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News in Configura version v21 - Kinnarpscfigupd.kinnarps.se/Info/History_Eng/Version 21 Eng...

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1 News in Configura version v21 TEXT icon is as quick icon in the toolbar Nowadays Text icon (a big blue A) as a quick icon in the toolbar at the top, next to "Verify drawing " This increased availability will speed up your work by adding drawing numbers and other textual information in the drawing. More "snap points" on all drawing object Now we have more "snap points" on all drawings in order to create the possibility that for example both use customization and X-component on the same item. Now you can update the text size for all room components "in one fell swoop" Open a room dialogue and set text size, then press the icon: Update all rooms, updating the text size for all components in the drawing room Loosen snapped chairs Now we have created the opportunity to snap away all the chairs in order to change the conference table / desk without having to redraw all the chairs.
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News in Configura version v21

TEXT icon is as quick icon in the toolbar Nowadays Text icon (a big blue A) as a quick icon in the toolbar at the top, next to "Verify drawing " This increased availability will speed up your work by adding drawing numbers and other textual information in the drawing.

More "snap points" on all drawing object Now we have more "snap points" on all drawings in order to create the possibility that for example both use customization and X-component on the same item.

Now you can update the text size for all room components "in one fell swoop" Open a room dialogue and set text size, then press the icon: Update all rooms, updating the text size for all components in the drawing room

Loosen snapped chairs Now we have created the opportunity to snap away all the chairs in order to change the conference table / desk without having to redraw all the chairs.

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Text for quotation This is in tab: Miscellaneous, subtitle: Texts and called Quote. This can be used to specify an additional text / code to the customer at the item level. For example: enter length and width of a table, how high is a cabinet, etc. This text is only included in the quotation and order print in Configura, the text are always last in the article description. You pick up the icon and let it snap onto the object you wish to provide an additional text, text typed in the text dialog that pops up automatically as soon as the icon of intercepted object. (This text is not transmitted into the Movex) Supplier text (F18) This is in tab: Miscellaneous, subtitle: Texts and called F18. This allows users to specify a supplier F18 text on external drawings. This text will not be included in the quote but visible on the print order, the follow the article in Movex and appear only on the purchase order to be transmitted to the external provider. Improved item descriptions We are constantly trying to make our item descriptions to a high standard and we hope that this change will make our offers shorter and more readable. Old version New version

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List client missing Now we warn if any of the selected customer pricelists is not installed. This warning is on the seller's tab in the Verify Drawing dialogue. Action: Open the FTP server and then select and download it / the price lists are missing.

Opens one tab Quotation / Order of the customer dialogue you see the word: Missing in parentheses and prices are listed mating of any of the customer lists are downloaded from the FTP server on your computer. Orderprint page has been updated to download the correct registration number if you change the invoice recipient The tab "Order Print" in the print dialog, you can create a print orders per supplier for which there are products on the drawing. It is also possible to specify a supplier who should have the invoice. We have now changed so that if one chooses to take the invoice to its own offices to retrieve the organization you mentioned in your Company. Maximize calculation We have created an opportunity to get a better calculation dialogue that creates a better view on large orders. At the bottom is now the choice: Maximize To speed up the opening of the calculation volume calculation is done now via the icon: Calculate volumes, is located at the top right corner.

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New cover picture with the opportunity to write a free text of three lines It is only with the new image that this free-text can be used. When selecting the new picture (00.jpg) to open the option to enter a short text in three rows at the bottom left of the dialogue. This text is always right align in the picture. At the top of the dialogue Preferences quote / instant quote is now an option on the title of your customer records, Proposal (the Proposal) This generates no first page with customer data. You choose if you want to include some form of presentation text / information to the customer by using a Lining text, or if you want to use a cover image or just simply an article specification. To select the price list must still go into the customer dialog and select a customer or drawing unique customer.

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When you mail information about new customer to ordersupport uses function: Copy as text in the Customer dialogue. In this function you get all customer data as is entered in the customer dialogue + now we also include the text from the F6-text block automatic. This enables you to specify additional information required for customer set-up in Movex. Customer number DRWCUST Customer address Name: Stockholm Vatten VA AB Address 1: . Street address: . Postal address: 106 36 STOCKHOLM Address 4: Orgnr: 556175-1867 Your Reference: Telephone 1: 08-52212000 Telephone 2: Fax: 0852212002 Invoice address Customer number: 101254 Orgnr: 556175-1867 Type: customer Name: Stockholm Vatten VA AB Address 1: . Street address: . Postal address: 106 36 STOCKHOLM Address 4: Delivery address Address ID: 1 Name *: Stockholm Vatten Address 1: . Street *: Torsgatan House No.: 26 Postal address *: 11321 STOCKHOLM Address 4: Country *: SE Postal code *: 11321 Contact person *: kalle Anka Telephone *: 08-5221200 Fax: Terms .. Customergroup: 100 Deal/Discount: 1301A Terms of payment: 30D Terms of delivery: EXW Pricelist 1: Pricelist 2: 11 Pricelist 3: 01 Pricelist 4: Pricelist 5: Salesman/Company: 4345 : Thomas Svensson Customer order No.: Agent order No.: Promised day: Promised day: Promised by: (F6) Term of delivery XX for WH article save delivery address as default address

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Nowadays you get a warning if the same email a drawing file twice Have you saved up his drawing, just select: "Create Order email: Is the current drawing is not saved, you can not email the drawing before this is done, select: Save and you end up automatically in your save dialog. Save and then option "Create mail orders" available. Have you saved it, but something has changed, just select Save and select: Create Order email Always finish with the highlight: Save before you close the dialog. This is to save the details of the order has already been e-mailing, so that if you open the drawing again and try to email you will see information (see the red arrow on the picture below) that this drawing is already orders email. You can see file names, it is sent by e-mail, date and time.

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You will also get a warning dialog: Send orders as e-mail with a red text at the top of the dialogue. See picture below. If this is an old drawing that has been remodeled to become a current order is always "Save" it to a new filename, select: Save As and give the drawing a new drawing number and then create an order email.

In this case, both the drawings file name and mailed date is stored in the drop-down list for emailed files. Clearer: Total excl. Vat in the total sum box Now, we have marked the total excluding VAT with bold text to make the customer stay more clearly.

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Information only for Kinnarps Movex users (Tango) NB! Changes in the product range is described after this section

Clearer error in contact with Movex In previous version you had to just back a Movex message which was not always so clear what was wrong and what could be done to correct the error.

Nowadays, you get both a causal description and a solution to the problem. For example: you have entered wrong password when trying to get new customers directly from Movex, update their own data warehouse or ordersend. In these dialogues, we specify both the cause and solution.

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Maximized calculus dialogue

One can usefully work with: Divide by volume when to split the order for sending orders into Movex. Set the volume as your transport carrier permits and select the icon for the volume division. The order is then divided into different parts (1.2, etc.). As close to the volume you specify. You can change the subdivision from the position field, depending on how close you get the specified volume division. It should be noted that this feature is under development and all its glory is not in place.

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Long Lintex will automatically be C-Lintex items when the order enter into Movex There are "a bunch" Lintex-products which are not received by Movex (they are too large to be supplied with Kinnarps car) In order shipment ordered Lintex-products, so the small products work as before and go in as a Kinnarps product, and the length is now entering the dummy items (= it will be two orders, one Kinnarps and a separate warehouse order) Since these long Lintex only is on Lintex own tab, means this that you must specify a purchase discount for proper cost prize shall comply with Rule into Movex on order dispatch and that you yourselves must be able to see your margin calculation of these items in the calculus , it means that long Lintex acts as the other external suppliers articles.

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These are the long Lintex-products that will be a dummy article in order transmission. LIN27830: whiteboard; 3000x1200 mm LIN27831: whiteboard; 3500x1200 mm LIN27832: whiteboard; 4000x1200 mm LIN28830 whiteboard; 3000x1200 mm LIN28831: whiteboard; 3500x1200 mm LIN28832: whiteboard; 4000x1200 mm LIN27830GER: whiteboard; 3000x1200 mm LIN27831GER: whiteboard; 3500x1200 mm LIN27832GER: whiteboard; 4000x1200 mm LIN22830: whiteboard Deep; 3000x1220 mm LIN27830AIR: whiteboard Air; 3000x1220 mm LIN27830P: whiteboard Edge; 3000x1220 mm LIN27830B: Bulletin Board; 3000x1200 mm LIN28830B: Bulletin Board; 3000x1200 mm LIN27830BM: Bulletin Board Air; 3000x1200 mm LIN27830L: Bulletin Linne; 3000x1200 mm LIN27830LV: Bulletin Linne; 3000x1200 mm LIN27830K: Bulletin cork; 3000x1200 mm LIN27830KV: Bulletin cork; 3000x1200 mm LIN27830TYG: Bulletin Textil; 3000x1200 mm Now works new line characters in WH dialogue (Own Stock) Everything that is written into the first article description field is always bold type whether you enter a comma character or not, all the extended article description is plain text and it works now also new line (change of lines) characters in the quote printout.

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Product news in Configura version 21, Series[A] tables, All tables in this series have an additional mounting position on the leg, Standard or Edge. You make the choice on the Component bar, or by right click on the table and select properties. Standard = mounted 105mm from the table edge Edge= mounted 58mm from the table edge

Series[n] tables, We have moved the icons of the desk tops. So now are Rezon and ND separated on the component bar.

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Series[f] / bench[f], Series[f] Base, Seating / Sofa tables 2, The 50 mm thick table tops are now available in white laminate (2502) Series[e] storage, The cabinet 2L1200 D6 has moved to the new component bar Education cabinets.

Working / Visit Chairs 5, Solo, Desk chair and visitor chair Solo are updated with two new colours. Xtreme Red 4530 Xtreme Lime 4576

Following colours are discontinued 30th June 2011,

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Visit chairs 6, We have temporarily removed the choice to get the Back/Seat in white and black on the Polett chair, to open it up again in October. Visit chairs 7 / Café, Asto, The leg frames are moved out 45 mm of the rectangular tables. 127AP, 128AP and 188AP. Seating / Sofa tables 2, Scandinavia, Scandinavia is now available with fluid resistant cover as an option. To select this, you mark the products with the “small drop” (=AKU) on the component bar.

Section sofas, Trix The wheels are removed from the armchair Trix 326. Education chairs, Xpect The Xact chairs with 4-leg and cantilever has change name from Xact to Xpect. Article: 294, 294 M, 294 H 294 FLEX, 294 M FLEX, 294 H FLEX 294 CFRAME, 294 M CFRAME, 294 H CFRAME

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Education cabinets, Here are the new cabinets for education. 2P400, 2L400 2P800, 2L800 2P1200, 2L1200 All cabinets will first appear with maximum of drawers. To change this, you use the icons under Fronts.

Fronts and accessories, 2P400 and 2L400 are available with 1, 2 or 4 drawers. For cabinets with 1 or 2 drawers, can you choose to have an insert VDIV (divider) 2P800 and 2L800 are available with 2, 4 and 8 drawers. For the cabinets with 2 and 4 drawers you can choose to have insert VDIV (divider), or shelves. It will always be the same insert in both sections.

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2P1200 and 2L1200 are available with 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 or 12 drawers. The middle section is possible to get without any drawers. Numbers of drawers are always the same in section1 and 3. For the cabinets with 2 or 4 drawers you can have following inserts:

• 2 VDIV (dividers) for section 1 and 3 • 2 Shelves for section 1 and 3 • 3 VDIV (dividers) for section 1, 2 and 3 • 3 Shelves for section 1, 2 and 3 • 2 VDIV (dividers) and one shelf (VDIV for section 1, 3, shelf for section 2) • 1 Shelf for section 2

For cabinets with 3 drawers you can have following inserts:

• 3 VDIV (dividers) for section 1, 2 and 3 • 3 Shelves for section 1, 2 and 3 • 2 VDIV (dividers) and one shelf (VDIV for section 1, 3, shelf for section 2) • 2 VDIV (dividers) for section 1 and 3

For cabinets with 6 drawers, you can have following inserts:

• 3 VDIV (dividers) for section 1, 2 and 3 • 2 VDIV (dividers) for section 1 and 3 • 3 Shelves for section 1, 2 and 3

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For cabinets with 8 drawers, you can have following insert:

• 1 Shelf for section 2

Accessories etc, Wall mount 1WF is suitable for cabinets with plinth BA Education tables, Fellow II Are now available with two types of legs. Cantilever (FC2) and the new four legs (FR4).
