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Newtrifuapr09 x

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[1] April 2009 Coming Real Soon => Tri Fusion fun social time at Fastkart raceway on Wednesday, April 22 @ 7:00 pm.. RR: New Orleans, pages 5-6 BoD, Sponsors, Calendars, page 12 RR: Oceanside, page 7 Amino Acids in Sports Nutrition Products by Pip Taylor Adding amino acids (the building blocks of protein) to sports drinks and gels has challenged the more traditional formula of carbohydrates and electrolytes, which has long been believed to improve endurance exercise more than the consumption of water alone. During exercise fat and glycogen (stored in muscles and the liver) are the body's primary fuel sources. However, protein may contribute up to 10 percent of the energy used during high-intensity endurance training and even more once glycogen stores are depleted. This means that toward the end of a long, hard training session or race, the body begins to break down muscle proteins for fuel. Sports drinks and gels that contain carbohydrates reduce this muscle damage and improve endurance by providing a readily accessible fuel source. The accepted optimal carbohydrate concentration is 6 percent to 8 percent for maximal uptake beyond which gastric emptying slows, thus reducing the uptake by depleted muscles. Since the uptake pathways for carbohydrates and protein are separate, adding protein in the form of amino acids means that you are effectively adding another fuel source simultaneously. Amino acids from the breakdown of ingested protein may also moderate the metabolic responses to exercise, limiting muscle breakdown. The common perception is that the recovery process begins after exercise ceases. However, there is ample evidence to show improved muscle protein balance when protein and carbohydrates are consumed both before and during exercise. Faster muscle damage repair leads to improved recovery, which in turn means greater adaptation and performance. There are studies showing improved endurance performance when protein is added to a carbohydrate formula during exercise, and although other studies have failed to show the same benefits, none have shown a detrimental effect. So it seems there is nothing to lose and potentially a lot to gain! As with many nutritional issues, individual response is a huge component, and what works for some may not work for all. I use Accelerade and Accelgels, as they work the best for me. However, I would recommend experimenting with any new products in training before trying them out in a race. RR: Snake River, page 8 Your Best Swimming, pages 3-4 Critical Components, page 9 Heart Rate Training, page 2 Jitters & Clinic, page 10 Recipe, page 11
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April 2009

Coming Real Soon => Tri Fusion fun social time at Fastkart raceway on Wednesday, April 22 @

7:00 pm..

RR: New Orleans,

pages 5-6

BoD, Sponsors, Calendars,

page 12

RR: Oceanside,

page 7

Amino Acids in Sports Nutrition Productsby Pip Taylor

Adding amino acids (the building blocks of protein) to sports drinks and gels has challenged the more traditional formula of carbohydrates and electrolytes, which has long been believed to improve endurance exercise more than the consumption of water alone.

During exercise fat and glycogen (stored in muscles and the liver) are the body's primary fuel sources. However, protein may contribute up to 10 percent of the energy used during high-intensity endurance training and even more once glycogen stores are depleted. This means that toward the end of a long, hard training session or race, the body begins to break down muscle proteins for fuel. Sports drinks and gels that contain carbohydrates reduce this muscle damage and improve endurance by providing a readily accessible fuel source.

The accepted optimal carbohydrate concentration is 6 percent to 8 percent for maximal uptake beyond which gastric emptying slows, thus reducing the uptake by depleted muscles. Since the uptake pathways for carbohydrates and protein are separate, adding protein in the form of amino acids means that you are effectively adding another fuel source simultaneously.

Amino acids from the breakdown of ingested protein may also moderate the metabolic responses to exercise, limiting muscle breakdown.

The common perception is that the recovery process begins after exercise ceases. However, there is ample evidence to show improved muscle protein balance when protein and carbohydrates are consumed both before and during exercise. Faster muscle damage repair leads to improved recovery, which in turn means greater adaptation and performance. There are studies showing improved endurance performance when protein is added to a carbohydrate formula during exercise, and although other studies have failed to show the same benefits, none have shown a detrimental effect. So it seems there is nothing to lose and potentially a lot to gain! As with many nutritional issues, individual response is a huge component, and what works for some may not work for all. I use Accelerade and Accelgels, as they work the best for me. However, I would recommend experimenting with any new products in training before trying them out in a race.

RR: Snake River,

page 8

Your Best


pages 3-4



page 9

Heart Rate


page 2

Jitters & Clinic,

page 10


page 11

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Heart Rate and Training

from Joe Friel’s blog

I got my first heart rate monitor in 1983 and still recall what a great thrill it was to see my heart rate in real time on my wrist while training. Prior to that we used to stop during a workout and count pulse beats for 6 seconds and multiply by 10 to get an estimate of what was going on. Of course, heart rate dropped when we stopped. So this was a great breakthrough. For the first few weeks I wore it daily just to see how my heart responded to everything – walking up stairs, brushing my teeth, touching my wife (she didn’t like that), eating, and about everything else including sleeping.

It took a couple of years to figure out how to train with heart rate. Then I began a mission to get athletes to start using them. By 1992 the device seemed to have reached a tipping point. That year I noticed that almost everyone was wearing them when I went to running, triathlon and bike races. That was 15 years after the heart rate monitor was invented by the founder of Polar in 1977.

Now athletes take them for granted. Unfortunately, due to this technology most athletes have now come to believe that their training has a singular focus – to improve the cardiovascular system. That’s not the case. Most athletes would improve faster by focusing on their muscular systems. Many also seem to believe, based on their heart rates, that they know what their fitness is and if they are overtrained or not. Those things can’t be measured by heart rate alone.

Nevertheless, heart rate still is valuable information. I require everyone I coach to have a monitor. I also require them to have a power meter and a speed-distance device (GPS or accelerometer) if they are triathletes. By comparing heart rate with power or speed we now have a very good idea of how good one’s aerobic fitness is. For example, if for a given low- to moderate-intensity workout power or speed increases but heart rate remains the same then you are in better aerobic condition. The same may be said if at the same power or speed heart rate is lower. It’s a simple measure but you must know both input (heart rate) and output (power or speed) to draw such a conclusion. (You can find more on this topic here and here.)

The key to using a heart rate monitor is determining your training zones. That is done by first finding your lactate threshold heart rate. This is much more precise than using max heart rate. It’s also more precise than using the formula 220 minus age to predict max heart rate. If you do that you had might as well guess. The formula is close to useless for individuals. It works fairly well with large groups of people. If you tested a large group you’d produce a bell-shaped curve. For those in the middle of the curve the formula would predict max heart rate rather closely. But there would be many people at the far ends of the curve, both high and low, for whom the formula is way off. Since you don’t know where you fall on the curve, the formula is mere speculation and likely to be 15 to 20 or more beats off. I’ve also never found any evidence that heart rate changes with age. I’m now 65 and have been using a monitor since I was 39. My lactate threshold heart rate on the bike has remained quite constant at about 152 all of these years. I have also been coaching one athlete for 7 years. His lactate threshold heart rate has not changed either. Bottom line: Forget about your age, using a formula of any kind and

finding max heart rate. What you need to know is lactate threshold heart rate (LTHR).

There are many ways to find LTHR. The simplest (not the easiest by any means) is to

complete a 30-minute time trial all by yourself (no training partners or races). Warm-up and then go as fast as you can for the entire 30 minutes. Treat it as if it is a race. Ten minutes after the start hit the lap button on your heart rate monitor. When you are all done look to

see what your average heart rate was that last 20 minutes. This is a good estimation

of LTHR, I’ve found. Please note that this is NOT a 10-minute warm-up and a 20-minute

race effort. For some reason many athletes assume that’s what I’m saying. It is a 30-minute, all-

out effort. We are just looking at the last 20 minutes of it.

Also note that the first time athletes do this test they nearly always go out too fast and then fade badly in the last 10 minutes. Try to start a bit conservatively and gradually increase the effort as you progress. You’ll get better results that way. Also, note that if you are a triathlete you need to do this test for each sport. LTHR varies by sport.

Once you know your LTHR go to my Cyclist’s Training Bible, Triathlete’s Training Bible or Total Heart Rate Training books and find the table which provides zones based on LTHR. The books also describe how to use the zones in your training.

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How to Beat a Swimming Performance Plateauby Ben Greenfield, MS, CPT, CSCS, CISSNPresident of Pacific Elite FitnessDirector of Sports Performance,Champions Sports Medicine

Now that you've perhaps had the chance to complete your initial triathlon of this race season, you may have experienced that first-race-of-the-year "Oh Crap" moment, which is when you realize that your water speed really has not gotten much faster than last year. Despite countless hours spent poolside with a bag full of pull buoys, kickboards, and lucky rubber ducks, are your race swim splits looking eerily similar to the previous season? So what can you do about it?

1.Swim Fast

As the next race approaches, typically about 4-6 weeks out, you can begin to phase in more difficult sets at closer to a tempo or threshold pace, with an intensity zone that would be considered anaerobic (typically produces a burn in the muscles, a higher heart rate, and more difficulty breathing). The rest periods between these anaerobic efforts should grow shorter and shorter as the competition approaches, while the the total volume of swim training gradually decreases. For example, begin with 2-4x500 with 60 second recoveries, and work down to 6-8x200 with 20 second recoveries over the course of a month-and-a-half. Finally, 1-2 weeks from the event, you can significantly decrease volume by 50-60%, and swim only a few very intense 50-150 sets, with long rest periods. With this approach, you may feel like you're losing endurance, but remind yourself that it’s better to be 5% under-trained than 1% over-trained!


I recommend utilizing a consistent testing method to track your progress in the water. Not only are you provided with added motivation as your test date approaches, but you’ll be able to track your progress efficiently and compare how changes in your training program affect your speed and endurance. I utilize the T-Pace test with most of my coached athletes, who probably hate me for it. The T-Pace test involves a brief warm-up, then a swim at maximum possible intensity for 500-2000 yards, depending on an athlete’s experience. The total time is used to calculate the "time per 100 meters", which is called an athlete’s "T-Pace". Future training sessions are then based on a speed percentage of that pace. If available, a blood lactate test can be even more precise than a T-Pace test. In this test, you swim at gradually higher intensities for 2-5 minute stages, stopping after each stage to test blood lactate (using a handheld blood lactate testing unit). The speed at which blood lactate concentration shows a significant increase is very near to your anaerobic threshold. Once the heart rate and speed at this value are known, future training sessions can be based on this threshold. Since most over-training occurs when you swim too hard for too long above threshold, knowledge of where the threshold occurs can ensure that you receive the most benefit out of every training session, without actually over-training or hitting a plateau. In other words, it is possible to train too hard in the pool, and this test can keep you from smashing yourself.

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3. Dry Land Strength Training

Muscles rarely produce forces during the swim stroke that parallel the forces produced during resistance training. So why bother to train on the weights? Because the muscle fiber utilization, neuromuscular adaptations, lean muscle tissue growth, and resistance to fatigue that occurs in the weight room result in an energy sparing effect in the water. Basically, your muscular and nervous systems ‘learn ‘ how to contract more efficiently, and produce more power per contraction, while also sparing the amount of carbohydrate used, which is important for distance swimmers. There’s no doubt about it: there is a strong cross-over training effect from weight training to swimming. Additional advantages of dry land strength training include: 1) the development of core musculature, which can enhance balance while practicing ‘downhill’ swimming and create a stronger kinetic chain between the hips and the upper back muscles; 2) more powerful hips, thighs, and calves, which are strengthened during ‘triple-extension’ movements like the squat and the lunge - very useful for any kick that involves a powerful whipping motion, as well as push-offs from the wall and 3) a super-hero like body that looks like it is about to rip through your wetsuit.

4. Rest and Recovery

Often, a plateau simply occurs because the body’s energy systems are never given an opportunity to absorb the effects of all those hours and meters in the pool. True training adaptations actually occur while the body is resting, not during the actual swim session. If your current program includes a hard training session nearly every day of the week, week after week (can you say "competitive Master's class"?), then you should: 1) begin to include skill and drill based swims at an easy pace for at least 1-2 of these workouts and 2) include a recovery week every 3-5 weeks, with no hard swimming and 100% easy sets or drills. With this approach, you will experience a stepwise effect in fitness that prevents the body from hitting a wall, and ultimately, your potential intensity and volume will become much greater. Yes, you'll feel like you're getting "unfit" during these skill days and weeks, but then again, I'll bet that 13 year old girl that keeps passing you in the pool is worrying more about form than fitness.

5. Lifestyle

The importance of sleep, proper nutrition, and a holistic wellness approach in all aspects of life must be emphasized, and this becomes far more important for athletes and individuals who constantly break their body down and produce free radicals and other damaging metabolites during exercise. My pet peeve as a coach is the athlete who complains about poor performance, but continues fueling their workouts with pretzels, orange juice, bagels, and late night TV. Recommendations to follow include: 1) maintaining 7-9 hours of sleep per night, and attempting to follow the body’s natural circadian rhythm by hitting the sack before 11 p.m.; 2) eating high amounts of a large variety of fruits and vegetables, preferably organic; 3) avoiding alcohol, cigarette smoke, pollutants, and exposure to large amounts of detergents and cleaners; 4) 2 weeks out from the race, completely eliminating consumption of refined and processed sugars, alternative sweeteners, and processed or packaged foods with chemicals and preservatives; 5) daily consumption of at least 0.5-0.9 grams per pound from lean protein sources that provide a complete amino acid profile, like egg, animal, or whey protein (for vegetarians, this may require food combinations, like rice and beans); 6) balancing family, hobbies, and non-stressful activities like family tennis outings and outdoor concerts over the daily strain of work and training.

A lack of ability to build speed in the water is probably not because you don't have the most expensive wetsuit, size 14 feet, or a underwater mp3 player. Instead, with a complete combination of the strategies outlined above, you can vastly improve your swim and overcome a water-based performance plateau.

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Race Report: New Orleans 70.3by Ben Greenfield I awoke with a jolt on race morning when Chris punched me in the back. I rolled over and realized I'd slept through my alarm twenty minutes. Not that big of a deal, really, since we were primarily getting there early for him, since his wave left thirty minutes prior to mine. So off we went, with a quick stop off at the refrigerator to grab my pre-baked sweet potatoes, and wash them down with some Millennium Sports supplements, Hammer Race caps and Impax Enerprime. And of course, I grabbed my precious GU Espresso-flavored gel with some delta-E for that morning caffeine jolt.

Transition set-up went through without a snag. This race was a point-to-point swim, so we had to set-up transition, then walk or take a shuttle bus 1.2 miles down the rode to the swim start.

Sorry for the severe lack of photos, but after I set-up my transition area so beautifully and had my GU nutrition tattoos placed so strategically across my body, I grabbed my camera to snap a photo...and it was dead. But it looked good, I promise. And you can purchase a professionally snapped race photo for the special price of 199.99 (three hundred dollar shipping charge applies). ;)

Since I had time, and my wave didn't go off until 7:34, I opted to walk twenty minutes to the swim start. When I got to staging area, I slipped into the porta-potty and took a nice long poo, strolled over to the chip area and got my timing chip, then stretched awhile. I glanced at my watch. Still 12 minutes left.

With my wetsuit hanging around my waist, I wandered off in search of some water, and heard the announcer give the "Silver Caps" the 60 second count-down. I looked down in my hand. Silver cap. Oops. Must've read something wrong.

Fumbling with my Blue Seventy Helix and yanking the swimcap over my head, I made a mad 50 yard sprint for the swim start, leapt over the gate and had a race official quickly zip me up. As I ran down the stairs into the water, my wave was literally doing the ten second countdown.

But somehow, arriving at this moment put me in a perfect inside jockeying position that allowed me to push off the stairs, glide underwater, and lead the entire pack to the first buoy. Three of us led the swim for the next 200m or so, then we started to swim into the wave that started ahead of us.

Everything broke up at that point (basically like swimmming into a mine field) and the next 25 minutes were spent swimming "around people". And yes, the lake tastes like a mix of sushi and metal.

Nonetheless, I felt like I came out of the water in a good position, and only saw 2 other bikes when I arrived at my transition towel. The swim was somewhere around a 29, and I crossed the timing mat at about 30, as it was a fairly long transition chute.

From the minute I hopped onto my Specialized Transition, I knew I would have a pretty solid bike split. I had a great taper for this race, and for the days leading up, was feeling some real power in the legs. They were poppin', so to speak.

The first 10 miles or so of the bike was ultra-bumpy, and on the first real teeth-rattling speed bump/pothole/volcanic crack (still not really sure what it was), my special-made Profile Design downtube gel holder device thingy spit out all my GU Roctane and scattered it across the road.

Here I had to make a quick decision: lose momentum, stop, and gather my nutrition, or push on and survive on aid-station Gatorade and the one packet of

GU Chomps I had shoved up my shorts. I ended up making a stupid decision, and for all the athletes that I coach, do as I say, not as I did on this one. It would have cost me maybe 20-30 seconds to stop and gather my nutrition off the road, but I didn't stop. And this was knowing that Gatorade messes up my gut, which I learned after a similar incident in Hawaii. Take away lesson: in the heat of the race, listen to your brain, not your emotions.

Fortunately, it turned out that there were "unadvertised" Powerbar Gels at most of the aid stations. These things don't hold a candle to the caffeinated, branched chain amino acid/maltodextrin blend of GU Roctane. But I can tolerate them, unlike Gatorade.

So, surviving off a bit of an unanticipated nutrition plan, I continued with what I consider to be one of my better Half-Ironman bike performances. My heart rate was dialed in the entire time, and I literally sailed through the field. I came out of my aero position just a few times.

Interestingly, I realized after the race that my seatpost had slipped nearly 3 millimeters when I went over the speed bump! This may have been why my quads were more sore than usual the day after. I was pushing pretty good wattage with a high amount of weight on the pedals and "hovering" over the saddle most of the time, so this didn't hold me back too much. My bike split was around a 2:20, and I felt great coming into transition.

And the blood-sucking caterpillars? Something resembling a caterpillar (that I can only imagine fell out of a tree) gave me a big nasty bite on the thigh at about the 60K mark, as we were biking through what appeared to be a wildlife refuge. I at first thought it was a wasp, which would have probably resulted in a DNF, since I am allergic, but it just stung like hell for a while, then disappeared.

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New Orleans, (cont’d)

The first 5K of the run, everything felt great. It was pretty hot, but I was very pleased that everything was going as planned. I typically don't eat for the first 30 or 40 minutes of the half-marathon in a 70.3, as I shove some extra fuel and hydration down the hatch on the bike.

After about 5K, there is a turn-around on the run, after which we head down towards the city park for 10K or so. My plan was to stay relatively aerobic for the first 10K, then really open up and attack hard to the finish.

It was at this first turn-around that I started to feel very, very warm. Afraid that I might be overheating, I stopped at the next aid station and took about 6 oz of cool water while slowing to a walk to catch my breath and cool. Ice or ice sponges would have been nice, but these weren't available.

I glanced at myself in the reflection of a car window and I didn't look so good, but I'm pretty used to a bit of suffering, or what I call "dark places", here and there in the race, so I took off again, hoping I'd come around. Usually I do. I never did.

My heart rate began rapidly pounding out my chest every time I pushed any faster than about an 8 minute mile. I couldn't catch my breath, ever. All I could think about was ice and cold water. My skin felt like it was burning up.I began to walk every aid station, and then I began to walk a little bit *after* every aid station.

By the 8 mile mark, I was ready to quit, and at this point was running 500 steps, then walking 100 steps to cool down. That kept me going for another couple miles. When we turned onto Espanade, which signals about 5K to the finish line, I was very disappointed. I'd been passed over a dozen times, and my body had never felt like this in a race.

I'd experienced gut distress in Hawaii. I'd experienced run ending knee injury in Hawaii. I'd experienced completely fatigued and useless legs in Chile.

But I'd never experienced the inability to even do a light jog without feeling like my head and heart were going to blow up. So basically, I think that for the first time in my racing career, I really, truly "blew up". Like, smoke coming out my ears, blew up.

The last bit down Espanade avenue was pure hell. I couldn't smile, I couldn't enjoy myself, it was every shred of determination to even move. I was audibly groaning with each step.

When I took a right on the last 800 meters down Decatur, I still wasn't sure that I was going to make it. People's cheering was sounding very faint, and I wasn't hearing right. A couple of New Orleans cops began walking beside me like they were getting ready to catch me. I could see the finish line but I couldn't mentally gauge how far away it was. I was shutting down.

I really don't remember crossing the finish line. All I remember is just standing there while they took my chip off. My hands were tingling and I couldn't understand what the race volunteer was saying. The blood was pounding in my head and my ears so hard that I couldn't hear properly. I felt cold and clammy.

Two nurses helped me into the med tent. I collapsed on a stretcher while they stuck an IV in me and covered me in ice bags. Then I just lay there, staring at the white tent ceiling while the world spun around.

So after the smoke cleared, it turned out that I ended up about 30 minutes off goal pace for my half-marathon, running something like a 1:55 and finishing somewhere around 4 hours and forty five minutes, give or take (that's what you get when I write a race report

on the plane - no solid numbers). No awards or special placings on this one. Out of three thousand people, I came in somewhere around 90th place.

I grabbed a slice of pizza, a massage and caught a shuttle bus back up to transition.

A)"Acclimatize". After thinking about it, this was really my first warm weather race where I didn't pay attention too much to heat acclimatization, and did not do my usual heat fan/humidifier indoor sessions on the bike. I think this was because the weather was getting nice in Spokane and I ended up riding some of my key sessions outdoors in the cool Spring air.

B) "Slow Down to Speed Up". I probably could have completely stopped when I began to overheat, and literally taken five minutes to go soak in the lake, which was only about 50 yards off to my left. Instead, I pushed through and it cost me a half hour and a lot of misery.

C) "Ice Is Magic". At 3 aid stations, they had ice in cups. For about a half mile after each of these aid stations, I had some of my "bright spots" in an otherwise miserable half marathon. There is no doubt that my body was burning up, and ice or ice sponges can really turn that around, so get your hands on it whenever you can.

I've had two chances this year at some serious Half-Ironman PR's, and both times, training or preparation mistakes have simply nailed me on the run. My goal is for this to be a breakthrough year in 70.3, and with Boise, Lake Stevens, and Clearwater on the horizon, I think that I can learn from these mistakes and really have all cylinders firing.

What did I


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Race Report: Oceanside 70.3by Matt Cusack

You have to decide if you want to do this race several months prior, since it sells out before November. This gave me something to look forward during all those dreaded trainer workouts and treadmill runs. Let me say, this is a great race to do for someone from the PNW, it snowed the day I left, then to fly into 70+ degree weather was heaven!

Now going into this I have not been able to race to

my potential, always brought to a halt by my stomach issues. Like everyone else I have the pre-race jitters, but then I have to add the anxiety of something going wrong w/ my stomach race week or during the event. So, I have to be extremely careful of what I eat leading up to the race, but to help with this I actually packed a few lunches and dinners I could eat in my hotel room. Training leading up to the race was great, the first winter I have had solid, consistent training in all three sports.

Our first night in Cali was a long one, due to a bad experience at the rental car place, we didn’t get into bed until after 2am. Awoke at 7:30 am anxious to get things rolling. Friday was spent getting a brick session in, registering, and checking out the run course with Erica and Craig.

Race Morning:I got up about 4:45, being in the last wave I didn’t want to get there to early. Ate my oatmeal on the way to the race and drank my EFS drink with 2 scoops of Base Salts to top off my electrolytes. Found a spot for my bike and got things in order, then went to find Phaedra to get my numbers on my leg and arm.

This is a deep-water start, so you get to warm up on the swim over to the start. The water felt much warmer that 59 degree, a big plus! The gun went off and I was off. Felt good to be racing, after 200m the group broke up but there were previous waves out there that I was forced to maneuver around and this kept my pace slower than I wanted. Even thought my time was slower than I felt I could swim on that given day, I am still stoked for a 5 min PR! I came out of the water about 34:20, but the timing mat was jog away. Swim time: 35:15

Well, before I got on my bike I had to find it, because for some reason, from the time I was body marked I was off on what my # was, so I racked my bike in the wrong area. Oops. Finally got to my bike, I put on my Nathan Booster Belt , my aero helmet and my shades and was off to enjoy a 56 mile ride in the SUN! I used the first 15 mins to get my body used to being on the bike per Coach, just sipping water to start. After 15 mins I started to feed on my nutrition and to start to settle into an easy fast pace. As people would fly past, I had to remember that it’s a long day and I would see them later :) so I let them pass. The people along the course were great, the support was great and they looked as excited as I was to be out there. The hills where always in the back of my mind, I felt like I was holding back too much, saying save it for the hills. Over all they were not too bad, I should have rode both the hills and the flats a tad harder. When people are walking their bikes up hills you know that the hills aren’t a gimmie. At times on the fast descents you had to be careful since there were side winds in some ravines. In the last 10 miles, I tried to make up for my pace now I was just around Oly pace, picking people off that passed me early on. Coming back into town was great, people everywhere cheering away. I quickly got out of my shoes, so I could dismount fast! I always look forward to coming back in because then I can see Jessie, smiling for me and yelling at the top of her lungs. Bike time: 2:57

I racked my bike (in the wrong place again), and took off for a 13.1 mile run along the breath-taking beaches of Oceanside! I felt really good, my pace felt comfortable and sustainable. I was going to stick to this pace until mile 8 and then see how I felt. I loved seeing my friends from Tri-Fusion out there having great races this early in the season! Around the turn around I started to lose my bounce, my energy was fading fast. I started to do anything I could, kept taking in nutrition and water as well as water over my head. By mile 8, I was doing everything I could not to walk, this was mentally one of the hardest things I had to do as my mind kept telling me to walk. Even though I felt like crap, I was still passing people in my AG so this helped me a lot mentally. At mile 10.5 I took a mouth full of my gel and chased it with cold water a local was handing out in front of her house, then poured more over my head. I am not sure if it was the cold water cooling my temp down or what, but I felt a little better by mile 11, so I started to pick it up little by little until I was finished. I felt pretty emotional at the finish line, I have been busting my butt for a long time now and finally had a half IM that I was able to finish standing tall. Even though the times are not what I know I am capable of, I still think this was a breakthrough race for me. I was able to race without stomach issues and had a good run. Run time: 1:47

Finishing time: 5:27 This is over half hour faster than my best 70.3 race! I’m looking forward to see what this race season has in store for me. :)

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Race Report: Snake River Sprint Triby Tiffany Byrd

Well, the first race of the season is officially under my belt. This weekend was the Snake River Sprint Triathlon. I really like starting the season with this one because it's broken up into two days. The swim is on Friday night in a pool and the bike and run follow on Saturday. Nice way to ease back into racing. This year was a little different because my husband, Eric had decided to do the race. I was so excited I could barely stand it! He has been working his butt off and I couldn't wait for him to compete in his first race. It's been a dream of mine for the past three years!

I always get really nervous for this swim. It's nerve racking to know that other people are watching your entire swim, and, as always, I put a lot of pressure on myself to do well in this leg of the race because I know it's my fastest. The second we pulled into the aquatic center, the butterflies were in full force. Once we got inside, it was like a Sunday swim at Oz. Tri Fusion had taken over the pool. It was awesome to see so many familiar faces.

At the Whitworth masters' swim on Thursday, our coach, Kevin, gave us some great advice for swimming this 500. Kevin definitely knows what he's talking about when it comes to swimming, so I decided to stick with his plan. Eric and I jumped in side-by-side and started warming up.

I was supposed to kick as little as possible and just focus on a strong pull for the first 200 of the swim. That was easier said than done. It's hard not to kick it into high gear with so much adrenaline rushing through your body. I stuck with it though and picked up the kicking after completing the first 200. The last 100 yards was tough, but I knew I could endure anything for a 100. My time for the 500 yards was 6:36. I was shocked. Last year I swam a 7:16 so I would have been thrilled with a 7:15.

Eric ROCKED his swim. He literally just started swimming about 6 weeks ago, but he worked his butt off. He was in the pool almost every day and it definitely paid off. He swam an 8:55! Unreal! Once the swim was over, we headed outside to go to Tomato Bros. for dinner with the team.

On Saturday morning, the time finally came to line up and then the nerves rolled in. They start the clock and you just have to wait until your swim time comes up to run to your bike. I found the girl who beat me in the swim, White Tank Top. She looked like she was in my age group. Crap. Well, at least I had a rabbit. Once my time came I ran to my bike, took forever to clip in, and headed out. I passed White Tank Top a couple of minutes in, but then she passed me on the first hill. Are you kidding me? My response was, "Oh no you diin't!" so I took full advantage of the quick downhill that followed and passed her right back. This was honestly the first time I have ever felt like I was actually in a race. I was so scared W.T.T. was going to pass me again that I didn't relax on the bike for one second. I pushed hard the entire time, especially on the way back since it's mostly downhill. By the end of the bike, I had been passed by Jessi (obviously) and Erica (who did not slap my ass as she had promised!), but I was the third woman off the bike. What? I had no idea how far behind W.T.T. was. I wanted that third place more than I've ever wanted anything!

A couple of minutes in my stupid left calf cramped. I knew stopping to stretch it would be faster than letting it go into a full blown cramp. As I was stretching, all I could envision was W.T.T. passing me. Thank God she didn't! I took a split on her after the turn around. It was 40 seconds. What I forgot to do was double that time, so that was the number I had in my head. I'm an idiot, but at least it pushed me!

Towards the end, I saw Steve waiting to run me in. I asked him if he could see W.T.T. He said, "No, but that doesn't mean you get to slow down." Jerk. :) After that Jessi was there giving me that "C'mon!" as only she can say it. I busted my butt to the finish and had an overall time of 1:01:09. First in my age group and third woman overall. Seriously unreal. Jessi and I shared an emotional hug and then I got to head back out to run my hubby in.

Tri Fusion completely dominated this race! It is really indescribable to race with such an awesome team. Everyone is so supportive. I'd be almost sad if I was at this race alone and saw all of the support we give one another. It's pretty special and I'm so proud to be a part of it.

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Critical Components of Your Trainingby Steve Fluet

As many athletes get into their race season they often forget to keep doing the things that got them into good shape in the first place.

Often athletes lose some functional strength, develop bio-mechanical or muscular problems, and suffer a loss of muscle mass because they are lacking enough calories to keep the muscle recovery process working. I have listed eight components that are important to keep in mind to prevent these types of problems:

1. Structured Training: Your training should build on what you have been doing. You should direct your training towards a peak for your goal race or races. Incorporate small increases in the progression that point towards your major races to ensure better recovery and physiological impact on your fitness. Each discipline should include two key sessions each week that allow you to measure some physiological aspect of your training. The results of these sessions will allow you to adjust your progression as required.

2. Active and Passive Recovery: Include mandatory recovery days during blocks of training. When you should insert these days depends on the cycle of training you are in, your age and experience. I suggest athletes over 40 should include a passive rest day each week, while athletes 30-and-over should take one passive rest day every 10 days or so, and athletes under 29 one day about every 14 days. There will be days you wake up and your resting HR will be elevated. If this is the case take the passive rest day. If you monitor your body on a regular basis you will know when things are not right. The passive day means no exercise at all. An active rest day means a very light session that will increase blood flow to the muscles and keeps the HR very low.

Examples of active day sessions would be 1000-1500 yard easy swim and a 45 to 60 minute small ring bike ride. If you are on the edge of becoming over trained, a day or two off will work wonders for future sessions.

3. Post Workout Recovery: Improve your recovery process with food and other tools. This could be formulated recovery drinks, your own smoothie mix (should include protein, EFA fats and carbohydrates), or at least some fruit if you are pressed for time or traveling. Far too many athletes skip eating after training, especially a morning workout, which can affect a later afternoon session. Other protocols that can help are cold water soaks, active stretching (post exercise), and a proper cool down. Never rush through this or skip the cool down. If time is an issue, decrease the middle part of the session instead.

4. Self Care: The work that you do in this area allows you to lower the chance of injury. Throughout the year, the constant muscular stress of training needs attention everyday to avoid any possible issues. Ideally, two sessions of massage each week would do wonders. The cost and time required for that makes it difficult for most age groupers, so self-care becomes a critical piece of the big picture. Before stretching can provide results you must make sure the any trigger points and/or muscular adhesions are released. Even five to 10 minutes each day will show improvement.

5. Strength Training: This seems to cause some confusion with multisport athletes. Once you reach your mid 30's you start to lose a small percentage of muscular strength every year. If nothing is done to slow down this process, by the time you’re in your late 40's the impact will really be felt. For athletes over 35, strength training should be completed year around. The program should vary from phase to phase of your training. During your competitive season your goal should be to maintain strength that you developed. Keep the program simple, functional and dynamic.

Build in progression, avoid static weight machines, and try to make the exercises sport specific and as complex as possible.

6. Keep a Training Log: Specific data from priority training sessions needs to be recorded. The data collected should include: Heart Rate (HR), Perceived Exertion, and other pertinent data such as your speed, rpm, and power (watts). The data collected allows you to compare and analyze your priority sessions, then adjust future sessions as needed.

7. Technique Focus: Every training session you complete should have some focus on technique. It is your technique that allows you to be efficient when racing. Once your technique starts to fall apart you work harder and go slower. Ideally you should do these technique sessions early in the session and then again during the last part of the session when the fatigue level is higher and you will have to focus more.

8. Alternative Training Method: I advise this for most age group athletes. While these are critical during the off season, you can still do these workouts at a reduced level during the season. These workouts provide a needed mental break once and a while. These sessions can help you maintain a much higher general level of fitness and keep your strength levels up. A few that I usually suggest are indoor rowing, hiking, mountain biking or kayaking.

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Recently Emma, my 5 year old daughter, competed in the

Shamrock Shake-Up as a member of the Spokane Waves swim

team. She's the youngest member of the team, and what she

lacks in size, she makes up for in heart. Little did I know that

when I went to this meet to support her, she'd end up being

the one to inspire me.

This was truly an amazing event. She had been working so

hard in her freestyle and had some "breakthroughs" in her

training. So, as she would say, she was really "cited" about it.

But as all of us know, no matter how excited and ready we are,

we all get nervous before the event. She had a few tears about

5 minutes before and I was a little concerned about her being

"ready" when it was her turn. But once her heat was lining up,

she walked right out on the bulkhead. All the other girls (years

older than her) stood on the platform to dive in.

But Emma got in the water and does a water start. She did

not even look at the other swimmers. She looked straight down

the lane and was waiting for the tone. She stuck to her plan of

a solid streamline and kicked off the wall, 6 strokes before

the first breath, then went to 4 strokes per breath.

It was amazing to see her little body kick and pull and

swim her heart out. I knew she was giving it her all. She

wanted to be proud of her effort. Since she was in Lane 6, I

was able to walk right along side cheering her on.

It was quite a spectacle and watching her brought tears to

my eyes. She dropped 10 seconds in her event... a huge

accomplishment for any race, let alone a 25yd freestyle.

No matter what she did, she overcame all the same things

that we all do. Fear, Competition, Sticking to a plan, and Giving

it our all. When you do your best, you will let no one down...not

even yourself.

Emma showed me a lot that day about what it means to be

a competitor. I will remember this experience and tuck it away

to use before races that I question myself in. Never be afraid

to compete. Emma can even tell you that. :)

Pre-race Jitters? You’re Not Alone.by Roger Thompson

Triathlon Clinic!For the past two Wednesday nights, the

Thompsons have conducted a beginner/

refresher triathlon clinic at their home to

help ready triathletes for the current

racing season. Following are some reviews

from training camp attendees=>

“Having the opportunity to listen to both of

you share your knowledge of the

fundamentals of training, racing and

nutrition was great. Furthermore, knowing

that I could ask any question on any topic in

that environment was relaxing and fostered

a real learning environment. “ Eric Byrd

“The clinic was very informative and helpful

for a someone who is just starting out with

triathlons. I learned so many things I can

take with me to practice and use during

training and racing. I enjoyed getting facts

and helpful tips I could use during my

training and racing. I would suggest the

clinic to others now especially triathletes

who are beginners like me.” Merissa Earls

“I thought that the tri clinic was a great

experience. We both gained a great amount

from the transition piece, there were so

many things that we had never thought

about. Also the nutrition piece was valuable

to help understand how to properly fuel for

workouts and races. . I have already began

to put what I learned to good use, and am

looking forward to this seasons A, B, and C

races. Thank you again.” Danielle Warnock

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Basil Garlic Stuffed Chicken by Ali Stitt

You need:

1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese 2 tablespoons snipped fresh basil

1 tablespoon olive oil 2 cloves garlic, minced

4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves 1/2 teaspoon finely shredded lemon peel

2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon olive oil


In a small bowl combine parmesan cheese, basil, 1 tablespoon olive oil, and garlic; set aside.

Place each chicken breast half between 2 pieces of plastic wrap. Using the flat side of a meat mallet, pound lightly to about 1/8-inch thickness. Remove plastic wrap. Spread cheese mixture on chicken. Fold in sides of each chicken breast;

roll up, pressing edges to seal. Fasten with wooden toothpicks.

For sauce- in a small bowl combine lemon peel, lemon juice, and 1 tablespoon olive oil; set aside.

For a charcoal grill, arrange medium-hot coals around a drip pan. Test for medium heat above pan. Place chicken on the grill rack over drip pan. Cover and grill for 25 to 30 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink (170°F), brushing occasionally with sauce the last 10 minutes of grilling. (For a gas grill, preheat grill. Reduce heat to medium. Adjust grill for indirect cooking.

Grill as above.)

Note: You can also bake in the oven, but is a great grill recipe…Also add others of your favorite vegetables to the chicken stuffing as you like, or better yet cut up several of your favorite vegetables, toss with olive oil, salt and pepper on put on

the grill as well, as a side with your chicken.

Nutrition facts per serving: Servings Per Recipe 4 servings

Calories 273 Total Fat (g) 10

Saturated Fat (g) 2 Monounsaturated Fat (g) 6

Polyunsaturated Fat (g) 1 Cholesterol (mg) 103

Sodium (mg) 188 Carbohydrate (g) 1

Total Sugar (g) 0 Protein (g) 41

Vitamin C (DV%) 11· Calcium (DV%) 8

Iron (DV%) 8

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Board of Directors• Steve Anderson - Membership Director • Tiffany Byrd - Uniform Director• Trish Cudney - Social Director• Greg Gallagher - Event Director• Natalie Gallagher - Newsletter Director• Ben Greenfield - Website Director• Mark Hodgson - Mentor Director• Jim Powers - Vice President• Tim Swanson - Treasurer• Jessi Thompson - Secretary• Roger Thompson - President

• Kathy Worden & Jen Polello - Kids Club Co-Directors

We would like to extend a

generous thank you to our

truly amazing sponsors!

The Board of Directors, Sponsorsand The Calendar of Upcoming Events...

April/May CalendarTraining Opportunities:• Masters Swims @ Northside OZ on

Tues @ 6-7:30 pm, Fri. @ 4-5:30 pm & Sun @ 8-9:30 am

• Masters Swims @ Valley OZ on Thurs @6-7:30 pm, & Sun @ 8-9:30 am.

• Whitworth Masters swimming has started again! Times: Mon-Fri @ 5:30-7:00 am. Contact Kevin Wang @ [email protected]

• Saturday am or early pm outdoor group rides posted weekly on the forum!

• Many more group training opportunities are posted regularly on the Tri Forum... check it out!

Races/Runs:• April 26th: Race for the Cure 5K @ 9

am @ Spokane, WA

• April 26th: Spokane River Run cross country runs from 5K-50K @ Riverside State Park, WA

• May 1st-3rd: Wildflower Triathlon Festival @ Lake San Antonio, CA

• May 3rd: Bloomsday 12K road race @ Spokane, WA

• May 9th: Newport Off-road Sprint Tri @ Newport, OR

• May 9th: Mother’s Day Sprint Tri/Du @ Elma, WA

• May 16th: Windermere 1st annual Marathon @ Spokane, WA

• May 17th: Spring Thaw Duathlon @ Nine Mile Falls, WA

Upcoming Events: Next Social:

• Coming this month=> Tri Fusion Fastkart raceway social on Wednesday, April 22nd @ 7:00 pm! Contact Trish @ [email protected]

• In May=> Tri Fusion Family/Friends Bowling Night!

Next Membership Meeting:

• Wednesday, May 20th, 2009 @ 6:30 p.m.: General membership meeting at Twigs on the south hill.
