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Date post: 06-Feb-2022
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Meden College NEWSLETTER Volume 1 WELCOME It is a pleasure to write this newsletter as I take up the role as the Head of College, a post I am proud to hold. I have had the opportunity to work closely over the years with the students and the Sixth Form Team and as we come into the final term of the 2020/2021 academic year, it seems a fitting time to share with you news and successes from the Meden School College. A new Newsletter will be published each half term. Holly Smith Head of College COLLEGE COMPETITION Students at Meden School College now compete for ‘tutorial of the week’ and ‘tutorial of the year’ based on their individual achievements and recognitions. FINISH READING ON PG. 2 FREUD MUSEUM Due to the current covid restrictions there have been limits on the trips and extra-curricular activities that students can take part in. This has led teachers to have to think ‘outside-the-box’ and consider other ways to provide students with these opportunities. FINISH READING ON PG. 3 VIBRANT LEADERSHIP As we enter this year’s final term in the College, 17 students have signed up for a leadership course to provide them with skills and training in leadership and community work. FINISH READING ON PG. 4



Volume 1


It is a pleasure to write this

newsletter as I take up the role

as the Head of College, a post I

am proud to hold. I have had

the opportunity to work

closely over the years with the

students and the Sixth Form

Team and as we come into the

final term of the 2020/2021

academic year, it seems a

fitting time to share with you

news and successes from the

Meden School College. A new

Newsletter will be published

each half term.

Holly Smith

Head of College


Students at Meden School College now compete for ‘tutorial

of the week’ and ‘tutorial of the year’ based on their individual achievements and recognitions.



Due to the current covid restrictions there have been limits on the trips and extra-curricular activities that students can take part in. This has led teachers to have to think ‘outside-the-box’ and consider other ways to provide students with these opportunities.



As we enter this year’s final term in the College, 17 students have

signed up for a leadership course to provide them with skills and

training in leadership and community work.





During their time in the College, the students are split in to three tutorial groups

where they meet every morning with their tutor for wellbeing checks and

tutorial activities. The tutors are Mrs Corns (Assistant Head of College), Mrs

Coulson and Mrs Gibney.

Rewards for hard work are slightly different in the College to lower down the

school, with ATL points being replaced with ‘green slips’. Students can achieve

green slips for an outstanding ATL and motivation to learn in any lesson or

undirected study time. Each week the tutorials are in competition with each

other to achieve their highest collective number of green slips per tutorial. In

the last week before half term there was a staggering 96 green slips achieved in

just one week.

At the moment there is a tie between the tutorial groups so this last term will

decide who will be crowned ‘tutorial of the year’ and receive a reward for their

hard work and motivation. Keep up-to-date with the weekly winners on the

College twitter page @MedenCollege



A Level




The Curious Case of Little Hans VIRTUAL TRIP TO THE FREUD MUSEUM During Lockdown the year 12 and year 13 psychology students

had the opportunity to partake in a virtual talk with the Freud

Museum in London. It is the final home of Sigmund Freud, the

founder of psychoanalysis, and his daughter Anna Freud, a

pioneering child psychanalyst.

Students were able to have an online session, which told the

story of one of Freud’s most famous cases. Little Hans was just

five years old when he developed an intense fear of horses. His

parents consulted with Sigmund Freud who later published a

study of Hans’ phobia, claiming that it supported his

controversial theory of the psychosexual stages of child


The students were guided by a subject expert, examined case

material and Freud’s interpretation of it. The psychology

students were able to learn who the real Hans was, what was

going on in his life when he developed the phobia and what

Freud’s key claims were.

Freud is part of the A-level psychology course and this

opportunity provided students with much more of an insight

in to the contraversial, and somewhat outdated, theories of

Sigmund Freud.

The students thoroughly enjoyed the session and said they

would love to visit the museum in London once it is possible.

The subject expert praised the Meden students saying he was

“struck by the thoughfulness of their questions and it was a

great pleasure to present and discuss Little Hans with such

engaged students.”

It is hoped this experience can be repeated with future year



Vibrant Leaders


During this term there will be a brand new opportunity for the year

12 and year 13 students. Vibrant Warsop have offered Meden

College students the chance to take part in a leadership

programme that will be sports themed but focuses on community

provisions. It promotes life skills with training elements that will

support future employment prospects.

Go Lead has been designed as an introduction to leadership that

will give learners a new understanding of how they can use

leadership skills in their day-to-day work or college lives as well

as the knowledge, skills and competancies to lead basic physical

activity sessions under direct supervision.

17 college students have signed up for the course and will spend

this term completing three phases. They will have first aid training

along with safeguarding training, which they can add to their

UCAS applications or CV’s as work ready qualifications and


Students will be able to volunteer in the community developing

new skills, meeting new people and making a difference in

Warsop. The year 12 and 13 students are very excited about this

new challenge and are keen to get started this term. For all updates

on their progress, please see the official Meden College twitter


For more up-to-date

information about

Meden College please

follow the twitter

account @MedenCollege

Since January, 8 year 12 students have been taking part in a very prestigious programme called The Scholar's

Programme. The programme is highly sought after and provides students with the opportunity to work closely

with a PhD researcher from universities up and down the country to experience university style learning. It helps

them develop skills, knowledge and confidence to secure a place at a highly-selective university by giving them a

chance to experience seminar style teaching over the course of seven tutorials. Students work closely with the PhD

researcher to then plan and write up an assignment that is marked using university-level grading criteria to give

them a feeling of what it like to be graded at Higher Education level (i.e. 1st, 2:1, 2:2 etc). The programme is very

respected for how it tries to equip students with the skills to write academically and also develop their higher

thinking and debating skills. The students involved in the programme this year are:

• Jasmin Reders

• Sophie Booth

• Hattie Jones

• Adam Sills

• Callum Watson

• Adam Guy

• Amy Johnson

• Eve Collis

Due to Covid restrictions, the students above have not been able to visit any Universities as was intended but they

have not allowed these restrictions to get in the way of enjoying the programme and getting the most out of it. The

students have thrown themselves into taking part in every tutorial session remotely and have produced some

excellent essays that have left the course leader very impressed by the level of criticality. If you are a year 11 student

interested in being part of next year’s Scholar’s Programme cohort, please speak to Mr McCartney who will be more

than happy to chat about the programme.

Au revoir Year 13

Meden staff cannot put into words, just how proud they are, of Year 13. Since starting at Meden College

nearly two years ago, this cohort of students has epitomised the Meden Mission by consistently having

the highest aspirations for themselves. This has resulted in them making the most incredible progress in

their studies, despite facing the most challenging of circumstances in these unprecedented times.

Throughout the last two years, this wonderful group of students has shown courage, determination,

humour and resilience. They have supported each other and have been amazing young adults to work

with - we are all going to miss them greatly (and we feel cheated out of having enough time with them

due to the pandemic!).

Year 13 - you are incredible human beings, and we all wish you the very best of luck as you move onto

the next stage. We will miss you all terribly and we hope that one day, you will come back to visit

Meden to inspire our future generations.
