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NEXT COUNCIL MEETING: MAY 14 AT 7 PM, LAKESIDE LODGE PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND The Carillon FATHER EMIL J. KAPAUN COUNCIL 10022 May 2015 CHARITY-UNITY-FRATERNITY-PATRIOTISM Grand Knight’s Message: STAND UP AND BE COUNTED MAY IS BUSTING out all over. The buds and the flowers announce that Spring is here, and our council has many things on our docket. I want to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all the ladies who have worked so hard to raise their children; kudos to you. WE BEGIN the month with the P. I. D. drive to benefit God's special children. Dan Spina will have volunteers collecting for these special people at the Lucky 7 on Route 37, at the Lucky 7 in Lakehurst and at the Lakehurst Diner on the first weekend, namely the 2 nd and the 3 rd . On Mother's Day, May 10, we will say the Rosary prior to the 9:15 mass. The prayers begin at 8:45, so please plan to join us in the front of St John's church. We will hand out roses to the mothers after mass. AT THE END OF MAY, we will have our Patriot's Day Dance with the Jersey Jukebox on Saturday, May 30. This is a fantastic Doo Wop group that has played to a full audience last year. Be sure to get your tickets from Mike Petrillo; see the notice inside the Carillon. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A HERO! May is also when we think of electing new officers for our council. Elections are slated for our June meeting, and we have some important vacancies to fill. As most of you know, Jim Ashman is retiring as our Financial Secretary. This is an important position, and we cannot operate as a council without a FS. I am willing to step down as the GK (I



The CarillonFATHER EMIL J. KAPAUN COUNCIL 10022 May 2015


Grand Knight’s Message:

STAND UP AND BE COUNTED MAY IS BUSTING out all over. The buds and the flowers announce that Spring is here, and our council has many things on our docket. I want to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all the ladies who have worked so hard to raise their children; kudos to you.

WE BEGIN the month with the P. I. D. drive to benefit God's special children. Dan Spina will have volunteers collecting for these special people at the Lucky 7 on Route 37, at the Lucky 7 in Lakehurst and at the Lakehurst Diner on the first weekend, namely the 2nd and the 3rd. On Mother's Day, May 10, we will say the Rosary prior to the 9:15 mass. The prayers begin at 8:45, so please planto join us in the front of St John's church. We will hand out roses to the mothers after mass.

AT THE END OF MAY, we will have our Patriot's Day Dance with the Jersey Jukebox on Saturday, May 30. This is a fantastic Doo Wop group that has played to a full audience last year. Be sure to get your tickets from Mike Petrillo; see the notice inside the Carillon.

YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A HERO! May is also when we think of electing new officers for our council. Elections are slated for our June meeting, and we have some important vacancies to fill. As most of you know, Jim Ashman is retiring as our Financial Secretary. This is an important position, and we cannot operate as a council without a FS. I am willing to step down as the GK (I

have been here longer than I expected) and become your new FS. However, that leaves an Important vacancy.

WE HAVE TO have someone step up to fill the Grand Knight position. You don't need to be a hero to be the Grand Knight. It requires dedication, but there are many experienced officers willing to help out. We cannot operate as a council without a FS and a GK. If we cannot fill those two positions we are in danger of becoming an inactive council. If that were to happen, it would be a sad situation.

WE ARE A VIBRANT council that donates to many groups and organizations that provide charitable assistance to the citizens of Leisure Knoll and Manchester Township. What a shame it wold be to have that go away.

THE PRINCIPLES of the Knights of Columbus are Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Our council has demonstrated our commitment to charity and to patriotism. We are a patriotic group that gives willingly. However, unity and fraternity are equally important. We need to gather together as a unit to continue our great work.

LET’S KEEP TOGETHER our brotherhood by stepping forward to accept a leadership positionso we can carry on as we have for the past 26 years.

Vivat Jesus SK John Bilotta, Grand Knight

How Well

Do We Know Our Faith? In February, The Carillon began a series on the various aspects of our Faith.This month, we focus on the seven sacraments.

Sacraments of Initiation

Baptism – The first sacrament – sometimes called “The door of the Church” – cleanses us of Original Sin. In Baptism we receive new life in Christ and a new birth in the Holy Spirit. The sacrament is administered by a priest or deacon by pouring water over the forehead, proclaiming “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Confirmation – Like Baptism, this is received only once. With the “laying of hands” the candidatereceives the Holy Spirit normally from a bishop or his auxiliary but also by a priest who has been designated by the bishop to represent him. The recipient is anointed with holy oil, or Chrism.

Holy Eucharist – Celebrated at Mass when bread and wine , through the mystery of Transubstantion, become the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus. Holy Communion may be received as often as once a day. Normally, in the West, First Holy Communion is received by children who have reached the age of reason – around age seven

Sacraments of Healing

Rebonciliation or Penance – Jesus gave his apostles, and through them our priests, the power to forgive sins. There are three steps to the sacrament: -- the individuals sorrow for the sins, confessionto a priest and absolution from the priest followed by a penance in the form of prayer .

Anointing of the Sick – Called Extreme Unction prior to Vatican II, this sacrament is given to seriously ill Catholics so that its special graces might unite the sick person to the passion of Jesus.

Sacraments at the Service of Communion

Marriage -- The only sacrament where the ministers are not a priest or a deacon but a man and a woman. It unites two people in love with a lifelong commitment to be husband and wife.

Holy Orders -- The priesthood which Jesus bestowed on His apostles. There are three levels -- the diaconate, the priesthood and the episcopate.



Father Kapaun is looking for a few good men to run for office in June.

Will you be one of them? We sure hope so.

We have a strong, active council that needs new blood and new ideas to keep our charities and or principles moving forward.

SK John Bilotta has announced that after many years at the helm he will be stepping down as grand knight. He will be missed. We mourn the passing of our great SK Carl Duerr who served with distinction as Trustee -- and in other offices, as well. There are also other posts to consider.

Why not give it a try? You have ideas? Here is your opportunity to bring them forward. So – please – seriously consider running. Call PGK Dan Spina at 732- 323-3031 or PGK Les Olcsvary at 732-323-0596. Today.

Our Own Dan Spira Runs for a Top District Post

All Fourth Degree members are strongly urged to attend the May 27 Fourth Degree 8 p.m. meeting at St. Joseph’s Council #4969 in Toms River to support our own Sir Knight Daniel Spina, PGK. Dan is up for election as Faithful Navigator. Let’s honor him with our support.

All in the Family

Hearty congratulations to Frank Farrell, Council #10022’s dedicated Recorder, on the arrival of not one but two more great-grandchildren. Hazel O’Connor was born on Feb. 14; letting ladiesgo first, Joseph Patrick Jerome waited until March 9 to make his debut. Welcoming great-grandkids into the family is nothing new for our brother knight. Hazel and Joseph are Frank’s 5 th and 6th .

Also beaming these days is Sir Knight Dan Spina, past grand knight and current Trustee. Dan’sgrand-daughter Emily Bloomfield will celebrate her fourth birthday on May 12.

Want a family announcement recognized in The Carillon? E-mail us at the address or dial telephone number listed below.

Council 10022 -- Upcoming Calendar of Events

May 10, Sunday Roses & Rosary, Mother’s Day, 8:45 a.m. St. John’s

May 11, Monday Chapter Meeting, 8 p.m. Council 12940, St. John’s

May 12. Tuesday 1st Degree. 7 p.m Council 2188 St, Thomas More

May 14, Thursday Council Meeting, 7 p.m. (The Ascension) __ LL

May 16, Saturday Armed Forces Day Fly the flag

May 24, Sunday Pentecost Masses at St. John’s

May 25, Monday Memorial Day National Holiday

May 27, Wednesday 4 th Degree, 8 p.m. Council 4969, St. Joseph’s

May 28, Thursday Board, 2:30 p.m . NOTE TIME _ __ LL

May 30, Saturday Patriots Day Dance, 7-10 p.m PAC

June 25, Thursday Board, 2:30 p.m. NOTE TIME Ceramics Rm.

The deadline for the June 2015 issue of The Carillon is May 22. Contact PhilRoura at [email protected] or 732-408-6568.

Thy Will Be Done’

Scenes from the Louis Mattera Scholar- ship Fund Dinner-Dance in March at the PAC during whichCouncil #10022 gave out $6,000 in grants to 12 Seminarians.


Dear Sisters: OUR BABY SHOWER was -- again -- a great success. The clothes and crocheted blankets were beautiful. Our members are just so generous and thoughtful. The recipients are always delightedand appreciative of our help. A big thank you to Jo-Anne Martin and Carol Rooney and all the people who helped. They did a great job.

WE WILL be having our living Rosary at our May 6th meeting. Please try to attend.

Please bring in pennies, tabs, backpacks and toiletries in zip-lock bags to our May and June meetings. We are getting them ready to go with us to the convention in June.

OUR TEA will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 18, from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Please put this date down on your calendar. More details will follow. Also make a note that we will be having our installation of officers at our meeting in September

FINALLY, I WANT to wish our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers a Happy Mothers Day.

GOD BLESS all of you and God bless America. Cathy Varsalona, President


Cathy Varsalona 732 657-7642 President

Barbara Liona 732 657-1872 Past President

Jo-Anne Martin 732 657-4049 Vice President

Rachel Kamand 732 657-4998 Secretary

Kathleen Simons 732 323-8202 Financial Secretary

Geri Ragucci 732 323-8771 Treasurer

Carol Rooney 732 408-1039 Sentinel


Claire Suewski 3rd Barbara Gonder 5th

Ida Dima 19th Gloria Mauro 21st

Patricia Benko 23rd Grace Vetro 24th

May Anniversary

Barbara & Frank Doyle 3rd 57

Maria and Laszio Miko 6th 54

Gloria & Angelo Izzi 22nd 53

Jerrelyn & Vincent Schalkoff 28th 49

Elaine & Bernard La Magna 27th 42

Rose & Daniel Spina 28th 38


Noel Blanch May 5 Frank X. Farrell May 8

PGK Daniel Spina May 12 Paul T. De Stephen May 15

John J. Titillo May 15 PGK James S. Ashman May 31

John J. McGrady May 31

May Anniversaries

Frank & Barbara Farrell 3rd #57 Laszlo & Mary Miko 6th #54

Vito & Carol Sabio 8th #39 Joseph & Arlene Ghizzone 9th #50

Raymond & Mary Sullivan 25th #47 Bernard & Elaine La Magna 27th #42

PGK Daniel & Rose Spina 28th #38

Council 10022 Officer July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015Rev. Bernard Keigher…………………………………………..…………….Chaplain 732-657-6347

SK John Bilotta………………………..………………………………....Grand Knight 732-831-5099

Mike Petrillo…………………………………………………….Deputy Grand Knight 732-408-0271

SK John Torchen……………….……….…………………..………………Chancellor 732-408-7290

SK James S. Ashman, PGK…………………… Financial Secretary 732- 657-4397

Frank Farrell……………………………………………….………………..………..Recorder 732-657-3390

SK Julio Tojeira………………………………………………………………………..Warden 732-408-7280

SK Joe Ghizzone…………………………….……………………………….….Treasurer 732-408-6339

(Open)………… ..………………………………………………….…….………………Lecturer ……………………………..

Les Olcsvary, PGK…………………………………………..…….Trustee 3 years 732-323-0596

SK Dan Spina, PGK……………………………………………...Trustee 2 years 732-323-3041

(Open)……………..…………………………………………….…………….Trustee 1 year ..….……………….….

Gene Murphy..……………………………………..…………………….….……..Advocate 732-657-1296

Frank Doyle………………………………………………………………………Inside Guard 732-408-7290

Bruno Masini………….…………………………………………….……..Outside Guard 732-408-9410

SK Bernard Ernst, PGK, FDD…………………….……………...Field Agent 732-504-7496

Phil Roura…………………………………………………….………….…..Carillon Editor 732-408-6568

Jules Kazimir, PGK… …………………………………..Carillon Consultant 732-323-0206

SK John Bilotta, GK……………………………..…Delegate to Convention 732-831-5099

SK Deacon Ed Holowienka, PGK ……Delegate to Convention 732-657-1939

SK Frank Kearney, PGK…………………………………….…District Deputy 732-657-1554

In Memoriam

Pray God, please remember the soul of our brothers:

SK CARL DUERR, on April 13, Council #10022 Trustee,

at Whiting Health Care, Whiting, N.J.

A Council 10022 Presentation


Featuring the Fabulous Sounds of

The Jersey Jukebox

Saturday, May 30th 2015

7-10 p.m. in the Leisure Knoll PAC

$10 Tickets Include Coffee & Dessert

Call (732) 408-0271 or (732) 323-0596
