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Newsletter RT 240217 - Hill House School year we will be celebrating World Book Day by inviting all...

Date post: 25-May-2018
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24 February 2017 Dear Parents, The Assembly on Wednesday was spectacular. The church was packed with what felt like a record attendance of parents and friends. Lower School gave a wonderfully dramatic telling of The Tortoise and the Hare. For these children, who are only five or six years old, to remember so much and perform so clearly and passionately is testament to the hard work that both their teachers and you as parents have put in. The hard work paid off. Thank you. Focus then switched to the balcony as the Brass Ensemble gave us fine renditions of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Sousa’s The Liberty Bell, made famous by Monty Python. We are very fortunate to have Mr. SC who inspires our brass players and creates all the arrangements for them to perform. I don’t know of any other prep school that has a Brass ensemble able to perform at a school assembly every week of the year. The entertainment kept coming with the now traditional French Song from the Betas and Gammas. This time we were treated to Les Champs:Élysées by Joe Dassin. Thank you to Madame Bacha for once again masterminding this along with the musical contributions of Mr. Brown, Mr. Winter and Mr. Su’a. Jake Campbell gave an impressive reading of Thinking by Walter D Wintle. We were also able to present what are perhaps our most important sporting awards to our youngest pupils. Swimming is a vital part of a Hill House education. It is a very good thing that when the children from Small School come to an Assembly for the first time they are not merely spectators but celebrated for being there. It was a busy week in Founders’ Hall. On Tuesday the String Orchestra gave a very well balanced programme of ensemble pieces interspersed with solos from within the group. Wednesday was the turn of the Brass with solos, several duets including two sets of brothers, and massed ensembles. Thursday was the Schumann Piano Competition. We were very grateful that Mr. Chris Dyer, Head of Music at Sevenoaks School, came to adjudicate along with Benjamin Righetti from Lausanne Switzerland. Mr. Dyer gave very helpful and positive feedback to all the performers on the night. We applaud Pascal Bachmann on being awarded first prize and congratulate all the other prizeUwinners.




24!February!2017!!!Dear!Parents,!!The!Assembly!on!Wednesday!was!spectacular.!The!church!was!packed!with!what!felt!like!a!record!attendance! of! parents! and! friends.! Lower! School! gave! a! wonderfully! dramatic! telling! of! The$Tortoise$and$the$Hare.!For!these!children,!who!are!only!five!or!six!years!old,!to!remember!so!much!and!perform!so!clearly!and!passionately!is!testament!to!the!hard!work!that!both!their!teachers!and!you!as!parents!have!put!in.!The!hard!work!paid!off.!Thank!you.!Focus!then!switched!to!the!balcony!as! the!Brass!Ensemble!gave!us! fine!renditions!of!The$Good,$the$Bad$and$the$Ugly! and!Sousa’s!The$Liberty$Bell,!made!famous!by!Monty!Python.!We!are!very!fortunate!to!have!Mr.!SC!who!inspires!our!brass!players!and!creates!all!the!arrangements!for!them!to!perform.!I!don’t!know!of!any!other!prep!school!that!has!a!Brass!ensemble!able!to!perform!at!a!school!assembly!every!week!of!the!year.!The!entertainment!kept!coming!with!the!now!traditional!French!Song!from!the!Betas!and!Gammas.!This!time!we!were!treated!to!Les$Champs:Élysées!by!Joe!Dassin.!Thank!you!to!Madame!Bacha!for!once!again!masterminding!this!along!with!the!musical!contributions!of!Mr.!Brown,!Mr.!Winter!and!Mr.!Su’a.!Jake!Campbell!gave!an!impressive!reading!of!Thinking!by!Walter!D!Wintle.!We!were!also!able!to! present! what! are! perhaps! our! most! important! sporting! awards! to! our! youngest! pupils.!Swimming!is!a!vital!part!of!a!Hill!House!education.!It! is!a!very!good!thing!that!when!the!children!from! Small! School! come! to! an! Assembly! for! the! first! time! they! are! not! merely! spectators! but!celebrated!for!being!there.!!It! was! a! busy! week! in! Founders’! Hall.! On!Tuesday! the! String!Orchestra! gave! a! very!well!balanced! programme! of! ensemble! pieces!interspersed!with!solos! from!within! the!group.!Wednesday! was! the! turn! of! the! Brass! with!solos,! several! duets! including! two! sets! of!brothers,!and!massed!ensembles.!Thursday!was!the!Schumann!Piano!Competition.!!

We! were! very! grateful! that! Mr.! Chris! Dyer,!Head! of! Music! at! Sevenoaks! School,! came! to!adjudicate! along!with!Benjamin!Righetti! from!Lausanne! Switzerland.! Mr.! Dyer! gave! very!helpful! and! positive! feedback! to! all! the!performers! on! the! night.! We! applaud! Pascal!Bachmann! on! being! awarded! first! prize! and!congratulate!all!the!other!prizeUwinners.!!


Mufti! Day! before! Half! Term! raised! £2,015! for! the! Great! Ormond! Street! Hospital! Bay! Hair! Day!campaign.!Thank!you!for!your!generosity.!They!are!very!grateful!to!have!received!our!donation.!!Thursday!next!week!is!World&Book&Day.!There!will!be!events!taking!place!throughout!the!school.!Please! see! the! poster! attached! to! this! letter.! All! pupils! are! invited! to! come! to! school! in! normal!school!uniform!but!accessorised!as!one!of!their!favorite!characters!from!a!book!of!their!choice.!At!10.15!the!whole!school!will!“Drop!Everything!and!Read”!for!fifteen!minutes.!All!pupils!will!also!be!given! a! book! token! that! can! be! used! at! any! participating! bookshop,! including! John! Sandoe! on!Blacklands!Terrace,!the!little!street!opposite!the!Duke!of!York’s.!!&ROAD&CLOSURE&IN&CADOGAN&GARDENS&ON&MONDAY&!The!council!are!resurfacing!the!road!on!the!western!side!of!Cadogan! Gardens! this! Monday.! The! road! between! the!miniUroundabout! and! the! junction! with! Draycott! Avenue!will! be! closed! from! 8am! until! the! works! are! completed,!which! is! expected! to! be! late! afternoon.! The! regular! “Hill!House!oneUway!system”!will!operate!as!normal.!There!will!no!doubt!be!some!extra!congestion.!Please!be!considerate!to! other! road!users! and! follow! any! instructions! from!Hill!House! staff! who!will! be! on! the! street! helping! to!manage!the!traffic!flow.!!Finally,! the!Royal! Borough! of!Kensington!&!Chelsea! is! consulting! on!proposed! improvements! to!Sloane!Street!in!conjunction!with!the!Cadogan!Estate.!The!deadline!for!comments!is!27!February.!Please!follow!this!link!to!the!council’s!website!for!full!details.!Our!children!walk!this!road!every!day!and!anything!to!improve!the!surroundings!is!to!be!encouraged.!https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/parking4transport4and4streets/managing4traffic4and4transport/consultation!!!Best!wishes,!





This year we will be celebrating World Book Day by inviting all Hill House pupils to bring £1 and come to school on Thursday 2 March 2017 in their full

school uniform but wearing an ACCESSORY that signifies their


The timetable will run as usual and all scheduled showcases as well as music, games and swimming lessons will continue throughout the day.

If your child is attending tennis or any specialised lessons on Thursday, please advise

them to wear appropriate gear when they choose their accessory.

All donations will go to Springboard, a charity who provides specialised tuition to improve all aspects of literacy learning in communities experiencing the greatest challenges. Children from Year 5 to Year 8 will also be showing their support by

participating in a “Bring-and –buy” book sale arranged by their Teachers.

All Hill House pupils will receive a book token that can be used at any participating bookshop by under 18s, with one token per transaction being accepted.


Thursday 2 March 2017
