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Newsletter May June 09

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  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter May June 09


    Inside this issue:

    2 Highlights of VesakhiCelebration

    3 Holla Mahalla

    Raag Ras

    Inter Faith Dialogue

    4 Simran at Esplanade

    Mighty Khalsa - Feedback

    Sikh for Toddlers - Feedback

    5 Education Classes Details

    6 Women EmpowermentProgramme

    SRST Estimated Cost

    7 Barsi Sant Baba

    Sohan Singh Ji

    Kundalini YogaGuru Arjan Dev Ji ShaheediGurpurab

    8 Programme

    New Books Arrival

    In Sikh Centre

    Issue No. 38



    The Bi-MonThly newsleTTer of The CenTral sikh Gurdwara Board


















    This is the 11th arcle in the series Khalsa Mero Roop Hai Khaas (Who is a Khalsa?), started in Apr 2008.]

    Kaam (Lust)

    One of the Five VicesBy Jaswant Singh

    Kaam (kwm) literally means sexual urge. It is a basic insnct in humans and manyanimals, which is essenal for reproducon. However, when excessive, it becomesa weakness of human beings. Excessiveness of Lust and anger destroys the bodyas borax dissolves gold. 1 It steals the jewel of spiritual wisdom. 2 The mind inwhch t dwells becomes ckle ad urestraed. 3 It leads the mortals to miseryad causes them to wader through recarao ad trasmgrao. 4

    The ogs, plgrms ad ascecs, the et of lust s cast over all of them. 5 Therefore,the sages of India condemned Kaam the most and performed austere penancesto eliminate it. However, the Sikh Gurus didnt condemn or prohibit it but theywarned against indulgence in its excessiveness: O man, for a moment of sexualpleasure, ou suer evermore. For a stat, ou savor pleasure, but later, regretit repeatedly. 6

    Skhsm s a householders wa. 7 It doesnt forbid one to have love and sex withones partner. It prohibits excessive indulgence in carnal pleasure, even with onesspouse. Vigorous sensuality eventually becomes an addicon and an ailment.Besides that, it is a delusion of the mortal that he can sasfy himself by indulgingin its excessiveness. The truth is that one may enjoy the pleasures of millions ofspouses, and rule the whole world, but one cannot gain peace of mind. 8

    Sikhism does not require the emoon to be suppressed totally. It advises us to useit sensibly, keeping it under control. For this reason, a house holders life is mademandatory in Sikhism. Sikhism advocates the idea of faithfulness to ones spouse.Describing a Sikhs character, Bhai Gurdas Ji remarks, a Skh coes oeself toones spouse only, and considers another's spouse as his daughter or sister. 9

    Thus, the Sikh scripture guides the mortal to overpower the excessiveness of lustand to achieve a higher strength of character to gain God-consciousness. BhagatNaamdev Ji puts forth: one who stays away from others wealth and othersspouse, the Lord abides near him. 10

    Gurbani Reference

    1. kwmu koDu kwieAw kau gwlY ] ijau kMcn sohwgw FwlY ] (932)

    2. iesu qn mn mDy mdn cor ] ijin igAwn rqnu ihir lIn mor ] (1194)

    3. pwpI hIAY mY kwmu bswie ] mnu cMclu Xw qy gihE n jwie ]1] rhwau ] (1186)

    4. hy kwmM nrk ibsRwmM bhu jonI BRmwvxh ] (1358)

    5. jo gI jMgm Aru sMinAws ] sB hI pir fwrI ieh Pws ]1] (1186)

    6. nmK kwm suAwd kwrix koit idns duKu pwvih ] GrI muhq rMg mwxih iPir bhuir bhuir pCuqwvih ]1] (403)

    7. GrbwrI gur isK hoie isKw sUqR ml mUqR ivfwxY ] (Bhai Gurdas Ji)

    8. jy lK iesqrIAw Bog krih nv KMf rwju kmwih ] ibnu siqgur suKu n pwveI iPir iPir jonI pwih ]3] (26)

    9. eykw nwrI jqI hoie pr nwrI DI BYx vKwxY] (Vaar 6/8)

    10. pr Dn pr dwrw prhrI ] qw kY inkit bsY nrhrI ]1] (1163)

    In the coming arcle, we will discuss Krodh (Anger), another vice.

  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter May June 09


    Page2Central Sikh Gurdwara Board

    Highlights of Vesakhi Celebrations12 to 14 April 2009

    Children ProgrammeVesakhi, 2009 was celebrated fervently by the lile

    Khalsas of Singapore on 10 April, 2009 at the Central

    Sikh Temple. The importance of Vesakhi was explained

    to the children through various interesng acvies.

    Everyone excitedly got on their feet during the rst

    acvity in which each group dressed a junior in an

    impressive Bana. In the next acvity Wheel of Fortune,

    the children couldnt wait for their turn to guess words

    relang to Vesakhi, while spinning away the wheel with

    all their might. Finally, the children made their own

    chains with colourful strings and ribbons and adorned

    them with sparkling Khandas. This was followed by a

    Simran session. It was heartwarming to see so many

    boisterous children dressed in Banas complete with dastaars. It was indeed a splendid occasion to watch the

    next generaon taking their small strides on the path shown by our gurus.

    Sponsor A Sikh Needy Family

    The Sponsor A Sikh Needy Family Programme during the Vesakhi celebraons was a

    resounding success. The Care and Share commiee with the immense help of sta andvolunteers from Wadda Gurdwara managed to get sucient sponsors to purchase a months

    dry raon for the 62 Sikh families seeking welfare. The total cost of the dry raon was

    approximately $7500. Anyone wishing to Adopt a Sikh family by purchasing dry raon for

    them can contact the Sikh Centre for more informaon.

    Cancer Awareness

    At our invitaon, the Singapore Cancer Society set-up a booth at Waada Gurdwara during the Vesakhi

    celebraons and managed to raise $845. The money will go towards helping cancer paents seeking

    nancial assistance.

    Amrit Sanchar CeremonyThe highlight of the Vesakhi Celebraon was the Amrit Sanchar Ceremony

    held on 14 April. A special Darbar Sahib was prepared on the 3rd oor of

    the Central Sikh Temple for this ceremony. The ceremony started at 7:00

    am and ended by 10:00am. The enre Sangat in Darbar Sahib stood up

    to welcome Guru Ji, the Punj Peyras carrying the Amrit-da-bata and 16

    new Amritdharis.

    Prior to the ceremony, there were 2 special talks held in Punjabi and

    English to clarify doubts and misconcepons about Amrit. These

    sessions proved to be successful with each talk lasng 3 hours including

    the distribuon of free Kekars to all those taking Amrit and those whowanted replacements of old Kekars.

    So be read for ext ears Vesakh 2010.

  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter May June 09


    Page3Central Sikh Gurdwara Board

    Hola MahallaThe Hola Mahalla celebraon was held at Silat Road

    Sikh Temple on 11th March 09 (Wednesday) The

    Akhand Paath Sahib started at 6pm on 9th Marchand bhog was held at 4pm on 11th March 09.

    The other highlights of the celebraons were the

    Nishan Sahib Slami and the demonstraon of Gatka by Mr. Nirmal Singh and some members of the Sangat. The

    crowds enjoyed the Gatka performance and were thrilled by the skills displayed at the sword ghng.

    Raag Ras 2009This 3 day programme called Raag Ras 2009 consisted of 2 Darbar Kirtan programmes and 2 workshops. We

    were indeed very fortunate to have big names in the Kirtan world to help us launch the 1st ever Raag Ras in


    Among them was the father of late Ishmeet Singh (Star Voice of India) who is acvely travelling the world

    to promote Ishmeet Singh Foundaon, Principal of Jawaddi Taksal, Principal Sukhwant Singh Ji who was

    accompanied by a Tabla Ustad Prof Amarjeet Singh Ji and their student Manbir Singh Ji. They put up a

    performance at the workshops conducted at the Sikh Centre from 20 Feb to 22 Feb.

    The enre programme was very well received by the sangat, parcularly the youth who turned up in large

    numbers at both the workshops and darbar programmes. A 2nd Raag Ras is ready in the works aer the

    success of the 1st Raag Ras.

    Inter Faith Dialogue at Sikh CentreOn 8th February 2009, Sikh Centre jointly conducted an Inter Faith Dialogue with The Exploraons into Faith

    (EiF) interfaith group, an organizaon under the South East Community Development Council. The topic ofthe dialogue was Music In Faith. The session saw an

    approximate of 30 parcipants from various religious

    backgrounds, namely, Islam, Chrisanity, Bahai, Hinduism,

    Buddhism, Taoism and Sikhism. The Gurmat Sangeet

    Academy performed Kirtan and highlighted the various

    musical instruments such as the Dilruba, Rabab and

    the Tabla that were used to perform Kirtan in the Gurus


    During this interacve session, the respecve faiths shared,

    claried and asked about what each faith had to say about

    the use of music. They had a beer appreciaon of each

    others religion, music in their religion and experienced

    the Kirtan by Gurmat Sangeet Academy using tradional

    musical instruments.

  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter May June 09


    Central Sikh Gurdwara BoardPage4

    Smra b Krta Jatha of Slat Road Skh Temple & Mr. Satam Sgh

    our Musc Teacher & hs studets from Gurmat Sageet Academ of Skh Cetre

    2d Ma 09 (Saturda)

    6:30 am to 7:15 am & 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm

    @ Open Air Pavilion, Esplanade

    All are invited to aend and experience Simran by the sea side

    SIMRANBy the SeA SIde

    Mighty Khalsa - FeedbackMeeng once a week or fortnightly helps children of the community to bond. This bonding is especially more

    important in countries outside India, where kids dont get to see kids that umm resemble them. They get to

    know more about their culture and religion not as a lecture or a preaching but in a language they understand. The

    teacher Manjit is able to communicate concepts of the religion in a simple and interesng way and this aracts

    the aenon of the kids.

    Many children dont get to touch the Chaur Sahib or be close to Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) as I felt too inmidated

    by their sacredness. But here kids get a chance to be real close to the SGGS and this helps to close the gap between

    them and Guruji. They also develop the condence to do Ardaas and take the Vaak in front of the sangat.

    The acvity me aer the darbar me teaches them more about culture and religion in an enrely dierent andfun way. Children wait eagerly for it, though it is a kind of religious class.

    Sikhi for Toddlers - Feedback

    My son, Arun (age 2) has been aending the Toddlers programme at the Sikh Centre since it rst started in January

    this year. Hes only two, but the joy on his face when I tell him its me to get dressed for the programme is

    unsurpassed. He knows that going to the Sikh Centre means hell get to sing his favourite song, Healthy Am

    I, Happy Am I! Arun enjoys listening to the stories as well as doing art and cra in class. While hes excited

    about the treasure chest and playing the latest game, Im excited by the knowledge of how much he is learning

    about our Gurus and the Punjabi language.

    Id like to thank the organizers for a job exceedingly well done. Id encourage the parents of any toddlers concerned

    about their childs early exposure to the Punjabi language and Sikhi to join us each alternate week in this fun-lled


    Harmonium Tabla Taus Tanpura

  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter May June 09


    Page5Central Sikh Gurdwara Board

    Lets Speak..Chinese

    Chinese Conversation Course

    For Beginners (Stage 1)

    Every Wednesday, 7.30pm to 8.45pm

    Veue: Level 6, Skh Cetre

    Fee: $70 Per Student

    Course Durato: 8 Weeks (8 Sesso) Join now to learn the language for daily usage

    Cultivate A Love For Reading



    (Age: 5 to 7 years old)

    Sign Up Now @

    Level 3, Skh Cetre

    10 & 24 Ma 2009

    11:00 am to 12:00 pm

    Develop an interest in Reading

    Strengthen spoken Language

    Read independently

    Highlight the fun elements in Reading

    WINDOWSEnhance your Basic IT Skills

    Starg Ma 2009

    Every Sunday, 3.30pm to 4.30pm

    Veue: Level 3, Skh Cetre

    Commtmet Fee - $ 10

    Course Outline:

    Pecl Sketchg


    Glass Pag

    Hea/Mehd Art

    Starg Ma 2009

    Level 6, Skh CetreEvery Saturday,

    3pm to 4pm

    Fee : $40

    Age: 5 to 15 years

    STARTinG in MAy 2009

    Special O Level English Tuitionby Qualified & Experienced Teacher

    Dot dela, regster ow.

    Starg o 16 Ma 2009

    Every Saturday, 2pm to 4pm

    Veue: Level 6, Skh Cetre

    Commtmet Fee - $ 10

    Course Durao: 8 Weeks (8 Sesso)


    IT Class at Sikh Centrefor elders. A CompleteSuccess with full capacitytaken up.

    Ask Kultar Singh, why he joined the class at 70plus, Sll never to late to

    learn IT Hes right !!!

    Kultar Singh

    Hurry Limited to 10 Students Per Class

    Bring along a sibling

    4 session

    limited to rst 10 only

    Starting 24 May 2009

    Veue: Level 5, Skh Cetre Ever Suda, 1pm to 2pm

    Fees: $80 Course Durao: 8 Sesso over 2 moths

    Private classes can also be arranged (min 10 pax)

  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter May June 09



    Aim: The objecve of the programme is to promote self-condence and independence among women so that

    they are able to manage their family funcons/dierent roles more eecvely.

    Starts Aprl 09, Coducted Eglsh

    Veue: Level 4, Skh Cetre

    Da: Saturda, 10am to 11.30am

    Course Durao: 16 Weeks, Commtmet Fee: $10

    Conducted by professional Instructor from SINDA

    Central Sikh Gurdwara BoardPage6

    Silat Road Sikh Temple

    Estimated Cost of Hosting ProgramsWaheguru Ji Ka Khasla, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

    Over the past year, there have been percepons about the high cost of hosng an Akhand Path or a Single

    Program at Silat Road Sikh Temple. The Management Commiee of Silat Road Sikh Temple would like to provide

    the Sangat with fair esmates of what it costs to host programmes at the Gurdwara so that the Sangat can make

    informed decisions when planning programmes. The actual cost of Guru Ka Langgar will vary depending upon

    the items cooked. We, however, encourage restraint in this regard and urge the Sangat to stay with the standard

    items of food suggested.

    The esmated cost of Guru Ka Langgar for each program is provided below for reference.

    Program Provisions Ules TOTAL

    AKHAnD PATH $3,200 $350 $3,550

    1. Rice & Chapa 2. Dal or equiv

    3. One Vegetable 4. One Dessert

    5. Dahi / Raita 6. Pronthay ( morning)

    7. One snack @ tea me - Tea all day

    LUnCH / DinnER PROGRAM $800 $100 $900

    1. Rice & Chapa 2. Dal or equiv

    3. One Vegetable 4. One Dessert

    5. Dahi / Raita 6. Tea

    AFTERnOOn TEA PROGRAM $500 $100 $600

    1. Two Snacks - 2. One Dessert - 3. Tea

    NOTE: The other cost is Akhand Bheta of $306/- and discreonary Bhetas

    such as Gurdwara Bheta, Rumala, Kirtan Bheta etc

    With the above esmated cost of hosng programs at Silat Road Sikh Temple, we look forward to serving more

    members of the sangat in having programs at the Gurdwara.

    Please feel free to seek any claricaon required from the Gurdwara Oce or the Management Commiee.

    In Guru Jis Seva.

    Silat Road Sikh Temple - Management Committee

  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter May June 09


    Page7Central Sikh Gurdwara Board

    Oe Da itesve Kudal yoga & Medao(as taught by Yogi Bhajan)

    There are 84 meridian points on the upper palate of our mouth. When you Chant, the tongue smulates those

    points, they in turn smulate the hypothalamus which makes the pineal gland radiate. When the pineal gland

    radiates, it creates an impulse in the pituitary gland. When the pituitary gland gives impulses, the enre glandular

    system secretes and a human being obtains bliss. This is the science behind Channg.

    Come and join us in a 1 day intensive retreat. Parcipants would learn how to apply the power

    of breath and awareness to channg along me tested Kundalini Yoga Kriyas for maximum


    The workshop would be conducted by Amandeep Singh M.Sc ( Aust ), MA ( UK ), B.Sc Hons ( UK )

    He is a scholar with Kundalini Research Instute - USA. A cered Kundalini Yoga Teacher.

    Veue: Level 7, Skh Cetre Da: 17 Ma 09, 10am to 5pm Fee: $ 30



    29 tO 31 MAy 09 At CeNtRAL SIKh teMPLe

    Akhad Path ArambhFrda 29 Ma at 8.30am

    Akhad Path BhogSuda 31 Ma at 8.30am

    Thereaer Krta / Katha Darbar




    >Sri Guru Arjun Dev Jis Shaheedi Gurpurabat Gurdwara Sahib Silat Roadnw ko bYrI nhI ibgwnw sgl sMig hm kau bin AweI ]

    I see no enemy, I see no stranger, I get along with everyone.

    Akhad Path - Fr 12 Jue to Su 14 Jue

    Sukhma Sahb Larh - Sat 13 Jue 9am to 6pm

    Sukhma Sahb CD - All 3 das

    Shabeel Dstrbuo - Sat 13 Jue 10am to 5pm

    Krta b Bha Gurqbal Sgh J (Pedg Cormao)


    Mr Raan Singh Raan passed away on 28 March 2009. He served as a Council member

    since 2008 and was the Assistant Treasurer of the Central Sikh Temple Management

    Commiee. He also performed seless sewa at Central Sikh Temple and Gurdwara Silat

    Road for many years in all major events held at these Gurdwaras.

    In appreciaon of his service to the Board a Sehaj Paath was held at Central Sikh Temple

    on Saturday, 18 April from 10am to 11.30am.

    The Central Sikh Gurdwara Board and its members deeply regret the unmely death

    of Raan Singh Raan.

  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter May June 09


    Central Sikh Gurdwara BoardPage8

    Sikh Centre

    O Gog Courses

    Sukhma Sahb

    Every Saturday, 10:30 am to 11:30 am

    Lear Gurmukh for Adults

    Every Saturday, 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm

    Paath Class for Kds

    Every Saturday, 2 pm to 2:45 pm

    Learn to Read Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

    Every Saturday, 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm

    Gurmat Sageet Classes

    Tuesday - Sunday

    Tae-Kwo-Do (O Gog)

    Every Saturday, 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

    Mght Khalsa

    3 & 17 May, 7 & 21 June 09

    Sunday, 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

    Skh for Toddlers

    9 & 23 May, 6 & 20 June 09

    Saturday, 10 am to 11 am

    Creave Wrg

    Every Sunday, 12 pm to 1:30 pm

    Fee: $ 50, 8 Session

    Phonics for Kids

    Every Sunday, 11 am to 12 pm,

    Fee: $ 35, 8 Sessions

    P1, P2 & P3 Eglsh / Math

    Every Sunday, 1:30 pm to 3 pm,

    Fee $50, 8 Sessions

    P6 Math Class

    Every Saturday, 2 pm to 4 pm,

    Fee $10, 8 Sessions

    iT Classes

    Every Sunday, 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm

    Fee $ 10, 8 Sessions

    Pujab Tuo K1 & K2

    Every Sunday, 4 pm to 5 pm,

    Fee $30, 8 Sessions

    Wadda Gurdwara


    Saturday 9 May, 6:45 pm to 8:15 pm

    Sangrand ( Jeth )

    Friday 15 May, 7:00 am to 9:00 am

    Weekl Smra Dwa

    Every Saturday, 8:45 am to 9:45 am

    Full Asa D Vaar Krta

    Very rst Sunday of the month

    6:15 am onwards

    Sukhma Sahb Class

    Every Sunday, 10 am to 11 am

    Raag Darbar

    (Performance by Gurmat Sangeet Students)

    31 May & 28 June 09, Sunday 7 pm to 8 pm

    Sikh CentreNo. 9 Jalan Bukit Merah, Singapore 169543.Tel: 6327 2007 Fax: 6327 2009www.sikhs.org.sg [email protected]

    Silat Road Gurdwara


    Saturday, 9 May

    4:30 pm 9:00 pm

    Sangrand ( Jeth )

    Friday, 15 May

    6:00 am 8:00 am

    Simran Sadhana

    Every Thursday, 6:00 am to 7:30 am

    & 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm


    The Basakh of Guru Gobd Sgh

    Neither the author, an intellectual giant, nor this book, a tour de

    force of living adoraon of the Master & a sincere & balanced

    & frank appraisal of the historical evoluon of Sikhism needs

    any commendaon from any one. The book leads to a truer &

    deeper understanding of the Order of the Khalsa and the Sikh religion and their

    relevance to some of the problems that sr the mind of the modern intellectual.


    new MembersCetral Skh Gurdwara Board welcomes the followg ew members

    1. Karamjt Sgh S/O Bata Sgh

    2. Kulwat Sgh Bardh

    Suda, 10 Ma 09 Level 7, Skh Cetre, 2pm to 4pm

    All Sikhs are encouraged to donategenerously and become members of

    Central Sikh Gurdwara Board

    Volunteers Needed

    We have projects& activities tomatch your skillsand schedule.
