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News @ Cranbourne - Autumn 2014

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Autumn 2014
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Dear Parents/Carers

At Cranbourne we pride ourselves on

generating an ethos of being a lifelong

learning community and we are very

keen to develop both students and staff

to their full potential.

Life at Cranbourne continues to be as

exciting and busy as ever! One new

feature for the college this term is the

number of trainee teachers working in the

college as a result of our collaboration

with Dove House teaching school. Not

only do we currently have colleagues

training to become qualified teachers in

Mathematics, English, Science, History

and PE but one of the course tutors is also

a member of Cranbourne staff!

We believe in the importance of

developing the talent of staff. Other

events this term have included our

central leaders’ conference and our

middle leader training. Staff have been

able to work with other like-minded

colleagues in expanding their expertise

and challenge themselves to recognise

the attributes and talents required to

become great leaders. We are also busy

planning our bi-annual Joint Cluster Day

with all the primary schools in our cluster.

This is an opportunity for staff to work

across phases and understand more

about how our students learn before they

arrive at Cranbourne. It is hard

sometimes, in a busy school day, to find

enough time to have quality professional

dialogue with colleagues so these events

prove invaluable in helping us to really

understand how to develop our expertise.

We like to involve our students in helping

us to develop as well and, at times, they

are able to add a powerful steer to our

training! Recent events have included

staff meetings where students have

shown staff how different types of

questioning encourages them to think

more and how creating a dialogue in

their books, using different colour pens,

can help them understand what they

need to do to improve. Of course one

big area where they are keen to help

staff is in using new technologies and our

students are very proactive in generating

ideas where using interactive white

boards and filming events can make their

learning more fun and enjoyable.

Yours faithfully,

B Elkins



Magazine designed and created by: Francine Brewin Printed by: Adline Group, Basingstoke ~ www.adlinegroup.net

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Do you have a suggestion for an article in a future issue of News @ Cranbourne? Send an email with your ideas to [email protected]

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Sainsbury’s Adopt a School………………… 4-5 Progress Managers Update.……………...… 16-17

Summer School………...……………………… 6-7 Year 11 Art Exhibition..………..……………… 18

Gifted and Talented...………………..……… 8 Duke of Edinburgh..…………………………... 19

Sport @ Cranbourne…………....……………. 9 Curriculum Challenge……..………………… 19

Enrichment Day 2014.....…..………………… 10-11 Year 7 Update....……………………………… 20

Writing Competition...….…..………………… 12 Extra-curricular Activities...………………….. 21

Teentech 2014.….……………..……………… 13 Engaging Students………….………………… 22

Paris Trip……….....………….……………..…… 14-15 Calendar…………………..…………………… 23

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Sainsbury's depot in Basingstoke has adopted Cranbourne

Business and Enterprise College as its secondary school link for

an entire year. They are very excited to be involved in all aspects

of CBEC’s school life including helping students to develop their

own professional skills.

Sainsbury’s is getting involved with CBEC throughout the year

and below are just some of the activities that have taken place

already, as well as some of the other ways that Sainsbury’s will

be getting involved with the college in the near future.


A perfect end to the summer term was the Alfresco Cooking

Challenge. Over 40 enthusiastic cooks from Years 7 and 8 took

part in the competition, which ran over several weeks.

We were so impressed by the quality of food prepared and

delighted that ASK and Sainsbury’s were able to judge the

competition. In true Alfresco style the final dishes were set up

and judged in the school garden!

It was a very difficult decision but the winners were finally

announced as James Wickes and Jack Cottrell, who won some

great prizes that were kindly donated by Sainsbury’s. Well done

to everyone who took part!

Sainbury’s have also provided £100 worth of reading books of our choice for us

to use for prizes linked to reading logs in Year 7 and general access to books for

more vulnerable children.

Alfresco Challenge

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SAINSBURY’S ADOPT-A-SCHOOL The Year 10 and 11 BTEC Sports groups were recently lucky enough to have a visit from Rodney Robbins from Sainsbury’s. Rodney

presented a talk about being a scout in football, explaining what he had to do to become a scout, as well as his roles and responsibilities

both for the football club he works for, Reading FC, and the FA. The students showed great interest in the talk, both as budding footballers

and as a prospective career option they had never previously thought about. At the end of the presentation the students had lots of

questions for Rodney and they spent the rest of the day talking about it around school. Below are just a few of the comments that were

made by students on the day:

“I thought that the presentation was very good and educational. I think I have learnt a lot from it and it helped me understand what

he does as a scout.”

“I thought that Rodney helped us understand his role as a scout with a good presentation and good

details in his explanations.”

“Rodney’s presentation helped me to understand his role in his job as a scout and that he takes every

aspect of the job seriously and I am thankful that he is going to watch our school game.”

“My thoughts on his presentation were that it was very good. I really enjoyed the presentation

because he gave me an insight into his role as a scout. His presentation covered every aspect of the

job and we have now invited him to watch our own game.”

Year 11 Presentation Evening

At this year’s Year 11 Presentation Evening, Sainsbury’s will be sponsoring and presenting an award to one of the school’s former students. The

award is based on the Sainsbury’s Colleague Values, which are used across the company’s network, and the student who wins will have been

chosen for showing the following traits during their time at Cranbourne:

Going that extra mile to assist others

Engaging with both students and staff

Promoting Cranbourne’s values and goals

You can find out more about the presentation evening in future issues of Cranbourne’s biweekly newsletter, Cranbourne Catch Up.

BUSINESS LINKS @ CRANBOURNE The college would really like to develop as many business links as possible throughout the coming year. If you are part of a business

and would love to be involved in Cranbourne, please contact Kim Sewell to arrange a meeting: [email protected]

BTEC Sports Visit

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SUMMER SCHOOL 2014During the summer holidays, Cranbourne hosted 30 students who were due to start in Year 7 in

September, for a two-weeks summer school. The school offered them a range of activities including

sports, numeracy, literacy and trips. Read on to find out more!

Winchester: INTECH TRIP

The much anticipated trip to

Winchester Science Centre did not

disappoint. Students and teachers

w er e m es m er i s ed b y th e

spectacular exhibits and different

aspects of Science. It was indeed

an outstanding Science lesson –

even for some teachers.

Pizza Making and Baking

Students also displayed their repertoire of pizza making and baking skills. Some of the pizzas

and cupcakes were taken home at the end of the summer school.

African Drums and Dance

A fusion of electrifying African

music and dance moves was also

offered to students.

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Fleet Pond

The majestic, picturesque, breath-taking Fleet Pond hosted summer school students

–offering them a unique experience. Some played with ducks, some shared their

sandwiches with them and some marvelled at the beauty offered by the place. This

was a fascinating experience for most students. One student exclaimed, “I have

never been on a train. This is my first train journey.”


Goats, Pigs, Chickens and Ponies

visited summer school and it was a

joy to see students playing with

animals. One student remarked,

“I`m definitely going to be a Vet

when I complete my education.”

Other Activities at the Summer School

Literacy and Numeracy Activities

Diary entries were written regularly as students recorded their daily experiences. There was also a challenging numeracy quest with a

touch of Geography which saw students exploring different parts of the school.

VUE Festival Place

This was another unique experience for most of the students. The 3D cinema experience was a cinematic “safari” that brought

students closer to the movie stars.

Leisure Park

Bowling Battles! Mixed teams of boys and girls battled for ‘bowling supremacy’. Occasionally, screams and shouts of near misses

and triumphs echoed throughout the bowling arena.

Finally, the last day was characterised by a display of what students had done during the two weeks, including a talk to

the parents by Miss Miller, the leader of the summer school.

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ROADSHOWS In the last few weeks our students have been visiting the local feeder schools to talk to

them about life at Cranbourne to help them make informed decisions about choosing

which secondary school they would like to attend. It has been a delight to see so many

of our students recently working with Year 5 and 6 pupils from our feeder schools, which

involves our students speaking to the pupils about the many exciting opportunities that

CBEC has to offer. It was wonderful to hear our students speak about their college in such

glowing terms with the older pupils outlining everything that CBEC had done for them.

Gifted and Talented students at Cranbourne were recently given the opportunity to try their hands

at archaeology. Read on to find out what the experience involved:

Gifted and Talented students from several local schools took part in the three-day event. On the first day

groups were selected, with the teams being mixed that that each group had representatives from

Cranbourne, Robert Mays, Costello and Fort Hill.

The first two days were spent digging at the site of a medieval settlement in North Warnborough near

Odiham. Students met at 8.15 am each morning and used the school minibus for transport. When they

arrived, there was a briefing session where University lecturers explain how the practical work was to be

completed. Students were then taught how to identify and record any artefacts found.

Day Three: Visit to Cambridge University

During the final day students carried out an analysis of their findings and

collected information for the report they later wrote on Enrichment Day.

To help them prepare for this, a class was held to help build relevant skills

and knowledge. This work was then marked by staff from the University

and returned with feedback, GCSE equivalent gradings and a certificate

from Cambridge University.

The headteacher of Cranbourne, Mrs Elkins, presented certificates from the University of

Cambridge to all the Gifted and Talented students who took part in the dig at a recent

assembly. Well done to all the students involved in what was a very successful outing!


The 2014 Roadshow Team

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On Wednesday 24th June, pupils from Manor

Field , Oakley, St Johns and Kings Furlong

came into CBEC to experience an athletics

master class. With the help of sports leaders

Louis Coppi and Abidh Rahman, after a

thorough warm up, we looked extensively at

the techniques required for long jump. By

using springboards and crash mats in the

gym, a soft landing was experienced to help

students concentrate on the specific skills.

Following on from this practice, formal jumps

took place in the sand pit where a

competitive edge was seen as the pupils all

tried to out jump each other. Good progress

was seen overall and the pupils enjoyed the

sessions with most not having experienced

long jump previously.

Day of Sport 2014 Results

Asian Games

On Friday 19th September Year 8 and 9 students took part in a different type of Day 10.

Students were learning about the Asian Games, with the Opening Ceremony due to start that

evening in South Korea. Students spent the morning learning about the games, creating

mascots and banners for their assigned countries ready to compete in a CBEC Asian Games

in the afternoon. Students were to compete in handball, hockey, table tennis, softball and

water polo - all activities that athletes take part in during the Asian Games. The students were

enthusiastic, supportive, competitive and motivated to win, with unfinished business from Day

of Sport due to be settled. In Year 8, 8Ri came out victorious beating 8Am by 2 points. In year

9, 9Rb came out on top!

Manor Field Junior Primary Athletics Club Each Thursday afternoon Mr Kimber and CBEC’s sports leaders - Charlotte Bailey, Jack Bond

and Abbie Tiller Smale - have been delivering an athletics club to the junior school children

at Manor Field Junior School. We have been teaching throws, jumps and improving running

times and techniques with the junior children who have really enjoyed these sessions.

At the same time, all of our leaders have developed their skills, injecting their enthusiasm into

the activities, which ensures that the young athletes come back for more each week. A big

thank you to Charlotte, Abbie and Jack for their commitment and dedication!

For Miss Yacoby, head of PE, this summer’s sports day was her first at Cranbourne. Below is her report on

the day’s events:

“On Friday 18th July the entire college arrived in their PE kit to participate in the day’s events and build

upon the points awarded for the Swimming Gala and the athletic field events, which took place earlier

in the term. On a very hot day four tutor groups became victorious in winning the competition for their

year group:

“Students competed in Rounders, Basketball, Football, Tug of War and Athletics.

Both students and staff worked together to ensure that they had a representative in

every event to score maximum points and those competitors who took on the

1500m on the track did exceptionally well in the heat of the day!”

Year 7: 7SY with 360 points

Year 8: 8CB with 347 points

Year 9: KM with 349 points

Year 10: 10CO with 379 points

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Salon Day

By Mrs Middleton

“The salon day gave students an

opportunity to sample a range of

activities in the salon, starting with a

relaxing Indian head massage

session and finishing with a photo

shoot in the afternoon.”

This year’s Enrichment Day was held on Friday 11th July as a reward to all students who achieved more

that 800 stamps throughout the last academic year. The students were given the opportunity to take part in

a wide range of activities that were held both on and off site. Just some of the activities included were a

summer fete, cycling, a salon day, arts and crafts, a trip to London and a trip to Marwell Zoo. Read on to

find out about some of the other activities that were on offer as well as comments from the students about

their day:

Cooking Sessions

By Mr Kimber

56 students, along with members of staff,

safely negotiated the peloton of cyclists

through Basingstoke for a day of biking

challenges and a quick stop for brunch and

sporting fun before riding to the indoor go-

karts in Chineham.

The go-karts became the highlight as the day

just got better and better! Racing around the

circuit was competitive fun and after the

return cycle leg, we had all used our energy

supply for the day but felt fully enriched!”

Cycling and Go Karts

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Creative Writing Workshop

“We could write anything we wanted to and that

made things feel really relaxed, which is good for


“I liked the freedom of the workshop. It was very

calm and relaxed.”

“I like reading and writing and making your own

world where you’re in charge.”


“Playing Frisbee was

good fun and it was a

great chance to do

you own thing and be

with your friends.”

Sports Activities Day

By Miss Yacoby

“Ten students on Friday took part in a sports activities day

including Badminton, Tennis, Athletics, Handball, Lacrosse,

Water Polo, Football, Basketball and Swimming. They

focused on working together and team work throughout

the day, including taking part in some specialist hammer

throwing coaching and a number of competitions. In the

end Buxton Army won by 7 points. Well done to all


Animals @ Cranbourne

“Seeing the animals was really fun and

exciting. I got to hold the animals and

even had to clean the animals’

bedding too.”

“The horse riding was really good, a new

experience for me. All the animals

were really cute and it was good to try

something different.”

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What is NaNoWriMo? Explanation from the NaNoWriMo website:

“National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a fun, seat-of-your-

pants approach to creative writing. On November 1, participants

begin working towards the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel by

11:59 PM on November 30.

Valuing enthusiasm, determination, and a deadline, NaNoWriMo is

for anyone who has ever thought fleetingly about writing a novel.”

Seen by many writers as the ultimate writing challenge, we are

pleased to announce that some keen students at Cranbourne have

decided to sign up for this scheme, either through the main website

or via the Young Writers Programme.


From left to right: Danielle Still, Mrs Cooper, Ally Bailey, Miss Brewin, Wakai Muganiwah

As part of the writing club on Enrichment Day, a competition was held to test the students’ creativity and flair for writing. Character

development exercises were carried out in the morning and the afternoon was spent working on their new story ideas. Mrs Cooper and Miss

Brewin, who ran the workshop, then had the tricky task of selecting a winner from the entries. “We were really impressed with the quality of

the work that was submitted,” said Mrs Cooper. “The girls worked really hard and all produced stories that were a pleasure to read.” After

much deliberation, Ally Bailey was announced at the winner, with Danielle and Wakai as joint runners up. Well done girls!

To find out more information about

NaNoWriMo, visit www.nanowrimo.org

The website not only offers a place for writers to

record their day-to-day progress, but also offers

copious amounts of support and encouragement,

through forums, news articles and videos, which are

uploaded daily.

Reviews by Mrs Cooper and Miss Brewin Student: Ally Bailey Name of story: Demitria What did we think? An in-depth, descriptive story that draws the reader in instantly. Really entertaining from the start! Student: Danielle Still Name of story: Silent Mind What did we think? This story showed fantastic attention to detail. Danielle obviously put a lot of research into the plot and setting. Student: Wakai Muganiwah Name of story: She’s the Light What did we think? Wakai has a huge amount of potential as a writer. She’s the Light has a really intriguing and moving plot which keeps the reader guessing throughout.

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Teen Tech visit by Ben Taylor

“It was nerve wracking at first. The hall we were in was filled with students. Some were a lot bigger than us but within 5 minutes of our

first activity, App Design, the nerves were gone. We were all ‘heads down and get done’ when working on the task at hand. Next on

the to-do list, we went round a hall with loads of businesses, letting them explain what they do. A self-employed civil engineer, a

computer company, a money printer and a radio station (The Local Breeze) were some of the people we spoke to.

What they had to say was extraordinarily interesting, although my favourite thing was the leniency they had over the sweets they

gave to us and the free giveaways. Let’s just say I almost didn’t need lunch!

Finally, we had a couple of challenges. They were both innovative and well run, and generally very enjoyable. To finish off the day

was the prizes ceremony. Sadly we only took home one 2nd place prize but that hardly dampened our mood for a fantastic day.

“Everyone had a great time. From the initial apprehension –

‘Maybe I won’t be inspired by much’ and ‘I’m not sure what to do

in the future’ - students soon become highly interested in a career in

science and technology after ‘the best day ever!’ The students

were blown away by innovations used in the industry, such as the

sophisticated technologies used in bank note security, 3D printing

and fresh salad processing. They particularly enjoyed the team

work challenges: developing an app idea and presenting to the

entire audience, building a water raft model and testing it in a

competition, and transporting Lego pieces through an air tunnel

and building the tallest Lego tower. The event finished on a high

note for Cranbourne when Ben Taylor was awarded 2nd prize for his

innovative futuristic technology - using subatomic techniques to

dissolve disease!”

On Tuesday 17th June Mrs Williams took ten Year 8 students to the 2014 TeenTech event at Hampshire

Court Hotel. Here are a few words from Mrs Williams:

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Report by Olivia Jermy

Last term I was lucky enough to get a place on the school's Maths

and Business trip to Paris for Year 9 and 10 students. Other than

adventure week in Year 7, this was my first proper school trip and I

had no idea what to expect, but it turned out to be even better

than I had imagined, and I think everyone else that went would


By 7.30am on Friday 20th June we were all gathered outside

reception, many of us weighed down with our various bags and

pillows for the long journey ahead. When the soon-to-become

infamous Derek arrived with the coach, we all climbed in, said

goodbye to our parents, and off we went. It wasn't really until we

reached the Eurotunnel that everyone began to get excited, and

after a quick stop we were in our strange coach-carriage and on

our way to France.

When we finally arrived, we were on a mission to find dinner, and

although it did take us quite a while to find it, we eventually piled

into 'Flunch' (short for fast-lunch in case you were wondering) for

some chicken and a choice of chips, cheesy mash, pasta, rice,

vegetables, you name it and we probably had it. It wasn't quite

Michelin Star quality, but it filled us up, and the unlimited chips were

pretty good. Since Flunch was located in a large shopping centre,

we were then allowed some time to go shopping, and I personally

went and spent far too much money on make up, while others

opted for fancy macaroons, or French sweets with unrecognisable

names. Then it was back to Derek and his coach to try and find our

hotel. There were a few minor problems involving gates, but we got

there in the end, and settled into our surprisingly pleasant rooms in

'Ibis Styles'.

Every day had quite an early start so we could fit a lot in, and after

our breakfast of choice from the buffet we started our first full day in

France off in 'Cite des Sciences', which seemed to be very similar to

the Science Museum we have here. It was a massive building and

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PARIS TRIP 2014 there was a huge variety of things to see and do inside. My

favourite was the driving simulator, although I think the giant mirror

ball outside was the nicest to look at and take photos of.

After that we went into central Paris to see the Eiffel Tower and get

some lunch. I thought it was good that we had the freedom to

walk around and eat wherever we wanted, as it also meant we got

to explore Paris for a little bit and it felt more like a holiday than a

school trip. After lunch the lovely Derek drove us to our River Seine

Cruise, where we had a good view of many landmarks across the

city, as well as a good opportunity to enjoy the lovely weather.

By this time we were all getting quite hungry, so we headed to a

much more fancy restaurant where we had reserved tables, and

enjoyed a dinner of chicken with chips and green beans.

When we were finished, we made our way to the Notre-Dame

where we could take photos and walk around the area. A few of us

managed to find the Padlock Bridge. By this time it was getting

quite late and the sun was setting, so we went back to the hotel

and straight to bed so we could get up early for Disneyland.

Depending on who you ask, Sunday was the best day of the whole

trip. We had around 12 hours to do whatever we wanted in

Disneyland, with a ticket that gave us access to both parks. Luckily

nobody lost their ticket, and we all had plenty of time to go on

rides, see the parade, and get dinner of our choice from one of the

many restaurants. It was a really great day, and I can’t think of

anything that could have made it better for me.

Monday was our last day, and we managed to fit in a trip to Stade

de France where we got a guided tour, before going back to the

Eurotunnel to catch our coach-train home. We were slightly

delayed, but more time in France wasn’t a bad thing, and we got

home eventually. When we arrived back at school, we presented

Derek with an envelope filled with money we had all contributed

towards his tip, and he gave an inspiring speech before he left.

The trip was also great for anyone who, like myself, takes GSCE

French, as we had the French radio on in the coach, and although

they only played a total of 7 different songs across the four days we

were there, it was good to be able to pick up on French words and

phrases from both the radio and the people around us.

I can honestly say it was the best trip I’ve ever been on, and thanks

to the teachers, the very helpful Marie, and of course Derek, we all

had an amazing time, and there are plenty of photos and

memories to remember it by.

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Year 9 Progress Manager: Miss Clark

As the new Progress Manager for Year 9 I am already very proud of my year group and the positive start they have made to their year.

The vast majority of students are already proving they are committed to their learning, and demonstrating excellent attitudes across

their various subject choices. Students are very keen to continue to develop the already popular stamp system, enquiring

enthusiastically about what the rewards and enrichment day will bring this year. Many of our students are excellent ambassadors for

the college, with about a third of the year group volunteering and helping to make Open Evening a great success. I am very much

looking forward to getting to know the students as the year goes on, and developing further positivity and progress as we move

towards their GCSEs in Years 10 and 11.

Year 8 Progress Manager: Mr Duffy

The Year 8 students have made a good start to the year, taking part in a variety of

events. It is great to see students taking part in lots of extra curricular activities,

including the many different sporting activities. The students have settled into their

lessons with 90 of the students having already achieved more than 150 stamps and 12

students achieving more than 200 stamps.

The varied tasks on Day 10 have also proven enjoyable for the year group. On our first

Day 10 we focused on the ethos of the school, and my favourite task of the day was

designing a story board for what Mr Positive would be like. The different designs for Mr

Positive were fantastic!

One of the most popular Day 10s that I can remember involved the Asian Games.

Students had the opportunity to find out about different countries in Asia and the Asian

games in general. However, my highlight of the day was seeing the students taking

part in new sports, which included handball, hockey and water polo. Congratulations

go to 8Ri who won the competition for the year group!

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PROGRESS MANAGERS UPDATE Year 10 Progress Manager: Ms Koster

This has been a great start to the year in terms of KS4 subjects and chosen options. The Year 10 Curriculum Evening was very well

attended and there was lots of positive feedback from parents. Moodle updates are now being made in response to some requests

from parents. Students have made a positive start to their controlled assessments and have made excellent use of F7 (in the IT

department) with support from Mr Rafter.

AWE mentoring is starting soon for some students and we recently enjoyed a special assembly by AWE associates who will be helping

our students throughout the coming year. Check in future issues of Cranbourne Catch Up to find out more about this scheme.

Year 11 Progress Manager: Mrs Absalom

I would like to start by thanking the tutor team who are doing a fantastic job and to Mr Rafter and Miss Long for their support. We have had

a good start to the year with the majority of students being really focused. The students have settled in well and are working hard on their

English and ICT controlled assessments. At the moment they are busy writing CVs and Personal Statements and will soon be sorting out

college applications. They have also had speakers from BCOT and QMC in assemblies to help them with college choices.

The Senior Prefect Team have made a great start by going out on road shows and they also did a brilliant job of representing the school at

our recent Open Evening.

Head Boy and Head Girl for 2014/15

We are delighted to announce the appointment of the

Head Boy and Head Girl and the Deputy Head Boy and

Deputy Head Girl for this academic year.

Head Girl: Izzy Scarr

Head Boy: Aidan Jones

Deputy Head Girl: Lucy Swannell

Deputy Head Boy: Toby Blackburn

Thank you to everyone who applied for the positions!

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The annual Year 11 GCSE Art Exhibition took place on the 2nd July 2014 and was a great success. We were pleased that parents,

students and staff were able to attend. The Art Department are very proud of the artwork that students have created and it was a

great opportunity for us to celebrate their achievements.

We would like to thank the Year 11 Art students for all their hard work and creativity. They have been a pleasure to teach. Miss Whitehouse Head of Art

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DUKE OF EDINBURGH’S AWARD Last year’s Duke of Edinburgh students recently held a presentation at school

during the Year 10 assembly. The presentation acted as the final activity that

needed to be completed as a group in order for them to achieve their Bronze DofE

award. To achieve the award, a series of activies need to be completed, which

are categorised into different sections. These include Physical, Volunteering and

Skills, and they also have to complete a practice expedition and an assessed


The selection process for this year’s DofE students is now underway so look out for

news on this in future issues of CBEC’s newsletter, Cranbourne Catch Up.

CURRICULUM CHALLENGE Drums were rolling for Cranbourne at the 2014 Curriculum Challenge! Our team of five Year 9 students scooped the top prize in the

challenge to plan the regeneration of Basingstoke’s Top of the Town. Any innovative ideas from this challenge could be adopted into the

two year action plan as part of the Basingstoke town centre programme. The eight teams from five schools were judged by their initiatives,

resourcefulness, persuasiveness and creative ideas on retail & leisure while promoting cashless payment technology. Our team skilfully

designed and articulately presented a Power Point master plan including a state of the art open-air cinema. Their strong team work and

enterprising spirit won the judges over in the final.

A trophy for the school (and a top prize of pre-loaded credit card for each student from the sponsor, VISA) was awarded for their fantastic


To find out more information about the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award,

please visit www.dofe.org

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YEAR 7 UPDATE Our new Year 7 students have made a fantastic start to life at CBEC. Their initial induction period, where they

spent time with their tutors and did not go to normal timetabled lessons, went extremely well. Students reported

that they appreciated having the opportunity to make new friends and find their way around the college, and it

also helped them to develop their confidence.


Congratulations to the two winners of the Year 7 reading photograph competition that was run over the summer. As Mr Fleeman was

unable to make a decision on the overall winner, a professional photographer made the final choice and he said that he was extremely

impressed at the quality of the shots.

On the theme of Year 7 winning competitions, the H2L driving contest was won by two Year 7 students and we they are looking forward

to making the most of the opportunity to have their first driving lesson at the tender age of 12.


Thank you to everyone who attended the Year 7 Curriculum Evening in October. The feedback we received from parents was

extremely positive, and we greatly value the suggestions that were offered.

In short, Year 7 have made a fabulous start to their time at Cranbourne and we are looking forward to seeing everything they will go on

to achieve in the future. Updates will be available throughout the year in our biweekly newsletter, Cranbourne Catch Up, which is

available at www.cranbourne.hants.sch.uk/newsletter

Message from the Progress Manager

Mr Tiley is the new Progress Manager for Year 7 students at Cranbourne. Read below to find out how the year group have settled into

secondary school life:

“Year 7 students have made a fantastic start to their career at Cranbourne. Many of them have engaged in exciting new activities

and subject areas not previously studied. It is refreshing to engage in so many positive conversations with regards to learning and how

best to develop. I think all staff will agree that the smiles on the faces of the new Year 7 students are contagious. I personally have

high hopes for this year group. They have made me proud to be their progress manager.”

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PE Extra Curricular Programme

Autumn Term 2014



Netball - All Years

All Football

Fitness Suite

Table Tennis

Sports Hall 3-4pm

Front Field 3-4pm

Fitness Suite 3-4pm

Gymnasium 3-4pm


Km, At, Dt


Mr G

Indoor Kit

Outdoor Kit

Indoor Kit

Indoor Kit


KS3 Rugby

KS4 Rugby

Girls Football

Front Field/BRFC 3pm-onward

Front Field/BRFC 3pm-onward

Front Field 3-4pm




Outdoor Kit

Outdoor Kit

Outdoor Kit

THURSDAY Multi Sports

BTEC Sport Clinic


E3 3-4pm

Sy & Dt


Indoor Kit


Weak Swimmers



Swimming Pool 3-4pm

Swimming Pool – 7.45-8.15am

Gymnasium 3-4pm




Swimming Kit

Swimming Kit

Indoor Kit

Drama Club We will be working towards a Christmas show combined with the music

department and we will begin additional rehearsals on Thursdays after

the half term break.

When: Every Tuesday, 3-4pm

Where: Drama Studio

Year 7 Science Club! Mr Beattie, Mr Starczak and Mr Shrestha will be starting a science club

for Year 7s after the October half term break. We will be looking at the

exciting parts of biology, chemistry and physics and investigating other

ideas that they won’t come across this year. Year 7 clinics are also

available during the science club.

When: Every Tuesday, 3-4pm

Where: C7 (Mr Starczak’s room)

KS3 English Homework Club

When: Every Wednesday, lunch time Where: E3

For more information please speak to Mrs Murphy-Barnes.

Mandarin Club

This is a fantastic chance for the students to broaden their cultural

horizons by studying this ancient pictographic language.

When: Every Wednesday, 2.50 - 3.30pm Where: E3

Card Making and Craft Club

On Fridays from 3pm to 4.15pm in G8 (Textiles room)

Materials provided Just come along and join in!

Page 22: News @ Cranbourne - Autumn 2014



What’s in the next issue of News @ Cranbourne?

Website Re-launch

Year 11 Presentation Evening

Duke of Edinburgh Update

News @ Cranbourne is also

available online:


This year marks the centenary of the beginning of the First World War. Can you find all the remembrance-

related words in the grid below?

November - Eleventh - Trenches - Battle - Poppies - Remember - Wreath - Flanders - Soldier - Cenotaph - Peace - Armistice

@CBECinfo Twitter Account

Don’t forget: if you have a Twitter account,

make sure you follow the school’s page!

@CBECinfo is used to post news and updates

related to Cranbourne and is also the first port

of call if any urgent information needs to be

announced, such as weather-related closures.


If students arrive late to school, they must sign

in at the CPP office before going to their


Absences should be reported by leaving a

message before the start of the school day on

the relevant year group telephone line . These

can be accessed by calling 01256 868600 and

then following the recorded instructions.

There is also a page in students’ planners

where parents can write the reason for the



Lateness and Absences

Student Emails

Student emails are now hosted internally

which means that login details have changed.

To access emails, students should still visit

cbecmoodle.com and click on the student

email link on the left side of the front page.

They will be directed to the

new email system. Details

about logging in will be

m a d e a v a i l a b l e i n

upcoming IT lessons.

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(Correct at time of going to print)

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