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News Bulletin from Aidan Burley MP #56

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  • 7/29/2019 News Bulletin from Aidan Burley MP #56


    In this edition:

    Aidan Burley MPs DiaryWebsite of the week:Cannock Chase ClinicalCommissioning GroupAidan opens new computerand IT recycling centre inCannockMP Reselected to fightCannock Chase SeatPhoto news:Staffordshire Food Festivalin Parliament

    Burley obtainsreassurances on safety ofprocessed beefGetting households a fairdeal on their energy billsAidan in Parliament:Aidan questions LeaderofHouse on public sector jobs"merry-go-round"Aidan in Parliament:Aidan challenges Ministerover Council ChiefExecutive pay

    Photo news:Conservative Party Vice-ChairmanBob Neill MP visitsCannock to supportConservative CountyCouncillors and candidatesNews from Aidan BurleyMPs surgeryAidan in the papers:Councillor challenged onprivate healthcareHave your sayHow to contactAidan Burley MP

    Issue 56 Friday 22nd February 2013

    Since the last edition, Aidan has:Been re-selected as the Conservative Partys candidate in

    Cannock Chase for the next General Election.

    Quizzed Ministers in the House of Commons on the safety of

    processed beef.

    Chaired a meeting of the Cannock Hospital Working Group

    in the Davy Unit at Cannock Chase Hospital, where the

    recent report into the future of Mid Staffs Foundation Trust was

    discussed and questions about the future of both Cannock and

    Stafford Hospitals were put to Hospital Managers and the

    review team from Ernst and Young.Called for a debate on ending the public sector jobs merry-

    go-round for people who have failed in their service areas.

    Officially opened PRM Green Technologies new computer

    and IT recycling centre based in Cannock.

    Met with local Policing Team Commander Carl Ratcliffe to

    discuss local policing issues and to follow up on a number of

    cases which have been raised with him by constituents.

    Written to the Express & Star regarding local Labour

    Councillors playing politics with healthcare.

    Questioned Local Government Minister, Brandon Lewis MP, on

    pay levels for Council Chief Executives.

    Written to London Midland Chief Executive, Patrick Verwer to

    demand an explanation into the continuing poor service on the

    Chase Line. Aidans letter came of the back of recent

    customer survey which named London Midland among the

    worst train operators for customer satisfaction with satisfaction

    levels among its passengers at just 45%. Aidan will also shortly

    be meeting with Transport Ministers to discuss this issue.

    Welcomed former local Government Minister Bob Neil to

    Cannock in support ofConservative County Councillors and

    candidates.Held a help and advice surgery for local residents in


    Website of the week:

    www.cannockchasecc.nhs.ukThe website of the Cannock ChaseClinical Commissioning Group

    In light of the Francis Report into the failings of Mid Staffs, it is crucialthat patients and public step up and get more involved in their ownhealthcare.

    The Cannock Chase Clinical Commissioning Group want to deliver arobust quality driven service and one of the most important aspects ofthis is local patient and public involvement. The CCGs have set up afree Our NHS membership scheme to help improve the relationshipsand contact they have with local people, so when they have to makedecisions about local health care, they involve the most importantpeople of all, the patient.Benefits of becoming a member include:

    Find out more about local NHS and how money is being spent

    Having a say in the development and planning of services

    Keeping informed of developments in health that are of

    particular interestSo, if you have ideas about how to improve local health services oryou want to stay informed and get involved with developments in localhealth care, click here for an application form to join the Our NHSscheme.

    Aidan opens new computer and

    IT recycling centre in Cannock

    Aidan being shown around PRM Green Technologies new

    computer and IT recycling centre in Cannock.

    On 8th February Aidan officially opened a new computer and ITrecycling centre based in Cannock.The event saw Aidan unveiling a plaque commemorating the openingand having a guided tour of the different areas of the business. Hethen met with staff working in the different departments of PRM GreenTechnologies.The Directors Paul Mullett and Tim Hawkins took the opportunity tooutline their expansion plans for the future, with a commitment tocreating many more, much needed jobs. During the visit the MP heardof plans by PRM Green Technologies to take on five new employeesto join its existing 24 staff and the firm are hopeful of creating more

    jobs later in the year.The company, set up in 2005, offers a free collection and recyclingservice for Midlands schools. In 2009 operations were expanded tooffer a one- stop recycling service to all education, council, NHS andcorporate bodies on the UK mainland.Due to its success, the business moved from being run at home topremises at Rugeley. The beginning of 2013 brings another phase forthe firm. This month it moved from the former 8,800 sq ft base to a

    new 16,300 sq ft site at Watling Street Business Park in Cannock,Staffordshire. Both directors of PRM Green Technologies see thisnew location as a Central HUB to continue with their expansion plansof sub locations around the UK with good road links to the M6, M6Toll,

    A5, A38 and the M1.Commenting Directors Paul Mullett and Tim Hawkins said: "We wouldlike to offer our personal thanks to Aidan for supporting our efforts byofficiating at the opening of the premises. This has been a greatwelcome for us and many others in the local community."

    Aidan said: "It was a great honour to be asked by Richard to openPRM Green Technologies' new premises and I would like to thank himand his team for their hospitality. I was particularly pleased to be ableto speak with many of the staff on the shop floor many of whom livelocally in Cannock Chase."PRM are a prime example of a business spotting a gap in the marketand responding to customers' needs which in the case of PRM iscomputer recycling. It really is a great success story for CannockChase and these new premises will mean that they can continue togrow and create more job opportunities for local people.He added: "The recovery and future success of the British economy isreliant on firms such as PRM Technology and so I am pleased to do

    whatever I can to support them."

    Aidan on the plant floorat PRM Green Technologies newcomputer and IT recycling centre in Cannock.

    MP Reselectedto fight Cannock ChaseSeatCannock Chase MP Aidan Burley hasbeen re-selected to fight the seat at the2015 General Election. A meeting ofthe Associations governing body held on Friday evening unanimouslyendorsed Mr Burley, who took the seat from Labour in 2010,achieving the largest swing in country.Speaking after the meeting, the Association Chairman Phil Jones

    said: I am delighted that Aidan will once again be our candidate atthe next election. There was an overwhelming feeling that since 2010he has set a new standard as a constituency MP. In particular therehave been the Jobs Fayres and Business Awards, and his regularvolunteering with local organisations, as well as taking up and winningmany battles, such as preservation of the Forest and improvements tothe Chase Line.

    Aidan commented: I should like to thank the members for theirmassive vote of confidence. I must also thank my team in the HelpZone who I believe have brought a new dimension to how an MP canhelp and support constituents. Much has been achieved in the lastthree years, but there are always more challenges to face, as theevents of the last week have proved. I hope that I will able to continuefacing them for the people of Cannock Chase through to 2020 andbeyond.

    Photo news:

    Staffordshire Food Festival in Parliament

    Aidan Burley MP with fellow Staffordshire MPs Gavin Williamsonand Christopher Pincher at the Staffordshire Food Festival in the

    House of Commons. The Festival was designed to raiseawareness and showcase the best of Staffordshires products tomembers across the county promoting our local food and drink


    Burley obtains reassurances

    on safety of processed beefMinister tells MP there is no reason forpeople to change shopping habits

    Click on the image above to watch Aidans question.Chase MP Aidan Burley has sought reassurances from theGovernment on the safety of processed beef currently on sale insupermarkets.Speaking during an urgent Question in the House of Commons thismorning Aidan asked DEFRA Minister David Heath "What myconstituents want to know is simply whether it is safe to eat processedbeef products that are currently on sale. The hon. Member forWakefield (Mary Creagh) has spread huge fear by saying that shewould not eat products that are currently on sale. What is the adviceof the chief medical officer and the Independent Food Standards

    Agency on this matter?"Responding to the Chase MP the Minster said: "The advice is very

    clear. All the testing that has taken place has failed to find evidence offood that is a danger to human health. Therefore, the clear advice isthat there is no reason to change shopping habits on the basis ofconcerns about health. I prefer people to take their own decisions onthese matters on the basis of evidence and information. That is anindividual decision and it is not helpful for people to pretend that thereis a massive food health scare if there is not, and nor is it helpful for

    people to give reassurances that are not supported by evidence."

    Getting households a fair deal on their

    energy billsCheaper energy bills for people across Cannock Chase came onestep closer today with Ofgems reforms to the energy market. Thesereforms follow the plans set out by the Prime Minister last year toensure consumers get the cheapest deal.Ofgems reforms endorse the proposals in the Governments EnergyBill currently progressing in Parliament. They include:

    Making the market simpler by restricting suppliers to offering

    four simple core tariffs per fuel type.

    Requiring suppliers to give all their customers personalised

    information on the cheapest tariff they offer for them.

    New rules which require suppliers to send clear bills which are

    easier for customers to understand.Ofgems reforms will be in place by this summer. The GovernmentEnergy Bill will underpin these reforms and ensure all customers aregetting the best deal on their energy bills by 2014.

    Commenting, Aidan said: I know that people across Cannock Chaseare concerned about their energy bills and it is right that action isbeing taken to bring them down. Ofgems reforms take a big step inthe right direction, and follow the Prime Ministers promise last year toget the lowest tariffs for consumers.The Prime Minister, David Cameron, said: I made a personalcommitment to help get energy bills down - and I'm delighted thatOfgem are taking that forward. The package announced today is ahuge step towards energy bills that are fairer for everyone. This isabout putting people before profits. It's about pensioners being betterable to heat their homes in winter, and families better able to copewhen the bills arrive.

    Aidan in Parliament:

    Aidan questions Leader of House on publicsector jobs "merry-go-round"

    Thursday 14th February 2013

    Click on the image above to watch Aidans question.The full text of the exchange was as follows:Mr Aidan Burley (Cannock Chase) (Con): The findings of theFrancis report were especially disturbing for my constituents, many ofwhom received terrible care at Stafford hospital, but the jobs merry-go-round is equally disturbing. For example, Helen Moss, the formerdirector of nursing, who was in charge when care reached appallingstandards, now works for Ernst and Young as a consultant. Hercompany has since won a contract to look at the financial viability of

    the Mid Staffs trust. May we have a debate on ending this shamefulroundabout, where people get on, fail and then are movedsomewhere else?Mr Andrew Lansley (Leader of the House): My hon. Friend willunderstand that I cannot comment directly on individuals, other thanto say thatI think this is a matter of public recordalthough HelenMoss is working in a consultancy role, she is not working directly inrelation to the Mid Staffs trust. I completely understand the generalpoint, however. The Francis inquiry is continuing, and the Governmentwill respond in due course, but while its report has clearly set outmany of the central issues for the system as a whole, it was not askedto draw conclusions about the behaviour of individuals, and it did notdo so. That is principally a matter for the professional regulatorybodies, of course, but this issue does raise the question of the placeof managers in particular in a professional regulatory structure of thatkind.

    Photo news:

    Conservative Party Vice-Chairman

    Bob Neill MP visits Cannock to support

    Conservative County Councillors andcandidates

    Aidan Burley MP with Staffordshire County Council Leader CllrPhillip Atkins, Bob Neill MP and Cannock Conservative Club

    Secretary Alan Slade.

    Aidan in Parliament:

    Aidan challenges Minister overCouncil Chief Executive pay

    Wednesday 13th February 2013

    Click on the image above to watch Aidans question.The full text of the exchange was as follows:Aidan Burley (Cannock Chase, Conservative): Is not one way thatcouncils could quickly save a lot of money by reducing theastronomical salaries of some of their staff? More than 114 town hallchiefs now earn more than the Prime Minister. The chief executive ofEssex is on 289,000 a year. The chief executive of Hammersmithand Fulham earns 281,000. Even in my constituency, the chiefexecutive of Cannocks council earns 113,000 a year, nearly twicewhat the hard-working MP who represents that area earns. Will theMinister explain why council chiefs up and down the country need to

    earn six times the salary of an MP?Brandon Lewis (Great Yarmouth, Conservative): My hon. Friendmakes a good point. Authorities across this country, particularly smalldistrict councils, have to start looking carefully at how they structuretheir management and how they share management to get best valuefor their residents money. I will come back to that issue in a fewmoments.

    News from Aidan Burley MPs surgery

    At Aidans February surgery, he met with eight constituents anddiscussed a number of local and national issues, including claims forEmployment and Support Allowance, Council Housing, Pension Creditand same-sex marriage.Following the surgery Aidan has made representations to theDepartment for Work and Pensions regarding the qualifying criteria forthe Warm Homes Discount Scheme, and has followed up aconstituents outstanding claim for ESA. Aidan has also maderepresentations to local Councillors regarding housing allocations, andthe need to free up family homes for those with children who are in

    need of housing, by relocating willing singles and couples who nolonger need additional bedrooms into smaller properties.

    Aidan in the papers:

    Councillor challenged on

    private healthcareAidan Burley MP writes to the Express & StarDear Sir,

    I was glad to see Cllr JohnKraujalis finally admit that

    he does have concerns for the future of Cannock Hospital (letter 7th

    Feb) despite stating the previous week he was bewildered by myefforts to save it. Sadly his selective memory is in evidence again; hepledges to fight hard to keep our hospital open within the NHSbefore misleading readers by falsely asserting that my ideas are anattempt to privatise the hospital by the back door.On the contrary, the Foundation Trust status given to Mid-Staffs in2008 by the last Labour government (which we now know from the

    Francis report was at the very same time hundreds of patients weredying from atrocious care) has already allowed privatisation withinCannock Hospital. The Alliance Medical MRI Suite does private workwithin Cannock Hospital, and Badger Healthcare Ltd operates fromthe building. Could Cllr Krajulis let the people know whether hebelieves those organisations should now be asked to leave?Labour politicians should stop playing politics with our local hospitaland remember it was on their watch (2005-9) that targets were putbefore care, patients needlessly died and the Trust went bankrupt.Aidan Burley MPCannock Chase

    There is still time to have your say on the issues that matter most toyou. Aidans online survey is live here and Aidan is keen to hear

    your views to help him better represent you in the House ofCommons.

    5 ways to contact Aidan Burley MP:

    By Phone: 01543 502 447

    By email: [email protected]

    By post: Aidan Burley MP6 High Green Court,Newhall StreetCannock, WS11 1GR

    In person: Click here for details of how tobook an appointment at AidanBurley MPs regular help andadvice surgeries.


    More news from Aidan Burley MP, coming soonPlease forward this email on to anyone you think may be interested. Ifyou have had this email forwarded to you and would like to be addedto the mailing list, please send an email to: [email protected] JOIN in the subject heading.

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    Aidan Burley MP Working for you, all year round.

    Published & Promoted by Aidan Burley MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA

    "Aidan Burley MP"

    News Bulletin from Aidan Burley MP #56

    13 Attachments, 286 KB

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