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Principals Report Bus Travel WK 11 (June 20-24) • Freshwater Mermaids Carnival June 20 - 24 • Hip Hop Workshops June 21 - 22 • Ag Science Pet Show June 21 • Year 7 Reward Trip June 23 Holidays Mid Year Break June 27 - July 25 WK 1 (July 25-29) • Students resume school Tuesday July 26 • Yr 12 Mid Year Exams Tuesday - Friday July 26 - 29 Cross Country June 17, 2011 July 26 - 29 e d n l s
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Knowledge, Honour, Success Katherine High School TERM 2, WEEK 9 -10 June 17, 2011 Bus Travel The ‘Code of Conduct for School Bus Travel’ is a set of guidelines for students, par- ents/carers to follow on school buses. It forms the basis for the specific rules to manage be- haviour on buses and at inter- changes. These rules include: •Respect other people and property •Wait for the bus in an orderly manner •While on the bus, conduct yourself in an orderly manner •Use designated Stops •When leaving the bus, do so in an orderly manner There are various actions that may be taken if a student does not follow the Code. Parents/ carers should discuss these standards with their children so they clearly understand what they should and should not do. A full copy of The ‘Code of Conduct for School Bus Travel’ can be found at: http://www.nt.gov.au/ transport/public/policies/ documents/CodeofCon- ductSchool.pdf Cross Country Thursday 16 June, Katherine High School held their annual ‘Cross Country’ carnival. It was a great success with all stu- dents at the school on the day participating. All results can be found on the KHS website. Thanks to Ms Mason and the PE staff for organising the event. It was an enjoyable day for all. Star Employee The staff and students would like to thank Mrs Tina Lowe for being this fortnight’s star em- ployee. Tina is located in the SAMS office and is an impor- tant member of our adminis- tration team. Her hard work is appreciated and the school wouldn’t function so smoothly without her. Principals Report The end of Semester is almost here, I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday. Semester 2 timetables will be completed before the end of Week 11. Parents are en- couraged to contact the ap- propriate Year Coordinator or Assistant Principal if they have any concerns regarding thier child’s timetable. I am looking forward to seeing all our stu- dents entries at the Katherine Show and wish them the best of luck. Katherine High School will have a stall on the ‘Yellow Brick Road’ to promote our school. I hope everyone gets a chance to visit our stall to see what is happening at KHS. Any- one interested in assisting with ‘manning’ our stall please con- tact Jess Charles on 89738200. Happy Holidays Anne White - Principal Year 12 English Exams To provide the Year 12 Eng- lish students with Examination technique practice prior to the mid-year English Studies Exami- nation I will be providing four practice sessions at school dur- ing the 4 week break.These ses- sions will be on Tuesday 28 June and 5 July and, Thursday 30 June and 7 July. These sessions will be run as 3 hour examina- tions from 8.00am to 11.00am. They will be undertaken early in the morning so it closely rep- licates the actual examination (8.00am 26 July 2011). For more information please log onto The Katherine High website or email me dominie.monfriespuri@ ntschools.net Dominie Monfries-Purins English SeniorTeacher Cross Country e d n Key Dates WK 11 (June 20-24) • Freshwater Mermaids Carnival June 20 - 24 • Hip Hop Workshops June 21 - 22 • Ag Science Pet Show June 21 • Year 7 Reward Trip June 23 Holidays Mid Year Break June 27 - July 25 WK 1 (July 25-29) • Students resume school Tuesday July 26 • Yr 12 Mid Year Exams Tuesday - Friday July 26 - 29 l s July 26 - 29
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Knowledge, Honour, Success

Katherine High School TERM 2, WEEK 9 -10 June 17, 2011

Bus TravelThe ‘Code of Conduct for School Bus Travel’ is a set of guidelines for students, par-ents/carers to follow on school buses. It forms the basis for the specifi c rules to manage be-haviour on buses and at inter-changes. These rules include:•Respect other people and property•Wait for the bus in an orderly manner•While on the bus, conduct yourself in an orderly manner•Use designated Stops•When leaving the bus, do so in an orderly mannerThere are various actions that may be taken if a student does not follow the Code. Parents/carers should discuss these standards with their children so they clearly understand what they should and should not do. A full copy of The ‘Code of Conduct for School Bus Travel’ can be found at:h t t p : / / w w w . n t . g o v . a u /transport/publ ic/pol ic ies/ d o c u m e n t s / C o d e o f C o n -ductSchool.pdf

Cross CountryThursday 16 June, Katherine High School held their annual ‘Cross Country’ carnival. It was a great success with all stu-dents at the school on the day participating. All results can be found on the KHS website. Thanks to Ms Mason and the PE staff for organising the event. It was an enjoyable day for all.

Star EmployeeThe staff and students would like to thank Mrs Tina Lowe for being this fortnight’s star em-ployee. Tina is located in the SAMS offi ce and is an impor-tant member of our adminis-tration team. Her hard work is appreciated and the school wouldn’t function so smoothly without her.

Principals ReportThe end of Semester is almost here, I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday. Semester 2 timetables will be completed before the end of Week 11. Parents are en-couraged to contact the ap-propriate Year Coordinator or Assistant Principal if they have any concerns regarding thier child’s timetable. I am looking forward to seeing all our stu-dents entries at the Katherine Show and wish them the best of luck. Katherine High School will have a stall on the ‘Yellow Brick Road’ to promote our school. I hope everyone gets a chance to visit our stall to see what is happening at KHS. Any-one interested in assisting with ‘manning’ our stall please con-tact Jess Charles on 89738200.

Happy HolidaysAnne White - Principal

Year 12 English ExamsTo provide the Year 12 Eng-lish students with Examination technique practice prior to the mid-year English Studies Exami-nation I will be providing four practice sessions at school dur-ing the 4 week break.These ses-sions will be on Tuesday 28 June and 5 July and, Thursday 30 June and 7 July. These sessions will be run as 3 hour examina-tions from 8.00am to 11.00am. They will be undertaken early in the morning so it closely rep-licates the actual examination (8.00am 26 July 2011). For more information please log onto The Katherine High website or email me d o m i n i e . m o n f r i e s p u r i @ntschools.net

Dominie Monfries-PurinsEnglish SeniorTeacher

Cross Country


Key DatesWK 11 (June 20-24)• Freshwater Mermaids Carnival June 20 - 24• Hip Hop Workshops June 21 - 22• Ag Science Pet Show June 21 • Year 7 Reward Trip June 23Holidays Mid Year Break June 27 - July 25WK 1 (July 25-29)• Students resume school Tuesday July 26• Yr 12 Mid Year Exams Tuesday - Friday July 26 - 29

l s

July 26 - 29

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Year 11 ReportHi, my name is Cara Fulwood and I am the new Year 11 Co-ordinator. Sheryl Fotakis has passed on the position to con-centrate on her role as the NT-CET coordinator. I would like to acknowledge her for the great job she has done this term. My goals are to motivate the students, to promote school pride and to enhance student experience at Katherine High School. If anyone would like to contact me my email is [email protected].

Cara Fulwood Yr 11 Coordinator

Sports AcademyThe Katherine High School would like to announce their participation in the 2012 Wa-verley International Schools Netball Championships oc-curring in Melbourne VIC. In order to assist with identifying the 2012 squad we are going to implement a 2011 Semester 2 “Netball Improvement Pro-gram” targeting Year 7 and 8 females. Any student inter-ested in participating in this program please contact Pam Franklin via email ([email protected]).We would like to thank our community sponsors for the 2011 Waverley trip:•Katherine Accounting Ser-+ vices•Benash•Katherine Offi ce Supplies•Bendigo Bank•Katherine Windows and Doors•Paraway Motel•Katherine Aircraft and Main tenance Services•LJ Hooker•Scatt’s Plumbing•Tony’s Rural Services•Hohn’s Sheet Metal•Katherine Crash Repairs

Year 12 UpdateAs the newly appointed Year 12 Co-odinator I am very excited about the opportunity to work with this very diverse group of students. Thankyou to Mrs Hari-tos for having everything so or-ganised and on track. Planning for the Formal is well underway and the date has been set. All that is left to organise are the colours for decorations and fi -nal numbers. Thank you and well done to Natalie Dobell for her hard work and efforts. Good luck to all our Stage 2 stu-dents with their exams sched-uled in the fi rst week of Term 3. Year 12 is a year that hard work is the key ingredient of success and the biggest challenge of the year is still ahead of our students. Students should use some of their holidays to revise work, complete outstanding tasks and study but also have a ‘break’ and have a safe and fun fi lled holiday.

Carla CloughYr 12 Coordinator

Clontarf RepresentCongratulations to the follow-ing Clontarf boys who have been selected for State or Na-tional sports teams:Lawrence Watego, Kayle Kos-sack, Keelan Fejo, Jamie Walk-er, Terrence Binsaad, Michael Cameron, Matt Neilson and Kaddison Attwood.

Hip Hop WorkshopKristy and Bethan, two Hip Hop dance instructors from Darwin held several workshops for our Middle Years students in week 10. All students enjoyed their experience and next week some will have the opportunity to attend further workshops. A huge Thank you to Kristy and Bethan!


• Anne White (Principal) • Jodie Locke (KHS Council Chairperson) (08) 8973 8200 [email protected] [email protected]

School Contact Details

Farewell SueIt is sad to farewell our DTSM, Sue ma-ley who has been an integral part of our school. The staff and students would like to thank her for all of her hard work and effort. We wish her well in the fu-ture and will miss her greatly.

DTSM Farewell Disco

Hip Hop

Page 3: NEWSLETTER2011 T2W9-10

Community Notices Community StudiesAs part of Community Studies, Megan Walker is covering sporting events involv-ing students from our school. It is a great opportunity for one of our students to de-velop skills in the dedicated area of sport-ing journalisim. Megan will report on ma-jor sporting events and announce future contests. Potentially, this will lead Megan to further studies in media. Megan will feature an article in the next newsletter for River’s Athletics. Here are some pho-to’s of the event held on Tuesday June 14. Katherine High School won the aggre-gate award for Secondary School’s. Well done to all athletes who contributed.

Proudly Supported by Katherine Regional Community Bank ® Branch

Katherine High School

15 and Under Boys Touch 15 and Under Girls Touch

Development/Selection CampAugust 12th – August 14th, Darwin, NT

Have your represented your school, region or club in Touch?Are you keen to further develop skills and understanding of the Game?Would you like the opportunity to represent Northern Territory?

Then nominate now, before June 20th to attend the 15 and Under Touch Development/Selection Camp. Age of participation is 13 to 15 as at 31/12/2011.This 3 day event comprises games and development activities. To conclude the event a NT representative side is selected. The cost for this event is $250; this covers School Sport levy, lunch on Friday and Saturday and travel costs. If you require private billeting there is an additional $50 that will go to the billeting family. If you require further information please contact Daryl or Bron-wyn on 8971 2643 or email [email protected].

15 and Under Boys Touch 15 and Under Girls Touch

Development/Selection CampAugust 12th – August 14th, Darwin, NT

Have your represented your school, region or club in Touch?Are you keen to further develop skills and understanding of the Game?Would you like the opportunity to represent Northern Territory?

Then nominate now, before August 8th to attend the 15 and Under Cricket Development/Selection Camp. Age of participation is 13 to 15 as at 31/12/2011.This 3 day event comprises games and development activities. To conclude the event a NT representative side is selected. The cost for this event is $250; this covers School Sport levy, lunch on Friday and Saturday and travel costs. If you require private billeting there is an additional $50 that will go to the billeting family. If you require further information please contact Daryl or Bron-wyn on 8971 2643 or email [email protected].

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Litchfi eld VisitWords by Tommy CameronPhotos by Tommy Cameron & Matthew Hamdorf

It’s that time of the year when the temperature is cool, perfect for camping as some of the junior members of the Katherine Academy found out on a trip recently to Litchfi eld National Park and the Douglas Daly Region. Litchfi eld was our fi rst port of call where the boys had a lot fun swimming and mingling with the tourists. A couple of British back packers invited the boys to a game of soccer in the camp ground which was enjoyed by everyone involved. For dinner that night we ate a beef stew and rice cooked in the good old camp oven.

LEADERSHIPKatherine Academy

Tue, June 7, 2011

The next day we did a bush walk to Florence Falls for a swim before heading to the community of Nauiyu on the Daly River, we set up camp at the Fisherman’s Retreat Camp Ground.

Dinner went down a treat thanks to our very own superstar chef Matty Hamdorf, later that evening we went into Nauiyu to play some basketball against some of the local kids who enjoyed meeting the Katherine boys and welcomed us with smiling faces and ferocious competiveness.

Our fi nal day of the camp started with a hearty breakfast and then a meeting with some of the locals talking about Clontarf and the impact it has had on the boys enrolled at Katherine High School.

After answering all the questions the Nauiyu children had it was time for us to hit the road.

On our way home we stopped in at Pine Creek for some lunch at Maisey’s Café which was enjoyed by all as the burgers went down as fast

As always there are a few people we would like to thank for making our trip an exciting one, fi rstly Rose and Teagen from Nauiyu for opening the recreation hall for us, and the staff at Maisey’s Cafe who made this trip a memorable one for all the boys involved.
