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Newsletter€¦ · and even government related logos feature some kind of Kabbalah symbolism,...

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TRUMPET SOUNDS Newsletter Nov-Dec 2016 He that has an ear, let him hear... Nov-Dec 2016 Newsletter Newsletter If you would like Karen to Speak at your church or group, Contact her at: Extended Life Christian Training Ministry ● 734 W. Water St. Hancock ● MI 49930 (906) 482-6467 or email us at: [email protected] or view us on the web *All Scripture is from the KJV or NKJV unless otherwise specifiedall numbers are from the Strong’s Concordance. "...and the whole world lies in wickedness... And we know that the Son of God is come, and has given us understanding ... Little children, guard yourselves from idols. (1 John 5:19-21) any Christians are caught in Satan’s web of deception and do not even realized what they have fallen into. I was once there myself, and that is why I want to clearly sound the alarm when I am alerted by the Lord to any form of deception! The good news isGod is great in mercy and is willing to forgive and cleanse any who will truly turn to Him in honesty and true repentance, when they A NEW A NEW Watchman Report The KABBALAH The KABBALAH-- -- JUDAISM and the FREE MASONS JUDAISM and the FREE MASONS It is important to have a basic understanding of Kabbalah Judaism and the Free Masons because Satan has been able to use these things to confuse and thus deceive many professing Christians. These cults are “tares” that have invaded Christianity and have very subtly managed to change and challenge the very foundation of Christianity from its beginning in ways that most Christians are not aware of. You will learn how to recognize the churches and ministries that have been infiltrated by these Illuminati cults. God Will Choose Whom He Wishes.......13 By Dave Hodges 2016 Election: Judgment for the USA... 15 By Karen Connell Let’s Make The Church Great Again…16 By Coach Dave Daubenmire Discerning and Learning the Signs Discerning and Learning the Signs Christmas ??................................................19 By Karen Connell New Illuminati and Free Mason Watchman Reports & DVD Packages ……………..……....20 By Karen Connell Other Special Resources…………………...…..22 By McCumber, Wittenberger & Anderson Also Inside This Issue: M
Page 1: Newsletter€¦ · and even government related logos feature some kind of Kabbalah symbolism, revealing to us their affiliation with and their allegiance to the Illuminati and to

TRUMPET SOUNDS Newsletter Nov-Dec 2016

He that has an ear, let him hear... Nov -Dec 2016


If you would like Karen to Speak at your church or group, Contact her at: Extended Life Christian Training Ministry ● 734 W. Water St. Hancock ● MI 49930

(906) 482-6467 or email us at: [email protected] or view us on the web

By Karen Connell Karen E. Connell

*All Scripture is from the KJV or NKJV unless otherwise specified—all numbers are from the Strong’s Concordance.

"...and the whole world lies in wickedness... And we know that the Son of God is come, and has given us understanding ... Little

children, guard yourselves from idols. (1 John 5:19-21)

any Christians are caught in Satan’s web of deception and do not even realized what they have fallen into. I was once there myself, and that is why I want to clearly sound the alarm when I am alerted by the Lord to any form of

deception! The good news is—God is great in mercy and is willing to forgive and cleanse any who will truly turn to Him in honesty and true repentance, when they

A NEW A NEW Watchman Report


It is important to have a basic understanding of Kabbalah

Judaism and the Free Masons because Satan has been

able to use these things to confuse and thus deceive many

professing Christians. These cults are “tares” that have

invaded Christianity and have very subtly managed to

change and challenge the very foundation of Christianity

from its beginning in ways that most Christians are not

aware of. You will learn how to recognize the churches

and ministries that have been infiltrated by these

Illuminati cults.

God Will Choose Whom He Wishes.......13

By Dave Hodges

2016 Election: Judgment for the USA... 15

By Karen Connell

Let’s Make The Church Great Again…16

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

Discerning and Learning the Signs Discerning and Learning the Signs

Christmas ??................................................19

By Karen Connell

New Illuminati and Free Mason Watchman

Reports & DVD Packages ……………..……....20

By Karen Connell

Other Special Resources…………………...…..22

By McCumber, Wittenberger & Anderson

Also Inside This Issue:


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TRUMPET SOUNDS Newsletter 2 Nov-Dec 2016

see and embrace the truth that it is revealed to them. The sad fact is, many times when I have given the truth to Christians who are involved in deception—it is not readily received but is more than often simply ignored. When I questioned the Lord about this, he revealed to me that when a born again believer ignores the truth or will not act upon it by making the necessary changes or adjustments in their beliefs or behavior—the reason is always LUST and PRIDE. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.(1 John 2:16)

Those who resist the truth are lovers of this world and of themselves. They allow the world and their natural fleshly desires to determine their choices and beliefs. They also know if they receive the truth—it is going to cost them some-thing. It may cost them their reputation, or the loss of friends, finances and many times even their “ministry.” What those in this place fail to realize is God’s Word makes it clear that when we ignore the truth we only go further into deception—because God says He will see to it that we are deceived and ultimately damned if we are not lovers of the truth!

"...because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved...for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie... That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). God’s Word also says: For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness (truth), than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment (truth) delivered to them (2 Peter 2:21) (Parenthesis mine for clarity). Jesus also said: They would not be guilty if I had not come and spoken to them. But now they have no excuse for their sin. (John 15:22).

As we can see, exchanging the truth for what pleases our flesh or feeds our pride results in deception sent from God as a horrible consequence. We must never forget that deception is Satan’s way of mocking God. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap... For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. (Galatians 6:7-8)

I say all this because most of God’s people in modern Christianity have become entangled with Satan’s “ministers of righteousness” who are knowingly operating in what I am about to address. For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. ...And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light... Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.(2 Corinthians 11:13-15)

Do your


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Hidden Things of Darkness

There are many hidden and dishonest things of darkness that have been planted within the church from its very inception. Often, when this truth is revealed to the uniformed, they can become angry and hostile towards the messengers of truth. This is because it exposes the falseness of their idols, which they have made of their false ministers or denominations and movements; it also threatens their false belief systems that they have come to depend upon. God’s watchmen however, are messengers of the truth and the bearers of reality, which is truly an expression of love for our Father and His people. It is sad to say … but in reality the whole world truly lies in deception and is influenced and controlled by Satan’s Luciferian cabal or his inner circle that seeks power through intrigue and plots to carry out his harmful and illegal acts. . "...and the whole world lies in wickedness... And we know that the Son of God is come, and has given us understanding ... Little children, guard yourselves from idols. (1 John 5:19-21)

Attacking the messengers that reveal these things, or even killing them, will not change anything, rather we have to change our attitude, swallow our pride and receive the truth humbly from our Father and repent for anyway these things have entered our lives or minis-tries. Some things in this report may shock and anger many readers—when they find out that not only are Judaism and the Messianic and Hebrew Roots Movements driven by kabbalists, but also the universal Christian Church, which is comprised of hundreds of de-nominations and movements that have existed throughout the history of Chris-tianity. All of these have been largely run by Kabalistic—Freemasonry as docu-mented in the “Kabbalah—Judaism and Free Masons” Watchman Report, being offered free of charge as

a resource in this newsletter. This report reveals how those who have been infiltrated by the Illuminati use illuminati signs and symbols in their churches and ministries and these signs speak loud and clear, revealing to us the truth of their involvement.

God’s people need to be aware that WE HAVE BEEN DECEIVED BY THESE TARES for hundreds of years. This is not a new threat, but we have been deceived by Satan’s “Illuminati plants” from the very beginning when God first planted His church upon this earth.

"The kingdom from heaven (His universal church) is like a man who sowed good seed in his field... but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among

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the wheat and went his way...So the servants of the owner came and said to him, 'Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? Where did these tares come from?' ...He said to them, 'An enemy has done this.' The servants said to him, 'Do you want us then to go and gather them up?' ...But he said, 'No ...Let both grow together until the harvest… (Matthew 13:24-30)

God’s people have been deceived, and must come out NOW from this Babylonian Illuminati infected, apostate Christianity … “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” (Rev 18:4). Your favorite teacher on TV or on YouTube may be, and IS highly likely to be, a false teacher. It is imperative to become informed and stay alert and do not be complacent concerning these things, because they are used by Satan’s Illuminati powers, which are in control of this present darkness. “... as we have received mercy, we faint not... But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty (darkness), not walking in craftiness, or handling the word of God deceitfully…” (2 Corinthians 4:1-2).

By understanding how the Illuminati operates as an aspect of the mystery of lawlessness, which is clearly revealed through its religions, signs and symbolisms for KABBALAH—it becomes very apparent that it is alive and well TODAY and all around us. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work… (2 Thessalonians 2:7) This is the same mysticism that false teachers and false prophets are involved with and are basing their false teachings upon. We must be alert and diligent in recognizing and identifying Satan’s SIGNS of Kabbalah in everything around us. Even him (antichrist), whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and

SIGNS and lying wonders... And with all deceivableness of un-righteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.(2 Thessalonians 2:9-10)

Most of the corporate logos, TV commercials, ministry logos, art designs, and even government related logos feature some kind of Kabbalah symbolism, revealing to us their affiliation with and their allegiance to the Illuminati and to Lucifer. For those who have not been taught these things, I know, it is diffi-cult to wrap one’s mind around all of this, and I understand that it might take a little bit of time for a paradigm shift to occur.

It is however, important to have a basic understanding of the workings of Kabbalah—Judaism and the Free Masons, because Satan has been able to use

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these things to confuse and thus deceive many professing Christians. These cults have invaded Christianity in very subtle ways, and have managed to change and challenge the very foundation of Christianity in ways that most Christians are not even aware of.

Those who expose these kinds of major occult secrets are truly on the front lines of the battle against evil, and many times it has cost them their lives, jobs and families, because secret organizations do not like exposure, therefore, we need to keep these watchmen and their ministries covered in our prayers.

Understanding the Origins of Kabbalah [1]

If you as a Christian, do not want to be deceived, you need to know about Kabbalah, yes … it is not pleasant to talk about and it would be nice if we didn’t have to even think about it. But, the reality is that in order to not be deceived, we must understand it. One of the last commands our Lord Jesus Christ gave us just two days before His crucifixion—was: “Let no one deceive you …” (Matthew 24:4), thus we must understand Kabbalah, for it is Satan’s most widely used deception among God’s people. It is essential to have a working knowledge of some basic things concerning Kabbalah, because the whole world is centered around this occult religion.

Satanism is like sugar, and Kabbalah is a special flavor, that is especially concocted to be addictive. A large focus of this report is on Judaism, because it is the main distributer and vehicle of Kabbalah, and also Freemasonry being another form of Kabbalah worship. Messianic Judaism is a relatively new designed and attractive package made up just for Christians. The Kabbalah Watchman Report will trace Kabbalah back to its origin, and reveal how it is manifesting today …. So we can recognize it and those who practice it. We don’t need to be experts on how Kab-balah is practiced, but it is imperative that we recognize how it manifests.

We also need to know who the kabbalists are among us—especially those who profess to be Christians. Because of this there are key points and essential knowledge on Kabbalah that will be explained. This report also includes a summary of the origin and history of Kabbalah—in chronological order—along with some of Kabbalah’s basic characteristics to help establish a foundational understanding of this very confusing satanic cult. It is not necessary to go into all of the practices of Kabbalah, but it is important to understand the basics of it. This will also make it easier for the reader to share with others who may lack understanding of this subject. Many have difficulties differentiating between Kabbalah and Freemasonry. It took me some time until I was able to grasp it, and to be honest with you, I am still learning. However, there are some basic things that need to be understood which are explained in this report.

Kabbalah, paganism, and Freemasonry are based upon the same mysticism, and worshipping the same gods, which are Lucifer and the fallen angels. They are the religions of Ammonites, Amalekites, and other

[1] Following is an except from “The Kabbalah—Judaism and the Free Masons” Watch-man Report

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Canaanites, and the Egyptians, all known as the serpent people. The origins of those pagan religions goes back to Babylon. Here is what the Scriptures reveal:

1 Kings 11:1-5 (1) But King Solomon loved many foreign women, as well as the daughter of Pharaoh: women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians, and Hittites– (2) from the nations of whom the LORD had said to the children of Is-rael, “You shall not intermarry with them, nor they with you. Surely they will turn away your hearts after their gods.” Solomon clung to these in love. (3) And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines; and his wives turned away his heart. (4) For it was so, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned his heart after other gods; and his heart was not loyal to the LORD his God, as was the heart of his father David. (5) For Solomon went after Ashtoreth* the goddess of the Sidonians, and after Milcom** the abomination of the Ammonites.

The gods mentioned in verse 5 is the “First Couple” of Pagan Deities” Ashtoreth and Milcom, gods of Kabbalah and Freemasonry. Ashtoreth: a female deity, also spelled “Ashtaroth,” who is also known as “Ashtarte” in Sidon and Phoenicia, and is the same goddess called “Ishtar” in Babylon, and called “Isis” in Egypt, and also “Semiramis” in Greece, and “Sammu-ramat” in Assyria. The Romans called her “Diana,” the Greeks “Artemis,” and her symbol is Venus. There are many more AKAs for this goddess, includ-ing the shiny goddess, called “Shakinah” in Judaism, which is also related to the “Eastern Star” and the “Blazing Star” and the goddess symbolized by the star Sirius. This goddess

is also related to, “Lilith” the extremely sexual goddess, who kills infants, which are not protected by an amulet with the names of three fallen angels, or by circumcision according to the book (Lilith, Malkah ha-Shadim by Jeffery Smith).[2] It is said that this deity is also the demon “Succubus” (Zohar, Patai81:462ff), and is also known as “Babylon” the Harlot. In the U.S.A, the Statue of Liberty represents this deity.

[2] http://jewishchristianlit.com/Topics/Lilith/jsmith.html

This familiar looking lady, from Columbia Pictures , is the same goddess as

Ashtaroth, Semiramis, Isis, and so on … The shining torch is the blazing star Sirius

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Kabbalah and Judaism

Hasidic Jews are not shy about their Kabbalah roots. The Chabadniks (or Lubavitchers) declare that “Kabbalah is the soul of Judaism” according to their official website.[3]

This is the same group of Jews who believe in building the Third Temple on the Temple Mount to usher in their false messiah, and actually have been seriously preparing for it for hundreds of years, and in recent times with the unconditional support from the Messianic Jewish sect, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati cabal. Also, Zionist Christians, such as John Hagee and the late Jerry Falwell, also unconditionally support the building of this 3rd temple, as well as many other dispensationalist prophecy teachers, who teach that a 3rd temple must be built before the Second Coming of the Messiah. Unknown to many Christians, the Third Temple rebuilding is a Kabbalistic/Masonic belief, which is not biblical. This is not to say one will not be built to receive their false messiah.

The Hebraic Roots Movement, is luring Christians who are tired of the current apostate Church and rampant heresies—into the snare of

Kabbalah by teaching them that the Jews are the House of Judah, which they are not (as this Watchman Report reveals), and that they have to be reunited with the House of Israel, now called Christians. The truth is, the reunification of the two houses (or two families of God—including all born again Hebrews and gentiles) will happen upon the Second Coming of our Messiah, according to the Bible. The modern day “Jews” living in Israel are not the “House of Judah.” These heresies have been taught for hundreds years in the Church and were brought in by none other than the same Kabbalists and Freemasons. The term, “Hebrew Roots,” comes from a typical symbol of Kabbalah, the “Tree of Life.” “Tree of Life.” They worship trees, and did their pagan practices among the “groves”(Ex 34:14)—therefore this symbolism is everywhere. Thus says the Lord: "Do not learn the way of the Gentiles (pagans)...For the customs of the peoples are futile; For one cuts a tree from the forest, The work of the hands of the workman, with the ax... They decorate it with silver and gold; They fasten it with nails and hammers So that it will not topple. (Jeremiah 10:2-4)

The phrase “As above; So below,” is the motto of Kabbalistic Satanism that reflects the union of “air” (male) and “earth” (female), as reflected by a tree that “rises in the air,” representing ‘male’ and the ‘roots’

[3] http://Judaism.about.com/od/glossary/fl/Chabad-Lubavitch-Judaism-101.htm

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are in the “earth below,” represent the ‘female’. You see these typical designs of the Tree of Life, reflecting the “Hebrew Roots.”

Those of us who belong to our Father God, do not consider belonging to

Him, serving Him, and loving Him, as a “religion.” True Christianity is not, and should not be, a man-made system of trying to appease or reach God through religious works or obligations, nor is it striving to become like gods through power, manipulation and lies. Denominational Christianity is a worldly system that operates under many of these things and is not true Christianity, but as this Watchman Report reveals, it is a religion steeped in paganism and Kabbalah—which is unknown to most.

There are signs and symbolisms found among most, if not all, major denominations, and so called, “Christian” ministers and their ministry logos and web page designs—containing forms of pagan, Freemasonry, and Illuminati-Kabbalah symbol-ism. As mentioned, becom-ing familiar with this secret “sign language” “sign language” is crucial for Christians, in order to be able to avoid Satan’s “tares”—which he has “planted” within the univer-sal body of Christ. Again beware! These Illuminati “plants” are Satan’s ministers who have transformed themselves into looking likelooking like “ministers of righteousness”: (2 Cor 11:15) ... his (Satan's) ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness...

There are sincere ministers and ministries that have unwittingly adopted these demonic signs and symbols, believing they are Christian symbols. But the danger in using demonic symbols is that they open the

This is an ad for

D.E. Paulk, the son

of (heretic)

Earl Paulk and his


'Radically Inclusive'



that began

in 2012

Symbolism is the SECRET sign

language of the occult…

(Psalms 74:4) Your enemies roar in the (Psalms 74:4) Your enemies roar in the

midst of your congregations; they set up midst of your congregations; they set up

their their ensignsensigns for for signssigns..

ENSIGNS: Strong's Concordance #226 Strong's Concordance #226 'owth'owth

(oth); something appearing as (oth); something appearing as signalssignals, (i.e. hand , (i.e. hand

signals) flags, monuments, beacons or evidence. signals) flags, monuments, beacons or evidence.

The Complete Word Studies Dictionary defines The Complete Word Studies Dictionary defines

this word as: "emblems" (which the American this word as: "emblems" (which the American

English Dictionary defines as): special designs English Dictionary defines as): special designs

or visual objects representing a group or idea.or visual objects representing a group or idea.

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door to becoming a beacon for signaling and summoning demonic activity. It is time for us to realize the falseness that has invaded Christianity today. Christianity has from its inception become a system of deception to keep us in the darkness and from knowing God as our Heavenly Father. Here is a quote from the Website, www.LeaveTheCult.com concerning the relation-ship between Kabbalah and false Gnostic Christianity. An article by Nesta H. Webster, addresses what Gnosticism is. Just as Kabbalah and Paganism are inseparable, Kabbalah and Gnosticism are inseparable as well; Kabbalah and Gnosticism run though all false religions. Webster writes:

“Gnosticism goes hand in hand with Kabbalah (Cabala or Qabbala), the esoteric or mystic religion of Rabbinic Judaism. These occult teachings deal with magic, hypnotism, sorcery and all sorts of pagan practices collected by the Jews throughout centuries of spiritual borrowing from different cultures. The mixing of all these pagan traditions with the teachings of the Gospel of Christ gave birth to a whole new kind of Gnostic religion called Jewish-Christianity, which is nothing else than a third religion between Judaism and Christianity. As a result, modern “Christianity” was turned into a gamma of Gnostic teachings with all sorts of perverted doctrines introduced throughout the centuries in most of the “Christian” denominations around the world.”[4]

The result of Gnosticism was thus not to Christianize the Cabala, but to cabalaize Christianity by mingling its pure and simple teaching with theosophy and magic.” This is so very true today. Notice that Webster, wrote this in 1924! It gives us a clue as to what has been going on for quite some time even before this was written about.”

Keep in mind: Kabbalah originated directly from Babylonian Satanism sun god worship and is the prevailing under-current of all subsequent occult religions. This is the origin of Judaism, which “the Jews” practice today, with their rabbi's traditions and symbols, all appearing to be biblical, but are all distorted and taken over by occult meanings. There are to be sure, many secular (nationalistic) Jewish people (natural descendants from the tribe of Judah) and of these, some are actually Christians, but the rest are Illuminati Zionist followers of Judaism, Orthodox Jews, and the Ultra-Orthodox Jews who do practice Satanism based on Kabbalah. The biblical sacred objects mentioned in Scripture, such as the menorah, and “Tree of life,” and even the name of JEHOVAH GOD (Tetragrammaton, יהוה

“yod-hey-vav-hey”), have become mystical satanic symbols to them. These “Jews” and their Kabbalistic symbols, amulets, magical prayers, etc., are used in their demonic worship and highly satanic rituals.

All mystery religions are forms of Satanism (Luciferianism), that worship Satan with their many signs and symbols—typically being the

[4] (Nesta H. Webster (1876 – 1960), Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, p.29, 1924)

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obelisks (phallic symbol), sun disks, the serpent, dragon, and numerous other masonic and Kabbalistic symbols. They also worship with Human sacrifice, blood drinking, cannibalism, in addition to sexual perversions and orgies. These are just some of the perverted routine practices among these satanic Luciferian occults.

Freemason Symbols

There are several cities in the world that share striking similarities and are believed to play a crucial role in the hidden Luciferian global governmental system we have long been living under. The three cities and their roles are of most importance, and are as follows: City of Lon-don (finance), Washington, DC (military), and Vatican City (religion). A Freemason symbol, known as an obeliskobelisk, is located in each of these three important cities. The word “obelisk” means “Baal’s shaft” or Baal’s organ of reproduction (penis). Why the obelisk? To early Egyptians, it was the shape sacred to the Sun God Re or Ra; the creator of hu-

manity, the source of all heat and light, the being on which man was totally dependent. By the fifth dynasty Re had become so popular he was elevated to the role of state deity. The spirit of the Sun God was supposed to enter the stones at certain periods, and on these occasions human sacrifices were offered to it.

The obelisk can also be found in Jerusalem in Israel. This is because the Freemasons were an integral part of Israel becoming a nation in 1948. Without British Freemasonry there would be no modern state of Israel. In

the 1860s, the British-Israelite move-ment was initiated from within Freemasonry. Its goal was to establish a Jewish-Masonic state in the Turkish province of Palestine. Initially, British Jewish Masonic families like the Rothschilds’ and Montefiores’ provided the capital. You can find the Freemason mark upon the Supreme Court building complex in Jerusalem. The obelisk can be found (shown left), along with the Masonic Tree of Life and other Kab-balah and Masonic symbols. Could it be that the obelisk will be erected when the Temple in Jerusalem is rebuilt? It is

The Vatican

Washington DC

Obelisk in front of the Supreme Court in


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(Daniel 11:30-31) But he will vent his anger against the people of the holy covenant and reward those who forsake the covenant... "His army will take over the Temple fortress, pollute the sanctuary, put a stop to the daily sacrifices, and set up the sacrilegious object(s) that causes desecration. NLT

(Parenthesis mine).

Jewish Luciferians (Illuminati, Free-masons) detailed an incredible plan known as the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”—to overthrow

western civilization and all of the wealth of the world. You can read these “protocols” in The Kabbalah Judaism and Free Mason Watchman Report. It has been hard to determine who actually wrote the Protocols, but it does convey a pathological hatred for non-Jews, and the desire to undermine and enslave them. Reading these protocols reveals how our world closely parallels what is written and it becomes clear The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a blatantly satanic document. It systematically lists all the steps that are necessary to establish their New World Order and its superman, Anti-christ. It is obvious that these plans for the establishment of the Kingdom of Antichrist are so brilliantly conceived and written, they could only be the work of demonic spirits. The first two world wars and their circumstances were accurately predicted events by the Illuminati that did take place. This is because Satan’s agents have undertaken to manipulate political events to closely follow his designs laid out in his “protocols.”


I know a lot of this information is often hard to accept, because so many people believe that members of the local Masonic Lodge are just regular good ol boys, believing they do charitable work for the community and have no evil intentions. This may appear to be true, and not all of them will be elevated to a level where they have the “need to know,” or will be in a position to learn the Masonic true agenda. It was Adam Weishaupt who decided that “Masons will advance in rank without knowing anything of the “Masons will advance in rank without knowing anything of the further system.”further system.” (Webster, “Secret Societies”)

All of the information contained in this article and in the Watchman Report was obtained through researchers who interviewed defectors of high-level Freemasonry and former members of the Illuminati who are in hiding, or through writings of individuals who were in Masonic positions of authority.

Masonic/Illuminati pyramid in front of the

Supreme Court of Israel flanked by the

pillars of Jachin and Boaz, originally found

in front of the Temple of Salomon.

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Their occult-inspired charade is designed to destroy Christianity by undermining our relationship to God, our family, nation, and race. Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903) wrote that the highest aim of Freemasonry is “to uproot completely the whole religious and moral order of the world which was brought into existence by Christianity.” The second goal is to eliminate the Torah-believing Jew, who should not be confused with the Cabalist (Kabbalah) Jew.

The New World Order is an extension of the British Empire, in which elite British, American, and Jewish imperial interests are identical. The British and Jewish goal of world domination is synonymous, and they are using Freemasonry as their tool. All of Britain’s and Israel’s nation’s leadership are Freemasons.

This is why our country has continued a close relationship with Great Britain and Israel. For example, do you recall the friendship between former President George W. Bush and former Prime Minister Tony Blair? It is interesting to note that during a recent trip to Washington, DC, a British newspaper wrote, “Tony Blair signed the VIP visitors’ guest book at the British Embassy. His role as a Middle East peace envoy may have led to a mid-life identity crisis. His signature is there, but where guests are invited to state their “home” Mr Blair wrote “Jerusalem.” The former Prime Minister does not own anything that could be described as a home in the Middle East.” He did this because Satan’s counterfeit plan is for the headquarters of the Antichrist to be located in Israel. Blair will eventually be changing his residence.

At the present time, we are prophetically moving at break-neck speed. As I hope you can see, we need to learn to take what is reported to us by the media and exercise discernment. Our generation of ill-informed and undiscerning Christians has a difficult time spotting a fraud. Satan creates first-class images for his most valuable ministers, who often become prominent personalities through image campaigns that are designed expressly to deceive the masses. The wise Christian will disregard outward appearances and become impersonally objective, putting a man or woman's message, signs, symbols and supernatural works to the acid test of Scripture. Everything must be analyzed with careful attention to detail; be it a news event or doctrine. The enemy is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) and he is gaining more control as is prophesied for these end-times. More importantly, we are the children of the King. If we are serious about Jesus as Lord, then He has promised to take care of us. Since our time is limited, we need to begin to get serious about our relationship with Him, and take evangelism seriously. I urge you to share the Good News of Christ’s redemptive work on the cross, because Jesus and His Gospel of the kingdom is our only Hope!

Philippians 1:20-21 ...whether by my life or by my death… For to me, to live is Christ

and to die is gain. †

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God Will Choose Whom He Wishes

By Dave Hodges

We know that Donald Trump is not running a Christ ian pol i t ical campaign. But in case you have not noticed, God can, and will use leaders of his own choosing to fulfill His purposes in a nation. So at this critical time

in history, why would God choose a Christian leader? After all, America has become the most unchristian nation. We have murdered 60 million unborn citizens without a trial. We glorify every perversion, wickedness and intrusive behaviors. We live in a nation that kills innocents with drones. Our every move is spied upon. It has been repeatedly reported how Obama, a man of very low moral character, has placed “enemies of the state” (i.e. the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization) into key positions in our government (i.e. DHS).

Our church leaders have been recruited to abandon their flock and to lead them astray. Your pastor puts IRS tax laws ahead of the word of God. When was the last time your Pastor spoke to the congregation about the evils of abortion and how it needed to be stopped? Pedophilia is the last prohibition that remains intact in our Godless nation and that prohibition is about to be removed through the efforts of George Soros and Kevin Jennings (Hillary Clinton’s education lackey who happens to be transgender). America has not only become a Godless nation, it has become a despicable collection of perverts and murderers.

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On the other hand, Donald Trump is not a Christian (despite

reports to the contrary) and if chosen as president he would not be leading a Christian nation.

At any rate we will soon have a leader who will serve God’s will, whether or not they realize that this is a chosen mission.

Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his… he removes kings, and sets up wisdom and might are his… he removes kings, and sets up kings... know that the most High rules in the kingdom of kings... know that the most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever he will.men, and gives it to whomever he will. (Dan 2:20, 21; 4:32)(Dan 2:20, 21; 4:32)

He removes the royal robes of kings… He leads priests away, He removes the royal robes of kings… He leads priests away,

stripped of status; he overthrows those with long years in stripped of status; he overthrows those with long years in

power… He silences the trusted adviser and removes the in-power… He silences the trusted adviser and removes the in-

sight of the elders… He pours disgrace upon rulers and dis-sight of the elders… He pours disgrace upon rulers and dis-

arms the strong… "He uncovers mysteries hidden in darkness; arms the strong… "He uncovers mysteries hidden in darkness;

he brings light to the deepest gloom… He builds up nations, he brings light to the deepest gloom… He builds up nations,

and he destroys them. He expands nations, and he abandons and he destroys them. He expands nations, and he abandons

them. (Job 12:18them. (Job 12:18--23)23)

I know our plight as Americans seems hopeless as we are out-numbered, outspent and out-gunned. However, my Lord does not know defeat. I just need to be silent and trust in the Lord, he will use who and what he needs to advance his will (not ours). So what do we as Chris-tians do in this monumental time that we live in? Listen to the Lord and just keeping working for His kingdom as God would

reveal it us. †

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TRUMPET SOUNDS Newsletter 15 Nov-Dec 2016

The 2016 Election: God's Judgment for the USA By Karen Connell

In 2016, conservatives are rallying to the side of an amoral lecher. And liberals, are siding with a desiccated grafter and war hawk. We can discuss candidates and history or analyze policy options all day. But what is actually going on in this election, is we are experiencing God's judgment, and for good reason. Just look at the headlines, our candidates, our political parties, our civic life, and it can’t be denied that God has given us over to ourselves in this election, and we make fools of ourselves with it.

It's not just this election, all the Old Testament patterns and signs of God's judgment for a nation, or a civilization, seem to be on us. When God's ministers become sinful and oppressive, then unfaithful national leaders make alliances with wicked nations, and these alliances are cemented by our idola-trous worship. This results in the lives of that nation's people becoming marked by violence, dislocation, and oppression. When God's people lose the blessings of the Lord, so does the country in which they live. No longer do they have a good national economy or healthy children, nor do they keep winning wars, instead they are conquered. God's Word clearly reveals our present dilemma: You have said, 'It is useless to serve God; what profit is it that we have kept His ordinance, And that we have walked as mourners Before the Lord of hosts? ...So now we call the proud blessedwe call the proud blessed, For those who do wickedness are raised up; They even tempt God and go free.'" (Malachi 3:14-15) The day of the Lord is coming, pitiless, full of vengeance and bitter retribution, ready to turn earth into a wilderness, ridding it of its sinful brood. The stars of heaven, its glittering constellations, will shed no ray; sunrise will be darkness, and the moon refuse her light. I will punish the world’s guilt, and tax the wicked with their misdoings, stilling the rebel’s pride, crushing the haughtiness of tyrants, till a man is a rarer sight than gold and a slave cannot be bought with all the treasure of Ophir. So terribly will I shake the heavens, and move earth from its place, to show that the Lord of hosts will be patient no longer, and the hour of his bitter vengeance has come. Men will take to flight as deer or sheep would, with none to marshal them, each turning towards his own home, seeking refuge in his own country. Whoever is found left behind will be slain, and those who are encountered in the open will fall at the sword’s point; 16 their children will be dashed to pieces before their eyes, their houses plundered, their wives ravished.(Isa 13:9-16) Everyone seems to recognize the world tipping into craziness, and they respond by holding on tighter to their own version of craziness. Roll your eyes if you like, but this election has taught me to only fear God. So, vote all you

want but God Will Choose Whom He Wishes! †

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By Coach Dave Daubenmire


Donald Trump showed his marketing genius when he came up with the campaign slogan “Make Amer-“Make Amer-ica Great Again.” ica Great Again.” It was catchy and it captured the spirit of the average American voter. Many of us re-member the “good old days” in the good old U S of A, and we are smart enough to recognize, as my fa-ther used to sing as

he strummed his guitar, “the old gray mare she ain’t what she used to be.”

Trump is right about one thing. America is not great any more. We simply think that we are.

Oh we still have a lot of power and influence in the world, but we are far from great. We are perhaps the most immoral nation in the world. In fact, we are so immoral that we are doing our best to export our immorality around the globe.

Hillary is running on a program that not only promotes the slaughter of unborn children but has shown a strong desire to use the United Nations to spread infanticide worldwide. Isn’t this the woman who, along with her deviant husband, once declared that she wanted to make abortion, “safe, legal, and rare?”

The promotion of immoral behavior has become America’s greatest export. Licentiousness has replaced liberty. With liberty comes responsibil-ity, while licentiousness is liberty without consequences. The greatness of America was that we once taught our children that real liberty was not do-ing whatever one wanted but rather choosing to do what was right.

Today in America right and wrong has become nothing more than an opinion. Without an unchanging standard everyone will do “whatever is

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right in their own eyes.” Until we return to the solid rock of Truth our foun-dations will continue to crumble and no political leader or government pro-gram will ever Make America Great Again.

Donald Trump cannot Make America Great Again. Only a return to Christ and His unchanging standards can do that job. It is time to make the Church Great Again. Every problem that America faces is a moral problem. We have rejected the non-negotiable standards of right and wrong that American parents and American schools taught to our children for over 5 generations. As the Biblical foundations were whittled away our nation gradually became less and less great.

I miss my parents, but I am glad that they are not around to see that not only is the old gray mare not what she used to be, but that the nation that their generation fought and died for is crumbling. Scripture reminds us “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” Sadly, the baby boomers, of which I am one, have spent the inheritance. Like the prodigal son we have spent it on “riotous living” and our only hope is to “come to ourselves.” When will we stand up and say that we have had enough of pig-pen living?

Let’s make no bones about it; the election of 2016 will be watershed moment in American history. Will we reject 50 years of godless govern-ment or will we cavalierly wink and nod and elect the most corrupt candi-date in the history of American politics?

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live:” (Deut 30:19)

Did you know God is pro-choice? Did you know he gave us the ability to make the right choice?

According to the latest research 71% of Americans are Christian…a decline of 8% in the past 7 years.[1] Let that sink in a minute. Only 4% of Americans identify as atheist or agnostic yet it is this very small minority of Americans who have THEIR religious beliefs represented in

[1] http://www.pewforum.org/2015/05/12/americas-changing-religious-landscape/

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the government. How have Christians permitted the values of the overwhelming majority of society to be banished from public discourse? How has our once great nation permitted our government to become ag-nostic in regards to moral behavior?

No matter who is elected on November 8th the responsibility for the direc-tion of this nation will fall directly into the lap of the American church. If Trump wins it will appear as if the Lord has given us a reprieve. A Hillary victory will guarantee that the anti-Christian antics of those in positions of power will raise the ante for those who dare to resist the debauchery flood-ing down Main Street America.

As goes the church, so goes the nation. It is time for true believers in Jesus to call out the charlatans in the pulpits masquerading as pastors and de-mand a return to Biblical values as the foundation of this nation. We must actively oppose the self-centered Gospel currently belching out of the mouths of the hirelings who are peddling snake-oil Christianity in order to advance their own kingdoms.

With an eye on the future I will be working Wednesday morning November 9th to return America to her Biblical roots. As goes the people, so goes the church. As goes the church, so goes the nation.

It is time to stand up and fight. It is time to awaken to the spiritual battle that is raging around us. It is time to fight for the inheritance that we are leaving to our grandchildren. They will live in the nation we leave them. What kind of nation will we have in 2020?

I pray you join me in the battle. Christianity will never die, but Western Civilization might. There are generations still unborn that are counting on us.


24-7 !!

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The Bible does not mention the birth of Jesus as something we should celebrate. McClintock and Strong Biblical Encyclopedia says: "Celebrating Christmas "Celebrating Christmas is not established by God and does is not established by God and does originate in the New Testament." originate in the New Testament." A careful analysis of the origin of Christmas helps us understand that this celebration is a

mixture of pagan rituals under the guise of worshiping God —which God hates! Aaron ...announced, "Tomorrow will be Aaron ...announced, "Tomorrow will be a festival to the a festival to the LordLord!" ...The people ... sacrificed burnt offerings and peace offerings, AND !" ...The people ... sacrificed burnt offerings and peace offerings, AND they celebrated with feasting and drinking, and they indulged in pagan they celebrated with feasting and drinking, and they indulged in pagan revelry. The Lord told Moses, "Quick! Go down the mountain! Your people revelry. The Lord told Moses, "Quick! Go down the mountain! Your people whom you brought from the land of Egypt have whom you brought from the land of Egypt have corrupted themselvescorrupted themselves. NLT. NLT

The origin of Christmas customsThe origin of Christmas customs

Celebrating the birth of Jesus. "The early Christians did not celebrate [Jesus'] birth because they considered the celebration of anyone's birth to be a pagan custom." (The World Book Encyclopedia)

December 25th. There is no evidence that Jesus was born on this day. Compromising religious leaders, trying to blend paganism with Christianity, chose December 25th to coincide with pagan celebrations that were held around the winter solstice.

Offering gifts and Christmas parties. The Encyclopedia Americana states: "The Saturnalia provided the model for most of the merry making customs of Christmas. The time was one of general mirth. All classes exchanged gifts, the commonest being candles and dolls. Christmas inherited the general merriment: games, giving of gifts, abundance of eating and drinking, and pagan ceremonious -such as the “burning of candles."

Christmas lights. According to the Encyclopedia of Religion, Europeans adorned their homes "with lights and evergreens of all kinds" to celebrate the winter solstice and to cast away the evil spirits.

Mistletoe and laurel. "The Druids ascribed magical properties to the mistletoe in particular. The evergreen holly was worshiped as a promise of the sun's return."(The Encyclopedia Americana)

Christmas tree. "Tree worship, common among the pagan Europeans, survived after their conversion to Christianity." The tree worship was preserved until today through our custom of "placing a Yule tree at an entrance or inside the house in the midwinter holidays."(Encyclopedia Britannica). Ancient pagan Kabbalah “tree of life” worship is associated with the pagan “Christmas tree.” Thus says the Lord: "Do not learn the way of the Gentiles Thus says the Lord: "Do not learn the way of the Gentiles (pagans)...For the customs of these people are futile; For one cuts a tree (pagans)...For the customs of these people are futile; For one cuts a tree from the forest, The work of the hands of the workman, with the ax... They from the forest, The work of the hands of the workman, with the ax... They decorate it with silver and gold; They fasten it with nails and hammers So decorate it with silver and gold; They fasten it with nails and hammers So that it will not topple. (Jeremiah 10:2that it will not topple. (Jeremiah 10:2--4)4)

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IlluminatiIlluminati PACKAGE

It includes:

A Watchman


A 125 page— Watchman Report


It is important to have a basic understanding of the workings of Kabbalah and the Free

Masons because Satan has been able to use these things to confuse and thus deceive

many professing Christians. These cults have invaded Christianity in very subtle

ways, and have managed to change and challenge the very foundation of Christianity

in ways that most Christians are not even aware of. I pray what is put forth in this re-

port, will begin to open the eyes of God’s people who may have become entangled

with those operating in what is being exposed in this report. This report reveals an as-

pect of the mystery of lawlessness, which is clearly revealed through the religion, signs

and symbolism of KABBALAH—which is alive and well TODAY and all around us.

In reality the whole world lies in deception and is influenced and controlled by this

satanic cabal. Learn how the universal Christian Church, which is comprised of hun-

dreds of denominations and movements, have been largely run by Kabbalistic Freema-

sonry organizations. You will learn how to recognize the churches and ministries that

have been infiltrated by their symbolism and signs, which speak loud and clear, reveal-

ing real the truth of their involvement. WE HAVE BEEN DECEIVED BY THESE

TARES for hundreds of years. It is not a new threat, because deception has dwelt

among us from the very beginning—when God first planted His church upon this


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Free MasonFree Mason PACKAGE

It includes:

A Watchman


BILLY GRAHAM: And Other Famous Free Mason TV PreachersBILLY GRAHAM: And Other Famous Free Mason TV Preachers

I realize that the material contained in this Watchman Report, is going to be very disturbing to many who have not investigated what is being reported in this material. It was more than disturbing for me, when I was first made aware of these things early on in my ministry. Many will be angered and shocked like I was and others will become defensive and antagonistic towards those of us who are bringing this information to the forefront, which I was also tempted to be, when my favorite ministers were shown to be involved with the occult. However, the Lord confirmed to me through His word and with many other evidences that these things are very sad—but very true. The purpose for this report is to educate God’s people on how immense Satan’s schemes are and how far reaching into Christianity they have entered, especially through the use of the New Word Order’s Illuminati and the Free Mason organizations. The spiritual influences associated with these satanic organizations are powerful to say the least, but not more powerful than our one true God, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is author of all truth, and if it is received, it will bring freedom to any who are being influenced or bound by what is being covered in this report. We cannot fight an enemy that we do not recognize, therefore it is imperative that we know who the enemy is and how he operates and who his ambassadors are.

Watchman Report—66 Pages

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Mishel McCumber’s Mishel McCumber’s

true story of being

awakened to and

leaving the false

prophetic movement.

This is one testimony

that every modern

day Christian needs

to hear! Request

this FREE CD!

This is an excellent

DVD with a solid

Biblical foundation for

understanding why

Zionism is not

Biblical. It clearly

answers many

questions concerning

the JEWISH people

and ISRAEL from a

Scriptural point of

view that most modern

day Christian’s will be

shocked to

discover! Request

this FREE DVD!

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TRUMPET SOUNDS Newsletter 23 Nov-Dec 2016

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Bible courses and resources by Karen Connell go to: www.extendedlifeCTM.org

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