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News of Women's Clubs.Social Affairs of Note American Ball ... · Countess Festetics, Mrs. Wm. B....

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News of Women's Clubs.Social Affairs of Note American Woman's Anniversary Ball To Be Held December 6 Organization of Business Women Completing Pians for Celebration : Beethoven Season Planned The twelfth anniversary of the American Woman's Association, Inc> -.ne of the largest organizations of business women in g'eater New York, will be observed by a large ball, to be given the evening of December 6, in 'he large ballroom of the Hotel Plaza. M.ss Gertrude Robinson-Sraith is ¦hairman of tbe association. Mrs. Deas Murphy is chairman of t'.e ball committee, and serving with her are well known society women, including Mi'3. Harold McLeod Turner, Mrs. Stephen G. Williams, Mrs. Arthur Wocds, Mrs. Davenport West, Mrs. Charles H. Thicriot, Mrs. A. P. Voislawsky, Mrs. Arthur Sin¬ clair, Mrs. Samuel F. Streit, Mrs. William L. Royall, Mrs. Alfred Roelker, Mrs. Langdon P. Marvin, Mrs. ,A. Graham Miles, Mrs. George W. C McCarter, Mrs. Charles H. Higgins, Mrs. Samuel W. Lambert, Mrs. Fred¬ eric C. Hirons, Mrs. J. Ramsay Hunt, Mrs. James Lees Laid aw, Mrs. Cass Gilbert, Mrs. John T. Pratt, Mrs. John Ballantine Pitncy, Mrs. Charles S. Whitman, Mr?. Albert Sterner, Mrs. Blair S. Williams, Mrs. Norman E. Ditman and Mrs. J. I.antrdon Schroeder. Great interest has been shown in so¬ ciety circles over the coming; ball, u'h.ch is one of the first large aitairs o. '.he winter season. Serving with Miss Robinson-Smith on the board of di¬ rectors of the association are Mrs. Pan- ííonby Ogle, Miss Gertrude E, Lacklan, Miss Anne Morgan, Miss Miriam K. Oliver, Mrs. Newcomb Carlton, Mrs. Daniel Guggenheim, Mrs. Alexander Kohut, Mrs. Prescott Slade, Mrs. Henry Wiggiesworth and Miss Maude Wct- rnorc. The auction bridge for the benefit of the Children's Welfare Federation is to be given at the Fasteboard Club, 110 East Fifty-ninth Street, on Tuesday «fternoon, December 5, at 2:30 o'clock. Ticlcts at S3 each, or tables for $10, may be had at the offices of the federa- ?ion, at 005 Penrl Street, or from the following members of the commit¬ tee: Miss Mary Arnold, Mrs. Daniel Bacon, Mrs. William Whittingham Bat- lie, Miss Dorothy Battie, Mrs. Benet A. Benson, Mrs. H. Rogers Benjamin, Mrs. Robert Clement, Miss Marjory Cleve¬ land, Mrs. Leonard Cox, Mrs. H. Law- .ance Dowd, Miss Virginia de Haven, Mrs. Robert Lewisohn, Mrs. Franklin I. Mallory, Mrs. Clarence Michelis, Miss Edith McCoor, Mrs. Daniel O'Sullivan, Mrs. Warner Orvis, Mrs. John B. 0,uimby jr., Mrs. Addison A. Van Tine and Mrs. Carroll Wainwright. The ninth season of the Beethoven Society will be inaugurated with a musicale and dance, to be held In the Grand Ballroom of the Plaza, Satur¬ day afternoon, November 11, Mrs. Dudley Van Holland has been elected acting president for the seasons 1922 and 1923, by action of the executive board. The vice-presidents include: Mrs. W. Otis Fredenburg, Mrs. J. S, Oarvalho, Mrs. Robert F. Archibold, Mrs Carl Jungen and Mrs. John R. f'apassimakes; recording secretary, Mrs. J. A. Lawrence; treasurer, Mrs. Grace A. Smith; correspmding secre¬ tary, Mrs. N. Frank Dannie. The directors include: Mrs. E. Schley, »1rs. William S. Haley, Mrs. Ellis J. HofFord, Mrs. John S. Hyatt, Mrs. Maude England Lynch, Mrs. John Mc¬ Donald, Mrs. Emma P. Reilly, Mrs. E. H. Schrott. Mrs. Russell W. Tench, Mrs. Maude E. Turner, Mrs. Ernest Hamilton, Miss May F. Harmon, Mr.s. Edward Hull Smith, Mrs. Charles Lask, Mrs. William J. Mansfield, Mrs. E. P. Moneuse, Mrs. Marie S. Sanquinnettc, Mrs. Denancey T. Smith, Mrs. ouy Percy Trulock and Mrs. W. Otis Wade, The choral is rehearsing four groups of song.i, arranged by their conductor, Mr. Howard Barlow, to be sung at the first evening concert, January 17, li>2¿. Three hundred members of the American Cr terion Society, Mrs. Leon¬ ard L. Hill president, met at the Hotel Commodore last Friday at to initial luncheon of the club's eleventh sea¬ son. Mrs. Cora Weiles Trow, brat vice-president, was in charge of the program, ''The Art of Fainting Day.'' Mrs. Hill greeted each member of the society at a recept.on which pre¬ ceded the luncheon. She was assisted in presenting the members and guests to the honor guests by Mrs. William .7, Sloane, Mrs. Hubert Tcmpleton Parson, Mrs. Alexis F. Besson, Mrs. Bedell Parker, Mrs. Sidney B. Whit- lock, Mrs. John C. Turner, Mrs. Mar¬ ion Zabriskie, Mrs. L. A. Cushman, Mrs. William G. Demurest and Mrs. Charles V. Paterno. Eighteen new members were re¬ ceived. The new members included Mrs. Owen Cunn ngham, Mrs. Lester W. Mitchell, Mrs. John A. Wiser, Mrs. Thomas Green, Mrs. L. M. Rimes, Mrs. Albert A. Cryer, Mrs. Jo.n Lowe, Mrs. Eugene H. Valle, Mrs. George H. Mal¬ lette, Mrs. M. N. Croxton, Mrs. Jose¬ phine H. Leckie, Mrs Henri Le'and Harrison, Mrs. Charlotte Mathews, Mis» Alice Rountree, Mrs. M, A. uai- tag ;r, Mrs. Anthony Paterno, Mrs. Truman P. Morgan and Mrs. Robert Stnllworth. Fermer members who re¬ joined the club wer? Mrs. Byron W. Fellows, Mrs, M E. P.ountree und Mrs Charles H. Emtrson. The committee .n charge of the luncheon was leaded by Mrs. Geoi W. Howes, Mrs. Benjamin J. Mil and Mrs. Adulpl.us R n. Serving under them weie Mrs Robe I ... Le Cocí ran. Mrs. Edgar J Williams L. A. Cushman,Mrs. W:. eW ttVan Pelt Mrs. J. B. l/U\ . Jo Strothers Gaines jr.. Mi ibert Godfrey, Mr». J. Edgar Prüden, Mrs. Walter Moore, Mrs Charit Wfl Bai.er, Mrs. Samuel Schi;. 1rs Min- thu.-n¦¦ Woolsey, Mrs. ''.... Jenkins, Mrs. William L Yoongman, Mr;«. Carl Cronemeyer. Mrs ( h A. Barthoî-omae, Mrs. Berberí Bi Walker. Mrs, Gustav '¦.'. 'Arthur H. Leary and Mrs. Frederic D. Raj jr. t%»¡ November meeting of the New York Browning Sonet) will b- hold Wednesday, November ?, at th* Wa'- ;-dov Astoria, the program to b t 2 o'clock, with Mrs, N\ Archibald Shaw, the cb.rman. T-i1 ..¦ e y m. era tt .»ill be prepart ,1 v.th qttoi .! i either to prove or tj dispr< at B poetry contains humo:, the su set for discussion oe.'u: irnn r n ; in P etry of Ri belt Browning." Professor J. 0. O'.'tci T .-p w"l b? the principal ipaakai président M William L. Voigt, i^i-.g In rope, "" of the vice-president*} will b in thf chair. Th? card puna -. r * TOV ' h V,' ioi headqaarttrrs fund oi ( reas St tie« proeii ei o lar affair. The chainm .. Mrs. Joba ii S' ppard, report» a large '.umber of tables have been reserved. Mrs. Thorr s i. Vivian t. ittnd« a\r<\ presidc-nt -f tbi x viev-r-resid« nts being Mrs. V. I lam Binds, Mrs. Tb m^s Slack Mr Howai W- v.gr.r. M--.. Charles S Qallager, M Drivid Burr Lackey, Mr«. Patr.ck 31 White, Mrs. William F CoakUn. M John Jay Bush, Mrs. W^.-rrit Johns in, Mrs. N. B. Ver. Slingerland, Mrs Hi! T. B<>ir.« Dr. F W Monell, M's. Ru¬ dolph Binder, Mrs. Wa.ter S. Comley, ^ Mrs. E. B. Williams, Mrs. O. R. von Bonnewitz, M.s. Frank M. Tench, Mrs. Will am P. Trimble and Mrs. Victor Frecirickson. Othe^ officers are Mrs. John B. S. f.ppard, recording secretary; Mrs. Charles D Hirst, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Frederick C Gay, treasurer, and Mrs. William C. Caubie, recorder. The next meeting of Post Parliament will be held Friday, November 10, at the Hotel McAlpin, when a discussion on India and England will be in charge of the committee on current events, with Miss Julia Ring the chairman. The National Society of Patriotic Women of America will hold a card p.-ty at the Hotel McAlpin «>n Novem¬ ber 8, and playing will begin promptly at 2 o'clock. The committee in charge includes Miss Mabel Boardman, Mrs. A. S. Cameron, Mrs. Charles Sabin, Countess Festetics, Mrs. Wm. B. Leeds, Mrs. Wm. C.imming Story, Mrs. Charles Whitman, Mrs. Harvey T. White, Mrs. C. A. J. Queck-Berner, Mrs. Wm. D. Beam, Mrs. Herbert. E. Davidson, Mrs. M Cable, Mrs. Alfred S. Masury, Mrs. J. P. Shannon, Mrs. Bryan H. River, Mrs. Robert B. Ailing, Mr«, Benjamin Jackson, Mr. and Mrs,; John Francis Yawger, Mrs. N. A. Shaw jr., Mrs. Noble McConnell, Mrs. Robert Hoe, Mrs. Henry Ward Beech er, Mrs. George H. Dowsey, Mrs. Charles A. Barti o'amac, Mrs. Harry A. Drullard. Mrs. Charles Austin Bates, Mrs. H. G. Conrad Mrs. Charles Mayhoff, Mrs. J. F. McDougall, Mrs. Charles A. Beck, Mrs. Louis C. White, Mrs. Emma H. Noyes, Mrs. Burb >n H. Davey, with Mrs. Luellen Bussenius, chairman, and Mrs. George Leonard Fisher, vice-1 cl airman. Mrs. William R. Stewart is president of the society. The Rubinstein Club, Mrs. William Rogers Chapman president, will Inr augúrate its thirty-sixth season at a musicale to be given November 18 in the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf- Astoria at 2 o'clock, when Mme. Ernestine Schumann-Heink will give her only song recital at the Waldorf this season. She will be assisted by Mrs. Florence Hardman, violinist, and Mr. Arthur Loesser, pianist. The choral rehearsals will be held at the Waldorf on Wednesday morn- ngs at 10:30 o'clock. Now appli¬ cants for the choral should be present on Wednesdays at that time. Elab¬ orate p.ans hive been completed for the season and the club will announce other great artists w!-o are to appear' ator. T'. e date for the first evening choral concert is set lor December 6. Tho second annual series of dances at the Smith College clubhouse for the alumnae and their friends is an- nounccd for November 10, Dicember 2, December 30, January 20, February 14, March 3, Muy 5 and May 26. Tho patronesses for the series include: Miss Amey Aid rich, Mrs. Joseph Deane, Mrs. George Ford, Mrs. R. O. Geller, Mrs. James M. Mills, Mrs. Thomas Lamont, Mrs. Seth Milliken, Mrs. Chare; Norton Irving Pratt, Mrs. George Roberts, Mrs. Herbert Scovillc. Mrs. Dw'ght Whitney Mor- row is honorary cha rman of the dance committee. Miss Florence Bliss is chairman. Others on tho committee are Mrs. Harris Wofford, Miss Ruth O'Hanlon, Miss Adele Adams and MibJ Katherine Merriam. The Society of the Daughters of Alabama, of which Mrs. William Le Baron Sands is president, will hold its regular monthly meeting at the Astor on Tuesday at 2 o'clock. *A special program has been arranged. At the first business meeting of the season, held lost Monday at the Wal¬ dorf-Astoria, the Manhattan Matinee Club re-elected Mrs. Frank H. Scarde- field pre.si e i ra. George Kupfrian was eiected first vice-president; Mrs. IE Wnrren Ki shaw, s c nd vice-presi- 'ent- M"s. Howard Clinton Russ, third vice-pre; ident, and ?.irs. Oscar A Ge- i. i i " -p i.sident. Among the e". r eml s receiver! were Mrs. ! S" t, Mrs William Gregory Kelly, Mrs. Prank Shi man and Miss Bertha hrader. he club's monthly luncheon will be :in No ember 15. Mrs. John D. n .' en will be ho tés« of the day, and th members will attend a per- kee I ri. .:«.ss at e .:. ki bockei Theater. The com- i :i '. ¡re of the card party for hilai in, »pic Fund, of which Mrs. R'ard I ijss is chairman, has an¬ nounced that ¡t «¡rill be held at the Waldorf-Astoria o: November 21. Tito second meeting of th« board of directors o rían Í h 5h rmonic oei ty, o lens it« thirty-second season thi '. be held to-mor- o',v C m tte ¦ of the r.'.ub are now v rl n ti e re i cales to be held oc e Th'1 off cars include Mrs. " ,. ett Menxles R ynor, presi¬ dent; Mrs. Fa Littlefield, henora-y mid .., Frederick A. Drcmka und Mrs Jada, vice-r-resi- dents; Mrs. Sturgii S. Dunham, re- rdim «ec Mr« Alvah A. '.¦¦. ng secrft ury, and Mrs. V. 11 <-',i ( rady, treasurer. Mrs - Male« )m. pvesi- i ounces that ri part; for the ,ii' i*h' p' .. the Waldorf- to aid in v,. ?, b at °61 i cet, where In« ti f r chi - . old are mude id or, n ai 'y >: r.v e '_ J iM A. All-n, 2 ïf '.'. -th.-.! Street, is chair" t '¦'; 'ty r,nd th" sub- ' tbama, M-s. Fern « od¡ «.T" s Mrs. J. J. Sampler; ¡i strict o- ¡i tmbia, M s W. A. Page; Geort''-, M - G M Goodwin: Ken- toek? Mrs. W. D M?;E h'nny; Lo i»i. ana, Mrs. Patrick Justin White; Mary- lnnd, Mrs. J. M. Ayre; Missi aippi, Mrs, j H. F. Higginf;; Missouri, Mrs. Adelin Key Foster; North Carolina, Mrs. L. L. Jenkins; S nth Carolina, Mrs. Herbert Lindéis; Tennessee, Mrs. F. A Col- cord; Texas, Mrs. Henry Harold Brookes; Virginia, Mrs. Frack Tench; West Virginia, Mrs. F. H. Frasier. The Theater Assembly, Mrs. J. Chris¬ topher Marks president, has offered to donate a complète Holstein dairy of 100 cows to the Veterans' Mountain Camp at Tupper Lake, N. Y., which is lor ill and tubercular ex-service men. Th» first installment of eleven pure¬ bred, registered and accredited Hol¬ stein cows was purrhrtsed last week ,".nd shi'/ped to the camp at Tuppei Lake. Five of these cows were prize winners at tht state fair. The balance of the dairy will be secured and shipped within a short timo. Last season the Theater Assembly gave over $25,000 in cash to the Vet¬ erans' Mountain Camp. During the summer the assembly sent a library to the camp of 748 new books. Tho library was presented under the direction and championship of Miss M. E. Child«. First study day was held lust Friday. Next school day will be held on Thurs¬ day, November 16, in the grand ball- room at the Hotel Astor. The assembly has changed its regular day for social day, which would have been Friday, November 17, in order to extend cour- tesy to Hon. M. Clemenceau, who will be entertained In the grand ballroom en November 17. During the bnlance of the season all social days will bo held on the regular Friday, as usual. At the annual meeting of the Federa¬ tion for Child Study Dr. Constance Long, of London, England, gave a talk, which was followed by discussion. Short reports were read, including one by Mrs. Fred M. Stein, on tho Play School, and pictures showing interest¬ ing features of the Summer Play School activities were shown. Ton was served. These officers for the coming year were elected: Mrs. Howard S. Gane, president; vice-presidents, Mrs. Fred M. Stein, Mrs. Emanuel Pilpel, Mrs. Jessio W. Ehrich, Mr. Moritz Kirschberger. Mrs. H. R. Miller was elected secretary to take the place of Mrs. Jessio W. Ehrich. Mr, J. W. Ehrich is treasurer and Mrs. Sidonio M. Grecnberg was made director. The monthly meeting of tho Free Industrial School for Crippled Chil¬ dren, at 471 West Fifty-seventh Street, and the Lulu Thorley Home for Crip¬ pled and Delicate Children, Claverack, N, Y., will be held at the home of the corresponding secretary, Mrs. Mullin Wayne, Hotel San Remo, on Tuesday, when plans will bo perfected for the work of the coming season. Mr. Wal¬ ter Scott is president and Mrs. Charles Thorley first vice-president. The regular social meeting of Sorosis, Mrs. John Lewis Childs president, will be hold at the Waldorf to-morrow, with a reception at 12:30 o'clock and luncheon at 1 o'clock. Tho program, in chnrge of the committee on litera¬ ture, Mrs. Lucy Hill Briggs chairman, has as its topic "Glimpses of Litera¬ ture." The Ellen Harden Walworth Chapter of the D. A. R. held a luncheon on Tuesday at Fraunces Tavern in honor of its regent, Mrs. Harvey Tyson White. Throughout tho luncheon a trio of stringed instruments played and later there were short addresses by Dr. Henry Hageman Hall, Miss Amelia Day Campbell, newly elected New York State historian, and a toast by Mrs. Theodore M. Hardy, to which Mrs. White graciously responded. Tho committee included Mrs. Lee M. Raney, as chairman, and Mmes. William C. Fitch, Henry A. King, Clarence Nims, Florence Otis, Frederick J. Atkinson, John S. Ware, Bruce D. Titman and John Schmidt. The Rainbow Club of the Americas, Mrs. Lillian Miles Walbridge, presi¬ dent, will hold its first reception and grand ball of the season Saturday evening, November 11, at the Hotel Plaza. The hosts and hostesses will include the Consul-Generals of Argen¬ tina and Bolivia and their wives. «-. The National Opera Club of America will hold its November study day on Thursday at the Waldorf-Astoria. Mme. Katherine Evans von Klenner, founder and president, has arranged the program of the day. Dancing will follow the program, with Mrs. C. G. Alecks us chairman. The h 'Stesses will include Mrs. Angélique V. Orr, Mrs. T. M. Nixon, Mrs. Leila Troland Gardner, Mrs. Joseph Gutman, Mrs. N. Loth and Mrs. Owen Kildare. The Thanksgiving music festival and ball will be held on November 23, with Mr. Francis Wright Clinton chairman. The Professional Woman's League will hold its first dinner-dance of the season at the Hotel Marseilles, 103d Street and Broadway, on November 9. Cards and dancing will follow the din¬ ner. Mrs. Ella Bosworth was hostess at the members' tea given on October 30, and assisting Mrs. Bosworth were Mrs. Edward Lineback, Mrs. Donald MacKenz'e ."nd Miss B lie GJd. rs. Russell Bassett, president, exhibited many .handsome articles which have been received for the Professional Wcman's League bazaar, to be held at the McAlpin on December 7, 8 and 9, Mrs. Ben Hendricks chairman. The New York League of American Pen-Women will give two musicale-, one at the home of Mrs. Patrick Justin White, 270 Park Avenue, on the after¬ noon of November 28 and another at I the homr of Mrs. William Frances Carey, 123 West Fifty-ninth Street, on the afternoon of December 5. A num- ho-r of prominent artiBts will rppear at these musicales. The chairman is Mrs. ¡Patrick Justin White, 270 Pr.rk Ave¬ nue. South'and Club, Mrs. Pleasant Jor¬ dan Gantt president, held a meeting at the Waldorf -Astoria last Thurrday and plans were outlined for extensive socia' and phiifnthropic work during the year. A card party and dance will ,'oe given at Delmonico's in December 'and February. The officers of the club ¡are Mrs. Pleasant Jordan Gantt, presi¬ dent; Mrs. Austin M. Hancock, vice- pves:dent; Mrs. J. F. McDiugall, re¬ cording secretary; Mrs. William Tur¬ ner Byars, corresponding secretary; Vrs. B. F. Amos, treasurer; Mrs. Henry Gerold Juliar. chairman of reception. Directors e'e<.ted were Mrs. S. C. N. Austin. Mrs. Wülinm Murdock, Mr3. Will Clayton and Mrs. Andrew Burt. Miss Johanna Cohn was chairman of pro ram. « The next meeting will he held Thurs¬ day, December 7. Guests of honor, Mr«. Frank Murray Tench, pres'dent of Virginia Society; Mrs. George Dra¬ per, president New York Division U. D C, and Mrs. William L. Sands, pres¬ ident Abalama S.cicty. An élection ni V.t dance will be held - y the Universit- Fora» of America et Tuesday eve ivg «t the head- ters of the .',/. at 203 West Nine- f-third ftreev. lection returns will 3 reported throughout the evening. ilr. Alexander Cumming, who is the orvm, will be the chairman, and Miss onsuelo H Hanse:, the hostess. The annual card party of the Govern¬ ment Club, Mrs. George E. Owens, ;> esidtmt, will be held at the Pennsyl¬ vania Hotel on Tuesday, November 21, St 2 o clock. Mrs. William F. Hessel is chairman and will be assisted by di¬ rectors the club and her committee. Mrs. Frank Cochran She is one of the governors of the Neto York Mozart Society. Mrs. Cochran gave a luncheon and matinee a few days ago for Mrs. Noble McConnel, president of the society. In Westchester County Wedding of Miss Regina M. Diifft Will Take Place on Saturday; Miss Stewart To Be Bride November 25 The wedding of Miss Regina Marion Dufft. daughter of Mrs. Carl E. Dufft, of 24 Urban Street, Mount Vernon, to Mr, William Parr Capes, son of Mrs. Robert Cape:., of Albany, will take place in the reception room of the Hotel Commodore, New York, on Satur¬ day evening, November 11. The cere¬ mony will be performed by the Rev. Dr. David James Burrell, of the Marble Collegiate Church, New York. The bride will be given away by her mother, Mrs. Carl E. Dufft, and, will be attended by Miss Alvino Collins, of Brooklyn, as maid of honor. The two bridesmaids will bo Miss Dorothy Dingwall, of Poughkecpsie, and Mian Holen Snyder, of Mount Vernon. Little Miss Gloria Dufft, sinter of the brido, will be flower girl. Mr. John C. Brack- enridge, of Forest Hills, L. 1., will bo beat man. The ushers will be Mr. Wal¬ ter Stone, ex-Mayor of Syracuse, and Mr. Galvin Brackenridge, of Forest Hills. A wedding dinner for 100 guests will be given at the Commodore immediate¬ ly after the ceremony. Following the dinner a reception and dance will be held. Upon returning from their wed¬ ding trip the couple will make their home in Albany. Miss Dufft is a grad¬ uate of Mount St. Vincent College. Mr. Capes is a graduate of Hamilton Col¬ lege and a diroctor of the State Mu¬ nicipal Bureau of Information. Ho ..lso is secretary of the New York State Conference of Mayors and one of the directors of the State Fuel Administra¬ tion uuder Admiistrator Woodin. One of the season's largest weddings will be that of Miss Alice Marguerite Stewart, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Guy Albert Stewart, of 404 South First Ave¬ nue, Mount Vernon, whose marriago to Mr. Harold Pinckney Simpson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson, of 329 North Seventh Avenue, Mount Vernon, will take place Saturday, November 25, in the FlrBt Reformed Church of Mount Vernon. The ceremony will be per¬ formed by the Rev. Dr. A. T. Brock, of the First Reformed Church. The bride, who will be given away by her father, will be attended by Miss Elizabeth Kittle, of Mount Vernon, as maid of honor, and MÍ33 Ann Herr¬ mann and Miss Evelyn Abraham, as bridcsmaidB. Mr. Guy Albert Stewart jr., brother of the bride, will be best man, and the ushers will include Mr. Laurerce Stewart another brother of the bride; Mr. Richard Zucker and Mr. Frederick Scheller. Following the cere¬ mony a dinner will be given at the home of the brides parents. The young couple will make their home in Mount Vernon. Miss Stewart was formerly a student at Brantwood Hall. Mr. Simp- hon spent several years at Harvard, and was in the service. The engagement of Miss Helen Wil- mcr Middleton, daughter of Mrs. John A. Middleton, of 1049 Park Avenue, New York, to Mr. Robert H. Reutter, of Rye, was announced at a dinner given at the home of Mrs. Middleton. The wedd'ng will take place around the first of the year. The wedding of Miss Edna Fendlor, daughter of Mrs. J. V. Fendler, of 10 *'orth Eighth Avenue, Mount Vernon, to Mr. Wilfred L. Fee, son of Mrs. W. L. Fee, of Mount Vernon, took place at 8:30 o'clock last night at the home of the brides' mother. Dr. Gardner, of the Vernon Heights Episcopal Church, Mount Vernon, performed the cere¬ mony, and the bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Harold E. Fendler, of Pelham. The bride was attended by her sis¬ ter, Miss Elaine Fendler, as maid of honor. Mr. Harold Borgwald was best man. A rccention at the home of tho bride followed the ceremony. Upon their return from their wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Fee will make their homo t 68 North Columbus Avenue, Mount i Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Cole, of Roosevelt Avenue, Pelhnm Manor, ha?o announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Gladys Cole, to Mr. Win thron T. ParVer jr., son of Mr and Mrs. William T. Parker, of Liberty Avenue, New Rochelle. No date has been set for the wedding. The ens-atrement of Miss Marlon Fartrr-m Entz, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J-stua Bucklev Entz, of Ro¬ chelle Park, New Rochelle, to Mr. Joseph R. M-irrin jr.j hns been an¬ nounced Mr. Marrin is the son of Mr ard Mrs. Joseph A Werten, of Cl Lock- wod Avenue, New Rochelle. It is expected that more than 500 prominent residents of Westchester will attend the annual charity ball which will be held at the Mount Ver¬ non armory on Wednesday evening November 15. Tha interior of the armory will be decorated with flower« and ferns and there will be a number of special boxes for out of town guests. Tho proceeds of the affair will bo devoted to the benefit of the local hospital. The ball committee Includes Messrs. Arthur E. Lane, Arthur Anderson, Lee Uach, C. W. Brock, William G. Brogan, George L. Close, H. B. Coho, Harold Fendler, Jacob Ferber, Max Fertig, Mayor Edwin W. Fiske, T. A. Jenkins jr., C. R. Johnson, George T. Macbeth, Charles M. Miller, Dr. W. H. McNeill, Harry J. Mold, P. A. Murray, M. S. Porter, George W. Small, C. A. Speak- man, Dr. T. C. Swift, P. W. Shepard, Ephraim Samuels, Evans E. A. Stone, Dr. J. H. Tallman, Dr. J J. Thomson, John Van Horson, Richard M. Winfield and Dr. J. Russoll Watson. A bridge for tho benefit of the Larcli- mont Public Health Association was fiven Friday, at tho homo of Mrs. lugene Boross, of 16 Helena Avenue, Larchmont. Among those who attend¬ ed were: Mrs. Sidney DreBser, Mrs. Stuart Emslie, Mrs. Konneth Hooker, Mrs. Victor Hansen, Mrs. James Kent, Mrs. Roger Lyons, Mrs. A. H. Hill, Mrs. Harncy Ford, Mrs. Wesley M. Oler, Mrs. F. A. Maunen, Mrs. M. L. Overton, Mrs. Leonard Davidow, Mrs. A. C. Robinson jr., Mrs. Charles L. Rundlet, Mrs. T. F. Russell jr., Mrs. II. E. Fayson, Mrs. David Story, Mrs. G. W. Scofield, Mrs. W. H. Silk, Mrs. 0. J. Schneer, Mrs. E. Thomas, Mrs. William Webb, Mrs. Shirley Ellis, Mrs. J. G. Wibon, Mrs. Edward C. Griffen, Mrs. Louis J. Lucas, Mrs. John Cob- den, Mrs. Emily E. Lindsley, Mis3 C. Houghtaling, Miss Turnbuii, Mrs. H. J. Brewer, Mrs. Howell Dobbs, Mrs. V. Drewsen, and Mro. Frederick Hawley, all of Larchmont. Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Griffon, of Larchmont, have returned from a two weeks' tour through New England. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Craven, of Larchmont, have returned from Wood¬ stock, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Duffy, of Larchmont, left last week for their winter home in Pasadena, Calif. Dr. and Mrs. William B. Short, of Larchmont, are spending the winter in New York. Many members of Westchester so¬ ciety were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Wise, of Sagamore Park, Bronxville, at a supper and dance given at Valley View Farm Inn, at Haw¬ thorne, on Tuesday evening. Among Lhe guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Todd Pettigrew, Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Crandall, Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Le Fort, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morange, Mr. Irving Morange, Mr. und Mrs. Ernest Quantrell and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Meyers. A luncheon anu shower were given last week by Mrs. Georgo M. Skene, of Shippan Point, Stamford, in honor of Mits Edna Fendler, daughter of Mrs. J. V. Fendler, of 64 Elm Avenue, Mount Vernon, whose marriage to Mr, Wil¬ fred L. Fee, also of Mount Vernon, took place yesterday. Bridge wns played during the after¬ noon, the prizes being won by MÍ3S Dorothy Smith and Mrs. Stuart Ketcham. Among those present were Mrs. J. V. Fendler, Miss Elaino Fend-. 1er, Mrs. J. Wilson, Miss Dorothy Smith, Mrs. Merryn Connor, Miss Frances Taylor, Mrs. Walter Roscher, Mrs. Carl Johanson, Mrs. Stuart Ketcham and Mrs. James B. Swain. Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Adams, of 73 Storer Avenue, Pelhamwood, mo¬ tored to Philadelphia for several days last week. Miss Ann Hollister, daughter of Mr. Charles A. Hollister, of 228 Wolf's Lane, Pelham Heights, returned re* cently from Europe on the George Washington. Miss Hollister has been abroad for the last three months. Mrs. Ernest Johnson, of Philadel¬ phia, formerly of Pelham Manor, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clair W. Fairbank, of Willard Avenue, Pelham Manor, last week. Mrs. Eleanor S. Talboys, of Jackson Street, Pelham Manoi-, returned re¬ cently from Watkins Glen, in tho Catskilla, where the hae been for six months. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. McNeir closed their camp at Lake Placid on Wednesday and are now at the Hotel Gramatan, BronxvLle, whore they will spend a few waeks before opening their home in Sagamore Park. Mr. and Mrs. William Wise, of Saga¬ more Park, Bronxville, entertained at a barn dance on Tuesday evening at Valley View Farm, White Plains. Mrs. R. Carlton Fontaine, of Wood* land Avenue, Bronxvllle, entertained 8t bridge last Wednesday in honor of Mrs. C. P. Treat. Mrs. Howard J. Reed, of Lawrence Park West, Bronxvllle, entertained at a tea last Thursday at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Jone«, of Bronxvillo, returned recently to their homo on Elm Rock Road after a visit in Vermont. Mrs. C. Fitepatrlck, of Long Island, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. El¬ mer Grey, of Gramatan Court, Bronx- ville. Mr. and Mr«. Frank White jr., of Snmmerfield, N. J., have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Laro- precht, of 21 Henrietta Street, Yonkors. The first of a aeries of card parties arranged by the entertainment commlt- ce of the Nappcckamae Club, of Yonk- 'irn, took place last week under the di¬ rection of tho following hostesses: Mrn. Braco Tompkins, chairman; Mrs. .'rnnk P. Watson, Mrs. F. Harry fireene, Mrs. Horace B'. Hanson and Mm. II. H. Banner, all of Yonkers. Among the players of five hundred and bridge were Mr«. Rüssel S. Madden, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hackett, Mm. Ed¬ ward T. Abbott, Mrs. Frank R. Burley, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Fish, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Lord, Mr. and Mrs. William V. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Wood, Mr. and Mr». Frank Hickey, Mr. and Mrs. Chester B, Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. William A. MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bert, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Daniels, Mr. and Mra. William B. Johnson, Mrs. Alexander McKenrt», Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Archard, Mr. and Mrs. Er¬ win T. Jones, Dr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Burr, Mr. and Mrs. Leo M. Thompson, Miss Florence May Birmingham, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Chedd, Mrs. Hester A. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman A. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. William Culver. Mrs. John T. Dix, of Chicago, has boen visiting her parent«, Dr. and Mra. Robert T. Howe, of 29 South First Ave¬ nue, Mount Vernon. Mrs. Charles A. Tier, of Primrose Avenue, and Mrs. F. A. Merriam, of Rich Avenue, Mount Vernon, have re¬ turned from two weeks at Atlantic Mr. and Mrs. William Korhammer, of California Road, Mount Vernon, who have spent the summer in Europe, have returned. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Haines, who havo been visiting Mrs. Haines s pa¬ rents* Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Whitemore, of CInremont Avenue, Mount Vernon, returned last week to their home in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Rowan, of Prospect Avenue, Mount Vernon, left this week on a trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Gilroy, of Albany, have beon the guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Gilroy, of Archer Avenue, Mount Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Benning and children, of 336 Claremont Avenue, Mount Vernon, left last week for Charleston, S. C., whero they will re¬ main about three weeks. Mrs. William T. Betts, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. E. A. Robin¬ son, of Crary Avenue, Mount Vernon, returned to her home in Washington last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Cross, of Cot¬ tage Avenue, Mount Vernon, left last Thursday for a two weeks' trip to At¬ lantic City. Mr. and Mm. Cecil Ashdown, of Pel- ham Manor, who have been spending tho last two weeks at New Paite, N. Y., returned recently to their home in Pel- ham Manor Road. Mr. Robert Mulford and daughter, Mary, of South Second Avenue, Mount Vernon, and Mr. and Mra. Thomas A. Jenkins, of Devonia Avenue, Mount Vernon, spent last week end at Cam¬ bridge, Mass., where they attended the Harvard-Dartmouth game. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell, of East Lincoln Avenue, Mount Vernon, and Mr. and Mrs. I-I. II. McClaskey, also of Mount Vernon, spent last week end at Sachem's Head, and motored to Cambridge for the football game. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Barron, of Ryo, returned recently from a two months' trip through the West, and are now occupying their home on For¬ est Avenue. Mrs. William J. Knapp, of Rye, has been entertaining her father, Mr. W. Allen, at her home on Polly Park Road. Mr. and Mrs. William Matthews, of Rye, have returned to their home on Ridge Street after spending several weeks at the Apawamis Club. Mrs. Robert Mollory, of Rye, at¬ tended the National Garden Clubs' con¬ vention at Washington as president of the Rye Club. Other Rye members who attended were Mrs. William Rand, Mm. Charlea Enrlng and Mrs. Samuel L. Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Weston, of Sutton Manor, New Rochelle, «pent last week end at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gross, of Beech- mont, New Rochelle, returned recently from a three months' trip abroad. Mrs. Clarence Wadsworth Frances, of 11 The Circle, Rochelle Park, re¬ turned last week from Atlantic City. Mrs. Edward Renshaw, of 138 Chaun- cey Avenue, New Rochelle, left for Atlantic City last week, where she will remain about a week. Mr. Albert E. Mavos, of Beechmoni, New Rochelle, has returned from Can¬ ada where he was on a hunting trip, and is now enjoying several weeks duck shooting at Éisex, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cooney, of Mamaroneck, have gone to New York for the winter. Mrs. K. M. Whiting, of Mamaroneck. 53 at Hampton Roads, Va., where her husband, Lieutenant Commander Ken¬ neth M. Whiting, U. S. N., is stationed. Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Perrault, of 34 Rathburn Avenue, White Plains, have beau entertaining Mia» Grace La France, oi Manchester, N. H. Mr. Raymond P. Morse, of Scaradale, ! has been chosen »resident of the Cor¬ nell Westchester Alumni. Among those who recently gave a dinner party in the new clubhouse of the Scarsdale Country Club were Mr and Mrs. Ray Durstlne. Mr s. George L. Eaton, of Witherbee Avenue. Pelham, returned last week from Watklns Glen, New York, where she has been for the last month. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith, of Willow Avenue, Pelham, have tuturned ¿rom Buck Hill Fall«, Pa, Society in the Oranges Miss Harriet Margaret Smith h Engaged to Mr John A. Kemp ; Invitations Issued for Colie-Hall Wedding Announcement ha» been made of the engagement of Miss Harriet Margaret Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil¬ liam Smith, of 8 Roosevelt Road, Maplewood, and Mr. John A. Kemp, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kemp, of Ridgewood Road, Maplewood. No wed¬ ding date has been set. Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Rosalie Hall, daugh¬ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Emmlin Hajl, of Flushing, L. I., and Mr. Frederick R. Colie, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Colic of L09 Prospect Street, East Or¬ ange. The wedding will taka place next Saturday, at the Flushing Episcopal Church, and will be followed by a re¬ ception at the home of the parents of tho bride-to-he. Miss Annie Hal! will be her sister*« maid of honor, and the bridesmaids will be Miss Margaret Colie, of East Orange, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Mary Hitch and Miss Delancy Newlan. Mr. Runyon Colle, of South Orange, will be his brother's best man, and the ushers will include two other brothers. Dr. Edward M. Colie ir., of New York, and Mr. Dayton Colie, of South-Orange; Mr. Davis Hall and Mr. Emmlin Hall jr., brothers of the bride; Mr. Cornelius Boocock and Mr. Ralph Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Armand Jean De Rosset. of 80 Dodd Street, East Orange, have announced tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Ivy De Rosset, to Mr. Allen Birchwood Kendall jr., son of Mrs. Allen Birchwood Kendall, of Jack-1 sonville, Fla., formerly of South Maple Avenue, East Orange. While no defi¬ nite wedding date has been set, the ceremony will in all probability take place in March. Miss De Rosset is the granddaughter of Colonel and Mrs. George P. Olcott, of 74 Carlton Street, East Orange. Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Helen Carpenter GoodelT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-> ford Goodell, of East Orange, to Mr. Walter Harrison Robertson, of Boston. The wedding took place in Chicago on October 21. Mr. Robertson is a gradu- ate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and also of Harvard Uni¬ versity. During the World War he served as a lieutenant in the United States aviation service. Mi38 Anna Toomey, daughter of Mrs. Daniel P. Toomey, of North Wralnur. Street, East Orange, was married yes¬ terday to Mr. Carl Schweinler, son <-if j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schweinler of' Hilltop, Benvenue Avenue, West Or- ange. The ceremony was performed at the Church of Our Lady Help of Chris-1 iians, East Orange, by the Rev. John A. O'Brien, tho rector, and was fol¬ lowed by a reception at the home of the bride. Mis9 Josephine Toomey was her sister's maid of honor, and Mr. Frederick Schweinler was best man for Jiis brother. Word has been received in the Oranges of the arrival in Riverdaie, Calif., of Miss Heien Pearce, of Or- i a;:»e, who is to **..* married next Fri- day to Mr. Harry 1'. Burbank, of Cajon, Calif, Miss Peace, who is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce, of South Centre Street, Orange, passed the few months previous to her de- parture with her brother and sister- m-law, Dr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Pearce, of 593 Park Avenue, Orange. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace Hurd, of 86 Harrison Street, East Orange, have returned from Laurel-in-the-Pines. Lakewood, where they have been for the entire month of October. Miss Kathryn Phillips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Phillips, of Whit- tlesey Avenue, East Orange, has re¬ turned from Canada, where she has been touring since making an extended trip through the Western states. Dr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills, Mr. Rnd Mrs. Daniel F. O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pasley, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Phillips and Mrs. May E. Francis were the chaperons at the Halloween barn dance given Tuesday evening at the Washington Society, 20 Prospect Street, East Orange, by the Junior Assembly of the Oranges. The barn dance was the first social function of the assembly for this year. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Victor Reiner, whose marri:. ?e took place Friday, Oc- tober 20, at the home of Mrs. Reiner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Oppen- neim, of Park Avenue, Orange, are now at Gedney Farms. On their return they will make their home temporarily with Mr. and Mrs. Oppenheim. Former Clerk Joseph McDonough of Essex County and Mrs. McDonough, of Yale Terrace, West Orange, have an¬ nounced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Cecilia Marie McDon¬ ough, to Dr. Walter E. Tracy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Tracy, of 547 Valley Street, Orange. Miss McDonough is a graduate of St. Vincent's Academy, New York, and or¬ ganist at the Church of Our Lady of the Valley, Orange. Dr. Tracy was graduated from Wenonah Military Academy and Georgetown University and is a World War veteran. The Beethoven Music Club of the Oranges met Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Edna Reininger, of 250 Harrison Street, East Orange. Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Kelsey, of Woodland Avenue, East Orange, are at Atlantic City for a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. David Lincoln Luke jr., whose marriage took place last June, are now at their new home in Tyrono, Fa. Mrs. Luke, who was formerly Miss Priscllla Silver, is a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Edgar 0. Silver «f tu weilyn Park, West Orange. ' ** A dinner, followed by an "Apron lw Overall Dance," was held at the «mi wood Club Tuesday. Mr. Fred*?/ Brown was in charge of the srrtu» ments. ^*" Under the auspices of the Ml»»» Chapter, O. E. S., a minstrel shewT be given November 16 in the CeSa» bio School Auditorium, South Orñ, Mrs. Ernest A. Burkhardt, chairan,.', the Ways and Means Committee ¡i charge of arrangements and is CAtit ing the cast, assisted by Mr W t Sayre. Mr. Edward Howard Grigfç« wii *w speaker at the meeting of the Woaan' Club of Maplewood, Friday. His tost "Facing the Mystery -Hamlet." pr0L of considerable interest to the ott' members present. The music for 3 occasion was famished by Miss jw othea Morelock. Mra. Amza Smith, of ?,2 Waisinrti- Street, East Orange, has returned fro- a motor trip through the Ne* &. land states. The next meeting of the lefanù- Literary Club will be htU \n Wednesday at th« home of Mr», f Y Flynn, of Prospect ,f-:*rcet. Stuf. Orange. Mrs. Frank A. Stonebeck, 618 Par Avenue, East Orange, will be hont*' nt her home, November 10, to the Fr day Luncheon Club. Plans have been completed br i Tau Delta Sigma Sorority for a itri. to be given Thursday, November i at the Washington Society elote«,, Eapt Orange. M;ss Isabelle Pirfay, Miss Betty Ansbach are in chuj» ¿ the affair. Rehearsals are now well by tho members of the Pairt and?», der Club of the Oranges for thu-1' r.ual show of that organization, to fei held December 14 and lö, in Coloak Hall, Orange. The proceeds of tier- fair are to b«» used for charitable» poses. Mr. Malcolm Pierson, of Ig. j-ell Avenue, South Orange, is jr».! dent of the club. Mr. and Mr:. Edward Brock, of 9a-! view Avenue, South Orange, are at Ai- laut- 3 City for a short stay. T.iiss Emiilie Naylor, of 59 VVaäfcis;. trn Street, East Orange, has gemí Southern California, where she will»! main un*il spring. Dr. and Mrs. Lab in Dennis, «tf?J Ridge Street, Orange. 1 ive annUKti the marriage of their daught« Jfil Maty P. St. John to Mr. Sas»! A. Morman, of Grand Rrnid:. Mufti marriage took place Wednesda&W be.r 25, and wns performed by tie?.«?. Harmon II. MeQujlkin, pastor aim First Presbyterian Church, Ore?! Mr. and Mrs. Morman are speaüq their honeymoon in the South. (Continued en nc*t XPERIEN» the real jopJ Autumn.in d* heart ofAtlteÄ City's plcasoa facing the » The £nest W* hotel on ei:fe«a»' tincnt. Arctitoa ot Europe» ¿>:- Fireproof. #"<. open. D«*? te«¡o<A «*' prMto» A Atlantic Cm Worlds Greatest Moid Suctr-, Heiler Looms, be. S41 Madison Aven« comer 70th St Tapc»tri«e», Antique*» R* productions, Lamp»» Cur- tain Material», etc. On account early reffio**] to 18 East 65th Street, « offer selection» frftn ott* Entir« Siock at DitcewrU from Vi to % An exceptional opportunity» purchase choice furnishing»*/ low as auction pnc«*> J ,,...,.. ..¦¦., ..... _±=zz£r. GIFTS TO FRIENDS ABROAD i THROUGH OUR PARIS SHOP. Those desir¬ ing to sand Holiday Gifts to friands in Europe can place their orders with us here in New York afíd have delivery made direct from our Paris Shop with the advantage of prices prevailing there. ¿fc. §jua%ci cj (êpntfvonw SHIRTMAKERS AND HABERDASHERS 512 FIFTH AVENUE, 43RD ST.. NEW YORK PARIS-2 RUE DE CASTIGLIONE

News of Women's Clubs.Social Affairs of NoteAmerican Woman's AnniversaryBall To Be Held December 6

Organization of Business Women CompletingPians for Celebration : Beethoven

Season PlannedThe twelfth anniversary of the American Woman's Association, Inc>

-.ne of the largest organizations of business women in g'eater New York,will be observed by a large ball, to be given the evening of December 6, in'he large ballroom of the Hotel Plaza. M.ss Gertrude Robinson-Sraith is¦hairman of tbe association.

Mrs. Deas Murphy is chairman of t'.e ball committee, and servingwith her are well known society women, including Mi'3. Harold McLeodTurner, Mrs. Stephen G. Williams, Mrs. Arthur Wocds, Mrs. DavenportWest, Mrs. Charles H. Thicriot, Mrs. A. P. Voislawsky, Mrs. Arthur Sin¬clair, Mrs. Samuel F. Streit, Mrs. William L. Royall, Mrs. Alfred Roelker,Mrs. Langdon P. Marvin, Mrs. ,A. Graham Miles, Mrs. George W. CMcCarter, Mrs. Charles H. Higgins, Mrs. Samuel W. Lambert, Mrs. Fred¬eric C. Hirons, Mrs. J. Ramsay Hunt, Mrs. James Lees Laid aw, Mrs. CassGilbert, Mrs. John T. Pratt, Mrs. John Ballantine Pitncy, Mrs. Charles S.Whitman, Mr?. Albert Sterner, Mrs. Blair S. Williams, Mrs. Norman E.Ditman and Mrs. J. I.antrdon Schroeder.Great interest has been shown in so¬

ciety circles over the coming; ball,u'h.ch is one of the first large aitairs o.'.he winter season. Serving with MissRobinson-Smith on the board of di¬rectors of the association are Mrs. Pan-ííonby Ogle, Miss Gertrude E, Lacklan,Miss Anne Morgan, Miss Miriam K.Oliver, Mrs. Newcomb Carlton, Mrs.Daniel Guggenheim, Mrs. AlexanderKohut, Mrs. Prescott Slade, Mrs. HenryWiggiesworth and Miss Maude Wct-rnorc.

The auction bridge for the benefit ofthe Children's Welfare Federation isto be given at the Fasteboard Club, 110East Fifty-ninth Street, on Tuesday«fternoon, December 5, at 2:30 o'clock.Ticlcts at S3 each, or tables for $10,may be had at the offices of the federa-?ion, at 005 Penrl Street, or fromthe following members of the commit¬tee: Miss Mary Arnold, Mrs. DanielBacon, Mrs. William Whittingham Bat-lie, Miss Dorothy Battie, Mrs. Benet A.Benson, Mrs. H. Rogers Benjamin, Mrs.Robert Clement, Miss Marjory Cleve¬land, Mrs. Leonard Cox, Mrs. H. Law-.ance Dowd, Miss Virginia de Haven,Mrs. Robert Lewisohn, Mrs. Franklin I.Mallory, Mrs. Clarence Michelis, MissEdith McCoor, Mrs. Daniel O'Sullivan,Mrs. Warner Orvis, Mrs. John B.0,uimby jr., Mrs. Addison A. Van Tineand Mrs. Carroll Wainwright.The ninth season of the Beethoven

Society will be inaugurated with amusicale and dance, to be held In theGrand Ballroom of the Plaza, Satur¬day afternoon, November 11, Mrs.Dudley Van Holland has been electedacting president for the seasons 1922and 1923, by action of the executiveboard. The vice-presidents include:Mrs. W. Otis Fredenburg, Mrs. J. S,Oarvalho, Mrs. Robert F. Archibold,Mrs Carl Jungen and Mrs. John R.f'apassimakes; recording secretary,Mrs. J. A. Lawrence; treasurer, Mrs.Grace A. Smith; correspmding secre¬tary, Mrs. N. Frank Dannie.The directors include: Mrs. E. Schley,

»1rs. William S. Haley, Mrs. Ellis J.HofFord, Mrs. John S. Hyatt, Mrs.Maude England Lynch, Mrs. John Mc¬Donald, Mrs. Emma P. Reilly, Mrs. E.H. Schrott. Mrs. Russell W. Tench,Mrs. Maude E. Turner, Mrs. ErnestHamilton, Miss May F. Harmon, Mr.s.Edward Hull Smith, Mrs. Charles Lask,Mrs. William J. Mansfield, Mrs. E. P.Moneuse, Mrs. Marie S. Sanquinnettc,Mrs. Denancey T. Smith, Mrs. ouyPercy Trulock and Mrs. W. Otis Wade,The choral is rehearsing four groups

of song.i, arranged by their conductor,Mr. Howard Barlow, to be sung at thefirst evening concert, January 17, li>2¿.

Three hundred members of theAmerican Cr terion Society, Mrs. Leon¬ard L. Hill president, met at the HotelCommodore last Friday at to initialluncheon of the club's eleventh sea¬son. Mrs. Cora Weiles Trow, bratvice-president, was in charge of theprogram, ''The Art of Fainting Day.''

Mrs. Hill greeted each member ofthe society at a recept.on which pre¬ceded the luncheon. She was assistedin presenting the members and gueststo the honor guests by Mrs. William.7, Sloane, Mrs. Hubert TcmpletonParson, Mrs. Alexis F. Besson, Mrs.Bedell Parker, Mrs. Sidney B. Whit-lock, Mrs. John C. Turner, Mrs. Mar¬ion Zabriskie, Mrs. L. A. Cushman,Mrs. William G. Demurest and Mrs.Charles V. Paterno.Eighteen new members were re¬

ceived. The new members includedMrs. Owen Cunn ngham, Mrs. LesterW. Mitchell, Mrs. John A. Wiser, Mrs.Thomas Green, Mrs. L. M. Rimes, Mrs.Albert A. Cryer, Mrs. Jo.n Lowe, Mrs.Eugene H. Valle, Mrs. George H. Mal¬lette, Mrs. M. N. Croxton, Mrs. Jose¬phine H. Leckie, Mrs Henri Le'andHarrison, Mrs. Charlotte Mathews,Mis» Alice Rountree, Mrs. M, A. uai-tag ;r, Mrs. Anthony Paterno, Mrs.Truman P. Morgan and Mrs. RobertStnllworth. Fermer members who re¬joined the club wer? Mrs. Byron W.Fellows, Mrs, M E. P.ountree und MrsCharles H. Emtrson.The committee .n charge of the

luncheon was leaded by Mrs. GeoiW. Howes, Mrs. Benjamin J. Miland Mrs. Adulpl.us R n. Servingunder them weie Mrs Robe I ... LeCocí ran. Mrs. Edgar J WilliamsL. A. Cushman,Mrs. W:. eW ttVanPelt Mrs. J. B. l/U\ . JoStrothers Gaines jr.. Mi ibertGodfrey, Mr». J. Edgar Prüden, Mrs.Walter Moore, Mrs Charit WflBai.er, Mrs. Samuel Schi;. 1rs Min-thu.-n¦¦ Woolsey, Mrs. ''....Jenkins, Mrs. William L Yoongman,Mr;«. Carl Cronemeyer. Mrs ( hA. Barthoî-omae, Mrs. Berberí BiWalker. Mrs, Gustav '¦.'.'Arthur H. Leary and Mrs. Frederic D.Raj jr.

t%»¡ November meeting of the NewYork Browning Sonet) will b- holdWednesday, November ?, at th* Wa'-

;-dov Astoria, the program to b t2 o'clock, with Mrs, N\ ArchibaldShaw, the cb.rman. T-i1 ..¦ e y m.era tt.»ill be prepart ,1 v.th qttoi .! i eitherto prove or tj dispr< V» at Bpoetry contains humo:, the su set fordiscussion oe.'u: irnn r n ; in P etryof Ri belt Browning."

Professor J. 0. O'.'tci T .-p w"l b?the principal ipaakai présidentM William L. Voigt, i^i-.g Inrope, "" of the vice-president*} will bin thf chair.

Th? card puna -. r *

TOV ' h V,' ioiheadqaarttrrs fund oi ( reasSt tie« proeii ei olar affair. The chainm .. Mrs. Joba iiS' ppard, report» a large '.umber oftables have been reserved.

Mrs. Thorr s i. Vivian t. ittnd«a\r<\ presidc-nt -f tbi xviev-r-resid« nts being Mrs. V. IlamBinds, Mrs. Tb m^s Slack Mr HowaiW- v.gr.r. M--.. Charles S Qallager, MDrivid Burr Lackey, Mr«. Patr.ck 31White, Mrs. William F CoakUn. MJohn Jay Bush, Mrs. W^.-rrit Johns in,Mrs. N. B. Ver. Slingerland, Mrs Hi!T. B<>ir.« Dr. F W Monell, M's. Ru¬dolph Binder, Mrs. Wa.ter S. Comley,

^Mrs. E. B. Williams, Mrs. O. R. vonBonnewitz, M.s. Frank M. Tench, Mrs.Will am P. Trimble and Mrs. VictorFrecirickson. Othe^ officers are Mrs.John B. S. f.ppard, recording secretary;Mrs. Charles D Hirst, correspondingsecretary; Mrs. Frederick C Gay,treasurer, and Mrs. William C. Caubie,recorder.

The next meeting of Post Parliamentwill be held Friday, November 10, atthe Hotel McAlpin, when a discussionon India and England will be in chargeof the committee on current events,with Miss Julia Ring the chairman.

The National Society of PatrioticWomen of America will hold a cardp.-ty at the Hotel McAlpin «>n Novem¬

ber 8, and playing will begin promptlyat 2 o'clock. The committee in chargeincludes Miss Mabel Boardman, Mrs.A. S. Cameron, Mrs. Charles Sabin,Countess Festetics, Mrs. Wm. B. Leeds,Mrs. Wm. C.imming Story, Mrs.Charles Whitman, Mrs. Harvey T.White, Mrs. C. A. J. Queck-Berner,Mrs. Wm. D. Beam, Mrs. Herbert. E.Davidson, Mrs. M Cable, Mrs. AlfredS. Masury, Mrs. J. P. Shannon, Mrs.Bryan H. River, Mrs. Robert B. Ailing,Mr«, Benjamin Jackson, Mr. and Mrs,;John Francis Yawger, Mrs. N. A. Shawjr., Mrs. Noble McConnell, Mrs. RobertHoe, Mrs. Henry Ward Beech er, Mrs.George H. Dowsey, Mrs. Charles A.Barti o'amac, Mrs. Harry A. Drullard.Mrs. Charles Austin Bates, Mrs. H. G.Conrad Mrs. Charles Mayhoff, Mrs. J.F. McDougall, Mrs. Charles A. Beck,Mrs. Louis C. White, Mrs. Emma H.Noyes, Mrs. Burb >n H. Davey, withMrs. Luellen Bussenius, chairman, andMrs. George Leonard Fisher, vice-1cl airman. Mrs. William R. Stewartis president of the society.The Rubinstein Club, Mrs. William

Rogers Chapman president, will Inraugúrate its thirty-sixth season at amusicale to be given November 18 inthe Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria at 2 o'clock, when Mme.Ernestine Schumann-Heink will giveher only song recital at the Waldorfthis season. She will be assisted byMrs. Florence Hardman, violinist, andMr. Arthur Loesser, pianist.The choral rehearsals will be held

at the Waldorf on Wednesday morn-ngs at 10:30 o'clock. Now appli¬cants for the choral should be presenton Wednesdays at that time. Elab¬orate p.ans hive been completed forthe season and the club will announceother great artists w!-o are to appear'ator. T'. e date for the first eveningchoral concert is set lor December 6.

Tho second annual series of dancesat the Smith College clubhouse forthe alumnae and their friends is an-nounccd for November 10, Dicember 2,December 30, January 20, February 14,March 3, Muy 5 and May 26. Thopatronesses for the series include:Miss Amey Aid rich, Mrs. JosephDeane, Mrs. George Ford, Mrs. R. O.Geller, Mrs. James M. Mills, Mrs.Thomas Lamont, Mrs. Seth Milliken,Mrs. Chare; Norton Irving Pratt,Mrs. George Roberts, Mrs. HerbertScovillc. Mrs. Dw'ght Whitney Mor-row is honorary cha rman of the dancecommittee. Miss Florence Bliss ischairman. Others on tho committeeare Mrs. Harris Wofford, Miss RuthO'Hanlon, Miss Adele Adams and MibJKatherine Merriam.

The Society of the Daughters ofAlabama, of which Mrs. William LeBaron Sands is president, will hold itsregular monthly meeting at the Astoron Tuesday at 2 o'clock. *A specialprogram has been arranged.At the first business meeting of the

season, held lost Monday at the Wal¬dorf-Astoria, the Manhattan MatineeClub re-elected Mrs. Frank H. Scarde-field pre.si e i ra. George Kupfrianwas eiected first vice-president; Mrs.IE Wnrren Ki shaw, s c nd vice-presi-'ent- M"s. Howard Clinton Russ, thirdvice-pre; ident, and ?.irs. Oscar A Ge-i. i i .¦ " -p i.sident. Amongthe e". r eml s receiver! were Mrs.! S" t, Mrs William Gregory Kelly,Mrs. Prank Shi man and Miss Bertha

hrader.he club's monthly luncheon will be

:in No ember 15. Mrs. John D.n .' en will be ho tés« of the day,and th members will attend a per-

.¦ kee I ri. .:«.ss ate .:. ki bockei Theater. The com-i :i '. ¡re of the card party for

hilai in, »pic Fund, of which Mrs.R'ard I ijss is chairman, has an¬

nounced that ¡t «¡rill be held at theWaldorf-Astoria o: November 21.

Tito second meeting of th« board ofdirectors o rían Í h 5h rmonicoei ty, o lens it« thirty-secondseason thi '. be held to-mor-o',v C m tte ¦ of the r.'.ub are nowv rl n ti e re i cales to be held

oc e Th'1 off cars includeMrs. "

,. ett Menxles R ynor, presi¬dent; Mrs. Fa Littlefield, henora-ymid .., Frederick A. Drcmkaund Mrs Jada, vice-r-resi-dents; Mrs. Sturgii S. Dunham, re-

rdim «ec Mr« Alvah A.<¦ '.¦¦. ng secrft ury, andMrs. V. 11 <-',i ( rady, treasurer.

Mrs - Male« )m. pvesi-i ounces that

ri part; for the,ii' i*h' p'

.. the Waldorf-to aid in

v,. ?, b at °61i cet, where In«

ti f r chi -

. old are mude

id or, nai r« 'y

>: r.v e'_ J iM A. All-n,2 ïf '.'. -th.-.! Street, is chair"

t '¦'; 'ty r,nd th" sub-' '¦ tbama, M-s. Fern« od¡ «.T" s Mrs. J. J. Sampler;¡i strict o- ¡i tmbia, M s W. A. Page;Geort''-, M - G M Goodwin: Ken-toek? Mrs. W. D M?;E h'nny; Lo i»i.

ana, Mrs. Patrick Justin White; Mary-

lnnd, Mrs. J. M. Ayre; Missi aippi, Mrs, jH. F. Higginf;; Missouri, Mrs. AdelinKey Foster; North Carolina, Mrs. L. L.Jenkins; S nth Carolina, Mrs. HerbertLindéis; Tennessee, Mrs. F. A Col-cord; Texas, Mrs. Henry HaroldBrookes; Virginia, Mrs. Frack Tench;West Virginia, Mrs. F. H. Frasier.

The Theater Assembly, Mrs. J. Chris¬topher Marks president, has offered todonate a complète Holstein dairy of100 cows to the Veterans' MountainCamp at Tupper Lake, N. Y., which islor ill and tubercular ex-service men.Th» first installment of eleven pure¬bred, registered and accredited Hol¬stein cows was purrhrtsed last week,".nd shi'/ped to the camp at TuppeiLake. Five of these cows were prizewinners at tht state fair. The balanceof the dairy will be secured andshipped within a short timo.Last season the Theater Assembly

gave over $25,000 in cash to the Vet¬erans' Mountain Camp. During thesummer the assembly sent a library tothe camp of 748 new books. Tho librarywas presented under the direction andchampionship of Miss M. E. Child«.First study day was held lust Friday.Next school day will be held on Thurs¬day, November 16, in the grand ball-room at the Hotel Astor. The assemblyhas changed its regular day for socialday, which would have been Friday,November 17, in order to extend cour-tesy to Hon. M. Clemenceau, who willbe entertained In the grand ballroomen November 17. During the bnlanceof the season all social days will boheld on the regular Friday, as usual.

At the annual meeting of the Federa¬tion for Child Study Dr. ConstanceLong, of London, England, gave a talk,which was followed by discussion.Short reports were read, including oneby Mrs. Fred M. Stein, on tho PlaySchool, and pictures showing interest¬ing features of the Summer PlaySchool activities were shown. Ton wasserved.These officers for the coming year

were elected: Mrs. Howard S. Gane,president; vice-presidents, Mrs. Fred M.Stein, Mrs. Emanuel Pilpel, Mrs. JessioW. Ehrich, Mr. Moritz Kirschberger.Mrs. H. R. Miller was elected secretaryto take the place of Mrs. Jessio W.Ehrich. Mr, J. W. Ehrich is treasurerand Mrs. Sidonio M. Grecnberg wasmade director.

The monthly meeting of tho FreeIndustrial School for Crippled Chil¬dren, at 471 West Fifty-seventh Street,and the Lulu Thorley Home for Crip¬pled and Delicate Children, Claverack,N, Y., will be held at the home of thecorresponding secretary, Mrs. MullinWayne, Hotel San Remo, on Tuesday,when plans will bo perfected for thework of the coming season. Mr. Wal¬ter Scott is president and Mrs. CharlesThorley first vice-president.The regular social meeting of Sorosis,

Mrs. John Lewis Childs president, willbe hold at the Waldorf to-morrow,with a reception at 12:30 o'clock andluncheon at 1 o'clock. Tho program,in chnrge of the committee on litera¬ture, Mrs. Lucy Hill Briggs chairman,has as its topic "Glimpses of Litera¬ture."

The Ellen Harden Walworth Chapterof the D. A. R. held a luncheon onTuesday at Fraunces Tavern in honorof its regent, Mrs. Harvey TysonWhite. Throughout tho luncheon atrio of stringed instruments playedand later there were short addressesby Dr. Henry Hageman Hall, MissAmelia Day Campbell, newly electedNew York State historian, and a toastby Mrs. Theodore M. Hardy, to whichMrs. White graciously responded. Thocommittee included Mrs. Lee M. Raney,as chairman, and Mmes. William C.Fitch, Henry A. King, Clarence Nims,Florence Otis, Frederick J. Atkinson,John S. Ware, Bruce D. Titman andJohn Schmidt.

The Rainbow Club of the Americas,Mrs. Lillian Miles Walbridge, presi¬dent, will hold its first reception andgrand ball of the season Saturdayevening, November 11, at the HotelPlaza. The hosts and hostesses willinclude the Consul-Generals of Argen¬tina and Bolivia and their wives.

«-.The National Opera Club of America

will hold its November study day onThursday at the Waldorf-Astoria.Mme. Katherine Evans von Klenner,founder and president, has arrangedthe program of the day. Dancing willfollow the program, with Mrs. C. G.Alecks us chairman. The h 'Stesseswill include Mrs. Angélique V. Orr,Mrs. T. M. Nixon, Mrs. Leila TrolandGardner, Mrs. Joseph Gutman, Mrs. N.Loth and Mrs. Owen Kildare. TheThanksgiving music festival and ballwill be held on November 23, with Mr.Francis Wright Clinton chairman.The Professional Woman's League

will hold its first dinner-dance of theseason at the Hotel Marseilles, 103dStreet and Broadway, on November 9.Cards and dancing will follow the din¬ner. Mrs. Ella Bosworth was hostessat the members' tea given on October30, and assisting Mrs. Bosworth wereMrs. Edward Lineback, Mrs. DonaldMacKenz'e ."nd Miss B lie GJd. rs.Russell Bassett, president, exhibitedmany .handsome articles which havebeen received for the ProfessionalWcman's League bazaar, to be held atthe McAlpin on December 7, 8 and 9,Mrs. Ben Hendricks chairman.The New York League of American

Pen-Women will give two musicale-,one at the home of Mrs. Patrick JustinWhite, 270 Park Avenue, on the after¬noon of November 28 and another at

I the homr of Mrs. William FrancesCarey, 123 West Fifty-ninth Street, onthe afternoon of December 5. A num-ho-r of prominent artiBts will rppear atthese musicales. The chairman is Mrs.¡Patrick Justin White, 270 Pr.rk Ave¬nue.

South'and Club, Mrs. Pleasant Jor¬dan Gantt president, held a meetingat the Waldorf-Astoria last Thurrdayand plans were outlined for extensivesocia' and phiifnthropic work duringthe year. A card party and dance will

,'oe given at Delmonico's in December'and February. The officers of the club¡are Mrs. Pleasant Jordan Gantt, presi¬dent; Mrs. Austin M. Hancock, vice-pves:dent; Mrs. J. F. McDiugall, re¬cording secretary; Mrs. William Tur¬ner Byars, corresponding secretary;Vrs. B. F. Amos, treasurer; Mrs. HenryGerold Juliar. chairman of reception.Directors e'e<.ted were Mrs. S. C. N.Austin. Mrs. Wülinm Murdock, Mr3.Will Clayton and Mrs. Andrew Burt.Miss Johanna Cohn was chairman ofpro ram.« The next meeting will he held Thurs¬day, December 7. Guests of honor,Mr«. Frank Murray Tench, pres'dentof Virginia Society; Mrs. George Dra¬per, president New York Division U.D C, and Mrs. William L. Sands, pres¬ident Abalama S.cicty.An élection ni V.t dance will be held- y the Universit- Fora» of Americaet Tuesday eve ivg «t the head-ters of the .',/. at 203 West Nine-f-third ftreev. lection returns will

3 reported throughout the evening.ilr. Alexander Cumming, who is theorvm, will be the chairman, and Missonsuelo H Hanse:, the hostess.The annual card party of the Govern¬ment Club, Mrs. George E. Owens,;> esidtmt, will be held at the Pennsyl¬vania Hotel on Tuesday, November 21,St 2 o clock. Mrs. William F. Hessel ischairman and will be assisted by di¬rectors o£ the club and her committee.

Mrs. Frank G» Cochran

She is one of the governors of the Neto York Mozart Society. Mrs.Cochran gave a luncheon and matinee a few days ago for Mrs. Noble

McConnel, president of the society.

In Westchester CountyWedding of Miss Regina M. Diifft Will Take Place

on Saturday; Miss Stewart To BeBride November 25

The wedding of Miss Regina MarionDufft. daughter of Mrs. Carl E. Dufft,of 24 Urban Street, Mount Vernon, toMr, William Parr Capes, son of Mrs.Robert Cape:., of Albany, will takeplace in the reception room of theHotel Commodore, New York, on Satur¬day evening, November 11. The cere¬

mony will be performed by the Rev.Dr. David James Burrell, of the MarbleCollegiate Church, New York.The bride will be given away by her

mother, Mrs. Carl E. Dufft, and, willbe attended by Miss Alvino Collins, ofBrooklyn, as maid of honor. The twobridesmaids will bo Miss DorothyDingwall, of Poughkecpsie, and MianHolen Snyder, of Mount Vernon. LittleMiss Gloria Dufft, sinter of the brido,will be flower girl. Mr. John C. Brack-enridge, of Forest Hills, L. 1., will bobeat man. The ushers will be Mr. Wal¬ter Stone, ex-Mayor of Syracuse, andMr. Galvin Brackenridge, of ForestHills.A wedding dinner for 100 guests will

be given at the Commodore immediate¬ly after the ceremony. Following thedinner a reception and dance will beheld. Upon returning from their wed¬ding trip the couple will make theirhome in Albany. Miss Dufft is a grad¬uate of Mount St. Vincent College. Mr.Capes is a graduate of Hamilton Col¬lege and a diroctor of the State Mu¬nicipal Bureau of Information. Ho..lso is secretary of the New York StateConference of Mayors and one of thedirectors of the State Fuel Administra¬tion uuder Admiistrator Woodin.

One of the season's largest weddingswill be that of Miss Alice MargueriteStewart, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. GuyAlbert Stewart, of 404 South First Ave¬nue, Mount Vernon, whose marriago toMr. Harold Pinckney Simpson, son ofMr. and Mrs. John Simpson, of 329North Seventh Avenue, Mount Vernon,will take place Saturday, November 25,in the FlrBt Reformed Church of MountVernon. The ceremony will be per¬formed by the Rev. Dr. A. T. Brock, ofthe First Reformed Church.The bride, who will be given away

by her father, will be attended by MissElizabeth Kittle, of Mount Vernon, as

maid of honor, and MÍ33 Ann Herr¬mann and Miss Evelyn Abraham, as

bridcsmaidB. Mr. Guy Albert Stewartjr., brother of the bride, will be bestman, and the ushers will include Mr.Laurerce Stewart another brother ofthe bride; Mr. Richard Zucker and Mr.Frederick Scheller. Following the cere¬

mony a dinner will be given at thehome of the brides parents. The youngcouple will make their home in MountVernon. Miss Stewart was formerly astudent at Brantwood Hall. Mr. Simp-hon spent several years at Harvard, andwas in the service.

The engagement of Miss Helen Wil-mcr Middleton, daughter of Mrs. JohnA. Middleton, of 1049 Park Avenue,New York, to Mr. Robert H. Reutter,of Rye, was announced at a dinnergiven at the home of Mrs. Middleton.The wedd'ng will take place aroundthe first of the year.

The wedding of Miss Edna Fendlor,daughter of Mrs. J. V. Fendler, of 10*'orth Eighth Avenue, Mount Vernon,to Mr. Wilfred L. Fee, son of Mrs. W.L. Fee, of Mount Vernon, took place at8:30 o'clock last night at the home ofthe brides' mother. Dr. Gardner, ofthe Vernon Heights Episcopal Church,Mount Vernon, performed the cere¬mony, and the bride was given awayby her brother, Mr. Harold E. Fendler,of Pelham.The bride was attended by her sis¬

ter, Miss Elaine Fendler, as maid ofhonor. Mr. Harold Borgwald was bestman. A rccention at the home of thobride followed the ceremony. Upontheir return from their wedding tripMr. and Mrs. Fee will make their homot 68 North Columbus Avenue, Mount

i Vernon.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Cole, ofRoosevelt Avenue, Pelhnm Manor, ha?oannounced the engagement of theirdaughter, Miss Gladys Cole, to Mr.Win thron T. ParVer jr., son of Mrand Mrs. William T. Parker, of LibertyAvenue, New Rochelle. No date hasbeen set for the wedding.The ens-atrement of Miss Marlon

Fartrr-m Entz, eldest daughter of Mr.and Mrs. J-stua Bucklev Entz, of Ro¬chelle Park, New Rochelle, to Mr.Joseph R. M-irrin jr.j hns been an¬nounced Mr. Marrin is the son of Mrard Mrs. Joseph A Werten, of Cl Lock-wod Avenue, New Rochelle.

It is expected that more than 500prominent residents of Westchesterwill attend the annual charity ballwhich will be held at the Mount Ver¬non armory on Wednesday eveningNovember 15. Tha interior of thearmory will be decorated with flower«and ferns and there will be a numberof special boxes for out of townguests. Tho proceeds of the affair will

bo devoted to the benefit of the localhospital.The ball committee Includes Messrs.

Arthur E. Lane, Arthur Anderson, LeeUach, C. W. Brock, William G. Brogan,George L. Close, H. B. Coho, HaroldFendler, Jacob Ferber, Max Fertig,Mayor Edwin W. Fiske, T. A. Jenkinsjr., C. R. Johnson, George T. Macbeth,Charles M. Miller, Dr. W. H. McNeill,Harry J. Mold, P. A. Murray, M. S.Porter, George W. Small, C. A. Speak-man, Dr. T. C. Swift, P. W. Shepard,Ephraim Samuels, Evans E. A. Stone,Dr. J. H. Tallman, Dr. J J. Thomson,John Van Horson, Richard M. Winfieldand Dr. J. Russoll Watson.

A bridge for tho benefit of the Larcli-mont Public Health Association was

fiven Friday, at tho homo of Mrs.lugene Boross, of 16 Helena Avenue,Larchmont. Among those who attend¬ed were: Mrs. Sidney DreBser, Mrs.Stuart Emslie, Mrs. Konneth Hooker,Mrs. Victor Hansen, Mrs. James Kent,Mrs. Roger Lyons, Mrs. A. H. Hill,Mrs. Harncy Ford, Mrs. Wesley M.Oler, Mrs. F. A. Maunen, Mrs. M. L.Overton, Mrs. Leonard Davidow, Mrs.A. C. Robinson jr., Mrs. Charles L.Rundlet, Mrs. T. F. Russell jr., Mrs.II. E. Fayson, Mrs. David Story, Mrs.G. W. Scofield, Mrs. W. H. Silk, Mrs.0. J. Schneer, Mrs. E. Thomas, Mrs.William Webb, Mrs. Shirley Ellis, Mrs.J. G. Wibon, Mrs. Edward C. Griffen,Mrs. Louis J. Lucas, Mrs. John Cob-den, Mrs. Emily E. Lindsley, Mis3 C.Houghtaling, Miss Turnbuii, Mrs. H.J. Brewer, Mrs. Howell Dobbs, Mrs. V.Drewsen, and Mro. Frederick Hawley,all of Larchmont.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Griffon, ofLarchmont, have returned from a twoweeks' tour through New England.

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Craven, ofLarchmont, have returned from Wood¬stock, Vt.

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Duffy, ofLarchmont, left last week for theirwinter home in Pasadena, Calif.

Dr. and Mrs. William B. Short, ofLarchmont, are spending the winter inNew York.

Many members of Westchester so¬ciety were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.William Wise, of Sagamore Park,Bronxville, at a supper and dance givenat Valley View Farm Inn, at Haw¬thorne, on Tuesday evening. AmongLhe guests were Mr. and Mrs. EdwardJopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Todd Pettigrew,Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Crandall, Mr.and Mrs. William G. Hamilton, Mr. andMrs. Bernard Le Fort, Mr. and Mrs.Walter Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. EdwardMorange, Mr. Irving Morange, Mr.und Mrs. Ernest Quantrell and Mr. andMrs. Edward Meyers.A luncheon anu shower were given

last week by Mrs. Georgo M. Skene, ofShippan Point, Stamford, in honor ofMits Edna Fendler, daughter of Mrs.J. V. Fendler, of 64 Elm Avenue, MountVernon, whose marriage to Mr, Wil¬fred L. Fee, also of Mount Vernon,took place yesterday.

Bridge wns played during the after¬noon, the prizes being won by MÍ3SDorothy Smith and Mrs. StuartKetcham. Among those present wereMrs. J. V. Fendler, Miss Elaino Fend-.1er, Mrs. J. Wilson, Miss DorothySmith, Mrs. Merryn Connor, MissFrances Taylor, Mrs. Walter Roscher,Mrs. Carl Johanson, Mrs. StuartKetcham and Mrs. James B. Swain.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Adams, of73 Storer Avenue, Pelhamwood, mo¬tored to Philadelphia for several dayslast week.

Miss Ann Hollister, daughter of Mr.Charles A. Hollister, of 228 Wolf'sLane, Pelham Heights, returned re*cently from Europe on the GeorgeWashington. Miss Hollister has beenabroad for the last three months.

Mrs. Ernest Johnson, of Philadel¬phia, formerly of Pelham Manor, wasthe guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clair W.Fairbank, of Willard Avenue, PelhamManor, last week.

Mrs. Eleanor S. Talboys, of JacksonStreet, Pelham Manoi-, returned re¬cently from Watkins Glen, in thoCatskilla, where the hae been for sixmonths.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. McNeirclosed their camp at Lake Placid onWednesday and are now at the HotelGramatan, BronxvLle, whore theywill spend a few waeks before openingtheir home in Sagamore Park.

Mr. and Mrs. William Wise, of Saga¬more Park, Bronxville, entertained ata barn dance on Tuesday evening atValley View Farm, White Plains.

Mrs. R. Carlton Fontaine, of Wood*

land Avenue, Bronxvllle, entertained 8tbridge last Wednesday in honor ofMrs. C. P. Treat.

Mrs. Howard J. Reed, of LawrencePark West, Bronxvllle, entertained ata tea last Thursday at her home.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Jone«, ofBronxvillo, returned recently to theirhomo on Elm Rock Road after a visitin Vermont.

Mrs. C. Fitepatrlck, of Long Island,has been visiting her mother, Mrs. El¬mer Grey, of Gramatan Court, Bronx-ville.

Mr. and Mr«. Frank White jr., ofSnmmerfield, N. J., have been theguests of Mr. and Mrs. William Laro-precht, of 21 Henrietta Street, Yonkors.

The first of a aeries of card partiesarranged by the entertainment commlt-ce of the Nappcckamae Club, of Yonk-

'irn, took place last week under the di¬rection of tho following hostesses:Mrn. Braco Tompkins, chairman; Mrs..'rnnk P. Watson, Mrs. F. Harryfireene, Mrs. Horace B'. Hanson andMm. II. H. Banner, all of Yonkers.Among the players of five hundred andbridge were Mr«. Rüssel S. Madden,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hackett, Mm. Ed¬ward T. Abbott, Mrs. Frank R. Burley,Mr. and Mrs. Julian Fish, Mr. and Mrs.George T. Lord, Mr. and Mrs. WilliamV. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.Wood, Mr. and Mr». Frank Hickey, Mr.and Mrs. Chester B, Ryan, Mr. and Mrs.William A. MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs.John B. Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. John W.Bert, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Daniels,Mr. and Mra. William B. Johnson, Mrs.Alexander McKenrt», Mr. and Mrs.Frederick C. Harper, Mr. and Mrs.Thomas H. Archard, Mr. and Mrs. Er¬win T. Jones, Dr. and Mrs. Leroy E.Burr, Mr. and Mrs. Leo M. Thompson,Miss Florence May Birmingham, Mr.and Mrs. George B. Chedd, Mrs. HesterA. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman A.Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. WilliamCulver.

Mrs. John T. Dix, of Chicago, hasboen visiting her parent«, Dr. and Mra.Robert T. Howe, of 29 South First Ave¬nue, Mount Vernon.

Mrs. Charles A. Tier, of PrimroseAvenue, and Mrs. F. A. Merriam, ofRich Avenue, Mount Vernon, have re¬turned from two weeks at Atlantic

Mr. and Mrs. William Korhammer,of California Road, Mount Vernon, whohave spent the summer in Europe, havereturned.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Haines, whohavo been visiting Mrs. Haines s pa¬rents* Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Whitemore,of CInremont Avenue, Mount Vernon,returned last week to their home inAtlanta.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Rowan, ofProspect Avenue, Mount Vernon, leftthis week on a trip to Florida.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Gilroy, of Albany,have beon the guests of Dr. and Mrs.W. F. Gilroy, of Archer Avenue, MountVernon.

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Benning andchildren, of 336 Claremont Avenue,Mount Vernon, left last week forCharleston, S. C., whero they will re¬main about three weeks.

Mrs. William T. Betts, who has beenvisiting her brother, Mr. E. A. Robin¬son, of Crary Avenue, Mount Vernon,returned to her home in Washingtonlast week.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Cross, of Cot¬tage Avenue, Mount Vernon, left lastThursday for a two weeks' trip to At¬lantic City.Mr. and Mm. Cecil Ashdown, of Pel-

ham Manor, who have been spendingtho last two weeks at New Paite, N. Y.,returned recently to their home in Pel-ham Manor Road.

Mr. Robert Mulford and daughter,Mary, of South Second Avenue, MountVernon, and Mr. and Mra. Thomas A.Jenkins, of Devonia Avenue, MountVernon, spent last week end at Cam¬bridge, Mass., where they attended theHarvard-Dartmouth game.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell, ofEast Lincoln Avenue, Mount Vernon,and Mr. and Mrs. I-I. II. McClaskey,also of Mount Vernon, spent last weekend at Sachem's Head, and motored toCambridge for the football game.

Mr. and Mrs. George D. Barron, ofRyo, returned recently from a twomonths' trip through the West, andare now occupying their home on For¬est Avenue.

Mrs. William J. Knapp, of Rye, hasbeen entertaining her father, Mr. W.Allen, at her home on Polly Park Road.

Mr. and Mrs. William Matthews, ofRye, have returned to their home on

Ridge Street after spending severalweeks at the Apawamis Club.

Mrs. Robert Mollory, of Rye, at¬tended the National Garden Clubs' con¬vention at Washington as president ofthe Rye Club. Other Rye memberswho attended were Mrs. William Rand,Mm. Charlea Enrlng and Mrs. SamuelL. Fuller.

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Weston, ofSutton Manor, New Rochelle, «pent lastweek end at Atlantic City.

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gross, of Beech-mont, New Rochelle, returned recentlyfrom a three months' trip abroad.

Mrs. Clarence Wadsworth Frances,of 11 The Circle, Rochelle Park, re¬turned last week from Atlantic City.

Mrs. Edward Renshaw, of 138 Chaun-cey Avenue, New Rochelle, left forAtlantic City last week, where she willremain about a week.

Mr. Albert E. Mavos, of Beechmoni,New Rochelle, has returned from Can¬ada where he was on a hunting trip,and is now enjoying several weeksduck shooting at Éisex, Conn.

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cooney, ofMamaroneck, have gone to New Yorkfor the winter.

Mrs. K. M. Whiting, of Mamaroneck.53 at Hampton Roads, Va., where herhusband, Lieutenant Commander Ken¬neth M. Whiting, U. S. N., is stationed.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Perrault, of34 Rathburn Avenue, White Plains,have beau entertaining Mia» Grace LaFrance, oi Manchester, N. H.

Mr. Raymond P. Morse, of Scaradale,! has been chosen »resident of the Cor¬nell Westchester Alumni.

Among those who recently gave adinner party in the new clubhouse ofthe Scarsdale Country Club were Mrand Mrs. Ray Durstlne.Mrs. George L. Eaton, of Witherbee

Avenue. Pelham, returned last weekfrom Watklns Glen, New York, whereshe has been for the last month.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith, of WillowAvenue, Pelham, have tuturned ¿romBuck Hill Fall«, Pa,

Society in the OrangesMiss Harriet Margaret Smith h Engaged to Mr

John A. Kemp ; Invitations Issued forColie-Hall Wedding

Announcement ha» been made of theengagement of Miss Harriet MargaretSmith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil¬liam Smith, of 8 Roosevelt Road,Maplewood, and Mr. John A. Kemp, sonof Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kemp, ofRidgewood Road, Maplewood. No wed¬ding date has been set.

Invitations have been issued for themarriage of Miss Rosalie Hall, daugh¬ter of Mr. and Mrs. Emmlin Hajl, ofFlushing, L. I., and Mr. Frederick R.Colie, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Edward M.Colic of L09 Prospect Street, East Or¬ange.The wedding will taka place next

Saturday, at the Flushing EpiscopalChurch, and will be followed by a re¬ception at the home of the parents oftho bride-to-he. Miss Annie Hal! willbe her sister*« maid of honor, and thebridesmaids will be Miss MargaretColie, of East Orange, sister of thebridegroom; Miss Mary Hitch and MissDelancy Newlan. Mr. Runyon Colle, ofSouth Orange, will be his brother'sbest man, and the ushers will includetwo other brothers. Dr. Edward M.Colie ir., of New York, and Mr. DaytonColie, of South-Orange; Mr. Davis Halland Mr. Emmlin Hall jr., brothers ofthe bride; Mr. Cornelius Boocock andMr. Ralph Lynch.Mr. and Mrs. Armand Jean De Rosset.

of 80 Dodd Street, East Orange, haveannounced tho engagement of theirdaughter, Miss Ivy De Rosset, to Mr.Allen Birchwood Kendall jr., son ofMrs. Allen Birchwood Kendall, of Jack-1sonville, Fla., formerly of South MapleAvenue, East Orange. While no defi¬nite wedding date has been set, theceremony will in all probability takeplace in March.Miss De Rosset is the granddaughter

of Colonel and Mrs. George P. Olcott,of 74 Carlton Street, East Orange.Announcement has been made of the

marriage of Miss Helen CarpenterGoodelT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil->ford Goodell, of East Orange, to Mr.Walter Harrison Robertson, of Boston.The wedding took place in Chicago onOctober 21. Mr. Robertson is a gradu-ate of the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology and also of Harvard Uni¬versity. During the World War heserved as a lieutenant in the UnitedStates aviation service.

Mi38 Anna Toomey, daughter of Mrs.Daniel P. Toomey, of North Wralnur.Street, East Orange, was married yes¬terday to Mr. Carl Schweinler, son <-if jMr. and Mrs. Charles Schweinler of'Hilltop, Benvenue Avenue, West Or-ange. The ceremony was performed atthe Church of Our Lady Help of Chris-1iians, East Orange, by the Rev. JohnA. O'Brien, tho rector, and was fol¬lowed by a reception at the home ofthe bride. Mis9 Josephine Toomey washer sister's maid of honor, and Mr.Frederick Schweinler was best man forJiis brother.

Word has been received in theOranges of the arrival in Riverdaie,Calif., of Miss Heien Pearce, of Or- ia;:»e, who is to **..* married next Fri-day to Mr. Harry 1'. Burbank, of Cajon,Calif, Miss Peace, who is the daughterof the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce, ofSouth Centre Street, Orange, passedthe few months previous to her de-parture with her brother and sister-m-law, Dr. and Mrs. Matthew C.Pearce, of 593 Park Avenue, Orange.Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace Hurd, of

86 Harrison Street, East Orange, havereturned from Laurel-in-the-Pines.Lakewood, where they have been forthe entire month of October.

Miss Kathryn Phillips, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. John R. Phillips, of Whit-tlesey Avenue, East Orange, has re¬turned from Canada, where she hasbeen touring since making an extendedtrip through the Western states.

Dr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Cook, Mr. andMrs. Harry Mills, Mr. Rnd Mrs. DanielF. O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Burke,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pasley, Mr. andMrs. William J. Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs.John R. Phillips and Mrs. May E.Francis were the chaperons at theHalloween barn dance given Tuesdayevening at the Washington Society, 20Prospect Street, East Orange, by theJunior Assembly of the Oranges. Thebarn dance was the first social functionof the assembly for this year.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Victor Reiner,whose marri:. ?e took place Friday, Oc-tober 20, at the home of Mrs. Reiner'sparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Oppen-neim, of Park Avenue, Orange, are nowat Gedney Farms. On their returnthey will make their home temporarilywith Mr. and Mrs. Oppenheim.Former Clerk Joseph McDonough of

Essex County and Mrs. McDonough, ofYale Terrace, West Orange, have an¬nounced the engagement of theirdaughter, Miss Cecilia Marie McDon¬ough, to Dr. Walter E. Tracy, son ofMr. and Mrs. Paul N. Tracy, of 547Valley Street, Orange.

Miss McDonough is a graduate of St.Vincent's Academy, New York, and or¬ganist at the Church of Our Lady ofthe Valley, Orange. Dr. Tracy wasgraduated from Wenonah MilitaryAcademy and Georgetown Universityand is a World War veteran.

The Beethoven Music Club of theOranges met Thursday afternoon atthe home of Miss Edna Reininger, of250 Harrison Street, East Orange.Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Kelsey, of

Woodland Avenue, East Orange, are atAtlantic City for a short stay.

Mr. and Mrs. David Lincoln Luke jr.,whose marriage took place last June,are now at their new home in Tyrono,Fa. Mrs. Luke, who was formerlyMiss Priscllla Silver, is a daughter of

Mr, and Mrs. Edgar 0. Silver «f tuweilyn Park, West Orange.' **

A dinner, followed by an "Apron lwOverall Dance," was held at the «miwood Club Tuesday. Mr. Fred*?/Brown was in charge of the srrtu»ments. ^*"

Under the auspices of the Ml»»»Chapter, O. E. S., a minstrel shewTbe given November 16 in the CeSa»bio School Auditorium, South Orñ,Mrs. Ernest A. Burkhardt, chairan,.',the Ways and Means Committee ¡icharge of arrangements and is CAtiting the cast, assisted by Mr W tSayre.Mr. Edward Howard Grigfç« wii *w

speaker at the meeting of the Woaan'Club of Maplewood, Friday. His tost"Facing the Mystery -Hamlet." pr0Lof considerable interest to the ott'members present. The music for 3occasion was famished by Miss jwothea Morelock.

Mra. Amza Smith, of ?,2 Waisinrti-Street, East Orange, has returned fro-a motor trip through the Ne* &.land states.

The next meeting of the lefanù-Literary Club will be htU \nWednesday at th« home of Mr», fYFlynn, of Prospect ,f-:*rcet. Stuf.Orange.Mrs. Frank A. Stonebeck, oí 618 ParAvenue, East Orange, will be hont*'

nt her home, November 10, to the Frday Luncheon Club.

Plans have been completed br iTau Delta Sigma Sorority for a itri.to be given Thursday, November iat the Washington Society elote«,,Eapt Orange. M;ss Isabelle Pirfay,Miss Betty Ansbach are in chuj» ¿the affair.

Rehearsals are now wellby tho members of the Pairt and?»,der Club of the Oranges for thu-1'r.ual show of that organization, to feiheld December 14 and lö, in ColoakHall, Orange. The proceeds of tier-fair are to b«» used for charitable»poses. Mr. Malcolm Pierson, of Ig.j-ell Avenue, South Orange, is jr».!dent of the club.

Mr. and Mr:. Edward Brock, of 9a-!view Avenue, South Orange, are at Ai-laut- 3 City for a short stay.

T.iiss Emiilie Naylor, of 59 VVaäfcis;.trn Street, East Orange, has gemíSouthern California, where she will»!main un*il spring.

Dr. and Mrs. Labin Dennis, «tf?JRidge Street, Orange. 1 ive annUKtithe marriage of their daught« JfilMaty P. St. John to Mr. Sas»! A.Morman, of Grand Rrnid:. Muftimarriage took place Wednesda&Wbe.r 25, and wns performed by tie?.«?.Harmon II. MeQujlkin, pastor aimFirst Presbyterian Church, Ore?!Mr. and Mrs. Morman are speaüqtheir honeymoon in the South.

(Continued en nc*t

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