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Newsletter 20 Celebrations of the week Nurseryeasthoathly.pioneerfederation.co.uk/wp-content/... ·...

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East Hoathly C.E. School Church Marks Lane East Hoathly Lewes East Sussex BN8 6EQ Telephone: 01825 840247 Executive Headteacher: Mr James Procter Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Collective Worship Thought of the week: Growth Mindset Quote of the week: “If you really try hard you can succeed. I did today with my times tables.” Eve Tomsett Year 6 Star Book of the week William Thatcher Friday 10th February Newsletter 20 From Open The Book Assembly “Jesus helped a blind man to help him see.” Jack Wren - Year 4 Celebrations of the week: Diners of the week Nursery – Jake Braden KS1 – Lexi Miller-Smith KS2 – Archie Gibbons Champion Tables:KS1 – Portugal, Ecuador, Mexico KS2 – Ghana, England Citizen of the Week Oscar Gibbons for being polite and friendly at all times. . Learning Powers Certificate We would like to invite everyone (parents, grandparents, carers, friends) to celebrate the learning from the week with us during our Friday celebration assemblies. On Friday 24th February in our celebration assembly at 9.15am the following children will be celebrating their achievements. Please come along if you are free. Reception Class – Stan Twiddy Year 1/2 – William Thatcher Year 3/4 – Ruby-Jean Tarry Year 5/6 – Demi Harvey
Page 1: Newsletter 20 Celebrations of the week Nurseryeasthoathly.pioneerfederation.co.uk/wp-content/... · (Terms 3&4) Friday French (Starts 24th Feb) 3:15 – 4:15 Felicity Poirier 12 All

East Hoathly C.E. School Church Marks Lane

East Hoathly


East Sussex


Telephone: 01825 840247 Executive Headteacher: Mr James Procter

Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Collective Worship Thought of the week:

Growth Mindset Quote of the week:

“If you really try hard you can succeed.

I did today with my times tables.”

Eve Tomsett Year 6

Star Book of the week

William Thatcher

Friday 10th February Newsletter 20

From Open The Book Assembly

“Jesus helped a blind man to help him see.”

Jack Wren - Year 4

Celebrations of the week:

Diners of the week Nursery – Jake Braden

KS1 – Lexi Miller-Smith

KS2 – Archie Gibbons

Champion Tables:KS1 – Portugal, Ecuador, Mexico

KS2 – Ghana, England

Citizen of the Week

Oscar Gibbons for being polite and friendly at all times.



Learning Powers Certificate

We would like to invite everyone (parents, grandparents, carers, friends) to celebrate the

learning from the week with us during our Friday celebration assemblies.

On Friday 24th February in our celebration assembly at 9.15am the following children will be

celebrating their achievements. Please come along if you are free.

Reception Class – Stan Twiddy Year 1/2 – William Thatcher

Year 3/4 – Ruby-Jean Tarry Year 5/6 – Demi Harvey

Page 2: Newsletter 20 Celebrations of the week Nurseryeasthoathly.pioneerfederation.co.uk/wp-content/... · (Terms 3&4) Friday French (Starts 24th Feb) 3:15 – 4:15 Felicity Poirier 12 All

Dates for your diaries:

(Key events will also be put on our new notice board at the front of the school.) 20th Feb – Start of Term 4 20th Feb – International Day – (Syria Focus) Celebration in church at 2.45pm 22nd Feb - FPTA meeting 2.15pm

2nd Mar – Book Day

3rd Mar – Quiz night 7pm

6th Mar – E-Safety Performance

15th Mar – Parent Forum 9am

Dog Trust Workshops 11am – 3.10pm

21st Mar - Parent Consultation Evening 4pm-6pm

23rd Mar - Parent Consultation Evening 4pm-6pm

31st Mar – Easter Service 9.25am

31st Mar - 3.15pm - Easter Hunt at school

2nd May – Parent Forum 9am

2nd May – School Nurse to see Reception Pupils (Vision and Hearing)

4th May – Swimming for Year 3/4

11th May - Swimming for Year 3/4

15th May – Enterprise Week

18th May - Swimming for Year 3/4

22nd May – Awe & Wonder Day – celebration 2.30pm

25th May - Swimming for Year 3/4

5th June - Inset Day

8th June - Swimming for Year 5/6

9th June – Year 6 Safety In Action (am)

14th June – Parent Forum 9am

15th June - Swimming for Year 5/6

22nd June - Swimming for Year 5/6

29th June - Swimming for Year 5/6

4th July – Sports Day 9.30am & Picnic 12.00

7th July – Table Tennis Tournament at Chiddingly

7th July – Reports out to parents

10th July – Bikeability week for Year 6

10th July - Dress Rehearsal for Summer Production 2pm

11th July – Summer Production 2pm & 6.30pm

14th July - Parent Consultation Evening 4pm-6pm to discuss reports only

20th July – Leavers Service

21st July - Inset Day

Any changes to the above diary will be in italics.

We hope everyone has a lovely break next week and look forward to seeing the

children back at school on Monday 20th February for the start of Term 4.

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Kitchen Assistant Vacancy

Chartwell‟s have a school Kitchen Assistant vacancy from 11.30am to 2.00pm in our school

kitchen to start on 2nd March 2017. If anyone is interested, please contact Chartwell‟s on

01435 865310.

It is good practice to inform parents of the school attendance figures. We will be

reporting this information in our newsletters.


Our attendance percentage for this school year to date is:


Class Attendance Figures for last week:

Year R - 96.9%

Year 1/2 - 98.5%

Year 3/4 - 97.9%

Year 5/6 - 97.1%

Interesting Word of the Week

Each week there will be an interesting, useful but unusual word for the community to get to

know. We will select a word and provide a definition for it. Pupils will be asked by Miss Lewis

and Mr Procter in Friday's assembly what the word is and what it means. They will ask them to

put the word into a sentence to show they have understood the meaning. This is to help build

up pupils vocabulary through the year.

This week’s word is:



1. Making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible. 2. Tending to produce; helpful; favourable.

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Nursery News

Our letter sound this week: G,g Our number this week is: 3

We would like to say a big thank you to Sara‟s family, for coming into nursery

to share some of the different foods you would find in Romania. They also

shared some interesting facts about Romania using the big screen and they

saw Sara in the traditional clothes that they would wear.

Have a lovely half term and we will see you all on the Monday 20th February.

Thank you,

Nursery Staff

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Our Tough Woodlouse this week:

Florence for working hard to create an outstanding piece of writing.

Dinner Money

Please can all parents make sure that any outstanding dinner money is paid as soon as


Just to remind you, school dinner money can be paid for daily in cash or by ParentPay. If

you require your username and password, please see Mrs Wicks in the school office. The

cook has asked me to let all parents know that they need to book their child‟s lunch on the

days they are having a school dinner.

Quiz Night – Friday 3rd March (date changed from Friday 24th Feb)

East Hoathly FPTA are running a Quiz Night on Friday 3rd March at the village hall.

Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm start. £2.50 per head, teams of 6-8 people, and bookings

(PAYMENT UP FRONT AT TIME OF BOOKING TEAMS) to be made at the school offices.

We plan to have a raffle, so if anyone has any unwanted Christmas gifts, bottles etc

please bring them into the school office.

We hope to see you on 3rd March – More information to follow nearer the time.

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In Forest school Year 3/4 used clay

and natural materials to shape, mould

and sculpt Native American totem poles.

Reception had their first fire and enjoyed fire circle games like

follow the leader and clap!

Next term Year 5 and 6 will be doing forest school linked to their topic „Evolution

and Inheritance‟. They will need their forest school kits in school.

If you are able to help on a Thursday from 1.30-3.00 please let Miss Denney or Mrs

King know.

The Golden Mile

We are running a mile around the playground at least once a week.

Mr Herdman measured out one mile on our school playground.

Classes and staff tick off when they have achieved it each week on the „Golden Mile‟ display.

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Dates for your diary – Everybody is welcome to attend:

Wednesday 22nd February FPTA meeting 2.15pm.

Friday 3rd March, 7pm. Save the date and book your babysitters now for the quiz night in the Village


Week of 27th February. Readathon for laptops. We will be holding a week long sponsored Readathon,

during World Book Day Week (World Book Day is 2nd March). We aim to raise £1000 to replace 4 more

laptops at school. This is a HUGE challenge, and we really hope to get everybody involved!

Wednesday 22nd March, 8pm, Pompoms in the pub. A get-together to make pompoms for the Easter

Hunt. Meet 8pm King‟s Head East Hoathly (Pompom equipment provided, drinks at the bar!).

Friday 31st March, 3.15pm - Easter Hunt at school.

Sponsored bike ride. Look out for a sponsored bike ride date to be announced- are you up for the

challenge of 50 or 100 miles? Get on your bike and into training now…

Following on from last year’s incredible support and fundraising, East Hoathly’s FPTA met today

and has allocated funds for the following items for our children:

£1000 for monkey bars; addition to the trim trail

£1000 to replace some of the broken laptops.

The FPTA will be supporting curriculum swimming this year for key stage two children by ensuring we

work towards raising funds for transport to the pool, as well as other school sports. Look out for the

sponsored walk dates later in the year…

£1000 towards curriculum items across the whole school such as pens, whiteboard pens, pencil, glue

sticks, curriculum books.

£200 for the next Christmas Pantomime.

Special request

Can you support the school by donating pencils, whiteboard pens and glue sticks? Please leave your (good

quality) items in the office. Thank you.

If you/your company can support school by sponsoring the purchase of any laptops, please speak to the

office. Thank you.

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Water is Cool in School

We are all aware of the health benefits of drinking water, for both children and

adults. Research also indicates that drinking water regularly will help the brain

to function more efficiently. Whilst we do have a drinking fountain, we think the

best way to encourage and enable children to drink more water at school is to

bring water to class. As a healthy school, water bottles should only contain

water and not flavoured water, squash, juice or sugary drinks.

Children may bring water only in a clear plastic bottle.

Children must be able to manage the top themselves.

The container needs to be clearly labelled with your child‟s name.

Please do not put the container in the book bags as water leakage spoils books.

Each class has a plastic box or tray for the water bottle to be kept in and

bottles should be taken home daily to be refilled with water.


We are collecting Sainsbury vouchers from 25th

January to 2nd May. Please donate them to the

school office to help us get some equipment for

the school and nursery.

Thank you.

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Please see below the list of After School Clubs that we are offering for Term 4.

In-house clubs will start the week commencing 27th February.

If you wish your child(ren) to apply for any of the clubs please complete the attached form(s) and

return them to the office. More forms can be obtained from the office if needed.

Day Club Time Adult Total





Monday Chess Club

(Starts 20th


12:30 –




No Limit All £2.50 per session

Monday Rugby Club

(Starts 20th


3.15 –


Heathfield &

Waldron RFC

School Rugby

18 6 years &


£3 per session

(£18 for whole




(Starts 21st Feb)

3:15 –




20 All

3:15 – 4:15 £20

5 weeks

3:15 - 5pm £25

5 weeks

(Terms 3&4)

Wednesday Drawing Club

Club (Starts 1st


12.00 –


Mrs King 20 KS2



No charge

Thursday Latin Club

(starts 23rd Feb)



Mrs Dobbs 12 All No charge

Thursday Homework Club

(Starts 23rd


3:15 –


Miss Hillier 12 All No charge

Friday Football (Starts

24th Feb)

3:20 –


Brighton &

Hove Albion

20 All £54 for 12 weeks

(Terms 3&4)

Friday French

(Starts 24th


3:15 –




12 All £70.00 rejoining


(10 weeks)

£75.95 new


(10 weeks)

(Terms 3&4)

Friday To be confirmed

Young Engineers Club (starts 24th Feb – to be confirmed)

3.15-4.15 Stemkids Min 12, max 25

£40 for term

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I would like my child………………………………………………………….….

to join the ….……………………………………… club for Term 4.

Signed……………………………………………………..… (Parent /Guardian)


I would like my child………………………………………………………….….

to join the ………………………………………… club for Term 4.

Signed……………………………………………………..… (Parent /Guardian)


I would like my child………………………………………………………….….

to join the ………………………………………… club for Term 4.

Signed……………………………………………………..… (Parent /Guardian)


I would like my child………………………………………………………….….

to join the ………………………………………… club for Term 4.

Signed……………………………………………………..… (Parent /Guardian)

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Premier Sport Sussex Glenleigh Park Academy │ Bexhill │ TN39 4ED

t: 01424 223476 │ e: [email protected] │ www.premiersport.org

Dear Parents

We will be running after-school clubs at East Hoathly School on a Tuesday.

Premier Sport Courses give children the opportunity to play sports in a safe environment under the supervision of qualified and experienced Premier Sport coaches. All our staff are fully insured and CRB checked with Child Protection and Emergency Aid certification.

The after-school sports club will be as followed:

Day Sport Time Years Start Date Finish Date Duration Cost

Tuesday Fencing 2-6 21st Feb 28th March 6 weeks £24.00

Tuesday Fencing 3.30-5.00pm 2-6 21st Feb 28th March 6 weeks £30.00

This is how to book your child onto a course:

Internet: log onto www.premier-education.com Phone: call 01424223476 We only have 20 spaces available per course, so please make sure you book early to avoid disappointment and reserve your space.

Please make sure you book with us at Premier Sport directly.

Payments need to be made in advance of the course, if you would like to pay by cash/cheque please call us to discuss this matter.

Please contact our Sussex office on 01424 223476 if you have any questions or queries about any of the courses. We look forward to seeing your child on the course.

Yours sincerely

Chelsea Cutter

Premier Sport Sussex Club Co-ordinator

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Holiday and weekly football courses for boys and girls of all abilities, age 4-13.


American Express Community Stadium, Village Way, Brighton BN1 9BL Tel: 01273 878265Company limited by guarantee in England and Wales (No. 5122343). Registered charity in England and Wales (No. 1110978).

Brighton, Eastbourne, Worthing, Chichester, Uckfield, Steyning, Hassocks, Newhaven and other venues across Sussex.



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February half-term 2017

Easter 2017

Location Dates Times Venue Cost

Brighton 13-15 Feb 9am-3pm Dorothy Stringer School, BN1 6PZ. £54Chichester 20-21 Feb 9.45am-3pm Chichester University, PO19 6PE. £39Eastbourne 13-15 Feb 9am-3pm Bede's Senior School, BN27 3QH. £54Newhaven 16-17 Feb 9.45am-3pm Seahaven Academy, BN9 9JL. £39Steyning 23-24 Feb 9.45am-3pm Steyning Primary School, BN44 3RQ. £39Uckfield 13-14 Feb 9.45am-3pm UCTC,TN22 3DJ. £39Worthing 20-22 Feb 9am-3pm Thomas A Becket Junior School, BN14 7PR. £54

Location Dates Times Venue Cost

Billingshurst 10-11 Apr 9.45am-3pm Plaistow & Kirdford Primary School, RH14 0PX. £39Brighton 18-20 Apr 9am-3pm Dorothy Stringer School, BN1 6PZ. £54Eastbourne 3-5 Apr 9am-3pm Bede's Senior School, BN27 3QH. £54Fernhurst 20-21 Apr 9.45am-3pm Fernhurst Football and Cricket Club, GU27 3HY. £39Hassocks 10-12 Apr 9.45am-3pm Hassocks Sports Centre, TN22 3DJ. £54Newhaven 10-11 Apr 9.45am-3pm Seahaven Academy, BN9 9JL. £39Steyning 12-13 Apr 9.45am-3pm Steyning Primary School, BN44 3RQ. £39Uckfield 6-7 Apr 9.45am-3pm UCTC,TN22 3DJ. £39Worthing 18-20 Apr 9am-3pm Thomas A Becket Junior School, BN14 7PR. £54

Brighton 13-15 Feb 9am-12pm Dorothy Stringer School, BN1 6PZ. £30Eastbourne 13-15 Feb 9am-12pm Bede's Senior School, BN27 3QH. £30Worthing 20-22 Feb 9am-12pm Thomas A Becket Junior School, BN14 7PR. £30

Brighton 18-20 Apr 9am-12pm Dorothy Stringer School, BN1 6PZ. £30Eastbourne 3-5 Apr 9am-12pm Bede's Senior School, BN27 3QH. £30Worthing 18-20 Apr 9am-3pm Thomas A Becket Junior School, BN14 7PR. £30

Courses for 4-5 year olds

Courses for 4-5 year olds

= Goalkeepers included. Goalkeepers will receive individual specialised training during the mornings, followed by integrated team sessions in the afternoons. Goalkeeper courses can be booked separately online.

Places must be pre-booked and pre-paid online. Full terms and conditions can be found on our website.

Single day bookings are available priced at £23 for 6-13 year olds, and £10 for 4-5 year olds. Please call: 01273 878277 to book.

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Leave the kids at home and join us for a night

filled with questions, music, sports and drinks!


Bar available

for drinks.

Bring your own


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Help! We need to raise £1000 to buy 4

new computers!

To reach this target, all children are going to be taking part in

Readathon Week 27th Feb-3rd March

How many pages can YOU read?

Get sponsors for each page you read (or share)!

Surprise ‘Stop, Drop and Read’ sessions at school during that

week, so bring a book from home if you like!

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East Sussex

TN32 5UJ


01580 830396 Facsimile:

01580 830726

Also at:

La Maison Claremont

14 rue de l’Arbalète

62500, St. Omer


Dear Parent/ Guardian

Claremont Sports Department will be running a 1 day Girls Football Course on Thursday 16th

February 2017. The football will be a great chance for the girls to recap the work they have just

covered in the term. The course is open to girls from Year 3-8 and will be held at the Claremont Prep

school Astro. The course will be split into small groups of the similar age and ability.

The course will run from 8:30am - 3:30pm. Children can arrive from 8:15am.

The sessions will be run by qualified coaches, trained in first aid. The day will be a mixture of

football drills, fun games, time trials and matches. The cost for a day is £20, including coaching, use

of facilities, equipment, drinks and snacks. Children should bring a packed lunch and plenty of still

drink. Additional snacks and drink will be provided. Children should wear comfortable, appropriate

clothing for all weather, and trainers. Shin pads will be needed.

If you wish for your child to attend, please fill in the form below and return with cash or cheques

made payable to Claremont School by Thursday 9th February 2017.

Any queries, please email Miss Compton ([email protected])

Yours sincerely

Rak Patel

Director of Sport

1 Day Girls Football – February 2017

Parent consent formName(s) of Child/ren: ........................................................................................

Age(s): ...............................

Payment amount enclosed: ................................

Signed Parent/Guardian: .......................................................................

Contact Details: .................................................

Dietary/Medical Information, if applicable:

