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YOLUME XXXIII BOD: This (Fridi.y) morning, · of daUSthter. On th<' lOth i u,st..J thG mro of Parmitcr, ok son. . - I XARRTEJ). On Tuesday nigilt.a t Paul' a Church by th o Rev. J. ?\1. Reptor, Fred- eriq\: Brown, to Annie Martii'l, both of t.own. · . On Oot. J Oth, at t. Peter's, PortuJml Cov(!, by the Rc\ '. Walter R. Mr. George Westcott, jr., of Windsor u.ke, to Miss Eli.zllbeth.Neil, of Harbor Grace. At Topsail, on the 6th inat., by .the .Rev. J. Reay, A. P: Smith, to Isabel, daugliter of the late Capt R. llarvey. At on Mond&Y-t.!9tl_:l itltlt;, by R ev. E. Botwood, R. D., wtllie.m N. of t. John'!t toJoeephine,young- . est of J Ohn Morry, Esq. , of Ferry land. DIED. · On Frim..v Jn.at. Annie, ch ild ofGeorge lllld M: uy :Pike, aged 2+ months. On Wednesday la.et, l\Iary F. wif e of J eph Bnrrett , and dnughterof the .. nmuel Rowsell, Esq., of Bonavi.sta, Dged S8 yeare. , n Wednesday night, after a abort nnd severe illness. nt his residence, Waterford Bridge Road,' St .. John 's, Mr. John Freeman (General Poet Office), ·7 P£B OAR.) chang is pl(\poecd in of ste amer fro Baltimore and u calling heref. fort which will be :- 1 · Sept. 14. Ootqi>er 26. . DecemQer Z7; J. 0 .. FRASER , P ,M.G. Pos Office, Sept. 'AI, !892. · Dental Notice I . -- 1 -- Dr. l L' EHR I ' -· -o- Oftlce-• I.odge .' Water Street :£&at. Harbor Once . Office BounJ-trom 10 a.'m. to 1 p.m.; from 2 ,_o 6 p.m. . ws.ti.taction guaranteed Exam.in- ntion fr e. I \ Roo:rng Felt. New · ShOP 50 at 82.70 .A.T nn: · W. T. CLEARY, BOQU ET STORE, S133i Spaniflrd'e Bay IN :Byrne's · HALL BROS. (Opposite Post ' have on exhibition a cnoice Full Stoc}t of all kinds selection of , .... ; --QF- Dry Goo4f? . "'. · . · . . . . : · Groceries which t hey otfer at Wonderfully low Prices LADIES' iACKETS-n $1 upwnrds. DR£3 GOOD from cents per J, ard Lndi f's' FurCollnrsnnd Collnrettes from Account and Blank__BOQK:-; - a ll sizes ; Pe ns, -Pen h,lders and Pencils in great va• ·iety .. GA RREIT M . . Searle, . Watch Maker and Jeweller. 5.5 ce nts upy,•· ds. Bln\· nnd 'Whit e Cnlico .. .from 5cenU! . Ontport and locnl work promptly and F lnnn ,'ls-15 cts. S cts . sa ti>1faet oriJy ntt C' nded to. / T" ('() , 25 cts. (X,nm. 'wced:i, 16 cts Tweed Suits, $3. P!l.nts, cc. &.c. ·t REET. HARBOR GRACE, B t Sh Two door we t of Tel egraph Office. oo sA ND oes STRONG r liEA P. p. J. Summers, .ee-TRY oUR F.A . wt · Barriste r and Solicitor, Blended Teas. ... NOTICE. On and after MONDAY, lOTH, Re2ular Traina on this Road will be run aa l'ollowa, daily , {lmnd&ya excepted} :- Leave St. J'ohD's a t 10 a..m. ; at Harbor Grace at 3.40 p.m. Leave Barbor Graoe at 10 a.m.; &to Water' Sf., Harbor Grace. - W •.NTE O- Wi riP ·•' "'ke wnrkl'rt ,., ·en- " ·' tt E P P' S P I:I O'l 'OO It' WUtti .O"; hnnk on cnMII t•ll ..:100,000 ; r tl l•l l M or clr c:ulu" f\Ud c .. frt'o; <.l•ilf 0111 put """r l iifiO vuluao lll. lqtelllll 1\ 'ild witb •ucertl', )lr. l 'jiM, r •• Ahrtln, Q .. n- T .. x., cl811 l'Uli f ill In 9 \l loos R ,\ol•tu", Wooiter 0., 28 tlnll"r" in -4o Ue v,.t. \110di 11oll L\ 'OUI'\ Y,. 1 ()\ rlnll•rtl iu 7 bu Til ; " bonaui:A; m• j: ll l ftc:.-h L mufit ooh 1 dollM Rook" 0 11 crud I• , FreiJ!bl paid Addrel'll Globe lble l:'nbll¥hl" lf 01'., No. i:tll l'hu t nnL f: r., P bl P•., or 8b8 DI'Arborn S t., 111. 6p'1880 .NO'i'lCE l The undersig ned beg to inform the trade tha\ hAving put up a new and. improved Maohi,nery for the manufacture of MUN'N'S Liquid FISH CLUE, they 11re prepared to fill ordt:re for any quantity,- -in caaka from '6 to 10 in cane from 1 gallon to 1 ptnt; alato, in 1 and 2 oz. bottles by the grots. We Challenge the Strength o( thil article ag"inat all Oo mpeti- ' MUNN & CO. , . GBAO&l Manufactured by F. W. GoLDER, at the Deuch Prewises, Harbor<:iraLC& f26tf .- Will pay apot oaah for the- followlng Newfoundland Stampe :- · i, 1, and 8 oent'a •• ••••••. so centa 100. 5, and.6 u f I II I 1 I 1.50 " 6f 10 and U 11 ....... .. 4 11 each. J.8 and 26 11 .,,., .,,16 II II 6 centl Black (aeal) ... 86 11 " 6 It Brown. ........... 76 11 •I be all in good con· diticm w ' N. OHMAN; P. O.Box . 8epL . Higgins' Hair - Dressing doom ., ,eat ofthe Telegraph Office] William Ryan, CUSTOM TAILOR Satiafatcion guaranteed in cut, Qual- ity nnd price. · J. A. · Whitman, ··Ou_,tom Tailor. , Wlll guarantee Fit, Workmanship andSt.yle. Give ua a call. · . .. Out port orden recei V4t. prompt attention Coa.'(E]l VxcroRU ..urp W .A.TER STREETS, . JUST . RECEIVED I .. . ' New Furs, . Plushes,. Wings, I . :.. .• GrThe b:Llance of our NEW STOCK is expected to arrive next, ... MU . NN BROS·. Water Street I Sign of the Lion I Harbor Crace --c: 1au: :t:C:;,: - :=::t:= M M. J. Advertisement. ' r is certainly not certaiuly not.. beneficial to the sys- tem t Q- be too mu ch over-ta)ten by surprise even i(it be ,n joyful nu.ture. Shocks of joy, can hardly be said to hnve nddcd largc 'ly to the bill of mortalit.y. BAR- G>\ IN SURPRlSl!::::i ht\vC never doue. we f( •el nssnred There: fore, we have ne hesita1i0 11 in annr>Uncin!! th at odr and STOCK ot DRY and . FAN CY . GO O DS has, arrived, and wtll be found ll) he th e cbeapeat ar.d lu·sL vnl \le ever sl.lown in Har· bor G race. We se ll th e cheapest beoauRe \VP. hny for cash and cao better atr ora to sell at a very srnall profit. We-give firs\ place to no one ae re- g ards prices nnd qu11lity of goods. There is an old saying that •• first come, first s erved .'' Of course evc..ry one w ·ho upou us will receive o ur best attentiou a.s always best " big plulll"'l" are picked · Up early-<:onsequently we advise every ooe to govern tbemselvee !iCCord- in gl y. • . · . . M. J. JONES, 93 W·ATER STREET. W. H. THOMPSON & CO., . . . . - Wholesale and Eetail l Druggists. Outport Orders personally and promptl_1-' attended to. Prescriptions carefully compounded. 0. OND .. AYS- '10 to 11 1\ tn ; to 3 n.rul 8 to 9 p.m. ESTABLISHED •· - - 1856 MAKE A Note OFIT. ia the only Meat preparation that makes • Giving Beef-TeL I t;ISHERIES, - 1893-. The are prepuin:r a full' stock of Netting and Tw ine of their · ow manufacture, suitab 'e t r Newfoundland r. od La'·rador Fisheries ot t893, and invite the favorable tion ot th e·r patrons on th : Island. . . Particular attention to the making of C6d Traps and and Herrin#?: Nets. . · Prices and terms satisfactory.
Page 1: next, Dr.l M. Jori~s' Advertisement. rcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18921014.pdf · IN Now· ~p£~AD. • : ... {lmnd&ya excepted} :-Leave St. J'ohD's at 10


BOD: This (Fridi.y) morning, · of

J~L. Ok~, ~·n. daUSthter. On th<' lOth iu,st..J thG mro of JaJJ~ee

Parmitcr, ok son. . • - I


On Tuesday nigilt.a t S~. Paul' a Church by tho Rev. J. ?\1. No~!, Reptor, Fred­eriq\: Brown, to Annie Martii'l, both of thi~ t.own. · . On Oot. J Oth, at t. Peter's, PortuJml Cov(!, by the Rc\'. Walter R. Sm.it~ Mr. George Westcott, jr., of Windsor u.ke, to Miss Eli.zllbeth.Neil, of Harbor Grace.

At Topsail, on the 6th inat., by .the .Rev. J. Reay, A. P: Smith, to Isabel, ~>ldeet daugliter of the late Capt R. llarvey. •

At l!'err~lnnd, on Mond&Y-t.!9tl_:l itltlt;, by Rev. E. Botwood, R. D., wtllie.m N. Gray,~ of t. John'!t toJoeephine,young­

. est dno~hter of JOhn Morry, Esq., of Ferry land.

DIED. · On Frim..v Jn.at. Annie, child ofGeorge

lllld M :uy :Pike, aged 2+ months. On Wednesday la.et, l\Iary F. wife of

J eph Bnrrett, and dnughterof the !at~ .. nmuel Rowsell, Esq., of Bonavi.sta, Dged S8 yeare. ,

n Wednesday night, after a abort nnd severe illness. nt his r esidence, Waterford Bridge Road,'St .. John's, Mr. J ohn Freeman (General Poet Office), ·7 y~rs.


~o chang is pl(\poecd in sa~!M, of steamer fro Baltimore and u calling heref. fort ~verpool, which will be :- 1 ·

\~DN~DAY, Sept. 14. WED~"]j:SDAY, Ootqi>er 26.

. WED~~DAY. DecemQer Z7; J. 0 .. FRASER, P ,M.G.

Gen~l Pos Office, Sept. 'AI, !892. ·

Dental Notice I . -- 1 --

Dr.l L'EHR I DE~"'TIST. ' -·-o-

Oftlce-• Go~on I.odge.' Water Street :£&at. Harbor Once .

Office BounJ-trom 10 a.'m. to 1 p.m.; from 2 ,_o 6 p.m. .

ws.ti.taction guaranteed Exam.in­ntion fr e.

I \

~JUSTO~ENED~ Roo:rng Felt. New c~~h ·ShOP 50 R~u. Rto~~;..r.ELT at 82.70

.A.T nn: · W. T. CLEARY, BOQU ET STORE, S133i Spaniflrd'e Bay

IN Now· ~p£~AD. • :Byrne's · Bookst~re. HALL BROS. (Opposite Post Offi~e) '

have on exhibition a cnoice Full Stoc}t of all kinds selection of ,....; --QF-

Dry Goo4f? . "'.· . · ,srrA~IONERY -~'D--

. . . . : · Groceries which they otfer at

Wonderfully low Prices LADIES' iACKETS-n speci~lty-from

$1 upwnrds. DR£3 GOOD • from cents per J,ard Lndif's' FurCollnrsnnd Collnrettes from

Account and Blank__BOQK:-; - all sizes ; Pens, -Pen h,lders and Pencils in great va•·iety . .


M . . Searle,. Watch Maker and Jeweller.

5.5 cents u py,•·ds. Bln\· nnd 'White Cnlico .. .from 5cenU!. Ontport and locnl work promptly and F lnnn,'ls-15 cts. 1'Lum"llctt<'~, S cts. sati>1faetoriJy nttC'nded to. / T" ('() , 25 cts. (X,nm. 'wced:i, 16 cts Tweed Suits, $3. P!l.nts, ~ 1, cc. &.c. \\'~\.TER ·tREET. HARBOR GRACE,

B t Sh Two door we t of Telegraph Office.

oo sAND oes STRONG ~1) r liEA P. p. J. Summers,

.ee-TRY oUR F.A. wt· Barrister and Solicitor,

Blended Teas.

... NOTICE. On and after

MONDAY, OCTO~ER lOTH, Re2ular Traina on this Road will be run aa l'ollowa, daily, {lmnd&ya excepted} :-

Leave St. J'ohD's at 10 a..m. ; ~Te at Harbor Grace at 3.40 p.m.

Leave Barbor Graoe at 10 a.m.; &to

Water' Sf., Harbor Grace.

- W •.NTEO- WiriP·•'"'ke wnrkl'rt ,.,·en­"h~r,.fur " ·' tt E P P'S P I:I O'l'OO It' f' ll~ ~>tll•tt WUtti.O"; lhugl'~;• lt"' l hnnk on "~rlllj cnMIIt•ll ..:100,000; rtll•ll M 8.~6 Unl~•h or iua•~ll­meuc~; 111~mmoth lltu~tr•l"<i clrc:ulu" f\Ud c .. rm~ frt'o; <.l•ilf 0111 put """r l iifiO vuluaolll. lqtelllll 1\' ild witb •ucertl', )lr. l 'jiM, r •• Ahrtln, Q .. n­•~r•UII', T .. x., cl811l'Uli f ill In 9 d,;~~ j \l loos R ·~ ,\ol•tu", Wooiter 0., 28 tlnll"r" in -4o mi.yul~~ ; Uev,.t. ~w11rd \110di11oll L\'OUI'\ ~. Y,. 1()\ rlnll•rtl iu 7 bu Til ; " bonaui:A; m• j:ll lftc:.-hL mufit ooh 1 dollM Rook" 0 11 crud I• , FreiJ!bl paid Addrel'll Globe lble l:'nbll¥hl" lf 01'., No. i:tll l'hutnnL f: r., P bl • P•., or 8b8 DI'Arborn S t., ~hicog.o, 111. 6p'1880

.NO'i'lCE l The undersigned beg to inform

the trade tha\ hAving jut~t put up a new and. improved Maohi,nery for the manufacture of


Liquid FISH CLUE, they 11re prepared to fill ordt:re for any quantity,- -in caaka from '6 to 10 ~ullona; in cane from 1 gallon to 1 ptnt; alato, in 1 and 2 oz. bottles by the grots.

We Challenge the Strength o( thil article ag"inat all Oompeti-~rs. '


Manufactured by F. W. GoLDER, at the Deuch Prewises, Harbor<:iraLC&


. -Will pay apot oaah for the-followlng Newfoundland Stampe :- ~ · i, 1, and 8 oent'a ••••••••. so centa ~ 100. ~~ 5, and.6 u f I II I 1 I 1.50 " 6f

10 and U 11 ......... 4 11 each.

J.8 and 26 11 .,,., • .,,16 II II

6 centl Black (aeal) ... 86 11 "

6 It Brown. ........... 76 11 •I

S~pa._muat be all in good con· diticm ~ ~~ op~e w '

N. OHMAN; P. O.Box 71,St..Tobo'a,~ewtOUDdlan4L . 8epL • .

Higgins' Hair - Dressing Ro~ms,

doom .,,eat ofthe Telegraph Office]

William Ryan, CUSTOM TAILOR •

Satiafatcion guaranteed in cut, Qual-ity nnd price. ·

J. A. · Whitman, ··Ou_,tom Tailor. ,

Wlll guarantee Fit, Workmanship andSt.yle.

Give ua a call. · . .. Out port orden recei V4t. prompt attention

Coa.'(E]l VxcroRU ..urp W .A.TER STREETS,

. JUST .RECEIVED I .. ~ . '

New Furs, . Plushes,. Wings, I . :.. . •

GrThe b:Llance of our NEW STOCK is expected to arrive next, ... MU.NN BROS·.

Water Street I Sign of the Lion I Harbor Crace • • --c:1au::t:C:;,: - :=::t:= M

M. J. Jori~s' Advertisement. ' r is certainly not certaiuly not.. beneficial to the ne~U$ sys-

tem t Q- be too much over-ta)ten by surprise even i(it be,o£ n j oyful nu.ture. Shocks of joy, ~vevcr, can hardly be said to hnve nddcd largc'ly to the worl~'s ) bill of mortalit.y. BAR­G>\ IN SURPRlSl!::::i ht\vC never doue. we f(•el nssnred There: fore, we have ne hesita1i011 in annr>Uncin!! that odr ~'ALL and Wl~!EH. STOCK ot DRY and .FANCY .GOODS has, arrived, and wtll be found ll) he the cbeapeat ar.d lu·sL vnl \le ever sl.lown in Har· bor Grace. We sell the cheapest beoauRe \VP. hny for cash and cao better atrora to sell at a very srnall profit. We-give firs\ place to no one ae re­gards prices nnd qu11lity of goods. There is an old saying that •• first come, first served.'' Of course evc..ry one w·ho o~lls upou us will receive our best attentiou a.s always best " big plulll"'l" are ~nvariably picked ·Up early-<:onsequently we advise every ooe to govern tbemselvee !iCCord-ingly. • . · . . M. J. JONES, 93 W·ATER STREET.

W. H. THOMPSON & CO., . . . . -

Wholesale and Eetaill Druggists.

Outport Orders personally and promptl_1-' attended to. Prescriptions carefully compounded.

A'!".I'£Nn~\.NCE 0. OND .. AYS- '10 to 11 1\ tn ; ~ to 3 n.rul 8 to 9 p.m.

ESTABLISHED • · - - 1856


A Note OFIT.

ia the only Meat preparation that makes

Streng~ • Giving Beef-TeL I

t;ISHERIES, -1893-. The undersi~ed are prepuin:r a full' stock of Netting and

Twine of their · ow manufacture, suitab'e t r th~ Newfoundland r.od La'·rador Fisheries ot t893, and invite the favorable at~n· tion ot the·r patrons on th : Island. .

. Particular attention .~iven to the making of C6d Traps and ~emes, and Herrin#?: Nets. .

· ~ Prices and terms satisfactory.

Page 2: next, Dr.l M. Jori~s' Advertisement. rcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18921014.pdf · IN Now· ~p£~AD. • : ... {lmnd&ya excepted} :-Leave St. J'ohD's at 10

f~ ­t~·~~E~~


~":\·~ il ~ • UiY d0·x-'· :'t1·©~ ilSS

.., I

A :-·=·· ·•~ ... u~ilm{l. ~ :;n ,·aoulou.a.11

•• Whttt I ~; '.q a P-1-fS.O! 3{;0 I ha•i & severe lltt.:• ~ 1•! rht'hll'ltt~r.l , ~·ttl ru'.~.- I reoovort4 hat\ (u f:.:l 'II <tr!l' d •C3, ~year l:l:cr, SC1'0!Wa. In t ltu (ctrll: ot w:1Jto lltcllln", appcru:cd on \':U'Iun~ i'-1' ts or m; OOdr , u!id tor '11 yeua I \\':\.:! :w hr,·nt:u, N intt eonDocd to my bed e }'Cl\n. Jn th:u t!ruo ten or elCYl!n 111.1ree a~ pe.1rod nut! uro'te, c:l:t:.lng mo r n•at p:~ln aD4 •u![t-rfn~ r !e:J.rod ! uenr 1boult1 f\Ct welL

" ·E.1.rly In 1~ 1 W<!llC to Chlc:.'\4:1> to visit a R!ter, but wus ~!llilled ~m7 bed most of \be •lmo I wns there. In Jut: 1 rc:ld a book, • A. J>ay w!tll l\ Ctrcns,' tn wlllc:h wore 1U.:utmenc. or cures by l!oo\l's~mtl:uiU.'\. I \Y:\5 ao IID­p~cd t.·Hb the suoc:css ot tllls mcdlclno tllal l llcclded to t ry lt. . T o IllY IJTC:It grntincatloll thowrcs SO(ln dcere:lSCtl, nnd I oogan,to feel ~a"r nud In a sh rt c::no i \Yll.S up IUld ~.~: : c. r dJN.;. l c HtlaU:J tob:;oHood'sS:lr­r.1~:n.'\ ror al~Jut :\ ft':tr, when, h:tvlng used ~ tx bOttles, I .!l:ul bl•t<lme so tully rcll!ll.Scd

• lrom the ll!~.·~c Utat 1; went to work for Jbo Fllut t; \\'alliug Mfg. Co., nnd sluco then

U.\VD NO't' LOST .A 8 C."'LB DAY

on Meount of sickness. I b~leve the dJ.seuo ls cxpellccH rom mpystcm, hlways feel weU, lUll ID bood Sl>lrlts au d h:l.\'0 3 c0oct appetite. 1 :ununw Zl rears of ago IUid c:w walk u well

~as :Illy one, oxetpt tlln\ one llmb Is a little boner tll:\11 tho otbcr, owing to tho loss of ~one, nnd lllc ~s formerly on my rtSbt leg.

To my rrtt:ruls my roc:overy seeiD$ :llmost mlrnculoll!, :wd l tlllnti Hood's S'arsnparllla. Is tbe klnr, ot rncdtclnes.' ' Wu.Lux A. Lzun; s !CJlallro:ld t. , KCDtl:lllvlllc, l.Dd.

Hood's Sarsapa

3old by"" ~~1na. 81; d x for • bJ c. t. nooo & co .. AJ>Oitoee.ui ,

· IQa Doses One

ISTAR'S BALSAM. ~ o.l.brated pr-opaNtwr~

of Wlt4 Cl•c rru 7•CI4 been a 11ov•clwl4 f afi01'lto f o ,. .,p­U>ar'df of a half a century, ancl w t o-day tho 8oecronon IlcmedJI /07' all


Ie opMUJ t he congc4tcd ;rxn­r ... '"-l~ •• ,.,,# •. C:ICpCU IJ10 111UCO II3 d c-

p<nU.1 and by .,.ca•o" of i:• •tomachlo qua UtlC4JU'odrtcc-• a 1u:a1'ttJ appetlt o aucl !!'"'" 11trc n1]1h clll cl Cll< r:J:J to tho patt.:nt.

:For 11alo by all Druoqu u.


cn­... ,,u.,.n,.•nl ltl'lev­

curloW! to n. m eru ber re-

wpoort the ex nc-o or s uch " I!'T11Pv:nn<~. H na not the lnl'lrt n~tll.nllon,

~~~ I!Qin~ on In the prcR.'I n nd In m!"'CliQsrs; nnd public pcllt lonR. p~U~t r,, ,\1 dnyl' e''ldcnt'l' of n wlev­\\'ns s ur prised I hnt t he hon m em ­ror n m om r nt detrnct :rom the

m OV('nlCDt whl<'h I<Otne Ort\ IS ()0-\VI'l'(' COol l11h enou~rh to

by mnklnll' n Jl')W w6w Rbou~ ll. tlwy lllll n somo t.<'mpornry polltlcnl popnln 'V""' no t. howr v('r, tho book wh ic-h he held In h it: h nn!l •nbstnnttnl O\'l· cll'nce Min subStnntlnl ctr1e ,·nn i"C '! T he vol­clmo rt'ftrr<'d to. nnmely. the t.nnd Tenure Rf'port tin t he H nr'bor or St. J ohn 's. N <'\\'· fnuncllnnll. tw n 80lt'c-t c-ommltl<'<' o f thc- Lc­cl~lntum. nltl!'d In th~'lr work IJ,· thc- vnln­nblo M n l rlbnttnn cif Comrnnnd<'r R ohlnRon, wn<t evidence thnt noono but those l)('r \'crll('ly blind wpuld re~~tnl~e. Surely t he hon. m f'mhl'r would not sny t bnt tho r i'!OOiut loo ~ntnl n<'lt In lhf' c ,·cn lng'l' paper (l)('spntch) lnst \'Orolng In to th(' .bOul'l'-th nnklnct hlrn. :'tlr. Morin(', for tht' tntl' r<'l<t he hnd t~krn in l h t' publk- m crtlnc , hold In SJ.. J ohn's W <'st I nat c \·c nJn g on tho lnnd ~(~"levance quest ion, ' <"ll8 n mqro empty uttornnce to Clltch a II ttl<' popalnrlty--or \\'1\11 It evldonoo thAt n lAnd I!Ticvunc-e does c xlst.t Wbnt had the olti~Onl! bonded the mselves t 01rothcr for, bold m eel­ln~r~~. ~<;(!(! resolutlonl!, s lctned n..tlt lon l!, formed delc~rntlonB,nnd In other public way1 lnte rMtc:d thcmsclvell In thl" question It there ware no l(rto:vnnce ' He, wtth thll other m em bers or tho Government. hod tho ' 'nluo or n c:onrcre noo with tho lcadln~r m cr ­chnnts In this city, Mpeclnlly tboso burnt o ut In the rccen~ tire, IUld they woro M on e In ndvlslng tho purehnse but orthe landlords .\ gotn , tbc go,·ernment hnd. bat n row oven­lnll1! ntro. m et n de putntlon rrom" public or­l!nnh:ntton lcnown a11 the Lnnd LeAgue or Tc nnn ts' Lena:u<', nnd they wore equRll v stl'On lt na to thC'- tlt.>strnhlllt~· o r dcnllng with thls q uesllnn, nnd nit hough tT111 wnys or e r­rcetln ~;" Lltlll r l.'me\llnl lel(llllnllon- mny be ,·nrllous. o.nd lUI ndvocn{es divided as to t h o mode. nil ri\(Tt'e on tho necessity ror leglstn.­tlon (\ 1\<1 t ho rrrlevnnco cl\llln~r fort l:i tho 11nme, 'l'l)o rnrt, howt>ver. o r the roreaboro or t he hnri)CJr or SntnL J ohn's, the enpltnl or tho trndc nnr{J>cople o r thlll M uutry, being nll('n ­lltcd 1'rotillt~ lc.:ltl mnte O\l'nors. ond 11ervtn~: m t>r t>ly nl! nn lnromc 10 n. lot 01 nbseotoo lnncllorc.h<, ma n y or '" hom nt'VI'r l'nw t he llky O\' (•r the> ~untrr. was J< ullll'lcn t cv ld<'ncc or n ~ri<'\'RIIt'tl. nncl n. hul'\l t•llliO!ftf" one nt thnt. Th" r<'pnrL lll r<'nch· rd c rrert to \\'rue n vnl u­nble conchm,.nt ton · o f evlde noo on tbla ,·cry ool n t. H e wou lcl nRk fl" rmi!<Sion to quote lwrc n-om 1!. ) ft•xsrfl. P . .t L. Tc!Cl!le r, throuch one or lht>lr R<' n lors nL thnt tl mr: sn;v thr~· '""'C <'On~1.rnl nrd In '·16 to tnke t heir len>'o on t ho w rms dcmnnded. be<:altl!C they required tn l'l"t'C'! • prem ise" (<>r buRin<'SS purpo~cc. Thr y thol.:b t t he prNien t hnrhor nt'rom mo­dntlon wn~ not sutn('l<\_n t. a nd ur~o:C'd t bnt whnrv('ll nnol br•m~lworks llhonlol nnL be nl­IOW(•d tn cxt l.'ml further ln to .th<' hnrhor. and tlw rlt:ht< o f n il pnrtles Rhoutn be defined h\' l(·!dslntloa . H e n. lllr. ~louroc: bellc ,·ed th nt Inn rew ~·cnrs l!l.'rlous lnronvenle nct' woul t1 he round throu~b the smollncsa o r bnrbor :tnd cJO<'k nccommodatlon. H o could m nko no c>q nlt ublc nrrun~tl'mf.'n t for the exton,lon or hh! ll.'lL~c with h is la ndlord· )!c8llrll. £on ! ot: ) f!"Dout:nll thons:b t t ha t In VJC \V or tho pnhllc I n t<'r('sts nnd thP n ceeult lns or nnv!­fl'llllon nnd the nr('servotlon o r tbe tnlnv•\Y or thl' h nrbnr or 8ntn t J ohn'a, the tlgh UI nnd ~fvllc~o:es or owners and occupier. or pro­mises trontlng on tho horbpr o r Snlnt J ohn's

apendini your money for worth­

leu medicines and buy a bottle of


wlll prove of Inestimable value.

aa It Ia almoat certain to cure

at once that aevere and rasping

Onilht to be dlltlncd by lcrlslntlon. Bon. R. O'Dwyer thou~ht tl.io eamr : ~we ct l\lar~~ball

• t hought the snme. Mr. R. .a. Proweo oon­llldered the wnter o r the harbor the property or tho Quoon ; and nil \thnrvea .\Dd erections could be rQmoved If tho Oovoroment tbOUifht proper. Bnlne Johnst~n ct Co. believed It would oo odviiiAble to hnve the rfgh tll nfld pr iv ileges deffncd and lnta down by leu lalntlo u . so fnr u the fUture nb­tOrrtton or \VI\t.<'r-tpneo 111 ooncornod. Clift, Wood .t co.-Lhout ht thnt more harbor &ccom­mod&tlon Ill do'llrnble. S ir Robert Thorburn thought. tiJo uso o r the water11 trontlng oneh prAmlaea nnd within ox l8tlng wbarves8bould bo detlned nnd Vl.'llted.ln O\vnera ottl.io at rnnd wbo might be cn.lled on to oontrlbut~ for tho lfi"Batlng or thlll prtvllegc.~An7. further ex-tension o r wharvn should be del' govern-ment rontrol. S. l\fnrch ct 1 were or oplu-lon that legllilnLton Wl\!1 n IUI4ry and thnt


E 'TABLIS.I:iED l836.

. LOND.t>N: ll OORGA. tE · '&'fli£KT, E.

nroowc un J'u•o .. (llji87l ; ll·p l•, ., muams ........ . ... ..... . £6•>7 000

· ]if .. l!r~lfliuwe .. :'" . • .' . .. ... ...... 197,000 ltlte .-et~l. •• , · ·· ··'· . ......... .. . 143.000 :AccnrualiiWd Jruolls ..... .... £3,421,000

t1w un<Jennttutl41 U. t,Lf'O'W&t'6d th • f fl>l:t uc •ahntctt~t OD all ldnc:Lt oi Pm­~t9 in 'S'-."Io~dfand~oarrilotR&CM o' l'rumi•&m. . ..

Tlae above C01D(>I'DY b well known ft. .. lihtolity folld ptOmP'JU!a lD

~IUliftu}~ . .

'P'I'(tapectu.el, """"" of .A.ppliaa­,.,. ~ ;::.~-, aad

.....,, ... ~..-~.&.. I,~ ob&ai.Decr ufftoe 01

· .L 0. JUYW.Jw,

tb.,ro wos not aurnclcnt accommodation In tho harbor. These were only a row extr ncUI n-om on nJ:rny o r wltnenes eclected l.iopbazl nrd ; nil o r which bore testimony to t hu n c­ccaalty or Je~rLilntton nntl thl\ pre!l1lncc or a urtovnnce. Tho seoond oblectlon 1\11 to tho tlnanclal ~heme being defecttvo In tltl\1. ho hnd not p laced ony <letlnlt.e t!gure11 before tho H onl!e, he would nn awor by eaylng tlu\t nt t ltl11 j uncture ho d id not colls ldcr It prudt.>n t to <JUOt.e n~ tlgarea wbloh ml~bt l n. any wny he regard ns qun111 omolal. It wos not tor him~ but n r the n rbltrnto rs to put a price on thto 1nnd pro t>080<1 to be puroltn.sod. It \1'1\11 110t ~aunt. fn u c:b loa wise. w he n a mon Wl\ll nhout to m11k0 n pur..:bn~.togo orJ thohou~~e­tc>p• and proc:tnlm the Bd\'lltl tag• wbleb t ho nm c woulU brln~r to h m-Lho chcl\pnqsa or

thfl nr tlclo ''e w 051 parch nalng nnd t ho t,;"Pcat bfiTI(Ili U be WM gt'ttlng In thO Ill\ m et II Wntl o no ol t holt18 matt.ert whlch a ll bau a very Cnlr nnd IIP,Proxlmate ldf'a M to coat. In tne repOrt nlrClady referred to the aotoot c:om­m ltt" .lhe eatlmaroo value of tho wat.er ... ldo 14 ~~et. down al. ~llMUW or n for

~all ov rtdl&l anN'! all oar elalmi to IUl7 prop()niOD o propen:r or &117 hl~ereta. B oae w,u DO&

m~bal~ .. ua! =~:::tel~~~ Tbe toren&Dr ..uma&o rt?ea 'b• wbole or the lueS fo &tie l&DcUordli; now &be~- or tb.lalaod Ia due DJ1Dolp&IJT 10 tl Wa&el' troa&.­Ap. It Ule arblr.ra&oz:a bold. Ulea, tbM \be value ot Ule tl)reabore Ia aa:r 18 "'Jbot. -.ad that Ule ~DOnloa QWDed bJ ~ liiUldlor.Na ooa, oa~r so be wtlb.lA=marll MT ball, Ulea we lla~at. we baYe l;r 10 Jl&.J1

!;~~o~~~o ~=c::' reoelveaq~:=t n-om Ule wbole. In ol.hor wo~ ~ lbOQJd havo to purabaae t.be tl)roabo'!:...~ reo&, ·~ $8 por toot oa a t.wenty yean punmuo. wlflcb would be $JlO,OOO, t.bolDterest oa wblch would oo ac. a per ceo~ J7.m lri other words our I me trom reo!. would b(' at thO least $2&, wtUJsL 011r oxpencUturo woUld not be more an ,m Iu.C.bts wa...v an h :lcomo woUld the Glt.y wttbout,.any Increased taxa,Jon, Ule amount would IOIICin Ule manl­clpnl 'tAXAtion, tho whole conn try would b.J benoAttod and convenlenced by egeb an ar­rangement. and tbo public watel'll and ro~ aboro which baa boon ftlohod trom tho public would como ~aclt to t.be m, a nd tbo elty or St. Jobn'll w. otd oncc.moro lnborlt ltablrthrlghL It wu' a lnt well worLh bnarlng In mrn!l Lbal. tn tb 1 purcbMe we hnd not ouly to buy tho bArren rock wltbOQt any bulldlnp. H waa now or nevor . Tbo groat.elt lnU)rdJIL tho lund lord had In this property.J bo may bo aatd to bi\\'O been c.-ompensat.ed 1or It bY' bl& Jn­surancc.

Mr. Mollt.!'lr;-T! wo ownn tbe foreshore wo own the tiulldlngs on lt.

• Hon. Mr. MoRRIS.-8trictly speaking,

we did;· but then in equity tbe landlorda huvc certain righta, and in dealing with this matter it should bo remchlbered it wns tho case of !L country agninst au in-diYidual ; wo could afford to bo gener­ous ; un~n.in it must be remembered Hm t. not a of the laudlonls wore awtLre thnt. this p o~ of Jillin~ out into tho harbor anu tffus a.cquinng land had IJccn going on. Iu tho muin it was done by the tenant. h would be ex­t remely hard on tbe landlord to m t\kO him bear tho blame of all. As to the legnl aspect of lhe case, ho thought it. would not be difficult to convince the House that thf wl!igh t of oYi,lenco wt\s with the pub ic in this mi\Lter. H e now held m his hand a vcrr Yaluablc t.rcati o on the fort!Shore b,; Mooro ; it wns a standatt.l woe~ on the' subject,and would well p~y any bon. member for n porus1\l of the same. H e regrett.ed thnt the ca lls upon his time had P.re,·ontcd him from selecting nod clll88tfying aU the important cases bea ring ou tnc re­solution, and he mwt content himself with only a few of the lending ones. First, then1 as to the ownenship of the for011bore, m the Cl\8e of tho Attorney lien era! versus the corporation of Porta­mouth. Baron Chusly, delivering tho judgment of the court., said :-" That the Crown couldgrnnt the ownership of the foreshore, but that it could not in uny wny bJ' doin~ so affect the rights of-the public." 'I'liis case went to the Court of appeal nnd Lord Justice Cotton, d£­lh•erws;. the judgment of tbe Court, said ; ' The Crown is entitled by its prerogative to tho foreshore on o.ll thQ coasts of England and in all in leta of the sen, unless and except so fo.r as any subject can establish tttle to any por­tion thereof, either by pro•\ing n. grant thereof made by the Crown or facts from which ueh n gmnt"'llay be pre­sumed, or .bl; pro,·ingpossession for tho period neclssnry to establish n. title against the Crown. The burden of proof therefor,!! is on the defendants and unll•. s they mnko out a title judgment must be for tho Crown ;" and Lord

.BramweU, concurrin!Z iu the judsm ('nt


the aea by gradual and impercepliblo progreaa enOroaahee upon the lAod of ihe aobject. the land thereby covered Wkh wa~ belQDp to the Crown. Theee­caaee he th&ught 'horoughly eet&bliah­ed the poeition taken up by' him that the forty aorea of lBntf south of Water Streea.. and abbuttiog on high water mark which had been filched from tho public by encro&ehmons on the public water~~ waa undoubtedly the property or the public and the greater portion of the eA.me might at any time be taken by tho Crown for t),le use of the public. He cUd not ndvoca.te thia beiug done without some compensation, but it waa right the relative merit. of all p1ut.ics should be . defined. 'fbe author of tho work he had been citing from did not ap~ an ndvocato for the principles that be hncl ~uotcd, but he w:1s reluc­tantly comPetted to ndmit them. And now. to come to th<l last bjectiou of tho hon. member, ho sai . • e wharves in this town are r t nuisrulCCl!, and, therefore, could riot bo abated ot· remov­e<!." And the hon. m ember weqt on to say, " that i n order to be a. nuisance it must tirst be shewn th"at they a ):'O an injury." With this law· or rea11oniug b e could not agreo1 and ho thought his bon. friend woula fiud it difticult to show a · precedent for such a dict'u.. If such were the law it would be necessary in order that a nuisance bo abated, to wait till scme injury hnd flowed from it. A p erson who wottld dig n bolo in the pubuc street could not. bo prosecut­ed until some one hnd fnUun into it ; or a man might. bridge Water 8t,·ect; a nd tho bon member contend~ thnt Sltch a nuisance could not be abared till the bridge .wns shown to he an injury. H o ,thought tbo beat answer 'to thi11 objec­tion would be to n$nin quote from the unpublished opimon ol the late Sir Hugh H cyle8._ which hnd been shown to h im by a. frtcnd in manuscript , and which he had a few evenings before read to the H ouse. But the authori­t ies even wept further. and it ho.s been

down, ·' ·that no amount of collntcr­nl benefit resul ting from any mnnner of obstruction to tho local community, can dh•03t it o f ita chnn\ctcr of a nuis­auce. An a bridgement of the rtght of navigation can only be just ified when the erection is productive of a g reat public benefit." In the King vs. Rus­sell-which was an indictment for a nuisance for erecting wharves in a river -theJ\1ry were directed to acquit the defen ant if they thou~ht that tho nb­ridgeme~f the ri~:;bt ot passage, occas­ioned b) uch erecu oni, was for a public pur~e produced a public benefit, nndif the erectioD8, were 111 a reasonable position and left a reJ\IIonablo space for the pa.ssa$e of vessels on the river. The Judge pomted out to the Jury that by ~he erection of tho whar.vcs, coals were

cheaper and in a bet ter condition. held by Bayley &-Holrovd, that the direction was proper, Tcntenlen, Chief Justice, dis­

sented therefrom ; ho bcin~ of opinion that tho price and condit.wu ot cor-Is were points not properly to be taken into considEfR.tion in the question raised by the inJictment nnll that the question . when being taken WM " whether the navigation nnd passage of vessels on a ntL\' ignblc rh·er were in­j u red by tho cr('ctiou in que~tion." Noc is is it IICCCJS ar)· that a ny intcrmption of, eli intNfCrl'lle<' wi~h , the public righta should :tnlCHtn!. LO n nuidnnce :­The Kitu! \'S. B('lts. Xot alone urc the whan·es in ~t. .John's, bv reason of the illcgnl lll:llml'r in whicft they nrc oou­etructcrl both ns to length, width, &c., a nuistLncc ; tlwy nrc posith·ely dang('r­ous nut! nu impedient eo trade and navigation. '!'hero are only two or three whnr\•es in the harbor where large vessels can lay.

Mr. Mon~E-Tbe bon. member would sl\y that the hnrbOJ of Saint John's is not na \·igable because of the wharves erected on it ?

(1'o btl onntluullll.)

nbovc, said :-'' I entirely agree In the b w, n.utl that. the defendants therefore might be entitled on the docurnCJtls nnd materials shown, but whether they arc cntit.led or not is:\ question of ft\ct. Their t itle deeds, chnrt<'rd o.nd otlu.•r thing · do not. inevitably show 1 hnt t.bo foreshCJrc was gnmtcd to them ; there­foro it is a 'question of fnct to show wh:1t thor a ro entitled to, either by those deeds or otherwise, and therefore the burden ·or proof if upon them. The presumption is that the foreshore be­longs to the Crown nnd th~:~ corpoq~.tion has to mnke out that the title is vested in them." Now this ia a. very receot case, having been decided in\1870, and it will be M ticed that it was not against au individual, but against a corporntion of n. large city. ·ID other words, the Liquor at World's Fo.ir. case was tho Attorney Oonernl against tho· people of Portsmouth and yot tho .Referrins ton recent editorial in tho lntter failed. H e did not think, how- Traveller tn which it was stated that ever, nuy ono would have tbe hardi- statutes of Illinois prohibit the sale of hood to deny this principle, nnd h e liquors at nil Ji1irs, a correspondent nsk.s would now p:uss on to the queation of u• to stn.to defini tely what tho law is. " the ownet'ilhip of la.nd formed by ac- In ·reply wo gave the statute: . cretion or . by tue thro,ring of ball nat "Wboc\·er shall keep any shop, booth, and deb tie from time .to t ime in o tho ten~~ wnggon, vessel, boat, or other plnco tidal Wllters." .The leading case on for tnasalo of spirituous liquors, or ex­this cited in Moore, p~e 5'71, was the' pose for e:Uo or sell, give away. or other­Attorney General vs. Rceye in 1885, wise dispose of aoy spirituous liquors, which was an information against tho or engalio in gaming. a t or within two Lord of the ~lttnor of ~toft., to ro- )nilo.s ot the place where any agrioul­co,•or n. considcn\ble M:Cretioo- to the turnl1 horticn.ltural, or mechnnicnl fnir shore which appear~~ to hn.ve been ia lSctng held shall, for ench oOence, be caused by the worka,-nt Lovoatofb- Hnr- fined not less thnn five nor more than bou Tho defendant claimed it aa paH. one hundred dollars : Provided, this oC the waste of the manor of Lovoatoft' section shall not affect tavem keepers, a 9'd as alluvion gradually and imper- di.etillers, or others e.J:erois'ing their caLJ­cpptibly: accreted in contra-distinction ing at their uaual place of business." 1.9 derelict land." It wa1s held by Lord Tllo word fair is deftned aa follows : ~ief Justice Coleridge, C.J., H. Pollock, 11 Wbere\'or the word 'fair' occUirll in B., " that where accretions of land 'on this act itehilO. bo held to m~n a pona the aea~~hore 111'0 shown to ha'Ve been fide exhibition or tho four principal p6rcoptible by marks and meaauree as claasea of live stock, together With gen­thoy took place, sqcb ·accretions belong eral agricultlU'I\1 and horticulturnl pro­to the Crown and not to the adj~nt oocta a.nd meohanico.l arts.'' owner. And in tho caae of the AttornO\' If it was needCul and proper to pro­General ve. Chambers, cited in MoorE-, hibit tho •afe of liquor llt the compara· page 788,. tbe dicta i.e laid down that tivelyamaU faira of thoState1 itiuaroly m.lteriala accumulating from mining more neceeea.ry that it ahould be ba~ah· or manu!acturu1g opontiont upon ed from the great exhibition. Will the land.tt ·bordering on the •• ot upoD a World'• Fafi .oommfuionen~, in auoh ll publio river whore theN baa bee a Jaw, ~Dttbede mandioftheL&wbreak· gtadual aettinJr UP- of rn'bblah, tlaw or ing ealoon kOeperi?-Boeton Traveller. other material either u~ tbe land . \ ' where the minee or manUfao&oriet are llinMd'a Liniment curee Garget in abua~ or upoo the nefchbol'Ull pro- oow.

would ""m' to be M&bjec! to the No :r:~=~~·~ u .......... r, rule, for the tine to alluvtou

DMIOD&l cat1HI ~=~c.~.~ rt,hll of .la.a&:nrnail'iiJ J&

Below are the nino longest words in th<) ,English language!'at the present -wnbng, and they are orthogmphiCD.l mona ten~, too. H ere· they nrc ; tnke otr yottYcon.~ and engage for a round or two ; · suttconstitutionaliet, Incompre­bc.n_si.bi.li.ty, ph,i loprogcni tjvcncss; bon­o~thot.btlltudlll.tty, nntbropophngeneri­a~, ~USJ?roportronnble.n~s, velooi~ea­trlnntstlcal, proantltlOnsubstatlOni.s~, tmD8ubstantiationableneas . .

Minard's Lini!llentcur'cs"J)iphthoria.

HA. VE YOU REA.D. Mr. W. D. Wentz of Geneva, N.Y., wns cured of tho cteverest form of dyspepsia. ? He s~ys everything ~o ute sc"l)mcd like pouring melted led mto hie stomn.oh. H ood's Sarsn.par~LIIL effcct:ccl a perfect cure. Full pnrltculnrs wtll b'l sent if p ()U writes C. I. H ood & Co., Lowell, :\Iaas.

.. Minnrd's Liniment cures Colds, etc.

Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pil ls remove ll!l ol>structi~ns, puriftt110 b~ood and g 1 vo to the skm thaL ben ti ful P.lenr nod hea lthful look so r;renth admired in a. bcauti f1ilnnd hcnlth ,. ,,:oman. At cer­tain periods th~o l•i lls nrc an indis­ponsible companion. F rom one to four ~hould .be taken each du.y, uutil roleaf as abtnmcd. A few do:sce occasiona lly will keep the system so healthy and th'e blood so pure, that diseases can~ot enter tho body. De. Morse'sindiau .Root Pills are sold by all medicine dealers. '<'



The whole town of Glnmis, Ont., knows of a cure, by the appliCAtion of MINARD'S LINlMENT, to a partially parn.ly,zed arm1 t.hnt eqnals anything that has transpired at Hamilton.

R. W. HAilRlSQ~.

- WAs rnNGTOK, Sept. 27.-The pre~ident hns a ppointed Prof. Thoruas C. Menu~nhall , superin­tonJ ent of t he coast and geod eth s urveY.. S!J. Unite I 'tates cocomill­siuner on thu inlernlltional cnrnro"'i­s ihn to t-e tl lt> the P"i nt'i of di ff .. ronce between l ; reut ihitui n tl ru l the United State~ in t he matter of' th e bou ndnry liue bt-tween \ Iaska nnu British Colum bia. T he Briti~:~h co:IH_nissioner i P rof. W. F. King, ch1et nstronorncr rf the Dooinion of Cl\nad a. A cousidori\ble porLiQn of Soutb·easte.rn Alusk·n, cotoprising valuable to tnerallands ancl tbe ctole­brattld l\Iount St. Elias is in d i11 p uLe between the two countries.

Minard's Liniment cures Distemper.

HOLLOWAY's OL\"niENT A~n Ptti.s.­Chest' and Stomach Complnint:s.- l'he source and C('utre of nlmost every a il­ment is impurity or tho b1ood. dislodge this poiaon,and disease depnrta. H ollo­w~y's Pills exercise tho inestinanble power of througbly clensing cucb com­ponent J?llrt or the blood, alltl rendering thii liutd fi t to perform ila iUl}!OI.mH. fl\ftctlon. They copo most IIUCCC&:lfully w1 th chest disease, stomach l:Omplnints li.vcr t.lie~rdcn, nod mnuy other mala~ dt<'s, wh1ch were once the besotting dnng~rs of mankind at C<>rtnin se~ons in town and country. Tho directions for use enable every one to regulate t.ho operntion of theae Pills with ihe graatr es t nicety. Chronic iuvalids, nervous suli'erGnl, and all whom other treatment ~as. iitiled to relic , are r espectfully I!Wltt d to try · H oi oway's celebrated m edicine, which will strengthen and cure them.

W. J. Russifl? Honse Shii 8iG and lrencral ~ainter.

Venetian' Blinds' made, r efitted .r enovated.

Also wishes to intimate tbat be is now propal'ed to do Frcaco Pnio,t.iug at reason· able rates.

IJiiilr 'Satisfaction guaranteed.

~or .Sale - AT Tfm-


Ladics' nod Gent's Card Cnsoa Pocket Books, Cigar Cnses, ' --... Local View Goods, :Fa!JCY nnd Mustache Cups .md Saucer~~ Clutta nnd Glnsa Vases A huge lot of Ink Stands; other .· Fancy Goods too numerous to mention.


Stewart Munn & Co., SHIPPING AND COMMlssiO~ MER,.

; • CHA..'\TS. . 22 STr J OHN ST., MONTREAL.

Sp~>oialatt~otioo given.to tbesale of Fish and Fish Oijs.

Also. to t'hc buying and shipping Of Flour and provisions and- General Produce.

Cable Address-Muon, Montreal.

·'rriulsiolll 0, ~

od Liver on·

No ofocr Emulsion is so [I easy to take. ~

It does uot s~namte ocr l spoil. ·

I~ i s alwa y:; s..-c'.!t as crc2.m. , 1e most: ~cr:.!;it!ve stom<lch 1

It , czn retam lt. ·

CUR ES I Scrofulcu!: ~;.~ j

\ ".J :lSting Diseases. : Chronic C o ug!J.. I

L Gss of Appetite. Mcn~al and N ervous

Prostrat ion. Genc.-~1 Debility, &c.

r!ew:u'il orcll iasltn:lo ll!l. llr.:.: for

l :.2:~ !'· f'r L ." Z:m::!:;lo:'l, and re!'t:!Oo gJJ ower::.

f'F; JC!( BOC. AtfO $1 P tn 80TTU:. - ·-·-- 1.:" .0 -:_-:;.:.a •..;-:t -




ESTABLISHED fit. D. 1837.


CAPITAL :-£1,000,000Sterling

Jnsurt\Dces effected on almost all kinds of propeny in Newfou9dland at lowest poesiole rates.

J, AUGUSTUS Cr.rrr, .AgeJtt jor Newf'ouMJ.and.

E. B. TBOKPBON, .Ag~ for Harbor Gra~

f-e· ~~rira ~arb -.l.'fllr-

OONOEPI'ION BAY ADVER.TI.BER, Ia prin~d and published every Taeeday and FrtC:lq evening, at. tbe Standard Offtoe. Victoria &reei, Harbor Grace. by MtJKN & Ou

Bubld-ipeicme RaUl :-IS per 'an· num ; 11.50 per balf·year; to fore• l1n aubeoriben tbe ratee will be lt.lSQ.

.. ..,.~ .,_ :--60 oenu per lnoh for ant lueriton '""'eD~J oentl

• fdr euh ocatiuatlon.

Page 3: next, Dr.l M. Jori~s' Advertisement. rcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18921014.pdf · IN Now· ~p£~AD. • : ... {lmnd&ya excepted} :-Leave St. J'ohD's at 10

" .

I OtnitCTLY TO Tli l: ::PoT

IflSTJ!!!TF-IEOUS I'- 1! S li~ HOfl

For C!L4FL?.S, cmt.LC, co ~;c, DlARljtl-1 Oi.A, O~G£!·f'r~2.:>·,

cqOLE.ru\ U.ORZC' ~:, r..od all lf.OWE!.. C04\!PL...:..lli'7~ ' . NO m:!IS:OY E:OU, : ~

T H I! P A\ 1.1\:·- t'\. J L L ~ n. ; ,., C.nn,dlt!l'"' (.'hoh/.~Cl r. n '(.'! l:'.(J\VOI

C o rn p .:l.tnts rts l'i o ct 1.3 m :':;,;Jo...J. 1' c~·ou !n :!. V\'li'Y chort u r.:c .

THE ' BEGT f'I\~I LY kC:fli EOY J"O O


NE\.JRALGIA ned TOOTHACiiE.. ' ------





F .ISHERI·ES I .' t .

-34. Commercial Street, Bbston, Mass.


UtJ JJ • • HJ£KttlNG A~ U U f~ l~ LLN SEINRS. 1 -Atso-~


~o!~~,::Kl:r~~ feo&ed ltv Dr. WiUiarM' Pink Pilla. an•l

• ~ftlcfd. ~Ued a bos, and Ua~1llf ~~bter to take ~m. Mils J.l'temansr had hecn before tbla .re­OODUDeDded by a friend ~n Tt>ronto t.n \r)' i'i.uk .Ptt.la, bur. decl&rod ahc had .uo

Anlktimable y~ Lady~ :From (nith in lltem. Now, howcvor,to pleMe A Death-bed After Betnao Given l{p h~rl'rienda ehc conaeb~ to talCe the

' l.-~~ ~--A7 pl w.-..a Pink Pilla; on tho seventh dR).' ·after ~ v.n~o~ ~ lDl & -- beginning the usc of the Pir:ij( Pills, ehe m t ofP'acta. waa able to wttlk down stairs, and ba.s

not gone bBok ~ a sick bed since. 'l'bc Trenton Courier. effect upou her system was truly m~

At interval& during the pll8L year tbe vcloua. Hernppotito wnsgone,etrength proJ!rietor of the Courier 119.d been pub· gooe, prostmte upon h~r sup~cd dontb tisbmg newspl\per reports Cf mirncul- bed. in seven d.nvs she wns tthlo townlk ous o~occurt'i.ns in v&rioua parts.of down stairs, feeiin_g t'(lnewt'<l strl'ngth Canada and tho Un1ted States. ~erbaps and n better appetite t~ c,·cr bQforc. nmong the m OBt. notable of these wc.re MiSB Fleming c~d tl1o uso of Pink tho caaea of Mr. John MAn hall of Hull\· Pil1~1 daily gaining hct\lth n.nd stren);th, ilton, Out., Mr. 0 . D. Northrop, o( untu abe was nble to t.nke part in the Detroit, Mich., and Mr. Chns . .A. Quant household dutie8 without. the Joost in· of Galway, N.Y. Mr. Marshall's cnae j uriops effect. !\!iss Fl<'min~ st ill con­wns most prominently fi.·ed in tbepuhlin tinues to take one J?ill nftoc each men!, mind by renson of tho fact thut after bo- nnd now feels ne well ns she o..-er did in ing -pronounced incurable by n. number 'her life. ·Shl! (eels truly grateful for of eminent P.hyaiciullll he wns paid the what this remedv hns done for her, and $1,000 disab1lity claim allowed by t.he only a aense of gratitude cnnbl('S. her .to Hoyal Tcmplars qf 'f emperauce, and over-come h er roode&t scruples m gl\'· some months 'lf«!fWI\rd was announced ing this t'e&timony to tho wonderful vir­hja almost r.Qjraculoua restoration to tues of Dr. Williams' ~ink Pills f9r Pnle health and actwc life. Tho case of Mr. .People. Northrop c reated equally us profound a MiM Fleming hns recommcndcd'Pink eeneal.ion in Detroit, where be is one of Pills to a numoer of Indy friends who thc bt'st known .merchants in the ci ty, sav they atodoing them much gooct Mr. Nanbrop was looked u pon us a A furibcr invcsLignt.ion re\·('nlcd tho helpless invalid, and could only give the fact that Dr. Willi1\ms' Pinlt ,Pills nrc most desultory Lnttcntion to his busi- not n pl\tont medicine iil the srnse in ness on days when he could bo wheeled which that term is usually umlcnitood, to tho store in an invalid's chair. ln but nrc a scienti lic 'prcparation :mCCt'l>S· biecasu thesamcsimplc,(yctwonderfu l) . fully ust d in gcncrnl practice for mnny remedy that had cured Mr. ~W'Sh(lll r~ years before being offl'r ('(} to tho public stored Mr. Northrop to a lifo oi !\Cli\'e ~encrally. They contaiu :in a condcn~e<.l usefulness. The case of lli. Charles lonn 1\ll the elements nccessa.ry to gt \ 'P

Qunnt..is perh!lps the most. ruan·clloua of new life nnd .riclme11s to the blood and alit ino.smuch M be Wtl8 not only perfect· restore sbnt~re<.l nervee. They arc nn ly nelpless, but. had hat! treatment in unfailing specific for such disi!A.'Irs n" one of New York's best hospitnle under locomotor ntaxin, partia l pnmlysis. t. such eminent medicalscic.mists as Prof. Vitus dn.nco, scinticn., neuralgia, rheum­Ware, nod Dr. Stnrr, and in A.lbnny b~~ nt.ism, nervous hendncht', the t:.ftcr cf­Prof. H , H . ·Hun, only to be ee,nt ont feels of In grippe, palpitation of the as incnrable nnd looked upon ns one who ht'art, pale aut! sallow complexions,und bad but n few mouths before de~th the tired fooling resulting from nen ·ous would put an eml to his sufferings prostration; all discn.scs depending upon Again the same· remedy which restored vitiated humors in the blood, such ns Mr. Marshall Bnd Mr . .t\ortbrop wns r e- scrofula, chronic e rysipt'ln ·. etc. Thl'y sorted to, with the same remurkn.ble re- a re also a speci fic for troubl s peculiur su:ita, and to-day Mr. Quant, restored to to femai, such essuppr sions, i rr~u­hcl\ltb; anticipates o. long life of useful· h!raties d all forms o( wenkm• s. ~hey ness. The remedy which bns succeeded buifd u c blootl aud restore tho glow where tho best physic ians bns fa ilc•d, is .of henlt to sl\le and sallowchcekR. Jn Dr. Willia~s Piuk Pilla for Pule l'eople the caae of men. they effect n mdicnl -and a name that is now n. fnmilar cure in all cases arising from mental houacboldword throughout thecootinent worry, over· work or ex·cesscs of wlu\t­and a remedy that apparently stands ever nature. without a rival in the nonals of medical These pills are ml\nufnctured by tho science. Ha.viug published Dr. William's ~!edicine Company, otbc.rs, the caae abo,·o alluded to, h<>-.1-t-4trn.n 'Ont.,and Schcncch\dy, S.Y., curiosity of the publisher of the Courier and are in bo:<E.'S (never in loose WIUI aroused and he determined to USCer- form by tbO dozen Or hundred, a.nCl tho tain if anyone n.round Trenton had been public Bn1 caulrioned against. numerous benefittod' b' tho uao of Pink PiUs. In mtitatlons sold in this shape) nt. {i() cents con've.raatiS)Il with Mr. A. WJ Hawley, a box, or six boxes for$2.50, and may he druggist, b e was told that the Rule .of bnd of aU drhggists or duect. by mn il Pink .Pills waeremnrkn.ble, and st~adily from Dr. WiJllnms' :\lJicino Compnny increasing. And ~[r. Bllwley gn\'e the from either address. 'l'ho price n.t which names of a number within h is own these pills Bre soltl mnkeR n com'!le ol obsermCiou who lind been benefitted trentmcnt.compamtin:!ly incxpc:nsh·c o~ by the use of this r emedy. Amon~ compared with-other remedies or mcdi· ethete Miss Emma Fleming, grana- cal treatment. dnugbtor of :Mr. Robt. Young. It was ---------- - -1\tat(.'<.l that Miss Flemiug, hnd been A FORTUNE IN RUBBISH rniscd from whn.t. wn~~ supposed t.o be her death-bed, nfter nil orher remc:uica ami Gold Recovered From the Floors and phyl\icians hud fni led, by the usc of Dr. Timbers of a.n Old Building. W11linms' Pink PiUs. This statement WM so start! in~ that the Courier dt'term- When the firm of Jwhbin~ & .\pplt'­ined to investigate it further, nnd iHruo ton, New York reprt-sl'nbti \'l's of the 'set tho facts before tho public for the American Walthnm \\'at.ch Compam·. benefit of other sufferers. Mr, Robt. mo\·ed from their \JUnrtor nt;I, a, nncl5 Young, grandfather of t.ho young lady Bond et.rcct to 23 :\{niden lnno in ~f;iy WIUI first seen, and in n. reply to an en- 1st, they left behind them n snug lit.tlo quiry aaid it w~ a miracle the mBnner in fortune in the old ~uildings in the shape which tbe11e pilla bad restor~ bi& grand- of minute particles of gold nmong the daughter. A.s a la.st resort, and wit.h a rubbish and in tho cracks of the pine prayer in his heart, he had purchased a. 6ooring. The precious metal has been box of Pink PilliL at Mr. Spaulsbury'e reclaimed, however, and now rests in drug a tore, and so much good resulted the aafe of tpe Irvin!,'LOn smelting_ and .that. the r emedy waacont.inuc.d until his refining Works at In·ington, N. J., in grand-daughter WM ao well 1\8 over she lhe form of bars of yellow gold. 'l'bo bad been. Miss Fleming's aunt was total reclaim i& between $65,000 and next soon, and abe corrol)orntcd what $67,000. bad already been told the Courior,giving Bobbins & Appleton ·went into tho B1l well some additione.l pl\rticulnrs. Miss .Ilond street fl\ctory in 1871. In 1878 Fleming's was next seen, and we must it was destroyed by fi re, so tb!lt tho confe8S to being surprised, nnd- l\t tlrst gold now recovered m ust have nccum· somewhat incredulotia that this young u lated since 1879, when the !neton· lady in the bloom of womanhood and -wns reoccupied by tho finn. Au ;n ·cr­health wl\8 the person whom we wanted 1\ge of 850 gold watch cases were turned to interview. ?tlias Flemir(g, however, out every dl\y, each cnso weighing from soon convinced us thnUt waa abe who twenty to fifty pennyweights. The was so miraculoualy mve<I from d<'nth gold waa valued at 80 cents a penny­nod cheerfully consented to give 1.\; stat-e- weight, and ducing n year it wns est i­ment of her ca~e. ,Her father, abe snid mated that more U1an $500,000 worth of ~ for years mill61' under Mr. pence, gold ~·M used in the manufacture of and afterwards at Gordon's mills near wntob cnaes. ;I'renton, and is now miller at Union-. The water in which tho workm'cn Three years ago Mi&a Fleming's mo~her washed their hande, tho mnts,on l\'hioh died or consumption. Up to four years they, walked, at:!d the towels with which

:M.i&s Fleming stated that eho bad en- they dried theu hands and fncC'8 wore good health, but taking a. severe parefully preserved, tmd at the end of

tlien she had not had n. well dny every month were stmined or burned since, until abe begn.n the nee of Dr. and the residue afterwards smelted nnd William.a Pink Pilla lASt December. refined. About $1000 n. month wa11 She WIUI reduced in wei,ht to 90 saved 1n thia manner. Every summer pounds, but now weighs 11 pound a; a parta or the flooring were taken up and gain of 21 pounda. She consulted a amelted, and aomotitnea aa much 111 numbe;or doctom and took their reme- t7,000 waa reaUzed in this wny. dies, but-never obtained more than tem- When thecompM.y gave up tho man­pora.ry relief. A . phyeioian at New• ufaoture of golll ca.eee laat Ml\y Bnd r~ market whom she consulted a&id abe waa moved ita offices to Ml1 ideo lane, n. con­go~ into a dool.ineand thathecoulddo tract wae given to Glorieux & Woolaey, nOthilll( for .her. Her Tren&oo pbyai- or the Irvmgton Smelting Bnd Refining Gian tald that a. a\ldden cold 1rQul(tgoto com~y. to obtain the sold concealed her luup and he had no hope or her in the oraob and crevtcca in the old evergettingbauer. Shefeltverymlaer- building. W~ns were eapooiaUy able,atrengthaobtinuaUyfailing,auffered made to cart the old material from the ao much diat.nae from food tliat ehe bad f~ to the ameUiDglVotka, and every nodeaire torihadloetallappetit.e. She ltlok Ot.ood in the building waa taken

away. The floor bomed.

chemiCAl .Aaare-

De Tomb of lSollriDr~ i \ ·- . ''U . During t.ho cru...,.., .lost. rear or tho • • Aleut, a schooner at.tached to ~bo Rur niNl ~berillU flotillA, the OfDJCn of t.bat , erma v,eesel landed oa !Jebrfng'a ialanct in 4

~."r. reh of tb" f!'MVC of tho d1aaoven'l' or s 'f thoso st.riUw.. !'be bones of Bobrlng • :lnd hia compl\niona in m~fortune we.re FliP round buried beneath a. simple cairn of . rough atones· oarelf'81ly piled. The #

v!ticera rcaolwad Lo rc~u~.eo tt\0 cairn by ]. C. Davis, Rector. of St.l....-n. more worthy memorial, and ~n tl1eu EPiscopal Churt'h, B1d'aala, Ala.: return .to Vllldivostock a coUect.ton waa "lly son has been badly ~ ~~.~t o~ foot among ~he officera of. the with a fearful and thfeateniageo~~ • 1bcrum aqnndron, Wlth tho mJult 'tbnt ~ ra1 ths d after lila a handsome and durnble gmnit.e tomb- ,or seve m<?n • • au bj lltone eurmonnted by an iron croee baa· severatprescnp\fonsfrom ph ~ow 'been complet.c<L Tho memorial which failesi to relieve him, he' bM wiJl~ tmmported from Vladivostock been perfectly restored by U1e use CJt

·iLnu J.>lllced over t he lonely gmve on two bottles of Bo­f!;hnng's . ieln.nd . n~t month. Capt. An Eplecopal schee's Cerman 87't'-l llus Deh~mg, ns 1s wei~ known, wn.s n. up. 1 can recor. Dnnn by h1.rth, but wna l!l th~ Unsa1~n Re~tor mend it witho-ut u:wal sernce when the un~rtant dl8· • h ' t ti , CL-•-C".O\'en· was ml\do in 1728. H e died on . es1 a on. . u.a.v~ Dcccmht'r 4, 17.41 (O.S.). from acnn-y on severe, deep-seated coughs like thia Behring islnnd, wh <'ro h e and his com- are as severe tests as a remedy caa pnni0ns h tul sought. rcfngc after the be subjected to. It is for these long­fimndcring ofthcir.sbip.-London Daily standing cases that Boschee's Ger­:\"cws. man Syrup is made a · specialty.

Many others affiicted u this la4 was, will do well to make a iiote ~ this:

Saving Potatoes for Seed. ·An nnstem conlompomry &!\)'II there

is a princi}le in seed Raving that 1\pplics to potatoes ns well ns to -other plants. 11us p~inciplc is selection, nn~cloction means choi r •· in nil t.lmL rclut~ ton crop, no matter what it. maY h(•. It. is csscn­t i:d in its rl'lutinn to curliness, qunlity ?L nd productiveuc.:s . It. is n. w~ll kn?wn fact l.hnt. an \' \'C~cl.llbl t' 1..rrown m n gtYI'n loc:tlity wili, il propt'r attention is P;tid to tho sudng of seed apd by selcctmg tho best. phmts for the pu~pose, graduR.l­ly improYe in a.ll point~ t at~o to mnke u p n choicl' Yarit'ty. In • few years a 1llslinct type will be secured tbn.L will for 1t long t imo remain const:mt1 ~\'en when "'rown unrlcr othl'r comht10ns. The proper t ime to commence this im-

l){)r!nnt worR is not in the early spriug, 111t hcfore the crop is tlug. U 1s the

h1•st wn v to go O\'c l· tho tielu, select the hi lis with thl' most vigorous. vin~; cs· pccinlly those thnt nrc g-rowmg sw gly, Ll1,. shorter nnd more stocky the better. Di~ ttlt..'SC bl.'foro the main crop is dis· t.urbcd, and snve such only as produce the most. potatoes to a plllnt., nnd such :1s nrc t.ho most uniform in size a nd hl\pC, not those thnt 'yicld the largest.

Publishers Proverbs. l!c is n wise mnn who tn.kes a large

space nnd puts little matter in it. \\' h~lSO lovcth 11. good ])llt~incss IO\'Cth

adYortising; but. he that.despiseth fame is an nas.

A ~ood ach ort.il!cmont is like the mcr­chunt 's sbipt~; it. bringoth a' bundnuce from uf:\r.

H e thnt p:1.yeth for ad verLisementa with goods ts n fool, for he rnisct.h up competit ion in his own mnrket.

Even• wi c than ndY~rtiseth, but a fool Pp~·culntc:d on the stock cxchnn~c.

Ill' t hnt. trustoth in t\ ln~t' ci rculntion· sh1lll b·e wc.tltf1y, but he thnt. bt'Licvetb in cht•ap r.lt.c:i :.hnll he llllstec.l.

A bi~ ad \'ertiser lcavcth nn inhcrit­:l.nl'\.' lll l1is ~hiiJn·n's children.

. \. .;m.lll .l· h·t• rtis,•mcnt is better thnn :l i>,t I t n~' ,•llt•r.

Tht•r. is I IIi wors r.,hbcr than n jour­na t that tlU1 uot cir~ulatc.

It ic, hard to ~cL n funy·pac;e cn!Aloguo into :tn inch column.

.\ u ad ,·crtisemcu t is not n luxury, huL n. necessity,-" \\'Lll," in London Fame.

Kickapoo Indian Sagwa

J. F . Arnold, Monte~deo, Minn., writes: I always use GerJll'ln Syrup for a Cold on the Lun~s. I have never fo'uud an equal to 1t-far less .· a superior. (i)

G. G. GRF.EN, Sole 'Mari'fr, Woodbury,NJ.




'l'HE JIOST PEJU'ECT Al'«> liLBO.A..lf'l' PREP ABA· 'J'lON AND 80JE..."'TJP10 00~'1'1011


In'the lMl;eet bo:r.~ lD the~ ~ OTer by the mOl~ ul ot U"f'lll.l ru~ the llllftdlcnt. are pm~CT~bed mon Ulall CWIOe M otlen U aU otllera Pll' totrcc.bCI'.




Al1411"UZ'70tberSymptom Ot"D~·Uial-u. trom 611.7 Dl8on1cr or Ule

Stomach, Llwer or Bowell. RI~>&M Tabuts banla~.a aD4 JIII'Oiooa Ute. ,__ ru~ Tabules c.-.:nam nothlJI.I Ilia~ a.a bo ....

• 2or1o111 to the moe' delicate. ·•~ -•- _ _. -•· Rlpaua TabUIDI are pleaaant-to._e,_. .... _ ,.~. etfC!<'tllal. Ooo d ot& gt•~ h'lleL

The bell' gooeral ftut1.U7 medlciDO - dere4 to tho public.. Clroulara 11e11~ ou appUc:auoo..

Exl>Cf'lenced and UIOI'OOI!b\7 qj.Wllled ~ ansarcconooct«l with tbe lUj)&!IJICbemlc&l p&QJ'.and J)&UeDt. are IllY I ted to wruo for lnltnu:Uooa l.o poc:uUQ.f" - Their l.ect.en ~·o such att~ouou. u thet requ.l.re, tre. ch~~ teC!p RIPilQ Tnbales In the ~

d WOOD )'OU tr'aYel take lOme ,..lUI 10V.. TbCf pot up ln small nala, ,..bleb ma.:r lio ~

earned Ill tho • .,., pocket or J)O~

SOld b7 DniSRUW. or-;;t by m&1l 1A Ulc tollcnr• lng Qwt.UUUea UJ)OD ~I pt. ot pr100: 1 Bottle, • 15 centa.112 Bottles. • tt.t5 8 Bottles, • 75 cent•. 24 Bottlu, • 2.b0


Ttil£ RiPANS CHEMICAL CO •• 10 ••''"'~' 81'., "'w Yo .. I

Why it is the Safest Tonic and PH<ENIX Blood-Purifier made. FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY

Indians llave No Knowledge of llin­eraJ Drugs a.nd Poisons., ~hey Cure with the -:Remedies or the Field a.nd Forest. Their Knowle4ge is Born of 14any ~nturies' Experience. .

Jl'Ue K.ickn{>OO Indians, wh'> mo.ko Jtidro.poo I ndt:tn Sagwa, nature's gmnd tonic nnd blood purilier,and other Kick­apoo Indinn remedies, arc tho oldest tribe extant. When Columbus discov­ered A.mcricn they occupied tho terri­tory nbout wh~rc tho Sta.te of Georgia i11 now located.

'foday, driven bBcft stop by stop,\hey nrc found mostly. in 'l'cxns, New Mexico tlnd Arir.ona, bu t their traditions have rumtiiucd intact n.l'i1l tho accrot of com­pounding their remedies is known only to tbemseh·es and to one , white mo.n, adopted into the tribe, and through whom they bccnme kno\\·n to tho wlnte people. ·

.Kieknpoo lndinn ngwn is tho princi­pal remedy nnJ upon 1t they'dopend for the curing of a ll troubles of the stomach and liver, thereby purif.ying tbe blood. lt is the king among their medicine& and their princip:\1 reliance fot-warding off mo.lnrial infections and nil troubles ari&ing from exposur e o.nd frequent chn.nges.

It isabsoluto Bnd,by tl1e.nature of tho Indil\ll nnJ his 11\Ck of kuow!C<fge of dtugs and poisons, comt>ulsory freedom from n.ll !b.tnoml ingredtooht ordrpgs in any form, ma.kes it tho ideal tomo and blood-purifier thBt. cnnnot p:lfllibly leave beh ind tho artcr-effoots 80 oommon to many extonsively·advertiscd nostrums on the maikct. Xioka~oo lndiaD s~ made by tho

Indilllla arom root.e, ba.rk8 and horbe or thnir own gat.~ering and curing, ob-tainAble or •ny drilggist at ono r per bottle; aix bo"lee for five uu••uu•· FREE~nd

tou free& ot178 .,...,

GUIUU. '1'1111




J eaeph Wm nuendale, .F.tq llrialuw Rovill . Eaq 'l'h-l bon J .. m~ll 11fug ,l fohn l 'lolUOo, Eaq .-.L Oolautua ~ (;oope, toeq. M P G~orge Arthur Fuller, Etq Charlet E Qoodbart, Eaq M Rhode~ llawklna. Eo~q ~ir J obo Lubbnck. Rnrl, 'l P, P Obar los Thomas LuC.'III, Baq, ObArloa ~hgoay, Etq 'l'ho llou Edwlu B PortlMn Dudloy Uobert Smith, E&[ Ww Jamra 1'bompsou • .E.q.


Wiw.tul G. 1\uoooo.u.o, l ~oint Fa.umts B. MACDoNALD, f 'Be0retariel

Tbe eogagemeo' ~ thia Office are Cua.nteed by a nuloer001 and ....t~bJa Proprietary addi,ioo to a large inveeted uapial ; and the prompti~ude and and liberality with wbioh claim hate al.,aye been met, are well·kn~WD ud aoktiow ledged.

Tbe i111port&Dce or Ule tTa.Dractloa of the


- ......

Page 4: next, Dr.l M. Jori~s' Advertisement. rcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18921014.pdf · IN Now· ~p£~AD. • : ... {lmnd&ya excepted} :-Leave St. J'ohD's at 10

.. l~c ~arbor lrau

I . -.um-

!1!:~- BAY.~TD.TJBD.~ l:mtlhmu. Qc'J'OBD 14, 1892.

. Ts11: STRATEGIC V'Ar.OE oF EoYPT· - T he lft.lf numberof tbe 'Contem: porary RmtNTcontained an fntereat­mg arliole on the importance of Egypt frQm ita strat~Kic point of view. The writer-Major OUo Wacha- waa of the opinion th&t the Briti11h occupation of Egypt baa restnred Eng1a~d'a Pllfti2e 1n tho AJ:a~lan ,-orld . and that EKypt bas a gr~~er ul!efulnesa for Eng­Jacd t()·ctay than the Cape Colony at the begioning of the present century. E~ypt, the writer mai n­tains ... is not merely the gnte to tQt: E nst. und tbe entrance key to

· t he MedHt~rraoean-it bas b90ome the second E nglish Thames. Hence t ho rfldcoats must remnin there if E olibnd bu not \o abdiollte her poslLion among the na)ions."

time· to see tbeae provinOfS ~ TbomJI Vavey, of Can­

Bridgew•r Somerae,,a.:ld .M'Queeo, of l:3elkirk, were

by Sir Charlea Ta_pper to )fr. Diivey'•

a:Unao in the pre-• Alt.\'r ~ribing

aaw in some detail, he his ob&ervatiooa 'tb ua -:-

ret~Jllt04~ of 'be provinces on e are abuncfant. The

and seas abound with woods also find employ· a liU'ge number of bands, nter and summer ; coal

gold also exiat, ~pecially Scotia. Tho agrlouliural are a lso consiuerable, as

INLD~·V~3. J'00t&1 an~fruita Of kinda oan be produced

quantities in the respective uu1ncu1 suitable for their produc·

e crops · of oats a re also Prince Edward lalllod of quality. The pro\'iocea,

with the exception of ward Island, cannot ho

Bey.ond all doubt it is a rcatter of except in 1\· te\v fo.vore•l much atisfacLion to know that the as suitable f,)r the raising inroads ol that drelld inva•ler- Mr. Dtwey says t.ltere nre


'-1 -B, M. S. Bual&ld left St. ,J:obn's last -o-- 1 "eveJ!ing for !:it. Goorje'a ~ und

Rt.LIPAX Oct. 12.-Tbe Grand Jury ~lifaX. · found true billa aniuat aevual of ~ --8r£4Jaa. llovEKE.,"TS.-Two oc~n negie'a Qfllciala atZ!om-*cl. "'- a&eamen amved at St. Jobn'e on lion·

A ~ aloop NpON 011 Sunday daf'--th~rthagenian. fl'QJD Mont~ puaing t.)lrougb wreoqp, with fcir.t.y ADd the Ulunda fro.m Liverpool. corpeea; near the French cout. The ·~z.ner Ti~er from Montreal

Canada rolaxee her quazanllne l'e- ~aa due at l:;t. John a to-day. atricLiona, and allowa ateamon to brinJ emigrant. from Brit&in and 8can~-.

n5a. titiab crops &re reported PQOI; and fa ~ dutresaed. The outlook is gloomy r all claesea.

Cop1ous rains have been experienced in Southern Ruesia. and Carmen liopo to eave the winter oropa. . ·

ThE\ London Branch of the Bank of Auat~lia is in dilBculty . .

Oar. 18.-Many settlers from the border states are S'eeking homes in the Canadian North West. .

Chief Justice Paaton baa endorsed the oharga of treason against the Home-stead strike.. · •

The revolution in Venezuela baa been suoceasful. General Creape holda Car­aoaa. The Government fled.

The Columbus celebration at New York, Montreal, nod Quebec yesterday Wile SUCCC8Sf~b;

crops. An a~a g famine tbreatens Ham·

-our Sportsmen here and elsewhere have been ·afield Cor some Lime _paat. Fair eucceas baa ~ward tboir 1eft'orte. Lately good work waa done on the N6w Haibor barrens. Curlew and partridge were, k is aaid, plentiful at Cape St. Mary'• a few days ago.

-GETrmo TO THE Fao.-.;T.-Tbe Mel· rose, Mnss., Journal l•f the lOth Sept., contains nn it('.m a~ the opening of a new firm of ~ods- deniers in that town-that of Mes,nJ. Sim &. Higgins. 'l'be minor partner bf the young firm is Mr. 'l'homas Hist!Es, is ab old friend and townsman.. \"e. arc glad to seo Ho.rbor Gruciim'a coming to the front..

-In the Cent.:al D.iatriet Court yea­tordar, the crae oftbe Municipal COun­cil vs. the inaurance oompaniee waa again considered, an<l Judge Prowae gave judgement in favor of the Council, e.xpreesing the opinion that the act waa nerlectJy ftlid, and justified that body in makingt.he clAims. He alaoaaid the olaima for·-1800 muat be paid, and, if the companiee were diuatisfl~d, they might appeal to the Sup~e Court. ·Mr. Greene, for the Queen company, con­.! eased judgementt and the others will alaopa.y.-Herala - - -

-Numbers of northern craft have re· oently arrived at St. John's from porta in Bonayiat& and Green Ba.ya. These WE're owned by Wm. Noel (Indian Arm) 11~. Th~.Mupowney and Wm.fr!nce, UO(); LeVl Prmce, 500; James 'Prmce, (2 t'nps French Shore and !Abl'Ado'r) 500; John Prince 500; Joseph Fane, (open Hall); two loads in hie small cmft, viz, 1M qtls. each t rip. Kehoe, 500 nnd Trn.oev. 800. Robert Moes, Sailor's Llla.nd, Soo. ·


P.&.Bit, Auguat l~K. Leoo. 8&¥, cbail'­man ot the Bnndar Beat l~e, bM jlUit addreued a peti&imi to the prtlidenta of oounoila ~eml througbom ibe ~a­partment., Uldng them to endea"Yoll to mduoe their conatituent.a to prevent the holdinf of fail'8 and marke&a·oq. the tint day o the week. In Conner time., wlien the date 1l.ud for a. lair fell on tho Sabbath, the ODelling of the mart was postponed until the following 4&y j and M. Say au~te that the laoor-uviDg custom ahotild be reverted 't<>~be e er practicablu· Be J)ointe out th , · }>y pera.iating in the system of · g Sun· day fain, farm laborers at\ orteTl de­pnved of theh- Sunday reat, eeeing that they are ob!iged to attend fairs and mo.rkets with their masters' cattle and sheep. ]ilor is \ that aU, since in order to meet the requitement3 of thoae who attend fairs, either for buainees or for plenaure,· a Jargf> numb.er of shops tlf various descriptions have to be ke}/, opeo. Aill this, M. Leon Say pertinenv ly observes, is much to be regretted. Still, while recognizing the evils which e~ists, be does not by any means dc­spnh of witnessin$ an O%treme ohnngc of}5\tblic opinion Ul Frnnee with respect.

A!.i~tic cbolera--on tb1s si•le tht- three ci:LSsea of land· Atbntic have been checked-at all farmers who own the eventsfortbetimebeing.Notso very occupy, free of e1\cuau· h;ng Ago it threatened tu find a foot woo, a.<~ a eulr,llre in com-hold in New York-aud subseque:lt· m~taac~; people who ly, it wns to· he fear~d. would have t t heir living eorua other fou ud its W·ay to other places oo. ns lawytlr!l, d octors a nd t he Continent as well u a.. kind . who forUl n considerabl~ Providence interpose to !Ita y those engaged in farminrr inroads of the sco ge nd New a!l' i wh are, as a rule, in affluent Yo\)c, it is be~ieved,is· day wholly Circum c~s i and lo.stly~ farmers free from tho pestilence. Thus who!e 14nd 1~ mortgaged, 10 many Americtl and perhaps tlie \vhole uf CI\SefJ t.o half 1ts valu~. M.nd who oa.y Western Eurvpe buve much to t_,,. from 617 per cent.mterest. Th1s thankfu! for. . st."te ot: thi1~gs. is com~ined ·v~ry · Asi~tti'c cholera.. it seem~. fir3t "'itt·n Wl1 b Jun.t t.ed ''orktng cap1t~Ll made it. .. appAarance \n the United and .vtl ry pr1m1t1ve metb?ds of op· States in 1832. Tt wa.~ followed by er~tton. l As ~ost of _tbe1r wealthy

TbCl'C ts~iif.rcsa in Ireland from bad

burg owing to the cholera. The French defeated Dahomev forces.

The frontier tribes of Touquin made numtlrous attacks on'"Frenoh forces. The Franca qlame China. · ~c steam«tr _Auning, from H amburg

am vcd at Habfax yesterclliy; no sick· ness on board. ' .

Ocr. 14.-Tho South A.ustmlian GO\'· erruucnt has been defeated on one of its finaneial proposnl. I.

-FRo~ L.un.u>on.-The schooner Arion, Penny owner, Davis mnstcr, and the schooner Manntti, Henry Brown, master, nrri vcd at St. John's from the Labrador·o~ Saturd!l,vbto Hon. M: Mon· roc.--the former · w1t about sutcen hu_ndred and fif~y 1:}uintals of fish, and thirty cn.sks vf 011, hnd tho Jntter with ab.out thrco hundred q~1intnls or fish.

36 D.w s.-The bl\rqt. Coleridge Cnpt. Shapland, ar.rivcd on ~Vedncsd~y, 36 dnys from L1 ,·erpool, wllh n cu~o of general merchandize for severn! hrma here. H eavy adverse winds \,·ere experi­en~ed throughout the vo~·o.ge, and to tills state of the weather 1s to btl attri­buted her not vc.ry smtut passage. The Coleridge is chartered to low .with cod· fish in drums at. Pnspiac, Bay Chelem, for the Bn,rzilinn market.

-J. W. Foran, Eeq., bns purohnscd nil that block of IR.nd situnted between Wntcr n.nd Ducl..·worth Streets to ·tho west of McBride's Rill, nnd formerly occupied bv ME'ssra. Fenelon, Black· wood & Bhiir, James Murmy, J. E. P. P~tcrs, Royal Gazette offtcc; etc., nnd wtll put up some subst.nntinl buildings thereon wheJl spring opens. The ~ro­pcrty wos owned hy the Rev. Mr. 2'\ew· mnn, nnd though Mr. Foran did notfeel inclined to give publicity to the exnct figure of the considl'r11tion involved, he informc:d us the terms were very antis· fnotory. Such enterprise is . creclitnble nud necessary for tho building up of our city. and we wis~ him success.-H erald. _i_ ·

to the obsen ·ance of the Sabbath. H e holds that, in his country, 'the Mtioool tendency is growing more and more in

· favor of rest Q!1 Sunilay; such rest ac· cording to his showing, having 'a!~·a)'lr­been conceded by tho state to it3 e;~l: ). ployca since the do.ys oflthe consuJe.t~ precisely ninety years ngo. The rail~ wny companies and other important administrations are following the c.x­ample of tho slate .as far us they can­which, perhaps, is not very far, Sunday race meetings being extremely popular in :France and Sunday ' tmins-de-plaisir' being equally sure of an immense amount o( public patronage. FRctor.r hl\ndll throughout the territory of tbe .French republic are demanding a sur· oeRae of Sundar work, and tbe employers

~ the epidti.~t i cs of. 1833 1854. aod r..elgbhQurs ratse then· own fa~Ol 1865,1n which m<?re ~r le~s t~XLerid · prod~ce ~helle poor peop~~ have to

• ed · t errtttlri03 were invad;!d . lm· ~ud a Uliltant market. loo often, muuity from the di~:~eli::ie wud en· 1o urdor to gel a lit.tle ready money, j l•yed,. until LS49: f n 1 R54. · l-866 the need,- fa~n~ e_rs neglect their la nd and 1873 it n~lrin entered tbe coun· wh~n ~tl'~mt1ou 1:~ 1110~1. neolitlt~ and try, but hllp!Ji ly wit.h not very go. fisbmg _or lumbertt\1(. Th1s ap­alarrning re:~u i t~. pltes particularly to Nnva. Scotia,

The statement c ... Rtaiuerl ia'ye~ a~d to sor.ue extent to New Brun~­terday '.; tl t>S!Jaldl-thllt, . v iz., the ~tek. Prmce Ed ward island 18 ste~t.mer Auning had arrived nt Hali- under a much bett,er system. but fn x. fron1 H"'" hu ~g. with no sick; even . theca . m uch ~oultl be d one. ness on uo •• r •. , is plna ·ing, ad show· a~pecaall.v 10 the 1ncre~t.!le of the

. ing that the q uar.I•Hi oe regu lntion1:1 flock-:- ~I r: Davey d.>es · ll•Jt advise estab tit:U1ud uL t.uat place have fJUf· a~y or:tn to go to tbese .provinces ficed at lbll:st w 11. CE'Irlllin exwnt' to- without, :i. kn• rwled~e uf some of the keep' much ul u .e sh1ppiug clea; of i•l• l'ustries carriec! on there. •· Ou tLe disi);ISt. tha other hsn~, 1' h~:~ S:Ly:i, ·• to the

ToP. SuJ::J::P QUE;iTJ03. .~ GAL-; . ...:.. T his iro jlortant ru:~tter has just rc· eeived a fre=.~ h 11tianul ut~ from the a nnouncement ma:le uy one of· ' ur contemporMies- to the effect Hmt

industriouR·1mJ tbritty, nnd those wh.ose lot mlly !,e n b1ud one ia this country, oppOtltl\ni"t.ies praaent ~hems.elves of securing tbe net:es· s'ties of life." • ,

na.r1u~_Jy . ~lr. Ganrge Pr.i llip,. of ... FRoM ~AB~ADqtt .~The Nlrtber11 L ·ad.1 ng Ttck I A:!, Notrf' l{~tme Bay. ( oastnl -. ste:11 uor Virginirt L::zke ,,r. ha!l 1.np•1rtPd tr_o1u P .. E. ls:nnd. n. i·i,·ed hm·e on -Tue:-~ . .. ny afternon•r fl.,lck 1•! th ;l~ clrowe. vanely of &\leep. . :_ro r;1 Ll\ltrnd.•r . auJ i nterme.l ia t~: ~DOW!' » S •• I)U~h~owus. M.r. P tuJ:. rurt~. tihe Wl\8 dulayed tbreu di\,·s lpp~. 1t I ~ p• ~: lt'lll0 t·r l t'l_r_ruwl.~ 1\ fi n u .LL Hnttle lJarhnr waitinl( for h.t>r b,ehever .J ~ ~~ · ~-<:l) t. te .. ~I H:I (hat t :rt1 ~illtP.r Ria I r. the Windsor Lake, wh ich s.1~0 !J·rna~n~ lll•l':'"tr.y c:1n bo pr.>fJl· I · ~~ OE'~n de~ait)ed by bud we~tthor. a h.y e~g:tg~u 10 1n ~ewfouuJla:ad 1 he lllh•lltgonce r•·ceivorl hy lhf' Th~ wtAh w11l uo •uuent thnt the .. u · . Ytrginia·Lake is briefly to the 6 ff,.ct ault of t,!le Vtm turu uu\y demonatr.ate t f) at wb~n ~ she left the coast 'lb•' beyon~ ~11 uouLL tllo corrt:etue:!~ of ~:ihery brd prett.v. w~ll 6losed, an,J the optnton. . . l?e?pl~ . were geUlng their fii!h

Here thre,. other sagntficant fnctd snappAd off and were preparing to may. b3. nott:d-(thay w1l1 .liavu. a len.vo for bop1e. On the whole the lpectftl mteresl ·for ~our , pe.op:e at voyage may be pronounced ~ bl\ve t he ~rrlK~•Jt ttua~. \fbt:~ tiJ~ e.qeep !>eea a poor one--much abort of qu~t1o~ 13 a~:tat1n~ the1r WliHJM~- . _tast aeuon's• On the upper part that, VJZ., (1) ~~~e expo:ts of _hve of the s~ore, where it had been so 'l~eep IMt year froru _the lndu~tn01l'a poo'r for many ye11ra...r-Oast, it was little Colouy l\fures1lld a10ounted to fai r, bow~ver; but.fon.- the lower no 1es!· thAn. Lwenl..v-tbr.ee tbou· IJart tbe fiabery bad been 1ouch in· sand; (2} thllt tbe expt1rt't of wool tcrfel'oo jWith by . it:e during th a aggreg".te~l tll~ hllnds0me t.lltal of early po~tion of the 11easun, au(( one m11ht>n, Llrree hundred and consequeotly the people tbete bad ten thousanrl pounds i. •n,d {3) th.at d one very poorly. t~e total slleep &t•JCk .m Grent Bnt- The green·fiab catcuera, -with {ew atn at. the end uf lat~t yetu t:xceeued exceptio~e bad ahso done very by threa mill ioo head t.!Je 6Hclu1 of p110rly. ' • · two years ~· and by more than -:1'1 h r'r' 6 h ' b four rull tillllis tbe fl.ocklf uf 1881. a to~=l ra·io·g _::. ery 7as wfiehll·nig

Now, ponderiug over tlle firs t ure v~ry d"f a . w'era. two of theae (lor u11) raLher adgriiti- got aU atlong the ouaat, Th11 was

t f: t tb th h · 1 ! . very uo rtunate, tLnd bel ped . ~0 :::. "~Je:ner ~t i~u~o; : 1 !efi~:r~~ make_tbe oy~ge e~d up ~adly • . on Newfoundlan•.l that a little col· l t 18 PI ea.atog. to 81iy. thu~~ JtC?t ony li:c, tile above. of much }888 much lossr of oralt or of hfe ha& to thun half ita aize and population be report•d. , can oo~tlg6 io sbeep-raiamg to euob · •· a lsrge and J!rnfit~ble ~:xtent aa it -:- ilA.t, Ha.1s.-Lnet . week- we now does. V(h~t is done there cam noLJceu t1 e fac~ uf a new Br1o altuut turely be none with equa.l if nut to OtJao h re. ln tbi" i~~~ttu~ from -the grester eft'ect ber~t. Why not? _Eue•ueJS ~ot.ioe of tue fir1o it will l1er Wlla& is there~ prevent it f llbell tbatj H141~ Hroa: (Arohjbald

• • • dud )!~lin) tue C.h6 lo.t&!lt' oandi-Canadian .. Mariti!Tle Provinces. date lor .~ulJ , ic f.tvvu. ·'the preu~~ t" iBtt'i l~~el (IOOUpi.,d bv ~r. D, J. (

A'l' the pretent time, when' the Green liu b~:eu reu~l and quite • matter of Coaledera&lon wit~ the !luge quaf.i~y of dry iO•,lt&, grocer· Deigb Dominion i1 agitating l{ld, &0\!. a e 10 at100k. · We w1ab tbt oar min~, the fact wlU be 7ou~;g Dr . a b'u•y ..ai!IR.

intene' tba' the Can&·

The mountain tribes of Chins-India. have revolted and killed seventeen pe.raons. Brit illb reinforcemeot3 have been sent from Mandaln.y.

Ten new cases of cholera and six dcllths in Hamburg yeaterday.

Emper.or William arrived at Vienna on Wednesday, and met a enthusiRatic welcome from the populace.

President Barr~on's wife ia growing weaker.

Local and other Items.

. -Go~£ AORO-l~D.-Early this week R. ~· Prowse. :&;q., Norwegian Consul, rece1 ,·ed o. messl\go from Bny St. Geotl;e stating tha.t the ~orwcgian barque ne: ~ohate, 01\pt. ~edenson, has gone aground m Snndyl>omt Harbor, after having been previously ashore nt Blnck Bank:

of labor o.re dom~ their utmost. to enable the men to enJOY a Cull days repoee. Finnll,Y, t.hc Sunday a~op-olosing move­ment 1s e,·erywhere'galnmg ground, and M. Leon Say logically contends that tho agricultuml 1\nd meqhanical toiler hne quite as mttoli right to rest on Sun·

....JJ;'KE BURI~ ELECTION.-Nominntion Day 1s set down for 5th November and Polling Day a. week thereafter.

' -Messrs. · Thorburn &:. '!'easier des· pR.tched the English schr. Pnes By, Capt. Rendell, to Mannox Isla'nd, Labmdor, some t.wo weeks ago, there to load fish for Europe. The captain sailed, fonnd the Island, houses, stl\ges, etc., but no men nor vessela, and returned here on Monday to report his fruitless cruise. It appeal'd the dealen~ who made thia place their headquarter~ had rt!tumed home. This morning the Welsh Belle retu~ to Messns. J~ & W. Stewnrt with n sim r story. Scram my wns her des· tinati , but fish and fishers bnd de­parted when s)le got there. Both wiU load here.-Hera.ld.

The ship is 36 years old, is likely·to be condemned, el!pecially ns the crew re­fuse to proceed in her on the ~m>und of her bPing unseaworthy, o.nd her cargo w.hich consista of deale, will have to be d1scbnrged, llnd the captain telegraphed for instructions. Mr. Prowse hns com· municated wrth the owners as to whq.t is to be done. She is supposed to have n m on shore in one of the fogs and storms which have lately mged there. ~erald.

day as the artisan or operative wlio is engaged in Paris or provincial towns. The GaUican Church baa always been in favor of a complete abstinence from- -maDDllllabor on the Sabbath.

-The following v7eels arrived from t?e coast, since last issue ; Rose of Tor­r1dgc, Pearl, Jane Ainslie, Cabot Maud Celerity, La.um, and Laura Bell~, '

-Northern M:lils per S.S. Virgirua Lake will be closed at the Post Offi~ here at 2 .plm., to-morrow ·saturday. ~e steamer will call at this .PPrt and wi::ll go to Battle Harbor this trip.

'!:'"DAltAOED.-The Engl~b 80booner Stonehouse arrived at St. John's, on Saturday, to Messrs. Baine & Co. In a gn,lo on the Bn.nka she Joat her main ·and forebooms, canvl\8, stays, etc. None Of the crew Willi injured.

· -The banker MA.ry M, put in here Y~ilt~rdl\y mornin~ for the purpose of packmg_ up four ot her crow who hnd lost thl!l r pllS3ago at Cnrbonettr.· Tho :~t:)10oner bad secured a bo.it-squidding nt P.ntugnl Cove. As soon ns she got hl'r men she left for the fishing ground&. )fny success attend him ! ·

Pt;r S. S. Cn~tbaginian from Montreal - Mass Mnggte Geary, Messrs. J . F. llu':m, J. E. P. Peters. nod Rev. J. Nurge; 12 1n Steerage. For Liverpool-Rev. lli. ~ewman, Meada.mea A.. S. Rendell, 4 c.hildren and servant, B.~. Rendell child and servant, Mrs. Siddall, Mrs' Star~ and child Meara. A. 8. Rendell; ~ewman f2), J. G. Teesier, .H. Shea Skeoch, B shop; 6 intermediate, '

-~EW Pu~cB~e achr. Rote .of Tomdge, wh1oh waa loet at Turnt\,vlck Islandl on the laat of Jufy, arrived in port . trom Lab~dor on Wednesday cvelllng. Her owner-Capt. William H ennessy, by whom abe waa JUU'Ohaaed

being atnnded~aJlle home in bee and a number of freightel'l aa well The Rote of Torridge ia a · Port Mado~ sc\!ooner of about 98 tons, ie a.bout 16 Y,ears old and is said. to be an e.xcep­tlonally good vessel. ,....G&pt. Henne11y we understand po.id aome $1800 .(or h er'

-THE BA..'OC FIBREBY.~uhe J1. num~ . be.r of soboonera have recently retutnod from the Banka with moder,\te farel!­!m,ng otbe" Mr. Jaa. Bairda ~verett .cteele, Cnpt. H~well, .with 400 qtls. Meesns. A. Gol:>dndge & Son'• Anti Con· fooel'l\te, C11.pt. Collins with 400 qtla

loat hro f.Dohon. 'One of Hon.lt: 300 qtle Hecla, Capt. Power with

Th1 Mary Harris, of Grand Bank owned by 8all}ucl Harris, and com~ mandod by ~1\4. Fo;aoy, :urived on Sat,.

·UrJh.y Q}Orrpng for V(UtGr o.nd rJ~{>ai.rll, She bu been out three 1Ve3kt and Jaet Monday, in a heavy gale, e&l'l'led awa.y aome head·gear, \Vbloh ncoeuitated her returning. She~ three hundred !!tla fiah, r0pottl very at.orDJy weather amoe October came lo, pleJity- fi.ah but baiL acarao. She tpoke the Wtunle Pea~

-ASTRA..'iGE Y ARD-lliTE.-Qnc of the crew of the brigt. Confedemtc which had a novel experience on Monday night laat, when the vcsseNvas some 20 mil('s off St. Pierre. Tho man Wll8 on the royal yard to take in that sail when he was attacked by a lar~e bird, which tried to cling fast to h1m. The bird was beaten otr, but retu rtied. The sailor gave. a sec~nd 1\larm of 1\n nttack and another seaman ran up and was fortun· ate enough t.o stun the bird which fell to the deck and was killed. Tl)c sen· mnn had a. hard fight to keep too bird from clawing and picki ng him. It meaaured cight feet from tip of wing to tip, and was a grepe or fish engle or somo other of that 11pccies. Tho dead bird wns su bscquently t.hrown ovcr-bonrJ. (

Per S· S. Yirginin J..nkc Messrs. A. L. Whiteley, R. .(,\.. Jones, F. Atkinson, J . Moore, Adolph Nl'ilsonJ D. Duggan, sr., D. Duggnn, jr., llirh.trJ Hnn·cy, W. Lind, George· Phillips, G. W. Arnot, Geo. Hutchin~, J. Burden, F. Knight, M. Dooling, E. .Mil rtin, W. Kennedy, Capt. Wel\ring, Capt. Foote. ~lnstel':l, CrOcker, Rowe, K enn<>dy, .1fl'8dttmea J,. Power, R. B. Crocker, Freebnirn, Hestor, Simms, Willar, Doherty, Skelton, Cox, Olsen, Hann and cblld, Barrett and two children, Misses Fr~t. Gleeson, Foran, Smith, Antle, Pooke, G. Sterling, Jean· nette Sterling, Rooney, Clara Normore; Thirty-five in steerage.

-FnoM THE STRAITS.-Messrs. Job Brothers & Co.'s steAmer Nimrod, Capt. Blandford, lately nrrived at St. John's from Blnnc Sllblon, .with his fi11hing crew, nnd Mr. Jas. H. Wntsoo nnd his employees, who were tnken on board l\t L:mce-1\u·Loup-in nil about 220 pc!l' sons. Sh(' called at Trinity\ Old Perh­cnn, nnd Hl\nt's H tirbor, en route, and loncled portions of her crews. Fine weather wns exp<>rienccd on th~ pns­Saf!e: also in the Strnit.s,. since the in· connng 9f icptcmb<>a:, which greatly facilitated the loading of vessels for mnrket. The Nimrorl nlso brou~ht2 500 quintals fish and 50 tuns oil, the hal· nncd of the season's products.

-suiPPINO Non :s.-The hrigt. Con· fcdcrate.f nJ:it. Allan. nrrh·ed to Mcssns. John 1\ra:nn & Co. on Tu<'sdny night from Sydney with conls. ho hns been o,·er four weeks on the trip, but n long dell\y ensued at Sydney. ~be bnrqt. Coleridge, Cnpt. Shllpland,

n~m·ed on \Yednesdlly; :35 dnys from Ltvcr P.OQI, wtth a· CArgo of gencrnl mer­chnndise.

'l'he bri&rt. Arctic hne dischar~ed her fish cargo, and ~ to go on the slip for ovc>r-hatuling nnd repairs,

The barqt. Clutba is at the upper premises of her owners taking in a. cargo of fish (in drums) fortheBrazHian mar­ket. The sound of the caulkers' tools could be heard last night, the men work· ing by to.rchlight. She is to be de­SJ:!Atched with all roesible speed, and ~111 be r.~ady to sai to-morrow evening· ~~pt. Joyce, who bas been in charge of her for ycnra past goes on her again· the record for g~ work previously held by him will it is safe to say, be added to in the future.

The echooner Annie arrived to Messrs. C. W. Roes & Co. on Wednesdny last from Floweta Co,·e, with some 800 qtla., or the staple product.

TQe 8. S. Ice!and, Capt. Pike aailed Wednesdl\y eveni.wl Cor Grady and other porte fpr deal~ra and freighters. On her return she will' proceed to St. John's to be dooked, ·


S:Mo,oool::d for a Halt Interest in the Trade k of Dr. WilUam.s' Pink Pilll for the United State.. ~

. 71 Buried Alive for Seventeen Daya.

The teaching of experience, aa illue· ,tro.ted by several recent instances of prolonged abstinence, though it may ntford some idea of human endurance i~ .this pnrticulnr un~er special con· dtttons, hns yet proVlded no certain criterion of the ,·ital resistance pos· sesscd by the n,·ornge mao when sud~ denly deprived of c,·cry form of susten.' ancc. The measure of this force mav nevertheless be gauged with approxi· mate corr~ctncss fi:Qm the history oi rcc~rrent lD8~an~es of p~olonged and a.cc1dcntal prn·i\tton, It 11 the nnrm·

\'O of ~h.ree Boheniion miners, who, bemg entombed by a. fall of sand

the pit where they -wer•• workiol{ where fii?nllY rescued nli ve, though, of c~l\~rse, m un utterly prostrate con· d1t1ou, 8CYenteen dnys Jater. During the period of their hve-burinl nir was pumped down to them by bore-holes. 0~1 this they ma.y bo sn.itl to have lived wathout food nnd wi thout. water. Tho total wnnt. of tho lRtter is what. makes their surviml 80 rcrnacknble. But for this. essential tho longer fast~> of profe.s· siono.l fasting men would have been quite' imposuble. We can hR.ve no difficul~y in undens.tanding g~ncmUy why th1s holds true 1f we bear 10 mind tlle· fact that. not only does water con· stitute by . far t!_le greater constitutent of every twue, but that without its due proportion the oirouJation nnd nutrition of the blood and that needful if coatly chemical change upon which ~U tissue repair dependa would be alike 1mpoes~ble. In eD;deavori~g. to trace the rat1onale of a ~fe pe~llltlD~, aa in the case of the burled mmera, m spite of t.he absence of every natural condition we. moat tnotice one or two sisnificant P.OlDU. · In the first place thru.r condi· t10n waa that Of rest, their funoLiona.l metabolism being :e,.roportionally less acti'"e, their waste/of t.iesue lees and their out-put of carbonic acid less likely to overcharge the surrounding atmos­phere. Further, we may talCo it for gra.ntcd that a robust pbyeique bad no srun.ll share in the oonscrvatton of vit.a.l energy. Much depends in auoh caa~ on tho amoun t of nitrogenous matter s.ton;d up, for th«! most part in musoolar tissue, and a vllili\ble fol' destructive ohangea. We mny aafely assume that. the amount. of reserve nitrogen in tho ~aec C?f tbt'le men waa not meagre. It ts mainly, no doubt, to this oirol,unstance ~be.~ we must attribute, not only the fact 6f their exi.atence, but the still more remar,kable prospect or their ult.i· Dlllte recovery.

Capt o! Grnnd Bank,· poor11 Jlao! ed; ~t. lnkueil, &D(l ~~ d~Y HoUott, 6oth ot Buda

-on Tuesday laat. the j:Rae of Ford ve. the Water Company was heard before Judge Bennett and resulted in a email \ter<.lict ior the Plaintiff', A few days before this caae was heard tho Water Co. instituted an action against Mr. l'ord for water rates and recovered a payment for $59.16. He endeavored to aet up a counter-claim for damages against the Company,, but was ad,•ised by the court to prosecute his claim in the form of a cross-action. Mr. ~~ord accordingly took this notion for $50 damages. The caae or action aroso as follow•: . Five yeap ago the Water Co. in extending the l>i'oes along HArvey Street dug a trencn 200 or 800 feet lqng_ for that purpose and in doing eo cut ott' the 11everal small streams from the 1treet andcovered them in and continual 11trei\m along the breach. A{r. Fordi land being the lowest in the neighbor­hood the water natura.liy flowed over it from the· t.renoh and aa ho contends rJndered uaolcee nnd unlit for 'hulfiva· tion. He called several witneaaee to support thia contention all living ne&r Harvey aqd Nond Streetl. The detence waa ~bat the land in question waa aituat,. ed a\ the baae of a watCl' abed and U1at it wu ahyliya or" b<>ggy, ma.l'lhy nature, Hr. L~h ot the Water Co. and othon were OIJlOd on behalf of tl~~efence. Aft.er ~ra{ully hearing all the evidence, Judge Benn~' of opiuioa that a certain damap hiUi been

The brilliant reputation achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in Cannda bas not only extended to tbo United State., but ha.-led to an important bus.inesa tr&n~aotion. One of the best. known American proprietary medicine houaee, tile heRd of which Ui the president or a lo&d.ing N'ational Bo.nk in New York atate1 haa recently purchaaed a half in· tereat in the trade mark of the Dr. WU­Uama Medicine Oo. (or the United Stytee o~ly, for whio}J, we undemand, theoon. a1deraiiona ,wae t2ea,OOO. This aale ie probably the firlt inatance in •hich ... American inathution liu JJ111:0u.ed aa lntereat In a Canadian re~~. aDd or.

~yetematio war on the ainugogler of the lower St. Lawrence river 1s to be made. For this purpote a detective John A. Graue, hU been employed and: a Uovern.men~ •teamer, toJcetber ~th. el.x reliable ..U.tanta, will Tle placed at. bta diapoaal. BOth b&nb ot the river and tb& ehorea of the Gul( will beae&roh ... ed, Bt, Pi~.• midesvoua ol the u .. l.eaaJ.. band, wtq baWl to be watohed.

Ol!lg ' Three dooe &o laull abd

value ' of two for four

&hil fW'I the ve~ of the ~ merita of D~ Pink PUll, aa

be Amedoan capl· Ylllriii:U ... YIID' 10

· "l'he work. ot det.eottoa, it is ~. will pat &D ead to the ~trabb&ddeth trade: bu' it fa doubt­u;...:,__er &he -.a be more -.-.~,.,..._ tudtbe e;:f&r;;.~ made *""Dent.

