIXA, Porto E legl'e, Rio Gnlllrle do Sui, Brazil SrMBRON, DR. LEO~IDAS ESP.~XA, La Paz, Boli"ia RISIH IJ ..\ Q., DR. (;.-IHI.08, Caracas , Vcnpzu!' ln SKTX8:-<~:S, Dil . OLAF K ., Chicago, Til., U.S .A. SO'l'ELO, DH. :'I1AXUr~ L, LilllH, PCI'll :-;P I C K~:T'I·. Ih . RTCIIlT (;., Call1 bl'idge, England SPISA-FHAS~A, Dn. A:-<'['o:-<w, Sao Paulo, Brazil S'l'AXClOLT, DH. JOSE, Belo H Ol' izo nte, Brazil STOc( 0, Bil. L IO, J 1'8;;0 I'e, ~~ast Pakistan SUSH]I)O, DR. K IYO, Tokyo, Jilpan SL'8~I AX, DR. 1. "\ ., :\I~ul sll konko, Ollllihin • 'Z PEIl, DR. GUS'PAWA D., Np\\' York, ~. Y., U.S.A.

'f .IKARHD[A, DR. SrIl Gl<:TAKA, Okayallla, Japan T .W.A IH~S, DH. ITx!lfAR, Belo Uorizonte, Bl'fll:i l

Page 12: NEWS AND NOTES - ILSLila.ilsl.br/pdfs/v31n4a04.pdf · Dr. Zeferino Vaz, S ecretary of Health, State of Sao Paulo l'~xmo. Sm. Dr. Mario Pinotti, Member, National Council of Health

:n , .j. Neu;s and Not es

TEPPlw, Dn. BYIlo~ S., Baltimore, IUd., U.S. A. TEn~: N ('10 m; LA S AG u!ls, Dn. JOSE, li'ontiJles, Spain TTNoco, DR. Dl 'IlVAL GUI!>{ARAES, Rio de J anciro, Brazil TOLEDO, DR. H ElTOR PEIXO'l.'O, Uba, Minas Gerais, Brazil TOLEN'l'lNO, DR. JOSB G., Cebu, Philippines

TRA U'J'MAN , Dn. JOli N H., Cn l'vill t" La., 1'.S.A. THEO, DR. MAH.JETA MAZOVEC, Ri o de Janeil'o, Brll7.il Tnl N ITE, SOEl'n :JLIUIE DE LA, Lyon, Fn1l1<:e

l:ssn;:, Du. Bou~s uLl, CUl'itiba , Pill'illlil, Bl'a7.il

'WA1 SMA~, Dn. H1TA, Resistencia, Charo, Argrntina VV' AL I,ACE, Dn. PETEns, Basel, S\\'it7.erlalld ,\VAl.T En, DIl .. J OA Q1 ' nr, Elmill:1 , Ghana ,\TA'I'EIl S, DR. lIiI CHA EI, F. R. , Lonc10n, England ,\VEAVEIl, 1\fns. Erx lcE, Ri o de Janeiro, Brazil WHl~'EIJ.~W) Dil. JAHIE PEDno, Montevideo, Uruguay WIERSEMA, Dn. JA~ P., 'Washington, D. C., U.S.A. 'YJLKINSON, DR. F'EI.1X F ., Munro, Al'gentina 'WILSON, Dil. GE.RALD K., Newcastl e-on-Tyne, England WRIGHT, DR. FREDElllCK J An'IES, Edinburgh, Srotland

YAn[ADA, Dn. SAGUnO, Tokyo, Japan YANAGISAWA, Dn. K EN, Tokyo, Jnpan YANAGISAWA, DR. NOBUYOSHI, Tokyo, .Japa n YOSJ-lIE, YOSHlO, Tokyo, Japan

ZAVALA SAEXZ, Dn. ARMANDO, Buenos Aires, Argentina ZEO, Dil . ARX ,ILPO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Co untries and terr'it01'ies r·epresented.-The number of countries and t erritories represented at the Congress (53) was sig.nificantly greater than that at the ,]~okyo Congress in 1958 (42). ~rhe increase in part reflects the es tablishment of new nations in the interim, many of which have serious leprosy problems. Of the 374 attendants at the Congress 155 were from the host country, Brazil. Argentina, with 42, also had a high representation . '1'he United States, the United King­dom, Japan and France were next in number of registrants. The num­hers of coun hit's and t erri tor les r epresen ted a t previous congresses wer e : Cairo, 49; Havana, 40; :Uadrid , 50.


Counl ry Memb el's CO llntl'Y lIIemb el's

Angola 1 Colombia 7 Argentina 42 Congo, Rep. of 1 Austr'alia 2 Costa Hi ca 1 Belgium 6 Cuba 3 B l'azi l 155 Denmal'k 1 Bolivia 4 Ecuador 1 Cameroun 1 Ethiopi n 2

Cannda 1 France 10 Chil e 1 Germany 3

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I ntCj'l1(1,i'imwl '/u/(,/''I/,ol of !.-('P /'osy

CO\J~'rRms M;O TI':RRl 'I?ORI ES REPR.ES ~~N T~~O (Cont,)

Co unl1'y U r n/li eI" Countl'y J.{ e Ill UP I'8

Gmnbia 1 Pakistan, East 1 Ghana 2 Pal'ag'ua y 9 India 5 Peru 4

I srael 2 Philippinrs 2

Italy 6 Portugal 2

Jamaica 1 Hhodesia, ): ol'thcm 1

Japan 15 Sencgal -l

Korea 2 Spain 6

Malaya 2 Surinam 1

Mali, Rep , of 1 Sweden 1

Mexico 6 SwitzeJ'land 2

Morocco 2 Taiwan 1 Netherlands 1 Thailand 2

Netherlands Antilles 1 United Kingdoll l 17

New Caledonia 1 United States 21

Nigeria 2 Uruguay 2

Panama 1 Venezuela -±

Papua/New Guinea ] 37+



9 a.m. Registration and presentation of credentials. 10 a.m. Meeting of the International Leprosy Association (ILA).

5 p.m. Preparatory plenary session. 6 :30 p.m. Cocktail party under the P ergola, Copacabana Palace,

Hotel, given by the Organizing Committee. 9 p.m. Formal opening session.

FORENOON. mission.

AFTERNOON. mi ssion.


Round Table on Pathology and Experimental Trans-

Round Table on Pathology and Experimental Trans-

AFTERNOON. Sightseeing tour of the city of Rio de Janeiro, gi\Ten by the Secretariat for Tourism, S tate of Guanabara.

SA1'URDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH FORENOON. Round Table on Borderlin e and Ind eterminate L ep-

rosy. AFTERNOON. Round Table on Borderlin e and Indeterminate Lep­

rosy. AFTERNOON. Horseracing at the Brazilian Jockey Club, wher e th e

Grand Prize in honor of the "VIII Tntel'l1ational Congress of Lep­rology" ·was awarded.

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;)1, -! N ews and Nol es 455


FORENOON. Boat trip on G uanabara Bay, given by the Secre-tariat for Tourism, State of Guanabara.

AFTERNOON. Barbecue given by the Organizing Committee.



Panel on Lepra R eaction. Panel on Therapy. Cocktail part.v and jewel parade, given by H. Stern.

T UESDAY, SE]>'n: '\[BEl~ 17TH

FOUEKOON. Panel on Epidemiology and Control. AFTEUNOON. Panel on Bacteriology and Immunology . AFTEUNOON. Tea given by the F ederation of Assistance to Lepers

and L epro. y Control Societies.


FouEKooN. Panel on Education and Social Aspects. FORENOON. Bus trip to T eresopolis and PGtropolis. Lunch given

by the Mayor of Teresopolis. AFTERNOON. Panel on Physical ~rec1 i cin e and R ehabilitatiOll. AFTERNOON. 'Showing of color film s of Brazil and Rio de Janeiro,

in the Golden Room, Copacabana Palace Hotel.


FouENooN. Panel on Surgery and Vocational Training. AFTEUNOON. Vi sits to the Natl011a l Leprosy S ervice, Leprology

Institute and Frei Antonio HO F;pital, or to Sanatorio-Colania Tavares de Macedo, Itabora!, State of Rio de Janeiro, or Educandario Vista Alegre, Sao GongaJo, State of Rio de Janeiro.

AFTEUNOON. R eception at the headquarters of the magazine "0 Cruzeiro.' ,

9 a .m. 10 a.m .

12 noon 2 p.m.

tion (ILA).

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH Meeting of the General Council. Adjournment of the P lenary Se sion. Formal closing session. Meeting of Council of the International L eprosy Associa-

3 p.m. Meeting of the International Leprosy Association (ILA) . 4 p.m. Fashion parade and tea at the Mesbla department store. 9 p.m. Banquet and floor show at the Hotel Gloria, given by the

~ec l" etar i at fo r T OUl'i. m, State of Ouanahal'a.

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PROGRAM:lN SAO PAULO (under the auspices of the Goverllm ent of the State of Si'i() Paulo)

Saturda.IJ , Se ptel/lb er 21-~) a.m . Dcparturc from Rio d l' .Janciro by air for Sao Paulo. 9 p.m. ])inner at the Governor 's Palace pre­s ir10c1 OVCI' by Govcrllor \cicma r dc Barros.

Sunday, S ept ember 22-Yis it to Pirapitingui or St. Angelo Sanfl ­toria. E xcursion to a coffee farm (Fazel\da do Brcjo) alld harhecue at the Jockey Club. Cocktail s in the Tcrrasso ':\fartilli.


']' he opC'ning cer emon y of the COllg r C'ss was h0lc1 on the evellillg' of September 12 in the Auditorium of the Copacabana Palacc Hotel. His ExceUC'n cy, the Brazilian Minis ter of H ealth, Dr. ·Wilsoll Fadul, Oil 1)c­half of the President of the Republic alld th e Minis tJ·~· of H ealth C' x­tended a co rdial welcome to the di st inguish C'd1 eprolog ists alld ot11('1' at­telldillg scienti sts . H e strC'ssC'cl cunent prog')'C'ss in th C' control of lep­rosy throughout the world, and thC' ll eecl for in cr C'ascd sc icnti fi c and social effort in its maintenancc, placin g' spcc ial cmphas is on the neccs­sity for attack on leprosy as a puhli c health probl cm ill the fi cld of infectious disease. .

Dr. Fausto G. Castelo Branco, President of th e Congrcss , then ex­tended greetings and welcome on behalf of the leprologist;,; of Brazil. H e noted the significant part played by Brazil a s a cellter of research on leprosy, referred brieRy to pionee rs in the B razilian campaign, and described th0 wid espr ead program of the National L cprosy Service . H e ex tend ed his thanks on behalf of the Orgallizing Comnli ttcc to the Brazilian Government and the Millistry of H ea lth, alld his congratula­tion s to the International L epros.\' Association for its prcparation of a well rounded scientific program.

Dr. J. M. M. F el'l1and ez and D]'. K. Kitamura , vicc-pr(·::; idcnts of the International Leprosy Association, then addrcsscd the g roup on hehalf of the delegates , and Dr. M. Candau, Director (; cll cra l of the ,\r odd H ealth Organization, outlin ed the purposcs of the Cong ress, not­jng that it was the fir st occasion in which the ,Vodd H ealth Organiza­tion was represented. Dr. ,\Tilson F aclul gavc the closing' address .

'rhe Final Plenary Session wa s convened und er the Prcs idell c), of Dr. Castelo Branco at 9 a .m., Septcmber 20. Formal conclusion s fr om the Congress and the r ecommendation s of its panel s WC1'C approved. The Formal Closing Scssion was convened at noon. J. -:\f. M. FCl'lul.n­dez, newly elected Presid ent of thc Tnternational L cprosy .-\ ssociation, expr essed thanks to the Brazilian Government and its hcalth a uthori­ties and congratulated the Oro'anizing Committee on its successful management of the Cong ress. J. R. Puchol of Spain, in a memori al a(1(1ress , paid tribute to distingu ished leprologists who had di cd s in ce

Page 16: NEWS AND NOTES - ILSLila.ilsl.br/pdfs/v31n4a04.pdf · Dr. Zeferino Vaz, S ecretary of Health, State of Sao Paulo l'~xmo. Sm. Dr. Mario Pinotti, Member, National Council of Health

3], 4 Nc t()s and No les 457

the preceding CO llgress . S . G. BrowlIe of Niger ia addresE;ed the group, on behalf of the delegates, ca lling the meeting a "milestone ill the his­tory of Congresses on Leprology under th e aegis of the III te I'll a tional Leprosy Association."

The pleasure of the Brazi lian people and gov erllll1 ellt ",as ex­pressed by a r epresentative of the Foreign Ministry. Fillally, Dr. Cas­telo B ranco, as P resid ent, expressed appr eciation for th e E;e lectioll of Brazi l as its s ite, and closed the COllgl' ess .



H eld in Rio de Jan eiro, Septe))tbcr 1 9G.:J


The Council met on 12 September 1963 at 10 a.m., with the follow­ing present: Drs. H.. G. Cochrane, J. M. M. F ernandez, and K. Kita­mura, V ice-Fresidcnts; Drs. E. Ag ricola, L . M. Bechelli, Ore tes Diniz, Dharmendra , K . R. Chatterj ee, F. Contreras, and Jacinto Convit, Councillors; and Dr. J. Ross Innes, Sec refMy -Tr easurer. Apologies for absence wer e r eceived from Dr. T. F. Davey and Dr. N. D. Fraser, who wer e delayed in arriving, and from Dr. H. ' V. ' Vade and Dr. E. Muir who could not a ttend because of ill h ealth and age . In the absence of the President, Dr. "Vade, the Secr etary-Treasu reI' took the chair and proposed the appointment of ])1' .• J. M. ~ r. F l' l'lland ez as Acting President for the Congress . ~ehis was approved unanimously.

P resident.- The Council had been informed that because of ill health, Dr. ' Vade could not stand for the office of President again and Council memher s had been circulated for nominations. Dr. F ernand ez had been nominated by nine member s. Drs. Chau ssinand, Cochrane and Dharmendra had also been nominated but withdrew their names. It wa s decided therefor e to put forward the name of Dr. F ernandez for the approval of the General Meeting of the International Leprosy Association on September 20. Dr. F ernand ez then took the chair.

Present.cdion of t1-ibutc to Dr. W ade.- A s Dr. ,Vade leaves office a t the end of this Congr ess, a laudatory ornamented parchment (signed by all member s of the Council) had been prepared for presentation to him in the followin g terms :

" V<{e the t1l1dersigned V ice-Presidents a nd memhers of the Coull eil of the In ter­national Leprosy Associa tion desire to express to Dr. H. W . vVade OUI' profouud appre­cia tion of the great servi ces he has rcndered to the Association sin ce its foundation in 1931 as Councillor , and during the p as t seventeen years a. its President. To this high office he brought great knowledge, wid e experi ence, And souni! judgment, and successivo International Congresses ha ve owed much to his counsC'1. His unusufl l ed itorial gifts
